Not Quite SHODAN (ST SI)

The Captain likely read Winter's Personnel File. Winter being based on a Human means that the Captain likely thinks of him as a Meatbag in a Superior Droid Body. So the rules enforced on him are from a human perspective and are slightly flawed.
"Commander." I said as I limped into engineering, having returned to the rear of the ship. "I have finished the search of the ship. One survivor located and transported directly to sickbay together with Lieutenant Gordes."

He turned from the console Rorick was working on. "Good job, Mr Winter. We have finished patching the radiation leak. It is clear enough to beam up, the crew have already been transported to the sickbay."

"So should you, sir. While the suits help, they do not stop the radiation completely." I said and limped over.

"I plan to." he said and stepped next to me, pressing two buttons on his left wrist. "Rorick to Andromeda. Two to beam to decontamination."


I limped into engineering and over to an empty work station before I climbed onto it and laid down.

"You have suffered heavy damage." T'Ro said as she joined me with a small frown, running a tricorder over me. "Your right front limb is not functioning and your sensor system is highly strained."

I shifted my ears. Well, the left one that would still move. "There was a sudden wall. But it was a small price. My damage can be repaired."

T'Ro shook her head "You may eject now." she then said as she continued scanning me.

I powered down before popping the back hatch and shutting down my connection. Suddenly I was much smaller.

Letting go of the data port I flexed my limbs before floating up out of the docking mold I was laying in, moving into the air to get first outside look of my damaged platform.

Apparently the right ear would not move because it was missing, having snapped right off by one of the impacts.

Well, it was just cosmetic so no real damage done there.


The armor plating was dented and the right front limb was misshapen, the armor and internal supports broken at both the shoulder and the 'upper arm'.

The damage was worse than I thought.

"I will need to reconstruct the heavy platform. The damage is extensive. But it did what I made it to do." I said as I 'landed' on T'Ro's shoulder. "But it looks fixable."

The damage really should not have been quite that bad. Maybe that phaser blast I took weakened something?

Need to look into that. Maybe I need to change my hull to a different material. This one was a good balance between weight and protection, but maybe something heavier and more protective would not be a bad idea.

Depends on how much it would slow me down... maybe I could start polarizing my hull or something? Outright shielding was out for now, but that might work.

Oh well, it was just the MK II Heavy Platform. There were bound to be bugs.

She glanced at me and nodded. "I will assist you."

"Thank you." I said and shifted my position slightly so I could see the readings of her tricorder. "Have you heard anything about the status of the crew of the Nostromo?"

Who the hell in their right mind names a freighter the Nostromo!? Okay, so they might not have grown up with the same cultural context I had, but that just screamed 'bad idea' to me.

T'Ro nodded. "From what I heard, everyone that was found alive should survive. Including the girl."

Thank Q, The Prophets and everyone else for that one.

"I am going to transfer to my other platform." I said as I lifted off from her shoulder. "Go rest, T'Ro. You have received a anti radiation drug and worked a full shift. You likely feel quite nauseous."

T'Ro frowned and turned to look at me. "I am quite capable of handling the effects." she said.

"I know. Now go rest. My repairs can wait until tomorrow." I answered, floating in front of her face before I added. "It is only logical."

She hesitated for half a second before she nodded and put away her tricorder. "Agreed."

"Good night, T'Ro." I said, before I turned to float out of engineering towards the armory on deck three.

I was halfway there when I changed course, heading towards the infirmary instead.

The door swished open as I floated close, the computer responding to my 'open please' signal. Much easier than floating over to tap a button.

The sickbay was smaller than on a Galaxy class and rather crowded, even with only ten people on the biobeds.

The Doctor looked up from her PADD as the door opened and startled slightly at the sight of me floating in the air., but she quickly realized who I had to be.

I had so far not had much interaction with the medical staff on the Andromeda, not exactly being in need of their attentions.

Still, Doctor Turner remind me a bit of a blond, short haired Beverly Crusher in her manners.

"Can I help you, Cadet?" Doctor Turner asked as she looked up from her PADD.

I bobbed in the air in an approximation of a nod.

"I am curious about the status of the patients. I wanted to..." I started and paused. "I wanted to make sure they would recover."

Turner smiled faintly. "They will all recover fully, Cadet. " she said. "They are all responding to the treatments. If you excuse me, I need to return to work."

"Yes Doctor. I apologize for the interruption." I said and floated back out into the corridor.

T'Ro told me they would be fine, but I had to find out for myself.

We did something good.

We mattered.

I made a difference.

I may never be able to forgive Professor Diggins for what he did to me... If I saw him, I would most likely hit him again.

But at least my suffering at his hands was not for nothing.

AN// Many thanks to Grey Rook for betaing this section. Oh and like normal, next part is to be posted on monday.
Khaos said:
I'm picturing T'Ro wearing Hiver as a hat at a party. :p

T'Ro speaking in a monotone voice. "No sir, I haven't seen any Brain Slugs. Would you like a Brain Squid? They make niiiice hatz." Her smile is more then a little creepy.

Captain: o_O:confused::eek:

Winter: 'Ack! She used the garlic shampoo!'

[Sometime Later]

Shran stared at the dead Brain Squid that had fallen off his head, apparently starving to death.

With a quick look around to make sure no one was watching Shran scooped up the tiny body and made his way to dispose of it. There was no way he was taking the blame for this.

That's what Ensign Skippy was for!

Crazael said:
I would not at all be surprised if there was a ship out there with exactly that setup traveling from system to system as some sort of traveling theme park.
Sounds fun. Perhaps they could use one of the old Constitution class for it.

Unfortunately they'd probably have that as a holodeck program instead for convenience. Though that could make for a fun Halloween episode, maybe taking place at a boneyard where the cadets are given the task of getting one of the ships ready to be sent to the breakers and either they get pranked by the rest of the crew as a right of passage, the ship was used as a theme park and no one told them about avoiding those switches there, or something worse is going on.

Shran "What sort of insane idiot would build another M5 and install it on a ship?!"

Winter "I can think of one guy."
Or he could just go with a HoverSHIV.
ntwayneK said:
Invincible General Bonaparte? Oh, they were just asking for it with that one. But Invincible seems to okay as a ship name. They have a decent history it seems. Though eventually they do seem to get "vinced" its not like they tend to get sunk on their 1st or 2nd outing.
But granted, if I'm in the future naming Earth warships, I don't want to give names that seem to temp fate from either fact or fiction.

So, no I wouldn't name a ship Invincible General Bonaparte (that's really unbelievable), or probably even Invincible (because then the battleship may get sunk by a future version of a PT boat). Not Titanic or Britannic. Probably not Challenger. Not Mary Celeste. Not Jian Seng. But most definitely not Flying Dutchman, Nostromo or Event Horizon.
Isn't there a Galaxy-class USS Challenger?
Khaos said:
I'm picturing T'Ro wearing Hiver as a hat at a party. :p
" Winter, you are a bit heavy on Top ... please adjust. "

" I shall endeavor to tweak my anti-gravs to give you better support for your well-being, T'Ro. "

" Agreeable amendment, Winter. Please Re-adjust positioning. "

Rachel face-palms and guffaws while Shran & Ajan wonders what is soo humerous.."

" What?
Halloween is a hallow Earth Tradition...
I am merely showing T'Ro how this pseudo-Roman phallic hat was adorn by a Roman Lady during the Republican era of Saturnalia nite.

" Indeed... ":D:eek:o_O :p
CKirk said:
Please, take the example of Voyage of the Damned, in which the Spaceship Titanic quite nearly crashes into Buckminster Palace.
Then take the example of Turn Left, in which it actually does.
And then there was the Titanic captained by Zapp Brannigan in the Futurama episode A Flight to Remember. Tempting fate is a bad idea.
Dang, we might as well rename the freighter 'Murphy' and be done with it.
DieKatzchen said:
I dunno. So far Dies Horribly has failed spectacularly at living up to his name. Unless the fan theory that his name means he's horrible at dying is true.
Late, but... Dies Horribly did die horribly. The demon guarding the Bloodlight Orb killed him horribly, consumed his soul, then spit him (and his soul) out so he could do it again.
Bassoe said:
Remember Winter, you are insufficiently paranoid.
Paranoia is like Dakka, we are all insufficiently paranoid no matter what we do. But like Dakka we have to try and be sufficiently paranoid even if it is impossible to be so.
.IronSun. said:
Dang, we might as well rename the freighter 'Murphy' and be done with it.
Actually, Murphy looks out for ships bearing his name USS Murphy (DD-603). Well, after getting his kicks anyway (bad luck before she got sunk, good luck after she was resurrected).

Also, it looks like someone said, "A single ship? No, no, no, we must name a shipping company after him to proclaim his greatness to the world!" And so they did.
Sometimes paranoia is good. But sometimes a small girl is just a small girl.
I feel the need to break into song again, luckily I prepared this song earlier:
SemiSaneAuthor said:
♪ Paranoia!
It's essential!
From being Skitter!
All the way to Mad-Eye Moody! ♪

♪ Paranoia!
It's required!
To keep you alive!
In any and all settings! ♪

♪ Paranoia!
Is absolute!
A golden rule!
Greater that the power of love! ♪

♪ Paranoia!
Can't be stopped!
It's completely unbeatable!
As long as you use it right! ♪

♪ Paranoia! ♪

♪ Paranoia! ♪

♪ Paranoia! ♪
structural integrity fields are, if I recall, basically internal forcefields that brace the hull structure of the ship, preventing deformation out of acceptable bounds, and otherwise holding the hull together where it would otherwise come apart. While technically a forcefield, it cannot be projected externally (except in really odd cases like that time a defiant used its SIF field to cut a D'Deridex in half in one of the novels), so it should be fine for Winter to use, if he has enough power.

One thing he's been forgetting that I'm quite surprised he doesn't already have, is a portable tractor beam.
Nekraa said:
But where would they get sapient pearwood in Star Trek?
Star Trek is a Science Fantasy like Doctor Who and Star Wars. In Trek's case you just need to find a subspace anomaly and you can likely have the actual Luggage fall out with Rincewind running for his life from something.