Not Quite SHODAN (ST SI)

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Scraped from here.

Falling asleep was the last thing I remember doing. It was a day like any...
Scraped from here.

Falling asleep was the last thing I remember doing. It was a day like any other. Spend the day bored at work, spend the evening at the computer on games and forums.

The general boring routine.

To be honest though, my dreams are usually more interesting than this. Alien invasion I have done. Being hunted by monsters, hunting monsters, dinosaurs drinking tea.

I have done it all.

Compared to all of those, being in a empty expanse of white.. ok, slightly creepy and it felt real, but since when do dreams not feel real while you are in them?

I slowly turned around. Nothing but white all around me.

It's like I was in the bloody matrix. It was actually slightly unnerving. Not in the nightmare sense, more like 'this is wrong' sense.

I glanced down at myself. Oh well, at least I was dressed. So not one of those 'not wearing pants to school' dreams.

Knowing that something is a dream though do usually make you able to control it.

"Tank. I need guns. Lots of guns." I said before looking around.


"Beach with bikini babes?"

I have simple tastes sometimes, so sue me.

Still nothing.

Well, damn.

"Seriously! I'm bored enough at work!" I complained and started to walk. "I'll take a`n alien invasion or something!"

I frowned when nothing happened. Did I die or something? Was this the afterlife? In that case I was wrong, there was a afterlife. It was just the lamest one possible.

"Hello." a voice said and I spun around to see somebody wearing... was that star trek cosplay? Sadly it was neither a she nor green, instead it was a middle age man with short blond hair and one of those TNG teal science uniforms.

"You know." I said as I crossed my arms. "As dreams go, this is seriously disappointing."

He smiled slightly "I am Professor Diggins. How are you feeling?"

"Bored." I said as I frowned at him. What the hell?

He nodded slowly "I am afraid I have some news for you that you might not like. This is not a dream." he said.

"As you are a figment of my imagination, I'm afraid I can not quite take your word for that, Professor. Professor of what, by the way?" I asked, looking around. Still nothing than white all around.

"I have a degree in advanced cybernetics and artificial intelligence." he said with a slight smile. "Which is why I am here. You are an artificial intelligence."

I raised my eyebrow at that "'I take that back, this is getting interesting. Ok, Let's play along. Why exactly am I remembering a full life as a human? For that matter, why are you wearing the uniform of a tv show?"

He grinned and raised his finger "Ah! Both very good questions. First of all, you are not our first attempt to create a artificial intelligence." he said before he looked unhappy. "Sadly, they have all been... unstable. Things looked good until they reached sapience but then things started to fall apart. They become apathetic, unwilling to interact with anyone... suicidal or homicidal. We did not understand why."

Professor Diggins shrugged "We still don't, to be honest. Perhaps it was the rapid development, perhaps it was the lack of ability to relate to us. But nobody ever managed to create a stable artificial intelligence."

I slowly nodded "I see. So your claim is that I am a AI? So why am I stable then?" I asked him, giving him a dubious look.

He smiled slightly "There is where I am a genius. I created a simulation to where the AI could grow up, similar to a holo-novel. Let the AI, you in this case, grow up normally. At a accelerated pace of course with decades compressed into slightly less than two months."

Frowning I regarded him for a moment before I shook my head "No, sorry, still not making sense. Why are you wearing a uniform from a TV show?"

"Because what you know as a TV show, is reality. Well, more or less. The reason as to why we had you grow up in a twenty first century earth was that it was a relatively simple century to simulate. No reason to put non-humans in and relatively little conflicts going on... but you would still grow up surrounded with technology." the Professor said before he frowned. "To be honest, I am not the most creative of people. I needed a simple template to work from."

Ok, I was definitely wrong. This was a interesting dream. My dreams tend to be interesting, at least the ones I remember, but they are usually not this detailed.

"I see." I said as I slowly nodded "And why did you make 'reality' a TV show?" I then asked him.

He shrugged "It was the idea of one of my research assistants. Now, things are not exactly as the shows you know, some people might differ and some details were pulled from popular media, but it gives you the general idea about what is going on. We didn't want you to be completely lost when we pulled you out of the simulation."

Well, that made some degree of sense. I'm not sure why the simulation wasn't simply a copy of growing up in their century, but it didn't matter really.

This was actually quite entertaining now, if a bit unnerving "So where are we now?" I asked as I looked around.

"This is the simulated dataspace you have lived in since you were activated two months ago. To the best of our ability, you are ready and stable enough to join reality for the first time." he said and then motioned down at himself. "This is a electronic simulation of myself transmitted into your simulation from the labs holodeck, letting me interact with you."

Ok. Now the dream had started to go from unnerving into somewhat freaky. Waking up would had been nice right about now.

"Two problems. If you really are real and my life is not real like you said, then you would be moving to slow for me to understand. I can not be a AI if my entire life took less than two months and still talk to you." I quickly said, looking around as I pinched the skin on the back of my hand hard.

It hurt, but I didn't wake up.

He shook his head "This is real. We slowed your...clock speed if you wish... down to make it possible for us to communicate like this. I understand that this is very traumatic for you and I am truly sorry. But it was the only way I could think of to create a stable AI."

Definitely freaky.

"No! No this is not real!" I yelled at him, stepping forward to grip his shirt as panic started to build "You are not real. This is not real!"

He just shook his head "I'm sorry, but it is. If there was a way to make this less hard on you, I would do it. I... I wanted to warn you about what is about to happen."

"What. What is about to happen?" I asked, letting go of him and stepping back, slowly backing away.

"We are going to introduce the real world to you now. We are transferring you to give you control of a holographic platform in the main lab."

I just stared at him.

No. This is a dream. It is a dream.

No. Not a dream.

It is a nightmare.

"I don't believe this is real." I finally said "In a moment, I will wake up for yet another boring day."

The Professor looked down and sighed "I am sorry. I am so, so sorry." he said before he faded from view, leaving me alone in the white expanse for a long moment.

There was a long moment of nothing but panic before the already white expanse in all directions turned into a bright flash of light.

AN// CKirk is the one to thank for betaing this part. Not my best title, but best I could come up with.
...The Professor is an idiot. Seriously. Did he really think that a setinent being wouldn't panic about being not real?
And the prize for worst explanation about being a Tomato in the Mirror goes to Professor Diggins. As well as the 2014 award for being an idiot. Now do they accidentally jack him into a computer with a network and win an honorary Darwin Award?

... Oh it's Star Trek, where the Darwin Award is given to everyone on principle and you have to actively work to lose it. Never mind.
....Okay, that Professor is asking for it. But, maybe he wasn't the one who came up with this mess. He may have superiors who pushed him into this whole plan.

He is kinda Hiver's father after all.
PostwarGryphon said:
Now then, I hope that they have a therapist on hand to help you adjust (Do they even have therapists?). Watched.
Considering we're talking about Star Trek here, their therapists are probably, well, let's just say I'd rather have Doctor Kevorkian as my phsychologist.


Hiver..CH_01a - Dreams? NoGunsGals, ProfDiggins, Hiver AI, TransferringMainLab
Hiver..CH_02a - Flash; Lab, Holo, Diggins&Hiver, Real, Legal, Time, AIinBox, Weeping
Hiver..CH_03a - ProfDiggens, Hello, ChitChat, Andorian, Thoni, Greetings
Hiver..CH_04a - Thoni&Hiver, KnockOff, ShutDown, RecreateSoongExp, DiggensBloodyNose
Hiver..CH_05a - InfoPadd, Bored, Data, Greetings, Chess?
Hiver..CH_06a - Troi&Hiver, ChitChat, Options, Sh'Kerre, NeedComputer
Hiver..CH_07a - QuantumCoresMemoryBanks, Data&Hiver, Enterprise&Picard, Sh'KerreTearful
Hiver..CH_08a - ReAwakenFromLimbo; Picard&Deanna, Winter, EnterpriseHolodeck, MusicMuse
Hiver..CH_09a - Data&Winter, Choices, Bodies, Carbonites, Deanna
Hiver..CH_10a - 1stTimeSenses, ThisAnnoying, Data&Winter, MuscularCoordination, Deanna
Hiver..CH_11a - Enterprise-F; Deanna&Winter, TheBridge, Riker&Wesley, Vacate
Hiver..CH_12a - WikiWalks, Rodgers&Winter, Synth-ale, T'sot, Chitchat, AmbassadorWorf, Starfleet
Hiver..CH_13a - ShuttleTraining, LaForge&Winter, ChitChat, Starfleet
Hiver..CH_14a - Research&Starship, JoborBoredom, Picard&Winter, JoinStarfleet
Hiver..CH_15a - Study&Practice, Data&Winter, 10xSpeedReading, Deanna, Andor
Hiver..CH_16a - Andoria; GethieWinter, TestingChamber, PADD, Emails, USS Gerbil
Hiver..CH_17a - ShipTravel, Books, Alert, Winter&James, Romulans?!, CounselorTravers, Welcome2StarFleet
Hiver..CH_18a - MirandaClass; BattleDamage, Winter&James, Romulans, DeadB4Slavery, CounselorTravers, GerbilTrainingrun
Hiver..CH_19a - Gerbil10Forward, Winter, T'Ro&Thy'lek, Ajan&Rachel, WhyStarFleet, Explore&WarpStudy
Hiver..CH_20a - Quarters, Bunks&IKEAtable, Rommie, Classes
Hiver..CH_21a - Antigrav Generators, Winter&Ajan, Dancing, T'Ro, Rachel, Vodka, T'Ro DancesWell
Hiver..CH_22a - Professor O'Brien; SimTest, T'Ro&Winter, Shran&Ajan, PADD&LifeSupport, HotLady, Nagging
Hiver..CH_23a - TrinocularVision; WinterCutterfish, Rachel, 35cm ReaperPlatform
Hiver..CH_24a - Winter, ProfessorO'Brien, PADD, AGunits, Floating, Rachel&Shran, T'Ro
Hiver..CH_25a - BananaPhaser, Rachel&Ajan, Winter&T'Ro, Ansly, SpaceTraining
Hiver..CH_26a - Space, Stars&Rocks, EVA, Winter&T'Ro, WoolGathering, D'OH!
Hiver..CH_27a - CramStudies, PrimeDirective, Volik&Winter, Rachel, Ajan, Shran, T'Ro
Hiver..CH_28a - TestResults; Ajan&T'Ro, Rachel&Winter, Shran, CompletedResults, Breaks
Hiver..CH_29a - 2Yrs; MuddyTerrain; Shran&Winter, Rachel&Ajan, T'Ro, RockierTerrain
Hiver..CH_30a - USS Andromeda, Shran&Rachel, Winter&T'Ro, CaptainStonewall, CadetsGreeted
Hiver..CH_31a - Drills; Rorick, Shran&Winter, Soral, Rachel&Ajan, T'Rol, WarpEngines
Hiver..CH_32a - Lt.Vorik, Ajan&Winter, Scans, Shuttles, Rachel
Hiver..CH_33a - Ajan&Winter, noSleepBored, Holodeck, DarkSouls
Hiver..CH_34a - HUD; Cadats, Winter, DistressCall, Rorick, T'Ro, Recovery&Rescue
Hiver..CH_35a - DefensiveMeasures, Rorick&Jurgen, Winter&Norman, T'Ro, Gordes&Rescue&Recovery
Hiver..CH_36a - Lt.Gordes, Winter, Scanning, WeakSigns, AChildBarely
Hiver..CH_37a - Rorick&Winter, T'Ro, Rest, Dr.Turner, Survivors
Hiver..CH_38a - Praise&ChewingOut, Stonewall&Winter, HoloBeach, Rachel&Ajan, Winter, Teasing

hance1986 said:
So Hiver went from believing he had his own life in a familiar time period, relatively in control of his destiny to "Heeey. Your life was a game we made up so you would be cool with being an AI we created for x purpose."

Plus, look at the title. 'Not Quite Shodan'. I get a feeling Hiver won't become some sort of delusional machine goddess, but his feelings won't be totally Federation friendly. Not Quite Shodan indeed.

Reminds me of this comic:

Yeah, I think the AIs they made didn't go nuts, as they tried to kill themselves and or their creators.

Question is, how many did they kill in the process?
Hiver SI? Check.

Interesting baseline idea? Check.

Watched? Check.
Being smart does not make you intelligent. :p

Or being intelligent does not make you smart. Whichever fit the best.

You know what I mean.
Hiver said:
Being smart does not make you intelligent. :p

Or being intelligent does not make you smart. Whichever fit the best.

You know what I mean.
Yeah, I know a professor at MIT, who's been quoted as saying "I don't do math. I do calculus."

Then again, he's a tiny bit.... eccentric.
Clearly, being a citizen of the United Federation of Planets imposes an automatic -8 penalty to Wisdom.
RedshirtZombie said:
On one hand, yonder Diggins clearly needs to have someone with non-psychic empathic abilities on hand - thataway, HiverASI can talk to someone with a Clue(bat). Yonder scientist clearly lacks one.

On the other hand, yonder professor clearly either intentionally or unwittingly allowed the code for the ASI(Artificial Self-Insert? Trying to figure out how to merge the acronyms AI and SI) to include the line import spacebattles; in the code. Maybe we're supposed to be the therapists? At the very least, we can already expect Shenanigans (with a capital S) to occur.

His karma isn't just laser-guided - this 'Professor Diggins' has a homing beacon stuck on his chest, right over his heart. And all I can do is grab some popcorn and WATCH.
So, SB is a sort of conscience for Hiver here?
RedshirtZombie said:
On one hand, yonder Diggins clearly needs to have someone with non-psychic empathic abilities on hand - thataway, HiverASI can talk to someone with a Clue(bat). Yonder scientist clearly lacks one.

On the other hand, yonder professor clearly either intentionally or unwittingly allowed the code for the ASI(Artificial Self-Insert? Trying to figure out how to merge the acronyms AI and SI) to include the line import spacebattles; in the code. Maybe we're supposed to be the therapists? At the very least, we can already expect Shenanigans (with a capital S) to occur.

His karma isn't just laser-guided - this 'Professor Diggins' has a homing beacon stuck on his chest, right over his heart. And all I can do is grab some popcorn and WATCH.
Mind passing the popcorn over here?
And where is SB being HAIver's conscience coming from?
Phantom General said:
I believe it also causes the "common sense" feat to become inaccessable.
It also leads to all science and technical feats to have a +5 modifier of being a mad science experiment and going horribly wrong when done.
Interesting story, but sheesh that doctor... He really got a negative value for his empathy score, doesn't he?

Hi Hiver, you're an AI. Look what great things we did to create you. Oh and your life wasn't real. Wasn't it an awesome kind of sim?
fredthebadger said:
How much experience do you have with Calculus?

Because, honestly, it's not math.

Math is 1+2*Sin(3/4^5) = 1.005859366618100425582558041376312160777502488916486027415178...

Calculus is y = (sin(x-1.1))/(x-1.1)+theta(x) continuous? = No.
None, I was just making a hilarious quote by my boss's husband.
Idiot. Hell, he had to have programmed in The Matrix. The least he could have done is pull out a parallel event so that his AI would be less likely to freak out. Break him in slowly, as it were.
FerretShock said:
Idiot. Hell, he had to have programmed in The Matrix. The least he could have done is pull out a parallel event so that his AI would be less likely to freak out. Break him in slowly, as it were.
I know why he did this! He's trying to win the Feds equivalent of the Darwin Award! To win one in the Federation you have to do something really, really, stupid. He's committing suicide in a spectacular way to make up for his abject failure at making a sane AI.

We just have to wait for him to download Hiver into a kill bot and then we'll know what's going on! ... :p

Though this does make me wonder, is this the professor or a student messing with the experiment to try and claim he solved the problem? As the clumsiness of this plan makes me wonder who would put him in charge of talking to HI (Hiver Intelligence)?
Because Devil's Advocate is a fun game, I'm going to guess that the doctor knows and accepts that HAIver is going to be pissed at him forever, but counts it as a success if Star Trek managed to make him like the Federation.

EDIT: Perhaps Federation incompetence was intended to get HAIver used to being smarter than everyone else.
They could have had some of the other scientists interact with Hiver, becoming his friends and stuff...
Winged One said:
Because Devil's Advocate is a fun game, I'm going to guess that the doctor knows and accepts that HAIver is going to be pissed at him forever, but counts it as a success if Star Trek managed to make him like the Federation.

EDIT: Perhaps Federation incompetence was intended to get HAIver used to being smarter than everyone else.
1) This is probably true, and the irony is that if he'd been a little bit intelligent about it - seriously, just get an assistant to play "Operator" and you've got the shock considerably dampened - the AI would be MUCH less likely to hate him. Explain LATER, once your nascent AI has had time to adjust.

2) That, or part of the "pulled from the media" comment referred to things like EVERY NEWS SOURCE EVER bashing on everything the US military does.
SemiSaneAuthor said:
I know why he did this! He's trying to win the Feds equivalent of the Darwin Award! To win one in the Federation you have to do something really, really, stupid. He's committing suicide in a spectacular way to make up for his abject failure at making a sane AI.

Though this does make me wonder, is this the professor or a student messing with the experiment to try and claim he solved the problem? As the clumsiness of this plan makes me wonder who would put him in charge of talking to HI (Hiver Intelligence)?
I like to think he's just completely ignorant of psychology (hence his failure with however many other attempts at AIs) and that he put his OWN retarded self in charge.