"Awright guys! Thank you for coming to the first meeting to discuss Jackpot Games' breakout title. If you gents are wondering if we can come up with a good game, fear not! I've come up with an idea rarer than a slutty nun and a lot more fun than layin' her!"
Although Jaqueline "Jamie" McLoughlin had a tendency for overstatement, it wasn't every day she claimed she had an idea that was better than sex. Therefore it easily perked the interest of the four men gathered around the table, all friends and associates of hers interested in her new business venture and able to contribute to it.
"See, it was just three days ago that my dear old ma forced me to watch my little sister's dance recital. It was boring as shit, and the dancers were shittier! The only one who was any good was dear old Daisy! But that's when it hit me. Why not make a game about dancing and music?" she continued
The light of understanding in the gentlemen's eyes turned back to mild confusion. Good old Jack O'donohue finally spoke, "So, uh, how're gonna do that?"
"I'm glad you asked Jack. See I was thinkin' that that we'd compose some music and then have the player press certain inputs in time with the notes. If the player hits the right ones on time, they dance well. If not, they miss some steps." Jamie replied
"Wait, so you have them dance in real life? I'm...not sure we have the funds to produce equipment like that." Jack said.
Everyone else fought back the urge to sigh. At least Jack was good at coding.
"Uh, no, Jack. I was thinking we'd just have the players use regular inputs." Jamie noted.
"Well it's certainly an interesting idea," said Jamie's dear friend Ethan Jones, "It might be a bit risky, but it should be fun making a game for girls-uh, not that boys can't play it too."
"I also wanted to make the game have some personality too, so as to stand out from the rest of the competition. Soon, Dancin' Daisy will be the talk of the town! And one day, my little sis will be able to impress all her friends by telling em' her big sis founded Jackpot games!"
How will the story be conveyed?
[] Primarily through the manual (Story)
[] Primarily through Graphics and in-game dialogue .
[] Primarily through Graphics
[] Primarily through in-game dialogue
How do we teach players to play the game:
[] Primarily through the manual (Teaching)
[] Primarily through an in-game demo
[] Primarily through the intro
In addition vote on how much funds and satisfaction you will spend. You can spend as much or as little as you want. You gain 5 in each game category per turn automatically.
[] Spend x amount of funds on x
[] Spend x amount of satisfaction on x
Spend 5 funds to add 5 to any game statistic. You currently have 25 funds. You lose 2 funds per turn for now, but will get revenue once you get your first game out.
Spend 3 satisfaction to add 5 to any game statistic. If you want raise stats by more than a total of 5 using satsifaction, the cost of using it increases by 1. So adding 10 points to story would cost 7 satisfaction currently. Adding 5 to story and another 5 to graphics would also cost 7. Note that you Gain 2 satisfaction per turn. You currently have 25 satisfaction.
Enthusiasm is at 8
Current Game Statistics
Story: 0
Graphics: 0
Soundtrack: 0
Game Design: 0
Game Content: 0
Game content refers to how long it takes to experience everything the game has to offer. A game with low game content might take a couple of hours to see everything that can be offered. A game with high game content will take days.
Finally a note on omakes. I love them. If you make an omake, I will reward it in game, with greater omakes getting greater rewards