Not a Brute! [Alt Power Taylor][Worm x Berserk]


Why did pho know about bomb tinker enough to wonder were she is if she is new and the hero's don't know is with ABB
Some sort of deviation and/or OP forgetting?

After all, there is some other mofo in the ABB and Taylor has been an active cape who has dueled Lung before. Lots of room for wonkiness there.
I only asked because they mentioned her being new could be someone else that stole there name before she got it but would guess was a error
Incorporate it, let PHO be to blame for confusing the issue! That, or a PRT intern got into the files again and was told to do one thing that they were never trained for. In which case, blame Coil!
SpecificProtagonist, Madison goes to school in Winslow.

She might have exchanged and or overheard some gossip from some people, who has a classmate closely tied to the ABB.
Conviction 2.1
Unfortunately, I had things to do, and I couldn't lie on the couch for the whole day. I had villains to meet at neutral ground.

It was a hard decision to remove myself from my best friend's embrace, but it was one that had to be made.

Prying her arms off of me, I heard her give a weak moan of protest. Seems she had just gotten comfortable with me in her arms.

Getting up, I grunted as I felt my ribs protest at the exertion. I allowed a hiss of pain to escape my lips as I twisted my body to look at the bandages. Emma did good work.

Throwing a sports bra and a shirt on, I made my way to my armor and finished up the repairs that I had started last night after coming back from patrol.

I couldn't get it entirely working right, but I could repair the cosmetic damage. Most fights are psychological in nature, if you can provide a front of implacable stalwartness then most people are going to believe that you are.

That's how I got my Brute rating, as much as it irks me.

Ignoring damage, and making sure that you can still slowly march your way forward while everyone has their eyes on you and not looking around for backup or for the traps you already prepared the area with, that's how you win.

Like I said before, there is no such thing as a fair fight. If you try to fight fair, you've already lost. Do everything you can to stack the deck in your favor; prep the field ahead of time, fight dirty, throw sand in their eyes. Whatever you can do to make sure that you're not the one lying on the ground in a pool of your own blood.

Checking the time, I cursed under my breath and forced my mind away from tinkering. Almost got caught in a pure fugue, and the time slipped by so fast that I was almost running late.

Putting on the armor that I could by myself the easiest first, I then attached my prosthetic. The new one featuring an arm cannon wasn't quite ready yet, but it would be soon and I was excited to try that one out for live testing.

Slowly setting the torso armor on, and doing the clasps myself took a bit longer than I expected, but Emma was still asleep and I wasn't going to let anyone wake her up, especially not after the night she had patching my ass back up.

I picked up my helmet, and I grimaced looking at the dings on it.


I didn't have time to fix that, and was starting to run late as it was.

Putting it on and feeling it seal onto my head, I walked over to the table that contained the Endslayer and my other minor weapons.

Clamping it on my back via magnetism, which might as well be black magic, I pocketed what few grenades I had left before sheathing three of my throwing blades onto my bandolier.

Glancing back at Emma, who was sound asleep, I remembered an old promise I had made to her years ago after That Night.

That I wouldn't let her worry about me the way that I worried about her then.


I've been a terrible friend to her.

I need to do better.

I need to be better.

I will.

"I promise, Ems. I'll be safe," I whispered under my breath, despite my helmet muffling all sound coming out from my face.

Making my way to the entrance, I walked over and removed the tarp covering my steed-

Why did I just call my motorcycle a steed?

Wh-what is wrong with me?

This thing needs a proper name so I don't do that again.

Looking at it, my power fought me as I tried to figure out ways to improve it. I had armored it up using the same composite material that my own armor was made out of, and I was able to apply a few simple systems to it that weren't tinker tech but were tinker derived.

Simple systems to install. Something to spill caltrops a compartment behind, reinforced tires that were tinker tech and thus had to be maintained, and a simple to create oil slick dispenser.

I was looking at it, trying to figure out new things to add to it but my power didn't like that.

I know that tinkers have a specialty, and that anything outside of it doesn't come as easily. But I've never heard of a tinker mention their power fighting them when it comes to figuring out ways to apply their tech.

I'd always heard as being more "my power just doesn't come with anything for this," which worries me as my own experience is quite clearly "I can get the information on how, I just have to wrestle with my power mentally until it relents and gives me what I want."

Doing that too many times sucks, however. It really likes it when I build things for more direct and personal combat.

I tried to give my power a happy little nudge, and it seemed to nudge me back, but that was probably psychosomatic.

It's not healthy to humanize the unknown force that grants parahumans their bullshit.

Looking back at Emma's quiet sleep, I flipped up the kickstand on my bike and I walked it out through the false wall entrance I put into the side of the building when my power told me it was safe to do so. It's honestly weird how versatile my combat thinker power was, acting at times more like a preternatural danger sense than a how to guide on how to fight things bigger and meaner than myself.

Sliding out, and closing the false wall behind me, I hopped on my bike and started the ignition.

It was loud, roaring to life with flames escaping from the exhaust pipes.

I tried to remove the flames, and to make the damn thing quieter.

I went over this damn bike with a fine tooth comb, and as far as I can tell there is no mechanism that supplies the flames that burn out of the exhaust pipes.


They just appear ex nihilo and that bothers me.

It bothers me so goddamn much.

I also tried to make the damn thing quieter!

Last time I did that, I fugued and it was even louder!

Which... Adds credence to the idea that these are just things that my power likes but all sources say that's crazy talk and I am not...

Okay, I am a parahuman and that automatically makes me less sane than the baselines that are average people living on Bet.

But I'm not so far gone as to require the nice young men in their clean white coats to come and take me away to the funny farm.

Strange references to obscure Aleph future pop bands aside, I needed to get to Somer's.

Shooting out in the street proper, I ducked and weaved between traffic, my motorcycle roaring through the street as I rode my way up towards Somer's Rock.

It was fairly peaceful, all things considered.

The stars were out, the moon was full, and there was a Squealer tank revving up on the side of the road.

Wait, what- I heard an engine even louder than mine roar behind me, and my helmet's HUD warned me of an oncoming threat from behind as my combat thinker power screamed at me to lurch forward.

I revved my own engine, pushing the engine to its limit as I shot forward, and on my HUD I could see someone colorfully shouting "shitfuck!"

Looking in my mirror, I saw that Squealer was driving her tank and that she was shouting to herself.

My helmet's computer read her lips from the mirror, and helpfully told me that she didn't quite like that she wasn't the only tinker in town that worked on vehicles.

Or that my bike was louder than her last couple of trucks.

Or that I burned down her last workshop.

Dumb bitch shouldn't have built her workshop where they were making meth.

That was a fire hazard just waiting to happen.

I sighed to myself, reaching behind my back to draw the Endslayer before veering to the left and slowing down so that I'd be next to her before switching over to the matter disintegration setting.

It was going to be one of those nights, wasn't it?

I revved the engine and shot forward in a burst, narrowly missing Squealer's tank as it tried to flatten me.


She was too high to give a damn about the Rules.

I was going to have to get physical, and after I had already promised Emma that I wasn't going to do anything too strenuous.

Well, it was Squealer. That shouldn't be too bad.

I pulled back and magnetically locked my arms in place with my armor's controls, and then I slammed to the right, puncturing the hull of the tank, and then braked.

I felt armor groan, the joints starting to bend with the pressure as the Endlsayer got caught on something that resisted the matter disintegration that the blade offered.

I let go of my bike, the vehicle slowing to a stop behind us as my joints unlocked and I was able to swing myself up from the Endslayer's handle, wrenching it free and landing on top of the tank.

I felt something pop in my shoulder, and as I let out a sharp hiss of pain I knew that the stitches Emma had worked so hard on had popped under the duress I had already put them under.

I ran across the top of the tank towards the front cabin, swinging the Endslayer and cutting the barrel of the main cannon off, ruining any chance she had of firing the monstrous thing.

I engaged the magnetic grips on the bottom of my boots, and I braced myself as I felt my shoulder flare up in pain as I raised the Endslayer high, angling it downwards as I thrusted it straight downwards.

"Son of a PISS-FUCK!"

It was honestly impressive how I could hear Squealer's commentary as I started to carve open the roof of the cabin.

I looked at her, and I had my helm glow a bright crimson in two spots that would correspond to my eyes.

Squealer looked ready to piss herself, no doubt seeing my usual intimidation tactics as something nightmarishly different with whatever cocktail of drugs she was on.

Never doubt what intimidation can do to even the most foolhardy of foes. Or to the most drugged of foes.

I didn't hold in my yell of pain as I threw the part of the cabin I had carved out away, my helmet's filters turning it into a guttural roar as it went flying away from the Tank.

I jumped down into the cabin and started punching Squealer with my prosthetic, my other hand was busy steering the vehicle while she kept her foot on the gas like an idiot.

After a good swing to her glass jaw, she was out cold and I was able to grab the emergency brake and yank it back.

I felt the tires seize up, and the truck began to lift off the road and upwards before slamming back down, nearly knocking me over in the cabin.

I grabbed Squealer's unconscious body and dragged her out of the truck, zip tying her to a light post nearby, sending a command out to my bike to have it drive up to me and park.

The PRT arrived not soon after, and I was able to give my statement to the PRT officer, and was able to say that the property damage wasn't my fault for once. After that, I hopped onto my bike and thankfully had an uneventful trip to Somer's.

This fight with Squealer kicked my ass. That, plus seasonal depression, is the reason this chapter took so long to get out. Many thanks to @CyberAngelRowan and @Hiro Dark for beta-ing the chapter!
Huzzah! This was a wonderful surprise to see again! Thank you kindly for getting this out!

I like how dynamic the scene was, I could see and hear the action as things progressed.

The criticism I would offer is that there wasn't much scenery description, for example we don't know what the cabin looked like in Squealer's tank, was it dirty and cluttered with debris and chaotic control schemes? Or was it incongruously clean and ordered?
However I can appreciate that it can be tricky to insert such descriptions into an action sequence without clogging up the flow of action, especially if the scene was fighting you over all!

Additionally I really liked how squarely we were sat in Taylor's headspace, we knew her opinions and thoughts on what was happening constantly without it being overbearing, fantastic!

I look forward to the next chapter!
The criticism I would offer is that there wasn't much scenery description, for example we don't know what the cabin looked like in Squealer's tank, was it dirty and cluttered with debris and chaotic control schemes? Or was it incongruously clean and ordered?
However I can appreciate that it can be tricky to insert such descriptions into an action sequence without clogging up the flow of action, especially if the scene was fighting you over all!

pretty much what you said, there were a couple of drafts of this where I tried to describe her cabin and more descriptions of Squealer and the Merchants she had with her, but they cut into the flow of the combat and I made the decision that flow would be more important to the scene

if this had been more like the earlier Lung fight, I could have gone all out with descriptions before the fighting started, but this was just an attack of opportunity against Black Knight so there wasn't much time for that

Excellent chapter! You should change your name to SmartElves, bc you're really good at writing.

ah, the username actually comes from my time on the Bay12 forums, and it's actually a combination of my hatred of elves in Dorf Fort and how they've been used in modern fantasy that lead to the name

less, "i am stupid elves" and more "stupid elves, telling me I can't cut down trees"
I will find it funny if Skidmark gets angry at the meeting, if he is there, because Taylor took out Squealer on the way there.

Bitch shouldn't have started shit if he didn't want to get hit!

And I love this story and how fascinating Taylor's powers and the wonderful relationship with her and Emma here.

Glad to see you writing, Elves. A joy to read!
Oh neat, an update for this. Was not expecting this at all so i reread the fic as I'd forgotten a bunch of it.

Going to be real fun to see Taylor meet the Undersiders, or at least just Tattletale. Girl is going to have trouble making friends with Taylor as the position her canon self takes is very much still occupied by her predecessor
Unless I'm mistaken, this is just an Undersider gratitude meeting. Not an equivalent of the truce to deal with the ABB of canon.
Loved the update, thank you!

been meaning to read this story since you started posting it, but it fell on the back burner until seeing that it updated. Just read it all, and I'm really digging your characterizations and really just the whole setup of AU elements and how her powers work. Can't wait to see how your story develops! Thanks again!
So glad this is back, worth the re-read of it to get caught back up but oh man has Emma taken on an impossible job: stopping Taylor from hurting herself.
Conviction 2.2
Somer's Rock.

This was a place that had character, in the same way that bullying supposedly built character.

It was old, almost as old as the city itself. The bricks were shoddy, cracked, and with quick dry cement being the only thing holding them together. The door was half an inch too thick, layers of paint adding up over the years to add to its width, with a persistent rumor that the door was originally one stolen from a British governor during the colonial days.

I personally doubted the validity of that, but the rumor remained.

Opening the door, I side stepped my way in, ducking to let the hilt of the Endslayer in without it hitting the door frame. Too many experiences where doing that in my early career ended the chase, as well as ending any attempt at intimidation afterwards.

Image, is perhaps the second most important thing to being a cape, I have found. If you can cultivate an image, make it be known to others, then you can de-escalate situations before they turn violent. It gave people an understanding of who you were, how you would react to certain threats.

The Image that I had built for myself was one of barely restrained violence, tempered by ability. To all who knew of the Black Knight, they knew of his viciousness, the ruthless way he would tear through mobs of opponents. It was from those early encounters that the annoying rumor that I had Brute powers started.

I took that image, born of me flailing around like an idiot in my first few months when I didn't have too much control over my Thinker powers, and I enhanced it. I played it up, made it stronger. A growl here, a roar there. It was that image that I had cultivated that let me end the fight with Squealer early.

But, here's the thing.

That image was a lie.

A falsehood, something I wrapped myself up in to hide from the world that I was just as broken as everything around me. But, just because it was a lie, didn't mean it wasn't important. If everyone reacts to the lie as though it were the truth, then it has become the truth as far as they are concerned.

Upholding that Image was key to my survival, and I sat down at the table with a self proclaimed psychic who could probably see through all of it.

To say that I was feeling nervous was an understatement.

The reason for my nervousness?

A certain blonde bitch that was locally famous for her ability to read minds who could probably suss me out before I could even punch her in the gut for opening her mouth.

I had no reason to attack the Undersiders, in truth I thought they were fun to leave running around my city. They only ever hit other villains or corrupt businesses, even if the businesses weren't known to be corrupt at the time. They never harmed the average civilian, and had a reputation for professionalism when on the job.

The fact that Tattletale had contacted Emma on PHO was a very possible breach of the Rules.

Well, a very flimsy breach as Emma's PHO handle was literally Knight's_Squire, but I was prepared to stretch the very minor breach in the rules if she threatened her, consequences to myself be damned.

The Undersiders weren't far, they were sitting at the bar where they had a good view of the door, and Tattletale waved me over.

I slowly made my way towards them, not letting the full weight of my suit thud against the wooden floor of Somer's Rock, and as I made my way towards the group I noticed a few other capes in the city get up and get out of my way, with a few even leaving the bar entirely as I made my way towards the Undersiders.

I felt bad as Parian, a doll themed neutral rogue, got up and left when it looked like she had just sat down to order something.

Image was important, but it had its downsides at times.

I sat down next to the thieves that had contacted me, and slowly turned my head towards them.

I saw Bitch, Hellhound if you wanted her to hate you, start to growl something at me before Grue shot her down with a look.

She looked at him and grumbled before sitting back down, my fist unclenched from where I had been subconsciously balling it up, ready for a fight that might have broken out, before turning my attention to Tattletale, who looked pale and like she was ready to piss herself.


Image had its advantages.

"Tattletale," I ground out, the voice changer in my helmet transforming my voice into something more menacing.

She gulped, and I don't even think she realized that she had done it before responding herself, "Black Knight, I can explain-"

I immediately cut her off, forcing the conversation to follow my flow, not hers. Never let the Thinker have a moment to Think.

"Explain it to me then, tell me why you contacted my friend on PHO to set up this meeting," I growled out, the voice changer probably wasn't needed in that moment to make the full brunt of my displeasure known.

Tattletale must have noticed because she somehow managed to go a few shades paler, and she very quickly tried to dissuade my anger as she waved her arms about in a blind panic.

"No, no, it's not like that! It's not what you think!" She very hastily got out before I took a deep breath to make my displeasure known when she managed to bite out, "we just wanted to thank you!"

Which, naturally, brought me up short and took the wind almost entirely out of my sails.

"Thank me?" I asked dumbly.

Tattletale looked like she was starting to feel more assured that I wasn't going to kill her right then and there. As if I would break the sanctity of neutral ground.

Regent spoke up from behind her, a slight tremor in his voice betraying the lazy drawl of nonchalance that I had grown to associate with him, letting me know that he was scared shitless.

"You stopped the rage dragon from fucking finding and killing us," I blinked, processing what he just said before he continued, "Tats here demanded that we repay the favor somehow."

My attention turned back to Tattletale, "I saved your lives?" I asked, figuring that them paying me back was worth any minor breach of the Rules they made in attempting to contact me.

Tattletale nodded, "yeah, yeah you did. We had robbed one of his casinos a few nights before and he was tracking us down before he managed to figure out where we were within a few blocks, at which point you and Armsmaster made short work of him and he got dragged off to a secure cell on the Rig where he's most likely being kept sedated."

I leaned back to sit up straight, and motioned for her to continue and for her to hopefully get to the point.

"Right," she let out a nervous chuckle that seemed to ease her tension, "so, we figured we'd return the favor by informing you of any ABB news over the coming weeks, until Lung gets properly shipped out to prison."

I nodded, feeling much better about this meeting now that I knew what it was about.

Hah, look at that. I catastrophized about something before I knew the full details.

Emma must never know.

"Do you have any information now? Or do you want to send the information over PHO," I asked, eager to get information from a Thinker 7 who was famous amongst the lesser criminals for her breadth of information gathering.

"Two things, actually," she replied, her skin no longer looking pale and terrified as I allowed her to enter her element.

"The first thing is that the ABB has two new capes, and they've already made their debuts after Lung was captured. The first is a tinker named Bakuda, she was on the news recently for trying to bomb Cornell University, don't know if she's just fond of explosives or if-"

I cut her off, "she provided Oni Lee with several tinker tech grenades, I found out when I was examining the shrapnel that I removed from myself after the altercation."

Tattletale opened her mouth to an 'o' shape before closing it and shaking her head, "only you, Black Knight, only you."

She sucked on the corner of her upper lip before continuing, "the other is a C53 named Tengu, avian in appearance and fights with a bow. Powers unknown, possible Striker/Blaster from internal PRT documents."

I shifted in my seat, ruminating on this treasure trove of new information, "thank you, Tattletale. Continue to relay information through the intermediary's PHO account, if you can tell me anything about the prison transport for Lung and any attempts to break him out, I'll consider us even in this regard."

Tattletale let out a sigh of relief and sipped on a coffee that was no doubt getting cold by now, but she didn't even seem to care.

"Don't worry, I'll make sure not to look too deep into your girlfriend's account," she said casually, and I felt myself stiffen as what she said registered to me.

"She's not-" I began tersely, slowly letting out a breath of air as I saw Tattletale's face pale again, "she's not… that. " I said slowly, calming myself down for reasons I couldn't quite place.

"We're just friends."

Tattletale quirked an eyebrow at me and I was about to respond when I saw the front door open, and I turned my attention towards the front to see who was coming in.

A large, imposing brick of a man entered the bar, a white robe with red accents covered his body, while a mask made of pure stone rested on his face. In his hand he held a Bible, and I saw swastikas intermingled with flaming crosses on his red cassock that draped over his shoulders, there was absolutely no way to tell what gang this newcomer was from.

The obvious Nazi looked around Somer's, and even through the thick, stone mask he wore I could tell that he was looking in disgust.

His deep, booming bass of a voice spoke, his words somehow coming through unmuffled through his mask through what was probably power bullshit, and everything he said got me ready for a fight.

"So this is where the filth that contaminates this city congregates," his eyes, a piercing steel blue bore into mine when his gaze came across my own, "pathetic."

He marched towards the bar where me and the Undersiders were seated, and I could sense the danger that this man was radiating off of him, my power screaming at me to leave as soon as possible so that I wouldn't be caught.

I looked at Tattletale and motioned for her to leave, quickly.

I didn't bother to pay attention to if she did or not, and I immediately kept my eyes on this unknown Empire bastard, standing from my seat and preparing myself for a confrontation if one presented itself.

The unnamed cape walked around the bar and grabbed a bottle of rum and slowly stuffed a rag into it, and my mind froze when I realized what he was planning.

He couldn't.

He wouldn't.

This was-

We were at-

Somer's was neutral.

"There is only one surefire way to get rid of garbage, especially garbage that refuses to be cleaned," he intoned gravely before lighting his newly created molotov cocktail.

"One must put it to the torch."

I darted forward, drawing the Endslayer from its place on my back and I went to swing, but it was too late.

He threw the bottle.

It broke against the liquor shelf.

All of hell broke loose.

Here we go, another updoot! Once again, many thanks to my betas @CyberAngelRowan and @Hiro Dark
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Ooooh, breaking the Cape Neutrality Bar, making things worse for everyone in the city. Yep, this is a Worm/Berserk fic! Thank you good author for the words!
I love this. Tattletale can't resist poking the bear even when she's in mauling range.
She wouldn't be Tattletale if she could.

Also, this is going to kick off a gang war. While the ABB, Empire, and Merchants murdering each other is little loss, there's going to be a shedload of collateral damage... I sense Coil stirring the pot and am curious why he's moving so early; unless there's been more background changes he can't have Dinah in his back pocket yet...
Taylor: 'Oh no, Tattletale will totally see through me and know the persona is all an act."

Also Taylor: *Is legitimately angry at Tats for even looking in the direction of her civilian life and Emma. Fully willing to break the Undersiders if they're trying shit with the Rules.*

Tattletale: 'Oh shit oh shit oh shit, the well known Brute with rage issues is NOT happy I reached out to her civilian friend. Oh shit oh shit I'mgonnadie!'