Not a Brute! [Alt Power Taylor][Worm x Berserk]

Interlude E
Beta read by @CyberAngelRowan and @Hiro Dark


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♦ Topic: Lung and Oni Lee Arrested!

In: Boards ► Capes ► Cape News ► North America ► United States ► East Coast ► Massachusettess ► Brockton Bay

(Original Poster) (Veteran Member) (The Guy in the Know)

Posted On Apr 9th 2011:

According to my sources, the murderous rage dragon known as Lung, and the serial suicide bomber known as Oni Lee have been arrested following an altercation with local independent hero Black Knight and Protectorate hero Armsmaster.

From what I was able to gather, Black Knight was on patrol and decided to intervene after coming across an ABB gathering that had two of their four capes, and decided to intervene. While fighting, Armsmaster arrived on his own during his patrol and they worked together to capture Oni Lee and Lung.

[EDIT] Some people managed to snag it all on video, here's some links




(Showing page 1 of 1)
►XxVoid_CowboyxX (Banned)​
Replied On Apr 9th 2011:​
holy shit!!!1!!!​
Lung's been captured?? I wonder who he is under the mask? I bet he's [MOD EDIT] Tin Mother: Void, we've discussed this. No speculating on cape identities. Enjoy your two week ban. Again.​
►His_Dudeness (Unverified Cape)​
Replied On Apr 9th 2011:​
I actually live in the area that the fight happened and I got it on video! Here's a link for it!​
►QueenofSalvation (Cape Groupie)​
Replied On Apr 9th 2011:​
...Holy. Shit​
That has got to be the most METAL AS FUCK thing I have ever watched.​
Seriously, that was the kind of show I would expect to see in a music video? But this? Holy hell, Black Knight is fucking incredible! The technique using that massive weapon was flawless! And seriously, how jacked does he have to be to even swing that? Brute or not, he must be incredibly built under that gear.​
Further, he only came off with one hit. ONE. Against Lung! If that isn't a power, nothing is. Either one hell of an agile move or just pure combat thinker. I mean, give him the sword from that one stupid Uber and Leet Final Fantasy 7 video and he could outdo Sephiroth.​
►SpecificProtagonist (Cape Groupie)​
Replied On Apr 9th 2011:​
... Huh. I wonder what Bakuda and that cutie Tengu were up to? Why weren't they there at the rally?​
Replied On Apr 9th 2011:​
I'm going to hold myself to being cautiously optimistic that they remain in Protectorate holding before they get sent to a brute rated prison for the both of them.​
Think they'll let Lung out to keep fighting the Endbringers as they come?​
End of Page. 1

Emma leaned back in the chair, arching her shoulders and back out as she felt two satisfying pops in her spine as she forced herself into a better posture. Her eyes flickered from the laptop where she had been browsing PHO and she glanced over and saw Taylor sleeping on the couch, her bandages red and needing changing. She cringed at the sight, at Taylor, at her best friend being so injured.

Taylor isn't a Brute.

She shouldn't have to fight like one.

She doesn't deserve the pain. Not after everything that happened that night.

Steeling herself mentally, Emma got up and stretched the rest of her body before walking over to the closet where she kept her medical supplies. If Taylor was going to keep on fighting like an idiot, the least Emma could do was patch her up before she went out to fight again.

Emma started rifling through the closet, grabbing some gauze, cleaning alcohol, and some cotton pads before walking back over to her best friend's sleeping form.

She gently nudged her with her arm on her shoulder, "Taylor…" she crooned softly.

Taylor let out a short breath before opening her eyes, her wide lips beaming at her with a soft smile spread over her face, "Your hair is so pretty."

Emma felt her breath hitch in her throat, like it always does whenever Taylor compliments her in her worn out state. She knew she shouldn't be shocked by Taylor complimenting her, that's just a thing friends did. But it always felt like it meant more when it came from her, like Taylor made it feel more raw and impactful.

She smiled at her best friend, her savior, her Hero.

"Come on, Tay," she whispered, trying to keep her voice level, "time to change those bandages."

Taylor's eyes focused for a bit before she nodded, reaching over and grabbing her phone before sitting up, checking the time. Someone who didn't know Taylor wouldn't be able to notice her tells, notice when she was hiding her pain.

Emma knew. She had known for years.

It was hard not to notice when she had seen her do the same thing when she wanted to prove that she wasn't hurt after falling off the slide, after scraping her knee, when she took a knife to the eye and lost her arm.

Always the same tells, never changing. Her neck held tight, her eye too focused on something in the distance that Emma could never see. The way her hand slightly clenched into a fist as she inhaled.

Taylor had probably managed to lie to herself, making her not notice her own pain.

But Emma knew.

Emma always knew.

She reached out and gently started to remove Taylor's wrappings, she tried to ignore the smell of sweat and blood. It still permeated the air, she still smelled that unique scent, rusted sea salt mixed with copper, that blood has.

She swore, a short and hissing thing. Taylor had managed to tear one of the stitches open and Emma would have to redo them.

"Taylor." Emma started, making her voice as stern as she could.

Her friend froze, Emma felt Taylor's muscles tense up as she realized that she had gotten caught.

"Y-yeah, Ems?" Taylor stuttered, forcing Emma to channel her inner Auntie Annette so that she wouldn't giggle at the thought of Taylor being scared of her.

"Did you do anything… Strenuous… when I told you to get some rest?" Emma ground out, steeling herself so that she could be stern with her incredibly stubborn friend.

"I just…" she trailed off, and she looked at Emma with such emotional pain. It took far too much willpower to stop herself from giving her friend a hug and cuddling into her like she did after that night. "... sorry for ruining your work." She sulked out.

Taking a deep breath to steady her nerves and to ensure that she could continue to be stern to Taylor, even when her heart was melting looking at how much Taylor was visibly upset with having ruined Emma's prior stitchings.

"Just, just hold still," Emma finally ground out, getting up and walking back to her little supply closet to pick up some needle and suture thread. She was glad that it only took the first time Taylor got cut up to learn not to use regular sewing thread, having to pull it out of her friend's skin after she healed up had been… an experience.

Returning to Taylor on the couch, she quickly rubbed her needle in alcohol and let it dry before getting to work patching up her handiwork. She felt Taylor's body tense as she held her steady, she could feel her heartbeat quicken at her touch, and all too soon it was over.

A little bit of smug satisfaction grew in Emma at how quickly she had been able to sew up Taylor's wound. Back when they first started, that would have taken them about an hour to fix up. Now all she needed to do was grill her friend on how she managed to tear the original stitches and figure out how she could stop her from doing it again while they were in Taylor's workshop.

Setting down her implements, Emma turned to Taylor and turned on the saccharine, "So, Tay…" She leaned forward, aware of her friend's face growing more and more red with the growing proximity, "remind me again, how did you open up your stitches?"

Her friend quickly looked away, mumbling something out of earshot and refusing to make any further eye contact.

"What was that?" Emma crooned sweetly, leaning close enough in that their bodies were touching.

Taylor started to sputter when Emma leaned in close enough, and it devolved into further useless sputterings as Emma cuddled into her friend.

"I can't hear you."


"Speak up, Tay," Emma was close, she knew her friend well.

"I was just, you know?" Taylor tried to deflect.

It didn't work.

"I don't know, that's why I'm asking."

"I was just trying to get in my workout, you know? I can't just sit idle." Her face finally turned to look at Emma, and was greeted by, what Emma felt, was the flattest expression she had ever given in her life.

Clearly, there was only one solution to this.

Emma sat on the couch next to Taylor, and reached out, gently pulling her into a cuddle.

Taylor gave an indignant squawk at being pulled into a cuddle, but Emma didn't care. She wrapped her arms around Taylor's chest and just pulled her in closer.

"You won't escape friendship cuddles, Tay. You're staying put for the rest of the night," Emma declared triumphantly.

Only for Taylor to heat up against her, which was weird, Taylor didn't have a fever earlier-

"Emma. I'm topless."

Oh. Oh dear.

Taylor would later swear that Emma's face grew as red as her hair.

Aight, so
This took two months because of the PHO half of it. I am tempted to simply say "never again" on PHO.
Also, Emma here. I started to write Emma, and immediately she slapped me around and said "hey, hey. I'm going to do things this way. You have no control." and here go. This is not how I intended to write her to start but that's how she rolls I guess
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Glad we've got more of this!

Gotta say, I'm liking this Emma. Keep letting her slap you around, you hear? :D

EDIT: Also, you might want to rewrite your threadmarks. You've got Arc 1.X Words, 1.X Words, *and* Words 1.X in there right now.
She actually is a Brute, technically, Tinkers have Subratings based on the things they make, and those who make armors, or make things that have/give a Brute rating get a Brute Subrating, and what/whoever is enhanced by their creation is counted as a Brute.

Well, at least for the purpose of fighting them.
I abaolutely love Taylor and Emma's relationship here. And I'm amused by Emma's screenname. I wonder if she's known on PHO to work with Black Knight.
I thought it was only Taylor, but it's BOTH. Both of them are dense. I bet everyone that know them can see it. Hell, most people that don't know them probably see it too.
Legend has it that Emma self-immolated that day. Taylor was forced to seek a new minion, and settled for Parian. Her stitching skills and lesbian tendencies suited her just right
I thought it was only Taylor, but it's BOTH. Both of them are dense. I bet everyone that know them can see it. Hell, most people that don't know them probably see it too.
I dont think Emma is dense. I think shes actively ignoring her feelings because she thinks her friend, who is dense, doesnt share them and so she doesnt want to risk alienating her by showing the more romantic sides to her feelings.
I thought it was only Taylor, but it's BOTH. Both of them are dense. I bet everyone that know them can see it. Hell, most people that don't know them probably see it too.
I dont think Emma is dense. I think shes actively ignoring her feelings because she thinks her friend, who is dense, doesnt share them and so she doesnt want to risk alienating her by showing the more romantic sides to her feelings.
They are also in Nazi bigot central so it could be a defense mechanism.
Dragonslayer 1.4:
StupidElves said:
"You're not escaping this talk, Taylor." Shit, whole name. I'm in way more trouble than I thought.
Was Emma meant to say "Taylor Hebert" there?

I was directed over here from Departure from the Diary and found the time to read the parts so far posted, and this looks like an interesting story so far. Good luck with the writing!
Me too man. Enjoyed this very much too. This is the first story I've read where Emma and Taylor never broke up their 'friendship'. Anyone know any other story where that happens?
A few others:

I remember Taylor being gone before their friendship could sour, but time is weird.

Metroid Rebirth (Worm/Metroid)

Taken from my snippet thread. Samus Aran returns to Earth from ZDR, only to find that the Earth she returned to isn't actually the Earth she meant to. She returned, instead to Earth Bet... a place she's been dreaming about since she was a little girl. Post-Metroid Dread

Queen of the Seven seas where Taylor is a ship

Queen of the Seven Seas (Worm/AoBS)

A tranhumanist Taylor Hebert in the grimderp world of Worm. The only thing is that she's empowered with the powers of the Fleet of Fog and all that entails... even if she doesn't quite know how to boat yet. It's time for a carnival.
Surprised this didn't get locked for the necro. Do hope we get more of this fic because it's rare to see Taylor and Emma as friends much less being set up to be girlfriends.
Dragonslayer 1.4:

Was Emma meant to say "Taylor Hebert" there?

Ah, Emma normally calls her Tay or Taytay, only Taylor if she's in trouble
Surprised this didn't get locked for the necro. Do hope we get more of this fic because it's rare to see Taylor and Emma as friends much less being set up to be girlfriends.

SV doesn't have rules against necro, but yes, more would be nice.

Hopefully soon! The next chapter is halfway done, just working past not quite writer's block as much as it is chronic ADHD that keeps me from focusing long enough to actually write more than a few lines at a time
Me too man. Enjoyed this very much too. This is the first story I've read where Emma and Taylor never broke up their 'friendship'. Anyone know any other story where that happens?
Taylor Has a Strange Hobby has Sophia try to split Emma and Taylor up only for it to utterly fail because it turns out that "female bully" is exactly Taylor's type.

The World Is My Layout also has them stay friends through the expedient of it being Emma who goes to camp and so never gets attacked in the alley.
There's also the recent fic Best Friends Forever that features Emma sticking with Taylor. Granted she's set to be yandere for her bestie but I don't see how that's not a win for Taylor.