No, SV, You Are the Forest! (Riot Quest)

They did not hire this guy for his engineering knowledge. 'Where did it get the resources'? Getting material out of a star isn't that difficult. The right arrangement of sufficiently powerful magnets will suck matter right out.

This guy's a telepath, not an engineer. So you are exactly correct.

And it looks like the cocoon of some vast beast at a distance and with poor resolution.

@Raising Kittens Does Tranquil Tree research bonus apply to the automatic successes from aiding the Ingaba Research Base? By my interpretation it probably doesn't? Since I don't see how our tranquil trees will aid the Ingaba in aiding our research.

Your interpretation is correct.

I was thinking if we could grow the amount of crystal shrub's the herbivore's would multiply more quickly along with other unknown effect's, they can eat crystal so if we have more they should be able to eat ship's too.

There are trees that allow for the control and generation of such creatures, which grant you your equivalent to strikecraft and boarding parties.

For our special trees I sincerely hope we don't have to research the upgrades for each type, otherwise our Mind trees our going to riot. More likely it'll be investment needed to tier up individual Special trees of the type we already have grown, though I've no idea what that'd even come under. Growth? Research?

It's Growth.

I was predicting "we embrace the power of the Worm and now we kick ass but everyone thinks we're spooky and unsettling." You know, like in the game. I wasn't expecting "the worm makes us so effective that we shoot ourselves in the foot by succeeding too hard at side goals."

I wasn't either. I really should have, though. Knowledge for next time, I suppose.
x2 is a big modifier, more so when there is a cap on trees overall instead of each tree having a cap (like tranquil and scoop). If you want to modify maybe something like Common Trees are mag x5, Uncommon are mag x3, Rare are mag x2 and Epic are mag x1. Those numbers can change, so Tranquil and Scoop would be in the Epic x1 mag group while other trees could be common or uncommon and some could be rare for balancing.

Also growth for the upgrades, yep we just need 10 dice on our research agreement to not break it then a bunch of us throwing dice at elder trees and a few at other projects (we have 2.2 multiplier to research right now)
Turn 07
No SV You Are the Forest
A Riot Quest
Turn 07​

The Forest rested serenely in its new position, somewhat closer to the local source of particles than it had been previously. The amount of particles that it received had increased, if not too significantly, while the particles coming from elsewhere had not diminished.

All was quiet, as far as the Forest was concerned. The strange ships hadn't shown up again, the Predators were asleep, the Prey had left, the Beast had not returned, and the Ingaba were steadily taking apart the giant ship by the sun.

All was well. The Forest would be capable of advancing its various projects in relative peace, with little need for defensive measures.

Then the Feeling Trees detected something most peculiar. A warping of the magnetic fields. No ship was the source of this, the Forest knew, as the fields bent and twisted in a strange new way.

Without further warning, the fields rippled intensely in a tightly spaced area. Even if it had less resolution, the Forest would have noticed this – and, further, noticed the sheer number of things that flooded from what seemed to be a singular point. Fast moving projectiles, like some of the weapons that the Forest had defended against in the past, erupted from it in all directions.

Resources that had been laying in wait for a need, almost wasted, were suddenly remarkably useful. Magnetic Trees spun up to full power, fields compressing particles tightly between them just before a spread of energy hammered into the Shield erected by the Forest, followed shortly afterwards by high-energy kinetics.

The Shield strained, but did not break.

The Forest, were it capable of doing so, would likely have wiped its brow of sweat. As it is a Forest, it does nothing of the sort. Some of its leaves ruslted in the passing of particles it deigned not to catch for a brief moment, that was all.


The Ingaba, on the other hand, are a mess. Some damage was dealt to their operations in the system. Not enough to meaningfully delay them, but enough to make them look weak.

"Admiral, I'm sorry to say that no, we didn't have a clue that this was going to happen," Senior Scientist Oragles said, chagrined, to Fleet Admiral Monagles, who was in the system overseeing the dismantling of the precursor vessel. "All of our sensors are keyed to the Forest; the first we knew something was happening was when it erected its shields and they were hammered by the initial mass-energy release of the Wormhole a few moments later."

The opening of the Wormhole was a most useful thing, provided it remained stable long enough to get another research team out here. If it was a stable wormhole – if it lasted long enough – then the Ingaba would get a great deal of use out of it, and would likely heavily fortify the system against assault, no matter where the wormhole led.

"Scientist Oragles, are you telling me that we need another research base out here?"

"Yes, Admiral, that's exactly what I'm saying. Knowledge pulled from studying the Wormhole – combined with what we can observe from the Forest – could result in gravitic STL drives, and micro-wormhole generation."

"Jump drives?" There was an eager, hungry glint in the Admiral's eye.

"Of a sort," Oragles temporizes. "It won't work the same, I don't think, but the effect will likely be close enough."

"Good enough for me," he grunted. "I don't want to have to coordinate fights across our territory without a fast reaction force. I'll see what I can do to shake the funding – and the teams – loose, so that you aren't overwhelmed."

"Thank you, Admiral."

"Don't thank me, Oragles," Monagles' grin was full of teeth. "After all, you will be the highest ranking Scientist in the system after the group studying the mobile shipyard leaves, which means you will be at least looking at their reports."

Oragles' eyes widened. "More paperwork?" he whispered. "As if there's not enough of that floating around already!"

"Good luck, Oragles."

"Thank you, Admiral. I think."

And with that, the channel closed, and Oragles got back to work. He would likely need to promote a few of his own subordinates, just to help oversee the mess that was heading his way.

Turn 07 Vote

The Worm remains in effect, doubling all non-automatic successes.

Communication Actions

[ ][Action] Ask the Research Base about other Stars.
-Requires 5 successes, 2/5

[ ][Action] Ask the Research Base about the Prey.
-Requires 5 successes, 4/5

[ ][Action] Ask the Research Base about the Beast.
-Requires 5 successes, 2/5

[ ][Action] Ask the Research Base about establishing a deeper psychic link
-Requires 5 successes, 4/5.

[ ][Action] Ask the Research Base about food for the pups.
-Requires 5 successes

[ ][Action] Reach out to the Research Base.
-[ ][Action] Write-in what to speak about.
-Requires 5 successes

Defense Actions

[ ][Action] Erect the Shield! (Magnetic)
-There's nothing there. Probably. However, the Beast's uncaring movement through the system was informative – it was very possible for other beings to arrive without warning, and leave just as quickly.

[ ][Action] Prepare a Shard Volley (Crystal)
-This action primes resources to hurl a volley of razor sharp shards of crystal, splintered from the trunks and branches of the Forest itself. Successes are banked against future need, but only to a point – 10 successes per Magnitude of the Forest can be stored. 19/30 stored.

[ ][Action] Move towards where the Ingaba ships always appear from. (Gravity)
-Multiple side effects. The more successes this action has, the faster it occurs.

Growth Actions
-High-density particles remains in effect. All non-automatic successes are multiplied by 1.4.
-Sun Proximity 1 is in effect. All non-automatic successes have their multiplier increase by 0.1.
-The Forest is at 36/40 Special Trees.

[ ][Action] Grow the Forest
-62.75/200 successes to Mag 4

[ ][Action] Grow <Treename>
-Replace <Treename> with the name of a Special Tree from the Front Page. Variable cost.
Growth progress is visible on the front page.

Offense Actions

[ ][Action] Soothe the Predators.
-Opposed Action. This will put the Predators to sleep for the next turn if it succeeds.

[ ][Action] Soothe the Research Base to see what happens. (Psychic)
-Opposed Action.
-The Ingaba have agreed to allow this to happen, as a test of their psychic defenses. Attempt when ready, but be warned – they are almost certainly stronger on an individual basis than the Predators, and more numerous.

Magnetize – no valid targets detected.

Research Actions
-Most of these are placed on the FP. Simply copy-paste one of the options there into your vote.

Note: All Psychic Research actions gain +1 success per Forest Magnitude while the Ingaba Research Agreement is in effect, provided at least one action is taken on them.

[ ][Action] Assist the Ingaba Research Base (General)
-This action works to pay off the Forest's side of the deal with the Ingaba Directorate. In order to not default on the Treaty, at least ten dice must be paid into this action every turn for ten turns.
-Effect: For each die paid into this Action, the Forest will obtain one success to the most voted for Research Action with an asterisk.

[ ][Action] Study the Wormhole (Gravity, Void)
-Attempt to discover what this is. Success allows for further study.
-Effect: Wormhole Theory obtained. New technologies unlocked.
-Requires 50 successes.

Survival Actions

[ ][Action] Attempt to store resources against future need. (General)
-All successes stored. 86 successes banked against recovering future damage or to pay off the debt owed to the Ingaba Directorate.

Note: 5 Survival successes per turn are lost to the Ingaba Directorate as a result of paying for samples of new technologies.

[ ][Action] Sacrifice to the Worm (???)
-The Worm is always hungry. Feed the Worm that it might grow.
-Requires 100 successes before the Worm is satisfied. 13/100.

[ ][Action] Expand the reach of the Forest, allowing it to gather resources from a larger area. (Magnetic)
-The Hoop Tree extends a powerful magnetic field, capturing stray particles that are greatly distant from the Forest and channeling them to the roots. Sufficient successes empower all Growth actions.
-With 10 successes, the successes of all Growth actions are increased by 10%. 4/10.

[ ][Action] Move closer to the local star, see what happens. (Gravity)
-The more successes this has, the faster the movement occurs. The star provides much of the matter and energy used by the Forest; perhaps getting closer will increase the amount received.

[ ][Action] Erect the Empty Veil (Void)
-Cloak the Forest from opposing sensors, deliberately hiding it from all forms of detection.
-Opposed Action. Unlike with Shields, the Veil rolls against each other faction individually.


[ ][Action] Write-in
-For if you believe I'm missing something. I reserve the right to disapprove of any write-ins, or appropriate them for other purposes and places.

Focus Actions
Choose any three actions from the above for the Forest to focus on. These are voted upon by the entire group, and are in addition to the individual actions taken by each member. Multiples should be indicated with a x#, so the second identical action would be x2, etc.

[ ][Focus] Action Name

These Actions will receive a number of automatic successes equal to the Magnitude of the Forest and any bonuses from other sources.

At the moment, the top three focus actions will win, each receiving the focus of the Forest.


Your Votes should look like the following:

[ ][Action] Action
[ ][Focus] Action 1
[ ][Focus] Action 2
[ ][Focus] Action 3

Newcomers should add one of the following:

[ ][Tree] Heart Tree
[ ][Tree] Mind Tree
[ ][Tree] Root Tree

This vote will always be open.


A/N: Good on all of you to keep that Shield up. Also, Wormhole.
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[X][Action] Grow the Forest

I can throw five dice at this just by myself now. Number Go Up.

[X][Focus] Sacrifice to the Worm (???)
[X][Focus] Sacrifice to the Worm (???) x2
[X][Focus] Sacrifice to the Worm (???) x3
[X][Action] Grow the Forest

[X][Focus] Sacrifice to the Worm (???)
[X][Focus] Sacrifice to the Worm (???) x2
[X][Focus] Sacrifice to the Worm (???) x3
...nice job, defense trees.

[ ][Action] Expand the reach of the Forest, allowing it to gather resources from a larger area. (Magnetic)
I'm a Scavenger tree, so this seems like a useful Survival action to take. If a bunch of other trees start doing it such that I think we'll succeed without me, I'll switch to sacrificing to the Worm.

EDIT: Lots of other trees are expanding our reach, so I am confident we will hit the 10 successes we need this turn for a 10% boost. So instead, I'll sacrifice to the Worm.
[X][Action] Sacrifice to the Worm (???)

[X] [Focus] Grow Scoop Tree
[X] [Focus] Grow Scoop Tree x2
[X] [Focus] Grow the Forest
We are running out of special tree slots. The best use of our remaining four slots is as follows: three scoop trees and one tranquil tree, maxing out our growth and research. Then we can grow the Forest to Magnitude 4 as hard as we can.
Tranquil Tree (Psionic) x2: This tree is focused inward, calming the rough and tumble of growth to place greater attention on the secrets of the universe, hidden from easy knowledge. Increases the successes of all Research Actions by 10%. Stacks additively with itself. No more than one Tranquil Tree per Forest Magnitude. Requires 20 Growth successes per Tranquil Tree. 17/20 growth progress.
Scoop Tree (Magnetic) x0: Unlike the Hoop Tree, which requires active effort to reach out and obtain additional particles, the Scoop Tree does so passively, as part of its very nature. The branches spread widely, and are veined with metals. Increases the successes of all Growth actions by 10%. No more than one Scoop Tree per Forest Magnitude. Requires 10 Growth successes per tree. 1/10.
Two Scoop Tree focus actions should get us 3 trees grown, and finishing off the last Tranquil Tree can be done by some other trees with their action. But yeah, @soulcake is gonna get his wish: it's time to grow the forest.

(Remember, for focuses, most things get 3 autosuccesses, Research and Communications actions get 4, and Growth actions get 17. We should absolutely be using our Focus actions on Growth, not on anything else.)

I strongly agree with the post here, particularly this bit:
Root Tree priority suggestions:
- Finish the 3rd Tranquility tree
- No further Special Tree growing until Forest Magnitude Increases
- Grow the Forest
- Do other Root Tree things of your choice

Heart Tree priority suggestions:
- Expand the reach of the forest! Important!
- Erect the Shield
- Do not erect the Empty Veil
- Do other Heart Tree things of your choice

Mind Tree priority suggestions:
- Fulfil Treaty obligations
- Finish Elder Trees. Important!
- Research Lasers, Crystal Formation, Optical and Hyper. All good long term investments.
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[X][Action] Soothe the Research Base to see what happens. (Psychic)
[X] [Focus] Grow Scoop Tree
[X] [Focus] Grow Scoop Tree x2
[X] [Focus] Grow the Forest

they ok'ed us to test their defenses. so do so i shall.
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[X][Action] Study the Wormhole (Gravity, Void)
[X] [Focus] Grow Scoop Tree
[X] [Focus] Grow Scoop Tree x2
[X] [Focus] Grow the Forest
[X][Action] Study the Wormhole (Gravity, Void)

[X] [Focus] Grow Scoop Tree
[X] [Focus] Grow Scoop Tree x2
[X] [Focus] Grow the Forest
What a cool thing for a research tree to study!

[X][Action] Study the Wormhole (Gravity, Void)

[X] [Focus] Grow Scoop Tree
[X] [Focus] Grow Scoop Tree x2
[X] [Focus] Grow the Forest
[X][Action] Attempt to store resources against future need. (General)
[X][Focus] Sacrifice to the Worm (???)
[X][Focus] Sacrifice to the Worm (???) x2
[X][Focus] Sacrifice to the Worm (???) x3
Dang tax stealing wormhole, quickly refill the stocks!
[X][Action] Attempt to store resources against future need. (General)
[X] [Focus] Grow Scoop Tree
[X] [Focus] Grow Scoop Tree x2
[X] [Focus] Grow the Forest

Resources for the Forest! Supplies for All!
[x][Action] Erect the Shield! (Magnetic)
[x][Focus] Grow Scoop Tree
[x][Focus] Grow Scoop Tree x2
[x][Focus] Grow the Forest
[X] [Focus] Grow Scoop Tree
[X] [Focus] Grow Scoop Tree x2
[X] [Focus] Grow the Forest

Agreed on the focus, plan makes sense.

As for actions, given we only need one more success on the tranquil tree, my status as a growth tree makes that a pretty high likelihood of wasting some of the actions. Guess I'll go with
[X] [Action] Grow the Forest
[X][Action] Sacrifice to the Worm (???)

[X] [Focus] Grow Scoop Tree
[X] [Focus] Grow Scoop Tree x2
[X] [Focus] Grow the Forest

I'm hoping if I feed the worm enough I get a special option when I rank up
We don't know how long that wormhole is going to stick around, so let's power through researching this thing.

[X][Action] Study the Wormhole (Gravity, Void)
[X] [Focus] Grow Scoop Tree
[X] [Focus] Grow Scoop Tree x2
[X] [Focus] Grow the Forest
[X][Action] Grow the Forest
[X] [Focus] Grow Scoop Tree
[X] [Focus] Grow Scoop Tree x2
[X] [Focus] Grow the Forest
[X] [Focus] Grow Scoop Tree
[X] [Focus] Grow Scoop Tree x2
[X] [Focus] Grow the Forest

[X][Action] Grow the Forest

Drip drip drip.
Until the drops.
Become a flood.
[X][Action] Expand the reach of the Forest, allowing it to gather resources from a larger area. (Magnetic)

Even though I prefer to stockpile Resources, It seems like this turn Is going to be Major growing of the forest. So get 10% more on that Is Currently more important.

[X] [Focus] Grow Scoop Tree
[X] [Focus] Grow Scoop Tree x2
[X] [Focus] Grow the Forest
[X][Action] Expand the reach of the Forest, allowing it to gather resources from a larger area. (Magnetic)

[X] [Focus] Grow Scoop Tree
[X] [Focus] Grow Scoop Tree x2
[X] [Focus] Grow the Forest