Chapter 8: Batting Five Hundred
When my eyes open again, I find myself staring up at a low ceiling, lying on something flat. As the fog of sleep lifts from my mind, I slowly pan my eyes down, hoping against hope...

…nope, still Clover.

I quickly sit up and look around, unsure of exactly where I am. I appear to be in a bed — one of three, all of them sheetless, lined up beside each other in a neat little row. To my right is a sink with a dirty mirror hanging above it, while the rest of the room is hidden by a dark blue room divider… I'm in the infirmary?

Footsteps from the other side of the room draw my attention. A second later, Luna rounds the divider, and spots me sitting up.

"Oh, you're awake!" Luna says with undisguised relief. "Wait right here, I'm going to go get the others."

Before I can ask or even say anything, she's already left. Questions dying in my throat, I let myself slowly lean back against the wall, trying to process everything.

I made it. I can SHIFT. In fact, not only can I SHIFT, but my memory apparently stays with me in its entirety, unlike Sigma and Phi's until the very end of the game. That's incredibly useful. Not having to rely on "flashes of insight" should give me a huge advantage in making it to the correct timeline…

I draw my knees up to chest, quivering.

…if only I hadn't had to die for it to work. That was the single most terrifying experience of my life — though, I guess that's only natural, seeing as how it literally killed me. I can almost still feel the paring knife pressed up against my throat, and Dio's weight bearing down upon my back… even though I took precautions, they didn't make any difference in the end. I shouldn't have isolated myself; I should have known.

I squeeze my legs tightly, wishing that the sensation comforted me more. The fact that I had such a huge advantage information-wise and yet still ended up dead by Dio's hand is honestly an extremely depressing thought. Worse, I only managed to go back as far as the second set of doors: Akane is still dead, and I still need to make it to a timeline where she's not. But it seems like in order to do that, I'm probably going to have to...

I shut my eyes, squeezing back the oncoming tears before they can fall this time. No. I'll figure out how to SHIFT without dying; I will. I know it's not an absolutely necessary step of the process, and now that I've done it once, surely-

My mental self-reassurances are interrupted as the door slides up, and an entire throng of people rush into the room. Alice, heading the pack, is the first to spot me.


Alice runs to the side of my bed, and I stand up just in time for her to envelop me in a tight, obviously relieved hug. Even with her strange chest ring pressing into parts of my anatomy that I'm still not exactly used to, I can't help but feel comforted, particularly given the state I last saw her in. I find myself hugging back almost immediately, smiling despite myself.


I look over her shoulder at the watching crowd, which thankfully seems largely content to let us have our moment. After a little while, Alice breaks our embrace, which the others take as their cue to speak up.

"Welcome back." Sigma starts.

"Grandpa was worried about you." Quark says, smiling. "We're glad to see you're okay Miss Clover!"

"Indeed." K adds. "I believe we can all agree that it is good to see you are alright now."

"Yeah… had us pretty nervous for a bit there."

The last voice sends ice racing up my spine, and I flinch backwards as Dio steps past Phi and Sigma to the front of the group, trying to force myself not to panic. Have to stay calm… don't want to pass out again…

I quickly wrench my eyes away, trying not to focus on the man who murdered me. He wouldn't try anything while everyone else is around, right? Then again, I'd thought he wouldn't attack me without his knife, but that just made him go find a different one-

"Clover?" Sigma says. "You're still with us, right?"

I shake my head to try and clear it. I need to focus on the here and now.

"Y-yeah." I stutter out. "Hey, everyone… what did I miss?"

"After you passed out, I did my best to regulate your breathing." Luna explains. "Your respiration stabilized before too long, but you didn't wake up, so I carried you to the next room."

"Miss Luna said we should still check you in the infirmary, so we solved all the puzzles as quick as we could, and got you back here as fast as possible!" Quark adds.

Looks like I was out long enough to miss the escape room entirely… I'm not sure if that's a problem or not, but right now I'm leaning on the side of not.

"Thanks. Both of you." I say. "Sorry to have caused so much trouble."

"Our team escaped and made it back here not long after." K adds. "Sigma's team showed up about ten minutes later."

"I'm just happy you're awake." Alice says. "You really scared me back there…"

"Well, let's not celebrate just yet." Tenmyouji interrupts. "I'm glad Clover's awake and all too, but we can't just forget what we found out."

The mood of the room abruptly darkens. I look from face to face, trying to figure out what's wrong, but can't discern anything from them.

"What's wrong? Someone mind cluing me in?" I ask, when no one speaks up after several seconds.

Alice bites her lip and turns to look me straight in the eye.

"I'm sorry Clover, but… you're infected with Radical-6."

I sit back down on the bed and lower my head into my hands, unable to stop myself from letting loose a small giggle at Alice's solemn pronouncement.

"Clover, that wasn't a joke." Sigma says seriously.

I know it's not, but the irony of this situation is too staggering for me not to laugh at it.

"So, you used the ADAM on me while I was out then?" I ask, raising my head again.

Alice nods, her expression still grim. "As soon as we escaped and made it back here. Luna wasn't sure why you started hyperventilating, so she scanned you, and… the machine diagnosed you as positive for the virus."

Not exactly surprising, seeing as how literally everyone here except Luna would show positive for said virus. Though, come to think of it…

I lean over and count the number of heads. Everyone still seems to be up and about, Quark and Alice included… I guess no one's actually been hit by the Radical-6 yet, somehow? That's strange. And makes me the only one who's suspected of being sick, apparently.

"Don't worry," Alice says reassuringly, "I promise, we'll find a way to cure it."

"…you can say that, but I don't really see how." Tenmyouji says dolefully, looking away.

"Yeah, have you forgotten where we are?" Dio asks, raising a finger and tilting his head to the side. "Luna already said she can't cure it with anything in here, so what exactly do you think-"

"Did I ask for your input?" Alice says irritably, speaking over him. "We'll find a way."

I just sit there, watching the others talk. I don't know how to convince them that Radical-6 isn't why I collapsed, and frankly I'm not sure I even want to. It's a convenient excuse, really.

"Until then though, you'll need to stay here, okay Clover?"

...or maybe a not so convenient excuse.

"Wait, what do you mean?" I protest. "If we can't treat the virus anyways, I don't see how me staying in the infirmary helps."

"We barely have any idea what the effects of Radical-6 are." Alice explains. "All we know is that it caused you to hyperventilate and fall unconscious, but there could be any number of other symptoms. If something else happens, it's best for you to already be here, so you can be treated as fast as possible."

…right, most of the group doesn't know that Radical-6 causes suicide, they just know that it's supposedly deadly… and now they're getting the wrong idea about it on top of that. Damn, I really don't want to be stuck in the infirmary. Not only is it bad to be left out of current events, but staying in one place and having everyone know about it is practically inviting Dio to come kill me again. Luckily, I have what might be the perfect answer for this.

"Alice, the ADAM isn't trustworthy. We found it in here after all — it could have been tampered with in any number of ways." I say, using her own words to make my point.

"Yes, it might have been." Alice admits. "But we can't take that risk."

I stare at her for a second. What the- are you- Miss Hypocritical here- arrrrrgh, the humor of this role reversal is still not lost on me, but I'm not finding it quite as funny anymore. Okay, so if that didn't work, then… this is still after I told Alice about "seeing the future", right?

"Look, Alice, you don't need to worry about me anymore." I say, trying to put the same sort of emphasis on my words as last time. "I'm sure of it."

"I would not be so certain." K says. "The newspaper clipping we discovered seemed to indicate the disease as being highly dangerous."

"No, I just- I know I'm not in any more danger, alright?" I say, giving Alice a pointed look and willing her to understand it.

"Huh...? Clover, what are you talking about?" Sigma asks, confused.

"It's a private thing between me and her. You wouldn't understand." Alice says aloud, then drops her voice to a whisper and speaks directly in my ear. "I'm sorry Clover, but I can't accept that. Even if you mean it, I can't trust that your judgment hasn't been compromised by the virus too."

…you've got to be kidding me.

"Don't worry too much Clover." Dio says airily. "Luna's already agreed to stay here and watch over you, since she's got the most chance of being able to do something about it if anything does happen."

I shudder, squirming away from the sound of his voice again. No, I can't stay here, I can't- actually, wait, I shouldn't even be staying in this timeline, let alone this room. I know I can SHIFT now, and even if I only managed it in... the circumstances that I did, maybe now that I've actually experienced it…

Closing my eyes, I try once more to eject my consciousness from the timeline. When nothing happens, I reach for the feeling of how it happened before, trying to draw on that for reference… only for my mind to immediately connect it to the sensation of choking on my own blood, the memory sending another full body tremor through me before I manage to wrench my thoughts away from the subject.

"Luna, she's shivering!" Alice says worriedly, placing a hand on my forehead. "Is that another effect of the virus?"

"Not that any of us would know, but I'd actually guess that Clover's just cold." Tenmyouji remarks. "It's hardly any wonder; we're all cold. This place doesn't really seem to have been built with comfort in mind."

"Yeah, and she's… not exactly wearing much…" Sigma adds, rather obviously eyeing me. I let it slide, too caught up in my own head to pay him much mind right now.

"...oh." Alice says, evidently not having thought of that. "Well, just bear with it for now, Clover. We'll be out of here soon."

I acknowledge her with a sort of shaky nod, no longer willing to argue the point.

"That's a nice sentiment and all, but it's only going to come true if we keep looking for a way out." Phi says, the only words I've heard her speak since she first entered the room. "We need to get back to it. Come on."

The white-haired girl moves to the door and walks out of the room without another word. Realizing that she's probably right, the others begin to trickle out after her, most of them wishing me well as they go. Alice, now at the back of the group, gives me a final parting look and a promise to check in soon before the door shuts itself behind her, leaving me alone in the infirmary with Luna again.

"Just lie down and rest for now, okay?" Luna soothingly instructs as quiet falls over the room.

"…yeah, alright." I say dully, flopping back down on the uncomfortably hard bed.

Luna seems to accept my words despite my unhappy tone and sits down two beds away from me, presumably wanting to keep close while also trying not to invade my personal space. I don't know why she's even bothering, since there's nothing she can do if the Radical-6 really does kick in, but I guess she promised the others or something.

I sigh, staring up at the ceiling. Great… so, to summarize, I've been semi-permanently confined to the infirmary, I still can't SHIFT on demand, and I probably have a touch of PTSD from Dio slicing my neck open. Hard to believe my situation has somehow gotten even worse, but apparently I have a real talent for making that happen.

I roll over on the bed, pressing my face into the overly firm mattress. What the heck am I going to do about Dio anyways? Since I seem to be trapped in this timeline for now, I have no choice but to think about it, especially since it's entirely likely he's going to start killing people again the second he gets the opportunity. I guess if I'm ever allowed out of here I could try to take him by surprise; ambush him before he does it to me or anyone else… but even if I succeeded, his bombs are on a failsafe, so they'd probably activate and blow everyone up anyways. That would admittedly be a quicker way of going out than having my throat slit again, but I'd really prefer to find a way to move timelines that doesn't involve me getting killed, especially since I have no guarantee that will even work a second time. I certainly can't seem to do it now after all, and even just trying was…

Shivering at the thought, I roll back over, finding my previous position uncomfortable. I can't let what Dio did to me affect me like this; I'll never manage to SHIFT again if I do. Usually nothing does affect me like this, honestly. Granted, I've never been murdered before, but other negative experiences have always tended to affect me more… abstractly? No, that's not the right word. "Clinically", perhaps? There just... usually feels like there's a certain degree of separation between an issue and how I actually process it, kind of like I'm always looking at things from an outside perspective, even when a problem directly affects me. This, though… I don't know if it's because of how it happened, or because of the severity of the event, or just because I have Clover's brain right now, but I can barely even think about my own death without panicking, which is completely unacceptable given the circumstances. But I can't really force myself not to panic…

I groan quietly and bring my hands up to clutch my face, not seeing a way to move forward.

"Are you alright Clover?" Luna asks, clear concern in her voice. "Do you have a headache?"

…well, even if I don't know what to do right now, I suppose gathering a little more information couldn't hurt.

"No, but I do have a question." I reply, looking over at her. "Did the others already open any of the AB rooms?"

"Oh, um," Luna says, seeming a little startled by the sudden inquiry, "yes, I believe they did that just before you woke up. We weren't sure when… or, even if you'd awaken, so it was agreed that it would be best not to wait."

Okay, so that leaves me with probably… somewhere around 30 minutes before the AB room decision happens? And then a break afterwards before the next set of doors. That's at least a fair amount of time to come up with a new plan of attack, I suppose.

"Alright... and what rooms did everyone go through again?"

"Quark and I went through a room known as the GAULEM Bay." Luna replies. "I believe Tenmyouji, Alice, and K went through the Control Room, and Sigma, Dio, and Phi went through a place called the PEC. I'm not… entirely sure, I'm afraid. They were only mentioned in passing."

Yeah, but you'd know anyways, so I have little reason to doubt any of that.

"Was there anything else you wanted to ask me?"

I glance over at Luna, deliberating. There is, actually: I'd kind of like to ask her about SHIFTing. The only time I've done it so far, it wasn't really under my control, and it's become pretty clear by now that even aside from my newfound issues there's something I'm just not doing right.

The problem is… I'm not sure how much Luna really knows about the subject? I would think that she has to know something, since she's definitely aware of at least the broad strokes of how this whole plan is supposed to work, but she's also a robot — a GAULEM, that is — with no personal experience with SHIFTing, or anything else involving the Morphogenetic Field for that matter. Not to mention she has a rather vested interest in seeing said plan not get screwed up by some random unknown consciousness from outside the universe that just happened to somehow end up in Clover. So…

"…no, that's it." I tell her.

"Okay then. Feel free to tell me if you think of anything else." Luna offers.

That ends the conversation, and the room is plunged into silence once again.

I spend more than a few minutes just lying there on the bed, idly fidgeting with Clover's strange hair ornaments as my mind circles itself like an empty ouroboros, completely failing to come up with any feasible way to make progress. Why does my grand objective have to hinge upon a skill that I'm so clearly terrible at? Hell, my objective in part is that skill, and not only can I not use it properly, but if I don't manage to unlink the concept from my recent more-than-near-death experience such that I don't flash back to the memory just thinking about using it, it's going to end up being a one-time only deal- ouch!

As I take a moment to disentangle my hand from where one of its nails got snagged in Clover's bright pink curls, the door on the other side of the room — the one Luna and I can't see — audibly opens. My heart starts beating faster as footsteps sound out, worry that the visitor might be Dio briefly overtaking me. The person rounds the divider…

"Oh, hello Phi." Luna greets as the girl comes into view.

"Hey Luna. Clover." Phi says in return, her eyes slightly lidded.

My heart begins to calm. Just Phi... nothing to worry about…

"Is something wrong?" Luna asks.

"No." Phi replies. "I'm here to give you a break, actually. I figure it's not really fair to you that you're stuck in here while the rest of us are off investigating, so I can take over watching Clover for a little while if you'd like."

…well, maybe a little something to worry about. Phi said that casually, like she's just trying to be nice, but I don't buy it for a second. She is way too suspicious of everyone else for the vast majority of the game to just spontaneously do nice things for them, not to mention she was the one urging everyone out the door not too long ago. Phi mentioned in the last timeline that she was suspicious of me even before I preemptively grabbed the scalpel away from Quark, so I'd guess that she's planning to try and interrogate me or something? This would be the perfect time and place for that... or at least, it would be if Luna wasn't here.

"Oh, it's alright, you don't need to do that." Luna says. "It's no trouble."

Phi's annoyance at that answer shows on her face, but she quickly smooths it over.

"Are you sure?" she persists. "Even if it's just for a few minutes, I wouldn't mind."

Wow. Subtle.

"That's... kind of you," Luna says hesitantly, "and I don't mean to offend, but..."

"I have taken first aid classes before, if that's what you're worried about." Phi interrupts.


Phi nods. "I'm obviously no doctor, but if Clover starts showing any other common viral symptoms, I should be able to treat them about as well as you could."

"I see." Luna says, looking thoughtful. "Well, there is one thing I wanted to do. It shouldn't take too long, but if you could take over until I get back-"

"Sure, of course." Phi interrupts again, looking increasingly impatient and seeming as though she'd like to just physically shove Luna out the door. "I was the one who offered after all, so go ahead."

"Ah, wait one moment." Luna says, turning to me. "Clover, are you okay with Phi taking over for me for a short while?"

Phi looks at me and grimaces, presumably thinking I'm going to try and veto the whole idea. However...

"Yeah, I'm fine with it." I say. "I don't mind at all."

Phi's eyes widen in surprise. True, I'm hardly particularly eager for her to try and grill me for information, but at the same time, I rather want to know why it is Phi thinks I'm so suspicious when I haven't done anything obviously questionable yet. Besides, just like last timeline, Phi doesn't have any real leverage that could force me to tell her anything, so I'm not truly all that concerned about talking to her. At least it will give me something constructive to do.

Luna nods. "Alright then. I'll be right back."

With that, Luna stands from the bed and walks out of the room. As soon as the door closes behind her, Phi turns toward me with a rather less-than-friendly expression, clearly unhappy about something. I sit up, preparing myself for the coming cross-examination as the white-haired girl walks to the side of my bed, opens her mouth, and says:

"How do you remove the bracelets?"

I blink. "I- what?"

"I know you know how." Phi continues, crossing her arms. "Tell me."

I stare at her. She... okay, so she knows I know how to do that, but how does she know? It's not like I've removed my own bracelet, and I don't recall even so much as hinting about it to anyone else. Even if Phi saw the missing aluminum, she shouldn't know what that means. In fact, if she did, she wouldn't need to be asking this question to begin with. Is this some sort of test, or-

An important realization strikes me.

"You," I start, "you're from later on, aren't-"

"That doesn't matter right now!" Phi nearly shouts. "Just tell me how to remove the bracelets!"

...jeez, unpleasant much?

"How about a little courtesy first?" I say, rather annoyed. "I don't see what I've done to you to warrant being treated like the enemy."

I get that she suspects me of being up to something, but if this is Phi from much later in her own, personal timeline, you'd think she might have realized by now that I'm not working against her.

Phi glares at me. "Look, you're the one who told me to ask you, okay?" she says, sounding highly frustrated. "So, just… please!"

My eyebrows shoot up. I was the one who told her to ask me?

That… changes things. If that's true, then…

"…fine." I say, considering my next words carefully. "But I want to know something in exchange. If I really was the one who told you to ask me about this, then… I should have given you a certain secret phrase to tell me. What was it?"

Phi's expression flattens, dropping into a near unreadable mask. She stares silently at me for several seconds before finally replying.

"Against all odds, luck remains."

Relief flows through me, and I smile widely, my grin threatening to burst my cheeks. Yes! That was the phrase I just came up with, which means I must manage to SHIFT again at some point, because this Phi already spoke with future me in a different timeline! I've confirmed my own eventual success!

Highly satisfied with this unexpected turn of events, I happily fish the square of aluminum foil out of my back pocket and hold it up in front of me.

"Is that… aluminum foil?" Phi asks, squinting at it.

"Yep." I say, still grinning.

"How is this helpful?"

"If you slip a piece under the top of the bracelet, it should block the heartbeat sensor from reaching your arm." I explain. "Once the bracelet doesn't detect a pulse anymore, it unlocks."

I hold out the foil to her in case she wants to test my words. Phi doesn't take it from me however, instead seeming merely contemplative.

"Where did you get this from?" she asks.

"I took it from one of the puzzles in the crew quarters." I reply. "Why, did you want your own?"

"Got it." Phi says, not actually answering me. "Thanks."

Without another word, Phi moves away, props herself up against the wall next to the mirror, and proceeds to start staring off into nothing for no apparent reason., alright then. Not really sure what's up with her... I guess I'll have the chance to find out later though, given what I just learned!

I lay back on the bed, giggling softly to myself. Phi doesn't know it, but there was even a little word play referring to the real me in that phrase I asked her for. "Luck remains", hehe… what a surprising way for things to turn out! I would never have expected to be able to outright confirm my future survival like that. That's a huge load off my mind, knowing for absolute certain that I'll manage to continue SHIFTing...

...or at least, some version of me will?

My mood somehow manages to fall even faster than it rose. I was so giddy that my spur-of-the-moment plan worked that I forgot: stable time loops don't necessarily assure anything in this universe. Events aren't circumstantially guaranteed by them, a timeline just stops being the "true" one when it can't fulfill the conditions of a loop anymore. I could still screw up and fail; the me that told Phi to ask about the bracelets might have just been a different me from another timeline, who also learned how to SHIFT. Having come up with the phrase on the spot isn't a foolproof measure of knowing; an alternate me could have come up with the exact same thing for the exact same reasons. After all, we'd think just like each other.

I frown. Although… is that really how it works? I think that's how Zero Time Dilemma explains it, with all the various timelines already existing alongside each other from the start, but up until now I've been operating under the assumption that each line only comes into existence once someone SHIFTs back to change something. That's what the interface of Virtue's Last Reward implies after all, and also just what makes the most sense to me, especially because — and this just occurred to me — ZTD's version of the concept opens up a really weird question: if all the alternate timelines exist even without any SHIFTing being required to create them, then wouldn't the Sigma we follow all throughout VLR have, in all likelihood, gotten forcibly jettisoned out of his body at some point by some other him in another timeline? They would have had the exact same potential and requirements to SHIFT, right? And if they all exist simultaneously, then-

I shake my head. I'm getting myself confused; most of what Sigma does in Virtue's Last Reward was probably just him resonating with himself in alternate timelines through the Morphogenetic Field rather than SHIFTing outright, so that isn't actually an issue.

Or... no, it was SHIFTing, wasn't it? The player is sort of led to assume it's just Sigma receiving information through the MGF at first, but the end of VLR reveals what SHIFTing is, and that the AB Game had been meant to train Sigma and Phi in that specific skill all along. So, how the heck did that work then? Sigma replaced his alternate selves countless different times, yet none of them, despite being in equally SHIFT-prompting conditions, ever replaced him?

And that's another thing, actually: the switch of consciousness. ZTD states that when someone SHIFTs, they replace the consciousness of their other self, completely exchanging places with them... which is rather horrifying come to think of it, in that it means I probably sent another version of myself to my own death out of absolutely nowhere. Ignoring that for now (and forever), we know this to be true, as Sigma's two 40-year jumps are completely dependent on the concept.

...except, that being the case, how did I end up traveling back to where I did? I supposedly should have replaced my alternate timeline self there, but I came back to the door choice before a choice was actually made. Meaning there was no alternate self, because the timeline hadn't split yet, something that should be true by both VLR and ZTD's conflicting rules. Sigma does that too in the game, usually traveling back to just prior to one of the AB Game's decisions instead of just after, but if I take into account how SHIFTing is presented as working even just in VLR, then that... doesn't seem possible. I mean, it was probably just a detail intended to make gameplay flow smoother by reminding the player of what came prior, but since almost everything else about the interface was meant to be taken literally- arrrrrrrgh, this doesn't make any sense!!!

The sound of the door opening again thankfully interrupts my increasingly confused thought process. I sit up to see Luna walk in, carrying a couple of small pillows I recognize as coming from the couch in the lounge.

"I'm back." Luna announces.

"Hi Luna." I say. "That was fast."

"I did say it would be." Luna says, smiling as she turns and gives Phi a small bow. "Thank you for watching over her."

"You're welcome." Phi replies almost tonelessly.

Without any further ceremony, she turns and walks out of the room. Yeah, really starting to wonder what's going on with her...

"Here you go, Clover." Luna says, distracting me from that mystery by walking over and holding the cushions out to me. "I checked all the open rooms for something to help you keep warm, but I'm afraid that these were all I could find. I'm not sure how much they'll help, but hopefully they're better than nothing."

I blink at the unexpected gesture before taking the offered pillows, hugging one to my chest and placing the other between my legs. The cushions aren't any warmer than the room is, but my body heat begins to seep into them as I keep them pressed up against me, making them increasingly more comfortable.

"Thank you, Luna." I say gratefully. "This was really thoughtful of you."

The cold wasn't why I was shivering in this specific instance, but that doesn't mean I haven't still been feeling it this entire time. Anything that can help me ward off the near-fridge level ambient temperature of this place is highly prized at the moment. Besides, even if Luna hadn't found anything, just the fact that she bothered at all without even being asked was... kind of her.

"I'm glad." Luna says happily. "Please, do tell me if there's anything else I can do to help you feel more comfortable."

"No, I think I'm fine for now." I tell her. "I should... get back to resting, I suppose."

Luna nods, and I lay back down again, a tiny smile tugging at the corner of my lips.

My time in this universe hasn't been a pleasant experience thus far. Not by any means.

But... at least it's not all bad.

Don't worry, I care too much about my SIs to just let them suddenly end. They're me, after all. :) Stand-in will be next, if you read that too.
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I'd actually forgotten about this fic. Happy to see it updating again, same goes for Stand In.
They're me, after all.
make you wonder
with parallel world/universe where fiction turn reality and reality became fiction would would writing the death of an S.I. considered as murder like how the author in stranger than fiction reacted when she found out all her main characters are real and that she ends all her book with they're death

edit: or just prophesising it?
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Wrong fic, but I appreciate it all the same! Perhaps with enough worship, I shall gain enough power and belief to eventually be considered only the second-least omnipotent goddess. :p

I'd actually forgotten about this fic. Happy to see it updating again, same goes for Stand In.

Well, that's not good! If you forgot this story, then clearly I need to do something to make it stick in your memory more. Though, I'm not sure how long it'll be before the next chapter, so... hmm... maybe...

make you wonder
with parallel world/universe where fiction turn reality and reality became fiction would would writing the death of an S.I. considered as murder like how the author in stranger than fiction reacted when she found out all her main characters are real and that she ends all her book with they're death

edit: or just prophesising it?

You're pretty much proposing a variant on the theory that all universes- both hypothesized and imagined- are real, and we're all just subconsciously drawing stories and characters from real events and people in said universes. Pretty fringe sounding idea, but I kind of like it anyways... though, maybe just for the story possibilities that it creates. :)
Chapter 9: Hit For Six
I'm not sure exactly when it happened, but at some point I must have either slipped into a daydream or outright drifted off again, because the next thing I know, Alice is standing above me with her hand on my shoulder.

"Clover?" she calls, gently shaking me as she tries to get my attention. "Clover, are you awake?"

I blink, rubbing my eyes as I try to disperse the clouds from my mind. "Yeah, I think…? Sorry, give me a sec."

Shaking my head and setting the pillows aside, I sit up and look around. Along with Alice, Tenmyouji is also in the room, looking slightly grumpy, while Luna has mysteriously vanished.

"Um, what's going on?" I ask. "Where's Luna?"

"We sent her on ahead to the warehouse." Alice says. "The AB choice is coming up soon."

"Oh." I say, slightly confused. "Okay... so, why aren't you two there then?"

"Well, I'm here because Alice doesn't trust me not to lock her out of the room." Tenmyouji gruffly replies.

Alice twists her neck around to give the man a quick glare. "Don't act like you wouldn't do the same. All three of us will be out of here in just a moment, so stop complaining."

It takes me a moment to process that statement properly.

"...wait, all three of us?" I ask, surprised. "You're letting me leave the infirmary?"

Alice turns back to me and reluctantly nods. "Much as I dislike it, this game is probably more dangerous to people who aren't participating than those that are, so you should at least come play the round. Besides, the warehouse is only one room away from here, and it's not as if pressing a button will take that long. Assuming you feel up to it, it should be alright."

I can almost hear the unspoken "...I hope" at the end of the sentence. Still, it's nice to see that Alice isn't a total hypocrite, and this is a good chance to show her that she doesn't have anything to worry about anyways, so if she's willing to let me...

"Of course I'm up to it." I say with a smile, quickly standing up from the bed... maybe a little too quickly, as my vision briefly fuzzes over from the sudden change in blood pressure, and I stumble forward a few steps due to the accompanying dizziness. It goes away within a couple of seconds, but when I look up at Alice a moment later, I can tell that just made her even more concerned. If she was planning on saying something however, she doesn't get to, as Tenmyouji ends up preempting her.

"Not to hurry you ladies or anything," Tenmyouji says impatiently, "but we don't have much time left before we all get locked out of the AB rooms anyways, so if we could maybe move this along?"

"Two minutes remain until Ambidex Game polling closes." the intercom suddenly speaks up, almost as if prompted by his words.

Newly aware of exactly how little time we have left, I quickly nod at Tenmyouji and move around the divider before Alice can change her mind... only to immediately be greeted by the sight of Akane's body lying on the examination bed.

I try not to flinch, abruptly realizing I'd forgotten that was here — someone must have moved it while I was unconscious so I didn't wake up to the sight of a corpse. Or maybe they just wanted to scan it with the ADAM again for some reason-? Whatever, this definitely isn't the time to question it.

I hurry over to the door, then down the attached hallway, Tenmyouji and Alice on my heels. After a brief wait, the door at the end spits the three of us out into the warehouse.

Of the six AB rooms, only two are still open, the card readers of all but the ones on the far left and the far right indicating they're already occupied. Tenmyouji immediately powers walks over to left one without another word, clearly not interested in being held up any longer.

"Hey, wait up!" Alice yells in obvious irritation as she turns to me and presses something into my hands, which I realize a moment later is a key card with a moon design on it. Oh, right, having one of these is kind of important, isn't it?

"Luna left that behind for you." Alice says in brief explanation, before spinning around and hastening after Tenmyouji as another announcement plays.

"One minute remains until Ambidex Game polling closes."

"Hurry, Clover!" Alice yells, throwing me a last quick glance over her shoulder.

Taking her advice, I sprint towards the only remaining room, thankfully managing to not trip over my shoes this time. Rushing like this to make it in on time feels kind of nonsensical to me, seeing as how this whole ally/betray song and dance is still entirely meaningless, but I do see now why Tenmyouji was so agitated. Could Alice have possibly cut this any closer?

By the time I get into the room and press the start button, Akane's voice is already warning me that I only have thirty seconds left to make my choice. Once again however, it's an exceedingly easy one. I don't think there's a single potential pair in this game less likely to betray their opposition than Luna and Quark, and I have no reason whatsoever to do so to them. I do wait until the end of the countdown to actually press ally this time, just to try and add some gravitas to the moment, but it doesn't really end up feeling any different, leaving me slightly disappointed as the doors slide back open again.

I exit the AB room at a much more sedate pace than I entered it, slipping the moon card into the same back pocket I've been putting everything else in. As I do, the room to my right opens as well, and Dio and Sigma walk out. I deliberately avoid looking at the former in order to focus on Sigma instead — looks like he didn't get punched this time, though he doesn't look particularly happy either. I'd assume that's because he knows Phi isn't dumb enough to pick ally with Dio as his partner, and thus already figures this round is going to be a wash for him. Yeah, sometimes that just happens in this game…

I join the others as they emerge from the remaining rooms and cluster around the wall. No one seems particularly surprised by my presence, so I guess Alice must have said something before she came and got me. The expected announcement plays out a few moments later.

"Results from round two of the Ambidex Game will now be displayed. Please direct your attention to the results screen."

I do so, and watch as the boxes slowly fill themselves in:

Luna+Quark: ALLY
Clover: ALLY
Tenmyouji+Alice: BETRAY
Sigma+Dio: BETRAY


"Points have been assigned or subtracted accordingly. Please check your bracelet to see your updated Bracelet Points."

That… no, didn't Sigma and Dio already have…

"Hey!" Alice suddenly shouts.

I spin in the direction she's looking to see Dio standing over by the exit, his bracelet already pressed to the scanner. Before anyone can stop him, he pulls down the lever beside it, and a small chime plays as the LOCK display changes to OPEN, the massive gate to its right beginning to slowly move upwards until it's fully receded into the ceiling.

"The number nine door has been opened." the broadcast system states. "It will remain open for nine seconds."

"…that's it then." Tenmyouji mutters defeatedly.

I don't understand! There's no way Phi should have picked ally in this situation! Why is this even happening right now?!

"Dio!" Sigma yells, running over to the false ringmaster. "Why would you do that?!"

Dio smirks. "Why wouldn't I? Now, are you coming, or-"

His words are cut off as Phi suddenly sprints over and rams into him shoulder-first, sending Dio crashing to the ground. She follows up by jumping onto his back, holding his thrashing limbs to the floor while everyone else watches on in shock.

"What the fuck?!" Dio shouts. "Get off me!"

"Phi, what- what are you-?!" Sigma sputters, grasping for words.

"Hurry!" Phi yells back at him. "Before the door closes!"

"I don't get it!" Sigma protests. "Why did you tell me to let Dio choose if you were going to-"

"Just GO, Sigma!" Phi shouts.

Sigma reluctantly looks back one last time, then quickly turns and slips through the already closing door. It shuts behind him moments later, the metal slamming down in an extremely final manner.

"The number nine door has closed. This ends the Nonary Game. Thank you for your participation. As the game is over, all doors other than the number nine door have been unlocked. Escape is not possible. Please enjoy your stay."

As soon as the announcement ends, Phi stands back up, letting go of Dio and quickly stepping back from him. Dio immediately leaps to his feet, teeth bared in a furious snarl.


He rears back and throws a punch at Phi, which she dodges backwards to avoid. He tries again, not letting up, at which point the others seem to break out of their collective trance and rush over to intercede. I do the same, more out of not knowing what else to do than thinking I can do anything to stop the fight.

Dio's furious attacks have no method or control to them at all, but the frenzied intensity behind them still manages to back Phi up against a wall. Just when it looks like he's about to actually land a hit however, K moves up behind Dio and grabs hold of his arms, forcing them to the man's sides and keeping him in place.

"LET GO OF ME!" Dio screams, thrashing in K's grip.

"Please, stop…" Luna pleads.

"I understand why you are angry, but attacking Phi will not help us." K adds. "You must calm down."


"Oh, give it a rest already, Dio." Tenmyouji says. "It's pointless now. You're stuck in here just like the rest of us."

"Grandpa, we can't just give up!" Quark protests.

"We're NOT giving up!" Alice yells. "I don't care what that announcement said! I refuse to be trapped in this place for the rest of my life!"

While the others are busy processing what just happened, I instead round on Phi, who's just standing off to the side and watching.

"Phi! Sigma said you told him to let Dio choose what to do?!" I say, on the verge of yelling myself. "You knew he was bound to betray you; you had to have! Why did you-?!"

I don't even get to finish my sentence before Phi abruptly drops, her body collapsing to the ground like a puppet whose strings were just cut. I gape in open-mouthed astonishment at her crumpled form, lying motionless on the hard metal of the floor.

Did… did she just intentionally end this timeline?! I mean, it was going to end eventually regardless, but- but not this early, not this fast! I still can't SHIFT without dying! And with both of the powerful espers suddenly out of the picture, I probably won't be able to do it any other way!

My breathing turns erratic again as an intense dread sweeps over me. I- I can't- I don't want to die again! I haven't even gotten over the last time yet! Of course I haven't; it's only been a few hours since it happened, and I wasn't even AWAKE for most of that!

"A- alright, fine!" I shout at Phi's empty, unmoving body. "Leave me here to die even after I helped you! See what I care!"

My yelling draws the attention of the others, who were evidently too busy dealing with Dio to notice Phi falling bonelessly to the floor.

"Oh dear, Phi!" Luna cries out, rushing over to help. A few seconds later, Alice, Quark, and Tenmyouji follow, and K releases Dio to do the same. The latter is left simply standing in place, still boiling with anger at his now-unconscious target, but presumably unwilling to go through everyone else to get to her.

"Now what?!" Alice questions, staring at Phi's collapsed form. "What's wrong with her?"

"Yeah, why did Miss Phi suddenly fall asleep?" Quark follows up. "Is it because of that virus again?"

"I'm not sure." Luna says quietly, feeling for Phi's pulse. "I can't say it's impossible, but she also may have just fainted from an excess of emotional stress…"

"Well, that's her own fault if so." Tenmyouji mutters. "Still, I guess we should at least take her to the infirmary-"

"Don't BOTHER!"

The others turn to me as one.

"What do you mean, Clover?" K asks. "Phi is unconscious. Even if the only obvious means of escape is now sealed, there is no reason we should not-"

"Because it's pointless; she's not gonna wake up again!" I answer before K can even finish. "Her consciousness has vacated the premises, and it isn't coming back! Her body's nothing but a useless shell now... though I guess we could maybe use it for food, seeing as how we're all going to end up starving to death in here! Assuming we don't just end up killing ourselves before we hit that point, at least!"

A small, distant part of me can't help but note that something about what just happened actually seems kind of... off, but I'm too angry right now to pay it any real mind.

Meanwhile, everyone just seems rather mystified by my outburst, looking back and forth at each other as if silently asking if anyone knows what's going on. After a few moments, Alice suddenly seems to realize something.

"...damn it." she says, her already deep frown somehow deepening even further as she raises a hand to her forehead. "The Radical-6... I thought it might have been affecting Clover more than she's been letting on. Seems like it's making her outright irrational now."

K nods. "Ah, that would make some sense. In that case, we should get Clover back to the infirmary as well."

"It's not because of the damn disease!" I snap.

Alice shakes her head and walks towards me, visibly concerned. "Please, Clover, let's just-"

"I'm NOT Clover, alright?!"

Alice stops in her tracks, eyes widening at my unexpected proclamation. A part of me hurts at seeing the sudden distrust in her expression, but my resentment overrules it. Alice can think whatever she wants of me. Why should I care? The SHIFTers have already left the building, and nothing I say or do in this timeline matters anymore, so I'll have my temper tantrum if I damn well please!

Alice's face slowly turns from shock to a sort of restrained anger, my claim apparently serious enough to keep her from automatically dismissing me this time.

"Clover, I can't believe I'm saying this, but I really hope you're just delirious from the virus at the moment." she says, voice wavering with heavy uncertainty. "If you are, then I'll apologize later. But if you really aren't her, then- then who the hell are you?!"

"Alice, you can't actually be taking her seriously right now." Tenmyouji says flatly. "She's just spitting nonsense."

I look away from the two of them, sighing bitterly. "No, I meant it. I'm not Clover… I would have said something earlier, but there's not really a good way of explaining that I'm a consciousness from another reality who accidentally stole your friend's body, especially since I still have no clue how to get out of it. You can understand why I wouldn't want to just put that out there, right?"

My response once again seems to leave everyone momentarily baffled.

"A consciousness from another reality…?" K repeats.

"That doesn't make any sense!" Alice says, voice growing steadily angrier. "Don't lie to me! Who ARE you?!"

"What does it even matter?" I say listlessly, unwilling to put up with being given the third degree when it's virtually pointless under the current circumstances. "I'm not Clover, and that's all you really care about, right? I'm not a member of the Myrmidons, if that's why you're concerned."

Alice gasps, and Dio's eyes widen as he seems to snap out of his silent seething.

"How do you-" Alice starts, but then stops, biting down on her lip to keep herself from saying too much. "No, that information is highly classified... you shouldn't know about that unless..."

She trails off, and I laugh, the sound devoid of any actual humor. "Oh, I know a lot more than just that. Shall I drop a few more bombs? Let me think..."

I start ticking off fingers. "We're currently in the future, after most of the population of Earth has been all but wiped out by a combination of nuclear meltdowns and Radical-6, a plague that causes people to perceive the passage of time incorrectly and inevitably drives them to suicide. We were all infected with said plague before we even started playing this game, and will likely succumb to it fully at some point, probably starting with either you or Quark."

Quark startles at my mention of his name, and Tenmyouji's gaze snaps to him for a moment.

"We can't really escape, even if we play this stupid game to completion, because we are literally on the moon, and there is absolutely nowhere to go outside." I continue. "K's a clone, Dio's also a clone, and IS a member of the Myrmidons by the way, Luna's a robot, and- oh, let's go ahead and end this bomb-dropping session literally, Dio brought four antimatter explosives in here with him that could blow up this entire base at any second."

Every expression in sight has turned to one of complete astonishment in the wake of my tirade. It makes me feel a little better actually, since at least now I know I'm not the only one feeling utterly overwhelmed.

"Do you want more? I've got more!" I exclaim, throwing my arms up. "Some of it doesn't exactly apply anymore, but I'd still be happy to tell you!"

"Th-that…" Alice says shakily. "That can't be-"

She doesn't get the chance to finish, as Dio ends up rather loudly interrupting her.

"How the FUCK do you know about that?!"

Everyone turns to face him, whereupon Dio seems to realizes that he's made a mistake.

"No, wait, I… she's just…"

Dio spends about half a second trying to climb out of the hole he just dug himself into before giving up and pulling a bloodstained knife out of his jacket.

"Stay back!" he warns.

I cringe away. When did he- must have been while I was stuck in the infirmary.

Quark and Luna both yelp at the sight of Dio's weapon. The fake ringmaster isn't done though, as he proceeds to lift his hat and grab what can only be the detonator from beneath it. He holds the small metal box out at us like a ward, his finger hovering over the large red button at its center.

"Any of you get any closer, and this entire place gets fucking annihilated!"

"Miss Clover was right, he does have bombs!" Quark cries.

…I guess that's how this is going to end then. Like I thought earlier, at least death by antimatter explosion will probably be a lot less drawn out than drowning in my own blood.

Dio's frantic breathing tapers off into a near-manic chuckle. "I don't know how you know who I am," he says, glaring at me, "but that won't stop me from completing my mission. I may not be able to get out of here anymore, but I'll make sure you all end up coming with me in death!"

"Sure you will." I say with an only partially feigned lack of care, leaning back against the nearest wall. "Hey, remind me what the deactivation passwords were again? That's been bothering me since I got here."

It doesn't really make any difference what he answers, since neither Sigma nor Phi are still present to hear any of it, but I guess I'd still kind of like to know.

"What, you don't know them already?" Dio sneers.

"My memory's not perfect; I'm not gonna remember a series of letter codes I last saw literal years ago." I reply, my fear of him having largely given way to resignation. "I do remember that they were just one letter shifts of other phrases though. Feel free to share those instead if you'd prefer."

"Fuck you!"

"Yep, same lovely Dio as always." I blithely reply. "As pleasant to talk to as you were to listen to."

"Are you crazy?!" Tenmyouji shouts at me. "I don't care what reality you came from, don't TAUNT the bastard threatening to kill us all!"

I shake my head. "Like I said, we're all dead anyways, be it by starvation, bomb, or disease-induced suicide. So honestly, what does it really matter? Go on Dio. Do it. Complete your mission."

I can see Dio's teeth clenching together. He still hasn't pressed the button.

"What, scared your soul isn't going to be 'reborn' the way you were promised? I wonder, do clones even HAVE souls?"

"Shut up!" Dio snaps. "You think this'll be the end of me? If you know so fucking much about the Myrmidons, then you should know that there will always be more!"

"Well hurry it up then. My patience is wearing thin."

A lie. I'm obviously in no hurry to die again; I was literally just on the verge of having a panic attack about it. I do need it to happen before this timeline fades out of existence however, or whatever the hell is or isn't going to happen to it since the game never really made it clear, so I can't just put it off forever.

"You'll wait as long as I fucking TELL you to!" Dio screams, by now having completely lost any semblance of poise. "You can't do SHIT to me!"

"Is that so? I think you underestimate me!" I say brightly, one of 999's bad ends coming to mind. "You know how Zero Jr. calls me Cleaver? That's because I once axed half a dozen other people to death. Though, I guess you could argue that technically never happened…"

I barely even know what the hell I'm saying anymore. Can he just set the damn bombs off already?

To my surprise, Dio instead roars in anger and charges at me, the bloody knife held out in front of him. I freeze for a moment at the sight, before a combination of panic and utter indignance spurs my limbs back into working order. No, no, I REFUSE to die like that again!

As Dio rushes forward, I tense my legs in preparation — then, just as he's almost upon me, I spring upwards, the moon's lower gravity taking me at least 10 feet into the air.

Dio crashes into the wall I was standing against, his knife scraping off of it uselessly, and looks up with a startled expression just in time for me to come plummeting back down and stomp my heel straight into the crown of his head. He falls to the floor with a cry of pain, the knife and detonator both flying out of his hands, while I land surprisingly softly just a few feet away, though I end up on my rear upon failing to get my feet beneath me in time. Hah! Fuck you, Dio!

*beep beep beep*

Off to my left, the detonator starts beeping, and doing so extremely fast at that. Alice runs over and snatches it up off the floor before Dio can recover, while I go for the knife, instantly feeling a lot safer once the weapon is in my hands and out of his.

"Shit, did that thing just activate?!" Tenmyouji cries, hurrying to Alice's side.

"I think it did!" Alice replies, gritting her teeth as she frantically twists the tiny box in her hands in search of a way to turn it off. "Why did it suddenly-?!"


Despite the bloody cut on his forehead from where my shoe impacted it, Dio laughs all the same, not even bothering to get up off the floor as he lolls his head to the side to look at Alice.

"It activated because there's a failsafe on that detonator." he explains through a quickly growing smile. "If it's ever separated from my person by more than a meter, it automatically sets the bombs to explode in 30 minutes time."

…which I guess is a good thing, since you apparently don't have the required nerve to set them off yourself.

Dio's claim elicits a full spectrum of horrified expressions and denials from the others... all except for Luna, who says nothing, and simply looks sad. As Dio staggers back to his feet, he locks eyes with me again, grinning maliciously like he's somehow gotten one over on me.

"Don't even think about moving." I order, still holding his knife out in front of me.

Dio complies, remaining almost stock still, but never once losing his grin.

"If these bombs are truly on a time limit, then surely there must be a way to stop them before they go off." K says, one hand held to his chin.

"You're right, there is." I confirm. "It doesn't matter though. Dio won't give us the information we'd need to do that, and there wouldn't be a reason to use it even if he did."

Alice turns to look at me, a scathing glare in her eyes. "Maybe you have a death wish, but I sure as hell don't!"

Spinning on her heel, Alice marches up to Dio and grabs hold of his collar, baring her teeth at him in an angry snarl.

"The bombs, they're the type that have emergency deactivation passwords, right?!" Alice demands.

"Yeah, they are." Dio says casually. "Didn't you hear Little Miss Shirtless there mention?"

Alice ignores him. "Tell us what they are, right now, or I promise you will wish for death before I'm done with you."

Dio laughs in her face. "Well, I guess I could give you the passwords. Might be kind of funny to watch you all scramble around like ants, desperately trying to figure out where the bombs are. But it'd be pointless, because in order to use them, you'd need the password input device. And guess what...?"

Dio reaches down into his left coat pocket, then withdraws his hand a moment later, now holding a small gray machine about the size and shape of a blackberry phone. Alice's eyes widen, and she immediately lunges for it, but before she can get a hold of the device Dio throws it directly at the floor, the impact immediately breaking it in half.

I blink. Wait a second, that was supposed to have been in the control room's safe, wasn't it? But from what Luna said, Dio didn't go through there, so how did he-

Oh, right. Dio killed Akane in this timeline, so no one ever took the input device from him. He's just been carrying it around on his person this entire time.

"Whoops, looks like you won't be using that any time soon." Dio says, shrugging as if it what he did was just an accident. "What a shame, am I rig-?"

Alice punches him in the face. My heart cheers as Dio is sent sprawling to the floor again, one hand clutching at a badly bleeding nose. His other hand however thrusts down into his right coat pocket, coming out a second later with a tightly clenched fist.

"Is that- no, STOP!" Alice shouts, just as Dio cups his hand over his mouth and visibly bites down. Barely a second passes before he starts convulsing on the ground, letting loose a pained-sounding groan with each sharp, jerking motion.

"Hehehe..." Dio chuckles though an increasingly strained voice. "There's nothing you can do now..."

...right, he keeps a cyanide capsule on him. Yet another thing that I'd forgotten about this game.

"…my duty in this world is now complete..." Dio says, coughing weakly as he does. "…soon, I shall be born again into the new one… oh Holy Brother… with this, I pray I have redeemed myself…"

A particularly intense spasm suddenly hits him, but as soon as it ends Dio musters the strength to lever his head off the floor anyways, just enough to face the rest of us. Blood is still running freely from his wounds, trickling downward and coating his face in horrific streams of red.

"…as for all of you... may your filthy... corrupted... souls... be purged..."

With those charming last words, the light finally goes out of Dio's eyes. His head slumps down to the ground, a wide smile still stretched across his face.

"God DAMN IT!" Alice shouts, frantically kneeling down and feeling for a pulse.

The others cluster around the fresh cadaver as I lower Dio's knife, my attention less on the dead man's body than it is on the incessantly beeping detonator. Man that thing is annoying... the beeping is stupidly fast and high-pitched, way more than it really needs to be to signal what it's intended to. Why would anyone design something to go off at such a-?

The answer comes to me just as Alice stands back up, presumably having determined that Dio won't be getting back up again.

"Alright," she says, sounding like she's just barely holding herself together, "everyone listen up. We only have a little under half an hour to find Dio's bombs, so we can't waste any time."

...actually, I'm pretty sure we have even less than that. Our group's collective perception has been being slowed by the effects of the Radical-6 ever since we woke up in the AB rooms, but because Dio's bombs and detonator weren't taken and reprogrammed in this timeline, they should still be working on real time instead of Radical-6 time. Hence why the latter seems so darn annoying right now, I assume.

"This place isn't that small, but there's a limited number of places to hide a bomb like the ones Dio described that we wouldn't have already noticed." Alice is still speaking. "If we spread out and all go through different rooms, it shouldn't take us all that long."

I do some quick mental math. If I'm right, then practically speaking, we probably only have what, ten or eleven minutes left? I'm not completely certain that's right, but the proportions sound more or less correct.

"Once we've found them, we reconvene here. After that, we'll need to figure out a way to stop them that doesn't require the deactivation passwords or the input device, and use it to neutralize the timers."

I shake my head. Even if I remembered where all the bombs were (I don't, bar the one from the crew quarters) and freely volunteered that information, there is no way any of this is happening in as short a time period as we have left. I open my mouth to inform everyone of such-

"Just stop, Alice." Tenmyouji suddenly interrupts.

Alice whirls towards him, eyes flashing. "What do you mean stop?! I-"

"I mean exactly that. Stop." Tenmyouji reiterates. "There's nothing we can do at this point, and you know it."

"Grandpa..." Quark says softly.

"Though it pains me to say it, I must concur with Tenmyouji." K says, his already near-monotone voice sounding even graver than usual. "It seems to me that we possess neither the time nor the means to prevent Dio's bombs from detonating. I suggest that we instead take the chance to make peace with what is to come… while the opportunity to do so still remains."

Luna bows her head, her expression a mixture of sorrow and resignation.

"It's over…" she whispers.

Alice's eyes dart from person to person, settling on me last, before slowly panning back down to the detonator in her hand.

"I... I guess you're right..." she says after a moment, the final embers of resolve having gone out of her voice. "This is the end…"

The words I was about to speak die in my throat, and I turn away, unable to bring myself to look at any of the others' faces. I... didn't expect this. I should have, but this is just such a horribly sad way to go out. At least when this scenario happens in the game, everyone is still fighting to survive, doing their utter best to stop the bombs even while knowing that they probably can't. But now, with increasingly imminent death hanging over them, they've all decided to just… give up. To lay down and let themselves die, because that's all there is left to do.

Guilt swells in my chest. This is my fault, isn't it? I've done nothing since Sigma left but reinforce just how pointless trying to escape our collective demise is, and while I didn't actually say anything untrue, I shouldn't have gone off on everyone the way I did. Dio wouldn't necessarily have used his bombs if I hadn't revealed their existence, and while we are ultimately doomed, it didn't have to happen like this. In my anger, I essentially took what little hope remained for everyone else and snapped it over my knee, and now they're all going to die feeling nothing but sorrow and bitter resentment.

Biting my lip, I look up to see that everyone else seems to have started dispersing in different directions. I can't stop what I've already set in motion, but… I should probably still apologize, for the things I said. I have to at least say something, if only to loosen the icy claw that seems to have grabbed hold of my heart.

Alice's movements are slow and lethargic as she walks towards the crew quarters, the beeping detonator abandoned on the floor behind her. Quickly setting Dio's knife aside, I hurry to catch up with her.

"Alice- Alice, wait." I call out.

Alice stills, slowly turning to face me over her shoulder as I come to a stop.

"I… I'm sorry." I say, swallowing down a lump in my throat. "I shouldn't have said all that. I panicked, and I freaked out, and I said a lot of things that just made everything worse. I didn't mean to set off Dio like that, or act like the real Clover doesn't matter, or that you don't matter. I'm just… scared, and I knew this was coming, but I thought I'd at least have more time to process things after what happened before, and… and I…"

I grasp for the words to continue, but none come to me. I look up at Alice, silently pleading with her to understand.

…and Alice turns away again, walking off without speaking a word.

I just stand there staring after her for a moment, feeling like I've just been stabbed again. Knowing that I have no one to blame for this but myself, I try to will myself not to cry.

I don't succeed.

I've barely managed to dry my eyes before I find Tenmyouji and Quark in the lounge, sitting side by side at the bar. In one hand, Tenmyouji absently swishes a drink, while his other arm curls tightly around his adopted son. Quark seems to have taken off his hat, and is hugging it to his chest for comfort.

As I walk up to them, Tenmyouji looks over at me and scowls, his expression severe enough that I flinch back slightly at the sight.

"Tenmyouji, Quark." I start, my voice small and shaky. "I just wanted to apologize for-"

"Look, Clover," Tenmyouji snaps, "or whatever the hell your real name is. I don't really care whether you're sorry or not. It's too late for it to make any difference."

He takes a sip of his drink, then pulls Quark even tighter to his side. Quark leans into the hug, sniffling quietly.

I swallow, reminding myself that Tenmyouji isn't wrong, and force myself to continue.

"...I know it is. But I still want to at least say-"

"I don't care." Tenmyouji interrupts again. "If you really want to apologize, then hurry up and leave. I'd prefer to spend what little time I have left with Quark alone, if you don't mind."

He turns away, and my heart breaks a little more. It doesn't hurt as much as it did with Alice, but his refusal to even so much as hear me out still feels like a slap to the face.

Closing my mouth and trying not to burst into tears again, I stumble backwards and leave the room as quickly as I can.

When I find K in the infirmary, I deliver my entire apology to him with my head facing the floor, feeling lower than a slug. He says nothing as I do, but doesn't stop me or leave, merely listening on in silent contemplation until I've finished. Once I have, I stand there miserably awaiting his judgment for what feels like hours before he finally speaks.

"...I accept your apology."

I look up at him for the first time since I entered the room, shocked.

"…you do?" I ask, almost whispering. "Just like that?"

K nods. "I see little point in holding grudges at this stage of things. Perhaps you did react rather poorly, but we have all been extremely stressed as of late, and it sounds as though you have had even more reason to be so than the rest of us. I can hardly blame you for eventually failing to hold it in."

I smile weakly. Well, at least someone forgives me…

"I only wish that I had more time to understand everything you spoke of earlier." K says. "…unfortunately, it seems as though that simply isn't to be."

I look down again. "It's… not really important now anyways. None of it is."

With that, we both go silent, neither of us seeming to have anything left to say.

I make a brief attempt to locate Luna, but ultimately give up when I can't find her anywhere on the upper floor. She knows this facility better than anyone else here, and it's possible there are places she can access that VLR never even featured. If she doesn't want to be found, it isn't going to happen.

I end up wandering my way back to the now-emptied warehouse. Both Dio's body and the detonator are still lying on the floor where they were left, the latter still beeping away. There can't be much time left now…

I walk over and pick up the detonator, turning the small rectangular box over in my hands. My finger hovers over the button for a moment before I draw it back — as tempting as it is, I don't think I can bring myself to be an even more direct cause of what's about to happen than I already am. Instead, I simply close my eyes and wait, silently praying that this won't be the end of me.

If I make it...

*beep beep beep*

If I manage to SHIFT again…

*beep beep beep*

I'll do better, next time.

*beep beep beep*

I promise.


For a fraction of a second, a wave of heat greater than anything I could even imagine rips through me, simultaneous with a blinding light that instantly sears through my eyelids. Then the both of them envelop me, and I know no more.

To be perfectly honest, I sort of doubt I wouldn't have been constantly stumbling over my words trying to say a lot of what was said this chapter. That would have seriously ruined the flow of things though, so let's just say Clover's body is less liable to tripping over its own tongue than mine is.

Hopefully the tirade and its accompanying flippancy didn't end up coming off as too horribly self-indulgent. I certainly didn't mean them to, but a scene not too different from it in someone else's SI might make me slightly wary of continuing, so I'd understand if you felt that way. Rest assured, I didn't write it with that sort of intent, as I hope the end of the chapter makes clear. By the same token, I hope Alice and Tenmyouji didn't come off too poorly — their reactions seem reasonable enough to me, or at least understandable based on what they know and have heard, so please know that I certainly wasn't trying to villainize them if it seemed that way.

(…stress and trauma can really do things to you. Most of them less than positive.)
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I spring upwards, the moon's lower gravity taking me at least 10 feet into the air.

Low-G gymnastics?

I plummet back down and stomp my heel straight into the crown of his head.

Beat the bad guy?

I land surprisingly softly just a few feet away, though I end up on my rear upon failing to get my feet beneath me in time.

Landing in heels?
We can't really escape, even if we play this stupid game to completion, because we are literally on the moon, and there is absolutely nowhere to go outside.
I was going to say that this likely isn't right, as there should be maintenance/construction facilities around somewhere. A quick look on the wiki confirms that there's a bunch of other shelters on the moon... though getting to them might be annoying. So, not quite entirely hopeless, but SHIFTing around definitely seems like the easier route.
I'm probably wrong, but this could have been a tactical play by Phi, here. She might not have SHIFTed right away after collapsing, to get information from the SI.
Sweet, an update to the only zero escape fanfiction I've ever found. Anybody know any other good ones? I like this one a lot. I imagine it's a lot harder to come up with good fic ideas for a franchise like zero escape than other, more normal fictions.
Low-G gymnastics?

Beat the bad guy?

Landing in heels?

The biggest lesson learned from all this won't be how to SHIFT through universes, but how to operate in a hostile environment while wearing equally hostile footwear. High heels --- the greater enemy of us all.

I was going to say that this likely isn't right, as there should be maintenance/construction facilities around somewhere. A quick look on the wiki confirms that there's a bunch of other shelters on the moon... though getting to them might be annoying. So, not quite entirely hopeless, but SHIFTing around definitely seems like the easier route.

True, but they certainly aren't anywhere in the vicinity of the complex, since Phi and Sigma saw nothing but "wasteland" upon exiting it in the one timeline. Dio might be able to find one, or just return to Earth by whatever method he used to get to the moon in the first place, but the only option everyone else has is pretty much just "pick a random direction and walk", praying they find something before they run out of oxygen.

I'm probably wrong, but this could have been a tactical play by Phi, here. She might not have SHIFTed right away after collapsing, to get information from the SI.
Yeah, !Clover's "don't bother checking" line really telegraphed that twist.

Perhaps you're giving me too much credit. It's entirely possible the real twist is that Phi is just anemic, or abruptly came down with a case of the vapors. You don't know!

On a lighter note: Worship the LOG!

Yesssss... with every bit of worship, my power slowly grows...

...not enough to let me actually DO anything, mind --- the title is "Least Omnipotent Goddess" after all --- but it's appreciated nonetheless. :p

Sweet, an update to the only zero escape fanfiction I've ever found. Anybody know any other good ones? I like this one a lot. I imagine it's a lot harder to come up with good fic ideas for a franchise like zero escape than other, more normal fictions.

There are a few good ones out there. I enjoyed Latent Content, even if there's still little hint as to what's actually going on, and while I haven't actually gotten around to reading it yet, Empty Virtue seems well liked for a fanfic in such a small fandom. Danganronpa Operation V.K. is apparently also a stealth crossover with the Zero Escape series, and while I personally found it too depressing to reach that point (yeah, in a Danganronpa fic, who'd have thunk?), what I did read up to was very well done. Feel free to give those a look if you feel like it. :)
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True, but they certainly aren't anywhere in the vicinity of the complex, since Phi and Sigma saw nothing but "wasteland" upon exiting it in the one timeline. Dio might be able to find one, or just return to Earth by whatever method he used to get to the moon in the first place, but the only option everyone else has is pretty much just "pick a random direction and walk", praying they find something before they run out of oxygen.
If there are no tracks outside, I would conclude that the maintenance section is somewhere behind a locked door... which once more the wiki supports, saying the bunkers are connected by underground roads (though this one has been sealed off by metal plates).

There are a few tricks one could try to solve that problem... but, again, that would be a real desperation move only for if SHIFTing wasn't available.

(I'm just having fun thinking about the scenario).
Chapter 10: Clue By Four, part 1
Once again, the glowing line lies below me, surrounded on all sides by naught but endless, undulating darkness. It seems to have grown a new branch, though it's a small and stunted one, endlessly shedding small particles of light from the sphere that caps it. The rest of the line remains unchanged, each rounded node thrumming in an almost hypnotic manner as the streams of time flow through them in thin, brilliant rivers.

Intellectually, I notice these things, yet I can't bring myself to truly care about them any more than the last time I was here. Instead, I simply let myself drift, languidly admiring the view as I weightlessly float through the void before me.

Eventually something seems to tug me towards the line, reeling me in like a gentle, ethereal fishing hook. I slowly draw closer, picking up speed as I go, until the light of one node is all I can see, and I find myself falling once again...

I blink rapidly, disoriented from my sudden return to physical existence. I- did I do it? Did I manage to SHIFT- no, dumb question. I'm alive, so obviously I must have... thank goodness…

The relieved sigh I let out at that turns to one of frustration halfway through as I look down at myself. I'm still Clover, which wasn't exactly unexpected, but is still a little disappointing. Additionally, while I'm glad to have miraculously survived my own death for a second time over, it still had to actually reach that point for my mind to move timelines, and I still had no real control over any part of the process. Where and when even am I now-


I startle and whirl around. K is standing beside me, giving me what I can only assume to be a quizzical look.

"Are you well?" he asks. "You seemed rather distant for a moment."

"Uh- yeah, I'm fine." I automatically reply. "Just... spaced out, is all."

K nods, seeming to accept the excuse as I take in our surroundings. We're in an AB room...

"One minute remains until Ambidex Game polling closes."

At the same time the announcement rings out, I notice the files in my left hand. This must be the first ally/betray vote then, just after we found Akane's body. I've gone another step back... but still not far enough. Damn it.

"Hmm. To ally, or to betray…" K starts.

As he repeats the same lines he did the first time around, weighing the pros and cons of our two options, I quickly hold a silent debate with myself over the very same question. I'm not going to resolve my SHIFTing problems within the next minute, so we have to make a decision on this before I can do anything else. But we already allied last time, so if we don't betray now, am I just going to end up going down the exact same path I did before?

I barely manage to suppress the involuntary shiver that ripples through me at the thought of reliving either of those "endings" again. That… shouldn't have to happen though, right? Based on what's happened so far, the events of the Nonary Game clearly aren't immutable to change, and I have all my memories of what to avoid. As long as I do things differently, there's no reason things should progress the same way, whether we pick ally or not. I don't know which one is likely to give me more time to get better at SHIFTing though-

"Thirty seconds remain until Ambidex Game polling closes."

-argh, there's no time to think about this!

I quickly give K the same reasoning at last time and hit ally again, just before Akane's countdown hits zero. Better the devil I know, I suppose...

I take a moment to re-fold the files and stick them back in my pocket, dropping their folders on the floor again as the doors slide open. Stepping out of the room and moving over to the results wall, where Zero Jr. once again resides, I try not to react to the sight of everyone else as they emerge from their own rooms and gather around as well. While slightly disconcerting to see everyone alive and back to acting perfectly normal, when what feels like mere minutes ago I watched more than half of them consign themselves to their imminent deaths, it's mostly just a huge relief… mostly, at least.

My holdout on that statement comes in the form of Dio, who I nervously scoot away from as he saunters over to join the rest of the group. Unfortunately, everyone else being alive again means he is too, and while perhaps slightly lessened by having gotten to drop kick him in the face not too long ago, my death-induced fear of him is still acutely present. As soon as I get the chance, I need to grab and hide his knife again, lest he manage to reclaim it like he did last time.

"Let's get ready to rock!" Zero Jr. announces, still in a far-too bombastic way to feel remotely appropriate to the situation. It hasn't actually been that long, but it feels weird having him back. "AM. BIDEX. GAAAAAAAAAME! Rouuuuuund one! The resuuuuuuults! If everybunny would please direct their eyes to this monitor…"

As the others focus in on the holographic display, I instead decide to focus on figuring out what my plan for this timeline is, since I never intended to be here. Thankfully, I already know what's coming, so as long as I keep away from Dio, and don't blow up on everyone again — at least not in a way that leads to everyone being blown up again — I should be able to avoid the pitfalls that led to such unpleasant ends before. That should in turn give me plenty of time to figure out where I'm going wrong with SHIFTing at will. I'm not entirely sure I can really make any more headway in that regard — it's not like I haven't been trying before now, and there's only so long I can consider a subject before I start repeating myself — but I have to try.

"Here are the results from your game! Now, lettuce check the numbers on our bracelets."

Since I already know the results, I ignore Zero Jr.'s announcement in favor of continuing my current train of thought.

Even if I don't figure out how to SHIFT without having to die to accomplish it, the fact that I've now managed it twice makes me significantly more confident that I can keep any future potential deaths from "sticking" the way I've been hugely concerned about. While I'd still like to figure out how to move timelines in a way that doesn't require my becoming a cadaver in the process, what's likely more important is figuring out how to "steer" myself when I do, since both times thus far I've just been sort of pulled back into the timeline at random, without any real say in where I end up. That said, how exactly am I supposed to-

"It appears we chose poorly, Clover." K says from beside me in a vaguely unhappy tone.

I blink and look up at him, my focus broken. What? Chose poorly? Didn't we just get...

I finally look over at the results.

Dio + Quark: BETRAY
Luna: ALLY
Clover + K: ALLY
Tenmyouji: BETRAY
Sigma + Phi: ALLY

I turn towards Tenmyouji, my lips parting in surprise. He stares back at me, eyes slightly lidded, with his mouth set in a thin, hard line.

"…why?" I ask, unable to articulate myself any better.

"Sorry." he says, seeming honest, but unregretful. "I wanted to trust you. Really, I mean that. But in the moment, I just... didn't feel like I could."

His brow furrows for a brief moment, as if even he isn't exactly sure why he felt that way. At the same time, the reason hits me like a bolt of lightning, and my eyes widen in shock.

He... he must have resonated with himself through the Morphogenetic Field. Of course Tenmyouji can do that; he literally has almost this exact same scenario play out with Sigma in the game — something I already considered earlier — and the fact that he's an esper is the entire reason Akane even wanted him here to begin with. I didn't even... think about... that...

K is saying something to Tenmyouji, but I fail to process any of it, too busy hanging my head in regret. Damn it, I really shouldn't have done what I did last timeline. I'd thought that without the actual SHIFTers present, nothing I did past that point would make any difference, but I got so wrapped up in the importance of SHIFTing that I managed to completely overlook what the concept is based on, even though I'd literally been thinking about it in detail before Alice came and fetched me from the infirmary. How was I so stupid as to forget that…?

My current expression and stance must make me look pretty pathetic, because Tenmyouji's face seems to be growing increasingly guilty the longer he looks at me. Maybe he only unconsciously remembers the previous timeline then, or doesn't remember anything but the feelings from it... better than the alternative, I suppose. But even if that's true, it doesn't change that on some level, he does remember — remembers that I said I'm not really Clover, and all but deliberately got everyone killed — and that's going to color every interaction he has with me from here on out. Sure, the Bracelet Points may not really matter, but pushing away potential allies certainly does, and I just majorly screwed myself over in that regard.

Eventually Tenmyouji looks away, averting his gaze from me entirely, and moves over to where Quark is again protesting his innocence to Luna. As he leaves, I turn to K, the mood between us heavy and melancholic.

"...sorry." I say. "About the vote, I mean. I just... I thought..."

I pause for a moment, close my eyes, and sigh. "...I thought wrong, I guess."

"It is indeed rather unfortunate." K replies. "I cannot say for certain that I would not have voted the same, however. There is nothing that can be done about it now in any event, so let us simply be more cautious in the future."

Cautious... yeah, that's probably sound advice. Especially since...

I look over at Alice, who's currently speaking to a visibly upset Sigma, looking honestly rather amused at his anger.

Tenmyouji's vote isn't the only one that changed. Alice betrayed Sigma and Phi this time, while they allied with her. Which means that she also got information through the MGF, and... she might remember the last timeline too. It's not a certainty — in fact, it's more likely she was just influenced by the outcome of the other time we made this choice, and she probably doesn't even recall it as anything but a strong gut feeling that she would be betrayed. But I can't completely write off the prospect that she remembers more than that, and if she does… then there's a distinct possibility that Alice now hates me.

I squeeze my eyes shut and look away again. I can't think about this right now. It won't do me any good anyways. I'll find out what Alice knows later, and... deal with it then.

The other two group discussions soon come to an end, and Alice prompts Zero Jr. to explain when the next round will happen and how long this will go on for. Like before, I try to make sure that it at least looks like I'm paying attention, but it's not all that easy. With all the repeated and drawn out tidbits of information, combined with my current less-than-positive mood, it's hard to even pretend that I'm genuinely focused on any of it.

Unable to concentrate on the screen, my eyes start flickering from person to person, considering my plethora of potential problems. Even if I disregard Dio, as well as whatever issues I may have just made for myself with Tenmyouji and Alice, there's also Phi to worry about. I'm still angry with her for her part in how the last timeline ended — while I admit the miserable note it concluded on was mostly my fault, she's still the one who "ended" the line in the first place, and thus kicked everything off.

More importantly however, I have no idea why her future self would be so hostile towards me to begin with. Her disdain was fairly unmistakable, given how obviously terse and angry she was while speaking with me in the infirmary, and with what she did during the AB round… maybe she only let Dio reach 9 BP because she needed Sigma to escape for some reason, but it honestly felt more like she did it out of spite than anything else. If so, as the only other SHIFTer still around, I can only assume it was deliberately aimed at me. But even if something happened between her and Clover in the line she came from, I don't remember Phi acting that petty in VLR. Not to that degree, at least…

Wondering if I'm just imagining things, I glance over at the other girl again-

And find her staring right back at me.

Both of us instinctively freeze upon meeting the other's eyes, then quickly snap our heads away from each other in eerie synchronicity. I force my gaze back to the wall, my mind racing even faster than it already has been.

...she's watching me. Why is she watching me? Everyone should be focused on Zero Jr. right now; this is important stuff to know if you haven't already heard it! Is this another Phi from "later"? Or...

My panic begins to subside. Or maybe, she's just more concerned with who the real Zero is than what Zero Jr. has to say. After all, Zero would presumably already know what his proxy is going to say, and thus wouldn't need to be fully concentrating on him... is that why Phi was suspicious of me back in the first timeline? She was watching everyone during these infodumps, and noticed how uninvested I was in them, so she suspected I might be the real Zero? I mean, I've been trying, but it's already been made fairly clear that acting is not necessarily my strong suit. It's been good enough for everyone else, but if Phi is specifically looking for signs that I'm faking my reactions, she's probably finding them.

I cross my arms, frowning at the thought. It's a bit childish, but the idea of Phi being suspicious of me for not paying attention when she's also not paying attention rather irritates me. I suppose if she's looking for someone who didn't seem surprised by the game's rules, she isn't wrong to pick me out of the crowd, but still-

"You. Die."

I abruptly realize that Zero Jr. just announced how the bracelets can potentially come off. Keeping Phi's scrutiny in mind, I try to put extra effort into my faux-horrified reaction this time, though I worry that just made it look even faker. Luckily I don't have to keep it up for long, as the AI continues on to explain how the bracelets sense bioelectricity, then gets right back to taunting everyone.

"But if you're lucky, you might get to see a few of them come off during the next round!" Zero Jr. cheers. "…Oops, I guess it's not going to be very lucky for some of you, huh? He he he he…"

"Next round?" Tenmyouji repeats.


"What do you mean?" Alice asks.

"Well, do I have to explain everything?" the AI pouts. "Somebunny might die during the next round of the AB game! ...There, that's pretty clear, right? If I had to guess, I'd say it's going to be Moony, or Potassium, or maybe Cleaver…"

Alice's gaze snaps towards me, an alarmed look on her face.

"Ooooooor… it might even be all three of them! He he he he he…"

Zero Jr. then proceeds to repeat the same speech as before about what will happen if anyone's BP falls to zero, which doesn't hold any real surprises for me. What does surprise me however is that once he finishes, Alice starts repeating herself as well.

"What the hell?!" Alice yells. "This is important stuff! Why didn't you tell us about this earlier?!"

I blink at her, slightly confused. Yeah, it's important, but she came out ahead this time, didn't she? Why does she seem just as angry as when she didn't?

I glance down at my bracelet. Maybe… maybe she's worried about me, since I only have 1 BP now? Does that mean she doesn't remember anything about the last timeline after all? I can't imagine she'd be this riled up for the sake of someone she doesn't know, and who she thinks stole her friend's body...

"Is there anything else you conveniently left out?!" Alice is still saying. "It's not fair to make people play a game without explaining all the rules!"

"I think it's fair..." Zero Jr. replies. "After all, it's not like anyone else knew..."

I wait for him to continue, and call Phi and I out for knowing about the 0 BP death penalty in advance... but he doesn't, instead just ending his sentence there. Huh. I didn't expect that, but I suppose it would be a little difficult to sell that to everyone when both of us lost points this time. Small mercies.

A few sentences later, Zero Jr. points out the new bracelet colors and pair assignments, prompting me to check mine. I'm now a cyan pair… I guess since the choices during the AB game were different from last time, these are too. Great, so I'm once again heading into a completely unknown situation. Because that went so well the last two times.

I sigh, then listen for whoever my partner is as everyone starts announcing their new designations. Quark, Luna, and K are on their own this round as the cyan, yellow, and magenta solos. Alice and Phi grimace at each other upon noticing their matching yellow bracelets, and Dio and Tenmyouji do much the same as they realize they're the magenta pair. Which means...

I turn to look at Sigma, who's just walked up to me.

"Looks like we're a team for the next round, Clover." he says, in that slightly awkward way one does upon speaking to someone they don't really know.

"Uh... yeah, I guess so." I reply, feeling equally awkward, if for a different reason.

…well, these pairings seem like a recipe for disaster. Or a recipe for great unpleasantness, at least. I don't see Tenmyouji and Dio getting along any time soon, Alice literally just betrayed Phi, and Sigma is... probably going to make more skeevy jokes at me. Yeah, this does not bode well.

Zero Jr. performs his insulting faux-tearful goodbye act again, wishes us all a nice tragedy, and disappears. A brief silence falls over the warehouse, which I choose not to break this time, and so Dio ends up being the one to speak up instead.

"That little piece of shit..." he mutters. "If I could get my hands on that little fucker, I'd squeeze him until he popped."

My god Dio, get a new favorite vocabulary word.

After Sigma denounces that visual as rather gross, Quark takes my place in asking what we do now. The same suggestion of splitting up and searching for possible exits is made, the only difference from the last time I lived this being that we apparently have 43 minutes left instead of 41. I guess Zero Jr. not calling me and Phi out saved us a minute or two.

Phi tells us to meet up ten minutes before the doors open again, and everyone begins to disperse. I guess that means I can go try to figure out my SHIFTing issues — again — and hopefully not just end up chasing my mind in circles like I did earlier-

I suddenly feel someone's palm on my shoulder, causing me to jump slightly in alarm.

"Clover?" Alice says softly as I turn to face her. "Follow me."

…oh, right. This.
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"Sorry." he says, seeming honest, but unregretful. "I wanted to trust you. Really, I mean that. But in the moment, I just... didn't feel like I could."

So imagine if Clover dies from a lack of points, so he doesn't really trust her... but he feels guilty anyway.
Then on the next iteration he feels like he can't trust her, but also feels guilty.
I could see people getting really twisted in this case.
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Chapter 10: Clue By Four, part 2
I trail after Alice as she leads me through the cyan door, feeling even more nervous than the last time this happened. What does she know? What is she going to say? What should I say? Why did I have to go and make things so much more uncertain for myself?!

When we reach the crew quarters, Alice moves into the first room on the right, and I wince — this is the same room Dio killed me in. As if I wasn't uncomfortable enough already…

"This is probably about as secure a place as we're likely to find around here." Alice says. "So let's talk, Clover."

My stomach clenching, I nod uneasily and walk inside. I sit down gingerly on the miserable excuse for a bed and try not to look at the floor, recalling all too vividly how it looked coated in my blood.

"First things first:" Alice says, "are you okay?"

I open my mouth to tell her I'm fine... only for my words to utterly fail me. After what happened last timeline, barely half an hour ago from my perspective, I just can't bring myself to say that.

", not really." I end up mumbling back. "I screwed up. Badly."

Alice shakes her head. "Well, that's all you could really expect for trusting someone you don't even know. Honestly, what were you thinking? I know you've been taught better than that."

She thinks I'm talking about the round results. Which I guess means she doesn't remember or know anything the last timeline after all? That's good... that's...

I swallow, feeling like a hole just opened up in my chest for some reason. Alice is back to not knowing who I am, and she doesn't hate me. I should be happy about this. So... so why aren't I? Instead, I just feel…

My eyes begin to ache as I bring my knees up to my chest, curling in on myself as the memory of the look on Alice's face when I told her I wasn't Clover flashes through my head. In my mind's eye, it seems to superimpose itself over her current expression, the images beginning to bleed together into one.

...oh. I see. It isn't that I'm upset that Alice doesn't hate me.

It's that, if she realized who I truly was... she would.

I know that now. Proved it to myself beyond any shadow of a doubt. And that... hurts. It shouldn't; I barely even know Alice, but I already realized earlier just how abnormally attached to her I am now, and- god, why did I do this to myself…?

"I- I'm sorry... really…" I whisper more than say, barely able to get the words past my lips.

Alice's expression softens.

"Hey. It's alright." she says, sitting down on the bed next to me and wrapping an arm around my shoulders. "You're behind on points, but you can make that up next round. You just have to make sure whoever you end up grouped with trusts you enough to pick ally."

The fact that Alice doesn't even know why I'm apologizing to her somehow makes it hurt all the more. Her attempt to comfort me almost makes me want to tell her the truth again; to remind her that she doesn't truly care about me, not the real me... and yet, I find myself leaning into the warmth of her half-embrace anyways. Despite my misgivings, I just can't seem to find it in myself to pull away.

"I'm sure you're scared right now." Alice continues, rubbing small circles into my back. "Angry, too... I know I certainly am. But we can make it through this. I know we can."

The words soothe me more than they have any real right to. None of what Alice is saying is meant for me — I don't know if I could possibly be more aware of that than I am right now. But even so, it's just so, so incredibly nice to feel like there's someone here with me in this situation who's on my side, other than myself. Even if Alice doesn't realize who she's talking to, and at least part of why I feel this way is probably just because of the body I'm currently occupying, it's impossible for me to deny how much it seems to help.

I feel myself quivering, and not from the cold. Maybe- maybe if I just pretend I'm really Clover for a bit, even to myself...

"Remember, we're in this together." Alice says softly, turning the half-embrace into a full one. "If you need me..."

No, please don't say it. Please...

"I'm here for you."

My will crumbles, and I shakily loosen my arms from around my legs to tightly hug her back. Tension immediately begins to drain out of me as I do so, even as I strain to hold back sobs.

I never truly earned Alice's trust, and maybe I've even already proved I don't deserve it. But I... I need this.

I need this…



It takes me a few minutes before I finally pull back from the hug, feeling marginally better, but utterly embarrassed. Here I was going on about how I was going to try and avoid repeating what I did the last time I went through this timeline, only to immediately go and do almost exactly the same thing I did the first time I had this talk with Alice. Now who's the hypocrite...

I take a moment to wipe away the small, traitorous droplets that have once again gathered at the corners of my eyes. At least I managed to keep myself from having a full on breakdown this time — honestly, it might have just been healthier to let myself do that, but I've done way too much crying as of late already, to the point that I'm honestly starting to feel kind of pathetic because of it. Upsetting things are almost certainly going to keep happening, and if I can't figure out how to get past them without falling to pieces every time, I could easily end up making the same sort of mistake I made the last timeline again. Alice can't always be my emotional support, especially when I'm still so conflicted about her at the moment that relying on her even more might just make me feel worse...

...god I'm a mess.

"Feeling any better?" Alice asks.

I nod slowly. "Yeah... sorry about that, Alice."

Alice shakes her head. "No need to apologize Clover. It's not like I couldn't guess you'd be upset about being trapped in a third Nonary Game."

I wish had the excuse of it being my third time in one of these things, but no. This one is proving enough to break me all on its own.

"You're not wrong..." I admit. "I hate that I'm trapped in this place. Trapped in this game... in this situation where I could potentially die at any time, and I don't even know how or why. To be honest, I'm really scared I'm going to screw up even worse than I already have, and end up either dead, or stuck here forever. It feels like I'm doing everything wrong..."

I pause, silently drawing in a long, slow breath before continuing.

"...but, I'll try my best to stay positive, and keep myself together." I say. "I mean... I made it out of the last two, right?"

I make an attempt to smile, the effort made somewhat easier by the fact that everything I just said was, technically, completely true. Alice smiles back, so I guess it must not look too terribly fake.

"That's a good attitude to take, Clover." Alice says. "But that's no reason not to be careful. Remember, you still only have 1 BP right now."

She pulls back from me slightly to look me dead in the eyes. "I don't plan on letting either of us die here. So whatever happens next round? Make sure you pick betray."

I flinch back slightly at her suddenly commanding tone.

"It would be best if whoever you end up grouped with trusts you enough to choose ally," Alice continues, "but as long as you choose betray, you won't lose any more points regardless. That should at least ensure that you stay alive, no matter what your opponent chooses. It's the only logical option."

I consider objecting for a few moments, but eventually just nod. I won't feel good about it, but Alice has a point, as I'd really rather not add "death by bracelet" to the list of ways I've been killed thus far. Sure, doing so could trigger another SHIFT, but my goal is to manage to cross timelines without dying at all, not to just find new and creative ways to repeatedly commit suicide. I don't know if I could make myself do that anyways — my first two deaths were traumatizing enough without actively seeking them out.

"K and Luna both only have 1 BP left too though." I remind her. "I don't really want to get either of them killed either, if I can help it."

Granted, Luna wouldn't actually die even if she hit 0 BP, but everyone would still think she did, and they'd see it as my fault. K though, I really could kill by choosing betray, and with the way his bracelet is built into his suit, I'm pretty sure the aluminum foil won't work to detach it the way it should with everyone else's. Better to just avoid the potential for those scenarios entirely.

Alice frowns, but thankfully doesn't seem any keener on the idea of game-induced manslaughter than I am.

"You're right… we should make an effort to get you grouped with Quark then." she says. "Now, I need you in work mode, alright?"

With that, the conversation returns to a more familiar track, allowing me to mostly regain the rest of my composure in the process. Alice asks me the same expected question about attempting to contact Light, then takes a brief look at the files I brought along before asking if I learned anything about my group members during the last round. I tell her roughly the same things about Tenmyouji and K that I did before, though I omit the part about the former trusting me, since he pretty clearly showed otherwise this time around. Alice responds in the expected manner, but when it comes time for her tell to me about Sigma and Phi, things change slightly.

"Now for what I learned." Alice says. "You're paired with Sigma this round, right?"

I nod, and Alice grimaces. "I should warn you then, he's something of a dirty old man."

"Yeah, I noticed." I mutter quietly to myself.

Alice raises an eyebrow. "Did you now?"

...not quietly enough, apparently.

"Er, yeah." I say, having little choice but to reply. "It's kind of hard not to pick up on, talking to him."

Alice raises an eyebrow. "Well, I can't deny that, but when did you even talk to him while I wasn't around? I don't think he's said anything too overt in front of both of us."

"Uh..." I stall, frantically thinking back to when Sigma and I could possibly have interacted out of Alice's sight this early in the timeline. " was… when we were returning to the warehouse through the lounge, before the AB round. You'd already gone ahead, and while Sigma and I were leaving the room, he made a passing comment about my..."

I look down and just sort of gesture vaguely at myself, assuming Alice will get the idea. I feel a little bad for slandering Sigma when he actually didn't say anything this time, but it's not like it wouldn't have been perfectly in character for him to do so.

Alice rolls her eyes, but seems to take it in stride.

"Well, it's only to be expected with outfits like these." she says. "Just remember Clover, it's all part of the job."

I tilt my head slightly to the side, confused. Part of the job? What is she-

A vague memory brushes at the fringes of my mind. Oh- oh! That's right, Zero Time Dilemma did try to explain Clover and Alice's outfits! I don't remember exactly when, but I think it said that SOIS has its members dress in really outlandish costumes when out in public, specifically to divert any suspicion of them being secret agents? It was something like that, at least.

…yeah, that still makes no sense. At all. Sticking out from the crowd in a really bizarre way has no actual advantages over not sticking out to begin with. That justification is just plain asinine, to the point that I'd honestly have preferred if they just never addressed it at all. No wonder I'd completely forgotten that little factoid up until now.

"It could be useful anyways." Alice continues. "Sigma isn't stupid. He actually solved most of the puzzles in the crew quarters by himself. But if he's too busy thinking with his lower head to reason with his normal one-"

Oh gross.

"-he'll be that much easier to manipulate." Alice finishes. "Keep that in mind if you need him to do something while you're paired with each other."

I nod at her on the outside, while internally shaking my head. Hard. I really didn't need to hear the "seduction" suggestion again, especially in regards to the 60-year old man who doesn't yet realize he's a 60-year old man.

The conversation thankfully moves on after that, with Alice laughing about Sigma's cat-speech and warning me about Phi. I refrain from telling her how Phi was watching me during the talk with Zero Jr., not seeing any real value in doing so, and not wanting to explain why she'd be suspicious of me to begin with.

"That's about it, I think." Alice says as she stands back up. "But… there is one more thing, Clover."

I startle slightly upon hearing that, the sentence serving to remind me that last time, this is when Alice brought up how I knew K's name before he actually thought of it. Shoot, can I explain that some other way this time around? I don't really want to say I was "seeing the future" again, lest the topic potentially trigger her remembering a future I'd much rather she forget. But I have no idea how to justify my knowing what K would call himself ahead of time…

Cursing myself for not being able to think of anything on the fly, I hesitantly respond. "Y-yeah? What is it?"

Alice turns to face me, her expression oddly conflicted.


She suddenly stops. A long, pregnant moment goes by before she finally resumes her sentence.

"…you know what? Nevermind."

I blink at her. Er, alright then? I'm relieved, but also confused... Alice clearly had something to say, so why did she stop herself? Is it because I didn't "lead" her to the crew quarters this time, so she's not as sure about her theory? I really don't need any more questions right now...

"Come on, we should get out of here and start looking for exits." Alice says as she opens the door. "I doubt we'll actually find any, but we have to at least try."

I stand, still a little unsure what to think, but all too happy to get out of this room, which I've only been partially succeeding at putting out of mind. I'm stopped from actually entering the hallway however, as Alice pauses in the middle of the doorframe, then turns towards me again.

"...Clover?" she says slowly. "If you-"

"Oh, hey Miss Alice!"

Whatever Alice was about to say is cut off by the sudden arrival of Quark and K, who step into view just past her in the doorframe.

"Ah, and Clover as well." K says, peering over Alice's shoulder. "Are we interrupting anything?"

Alice looks back at me, squints for a moment, then shakes her head and smiles. "No, not really. It was nothing too important."

I give her a slightly questioning look, which Alice seems to ignore. Well, I have no idea what she was about to say, but if it was about my "future knowledge" as I suspect, then I guess I'm glad she got interrupted. I'm not quite sure why K and Quark are here though — I was expecting Sigma, not this slightly odd pair. Granted, I'd rather not have had to deal with Sigma's incessant questioning again, but at least I'd have seen it coming... and he also wouldn't be stopping us from leaving, like K is right now. I don't think it's intentional, but his bulk is keeping Alice from being able to step fully outside, essentially blockading us inside the room I'm becoming increasingly antsy to leave.

"These are the crew quarters, right?" Quark asks, looking around before turning back to Alice. "Mister K and I haven't seen them yet, so we thought we'd come check them out. Have you or Miss Clover found anything?"

Alice shakes her head. "Sorry, but we haven't."

Not that we've really been looking.

"Hmm. Perhaps we would be better served looking for an exit elsewhere then." K observes.

"Well, we could have missed something." I chime in, trying to speed the conversation along. "Maybe you'll find something we didn't? Alice and I have been here too long anyways... and um, on that note, K? Could you move, so we can get out?"

"Ah, of course." K replies, stepping backwards and scooting closer to the opposing wall. Alice takes the opportunity to at last exit into the hallway proper, and I follow on her heels, quickly closing the door behind me as I do. Finally…

"My apologies." K says in a mildly embarrassed tone. "I keep forgetting just how large I seem to be in this suit."

Alice shrugs. "Well, in any event, Clover's right that we've been here too long. If you think this place is worth searching further, we'll let you two take it from here."

K seems to think it over for a few moments, then nods. "I suppose a quick look around couldn't hurt. Good luck to the both of you."

He opens the door across from the one we just came out of, and walks into the room beyond.

"Hey, wait for me Mister K!" Quark calls. "Seeya Miss Alice, seeya Miss Clover!"

With that, he follows K into the room, slamming the door behind them as he does.

Jeez, that was... abrupt.

...much like the ending of this chapter, which is now apparently going to be a three-parter rather than a two-parter, due to this section getting way longer than initially expected. Thank Alice for that — this was supposed to be where the mood finally began to improve a bit from the drama of the previous ones, but Alice decided I wasn't quite done being mean to myself just yet.In exchange for the slight shortness of this chapter, the next part should be out next week, as opposed to next month, like this one was. Promise I won't do that again. ^_^;

Also, I have a Ko-Fi now! If you'd like to support this story monetarily, or want to see it produced at a faster rate than it currently is, please consider donating. I will love you for it forevermore. :)
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Chapter 10: Clue by Four, part 3
In the silence created in the wake of K and Quark's "departure", Alice clears her throat.

"Let's split up for now, Clover." she says. "Be sure to grab anything useful you find, and make sure to tell me if anything... interesting... happens."

"…right." I reply, feeling slightly unnerved by how she phrased that. "See you soon, Alice."

Alice nods, then turns around and walks to the other end of the corridor, exiting into the passage that eventually connects to the other two unlocked rooms. The door slides shut behind her, and I suddenly find myself the only one in the hallway.

I sigh. I'd have thought I'd feel more relieved to finally be left to my own devices again, but in truth, I mostly just feel mentally worn out... having to constantly be worried about so many different things is utterly exhausting.

Still, I have some "free time" to think over my major issues again, which I need to try and take advantage of while I still have the chance. Such moments have proven to be a real rarity thus far, after all.

I take a moment to consider where to go for this. There's no way I'm staying in the crew quarters for any longer than I already have — even if K and Quark weren't still hanging around the place, with the way my skin was starting to crawl being blocked inside that room, I think I would rather be literally anywhere else at the moment. Unfortunately, only three other rooms have been unlocked thus far, which makes my alternatives fairly limited if I want to be alone…

Maybe I should just head back to the warehouse? If the others are all still looking for alternative exits, I doubt anyone is in there right now.

Deciding it's at least worth checking, I turn around and exit the crew quarters the same way I came in. Being pretty much right next door, it only takes me twenty seconds or so to get to the warehouse — and coming back from the cramped crew quarters, the massive room seems even larger than usual. I can't help but briefly compare myself to an ant, trapped inside of a giant terrarium, fruitlessly searching for a nonexistent exit...

Trying to put that thought out of mind, I quickly scan the area, not spotting anyone in the process. Okay, good... I'd still rather not just be standing around in here in plain sight though. I'm supposed to be searching for an alternative exit right now, like everyone else theoretically is, so if someone suddenly comes in and asks why I'm not doing anything, I won't have any good answer to give them. Is there anywhere in here where I won't be in the immediate view of someone entering?

I look around again, but unfortunately, this is probably the worst possible place one could pick to play hide-and-seek. The area is completely open, with the AB rooms being the only notable objects in the entire space.

I give the rooms a second look. Could I maybe get behind one of those? No, there's not nearly enough room for that. I suppose I could get on top of one, but even with the hatches they're pretty flat, so that wouldn't be much of a hiding space either. Maybe if I just tuck myself behind the room in the far back...?

I take a moment to examine the angle from each of the Chromatic Doors. Actually, yeah, that would work fine — there's no immediate visibility of that corner from any of them, which should make it the perfect place to just sit down and not be noticed for a while. Guess I'll do that then.

With that settled, I walk over and move behind the rightmost AB room… and immediately recoil backwards as I nearly step on Dio's bloodstained knife.

I try to still my suddenly racing heart. Right, this is here... actually, I was going to get rid of the knife again before Dio came to retrieve it, wasn't I? I'd already totally forgotten. That could have been really bad, so I guess it's lucky I ended up coming here anyways… if only I felt even remotely "lucky" to so much as be laying eyes on this thing again.

I gingerly pick up the bloody piece of metal by one of the few still-white sections of the cloth wrapped around it and hold it out at arm's length, as far away from myself as I possibly can. Even knowing this technically isn't the weapon that ended up killing me before, just knowing both what it is and whose it is serves as more than enough of a reminder to make me cringe.

Not wanting to hold on to the weapon for any longer than I absolutely have to, I turn to the AB room beside me. While it's almost flush to the wall, there's a wide enough crack for me to easily toss the knife behind it, which I immediately do, my throw landing the blade two rooms further down. The sound of metal on metal rings out for a moment before it settles in the darkness of the crevice, making it difficult to even see.

There — that should be fine, right? It's far enough out of reach that Dio won't be able to retrieve it even if he notices it's there, and the B. Garden isn't currently open, so the paring knife is also completely out of play. That should keep me safe from either of them, at least for the moment.


A chill runs down my spine. Unless, that is, Dio comes looking for his knife right now, and finds me standing right next to where he expects it to be. He should be significantly less dangerous without a weapon, but I absolutely do not trust that to stop him from trying something if he finds me alone. I need to move-!

I take about two steps backward before forcing myself to freeze in place.

No... stay calm, me. Dio shouldn't come looking for his knife until the second AB round ends, at the earliest. I know this, because that's how it went the first time I went through this timeline, and unlike the AB choices, nothing I've done in either of the last two timelines should have changed that. Dio doesn't even know what the Morphogenetic Field is, and there's no hint given in VLR that he ever learns anything from it. Stop panicking...

Not feeling nearly as reassured as I'd like, but knowing I can't afford to waste any more time worrying about this, I do my best to settle my spiking paranoia as I sit down on the cold metal of the floor, leaning up against the side of the AB room. I then check the timer on my bracelet, which tells me that I have a little less than 20 minutes before I need to head downstairs.

That doesn't feel like anywhere even close to long enough. I haven't even gotten a chance to properly process my second death yet — sure, it was nothing compared to the first one, to the point that the impact of my own actions immediately prior were more upsetting than anything else about it, but I still died, which is hardly made much less horrifying by the fact that it came too fast to really hurt this time.

...then again, it's not like I really want to linger on the subject. Perhaps it's even a good thing I have limited time after all, as it means that simple pragmatism compels me to keep moving forward. The subject of my previous deaths is upsetting, but my time would be better spent figuring out how to avoid having something like that happen again, which is why I'm here in the first place.

So let's do that.

Forcing my thoughts back onto the topic I actually came here to consider, my immediate instinct is to try to SHIFT again, right here and now. After all, both of the times I've actually managed to do it so far have been conducted while not within the immediate presence of any other espers. As such, that clearly isn't an absolute necessity, even if it may still help.

After another moment's thought however, I decide to hold off trying to leave for now. The concept of SHIFTing at will still feels too heavily linked to my memory of Dio killing me, and until I manage to get over that, I'm likely not going anywhere unless — or more likely, until — I die again, horrifying as that is. Besides, even if I succeed in expelling my consciousness back into the MGF without fatal assistance this time, it won't be all that helpful unless I can direct myself to the part of the larger timeline I actually want to be in, which I've thus far had no real control over. I need a solution for that, else I'll be stuck hopping from branch to branch at random, hoping for blind luck to take me where I want to go… possibly forever.

Swallowing, I quickly brush that thought aside, trying not to think about it in favor of actually concentrating on the issue.

So far, it seems like as soon as my consciousness leaves the physical realm, I lose all motivation to care about… anything, really. It's like my mind is covered by a shroud of apathy, which only removes itself again when I reenter the timeline proper. Which is weird, because I don't recall anyone in the games mentioning an inability to direct which timeline they SHIFT to — although, I suppose I don't actually know how much control they have over that to begin with. Technically, the player controls where Sigma goes next in VLR, and we don't actually know what it's like for Phi, since we never directly see her viewpoint. The two of them do manage to target specific timeline branches and sections on more than one occasion, but that's only after they've already unconsciously SHIFTed at least a dozen different times… maybe I just need to do it a few more times myself to gain more control then?

I squeeze my eyes shut and shudder. Considering the circumstances it's taken me to SHIFT so far, I really don't like the thought of that. Surely there's some other, preferable explanation that makes some decent modicum of sense.

Let's see... Zero Time Dilemma has everyone simultaneously SHIFT to a specific "safe" timeline at the very end of the game, with all nine of them focusing on their destination in concert to do so. In which case, maybe my inability to direct myself thus far is just because I wasn't thinking of any particular part of the timeline I wanted to go to? I had a time and place in mind during my less imminent SHIFT attempts, but in both of the instances in which I actually succeeded, I was slightly too busy actively dying to think of a specific destination. Could it really be that simple though...?

Finding myself unable to come up with any other hypothesis that sounds even remotely plausible, I ultimately conclude that yes, it really could be. I guess next time something kills me, I'll just have to try and keep focused on SHIFTing to the start of the timeline — I truly hope it turns out to be that easy.

Alright, that's my first big issue maybe-resolved, with at least a hypothesis to test the next time I get the "opportunity" to do so. In which case, I suppose I should also try to tackle the second, directly-related issue.

Namely, why can't I SHIFT except upon being killed?!

I let my head thump against the side of the AB room I'm leaning against in fatigued frustration. Of all the questions I've yet to answer, this is probably the most important one to resolve, because if I don't, that "minor" case of PTSD I'm pretty sure I've picked up is only going to get worse and worse, and I'd really rather not end up a complete basket case by the end of this.

It just doesn't make sense though — yes, SHIFTing is easiest when one is close to or actively dying, but it isn't supposed to work only in those circumstances. Is it possible there's just something crucial I'm forgetting about how the process works?

I wrack my brain for a moment, but I honestly don't think that's it. I'm almost certain I remember the three main requirements for SHIFTing correctly, and all of them should be present and accounted for. I've definitely got stress covered, and the danger is so clear at this point that I've literally been traumatized by it. I suppose it could be that the danger didn't reach the required "threshold" until it became physically imminent, but that doesn't seem right either — there are multiple endings in VLR where nothing is directly threatening Sigma, but he still manages to SHIFT away from the timeline due to the perceived direness and/or hopelessness of the situation. Also, if you take the interface literally — as, again, it's implied you're meant to — Sigma SHIFTs multiple times when there's no apparent danger at all beyond the situation at large. In which case, that shouldn't be a valid reason that I'm failing to do the same.

I sigh again, the action failing to express even a bare fraction of my worries.

There is still the "epiphany" component I suppose. I'd sooner assume that was the issue over the other two requirements, since I've already technically solved all the escape rooms here before. I barely even remember anything about them after years of not playing the game though, so I doubt that-

My eyes widen as something suddenly occurs to me.

Wait... the escape rooms aren't supposed to be the only source of "epiphany" in VLR. In fact, they might not even be meant to be the main source. Everything about the Nonary Game is presented as one large mystery, with answers being slowly doled out and available only through the act of traversing multiple timelines. I, coming in with that knowledge already, don't need to do that… but, what if that's the reason I'm having so much trouble SHIFTing to begin with? Because I already know so much about the situation itself?

My mind races as I consider the idea further. I don't remember most of the small stuff, but I do know pretty much all of the broad details, which means this situation isn't nearly as uncertain for me as it is for Sigma and Phi. Up until the very end of the game, they still had huge overarching questions to resolve, while, aside from some confusion over the finer points of SHIFTing, my only big questions are how I got here and how I get out. There's far less for me to discover, no larger puzzle for me to put together…

Shit. This makes far too much sense, and it's something I have no real solution for. I can't just make up new mysteries for myself to solve, but nor can I force myself to forget what I already know. And if I'm not learning anything, never having those critical moments of "realization" that I apparently need, I might not be able to SHIFT in any way other than dying...

In fact, I might stop being able to SHIFT at all.

I grit my teeth, trying to push down the increasingly familiar rising panic in my chest. No, no, I can't think that way! Surely there are other things I can "solve" that go beyond the scope of the video game's version of events. I mean, assuming I've got the right of it, just figuring this out should qualify as an epiphany all on its own, shouldn't it? And there have been other odd things I've been wondering about too, like the existence and acknowledgment of the secret files, and why Future-Phi seems to have a problem with me... there's been plenty of stuff like that, right?

My jaw relaxes, my heart gradually slowing down again as I consider that further.

Yeah- yeah, that could work, couldn't it? Now that I think about it, I've actually got quite a few unsolved mysteries stacked up at this point. I just haven't really cared enough to have more than a passing curiosity in most of them. If all I need to do is be more invested in actually answering those questions, then I can probably do that — I'm usually pretty good at puzzles, aren't I? At least, I'd like to think I am...

I slowly stand back up, my mood finally beginning to brighten a little. If I really did just figure out the answer to both of my major issues, then I think I might actually be able to do this. Yes, I've made some bad decisions as of late, and yes, I may end up dying again at some point, because that's just what this game is largely about. But as long as I'm able to learn from my mistakes, I should be able to make up for them in time, and as long as death isn't permanent, I can find a way to push past it — no, I will find a way to push past it.

No matter how long it takes, no matter what I have to do, no matter who I have to be...

I'm going to live.

Barring a sudden influx of support, this will probably (hopefully) be the last update for a while. I have no idea why my muse only seems to be cooperating on the most niche story I even write, but I will force it to work on other things if I absolutely have to. For those few of you that read this, thank you — hope this isn't too disappointing a place to stop for the time being.
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Wait — the escape rooms aren't supposed to be the only source of "epiphany" in VLR. They might not even be meant to be the main source: everything about the Nonary Game is presented as one large mystery, with answers being slowly doled out and available only through the act of traversing multiple timelines. I, coming in with that knowledge already, don't need to do that… but, what if that's the reason I'm having so much trouble SHIFTing to begin with? Because I already know so much about the situation itself?

Hmm, looks like an epiphany...
Having not played any of this series, with my knowledge limited to reading a screenshot LP of 999 several years ago of which I remember nothing, I am quite confused but still enjoying this. I would note that the All-Ice theory seems fundamentally wrong even in the context of the original ice-nine story and the underlying science that inspired it, as the ice wouldn't maintain its properties through melting. (Also, under those rules, the ice would spread to any liquid water on contact, so any proponents of the theory probably ought to be more worried.) But that's not exactly the weirdest thing here, so sure, why not. For all that it's apparently untrue in canon, Alice sure is making it look real here.

I will admit that, between your name, avatar, and the word "goddess" right next to them, it's repeatedly surprising when your female-character-replacing SIs (at least three of four; I don't think the Mawile has been explicitly gendered) express dissatisfaction with that fact. Not meaning to be intrusive about that, though, however you might identify.
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Having not played any of this series, with my knowledge limited to reading a screenshot LP of 999 several years ago of which I remember nothing, I am quite confused but still enjoying this.

Glad to hear! Thanks for giving this a chance despite knowing little about the series - I imagine it's more enjoyable for those that have more of the background knowledge, but this fic has had a surprising number of people express similar sentiments, which honestly means a lot to me, since it means my writing can stand on its own to some extent even without knowledge of what it's based on. :D

I would note that the All-Ice theory seems fundamentally wrong even in the context of the original ice-nine story and the underlying science that inspired it, as the ice wouldn't maintain its properties through melting. (Also, under those rules, the ice would spread to any liquid water on contact, so any proponents of the theory probably ought to be more worried.) But that's not exactly the weirdest thing here, so sure, why not. For all that it's apparently untrue in canon, Alice sure is making it look real here.

Well, Ice-9 isn't actually a theory to my knowledge - it's very literally a concept taken from science fiction, with all the potential issues that come along with that. You're quite right that it would be a very concerning thing to have actually exist though, because IIRC, the original story it was featured in had it resulting in an apocalypse due to the original sample ending up contaminating other water, which ultimately continued to spread until all the water on Earth was converted into Ice-9. So yeah, the implications aren't great.

As for whether or not Alice is All-Ice here... well, more on that when I finally get around to continuing this fic.

I will admit that, between your name, avatar, and the word "goddess" right next to them, it's repeatedly surprising when your female-character-replacing SIs (at least three of four; I don't think the Mawile has been explicitly gendered) express dissatisfaction with that fact. Not meaning to be intrusive about that, though, however you might identify.

Heh, I wouldn't say my reaction to that has thus far been "dissatisfaction", so much as just "what the hell...?". Most of the discomfort actually comes from how terrible the situation I suddenly find myself in is, as there's genuinely not much difference for me in terms of general body shape (due at least in part to, as mentioned in Stand-in, my moderate androgen insensitivity). It's just a little surprising and/or awkward, and I still think it's worth mentioning when it does actually affect how I imagine I would experience or react to the situation in question. This is especially true in this fic, since Clover's body - or perhaps more accurately, her fashion choices - are uniquely ill-suited to the trials of the Nonary Game, and there's no way to really replace them, resulting in a continual sense of frustration when they end up getting in the way. If Clover was wearing warmer, more-or-less sensible clothing, I'd probably have a lot less to be annoyed about... though, I admittedly do actually like the style of her clothing, if not the supposed reasons behind her wearing it.

As for the other factors:
  • My username comes from a book I had to write for class back in 4th grade (and wow was that way too much to expect from literal 4th graders). I made the main character a phoenix, and despite knowing the more fire-associated version of the word is spelled "Flare", I liked the other version better, and thus went with "Flair". Fast forward a few years to when I found Deviantart through looking up fake Pokemon images on google, and I needed a username - "Flair" is what came to mind, but that was taken, so I added "ina", which I just liked the sound of, and thus the username I've used on nearly every site since then was born. :)
  • My forum "title" comes from Stand-in. It was a nickname given to Monika!me on the SV version of the story, in reference to her/my ability to theoretically control a great deal of the world I now found myself in, but nothing that could actually fix, or even really improve my situation all that much. I liked it enough that I decided to start using it as a title, and have done so to this day.
  • My avatar actually is, in fact, me! A rather stylized depiction thereof, granted, but still me. The image was kindly made for me by a friend of mine on Deviantart many years back, and I've loved it ever since. ☺ Granted, I don't keep my hair the same way anymore, and it's never been quite as long as it is in the original image (where it goes down to my rear), but it was decently accurate at the time.
So... yeah, now you know! Hope that was at least kind of interesting.

(Also, three of four? I've only posted three SIs total so far...? I mean, I do have one other SI that does still follow this trend for reasons tied into the basic concept, but I haven't posted that anywhere at present. The concept of Subsumption also started out as an SI, but even then it was more along the lines of an OC where the character was just based on me, rather than being literally my mind from this reality dropped into someone else's body and universe, and it's certainly not that anymore, so I'm not sure what you're talking about there.)
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Well, Ice-9 isn't actually a theory to my knowledge - it's very literally a concept taken from science fiction, with all the potential issues that come along with that. You're quite right that it would be a very concerning thing to have actually exist though, because IIRC, the original story it was featured in had it resulting in an apocalypse due to the original sample ending up contaminating other water, which ultimately continued to spread until all the water on Earth was converted into Ice-9. So yeah, the implications aren't great.

As for whether or not Alice is All-Ice here... well, more on that when I finally get around to continuing this fic.
Rephrasing: The theory that some people in-story have about Alice being All-Ice, and them neither being-worried-about nor considering how apparently no water from her body has reached any other water anywhere, judging by the fact that oceans are liquid.

The "underlying science" there being the general existence of multiple possible solid phases of a substance (including sixteen different numbered ices and several others not numbered, but none are stable above 0°C). Ritonavir, a highly effective antiretroviral used in AIDS treatment, was significantly disrupted by the discovery and accidental introduction of a new (less useful) phase contaminating and converting all extant production lines and threatening to ruin already-existing stocks, in more or less exactly the way ice-nine did in Cat's Cradle, but on a less apocalyptic scope.

Heh, I wouldn't say my reaction to that has thus far been "dissatisfaction", so much as just "what the hell...?". Most of the discomfort actually comes from how terrible the situation I suddenly find myself in is, as due to my androgen insensitivity, there's genuinely not much difference for me in terms of general body shape. It's just a little surprising and/or awkward, and I still think it's worth mentioning when it does actually affect how I imagine I would experience or react to the situation in question. This is especially true in this fic, since Clover's body - or perhaps more accurately, her fashion choices - are uniquely ill-suited to the trials of the Nonary Game, and there's no way to really replace them, resulting in a continual sense of frustration when they end up getting in the way. If Clover was wearing warmer, more-or-less sensible clothing, I'd probably have a lot less to be annoyed about... though, I admittedly do actually like the style of her clothing, if not the supposed reasons behind her wearing it.

Fair enough; didn't know that about you (how would I?), didn't mean to pry. I'm tr*ns myself, and things were seeming a little familiar.

As for the other factors:
  • My username comes from a book I had to write for class back in 4th grade (and wow was that way too much to expect from literal 4th graders). I made the main character a phoenix, and despite knowing the more fire-associated version of the word is spelled "Flare", I liked the other version better, and thus went with "Flair". Fast forward a few years to when I found Deviantart through looking up fake Pokemon images on google, and I needed a username - "Flair" is what came to mind, but that was taken, so I added "ina", which I just liked the sound of, and thus the username I've used on nearly every site since then was born. :)
  • My forum "title" comes from Stand-in. It was a nickname given to Monika!me on the SV version of the story, in reference to her/my ability to theoretically control a great deal of the world I now found myself in, but nothing that could actually fix, or even really improve my situation all that much. I liked it enough that I decided to start using it as a title, and have done so to this day.
  • My avatar actually is, in fact, me! A rather stylized depiction thereof, granted, but still me. The image was kindly made for me by a friend of mine on Deviantart many years back, and I've loved it ever since. ☺ Granted, I don't keep my hair the same way anymore, and it's never been quite as long as it is in the original image (where it goes down to my rear), but it was decently accurate at the time.
So... yeah, now you know! Hope that was at least kind of interesting.
It was! Pretty sure I've seen you saying the first one recently, must have forgotten the second.
(also: make that very familiar)

(Also, three of four? I've only posted three SIs total so far...? I mean, I do have one other SI that does still follow this trend for reasons tied into the basic concept, but I haven't posted that anywhere at present. The concept of Subsumption also started out as an SI, but even then it was more along the lines of an OC where the character was just based on me, rather than being literally my mind from this reality dropped into someone else's body and universe, and it's certainly not that anymore, so I'm not sure what you're talking about there.)
I honestly forgot that Subsumption wasn't technically an SI; maybe I'm just remembering from early on? Did you mention that in the original thread or something?
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