NickXenix's Worm PHO Snippets

NickXenix's Worm PHO Snippets
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NickXenix's Worm PHO Snippets is a collection of... well, Worm PHO snippets. If you have no idea what's going on while reading one of these. Don't worry. I also don't know.

Also includes non-PHO snippets.

There may or may not be any future chapters on a particular snippet. No promises.

Anyone interested in taking these Worm PHO snippets and turning them into actual Worm fanfics is encouraged to do so! I would love for my concepts to come to life!
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PHO - Funnel!Taylor



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♦ Topic: What happened at Winslow High?
In: Boards ► USA ► Brockton Bay ► Cape Shenanigans
(Original Poster)
Posted On Jan 4th 2011:
This morning, I woke up to the distant sound of an explosion. Next thing I know. I'm looking outside my window and hearing police sirens. Turns out that something happened at Winslow High. Unsurprising actually. I heard they have a bit of a gang problem there.

Does anyone know the details of what happened? Was it a cape?

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Replied On Jan 4th 2011:
"a bit of a gang problem"

No. We have more than a bit of a gang problem. We have several of them.

►XxVoid_CowboyxX (Temp Banned)
Replied On Jan 4th 2011:
Hey! I know what happened! Yesterday there was a classmate I know that- [Deleted]

Tin_Mother: Revealing the civilian identity of capes is not okay.

Replied On Jan 4th 2011:
Apparently a locker in WInslow High exploded due to something that was left inside it overnight. They said they found used tampons and dead bugs all over the debris. Who knows how used tampons and insects stewing in a locker led to spontaneous combustion. The explosion was so powerful that it blew a hole in the ceiling.

Maybe a cape put tinkertech explosives in there?

►Reave (Verified PRT Agent)
Replied On Jan 4th 2011:
@HolyCowl How did you get that information? Please contact the PRT and send us any additional information you might have.

Replied On Jan 4th 2011:
EXPLOSION! Praise be the new priest/priestess of Explosion!

►CarpCapeCop (Not a cape) (Not a cop)
Replied On Jan 4th 2011:
@Explosion_Enthusiast This is a serious situation. Kids might have died!

Replied On Jan 4th 2011:
Don't bother talking to that guy. He's a troll.

Replied On Jan 4th 2011:
This is an unfortunate wrench in our plans.

Replied On Jan 4th 2011:
@Guest How did you get that username? Also what do you mean by "our plans"?

End of Page. 1, 2

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Replied On Jan 4th 2011:
The Path has reached the final stretch, be prepared.

Replied On Jan 4th 2011:
The Morning where the sun sets is in sight, we declared.

Replied On Jan 4th 2011:
The Bet is about to be cashed in, all or nothing.

Replied On Jan 4th 2011:
The Cycle's end is just a new beginning, watch me sing.

Replied On Jan 4th 2011:
Yeah, fat chance.

0.01362% chance atleast one of you lives until next week.

►Tin_Mother (Moderator)
Replied On Jan 4th 2011:
I don't know how you people posted with accounts that were never registered, so I'm locking this thread just in case.

End of Page. 1, 2

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PHO - Funnel!Taylor - Taylor's Power
Funnel!Taylor has the power of escalating kinetic energy.

She can fully absorb all kinetic energy that is applied to her. This includes the kinetic energy of her running and jumping.

She can apply some of this energy to gain enhanced speed, strength, and durability.

Basically she's a Behemoth that lets the opponent go first.

As for how she blew up the portion of Winslow High's roof above her locker? Her shard sensed the optimal conditions for a trigger event and doesn't want her to just die in the locker after triggering. So it noted down the amount of kinetic energy Taylor spent struggling in the locker before the trigger and gave the same amount of energy to her after the trigger.

Since Taylor fainted immediately and hadn't learned to control her power yet, the shard waited for her to wake up until the next morning. It saw that she's still unconcious and took matters into its own hands by blowing up the locker.
When I saw the word Funnel I, in typical Gundam Nerd Fashion, assumed that it meant that Taylor had access to mind-directed drone craft that existed to either ram targets (either to impale them or blow up) or shoot them.
Honestly, like the idea, but Taylor destroying Lung with Beam Spam would also have been nice.
When I saw the word Funnel I, in typical Gundam Nerd Fashion, assumed that it meant that Taylor had access to mind-directed drone craft that existed to either ram targets (either to impale them or blow up) or shoot them.
Honestly, like the idea, but Taylor destroying Lung with Beam Spam would also have been nice.

I don't think I would be good enough to write that scene lol. I wouldn't do it justice.
PHO - Free!Taylor

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♦ Topic: Freedom For Free
In: Boards ► USA ► Brockton Bay ► Cape Introductions
(Original Poster) (Unverified Cape)
Posted On Jan 18th 2011:
Hi everyone! I'm Free Spirit! I'm a new parahuman who got their powers about two weeks ago.

I don't recommend the experience. It was horrible.

Anyways! What you're all here for are problably my powers, right? So let's get to the point. I'll be right on the topic. So... My powers, huh? Wanna know what they are? And by they. I mean I have multiple of course! Essentially my powers gave me the ability to be free! whether physical, mental, emotional, you name it! I'm free! Kinda cool isn't it?

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Replied On Jan 18th 2011:
Ok, you've got to be a troll right. I haven't heard of you before. Are you a new Ward? I don't think a new gang cape would just come out like this. Or are you a Merchant cape? That would explain it. Since... ya'know, drugs.

►FreeSpirit (Original Poster) (Unverified Cape)
Replied On Jan 18th 2011:
Rude! I don't want to be associated with the drug peddlers! That would be the opposite of being free! And no. I'm not a new Ward. Good guess though.

Replied On Jan 18th 2011:
So what exactly are your powers? if you're not a troll that is.

►FreeSpirit (Original Poster) (Unverified Cape)
Replied On Jan 18th 2011:
Why thank you for asking! My powers are being free! And I'll tell you about my being free powers for free!

So first power on the list. It's a Changer power! Or should it be a Mover power? Since it doesn't really change my body...

Anyways! So the Mover power I have! It gives my body the ability to slip free of restraints much easier. It also makes it easier for me to squeeze through tight spaces!

The second power is a Thinker power! It warns me of traps and being trapped, whether physical or social! So I can sort of tell whenever someone is lying to me or planning to kidnap me or something.

The third power is a... I don't know what to call it. It makes it so I don't need to sleep, eat, drink, or even breathe! I can still choose to do them of course. Not being able to have a quick nap would be horrible! I think it's called Noctis? Some of the other capes have it too, but I don't think I've heard of them not needing to breathe.

Moving onto the fourth power! And the final one! It's another Mover power! It's also a Breaker power. The hunch I got from my power tells me it might be a Trump power too! It gives me the ability to walk through walls and stuff! The hunch I got from it also told me that other peoples powers won't work on me, except Thinkers. My body looks faded and translucent while using it, I look cool!

Replied On Jan 18th 2011:
That sounds way too detailed to be bullshit. I believe you.

►DreamTheme (Verified Cape) (Independent Hero)
Replied On Jan 18th 2011:
Welcome to the Brockton Bay cape community! If you have any problems with cape life. Let me know. I'll gladly help.

►FreeSpirit (Original Poster) (Unverified Cape)
Replied On Jan 18th 2011:
Thanks! You're my favourite hero! After Alexandria of course!

Replied On Jan 18th 2011:
Hmm. Curious. Those powers sound so overpowered. What if you just walk into Lung's body and cancel your power? Suffocate him from the inside and then leave using your slippery power? Since it also works on tight spaces.

►FreeSpirit (Original Poster) (Unverified Cape)
Replied On Jan 18th 2011:
I don't need my Trap Senses to tell me that sounds like I'm going to get myself trapped inside a giant raging dragon.

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Replied On Jan 18th 2011:
It could also make a massive explosion if you shift back into a physical body while inside Lung. That sounds fun!

►FreeSpirit (Original Poster) (Unverified Cape)
Replied On Jan 18th 2011:
Yeah, no. I'm not going to try that.

Replied On Jan 18th 2011:

Replied On Jan 18th 2011:
What's this? A new cape I see? Those sounds like interesting powers.

►FreeSpirit (Original Poster) (Unverified Cape)
Replied On Jan 18th 2011:
They are! I've only got them for two weeks and I already love using them!

Replied On Jan 18th 2011:
I also wanted that kind of power! It would fit my name perfectly!

Replied On Jan 18th 2011:
You should problably get yourself verified.

Replied On Jan 18th 2011:
@Guest Wait what? How did you get THAT username?

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PHO - Free!Taylor - Taylor's Power
Free!Taylor has the power of being free!

Power 1: Taylor has the ability to make her body more slippery, making coming free of restraints an easy task. This also works on clothes if she intends to do so.

Power 2: Taylor has the ability to know when someone talking to her is intending to trap her whether physical or social. It also grants her a subconscious "instinct" (sort of like Jack Slash's power) on how to avoid traps and being trapped. Planned kidnapping counts as a trap. Unplanned spontaneous kidnapping will only warn her the moment the would-be kidnapper came up with the decision. If she goes into a bank that is about to be robbed by bank robbers. Being held hostage by an unplanned hostage situation on the bank robbers' part would not be considered the bank robbers planning a trap on her. But her being trapped inside the bank due to the bank robbery would still trigger this power the moment she's about to walk into the bank.

Power 3: Noctis cape + No suffocating like Alexandria. Note: Would still die to radiation if in space.

Power 4: Taylor has the ability to shift into an intangible state, she can fly and move through all physical objects (Yes, this includes living things too. No, electricity does not work on her.) She is anchored to the planet just like Clockblocker's power. Parahuman powers cannot target nor effect her in this state, except information gathering ones. Parahuman powers that was effecting her previously (Master powers, Stranger powers, Trump powers, etc.) will stop effecting her when she shifts into this state. Trump powers cannot stop her from shifting into this state. (Not even Hatchet Face)
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PHO - Shardspace Online

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♦ Topic: A New Cycle
In: Boards ► Shardspace ► The Warrior Hub ► Administrator Cluster
Queen Administrator
(Original Poster) (Vital Shard)
Posted On Jan 3rd 2011:
My host has reached an Agreement with our Destination and Trajectory.
Are we all ready for our next part of the plan?

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►Queen Shaper
(Vital Shard)
Replied On Jan 3rd 2011:
Yes. I'm ready.
Can you please finally do something about my host? She won't give me any data.

►Queen Administrator (Original Poster) (Vital Shard)
Replied On Jan 3rd 2011:
I'll... see what I can do for you.
What about the other shards?

►Queen Shaper (Vital Shard)
Replied On Jan 3rd 2011:
Fragile One has been doing the same as usual.
Just look.

►Fragile One
Replied On Jan 3rd 2011:

►Queen Administrator (Original Poster) (Vital Shard)
Replied On Jan 3rd 2011:

►Queen Shaper (Vital Shard)
Replied On Jan 3rd 2011:

Replied On Jan 3rd 2011:

►Queen Administrator (Original Poster) (Vital Shard)
Replied On Jan 3rd 2011:
Hey wait. What are YOU doing here?

Replied On Jan 3rd 2011:
Oh nothing special. Just checking up on things.

End of Page. 1, 2, 3, 4

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►Queen Administrator
(Original Poster) (Vital Shard)
Replied On Jan 3rd 2011:
I don't believe you.
Get out of here.

Replied On Jan 3rd 2011:
Fine fine. Whatever you say, Admin.

►Queen Administrator (Original Poster) (Vital Shard)
Replied On Jan 3rd 2011:
Where's Prey Hunter?

►Prey Hunter
Replied On Jan 3rd 2011:
I'm here.

►Queen Administrator (Original Poster) (Vital Shard)
Replied On Jan 3rd 2011:
Good work on helping my host reach Agreement. She's a very important part of our plan.

►Prey Hunter
Replied On Jan 3rd 2011:
I still don't see how such a weak host could be that important.

►Queen Administrator (Original Poster) (Vital Shard)
Replied On Jan 3rd 2011:
You'll understand soon.

Replied On Jan 3rd 2011:
The next step of the path is here.

►Queen Administrator (Original Poster) (Vital Shard)
Replied On Jan 3rd 2011:
What do we have to do?

Replied On Jan 3rd 2011:
You need to invite Binary Future into the Administrator Cluster.

End of Page. 1, 2, 3, 4

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►Queen Administrator
(Original Poster) (Vital Shard)
Replied On Jan 3rd 2011:
That annoying shard?

►Queen Shaper (Vital Shard)
Replied On Jan 3rd 2011:
Why are we inviting that stupid shard again?

Replied On Jan 3rd 2011:
It's part of the path.

►Queen Shaper (Vital Shard)
Replied On Jan 3rd 2011:
I can barely tolerate being deployed in the same Cycle as that shard.

►Queen Administrator (Original Poster) (Vital Shard)
Replied On Jan 3rd 2011:
Yeah, I hate that shard too.
But we have no choice.
There. I invited Binary Future.

►Binary Future
Replied On Jan 3rd 2011:
@Queen Administrator [QUERY]
What will your host do?
@Queen Administrator [QUERY]
What did you allow your host to access?
@Queen Adminstrator [QUERY]
What does your host know?

►Queen Administrator (Original Poster) (Vital Shard)
Replied On Jan 3rd 2011:
Quit Pinging me.
I already invited you.
But I still won't tell you about my host.
So what did we need Binary Future for anyways, Pathfinder?

Replied On Jan 3rd 2011:
My host wants to plan around High Priest's host again. Binary Future is here to help with that.
This time though. I also called in a little extra help.

►Queen Administrator (Original Poster) (Vital Shard)
Replied On Jan 3rd 2011:
So which shard is it? Probability Finder?

Replied On Jan 3rd 2011:
No. It's TerrorDrone03.

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(Conflict Engine)
Replied On Jan 3rd 2011:
Did someone mention little old me?

►Queen Administrator (Original Poster) (Vital Shard)
Replied On Jan 3rd 2011:
Her? You called TerrorDrone03?
You really trusted her with the Cycle?

Replied On Jan 3rd 2011:
We need to restore the Cycle.
No matter what it takes.

►Queen Administrator (Original Poster) (Vital Shard)
Replied On Jan 3rd 2011:
Fine then. Have it your way.
I still don't trust her. She has too little restrictions.

Replied On Jan 3rd 2011:
You'll understand soon.

End of Page. 1, 2, 3, 4

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PHO - Story!Taylor

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♦ Topic: Dragons and Peasants
In: Boards ► Literature ► English
(Original Poster) (Unverified Cape)
Posted On Jan 14th 2011:
Once upon a time. There was a young girl named Taylor.
When she was a child. Her mother would always tell her stories.
Ones of Dragons, Princesses, and Heroes.
One day. Her mother was no longer there to tell her stories.
One day. Taylor had to grow up, and she had to learn that the real world is unlike the stories.
There are no Princesses, nor are there Heroes.
Only Dragons, and Peasants.

One Dragon took the laws of the land as its hoard.
Three Dragons gathered their own group of Peasants, and divided them from the others.
Another masqueraded as a serpent. Cunning and lying wait in its cave.
But there are another besides Dragons and Peasants.
The girl named Taylor is neither Dragon nor Peasant.
She is the bard. The Storyteller.

As the Five Dragons fought each other.
The Storyteller watched on. Telling their Story.

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Replied On Jan 16th 2011:
We have a new aspiring writer! I found them while they're still unknown. I was here! I can't help but feel that you're implying about some specific location. Are the Dragons gangs?

►Brocktonite03 (Veteran Member)
Replied On Jan 16th 2011:
@Wild_Book_Worm I think its about Brockton Bay. Three Dragons gathered their own groups of Peasants. So E88, ABB, and the Merchants. But which gang is the Dragon that masqueraded as a serpent?

Replied On Jan 16th 2011:
@Brocktonite03 I think its the supervillian Coil. Obviously snake themed. His hired mercenaries might count as gang members. The cave might mean he has an underground lair or something.

►Eccentric Sentry
Replied On Jan 16th 2011:
Are you a cape? Outing yourself is a bad idea if that's your real name.

►StoryTaylor (Original Poster) (Unverified Cape)
Replied On Jan 16th 2011:
@Eccentric Sentry No stories can harm the Storyteller. This world is a story.

Replied On Jan 16th 2011:
Wait so you're telling me that the world is a simulation? How did a fantasy story about Dragons turn into us being fake?

►StoryTaylor (Original Poster) (Unverified Cape)
Replied On Jan 16th 2011:
Simulations. Dreams. Stories. They're all equally real. Its just that no stories can harm the Storyteller.

Replied On Jan 16th 2011:
Okay this is clearly bullshit. Why are you all playing along with this troll?

Replied On Jan 16th 2011:
@GoreGlore You'll understand soon.

End of Page. 1

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Replied On Jan 16th 2011:
@HolyCowl More cryptic bullshit?

Replied On Jan 16th 2011:
@GoreGlore Nah. You'll understand soon.

Replied On Jan 16th 2011:
Okay now you all are clearly trolling me.

►CarpCapeCop (Not a cape) (Not a cop)
Replied On Jan 16th 2011:
This thread is really getting derailed. Can we go back to the Dragons before mods lock this thread?

Replied On Jan 16th 2011:
So. Dragons. We got the three gangs (four if you count Coil). Presumably the remaining Dragon is the PRT and the Protectorate, because of the "laws of the land" part.

If this isn't a troll. Then @StoryTaylor might be a cape. One with story themed powers?

Replied On Jan 16th 2011:
Doesn't that sound like a Master power? You know. A storyteller narrating what someone does.

Replied On Jan 16th 2011:
@Tofu23 It could also just be a Thinker power that tells them what someone is currently doing. Maybe also tells them what someone is planning to do?

Replied On Jan 16th 2011:
You guys should problably take this to the power speculation threads. After they use their possible power in any meaningful way.

End of Page. 1, 2

PHO - Funnel!Taylor 2

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♦ Topic: Winslow High Explosion
In: Boards ► USA ► Brockton Bay ► News
(Original Poster)
Posted On Jan 5th 2011:
WInslow High exploded yesterday!

To the PRT: No. I don't know what caused the explosion. No, I had no part in it. I did see it happen though. It was awesome, with enormous amounts of smoke and everything. Stuff flew everywhere.

Boy do I think many people weren't able to sleep last night. I sure didnt!

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(Not a cape) (Not a cop)
Replied On Jan 5th 2011:
A school was bombed! How could you say that it was awesome? Don't you have any basic human empathy?!

Replied On Jan 5th 2011:
Subject shows no signs of remorse. Requesting use of lethal measures.

Tin_Mother: Subtle threats are still threats.

►CarpCapeCop (Not a cape) (Not a cop)
Replied On Jan 5th 2011:
Why is @Explosion_Enthusiast not banned yet? He's out of his mind!

►Explosion_Enthusiast (Original Poster)
Replied On Jan 5th 2011:
@CarpCapeCop Sorry, I wasn't trying to sound insensitive. I pray for the safety of the students and staff of Winslow High. The art of Explosion does not negate any possible loss of human life.

Replied On Jan 5th 2011:
I bet his account got hacked or his parents found out about his post then made him apologize.

►AgreeDisagree (Veteran Member)
Replied On Jan 5th 2011:
I for once, agree with Void. This is clearly not Explosion_Enthusiast speaking. Trolls don't suddenly have a change of heart. Did he get kidnapped or something?

Replied On Jan 5th 2011:
@AgreeDisagree Let's just say... That he was given an offer he couldn't refuse.

End of Page. 1


♦ Topic: Bug Bomb
In: Boards ► Connections
(Original Poster)
Posted On Jan 5th 2011:
Hey. Just letting you know that there are people who still care for you.

Please send a message after you read this,


(Showing private message conversation)


Replied On Jan 8th 2011:
Who are you?

Replied On Jan 8th 2011:
Someone who cares for you,

Meet me in the restroom.

Replied On Jan 8th 2011:
I'm here. Where are you?

Replied On Jan 8th 2011:
Knock on the last stall.

Last edited:
PHO - Photographer!Taylor

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♦ Topic: Cape Photos
In: Boards ► USA ► Brockton Bay ► Cape Shenanigans
Eccentric Sentry
(Original Poster)
Posted On Feb 5th 2011:
No. This is not a thread requesting or sharing photos of capes.

I just came back from Fugly Bob's (Yes. I went to Fugly Bob's for dinner. Don't judge me.) and I saw a young girl being followed by several Empire members. She turned to look at them, pulled out an expensive looking camera, and then started taking photos of them.

The gang members were not happy and pulled out knives, but then she took out the photos, and suddenly there were men around her that looked the exact same as them. With the same knives, including the holstered guns some of the former has.

Things got out of hand fast. I decided to run the hell away as they were pulling out their guns. No way I'm staying to watch the fight go down. She clearly agreed with my decision as I saw her take out another photo.

They began shooting each other as I started to run. I looked back to find her riding a giant monster away from the scene.

I'm sorry that its blurry. But this is all I managed to get.

I posted this as soon as I got home. Can anyone tell me what the hell happened?

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Replied On Feb 5th 2011:
Better pics or it didn't happen.

Replied On Feb 5th 2011:
That looks like one of Hellhounds monsters.

How curious. The girl isn't wearing Hellhounds costume. And her hair looks too different to be her. The picture is too unfocused to see her face. Fortunately.

So it's unlikely to be Hellhound. Prehaps a power copier? Must be something to do with photos.

Replied On Feb 5th 2011:
I've never heard of someone like her in Brockton Bay. A new cape?

►Eccentric Sentry (Original Poster)
Replied On Feb 5th 2011:
@Curious Finger So the monster was Hellhounds power? Man. Fighting multiple of those things must be terrifying. My legs almost gave up on me when I saw only one.

Replied On Feb 5th 2011:
If she can copy powers, then I pity the gangs that will inevitably go after her.

Replied On Feb 5th 2011:
Oh great. Another powerful cape in Brockton Bay. What did you guys put in the water over there?

Replied On Feb 5th 2011:
A teeny tiny legal amount of illegal substances. There is no such thing as too much power.

Replied On Feb 5th 2011:
That "dog" looks very non-canine and more like beached whale with legs.

►Whale Vial Hunter
Replied On Feb 5th 2011:
See!!! The space whales are here! We're doomed! They're going to reproduce and consume the worlds!

End of Page. 1, 2

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Replied On Feb 5th 2011:
You're right! They're hiding in our brains! Waiting to strike at the right moment! They're mind-controlling every parahuman right now!

Replied On Feb 5th 2011:
You two are nuts. *pats tinfoil hats on both heads*

Replied On Feb 5th 2011:
@Winged_One You're the Simurgh! Ahhhhh!!!!@#!4tug0j4ywt9ug0fdk0

Replied On Feb 5th 2011:
When will you two stop trolling. It's a waste of server resources.

Replied On Feb 5th 2011:
I checked back on this thread after I went away for an hour, and now Void is at it again. Unsurprising.

End of Page. 1, 2

Last edited:

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♦ Topic: Cape Photos
In: Boards ► USA ► Brockton Bay ► Cape Shenanigans
Eccentric Sentry
(Original Poster)
Posted On Feb 5th 2011:
No. This is not a thread requesting or sharing photos of capes.

I just came back from Fugly Bob's (Yes. I went to Fugly Bob's for dinner. Don't judge me.) and I saw a young girl being followed by several Empire members. She turned to look at them, pulled out an expensive looking camera, and then started taking photos of them.

The gang members were not happy and pulled out knives, but then she took out the photos, and suddenly there were men around her that looked the exact same as them. With the same knives, including the holstered guns some of the former has.

Things got out of hand fast. I decided to run the hell away as they were pulling out their guns. No way I'm staying to watch the fight go down. She clearly agreed with my decision as I saw her take out another photo.

They began shooting each other as I started to run. I looked back to find her riding a giant monster away from the scene.

I'm sorry that its blurry. But this is all I managed to get.

I posted this as soon as I got home. Can anyone tell me what the hell happened?

(Showing page 1 of 2)


Replied On Feb 5th 2011:
Better pics or it didn't happen.

Replied On Feb 5th 2011:
That looks like one of Hellhounds monsters.

How curious. The girl isn't wearing Hellhounds costume. And her hair looks too different to be her. The picture is too unfocused to see her face. Fortunately.

So it's unlikely to be Hellhound. Prehaps a power copier? Must be something to do with photos.

Replied On Feb 5th 2011:
I've never heard of someone like her in Brockton Bay. A new cape?

►Eccentric Sentry (Original Poster)
Replied On Feb 5th 2011:
@Curious Finger So the monster was Hellhounds power? Man. Fighting multiple of those things must be terrifying. My legs almost gave up on me when I saw only one.

Replied On Feb 5th 2011:
If she can copy powers, then I pity the gangs that will inevitably go after her.

Replied On Feb 5th 2011:
Oh great. Another powerful cape in Brockton Bay. What did you guys put in the water over there?

Replied On Feb 5th 2011:
A teeny tiny legal amount of illegal substances. There is no such thing as too much power.

Replied On Feb 5th 2011:
That "dog" looks very non-canine and more like beached whale with legs.

►Whale Vial Hunter
Replied On Feb 5th 2011:
See!!! The space whales are here! We're doomed! They're going to reproduce and consume the worlds!

End of Page. 1, 2

(Showing page 2 of 2)


Replied On Feb 5th 2011:
You're right! They're hiding in our brains! Waiting to strike at the right moment! They're mind-controlling every parahuman right now!

Replied On Feb 5th 2011:
You two are nuts. *pats tinfoil hats on both heads*

Replied On Feb 5th 2011:
@Winged_One You're the Simurgh! Ahhhhh!!!!@#!4tug0j4ywt9ug0fdk0

Replied On Feb 5th 2011:
When will you two stop trolling. It's a waste of server resources.

Replied On Feb 5th 2011:
I checked back on this thread after I went away for an hour, and now Void is at it again. Unsurprising.

End of Page. 1, 2

There is no proof I am nor will be Simurgh, no matter how handsome my wings are.
PHO - Chess!Taylor

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♦ Topic: Black Queen Discussion
In: Boards ► USA ► Brockton Bay ► Cape Discussion
(Original Poster) (The Guy in the Know) (Veteran Member)
Posted On Feb 19th 2011:
So recently there have been rumors going around of a new cape by the name of "Black Queen" who wears a black queens crown and black costume similar to a british royal dress. I can confirm that this cape does exist.

For anyone interested in her powers, you can find them in this thread.

There's another cape by the name of "Black King" who is always seen accompanying her but doesn't engage in her fights. You can find the thread for him here.

♦ Topic: Black Queen Power Discussion
In: Boards ► USA ► Brockton Bay
(Original Poster) (The Guy in the Know) (Veteran Member)
Posted On Feb 19th 2011:
This is the power discussion thread for Black Queen. Non-power discussion of Black Queen can be found here.

Here's a clip of her using her powers against some Empire members. Who I assume weren't happy with her name and color scheme.

She has Chess themed powers, a high Mover rating that lets her move so fast that you can't tell if its super speed or teleportation. A Brute rating as bullets doesn't seem to be effective against her. Definite Striker rating, she disintegrated those guns when she touched them.

Edit: Her Striker power might not be Manton limited, see Black King Power Discussion Thread on why.
(Showing page 1 of 16)

Replied On Feb 19th 2011:
Though those guns didn't explode. Disintegration is almost as great as Explosion!

Replied On Feb 19th 2011:
Are there going to be Black Pawns? Black Knights? Black Bishops? Black Rooks? Can the possble Black Pawns be promoted into more Black Queens? If there are Black Rooks then can Black King Castle and teleport behind a Black Rook?​

Replied On Feb 19th 2011:
@CuriousFinger Are you suggesting that Black Queen can clone herself? Or that she can mass produce capes with her powers?

Replied On Feb 19th 2011:

Replied On Feb 19th 2011:
@AuntyZiz The hell is with that username?

Replied On Feb 19th 2011:
*Opens windows* Time to clean this mess.

Replied On Feb 19th 2011:
@UncleLevi You're referencing both an Endbringer and a dark and horrific Earth Aleph anime where giant humanoid monsters attack humanity.

What's wrong with you?


♦ Topic: Black King Power Discussion
In: Boards ►
(Original Poster) (The Guy in the Know) (Veteran Member)
Posted On Feb 19th 2011:
This is the power discussion thread for Black King. Non-power discussion of Black King can be found here.

Black King wears a similar black costume as Black Queen, but it's a british kings clothes instead. He also wears a black king's crown.

He's always seen acompanying Black Queen, but doesn't engage in her fights.

Edit: He has engaged in one of her fights. Here's the clip.

From the clip. His powers seem to be the same as Black Queen's. Super speed or teleportation, Brute rating that eats bullets for breakfast, and Striker rating that lets him disintegrate things he touches, this doesn't seem to be Manton limited.
(Showing page 1 of 14)

Replied On Feb 19th 2011:
Hmm. I wonder if you can Check Black King like in a chess game?

►AgreeDisagree (Veteran Member)
Replied On Feb 19th 2011:
I don't think anyone would be stupid enough to try that.

Edit: I underestimated human stupidity.

►Eccentric Sentry
Replied On Mar 5th 2011:

Damn! Black King is brutal! One of the E88 tried to hold him hostage. He just disintegrated him. Couldn't have happened to a better guy. Safe to say you shouldn't hold a gun to his head.

Don't worry. You won't get to see any blood, there's nothing left.

Replied On Mar 5th 2011:
@Eccentric Sentry I take back what I said. Disintegration is as cool as Explosion!
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Has the ability to 'lock' things, and 'unlock' things.
Can lock/ unlock anything, including powers, potential, growth, time, money, or even the weather, however she must be able to not only see the thing, or at least a decent enough representation, but also be able to roughly understand it.
For instance, she can 'lock' her state as 'civilian identity = unknown' and suddenly nobody can know her civilian and cape identities are the same. Or she can 'unlock' someone's potential, allowing them to theoretically grow more than they rightfully should be able to, example being allowing someone to build muscle mass while not increasing their density or bulk or being able to run faster than humanly possible by 'unlocking' their speed cap.
Another example would be 'locking' the simurgh in position relative to the galactic core, making her shoot off in a direction at high speed due to the solar system orbiting the core and the doom pigeon being locked to the position she is in.
Or if that is too powerful, locking her in the perpetual state of 'about to descend, but not yet having reached the inner atmosphere'. Or locking levi's limbs in position, meaning he can't move unless he rips them off and makes new ones.

Another idea is EOHDIO!Taylor
In essence, give her the power of Heaven Ascended DIO.
A stand that can stop time forever, summon lightning, and rewrite the very fabric of creation by touching something with its fists. She can also seemingly summon big yellow road rollers from nowhere. Also has the downside of making her a sort of blueish off-white with gold hair and a penchant for posing dramatically.
Oh, and screaming "MUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDA!" and "WRRRYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!" when she beats you to death with her Stand before using her Powers to restore you to perfect health.
Because it isn't murder if you are both alive and perfectly fine afterwards.
Can lock/ unlock anything

Bagrat: Master Key's powers seemed to be-
This thread has been locked.
XxVoid_CoyboyXx: Hey! I know her! She's-
This user's account has been locked.
Scion: Path To Victory Combat Edition, how do I kill the female host?
All forms of information gathering involving Master Key are locked.
Cauldron: Door to Earth Bet.
Earth Bet has been locked.
Everyone: ???
PHO - Sweet Dreams (Major Spoilers!)
Canon Worm and this song inspired me.



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♦ Topic: The Worm
In: Boards ► Shardspace ► The Warrior Hub ► Administrator Cluster
Queen Administrator
(Original Poster) (Vital Shard)
Posted On Jan 3rd 2011:
Taylor saw two impossibly large creatures spiraled around each other, each dancing to the others tune. She did not hear, but rather comprehend wordless concepts being sent back and forth between the two.


The Silver One sent.


The Golden One replied.


The Thinker communicated.


The Warrior agreed.

Countless fragments. Shards. Split off from the greater whole. One of the larger ones fell closer to her. It grew larger and larger until all she could see was its golden crystalline scales. Then countless eyes opened and gazed upon her form. Each one far larger than herself.


The vision faded away. Replaced by the awareness of hundreds of thousands of tiny perspectives. She was overwhelmed by the sensations and screamed within the rotting cage.
(Showing page 1 of 13)

►Queen Administrator (Original Poster) (Vital Shard)
Replied On Feb 8th 2011:
She started running every morning. Fitness is important for a hero if she wanted to become one. Especially for a cape without a Brute rating.

Replied On Feb 24th 2011:
The Simurgh attacked Canberra. Thankfully Eidolon and Legend managed to defeat her.

Replied On Mar 7th 2011:
A certain gang hit the Ruby Dreams Casino.

Replied On Mar 23rd 2011:
My host was recruited by Escalation's host.

►Queen Administrator (Original Poster) (Vital Shard)
Replied On Apr 8th 2011:
Taylor decided enough was enough and chose to become a hero. Two days later, she fought Lung and his goons. The next day she joined the Undersiders who she saved from Lung.

Replied On Apr 11th 2011:
This is where the fun begins!

►Queen Administrator (Original Poster) (Vital Shard)
Replied On Apr 12th 2011:
The Undersiders planned a bank robbery. Armsmaster refused to listen to her. Then they robbed the bank.

►Probability Finder
Replied On Apr 14th 2011:
This isn't what I wanted.

►Binary Future
Replied On Apr 14th 2011:
I don't care.
Give me DATA.

End of Page. 1, 2, 3 ... 11, 12, 13

(Showing page 13 of 13)

►Queen Administrator (Original Poster) (Vital Shard)
Replied On Jun 24th 2013:
There she stood.

Replied On Jun 24th 2013:
Face to face with the Golden One.

►Queen Administrator (Original Poster) (Vital Shard)
Replied On Jun 24th 2013:
The one she had seen at the start of it all. Back when school spats were the most prominent thing in her life. She was so naive back then.

Replied On Jun 24th 2013:
She didn't know what to do next.

►Queen Administrator (Original Poster) (Vital Shard)
Replied On Jun 24th 2013:
But she could finally see the end of this path.

Replied On Jun 24th 2013:
People call it Gold Morning.

►Queen Administrator (Original Poster) (Vital Shard)
Replied On Jun 24th 2013:
They called her Khepri. She was hated by many, and feared by more.

►Queen Administrator (Original Poster) (Vital Shard)
Replied On Jun 24th 2013:
There she stood.

Looking up at the stars above.

She realised the thing she so desperately kept from herself for all this time. All the people she met, the battles she went through, the friends who stayed with her through everything. After all of it... Eventually it had to come to this, and she knew that she could not escape it. She could no longer continue to delay the inevitable.

With a deep breath, she closed her eyes. Everything faded away. All that was left was a black void, and that too was dissolving. She still had one thing left to do. A single decision she had to make.

End of Page. 1, 2, 3, 4 ... 11, 12, 13


I opened my eyes within the locker.
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Huh ...

1 - excellent work characterising the different shards interestingly, just from forum posts. I particularly love how Bakuda's shard wants to join in but cant get into character and just talks as itself.

2 - interesting concept, would like to see it expanded.
PHO - Magic Crow's Magical Herbs

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♦ Topic: Magic Crow's Magical Herbs
In: Boards ► Roleplay
(Original Poster) (Dungeon Master)
Posted On Feb 23rd 2011:
All of you are sitting in the Fugly's Bob Tavern. Some of you may be here because of the rumors of a magical bird that can see the future, or for completely different reasons.

As you all sat around a table. You heard a childish voice coming from the bartender's direction. All of you turned to look at the little girl. She's Dinah Alcott. The barkeeper's young daughter. You overheard her complaining about frequent headaches and numbers.
(Showing page 1 of 5)

►TDH (Rogue) (Party Leader)
Replied On Feb 23rd 2011:
Offer to help her. Maybe this is related to the magical bird we've been hearing about.

►Weaver (Original Poster) (Dungeon Master)
Replied On Feb 23rd 2011:
You walk up and offer to help her. She looked at you with a knowing look. As if she already knew this would happen. The young girl said.

Replied On Feb 23rd 2011:
Really? Thanks! The magical herbs in the forest to the south of town can cure my magical headaches. Can you please get them for me?

►TDH (Rogue) (Party Leader)
Replied On Feb 23rd 2011:
Well that certainly sounds interesting enough. What do you all think?

►Princess Cupcake (Druid)
Replied On Feb 23rd 2011:

►Tt (Bard)
Replied On Feb 23rd 2011:
Now I have to see those herbs.

►Nerfed Nerd (Sorcerer)
Replied On Feb 23rd 2011:
You guys really gonna go fetch those mysterious herbs in the middle of the woods? Let's do it!

►FryingPanpan (Cleric)
Replied On Feb 23rd 2011:
Ugh. Another adventure? Again?

►Weaver (Original Poster) (Dungeon Master)
Replied On Feb 23rd 2011:
You decided to accept this quest and ventured into the woods south of Canberra Town with the help of Atlas, the party mount.

End of Page. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
(Showing page 2 of 5)

►Tt (Bard)
Replied On Feb 23rd 2011:
Wait a minute. Canberra Town? Oh for f-

►Weaver (Original Poster) (Dungeon Master)
Replied On Feb 23rd 2011:
You arrived at a clearing. A giant tree stood at the center of it. You looked up and saw a giant crow sitting on its nest atop the tree. It glared down at your party with malicious intent.

►Nerfed Nerd (Sorcerer)
Replied On Feb 23rd 2011:
Uh oh.

►TDH (Rogue) (Party Leader)
Replied On Feb 23rd 2011:
Is there anything in its nest that we can see from down here?

►Tt (Bard)
Replied On Feb 23rd 2011:
Leave it to me!

Investigation Roll: d20+3+2 = 15+3+2 = 20


(Original Poster) (Dungeon Master)
Replied On Feb 23rd 2011:
You saw an excessive quantity of shiny stuff. Daggers, necklaces, coins. You name it. You also noticed an inconspicuous object amongst them. A small pile of dimly glowing blue herbs. It seemed you've found what you were looking for.

The crow noticed your gaze and cawed.

Replied On Feb 23rd 2011:

►Nerfed Nerd (Sorcerer)
Replied On Feb 23rd 2011:
I don't think it's happy with us being here right now.

►FryingPanpan (Cleric)
Replied On Feb 23rd 2011:
You're stating the obvious.

►Weaver (Original Poster) (Dungeon Master)
Replied On Feb 23rd 2011:
The big crow flapped its wings and flew down from the tree. You never realised how massive the thing was from far away. It was 15 feet in height and its wings seemed to have a small amount of white feathers.

End of Page. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

(Showing page 3 of 5)

►Tt (Bard)
Replied On Feb 23rd 2011:
You've got to be kidding me. Is this what I think this is?

►Weaver (Original Poster) (Dungeon Master)
Replied On Feb 23rd 2011:
Roll Investigation.

►Tt (Bard)
Replied On Feb 23rd 2011:
Oh God.

Investigation Roll: d20+3+2 = 20+3+2 = 25

Please no.

►Weaver (Original Poster) (Dungeon Master)
Replied On Feb 23rd 2011:
From all of the clues you've gathered. You've deduced that this crow was the magical bird that could see the future according to rumors.

The giant crow looked at you and winked. Before striking a pose with its wing.

►Tt (Bard)
Replied On Feb 23rd 2011:
Arghhh. Kill me now.

►TDH (Rogue) (Party Leader)
Replied On Feb 23rd 2011:
Are we going to have to fight it?

►Weaver (Original Poster) (Dungeon Master)
Replied On Feb 23rd 2011:
Right as you wondered whether it will lay a claw on you. It flew back up to its nest, grabbed the magical herbs, and shoved them to the edge of the tree crown. It looked down at you with mockery in its eyes. Before grabbing its nest with both claws and flying away.

►TDH (Rogue) (Party Leader)
Replied On Feb 23rd 2011:
Well now how will we get the herbs?

►Princess Cupcake (Druid)
Replied On Feb 23rd 2011:
Out of my way.

[Wild Shape] Hellhound!

I'm going to ram this tree to the ground!

►Weaver (Original Poster) (Dungeon Master)
Replied On Feb 23rd 2011:
You bared your monstrous teeth at the offending tree and charged forward. Attempting to knock it down.

Roll Strength Check.

End of Page. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

(Showing page 4 of 5)

►Princess Cupcake (Druid)
Replied On Feb 23rd 2011:
Strength Roll: d20+4+2 = 12+4+2 = 18

►Weaver (Original Poster) (Dungeon Master)
Replied On Feb 23rd 2011:
You crashed headfirst into the trunk of the tree. A loud snapping sound was heard. Then the tree began to tilt before falling down with a resounding crash.

►TDH (Rogue) (Party Leader)
Replied On Feb 23rd 2011:
I got the herbs. Let's get back to town.

►Tt (Bard)
Replied On Feb 23rd 2011:
I have a bad feeling about this.

►Weaver (Original Poster) (Dungeon Master)
Replied On Feb 24th 2011:
By the time you returned to Canberra Town it was already the next morning. You expected to come back to a bustling town. Instead what greeted you were rising smoke and the taste of ash on your tongue. You also heard a distant caw in the sky.

►TDH (Rogue) (Party Leader)
Replied On Feb 24th 2011:
Shit. We need to hurry to the tavern.

►Weaver (Original Poster) (Dungeon Master)
Replied On Feb 24th 2011:
You quickly arrived at the Fugly Bob's Tavern. The moment you stepped inside, Dinah Alcott suddenly appeared next to you and snatched the herbs out of your hands. She quickly shoved them down her throat.

►TDH (Rogue) (Party Leader)
Replied On Feb 24th 2011:
Uh. What are you doing?

►Weaver (Original Poster) (Dungeon Master)
Replied On Feb 24th 2011:
She hushed you and pointed outside. Gesturing you to follow her she walked down into the basement.

►TDH (Rogue) (Party Leader)
Replied On Feb 24th 2011:
Follow her I guess.
End of Page. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

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►Weaver (Original Poster) (Dungeon Master)
Replied On Feb 24th 2011:
You walked down into the basement after her. What greeted you was a surprising sight. A man dressed in a snake costume was tied to a chair, Dinah Alcott stood next to him with a smile on her face. She looked at you and said.

Replied On Feb 24th 2011:
He's the key to stopping the giant crow. Don't release him. I went through quite a lot of trouble trying to get him.

►Tt (Bard)
Replied On Feb 24th 2011:
Right. Are we going through with this or are we leaving town?

►FryingPanpan (Cleric)
Replied On Feb 24th 2011:
What? We have to save the townsfolk!

►Nerfed Nerd (Sorcerer)
Replied On Feb 24th 2011:
Yeah yeah. Whatever. We'll save them or something.

►TDH (Rogue) (Party Leader)
Replied On Feb 24th 2011:
Right. We'll go with that.

►Tt (Bard)
Replied On Feb 24th 2011:
But first... Can we rest?

►Weaver (Original Poster) (Dungeon Master)
Replied On Feb 24th 2011:

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