A young naked girl is invited by a naked stranger to show her the world with a magic broom. That sounds so wrong out of context. But I'm glad Rei is beginning to have the time of her life. (God, that also sounds wrong! 😖 )

Nevertheless, I love the chapter. I can't wait to see what the others are up to. :p
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A young naked girl is invited by a naked stranger to show her the world with a magic broom. That sounds so wrong out of context. But I'm glad Rei is beginning to have the time of her life. (God, that also sounds wrong! 😖 )
Well... yes :D

I admit I had some worries about posting this chapter here, but then I realized it's actually less questionable than what the series itself shows. So it went up without any changes.
Nevertheless, I love the chapter. I can't wait to see what the others are up to.
Thank you! The next chapter is in progress (written about half-way right now) and should be significantly longer.

Two done, seven more to go in this act.
Act II, scene III: The boy that was afraid

Act II, scene III: The boy that was afraid

"Good evening, Shinji Ikari-kun" spoken in a soft voice made Shinji snap his eyes open and raise his head in the darkness of his room.

"G-good evening", the boy sat on his futon in nearly a jump, his heart pounding. "I-I'm sorry… I wasn't expecting a visitor", his voice was almost panicky as he tried to discern the shape of the figure in front of him. By all reason, his eyes should have been adjusted to the surrounding darkness – but all he could see was an outline and a gleaming eye. His first reflex was to run – but, unfortunately to him, the apparition was between him and the door.

"Please, do not be afraid, Shinji Ikari-kun", the figure smiled warmly, speaking in a soft alto voice. "I am here just for a moment… and you're usually too busy to approach elsewhere. Do not worry about the circumstances, those were of my choice. My name is Voland."

Shinji blinked as the darkness suddenly parted and he could finally see his guest: a dark, elegantly clad form with long, dark hair and mismatched eyes; the gleam he saw before was coming from the green one, while the black one remained empty, darker than the night around them. The stranger was smiling a warm smile that was giving their face a pleasant if still firm appearance.

Shinji's heart was still racing, yet for some reason, his body listened to the polite request of his guest; while still wary, he no longer felt the animalistic urge to flee. This suddenly felt almost normal – and in contrast to some events he was recently forced to participate in, actually was normal.

After all, he was a boy that was well-educated for his age; he had no good scenarios for combatting giant monstrosities – except obeying orders and remembering some of his limited training – or dealing with a very rude foreign girl who felt like a small stone in a boot of a well-functioning household – but there were numerous scenarios for talking to a polite and friendly visitor, no matter how unexpected. Unable to determine the proper form of address from the foreign name and lacking sufficient visual clues, Shinji defaulted to his usual kind persona and a polite attempt at guessing. "I'm sorry", he spoke carefully. "Who are you… ma'am?"

The smile widened. "A messenger, even if I only carry the message of my own. I am here to help you."

Something rang in Shinji's mind; he was not exactly a very religious person – he was raised by a teacher who considered religion a relic, significant only for its historical and cultural value. But he did make sure the boy knew enough to be able to get by among those that held the more traditional views on the matter. Recalling those lessons, he tried: "Are you… are you my grandmother? Or… someone she sent to watch over me?"

Voland's smile turned crooked for a second. "Not… exactly, Shinji Ikari-kun", they replied. "Although some people would certainly assume your father or your mother's family had very close kinship with me", they added, amusement creeping into the soft voice. "But no. I am not coming from your family… but I am interested in the well-being, though. Yours… and your family."

Shinji's face hardened. "Then, if you forgive my boldness, perhaps visiting my father would be better? I… can do very little about the family. I'm just a boy."

"Oh, no", Voland shook their head, their smile widening. "I don't mean your family by blood. I meant the family you have… here", they gestured widely.

"I… don't understand", Shinji admitted before realizing he was not following the scenario his mind was dictating for this kind of meeting. "Um… can I get you something? Tea, perhaps? We should go somewhere more comfortable… I apologize for the disorder…" he added, reminding himself forcefully that – as strange as this whole situation was – he was still the host here.

"No, thank you, and there is no need for us to leave", Voland chuckled. "Interestingly enough, you're the only one that actually offered something like that in a… well, while. But no, thank you. This is the best place to hold this conversation, and your intent is hospitality enough."

"I… I'm afraid I don't understand", Shinji admitted with a bit of embarrassment.

"Do not worry, Shinji Ikari-kun", Voland smiled a crooked smile. "I do not need anything but your answers. Tell me, please: what do you desire?"

Shinji Ikari was used to difficult questions; he attended a Japanese school, after all. In addition to that, his current guardian sometimes asked him questions that bordered on philosophical in nature; the fact that he could never answer them properly did not change the fact that he was getting used to them, and in the end, they were often rhetorical. And she was asking them when she was quite drunk.

This one was different; as much as Shinji could tell by the expression of the odd eyes, the strange guest clearly expected an answer; but to this, Shinji had none but the most obvious.

"I… don't know", he finally admitted. "I don't think it matters? Other people have plans for me, and I follow them. I don't think anyone would care for my… desires", he elaborated, a tinge of sadness – or even maybe anger? – seeping into his voice.

"It matters to more people than you could imagine, boy", Voland's smile turned a bit warmer and their voice turned softer. "Your secrets are safe with me, Shinji-kun, if this is what worries you. I know you are not very familiar with the concept of confession, and I don't expect you to tell me everything… but would you unburden your soul to a stranger who wishes to help you?"

Shinji pondered for a moment, his expressions showing a cavalcade of conflicting emotions: hope, fear, relief, anger, peace, panic, need, determination… finally, his jaw clenched. "I can't", he turned his head away. "I'm sorry."

"I am not going to force you, Shinji-kun", Voland spoke, undeterred. "But I will make sure you mean it before I leave. Can I touch you?" they asked suddenly.

"Um…" Shinji's gaze went back to his guest's face. "I think so?"

"Let me guess… few adults bother to ask?" Voland's voice was, for a short moment, almost angry. "Just tell me what burdens you, Shinji-kun", they returned to the softer voice a second as they reached for the boy's hand.

The expected-but-unusual sudden touch was the strangest experience for Shinji. It was nothing like Misato's not-too-subtle and rather abrupt smothering hugs; it was almost the opposite of Asuka's rough violent attempts on… well, any contact, including the catastrophic kiss they recently shared; it was also quite far from Touji's pats on the back and other forms of "boy-appropriate" contact.

No, this touch felt like something Shinji did not feel in years. It was soft and caring; it was a gesture that promised understanding; it was a touch that seemed to say: "all will be good".

A touch he remembered from one person in his life. A person long gone.

He turned his head away the moment tears formed in his eyes. "Ma'am, please leave. I… I can't… I must not…"

"It's all right", the stranger's voice turned even warmer and softer, dropping to almost a whisper. "I'm here, Shinji-kun. Come to me. Do not be afraid. It's all right."

Shinji's vision became blurry. On one hand, he knew he should bottle it all again, hide the emotions, avoid displaying the weakness; showing it usually meant he was doubted, mocked, even yelled at. On the other hand, the desire to just be held or perhaps even be allowed to let it all out was simply overwhelming.

"Ma'am… please…" he whispered with a sob in his last attempt to push the emotions back – or at least be able to cry them out alone, without bothering anyone.

"I won't do anything you don't want to", the touch on his hand softened but remained in place. "But you're free to rest your head on my lap and speak… or be silent if you prefer to."

Shinji Ikari knew he could pull away.

Shinji Ikari knew he should pull away.

Shinji Ikari also knew he was unable to pull away.

He did not even realize when he found himself with his head in the stranger's lap, shaking and sobbing. An unusually warm hand with long, sharp nails caressed his head as he cried – and the stranger's face expressed an unholy mix of sympathy – and boundless hatred.


"I'm so sorry, ma'am", Shinji Ikari whispered with embarrassment when his awareness of his situation returned. "I… I should've never done that", he added as he sheepishly retreated, almost forcibly pulling away from the position he found himself in.

"I told you, already, Shinji-kun", Voland spoke in the voice like silk as they smiled a warm smile that starkly contrasted with the worrying number of exposed teeth. "It's all right. People I visit usually get a different treatment… but your situation is quite different. You can rest assured that nobody ever will learn of what happened here unless you choose to tell them yourself."

"Thank you, ma'am", Shinji whispered; his face and ears were burning, his eyes were red, but he felt better than for the last few… years? "I… I'm sorry to give you trouble… but I still don't know how to answer you", he looked away. "Perhaps I could make you tea?" he proposed again in an attempt to regain some normalcy.

"Thank you, but this is unnecessary", Voland smiled once more. "And that question is no longer important. There is another. You have your… semi-adopted family here, dysfunctional as it is. Do you care for them?"

"I do", Shinji nodded, his voice still embarrassed. "I… just don't know if I can live with them for much longer without… well. Losing my mind", he admitted sheepishly. Somehow, talking to the stranger seemed easier now.

"How so?" Voland raised an eyebrow, their tone questioning.

"They're… difficult. But I owe them that", Shinji explained. "My… care, I mean."

"Owe… So, this is just a trade?" Voland pressed.

"No!" Shinji protested loudly before leveling his voice to a more appropriate low register. "Misato is a good guardian, and I know she cares, even if she rarely shows that openly. But she does, I know that. But Asuka… I don't know. She's… difficult. I'm… afraid of her sometimes", he admitted, the embarrassment in his voice increasing again.

"You're quite a diplomat, Shinji-kun", Voland chuckled. "What if I told you that Asuka Langley Soryu cares for you deeply, but it is her pride that stops her from ever showing it beyond the subtlest hints?" the toothy smile turned wider and meaner. "Your fear of her is unnecessary. She wants you. She likes you."

"I… She told me she hated me", Shinji's lips became a thin line.

"Are you familiar", Voland spoke in an increasingly amused voice, "with the concept of lying? And the concept of pride?"

"Um… I guess?" Shinji replied with an obvious lack of understanding.

Voland smiled a wider smile. "All right, let's not overcomplicate it. There are things I would like you to do now: decide whether you believe me or your doubts… and to make a choice."

"A choice?" Shinji shook his head. "I… don't understand."

"It is simple", Voland's smile vanished and their voice became harder. "I can take your doubts and fears away and grant you peace – or I can make sure you will never be alone again… and give you a direction to go. A direction that would make at least two people happy… and if everyone does it right, far more than just two."

"But…" Shinji hesitated. "But what if I fail?"

Voland shook their head, their expression turning sadder. "What have they done to you that you consider this an option, even with my help, and that of those that care about you?" they mused before returning to a firmer voice. "If you fail, you will find your peace, anyway, this or another way. But I don't think you will… otherwise I would not be talking to you. There is but one catch, Shinji-kun."

"A… catch?"

"Or a condition, really", Voland corrected after a moment of pondering. "Do not run away. You will never be alone again, but whatever happens, you must face it. You will face it with the others at your side, but you must face it."

Shinji's lips once more became a thin line, a flash of fear appearing in his eyes. "And the peace? You spoke of taking away my doubts and fears."

"I can do that", Voland confirmed, just a small twitch of their face showing how displeasing this thought was to them. "This choice would leave you alone, though – and deprive everyone else of the support you could give them. You would not care anymore, of course, but this may weigh on your choice now."

"So… it's just my last chance to run away?" Shinji asked. "You're offering me a choice to do it now… or never try again?"

"In a way", Voland confirmed. "I would grant you a way to escape nobody would be able to turn you back from, even you."

"I'm sorry… but this sounds rather… ominous", Shinji remarked.

"Most final things carry this air, yes", Voland's smile returned as an unnerving smirk, their tone somewhat mocking.

"And I understand that my decision can't be changed?" Shinji asked.

"Yes… if you choose the… 'run away' option, since it will be the last choice you will ever make in this life", Voland explained. "If you choose that, someone will enter this room in the morning and find you here, alive but uncaring, no longer able to pilot, no longer willing to communicate, no longer of any use to anyone. They would likely scream, panic over you a little bit, suffer for a time because of your choice, but then they will give you the peace you desire, the respite you wish for, the rest you crave. And they will forget about you in time… assuming they will have enough time and will to live", they finished with a far more serious expression.

"I… don't understand", Shinji shook his head. "Why 'will to live'? Misato-san has nothing but trouble with me, and Asuka… Asuka…" he let out a heavy sigh, unable to even put his problems in words.

"Whom do you believe, Shinji-kun?" Voland asked. "Your doubts and your fears… or words of someone who believes in you… and your hopes?"

"I don't know if I can dare to hope, ma'am. Or afford to", Shinji spoke carefully – but with a tinge of said forbidden emotion in his voice. "I think I lost it when I understood that my mother was gone… and my father decided I was too much of a burden."

"Your mother is not gone, Shinji-kun", Voland smiled a crooked but surprisingly warm smile. "She still watches over you, closer to you and paying attention more often than you realize. And… she wanted me to give you this", they produced a small object from their pocket and handed it to Shinji.

Shinji blinked for a few moments, slowly realized what he was holding, his earliest memories painfully coming to the fore of his mind – and had to blink again when the involuntary tears blurred his vision. "Where… where did you get this?" he managed to ask through a clenched throat.

"Some things don't burn, Shinji-kun", Voland replied, their smile unchanged. "Someone who also cared about your mother saved it in a small act of defiance… and now it's yours. And I know that you will meet her again. When you decide to face the world, that is."

"What kind of choice is that?" Shinji suddenly erupted, heedless of the time of the night and his manners. "You're telling me I can leave, I can run away… but if I stay, I get to meet my mother? That's… that's…" he shook his head as his voice was lost in a sob.

"That's a perfectly honest choice: run away, embracing oblivion and forgetfulness… or face your life with others at your side. If you decide to face your life, you get to meet your mother once more, more than once, actually", Voland explained. "And you will never be alone again. If you run away, of course, you don't get to meet her, and you will die alone; you won't care about that anymore, but you will be alone. But there's no lie, no deception, no false leads. There's just a choice. Your choice."

Shinji stared at the photo of the woman he remembered so dimly, imperfect recollections of whom were the fondest, warmest memories of his life. Fears and doubts were twisting in his head, trying to trample over hope and will to trust this stranger, a stranger who seemed to know so much – but first and foremost, seemed to care about him.

He took a deep breath.

"I won't run away", he declared, the certainty of his voice surprising him.

"And you shall never be alone", an unexpectedly low and reverberating voice responded; it created an odd dissonance with the feminine figure of the stranger, but this was currently the least of Shinji's reasons for confusion. "Shinji Ikari, son of Yui and Gendo, I take this as your will to accept your fate and to face it. Is this right?"

"I will not run away", he repeated as his eyes rose to meet those of the strange guest. "I will not run away", he repeated once more, unsure why he was doing this.

"Excellent. And you shall never be alone. Never alone", Voland's warm – if still predatory – smile returned, and their voice became soft again. "Is there anything you wish to ask me?"

Shinji looked like he wanted to ask a question, but then he shook his head. This whole situation felt simply too surreal to even make an attempt of understanding or to try to grasp it with reason. "I… just hope I will not regret this… ma'am."

"Oh, you may", Voland smirked. "But you would have regretted the other choice far, far more."

"Wait", Shinji shook his head. "You knew I would?"

"I have some experience with mankind, Shinji-kun", Voland replied, their smirk intact. "If you have nothing to ask of me, I shall take my leave", they started to rise slowly in a disturbingly fluent motion.

"Wait", Shinji spoke up. "Who are you?"

"I already told you", came a soft reply. "I am a messenger, a carrier of a promise."

"How do I know if this was real? I mean…" he trailed off. "Was it? Can you tell me?"

"Oh, you will know", Voland chuckled. "If you have eyes, you will see. Good night", they added as they slid the door open. Shinji could see some ruins and a starry sky on the other side instead of the expected kitchen; he shrugged it off – what was yet another weirdness in an already weird dream?

"Good night, ma'am", he replied, suddenly aware that he was still the host and some rules were to be followed, regardless of whether the situation was real or not.

"Have a good life, Shinji-kun", a voice replied, sounding like it was coming from unbelievably far – and the door closed.

Shinji took a deep breath, gathered his courage, and walked to them. He did not know what to expect when he slid them open again – but he was relieved when it was just the dark, familiar walls, floor, and ceiling of Misato's apartment.

He closed them with a sigh and walked back to his futon, his head full of half-formed, confusing thoughts, his emotions still in turmoil. He knew it was wrong for a boy to cry – but here, with nobody watching him, he could allow himself that, as long as he remained quiet to spare himself the comments of the other dwellers of the apartment. He did not dare to have faith in the promise the strange, unreal guest left him with, of course – but at least until he woke up, he had a face to look at, a face of a woman he remembered only dimly – but loved with the love of a small child, love that never really went away, love unchanged by growing up under her care.

He kept looking into those loving eyes with a smile on his face until his own eyes closed and a blissful sleep took him over.
Yet another wonderful chapter just in time for the New Years Eve.

This stranger just gave Shinji courage and the hope to go on. I wonder if that means he'll be more bolder this time around when it comes to Asuka.
Yet another wonderful chapter just in time for the New Years Eve.
Thank you! Publishing those just before the end of the month sometimes has funny timing effects ^^
This stranger just gave Shinji courage and the hope to go on. I wonder if that means he'll be more bolder this time around when it comes to Asuka.
The results of this night will be the subject of the whole Act III - and Shinji will have a lot to think about once he wakes up.

There is hope for him here.
Act II, scene IV: The teacher and the students

Act II, scene IV: The teacher and the students

"Good evening, Professor", a familiar voice sounded unexpectedly in the poorly lit office of Kouzo Fuyutsuki.

"What?" the elderly man inhaled sharply, his idle thoughts over some issue interrupted. "Inspector. I do not recall us having an appointment?" he asked in a confused voice as he rose from behind his desk and eyed the figure standing in the doorway. For a moment he wondered how this stranger managed to enter, but it was entirely possible that he simply forgot to lock the door behind him; it happened from time to time.

"You are quite correct, Professor", Voland smirked. "I am afraid I did not make any. This is an… unofficial visit. Can I come in? I promise not to take much of your time."

"Yes… please", the Vice-Commander gestured to the chair in front of his desk and pushed a button that turned the lights up a little bit. "What can I do for your, Inspector?"

"Oh, nothing, I think", Voland replied with a smile forming on their face as they stepped in. "If fact, it is not me whom I wanted you to meet."

"I'm afraid I do not understand", Vice-Commander Fuyutsuki replied, his expression confused. "I have already met everyone involved in the inspection, haven't I?"

"Doubtlessly", Voland's smirk widened into a smile. "But as I have just said: this is an unofficial visit. Please, Doctor… come in", they addressed someone still behind the doorframe.

Vice-Commander Fuyutsuki wanted to say something: perhaps utter a protest, perhaps request an explanation, perhaps demand the strange guest leaving his presence. But he could not say a word the moment he saw who entered the room. "Good evening, Professor", a melodious voice, one he had last heard ten years ago, greeted him warmly. "I am so happy to see you again."

"Ikari", he finally managed to utter after a few seconds of stunned silence. "Yui Ikari-kun. How?"

"It is a night of magic, Professor", Voland replied instead of her, a smirk wandering on their face. "A night of wonders… if you're more inclined to believe that. Either way, I will leave you two to your business. I'm sure you have much to say to each other", they added with a lop-sided smile as they stepped behind the closing door.

Kouzo Fuyutsuki kept staring at his unexpected guest – no, to call her unexpected would be setting unreasonable standards even in the place where unexpected was just another day in the office – at his impossible guest for a few seconds, unsure whether someone was playing a trick on him, had he gone insane, or he simply was dreaming. Unable to make that decision, though, he decided that whatever the circumstances, with proper precautions, he should simply act as this impossibility was – in fact – possible. "Please take a seat", he finally spoke, indicating the chair in front of him. "Can I offer you something? Tea, perhaps?"

"If this is the same blend you have always offered in your office, Professor, then, by all means, I'd be glad to taste it again", Yui Ikari accepted and smiled the same smile he remembered so fondly.

"It is… it is indeed", he confirmed and rummaged for a moment in the desk before producing another cup, happy to occupy his mind with something else for a few seconds. A few moments later that took to pour tea with somewhat shaking hands, he handed the full cup to his guest.

"You can't believe how I missed that, Professor", she smiled as she breathed the smell of the infusion in with visible pleasure. "I apologize for surprising you like this, though", she continued, her expression suddenly serious. "There was honestly no way to make an appointment… and this was the only night that this visit was possible. I am sure you have many questions. Please, feel free to ask them."

As Yui Ikari's words reached him, Kouzo Fuyutsuki faced a dilemma.

On one hand, he knew the situation he was experiencing was completely impossible. Yui Ikari has been dead – well, to be more precise, has been an echo in the system, a ghost in the shell, a spirit in the machine of the Evangelion Unit-01, not that it was much different from dead – for over a decade. The person in front of him could be nothing else but an apparition, a vision of his weary mind, a creation of a mind tormented with dread and guilt. After all, she looked like she did not age at all since that horrible day when she climbed into the bowels of the machine to perform her Contact Experiment; she was dressed like he was used to seeing her: in her regular office turtleneck, a skirt, and a lab coat. This had to be just his memory, conjured by some fluke of cosmic origin, or simply his brain escaping the dreadful reality into a fantasy about a person whose company he greatly enjoyed in the past.

On the other, it felt all too real. His dreams were never very vivid, and as he aged, they only got dimmer, losing more of the sounds and colors. This one, though, felt like the woman he missed for so long was really sitting across the desk from him: he could clearly see her still young face, he could hear her melodious voice, he could smell the very delicate whiff of her perfume, and the small brush against her skin as he passed her the cup felt all too real as well. He was a man of science – and what could a man of science trust if not his senses, the reality he perceived, the empirical evidence?

The fact that he desperately wanted all this to be real did not help him in deciding.

"I am not sure I understand… Ikari-kun", he finally spoke up. "Why 'the only night'?"

"I've been given an opportunity", she replied with a smile and took a sip of the tea; a moment of silence descended upon them as her face assumed the expression of bliss. "Ah… where was I? Ah. Yes. I've been given an opportunity to make a few visits to people who are important to me. This is an unusual night, courtesy of someone who – to my great surprise – knew of me, and who has some business with… well, all of us", she explained, her smile gaining a rarely-seen but always worrying quality Fuyutsuki learned to spot in the past. "And I couldn't imagine not including you among those I visited", she finished with her smile intact.

"Thank you…" he replied, both moved and confused. "What… happened? How did this happen?" he tried, his mind having difficulties putting proper questions together. In the past, he imagined many scenarios of what he would tell this woman should Fate let him meet her again – but right now, all this disappeared, and he found himself almost stuttering.

"Well, as for my Contact Experiment, the Evangelions were a bit hungrier than we expected–"

"It was my fault", he interrupted. "I always wanted to apologize to you, but–"

"No, Professor. It was my decision", Yui Ikari strongly objected, her hand raised. "And mine only. It was necessary then, and it is still necessary now. I knew there was a significant risk, and… and this had to happen. And I must ask you to keep this conversation secret as well. No word to my son, or to anyone. Can I have that promise, Professor?"

'As if anyone would believe me, even if I was crazy enough to tell them my visions and dreams…' he realized bitterly. "Of course, Ikari-kun", he agreed.

"And if you're asking about now… I believe I explained that already", she resumed as her smile returned. "Things are in motion, things that will change lives here, and I agreed to be a part of it. I wanted a bright future for my son… and perhaps this is the best way to do so."

"That's the last thing I remember about you, Ikari-kun", he said in a sad voice when she paused. "Those words of yours were hard to forget. But how this… benefactor is going to help? It is the Inspector, correct?"

"Yes", Yui Ikari replied with a smile. "They visited me in my current residence… to my confusion, as you can imagine… and gave me an opportunity, a chance to make things a bit better."

"Your… oh", Fuyutsuki paused as he realized the implications. 'A dream, then. I just wonder how it became so vivid?'

"I know, Professor, to say this sounds odd would be stretching the definition of the word", she continued, her voice calling his attention back and making him focus despite the disappointment taking the color out of this encounter. "But we have worked daily with things that defy reality, and now I live as one of them. Please tell me: how my dear Gendo", her tone changed dangerously, "has been behaving, and how well did he take care of my son?"

"Something tells me you already know the answer, Ikari- kun", he remarked bitterly.

"I hope I don't. Can you tell me? It's not that I have many people I trust around here left, I'm afraid", she requested with a sigh.

"As you wish, Ikari-kun", Kouzo Fuyutsuki relented – and started talking. Apparition or not, dream or not, he saw no reason to be impolite – and indulging his guest, real or not, meant he got to spend more time with her. And Yui Ikari has always been a good listener.

And there was much to listen to.


"Thank you, Professor", Yui Ikari spoke a few moments after Fuyutsuki declared that this was all he had to say on the subject and offered more tea. "With pleasure. I think I know now what should happen", she added with that unpleasant smile returning.

"Ikari-kun… he is not that bad of a man", Fuyutsuki tried to intervene, well aware that he might have just condemned his colleague – and, for all the complexity of their relation, a superior – to a very unpleasant fate at the hands of his wife on the off chance this whole situation was real after all. Initially, he even wondered how much he should tell his erstwhile student – but quickly learned that he simply could not keep anything secret from her. "Almost everything he did, he did either for the boy or to get you back."

Yui Ikari took a deep breath. "Professor… you have always been a brilliant scientist, a great physician, and a very dedicated man", she spoke as her face returned to serious. "And forgive me for saying that… but you were never a good judge of character. Not with me… and not with him. In the light of that… please leave the judgment over him to me. This is, somewhat, a family matter, and so, I believe I must handle it myself."

"It was always difficult to tell you 'no', Ikari-kun", Fuyutsuki admitted with a sad smile on his face. "But you're right, it is between you two: he joined his fate with yours, and I have no say here. Just… don't be too harsh to him?"

"He will get what he deserves, Professor", Yui retorted as her smile came back. "Thank you for the tea, for the conversation… for everything, really; it was a pleasure, the kind I sorely lacked in the time between and may lack for a while. I hope we will see each other again", she added as she set the cup down and stood up.

"The pleasure was all mine, Ikari-kun", the Professor replied with a smile, trying his best not to let the implication of his student's words enter his mind.

"Farewell… or goodbye, depending on what happens", she said, bowing. A moment later she was at the door – and gone.

Kouzo Fuyutsuki took a sip of the tea, opened a drawer, and pulled an old photograph, one he saved from a relentless purge of all information Gendo Ikari enacted to keep his secrets. Unreal as it was, this visit was a balm to his weary heart, a heart he worried might not last too long under the circumstances.


"How did it go, madame?" Voland asked the moment the door closed behind Yui Ikari.

"As well as I expected", Yui Ikari replied with a happy smile. "He hasn't changed much. Despite aging far more than I anticipated, he should be able to play the role. As of whether he will be willing… I believe so, but I refuse to speak for him."

"Excellent", Voland said, their smile widening. "I will talk to him again in a moment, then. Do you wish to change for your next visit?"

"If you would be so kind, Professor", she replied, her smile unchanged. "A little black dress would be the most appropriate here, I believe."

"Ah, the unforgettable classic", Voland smirked. "Of course", they gestured with obvious lack of effort and Yui felt a soft tingling on her skin. "Here. Shall I announce you?"

"Thank you, but there is no need", Yui refused gently. "As I told my teacher, this is a… family matter."

"Of course", Voland agreed readily. "Please take your time. We have plenty."

"Thank you, Professor", she smiled at them and reached for a button.


The door to Gendo Ikari's office chimed gently.

The sole occupant of the office furrowed his brow. There were very few people who would dare to disturb him in his office without being summoned, and even fewer that would dare to do this at this hour: his second-in-command, who was unlikely to have any business today anymore; Doctor Akagi, who sometimes visited him at odd hours, annoyingly demanding yet another proof of his feelings towards her and appreciation of her dedication, preferably delivered right there on his desk; Kaji Ryouji, bringing his odd spy business with him, be it secrets or artifacts; and, in very rare situations, Major Katsuragi, when some tactical or organizational matter became urgent without any prior warning. Since at least one of those four was still working, the chiming door most likely meant another boring meeting over bureaucratic trivia or some equally pointless, mechanical interaction. But there was nothing to do about it.

"Enter", he commanded in as he accepted that particular burden of command with quiet resignation. "What is–" he started in an annoyed voice – and that his voice got stuck in his throat as he saw the embodiment of his dreams filling the doorframe.

"Good evening, dear husband", the elegantly dressed, far too familiar figure, addressed him in a chillingly calm voice as she approached his desk in quick, measured, and graceful steps. "I am so glad you are still here. We need to talk", she added as she loomed over him, her hands behind her back, her feet firmly planted on the outer circle of the Keter Sephira etched in the floor.

"Yui…" he managed to whisper, his awed eyes glued to her face, his heart racing. "My Yui… Is that really you? Or am I dreaming?"

"Oh, you're not dreaming, darling. This is definitely not a dream", Yui replied, her smile wry and her gaze piercing him. "I am as real as it gets, at least for tonight. Now… be a good boy and tell me: what have you been up to while I was away?"


"And what do you wish for, Professor?" a question sounded in the silence of the other office.

The old man jumped in his seat and dropped the photo he held in his hands, the wandering of his thoughts interrupted. "I'm sorry, I didn't hear you coming. I… I thought we were done?"

"You and your student are done, Professor", Voland countered with a subdued smile. "I have one or two questions for you… and then, like that", they gestured vaguely, "I'm gone. Do you mind giving me a moment more?"

Fuyutsuki shrugged, settling on ignoring the impossibility of things happening around him; after all, he reasoned with a tired thought, weird was normal around here. "Not at all. Take a seat, please… and go ahead."

"Thank you. Tell me, Professor… what do you wish for?" Voland repeated as they took the indicated chair.

"Me? For it all to end, this or another way", Fuyutsuki replied, his voice equally sad and dismissive.

"Just that?" Voland raised an eyebrow. "Nothing else? This is not a very ambitious desire from someone who thought he was saving the world."

"Or dooming it, perhaps? We never really knew what all this would bring… and perhaps not asking more questions was my greatest sin. But this is what I am – nothing but a shadow", the Professor retorted with another shrug. "And shadows don't ask questions, shadows follow. I have always been like this, a shadow, a supporter. This is what men of science are to leaders, is it not?"

Voland's face contorted in an ugly, one-sided smile. "Not necessarily, Professor, and not always. I would love to debate the finer issues of ethics and morality with you here; that would surely have been fascinating… but this is not why I came to you, and I am afraid this is a busy night for me. Let me just ask you another question: are you willing to be such a shadow for a little while longer?"

Fuyutsuki tilted his head back, looking at the stranger with a mix of confusion and interest. "I planned to stand by Ikari's side to the bitter end…" he admitted after a moment. "But I am old now, and I feel older than my age would have me, much older. Ikari is… difficult, and he took a few years from my life with that difficulty. I don't think I have much left in me."

"Let me worry about that", Voland's smile turned friendlier, their voice softening. "I'll be straight with you, as you are with me: I am here to offer you long life in good health and with your mental faculties perfectly intact until the day you die… but in exchange, you will mentor the person I show you. You will stand by their side until, as you called it, the bitter end. Guide them… and ensure they excel in their work, so this end could be not that bitter as you think it will be. What do you say… Professor?"

"What about Ikari?" Fuyutsuki asked, his expression wary.

"Let me worry about that", Voland replied. "You can safely assume that this duty will not interfere with your duties to him."

The man shrugged again, this time with a sad smile on his face. "Then as long as it's not some monster, I see no reason to refuse."

Voland raised an eyebrow in a silent question. Fuyutsuki could see the mockery in their expression along with the obvious amusement. "Fair point you make here… As long as it's not someone worse than Ikari, then", he corrected himself with an amused sigh.

"Wonderful", Voland nearly exclaimed in a pleased voice. "Can I take this as your willingness to make said deal?"

"I believe so?" the man agreed with some uncertainty. "It is", he confirmed, still seeing a question in his guest's eyes. Seemingly even in dreams, hesitating was not welcome.

"But you still don't believe me", Voland's smile turned lop-sided again.

"I am a man of science… sir", the Professor paused; continuing only after a handwave from Voland. "I am not young, as well, and I am well aware my brain might be playing tricks on me. And it is not the first time I sleep on the job. And it would not be the first nightmare I have."

"Believe it to be a nightmare… if it makes your decision easier", Voland's smile widened for a second and their voice gained a thunderous undertone. "Just answer the question, Kouzo, son of Kouhei and Riyoka. Do you agree to my terms? Long life and sound mind, until the day you die… in exchange for mentorship of the one I give into your hands?"

"I do", he spoke with a shrug. "What do I have to lose?" he added with a bitter smile on his face.

"Excellent", Voland smiled, their voice still ringing heavy. "It is done, then. Expect further instructions by dawn", they added – and then they were gone.


Kouzo Fuyutsuki opened his eyes and shook his weary head, trying to shake the grogginess off. 'I'm really getting old. And I should go home. No Angel had ever attacked by night… and Ikari will not need me today otherwise. I suppose I should talk to the doctor about the nightmares', he pondered. 'Or not… I'd rather not be put on yet another medication. I'm more useful lucid, after all', he concluded as he rose from the desk.

In his preoccupation, he did not notice the photo of Yui Ikari lying on the desk and its subsequent disappearance in a manner that suggested it was taken by an invisible hand, nor the barely audible weeping and screaming coming from the office of Gendo Ikari – an office the man himself ordered soundproofed so the world would not disturb him in his work.

The world, oblivious to and uncaring about what happened inside, certainly did not disrupt him right now.
See, the problem with this story is I absolutely love to read the chapters, but never have anything constructive to say about them.

Although it has lead me to picking up a copy of the Master and Margarita.
Very polite of them, that, and quite curious.
I'm quite certain that the Doylist explanation is "night is harder to animate well, so all we do at night are still shots" (vide the mid-Leliel scenes).

But what the Watsonian explanation would be, I don't know - and I'll be glad to see your take on it, since some of your ideas make me think.
... especially after it made Blake's "The Sick Rose" pop up in my head.
I'm aware you structure a lot in your fics around particular songs and poems, but I can't help but wonder why this one and where this would go o_O

I mean... it can be used very well in the context of Evangelion, for several characters at different angles, but why did you associate it with the "no Angels at night" idea?
See, the problem with this story is I absolutely love to read the chapters, but never have anything constructive to say about them.
I am glad that you still decided to comment and mark your presence! The readers are half of my motivation for continuing this, after all (the other half is my love for the book and the fact that I really don't like to leave stories unfinished) - and the reactions, while important, don't always carry the same weight as kind words :)
Although it has lead me to picking up a copy of the Master and Margarita.
That's a great bonus! How did you like it, if you don't mind sharing?
What an eventful night for both Fuyutsuki and Gendo. I have a few ideas as to who Fuyutsuki has to mentor. I have to wonder now, will Gendo be a broken mess by the end of this story?

I loved this chapter, it was the right combination of funny and heartwarming and I can't wait to see what comes next.
What an eventful night for both Fuyutsuki and Gendo. I have a few ideas as to who Fuyutsuki has to mentor.
Hold to them, this will be explained in-story.
I have to wonder now, will Gendo be a broken mess by the end of this story?
Well, he just got a visit from his wife, who might be a little bit cross with him.

The exact consequences of events and choices made here should become clear in Act III, once the night of wonders ends and the morning dawns over Tokyo-3.
I loved this chapter, it was the right combination of funny and heartwarming and I can't wait to see what comes next.
I'm glad to read that! Yui Ikari is not an easy character to write, mostly because we see her through the eyes of others - and those perspectives are always biased. But some traits come clear: her love for Shinji and her respect towards her teacher (not to mention friendliness, and relatively strong connection - they were hiking together, after all).

The next chapter is turning out a little difficult to write, but I'm confident it will be here on time.
I'm quite certain that the Doylist explanation is "night is harder to animate well, so all we do at night are still shots" (vide the mid-Leliel scenes).
Ramiel arrives in the day, but the encounter is resolved at night with action scenes (and then you get Shinji ejecting and opening Rei's plug, to boot).

Of course, Gainax still had an actual budget at that point :D
I'm aware you structure a lot in your fics around particular songs and poems, but I can't help but wonder why this one and where this would go o_O
For the why, I suspect it popped up in my thoughts because of the influence of Episode 3 of Star Cops (a BBC science fiction police procedural from 1987), where a series of computer sabotage incidents feature the attack software printing lines from the poem on people's terminals just before ghastly disasters are triggered.

For where it goes, the obvious places to start from would be the Matarael + power cut incident, Ireul, or Bardiel.
Act II, scene V: The woman that was angry

Act II, scene V: The woman that was angry

"Good evening, Major Katsuragi", a low, pleasant voice sounded in Misato's head, easily piercing through the alcohol-induced haze and washing it away. "I would like to request a moment of your time."

Misato, suddenly wide awake, jumped up from her futon and took a quick look around, reflexively placing herself just next to the shelf her firearm was resting on – but there was nobody in the room but her.

'Ugh', she tried to shake the unpleasant feeling off. 'It's been a while since I had nightmares like this. That's just not fair! This never happened before when I was–'

"I know this is somewhat unexpected" the voice sounded again, turning her blood to ice as she realized this was unlikely to be a dream: either she was going insane, or there was someone in her apartment. Since the latter meant that she was in immediate danger, and, more importantly, so were Asuka and Shinji, there was little time to ponder her own sanity; there was only time to act. "But I promise I won't abuse your hospitality", the voice continued as she grabbed her weapon, checked the magazine, made sure a round was chambered, and removed the safety. Having ensured the means to defend herself, she scanned the room once more and realized it was virtually impossible for anyone to hide here – and the threat had to be outside, and this room had only one easily accessible outside.

With her back against the partitioning wall, she carefully grabbed the edge of the door and pulled it towards herself; she knew that if someone decided to shoot her right now, they would know where she was and the flimsy internal wall would provide literally zero protection – but something was telling her that if that someone had intended to attack, they would have done so already, with her deep in her drunken sleep. Still, it was no reason to forego the proper procedure.

She repositioned herself in one swift move, aiming into the just-opened doorframe – and quickly enough identified a target – a figure that was calmly sitting at her table. "Hold right there… mister?" she hesitated, unsure whether the handsome, long-haired figure in front of her was in fact a man; the more practical part of her mind that was currently in command ignored that problem and carried on. "Hands where I can see them, and no tricks. One threatening move and I shoot without warning."

"You'd wake the girl and the boy, and they deserve their rest", the uninvited guest remarked in the same voice as she heard before, this time tinged with amusement. "But please, be not afraid. I am unarmed, and I mean no harm to you or them. I merely wish to discuss a few things."

"Discuss? In the middle of the night?" Misato asked in an angry and incredulous voice as she took a few steps towards the intruder, her eyes darting around the room and making sure there was nobody else in the room, her gun still aimed and ready, her mind replaying all the rules: where to aim to ensure a hit at this distance, how many times to shoot to be sure, and what is the fastest way to move from finger off the trigger to repeatedly firing. "What is this?" she asked as her brain processed the situational information independently.

"This, Major, is the surest way I could devise to talk to you in private", the figure replied. "Please, take a seat. Feel free to keep aiming at me… but holding your weapon like this will quickly get tiring for you. You may search me if this would put you at ease. I have no weapon. And as I just told you, I mean no harm to you or them."

"I've seen enough to know that some people need no weapon to kill", Misato countered. "Talk to me… about what?"

"Please", the figure insisted, indicating the furthest chair. "Take a seat. This one is far enough to be out of my reach if this worries you. I truly mean no harm."

Misato's tension dropped a notch; she was unsure why, but she slowly started to believe her guest's reassurances. It obviously changed nothing about the whole situation being plain insane; Misato knew that if she shot the stranger, she would most likely be forgiven and not charged – but the clean-up, both literal and bureaucratic, would be a nightmare; not to mention, she would not learn how they got inside, leaving a potentially unfixed weakness. And the stranger was right on one more thing – her charges, her kids, as she came to think of them, would wake up and witness the carnage. 'I expose them to enough brutality as it is. This weirdo wants to talk? Let's talk, then…' Misato decided as she carefully sat on the indicated chair, her eyes fixated on the intruder, her firearm still in hand, the only concession to safety being the finger off the trigger; the safety remained off and the barrel aimed.

This was the moment she could take a better look at her uninvited guest in the good light of the kitchen: the perfectly handsome, clean-shaven but somewhat rugged face of a man in his thirties, with long hair carelessly swept back in a knot, and a suit that looked like taken straight from a men's high fashion magazine. The only dissonant elements in that perfect image were the eyes – while one looked quite normal if a little manic, the other was darker than the deepest night, more so than those nights she had witnessed in the open sea.

"All right. I'm not shooting you… yet. You want to talk? Then talk", she finally spoke up, her voice tense and her will focused.

"Thank you, Major", the figure smiled a wry smile. "I am here to ask you a few questions, and possibly make an offer. Let me ask you: how do you feel about the current situation at NERV? About the secrets they keep from you? About a certain… being underneath the city, hidden from you?"

"That's highly classified", Misato objected immediately, retaining the control over her expression only with great difficulty. "Who are you? And tell me, why shouldn't I call Section 2 on you immediately?"

"You have eyes, Major Katsuragi, but you do not see. You have ears, but you do not hear. Look, hear… and see. We have met before", the figure smirked.

Misato shook her head. 'What? First, he breaks in, then spouts some mad ramblings, and I'm sitting here instead of firing a shot and calling our spooks to clean up… I must be crazy', she mused, the anger rising in her chest. She focused on the handsome face – and a mix of relief and fear descended upon her as she realized whom she was facing. "Is this some sick game, Inspector? Is this an attempt to pressure me for information? I could've shot you as an intruder!" she almost yelled out.

"Yes, Major", the figure replied. "You could have. But you didn't. And as I said, I am here in a personal capacity. Please, call me Voland for now. Or 'Professor', if my name is too… informal for you."

"Not 'Alex'?" she snapped. "Is it too informal to you?"

"This is merely a moniker, more of a title than a name, and while it is somewhat fitting me right now, ironic as it is… I think you deserve it more", Voland explained with a shrug. "Call me that, if it fits you, Major, but this is not my name in any capacity."

"All right… Professor", Misato decided before turning her tone angry again. "Why are you here? You know that I will report this, don't you?"

"I would advise against it, for reasons that should become clear in a moment", Voland retorted with a hint of disregard in their tone. "But if you wish to, I will not try to stop you; I will merely ask you to wait until we are done talking. Arranging another meeting at a later date would be… inconvenient."

"Inconvenient is a nice way of saying attempted from a prison cell", Misato commented dryly.

"Oh, it would not come to that", Voland retorted with a smirk. "I know my way around any bureaucracy, even if the concept itself was not my invention. But this is irrelevant, I believe, unless you actually decide to interrupt this pleasant conversation."

"You're not making much sense", Misato pointed out.

"Perhaps", Voland replied with a smirk. "Allow me to get to the point, then: I would be glad if you answered my questions. I can answer yours, in turn", Voland declared. "As for the first one you asked, I believe I already told you: I came here to ask you a few questions, listen to your answers, and perhaps make you an offer."

"Let me guess, a kind of offer I cannot refuse?" Misato replied in a mocking tone. "What is it? Request for a bribe? An attempt at recruitment? 'Work for us and kids won't be harmed'?"

"Please, Major. This would be hardly appropriate", Voland denied with a hint of disgust on their face. "A blackmail is a tool of the desperate, and a sign of disrespect. And I came to respect you over those few days we got to work together. I wish to give you a choice, an honest one, and this choice will not put you in a… tragic conflict, if I may use the classical term."

"Keep talking", Misato requested against her better judgment while doing her best to maintain her poker face, no matter how confused – and, to her internal admission, also curious – she was.

"Are you happy with how things are happening in NERV right now?" Voland asked in reply.

"Perfectly", she reflexively lied in response, her voice not wavering; this was a declaration she had to make quite often in the past towards various officials and she had it rehearsed in every detail. "The Commander makes sure we are adequately prepared for each and every battle, and so does everyone else. This includes me. Everything is fine."

"I see", Voland nodded with an ugly smirk suddenly present on their face. "So I assume – forgive me, but I'm not very familiar with the Japanese culture – that slapping your co-worker's face is just a routine, perfectly normal form of communication in the organization?"

Misato's eyes escaped to the side; she could feel her ears burn. 'Fuck. Stupid me. He was there, and I forgot. And God knows what else had he heard…' she realized – but knew that the façade must be maintained. "We have our disagreements with Doctor Akagi, and I'm known for my temper. We go back a long way back, and we complement well in our approach to things."

"I'm sure you do", Voland agreed with a tone that could have easily been seen as mocking; Misato had surprising difficulty reading that. "What about the treatment of the Pilots? From what I understand, Commander Ikari was somewhat… disinterested in his son until recently, he called upon him only shortly before the Angels started to appear… and then he delegated you to act as, essentially, his caretaker in everything?"

"You're well-informed… Inspector", Misato hissed. "But that's a family matter between the Commander and Shinji. I am merely taking care of him, and I do not pry into his private matters, not more than it is necessary to make sure he does his homework and is able to do his duty."

"Naturally", Voland agreed, their smirk returning; Misato had a distinct impression that her answer failed to convince them. "As for the girl, Asuka… you brought them together for training, correct?"

"Yes", Misato confirmed. "You questioned me on the reports already", she reminded. "Extensively so, if I recall correctly."

"Yes", Voland agreed with a somewhat tired sigh. "You do recall correctly. Can you tell me why you haven't dismissed her afterward? Taking care of not one, but two teenagers, especially considering that one of them is known for attitude problems and the other is a tempestuous girl, must be putting a certain strain on you. I would even suspect it could affect your duties at NERV."

"Asuka is not a tool to be used and discarded", Misato responded angrily, losing her carefully maintained expression for a moment. "She's a sensitive girl who deserves a home, a family, an anchor, not some lonely life!" she listed with her voice getting louder with every word. "Just as Shinji does!"

"Yes… there's an interesting lack of reason on file for both of them living with you… no justification, no explanation, just assigned to the dwelling of Katsuragi Misato and that's it. Almost as if it was self-explanatory", Voland remarked, seemingly unmoved by Misato's outburst except the smallest smirk in the corner of their mouth and a momentary gleam in the green eye. "But this is not important, it is not the most glaring hole in the NERV documentation. Tell me, Major… what do you intend to do once the Angels are all gone? There is going to be such a time, correct?" they suddenly changed the subject.

"Nobody knows", Misato retorted, her voice suddenly dismayed. "Nobody knows if this ever ends, or…"

"Or the children will grow up knowing nothing but the war they fight and the façade of normalcy fashioned for them", Voland finished with certain dismay in their voice. "I see. But let's assume it ends. You are, of course, an officer, so you will still have your duties and your assignment. But what aside from it?"

"That's a very personal question", Misato pointed out angrily.

All that time she was pondering her options. Shooting the intruder was no longer an option since she learned who this was; even her position and explanation that she was surprised and felt threatened would likely not be enough, not to mention the bureaucratic nightmare this would have been. Demanding their departure would be the next logical thing, but she was being stopped from doing so by the simple curiosity. 'He knows too much. I must learn where this comes from, I must report it' rattled in her head as a justification of her decision to keep going, a rational side to the curiosity.

But even that curiosity was slowly being blotted out by the anger caused by the very un-Japanese directness and intrusiveness of Voland, both of them bordering on rudeness.

"I am aware", Voland spoke up. "But it is also an important question. If you refuse to answer it for me, I still insist you answer it for yourself."

"Are you some kind of self-help coach… Professor? Is this whence the title came from?" Misato hissed.

"Well, I am a great supporter of personal improvement", Voland semi-confirmed. "But not in the way you were so kind to describe. Let me ask you a final question… well, final for my assessment, more will come if you would be so nice to keep answering. If you had the choice to slay every Angel your Evangelions faced in battle, but it would cost the life of one pilot every time you used it… would you make use of it?"

Misato's eyes pierced Voland, a mix of anger, incredulity, hostility, and hatred charging that glare. Now she no longer wanted to shoot them – now she wanted to punch that handsome face, especially that a moment later, her imagination helpfully showed her the pictures of how this could look like: the blue octahedron shattering to pieces, followed by a twisted and charred body of Rei falling to the ground; the dead husk of the tentacled, levitating Angel torn apart by Unit-01 – and her own hands opening the Entry Plug only to find a lifeless, electrocuted body of Shinji inside; an aquatic monstrosity slowly falling to the depths, carrying the corpse of Asuka to the watery grave–

She shook her head vehemently, her stomach tight and her whole body feeling like she was about to vomit. "You're insane. You're a bloody monster. To ask me something like this, knowing that–" she rattled out, her voice rising with every word, her hand dangerously shaking at the grip of the gun.

"That was an answer enough", Voland interrupted her, their hand raised. "Thank you."

"Leave", Misato demanded abruptly in a hollow voice, her whole body shaking, her eyes angrily fixated at the intruder. "Get out."

"I will… if you promise to listen to me for a moment longer", Voland replied calmly. "You have passed the test, and I am glad."

"What the hell do you mean?!" Misato spat out, abandoning any pretense of courtesy. "What game are you playing here?"

"When you emerged from that door", they indicated the still-open doorway to Misato's bedroom, "I didn't see just a soldier; I saw a mother, concerned for her children first; the trained warrior came second, commendably, but this was not your primary motivation. Do you still wish to protect them?"

"That is your real question? You know all too well that I do!" Misato exclaimed angrily.

"But you send them to battle, regardless of that wish", they pointed out.

"This is their duty. I have mine", she replied in a voice determined and angry, her gaze focused. "Those can be at odds, that's life. If you know anything about command…"

"Regretfully, I do", Voland replied. "I am happy to see that so far, you had been more than capable to face that issue, to resolve it, and to make the right choices. I will ask you again, Major Misato Katsuragi: do you care for them? Do you wish to protect them?"

"What did I just tell you?" she blurted out, her anger obvious again. "Of course I do. Is this some 'shame if something happened'? If so…" her eyes escaped to the grip of the firearm once more.

"Please, Major", Voland's tone gained the disgusted undertone once more. "As I said, I respect you too much to resort to blackmail. I came here with nothing but the truth from me, and a request for truth from you. I can make it easier for you, far easier, to help them… and to exact your vengeance."

"My what?" Misato tried – but had to admit even to herself that this could not be very convincing.

"I don't believe I need to answer that", Voland remarked, their eyebrow raised. "I merely need to know: do you consider those two your family? Real family, in everything but blood?"

"I am", Misato confirmed, surprised by the certainty in her own voice, her anger somewhat subdued at the thought. "Not that the Commander would be happy I know things of Shinji he doesn't."

"From what I understand, Shinji Ikari is not… very fond of his father", Voland remarked dryly. "But this is not going to be an issue for much longer. As for–"

"What do you mean, not going to be an issue?" Misato interrupted. "What is going on, who are you really, and what is all this about?!" she burst out.

"That cross you wear around your neck", Voland gestured suddenly, "Is it only a decoration, or are you a true Christian believer?"

Misato shook her head, wanting to indicate her obvious lack of said object in her night attire – and paused as she realized she was wearing her full uniform. "What do you mean? What is going on?" she asked again, suddenly aware once more that her hand was still holding a weapon.

"It is a question without a second meaning", Voland replied. "And as for what is happening… we are talking, and I am trying to understand you."

"Like hell! You seem to know far too much about me, and enough to answer that", Misato remarked. "And you have an annoying habit of cryptic answers. I've had enough. It ends now."

"As you wish, Misato Katsuragi, daughter of Aito and Tomoha", Voland smiled a wide smile – and suddenly Misato found herself sitting at a table covered with golden brocade, a clay cup of odd liquid in front of her – and facing her interlocutor, dressed in a manner that would not be out of place in a royal court – except everything they wore was black. Everything besides that was shrouded in shadows, giving an impression of a single, candlelit restaurant table lost in the endless sea of complete darkness.

"This is not what I meant!" Misato exclaimed angrily – and looked at the gun, still in her hand. She dismissed the fact that she was now clothed in her dress uniform; this was the least of the weird things happening around her.

"It is a part of you", Voland answered the unasked question. "And I refuse to deprive you of what is yours. I apologize, I just thought that this setting would make for more pleasant conversation."

"You have a lot of presumption, Professor", Misato hissed.

"Well, many would say that pride is my greatest weakness", Voland replied with a shrug. "I disagree, but it is not me we are discussing now–"

"Why not, actually?" Misato interrupted, suddenly feeling bolder. "I answered your questions, you pried into my secrets, why shouldn't we discuss you?"

"Oh, ask away, Major, if this pleases you", Voland replied with a smirk. "We have time. And please, try the beer… I believe you haven't had the opportunity to taste one that good; they no longer make it as they did in the good old Babylon."

Misato ignored the absurd suggestion for the moment and focused on her thoughts; contrary to her bold declaration, she was not really sure what to ask the stranger – aside from the obvious, that is. "What have you done to me?"

"Nothing", Voland replied. "This is just a trifle, if you desire, you can leave any moment. I just thought it would be easier for you to talk here, knowing that we are not going to wake the kids up."

"What have you done to them?" she asked, her eyes narrow.

"Nothing. They're asleep in their rooms as we speak, safe and sound", Voland reassured her.

"They better be, if I find you did anything to them…" she spoke slowly, her voice steady and dangerously calm.

"You're only reassuring me I am right in my judgment, Major", Voland replied with a smile. "But this is not necessary. What else do you wish to know?"

"You have a veritable arsenal of tricks for a UN Inspector, I must say", Misato remarked dryly, her voice still wary. "Where did you learn all that? And, if I may ask again, who are you?"

"You didn't answer my question, Major. The one about your faith", Voland pointed out.

"It is a memento", Misato admitted, touching the cross absentmindedly with her free hand. "A reminder of why I keep fighting the Angels. And I don't know what I believe anymore. And I don't see why it matters."

"I merely wish to know if you can believe in an intervention. Call it God's will, call it the Devil's hand, call it a miracle, call it blind luck, call it Fate's smile… one of this would even be true", Voland elaborated. "Do you think it possible?"

"I'm commanding machines that are miracles personified, Professor", Misato replied with a matter-of-fact tone. "Or abominations that spit into the face of God by just existing, depends on how you look at them. And I… I saw things I thought impossible", she added with almost a whisper. "I don't know what to believe, Professor, but I think I still can believe", she admitted, part of her confused why she was willing to make this confession. "Why are you asking me that? Why does this matter?"

"Because I want you to be aware of the implications of what I am about to offer you", Voland explained. "I have seen you consider lives of those that have faith in you as most important, and you have already proven to me that it is, indeed, sincere."

"I don't try to prove anything to you, Inspector… Professor… whoever you are, in the end", Misato's angry tone returned. "I was just protecting my kids", she insisted.

"My point exactly", Voland smirked. "Tell me, then: if I give you the means, if I remove some obstacles, will you be willing to keep protecting them, and to an extent, the humanity, even if this would not be easy? Someone once told me that they wanted a bright future for their children… do you want that too?"

"Of course! Yes!" Misato exclaimed with rare conviction – and paused as she saw the flame of the candle shoot up, illuminating Voland's face to the beauty she would not hesitate to call angelic if not for the bad connotation of the word.

"Let it be so", the familiar, yet changed, thunderous voice echoed in the void surrounding them.

"What just happened?" Misato asked, her expression uncertain, her whole self suddenly feeling different in a way she had difficulty grasping. "Shit. Did I just…" she paused, her voice quickly losing the confidence it held. "Did you just claim my soul, or–"

"Quite on the contrary, Major", Voland chuckled. "You might have actually saved your soul… if you believe in such things. Or maybe you just gave yourself a boon. I… did nothing but made you a sincere promise. It will all be clear soon, and I promise you, you will not be alone with the burden you accepted… well, reaffirmed, really."

"And you still speak in riddles", Misato remarked bitterly.

"Some habits are hard to break", Voland replied with a smile that was almost apologetic. "Will you drink with me? This calls for a celebration. Don't worry, Major, it is not poison", they added as Misato picked up the cup and sniffed it carefully.

"Well, I didn't shoot you until now, I suppose I can trust you with that", she decided in a semi-resigned, semi-amused voice. "Just… tell me: how much of this is real, how much is a really weird dream, and how much I need a treatment for schizophrenia?"

"It is as real as you wish it to be, Major. In the end, it is you who gives it meaning, nobody else", Voland replied with a warm smile. "To the bright future!" they exclaimed as they raised the clay cup.

"To the future", Misato repeated – and took a sip.

The brew tasted rich and earthy, with a sweetness much different than what she knew; it tasted like the warmth of the sun, like a fond memory of playing in the garden, like a song long forgotten but coming back at the strangest of times.

Misato's perceptions started to fade as she slowly downed the cup, but instead of making her panic, it made her relax more than ever; her mind was collecting the memories as they formed and fled: a wide smile, both beautiful and terrifying; an extended hand in a black, velvet glove; a gentle arm leading her back; a reassuring voice telling her she made the right choice; a rough texture of a parting gift under her fingers; and finally, oblivion of peace.

All those sensations were fading from her mind as she was lying on her futon again, her mind still hazy but filled with new certainty that she was ready to face the world again.

Just as she was certain that while there was still a lot to be angry about, there was nothing left to fear.
Act II, scene VI: The men with cold hearts

Act II, scene VI: The men with cold hearts

Warning: this chapter contains some frank and direct descriptions of rather brutal deaths. The level of detail and the amount of blood is approximately the same as in the series, though.

Somewhere in the United Kingdom

The man was walking down the forest path, each and every step harder than the one that came before; his breathing was getting laborious, his body was becoming heavier with every step, his ears were picking up the low growling sounds coming from the surrounding forest, his mind was keenly aware that something was wrong – but, at the same time, unable to identify the problem. The man kept walking until one of the steps proved too difficult and he stumbled.

The jolt that accompanies the sudden awakening is seldom pleasant, and it was not this time either: his body was shaking, his eyes shot open, and his breath was far too quick. Relieved it was all just a dream, he just remained still, knowing that all this would pass. The nightmare was, after all, gone.

Except for something that lingered. His breathing did not ease; his chest still felt heavy. The growls were also still there. Except now, they resembled purring.

The man slowly raised his head – and his eyes were met by the two glowing points in the darkness of his bedroom.

"[Good evening]", a half-amused, half-menacing, all-purring voice addressed him in archaic but otherwise perfect English. "[I believe you have an appointment with my lord.]"

"[Who – who are you?]" the man managed to gasp out, his impeccable British accent discernable despite the obvious panic in his voice. "[Hounds! To me!]" he called out louder as his hand reached to his neck – but found nothing there.

"[Looking for this?]" the barely-cat-shaped, still-purring dark form asked, lifting the paw that held a dangling small dog whistle. "[I'm afraid they wouldn't be any help for you anyway]", the shadowy form with the eyes of a cat continued and the purring voice assumed a smug tone. "[Three of them tried to ambush me as I came in, and I apologize for the mess left downstairs. One… well, let's say I could dodge better than she could charge. As for the two you favored enough to let them sleep in your room… I think they're under the bed right now, whimpering quietly and shivering from fear. So… how brave are you without your hounds, sir?]"

The man tried to scream, tried to call out – but the weight on his chest seemed to grow every moment, making breathing alone a challenge, let alone speaking. "[Who… are… you?]" he managed to gasp out instead.

"[My name is Behemoth, and I am here on behalf of my master, Voland]", the shape explained as it took a more perceptible form of a cat darker than the darkness around him. "[And my master…]" he paused dramatically, "[decided you two should meet sooner than later, and that it is time for you to pay for all the suffering you have caused in your life. Do you have any last words?]"

"[Hounds… to me…]" the man wheezed as the weight of the shadow-turned-cat now unbearably heavy.

"[Really? I was expecting something more… profound than such a pathetic attempt. I already told you: they're not coming, old man]", Behemoth explained in a pleased tone. "[Really, I'd love to toy with you a tad more… but the master said to be brief, and you're not the last one on the list.]"

"[Why…?]" the man asked with an even heavier wheeze.

"[Because messire wills it]", Behemoth replied – and smiled as the unmistakable sound of cracking ribs reached his ears. "[You will be able to ask yourself… soon.]"

Not long after, the cat darker than the shadows of the bedroom jumped down from the contorted corpse, disregarding the horrified hounds still hiding under the bed. He recalled the name and circumstances of the next target, pondering how to get there best. There was a number of them to claim – and the more he would be able to cross off the list before Azazello entered the game, the happier he would be.


Somewhere in Tokyo-3

"Yes?" a face of Ryouji Kaji appeared in the cracked open door of a rather run-down house on the outskirts of the town.

"Peace be with you", an odd, nasal voice greeted him, coming from a heavy-built figure in a trench coat and an old-fashioned bowler hat, a figure darker than it should be even in the ambient light of the poorly lit street.

"Oh. You're one of those. I do not seek light nor salvation", Kaji replied automatically. "And certainly not at this hour. Go spread your gospel somewhere else."

"I do not bring light nor salvation", the figure replied huskily with a lop-sided smile that revealed an odd fang. "Wrong department, I'm afraid. But I bring a proposition."

"Since when do solicitors appear at this hour of the night?" Kaji asked with a scoff.

"That am I not, either", the visitor replied patiently, with just a hint of distaste in the nasal voice. "Why do people always assume so?" he added with a sigh. "I come with an offer, Kaji-kun, professional to professional. Can I come in so we can talk in the peace I promise on my part?"

"All right", Kaji replied hesitantly after a few moments of consideration and opened the door wider. "Come in", he gestured widely as he let the stranger into the small room. "I'm sorry…" he picked up as he managed to take a better look at the stranger's face in the dim light of the room, "I don't think we met before, I would have remembered. Have my past sins caught up with me, perhaps?" he asked with a raised eyebrow.

"In a way, perhaps, but if you're asking if I came to kill you for them, the answer is 'no'. Nor do I come with an offer you can't refuse", Azazello replied with a lop-sided smile. "Just with a… regular one. My name is Azazello."

"I see. Well, you already know my name", Kaji replied, his eyebrows remaining raised. "Please, take a seat. I'm afraid I can't offer much in the form of refreshments… do you smoke?" he asked as he extended a pack towards his guest.

"Ah", Azazello smiled as he took his hat off, dropped it on the table, and settled on a dilapidated chair at the bare table. "Thank you", he added with a fang-revealing smile, put the cigarette in his mouth, and ignited it with a snap of his fingers.

"Hm. I see this is not one of those… usual visits", Kaji remarked with a raised eyebrow – but without much change in his tone.

"You work for forces than intend to remake the world in an unprecedented manner", Azazello pointed out as he gestured with the burning cigarette. "And you have seen stranger beings than me, I am certain. I will not waste your time, Kaji-kun: I came on behalf of my master, Voland, and I bring an offer… and an opportunity."

"The Inspector?" Kaji asked, his voice carrying a hint of surprise and confusion. "The man from the UN Ethics Committee? Wasn't the Inspector supposed to be… impartial? Forgive me, but this sounds like a very… basic form of entrapment."

"Oh, yes, the Inspector is impartial. But I come in the name of Voland… let's say in person, not the Inspector. So… nothing of the sort", Azazello explained as he blew the smoke down, and smiled a lop-sided smile, his fang exposed again. "This is not an attempt at corruption, nor is it entrapment. It's more… an offer of employment and is not connected to the inspection. Except, of course, the inspection made meeting you possible."

"I understand. I am quite busy already, I'm afraid", Kaji replied with a hint of sadness in his voice. "But please go ahead, I am always open for… interesting possibilities. As long as they fit my profile, that is."

"Do not worry, I do not expect you to break your current obligations", Azazello reassured him. "It's simple: my master has taken interest in your work and offers to grant you abilities that would make it even more effective… and, in exchange, wants you to work for us once your current obligations and loyalties are terminated."

"I am quite sure you're aware of the fact that in this line of work, most loyalties are for life", Kaji pointed out with a note of bitterness in his voice.

"Oh, yes, absolutely", Azazello agreed. "Master Voland expects you to come into his service once you're done."

"Done with what, exactly?" Kaji inquired, unusual suspicion growing in his mind.

"Done with your life", Azazello replied matter-of-factly and puffed on the cigarette.

Kaji's gaze darkened as he pondered those words – and turned into one of disbelief when the realization sunk in. "Assuming you are serious and you're not wasting my time with an elaborate joke… this is a suggestion I trade for my soul, isn't it? A lifetime of power in exchange for a pledge of eternal service?"

"Not an eternity, Kaji-kun", Azazello protested, his finger raised. "A lifetime for a lifetime, sort of. You serve to pay what you took… and then you're free to walk away into whatever afterlife you believe in. Or to stay in service as a free man. We value talent… and we respect the free will of our subjects once they paid off their debts. And I am serious."

"Forgive me my skepticism, Mister Azazello", Kaji replied carefully, his mind somewhat refusing to accept the situation – but his curiosity not letting him chase the guest out of the door. "I might be superstitious, I might believe in something guiding our lives, and I do pay my offerings to all the small gods when I feel the need to… but there's a big leap from I guess gods might be real so let's maintain proper relations and signing a contract for life and afterlife with an unearthly power. Don't you agree?"

"Absolutely", Azazello nodded, his tone solemn. "Allow me to add a caveat, a… probation period. If you decide to sign, you will get a month to think it over. If you tear the contract in that time, it will go up in flames and you will be free, no questions asked, no payment collected, even if you used your newfound abilities in the meantime; you will lose them, of course, but not retroactively. If you do not, it will become binding for life… and the equivalent time in the Master's service. How does it sound to you?"

"Suspiciously accommodating", Kaji replied, measuring his guest with a careful gaze. "Does it mean you know that I will not die within a month?"

"Oh, no", Azazello shook his head, a cautious smile on his lips. "We do not make such predictions. Well, Master sometimes does, but he's an accomplished astrologist. I am not. But if you die within a month while the contract is not torn, it would be binding, correct? You'd serve those few weeks… and be set free. With the same offer. Everybody gets a lifetime, you see."

"This makes sense", Kaji agreed a moment later. "Do you need my answer now?"

"No… but I would be glad if you could give it to me before dawn", Azazello explained. "Tonight, time and space as concepts are negotiable. Tomorrow, they will be less so."

"This will be enough", Kaji nodded thoughtfully. "How can I reach you?"

"I will return before the dawn". Azazello replied as he extinguished the cigarette and put his hat on. "May your mind bring you to a favorable conclusion, Kaji-kun", he spoke, stood up, took a step – and then he was gone.

Kaji let out a heavy sigh. 'For all the insanity I had to face following Project E… I must've kicked one wrong door too much. Or there is far, far more to it', he mused. 'Well. It's not that they expect me to sign anything in blood, right?' he concluded – and decided to give the stranger's words some thought.

Just in case it was not him that was insane.


Somewhere else

A big, black cat was curled on a mantelpiece of an antique furnace in a cozy cottage in the middle of a dark, primordial forest; there was a starry night outside, a night lit by a red moon.

The door creaked quietly as a shadowy form of a man entered the cottage.

"[You're late, Azazello]", the cat grumbled as he raised his head. "[We're on a schedule here.]"

"[As if the time had any relevance tonight]", the man replied with a light-hearted shrug and a wry smile. "[Better tell me, how many you managed to send on their merry way, Behemoth?]"

"[Three]", the cat replied with satisfaction in his voice as he stretched. "[The rest is yours… until I'm done with my proper assignment, that is. The list is on the table]", he pointed with his paw.

"[Just three?]" Azazello chuckled. "[I was expecting you'd handle at least six in that time. I should have called Abadonna to assist you. If I recall correctly, messire suggested that…]"

"[And suddenly, the time has relevance?]" Behemoth retorted with a hint of annoyance in his voice. "[Let's see how efficient you will be. Perhaps we should call Abadonna to assist you?]"

"[I'll do better than you, I'm sure, since I don't toy with them. And really, do you expect me to share the fun with someone who was not even invited to this whole expedition?]" Azazello countered with a scoff as he glanced at the list. "[I see, you went with the easy pickings… good, I enjoy a challenge. I'll be waiting here once I get tired, in case you're done with your… assignment earlier.]"

"[I'll be here, don't worry, before you even match my count]", Behemoth scoffed. "[Good hunting]", he added – and jumped out of the window, disappearing into the night.

The assassin smiled his lop-sided grin as he scanned the list properly. "[Oh. This should be fun]", he said to himself.


Somewhere in Europe

The room the man was working in was an old-fashioned mix of a study and a library, with walls filled with rows of books and a massive desk illuminated only by a single lamp. The man himself was sitting at the said desk, deep into his lecture of a large, beautifully illustrated tome. It was a deep night outside; he always preferred to work that way. Occult studies were best conducted when the sunlight was far away, after all.

A quiet sound of steps broke his focus. "[I said I didn't want to be disturbed]", he stated in French, his voice scratchy and nasal, his eyes shooting around the room over the small glasses.

Dead silence was the only response. He returned to the book only to have the steps sound again.

"[All right, who is it? Who had the wonderful idea of–]"

"[Good evening]" sounded in impeccable, if archaic, French; the voice was coming from an undetermined but clearly close location.

"[Who, in Devil's name…]" the screeching voice wondered as its owner discreetly reached for his cane, removed the safety, and pulled a shiny blade from inside of it.

"[I see You were expecting me]", a somewhat amused, also nasal but smoother masculine voice responded. "[I must apologize for the sudden entry. But I am afraid I have a business with You that bears no waiting… and You were difficult to reach otherwise.]"

"[Who are you?]" the man screeched as he turned around, scanning the room with watchful eyes. "[Show yourself, coward!]"

"[It is rude to throw accusations like this]", the voice replied as it finally gained a form: the deepest shadows of the room coalesced in front of one of the book cabinets, forming into a shape of a strange man, darker than the shadows it came from.

"[A demon]", the man stated with a calm unusual for a human confronted with the supernatural. "[I commend you for circumventing the wards. But now, I expect you to tell me who sent you, and then leave, lest I am forced to compel you.]"

"[Wards?]" the shadow-made stranger raised his eyebrow. "[Ah, indeed, something itched when I came in. Your… wards are somewhat outdated, I'm afraid.]"

"[They were made with the lore taken from the Sumerian Masters, in the time of first Babylon, before the city of Ur arose, before the man known as Abraham was born!]" the man raised his voice, confidence obvious in his words along with anger, his blade still in front of his body. "[There are few in human history who knew more–]"

"[Oh, please. Yes, they were competent and knowledgeable. More competent than You are, since they knew than Ur came before Babylon]", the stranger replied with an amused tone. "[Yes, they were wise. In their time, though. That time is long past, I'm afraid, and that shows in Your–]"

"[I command you, in the name of–]" the man extended his hand and started to intone in a language that few humans spoke anymore.

"[Don't. You. Dare]" the stranger growled out as he took a single step towards the man, easily pushing the extended hand aside and sidestepping the blade in the other; his own hand closed on the man's throat and the incantation died with a screeching gurgle. "[I would love to play with You a bit more, even if just to learn how much have You bastardized the teachings of the wise men… but since You reach for spells instead of having a civilized talk, and messire told me to be brief…]", he spoke as he produced a blade of his own, one made of shadow and flame, and put it against the man's chest. "[It's time for You to go.]"

The stranger smiled a lop-sided smile as the familiar smell of blood filled the air, followed by other, unsavory stenches that usually accompanied a demise of a human; it was always a mark of a task done.

He waited for a moment for the blood to stop flowing and gave the corpse one last glance as he wiped the blood off the blade. 'The soul is on its way… and I must tell messire of this collection', he decided as he scanned the shelves upon shelves of books. 'It might be of some interest… or a source of amusement. Well, let's see who's next… oh. Well, this one deserves to be a joint effort. And someone is waiting for me…'


In the seedier parts of Tokyo-3

Ryouji Kaji slowly turned on his chair and lit up another cigarette. The work that he had planned for today was barely progressing; he found it hard to focus, but any attempts at sleeping or even just resting were effectively broken by the thoughts swarming in his head after the strange visit a few hours before. The offer he heard from the man sounded absurd – but he had seen just enough in his life to know it could actually be sincere and valid.

"Peace be with you once more, Kaji-kun", a voice sounded from the door.

"Ah. It's you", Kaji spoke up, his reverie broken. "Please, come in. I was already thinking you wouldn't come. The sun will be up soon."

"Oh, don't worry", the man grinned, revealing the odd fang again. "It won't until our business here isn't done."

Kaji raised his eyebrows at the statement, but as his guest did not follow it with any explanation, he merely indicated a seat and extended his hand with a pack of cigarettes towards the guest.

"Thank you", Azazello took one and lit it with a snap of a finger once more. "Thank you for your patience. Let's not hold up the sun then – what is your decision, Ryouji Kaji?"

"A small question: will you… expedite my death to get me sooner?" Kaji asked in response.

"By no means", Azazello shook his head. "We may include that in your contract if this idea worries you… but truth be told, we simply don't do anything like that. It's simply impractical – after all, the more experienced you are, the more use you are for us once you come to pay up. Not to mention, cutting your life short would mean shorter service, wouldn't it? And Master Voland is patient."

"I see", Kaji spoke, his voice focused. "Does it stop me from… living like a normal person would?"

"Forgive my bluntness, Kaji-kun, but your life cannot be called normal by any standards", Azazello chuckled. "But the answer to the spirit of your question is 'no'. Nothing will change except your abilities… and your fate after your eventual death. Of course, if you grow overconfident with your new skills… it will not be us who are to blame."

"Fair point", Kaji replied with a tinge of sadness in his voice. "Your directness is refreshing."

"I am an assassin, Kaji-kun, not a diplomat or a spy… not that there's much difference, really", Azazello shrugged with a smile, followed by a puff on the cigarette. "Any other questions?"

"One more: the way you call your… superior… is this mandatory to use?" Kaji asked in a tone that made it difficult to tell whether it is a serious question, or an attempt to stave the moment of decision back.

"My master? Messire? Hardly. I just come from a different era, and this is how I show my deference", Azazello explained patiently. "Some call the master 'boss', others prefer 'lord', 'lady', 'mistress', 'sir'… there's one that calls the master 'darling', but that requires a bit of history or personal charm to pass. You'll find a proper form of address yourself, and as long as it is respectful and polite, it will be perfectly fine. Messire commands respect, yes, but I guarantee you that a sycophant would be quickly… disliked", he spoke the last word with a surprising amount of menace.

"I see", Kaji nodded. "This is all I needed to know for now. I accept your… well, your master's proposition."

"Wonderful!", Azazello exclaimed happily and extinguished his cigarette. "Now, since there is always some formal side to such an occasion, I must ask you properly. Ryouji Kaji, son of Naruaki and Orimi–"

"Wait, what?" Kaji interrupted, his expression suddenly changed to almost fearful. "How do you know–"

"Names of your parents?" Azazello interrupted in turn, a smirk on his face. "We have extensive files on a number of people, Kaji-kun. I can give you some more information as… let's call it a sign-up a bonus, if messire agrees."

"I… I would be most thankful", Kaji replied, doing his best to cover the shaking of his voice. "Are they–"

"I cannot give you anything without the consent of messire, not to mention I was told only as much as I need to make this a binding oath", Azazello interrupted again. "So I don't know even whether they are alive or not. Can we bring our business to the conclusion?"

"Of course", Kaji agreed after a moment of deliberation. "My apologies."

"Of course. Now, where was I… yes. Ryouji Kaji, son of Naruaki and Orimi, do you agree to take the gifts Master Voland will grant you?"

"Yes, I do", Kaji confirmed with a nod, his expression slightly confused.

"Do you agree to hone their use, and to serve Master Voland after the end of your earthly existence, for the equal amount of time that you had the gifts?"

"Yes, I do", Kaji confirmed again, understanding appearing on his face.

"Do you agree to consider, after your mandatory service has ended, to remain in service on then-negotiated terms?"

"I do", Kaji confirmed for the third time.

"So be it", Azazello smiled his usual lop-sided, fanged smile. "Ryouji Kaji, son of Naruaki and Orimi, I accept your consent and declare this contract – binding."

"I recall you mentioned a written contract?" Kaji checked as soon as the odd chilly feeling abated to some degree.

"Oh, there will be one. Messire will visit you tomorrow… well, technically today", Azazello replied. "And grant the promised gifts. But the document will matter only if you decide to use the annulment procedure… your agreement is already binding for everyone involved."

"Will I be singing in blood?" Kaji asked, his voice half-amused, half-worried.

"If you insist?" Azazello replied with a hint of amusement in his voice. "But ink will do just fine. Blood is required for some types of contract, yes, but this is not one of those cases. Is anything else worrying you?"

"I… I don't think so", Kaji shook his head. "Forgive me, this still feels a bit… odd."

"Oh, that's normal. And it will pass", Azazello smiled, stood up, and put his hat on. "I'll not be taking any more of your time. See you… well, most likely in a few decades. Of sooner… if you're not careful", he added with his smile taking a meaner look. "Until then", he extended his hand.

"Until then", Kaji replied, shaking it.

Not long after Ryouji Kaji was alone in the room again; his door was locked and his weapon was nearby.

But he was no longer restless. He knew what – or, more precisely – who was coming, and he could only anticipate that.


Somewhere else

"[You're late, cat]", Azazello complained in his usual nasal voice at the sight of Behemoth materializing on the floor; they spoke the language no mortal could hear and remain sane – but this place was very rarely visited by mortals and almost never by accident.

"[Then we're even. You know whom I had to deal with]", the cat shrugged. "[Are you done with your… social assignment?]"

"[Yes, and if it all goes well, we'll have a capable pair of hands soon]", the assassin replied with satisfaction in his voice. "[Now, is there anything else, or should we wrap this up?]"

"[How many are left?]" Behemoth asked, ready to unleash the mockery.

"[Just one]", Azazello smirked. "[But that's the one from the very top. Am I not a generous friend?]"

"[What?]" Behemoth hissed. "[Admit it, you're not sure if you can take him yourself, and you need help.]"

"[Oh, please, you know me]. Finis coronat opus, [after all. I wanted to make sure that you don't complain about being excluded]", Azazello countered. "[Shall we?]"

"[Me? Complain? Never. Let's get it over with]", Behemoth agreed with a scoff.

Azazello smiled and opened the door. As they crossed the threshold, they emerged not in the forest, but in a large vestibule of an opulent mansion. They both took a look around, exchanged one look between themselves – and dissolved into the darkness.

A few minutes, several electrical failures, and a few quietly ambushed guards later, Azazello opened the door leading to an old-fashioned study, now dark except for a small, freshly lit candle on the desk, in front of an old man, a man with eyes covered by some, visor-like device; Behemoth was nowhere to see.

"{Good evening, Mister Chairman}", he spoke in archaic German, extending a greeting towards the man behind the desk. "{I hope I am not disturbing You too much?}"

The old man raised his head; his expression was almost impossible to read under the visor, but he certainly did not seem too worried – let alone scared – despite the certainly unusual situation he was in. "{Who are You, and what do You want?}" he asked in a rough voice, speaking a modern version of the same language.

"{My name is Azazello, and I came to collect what You have been holding to for far too long}", the demon replied.

"{That's a surprising amount of skill and surprising dedication for a debt collector, I must say. And an odd name}", the man said with a mix of amusement and confusion in his voice. "{I commend Your skill, though… and I am sure we can come to an agreement. It cannot be about money, for this would be handled by my accounting already. So I assume You came for something that cannot be easily bought.}"

"{You are correct. And I'm sure Your offer will be interesting}", Azazello replied with a mockery in his tone.

"{I can give You any and all of what Your heart desires… along with guarantees of safety if You leave now without bothering me any further}", the man continued. "{I assume You did some damage to my property, but as long as You haven't destroyed anything irreplaceable… I hold no grudge.}"

"{My heart's desire, Chairman?}" Azazello spoke, barely containing mocking laughter. "{And what could I possibly desire?}"

"{Every mortal being has desires, and I have lived long enough to see them all. Few things are outside my power; You should know, having been sent to me}", the man replied with confidence in his voice. "{Name Your price.}"

"{Ah. And you are quite right here, with all the desires, needs, and such. But you see, Chairman, there has been a slight misunderstanding}", Azazello chuckled. "{And frankly, I was actually expecting You to surprise me with some interesting offer, tailored to my desires, skillfully deduced by your keen sight… but I see You're as dull as all the others, just far less craven. Immaterial. This has gone for long enough. And speaking of long enough, do You care to guess what I came here for?}" he smirked.

A look of realization, partially hidden by the obscuring visor, appeared on the man's face and he reached discreetly for something under his desk – only to withdraw his hand with a hiss of pain. "{What–}" he managed to say, holding his bleeding palm with the other.

"{I thought You might try that}", Behemoth emerged from underneath the desk and jumped on the tabletop. "{Try it again, and I'll bite it off at the wrist. Now, my colleague here asked You a question. Be kind enough to answer it.}"

"{Thank you, Behemoth}", Azazello smiled his wide smile. "{I take that remark about Your courage back, though, Mister Chairman. Now, care to–}"

The man cursed loudly. "{Demons}", he stated matter-of-factly, with a sneer.

"{Took You longer than Your late colleagues, really}", Azazello mocked – and smirked at the look of fear obvious even on an eyeless face. "{And I'm afraid the time is up and now You give up that what You held to for far too long}", he declared as he took a step and found himself behind the man. "{I hope to see You in the other place soon… or at least in some waiting room. Messire is… busy.}"

"{Wha–}" was all the man managed to blurt out before a thin string closed around his neck and sunk into his skin, making speaking – and breathing, for that matter – impossible.

Behemoth wrinkled his nose; as much as he did not mind taking a life or witnessing such taking, especially one that so thoroughly deserved to be taken, he was often disgusted by the side effects of that act; yet, he stood his ground until the body stopped twitching and Azazello retrieved the garotte.

"[What is your judgment, Behemoth?]" Azazello asked his companion in a language that no mortal could hear and remain sane; if there were any mortal listeners, they could possibly claim that there was not much difference compared to the language they just switched from – but such claims would be obviously exaggerated.

"[Well, it's not a pretty sight]", Behemoth stated in an amused voice as he inspected a rather horrifically looking visage of the ex-chairman. "[At least the eyes are not bulging. I'd say his employees are going to have a bit of a difficult morning… and an even worse day when they realize that all potential people who could pick this problem up have met their untimely demise as well. I'm afraid, dear Azazello, that we ruined the next few days for a great number of people.]"

"[I guess we should shed a tear for them, then?]" Azazello asked with his eyebrows raised.

"[I'm sure someone will]", the cat replied. "[Are you sure there is nobody else?]"

Azazello produced a piece of parchment and a pen from his pocket and crossed out the last name. "[The entire council, including all of the Committee members, and a few dozen of, let's say, middle management. So, unless little Timmy or you missed someone during your data collection, every and all important members of SEELE are accounted for. I told you I'd beat your numbers.]"

"[Well, you have to admit that you had a far easier target to convince. And I'm not really done, yet… and I think I am being desperately requested]", Behemoth sighed dramatically, his tone full of disdain. "[Shall we leave this foul place?]"

"[By all means. After you]", Azazello took a step towards the door, opened them – and soon enough, Azazello found himself on a dark terrace overlooking the sleeping city, with Behemoth nowhere to be seen.

Voland was already waiting in their chair. "[Report]", they spoke quietly.

"[Messire. The heads of the hydra are gone]", Azazello replied, his tone satisfied, almost happy. "[There are a few things worthy of your attention in the places they lived it, but none too urgent.]"

"[Excellent. Leave the addresses, I will take a look once we are done here. The other assignment?"]

"[Completed. As the clocks will align, that is]", Azazello replied. "[He agreed and will be expecting you during the day.]"

"[Good. I shall visit him, then]", Voland nodded. "[Your service is appreciated, Azazello. You may now leave.]"

"[Messire, if I may ask: what about the school? The observation?]" Azazello asked, his tone strongly suggesting what he thought of returning there.

"[We could use some insight into how things played out]", Voland replied, dashing the assassin's hopes. "[But you no longer need to interact with them. Just watch from the shadows]", they added. "[Anything else?]"

"[No, messire]", Azazello stated with a reverent bow. "[By your leave]", he added – and stepped into the shadows.

Voland let out a heavy sigh – but simultaneously, a smile emerged on their face. They slowly relaxed as the memories of their final encounter for the night came to their mind and reassured them that they made the right choices.
I'd say that all turned out quite well.
The chapter? I am indeed happy with it, thank you. But the truth is that I barely managed to finish it on time and some scenes underwent serious rewrites - especially the one with the French SEELE member (which was initially given to Behemoth to kill) and the Kaji scene, which was originally just one part without him having any time to think.

The characters? I'd say it very much depended on which side ;)

There are three more chapters to go in this act, and the next one is actually quite fun to write. Act III is taking shape (I had bounced a number of ideas off my beta-reader, since I know what I want to show, but I'm working out how) slowly but successfully.
Act II, scene VII: The girl that was afraid

Act II, scene VII: The girl that was afraid

"{Good evening.}"

The words made Asuka's head turn. "{Ah, fuck. Like I didn't have enough of my usual nightmares}", she hissed with annoyance.

She realized she was in her room, except different, almost like a very high interior designer met up with a very drunk interior decorator, and together, they conceived a… something.

The only thing that looked relatively normal in that room was the figure sitting in something resembling a comfortable chair; Asuka strained her eyes, but she could only determine that her guest had long, black hair that matched their dark attire – and perhaps lightly tanned skin. Even the face was obscured.

"{Well, at least I'm not being chased or seeing any hanged bodies, that's a plus}", she sighed. "{So, what's in store for me today? What kind of new torture has my mind developed now?}"

The figure leaned in the chair. "{I didn't come to torture You, Asuka Langley Soryu}", the figure replied politely, their voice soft as silk. "{I came to… discuss things. And maybe help You.}"

"{Great, You're going to give me hope, then I wake up and cry when I realize it was hollow and pointless}", she shrugged. "{Go ahead, do Your worst. Just get it over with}", she demanded, trying her best to sound nonchalant.

The figure frowned. "{False hopes are not my domain. It lies in human nature to deceive yourself… what I promise, I deliver}", they smiled a toothy smile.

"{And what could You promise me?}" she scoffed.

The figure leaned further, their face suddenly touched by a ray of moonlight. Asuka blinked in surprise; the face was both handsome and beautiful, framed by perfect, long, dark hair – a teenage girl's dream, a face of an idol; she would even call it 'angelic' if not for the bad connotation that word carried for her. The only two things that disrupted the perfect image were the eyes – mismatched and more than a bit disturbing in their expression – and the smile that had far too many teeth. 'Well, it's a nightmare – but I've seen worse', she thought as she stared into those odd pair of eyes.

"{It's up to You, lost girl. What do You want? What is Your heart's desire?}"

Asuka raised her eyebrow. "{More skill, unwavering fame as the defender of Earth, eternal glory as the Slayer of Angels, recognition of my abilities, and perhaps world domination}", she listed, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "{You're a part of my dream, and You don't know what I want? Get to the torment part, so it can be over and I can wake up, burn You away with light to my eyes – and go to sleep again if my mind feels charitable}", she added disdainfully.

The figure's smile turned into a smirk. "{As You wish, lost one}", they snapped their fingers.


Asuka started under the covers, her eyes snapping open. "{For fuck's sake…}" she whispered. "{Really, my id is getting creative}", she grumbled as the rolled over to the other side of the bed to reach for the light switch – and froze, cold sweat breaking all over her body, her heart kicking into high gear.

There was a figure seated in the chair next to her desk. A figure with an angelic face framed with perfect hair, looking at her with unblinking mismatched eyes – a green one, glowing in the darkness, and a black one, darker than the night surrounding it – and their disturbingly beautiful, long-nailed hands tented in front of them; her mind made an absurdly detailed note about how perfect the long nails looked, and how much effort it had to take to make the hair appear so natural.

Shivers ran through Asuka's body. 'That creative. Good work, brain. Fuck you. And fuck me, of course.'

"{You didn't believe me in Your dream, so I decided it is a good idea to come in the flesh, so to say}", the figure spoke, the voice as soft as it was in the dream. "{Forgive me, I haven't introduced myself}", the figure rose and bowed, their hand pressed to their breast. "{My name is Voland.}"

Asuka slowly rose to a sitting position, her skin clammy from the cold sweat, her posture defensive, no matter how much her instincts were telling her she had no chance in a fight with the intruder. "{Why are You here… sir? Ma'am?}" she tried, uncertain what applied to the stranger; the voice strongly suggested she was facing a man, but the figure was indicating a woman. The language, usually helpful in this case, did nothing; to her confusion, Asuka realized she had been talking to the stranger in perfect German – and the stranger was replying in kind. The moonlight was shining upon them, causing the shadows to dance around as Voland moved.

"{Professor will do just fine, lost girl}", Voland smiled, presenting their numerous teeth.

Asuka suddenly decided that the best defense is a good offense: "{Why are You calling me 'lost girl'? I have a name… professor.}"

Voland nodded. "{Indeed, You do… Miss Soryu. So, where were we… ah, yes. Fame, recognition, glory – and world domination. Why do You desire those?}"

Asuka shook her head. "{What are You, stupid?}" she snapped, dispensing with the courtesy; Voland's face twitched momentarily. "{How could I not desire fame and glory? I spent ten years training for that. The majority of my life. Almost all of my aware existence. And I would gladly spend ten more!}"

Voland smiled. "{Oh, I'm sure it was wonderful. Long days of training, long nights of studying, exams upon exams, tests upon tests… satisfying results, indisputably. And then, hours upon hours suspended inside the machine. Tell me… how did Your first kiss taste?}"

Asuka narrowed her eyes at the figure, her gaze hateful. The fear she felt was being quickly displaced with barely contained anger. "{And why do You care?}"

"{Just curious. Was it sweet? Bitter? Awkward? Pleasant? Mint-flavored, or perhaps tasting of fruits? Did it leave a regret? A longing?}" the stranger kept inquiring, a mean smile creeping on their face.

"{Go away, whatever the Hell You are}", she hissed. "{You're an apparition, nothing more. A misplaced nightmare that refuses to let me wake.}"

"{Well, think of me like this, if this makes You happy}", Voland's smile became crooked. "{This is of no consequence. You already have Your rank, Your fame. You're the elite, one of the three pilots, and one with the most experience and indisputable seniority. You're a protector of humanity, a beacon of hope. For many, a legend}", they paused. "{Does this make You happy?}"

Asuka looked at her uninvited guest as if she was slapped in the face. "{Of course it does!}" she narrowed her eyes, a hint of confusion appeared in her angry glare. "{What do You want me to say?}"

"{Nothing but the truth, Miss Soryu}", came the reply, the crookedness of Voland's smile unchanged. "{Let's assume that by some unfortunate circumstance – not by Your error, but by mismanagement, a tactical error, or even by a deliberate sacrifice in place of a more important Unit…}" Voland suspended their voice for a moment, seeing a gleam of acknowledgment in Asuka's eye. "{Let's say something like this happens – and Your Evangelion breaks… beyond repair}", a hint of a cruel smile slowly emerged on the handsome face. "{What will happen to You?}"

A momentary fear appeared in the redhead's eyes, momentarily covered by increasing anger. "{And what do You care?}" she asked, her tone still polite despite the anger clear in her tone. "{They'd find me another. There are at least two other serial units.}"

"{Yes, I'm sure they'd entrust them to a pilot who lost their Unit}", Voland retorted with just a hint of sarcasm. "{I'd say they'll send You back to Germany, perhaps to take part in the development of another Unit, perhaps as a glorified instructor… but You'd lose everything}", their voice remained calm as they watched Asuka's face twitch in increasingly-poor-concealed fear.

"{Go to Hell}", she demanded again, this time with less certainty.

"{Not yet}", they replied with a crooked smile. "{You said it yourself, I'm an apparition. I cannot go away, I'm in Your head… or maybe I am real, and I will leave You alone only when I am satisfied? But I see now, You're a bit of a lost cause}", Voland sighed, eliciting a hateful glare. "{What do You think of the Third Child?}" they suddenly asked out of the blue.

"{Nothing}" she shrugged, ignoring her hands balling into fists. "{He's an idiot, he's useless, he's a daddy's boy who can't pilot for shit.}"

"{And yet, he killed more Angels than You ever did… and You still cannot catch up}", Voland smirked.

"{He got lucky}", she growled, her teeth exposed. "{And I will catch up.}"

"{Oh, I'm sure You will}", Voland agreed in a voice that sounded sincere – even if Asuka could not shake the feeling that she was being mocked. "{To Commander's satisfaction and approval, to the Major's praise… and to his complete obliviousness, maybe even disregard, and a mild recognition at best.}"

Asuka shrugged again, ignoring the sickening feeling in her stomach. "{Why would I care for his opinion? He's not important to me.}"

"{You're right, he's nobody to You}", Voland confirmed, the smirk persistent. "{I have one last question, then. He's no real pilot, just as You said, he has no good training. So, he is likely the next casualty. I'm sure You won't cry for him when he dies… or will You?}"

Asuka prided herself on her combat ability, both in Evangelion and outside of it; after all, Unit-02 was an extension of herself – and that meant that she had to master her body before she mastered the Evangelion. Her combat movements and defenses were deeply ingrained reflexes: she willed to attack, and her body just executed that. That, coupled with her training and the body far more athletic than most people had, made her a dangerous opponent, especially if she could surprise her target.

The greater was her surprise that her attempt at wiping the smirk off her uninvited guest's face with the use of her fist failed utterly: she simply missed, despite the target being perfectly visible less than a meter away from her. The momentum of the blow carried, though, causing her to stumble across the room. Regaining her balance and avoiding a humiliating fall was a small blessing. She turned to face her opponent, hatred on her face, tears in her eyes.

"{I thought so}", Voland's smirk vanished as they rose. The height difference between them was not that big, but for some reason they seemed to tower over her, almost filling the room.

"{What. Do. You. Want?}" she growled, her anger diminishing the intimidating effect that impression had. "{You do nothing but mock me since You came here. Answer me!}" she demanded in a voice bordering on a growl.

"{To give You a choice, Asuka Langley Soryu}", Voland's voice dropped to tenor. "{To give You a chance for something else, something that cannot be taken from You that easily.}"

"{Oh, how graceful}", she snarled. "{Because I cannot get it myself? I reached all this with my own hands, I don't need charity handouts–}" she stopped as Voland raised their hand.

"{Please, Miss Soryu}", they requested, a hint of contempt in their voice, both of their eyes focused on her face, their hand raised. "{To give You anything on a silver plate would be disrespectful. I speak of giving You a chance. A deal that would allow You to start building something. A seed, if You will, a seed You would have to tend to with all Your notable skill, with all Your indisputable will, with all Your considerable dedication. Will You listen… or should I, as You put it, go to Hell?}"

Asuka's face showed conflicting feelings: anger mixed with hope, annoyance mixed with curiosity, hatred mixed with fascination – and all this mudded with confusion. "{What is it… Professor?}" she asked cautiously.

"{Just a few truths… and a simple deal. It does not matter whether You see me as real; consider me a part of Your mind, if You prefer so, but the deal will be real either way}", they explained. "{Please, take a seat… and I promise it will not take long. Afterward, I will be gone, whether You accept or not.}"

Asuka took a deep breath and returned to her bed; sitting cross-legged on the edge of it, the crossed her arms in front of her. "{I am listening.}"

Voland sat back on the chair with one fluent movement.

"{There are two facts to consider: You've been brought to Tokyo-3 to fulfill the Commander's plans, and thus You are just a tool for him}", they explained; Asuka nodded.

"{Of course, I'm a soldier, and under NERV command}", she agreed. "{Are You here to state trivial things?}"

"{The simplest truths are the hardest to see}", they noted. "{The second fact is: so is everybody else… including Shinji Ikari and Rei Ayanami.}"

Asuka's brow furrowed. "{Third is his son, and First is his pet, a beloved toy}", she retorted. "{I call bullshit on that.}"

{"Have You seen how Rei Ayanami lives?}" Voland asked, their eyebrows raised. Asuka shook her head. "{Have You heard how Shinji Ikari was introduced to piloting?}"

Asuka shook her head again. "{I assume You're going to… tell me? Show me?}"

Voland reached into their pocket and produced a few photographs. "{This is her dwelling}", they handed them to Asuka. Her expression conveyed her shock quite well.

"{That looks like a prison cell or a ruined squat}", she admitted. "{I don't believe it. She's his pet. He'd not let her live like that}", she dropped the photos on her desk and raised her head to glare into Voland's eyes, ignoring their disturbing appearance for the moment.

"{If You don't believe me, her address is on the back of the photographs}", Voland retorted. "{And for the pet part… Maybe she is, but he ordered her to pilot Unit-01 when she was barely able to walk}", Voland continued. "{And to pressure Shinji Ikari to pilot it… mere minutes after he learned of Evangelion's existence}", they explained. "{You saw what was going on during the last fight, didn't You? They tried to save Unit-01… not caring about anything else. Any life. You are a tool to him}", Voland's voice sounded almost angry. "{He is a tool for him. All humans are just tools in his glorious mission.}"

Asuka's jaw was clenched. "{He's trying to save humanity}", she tried.

"{He's trying to doom it, Asuka Langley Soryu}", Voland stated with utter certainty, their tone lowering. "{And You're complicit in that… not that it will matter much if he succeeds.}"

"{What do You want me to do, shoot him?}" she asked suddenly, her tone a mix between scoffed and confused.

Voland chuckled. "{No, that would be undue mercy for him… and I'm afraid You'd have to wait in a long queue for that. If it's ever possible, all things considered}", they replied, eliciting a raised eyebrow from Asuka. "{I want You to create a new world to spite him… for the lack of a better term. Once he is gone.}"

"{So}", Asuka shook her head. "{You're telling me that Third Child is not my enemy, that First Child is abused just as the boy is, and that Commander is the real threat, but he's going not to be a problem… and we'll just carry on, but I have to do something? Something… important?}"

"{Close}", Voland confirmed. "{Simplified but not wrong. Now that we got the facts, let's move to a deal}", they smiled. "{You're the pilot with the most initiative, and let's face it, with the best social skills}", Voland continued, eliciting an unwitting smirk on Asuka's face. "{Accept Your fellow pilots, give them a place in Your heart… and in exchange, I'll make sure that the world will be better for You all. Starting tomorrow.}"

Asuka blinked, her face confused. "{It is a bit vague.}"

Voland smirked. "{We can have this written down in a many-paged contract if You prefer so, but the gist of it will be the same: let them like You, perhaps even love You, see whether You can feel the same for them… and I'll ensure that the road You have ahead of You will not end with Your lonely death full of suffering beyond Your imagination.}"

Asuka shivered. "{Shit, for a moment I forgot this was a nightmare}", she whispered. "{Shit.}"

"{Nightmare or not, my offer is sincere}", Voland reiterated.

"{So, let me get this straight}", she resumed, her voice a mix of incredulity, annoyance, and strange hope. "{You want me to become a good housewife for Shinji Ikari, and if I do, the world will be just dandy from now on?}"

Voland's face turned to a rare expression of surprise. "{That's a… novel interpretation of my words, Asuka Langley Soryu}", they retorted. "{And the answer to that is a definite 'no'. Your roles are Your own to write.}"

"{But You want me to do something}", she persisted in her inquiry. "{What is it, and how do I know I can believe You?}"

"{About the latter, You will quickly see that I spoke nothing but the truth}", Voland started. "{And that my promises are being fulfilled. I merely expect You to uphold Your part of the bargain once You realize that my part has started to become true. There is no faith required. Only open eyes.}"

"{I can work with that}", her face turned ponderous. "{If any of this mad talk comes true, I'll go with it… if only to see what happens}", she agreed, her tone cautious. "{So… what's exactly I am supposed to do, if it is not becoming Third's… trophy girlfriend?}"

Voland's smile returned. "{It's actually pretty simple…}" they started – and kept going for a while. Asuka's face varied between confusion, amusement, fear, hope, annoyance, and surprise – sometimes within the space of the same sentence.

"{…and as long as You hold to that, You all should be quite fine}", Voland finished.

Asuka kept staring at them for a long while.

"{Okay, it's crazy talk, but what gives, I suppose I can give it a try}", she finally spoke with a shrug. "{If You're real and truthful, I have little to lose, and if You're fake or a liar, I won't see shit of it coming true – and won't do shit.}"

"{Well, I was never a fan of old Blaise's wagers, he was a fool aside from his mathematical work… but I can work with that}", Voland shrugged, their smile turning into a smirk. "{Do You agree to carry that burden?}"

"{I just agreed, didn't I?}" Asuka shrugged. "{Yeah.}"

"{And do You think You can find it in Your heart to care for them?}" Voland asked.

"{Are You trying to talk me out of this now?}" Asuka scoffed. "{I agreed. Let me wake up, go to sleep, whatever. Just… leave me alone}", she demanded.

"{I'll take it as Your consent to the terms, then}", they declared in a suddenly far deeper voice, a toothy smile emerging on their face once more. "{As I don't have to grant You anything right now, I shall now leave You to Your night's rest}", they finished as they rose from the chair. "{Goodnight, Asuka Langley Soryu. I know You will find our deal… rewarding. Just remember what You agreed to.}"

"{Wait}", she shook off her reverie as Voland was about to open the door.

They stopped in their tracks. "{What else do You want? I thought You wanted this to be over?}" they slowly turned to face her.

"{Who are You?}" she inquired, ignoring the jab.

"{You have eyes, sharp and bright. See}", Voland grinned, their teeth far too numerous. "{You have ears, able and alert. Hear. You have Your mind, powerful, twisted, but not broken. Think}", they paused. "{You know who I am.}"

With those words, they slid the door open. Beyond it, there was no living room, no kitchen, no apartment; instead of the familiar, there was some plateau – or perhaps a terrace, with a dark, starry sky instead of the ceiling. With the ominous "{Until we meet again}", Voland stepped through – and slid the door close.

Asuka jumped out of the bed as if something had stung her – and slid it open again.

Misato's kitchen was easy to recognize at a glance, even in the darkness. The ceiling was there, too, solid and drab as she remembered it.

"{Okay. That sets a new standard for my subconscious}", she shook her head in resignation, slid the door close, and returned to her bed, her head abuzz with confusion. "{At least there were no hanging corpses. And I thought my stay here would be boring.}"

Shaking the weird feeling this very-unreal-but-too-real-for-comfort meeting had left her with, she tried to think of the stranger's offer – but it was a futile effort. Sleep took her seconds later in a final gift from her visitor.

And it was sleep without any nightmares.
Act II, scene VIII: The girl that asked

Act II, scene VIII: The girl that asked

"I do not understand", Rei Ayanami stated with a small note of confusion in her impassionate voice as they landed in a quiet and dark back alley next to several restaurants, food stalls, and bars. "I have already eaten. I do not require further nourishment."

Her laughter as they flew across the city was a thing of the past; once they landed, she became withdrawn and careful once more – but she still seemed interested in things going around her; this was what Natasha was counting on – and this is what she had to work with.

"It is not for the body", she explained with a smile as they put the brooms against the wall; people seemed to ignore them despite their quite obvious lack of attire. "It is for the soul. But I'm afraid we have to dress to go there… how do you like to look?" she asked as she locked her intensely green eyes with the red ones.

"I do not know", Rei replied sincerely, averting her gaze after a short moment. "I never cared about my appearance beyond what was expected of me. And I have not taken any clothing with me."

"This is a minor concern", Natasha replied, her smile unchanged, her eyes no longer trying to catch the red ones. "You were comfortable in your uniform, right? So how about a dress… to match me?" she suggested – and before Rei could blink, Natasha stood before her in something that Rei would call a military uniform – if not for its gaudy colors and a great number of decorations.

A hint of realization mixed with a note of wonder appeared on her face. "I believe I can wear a dress", she confirmed. "Do you – oh."

Rei blinked in surprise as she realized she was clothed from head to toe in an unusual and complicated garment she had previously only seen in history books on illustrations titled "Regency Era period dress" or "Courtly dress from time of Versailles". She was not sure where this one came from particularly – but this was not important.

What was far more important was the odd sensation of soft fabric against her skin, a sensation she did not understand – but contrary to her concerns, enjoyed. She was, of course, used to wearing clothing – after all, she spent virtually all her time outside her dwelling wearing her uniform – but this was different. The school uniform was simple, regular, even rough against her skin. This dress was soft, flowing, cold to the touch–

She ran her hands along the sleeves and the corset, pressing the underlying fabric to her skin, relishing in the strange softness. "What is it?" she finally asked.

"It's a dress from my past… well, from the past of where I am from", Natasha explained. "I never got to wear them when I lived there; times have changed and I was nothing but a servant there anyway… but I really like them. Do you like it?"

"It's… soft", Rei replied in a pleased tone. "On the inside."

"It's the silk", Natasha explained with a smile. "The most wonderful fabric, a privilege of the wealthy back then… well, I guess now as well. If you like that on your skin, wait until you get your hands on some other fabrics", she continued, her smile turning into a smirk. "But first, let's do what we came here for: ice cream. Are you ready?"

"I… think so", Rei confirmed with a careful nod, still distracted by the unusual sensations of her dress, her eyes and hands exploring it carefully.

'Halt. Patience', Natasha chided herself; her charge seemed to require more attention. "There is no rush", she replied. "The night is young. Get used to the dress first… and tell me if it becomes uncomfortable."

"It is comfortable. But I do not understand the purpose of it", Rei suddenly admitted. "Its form clearly exceeds its function."

"Oh no", Natasha smiled, finally understanding Rei's point. "It doesn't exceed it. Clothing can do much more than just conceal the body and protect us from the elements. This one was designed to be pretty… and pleasant to wear."

Rei slowly raised her eyes to meet Natasha's for a short moment, mild confusion painted on her face. "I do not understand. Why would someone design clothing to be pleasant to wear?"

"Because…" Natasha pondered for a moment; this conversation started to remind her of a moment from her another life, a time when she talked to Nastia – more known under the nickname of Why-Is-This-So? – a six-year-old child of her employer's neighbors; she asked questions about the most obvious things in life, questions that even adults were sometimes unable to answer. Natasha had more patience for the little girl than most adults did… and now, this experience was becoming quite handy. "Because there are too few pleasures in life to wear something that is not pleasant to wear", she finally answered to the best of her ability, unsure whether she is getting to the girl or not.



It was a term Rei knew, of course, but only on the semantic, rational level. She could never understand what it meant. It was, clearly, a concept that was outside her role in the Scenario. If it had been relevant, she would have been introduced to it.

She knew she was not supposed to introduce new elements to the Scenario by herself. This could endanger it and cause unpredictable consequences. She knew she had to be careful about the concept this strange woman suggested to her. Her arguments were odd, not grounded in logic too well – but not without appeal.

Rei knew she had to be careful. Unpredictable variables were a danger to the Scenario.

On the other hand, how could something so insignificant as clothes endanger a plan created by the world's smartest people?


"This explanation makes a degree of sense", Rei finally half-agreed as she seemed to finally settle into her unusual clothes. "I can accept it. You have mentioned ice cream and nourishment for the soul", she said as she slowly turned her attention away from the dress. "Can you explain?"

"Have you ever eaten ice cream?" Natasha asked, worried that she might already know the answer.

"I do not think so", Rei replied ponderously. "I am not sure", she corrected herself as she tried to recall a dim and imperfect memory – clearly without much success.

"Then let me show you", Natasha requested with a smile – and quickly led the girl inside a parlor a few dozen steps away from their landing spot.


Rei Ayanami was not used to being given a choice, especially when it came to food. She was also not used to food that was supposed to provide more than just simple sustenance. For the most of her life she was content with simple dishes she had prepared herself, was handed by the school, gifted by Shinji Ikari, or provided by NERV; none of those required anything beyond the simplest choices, and in many cases, not even that.

But now, she was facing a decision – and even with the guidance of the strange woman at her side, it was starting to become somewhat overwhelming. Fortunately for her, her guide seemed to have noticed the problem – and after giving her some time to think, made the choice for her, at the same time chatting with the server, thanking her for the compliments about their cosplay, and shielding Rei from any excessive attention by answering questions politely, smilingly, and unhelpfully.

As a result, when they were finally sitting in the secluded corner of this odd place, Rei could focus on the confusing and problematic food in a bowl in front of her. Simple instruction on how to consume it was enough to start – and the moment she did, the word pleasant has gained yet another facet of meaning for Rei.

She knew this was not a part of her role in the Scenario. She knew she had to be careful.

On the other hand, how could something so insignificant as food endanger a plan created by the world's smartest people?


Natasha was watching the girl in front of her carefully, trying to figure her out. It was difficult to understand how someone could be so smart – the girl clearly had a vocabulary of an adult and a mental capacity clearly exceeding what she was showing most of the time – and at the same time she was extremely clueless with such simple things as – among many others – how to eat ice cream properly.

'Behemoth was right. This girl is an anomaly in so many ways… why did the Master give her to me, though? Is this just a matter of trust, or is she a witch's deed through and through? Or maybe both…' she mused as she carefully scanned the increasingly – if still minimally – expressive face of Rei Ayanami; she had to admit she never saw someone eat the simple vanilla-and-chocolate ice cream, two tastes Natasha chose for her when she saw the girl was starting to suffer from decision-paralysis, with such eagerness. 'If this is really the first time that she is tasting this, then she had to have a very sad childhood indeed. If Behemoth was right about her power, too, then I must be sure she's on our side before I leave her…' she decided.

"Did you like it?" she finally asked as Rei literally cleaned the cup.

Rei's face was confused for a moment. "I am not sure."

Natasha's brow furrowed – but she stopped the first reflex to ask the obvious "how could you not be sure, having polished it to the bare glass?". Instead, she waited for the girl to continue in her own time.

"It was new", Rei finally picked up. "It made me feel a number of things. Most of them were new as well."

"Do you wish for another?" Natasha asked carefully.

Rei pondered for a moment. "Is this my only opportunity to get more?"

"No!" Natasha shook her head vehemently and immediately lowered her tone, realizing the girl might be receiving too many impulses at the same time and might not handle an emotional reply too well. "We can come back. Or get more elsewhere. There is still much to this night."

"Then I want to feel it all to the end before eating more", she replied.

"To the end?" Natasha checked, her eyebrow raised.

"My body is processing the ice cream right now. I wish to experience that to the end", Rei explained matter-of-factly. "I believe eating more would affect that process and impede my ability to observe."

"All right", Natasha agreed readily, trying not to ask how she perceived it and trying not to think about possible outcomes; she would navigate them as they emerged. "Now, for the next step… Since you enjoyed the dress, I want to get you something more to wear, something more persistent. Let's go… hm", she paused for a moment, an idea popping into her mind. "Do you enjoy touch?" she asked and extended her hand over the table.

"I am accustomed to it", Rei replied, her eyes darting over the woman's face and the hand that reached for hers – but not touched it. "It is commonplace in my examinations and tests."

"I am not asking if you're used to it", Natasha replied, suppressing an angry reaction at how possibly this commonplace touch would look like. "I am asking if you like it. For example, having your hand held?"

"I… don't know", Rei admitted.

"Do you want to try?" Natasha smiled a mischievous smile.


Rei was never asked about being touched before; the people that took care of her, the people who ensured her continuous existence – those people never asked that question. Being handled was so natural for her that this question was difficult to understand.

But as she thought of it more, it began to make a certain sense: this person was not her doctor, she was not her caretaker, she was still a stranger to her – even if a friendly stranger. Her asking the question made the more sense the more Rei thought about it.

Rei knew that interacting with this woman further would be unusual and could possibly affect her in ways detrimental to the Scenario.

On the other hand, how could something so insignificant as touch endanger a plan created by the world's smartest people?


Natasha smiled as Rei Ayanami reached carefully and took her hand; they rose from the table together. It took them a few moments to find the right grasp; it was obvious Rei was not used to holding hands. But not long after, she seemed comfortable enough to walk like this.

"What is our destination?" Rei Ayanami asked. Natasha had to suppress her surprise; the girl, until now, was quite passive – and this was the first question that was not a reaction.

"There is a shop here, one you may enjoy", she replied, her smile wide.

"I cannot purchase anything", Rei objected. "I do not own any money."

"I will take care of that if you don't mind" Natasha replied her smile unchanging. "I promised to show you things, did I not?"

"Yes", Rei nodded with some confusion on her face that did not go away for a while.


"What is this?" Rei asked, stopping in her tracks and bringing Natasha to a halt as she pulled on her hand with surprising strength; the shopping bag hanging from Rei's other hand and filled with oddities they just purchased indicated the abruptness of the stop by swinging several times.

"Oh. It's a cat café", Natasha explained, her confusion quickly replaced with a genuine smile. "It's a place where you can get drinks, cake, and ice cream… and enjoy the company of cats. You know what a cat is?" she asked and immediately realized how stupid that question was. The girl had met Behemoth, after all.

"Yes", Rei replied without hesitation or objection to being asked such a question. "They're domesticated predatory mammals that carry the systematic names Felis catus domesticus, Felis vulgaris, or simply Felis catus. They were originally tasked with protecting food from vermin; nowadays they are kept mostly for company and aesthetic purposes."

"Exactly", Natasha confirmed, trying her best not to show how stupid she felt; talking to this girl was a minefield. "And in this café, cats are kept for company. Do you want to visit it?" she asked carefully, aware that most likely, she would have to make the decision herself.

Rei pondered for a moment. "Yes. I do", she declared – and pulled Natasha towards the door.


Rei was never before exposed to such a large number of animals: her dwelling in the depths of NERV sometimes had rats that she tried to make friends with and often succeeded – only for her friend to never return. And when she moved to her own dwelling, it never occurred to her that she could have an animal of her own to care for.

And now, she was patiently listening to the waitress explaining the rules of the café, how the particular cats behaved and what to expect of them, and the whole idea behind sharing space with them – and she found it fascinating. She watched the cats move around, observe people, and sometimes approach them – and a lot of their behavior started to look familiar.

She knew that she should not have a pet. That would affect her and introduce a new variable in the Scenario, possibly endangering it.

On the other hand, how could something so insignificant as a simple animal endanger a plan created by the world's smartest people?


"Do you like them?" Natasha asked as Rei's eyes wandered between the various cats all around the place; there seemed to be more than a dozen, some sleeping, some watching the patrons, and the bravest – or the most curious ones – approaching them.

Rei was silent for a while, but before Natasha repeated the question on the assumption that Rei did not hear her, she spoke up: "They're nice. They're… familiar."

"Familiar?" Natasha checked.

"I am unable to explain it", Rei replied, her attention still distributed among the real hosts of the place. "This is a nice place. I like them. They are familiar", she repeated – and Natasha decided not to pry any further. The girl, as much as Natasha could read her still barely expressive face, was enraptured. The only thing that broke her reverie was the arrival of hot chocolate and the ice cream, a combination that Rei decided on herself this time – and a combination that, once Rei got to it, made Natasha's teeth hurt sympathetically.

'I can understand she craves sensations, but the extreme change in temperature has to be painful', she mused as she watched the girl enjoy her treat with increasingly obvious pleasure. 'On the other hand, who am I to judge, with the things I have seen, experienced, and did to people… if this makes her happy, it makes things easier for me in the end…'


A few hours and several indulgences later

The odd bits of clothing and accessories were spread across Rei's bed, each and every one of them now explained to make sure Rei knew what purpose they had. Finally, the girl straightened and addressed Natasha: "Thank you. I did not understand."

"Do you, now?" Natasha asked.

"Not yet", Rei replied. "But I will try", she added and paused before asking: "Why have you shown me all this?

"I wanted to help", Natasha replied in a half-truth. She was not lying; having understood the girl's situation, she was more than eager to help. The fact that it aligned with Voland's will was useful, of course, but if it remained secret, no harm would be done. "And I am glad It worked. I hope you will keep discovering more once I am gone."

"Do you have to go?" Rei asked, a tinge of sadness tainting her voice.

"I cannot stay. Tonight… is the night of wonders in this city, but tomorrow, I might be needed elsewhere", Natasha explained. "I will check on you when I can… but I cannot say when", she promised. She was painfully aware that the openness the girl surprised her with will be gone quickly and will take time to recover and integrate into her life – but the conditions of the night of wonders could not be easily transferred to the mundane life. The best she could do was to plant the seeds – and hope for the best.

"I understand", Rei confirmed with a nod after a moment of consideration, the sad note still present. "This is why you wanted me to have things to remember you by."

"Those are for you to learn, Rei", Natasha replied, shaking her head. "If you remember me fondly when you make use of them… I will be happy. But they are for you first and foremost."

"So… what now? Do you want to keep enjoying it all, Rei Ayanami, daughter of none? Within reason, that is?"

"Yes", Rei smiled; her expression was still subdued, but this was doubtlessly a smile. "But I do not know how reason applies to pleasure."

"You will figure it out", Natasha reassured her. "You are smart. And the other pilots… they will help you if you let them", she suggested based on what she heard from Voland before departing for this task. "Will you accept their help?"

"I don't know", Rei's voice was uncertain. "I do not know if they have any reason to help me."

"If they do", Natasha did her best to keep her voice calm; it was highly irregular for the three questions to be answered with anything but three confirmations; the girl, despite all the appearances, was not entirely taken by the magic of the night. "Will you accept their help?"

"Yes. I will", Rei nodded, eliciting a secretive sigh of relief from Natasha.

"And will you share it with them?" Natasha continued the questions with a smile. "Will you trust them to enjoy those things with you?"

"If they won't try to take them away, yes", Rei confirmed with a soft nod – and blinked in confusion as she clearly sensed something happening. "What happened?"

"You agreed… and I made a promise to help you, this or another way", Natasha explained. "Do not be afraid. No harm was done."

Rei just nodded in response.

"And what do you desire now, Rei Ayanami?" Natasha asked after a few moments, carefully reaching and taking Rei's hand when the girl's hand met her half the way.

"Everything", Rei answered, her voice notably warmer. Her face was still rather expressionless – but it was no longer a hollow mask the witch saw at the beginning of the night.

"That's good. Rei Ayanami, daughter of none – I hope you will be happy", the witch smiled wider as she was finally certain that the seed she planted had taken root and sprouted – but could still not tell what fruit it would bear.

'Because if you're not, then your friends are doomed. And so are you. And I would not want to see that.'


Rei Ayanami did not realize how serious everything concerning her was and how much fear and worry she instilled in her guide – and in the one that sent her.

Right now, everything that mattered was her memory of the sensations: the soft fabric on her skin, the new taste she tried, the feeling of companionship she shared, the fascination with cats around her, the touch of a warm hand held by her own, many more sensations she was hoping to experience again – and many more she was hoping to experience for the first time.

She intended to savor them all, she wanted to enjoy them all, she desired to understand them all.

And she knew she was not going to be stopped by anything – or anyone. She was somewhat worried that this could have a detrimental effect on the Scenario, of course, making her consider whether she should let it all happen, or try to suppress it all, no matter how she wished to learn and understand.

On the other hand, how could something so insignificant as pleasure endanger a plan created by the world's smartest people?
World's smartest people? I wonder about that. Taking away everyone's individuality and free will in exchange for one person who most likely doesn't want to come back doesn't seem like a smart plan to me.

Regardless, I'm glad to see Rei enjoy herself with the finer aspects of life.
World's smartest people? I wonder about that. Taking away everyone's individuality and free will in exchange for one person who most likely doesn't want to come back doesn't seem like a smart plan to me.
Well... "smart" does not necessarily mean "wise", "moral" or even "reasonable". Also, remember that this is Rei's perspective. She might be a tad indoctrinated.
Regardless, I'm glad to see Rei enjoy herself with the finer aspects of life.
That was quite a delight to write :)
Act II, scene IX: The Desired

Act II, scene IX: The Desired

Doctor Akagi entered her apartment in the deep bowels of NERV: her home, her refuge, her sanctuary. She swept the room with a quick glance and sighed heavily; it was a very luxurious, but also a very empty place.

A while ago, her cat would come to welcome her; this was no longer the case – she sent her away because she felt she was neglecting the poor animal. She was never here, after all, except to sleep and sometimes to eat. Once in a while, the Commander would grace this place with his imposing but impersonal presence, she would enjoy her time with him, and then he would then invariably leave; he never stayed for breakfast.

"Some romance…" she murmured, unbuttoning her blouse. "The cat was at least some company; she'd at least wake me up and make me feel needed" she sighed. "Well, what gives–"


Ritsuko froze and her eyes started darting around the room before locking on the source of the certainly unexpected sound: a big – really big – black – really black – cat sitting on the kitchen tabletop. She could have sworn it was not there when she entered the room. "What the fuck–"

"Please, madame, there's no need to be coarse", the cat spoke as it glared at her; the Japanese was perfect, radio-speaker level, the accent impeccable. "Doctor Akagi, I presume?"

Ritsuko kept staring at the intruder with wide eyes, scanning her memory for any incident that could have caused hallucinations. To her dismay, she found none, even going back years.

"I apologize for the intrusion", the cat continued with head bowed slightly in what could be seen as a greeting. "I needed a place where we could talk in peace, and I believe your office would be very much… inappropriate for that purpose. It is hardly a private place."

"Who–what are you, and how did you get here?"

"Oh, thousand apologies, madame", the cat jumped down to the floor, grew thrice in size, and raised to stand on his back legs. The blackness of his fur and the unearthly gleam of his eyes remained unchanged, though. "My name is Behemoth, and I am here on behalf of my boss, Master Voland. I am a plenipotentiary in making a certain… offer."

Ritsuko shook her head, closed her eyes, and slowly counted to ten. When she reopened them, the big, bipedal cat was still there. She tried again – and the result was the same. Aware that now she had to face what was in front of her, she managed to repeat: "What are you?"

"I am, as you may see, a cat. I regret to find you so unreceptive of such a simple truth; fortunately, I anticipated that", the black cat picked up a tray from the tabletop, took a step forward, and presented the tray to Ritsuko; it contained a small, frost-covered glass, accompanied by a pickle and a piece of pink… meat?

"Please, madame, something to ease you into the situation. Do not worry, it's from your own fridge. Well, the drink is", he specified.

'This is not real. It cannot be. I'm having an episode. On one hand, great – now I can add 'schizophrenic' to the list of side-effects of working with Evas and start testing Pilots for it. On the other, this could have been far, far worse. Well, let's enjoy the mild version as long as it lasts… I guess.'

With a quick move, she reached for the glass, swallowed the burning liquid, and bit down on the pickle. "Thank you", she managed to say as she finally dropped on the armchair, her eyes still fixated on the intruder. "This does not answer the question of how did you get here, though."

"Don't worry, madame. I'm known for getting into places, and getting out", Behemoth smiled as he put down the tray and refilled the glass. "Your locks are secure, and your door is undamaged. It was just… insufficient to keep someone like me out."

'He's surprisingly handy with the bottle for a cat', Ritsuko's mind spat out a random observation. 'Does he have thumbs?'

"Please, drink at your convenience. You may need it", Behemoth said as he put the refilled tray back down. "As I was saying before, I am here with a certain proposal."

"Yes?" Ritsuko asked carefully. 'Rule number one: don't do anything that can cause harm to myself, no matter how insistent the visions. They cannot harm me, I can.'

"Let's start from the beginning", Behemoth jumped on the couch and trod it down a bit before curling on it as a normal cat would – except he retained his size. As a result, he occupied the couch almost in its entirety. "You are not a bad person, madame, or so I am told."

"Thank you… I guess?" Ritsuko raised her eyebrows.

The cat hissed softly in an unpleasant manner. "That is not a compliment, madame. You see… My boss and I – among others – are here to offer opportunities, in some cases even wishes, to people both good and bad. And you are… neither. You are, if I am to repeat the term used in the insane ramblings of a certain biblical writer, lukewarm", the cat spoke the last word with clear revulsion, contrasting with his previously pleasant demeanor.

Ritsuko frowned, her tone turning colder. "Are you here to insult me… Mr. Behemoth?"

The cat seemed to smile. "Oh, thank you", he spoke up in a pleased voice. "It is rare that someone calls me "Mister"; perhaps I misjudged you on the details. Still, the facts stand: my boss has decided you don't get a wish – perhaps for the better, to be honest, they sometimes end up horribly… well, most of the time… – but you are important enough to be a part of someone's wish."

Ritsuko's expression was both offended and curious. "So… you broke into my apartment to tell me that I am not worthy of a wish… but still have a role to play?" she asked, her eyebrows high. "Let's say that I play along", she agreed tentatively. "What is there in for me?"

The cat's expression soured; he seemed almost disgusted. "Or maybe I did not", he sighed. "Well, it is simple. Someone wished for… well, you. But as you possess free will, this would require your consent", Behemoth explained. "You can accept and get a… bonus, or you can refuse without consequences."

Ritsuko shook her head. "You're not making it too clear. What do you mean that someone had wished… for me?"

The cat smiled. "Unexplored are secrets of a human heart and soul, madame. Someone wants to spend their life with you… and take responsibility for you. No catches, no dependency, no slavery – just a chance to have a life."

"I… I don't think it's possible", Ritsuko whispered sadly, her head dropping.

"Is that a 'no', then?" Behemoth asked, his face suddenly pouty.

She shook her head. "No. I simply don't believe it's possible. You're just tormenting me, aren't you? Why can't I have confusing, but pleasant hallucinations? I knew I had to snap someday, but this… this is just sad", she reached for the glass and emptied it, scowling at the taste but deciding not to cover it with any of the food waiting in front of her.

Behemoth pouted full-scale. "Apologies, madame. I believe there has been a misunderstanding", he rose to a sitting position on the couch; now he was in a position to look down on Ritsuko. "I am not a hallucination, and my proposal is sincere. Would you consider such an arrangement at all?"

Ritsuko took a deep breath. 'I wish I knew how long those episodes last… Let's see if it works like those old text games…'

"I would", she agreed in a cautious tone. "Could you tell me more?"

Behemoth's face turned to a smile – a very cat-like one, which was understandable under the circumstances. He lay down again, still keeping his eyes on the Doctor.

"Of course, madame", Behemoth started in a purring tone. "If you agree, I will give you an option to awaken a desire for this person, if it is not there yet; you may take it free of charge or leave it without consequences", he explained; Ritsuko frowned, but kept listening. "If you refuse, I shall vanish from your life, likely forever, and you will remain lonely, unloved, and holding to the few scraps of attention the Commander is giving you in order to maintain your loyalty", Behemoth kept going in a perfectly level and deadpan voice. "The choice is yours alone… and I will gladly take my leave while you decide. I only ask that you make this decision sober. Well. No drunker than you are now."

Ritsuko's stomach was a ball of ice. "You're lying, cat. The Commander… cares."

Behemoth smirked. "Oh, yes, he does. Just not for you", he replied matter-of-factly. "How often does he visit you and how often does he visit… how it is called… Unit-01?"

"Oh, gods", she hid her face in her hands. A soft sound of sobbing came from behind them.

Behemoth twitched uncomfortably. "Maybe… I'll come back in an hour. Excuse me, madame."

Ritsuko raised her head just for a moment. The couch was empty, with just a small, calligraphed note "I will be back in 60 minutes." She blinked as "60" changed to "59" but decided to ignore it. She had a different problem to deal with right now.


A while later

"Mr. Behemoth?"

The silence was the only reply.

The last forty-seven minutes were filled with an emotional rollercoaster. She went through several waves of denial – "am I listening to a cat?" and "the Commander cares!" – anger – "That bastard! He always loved his wife, and only her!" – bargaining – "Maybe I can offer him more?" and "I can seduce him so that he forgets her" – and depression – "He doesn't care" and "I will die alone or maybe even by his hand when I stop being useful". This was the first moment she reached something resembling acceptance: "If someone wished for me, it means he actually cares for me…"

Therefore, Ritsuko had an urgent need to talk to her strange hallucination – as soon as possible, preferably before she changed her mind. The note on the couch was saying: "I will be back in 12 minutes", but she somehow did not believe a cat would pass an opportunity to watch.

"Mr. Behemoth, we need to talk!" she tried to sound serious without sounding needy. It worked only half-way.

"Please, stop yelling, madame!" the pleading voice sounded from the direction of the kitchen. "I'm here!"

The big, black shape materialized, jumping on the tabletop seemingly from nowhere.

"Welcome back, Mr. Behemoth. I…" she paused. "Milk, perhaps?"

Behemoth tilted his furry head before shaking it. "No, thank you, madame. I'm on duty. I assume the urgency of your call has a reason?"

"Yes", Ritsuko took a deep breath. "One question before I say anything: who is it?"

The cat smiled. "The sweet Maya Ibuki, madame. Your dutiful student and your tireless co-worker."

Ritsuko let her breath out. "I… I should've expected that. But I… I don't love her. I don't think I can love her… we're just… colleagues?"

"A-ha", the cat smiled. "I have mentioned a possible bonus, did I not? I believe, based on your file, that the minor detail of you both being women is not going to be an issue for you, it's just that you see it as… inappropriate socially due to your work?"

Ritsuko nodded. She made a mental note to ask about 'the file', then immediately dismissed the notion. After all, if this was her hallucination, it was bound to know everything about her.

Behemoth smiled. "Please don't worry about such details. Things… may change. Now, while I don't mind a relaxed approach, my boss is big on formalities, and I do mean really big. So", the cat jumped down, grew thrice in size once more, and stood on two legs again. "Doctor Ritsuko Akagi, daughter of Yun and Naoko, do you consent to be a subject of a wish of Maya Ibuki, who desires to be your partner?" he asked in a solemn voice.

"I… do. I do", Ritsuko confirmed, her voice growing firmer with every word.

"Do you wish to say with her, as long as the feeling lasts?" the cat continued in the same voice.

"I do", Ritsuko repeated, her brow furrowed.

"Do you wish to receive the gift of desire towards her?" the cat kept asking in the same solemn voice.

"Yes, I do", she confirmed. 'Can't harm, can it? It's just an episode, it will be fine by the morning.'

"Wonderful!" Behemoth exclaimed in an excited voice. "Absolutely wonderful! Now, we just need to–"

The terminal on the desk chimed with a new mail announcement; Ritsuko twitched and Behemoth glanced at a watch that suddenly was on his wrist. "Ah, perfect, perfect timing!"

He turned his attention to Ritsuko. "What are you waiting for?"

Ritsuko Akagi took a few steps towards the terminal. Her knees were wobbly; her head was ringing. A small voice started to break through, telling her that this might not have been a mere episode of her recently developed mental illness.

As in trance, she clicked the notification and focused on the window that opened.

"Good evening, sempai", she scanned the text with her increasingly wide eyes. "If you are free tonight, would you wish to grab a coffee or a drink with me? I would like to spend some time outside work with you. If so, please tell me when would be convenient to you. M. Ibuki"

Ritsuko stood there staring at the screen before she turned to the smug-looking cat with a stare that could pierce the metal armor of an Evangelion. Behemoth did not flinch, though. "I believe you owe her an answer, madame."

"Who. Are. You?"

"I believe I introduced myself?" the cat sounded almost hurt. "My name is Behemoth and I am here–"

"On behalf of your boss. Is this some… matchmaking service?" she asked angrily.

The cat narrowed his eyes and smiled. "Oh, no. While we sometimes help lost souls find each other, we're on a far more serious business here. But I believe you have a message to reply, madame… unless you wish to back down from our deal?" the insufferable smugness – the kind that only a cat could display with such grace – was radiating from Behemoth's whole posture.

Ritsuko rolled her eyes and threw her hands up. "I give up. This is insane. I might just see it to the end and wake up tomorrow – and laugh at it all off before I seek some help", she addressed nobody in particular before quickly typing a reply. "Hello, Maya. I will gladly see you. In an hour, at Brass Cat bar, perhaps? R."

"Satisfied, Mr. Behemoth?" she eyed the cat sideways.

"Ah, of course, madame", Behemoth bowed deeply. "It's a pleasure to do business with you… Will you require assistance with your attire?"

"You have done enough, I believe", Ritsuko almost barked; the cat once more seemed hurt. "I'm sorry", she sighed. "This is… a new experience."

"I'm sure. If you don't mind, I will gladly accompany you to the place… in a less conspicuous form, of course", he offered.

'Great, now I must go there… well, what gives. I don't expect an Angel attack too soon', she shrugged. "I don't mind, Mr. Behemoth. But I wouldn't mind some privacy as I prepare."

"Of course, madame", the cat bowed again. "I will wait outside", he shrunk thrice in size, jumped up to the tabletop – and was gone.

Ritsuko Akagi, a woman of science and reason, found herself alone once more. 'Well, the episode is certainly not over', she realized, still seeing the messages on her screen. 'Whatever', she shrugged. 'At least I'll get some fresh air', she decided as she opened her closet and scanned her huge but rarely used collection of elegant clothing.


Somewhere not that far away, a dark figure stood on a terrace overlooking Tokyo-3, looking down at the evening cityscape.

A black shape appeared next to their leg. "[Good evening, messire]", the shape meowed.

"[Hello, Behemoth. You took your time for such a simple question and a few victims]", the figure addressed the newcomer in a firm, but warm voice.

"[Nothing is simple with them, messire]", the cat replied. "[But I think I can report a success on victims… and, more importantly, on the question.]"

"[Finally]", the figure opened their eyes, revealing the green gleam of one eye, matched by the blackness deeper than the night of the other. "[This satisfies me. Good work.]"

"[Thank you, messire. What now?]" the cat inquired despite already knowing the answer. He just liked to hear those words spoken aloud.

"[Now, Behemoth]", Voland spoke up. "[Now, we wait for the fruits of our labor.]"

The cat purred. With the Devil on Earth, all was right with the world.


This concludes Act II. The night is ending, and its fruits are soon to be revealed.

The next update will be the scene I of Act III.

See you in a month.
Well done, Ritsuko.

I am very much looking forward to what unfolds in the morning, now that all these wonders have been worked.