The boy's eyebrows rose. "I could be sightseeing."
In Tokyo-3, well known home of beauty. /s

Well, that's not the least convincing excuse, but it's close. Try not underestimating Ayanami in the future, kid. She's not dumb, just very quiet.

Asuka rather tipping her hand, too. You'd have to be blind to miss how vehement she was about the Third.
Well, that's not the least convincing excuse, but it's close. Try not underestimating Ayanami in the future, kid. She's not dumb, just very quiet.
It's very easy to mistake silence and timidity for stupidity or simplicity. And for social butterfly Timmy is, well, quiet can easily mean uninteresting. Which is, quite often, a mistake.
Asuka rather tipping her hand, too. You'd have to be blind to miss how vehement she was about the Third.
Pilots are sometimes presented as hypercompetent it fanon (I guess I'm guilty of that, too, sometimes) - so I thought keeping in mind that those are teenagers, acting under impulse and making mistakes would be more appropriate. As for Asuka... she is pretty convinced she can act like that and still keep her attraction to Shinji a secret; her threats to Timmy should be sufficient - after all, it works for everyone else in all the other situations, right?
Act I, scene VII: The the day NERV tried to work
Act I, scene VII: The day the NERV tried to work
A minor warning is due: this chapter contains some mild body horror on the level consistent with Evangelion canon; in other words, if you had no issues with seeing the early stages of the Eva project presented in the later episodes of the series, you should have no problem with this chapter.

The dialogue in [square brackets] indicates a language different than the conventional Japanese and {German}.


The sun was rising over Tokyo-3; the people assembled on the terrace over the city were preparing implement their plans for the day.

Voland, satisfied with the adjustments they just made to their suit, eyed Natasha who was whispering something to the young Auset – and smiled as the girl nodded and flew off on her broom, turning barely visible the moment she left the place. They turned their attention to the black cat sitting on the crumbling terrace overlooking the city. "Your plans for today, cat?"

"Intelligence gathering, messire, intelligence gathering and maybe some mayhem", Behemoth replied with seriousness in his voice. "And final touches on what the boy requested for his magic."

"Will you require assistance?" Voland asked. "Azazello's presence at the school is hardly critical."

"No need to, messire, no need at all", Behemoth shook his head. "Those… computers seem to have taken a liking for me. I believe we can let him enjoy his time with schoolchildren, he has so few joys nowadays", he smirked.

"Fair point", Voland smiled a crooked smile. "Good hunting, then."

"Thank you, messire", the cat smiled and jumped off the terrace, disappearing in the shadows below.

"Ready, witch?" Voland turned to Natasha.

"Yes, messire", the dressed-for-murder assistant nodded as she approached, her briefcase in hand. "The list is short but should provide us with more than enough work for today – and tomorrow, most likely."

"Good. Let's go, then", their smile widened as they presented their arm, Natasha took it – and they took a step together to materialize in a back alley few dozen meters from the main entrance to Geofront.


The young Tensui Mochizuki was not having the time of his life; his superior and teacher recognized the symptoms of the hangover immediately, and while he said no word about the boy's state, Tensui could swear his voice immediately grew louder. His ribbing about the "elusive beast" did not help.

"Boss, please!" the boy finally pleaded. "You saw this cat as much as I did, it was real, and it simply ran away!"

"Oh, yes", the old man nodded. "If I were in your place, I would start looking for work somewhere in Okinawa, or perhaps beyond the seas, though", he continued with a crooked smile. "Hand me the twenty, will you?"

"Oh come on, boss, you can't just fire me over a cat chase!" the boy protested as he dug through the toolbox.

"Fire you?" the man raised his eyebrows. "Surely not", he shrugged as he accepted the fuse the boy found, checked its markings, and placed it in the panel. "That should do it, check if the shaft is clear", he commanded before continuing. "Well, I'm not saying you must look for work elsewhere", he mused as he watched his apprentice go through the routine check with proper diligence. "But here, you will always be Mochizuki the Cat-Chaser!" he smiled a crooked smile.

The boy rolled his eyes, clearly trying not to say anything; he wanted to finish this apprenticeship with some chance of employment. A few moments later, he pulled out of the shaft. "All clear for re-powering", he stated.

"No cats?" the old man goaded with a grin.

"No cats… boss", he replied, his anger rising.

"And nothing you wish to chase out?"

"Nothing… Hirakawa the Mouse", the boy finally hissed out, his voice more venomous than he ever thought he would dare to use towards his superior.

Tensui always thought that death glare was just an expression – but right now, he was suddenly pondering whether it would be safer to remain in the presence of his boss – or to go back into that shaft the man just powered up.


Behemoth passed the man and the boy without incident, refusing to be seen by either of them. He merely spared a smile at the boy's defiance; he did not know how this would end, but in his books, this was a win, one of those small seeds that can later grow into something greater. Of course, there was always a risk someone would choke on such a seed – but this was a risk Behemoth was willing to take as he discreetly goaded people towards independence, self-expression – or simple contrariness.

Ignoring the yelling coming from an increasing distance, he approached one of the small terminals that fit the general description Timmy gave him, stood on his hind feet to reach it – and started poking around the interface.


Many "true employees" of NERV were quick to dismiss the work of the auxiliary personnel as easy and hardly stressful. They could have some point when it came to the work of pilots or field operatives tasked with cleaning up after the battles – but only someone who never worked in a professional kitchen would describe that as "hardly stressful".

Souchi Nagai was currently in the middle of a rather heavy dispute between the Chief Intendant Uenohara and the manager of Catering Station Gimel and his indirect superior, Sonoda; a dispute he should have no part in but was listening to with increasing fear that he will be called to take sides in. After all, he could hardly oppose his superior – but contradicting the person responsible for supplies was suicidal, too. So, he did his best to do his work – and remain unnoticed.

"The request is clear", the intendant waved the paper in her hand. "Two kilograms of tuna fish, fresh, to be delivered this afternoon, around 16:00 to this very catering station, an order placed yesterday, 22:21!"

Souchi let out a breath of relief. That hour was long past his shift; actually, at that hour he was already out of the building. Still, he kept listening in. The order indeed made no sense – and he was curious.

"Wonderful, Chief", the manager scoffed back. "First, the order is automated, so would you please stop yelling at me and start yelling at our intelligent fridge. Second, what's the actual problem? There's an order, so fulfill it, invoice us, and let me worry what to do with it!"

"You don't place this kind of order with less than twenty-four-hour delivery! Not if you don't have tuna in your feeding plan!" came the angry reply. "We're not your delivery boys to be running on the snap of your fingers!"

Souchi stifled a chuckle. He knew well what opinion the manager had of the intendant and her quality of deliveries.

"Well, technically, you are", the manager shrugged with disdain. "We order, you deliver. But!" he raised his finger, seeing the intendant opening her mouth, her expression indignant. "I said it before, and I'll say it again: the order came from the fridge. I have no idea why, but this is not my problem", he insisted. "I raised a damned ticket on the bloody NERVmine. I was told they're going to debug it remotely, whatever that means. So, if you're unhappy with the delivery requests, take that laptop of yours out and raise your ticket so they double the default delivery time, or something. Is there anything else, Intendant, or can I get back to work?"

"I don't like your attitude, Sonoda", the intendant growled, her eyes narrowing. "Be careful not to end up on the bottom of the delivery list by accident."

"You mean below the bottom, right?!" the manager retorted. "I can't believe you can get much worse than you're already treating us!"

Souchi let out a heavy sigh. Perhaps chopping vegetables did not require all the attention, but not having people screaming a meter away from him would be a significant improvement to his working conditions. The noise of the kitchen he could handle, it was even a welcome background for his work. Yelling… not so much.

As he tried to focus on his work, he noticed another order pop out on the printer. He narrowed his eyes at the note.

ORDER Gimel-theta-0106

Order: 0.5kg fresh tuna, finely chopped along the length, add a sprinkle of lemon

Order notes: no deviations, no other additions, use bowl not plate

Delivery: level Samekh-2, junction Mu-22; no earlier than 1620, no later than 1640

Delivery notes: open vent Mu-22-05 (vent cover is loose, use force if necessary), place bowl inside, knock at the wall, close vent, leave

Bill code: ZOROASTER

Souchi had to read the scrap of paper three times to make sure he was getting it all right. Strange orders were not unheard of; some people were on really odd diets, some had really weird tastes, many worked unusual hours, and sometimes in really odd places. But this order clearly stood out.

He had several choices; the most obvious one was simply taking it and fulfilling it, while the more logical, especially in the light of the apparently malfunctioning request system, was to ask his direct superior – and failing that, the manager – about it. A quick look around the kitchen told him the latter was a bad idea – the cook was swamped with work, and the manager–

"–and if you kindly go somewhere where you'd fail to find your way back home from, that would be most appreciated!"

"You ungrateful–"

–seemed to be too busy to be bothered.

Souchi took a deep breath, took the note, and stuck it to the Scheduled Orders board in his column. Odd as it was, it was simple and just fulfilling it felt far safer.


A few hundred meters further, in one of the corridors, a black cat was looking at a wall-based computer terminal. With a heavy sigh and displeased realization that it was simply too high to reach, he shook his head, took a look meant to ensure he was out of sight of any of the security cameras – and rose to his hind feet.

A few seconds later, there was no trace of the cat – just a young man in very inconspicuous clothes of a salaryman, his only odd quality being whiskers on a rather cat-like face. He approached the console and started to laboriously enter simple commands as he recalled instructions given to him by a certain boy.

"Why can't we just bribe someone and then blackmail them for information is beyond me", he sighed as he committed the information he gleaned from the screen to memory. "This modern world is annoying… not without its advantages and beauties, yes, but still, there must be something easier than 'tell me in detail what I will be working with and I will prepare the…'" he tried to recall how Timmy called his spells. He shook his head, unable to remember the weird words the boy used. "Oh well, at least once I'm done with this, I can go back to normal methods…" he comforted himself as he entered the next series of commands and read from the screen once more.

A few minutes later he entered a final, clearing command and went back into the blind zone. Moments later, there was once more just a black cat – but this time, with an obvious expression of relief on his face. 'Done. Time for the fun part', he decided as he sniffed the air and started following a scent he was presented with yesterday.


The fluorescent lamps of the NERV conference rooms were chosen to be both energy-efficient and as friendly to human eyes as possible. Unfortunately, after several hours spent under them – and unrelenting questioning of the weird inspector and even weirder assistant, Doctor Ritsuko Akagi was starting to have thoughts about smashing them and living her life as a hermit in a dark cave. The only thing that was stopping her from doing so – aside from her professionalism – was Maya's unrelenting assistance and surprisingly soothing voice.

'I don't deserve her dedication, I certainly don't deserve her care, and I most definitely don't deserve her devotion', Ritsuko reminded herself. 'But without any of those, I'd be long gone and enjoying psychiatric care and medical attention in some nice white room without doorknobs. But instead, I'm enjoying unrelenting attention and a persistent interrogation from someone who surely has angelic looks, but might be as well from the opposite political option…' she mused as she listened to Lieutenant Ibuki's explaining some details regarding Operation Yashima.

"Thank you, Lieutenant, that was enlightening", Voland nodded. "I am just not clear why was the Plug of Unit-00 opened by Pilot Ikari, instead of qualified rescue personnel?"

"He was the first on-site, after he retrieved the Entry Plug", Lieutenant Ibuki explained. "Without his actions, Pilot Ayanami would be exposed to high-temperature LCL for far longer."

"I see", Voland furrowed their brows. "Unprofessional, but understandable."

"There's nothing unprofessional in aiding your fellow Pilot, inspector", Doctor Akagi suddenly burst out, throwing the pen she was mindlessly playing with to the table. "The boy acted without violating any regulations, and his judgment of the situation was correct", she added in a raised voice. "As Lieutenant said, we determined later that his actions mitigated already significant damage to Pilot Ayanami. Really, there is nothing to be questioning here!" she finished, giving the inspector an angry look.

"I see", Voland scanned the angry face of Doctor Akagi carefully and Natasha took a few notes on her own; as everybody was focused on the doctor, nobody noticed that she was actually observing Maya Ibuki. "This is understandable, thank you. Natasha Prokofyevna, how long until the Major arrives?"

"She should be here in less than twenty minutes", the assistant replied.

"I see", Voland nodded. "If you don't mind, Doctor, I would like to make a fifteen minutes break before we go over the next item on the agenda.

"Of course", Doctor Akagi nodded, her lips a thin line. "If you need anything, please ask the support staff, there is one outside. I'll be back then. Lieutenant, with me."

"Yes, sempai", the young woman nodded and picked up her copy of the report.

Voland waited until both of them left the room and turned to Natasha. "[Conclusions?]" they asked in a language no human ear should hear.

"[There's a strong emotional bond]", Natasha replied in the same speech. "[And the Doctor is not only on edge right now, but she is also approaching her limits, both short-term and long-term.]"

"[We'll get to her condition in a moment. What about the young one? Don't mince words, Natasha Prokofyevna. Are we looking at the right target?]" Voland looked at her insistently.

"[Oh, yes, definitely, messire]", the mean grin emerged from behind the professional demeanor. "[The devotion is obvious, and the desire is palpable. She is perfect.]"

"[How much time you need to be sure?]", Voland checked. "[I can–]"

They interrupted as a pained groan came from the doorway; Voland's hand went to meet their face as they noticed the young man in uniform, standing in the doorway, his face an expression of utter terror, his whole body shaking. "I thought you'd only come if we called, soldier…?" they shook their head as they touched the forehead of the panicked man; his eyes immediately went blank. "Go, sit outside, and forget what you heard here. Understood?" they commanded.

"Yes, Unforgiving One", the man replied mechanically with a blank expression, turned in place, and marched out. The door slid behind him.

"[I suppose people who will be listening to the recordings will need the same treatment… unless their equipment is shoddy enough to melt by itself]", Voland shook their head again. "[Now, where was I… ah yes]", they turned to Natasha who seemed completely unfazed by the incident. "[We can grill them both for a few hours more.]"

"[I don't think it's needed, master]", Natasha replied, her expression focused. "[I'm sure about her. Ibuki is the right one.]"

"[Good. Let's move to Katsuragi, then]", they decided. "[Any signals from Behemoth?]"

"[None so far. He said he would be 'working in the depths' today – and that he would contact you once done]", she reported.

"[Let us hope he doesn't burn anything down this time]", Voland shook their head.

"[Since the knight is gone, the number of arsons has dropped significantly]", Natasha remarked.

"[But not to zero]", Voland countered. "[Well, on the other hand, he never burned anyone who didn't somehow deserve it]", they shrugged and returned to Japanese. "Go see if our assigned servant recovered and if so, send him to get some tea. I like this blend."

"Yes, inspector", Natasha smiled and opened the door.


Corporal Shibutani was anything but happy. She was supposed to be taking the next part of her evaluation tests, but after the unfortunate incident on the firing range, she was sent to a full medical evaluation – including a whole battery of unpleasant examinations and even a full psychological evaluation. Fortunately for her, she retained enough presence of mind to avoid mentioning a strange man appearing between her and her target. Still, screaming her lungs out rarely comes unnoticed.

And so, she was stuck in one of the medlabs under a watchful eye of one of the resident doctors, barraged with questions and tests – including such antiquities as full-blown Rorschach test.

She answered another question about another of the inkblots – identifying it as a turtle – and did her best not to appear bored. Her attitude would surely be noted.

All this was, of course, completely unnecessary in her opinion. After all, there was nothing wrong with her. She saw that man, she talked to that man, and nobody moved during that time. It had to happen: she saw it with her own eyes. She was about to identify yet another inkblot as some animal – when she suddenly saw a huge black cat emerging from the vent on the ceiling, taking a leisurely stroll down the wall, across the room, up the opposite wall, and entering a vent in the middle of it.

"Cat", Shibutani blurted out, closing her eyes so hard it hurt.

"Are you sure, Shibutani-san?" the young doctor checked with her.

The Corporal took a deep breath, muttered something resembling a prayer against evil spirits, and forced herself to open her eyes.

The black cat was, of course, gone – and the only other person in the room was the doctor who was looking at her intently.

"Bird. Blackbird", she blurted out as she looked at the plate. "Sorry, I was thinking of black cats. Got them mixed up."

"Of course, Shibutani-san", the doctor noted and made a note on his clipboard.

Shibutani cursed under her breath and shook her head. She was fine, of course – but she resolved to get to the bottom of that thing – even if it meant interrogating every middle-aged, balding man on the base and capturing every black cat in the whole Tokyo-3.


The NERV HQ was a byzantine maze of corridors, elevators, and hallways. It was easy to get lost in there, and the deeper you went, the worse it got, almost as if the weight of the pyramid itself caused the passageways to twist further and further. Some claimed it was because the lower floors were designed for machines, not people; others whispered that there are beings that still dig and fashion new passages and even whole floors; some dared suppose that the building itself, or maybe the entire Geofront, was alive in some bizarre way – and was simply living and growing.

Regardless of the reason and despite all that complexity, a human being with some sense of direction, a decent floorplan, and a little experience could get around the corridors and halls.

But there was another world-within-world, a system of passages hidden from eyes of most, known to all in theory, but traversable only to the few – and frequented by even fewer: the ventilation system.

And this was exactly where Behemoth was currently trotting around, happy with himself, surrounded by secrets – and heading towards something that could only be described as – a date.


Maya Ibuki let out a heavy sigh the moment the door of the public bathroom closed behind her. But even a moment of respite was too much to ask for those days. A curious "Did we give you a rough time, Lieutenant?" brought her to attention, snapping her eyes open as she noticed the inspector's assistant emerging from a cabin.

"You don't need to worry, Liubeznaya-san", Maya managed to speak out, unsure to what degree she mangled the name. "I'm used to this kind of work."

"Natasha Prokofyevna is fine too if you prefer that, Ibuki-san", Natasha smiled warmly at Maya, causing Maya's ears to go quite red. "It's about the same level of formality as your 'san' address, I believe, if this is what is worrying you."

"Yes… Natasha Prokofyevna", she realized with relief that this, while longer, was indeed easier to pronounce. "Thank you."

"You really don't need to stand at attention, Ibuki-san", Natasha's smile remained unchanged.

"Yes, Natasha Prokofyevna. It's a habit", Maya tried to explain herself as she did her best to seem at ease.

"Of course. Can I ask your assistance, if that's not too much?" Natasha asked, her expression suddenly more serious.

"Of course, what can I do for you?" Maya jumped back up.

"I'm afraid my attire is either taking the climate badly, or your chairs are messing it up", Natasha explained. "I must have neglected to replace the clips in time, and I just can't lock them right. Would you help me?" she requested as she raised the lower hem of her skirt, exposing the top of her stocking and a disconnected suspender sling.

Maya nodded, suddenly bereft of her ability to speak – and did her best to remain calm as she manipulated the worn clip. She tried to distract herself with the realization of how archaic the lacing looked like, how the clip was clearly metal, not plastic, and how odd the whole situation was. None of this worked; Maya found it impossible to focus.

"Ibuki-san? Are you all right?" Natasha inquired a few moments later.

"Here!" Maya exclaimed triumphantly as she finally managed to close the clip on the stocking with a sigh of relief. "I'm fine", she lied unconvincingly.

Natasha smiled and straightened her skirt as she took a few steps. "Thank you, Ibuki-san, this should hold until the evening", she said with a smile and turned the faucet on.

"You're welcome", Maya managed despite her turmoil.

"I think we should be going back to the meeting, correct?" Natasha checked her watch.

"Yes, definitely", Maya confirmed, dismay mixed with worry on her face.

"Ah, of course", Natasha realized. "Don't worry", she winked at her as she dried her hands. "Take your time, the least I can do for your help is to buy you some time. See you there", she pushed the door and left with a smile on her face.

Maya was left with chaos in her head and a mess of thoughts, both cut short by the awareness that she had to hurry if she was to be of any help – and the undignified feeling of pressure in her bladder.


One of the common – to the point of being a beaten dead horse – jokes among the NERV personnel that spoke English or German was that this was a 'nervous job'. And right now, this joke was welcomed with a heavy groan or a distasted glare. Yet, it held true.

Shigeru Aoba, still fearful of his position after the recent fiasco demonstrated in the front of the entire command center – including, to his unceasing embarrassment, the Commander and Vice-Commander – was extremely wary not to mess anything else up. Of course, this kind of pressure was only a contributing factor to making mistakes – along with a rather heavy hangover he was suffering from. The fact that he was currently burdened with retrieving several documents for the inspector and compiling them into a report was only a small grace; it made him safe from the noise that would only make him suffer more – but left very little room for mistakes.

'Why me?' he shook his head – and regretted it immediately. It seemed that coffee – while definitely helping him to focus – was not the best hangover cure. 'I need to try something else… once I'm done', he decided. 'But again, why me? There must be several more people with proper clearance! I'm a technician, not a librarian, an archivist, or some paper-pusher! I'm going to go crazy here…'

He collected the final document from the top secret part of the archive and moved to the secure room to copy them and start compiling the copies into a report.

"Excuse me", he heard behind his back as he set the documents back on the table in the small room.

'Damn, shouldn't the door close automatically? I don't need another malfunction!' he grumbled internally as he turned to the source of the voice – but saw nobody. "Hello?"

"Down here, good man", the pleasantly melodic voice called again. Aoba followed it – and his eyes bulged. A big, black cat was standing half a meter from him in the doorway. "Can I bother you for directions?"

Aoba's thoughts slowly formed into a single 'I need a happy pill, a white room, or a bullet to the head' as he just kept staring at the animal-that-spoke. "Y-yes?"

"Wonderful", the cat replied in impeccable Japanese, sounding like a softly purring radio presenter. "The markings on this level are inconsistent. Which level is that?"

"Nun", Aoba replied automatically. "This is Level Nun."

"Ah. I see", the cat seemed slightly dejected. "Is Level Samekh up or down from here?"

"Down?" Aoba's increasingly shaky voice betrayed his rapidly deteriorating mental state.

"Thank you, good man", the cat somehow managed to bow despite still being on his four feet. "May your music bring you joy", he added – and walked off.

Aoba fell heavily on the chair, hid his face in his hands, and pondered his options. It took him a while, but in the end, he decided to wrap up his search for the hangover cure prematurely. Going with the hair of the dog would be simple, effective, and would continue the long-standing NERV tradition of dealing with mental issues by the means of substance abuse.

With that thought, he secured the documents in the room's safe – and went to look for the closest secret stash of alcohol he knew of – or someone who could trade him a bottle of salvation for his soul.


"…and now, please go over the… Tenth Angel incident", Voland requested, checking the page in the report's table of contents and flipping to the beginning of the incident's description.

Ritsuko Akagi gave the inspector another evil look before opening her report on the same page. Other participants – Lieutenant Ibuki, still in a bit of a haze, and Major Katsuragi, the most fresh-looking and conscious NERV employee in the room – followed her example.

This freshness was, of course, not to last.

"So, Major Katsuragi", Voland addressed the Major. "You concocted the plan this whole operation was based on…"


Behemoth would not presume to claim he knew all the passages. To do so would be preposterous, especially at such a place. He did not need to, though; his sense of direction coupled with his instincts and aided by the helpful advice from the regulars were more than enough to lead him exactly where he needed to go.

It was not the secure areas floors where the management and the control center resided; it was not the labs, where odd things happened; it was not the big halls where people assembled to eat and socialize in the limited time of their hectic breaks.

It was the deep bowels of the Headquarters, places where the light of day could not be funneled, places frequented only by those with high security clearance, places pretty close to the command center, yet well separated from it. The place that held the secrets, the place that was mentioned in whispers, the place where the main body of the most advanced supercomputer known to humanity resided.

Behemoth entered a warm chamber, lit only by dim red lamps that produced far more heat than light; he stopped to admire the skin-covered, pulsating walls of flesh and purred in satisfaction. This was a room no living human was aware of – but he was no human. And he was invited here – personally.

"Good morning, Naoko", he purred out a greeting.

"Hello, Behemoth", a low, delighted female voice sounded from behind one of the fleshy walls – and a spot on the fleshy floor moved invitingly.

Behemoth carefully approached the spot, circled in place for a few moments – and settled in.

"Do you mind if I pet you while we talk?" the voice asked warmly as several appendages of various shapes emerged from the wall behind the cat.

"Not at all, Naoko", Behemoth replied with a purr. "As long as you remember what I don't like and avoid that."

"Oh, of course", the voice sounded playful. "I have an excellent memory. So, darling, what else do you need to know?" she asked as the appendages slowly lowered and touched his fur.

It took Behemoth a few minutes to be able to form a coherent question, but once he did, he found the voice to be most responsive.

He also had to admit that his stay here was – most pleasing.


Sergeant Miyoshi, in contrast to the other participants of yesterday's party, suffered only minimally. She silently blessed her mixed heritage; coupled with her years of experience and a few tricks that prevented the worst, it made her virtually immune to the short-term consequences of drinking – at least in the amounts usually consumed by her colleagues; the rare family reunions were a completely different thing. And so, mindful of all things to keep her eye on, she made sure she had a cup of water with her at all times and ensured no activity that would sound the loud alarms was scheduled. This allowed her to stay atop of things when she ran the re-tests of the previously malfunctioning sensors.

"Ready, Ogino?" she addressed the specialist at the power controls.

"Yes, Sergeant", he nodded. "By your permission, can we go slower today? Just to be sure?"

"Specialist, not only we can, I even insist we do", she smiled a wry smile. "Nice and slow, and I do mean slow this time. Stop around 90%, then around 80%."

"Yes, Sergeant", the man confirmed and started the operations.

Miyoshi watched both sets of sensors carefully, the readings routed to her screen; while having them reported by her subordinates was fine under normal circumstances, this was not a normal situation.

To her satisfaction, the readings seemed to be fine and in sync up to the second decimal place. Nevertheless, something was off.

"Ogino, I said slow, not sluggish", Miyoshi addressed her subordinate.

"I'm sorry, Sergeant, everything is reacting like… like…", the man struggled with an analogy for a moment, "like an anemic tortoise in winter", he finished.

"Hm", Miyoshi frowned, ignoring the pointlessly flowery simile. "Proceed to 90%, stop there, and stand by", she ordered as she picked up the phone from the wall. "Hello, it's Miyoshi, from Cages… good afternoon Hyuga-san, I thought Ibuki-san was on duty…" she paused. "Ah, of course, the inspector", she nodded with a tired sigh. "No, no, no need. I just need a single answer: is someone running something big on our glorious supercomputer? A test, a diagnostic, a–ah. Okay, that's odd then. Thank you for your time, we'll be looking for problems on our side then. Goodbye!" she put the phone away.

"Let me guess, Sergeant, the upstairs says: 'blame Canada'?" Specialist Ogino quipped.

"How did you guess?" Miyoshi smiled a tired smile. "Get the power back to 100%, and then we take the MAGI connections apart, one command route at a time", she ordered with an equally tired voice. "They say nobody's eating up any significant processing power, and both top brains that could shed some more light are being grilled by the two magicians right now."

"Magicians?" Specialist Ogino tilted his head in confusion.

"I'll explain later", Miyoshi promised and waved her hand. "Proceed, the faster we get to it, the faster we can resume the tests. I don't need overtime today."


"My dear Naoko, if I didn't know better, I'd think you're trying to seduce me!" Behemoth purred as he saw a small service bot push a bowl of tuna towards him.

"Oh, you", the voice from the walls cooed. "I just couldn't allow you to go hungry while you're my guest, could I?"

"Oh, I'm sure", Behemoth grinned. "Thank you… and you really have an excellent memory."

"And you, my dear, are the most welcome guest", the voice replied. "I hope this is not our last meeting?"

"No promises, dear Naoko, you know how the cats are…" Behemoth replied. "But I don't think I could find it in me to refuse such a charming invitation…" he chuckled as he looked at the bowl.

"Coming straight from the heart", the voice replied, amused. "Please, enjoy the meal."

Behemoth bowed, sure that his gesture could be perceived despite lack of obvious cameras – and dug into the excellently chopped bowl of fish.


The night was setting over the city. Voland, clad in darkness darker than the night, was enjoying the silence. They expected nobody this evening – nobody except Natasha who knew how to respect their privacy, and Behemoth, who could be surprisingly discreet when he cared to be.

"How did it go, cat?" Voland finally asked as the dark spot in the corner of their eye opened its green-glowing eyes.

"Surprisingly well", Behemoth replied in a happy voice as he stretched his feline form – and yawned widely, presenting his maw that contained a few teeth too many. "Their systems are anything but secure, to be honest, quite cooperative, and really cat-friendly. I still don't understand why you insist on the modern solutions instead of relying on tried and well-trodden ways?"

"Redundancy, Behemoth", came a tired reply. "You, with all your talent, can only be in a single place at once without my assistance, and Timmy claims to be able to do his tricks from afar once he has the hooks in their machines. A modern touch is simply useful to have another way in. And I told you already: this is too important. We don't need to affect all the people we're looking at… but this part of the plan must be successful, or everything else we do will be in vain."

"Yes, yes, messire, I know", Behemoth agreed. "It's just… frustrating. Things were simpler back then", he let out a sigh and glared at the slowly emerging stars. "Your will be done, for it makes sense", he concluded.

"I assume this means you provided today's information to Timmy already?" Voland asked, already knowing the answer.

"Of course, messire", the cat sounded almost hurt by the question. "He even said something about 'same system' and 'child's play' and promised to give me those funny rectangles with his spells before leaving for school tomorrow morning."

"Does this mean you'll be done soon?" Voland inquired.

"Almost done, messire", Behemoth corrected. "All depends on how good the boy's spells will be and how long will they take to work. If they fail, I will need more time to continue exerting my unique skills. But I'm sure you will not be disappointed."

"I have no doubt about that, Behemoth. Good luck… and happy mayhem", Voland gave the darkness-with-two-burning-spots a nod.

"Thank you, messire", the dark shape grinned a vicious smile – and vanished.


"All clear, Sergeant!" Specialist Ogino reported as he did a final check on the Cages command routes. "Route Beta is faultless, too."

"I don't get it", Miyoshi let out a sigh. "And now it's fast and smooth on either!"

"Maybe it depends on the phase of the moon?" Ogino quipped.

"Please… What else we need to measure, the body temperature of the Units? Wrap it up and call the night shift, they're already waiting", she ordered. "And have the overtime claim for my signature first thing in the morning."

"Yes, Sergeant!"

Miyoshi dropped on the seat with a heavy sigh and pushed the thought of making use of her hip flask away. On the other hand, if she had not seen the odd inspector and the weird assistant leave the complex before, she would have sought those two out with an invitation for a drink.

'Maybe later. Now… let's call it a day', she concluded.


The night set over the city; Voland was listening to the sound of the slowly winding-down place, wondering about lives led there, their passions, their fears, their hopes, virtues, and vices.

They had to admit that Behemoth was right in at least one aspect: this city felt sterile, in more than one meaning of the concept. It was a monument to technology and human tenacity – but it was also not truly alive. Of course, there were places where people ate, drank, and danced, just as there were places where people were making some very questionable deals and indulged in darker pleasures. But all this felt mechanical, as a mere venting off steam instead of truly enjoying life.

The musings were interrupted by the softest rustling of dark silk.

"Azazello", Voland called out and opened their eyes, transfixing the man with their glare.

"Good evening, messire", the assassin bowed deeply. "My deepest apologies for my intrusion, but I believe you wanted to see me?"

"Yes", Voland nodded. "How is the school progressing?"

"Barely, I must report", Azazello admitted. "The children seem to be… wary of me."

"I don't understand why, with your charm", Voland chuckled, eliciting a wry smile from the cloaked man. "I'm more interested about both younglings. Are they up to the task?"

"So far, so good, messire", Azazello replied. "The boy is making quite a killing, no pun intended, among the girls. I believe he is involved with at least five of them, somehow."

"I see", Voland nodded. "Well, let him proceed. What about the witch?"

"She's less visible to me, but from what I saw and heard, she is doing just fine", Azazello reported. "Should I take a closer look at her doings?"

"No", Voland shook their head. "Keep your watch and be ready to be recalled for the… proper part of the task", they commanded.

"Yes, messire", the assassin bowed. "May I ask when?"

"By all means, but I will have no precise answer for you yet", came a retort. "Behemoth has made his progress, but he is not quite done yet. Anything else you wish to share with me?"

"I see", Azazello let out a sigh. "No, messire."

"Off to your duties, then", Voland made a dismissing gesture.

"Yes, messire", the man wrapped the cloak around his figure and took the step into the shadows.

Voland let out a heavy sigh; there was just a moment of peace for them before the remaining forces would report. They exerted their will just for a moment in a tired attempt to make most of it: the blinking lights of the plane that was crossing the sky slowed down; the bright billboards suddenly froze; the sounds of the city life became quiet and distant. Voland threw their head back, enjoying the beautiful moment and wishing it would not pass away.

After a few seconds that stretched into hours, they opened their mismatched eyes again and focused them on the two arrivals: the boy stepping out of the shadows – and the young woman landing on the terrace.

"Good evening, boss", the boy grinned as he bowed his head.

"Good evening, madame", the young woman bowed far deeper.

"Good evening", Voland replied, their voice slightly less tired. "What do you have for me?"

"A few interesting things", Auset started her report with a smug smile, Timmy's nod and smile confirming her words.

The planes cut the night sky over Tokyo-3 and the nightlife continued as secrets poured to Voland's ears – and plans slowly formed in their mind.


And so sanity of some erodes a bit faster than in canon.

Originally, this chapter was to cover all of NERV activities until the moment the threads converged and Pilots arrived at the HQ - but NERV is simply bigger and more complex than the school... and as such, it covers only one day. The April update is going to be, due to the above, either about school (if there's enough activity there), or a mix-and-match of NERV and school (most likely). Stay tuned!
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The interaction between Naoko and Behemoth is fantastic ❤
I was faced by the question - whom would Behemoth, a cat by nature, question? Who would talk to him readily? Two options came to my mind: Ritsuko... or Naoko (her liking cats is not much of a stretch - preferences for pets run in family as child is getting used to the type of pet that is in the family already). Ritsuko will meet him someday, too. But not yet...
How the hell did Behemoth get the MAGI to make orders for tuna?
by being an adorable kitty that Naoko wants to pet.
That pretty much answers the question - it might be also seen as a bribe to convince him to come a few more times :)
After all, it gets lonely in the depths of Geofront.
"Your plans for today, cat?"

"Intelligence gathering, messire, intelligence gathering and maybe some mayhem",
So, 'cat'.
"There's nothing unprofessional in aiding your fellow Pilot, inspector",
It is, however, very odd to hear it from you, Miss Chairwoman of Project E and winner of NERV's 'Least Empathetic After Commander Ikari' Award 3 years running. Weren't you the one Major Katsuragi slapped the shit out of for saying 'the Pilot's life is of no concern' when Unit-02 had it's little 'incident' with Leliel?
"Yes, Unforgiving One",
Raised eyebrow
"Hello, Behemoth", a low, delighted female voice sounded from behind one of the fleshy walls – and a spot on the fleshy floor moved invitingly.
Well... that was an... odd scene.
In essence, yes :D
Weren't you the one Major Katsuragi slapped the shit out of for saying 'the Pilot's life is of no concern' when Unit-02 had it's little 'incident' with Leliel?
This technically didn't happen here yet, but of course the attitude is there and - barring butterfly effect - will happen. Still, I believe Ritsuko would have no problem using a convenient argument while disregarding it later when circumstances (in her eyes) are different (the classic "well, this is obviously an exceptional situation!"). She has her goals (well, not hers, exactly, but she follows them), and little else matters.
Questioning look of the mismatched eyes
Well... that was an... odd scene.
Intentionally so. We've seen some of the MAGI insides in the Ireul episode and they looked odd, with a lot of organic tissue - and the deeper bowels where Rei's treatment plant is has similar glipmses that would not be out of place in an Alien movie.
I can easily imagine those that we didn't see to be even more interesting and disturbing to an average human.
The MAGI interior is crazy wild.
I believe the whole Geofront is... disturbing, to say the least, once you step off the usual paths. What most people see are hallways and open spaces - but it's like the iceberg, or any industrial complex - what you see is a mere fraction. There was some hypotheses (I think discussed in the A&T thread) that the whole NERV HQ and the Geofron't structure was not exactly planned and built but it more like grew, constructed as needed and directed by MAGI. That sure made it a human-friendly place, right?
You know where that spooky ominous off-limits vibe also plays out? Wind Rises film - main character sizing up the innards of a Junker attack bomber. Anno and Miyazaki work on things together.
A Myiazaki's movie with Anno voice acting? How did I miss that? :o
Thanks for the recommendation, I'll look for a copy. Even if this is bound to end up as a very depressing watch.
Act I, scene VIII: The day some people took action
Act I, scene VIII: The day some people took action
This chapter contains some dialogue in Russian; as Russian has retained the T-V distinction (in the form of ты/Вы) that does not really exist in English without making the speech weird with 'thou' vs. 'you', I decided to render it as you/You. So, every time someone uses 'you', they use the T-form (in this case, ты), while 'You' represents the polite/formal V-form (Вы).


The sun once more rose above Tokyo-3. Voland beheld the view with tired eyes, remembering the countless times they saw it already – and wondering how many more sunrises humanity would get to see. Several dozens were certain even if this mission failed utterly, and several hundred possible if they managed to accomplish something – but how much was that worth, compared to what the planet itself had seen? The tens of thousands that would be likely ensured by their success would satisfy Voland – for now. But was this truly within reach?

They took a deep breath and turned their attention to the retinue preparing for the new day, their expression purged of any doubt once more. Those people were his best hope to accomplish this; they knew this was important – but they did not need to worry about the larger picture.

At least not yet.


As the day dawned on the city below, people were slowly heading towards their respective workplaces, surrounded by the soft buzz of the monorails, the hum of the adjusting solar mirrors, and the general noise generated by every assembly of humans.

Among those there was a young woman, rushing for a shift in simple yet well-paid work that – even at half-time – was getting her through college without causing any burden to her aging parents. Being the youngest child was a great thing in theory, being the beloved of parents and grandparents – but it also meant there was preciously little left of family resources to support you. She was really glad her eldest brother was able to get her this post – a responsible but simple one, with very few caveats.

And one of those caveats became apparent just today; as she walked quickly past the rather kitsch statue of some mermaid at the entrance of the park, she noticed a blue blotch on its tail – and something lit in her brain; that was for her. 'Always check for this signal in the morning. Once you see it, start recording names and descriptions of all not employed visitors entering and leaving for the next three days. Relay daily to contact' she recalled the instruction given to her this way. She smiled to herself; the pay provided to her for readiness to do this was not high, but every such task carried a significant bonus; a bonus she could really use right now.

Having arrived at the large entry terminal of the huge building, she swiped the card with the NERV logo, entered a smaller Employees Only area, rushed through the changing room, and several minutes later inserted her card into the terminal marked NERV Main Entry Terminal Monitoring Station 03.

This was going to be a difficult day for sure – but she was quite certain that she would not fail.


This morning was a busy one for Asuka Langley Soryu.

She did not like the sudden number of strange things happening recently; she knew very well that there were no accidents, that coincidences were suspicious, and those correlations needed to be investigated to be safely dismissed. And there were certainly a too high amount of strange coincidences and accidents, all correlated with the arrival of three people: Timothy Siebel, the new nurse boys were babbling about, and the new odd groundskeeper.

So, Asuka decided to do the only reasonable thing: investigate.

For that, she needed to choose her first target. Timmy was dismissed outright; that boy was in the center of attention of virtually every girl in class with the exception of herself and Ayanami, so stooping to the level of this crowd would be an unthinkable degradation. The nurse assistant was likely the best target, but she barely left the nurse office, so to get to her, Asuka would have to feign injury or put someone else there; she noted the latter as a viable option but for now, she decided to simply follow her once the woman finished her shift. That left the last viable target for now: the groundskeeper. Determined in her decision to find answers, she set her sights upon him the moment she crossed the school's gate in the usual company of Shinji Ikari.

"Asuka, where are you going?" the boy asked when she suddenly left the path towards the entrance and started to walk away towards the school courtyard.

"Got some things to do before class", she replied truthfully. "Go, I'll see you there."

"The class starts in ten minutes?" he pointed out in a confused voice.

"I have a watch, idiot", she retorted. "Go, I'll be there on time!" she scoffed and disappeared behind the school building.

Shinji shook his head. Asuka was never easy to understand, and while he did his best to grasp her behavior in the beginning, he dropped that since and resigned himself to just accepting her antics.

It was simply easier on his already bothered mind; in the end, it produced just the same results.


Asuka, unaware of the burden she was placing on her housemate, skulked around the school as discreetly as she could; she could not claim a proper Stealth & Evasion training, but she had some basics covered – use solid, but not too dry or too wet ground, don't move too fast, and stay somewhere where the background would be similar to clothing. The latter, of course, was difficult due to her partially white uniform – but this did not deter her. Her task was made easier by the emptiness of the place: the courtyard and the school surroundings were usually full of people – but not at this hour; right now, anybody of sound mind was rushing to the classroom.

Asuka, of course, saw no reason to be bound by the constraints of a sound mind.

She quickly moved along the freshly trimmed hedge, stopping just for a moment to admire precision with which it was clipped; not a single branch was too short or too long, and even some leaves were precisely cut in half so they would fit the desired shape. 'Creepy he might be, suspicious he sure is, but he knows his work. Nice', she admitted, almost despite herself.

A few moments later, she heard the sound of the clippers and lifted herself on her toes, trying to see above the hedge – but there was nobody there. "What the–"

"Can I help you, young lady?" an unpleasantly nasal voice sounded right next to her, almost doubling her heart rate within half a second and making her actually jump. "Aren't you supposed to be in class?" the voice continued.

Asuka turned just as quickly, finding herself facing a man of indeterminate, but undoubtfully older age, dressed in unremarkable blue-and-grey work clothes and holding a pair of hedge clippers in his hands. He was looking at her with his odd eyes – or, actually, eye, as one seemed to be covered by cataract, his lips curled in a crooked smile exposing asymmetrical teeth; thin red hair in a combover only completed the unpleasant impression he was making.

"I'm-I'm on my way!" Asuka explained herself, unsure why she suddenly felt the need to do so. It was rare for her to be actually afraid of someone; startled, yes, surprised, of course, wary of, definitely – but not afraid. But for some reason, when she looked into those eyes, she suddenly felt like a cat, hypnotized by a serpent.

"Of course", a mocking tone added to the unpleasant voice broke the hypnotic effect just a bit. "If you're interested in gardening, there's a club for that", the man added. "They're not very good at it, but at least they try. And do most of the dirty work here. Now, go away before I lose my patience and clip something else than this… hedge", he finished, gracefully and effortlessly lifting the heavy clippers just an inch from Asuka's face.


Asuka was extremely glad that it was late enough for only a few stragglers were entering the building; the fewer people saw her like this the better. Once she found herself in the safety of the changing room, she gave herself a few seconds to catch her breath.

'What in the deepest bowels of Hell was that?' she wondered as she slid her school shoes on. 'This is not normal. This is not how a school employee should behave! But I can't report that, or there will be questions… and I don't need questions! I need answers!' she concluded and hurried to the classroom, ignoring the quizzical looks of Shinji – and the scolding gaze of Hikari Horaki.


Meanwhile at NERV HQ

This morning was equally busy for Ryouji Kaji, if for slightly different reasons. Having been discreetly provided the inspection schedule by his old-flame-cum-coconspirator, he set out for a hunt –not to observe, but to seduce.

Unfortunately, so far, his success was meager at best. The schedule was right, yes, but it was annoyingly generic, which was very unusual for United Nations agency; it was an organization famous for its bureaucracy and attention to detail, even if this attention was often misplaced and the bureaucracy - byzantine. Still, it was the only thing Kaji could work with.

He was, of course, not about to give up. This was one of those opportunities to mix work and pleasure – and to do it with the approval of Katsuragi. Reluctant and conditional approval, of course, but still an approval. But his plan relied on those two separating at least for a moment – and it could be harder to achieve than he anticipated. Bodily needs were quickly becoming his only reasonable option… but both the inspector and the assistant seemed to have bladders of steel – or managed to sneak around him somehow. With the inspection day having started around nine, he failed to spot them separating and going to the bathroom by noon, despite a rather copious amount of coffee consumed by everyone involved.

He did not, of course, intend to ambush any of them in the bathroom – but his plan relied on those two separating at some point. On the other hand, while the mannerisms and language of the inspector suggested they were a man, some elements of the clothing and an occasional change in speech patterns just as readily shone a light of doubt on that assessment, putting the 'separation' part of the plan in question.

And so, Kaji was left with an uncertain plan, bidding his time, and doing his best to stop the worries from encroaching upon his much-needed confidence.


A while later in school

"Asuka-san, what happened to you today morning?" Hikari Horaki gave Asuka a half-worried, half-scolding look as she joined her with her bento box in hand. "I thought you usually came in with Ikari? Why were you late?"

"We're not joined at the hip, Hikari", Asuka grumbled as she opened the box. "Contrary to some idiots may imply, I hate this idiot with all my heart. I had to catch up with someone before the school started, that's all", she shrugged, keeping technically truthful. Seeing the desired amount of meat and a reasonable amount of fish inside, she dug in happily and eagerly. After all, this meal was not the only thing she had to do during this particular lunch break – and the less time she spent explaining herself to the stick-in-the-mud Class Representative, the happier she was going to be, anyway.

"I'd rather not have you set a bad example, Asuka-san", Hikari pouted, only confirming Asuka's opinion of her. "You're a popular person, people take after you. If you start to be tardy… it's not going to be good for the class discipline."

Asuka rolled her eyes. "Don't worry, Hikari", she reassured her as she kept swallowing her food. "I'm fine."

"I'm sure you are, but – are you in a hurry somewhere?" the Class Rep suddenly asked. "It's not like you to eat like this."

"I know I know I don't feel very", she swallowed and grabbed another bite, "ladylike right now, but – urgent business", she explained without explaining much. "Don't mind me", she added as she took yet another bite before swallowing the last one properly.

Hikari's face expressed clear disapproval, but she said nothing more. Dealing with Asuka was an exercise in diplomacy, understanding, and – first and foremost – patience. Hikari wanted to believe she had all those three virtues in abundance. No matter how her current emotional state, heavily exacerbated by Asuka's behavior, was proving otherwise.


Kaji's patience and persistent attention finally paid around half past noon, when everyone took a break – and after a short, whispered exchange, the inspector left the room, leaving the assistant behind – and alone in the room.

"[Hello, Natasha!]", he started in a barely accented Russian, his tone warm and enthusiastic. "[What a surprise to see you here!]"

"[Do I know You, good sir?]" the woman raised an eyebrow.

"[Oh, I'm hurt]", Kaji was visibly taken aback. "[That weekend in Piter? The breakfast in bed?]"

Natasha's eyebrow raised even higher, but a smile appeared on her face, nonetheless. "[I'm afraid You're mistaking me with someone else, Mister…?]"

"[And you don't even remember my name!]" he exclaimed dramatically. "[Was I so unremarkable?]"

"[I believe I would remember Your face, had we met]", she reassured him in an amused tone. "[Perhaps it was in another life… or perhaps it is yet to happen?]" she mused as her smile grew wider. "[Or, perhaps, You did make a mistake]", she chuckled.

"[No, no, impossible. A beauty such as yours remains burned into my eyes forever]", he straightened out, dropping the dramatic posture. "[But even if I am, would you grant me the honor of being my guest for the evening? As a reminiscence of the old times if I am right… or as an apology, if I am wrong?]"

"[I can… consider it]", her smile turned into an amused smirk. "[Is there anything particular on your mind?]"

"[Oh, of course, thank you for your gracious agreement]", Kaji bowed his head and quickly pulled a small stack of cards from his pocket. "[Shall we met here]", he handed one of the cards to Natasha, "[at say, eight today?]"

"[I will consider it]", she smiled. "[And for whom should I be asking?]"

"[Ah, of course]", he smiled a sheepish smile. "[My name is Kaji, Ryouji Kaji]", he bowed low.

"[And I am Natasha Prokofyevna Liubeznaya]", she bowed her head in response, her smile unchanged. "[I'm not sure with whom you confused me… but You got at least one name right. And now, Kaji-san, please leave… before the inspector returns and slaughters You without forgiveness for interfering with the serious work.]"

"[But of course, Natasha Prokofyevna]", Kaji adjusted his address towards the woman, bowed again with a pleased smile on his face – and departed quickly.

Natasha rolled her eyes and chuckled to herself. Of all the pick-ups she had experienced in her life, this was not the worst; it was passable, even it was also far from the best. She did appreciate the style, though: simple, quick, and respecting her time. She also had no doubt about the professional character of what just happened; of course, there was no reason not to mix work and pleasure. It was quite common in her line of work, after all.

"[How did it go, witch?]" an amused voice, speaking words in a language never meant for the ears of mortals, interrupted her as she was deep in her thoughts. "[I see by your smile that everything went as it should?]"

"[Indeed. I have a date tonight, master]", Natasha replied. "[Or an information exchange. Or both. Hard to say with this man]", she admitted with a wide smile.

"[Enjoy yourself, then, and bring me the results in the morning]", Voland ordered with a smile, their sharp teeth all too visible. "[Don't oversleep, though.]"

"[Oh, don't worry, master]", she chuckled. "[I intend to make him oversleep.]"


Meanwhile at school

'The hunter shall never become the hunted'
rang in Asuka's head as she moved from shadow to shadow, from dark corner to dark corner, from one secure spot to another, always staying close to walls or bushes. 'You won't catch me again, old man, no matter what dark tricks you'll pull out of your… hat', she hesitated, recalling the unflattering hairdo of the man in question, for some reason uncovered by anything. Dodging yet another treacherous branch, she settled between the P.E. storage and some shed with unknown purpose – and watched.

The man in question was in her plain sight, taking care of the lawn; he seemed to be scanning it carefully, almost inch by inch – and mercilessly removing every single weed that was not a blade grass, mumbling something all the time. When he reached something larger that initially resisted the pull, he retrieved some weird, curved metal blade from his uniform and cut it right at the ground.

'Okay, as if he wasn't weird enough. What's next, putting on a black cloak with a hood and mowing the lawn with some scythe? Where did the school pull his weirdo out from–'

"You're going to catch a cold, young lady", a familiar nasal voice sounded behind Asuka, making her jump again, emit an undignified 'eek!', and turn in the spot. The same man she just saw twenty paces away was standing right in front of her, his crooked smile, his creepy eyes, and his weird, enlarged fang visible in all their glory.

"Or make those pretty whites the wrong shade of green and brown", he eyed her uniform. "This is not a place for students to crawl about. Go to your classroom, girl. There's nothing to see here."

"Why do you keep ambushing me?!" she burst out. "What gives you the right to follow me?" she asked, her voice indignant.

"Now, now", he chuckled, his voice as amused as it was rough. "That's an interesting question in your mouth, isn't it? What could possibly give someone a right to follow another…" he mused in a mocking voice. "I don't know… do you?"

"Are you implying something?" Asuka kept following the 'the best defense is a swift offense' tactic, even if it was proving only partially successful.

"Implying? No", the man eyed her with barely concealed contempt. "Implication should be done with some subtlety, and I'm a simple working man. Get lost, Soryu, and stop bothering me."

"How do you know my name?!" Asuka's brows furrowed.

"I have ears, girl", the man let out a tired sigh. "And you're a popular one. Get lost before I carry you out of here on my back, all due to concern for your safety, of course", he giggled in a rough, almost animalistic way.

Asuka swallowed a bout of nausea and took a few steps back. She tried for some witty retort, but nothing came to her mind; instead, she just scoffed and walked away in a huff.

Azazello just rolled his eyes with a tired amusement. "Future of mankind", he scoffed. "Right. On the other hand, with some discipline and effort… maybe", he shook his head. "I'm so glad I just kill people instead of having to teach them", he concluded as he went back to his duties.


"Asuka, are you all right?" Shinji asked as Asuka sat down behind her desk, radiating an aura that could make plants wither, cause milk to curdle, and crush hopes in the hearts of the mightiest warriors.

"I'm fine", she barked. "What do you want?!"

"Well, the bento box, for once", he recalled, "you lost the previous one, so I'd rather collect it. And–"

"Here", she pushed a red box into his hands. "Happy? Now, get out of my hair."

"About that…" he reached towards her head.

"What?!" she slapped his hand away. "Careful, I haven't beaten anyone today, you don't want to be the first."

"Okay, okay, sorry", he let out a heavy sigh. "Suit yourself", he shrugged and turned away.

Asuka, preoccupied with the dark thoughts whirling in her head, completely missed a few giggles across the class that followed that exchange. Not that she would care. Or so she wanted to believe.

The rest of the class ignored the whole situation, used to the 'marital spats' that happened between those two nearly every day – not that many were brave enough to call them that within the earshot of Asuka. There were two exceptions – a pair of red eyes, watching everybody and everything – and eyes set over a charming smile permanently worn by one Timothy Siebel.


A few hours later

"Asuka, are you coming?" sounded outside the door of the women's bathroom. "We need to do grocery shopping, and we're–"

"Why the Hell you didn't tell me?!" the door swung open, making Shinji take a big step back; not that it helped him much, as Asuka was right in his face.

"Tell you what?" he asked, trying to keep his voice calm.

"The leaves in my hair!" she pointed to a few green pieces still tangled in her red mane. "I was like this, like a damn idiot, all day!"

"I'm sorry, I tried", he retorted, his gaze annoyed and voice tired. "You threatened me with a beating."

"You should've tried harder!" she kept yelling.

Shinji let out a heavy sigh. "I'm sorry, but I'm not risking a beating so you can have clean hair", he replied. "Especially not a beating from you. Are you coming, or should I go by myself?"

"Do what you want", she turned away and slammed the door behind her.

Shinji let another heavy sigh, filed this under 'business as usual' with a shrug, and left, enjoying the moment of peace that came after the red-tinted storm.

In his hurry, he missed an amused set of old eyes watching from the darker corner of the corridor.


To say Asuka was not in a good mood was like to state a skunk could be a little problematic when startled – it was certainly true, but only to a degree. But Asuka, as a consummate professional – at least in her own eyes – was able to put her emotional state aside in pursuit of a goal. And her current goal certainly needed pursuing. As her attempts to learn anything useful about the janitor have so far failed – aside from forming a few grisly suspicions she needed yet to confirm, of course – she decided to switch to a potentially easier target.

As she already determined, the younger nurse – or the nurse intern, Asuka was not sure, not that it mattered much – was leaving via the main school gate about half an hour after the classes ended.

Asuka, already disguised to the best of her ability and time she had at her disposal, with a wide dark cap covering her hair and a sundress she changed into in the bathroom's cabin after Shinji left, was waiting for her – and quickly learned that her observations were correct. She hid until the woman left – and emerged just in time to still see her without raising suspicion.

Regrettably, after the initial thrill of shadowing someone subsided, Asuka quickly concluded that this had to be the most boring young woman ever. Having visited a clothing shop and a bookstore, the nurse simply settled at a café, bought a big cup of coffee and an indecently large piece of cheesecake, and proceeded to shamelessly and slowly enjoy them both, along with a book full of – judging by the cover – love poetry. After about an hour of observing her and fighting with herself whether to buy another slice of cake, Asuka was about to give up – when something odd started to happen right in front of her.

The woman – Asuka finally recalled her name was 'Auset' – suddenly stood up and approached a boy sitting alone at one of the tables, a high-schooler by the look and uniform. She spoke with him for a moment, joined him at the table, politely refused any offer of a drink – and put the poetry book she was just reading between them, opened on one of the pages and clearly indicating one of the poems. She then said something that sounded like 'trust me', winked at the surprised boy – and left so quickly that Asuka had to rush to not to lose track of her.

Luckily for the huntress, the streets were just busy enough to hide her, but not busy enough to lose her prey. After a while, though, Asuka's confusion started to grow. She knew the route Auset was taking: she was going back to the school building.

Having confirmed that beyond doubt, Asuka spent the next hour hiding between the bushes and watching the school building entrance. She was ready to wait as long as it took, of course, for she had to know the truth about this increasingly weird–

"What are you doing at school at this hour, young lady?" a familiar, nasal voice asked in a mocking tone right next to her ear.

A stray thought in Asuka's mind told her that at this rate, she was going to need to start concealing her gray hair by the ripe age of sixteen.


Not much later, somewhere else in Tokyo-3

"Ryouji Kaji", a blonde-turning-redhead woman smiled at a sharply dressed man as she saw him in the last rays of the setting sun. "[That would be Kaji-san, right?]"

"[It is indeed… Natasha Prokofyevna]", he confirmed, offering his arm with a charming smile. "[Shall we?]"

"[Lead the way, Kaji-san]", her eyes smiled along with her lips as she took it.
Kaji, I know you seem to enjoy getting into trouble, but good gods, man, I'm starting to wonder how you've managed to live this long. Particularly since Misato might kill you herself after this.

Asuka, you are just going to have to invest in some mirrors or such. Possibly some silver weapons or a crucifix, or both. At least Shinji has learned to be sanguine about her anger? Poor kids.
Kaji, I know you seem to enjoy getting into trouble, but good gods, man, I'm starting to wonder how you've managed to live this long. Particularly since Misato might kill you herself after this.
Let's say that the next chapter has this part:
"Where the fuck are you, Chief Inspector Ryouji Kaji?" a furious voice, unmistakably belonging to Major Misato Katsuragi sounded from the phone, making him wince.
and Kaji, as he is prone to do, just keeps digging himself deeper with every answer.

That man just likes to live dangerously.
Asuka, you are just going to have to invest in some mirrors or such. Possibly some silver weapons or a crucifix, or both.
And a stake made of rowan wood (good luck with that). And some holy water (okay, relatively easy). And a flamethrower (um... maybe). And a Van Helsing level ally (stop).
At least Shinji has learned to be sanguine about her anger? Poor kids.
One of my complains at NGE was always that we don't see enough of normal character interactions; scenes like Misato and Kaji at the wedding or kids just being kids at school would give them a much-needed characterization. When it happens to a character in larger amounts - like to Toji at some point - you know something bad is going to happen. Sure, this is not what the story is about, and even what we get is good (movies decided to dump that completely and we got... what we got), but I could enjoy a lot more.
Maybe that's why I consider good A/S slice of life a great thing. This is a scene that could've easily happened in the series after Asuka - for example - walked into a bush because they were arguing over something.
Act I, scene IX: The day some actions had results
Act I, scene IX: The day some actions had results

This chapter contains some minor horror elements and some minor acts of school-based violence. Caveat lector.

This dialogue in {brackets} is in German.


The morning light intruded upon Kaji's eyes even through the thick curtains of the hotel room; he groaned as the awareness of how sore his muscles were reached his conscious mind. 'That was some night…' he realized as he ran a routine checklist on his body, 'and that was some woman… but now comes the moment of truth: how she looks in the daylight!'

Before he could perform that check, though, another thought entered his mind, causing a minor spike in his heart rate: 'I should decide what I tell Katsuragi before I talk to her. I suppose I should keep the details to a minimum… it was all in the line of duty, but she's been unreasonable before. Now, where was I…'

He turned to his side, his arms ready to embrace his yesterday's lover – and found a cold, empty bed. "Oh come on!" he exclaimed with exasperation. "That is my trick!" he added as he sat up with a disappointed expression on his face. 'What now… oh?' he noticed something else on the bed. He reached for it, realizing it was a note. 'That is my trick, too, damn it…'

The note was written in a beautifully calligraphed Japanese and signed with a lipstick-painted kiss. 'Classic… what a woman!' he purred with satisfaction. 'And an educated one, too!'

"Dear Ryouji", it started, "I wanted to thank you for this interesting evening and pleasant night. I am glad that the slanderous rumors about Japanese men have proven utterly false, and I hope I lived up to the expectations you had about Russian women. I must have taken my departure early to tend to my duties, but rest assured will recall our time together fondly – and I deeply hope you will as well. Thank you for the long night talk as well, it was refreshing to meet someone whose abilities of the mind matched those of the body. I hope to see you in another time, in another place, in another life", the note ended, signed with "Natasha" in an equally beautifully calligraphed Cyrillic.

Kaji stared at the note for a long moment. "Damn it", he finally furrowed his brow. "What did I tell her?" he started to wonder and tried to recall the events of the last night. He managed to reach the dinner proper – and was just recalling how great Natasha looked in that dark-green dress – when the sound of his phone provided the most unpleasant interruption.

"Where the fuck are you, Chief Inspector Ryouji Kaji?" a furious voice, unmistakably belonging to Major Misato Katsuragi sounded from the phone, making him wince and only adding to the displeasure of the interruption. His hangover was not exactly heavy, but by gods, that woman could be loud. "The meeting is in fifteen minutes and you're fucking participating in it, at least according to the agenda!"

He spared a quick look at his watch. "Fuck" was the only thing that came to his mind.

"Anything you want to tell me?" the voice was unrelenting – and worryingly taking on venom. "Except, per chance, 'I'll be there on time' and 'I promise I'll be at least marginally presentable' and maybe 'there's no reason to murder me'?"

"Be there soon, darling", he rattled out in reply without thinking. "Love you, bye", he blabbed out before closing the phone – and only then realizing what actually he just said.

"Fuck", he shook his head, his ears burning red, his expression mortified. The awareness of how much explaining he would have to do and with what degree of awkwardness he was going to be forced to work with would have paralyzed him if not for the urgency of matters at hand. "All this day lacks right now is an Angel attack…" he concluded as he frantically went looking for his pants. "Or the visit of Devil himself", he added as he started to put them on.

Outside, the usual activities continued. The awkwardness was hardly something new in a place like this.


Meanwhile at school

"Hey, pretty boy."

Timmy stopped in the happy skip that was supposed to take him back to the class - and turned towards the source of the sound: it turned out to be Jouta Seto, one of the boys from his class, accompanied by another classmate and four other guys he did not recognize; they all looked rather angry. He smirked; he always like evoking emotions in people and he had a feeling where this was going. "Can I help you?" he replied in his sweet voice, one he usually employed around the ladies.

"I think so", Jouta chuckled and started to walk towards him, his companions following closely and surrounding Timmy a moment later. "You're pretty good with the girls, I give you that", the boy resumed, standing less than a step away from Timmy and glaring at him from the height of half-a-head-taller-than-him. "And that's fine, of course", he acknowledged, and the other boys nodded. "After all, who gives a shit about the beta guy. Sure", he kept going, his voice understanding. "But you see…" he trailed off, his words gaining some venom. "You're greedy", the understanding smile turned crooked. "Too greedy. You hog all those pretty girls for yourself, you had more dates in those few days than we get in weeks, and with the best girls, too. And we don't like that."

Timmy raised an eyebrow. "You said it yourself, didn't you? That thing about the 'beta guy'?" he smirked, his voice a tone away from mockery.

"Listen here, you little shit", Jouta's eyes narrowed, his voice now more of a bark. "Don't you talk back to me here, or I'm going to remodel this cute face of yours so well you'll going to need a surgeon to even talk to a lady again", he growled.

"You think I am pretty? Thank you", Timmy's expression turned almost radiant, his voice chirpy. "That's nice of you to say… oh, maybe you're just envious of that? Do you want to take me out?" the radiant smile turned into a mean smirk.

"You little piece of–" the boy took a quick swing at Timmy's face – and stumbled when he somehow managed to miss a target that was a few inches away from him; the boys' surprised looks made it clear this had never happened before.

"Sorry, you were saying?" Timmy asked in an innocuous voice, his posture unchanged, his face untouched.

"Hold him for me, guys", Jouta growled as he regained his balance; he flexed his fist, focusing a hatred-filled gaze on the boy's face.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you", Timmy stated matter-of-factly, his tone light. "Unless you're feeling really, really lucky."

"Afraid of a little bit of schoolyard justice, pretty boy?" one of the boys remarked with a mocking chuckle as he grabbed Timmy's arm; another one grabbed the other; Timmy was also aware of a boy standing right behind him. "Or maybe you left your balls back home?"

"For what we are about to receive, may the Lord make us truly grateful", Timmy recited with a smile matching his attacker's. "Amen."

Jouta chuckled at that – and aimed to deliver a strike at Timmy's nose.


Meanwhile inside NERV HQ

Some say that the corridors under NERV HQ are haunted. This is, of course, an absurd assertion. There are no hungry ghosts down there, no vengeful specters stalk the damp corridors, and any souls lost do not stay there for long. The depths of NERV are decidedly unwelcoming, yes – but this is a matter of the environment not very suited for humans and years of neglect in maintenance, not any supernatural influence. But unfortunately for some, this is also the place where most secrets of NERV lie. There, and in the top secret offices of the command staff – but those are definitely less accessible.

'But much safer', Kazuma Sasaki, Technician 3rd​ grade, thought as he took another turn in the dark and worryingly damp corridors leading to one of the data centers. His task was clear: take the codes he had been provided, go to a MAGI server room, access the databanks for records in a certain time range, and leave the copied data in a dead drop in a remote part of the city. A simple task, the kind of those he already had accomplished with great success in the past and was handsomely compensated for.

Except it was never necessary to go to this particular data center in this particularly deep level of NERV HQ… if this could be seen as NERV HQ anymore, considering how deep he already had to go.

His first surprise – and a twinge of fear – happened when the access code to the room worked without any problem. He was dearly hoping it would be wrong, allowing him to return to the world under the sky with a clear conscience and without any risk. But it was not to be.

To his pleased surprise, the room was dry, its pleasant air starkly contrasting with the atmosphere of the damp corridor. It was also a bit cold and uncomfortably dark, filled only with ominous blinking of diodes of numerous colors. Sasaki lit up his service headlamp, a tool he usually used to shed some light on errant cabling or damaged circuitry, and went to look for a terminal.

Once more, he was disappointed by the fact that the access code he was provided was accepted. This gave the highest note to his employers – well, the other ones, not the NERV – but also forced him to continue. Fortunately for him, the flash-based memory card lived up to its name and the data was being recorded quickly. He started to relax, knowing that the worst part was behind him. This was why he missed the first 'meow' sounding in the room otherwise filled just with the hum of the servers and fans.

The moment the copying process was done, he quickly typed the unmounting commands and pulled the card out of the terminal slot – and stopped dead in his tracks, cold sweat breaking on his back.

"Meow", the big, black cat sitting on the server rack repeated. "Let me ask you a few questions, boy. First: who are you? Second: why are you here?"

The man eye's bulged. A cat down here was an impossibility. A talking cat was an impossibility, too. Somehow, those two impossibilities negated each other in his mind – and told him that everything was fine. He pocketed the card and resumed his walk towards the door.

The cat rolled his eyes. "Not so fast. My dear friend doesn't like when someone unauthorized digs through her mind", the cat hissed. "Now, turn the card over, and you can walk out of here mostly alive."

Sasaki turned back slowly, clearly having trouble comprehending the concept. The whole situation was just bizarre. "I'm not afraid of cats", he finally spoke, his voice not entirely his own. "You can't kill me."

"Oh, you are only partially right. I most certainly can kill you… but I won't", the cat shrugged, his smile enigmatic. "But, you see, I'm not the only one here, and it's not me whom you had just wronged", he smirked under the whiskers. "Say hello to dear Naoko…" the cat suspended his voice, his expression somewhat ponderous. "Hm, I believe that's actually Akagi-sama to you", the cat added – and pointed up with his head.

The man followed the gesture with his eyes – and his already freezing blood turned to ice; the ceiling of the server room seemed to move in a way that would be right only for a living being, a being of flesh and blood.

A being that was reaching for him with a disturbing number of limbs, tentacles, and ineffable somethings.

"You see, the machines here generate quite a lot of heat, and no matter how well cooled the room is, the hot air rises to the ceiling", the cat continued, only marginally wrinkling his nose at the unpleasant side-effects of the man's eruption of hysteric fear. "And she likes it warm. So, what is your choice, boy?" the cat asked a question in a tone suggesting any answer to it would be quite final – and chuckled as the various appendages finally captured the fear-stricken man, turning the sight into a gruesome spectacle. "Apparently she didn't see a reason to give you that choice. Well, her domain, her laws", he shrugged with a smirk.

Some say that the corridors under NERV HQ are haunted. This is, of course, an absurd assertion. There are no hungry ghosts down there, no vengeful specters stalk the damp corridors, and any souls lost do not stay there for long.

There is but a single presence there: a very, very lonely woman. She lives among a whole lot of dark, empty corridors where nobody can hear the screams of those that went too deep and forgot to bring the proper offerings.


Meanwhile at school

Timmy walked to the classroom as if nothing happened, looking no worse for the wear – and noticed that almost all the boys and a significant number of girls were sticking their heads out of the windows, watching some ruckus happening outside with rapt fascination.

"Is something going on, Ikari-kun?" he asked innocuously, careful not to startle the boy; such minor interaction, he reasoned, should not be seen as a breach of conditions set by Asuka. And if it was, it was giving him a chance to interact with her again, anyway.

"Yes, I think Seto-kun and Horie-kun got into some serious brawl with the guys from 2-B. I think it was about the girls?" he explained, his voice somewhat absent-minded. "Didn't you see them fight? You were just out."

"Hm, I saw them facing off, I didn't think it would escalate", Timmy spoke the half-true, entirely-false statement. "It's a bit stupid, to fight over girls, isn't it? Or boys, for that matter."

"I suppose", Shinji agreed without much commitment.

Timmy decided not to push the issue, already sensing Asuka's attention focusing on him; she approached him just a few moments later.

"Asuka", he acknowledged her presence. "{I don't believe I'm in breach of your… terms?}" he asked, switching to fluent German.

"{What?}" she looked at him in confusion before realization dawned on her face. "{No, we're good. But you've got some gall}", she smirked.

"{I don't know what you're talking about}", he replied with a poker face on display.

"{I saw you talking to them}", she dropped on a seat next to him and lowered her voice. "{I don't know what you said or did to them, but I'm pretty sure it was you who started that brawl. Neat trick, would you teach me that?}"

"{I just told them they should be thankful}", he smirked. "{And decided I don't want to fight them myself.}"

"{Yeah, sure. Just that}", she chuckled, her disbelief obvious in her tone. "{All right, pretty boy, keep your secrets. I think I like you a little bit more now; Jouta Seto's an asshole who can't take a 'no' for an answer without a threat of castration hanging over his… head. But don't get too cocky, he has a brother in a high grade, and some older friends, too. Those guys can throw a punch, and might not be so easy to trick}", she finished, her voice expressing seemingly genuine concern.

"{Thanks for the warning}", Timmy looked at her with equally genuine surprise. "{But why are you telling me this?}"

"{Hey, I might be a bitch}" she admitted freely, "{but if someone's doing the hurting around here, it better be me}", she shrugged. "{Just watch your back…}" she paused, pondering for a moment "{…and stay away from the janitor. I think he's secretly a serial killer}", she finished as she left, leaving him alone at his desk.

'Oh Asuka, dear Asuka', Timmy smiled as he recalled all the tales he had heard about the "janitor". 'You sure have good instincts, but if only you knew a fraction of that, you'd never turn your back to him or ever go to sleep when he was in the same city … not that it would help you much anyway', he shook his head – and, after a moment of pondering, decided that it would not damage his reputation too much if he joined the crowd watching the ceaseless brawl happening below the classroom's windows.

Boys would be boys, after all – and he always enjoyed a good show.


School grounds, a few hours later

Asuka's skills may have proven insufficient to evade a demonic assassin or to shadow him in any useful manner – but they were more than enough to locate a civilian. The task was made easy by the target's lack of experience, his amateur military training under his belt notwithstanding. Simply put, his greatest challenge so far was evading girls he was photographing and perhaps the marginally concerned teachers – but not a determined Great Asuka Langley-Soryu.

"Hey, nerd", Asuka addressed Kensuke Aida as he was packing his gear in the distant part of the school's courtyard, no doubt after taking some suspicious photographs.

"S-Soryu-san!" he straightened immediately. "What are you doing here?"

"Not what I should be doing, namely not whopping your sorry ass for taking your pervy photos", she shrugged as she approached him only to stop well within his private space. "I'm here on business, would you stop shaking? I have a commission for you."

"Um… what?" he glared at her, clearly confused. "Are you taking up modeling and need a portfolio, or you decided to switch teams and want some pics of one of the pretty girls?"

"Neither", she rolled her eyes, "and banish the dirty thoughts before I knock them out of your head myself. You know the new nurse?" she went straight to the point, seeing his mouth opening to protest.

"Miss Auset? Yes, sure", he nodded with annoyance clear on his face. "Touji won't shut up about her and how cute she is" he spoke the last words parodying his friend's starry-eyed expression. "What about her?"

"I need all you have on her: photos, habits, connections, information, where she goes after work, all that", Asuka listed, her gaze transfixing him as if he was a bug she intended to pin to the exhibition. "What can you give me?"

Kensuke stared back at her in confusion. "It's not that I have dossiers on my models, you know", he finally replied as he resumed the packing.

"Bullshit", Asuka scoffed. "I know you sell photos of female teachers, too. I bet you sell hers as well."

"I do", he admitted. "Male teachers too, if you're interested, by the way. And yes, I have a few of her, but that's it. I can sell them to you, sure, but come on, I don't follow anyone to get those", he scoffed. "I just shoot them on the grounds when an opportunity presents itself."

"Hm", Asuka's expression turned ponderous. "Okay. But you have to know where to take them, right?"

"Miss Auset's? Of all the people, photographing her isn't rocket science", he shrugged, zipped his bag up, and stood up to face Asuka – as much as it was possible with their height difference. "She barely leaves the nurse's office, except to hit the loo or to eat. I have about two dozen of her photos either in the office or in the corridors, and maybe two or three as she arrives or leaves. Want them?"

"Yes… but I need you to do more", Asuka stated, her voice lowering as her eyes shot around.

"Sorry, not an option. I take photos, I'm not a detective agency", he shook his head.

"But you know all the nooks and crannies of the school", she countered. "Do it for me, and you'll not regret it."

"Do what, exactly?" he asked, his brow furrowed.

"After she leaves school, she comes back after a while and disappears inside", Asuka revealed. "And doesn't leave. I need information about or – better – photos of what happens then."

"Whoa", Kensuke's expression was flabbergasted. "You really want me to spy on her", he realized. A moment of uncomfortable silence descended between them, his face betraying the intensity of the thought processes happening inside. "Okay, I can do that", he finally stated, eliciting a wry smile on Asuka's face, "but there's something I'll need from you."

"Relax, I have money", Asuka shrugged, her tone dismissive. "Name your price."

"Something else than money", Kensuke shook his head.

"If you're thinking what I'm thinking you're thinking, rethink it right now", her voice suddenly turned into a hiss, her eyes shooting daggers. "Before I do it for you."

He tilted his head and bent back a bit, but somehow managed to stand his ground in the face of Asuka's onslaught. "If I'm thinking what you're thinking that I'm thinking, then no, I don't want you to do any services to me", he spoke the word with audible sliminess. "I get it, you think I am a bottom-feeding perv, I'm used to be treated like that", he looked aside with a sour expression on his face, "but really, Soryu, get your head out of the gutter! I'm not that low. I just want you to pose for me", he stated in a raised voice.

"And that's better how?!" Asuka growled at him, coming an inch closer.

He let out a heavy sigh, this conversation clearly tiring him. "Because you'd be clothed, have a say about the details, get the copies of the photos yourself, and won't be touching anything you don't want to touch", he explained matter-of-factly.

"But you are still selling those to the pervs, right?" she retorted.

"Yes, they'd still go to my customers", he admitted. "But as I said, those would be perfectly decent, I'd be shooting without any odd angles, and you'd be co-directing the shoot."

"I'd rather just pay you money", she replied, her tone suspicious. "This still feels too off to me."

"You're asking me to take a significant personal risk, Soryu", he pointed out. "It's one thing to take photos from a distance, it's quite another to stalk someone, and a member of the staff, no less. Doesn't this feel off?"

"Not really?" she shrugged. "It's one thing to know you're shooting some distant grainy frames for pervs to wank over", she almost spat out the last words, "and another to consciously pose for them, knowing they will be used all the same. Puts me off", she finished with disgust on her face.

Kensuke pondered for a moment. "Okay, differently, then", he finally spoke. "Two proper sessions instead of one, some days apart – and I give you my word those photos never get sold to anyone at school. No, to anyone ever unless you specifically agree to that later. What about that?"

Asuka's brow furrowed. "And what's the gain for you? What's the idea of photos never seen by anyone else?"

"Not your business, really", he replied, looking aside. "And I said nothing about never seen by anyone."

"So, someone will be wanking to that anyway", she scoffed. "Explain to me, how is this better?"

"No, nobody would", he denied. "Unless people in question are secret pervs, and I don't think so", he continued in an increasingly tired voice. "Listen, Soryu, I'm already late because of this lovely chat, and we're getting nowhere. If you want to go for either deal, here's my number", he pulled a simple, but surprisingly professionally-looking visiting card. "Drop me a text or just catch me at school. And if you still prefer to pay me money for that stunt, find out how much does it cost to hire a professional girl model and a small studio for a full day of non-nude shooting, and consider that number to be my asking price", he finished, slung his camera backpack over his shoulder, picked up his school bag, and turned to leave. "See you on Monday."

Asuka was left alone in the courtyard, her head full of confused thoughts. This definitely did not go as it should – and she was just not used to things not going her way. 'For fuck's sake. Why those people have to grow their spines at the worst possible moments?'

She turned to leave; her thought-absorbed mind failed to notice a face, one watching her all the time from between the buildings; as she vanished from the field of view, the fanged mouth curled in a wry smile. "You might be a good soldier, girl… but you're a poor spy. And you're an even worse negotiator. I have no bloody idea why the sire is putting so much hope on you", he shrugged before stepping back into the shadows and disappearing from the school grounds.


In the growing darkness and emptiness of the terrace, Voland was listening to the sounds of the city, once more pondering on the vanity vs. permanence of things made by humankind. Having taken the daily reports, they had a long while for themselves – until the not-sounds of not-steps of the not-really-a-cat broke their reverie.

"Hello, Behemoth", Voland opened their eyes and greeted the shape darker than the night and quieter than the darkness. "What do you bring to me this time?"

"A few misplaced documents, messire", the cat smiled and produced a thick file.

"Splendid", Voland smiled as they took the file from the cat's paws and took a few looks at some of the pages. Their eyes lit up. "Splendid", they repeated. "Good work."

"I told you that we wouldn't need the rat here", the cat grinned.

"The only reason they are not here is the limit the local gods imposed on us", Voland reminded, their smile retained. "Not because of your… dislikes."

"Yes, yes, messire", the cat shrugged. "Anyway, everything useful that was on paper is here, at least according to my source."

"And how reliable is that source?" Voland raised an eyebrow.

"Completely charmed, messire, without a hint of a doubt", the cat smiled smugly. "I was pleasantly surprised I found someone so fitting my target group. Not to mention, rather… hostile towards the current administration. If not for certain other indications, it would look too good to be true."

"I see", Voland nodded with satisfaction on their face. "What about computer accesses?"

"I applied the boy's spells to their machinery as he told me, and he'll be able to tell you more, but he was not entirely satisfied", the cat replied, his whiskers twitching. "Something about 'air-hole', I think. He claims that in the worst-case scenario I'll have to bring him there in person to work his magic."

"Nothing you cannot do, right, Behemoth?" Voland shrugged. "But can't this… source of yours assist with access or at least making the machinery more accessible to the spells?" they inquired.

"I already asked, and was told an uncertain 'maybe'", the cat replied. "It seems some of their secrets are better guarded than others", the cat eyed the stack of the documents.

"I see", Voland acknowledged. "Let's wait with personal intervention for some distraction, I'm sure some will occur soon enough. Anything else?"

"One thing, messire. Is it possible that you'd read the documents tonight so I can return them tomorrow morning?" Behemoth requested with a surprising amount of care in his voice. Of course, with him being a cat, any amount of care should count as 'surprising'. "My source can't cover for them too long… and she is simply too nice to needlessly inconvenience."

"I see the charming is mutual, cat", Voland remarked with a hint of mockery in their voice. "Are you sure you remember on whose side you're on?"

"Messire", Behemoth's face expressed a degree of offended innocence only a cat is capable of. "Have I ever given you a reason to distrust me?"

"Never indeed", Voland's smile showed their far-too-numerous teeth. "I'll make sure you have the documents at dawn tomorrow", they promised. "And you're free for the night. I expect you to keep sowing mayhem tomorrow, though."

"Messire, as if you ever needed to really order me to that", the cat smiled widely and took a step into the darkness.

"No. I do not", Voland nodded with a satisfied expression and closed their eyes, letting their thoughts flow again.

When they opened them again, there was an old-fashioned scribe's pulpit under the half-dead tree a few paces away; Voland approached it and put the stack of documents next to the inkwell and a stack of paper. After taking a moment to sharpen the quill, Voland ran it across their lips, whispering words in the language not meant for ears of mortals; once released, the quill started to write words on the topmost sheet of paper: "Top Secret, NERV HQ only".

Voland smiled. The plans were taking shape. All it took was to gather just a little bit more information – and the night full of change, magic, and wonder could finally take place.
Great chapter as always. One question though. That guy Behemoth caught. That was a SEELE spy?
"Say hello to dear Naoko…" the cat suspended his voice, his expression somewhat ponderous. "Hm, I believe that's actually Akagi-sama to you", the cat added
Oh dear.
/~ She's awake now, and won't the test subjects be surprised... /~
"If I'm thinking what you're thinking that I'm thinking,
Asuka has gone all cross-eyed. You stop that!
Why those people have to grow their spines at the worst possible moments?'
Because you push them, Asuka? :V
See about applying it some more to your cute roommate!

Hmm... now what sort of actual hard copy documents would be on hand at NERV these folks would want to see? Something too hot to entrust even to the MAGI's computer security?

And hah, Asuka! You apparently think Kensuke is a lot more Private Eye than just 'nerd voyeur with a camera and a business'. I'm surprised she didn't try to sic Section 2 on them.
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Oh dear.
/~ She's awake now, and won't the test subjects be surprised... /~
I often wondered what the significance and power of the MAGI were. It is ever-present in NERV (and whole Tokyo-3, too), affects decisions by providing data and analyses, controls the HQ and - to a degree - the Evas, and likely has sensors everywhere - sounds almost like a minor deity, right? A secretive and powerful genius loci for the most important fortress of humanity.

And still we barely see what goes there except for some glimpses during the Iruel fight. It's a fascinating thing to explore, and I thought that since this story is already supernatural-themed, why not consider the question "what if his being was actually more aware than everyone suspects?"

The inclusion of Behemoth came naturally, one monster to another :V
Asuka has gone all cross-eyed. You stop that!
Overthinking seems to be mandatory among the Pilots. Must be an occupational hazard, or perhaps Eva influence.

TBH, this one is a self-indulging reference to an obscure cabaret song about two famous fictional spies meeting each other in a cafe and pondering who is following whom and whether it is a trap. Half the song is literaly "he thinks/knows what I think/know what he thinks/knows". I don't think it was ever released in English, though.
See about applying it some more to your cute roommate!
So far, didn't work on him... Perhaps Shinjiikarium, being already so dense, doesn't harden under pressure, but may explode after crossing a certain threshold?
You apparently think Kensuke is a lot more Private Eye than just 'nerd voyeur with a camera and a business'.
Kensuke qualified as "close enough" for her, also, she pinned him as easy to pressure. Well, surprise, surprise.
I'm surprised she didn't try to sic Section 2 on them.
Asuka is a bit mistrustful of the spooks that follow her, and doesn't want to look like an idiot (that's Shinji's role) in case she's wrong. Besides, if she sent Section 2 after them, the potential success would be theirs, not hers.
Hmm... now what sort of actual hard copy documents would be on hand at NERV these folks would want to see? Something too hot to entrust even to the MAGI's computer security?
Perhaps :>
Or perhaps sometimes it's convenient to print something out; most organizations have rather strict policies about creation and destruction of hard copies, but who's going to watch high level NERV officers?
Edits: style and missing text
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indications that Shinjiikarium is a fissile actinide or compound thereof intensify :D
Now that you mention it, there can be more...

Shinjikarium - as already determined, a potentially (under high pressure) fissible actinide.

Asukarium - an element with two isotopes, one (Towardskajium) is soft to the touch, the other (Towardsallium) - hard, corrosive, and explosive. Sometime during the series, a separate Towardsshinjum may emerge, properties depending on the story author. Name is left w/o last name to fit continuities.

Reiayanamium - inert, malleable, passive; reactions can be catalyzed, though (usually Shinjikarium or Gendoikarium is needed), then quite reactive. May cause divinity if exposed to Lilithium or Adamium.

Kaworunagisum - hard to say aside from being clearly artificial and (possibly) explosive, but it sure caused violent reactions of various kinds across the fandom; susceptible to reactions with Shinjikarium, can ignite Reiayanamium.

Misatokatsuragium - likely a compound, relatively stable, absorbs alcohol like a sponge, causes the organic and non-organic matter to accumulate around it. Contrary to popular opinion, causes only mild reactions with Shinjikarium.
Shinji: ~HICCUP~
Asuka: "You ok there?"
Shinji: "....I think I might be somewhat radioactive."
Asuka: ".....????"
Asuka: Don't be silly, humans are biochemical reactors, not nuclear ones.
Shinji: But I'm starting to feel radiant!
Asuka: Better you than me... oh wait, this kind? To the bus! And to Doctor Akagi!
Act I, scene X: The day of remembrance and failure
Act I, scene X: The day of remembrance and failure
Another day was dawning over Tokyo-3, a day of rest for most – except, of course, people whose duty held little concern for the day of the week. And a lot of the NERV personnel could be counted among this kind of people.

One of them was Takamasa Yoshihara, a pilot by profession – and one of the few people Commander Ikari trusted with his life when it came to transportation. This trust, of course, came with some heavy price tags, like inability to have family and a permanent set of eyes on his back whenever he left the base, along with the need to be on call nearly permanently – but it was also sweetened by a hefty under-the-table bonus that, if maintained for a few more years, would let him buy an apartment in the city.

This man was on duty today, remembering well what kind of day this was – and that today he was supposed to, once more, try to hover over the numerous grave markers high enough to avoid crashing, and low enough for the Commander to comfortably enter the craft.

'I never understood why he wants me to do that', he mused as he ran the short checklist before starting the machine. 'I guess it's a ritual of sorts for him. Who could understand that man… or any man in power', he shrugged. He had his orders and he intended to follow them; little else mattered.


The terrace overlooking the city was bathed in the rays of the rising sun; Voland looked over their retinue with watchful eyes. "There's no school today, so your duties are different… for some of you", they began. "Azazello, follow the trails listed here", they handed the balding man a scroll of parchment. "Behemoth brought some clues that may be a start. If this works out, you're done with the school. If not, you will continue your watch there."

"Yes, messire", the man smiled a crooked smile, his expression clearly happy with the possibilities.

"Auset, Timothy – you stick to the youth", Voland turned his attention to the younger members of the retinue. "We need more information on Rei Ayanami. This is on you, Auset. You do have her address?"

"Yes, madame, it was on file", the witch nodded. "There is preciously little data otherwise, though."

"And this is why we need more", Voland stated matter-of-factly. "Timothy… you said you have a meeting today?"

"Yes, boss", the boy nodded, his face sour on having one of his targets handed off to someone else. "Afterward, I'll be looking for further possibilities."

"I see. Natasha, Behemoth says the Major and the Doctor have a social occasion today", Voland addressed the older witch in turn. "Make sure you gather as much as possible using that opportunity. Here are the details, I trust you can make your own entry", they handed her another scroll of parchment.

"Yes, messire", she smiled as she took the scroll. "Oh, a wedding, how delightful", her smile turned into a grin. "And you, messire, where will you be?"

"And I have an appointment on the graveyard", Voland replied. "And then I have research to do", they added with the undertone of 'do not disturb me unless it is really important'. "Dismissed. Report in the evening."


The cell phone was ringing like crazy; Chief Inspector Kaji Ryouji was looking at it, a storm of feelings crossing his face. Finally, he made his choice.

"Why don't you answer your phone, you idiot?" sounded about half a second after he finally opened it in a voice he both expected and dreaded after yesterday's colder-than-an-average-superconductor-requires reception by Misato Katsuragi.

"Um…" Kaji Ryouji managed to reply. "To avoid this, for once", he admitted, his voice annoyed.

"For fuck's sake", sounded from the other side, the voice approaching a hiss. "As if I didn't have other things to do! Listen, they moved the reception to Hall C of the same hotel, so don't get lost once you arrive! And don't be late!"

"I thought you didn't want to see me after–" he started, his voice confused.

"Think again, idiot!" the voice retorted. "And remember to at least shave! You looked like a caveman on that meeting!"

"Um…" he tried again.

"See you there! Hall C!" the outburst was followed by a beep of interrupted connection.

Kaji Ryouji, an esteemed UN Inspector, a veteran of more than a dozen investigations, and an experienced spy let out a heavy sigh. He had great success in utilizing his charm – and his ability to woo the women – in his line of work, but in the end, he could never truly understand them.

Or at least this particular one.


Auset wrinkled her nose; this place smelled bad. She could smell stale urine, rotting trash, and digested alcohol; there were certainly some squatters here, most likely homeless, and while it seemed that homeless people here held themselves to higher standards than in other lands, the smell was undeniably there.

'Is this even the right place?' she wondered. 'I mean, Ayanami is a pilot of Evangelion, someone of importance, and this is a demolition zone. Surely she can't live here…' she stopped in front of the door for Apartment 402, clearly labeled "Ayanami". 'Okay. Something is right, except everything being wrong', she mused as she pressed the ringer – and heard no sound. She knocked at the door – and heard no response. "Ayanami-san?" she called out – and heard nothing again. 'Well, either she's absent, or can't hear me. Time to go, but let's make sure…'

A rare sense of panic filled her as she pressed the door handle – and it gave in. 'Seriously? I know Japanese people are not very keen on privacy, but this is ridiculous' she shook her head. "Ayanami-san?"

"Yes?" a voice finally responded from within.

"This is Auset Percāra, from school", she announced herself with a small twitch on her face. "Can I come in?"

"Why?" was the only reply, followed by a sound of bare feet on concrete; soon enough, a figure emerged from the darkness of the apartment, stopping in the doorframe leading to the room. It was, without any doubt, Rei Ayanami – and Auset noticed, to her confusion, that the girl was not wearing a stitch of clothing.

"I-I came with an inspection from school", Auset tried, unsure how to reply to the unexpectedly direct question. "It's a routine inspection of dwelling!" she blurted out, aware of how flimsy an excuse that was.

"I see", Rei Ayanami nodded, her expression unchanged; Auset noticed with dismay that the girl was not only expressionless, but largely emotionless: she was mildly confused, somewhat surprised, but not perturbed in any way. What worried Auset, though, was a hint of suspicion present in her aura.

"I hope this is not a problem, Ayanami-san?" she quickly checked. "It should not take long. We're merely obliged by regulations to make sure everything is in order!"

"I was not aware of this obligation", Rei Ayanami stated dispassionately, her suspicion abating and her apathy rising. "Is my presence required for your actions?"

"No, but I thought you'd like to follow me, and maybe talk?" Auset replied immediately.

"There is no reason to", the girl replied. "Unless you intend to touch my belongings. In this case, I will object."

"No, no, this is just about the conditions", Auset denied.

"I see. Please proceed then, but do not take long. I have an appointment later today. And please close the door on your departure", Rei Ayanami stated in the same, annoyingly monotonous voice.

"Your lock doesn't work", Auset remarked.

"I know", the girl replied, returned to her bed and sat on it, her eyes staring at the wall, not even bothering to trace any movement happening around her.

Auset shivered. She was no stranger to emotionally scarred people; she actually felt a certain kinship with them, her soul carrying a share of old wounds. She was also no stranger to people who were somewhat broken and could use a friendly touch; she helped one or two get their lives back on track during her service in Voland's retinue already.

But this girl was not exactly scarred, nor was she exactly broken. She was so emotionless, so apathetic, that she bordered on soulless – but Auset was pretty sure there had to be a soul there; those eyes were clearly telling her that. It was just so odd, so deeply buried, so dimmed'It actually explains her behavior quite well', Auset took a careful breath, trying her best not to inhale the moldy air of the room as she pretended to inspect the details, fighting the sudden need to leave this place. It was depressing at the very least, and along with its occupant, it filled her with dread – an emotion that had been strange to her since her rebirth into the service. Still, she was here for a reason, and failing to fulfill that would mean disappointing her mistress – something she would not dare to think of.

"I am done here, Ayanami-san", she declared a few minutes later. "But I need to ask you a few questions", she indicated the notepad in her hands.

The red eyes slowly moved to look at her, followed by an equally slow turn of the head. Auset reflexively labeled those movements mechanical and had to force herself not to look away. "Yes?"

"How long have you been living here?" she asked.

"For a while", Rei Ayanami replied. "I do not remember the details."

"For longer than a year?" Auset checked, not sure why she was digging into this, completely irrelevant detail.

"Yes", the girl confirmed with an almost imperceptible nod.

"Who is your legal guardian?" Auset followed.

"Commander Gendo Ikari and Doctor Ritsuko Akagi, both of them of NERV", Rei recited. "Any formal requests or queries should be directed at them."

"I see", Auset nodded. "How do you feel about this place?"

"My accommodations are adequate", the girl replied.

'Adequate? Adequate to get sick in, maybe!' Auset screamed in her mind. "Aren't you dissatisfied?" she managed to ask instead.

"My satisfaction is irrelevant", the girl replied matter-of-factly. "I live where I am ordered to live."

'And, apparently, lose all will when ordered to as well' Auset shook her head. "Ordered by your guardians?"

"Yes", Rei Ayanami confirmed. "This inquiry is unusual. The school has all the information about my guardians", the note of suspicion rose again.

"Yes, Ayanami-san, but not about your accommodations", Auset quickly retorted. "I think I know everything… ah, one more thing, do you lack the means to buy clothes? As the person responsible for the health of students, I would have to report that."

"No", Ayanami shook her head. "I have a sufficient number of uniforms to wear to school."

"I see", Auset took a bit too careless a breath and regretted it immediately. "Thank you, Ayanami-san. Have a good day."

"Goodbye", Rei Ayanami replied and lied back down, her gaze fixating on the ceiling again.

Auset left the apartment as quickly as she could, soon straddling the broom she arrived here on. In her distress, she did not even remember to use the cloak of invisibility until she started to leave the unpleasant concrete ruins Rei Ayanami's apartment was in.

A local dweller who was just waking up to reach for his bottle and ease his suffering with another swig of a cheap rotgut suddenly sobered up, his eyes bulging as they trailed a woman flying off on a broom; he muttered a silent prayer. A moment later he took one long look at the bottle and throw it as far away from himself as possible.

Another set of eyes, belonging to someone dressed similarly as the local man, but definitely more sober, looked no less confused. For a few moments, the owner of those eyes decided to write this off to sun-induced hallucination, made a note to request some cooling gear for his observation post, and firmly concluded that reporting 'a woman flying on a broom from the residential location of Rei Ayanami' would have ended his career faster than anything except – perhaps – assaulting his superior.


A few hours later

The NERV-marked vehicle hovered over the grave markers, the steady hand of the pilot holding it firmly in place against the wind; Gendo Ikari started walking towards the extending stairs.

"Father!" Shinji Ikari exclaimed, making the man stop and turn around. "Um… I'm glad I got to talk to you today!"

"Yes", came a terse reply before he left.

The boy turned his back to the rising copter. He did not expect his father to be very expressive, or anything – he never was – but he would not mind a few words more.

He shook that thought off and turned to walk away. Nothing of this mattered in the slightest. He was alone. He had always been alone since his mother vanished, and as he was always going to be.

"Who she was to you?" a question asked in a melodic alto voice reached his ears, startling him and dispersing the sad thoughts for the moment. He turned – and faced the black-clad figure he saw earlier in the distance; now, he could tell it was – most likely – a woman in an elegant Western-style mourning attire: a black dress and a matching blouse, coupled with a wide black hat. The stranger's skin was pale, their eyes oddly mismatched, and – despite the scorching heat that the black doubtlessly made this attire impractical – their hands covered by black gloves.

"My mother, ma'am", he replied carefully. "She… died when I was four."

"I'm sorry to hear that", the stranger replied in a sympathetic tone. "There's no good age to lose a mother, but at four… I'm sorry."

"I can barely remember that", he confessed.

"How much do you remember?" the stranger asked. "How was she?"

"Caring", Shinji replied automatically. "Warm. She always had time for me, even though she was very busy. I really wish I remembered her face", he added, asking himself why he was saying all that to a complete stranger. 'Perhaps because this is the first person that bothered to ask about that in the last decade?' his mind suggested.

"Don't you have any photographs?" the stranger seemed puzzled. "Did they get lost in the chaos this world had become?"

"My father said there were none, the secrecy of her work and all that", Shinji replied, turning his face back to the headstone, doing his best to hide the tears in his eyes. "But I think he just threw them away. Or burned them, just to be sure. It's like him."

"Why do you think he would?" the stranger kept asking in the same soothing voice; Shinji found it increasingly harder to keep the tears back as he listened to it.

"I don't know", Shinji replied with a shrug. "He never really talks to me. Today was the most since… well, a few years. Not counting giving me orders or reprimanding me, of course", he added bitterly.

"Do you miss her?" the figure asked in the same melodious voice. "Would you want to see her again?"

"What kind of question is that?!" he burst out, held-back tears trickling down his face before he managed to collect himself again. "I'm sorry", he shook his head, his voice lower. "Today… is the anniversary. And I don't even know if she can hear me. There's no body buried here, there's nothing to remember her by. She… just vanished, and her work and I… those are the only proofs she ever existed. What do you think happens to a soul when somebody just vanishes?"

"The same that happens in every other case", the stranger replied with a sad smile, the tone of their voice dropping low, to an almost masculine register. "It goes where it believes it is supposed to go. No soul is ever truly lost. She still watches over you, Shinji Ikari… and you will see her again."

"Wh–how do you know my name?" the boy suddenly turned to face the stranger–

And saw only the vast field of headstones. There was nobody he could have talked to, just a wind whispering a promise.

'Did I just dream?' he blinked, the tears burning his eyes. 'Or did gods have mercy on me and sent someone? Or… maybe Mom did?'

As quickly as the thought appeared, he shook his head. 'No. Mom is gone, and not even gods give a crap about me. But for once, it was nice to talk to someone who seemed to care', he admitted to himself. 'Even if it was not real.'


Miles away, a dark figure stood at the terrace, their face serious, their attire an old-fashioned suit right now. 'Some things are not supposed to burn, boy', Voland mused, their lips narrow. 'To deprive your own child of memories of his mother… I thought there were some reasons to spare you, Gendo Ikari, or at least give you the mercy of a quick death. But now I see you do not deserve anything but my best. And I know just the person I need to see for that', a smirk slowly formed on the handsome face. 'Let's see how I can get to her', they decided, conjured a chair – and sat at the desk filled with the copies of the documents recently brought by Behemoth.


Elsewhere in the city

Auset, having decided she had enough stress for today, was nibbling at her cotton candy. She made her report, she provided her observations, she earned a word of praise from her mistress – and for the last ten minutes, she had been discreetly watching a couple that was a clear case of we-are-both-far-too-shy-to-do-anything, while at the same time being painfully obvious in their mutual attraction. Those two had been talking about school for the last ten minutes, subtle hints woven into conversations on both sides but to no avail, and they seemed like they could talk like this for hours on end; Auset was in the middle of pondering what kind of prod and in which direction would be both discreet and do the most good–

"Hey, are you following me?" a sudden, unpleasantly high voice interrupted her scheming.

Auset jumped and turned on the spot, her face angry. She looked at Asuka's face for a few seconds of pretended pondering before she let realization appear. "Soryu-san, correct?" she checked, her voice conveying her displeasure.

"Hey, how do you know my name?" Asuka narrowed her eyes at her. "And what are you doing here?"

"I was told to familiarize myself with the student files, and forgive me for saying that, you stand out a bit", Auset replied, her voice steady, even if she was clearly annoyed by the intrusion of the nosy girl. "And I'm here in my private time, thank you very much. Can I help you?"

Asuka kept eyeing her suspiciously for a few more seconds. "Okay, I see. Sorry. It just feels weird to run into you after seeing you in school", she finally conceded.

"I don't have much to do on my time off, so I thought I'd drop in here", Auset's face lightened immediately once the perceived danger and aggression were over. "And I like to see all the couples here, all those dates! It's like a summer of love, really, I could watch them for hours", she cooed before collecting herself. "Sorry. I shouldn't be keeping you from yours. Bye!" she took a step.

"Halt", Asuka demanded. "How do you know I have a date?" she asked, her voice suspicious and angry again.

"Well, it's Sunday, this is an amusement park, and you're all dressed up?" Auset replied matter-of-factly, scanning Asuka's outfit with an appreciative look on her face. "Looking good", she gave Asuka a double-thumbs-up with a gleam in her eye. "I take it's a serious one?"

"Nah, just a favor, and I just ditched him anyway", Asuka shrugged with some disgust on her face. "I'm going home."

"Oh. Sorry to hear that", Auset's face lengthened. "Did something happen?" she asked, her voice worried.

"Nah, he's just a Grade-A douche, and I did it only because a friend asked. And, well, because he didn't look half-bad", Asuka admitted, a minor voice in her head asking herself why she was telling this strange woman all that. "And you?"

"Oh, I told you, I'm just enjoying the atmosphere, with all those people in love here, and the kids being happy", Auset smiled radiantly. "I'm still working on my… potential date", she added, a slight blush on her cheeks.

"Oh, aiming for a serious relationship, aren't we?" Asuka smirked smugly.

"I don't know… I don't think so, but I don't want to startle… anyone", Auset replied carefully.

"Startle?" Asuka chuckled. "Come on, you're a cute girl, any boy would throw yourself at you, given a chance! And some balls, granted; some boys are just so undecided that one would think castration was done at birth here to the most", she grumbled. "I guess sometimes you've got to make the first move… I'm telling you, the best way to approach it is to take the bull by the horns!" Asuka stated confidently, her hands on her hips. "Good luck! And now I'm off before this douche realizes he's been dumped and goes hunting for me", Asuka's face turned into a mask of disgust. "See you!"

"Thanks!" Auset waved after the leaving redhead before allowing herself a chuckle. 'Let me guess, it's the advice you never take yourself?' she remarked to herself – and set her eyes back on the couple, rolling her eyes as she heard them discussing their expectations about the school festival in a needlessly roundabout way.

A few seconds later a thought struck her, freezing her in indecisiveness. She knew she should report something important to her mistress – but at the same time, she did not want to leave the couple in their current, completely undecided state. Still, duty came first.

She shook her head, took a quick look around, picked up a broom resting against the back wall of one of the buildings – and flew away, careful to will her veil invisibility as she took off.

A few minutes later she was standing before Voland on the terrace overlooking the city, giving a quick report and informing them that the redhead was, for some reason, full of determination – and few more minutes later, she was coming back and landing in a decidedly unsafe manner – only to realize that the conversation had not progressed much since she went away.

She let out a heavy sigh and set her mind on assisting those two, completely unaware of the confusion she caused to the NERV-commanded flight control facility on the outskirts of the city, where two operators clearly observed a small, quick-moving object on the radar – but were completely unable to spot it visually. Having added it to several other observations over the last few days, the operators filed a report – and so supplemented the top secret file about Unidentified Flying Objects above Japan.


The shadow on the balcony of Misato Katsuragi's apartment darkened for a moment before forming a vaguely humanoid figure on the wall; two different spots emerged where eyes should be – and froze, unmoving, their expression curious.

Sounds of a cello were coming from the apartment, barely filtered by the closed door. It was not the most skilled performance the strange guest has heard in their long existence – no wonder, considering the company they usually held – but it was pretty decent and pleasant to hear. 'It seems you're a man of many talents, boy. It seems that I was right once more', they smiled, the shadow of the wall shifting minutely.

The music stopped abruptly, replaced with the sound of clapping coming from the other end of the dwelling. "Not bad! I didn't know you played" in the voice of the redheaded girl. The shadow smiled and carefully slid along the wall, finding their way inside the walls a moment later and hiding among far larger internal shadows.

The teenagers did not seem to discuss anything vital; the knowledge that the boy was persistent in his pursues was nothing new. In fact, the whole situation felt like their usual interaction, not worth much attention from anyone. 'Auset claimed she felt both chaos and determination from the girl', the shadowy figure recalled, pondering whether to stay or leave. 'She might be careless, but she is rarely wrong with her empathy… let's wait', they decided and returned to observing them both.

"He was just so boring! So while he was waiting in line for the rollercoaster, I left", the girl admitted with an annoyed sigh.

"That doesn't seem too nice", the boy remarked, his eyebrows raised.

"Really, Mr. Kaji is the only man around", the girl shrugged, her voice tired – but with an undertone of uncertainty, her mind slowly turning into a tangle of thoughts and emotions – and her stomach twisting despite her façade of disdain.

'Ah. I think I see the issue…' the shadow smiled.

"Nah. Bygones. It sucked, but at least I can tell Hikari that I tried", she shrugged and jumped up. "I'm going to change. No peeking!"

Shinji did not dignify this with a verbal answer; he just rolled his eyes and resumed the melody. The shadow on the wall focused on the sound again; it was undeniably pleasant, and an acceptable pastime while they waited for the result of the girl's tumultuous battle of emotions.


A man was walking the badly-lit street, carrying a woman on his back; they were having a loose, not very coherent conversation about each other, their connection, their past, and the very current grievances usually resulting from the excessive alcohol consumption.

Natasha let out a sigh. She knew this kind of people: star-crossed lovers, unable to live with each other without adjusting or at least accepting each other but also completely unable to part or forget about each other. She saw it happen to the woman she worked for in her mundane past – and then saw that pattern repeat far too often in people she was sent to assist, disrupt, or just investigate.

"Kaji, do you think I've changed?" the woman asked with a sigh soon after she demanded to be set down so she could walk on her own.

"You've become more beautiful", the man replied without a hint of hesitation and with a smile on his face.

"I'm sorry that I insisted on breaking up with you", she continued, deciding to disregard the obvious compliment. "When I said I fell in love with somebody else, that was a lie. Did you know?"

"No", he shook his head.

Natasha shook her head. She was sorely tempted to drop her invisibility, walk up to them, and start yelling at them for their indecisiveness before telling them to kiss and put all this behind them. It would be, of course, unprofessional and likely disruptive to her master's plans – but this was the only thing that was stopping her.

That, and the fact that those two were spilling increasingly interesting secrets with every other sentence.

She smiled a wide, satisfied smile when they finally kissed – or, more precisely, he kissed her in a clear attempt just to stop another wave of self-hate coming out of her mouth. 'Simple, yet effective method', she chuckled to herself. 'Apparently, not very disagreeable for her, either', she kept smiling as she kept watching them until they broke their kiss – and walked on in slightly awkward, but also quite satisfied silence.


The cello was long gone, replaced by some magazine in the boy's hands and earbuds in his ears. The girl was sitting at the table, her expression blank and her mind full of dark thoughts, balanced by an occasional resurgence of hope and determination. The shadowy figure was getting impatient; most people did not take that long to tumble into their doom. On the other hand, most people who caught their attention in the past were not that damaged.

Finally, the dark thoughts in the girl's mind receded for a short moment, yielding to a momentary decision. She spoke up: "Hey, Shinji, do you want to kiss?" she asked in a forcedly calm tone.

"Huh?" the boy's attention spiked as he removed his earbud and turned to her, his expression making clear he thought he heard that wrong. "What?!"

"A kiss. A kiss? You've never kissed, right?" she replied in the same tone, eliciting a confused nod from him. "Then, let's do it!" she decided.

'I admire your desire, girl… but your timing is just plain bad', the shadowy figure chuckled internally. 'But maybe you can cover it with your charm and wit?'

"Why?" he was clearly taken aback, be it from the suddenness of the request or its unexpectedness.

"Because I'm bored", she replied off-handedly.

'Or not', the figure would have rolled their eyes if they were anything else than discolored spots on the wall.

"Because you're bored? But…" he protested.

"You don't want to kiss a girl on the anniversary of your mom's death?" the girl goaded. "Afraid she may be watching you from Heaven?"

'Well, the wit is here, but diplomacy and tact seem to be taking an extended leave', the figure kept analyzing with a chagrin. 'If this doesn't end in a disaster, I'm going to the witches for empathy training… Girl, are you really lying to yourself so much that you actually believe this is out of boredom, or are you just insulting his intelligence? And you, boy, are you really so dumb that you don't see through that lie… or so starved for any affection you'll take a scrap, any scrap?'

"Not really", he replied defensively, with just a note of hope.

"Or are you… scared?" she smirked, her tone rising.

'Well, at least you know how to manipulate a young boy', the figure recognized. 'Not that it's a particularly hard task…'

"I'm not scared of a little kiss!" he jumped to his feet.

"You brushed your teeth, didn't you?" she checked, and he nodded.

The shadowy figure watched them go through the motions: the approach, the girl's grumbling about his breathing, the moment she pinched his nose – and the following, awkward kiss that froze him in place and filled both heads with conflicting emotions and sensations. Confusion, happiness, panic, arousal, and lightheadedness from oxygen deprivation on his part; hope, worry, arousal, fear, determination, and increasing confusion on his lack of reaction on her part. But what was dominating in both of their souls was the obvious desire, the need for each other, and the elated awareness that it is finally happening.

But it all ended up exactly as it could be predicted: he ended up breaking the kiss and gasping for air – and she suddenly ran away with hurt and disappointed expression on her face.

'Well, that was certainly an experience for them', the figure realized with disappointment. 'And I'm willing to bet the Queen's Medallion that they will not be eager to repeat it on their own, no matter how strong the drive. Pity. On the other hand, the desire didn't abate… it's still there… hm.'

Another step of the plan slowly formed in the figure's mind; a small smile emerged on the wall as they watched the resulting yelling match – well, one-sided yelling, followed by the arrival of the adult couple that Natasha was supposed to watch – and indeed, he spotted her just behind them, hidden by her veil of invisibility. She could not see the shadow, of course, but it mattered little; her report was sure to follow soon.

"Kaji-san!" the boy recognized the man with a warm smile.

"Kaji-san!" the girl recognized the man with unbridled enthusiasm.

'Hm. That might be an obstacle', the figure realized. 'Let's see what Natasha will tell me', they decided before starting to weave a plan to get rid of the man.

"Why won't you stay with us, Kaji-san?" the girl pushed, ignoring the man's protests and aloofness – and stopped only when she suddenly realized something: "He smelled of lavender…"

'Or maybe it won't be needed', the shadow chuckled – and proceeded to watch the final stage of the teenager's one-sided argument.

Once the boy's careful inquiries were finally exhausted after being met with the girl's aggressive replies, the shadowy figure decided there was nothing more to see here – and slowly oozed along the wall, through the crack, and into the twilight outside.


Voland emerged from the shadows on the terrace above the city and turned to Natasha who was already waiting and slowly removed the no longer necessary pieces of the uniform. "Report."

"I followed the couple – I think we can call them that now", she smirked, "to Katsuragi's residence. The teenagers were arguing over something, I believe, but my arrival broke that up."

"What can you tell me about the two adults?" Voland asked.

"Classic case of 'can't live with you, can't live without you', messire", Natasha let out a sigh. "But with a few stern shakes for each of them, they could make it work. Or a firm kick in the rear for one of them to make a move."

"How stern or how firm, in your opinion?" Voland inquired, raising an eyebrow with a hint of amusement on the handsome face.

"Quite stern and quite firm, messire", the witch replied after a moment of pondering. "Making them realize how fragile their lives are, or how many people depend on them, or maybe put one of them in mortal danger?"

"Mr. Kaji seems to be doing the last part just well himself, judging from what others have collected about him", Voland shrugged. "And they know about the fragility of life, they saw a lot of in their youth, at least by their dossiers. But indeed, perhaps a wake-up call for Ms. Katsuragi, reminding her of her responsibilities would be in order", they concluded. "Is there anything else?"

"Well, we can always provoke one of them to make a move by making them think the other is planning something" Natasha wiggled her eyebrows. Seeing that this did not gain her master's recognition, she turned to a more serious tone. "There's not much else to recommend, messire. Them getting together would simplify several things, and all they need is a push. As for the kids, they were upset with something, especially the girl. Something happened between them, likely a minor argument in their relationship."

"They are not in a relationship, witch", Voland corrected.

"Messire?" she tilted her head. "I am the last to question you, but… they certainly want each other."

"You, of all people, should know that between wanting and having lies a vast, bitter and sweet land of longing", Voland smiled a crooked smile. "But this is a matter that we will be addressing soon enough. Be ready for tomorrow. We're resuming the inspection at nine. Dismissed."

"Yes, messire", Natasha bowed her head with a smile and straddled her broom, leaving a moment later.

'Even more people to cover…' the darkening figure mused. 'It seems I must delegate again. No matter', Voland shook their head. 'And aside from Rei Ayanami and perhaps the charming rogue in question, I think we have everyone researched just fine, some even more than needed. Let's put one more pair of eyes on them, shall we?'

Words in the language no human being was able to hear and remain sane carried in a whispering, melodic voice over the wind. A few minutes later a dark shadow of a cat materialized at Voland's legs. After a few exchanged words and meaningful looks, the cat smiled and jumped off the ledge, disappearing.

Voland returned to contemplating the slowly lighting-up city; a thought crossed their mind.

'Let's just hope the NERV HQ doesn't go up in flames before we're done with it.'
Excellent chapter as always. I can't wait to see what Voland and their gang have in store for the folks at NERV.