New Hunters. (A Supernatural RP.) (Waitlist.)

The one about elves and humans. Your char was so good. He was like a violent cute puppy. Kruaz I believe?
The one about elves and humans. Your char was so good. He was like a violent cute puppy. Kruaz I believe?
IIRC that RP fizzled out. (Though that might have been when I got banned.) And he wasn't so much a cute puppy as an unrepentant serial killer, torturer, pyromaniac and cannibal.
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Ooh all the better to work with Raven. Yes, ppls weren't posting, so I guess it died. :( *Pouts.*
Ooh all the better to work with Raven. Yes, ppls weren't posting, so I guess it died. :( *Pouts.*

If this is the Humans v Elves RP we're talking about, I do think you had a good idea going and some solid potential. I also did have a character written up but ultimately decided not to go through with it. From the range of the characters made, it looked like the peace-deal storyline was going to be gutted via player action. I'm not really a fan of PvP in any fashion, so I didn't really want to join when the results seemed to be inevitable. :(

I'm far more of a fan of jolly co-operation (is that how the meme goes? I've never played Dark Souls).
I cannot control what players wanna do. If they wanna kill Ariatia I cannot stop them unfortunately.
Kinda feel you need to tighten up your writing before you post it; the RP definitely had some great ideas and a good hook but the characters you were controlling seemed a bit wooden. Not to say I'm any better, I fumble a lot with that touch of life myself but you swept between points of view without any definite separations and... well look at your fourth post in the IC thread. That opening paragraph suffered from a surfeit of awkwardness and could likely have benefited from a closer scrutiny. Run over it a few more times before you post is my advice on that, grammar problems and awkward conversation/action sequences are some of the biggest killers of quests and RPs, since they grind away at the audience's... (investment? suspension of disbelief? I brainfarted a really obvious word here).
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Sighs. I've been trying. It doesn't seem to work. I can definitely reread that post that was awkward. Dunno if my writing shall ever get any better though. SV's standards seem way way higher than anything I could match with my high school girls' writings.

What's wrong with someone stretching? I do it all the time.
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It depends. From my perspective, SV's writing standards are reasonable and even if a story doesn't meet them if its funny, easy to get hooked in, you'll have people reading it.

As for RPs when I GM them. I'm generally strict and rarely retract a decision when its cast unless I'm wrong. For example if one of the Players failed to post in a limited amount of days, he get kicked out, I can't compromise my RP waiting undefinitely for him and bore the other Players waiting. The guys with a slow posting time or just fizzle out after we barely started generally. I then replace them with the Players in the waiting list.

When Players see you are lenient about your rules they'll unintentionally or intentionally break them or do whatever they want. I always make sure to remind the Players that there is always consequences to their actions. For example if they wished to kill X character, that powerful NPC or organization won't particularly like it.

As for a way to improve your writing. I can't help you much on this one. Just read, read and read and occasionally write and reread your work and make a self-review of it and find someone to help you proofread your work. I'm but an average highschool girl too, If I can do it I don't see why you cannot.
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None of my stories even get ratings anymore. I've lost the creative whatevs to write stories. As for RPs I can see what you mean about lenient rules. Though if I were GMing I'd wanna wait for all players to get going 'cause like I have a habit of getting involved in millions of them and then I wanna keep up with them all.
Right so, Before we go any farther I want to clarify some things. Just to keep confusion to a minimum.

This is an Example. I will do this to make Situational Aspects obvious in the writing. If you take a consequence then I will post this:

Consequence Gained: Joined a new RP.

Right after the Paragraph where you got it.

Any Boosts will be given in the same way. Any questions?
I know it seems obvious but, I've had people ask me questions that had obvious answers that I didn't post. Mainly stuff like this. Now I'll be honest that was more of a problem on SB but, I'm not going to take any chances.
What is a consequence?
I thought I explained that in this post?
If you get hit by an attack, either you absorb the hit and stay in the fight, or you're KO. When you absorb the hit you take either stress or consequence. When you take stress, check off a stress box depending on the value of the hit. What he rolled basically.

The physical stress track deals with physical harm, and the mental stress track deals with mental harm. The more in a stress track, the more resilient is your character.

When you can't add anymore stress on your character there is consequences which represent if you didn't guess already a lasting injury or side-effect from the conflict. They have different shift value. 2 for mild, 4 for moderate and 6 for severe.

When you use a consequence slot. You subtract the shift value of the attack by the shift value of the consequence slot you used. When used it give you an aspect that your enemy can invoke. Like 'Broken Arm' 'Fear of Scissors' for an example of both physical and mental.
Oh yes you did. I got to like bookmark your post or something ha ha. :p
Going to a facility at 3 PM gonna be through Fri. I am sorry I came back earlier. They were misgendering me and I couldn't take it.
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Alright so, I had more free time than I expected today. Does anyone have anything against me posting the IC today around 6:00 PST?