New Game Inc.

ya, he's the dragon of the real villain that.

That would be one hell of a final boss for a co-op game. you and your buddy play through every level working together to defeat challenge after challenge until the two of you stand victorious over the Leader of the space lizards only for the Angel who sent you on your quest to reveal them-self as the true villain. forcing you to fight your deer comrade as the true final boss.
There are 4 different routes:

1. Management. The Team Leader is this. They are support, giving bonuses to rolls and filling out rosters you dont quite have enough for.
2. Research. More features, cheaper features, things! Some researchers require a certain amount of lvl3+ Research-track for example, requiring you to have those Employees before researching.
3. Marketing. Making the game more popular regardless of quality. Can smooth out bad rolls and act as multipliers for great games
4. Game-Design. The Hacker is the start of this. Granting bonii to making games and unlocking certain researches (such as Consoles) the Game-Designer is the mainstay of any game company, actually MAKING games.

Your Coders are essentially a group of 20-somethings who know a little bit about everything, totally unspecced
Stupid Reality, every time I get on here something pulls me away. Sorry for the delay guys

Starting Money: 40,000
Monthly Expenses: 4,750
Training costs: 2,000
Buying costs: 0
Game development costs: 4,000
Game release costs: 0

Star Knight: 3,480

New Balance:

Next month Income (projected):
Star Knight: 3, 407 (in cost at 113 Money)
-73 *5 Money

Next month Expenses (projected):


Buying new buildings:
lvl1 Generico: Houses 3 Employees, Bonus to marketing-style Employees at lvl2+, 15,000 (500/month upkeep)
lvl1 Crampinton Offices Inc.: Houses 5 Employees, Bonus to Housing at lvl2+, 10,000 (500/month upkeep)
lvl- Training Camp: Allows the training of level3 Workers, up to 3 groups may be training in the Camp at any time. (500/month upkeep)

Upgrading buildings:
lvl2 Generico: Houses 3 Employees, +5 to any dice rolls where a Marketingtype Employee housed in this building works at (stacks), 15,000

Hiring new workers:
Coder: The basic worker, no bonuses to anything, but may perform any action that has no prerequisites for Job-track, 1,000 (500/month upkeep)

Training new workers:
lvl1 Hacker: Turns a Coder into a Hacker, who gains a +5 bonus to all Coding-related jobs, but cannot perform any job unrelated to such, 2,000 (+250/month upkeep), having one unlocks further research options
lvl1 Advertiser: Turns a Coder into an Advertiser, who gains a +5 to any Marketing-related jobs, but cannot perform any job unrelated to such, 2,000 (+250/month upkeep), having one unlocks the Hype Game subturn (the vote where you described the name and box for a week in-game? Hype goes in there)
lvl1 Team Leader: Turns a Coder into a Team Leader, who can be applied to any other type of Employee to give a +10 bonus on their check. Counts as an Employee for the quota but cannot be the sole Employee in an action unless otherwise stated, 2,000 (+250/month upkeep)
Hum. While we need the results of our last game before we can make a real plan, I'd like to train a coder into a hacker to unlock new research, and do research with our other people, as a basic plan idea for this month. We should be making enough money now we can afford to do some research, and since hackers are the 'make a game' specialists to my understanding, we should be able to make a better game next time we do make a game...
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Don't forget to vote to do research with the other people so we don't waste a week only doing one persons training.

[X] Train one coder into a hacker.
[X] Research with the rest of the team.
Don't forget to vote to do research with the other people so we don't waste a week only doing one persons training.

[X] Train one coder into a hacker.
[X] Research with the rest of the team.

Pretty sure we do the research any way as it was voted for previously but just in case.

[X] Train one coder into a hacker.
[X] Research with the rest of the team.