Sorry to cut in during the discussion, I don't really feel I'm too qualified to say anything on the discussion but I wanted to at least comment on the chapter. It was a strong chapter, I really felt bad for Natsu during it. Having that sort of thing spilled out into the open like that must be... well I can't even begin to imagine what it'd be like and Touji's reaction was definitely not what she needed at that point in time.

It was nice to see some backup from Rei there, although quite violent backup. I do like Akagi here as well, you write her really well.
That's okay, I'm getting the feeling that the discussion is going nowhere and this doesn't feel like the right place to be discussing the inevitable morass that is transgender disclosure. But what really bothers me?


Where has Mari met Natsu? Why is she an Admiral? What is she doing here?
That's okay, I'm getting the feeling that the discussion is going nowhere and this doesn't feel like the right place to be discussing the inevitable morass that is transgender disclosure. But what really bothers me?


Where has Mari met Natsu? Why is she an Admiral? What is she doing here?
It just admiral. Admiral of the fleet.

I'll probably begin work today on the next installment.
I'm gonna need this to stop. So please stop. Everyone. Nothing else on this matter please.
that's the end of it The OP said stop. And this argument is way to heated. On consultation with the author, no infractions will be dispensed, but she's unhappy and everyone needs to chill. So that's the end of it. Period. Next post that starts this argument back up gets a long threadban and points.
That's okay, I'm getting the feeling that the discussion is going nowhere and this doesn't feel like the right place to be discussing the inevitable morass that is transgender disclosure. But what really bothers me?


Where has Mari met Natsu? Why is she an Admiral? What is she doing here?

The world will never least until the next chapter.
Chapter 17
Chapter 17:

House of Gold​

"We've met before?"

Of all the questions I cold have asked, that was the only one that I could manage to articulate. This woman knew my mother. My mother knew the Admiral of the Fleet? No, she couldn't have been so high ranking back then. Somehow, though, we had met? I would have remembered--

I heard the snapping of fingers and my eyes snapped back into focus on the woman in front of me. She had her eyebrow raised and her mouth curled on the corner. "Seems like a concussion if you're this out of it. I said 'Yes, but you were just a baby' but I've had my eye on you for a number of years."

"What makes me so special that the Admiral of the Fleet cares about me?" The question seemed stupid the moment I asked it. I was Gendo Ikari's child and the pilot of an Evangelion. Everyone in the system knew my name and the name I was born with. Of course the Admiral of the Fleet would give a shit. She probably knew that I was a potential pilot this whole time.

"I don't think that there was anything that would make the Admiral of the Fleet care about you, but that's not why I was keeping track of you. I owe a debt to Yui that I can never repay to her, so I have been trying to repay it to you instead."

I blinked at her. What could I say to that? She owed my mother and was watching over me. I supposed things could have been worse than Ganymede. Hell, in some respects Earth definitely had been worse. If she'd been pulling strings, well...

"So why are you here now?"

She offered me a shrug and a smirk, "I would have been sooner but it's been very busy. Keeping information suppressed for as long as I did, well, that was the real trick."


"I was protecting you. Even with a picture of of the face of the most sought-after person in the system and it took them over a month to find anything. Why do you think that is?" Mari answered to my outburst.

"They still found out in the end, and well... you can guess how that went."

"I really wish I could have done more. I mean that." Her face shifted to a frown and the sadness seemed to reach her eyes too.

"I don't know how you did what you did do, to be honest." I admitted. Wouldn't do to get mad at her for not being able to help more than she did. There were enough people to be angry at, I couldn't extend that to her too.

"I'll tell you all about it later. For now I just need you to know that I'm on your side and I'm always going to be looking out for you." Her demeanor shifted. The air of levity in her disposition had evaporated and she seemed stiffer.

Her heels clicked against the steel flooring as she walked towards the row of windows set into the side of the hallway. She was looking out into the geofront and the sunrise being carried in via the massive mirrors that were set up on the surface.

"That's... kind of heavy. I guess it all really is, but... well, why that, why now?" I asked as I hobbled after her. My legs were weak but they'd hold me, through sheer force of will if nothing else. At the very least, the railing along the window gave me something to hold onto.

She was taller than me, but then that wasn't really all that surprising. I had to look up to meet the reflection of her eyes in the glass. There was more there than I could see, I was sure.

"Now, because this is the first chance I've had to see you and... and why?" She paused, maybe for dramatic effect, or maybe to find the words. Or maybe she just didn't want to say it. Her jaw finally tensed up before her shoulders relaxed, more in defeat than calm I suspected.

"The why is unfortunately very simple," she started. "Things are going to get a lot worse, very quickly, and very soon. People are going to die and the only thing you or I can change is how many. We won't save everyone or, I fear, most of them."

I blinked and took a step back. Everything I'd been doing was to save people and it had been working! She couldn't just come and tell me that it was for nothing. That would mean I'd fought for nothing. I'd endured for nothing. I'd hoped and had that hope stolen for nothing.

"No, that's bullshit." I snapped at her. My fist was clenched down at my side and I found I'd squared up with her. "Don't tell me I can't do anything about it. I haven't come across the whole god damned system to get my ass beat down here just to have it mean nothing. I didn't get kicked out into space without a suit, get my ass kicked, bleed, fight, and get my heart broken just so you could tell me they're gonna die anyway. I don't know who the hell you think you are that you can tell me that I can't stop it because that's exactly what I'm gonna do!"

I felt the fire coursing through my blood. Adrenaline and stubborn insubordination fought gravity for me. I didn't have another fight in me and we both knew that but damn if I didn't feel like giving it the good old college try anyway.

She shook her head and took a step back, that somber expression melted away to be replaced by a smug smirk right at the corner of her mouth and a laugh. A deep hearty laugh from the belly that threatened to knock the wind right out of my sails, but only just barely.

"Well aren't you just the spitting image of Yui Ikari after all? Well I never said I wouldn't let you try your hardest. If you wanna go down swinging that's just fine with me. You think you're gonna give fate a one-two punch? Well I'm in. All the calculation in the world couldn't account for an Ikari with a head of steam." She clapped a hand down on my shoulder and shook her head again, still laughing her laugh.

"What? Is that all it took? An impassioned speech to get the Admiral of the Fleet on my side?" I asked, sure that my shock was written all over my face.

She shook her head, "No. It was that fire in your eyes, Ikari. Didn't sway the Admiral of the Fleet, but it did sway Mari Makinami, and of the two I think you've got the better deal. I meant everything I said about what's coming for you, but if you think you've got it in you, I'm willing to be wrong."

"Is it really just that easy?" I asked with a growing sense of whiplash. If she'd meant to startle me out of my anger she'd done a bang-up job of it. Maybe the concussion made it easy or maybe she was just pulling my strings to see how I'd dance but at the end of it I didn't really have much of a choice either way, did I?

"Nothing about what lies ahead is going to be easy, Natsu Ikari. It would have been easy if you'd let me help you run away."

I stopped and blinked. What? "That's what you were trying to offer me? An escape?"

She nodded and turned back to the window. "Like I said, I owe Yui more than I can ever repay. I don't think that when she build that Evangelion that she did so with the intent that you would be the one piloting it."


"Oh, no, I guess you wouldn't have known that. Unfortunately it looks like our time is just about up. The other shoe is about to drop and neither of us can afford to miss it."

"What?!" I yelled, finding my outdoor voice to respond to the added layers of confusion she just kept piling onto me. The scatterbrained way the conversation had meandered to this point had just about short circuited any chance I had at following it and I needed some kind of clarity.

She pointed her finger at the ceiling tile and, a moment later, the alarm klaxon began to echo throughout the base. "That would be the other shoe dropping."

"This doesn't get you off the hook." I protested as she turned to leave. I, of course, had places to go as well but still.

"No, it doesn't. So, until next time, Miss Ikari, I'll be keeping my eyes on you."

I found myself staring blankly after her as the alarm continued to shrill in my ears. I would need to get to the cage and then they'd deploy me, I'd go fight another Angel--

My phone's buzzing distracted me from my train of thought and jarred me out of my trance. Everyone who mattered knew I was already inside headquarters, so I shouldn't have received a phone call as long as I reported to the cage on time.

Misato's face was on the screen and I hit the accept button. "Hello?"

"If you're not already in the elevator take the section C-6 emergency exit directly into the geofront. We're deploying Unit One directly in front of the pyramid. You'll have to board it in the field. Run, because we don't have much time." She sounded hurried, impatient, but most concerning, she sounded afraid.

Her order was punctuated with a loud, though distant, explosion and one of the light panels set into the dome blew out in a cloud of broken glass. That hadn't happened before. "Roger that."

It was going to get worse? I'd have to meet that head on.


The explosions were increasing in frequency and intensity. Whatever the hell was happening up in the city was getting closer to breaking through the armor plating. I could feel the concussion in my chest and it made my ears ring.

My legs burned and if it weren't for the adrenaline and the fear I might not have been able to keep going. As I was, I knew I was injuring myself more and more with every step, but I had to keep going. Even if I didn't care about anyone else, the only safe place to be was going to be inside of the Evangelion.

As hard as it was to keep my legs under me, the shaking and heaving of the ground under me didn't make it any easier. It felt like the planet was going to split open and swallow me up at any second if I didn't keep going.

The alarm klaxons and flashing yellow strobe lights ahead of me signaled that I was where I needed to be. The probably meters-thick steel doors set into the courtyard lawn not a dozen meters to my left retracted into the ground. Two steel rails extended upwards and the rumbling intensified.

And instant later a blast of high pressure air made my ears pop and nearly knocked me off my feet, and then Unit One burst through the opening and hit the end of the launch railing with a thunderous clang. It was a awesome, intimidating sight. I'd never been so close to an Evangelion while standing on the ground before. It was one thing to stand in front of the head, it was another entirely to stand at its feet.

It was ready for me. I could feel the shadow of feedback, even at this range the implant was trying to link. I couldn't move it, couldn't really feel it but I could feel that it was there without even looking. The entry plug was extended and waiting for me.

There would be a cable lift that would carry me up to the hatch, I could board from--

An explosion and a bright flash of light came from directly above me. I threw my hand up to shield my eyes and, as the light faded, I could see the open sky beyond the hole in the armor plating. It was only a moment later that the foundation of one of the retractable buildings failed and it broke free, to fall straight down towards me.

The cable lift wouldn't be fast enough. There was nowhere to run. There was no time for fear, only realization: This was how I'd die. Not on Ganymede. Not on the orbital station after it decompressed. I wouldn't die falling to Earth either. Not even during a battle against an Angel.

At least, not while actually fighting one.

So I looked towards the sky as the small concrete five story building fell towards me. Mari would have to live with letting me down. Misato would have to find someone else to save the world. I would... I would...

"I'll see you soon, Mom."

A twinge in my mind, I felt it before I heard it. The sound of high carbon steel tearing.The launch railing was mangled but more than that, Unit One was free. I could feel an animalistic urgency rolling off of it.

In one moment it was standing still as a statute in the face of my impending demise, in the next I was wrapped up in its left hand and felt like I'd been hit by an emergency braking burn. No, that wasn't right. Even the Tengu hadn't punched me that hard when we'd dropped into the atmosphere.

I couldn't see from inside of the closed fist and I couldn't hear over the roaring of the air and the smashing of concrete.

As quickly as the forces had hit me and let off, they hit me again. I tried not to throw up from the rough handling and had mostly steadied myself when I was finally able to see light again. The hand was open--

--and I was falling from it. A few moments of panic before I splashed into a half-full entry plug full of LCL. There was no time to think about it: I was alive and I needed to stay that way. I was half way into the seat by the time the hatch closed, and I was already punching in my startup sequences by the time the plug started to retract.

Unit One saved me. It saved my life and nobody was piloting it. There was always more to it than a simple machine, wasn't there? This was more, even, than that. I could feel... not quite a mind, but something on the other end of my link with it. Something that wanted me to live.

The screens finally came online and I could see the destruction outside. Unit One was collapsed onto the ground in a half-crouch and in front of it was the building that had fallen and almost killed me. The launch rails were destroyed and it looked like the entire catapult assembly had collapsed back into the launch tube.

And that could have been me.

"--moved by itself?! I want systems diagnostics run right now!"

The comms had finally come back up. My controls were online and I was ready to fight. Everything felt full one-to-one and I could feel every single rivet and joint my Eva had. "No, Doctor Akagi, it's fine. I'm fine. I can feel it, I'm ready to fight."

"You almost died. We have to get you back here and run tests, there could be--" That was Maya's voice. I hadn't talked to her as much lately, but it was nice to see she still cared.

"If she doesn't fight, we all die. If she says she's fine, she's fine. We'll do it. Give me status!" Misato. She was going to drink about this later. If I had my way, so would I. As long as we were all alive for it.

"Power generation is online, feedback is responsive, feels very close to realtime. Sync rate is..." I trailed off as I read the display. There was no way. "This can't be right, display is saying one-fifty on the money."

"That's... Shit. Don't worry about it, We'll discuss it when we're not dead. The Angel is going to be right in front of you in about thirty five seconds. If you can't beat it, try to keep it busy. The Martians are giving it hell but it's not going down. We've got a few tricks up our own sleeves, so give it your all."

"Roger that, Misato. Natsu Ikari, Unit One, ready to fight!"

"Sorry to butt in. This is Soryu, The Nikola Tesla just took a reactor hit and she's going down. I can't hold it back any longer, I'm withdrawing to the Geofront. Ikari, you better be as good as they said you are."

I wanted to say that I was, but fear wouldn't let me make that boast. At least, not before I felt a warm embrace around me, even though I was alone. Through the link? I felt love, protection, confidence? I wasn't alone, but then I'd never ridden alone, had I?

"I'll show you how it's done."
So a friend pointed me toward this a bit back and I finally caught up, so sorry for the likestorm.

Ikari being trans (and older) implies a self-awareness that canon Shinji never had, and I like what you're doing so far. Natsu knows what she needs, and knows enough to not look to her dad to find it. Besides more trans protagonists is always a good thing

Aside from that, I like what you're doing with Rei, who seems to have developed a backbone and empathy that her canon self only just started to get before her... replacement, and the inclusion of Mari (and things she apparently knows) looks to be leading in interesting directions

So: in short, I like this and there needs to be more. Consider the thread watched
Really enjoyable chapter there, I liked the introduction of Mari and the references to her trying to help Natsu along the way. It must have been nice for Natsu to hear someone come out and be totally on her side and try to help her. Looking forward to more interactions between them going forward.

Next part was very intriguing, Unit 01 moving on its own is always fun to see. I liked seeing the confusion it sent throughout Natsu and the others too.
And there at the end, Natsu's mouth starts writing checks, but now I'm worried by what Mari was talking about.

....And how Mari knew it was coming.
"You're so fucked up."
This. Is. Eva.

"Admiral of the Fleet, Mari Makinami,
What utter lunatic thought making Mari an Admiral was a good idea? This woman uses cocaine as a downer!
The scatterbrained way the conversation had meandered to this point had just about short circuited any chance I had at following it and I needed some kind of clarity.
Welcome to 'Every conversation with Mari ever'.
At least, not before I felt a warm embrace around me, even though I was alone. Through the link? I felt love, protection, confidence? I wasn't alone, but then I'd never ridden alone, had I?
Hi mom!
Chapter 18
Chapter 18:

The Mighty​

The sky was full of fire. The roof of the geofront had half-collapsed. The Angel had descended into my domain with razor sharp ribbon arms and eyes so full of white hot hatred.

Unit Two was no longer white.

Black ashen scorch marks and the crimson of blood that could have come from either Eva or Angel stained the once perfect glossy white of the machine's armor. The left shoulder pylon was missing and there seemed to be a hitch in its step as it moved closer to me and further from the enemy.

I had to wonder how much of the damage was her being too close when she fired the lever-action grenade launcher she held at the ready.

The two pistols I held seemed quaint by comparison. If she wasn't making ground with her weapon, I didn't see how I was going to do much better with mine. That didn't mean I was going to let her have the last laugh; I had to show this amateur how it was done.

My right hand tightened around the grip of the pistol and I felt the feedback so perfectly it was as though I was holding it with my very own hand. In a way, it felt like an entirely separate body that I could control in parallel with my own.

The abbreviated legs of the Angel touched the ground and that was my signal to begin. I launched Unit One off the ground hard enough to split the ground under my feet. From zero to a flying leap directly at the Angel, both pistols banging out a beat against its AT field.

Every shot deflected into the ground and kicked out large clouds of dust and dirt and debris. I dropped both pistols and rolled the throttle control to the maximum setting. I hit the top of my jump's arc and then started descending rapidly under full throttle.

I drew my right hand back into a fist and held my left in front of me as I dove towards the target. In front of me stacks of bright hexagons appeared, blocking my path. I'd never seen an AT field that powerful, but I wasn't going to stop on account of it.

My left fist hit the first layer and shattered through to the end of the stack, then another appeared to take its place. I threw a right punch and broke through the next stack. Left, right, left, right, but I wasn't making any progress, just holding my ground.

A flash of white and red appeared next to me and the stack collapsed down another level and I pushed closer. If I could break through to the core, a few good hits would end it. The giant tooth with a bizarre bird skull for a face would end and this would be just another mark in the column marked W. Even if I was good for nothing else, I was good for this.

The sharp sting against my left side was the only notice I was given of an incoming attack; the Angel's right foil-arm had speared through my armor and left me bleeding, but not out of the fight by any means.

I throttled up past the safe zone and screamed as I threw the hardest punch I could muster with my right hand. The screaming of alarms in my ears faded out in favor of the sounds of my own rage. The final stack collapsed and my fist came down hard over the glassy red core.

My armor cracked when it came down on a bony plate instead. The bastard had even that trump card? I threw another punch as my drive's safety's kicked in and shut it down. Another, another, another. Each jab further cracked my armored glove and did nothing to make that shell give in.

A flash of movement on my left drew my attention in time to see the charred gauntlet of Unit Two wrapped around the Angel's right arm, pinning it in mid strike. Holding it back from striking me?

The pressure that hit my chest felt like I'd been hit by a comet, the AT field had thrown me back away from the Angel and into the air. I guess it could have only stayed down for so long, after all. They healed if we didn't kill them fast enough, didn't they?

The battle-worn Unit Two still held onto that arm, using it as an anchor to fight the Angel's attempts to repel it. The grenade launcher barked out shots repeatedly into the armor plate, but from as far away as I'd been thrown there was no way to be sure if it was doing any damage.

"Natsu, backup is on the way."

The transmission was simple, direct, and to the point. Unit Zero would give us the full set, three on one we'd surely--

The roaring of a fusion drive on the external sensors wasn't what I expected. A drive not particularly meant for atmospheric use and so without the acoustic baffling that the one on my Evangelion had. The Tesla had already crashed, that left few alternatives.

I looked up to see if the Martian battlecruiser had come down for another visit but instead was greeted by the blocky cylindrical figure of the Tengu. I'd never considered how big it really was, even as a smaller ship. Easily a head or two taller than Evangelion.

The attitude control jets fired aggressively and the ship violently pitched and rolled around its axis as it rose into the sky. The gun ports along the dorsal and ventral ridges of the ship opened up and the defense cannons slotted into firing position.

"Make me a window and I'll shove the main gun down his throat." That was a voice I'd recognized and, for a minute I was sure we were going to win because of it.

A second wind filled me and I slammed the controls to the stops. "Roger that, Aoba. I'll plow the road."

Unit One and I shared one body in that moment and together we sprinted towards destiny, or, perhaps towards absolution. A victory here could forgive a multitude of sins, couldn't it?

Each step was faster than the one before it, each meter of distance closed tore a deeper rut in the soft earth as a combination of muscular strength and fusion rocket thrust overwhelmed anything the ground could have hoped to withstand.

I hit the AT field at a decent fraction of the speed of sound and my fist shattered through every layer of it right down to that armor plate over the Angel's core. The bone armor cracked under the impact and I sent the beast up and into the air.

A silent streak impacted the bone-armor plate and deflected upwards at a steep angle. The sound of an explosion followed and the Angel continued to live. A starship railgun couldn't kill it even with the AT field neutralized?

A projectile that had moved so fast it had turned the air into plasma couldn't break it, what hope did we even have?

"This is Admiral Makinami on the M.R.N. Giovanni Schiaparelli. You're gonna wanna light that candle of yours because I'm about to kill the Angel and the entire city is going to go along with it. You've got three hundred seconds until I fire."

I didn't need to be told twice to get the hell away from that monster. I backpedaled and turned to run towards the recovery lifts. I didn't know exactly what it was that Mari had meant by the first half of her transmission but she seemed to be under the impression that escape was possible.

And I wasn't ready to die.

"Natsu, retreat to lift Q-3, we're deploying S-type equipment for on-site refit. We're going offline for the evacuation now, you're on your own until we re-establish communication." That sounded like Akagi. I had to wonder why it wasn't Misato, but then she was probably busy with the evacuation.

Q-3 wasn't far, a half a kilometer further away from the Angel. The ground shook under me, far more than I could have caused on my own, with each step. The telemetry coming in over my onboard sensors was... troubling. Seismic activity was off the charts, and it wasn't focused on the Angel.

The armored hatch on lift Q-3 explosively jettisoned into the sky rather than retracting and a complicated looking equipment rig slid out of the open chasm. It looked vaguely like the body plan of an Evangelion, in a T-pose. Additional armor plating with vernier thrusters and an a larger backpack unit with what looked like solid rocket boosters attached to it.

So that's what evacuation looked like to them.

I followed the cues provided by the onboard computer and stepped backwards into the rig. In front of me, Asuka was firing at the Angel to keep it at bay while retreating backwards towards her own S-type equipment.

I felt heavier with each attachment by the automatic systems, I'd be slower across the ground with all this extra weight bolted on but it wasn't really for going across the ground.

Unit One slumped forward as the rig completed attaching the S-type equipment. I was free. I took two steps forward before cannons embedded in the surviving upper armor of the geofront opened fire on the Angel and covered it in a cloud of smoke and explosions.

Tengu was still twisting and dancing through the air flinging PDC and railgun rounds at the Angel, never hesitating and never stopping in its jaunt through the sky.

Not to kill it, to serve as a distraction. A kilomter and a half ahead of me and on the right Asuka and Unit Two were nearly finished with their refit.

"Natsu, I'm linking you to my navigation. We're getting out of here. Stand by and let the automatics handle it." Aoba's voice, from the Tengu. That confirmed what I'd suspected and could really be the only explanation for the S-type equipment.

The ground started to collapsed downwards under me and the boosters strapped to my back ignited. I fell a few meters before i began to ascend. I could see on my display that Unit Two was ascending as well and that the Tengu was leading us up and out.

Down below, the 'floor' of the geofront continued to collapse downwards and fall away from the central pyramid of headquarters. It looked like there was a cavity surrounding the central shaft that extended down further than even the Evangelion's sensors could see.

At least until the bright blue flare of a fusion drive illuminated the bottom of the chasm and the entire central shaft started to ascend. No, not just the central shaft, there was too much bulk to it. Way too much bulk to it.

Headquarters was a star ship. A huge one, one that shouldn't be able to launch from Earth, and yet what I was seeing with my own eyes put the lie to everything I thought I knew about hoisting mass out of a gravity well.

"What in the hell is that, Aoba?" I half-yelled over the comm link to the Tengu as we continued to ascend ahead of it.

"That's Leviathan. Now that the cat's out of the bag there are gonna be a lot of people upset with us-- stand by, incoming fire from orbit."

I guessed that meant time was up on Mari's directive. Everything happened so fast I couldn't even see it, and would later have to put it together from sensor logs onboard Unit One.

In the moment, however, I was faced with the brightest light I had ever seen and a scream that tore into my mind. The darkness that followed was a relief.
A silent streak impacted the bone-armor plate and deflected upwards at a steep angle. The sound of an explosion followed and the Angel continued to live. A starship railgun couldn't kill it even with the AT field neutralized?
Damn, Zeruel is OP bullshit. The armor plate on it's core just ignoring anti-ship railgun fire? Jeebus.

And shit, what just hit Natsu?
Since life in Evangelion is seeded by Adams or Liliths, what are the chances that a planet that was in prime habitability millions of years ago found itself home to "children of Adam"?