Heh. If Ritsuko has admitted to Natsu that she's not certain that Gendo is capable of love, I wonder if that means she won't take it as badly that Gendo will never love her? Of course that might not stop her if things get that bad.

When they get that bad, rather.

Also, for all that she's a few years older, seems like Natsu still has canon!Shinji's desire for her father's love. Maybe she's enough tougher to be able to handle that she probably won't ever get it.


Well, fuck. If there is a worse way for your new boyfriend to learn some facts about your medical history he might not be entirely comfortable with, I really don't want to know what it is.

Well, there's how Shinji found out about Asuka and Kaworu in Braver Than We Are; dunno if that's better or worse. On the one hand, 'everyone else knows now' and on the other 'you have to answer to authority about your response the instant you find out.'
Took me a while but I was finally able to catch up on this and binge it over the course of the morning. Some absolutely great stuff here, you really do get a great sense of everything Natsu is going through. You capture the fear, the insecurities, the battles both within herself and the actual Angel battles very well.

Really liked the little thing she has with Touji as well. Some cute moments, especially the whole date sequence.

Most recent chapters were a gut punch with the revelations about Natsu's mortality followed by the end of that last chapter.

Will say, I also think Natsu has been written very well. Overall, great job so far. I'm def looking forward to reading more :)
As in, is Kensuke the author/publisher/source for that scoop?
Last year /pol/ managed to locate a flag with the only information to its location being the pattern of contrails in the sky.

Within thirty six hours they found and vandalized the flag.

Touji was running a livestream that managed to capture Natsu's face when she took him into the entry plug. The internet has seen her face, and now they want to know who she is.

Really, it's probably more shocking it took them this long to dig up dirt on her, considering how hard people would be looking to figure out who an eva pilot is.
So the next question is, how much of a pariah is whoever wrote that headline going to be for deadnaming someone who's prevented multiple Angels from wrecking Tokyo-3? (For you cis-het people playing along at home, a "deadname" is what trans people call the name they were born with that no longer reflects their gender. It's a touchy subject, and even asking them what it was is an extremely personal question at best. Addressing them by it is grossly insulting and disrespectful.)
Much as I'd like to think that in the year 2318 the only effect being trans would have on someone is an easy implant that regulates proper hormone balance and some lab-grown organs, the meeting with SEELE - sorry, 'the Committee' - showed us that transphobia is alive and well in the New Century.
Chapter 16

Chapter 16:

The Hard Way​

"You could have told me! You had all this time and I had to find out from the internet?"

If I hadn't been wearing the mobility rig he'd given me, I don't think I'd have been able to stand up under it. The will to keep trying had left me fifteen minutes before and it was just inertia that carried me as far as I'd come.

He'd know, he'd learned, before I could warn him, before I could do any kind of damage control. I shouldn't have needed to, and I didn't think I'd even have to, but in the end there was no avoiding the eventuality. Pessimism may not be the way to live but it did have a certain accuracy to it.

It was his fault, in the end. The very thing that put us in the same bed is what put me out for the world to see my old shame. If he'd never come off that roof, if I'd never took him into the cockpit. That blasted camera.

"I didn't tell you because it didn't matter. It shouldn't... I shouldn't have to tear old wounds open just because--"

"Because what? Because I might want to know? Don't you think that I might have cared?" Touji fired back. His face was red, his arms shaking. He didn't know what to do with himself, but then I didn't either.

"So we could have had this fight earlier? There's no point in living in the past. I killed Shinji Ikari and buried him there. There was nothing to tell you because he doesn't exist." I felt my arm straining, I was clenching a fist and I hadn't really realized I'd been doing it until the pain set in.

Nerv cafeteria probably wasn't the best place to have this fight. Thankfully it was empty, or at least it had rapidly become that way.

He took a step towards me and then stopped. More than hate or disgust, fear was written on his face. Afraid of me? Afraid of what he'd already done, or maybe afraid of what he might do next?

"I... I can't do this. I need time to... to think. You know... I... I think I loved you? Goodbye, Natsu."

He turned to leave and I dropped to my knees. He would've said that. He would've said that. Those words I needed so desperately to hear and then... take them from me just like that. To have it only after it was already taken away. That was a worse fate than never having known it at all.

The burning behind my eyes gave way to hot tears running down my face to drip against my dress and the floor. I didn't have the strength to fight or even to stand. Hopelessness beat out righteous indignation and anger.

It was just like I was back then, weak and broken. Helpless and alone.

The door opened and I managed to work up enough energy to look up. Rei was standing in front of Touji with a look of confusion. My eyes met hers, and confusion turned to all of the fury I couldn't bring myself to feel. Her body tensed up for just a moment before she released a left hook into the side of his face.

It wasn't anything that I had wanted to see happen. The snapping crunch that echoed off the tiled floor made my stomach turn. Touji took a staggering step backwards and Rei took a step forwards, right up to his face. I could see her mouth moving, but I couldn't hear the words.

He stepped around her and out the door before I got a chance to see what had actually happened to him. Only the echo of his footsteps remained.

Rei stood in place, first turning her head to follow his departure, and then to look at me. Her rage turned to concern and she reached down to help me up to my feet. The shock of the incident had in at least a small way distracted me from my despair, enough to stand.

"What did you tell him?" I asked her, after finally finding my voice, even if it was shaky.

"I told him what he needed to hear," she answered in a tone of finality, there would be no elaboration on that point.

The dripping sound and the smell hit my senses at the same time and it was then I finally noticed that Rei's hand was covered in blood. "You didn't need to hurt him that badly."

She tilted her head ever so slightly and looked over at her left hand, then back to me. "This isn't his blood."


"You're probably the last person I would have expected to come see me with an injury like this, but then today has been a day full of things I never expected I'd have to deal with."

I could hear her eyes rolling in every word that came out of Akagi's mouth. As far as the last two days had gone, she'd at the very least worked on my brain, and now the open fracture in Rei's hand. The latter, at least, could actually be fixed.

The crunch when she set the bone and got it back inside of Rei's hand wasn't nearly as disturbing as Rei's lack of reaction to it. That she'd become that accustomed to pain made my stomach turn. For this to be nothing to her?

I swallowed hard and took a deep breath to steady myself. If she could get through it, it would be shameful if I couldn't. The worst was over anyway, after the cracking sound Akagi had sealed up the wound itself with surgical adhesive and secured a vacuum cast around Rei's hand.

Her hand was locked in the shape of a half-fist and I imagined it would be for some time while her hand healed. The lack of conversation between Rei and Akagi regarding her injury told me that there was nothing Akagi could tell her that she hadn't already been told before.

She'd clearly been through some kind of hell, but then hadn't we all?

"If it makes you feel any better, he was furious about the... information leak." Akagi commented offhand while she wrapped Rei's wrist.


She paused and shrugged, "A lot of people actually. But in this case it was your father. I wouldn't read too much into it, but I thought you might want to know."

She would understand more than anyone else would. "That doesn't fix the last decade and a half."

"There's much you don't know."

I blinked at the sudden interjection, Rei'd said that. I hadn't expected it but then I supposed she knew my father far better than I did, and probably ever would. I swallowed the sudden lump in my throat and turned to her. "What don't I know?"

"What you were spared from." She answered simply, but with a hint of an edge to her voice and a look in her eyes that wasn't so far divorced from the look she'd given Touji, if a bit less severe. It still felt like a slap to the face.

My own lack of consideration for the feelings of others had been thrown directly into my face. It was all too easy to forget that the people around me had more experience than I had.

I blinked hard and swallowed the lump forming in my throat. "No you're right I'm... I'm gonna go outside. I'm gonna be outside if you need me. I'm sorry." I rambled. My feet were carrying me without a conscious thought, towards and then through the door.

The click-clack of my shoes on the hard tile and the gentle whirr of the mobility rig under my borrowed dress were my companions, along with the tears I was fighting back. The more steps I took, the faster I took them. Not quite to a full run; even with the mobility rig I wasn't quite up to that in full gravity, not right then.

But going fast wasn't really the point. Getting away at all was a goal all its own.

The impact caught me off guard but I turned away from it and kept myself standing, somehow. I caught a flash of red against white and my hands balled up. I didn't want to feel this way, didn't want to have to hold the pain inside or fight back the tears.

Asuka Langley Soryu, in all her smug glory. White, everything so damn white, in direct defiance of everything about where she came from, about space itself. There was such an arrogance to it, the idea that she should be so special that she could waste so much for the pure sake of vanity?

She had it all taken care of for her, didn't she? Full support of Mars Fleet, her own custom painted Evangelion. All the privilege dripped off her smug countenance and I...

And I...

Well I was a discard wasn't I? Is this what I'd been spared from? Luxury? I was nothing they'd wanted till they needed me and I was cast aside by the one person who might possibly--

I was a discarded son who came home a daughter that nobody wanted once they'd realized. I was refuse, garbage, trash.

If that was what they thought of me, if that was what he thought of me... if that's what everyone expected me to be... I'd give all those feelings to someone else. Let all my selfishness well up, embrace it, and throw hands.

It was sloppy, but better than I had been before. A jab with my right fist right into her jaw, quicker than she could react. The thick wet crunch the answered could have come from her face or from my hand, but if it was the former it still hurt like the latter.

The surprise on her face mirrored the surprise on mine; I'd never expected to connect. More than that, I'd never expected it to take her off balance. Blood sprayed off her lower lip before she caught her footing and surprised turned to anger.

I brought my forearms together to block her counter attack and was only partly successful. The punch that came back my way felt like it was going to break my arms and the snap kick into my ribs took me completely without warning.

My shoulder and head cracked against the metal wall and I saw stars. I staggered a few steps back and tried to blink my vision clear, but there was never really any chance by then. She was on me and her right arm was around my neck. Her left arm was under the back of my dress--

With a click and the sensation of the full force of gravity I knew she'd disabled my mobility rig. I could stand without it, though. I snapped my head back into her nose and she let me go with a grunt. I threw my elbow backwards and caught her under the ribs, if her cough was anything to go by.

I turned around, more clumsy than before because my legs felt like rubber but I could still hold myself up. Hands up at the ready, I threw a clumsy left that she blocked with her right, then punched me in the stomach with her left.

She took a step back from me, there was blood rolling down her face and I knew I looked worse. I could feel my head throbbing and I could feel the blood running down my temple and my eyes couldn't quite stay focused.

My vision slowly shifted to greyscale and my stance lowered, fists at my sides and ready to deliver a beatdown. I needed more. It was like being in combat but I wasn't trying to deal damage. I lunged as hard as my legs could carry me--

Her shoe caught me in the side of the head mid-lunge and I collapsed straight down into a pile I front of her. My shoulder hit first and by the time I came to a stop the room was spinning around me and I was staring up into her eyes.

Her eyes were beautiful, now that I'd had a proper chance to look at them. At least, from what I could see. It was getting harder and harder to keep my own eyes focused on her. It seemed like all the anger was gone, somehow. Replaced by... by pity.

I didn't want her pity. I snarled and snapped my hand out to grab her ankle, pull her down so she could wallow in this with me. The wet thump of her foot colliding with my wrist ended my attempt and she shook her head at me.

"You're so fucked up."


I opened my eyes to the same hallway I'd closed them in. I should have been more surprised that nobody found me and took me to medical. My head was throbbing but the blood had dried. My eyes were working again, for the most part anyway.

The mobility rig was still locked up so I rolled onto my side and pulled it off the small of my back. Touji might know how to fix it, but I didn't. Figures that Asuka would know how to trash it, the way she handed my ass to me showed she had training.

I could have laid on the floor for another hour and it still wouldn't have made it any easier, so I started the arduous task of climbing the wall to get back onto my feet. I'd gotten stronger in my time on Earth and that would have helped a lot more if I hadn't also been suffering from a head wound.

"Well, aren't you just the spitting image of your mother. Seem to have her temper too."

The voice came from behind me a moment before a pair of small but strong hands lifted me the rest of the way to my feet. I hadn't even heard footsteps, but by the time I'd turned half way around the owner of the hands and the voice had stepped around me to enter my field of view.

A grown woman, though I couldn't possibly put an age to her. Brunette hair in twin-tails draped over her shoulders, thin rimmed red glasses and blue-green eyes that pierced right to the heart of me. She was, in a word, beautiful.

Given longer than that moment to look, I realized she wore the white-trimmed blood red uniform of a Mars Fleet officer. "Nothing to say then?" She asked me with a half smirk.

I blinked, hard. "Sorry I'm... I'm sorry. Who... are you?" I asked, leaving unsaid the question about how she knew my mother.

She gave a mock-formal bow and, once straightened, extended her hand to me. "Admiral of the Fleet, Mari Makinami, at your service. It's been a very long time, Miss Natsu Ikari."
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Maybe it was too much to expect that the archetypal jock wouldn't be a transphobe.

Oh well, I guess Natsu can now move on to a real relationship dating her half-alien sister or something.
There's other fish in the sea, including that angel, who would probably love Natsu regardless of what form she wears.

And yeah, don't condemn Touji for breaking up with Natsu. Rushing into sex when they hardly knew each other was the mistake there, not breaking up when you don't find your partner sexually attractive.
Honestly, Toji took it worse than I'd hoped but better than I was afraid he would. In fact his reaction was pretty much in line with what I'd expect for a guy who's never really known anyone who's trans before and just doesn't get how hard it is for Natsu to talk about her life pre-transition. Hell, I'd be a bit upset if I had to find out my girlfriend was trans from gossip and I like to think I do get it.
But he did find his partner sexually attractive. Otherwise they wouldn't have had sex. So the only possible reason for him to have reacted the way he did is that he thought he shouldn't have. Which is the way transphobia tends to work in reality, anyway.

And Jake's right; Touji could have reacted a lot worse than he did, and it would be totally in line with what other people have done in that place.
But he did find his partner sexually attractive. Otherwise they wouldn't have had sex. So the only
Someone could be sexually attracted to someone and then after knowing them better, be incapable of seeing them that way.

And while Touji's reasoning may be very apparent to us, to a near certain degree, this is a door that you do not wish to be opened, not even a crack!

People should not have to defend their reasons for not having a relationship with someone. That way lies coercion!

Eventually you end up with busybodies hating Sakura Haruno, because she persists in her crush on Sasuke while never giving that 'nice guy' Naruto a chance -- "...she must be prejudiced against him because he's the village pariah...";"...she only wants Sasuke because..."

It's Touji's love life, and if he fucks it up because he's misinformed by the media, it's still his love life to screw up!
Someone could be sexually attracted to someone and then after knowing them better, be incapable of seeing them that way.

And while Touji's reasoning may be very apparent to us, to a near certain degree, this is a door that you do not wish to be opened, not even a crack!

People should not have to defend their reasons for not having a relationship with someone. That way lies coercion!

Eventually you end up with busybodies hating Sakura Haruno, because she persists in her crush on Sasuke while never giving that 'nice guy' Naruto a chance -- "...she must be prejudiced against him because he's the village pariah...";"...she only wants Sasuke because..."

It's Touji's love life, and if he fucks it up because he's misinformed by the media, it's still his love life to screw up!
That's not really the take to have on this.

Especially given the technomagic handwavium involved in the perfection of her procedure, there's no particularly valid reason other than poorly conceived notions of what gender and sex are, or are supposed to be.

Touji's reaction is, while predictable, not meant to be validated by the narrative here.

As he said, he needs time to think, and he should be thinking. He, on some level, knows that there's some shit he needs to unpack in his mind.

If you're reading this passage as a defense of rejection due to the penis she used to have (but doesn't any longer) then I've failed somehow.

People hurt one another for bad reasons all the time, this is just another bad reason.
He hurt her because he felt hurt, scared, or angry. He was surprised with a revelation that he wasn't prepared for and in that he pushed her away and devastated her. He wasn't being reasonable, but people can be unreasonable. It doesn't make them bad people.

Being a bad person would be failing to self reflect, or digging your heels in.

At the same time, he did not hurt her in any more ways than rejecting her. There are myriad ways he could have twisted the knife, but he didn't. He broke her heart, but he did not lower himself to outright cruelty. Feelings are not so easy to turn off. He wouldn't be so angry if he didn't still have them for her.

And in the end, he still called her Natsu.

It's the end of the chapter, not the end of the book, so to speak.

ultimately I think if you're seeking to justify his reaction more than the knee jerk that is was (and instead as some sort of blanket statement that it was actually a reasonable response), you're going to find that this story will disappoint you.
It's the end of the chapter, not the end of the book, so to speak.

ultimately I think if you're seeking to justify his reaction more than the knee jerk that is was (and instead as some sort of blanket statement that it was actually a reasonable response), you're going to find that this story will disappoint you.
I give it three chapters and one Angel before he shows up with a massive bouquet, some really expensive chocolates and an abject, humble and most importantly sincere apology.
I give it three chapters and one Angel before he shows up with a massive bouquet, some really expensive chocolates and an abject, humble and most importantly sincere apology.
He'll have to do better than that, but there's every chance he will. It's not about being good, he's got to be great.

That's not for her sake, but his own.

Considering the lengths he's gone to for the sake of recreation, any length he'd go to for something more important than that would have to be... fantastic.
He'll have to do better than that, but there's every chance he will. It's not about being good, he's got to be great.

That's not for her sake, but his own.

Considering the lengths he's gone to for the sake of recreation, any length he'd go to for something more important than that would have to be... fantastic.
That sounds vaguely ominous from Natsu's perspective, but I bet it'll be fun to read about.
there's no particularly valid reason other than poorly conceived notions of what gender and sex are, or are supposed to be.

Touji's reaction is, while predictable, not meant to be validated by the narrative here.
What I understood from your story is that the media, Natsu's father, and an expected model of a representational member of the general public had a misinformed perspective.

As I recall the headline reading "Who is Shinji Ikari?" not "Who was...", if I'm remembereing correctly.

Garbage in = Garbage out. It is rather a high standard to expect Touji to decide to reevaluate his unconscious emotional reactions.

Breaking from this explanation, if you decide to have Touji do so and have him reconcile with Natsu, I'm sure I will still enjoy your excellent writing just as much. Please don't undervalue my ability to appreciate your story.

However your writing also contains plots that people facing similar situations in real life may base their decisions on.

And if people are to set their expectations that someone who loses interest in them needs to just get over their issues and return their love, that's a rather negative and disappointing view to take on life.

Sure a person could take the stance that as long as his/her lover has tested free of disease, it doesn't matter if that lover slept with an entire small town.

Sure a person could overlook that someone has a facial feature that she/he feels looks unpleasant, as long as that one with the facial feature has a good personality.

Sure someone could romance a social pariah, hated by all their friends, in defiance of their entire community.

Sure a person could overlook that their partner is a class clown, hangs out with the wrong crowd, is a delinquint with a record... actually not a good idea, but that's Naruto.

The issue is that judging someone harshly for rejecting you doesn't serve any useful purpose.

But once you start argueing with people over their personal rational for rejection, no matter how justified some cases and arguments may be, you open up that avenue for every creepy stalker or 'nice guy' to guilt with "Why don't you love me?" "Can't you just learn to appreciate me?"

It doesn't help your own love life to linger over unrequitted love, but it helps some crazy psycho stalker gather sympathetic arguments for their defense in court.

It's one of those doors best left shut, not because they are valid in their rationals, but because of the damage it would cause if just anyone could open that door!

Just find someone that appreciates you for who you are, and really knows you, before attaching yourself permanently.
I do see a thread of a point in your last post, and yes: from a story perspective, Natsu obsessing over Touji dumping her would not be very healthy. However, there's not a lot of point to expressing that right now: she hears the news report, she runs to Touji, she takes Rei to Rits, she runs into Asuka, Mari finds her. That's not really a whole lot of time for her to come to grips with being dumped. You get over a bad breakup days or weeks or months later, you don't just say 'oh, he said some really shitty things and walked away, I guess I'll have to find someone else in my world.' Especially coming pretty much right off a week of intense personal investment.

So I'm not sure where you're going with that.

The other thing I see in your post is attempting to justify why Touji might not see Natsu as attractive, which is spectacularly irrelevant. He does find her attractive. He had to, or he wouldn't have tried to break Misato and Kaji's record with her. He finds her very attractive, which is why he lashes out when he finds out that Yui's obstetrician said 'it's a boy!' He didn't stop finding her attractive when he heard the report, which is why he feels so betrayed.

You're not wrong in saying that we shouldn't be condemning one person for not finding another person attractive; you're just wrong in thinking that we are doing that or that it is relevant to this conversation.
What I understood from your story is that the media, Natsu's father, and an expected model of a representational member of the general public had a misinformed perspective.

As I recall the headline reading "Who is Shinji Ikari?" not "Who was...", if I'm remembereing correctly.

Garbage in = Garbage out. It is rather a high standard to expect Touji to decide to reevaluate his unconscious emotional reactions.
Imma gonna have to stop ya right there, buddy. Why in the flying fuck is Touji suddenly deciding that a single tabloid news article completely overrides his entire ability to observe Natsu for herself and see the truth just as valid as dismissing garbage information out of hand? Both are unconscious, kneejerk reactions to contradictory information, yet here, one leads to you acting like a reasonable human being, and the other like a gigantic shitlord.

Breaking from this explanation, if you decide to have Touji do so and have him reconcile with Natsu, I'm sure I will still enjoy your excellent writing just as much. Please don't undervalue my ability to appreciate your story.

However your writing also contains plots that people facing similar situations in real life may base their decisions on.

And if people are to set their expectations that someone who loses interest in them needs to just get over their issues and return their love, that's a rather negative and disappointing view to take on life.

[Snip half a page of apologizing for hate]
Fuck you, no. I want you to take exactly the same situation as before, but with Touji finding out that instead of legally being born a boy, Natsu is legally black. I want you to look me in the eye and tell me that Natsu should just roll over and accept that some people are going to hate who she is because of her race. Her race according to her birth certificate alone, not what people can see for themselves, no less.

And before you whine about the situations being different, they're exactly the same, and in fact are a more direct comparison than any of your bullshit hypotheticals are.

Touji chose to treat her as a liar and a hostile witness the moment some fucking tabloid article shows up to present evidence that contradicts everything he could observe for himself. The only reason he could possibly do so is because it played directly into his personal prejudices, instead of seeing it as obvious garbage and the hit piece it actually was. A Touji who wasn't already filled with hate would have shown her the article and sympathized with getting attacked, and maybe try to gently question how the fuck they could mess up this badly and think this was anything more than slander.

But no. Touji chose to reject her and refuse to listen to her because he's a transphobic asshole, and he would have equally done the same to a cis girl who had slander printed up of her because that's exactly the kind of asshole he really is. If he'd listened to her and asked questions and felt he needed to walk away and think things over anyways, it'd be a different story. There, he would have a (semi-)legitimate beef of feeling like she lied to him by omission, even if he isn't prejudiced against transwomen prima facie. He'd wouldn't be scum, just someone confused and struggling to cope with conflicting beliefs who'd never had to think about any of this stuff before.

And yes, racial preferences in bed are 100% racism of all kinds. There's no reason to believe that it's any different for transphobia, not that it's remotely questionable that it was driven by anything but internalized transphobia in Touji's case.
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Fuck you, no. I want you to take exactly the same situation as before, but with Touji finding out that instead of legally being born a boy, Natsu is legally black. I want you to look me in the eye and tell me that Natsu should just roll over and accept that some people are going to hate who she is because of her race.
Now, I'm going to have to stop you right there!

That analogy would only apply if you're stating that a person with a heterosexual orientation is already analogous to a racist! After all the only difference between Natsu being "legally black" and Natsu being "openly black" is a matter of secrecy.

Rejecting someone for being "openly black" is just as racist as rejecting someone for being "legally black"

Are you going to look me in the eye and tell me all Heterosexuals are bigots because they won't have sex with their own gender? Are you going to hold Homosexuals to the same standard when they will not consider sex with the opposite gender? Are bisexuals the only sexuality free of prejudice?

Also your flawed analogy doesn't apply because Natsu is no longer a male, whereas your "legally black" Natsu is dumped for the case of 'belonging to a discriminated against group'.

Edit: For some reason when they deleted the post I quoted, it removed my quoting of that post, making it appear as if I am (over)reacting to the post now directly above my post. The only edit I am making is to make it clear that I was responding to a post no longer there.
Edit2: Oops, they hadn't actually deleted the post I was quoting, it was another issue that made me unable to see the quote and post, restoring the post to the way it was now.
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Nobody's saying he isn't wrong about that.
Touji being wrong about that was never a point of contention, so you're hardly conceding any point there; however the way you phrased the dismissal indicates that it applies to my argument against Amorous Intents comparison of sexual preference to racism.

Would you want someone dictating to you what 'counts' as being 'okay' in your personal sexual feelings and relationships -- Someone you didn't elect; Someone who doesn't know you well; Someone who is quick to judge and criticise you?

And yet you sit there and dictate to Touji, that it 'doesn't count against his preferences if he felt pleasure.'

Touji is mistaken, but that error most likely did not originate in him, all indications in the text were that his reaction was expected of an average member of the culture.

Touji was malinformed, and while operating under the error did not choose to commit violence, emotional abuse, nor even a slight - despite suffering emotional trauma himself.

And that is what you label "a prat", well I could only hope to be half the "prat" he is! Well except for the whole, 'having sex with an emotionally vulnerable, drunk girl."!
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