Original Never Full: A Tale of Adventure, Curiosity and Hunger Without Ending [Original Quest]

Never Full
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You are Thrice-Pierced Chalice of Eternal Regard, or "Grail" for short. Raised to the life of a Vesakh, the peerless hunters, mercenaries and soldiers of fortunes known the world over for their hunger and violence in the monstrous city of Vespergren, you now travel the world for the first time in your life, seeking to learn more about the trade you've always known you'll someday ply. However, in leaving the confines of the City, you will learn more than just how to fight and kill. War looms, the powerful extend their reach, and the wild calls inside you. Lessons that countermand the creed of your people loom just beyond the edge of your vision. Curiosity wars with hunger. How will you respond? What will you become? Learn, explore, fight, eat--it will never be enough.

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