Neutrality Quest

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For untold centuries the world turned, kingdoms rose and fell, heroes became legends and...
For untold centuries the world turned, kingdoms rose and fell, heroes became legends and monsters became nightmares. For just as long, creatures of Light and Darkness fought each other in endless battles. Human warriors perished to orc berserkers which were cut down by elven archers whom were slaughtered by vampire led undead hordes only to be themselves annihilated under dwarven hammers. Angels fought against demons and paladins battled strange cults of fallen gods. The battle of good and evil, the righteous and wicked…

The stupid and the moronic.

You are not involved in the war, as much as it's possible when a war is that big. Through subterfuge, diplomacy cunning, guile and having just enough defences to not be worth conquering you have managed to stay neutral. But in recent times the war has only grown larger in scale. As technology and magic developed, the scale of damage has only grown, and Gods are taking increasing interest in what is happening to their believers. Battles rage in the ethereal skies above just as much as they do on the ground below. Now it is your time to keep you and yours out of trouble and you have your work cut out for you. But who are you and yours?


Exploding edge magic – You are the ones creating the spells and you keep the best stuff for yourselves.
Make items wanted by all sides – There is exactly one place where any item can be made and that place is here.
Fearsome – Well trained mage is the next most dangerous thing after a dragon. Most people respect that.

Few in number – You are more of organisation than a kingdom.
No natural population growth. – Children of mages do not necessarily inherit the talent. The only way to grow is to recruit novices.
Godless – Wizards give lip service to the Elder God of Magic, but otherwise do not deal with Gods.


No food consumption – Constructs of metal and stone do not require anything besides some repairs every decade or so.
Absurdly tough – There are many things that kill others that aren't even worth noticing to your people. Like poison or heat or time.
Master craftsmen – Not having any real needs most Golems take up a craft and practice it until disturbed, which can mean decades of swordsmithing at a time.
Devour heat – As body of a golem heats up, it's movements speed up, reaching their maximum of roughly twice speed and agility of humans at 200C

Low population growth – Golems are not born but constructed. There are few specialised and respected golems that craft new ones. It does not happen swiftly.
Decentralised – Golems have no real government, operating as individuals and only occasionally meeting to discuss matters that affect them all.
Slow moving – Natural speed of a golem is a quarter of a human. This makes them about twice as fast as tortoises.
Hubris – Many Golems have no respect for danger or skills that other races possess.


Warrior culture – All minotaurs have skill and strength comparable to elite warriors of other races.
Great smiths – Minotaur metalcraft is among best there is.
Labyrinth delvers – Minotaurs instinctively know the layout of any structure they are in.

Tribal –Minotaurs live in small tribes and the tribes have no overarching leader.
Carnivorous – Minotaurs can only eat meat.
Magic hating – Standard procedure for gained magic items it to smash it with a hammer for three days and toss the remains in a vault.
The dice for this quest will be d100, the bigger the better. All units will have traits that either add or subtract from the score. The traits themselves are split into four tiers, tier one being the weakest and most common while tier four is pretty much realm of the gods.

There will be some abilities which might come into conflict. If such is the case, the ability of higher tier wins.

Baseline, value added to the roll from the ability goes as such

Tier 1 - +5
Tier 2 - +10
Tier 3 - +25
Tier 4 - +100

It is possible to have multiple stacks of same ability. This indicates extensive mastery of an ability that nevertheless does not manifest as a higher level skill. Even if your troops are masters of armed combat equal to none, they still can't kill intangible ghosts.

There can also be circumstantial bonuses or maluses, they too will have same tiers and work correspondingly.
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Character sheet
Name: Brakko Vem
Current Body: 2.5m bronze semi-humanoid(4 arms)
Personal wealth: 10 000 gold shards
Personal residence: City manor

(I)Adherance to Golem fashion

3m Steel war form
1.8m Marble humanoid body

1000 Lesser golems
6 Iron mines
2 Silver mines
2 Copper mines
1 Gemstone mine
6 Stone quaries
1 Marble quary
50 War Golems
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I've always found the idea of Mintaur races being fond of living in Labyrinths, considering that the original was stuck in the maze on the premise that he COULDN'T find his way out.

I mean, it's an acceptable corruption of the myth, since the original was a one off anyway.

Incidentally, will the other options also exist, or will they be Schrodinger'd away after our pick? I hope and expect the first, but won't be terribly wounded by the latter.
War Profiteering is a legitimate strategy!
For mages, there is nothing but profiteering, as they need to make deals with both sides for new people.

Incidentally, will the other options also exist, or will they be Schrodinger'd away after our pick? I hope and expect the first, but won't be terribly wounded by the latter.
Other options will also exist, although how much you'll see them may wary. The first thing I did was generate a map and place the factions and the three choices fell quite a distance one from another.

Also, there are neutral factions that aren't choices, such as Dragons and the Naga, because I just couldn't figure what to do as one of those.
I've always found the idea of Mintaur races being fond of living in Labyrinths, considering that the original was stuck in the maze on the premise that he COULDN'T find his way out.
You have DnD mythology to blame for that. The original Minotaur killed the demon god of mazes and took his flag in the name of minotaurs.
Chapter 0
Golems are a proud race, their pride rising from both their nature and their achievements. Having no need for food or shelter and having no fear of weather nor beasts, they took to more complex occupations almost immediately. While Humans fought against hyenas barehanded Golems practised masonry. When Elves constructed their first bows Golems had built crossbows. When Dwarves smelted iron for the first time Golems had already finished their first steel body prototype. Meeting other races for the first time has been a considerable disappointment that never truly dissipated. In those times, Kingdoms of light and darkness were almost irrelevant in their destructive capabilities.

Since their creation Golems had seen the world as a mass of raw materials for artisans to work with, and sour meetings of the past convinced Golems that they were most blessed and that this world was ultimately theirs. As such, they dispersed, feeling no danger to bring them together nor having any need for cooperation. They went through the world, building structures and artwork as they desired, leaving their craft behind them. The short and fleeting lived fleshlings could admire them, knowing that they'd never reach such heights.

But reach such heights they did. Golems had grown complacent, without any need for improvement all that pushed them was their own desire. This was enough, as there were very few ways for a Golem to slack off, but due to scattering the masters of craft often could not compare their works or share their insights. Only two cities of Golems stood, Steel river and Himlonde, rightfully called Peerless. Dwarves had caught up to Golems in metalcrafting while Elves even exceeded them in woodwork, but when it came to architecture Golems were still the best there were.

But the cities might not stand for long. The war raged, and what Kingdoms of Light and Darkness lacked in their culture, history and craft they made up in numbers, magic and guile. With each year, the requests from Human fortress of Baran Dandeli to the west and undead legions led by Lich Knight to the east became more forceful. In the south forces of Sir Greywolf fought against cultists of Peny, both imploring your aid. More distant kingdoms sent letters asking for aid, promising that the end times were upon us all and that we could stop the worst from happening if we acted. But who are we?

[] Administrator of Steel River You rule the city and try to keep all sides happy enough to try to bribe you rather than conquer you

[] Richest Merchant of Himlonde You are responsible for keeping the trade going and convincing people to trade with you rather than rob you

[] General of the First Steel legion You go and tell the lesser races to sort their shit out away and not bother the important people
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[X] Administrator of Steel River You rule the city and try to keep all sides hapy enough to try to bribe you rather than conquer you.