Can we make Shinji genre savvy enough to realize that Asuka is a Tsundere? Because that sounds like it would lead to some really fun things.
Please. Let this happen.
I'm also imagining Shinji making a 'Tsundere to Japanese' dictionary to help him speak with Asuka. She sees him pulling it out during conversations, but he never tells her what it is. Finally, one day he leaves the apartment and leaves the book/notebook behind. Asuka can't contain her curiosity and sneaks into his room to find it...and proceeds to flip out when she sees what it is.
I'm also imagining Shinji making a 'Tsundere to Japanese' dictionary to help him speak with Asuka. She sees him pulling it out during conversations, but he never tells her what it is. Finally, one day he leaves the apartment and leaves the book/notebook behind. Asuka can't contain her curiosity and sneaks into his room to find it...and proceeds to flip out when she sees what it is.
Fucking hell, YES. I want this to happen. We Need to make this a thing.
Can we make Shinji genre savvy enough to realize that Asuka is a Tsundere? Because that sounds like it would lead to some really fun things.
Should he be genre savvy, he may realize this when he sees the Twintails.

On the other hand, if this is the Anime, Asuka is more a TSUNTSUN, as her attitude is less an attitude and more due to a hilariously horrible childhood.

If this is the Manga, she has a bit more dere, but then Gendo's even more of an asshole because Shinji cut into his Yui Boobie Time.

If this is the Rebuild, she would be a genuine Tsundere, but then it's the Rebuild and that's terrible.
Should he be genre savvy, he may realize this when he sees the Twintails.

On the other hand, if this is the Anime, Asuka is more a TSUNTSUN, as her attitude is less an attitude and more due to a hilariously horrible childhood.

If this is the Manga, she has a bit more dere, but then Gendo's even more of an asshole because Shinji cut into his Yui Boobie Time.

If this is the Rebuild, she would be a genuine Tsundere, but then it's the Rebuild and that's terrible.
Shinji: I shall break through her prickly Tsuntsun shell to reach her gooey Deredere center
Asuka: I have no idea what that means. But for some reason I want to both punch him and swoon at the same time!

Also relevant:
[X]Pile drive the Angel.


Do any of the armament buildings come with giant metal folding chairs?
[]Pile drive the Angel.


Do any of the armament buildings come with giant metal folding chairs?
We could pull up those deploy-able shields from the ground.
Or just grab one of the buildings.
And now I have the image stuck in my head of the Children pulling shenanigans out of Team 3Ds' or the Hardy Boyz WWE Tag Team playbook. They may or may not be dressed as Pro Wrestlers. Thanks for that.

That said, I'm certain we can find something that can take the place of a Singapore Cane or Barbed Wire wrapped baseball bat, if we're playing by Hardcore Title-belt rules. Though we should try to keep the city intact, if only to keep our paycheck in the black.


[X]Pile drive the Angel.
[X]Pile drive the Angel.

Go to hell Mom and Dad. We're doing this our way.

Personally I just want an apathetic business type relationship with Rei and Asuka.
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No Flaming Table, Sadly
[X]Pile drive the Angel.

shit, you may have miscalculated. You can see that you're well, well above the city. Riding an Angel on its laser-eye-rockets which, despite making no sense provides thrust. So, what do?

Well, it's not like this can get worse, right?

So you will the giant robot. It swings around, grabbing the Angel's legs, wrapping its legs around the lime green torso, and you give off an almost primal yell. The thrust cuts off when you swing the Angel forward, the two of your descending towards the city below.

In the case of the Angel, head first. Or shoulder-lump first.

But more importantly, you're pile driving the Angel, and give a silent thanks to your uncle having those tapes of professional wrestling.

But before you can, in fact, drive the Angel shoulder bump first into the city, a wall of golden light appears between the both of you and the ground. It rings with the sound of bells, and the Angel rights itself. Somehow.

A three fingered hand grabs your giant robot's face, yanks you off, and holds you up. Once more, you find yourself face to face with the bird skull face, and the glowing eye sockets.


And you have your giant robot kick it between the legs again, breaking the grip on your giant robot's face and diving out of the way. The eye beam shoots out, blowing up something in the distance. The Angel turns and you keep running around the Angel, noticing that there is a brief charge up time in which the Angel is standing still.

So you keep dodging. While running in circles around the Angel. You have a plan! You have a plan!

Then you run head first into a wall of golden light and bounce off, falling back onto a convenience store and reducing it to rubble.

Well, you think. Perhaps the Angels can feel anger, because it's certainly not feeling fear. Mainly because you may have pissed it off.

You turn to the Angel, watching as the half bird skull hanging from its shoulder drops off, as its figure seems to slim down a bit. Then look down and see that the power cord of your giant robot wrapped several times around the Angel's legs. You open your mouth, about to reference a science fiction movie from well before you were born, but apparently NERV watches moves too.

"Makoto!" Misato's voice rings out, "Retract Unit-01's power cord!"

The cord goes taut and tight around the Angel's legs, and before the eye lasers can fire off it's yanked off its feet and dragged along its face into the distance.

Then your entry plug turns red and you see a timer counting down from five minutes.

"Only five minutes?"

Maybe it's close to the end of the episode?

"Shinji, we're highlighting a building! Get there and get the equipment!"

A building, not too distant, glows orange. You will your giant robot up, and run towards it, running across the public park which now has several new footprint shaped pools. At least, when it rains next. The glass building opens up, much like a box or treasure chest, and you peer inside.


Oh my.

What do you take?

[]The Evangelion-scale Thunder Spear

[]The Evangelion-scale Dual Saw

[]Mentally cry out for your mother
[X]The Evangelion-scale Dual Saw
The spear might be the more effective weapon...but who care about that when a chainsaw is on the table?!
[X]The Evangelion-scale Dual Saw


edit: I legitimately giggled when I saw the chainsaw thing...chain swords!!! let us RIP AND TEAR the angel apart! I don't see how this plan can go wrong! besides the angel seems to stand still and fire, as long as we keep on the move we can kill the bugger!!! cut into it and let our chainsaws rip into it until we hit the damn core!
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