[X]Get inside the giant robot reluctantly.
-[X]While pointing out how bad an idea it is to put an untrained kid inside a giant robot. This isn't an anime. And, more importantly, you won't be liable for not knowing what you're doing.
[X]Get inside the giant robot reluctantly.

A lime green Angel? Yellow liquid? We are clearly in some kind of bizarre parallel reality where nothing we know can be trusted. If people start spouting things about Dirac Armories and angel based weapons systems, I will vote to initiate 3I ourselves.
Write Ins and Choices
So, to clarify: Write ins will be considered if there is an option like the following:

[]Write in

Otherwise, the vote itself will be counted, but not necessarily the fluff added to it, especially with the first post of a story.

Basically, my plan is, for each scene in which there is voting, to have three choices.

[]Multi-track drifting

And see where it goes from there.

Or to put it in ways more familiar to those who read my fics;

[]Male tsundere
[]Oh no.

Which choice is which varies depending on the scene.
[x]Get inside the giant robot enthusiastically.

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What could go wrong?
[X]Get inside the giant robot enthusiastically.

You have no love lost for your father, goodness knows. He is distant. Your earliest memories of him have him as cold, far away. Compared to your mother, who's memories are scant but warm, your father has always seemed less like your father and more someone that was there.

On the other hand, did he just offer you a giant robot?

This is weird enough a situation, as you had no idea what your father did, only that it didn't involve you. But, there's a Kaiju outside, your father runs a secret organization that produces giant robots and you're apparently a shonen protagonist. So you pump your fists into the air and dive in with gusto.

"Fuck yes! I will pilot the giant robot!"

They wouldn't just throw anybody into one of these, right? Riiiiiight?

Misato stares at you. Akagi shuffles away a few steps, taking out a manilla folder and jotting down notes. Your father stares for a long moment, then turns to the console next to him.

"Fuyutsuki. Wake up Rei."

"To pilot?" the strangely familiar voice asks.

"No. She will want to see this." Your father turns back to you, thrusting his hands into his pocket. "Okay, then. Shinji, get in the robot."

They slapped a pair of cat ears on your head and you climbed into what you now realize is a metal tampon filled with something that smells, and tastes, like blood. It was thrust deep into the spine of the giant robot, and you're sure there's a message in here somewhere but giant robot.

"Starting Entry Sequence. Stage 1 set. Muscular locks released. Batteries at full charge. Cable connection confirmed." Despite not seeing much in the way of screens and being thrust deep into the body of the giant robot, you can hear the cute voice reading off the activation sequence of the giant robot. "We are go for Synchronization in thirty seconds."

The cockpit is a chair, in which you sit back in. Two hand controls set in the armrests of the seat which you hold onto. Mainly because you were told to.

"LCL ionized. Plug depth set to .04. A-10 connectors at full charge. Synchronization in fifteen."

The floor rumbles. Everything shakes.

"Ten seconds. Pilot psychograph is stable. Evangelion psychograph stable. Five seconds. Three. Two."

The walls of the entry plug flash rainbow. "Synchronization start."

You feel it around you. You feel yourself get bigger. Become more than you were. A level of familiarity you can't place. A fondness, a warmth. Your eyes open as the plug walls become clear, and you see the immense metal hangar, but not where the Evangelion stood.

Instead, the Evangelion stands in a cradle, attached to immense rails leading to the surface.

"Synchronization requirements met. Metaneural bond is holding. We have activation!"

"Alright! Forty one percent...forty one percent?!" That would be Misato's voice. "Well shit. Shinji, can you hear me?"

"Yeah." You idly tap the buttons on the controls. Nothing happens. "I can."

"Great. We're clearing a path to th D-04 zone. The Angel's en route and you're going to intercept it. And for the record, I am sorry we're putting you through this on your first day."

Well, at least she's sincere. Also, giant robot.

"Eva Launch!"

You feel the gravity press you down into the seat. You try to give off a weak "Wooooooo-" as it shoots up to the city above. But almost as soon as it starts, it stops. You look up at the night sky through the eyes of your giant robot. You tower above buildings, towering above everything, except for the lime green kaiju that's walking towards you oh shit.

"Releasing locks! Shinji, aim for the core!"

Ah, yes. Weak points. How do you do a combo?

Wait. Right. Thought controlled robot? Right. So you charge out of the carriage, ramming into the Angel with a vicious shoulder check. The Angel seems taken aback for a moment- as if it did not expect you to attack like that. Is there shock on the bird skull face of the giant thing before you?

No, no. That wasn't shock. That was the eye beams charging up before blasting you halfway across the city.

Oh no, you think. Your thought controlled giant robot can feel pain.

When your vision clears and the aching stops, you see the giant bird man thing walking towards you, with a blade of prismatic light extended from its left palm. Well shit, you think. This isn't going well.

So, Shinji.

What do you do?

[]Kick it between the legs.

[]Demand some god damned answers.

[]Mentally cry out for your mother.
[X]Kick it between the legs.

Multi-track drifting goooo