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You're thirteen years old, and based on today's events you're doubting that you're going to see...
It Begins


Engaging hilarity engine/air intake
Daejeon, Republic of Korea
You're thirteen years old, and based on today's events you're doubting that you're going to see fourteen. In the past few hours, you have arrived in an uninhabited city, got picked up by a woman who sent you a picture of her cleavage, and almost got killed by a bomb, by crazy driving, and by a giant lime green space alien.

This all lead to a giant underground facility, and the room you're in right now.

Your name is Shinji Ikari, and you're attention is on two things. First, your father.

Your father who you have not seen in three years, and even then would only see him when you'd visit your mother's grave with him but that's besides the point.

Your father is staring down at you from a raised platform, looking down on you as if he is only seeing you because he has to.

Which would hurt more if you weren't used to it.

Secondly, there's a giant robot. A giant robot up to its neck in yellow stuff, with a face that looks like one of those Oni masks you'd see in a museum. It is big. It is purple. It's a little familiar. It has a horn.

And oh yes, the crazy driver and the swimsuit wearing blonde have just confirmed you're piloting it.

"What?!" Your voice is cracked, scratchy, but you are thirteen. And just been through the ringer.

"Commander!" Misato steps up, in front of you. "It took Rei seven months to synchronize with the Eva, remember? He's just arrived today!"

You think that you're going to like her. Not just because of the short skirt and the cleavage picture, but because she realizes this is insane. There may be solidarity there. Sadly, common sense melts in the face of your father's indifference.

"He only needs to sit inside. I'm not expecting more at this point."

You open your mouth. Close it. Staring at your father, you clench your fist. Not out of anger, but out of numbness, to dig your nails into your palm.

"This doesn't make any sense!"

"Just accept this explanation." Your father's voice booms, commands, but not in a paternal way. "You're the best candidate we have."

He reaches up, and pushes his glasses up his nose. "No. You're the only candidate we have."

And like that, your father corrects himself before he compliments you. "You don't need to understand," he continues, "Just get inside."

And like that, your father lays down his order. His ultimatum. Get inside the giant robot. Fight the Angel. On the one hand, he did call you here for this. On the other hand, the note just said come.

So, Shinji.

What do you do?

[]Get inside the giant robot reluctantly.

[]Argue with your father.

[]Get inside the giant robot enthusiastically.

Welcome to Neon Genesis Evangelion: Quest Edition. You are Shinji Ikari, child of the Commander of NERV, who has been summoned to the conspicuously empty Tokyo-3 to fight giant monsters because your father said so.

You understand this situation is ridiculous, but also understand your father's a bag of dicks.

So far, you've met Misato Katsuragi- a beautiful woman who drives like crazy, has no sense of direction, and is willing to stand up to your father. You've also met Ritsuko Akagi, who is wearing a lab coat and swimsuit so there's that.

As it is, you're thirteen years old, have issues with your father, but also Giant Robot. So what do?
[X]Argue with your father.
-[X] For as much a Cold and utter bastard as you are your not stupid, so odds are you have another way then making an UNTRAINED child fight a monster that walked off a super nuke to the face.
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I want us to befriend an angel.(Kaworu and Rei don't count.)
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-[X] You was always a.."sick little freak" you aunt always like to put . Always so "violent" and " extremely disturbing and morbid" they like to said. So hell yeah, you want to experience the unholy destructive and beastly power of an super war machine....
The aunt who was extremely biased aginst us and quite frankly abusive
As well as we at this point Detesting the Shithead Gendouchebag.
[X]Get inside the giant robot reluctantly.
-[X]While pointing out how bad an idea it is to put an untrained kid inside a giant robot. This isn't an anime. And, more importantly, you won't be liable for not knowing what you're doing.
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[x]Get inside the giant robot enthusiastically.
-[x] You know enough to understand your father's type. He gets off on seeing other people squirm as they do his bidding. IF you're going to pilot this giant robot, you're going to have fun with it, and rub that in your father's face.

Teenage rebellion go. Clearly Shinji's father wants him to be a failure at life, so Shinji will retaliate by being the best damn straight-A, role-model tier student, hero to small children, all around nice guy he possibly can.
[X]Get inside the giant robot reluctantly.
-[X]While pointing out how bad an idea it is to put an untrained kid inside a giant robot. This isn't an anime. And, more importantly, you won't be liable for not knowing what you're doing.

I want us to channel end of series ragequit Shinji.

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Come on guys pictured it. A deeply sick and twisted freak of a kid befriending an primodal monster that understands him in a very special way. It will be so heartwarming and sweet in..a twisted way.

Besides I truly want to embrace the rip and tear nature of the Eva
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[X]Get inside the giant robot reluctantly.
-[X]While pointing out how bad an idea it is to put an untrained kid inside a giant robot. This isn't an anime. And, more importantly, you won't be liable for not knowing what you're doing.
Come on guys pictured it. A deeply sick and twisted freak of a kid befriending an goddamn anicent monster that understands him in a very special way. It will be so heartwarming and sweet in..a twisted way.

Besides I truly want to embrace the rip and tear nature of the Eva
I see you worship the blood god
[X]Get inside the giant robot reluctantly.
-[X]While pointing out how bad an idea it is to put an untrained kid inside a giant robot. This isn't an anime. And, more importantly, you won't be liable for not knowing what you're doing.

I see you worship the blood god
Nah I just watch a lot of One pieces,pokemon and digimon lately. Something about their friendship just so... special and pure.

I really rather not be a passive aggressive shinji,or the typically defiant good guy!shinji.

And doesn't want a monster as their best friend. (Peferablely Sachiel,Lelliel,Iruel,or bardiel.)
[x]Get inside the giant robot enthusiastically.
-[x] You fucking love giant machines of death
Want to switch my vote. It's practically the same.
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[X]Get inside the giant robot reluctantly.
-[X]While pointing out how bad an idea it is to put an untrained kid inside a giant robot. This isn't an anime. And, more importantly, you won't be liable for not knowing what you're doing.
ED: --[X] Any expectations of Proficiency or Rousing Sucess are the thoughts of an idiot or an egomaniac with a bloated ego make sure Gendouchebag knows this
Nah I just watch a lot of Pokemon and digimon lately. Something about their friendship just special.
The pokemon arent trying to end all human life and neither are all digimon
[X] Get inside the giant robot enthusiastically.
-[X] You was always a.."sick little freak" you aunt always like to put,and your beloved uncle try to "help" you. Always so "violent" and " extremely disturbing and morbid" they like to say,so what if you made kids at school little bitches. So hell yeah, you want to experience the unholy destructive and beastly power of an super war machine....
[X]Get inside the giant robot reluctantly.
-[X]While pointing out how bad an idea it is to put an untrained kid inside a giant robot. This isn't an anime. And, more importantly, you won't be liable for not knowing what you're doing.

Small changes. Let's add some snark and backbone to Shinji and we'll go from there. God knows he has plenty of courage already.
[X]Get inside the giant robot enthusiastically.

C'mon, guys!

"Get inside the giant robot Shinji!"
"Woohoo giant robot! I'm gonna smash some buildings!"

Enthusiastic cheer: The perfect way to counter Eva's depression!
[X]Get inside the giant robot reluctantly.
-[X]While pointing out how bad an idea it is to put an untrained kid inside a giant robot. This isn't an anime. And, more importantly, you won't be liable for not knowing what you're doing.
Time explain my vote to you guys.

I basically want shinj to be Nerv's worst mistake ever. I want to make them look bad.

But I also want a shinji who will said "I'm no hero or saint. I'm just a freak who loves to stomp around and fight." And the boy will pull off some awesome and.. uniquely heroic shit.

Besides I want to form a deep brotherly bond with Kensuke and Touji. And I want Asuka to be our Arch-rival.:V

Vengeance!Shinji is pretty much the ideal snarky!shinji.
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But I also want a shinji who will said "I'm no hero or saint. I'm just a freak who loves to stomp around and kill giant monsters." And the boy will pull off some awesome and.. uniquely heroic shit.
Thats just playing into the disposable tykebomb Gendo wants and fucks us over in a single move its basically screwing over Dad by cutting out our intestines with a spoon and/or sawing off our own foot
[x] Get inside the giant robot enthusiastically.
-[x] Chicks dig giant robots, after all.

Fuck it, I say we channel the cast of Megas XLR. Asuka will either murder us, be swept off her feet, or both.

No, wait, I've got it... we assume everyone who pilots giant robots does so for the same reason we do. That's right: we'll assume Rei and Asuka are piloting Eva for the sake of picking up girls and obliviously ignore all evidence to the contrary as we attempt to bond with them over it. There is absolutely no way this plan will end in tears... hilarious, hilarious tears. :V
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Thats just playing into the disposable tykebomb Gendo wants and fucks us over in a single move its basically screwing over Dad by cutting out our intestines with a spoon and/or sawing off our own foot

Dude it's Gendo, that's just a given we going to be manipulated in some way by him. Might as well have some fun along the way,and embrace the chaos.

Nerv as a whole is shitty. Might as well fuck them over too.
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