Winning votes:
[w] Tell her not to beg
-[w] Pray for pirates to attack
Jocelyn said:
"It was so boring!" Jocelyn practically yells. You're worried Liam would hear, then you remember he went back to get some food, so he shouldn't be nearby yet. "Anything has to be better than going through that again."
"Jocelyn, please don't beg her to take us with her," you tell your newest companion.
"I don't know about you, but I like my sanity," she retorts.
"I'll think of something, don't worry," you try to reassure her
"That doesn't make me feel confident." It didn't work.
"Well, if Eshani doesn't want to come," Mira says, "I don't really want to bring just you along."
At those words Jocelyn goes rigid, then walks over to her bed and flings herself face first into her pillow again. She refuses any and all attempts to communicate for the rest of the night.
So you decide to try to think of something you could do to avoid Liam. But try as you might, nothing comes to mind, at all. You know there are things you could do, but the way to actually do them and justify it just doesn't come. It's really annoying. After...probably a few hours too long spent trying to think of something, you decide to try another route.
'So... er, I don't know if there's a God of Pirate Attacks or something, but if we could get attacked by pirates tomorrow that would actually be really helpful.
Honestly, you hesitate to even call that a prayer, but you feel...something as you finish trying to send it out. You're not sure what that means, but you manage to go to sleep fairly relieved.
"WAKE UP 'N' GET TA YER STATIONS!" You're jolted awake by the captain's voice quite literally booming throughout the entire ship. Immediately you leap out of bed, grab your rapier and open the door to figure out what's going on. Only to be stopped by a vice-grip on your shoulder. You almost fall over as your momentum just stops.
"Oi!" Mira calls from behind you, "You wanna fight pirates in your sleepwear?"
You look down, at your pyjamas, if you were to get hit in these they'd offer no protection whatsoever. But you don't have time for everyone to chang...e, you look behind yourself and see Mira and Jocelyn already fully clothed. You blush lightly and grab your clothes from Jocelyn's hands and head to the small part of the room for changing. A few minutes later, probably longer than you should have taken due to some fumbling as you rushed, you're fully ready to head out and help.
As soon as you're back in the main room you notice that Mira and Jocelyn have left the room. It makes sense to head out asap to stop the pirates, but you can't help the fact that it stings a little they didn't wait for you. Several crew members run past as you open the door.
Running through various corridors as the ship occasionally shakes while a booming noise thunders from outside, you manage to get vague sense of where to go to get above-deck, somehow your mind manages to recall the path when you need it right now, you'd really have liked to be able to do this without it being a life-and-death situation. Despite the sense, you still manage to get lost once.
You almost trip and fall as you head up the stairs, only to catch yourself as the last moment and push yourself back up. You get up and notice that everyone else is already here, including a sizeable part of the crew.
"What's...what's going on?" you huff a little from rushing throughout the entire ship.
"Ah good, yer finally here!" the captain yells as the ship rocks again, the boom is louder this time, "We got a little problem! Our engines've been shot 'n' they're almost 'n boardin' range!"
She points...starboard you think, at another airship. Smaller and sleeker than the one you're riding, but the from what you can see of the deck it's covered in guns, rope, boards and very angry looking men and women.
"They're not the problem!" the captain yells at you again, tearing your attention away. How can they not b-wait, it's faint, especially over all the noise, but you swear you can hear the clashing of swords below you. How can they already be on the ship? They haven't started boarding yet!
"They've got a mage!" the captain answers your as of yet verbally unasked question. At this point you wonder if she's psychic. "You can either stay and help fight them off, or you can head below and protect the cargo!"
Liam and Mira head down below, alongside about a third of the crew. Tobias, Jocelyn and the remainder of the crew stare at the approaching ship as they brandish their weapons.
Protecting the cargo is your job, but there are probably a lot more of the here and below decks...
Where will you help?
[] Fight them off on the deck
[] Protect the cargo