Chapter 40 The Quest for Greater Chakra by Aizen
That afternoon, I arrived at the village's training area. Waiting for me was Hinata with her bow and arrow.

As she waved, Hinata said with a shy smile, "Aizen, you came~"

"Didn't I promise I would come?" I replied with a warm smile.

"Yes, you did." She giggled in response, looking very happy.

Extending my hand, I patted her head with a gentle smile.

"I hope I didn't keep you waiting too long," I said.

She blushed even more at my gesture but didn't avoid my hand, and I could feel that although shy, she was happy.

"N-Not very long..." She stuttered a bit and blushed more deeply.

I let out a light chuckle and said, "I see, so shall we begin?"

When I withdrew my hand, I could see a slight disappointment on her face.

However, she composed herself and said, looking at me with her beautiful eyes, "Yes, let's."

Then she began to prepare, and in the meantime, I created 10 lightning clones and 5 wind clones.

The moment she made all the preparations, I said, "Start."

"Yes!" She nodded firmly and quickly pulled an arrow and shot at one of my clones that was escaping towards the forest.


Very quickly, my clone changed direction, but to my surprise, the arrow changed direction and hit my clone's ear.


When the arrow hit, my clone dispersed into gusts of wind blades, even affecting the other fleeing clones. Hinata took advantage of this and pulled another arrow and shot.

However, even when the arrow changed direction, what I noticed when looking in detail this time was that by wrapping the arrowhead with chakra, a small explosion happened, causing the arrow to change direction, although losing a bit of speed, it was still fast enough.

The main problem with this strategy was that once I figured it out, my clones wouldn't fall for the same trick, avoiding it by using Speed Style, moving very quickly in a zigzag.


Several days later, February 11, Sunday.


Name: Aizen Kurama

Weekly currency: 511


Talent: Elite High

Strength: 201/210 -> 210/210

Agility: 193/199 -> 199/199

Speed: 194/199 -> 199/199

Endurance: 211/232 -> 232/232

Mental Strength: 148/169 -> 169/169

Skill: 136/188 -> 188/188

Aura: 122/169 -> 169/169

Chakra: 169/199 -> 199/199

Bones: 69/101 -> 101/101

Spiritual Power: 10/20 -> 20/20


Chakra Nature: [Yin Style: 99.3%], [Yang Style: 99.3%], [Lightning Style: 99.4%], [Wind Style: 99.4%].

Special Characteristics: [Speed Style: 80%], [Kurama Clan Kekkei Genkai: 89%], [Yin-Yang Wind Clone: 51%], [Yin-Yang Lightning Clone: 51%].

Jutsus: [Advanced Mental Illusions (Kurama Clan Genjutsu): 78%], [Transformation: 99.9%], [Clone: 99.9%], [Body Substitution: 99.9%], [Cloak of Invisibility Technique 99.9%], [Chakra Release: 99.9%], [Water Walking: 99%], [Tree Climbing: 99.9%], [Wind Slash: 99%], [Lightning Ball: 99%], [Instant Displacement: 82%], [Adamantine Fist: 69%], [Body Substitution Illusion: 54%], [Subtle Invisibility Cloak: 49%], [Appearance Transformation: 61%], [Elemental Chakra Infusion: 58%], [Arboreal Path Technique: 58%].

Equipment: [Asauchi: 95%]


'I believed that by reaching all my attributes to the maximum, something would happen, but...' I murmured in my heart a little disappointed. 'It seems I was mistaken.'

For almost an entire month, I held back and did not hastily increase any of my attributes. The good thing was that since they were at the maximum, the less remaining, the easier it seemed to raise each attribute to the maximum.

A good example was the most recent attribute, Spiritual Power. At first, it was difficult to increase, even using several clones, but after my other attributes reached their maximum limit, it became easier. From a maximum of 0.1/0.2 points I could gain per day, it increased until today I managed to increase it by 1 point, raising it to the maximum as well.

Thinking now, even with my attributes so high... I am still at the level of a common Jonin at most.

Jonins like Kakashi, Kurenai, Might Guy, etc., have at least one attribute above 300.

Even my father has more than two attributes above 300.

As for my mother, she has only one.

Okay, I got a little off track...

Returning my thoughts to what to do from now on, since I have 10 gold hammers and 1 silver one, it is possible to break the limit of all my attributes. However, I want to focus on only two for now, as it seems faster to elevate if I concentrate on just one.

Of course, I understand that in the long run, elevating several at the same time is more advantageous. However, at the moment, my goal is to reach the 300 mark with one of my attributes.

And that attribute would be my Chakra.

Although I have a decent chakra reserve, honestly, it's a bit disappointing because to keep creating several clones, I need to rely on nutritional pills. If I manage to increase my chakra reserve, I won't need to depend so much on these pills and will have more coins to spend on other things.

In just these few days, I've spent more than 500 weekly coins... A large enough amount to buy another Asauchi...

'By the way, I avoided paying attention to this before, but...' I thought. 'Several jutsus are already at 99.9%, just one step away from reaching 100%...'

The problem was that this last step was difficult to achieve, no matter how much I raised the corresponding jutsus.

'Thinking now... There's something I want to test.'

Creating a yin-yang wind clone, I asked him to call Kumo.

At the same time, I surrounded the entire dojo with genjutsu. Using my genjutsu to the maximum, for those who looked from the outside, it would seem like I was just training, but only those who entered the dojo would be able to see what was really happening.

Minutes later, the dojo door opened.

"Big Brother, are you looking for me?" She asked cheerfully as she approached with a smile.

"Yes, but before that, I need to talk about something important with you. So, sit down for a bit. It's going to be a bit long what I need to say, and I need you to keep what I'm going to say a secret, okay?" I said.

"Okay." She stopped smiling, adopting a more serious, even a little nervous expression, as she sat down in front of me.

"Well, where do I start..." I paused before saying, "Do you still remember that when you were little, you had a weak body, right?"

"Of course I remember." She nodded in agreement.

"Well, I hid this until now, but..." I said slowly. "I have a special Kekkei Genkai, and it made me able to break the 'chains' that limited your body from getting stronger, allowing you to get stronger and not have any more health problems."

Yakumo widened her eyes, bringing trembling hands to her mouth in surprise. "You did this for me?" she asked, her voice trembling.

"Yes," I confirmed.

She looked at me with gratitude and admiration. "I don't know how to thank you, Big Brother. This means a lot to me."

She then stood up and hugged me tightly, tears of emotion streaming down her face.

Chapter 52 is already released on Patreon!
Chapter 41: Secrets Revealed
After she managed to calm down, I talked with her for a bit before adopting an even more serious tone.

"Kumo, you must understand the gravity of the information I am sharing with you. Until today, I wasn't sure if I should tell this to anyone, but I can trust you, right?" I asked as I hugged her.

With tears streaming down and nodding her head against my chest, she replied with a choked voice and deep emotion, "Of course you can trust me, Big Brother. I would never do anything to betray you!"

"That's good, because if anyone discovers that I possess this talent, even the Hokage might want to imprison me to enhance other people's potential. Even if that might not happen, the chances are high. Do you understand?" I asked gravely.

"Yes, I understand," she said. "Big Brother, don't worry. I promise not to tell anyone!"

"Good girl." I patted her head and whispered, "But, Kumo, this is not all I can do. Now that I have developed my Kekkei Genkai a bit more, I can create something I named Asauchi. Basically, it is a sword that can be linked to anyone I desire, sharing part of the powers of my Kekkei Genkai; this sword is capable of awakening great latent power in the chosen person."

Her eyes widened with surprise and admiration. "Wow! That's amazing!" she exclaimed, her face glowing with excitement. "You can really do that? I never imagined something like that was possible!"

The way her mood changed, even showing genuine joy, reminded me that, although she sometimes seemed more mature for her age, she was still only 10 years old.

Smiling, I patted her head as I said, "I'm telling you all this because I want to entrust you with part of my power. Are you willing to accept it?"

"Of course I am!" she exclaimed, but then added, worried, "But, Big Brother, by doing this, won't you be weakening yourself? If that's the case, I'd rather you didn't do it. I'm already happy with what you've done for me before!"

"Haha, don't worry." I chuckled warmly as I said, "Although I say I will share part of my power with you, it's like my power is overflowing, resulting in the creation of the Asauchi that takes the form of a sword."

Saying this, I brought out the Asauchi by opening the book.

Holding the Asauchi, I signaled for her to step back a bit and continued, "This is the Asauchi. It might be a bit difficult to explain, but in short, this sword is not an ordinary sword, as you must have noticed, right?"

"Yes, it seems quite mystical and gives me a strange feeling." She said and asked cautiously, "Can I touch it?"

"Go ahead." I replied.

Reaching out her small hand, Kumo touched the blunt part of the Asauchi with her fingertips.

"Wow, it's so cold and gives me such a strange feeling to the touch..." She murmured.

"Well, you could say this is something very close to the human soul." I said, "Kumo, you have studied about spirits and the afterlife, right?"

"Yes, a little." She replied.

"I understand, so I will explain what you don't know yet." Saying this, I started talking with her, explaining in detail about the Pure Land and the Asauchi.

"Wait a moment, Big Brother, I need a few minutes to digest all of this..." She said while placing her index fingers on the sides of her head.

"Alright, take your time." I smiled.

A few minutes later, she sighed childishly, looking adorable.

"I think I understand." She said, "Now, to receive your power, Big Brother needs to pierce my chest with the Asauchi, correct?"

"You're right." I asked, "Are you afraid? If so, you don't need to do this."

"I'm afraid of feeling pain, but I still want to be strong like Big Brother, so even if I'm scared, I'll endure it!" She said bravely, but she looked incredibly childish at the same time while trying to make a valiant pose as she stood up.

I laughed a little, then I stood up as well, holding the Asauchi I asked, "Are you ready?"

She took a deep breath and exclaimed, "Yes!"

Without hesitation, I pierced her chest with the Asauchi. The moment I did this, I saw her surprised look as she realized she wasn't feeling pain, but rather a pleasant sensation that made her blush a little, especially when she began to fuse her soul with the Asauchi, absorbing it into her body.

Previously, I hadn't noticed this when I did it myself, but I perceived a slight trace of Spiritual Power the moment she began to merge with the Asauchi.

I could also feel her body temperature increase significantly, to the point that her entire body was as red as if she had a high fever.

"Big Brother, I'm feeling strange..." She murmured, then closed her eyes.

"Don't worry, this is normal, it will pass soon." I reassured her.

"Uh-huh." She murmured in agreement while keeping her eyes closed with her arms crossed, showing constant changes in expressions.

Seeing that it was ending, I opened the relationship book and went to her page.


Name: Yakumo Kurama


Talent: Low Elite

Strength: 54/79

Agility: 36/59

Speed: 36/59

Stamina: 59/76

Mental Strength: 98/128

Skill: 89/111

Chakra: 94/135


Chakra Nature: [Yin Style], [Yang Style]

Special Characteristics: [Kekkei Genkai of the Kurama Clan]

Equipment: [Asauchi]


'As I expected, all her attributes increased significantly.' Seeing this, I thought with satisfaction.

In certain ways, it was even better than spending on limit-breaking hammers, but it was something for single use only.

'Now, she just needs to increase her bond with the Asauchi to then unlock the Spiritual Power attribute.' I thought calmly.
Chapter 42: The Value of Kumo's Gratitude: Danzo's 'Invitation'
Later that day, at 9:31 PM.

While I was lying in bed, reaching my hand toward the ceiling where the relationship book was, on Yakumo's page, I started reflecting.

What happened with Kumo was basically what I had predicted. However, thinking about it now, I didn't expect her talent to increase a bit as well. Well, the existence of the Asauchi itself can be considered an improvement in her talent, so I should have anticipated that...

Upon opening the book and seeing that I still had 511 coins to spend before the reset, I went to the store and bought another Asauchi, sending it to the inventory. With the remaining 11 coins, I bought two green nutritional pills.

'Just as I expected, the next Asauchi will cost me a thousand weekly coins.' I briefly closed my eyes but did not waver.

If everything goes as planned, despite the astronomical cost, I believe it will be worth it.

As for the reason, I will have to wait until tomorrow to see if I am right.

Unable to sleep, I got out of bed, created some clones, and started meditating.


A familiar sound echoed in my mind. When I woke up, I saw the book open in front of me and read:

[3,928 Weekly Coins Credited]

"..." I was speechless, completely awake with that impressive amount.

Although I expected a generous reward because of Kumo – after all, it's basically five years of accumulated gratitude, plus the value of the trust I placed in her and the Asauchi – all of this together generated an absurd amount of coins, much more than I expected. Despite imagining it could generate quite a few coins, I thought it would be at most two thousand weekly coins.

'Really, I didn't love this little girl for nothing.' I smiled a bit.

It was something I always thought and carried with me. Not everyone is grateful for the help you gave. Even if you helped a person a hundred times and refused once, that person will only remember the time you didn't help.

In fact, I always thought that few people could distinguish this. Even among family, with parents and siblings, wives and husbands.

However, in Kumo's case, even though I refused some of her requests over the years, and even knowing that it made her sad, she never forgot the times I was good to her.

And the amount of weekly coins I received now proved once again how good her character was, even being so young...

Grabbing a set of clothes, I left my room and went to the bathroom.

Opening the bathroom door, I kept thinking about how to use this amount of coins.

However, I still had an entire week to think, even with the low odds of a new mission appearing and something new happening. But, as if my thoughts triggered something new, the book appeared and glowed – unusually – and then the pages began to move rapidly, stopping on a new page.


[You achieved a great feat!]

Details: Yakumo Kurama felt immense gratitude towards you, generating over a thousand weekly coins in a single day.]

Reward available for selection (Warning: You can only choose one of the options): [Option 1: 100% Chance of Creating a New Jutsu], [Option 2: A Random S-Rank Jutsu], [Option 3: A Random Doujutsu], [Option 4: Basic Shinigami Abilities].


To say I wasn't surprised by this would be a big lie. Taking a deep breath, I closed the door behind me and sat on the toilet, analyzing my choices.

Honestly, only two left me undecided: option 3 and option 4.

Although option 3 was tempting, I knew what I needed and wanted most was option 4.

Without hesitating any longer, I clicked on option 4.

[Are you sure you want to choose the option: <Basic Shinigami Abilities>?]

Clicking 'yes,' the page disconnected from the book, transforming into a blinding light that forced me to close my eyes. Then I felt something penetrating my chest and, shortly after, a warm sensation spread throughout my body as a flood of information surged into my mind.

It was all the knowledge of the Basic Shinigami Abilities. It was more information than I expected, even better than I could have imagined.

Seconds turned into minutes, and even after more than ten minutes, I continued to receive information, accompanied by a severe headache.

Groaning, I stood up, supporting myself against the wall as I walked to the shower. I turned it on, undressed, and let the water fall over me. Closing my eyes, I hoped the pain would be relieved under the shower, but even if it eased a little, it was almost nothing.

In the end, I had to wait patiently while trying to comprehend every bit of information being transferred directly to my brain.

I don't know exactly how much time passed, but certainly a long time, just by looking at my hands, which were now wrinkled.

Taking a deep breath, I could feel the pain subsiding. Muttering "Book," I went to my page and let out a long sigh upon seeing the new classification that appeared...


Abilities: [Zanpakutou Manipulation: 1%], [Reiatsu (Spiritual Pressure): 1%], [Shunpo (Flash Step): 1%], [Kido (Demon Art): 1%], [Spiritual Senses: 1%], [Hollow Purification: 1%], [Soul Communication: 1%], [Enhanced Strength and Endurance: 1%]


Although all the abilities were at 1%, this alone made a significant difference to me, especially seeing that my Asauchi reached 98%, just short of possibly achieving Shikai release (the initial release form that reveals the true form and basic abilities of the Zanpakutou).

Moreover, the maximum potential of the following attributes increased:


Strength: 210/210 -> 210/215

Endurance: 232/232 -> 232/237

Mental Strength: 169/169 -> 169/174

Skill: 188/188 -> 188/193

Aura: 169/169 -> 169/174

Spiritual Power: 20/20 -> 20/30


'It's not a very large increase, but considering it comes from just 1% of these abilities, it's significant,' I thought.

In any case, I was satisfied with my choice. In fact, it proved to be better than I expected.


While returning home late at night after training with Hinata, I felt the presence of someone following me. When I realized I was on a more isolated street, three masked ninjas appeared, two in front of me and one behind me.

I observed them calmly.

"Aizen Kurama, come with us," said one of them, wearing a white mask with a bird-like appearance and a large nose, in a neutral tone. "Lord Danzo wishes to see you."
Chapter 43: Aizen, Danzo's Tool?
"Aizen Kurama, come with us," said one of them, wearing a white mask with a bird-like appearance and a large nose, in a neutral tone. "Lord Danzo wishes to see you."

Upon hearing this, I raised an eyebrow. I had anticipated this would happen sooner or later; it wasn't the first time Danzo had tried to approach me, but this time it seemed like his patience had run out, and he was making a more direct approach...

"Okay, take me to him," I said with a friendly smile.

Perhaps they didn't expect this response, as they froze for a moment before reacting, wavering between surprise and distrust. However, being members of the Root, they quickly regained their cold and efficient composure, gesturing for me to follow them.


Meanwhile, in the dimly lit hall where Danzo trains the members of Anbu, Root, the thick red pillars held up the ceiling. In the most prominent corner of this place, Danzo Shimura was slowly tapping his fingers uniformly on the arm of his throne.

Next to him, over 100 ninjas wearing masks stood. If not for the fact that their hearts were still beating, they could be mistaken for statues.

"Hoho, he has finally arrived," said Danzo, his grave and austere voice echoing through the hall. The authority in his tone was undeniable, each word carrying a veiled threat. The sound of his fingers tapping on the throne ceased, and a faint cold smile formed on his lips, revealing the barely concealed satisfaction in his eyes.

Footsteps in the large hall began to approach. Danzo saw the three ninjas he had sent, bringing with them a young man with brown hair and green eyes.

'It seems he didn't resist,' thought Danzo as he analyzed the ninjas he sent and the boy Aizen who followed them, appearing a bit too calm, even with a smile that caused him some unease. 'Is he planning something or simply more foolish than I thought?'

Danzo couldn't help but be more cautious with this boy. Although young and inexperienced, he hadn't come this far by being reckless...

'No matter what you are planning, boy. From the moment you arrived here, you are destined to become mine. Only I can use someone like you,' thought Danzo, his eyes becoming even more intense as Aizen approached. 'Only I can control your powers and make good use of a tool like you. With your powers, my goal of becoming Hokage will be much closer...'

Danzo observed each step of Aizen with meticulous attention, his thoughts racing. He saw not just a talented young man, but an essential piece for his rise to power.

The silent hall seemed to hold its breath, as if everyone was aware of the gravity of this moment. Aizen's presence was the key that Danzo believed would unlock his future, and he would not allow anyone, not even Aizen himself, to interfere with his plans.

His thoughts were interrupted when he saw Aizen open his arms with a smile, his eyes shining like those of a snake. Though he seemed somehow kind and warm, Danzo was not fooled.

"You must be Lord Danzo, right?" Aizen said with a laugh. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you."

Coughing, Danzo said: "Huh, you at least seem to understand your place. So, you must know why I called you here, right?"

"Yes, of course I do." The smile never disappeared from his face as he responded: "You wish to use me, am I right?"

Danzo's eyes grew sharper as his voice became even graver: "Use... You make it sound like I want to do something bad. What I desire is for you to join me, to become part of my Root. I promise you benefits that no one else can offer. You will not regret aligning with me."

"Hahaha, as expected, you indeed seem like someone who knows how to talk and is generous with your words," Aizen said, his eyes curving into half-moons. "But before that, I want you to read this, how about it?"

Danzo frowned upon seeing a letter in the hand of one of the Anbu ninjas standing near Aizen.

"Bring that to me," Danzo ordered.

"Yes!" the Anbu ninja responded, walking towards him.

When Danzo saw him a few steps away, he ordered, "Stop. Now, open the letter and see what's inside."

"Yes," the Anbu ninja agreed, opening the letter. "Lord Danzo, inside the envelope there's a paper, and I don't sense any chakra or presence of something dangerous."

"Very well, bring it to me," Danzo said.

The Anbu ninja approached and handed the letter reverently to Danzo, then took two steps back.

Danzo, who received the letter, seemed curious to know what exactly was written to make this boy so smiley.

Deep down, he even wanted to throw the letter away at that moment, sensing something bad might happen, but little did he know that the moment he touched the letter, what he feared the most had already happened.

"Huh? It's empty!" His voice grew grave, and his eyes turned cruel as he looked at the Anbu ninja before him.

"It wasn't empty, Lord Danzo. It has simply already been used~" The Anbu ninja in front of him said with a hint of amusement in his voice, something that surprised everyone, as it was not common for this to happen, especially coming from the ninja who spoke this way. At that moment, he picked up a piece of paper shaped like a doll and waved it, asking, "Do you know what this is, Lord Danzo~?"

"Used?" Danzo's heart beat harder. He felt an indescribable sense of crisis at that very moment.

"Haha, even if you don't ask, I will answer, Lord Danzo~" His voice, saying his name, though it seemed respectful, was extremely mocking, causing veins to appear all over Danzo's face. He continued, "This is called Shikigami. But it's not just any Shikigami..."

"Attack!" Danzo ordered without waiting for him to continue.

Soon, the Anbu ninja holding the piece of paper was attacked from all directions.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The sounds of blows and punctures echoed. In the place where the Anbu ninja stood, a pool of blood began to form from the holes made in the ninja's body.

"Wow, as expected from Lord Danzo, you didn't even blink when ordering the killing of one of your men~" Aizen's voice echoed, sounding extremely friendly and relaxed.

"You..." Danzo looked at him with a touch of cruelty in his eyes.

"How scary..." Aizen said this, but smiled as he spoke, then added with a chuckle, "Honestly, Lord Danzo, you should have let him finish speaking since you need to know this. Cough, but since he is no longer with us... let me continue."

The ninjas in the hall looked at Danzo, awaiting his orders. As soon as he gave the command, Aizen's fate would be the same as that of the ninja they had just killed.

In Aizen's hand, a piece of paper swayed between his fingers: "Lord Danzo, this is called Shikigami, but not just any Shikigami, but a twin Shikigami."

"Is that all you wanted to say?" Danzo responded coldly, "If that's all, submit to me or die!"

"Haha, of course that's not all." Aizen smiled as he said, "You don't believe that's everything, right?"

"Kill him!" Danzo made a decision at that moment.

This time, several kunais were pointed at Aizen's neck, various ninjas surrounded him, and in moments, he was slashed in a way that made him unrecognizable. However, something strange happened.

Everyone's minds seemed to waver, and when they closed and opened their eyes again, the one who had just been killed by them turned out to be one of them.

"How is this possible?!" exclaimed one of the more experienced Anbu ninjas in genjutsu, rivaling Kurenai in this aspect.

Not only were the ninjas in shock, but Danzo also seemed unable to believe what he was seeing.

"Where is he? Find him!" Danzo ordered, but then his eye seemed to be playing tricks on him. "Why are you there? Why are you..."

Before he finished, he realized.

"Since when did you cast a genjutsu?" Danzo asked in a commanding tone. "Since when have you been pretending to be Kuraha?"

"Oh? So that was the name of that bird-masked ninja?" Aizen, who revealed himself, smiled while opening his hands and said: "Well, well, what can I say... All this time? Hahaha, don't be nervous. I just wanted to play a little with you, Lord Danzo. After all, you were so courteous in 'inviting' me and trying to lure me for so long that I thought: 'I should do something for him!' And, well, it seems it was worth it, seeing you look so 'satisfied'. That brings me immense joy. And anyway, Lord Danzo, could you ask them to step back from me, please?"

"Idiot, do you really think Lord Danzo will..."

Before the ninja could complete what he was going to say, he stopped because he heard Danzo say, "All of you, step back!"

This order left everyone confused. They looked back at Danzo to confirm if it was really him who had ordered it, and when they confirmed, even then, they couldn't believe it.

What the hell was going on, were they in another genjutsu?

The moment this seed of doubt was planted in their minds, they even started looking at each other cautiously.

What if one of them was Aizen disguised through genjutsu?

"Thank you, Lord Danzo, you are very kind~" Aizen's voice echoed once more, enchantingly: "Now that we've seen and talked, I must go, oh yes, please, don't try to stop me and if possible, forget everything that happened now; in the end, I was never here, understood?"

Instead of responding, Danzo just watched Aizen leave without doing anything.

On the other hand, the ninjas, who were confused by actions that did not match Lord Danzo's character, soon dropped their heads forward, then lifted them back up with their eyes somewhat dull, until they began to move swiftly, cleaning the entire area and later returning to their initial positions as if nothing had happened.

Danzo sat on the throne again, his eyes that previously seemed colorless regained their light and for a brief moment he looked confused, until his state of confusion passed and he became cold and indifferent to everything once more.

'Why do I feel like I'm forgetting something very important to me?' Danzo thought, but didn't let it show.
Chapter 44: Dangers in the Village?
"I used my powers too much..." I murmured as I leaned against the wall of a dark alley.

A bit of blood trickled from my mouth, but it didn't stop me from smiling.

As I took the Shikigami out of my pocket, I couldn't help but laugh: "Did he think he was the only one planning something?"

The creation of the twin Shikigami was something I developed specifically to deal with Danzo. The moment I revealed that I could control the life and death of my target with just a bit of their blood, I already expected that sooner or later Danzo would come after me.

'It seems he couldn't bear to see me grow anymore and decided to act...' Thinking about this, a rare cold smile curved on my lips.

Given Danzo's persistence, I knew that at some point he might change his target and start aiming for my little sister...

Thinking about this, my expression became colder.

"Cough, cough..."

Coughing up blood, I took a deep breath and grabbed a red nutrient pill. Upon swallowing it, my pale face regained its color. My regeneration accelerated, and I began to recover quickly.

"Very well, it's time for me to go back..." I murmured. Soon I was jumping from rooftop to rooftop towards my clan.


At home, sitting on the bed after taking a bath and having lunch... I held a Shikigami while injecting my thoughts into it before going to sleep.

The next morning, I woke up and, seconds later, the book appeared and opened.

[842 Weekly Coins Credited]

"All this?" I was incredulous.

But then I thought of something: 'Is it because of Danzo?'

I also believed that a good part of it was still because of Kumo. Yesterday, she was happier than usual when we went to train at the dojo, especially when she felt the sensation of growing again while training. She particularly liked using the Asauchi, but strangely, she used it as if it were a large brush, drawing in the air with the sword.


On the way to school, Kumo said quietly on a more deserted street: "Big Brother, after school, can you come home earlier and give me some tips about the Asauchi?"

The moment I heard her question, I thought of Hinata, but since I have been training with her these past few days and can create clones to train with her, I agreed: "Of course, it will be a pleasure to help you."

I ruffled her hair. Although she pouted and said I would mess up her hair, Kumo did not try to avoid my hand.

"Alright, I'll stop." I said with a smile.

Puffing her cheeks even more, she soon laughed a little, saying: "Thank you for accepting, Big Brother~"

"Uh-huh." I nodded.


At school, in the classroom, Aizen, as usual, was sitting in the second row at the front, with Hinata sitting to his right and Ino to his left.

Hinata looked at Aizen and thought to herself, blushing a little: 'As I imagined... Aizen changed a bit, he seems to have gotten a little taller and... cooler, kyahh!'

The more she looked at him, the more Hinata blushed, to the point of hiding her face, laying her head in her hands on the desk.

Ino saw Hinata's strange reaction, looked at Aizen, and when her eyes met his, seeing him smile that sweet and charming smile, her heart raced quickly, making her blush. But she was bold enough to keep looking at his face.

"Ino, how is your training going?" Aizen asked with a gentle smile.

His question caught her a little by surprise.

For a moment, she didn't know how to respond. Had she done any training? She was confused, began to think, and, like a click, remembered.

"Oh, yes, I did, I think?" she said somewhat confused, then added with a touch of embarrassment, "I mean, I followed the training you suggested. I believe... I must have gotten stronger."

"That's good." Aizen reached out toward her beautiful blonde hair, and when he saw her close her eyes and tremble a little, he let out a low chuckle and patted her head, saying, "Let me see your progress later, okay?"

Nodding her head, she felt as if she had returned to the time when she was just a little six-year-old girl in front of him, feeling unnecessarily nervous, becoming insanely happy with a simple touch on her head.

She wanted to reprimand herself for being so childish. After all, for her, who was about to graduate and become a genin, it was practically as if she was becoming an adult. But why does she always, always have to act like a shy little girl in front of him?

Ahhh, she wanted to hit herself for being so cowardly. This way, she would lose to Hinata and Sakura!

'Ino, you can do it!' She said to herself in the third person in her mind, trying to motivate herself.

Gently placing her trembling hand on Aizen's hand, she tried to smile a little as she said, "Aizen, what..."

Before she could finish what she was going to say, Iruka entered the classroom: "Okay, everyone in your seats and be quiet!"

"What is it?" Aizen asked her.

Losing the courage she had gathered, Ino sighed and said quietly, "I'll tell you later."

"Okay." Aizen agreed with a gentle smile.

"Before we start the lessons," Iruka said seriously, "be careful on your way home, and if possible, don't stay out too late."

'Did something happen that I don't know about?' Aizen thought with doubt.

"This isn't normal coming from you, Professor Iruka." Shikamaru asked in a lazy tone, "Something is happening in the village, that's why you're saying this, right?"

When Shikamaru raised this question, the atmosphere in the room became heavier and several students started whispering to each other, while many became scared of a possible threat.

"Shikamaru..." Iruka sighed. "Yes, something happened, but so far, it's not very serious. However, take my warning seriously until I say otherwise, understood?"

"Yes..." A disheartened chorus echoed from the class.

Iruka felt helpless in this situation. As much as he wanted to do something, it seemed to be beyond his reach.

'Is it because of that?' Aizen wondered, seriously doubting if it was what he thought it was. 'But isn't it too early to have yielded results?'


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