With my hands tucked under my sleeves, I said gently, "Mm, I just felt happy seeing you grow up healthy and becoming more and more beautiful and strong; because of that, I got a little lost in thought about the past."

With my hands hidden under my sleeves as I crossed my arms, I said softly with a gentle smile, "I thought a little about the past, and so I felt happy to see you grow up healthy, more and more beautiful and strong."
I think you meant to delete one of those two versions.
"Moo!" She complained, embarrassed. "Moo, goodness, Big Brother,
People who aren't weebs and don't know Japanese might want to know that she is not actually mooing like a cow. Here it's an expression of exasperation (sense 4 on this page). It might avoid confusion to use 'Mou', 'Mo-' or 'Mō'
Last edited:
Chapter 21: Fusion of Talismans
"It's been almost a month since Unkai died of a heart attack..."

I stopped on my way to the living room upon hearing my father mutter those words.

"I don't understand, he seemed so healthy..."

I hear my mother say with a soft sigh.

Controlling my expression, I entered the room as I passed through the hallway. "Mm, good morning, Mom, Dad."

"Oh, Aizen, good morning." My mother was the first to respond. "You're up early today."

"Since graduation is near, I want to train a bit in the morning." I replied.

"I see, but don't overdo it, okay?" She said lovingly.

"I won't." I nodded calmly.

"Son, if you need anything, just tell me, okay?" My father said. "Remember, you can always count on us, don't keep everything to yourself."

"I know, thank you, Dad." I smiled, closing my eyes.

"Before you go to the Dojo, Aizen," My mother said. "Have something to eat, it'll be bad to train without having a meal first."

"Don't worry, Mom." I said. "I cooked some eggs and just need to heat them in the microwave."

"Will that be enough?" She asked.

I didn't respond, instead, I went to the fridge, grabbed a bowl with about 40 already peeled boiled eggs, and said, "I think so, after I finish my training, I'll eat a bit more."

"Okay." She didn't insist further.

After finishing heating the eggs, a delicious aroma spread through the air as I opened the microwave. Grabbing the plastic bowl, I bid farewell to my parents with a wave, and as I passed through the door, I briefly heard them return to talking about my deceased uncle.

Without paying much attention, I continued walking without stopping to listen to their conversation. As I walked, I held the bowl with my boiled eggs in my left arm and with my right hand, I grabbed an egg and ate it in two bites before grabbing the next one.

"Mm, I should have gotten the mustard..." I muttered, but didn't want to go back to get it.

Licking my fingers as I stood in front of the Dojo door, I took the key from my pocket, then opened the door with my free hand.

After locking the door, I left the bowl with the eggs on a chair and went to the bathroom to wash my hands and put on my hidden weights.

Later, after finishing eating, I took out two talismans, one for the Wind Clone and the other for the Yin-Yang fusion.

Holding both, I murmured, "Book."

As the book floated in front of me, a new option appeared with my thought to merge the two talismans into one.

"All right, I hope this time it works..." I murmured.

As the fusion began, the talismans intertwined, as if dancing in the air, creating a show of lights and rippling sparks.

My heart pounded as I saw that almost a minute had passed and it was still in the fusion process; it had never taken this long before.

Suddenly, a shattering sound echoed in my ear.

To my disappointment, the two gold-grade talismans shattered into fragments like shards of luminous glass...


Before I could continue lamenting, something different happened; the fragments didn't simply disappear like before, but instead, they came towards me and penetrated between my eyebrows.


I groaned in pain.

It felt like someone had hammered my head with a ten-kilo sledgehammer very hard.

The pain made me furrow my forehead deeply, and I was possibly making a very ugly face right now.

However, I didn't even have time to think about these things because my brain was receiving a flood of information that unconsciously forced me to close my eyes to better digest the information.

From the fragments of information, something like puzzle pieces began to take shape. Until it finally ended, and a name resonated in my mind: Yin-Yang Wind Clone.

That wasn't all; the information flowing in my mind explained how the Yin-Yang Wind Clone creation worked.

For example, if I were to create a clone, it could not only have the ability to move swiftly like the wind but also possess a balanced Yin-Yang energy nature, which would grant unique healing abilities and the ability to manipulate spiritual energy.

This fusion would result in a clone that is not only a physical copy but also has the unique ability to adapt to situations, whether by regenerating from damage or transforming to fit the environment.

Of course, if the clone created by me received various damages, it would still be dispelled, even with healing powers.

Opening my page, I saw that it appeared in the Special Features tab: [Yin-Yang Wind Clone: 10%]

10%, a minimum value to be able to use a jutsu. Of course, I understood that although I should now be able to use the Yin-Yang Wind Clone, it shouldn't be something too surprising at the beginning.

Forming hand seals, I tried to create a clone.

Like a whirlwind, a circular wind begins to form, giving rise to the shape of my clone.

Different from using the talisman, a good portion of my chakra, spiritual energy, and physical energy was used.

Taking a green nutrient pill from my ninja bag, I swallowed it and replenished a good portion of my strength.

At the same time, the clone was already done.

"Let me try eating one of these pills," my clone said as he turned to me.

Taking a green pill, I handed it to him.

Placing the pill between his teeth, my clone used Wind Cut and cut his own left arm, then swallowed the pill, while the arm that was cut turned back into wind, but with infused yin-yang energy, which powered up the wind to become a wind blade that shot in all directions.

Anticipating this, I defended myself, and my clone did the same as a new arm grew at an incredible speed.

"As I expected, these pills can be used by me and..." My clone reflected aloud. "The nutrients from the pill help me heal faster."

"How long can you stay activated?" I asked.

"I have no idea." My clone shrugged, replying frankly.

"I see." I nodded, already expecting this result.

"I don't want to waste the pill, so I'll start training." My clone said.

I already expected this too and created another clone for the next test.

The moment the clone manifested, I punched him in the stomach; soon after, he made hand seals and dissipated.

The pain my clone felt returned to me, as did the powers used to create it, which were not wasted.

'It's not much different from the wind clone created through talismans, but it's definitely more resilient.' I thought.

Another thing I noticed when dispelling the clone was the possibility of even being able to use real illusion without losing control of the powers...

Of course, I understood that I needed to become more proficient in this craft, but as I progressed with the Yin-Yang Wind Clone, it would only be a matter of time until I finally succeeded.
Chapter 22: Different, not strange
Sensing someone's presence approaching, realizing it was Kumo, I canceled my yin-yang wind clones.

The moment I did that, all the progress my clones had made became part of my strength.

'As expected, clones like these are a cheating without transcendence...' I thought.

Although with talismans I could achieve a similar result, it was, after all, an externally limited force in numbers and, not to mention that I needed to spend my weekly coins.

Currently, I'm earning a good amount of weekly coins every day, with the yin-yang wind clones, I no longer need to create wind clones with talismans. On the other hand, now is a good time to start trying to do the same with Lightning Style.

If I succeed in creating a jutsu or even a special characteristic with the yin-yang wind clone, it will be another way to strengthen myself.

With a click of the door latch, I saw Kumo enter with my body, looking for me.

"Big Brother?"

"I'm coming." I replied. She looked in my direction, opening the door even more, entered and stood not far from the door, seeming to want to tell me something. However, she opened and closed her mouth again before turning around and starting to leave when she realized I was already leaving too.

Picking up the plastic bowl I had left in a corner, I left and closed the Dojo. Not far away, I saw Kumo standing in the yard, lightly kicking the ground with her hands behind her back.

'What's wrong with her?' I thought with doubt.

Noticing my presence, she looked at me.

"You seem to want to tell me something, little one." I asked gently as I stood before her. "You know you can tell me anything, right?"

"I'm not little!" She argued a little fiercely, then sighed: "Big Brother... Do you think I'm strange?"

"Mm?" I raised an eyebrow. "Has someone told you something like that?"

"More or less." She replied vaguely.

"Not strange, different, yes." I replied.

She stopped kicking the ground and quickly grabbed my left hand while pulling me with force, looking into my eyes with her big round brown eyes. "What do you mean, I'm different?"

"Let me answer your question with another question." I said. "What do you think of Hanabi, do you think she's strange?"

She took a while to answer, seeming pensive.

A few seconds later: "Not strange. Different, yes... Ahh, so that's it?"

She seems to have understood what I meant.

"Yes, I think you understood." I smiled a bit as I said, "Your Kekkei Genkai is becoming more apparent, so you will become increasingly different from your peers. However, being different is not a bad thing. Remember this well, being different doesn't make you strange, but rather, someone special. Of course, there will be people who will speak ill of you or even make malicious comments, but understand, this only happens because either they don't understand you or because they are envious."

"They don't understand me or they're envious..." She murmured, then asked me, "So, what should I do so they don't think I'm strange?"

"There are several ways, but I'll give you two options. First, let them get to know you better, so they will understand that it's not that you're strange, but rather, different." I said softly. "Or, you can make them have no choice but to recognize your existence as someone special."

"I think Hanabi did something like that..." She murmured, then she smiled. "I understand and know what to do now, thank you Big Brother!"

She hugged me.

With my free hand, I embraced her, but soon she complained mischievously, "What a bad smell, you stink of sweat, Big Brother~!"

Then she stopped hugging me and ran off, leaving a chuckle echoing in the air.

"That girl..." I shook my head in helplessness.

Somehow, it made me laugh, remembering when she was just a five-year-old girl and told me something similar...

With a gentle smile, I continued to walk under the cold winter breeze.

"The weather is a bit cold, it might snow," I murmured, watching my warm breath create a visible mist.


"Aizen, how did you grow so much?" Naruto asked me, passing his hand over my head and then arching his hand over his own.

Looking at Naruto, who was about 145 cm tall, about 15 cm shorter than me, I said, "Nothing special, just ate normally and trained a lot."

"Ate normally, huh..." Shikamaru looked at the lunch box I brought, muttering.

"How can it be normal, you eat even more than me, Aizen." Choji said, sounding a bit envious.

"Haha." I just laughed softly.

Putting my lunch box with five compartments, I felt like he was exaggerating, but it's okay.

If he looked at Hinata eating from a lunch box with five compartments, each compartment being almost two-thirds wider, maybe he wouldn't think I ate too much...

"Mm?" Hinata looked confused at me feeling my gaze.

"Did you make it today?" I asked, looking at the lunch boxes open on the table in front of her.

"Yes, how did you guess?" She asked, surprised.

"By the smell." I replied and saw her blush.

Finding her cute blushing like that, I smiled as my eyes narrowed and I tapped just below my lower lip with the chopsticks, which made her blush even more. Seeming to want to disguise her shyness, she asked me, "Want some?"

"Yes, and you can have some of mine too," I said, opening my lunch boxes and placing them neatly on the table in front of me.

"Psst, psst, it's hot in here, it's hot," Kiba said provocatively.

"What are you saying, Kiba?" Naruto looked at the window and it was snowing. "How can you be saying that when it's even snowing?"

"Naruto..." Kiba touched his forehead. "Sometimes, I think you do this on purpose..."

"Mm?" Naruto became even more confused, but he was ignored this time.

On the other hand, Kiba's provocation had an effect, at least on Hinata, who blushed even more as she handed me a meatball.

"Aizen, I made my lunch today, try it too!" Sakura said from the other side of the table, next to Hinata.

"It must be awful, you better try mine, Aizen," Ino said from my right side.

"What are you saying, Ino?" Sakura exclaimed. "What I make is much better than yours?!"

"What? You dare say that?" Ino said, pointing her finger at her. "Sa-ku-ra, we both know who cooks better, even if you say yours is better, touch your heart and say it again if you dare."


"Girls, calm down first." I intervene calmly. "No matter the reason, it's not good to always be arguing. I've told you two before, right?"

"Yes..." Ino and Sakura respond in unison. Realizing this, they look at each other and huff at the same time before turning their faces away.

"Aizen, seriously, I don't know how you can handle this acting so calmly..." Shikamaru says to me as he rubs his arms.

"Is it that complicated?" I ask. "I even find it adorable."

"If you find it adorable, why did you interrupt?" Kiba asks.

"If they kept arguing, wouldn't they miss lunchtime?" I respond with the obvious.

For some reason, everyone looks at me with a strange look. Especially Kiba and Shikamaru. I even feel Sasuke's gaze from a distance.

As expected, they still don't understand.

Anyway, I go back to eating and Sakura, Hinata, and Ino share a bit of their lunches with me.

Chapter 30 is already released on Patreon!
Chapter 23: Breaking Barriers

Name: Yakumo Kurama


Talent: High

Strength: 54/54

Agility: 36/36

Speed: 36/36

Endurance: 59/59

Mental Strength: 93/110

Skill: 81/93

Chakra: 91/110


As I observed her attributes, I said, "Kumo, from now on, let's focus more on improving your skills, chakra, and your mental strength. If you want, you can still train your physical body, but I must warn you that you will not see progress, as you have practically reached the physical limit for your age."

"I will follow the plans that Big Brother has for me!" She replied, lightly tapping her chest, showing her trust in me.

"Yes, you can always choose to trust me, Kumo." I hugged her, saying softly, "If you follow what I say, you won't go wrong. I understand better than anyone what's best for you."

"I know." She returned the hug, rubbing her face against my chest.

After nearly a minute, she said, "Big Brother, can you let me go now?"


I released the hug, and Kumo stepped back, distancing herself a bit.

She asked me, "Cough, Big Brother, what should I train first?"

"First, start with meditation." I replied, "I know you don't like meditating much, but it's important to do it for at least 1 hour per day starting today, okay?"

"Yes...!" She replied without much enthusiasm.

Sitting on the floor in a lotus position, I sat behind her, placing my hands on her back, "Close your eyes and focus."

"I know~" She shrugged and did exactly as I said.

It wasn't like she didn't know how to meditate, but with my initial help, she could easily enter a deep meditation by circulating chakra throughout her body.

Now she no longer went out of control so easily, but when she was learning to meditate by circulating her chakra, she often almost lost control, and that's when I started to help her almost every time she meditated.

Five minutes later, I saw that she no longer needed my help and stepped away.

The chakra was already flowing smoothly through her body without any problems.

My next step was to create ten yin-yang wind clones after swallowing a red nutritious pill.

However, I did this outside, as their creation itself causes a slight disturbance of wind and could end up bothering Kumo.

With my clones created, I returned to the Dojo.

Soon, each of them began to train chakra circulation for the next 20 minutes, and then moved on to Wind Style control by manifesting it in a kunai.

Passing Wind Style to a kunai was not difficult for me, but repeating these manifestation and withdrawal actions over and over again was boring, but it brought results.

And, after an hour, I went outside the Dojo again with my clones, dispelling them.

When my clones were dispelled, I experienced the true meaning of achieving double the result with half the effort by canceling my clones.

Although my clones had worked hard to provide me with a significant result, and I had experienced this before when using clones through talismans, that was achieved through something external. On the other hand, this time it was a joint effort created by myself, without directly depending on something acquired from the relationship book.

There was still time until dinner, so I created five more clones.

When I returned, I started training my physique with weights, including exercises like flat bench press, straight barbell curl, lateral raise, dumbbell row, among others.

While training, I saw Kumo come out of her meditation state.

"I'll go ahead, Big Brother," she waved at me cheerfully, "Don't take too long, dinner should be ready soon~!"

"I know," I replied.


Sitting on my bed while drying my hair, I looked at my page in the book and, seeing that I had not made any progress even after using several Yin-Yang Wind Clones, although I felt it was a pity, it also made sense, as it had become something special enough to become a Special Characteristic.

On the other hand, I saw a kind of light at the end of the tunnel when I looked at my clone jutsu.

[Clone: 99.1%]

Although it was just an increase of 0.1%, it had been more than a year since I was stuck at 99%, reaching the point where I started to believe that this was the maximum possible to achieve.

'The creation of a variable broke the limit...' I thought.

So, I knew that it would be necessary to learn a variable of the Transformation jutsu, Body Replacement jutsu, Cloak of Invisibility Technique, Water Walking, Tree Climbing, and Chakra Release.

However, it was easier said than done. I knew that very well. I was trying to fuse talismans with each of these jutsus, but only now did I achieve such a result.

'But what if instead of relying on talismans, I try to learn an existing jutsu that is a variable of one of them?' I pondered calmly.

Although it's difficult, with my father being a Jōnin and moreover, the leader of the main branch of the Kurama clan, it wasn't impossible.

'Money is not a problem, after all, I made a lot of money from selling my book.' With that thought in mind, I decided to talk to my father later.

And, with graduation approaching, it would be a good time to ask for something like that.


After dinner, I asked to have a conversation with my father. Now, I was standing in front of him in his office.

"Speak," he said, looking serious.

Perhaps this was the result of the way I had expressed myself earlier when I said I needed to talk to him later that made him so serious.

Not that it mattered. I asked him, "Father, is it possible for you to get me variable jutsus of these jutsus?"

"Let me see." He asked to see the paper in my hand.

Handing it over, he read it and became somewhat pensive as he touched his chin.

A few seconds later, he asked, looking seriously into my eyes, "Can I know why you want something like this?"

I explained calmly, "I feel like I've reached the limit of these jutsus, but I believe that I would be able to break these limits if I learned a variable of these jutsus."

"Limit, huh..." He pondered, "I understand. I'll see what I can do."

Although he didn't promise anything, I knew that his words really meant something.

Smiling warmly, I said, "Thank you, Father."

"Mm." He just nodded with a neutral expression.

However, I knew deep down he was happy that I had come to him. The slight gleam in his eyes told me that.

Chapter 24: Challenged to a Duel
In my room, I meditated.

Meditation was something important to improve skills, mental strength, and chakra.

I particularly enjoyed meditating in the silence of the night with the window of my room open while the silence prevailed.

When I meditated, my consciousness sometimes reached a mysterious state of 'emptiness.' In this state, I felt free from worries; a great pleasure - at least for me who liked to put aside all my thoughts sometimes...

Minutes turned into hours, after a long time meditating, I came out of my meditative state.


Opening the book as soon as it appeared before me, I went to my page and saw a small progress and gave a gentle smile.

Stretching, I finally decided to sleep for the next few hours that remained.


The next morning, I woke up a few minutes before the familiar sound echoed in my mind, and soon the book appeared before me.

[43 Weekly Coins Credited]

'With this, I now have 128 weekly coins... By Sunday, at this rate, I should be able to get 250 coins.'

I understood that this value was so high because of my efforts in guiding my classmates. Being close to graduation, their requests for advice became more constant.

'Sunday, I will try to fuse a Yin-Yang talisman with a Lightning Clone talisman again.'

After a brief moment of contemplation, I opened the door to my room.

Outside the room, I felt the presence of my parents and sister on the first floor.

In the air, I smelled delicious bacon.

'This smell...' I thought as I walked towards the bathroom: 'It must be Kumo who is cooking.'

Later, upon arriving in the living room, I saw that my previous guess was correct, it was Kumo who was cooking today. However, she was not alone, mother was beside her helping as an assistant and giving tips here and there from time to time.


"Aizen, I challenge you to a duel!"

Aizen had barely arrived in the classroom and was greeted by the loud voice, with Naruto pointing his index finger at him, trying to strike a cool pose.

"Again?" Aizen asked, calmly. His kind eyes made him seem lovable, hard to hate.

Seeing him like that, Naruto stumbled over his words: "Yes, no, I mean... Ahhh, anyway, Aizen, this time it will be different, this time I will come out victorious!"

"Naruto, you are loud!" Sakura exclaimed loudly, but soon her voice changed 180 degrees the moment she looked at Aizen and said in a sweet voice: "Aizen, good morning~ Don't mind this idiot, he needs at least 100 years to be able to challenge you. No matter how many times you beat him, he never learns."

"Sakura..." Naruto muttered, crestfallen.

"Shut up, Naruto!" Sakura glared aggressively at him.

"..." Naruto mumbled inaudibly as he became more dejected.

"Haha, Sakura, don't be so hard on him." With a kind smile, Aizen said so far, making Naruto look at him with hopeful eyes, but his next words made him clench his fists: "Although he's a bit annoying challenging me all the time. It's good that he doesn't get demotivated, even though he has never been able to beat me."

"Aizen, you..." Naruto was speechless at this sudden jab.

"Idiot." Someone said not too loudly nor too softly.

Naruto heard this, turned around, and shouted, "Sasuke, who are you calling an idiot!?"

With cold indifference, Sasuke said with his stoic expression, "You."

Rolling up his sleeves, Naruto began to walk forcefully towards Sasuke, "You bastard, today's the day I end you. Sasuke, let's go outside now!"

Standing up, Sasuke surprised everyone when he said, "Yes, let's. I really do want to teach you a lesson."


This development caught me a little off guard. Not by Naruto's reaction, since I expected him to act impulsively, but Sasuke's reaction surprised me.

"Aizen, aren't you going to do anything?" Sakura asked.

Smiling slightly, I replied with a question, "Why should I?"

"Why..." She herself seemed not to know the answer.

"Haha, don't be like that, I understand why you wanted me to interfere, but you know what?" I touched her head, rubbing it a bit before pulling my hand away when I saw her blush.

Putting both hands on top of her head, Sakura looked at me, but lowered her head again. However, curiosity still made her ask, "Yes?"

I smiled a bit, "This kind of conflict is sometimes good. Especially the rivalry they have. After all, both of their strengths are very close."

"Isn't Sasuke stronger than Naruto?" Ino, who approached us, asked, then added, "By the way, good morning, Aizen."

"Mm, good morning to you too, Ino," I said, "And, to answer your question. Yes, to some extent, Sasuke has an advantage over Naruto, but Naruto is more tenacious, meaning, if he can prolong the fight against Sasuke, there's a chance he could win."

"Naruto has a chance to win?" Kiba, who overheard, seemed to have misheard as he exclaimed, jumping from his chair.

Of course, I understood his doubt, after all, although neither of them has been able to beat me in a duel, whether in strength or skills, Sasuke was the second strongest in the class among the boys.

However, if you asked who the second strongest person was, many would say it's Hinata. Despite that, she doesn't care much about competitions like these, preferring to follow her own way of being: kind, but determined when needed.

About that, I had to agree. Although I recognize that competitions and rivalries have their importance, they are not universal, after all, each person is different from the others.

It didn't take long for Professor Iruka to arrive, however, this didn't cool things down for Naruto and Sasuke, because today was the day when training would be outside, which means it would be possible to challenge someone to a duel under the supervision of Professor Iruka.

Just as I and everyone else were expecting, Naruto exclaimed when we arrived at the training area, "Teacher Iruka!"

"Speak, Naruto," he looked at him with a touch of impatience.

Naruto said in his loud voice, "I would like to challenge Sasuke to a duel!"

"I accept," Sasuke replied even before Iruka agreed to it.

Iruka looked at the two and sighed, "Okay, a little early, but let's start with the duel between Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha!"

With his words, everyone had a different kind of reaction, but something they had in common was releasing an excited "wow."

Although almost no one seemed to believe in Naruto's victory, I could see that they were excited about their duel. After all, Naruto has been showing growth since he started training with my subtle training tips.

Of course, there were also many boos from some girls who were Sasuke fangirls and cursed at Naruto.

"Things are getting exciting," I said with a small smile.

Beside me, Ino sighed as she put her hand to her forehead, "Aizen, only you." She sighed.

Chapter 32 is already released on Pa treon!
Patre on.com/WizardKiki
He is behaving like such a dad, he will get in so much trouble in the future from the kunoichi around him
Chapter 25: Naruto vs. Sasuke
The duel between Naruto and Sasuke was about to begin, each on one side with Professor Iruka in the middle ready to signal the start.

Usually, Sasuke acts cool in moments like this, but this time, he was more serious, staring fixedly at Naruto.

"It's about to start..." Kiba murmured.

'Iruka is acting a bit strange...' I thought: 'Normally, he tries to prevent duels like this from starting so early, but this time, he accepted it easily, I even feel like he was expecting it to happen...'

"Begin!" Iruka shouted, snapping me out of my reverie.

Iruka's shout had barely stopped echoing when Naruto ran towards Sasuke, closing the distance between them.

"Sasuke, this time, I will defeat you." Naruto said as he ran: "After I defeat you, Aizen will be next, and I will prove to everyone that I am not just a nobody and make everyone recognize me, especially Sakura!"

"I don't care about your delusions, but..." Sasuke quickly made hand seals before continuing: "If you can't even defeat me, stop dreaming about defeating Aizen." He exhaled flames from his mouth as he blew on his right hand.

"It's unbelievable, no matter how many times I see it..." Iruka murmured.

I could understand. The level of chakra required to create such an attack was large, but it didn't surprise me at all.

On the other hand, Naruto seemed to be expecting this, saying: "Not so fast, Sasuke."


Naruto shouted as the flames almost hit him.

Next, Naruto appeared a few meters away from where his substitution trunk was. Although he had lost speed by using the substitution technique to move laterally, he didn't stand still and began to move.

Running bent forward, hands behind his back, one of them holding a kunai, Naruto exclaimed confidently, "No matter what you say or do, Sasuke, I will be the winner. I'm sure of it - Dattebayo!"

"Dream as much as you want, Naruto." Sasuke replied indifferently, grabbing a kunai.

Without moving, he waited for Naruto's attack with his sharp eyes.


A metallic sound echoed as soon as the two clashed. I noticed that in terms of strength, Naruto was winning, but in terms of skill, Sasuke was more ingenious in using Naruto's own strength to push him back, then he took out several ninja stars and threw them towards Naruto.

"Darn it, I won't lose, Sasuke!" Naruto shouted as he finished spinning in the air after being pushed back, then using substitution for a trunk that was hit by five ninja stars, appearing on Sasuke's right side.

However, I saw Sasuke follow Naruto with his eyes; he was quite calm when Naruto hit him.

I could see the gleam in Naruto's eyes and his smile that stretched from ear to ear when he successfully hit Sasuke, but his smile turned into confusion, then despair when what he hit turned into a trunk.

"Idiot." Behind Naruto, Sasuke appeared and with his right hand, he delivered a karate chop to Naruto's neck, who was bent forward after hitting his substitution, then Sasuke's blow hit him squarely.



Naruto shouted as he fell face-first onto the ground. His reaction time was not fast enough; he didn't even have time to form hand seals to create a substitution.

"Stop right there." Iruka interrupted and announced, "The winner of this duel is Sasuke Uchiha!"

"Darn it...!" Naruto, who had fallen face-first onto the ground, knelt with his forearms on the ground. Then, with his left hand, he punched the ground a few times while exclaiming, "I lost again, this time I felt like I could win, darn it, darn it - Dattebayo!"

*Clap, clap!*

Even though I knew Naruto had lost, I felt he did well, so I applauded. Hinata, who looked at me, applauded, followed by Ino, Sakura, Kiba, etc.

When Naruto saw that everyone was applauding, some even encouraging him, saying he did well, I saw his eyes light up again, with a hint of shyness.

Getting up, Naruto, who was covered in dust, put his left hand on his cheek, scratching it a bit while laughing with his eyes closed, "Hehe, thanks everyone."

Not that he was excluded or anything, but being applauded even after losing and receiving encouragement from many of them, I saw that it was enough to make him feel on cloud nine.

After that, Naruto clenched his right hand into a fist and pointed it towards Sasuke, saying, "Sasuke, I may have lost this time... but I will definitely be the winner next time... just wait for it... I know I can do it - Dattebayo!"

Sasuke replied disinterestedly, "Whatever."

However, I noticed him tighten his hand in his pocket, clearly indicating his surprise with Naruto's performance. Despite their duel ending quickly with him being victorious, I could feel that he was not satisfied with the result at all.

That was easy for me to understand, after all, Naruto, who received a strong blow from him, was now jumping and shouting as if nothing had happened.


Hokage's Office.

In his crystal ball, Hiruzen Sarutobi watched the fight between Sasuke and Naruto. He was not alone; there were several Jonin around watching the whole process.

When the duel ended, Hiruzen cleared his throat, "Cough, very well, this was just the first duel. I want you all to look carefully and choose wisely, after all, your choices will determine your future and the future of these children."

"Yes!" Each of them nodded firmly.

"Hokage-sama." One of them drew his attention.

Hiruzen looked at him while stroking his beard, "You may speak if you have any doubts."

Adjusting his posture, he asked with doubt, "This is the boy Naruto. Are you really going to allow him to leave the village?"

His question made everyone turn to look at the Hokage. Obviously, they all knew that Naruto was the Jinchuuriki of the Kyubi. Many of them considered it dangerous to let Naruto roam freely. They even thought he should not receive proper ninja training so as not to become a danger to the village in the future.

"As for that..."

Chapter 33 is already released on Pa treon!
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Chapter 26: Hinata Challenges Aizen To A Duel
"I would like to challenge Aizen Kurama to a duel!"

Although the Hokage's Telescope Technique cannot capture sounds, he could lip-read and, through the crystal ball, he saw something that made him stop what he was about to say.

Hinata Hyuga, a girl who has been gaining prominence, challenged Aizen.

What surprised him was not her challenging someone to a duel, but rather, that someone being Aizen. Like an old fox, he could see that she had feelings for him, so Hiruzen was taken by surprise by her challenge.

When the Jonin, who expected the Hokage to continue speaking, saw him engrossed in the crystal ball, they also looked and then saw the little girl from the Hyuga Clan who was about to have a duel against the boy from the Kurama Clan.

"A duel between two heirs of prominent clans in the village..." One of them murmured.

"Aizen Kurama..." Kurenai Yuhi murmured softly: "Your talent with genjutsu is at a level that makes me envious."

Some Jonin looked at her, but they understood.

Even Asuma, who wanted to comfort her, the words simply did not come.

Almost real illusion, something difficult to create and... There are even rumors that Aizen Kurama is capable of creating Advanced Mental Illusions capable of affecting all senses of someone, creating real illusions. However, there seems to be a necessary process to be completed in order to successfully execute what, for ninjas, often the fight can be determined in moments, becoming a great disadvantage.

"It is said that Aizen's younger sister from the Kurama Clan only needs a brush to create real illusions..." One of the Jonin commented.

So far, it seemed to be just rumors. It was too ridiculous to believe that a ten-year-old girl could create real illusions, even belonging to the Kurama Clan, which was once one of the most powerful clans in Konoha, standing out in their Genjutsu.

"Will we witness once again the rise of the Kurama Clan by the hands of this pair of siblings?" Another murmured.

"It is possible," Kurenai murmured: "If it's the two of them, we might even see the Kurama Clan reaching heights it has never reached before."

She, more than anyone, knew how frightening the talent of this pair of siblings was. If left to grow, being able to control their powers and create real illusions with mastery, sooner or later, she believed that their names would be engraved in ninja history!

Asuma and the others looked at Kurenai with some surprise, but they neither disagreed nor agreed, just remained silent.

In particular, even Hiruzen felt the same, especially regarding Aizen Kurama, who has the ability to enhance other ninjas by providing precise tips that help them improve in what they stand out.

He, more than anyone, knew that the reason why Iruka's class was called the Golden Generation was mainly thanks to Aizen, and not because of Iruka, as many believed he was a good teacher.

Of course, the reason why they mainly think of Aizen's feats as somewhat nebulous is because of him...

"It's about to begin," One of the Jonin warned, and soon everyone was engrossed in the images in the crystal ball.


When Aizen accepted my challenge and walked calmly, he soon looked at me with that calm and gentle smile as always. I took a deep breath as I waited for Iruka's confirmation.

"Since Aizen has accepted, get ready, I will be the judge," said Iruka.

"Uh-huh," I responded with a hum, before grabbing a scroll.

The gazes pierced me like blades as soon as I began to prepare, but I didn't falter. With a firm gesture, I broke the seal of the scroll, taking out my bow and arrow and the quiver with several arrows inside. Putting the strap of the quiver around my neck, I held my bow with my right hand and with the left, I gently pulled and released the string, looking again in Aizen's direction.

Our eyes met, I felt my face warm up, but I didn't let it shake me. I wanted to show, to prove to him how much I had changed, how much I had trained. I wanted to demonstrate that I could be someone amazing, just like Yuuki Kumari; the shy girl in the book he wrote who was able to transform into someone extraordinary.

"A bow and arrow, huh," Aizen said with a small smile.

I felt strange, it was the first time I was going to show him my years of training since I read his story and tried to imitate the protagonist of his book, Yuuki, who used bow and arrows to hunt mainly because of her hawk eyes, capable of seeing from a distance.

When I saw that, I thought: 'Wouldn't I be able to do the same, or even better, using the Byakugan?'

The more I thought about it, the more certain I became that it was a very high possibility.

"I know I didn't ask for..."

He interrupted me as he said with the same smile and warm and gentle eyes as always: "You don't need to explain yourself or ask for my permission, you are free to do and use the bow and arrow if you want and, in my humble opinion, I believe it can indeed be a powerful weapon in your hands."

When I heard that, my heart raced. It was as if he had shot an arrow straight into my heart. I felt my face warm up once again...

Taking a deep breath and sighing, I try to control myself as much as possible. I don't want to lose control now and not be able to show 100% of myself in this duel.

"Thank you." That was the only word I managed to say in gratitude for his generosity and understanding.

No matter what, he was the one who created such a unique way of fighting, and until then, I felt a little strange using the bow and arrow without asking his permission first. Now, that I heard his words, I felt a weight lifting off my shoulders while feeling even more gratitude towards him.

"Is she really going to use a bow and arrow?"

"It seems so..."

"Wow, Hinata is bold for choosing to use that against Aizen."

Even hearing the murmurs around me, though I could understand their doubts, I will prove my worth.

"In your positions." Iruka's voice silenced everyone and I prepared myself upon hearing that, then I began to move as I heard him exclaim: "Begin!"

Chapter 34 is already released on Patreon!
Chapter 27: Clash of Strategies!
The various ninja stars thrown by Hinata in my direction were easily neutralized when I threw my own ninja stars.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! ..."

Metallic sounds and sparks were produced the instant her ninja stars and mine clashed.

However, I realized from the beginning that it was not Hinata's intention to hit me with these obvious attacks, but rather to take advantage of the opportunity to create distance so she could have time to form hand seals and then activate her Byakugan.

When she finished channeling her chakra and activated her eyes, she said, "Byakugan," creating visible veins that spread out from the sides and below her eyes.

Pulling an arrow from her quiver, I saw her infuse and concentrate chakra into the arrow before placing it on the bow, then she pulled the cord with the arrow surrounded by a blue aura.

Although I could see that she was not yet very skilled at this, as there was a lot of chakra fluctuation in the aura around the arrow, I noticed the shock on the faces of many, especially Iruka, who had his mouth wide open.


When she released the arrow from the cord, the sound resembling that of a horned beetle echoed.

I acted quickly by using substitution, so the arrow that was supposed to hit me hit the replaced trunk instead, and the impact was so strong that it shattered the trunk in the air, not losing momentum, heading towards the tree a few meters away, then hitting, piercing, and passing through, creating a hole, but losing its strength and falling to the ground shortly after.



The sounds of surprise echoed, which was understandable. The "Swallow Flight" technique, which consisted of infusing chakra into a blade to increase its destructive power, was an advanced B-rank ability. Even without knowing this technique, witnessing the havoc it caused was enough for them to understand its effectiveness and difficulty to learn.

However, I did not let myself be distracted by this. I saw Hinata pull another arrow, repeating the previous actions and firing it in my direction.


A truly thunderous speed. If my senses were slower, even for me it would be difficult to defend or dodge in time.

To my left, a lightning sphere appeared. The crackling sounds were loud, producing a symphony of sounds of electrical currents very similar to the sounds of a thousand bees together.

With a command from me, the lightning sphere clashed with the arrow with a repulsive force.

If Hinata's wind-cutting arrow looked like a blue bird gliding in free fall at full speed, my lightning sphere looked like a mini sun, being even a little difficult to look directly at.

I was confident in my own attack, so I ran forward towards Hinata.

It seemed that Hinata felt the same confidence, but not in her own attack itself. She placed the bow on the other side of her shoulder, with the arched part backwards and the cord between her breasts, and activated her technique by bending in the unique position that creates a domain around her.

'As expected, she thought well about how to take advantage of her strengths,' I thought.

With the bow, she could attack from a distance, however, the techniques of her clan still had enormous power at close range, especially with her Byakugan activated, which gave her a field that granted her a huge advantage capable of taking advantage of any mistake of her opponent, attacking their chakra networks.

Creating hand seals, I stopped at the seal where I whispered softly, "Yin-Yang Wind Clones."

Next, the wind picks up momentum, stirring the surroundings as exclamations of surprise resound around me.


"What's happening, why is there such annoying wind, heavens!"

"Why did this wind come out of nowhere?!"


In the blink of an eye, the scene unfolds before me: clones begin to take shape, replicating my own image. Within seconds, five exact replicas of me emerge, each detail meticulously reproduced.

"Shadow Clone?" Iruka murmured.

'A good guess, but you're wrong, Professor Iruka.' I thought.

Even if I wanted to, I wouldn't reveal it. It wasn't necessary to explain; any observant person would perceive that it wasn't the Shadow Clone Jutsu. It was a technique unique to me, a creation of mine through the relationship book.

In that sense, not even the Hokage has the authority to compel me to teach this technique. Similarly, he cannot compel clans to reveal their secret techniques, just as ninjas who have developed their own exclusive techniques cannot be forced to share them.

At the same time that one of my clones advances towards Hinata, our attacks collide, coming into conflict.


A roar echoes as one attack nullifies the other, creating an explosion that, in turn, causes shockwaves to start advancing in all directions in the form of wind.

Again, screams echo, mainly from the girls.

"Heavens, again?"

"Wow! This power... Your attacks wouldn't be able to kill someone?"

"That's scary..."

It was understandable to feel fear, it was a real concern, after all, both my attack and Hinata's were capable of killing many of them with a direct hit.

"A friendly warning, Hinata." I say. "Be careful when destroying my clone."

Hinata looks in the direction where I was, of course, even with the Byakugan, I believed that she wouldn't be able to know which one was the real me.

And, at this point, she has already discovered that it wasn't a simple clone learned at school, but rather, something more advanced.

"Okay." Hinata said with her soft but firm voice.

Then, she attacked my clone when it invaded the space of her domain, then she attacks!


At the moment she attacked, it was as fast as the Body Flicker Technique, with her palm open, she struck the chest of my clone, then my clone exploded into wind blades, but she seemed to be prepared by using clone substitution, obviously having taken my warning seriously.


Another wave of exclamations echoes.

Hinata's substitution trunk was sent flying, full of cuts from the wind blades.

"What the hell are these clones?"

I could see a doubt growing in their hearts.

However, I wasn't obligated to satisfy their curiosities.

At the same time, Hinata's domain was broken. She lost her hold of her technique the moment she used the substitution jutsu.

However, instead of creating a new domain, she made me a little proud to see that she took even more distance and picked up her bow again, then taking an arrow from her quiver.

'Yes, your best option is to use your bow and arrow against my clones.' I thought with a gentle smile.

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Chapter 28: Impressing Everyone
[Hokage's Office]

"Damn? What is this?" Jonin cursed in astonishment. "This looks like the shadow clone, but clearly it's at a more advanced level!"

"Wind clone, perhaps?" Another Jonin commented analytically. "Look, when the clone dispersed, instead of dispersing like shadow clones or water clones, it was more like a bomb that attacks with wind blades in all directions around."

"How did he learn such an advanced technique?" Asuma was amazed beyond belief. "Are you telling me... a 12-year-old boy created something like this?"

"..." It seemed that the others Jonin didn't even want to imagine such a scenario.

But if it wasn't him who created it, then who? His father?

Soon they dismissed that thought, although his father is the leader of the Kurama Clan as well as a Jonin, many of them knew that he did not possess the Wind Style.

"Was it really Aizen who created this jutsu?" Hiruzen murmured, equally surprised, but he could control his emotions better.

"Is that all?" Kurenai said. "Didn't you notice how impressive the girl from the Hyuga Clan is? Look at this, even facing a little monster like Aizen Kurama, she hasn't lost yet, isn't that impressive? Also, her use of the bow and arrow, using the 'Swallow Flight' technique, isn't it surprising?"

"Kurenai is right." A female Jonin agreed. "It is indeed impressive. Her way of fighting can easily be compared to a Chunin."

"Chunin, huh..." Kurenai felt like laughing.

With her Byakugan and the precision of chakra-infused arrows, clearly even a Jonin could face difficulties in dealing with her.

"But that's exactly why the boy Aizen is impressive. Look, he even has a gentle expression while fighting Hinata, it's as if everything is under control, giving me a very strong feeling that this is not all he can do." Another said. "It even makes me believe that he is just giving Hinata a chance to grow by fighting him. Yes, something like a student and teacher."

"I feel the same way, which I must admit scares me a little." Jonin said.

"He's only twelve years old and I'm not absolutely confident that I can restrain him..." Kurenai sighed.

Even geniuses like Kakashi, who became a Jonin at the age of 13, cannot necessarily be compared to him. Kakashi grew up in the midst of the Third Ninja War, with many losses etc, which basically forced him to grow up.

On the other hand, Aizen was growing up in a much quieter environment. Without even going to war or even starting missions.

"I had no idea someone like him appeared while I was away..." Asuma muttered.

Hiruzen looked at him, then turned his gaze to the crystal ball. The development of the fight began to take another turn.



Hinata's spirited cry echoes. I noticed her inhaling a large amount of air before holding her breath, then she began to pull arrows from the quiver and shoot at a speed out of the ordinary.

The arrows were fast, even without her infusing her chakra into the arrows, the force she used to pull made the arrows shoot much faster and with a greater destructive power than a kunai or shuriken.

Each clone or even me, were in the sights of an arrow, but that wasn't all, I noticed in the instant that I and my clones went to dodge the arrows that came right after, my dodge seemed to have been precisely calculated.

'It's interesting how she's growing in the middle of our duel.' I felt a little proud of her. Even in a tight spot, I didn't panic.

Actually, I was having fun.

Using my Speed Style, my speed increased in a way that I left afterimages behind like a ghost at first, then I was already out of the area almost as if I had used Instantaneous Movement.

My clones burst like balloons that were pricked by a needle, of course I could have used the same approach or even use the innate talent of my clones and continue 'alive', in part, I didn't want to reveal all the secrets of my clones, on the other hand, I wanted to boost Hinata's confidence.

Although it hurt a bit to receive both the memories of the clones and the experience of being shot, the most important thing was the return of the chakra that was used to create the clones that returned.

This time, I didn't create any more clones and, seeing the arrows coming at a staggering speed towards me, I continued to use my speed to my advantage to keep dodging while listening to the sounds of the arrows passing very close to me.

When she ran out of arrows, I saw her take out a scroll, then break the seal and, then, before I could even get close, she stomped her right foot on the ground, then a quiver full of arrows went up in the air and, she grabbed three arrows even before the quiver fell back down, then pulled all three arrows at once and shot them in my direction and, grabbed the quiver in the air, threw away the empty one she had, then replaced.


On the ground, I noticed that there were two more quivers full of arrows and then I saw her kick these two quivers towards a nearby tree, then they hung on a branch and then, she jumped while taking out an arrow and shot it my direction while infusing a bit of her chakra.


The exclamations changed, this time, it was like an audience watching an artistic show and seeing something that impressed them.

Obviously, they weren't the only ones, I was also amazed by her performance and ingenuity.

Now, she was on top of a tree, using the advantage of gravity to her advantage, she began to shoot arrows that came from above at a much higher speed.

When she did that, I could see that even she seemed surprised. Perhaps, it was the first time she tried to use the bow and arrow from the top of a tree.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! ..."

The arrows shot were embedded in the ground as I felt like a moving target, in a way, the duel process was already being controlled by Hinata's performance.

'Well done, it's time to take this to the next level.' I thought with a smile.

Soon, several lightning spheres hovered in the air around me and, under my command, they shot towards Hinata on top of the tree.

"I can do it!" Hinata exclaimed as if she wanted to convince herself.

In the next instant, she inhaled a lot of air and then held her breath again, then she started pulling and shooting several arrows, at times even shooting 2-3 arrows at the same time.

Like the sound of a bulb bursting due to energy overload, the arrows that collided with my lightning spheres neutralized my attacks.

However, because of that, I was already only a few meters away from the tree where Hinata was and with my left hand making a horizontal cutting sign, a wind blade is formed and shot towards the trunk of the tree she was on.

Chapter 36 is already released on Patreon!
Chapter 29: Dark Revelations about Aizen

A clean cut was made on the tree where Hinata was. I saw the tree start to topple, and Hinata grabbed the hanging quivers and jumped to another tree.


But before she could grab the bow and arrow from her shoulder, I created a wind scythe and horizontally threw it at the tree she was on; forcing her to flee again as the tree was cut and began to topple.

"Bang! Bang!"

Simultaneous sounds echoed as the trees fell to the ground.

Our confrontation continued. Instead of being like a cat cornering a mouse, it was more like the fight between two cats, one chasing the other without either losing the advantage completely.

Several minutes later, I saw Hinata panting.


[Hokage's Office]

"It's coming to an end," Asuma commented.

Kurenai nodded, saying, "Yes, and Aizen will be the winner."

Well, at this point, it was clear who would win. Hinata's chances of winning were clearly very low. Only a miracle would make her able to win, considering that so far Aizen still had the same gentle smile, not even looking tired, while Hinata was already panting, probably with her chakra reserves almost depleted.

"I just feel like this little guy from the Kurama Clan is a little monster..." Saying that, the dark-haired Jonin sighed.

"His chakra reserve, as well as his physique, is indeed something out of his league," the Hokage said as he looked at the crystal ball. "His potential is at a very high level, making me have high expectations for his growth after graduating."

"Yeah, yeah, he's not even a genin yet..."

When this point was raised by one of the Jonin, they all sighed in amazement.


I had my last quiver, my remaining arrows almost gone, I felt my chakra reserve dwindling.

Putting the bow hanging on my shoulder, I used 'Eight Trigrams: Sixty-Four Palms' to create my domain. The moment Aizen stepped into my domain, I was already in front of him, attacking with the palm of my hand. However, to my surprise, I saw him smile.


Our hands made contact, and I received the impact as I confronted his punch. I kept attacking, but he counterattacked with a punch, striking the palm of my hand with his hand surrounded by the Wind Style.

"You lost," he told me with his eyes closed, smiling gently with his lips slightly raised.

Upon seeing that, as he said this, he was waving a paper doll, I noticed with my Byakugan, which had a little blood on it. Looking at the palm of my hand, I saw that a small cut had been made.

"Is this your Shikigami, right?" I asked rhetorically, stopping fighting.


Listening to her question, Aizen's smile deepened, "Yes, you're right."

"I understand," Hinata sighed. "I knew I couldn't confront you head-on, but even with my chakra-infused hand, your Wind Style still managed to injure it... It's my loss."

The admission, or even the way she acted, was quite mature of her.

Snapping out of her reverie, Iruka shouted, "Aizen Kurama wins!"

When the rest heard this, not knowing what Hinata knew, they were confused by her admission of defeat. They knew how stubborn she could be, so what led her to accept her defeat when it didn't seem like she had lost?

"Why did she give up upon seeing that piece of paper with a little of her blood?" Naruto was the most confused among them.

"Idiot," Sasuke said, sharply.

"What did you say, you bastard? Say it again!" Naruto yelled, and Sasuke just scoffed in disdain.

"Dammit..." Naruto became even more enraged.

"Calm, calm," Shikamaru intervened and added, looking at Naruto, "Naruto, the reason Hinata gave up must be related to some knowledge she has about Aizen." He continued, "And it must be something that made her realize she was completely defeated; which makes me think of his clan's special lineage."

"What are you trying to say, Shikamaru?" Naruto scratched his head, still very confused.

Shikamaru clicked his tongue and lazily explained, "Aizen comes from the Kurama Clan, and although this was a long time ago; his clan is mainly famous for being able to create Real Illusions. And, remember the rumor about him being able to use real illusions?"

Naruto nodded.

He concluded, "If my guess is correct, that piece of paper that Hinata called Shikigami is the means he uses to be able to use real illusion."

Although he wasn't very close, Aizen seemed to have overheard their conversation and, hearing Shikamaru's analysis, he was surprised, but then smiled again.

"Shikamaru is right," Aizen said.

It was a simple response, but it caused a stir.


"So it's really possible to create a real illusion?"

"So... Aizen, are you really capable of that?" Kiba asked, with a shocked and fearful face.

How to find courage in this? Real illusion was unlike common genjutsu; it wasn't something that could be simply broken, and who knows how powerful it could be...

"Although I am capable, I need to make some preparations before using it," Aizen explained gently. "You see, I call this Shikigami." He picked up several white paper dolls and continued, "This is something I created, infused with my powers. But, to work against my opponent, I need their blood, and when I obtain it... Life and death will be under my control."

"How is he able to say something so sinister with a gentle smile..." Naruto shuddered.

Although it's not simple to obtain someone's blood, requiring a confrontation, if he is able to obtain it, then, doesn't that mean it's 'game over'?

Seeing that several of them even took a step back as their expressions became filled with fear, Aizen seemed not to see or care.

With the same gentle smile, he said, "There's no need to be afraid. I would never use this against my friends. Even what I used against Hinata is a weakened version, incapable of causing fatal harm. And, aren't we all friends and fellow ninja who will protect our village in the future?"

Aizen's words revived memories of the time they spent with him. Yes, he was right, each of them was a close friend of his and, the fact that he explained all this without hiding anything from them demonstrates how much he trusts them.

Somehow, their hearts warmed with the trust he imparted to them. After all, he didn't need to explain this to them, but even without needing to, he explained, showing how much he cares about them.

Furthermore, each of them was close enough even to take him home, and even their parents adore him.

Iruka, seeing this happen, didn't know what was wrong, but he felt something was wrong there. However, he had to admit that Aizen's words moved him too. After all, if he said this in front of him, it means that Aizen also trusted him as a teacher, doesn't it?

What they didn't know was that Aizen wasn't being completely honest... What he said was indeed real, however, he 'forgot' to add that even a simple strand of his opponent's hair is able to give him control over their life and death...


Now, they reacted more positively again as they exclaimed and congratulated Aizen and Hinata.

"You two were amazing!"

"Yes, I can't even believe we're the same age..."

"Wow, just, wow!"

"Hinata, you're phenomenal!"

Meanwhile, unlike the somewhat festive atmosphere, in the Hokage's office, the conversation and atmosphere were quite heavy...

Chapter 37 is already released on Patreon!
Chapter 30: Clash of Ideals
[Hokage's Office]

The atmosphere was tense. Everyone there was nervous.

"I thought he could only use real illusion in a more indirect way, like creating lightning or something..." One of them said, breaking the silence.

Although the crystal ball made no sound, everyone in that room was highly capable of reading lips and knew the contents of the conversation and what Aizen had said when explaining about his real illusion.

"Just needing someone's blood to have control of their life in your hands..." Another Jonin added, "That's scary."

"Hokage-sama... Shouldn't we deal with him now before he becomes a threat to the village?"

This question from one of the Jonins made the Hokage look at him coldly.

"Of course not!" Hiruzen slammed his fist on the table and said slowly, with a serious tone: "I know you're scared of his talent and even I didn't know he had already developed a way to use his real illusion so effectively and with such a low level needed to put it into action. However, he is still a citizen of Konoha and someone who loves his village, I see the fire in his heart! Just look at what he has already done for the village and you'll understand that he's not a threat to us, but to our enemies!"

"I agree with Hokage-sama," said Kurenai, who spent more time investigating Aizen because of his talent with genjutsu. "As far as I know, he's a very kind boy who helps everyone close to him. Just look at his classmates, who were initially scared, but soon put their fear aside when they realized it was Aizen who could do this. Do you understand what that means?"

"But, Kurenai, can't he just be pretending to be kind?" Asuma asked, skeptically.

"What are you saying, Asuma?" Kurenai shook her head. "You've been out of the village for so long, so you don't understand. But anyone who knows a little about Aizen knows how kind he is. Since he entered ninja school, he spared no effort when one of his classmates needed help. He didn't even isolate or restrict any of them, like Sasuke or someone like Naruto. He helped them, gave them tips, and you can see the result of that involvement for yourself."

Silence prevailed once again.

Even though they had heard all this, it was hard to deny that it didn't rid them of thoughts that he might be dangerous.

Hiruzen broke the silence: "Cough, I understand your insecurities, but just observe him if you're wary of him. But, I must warn you, don't try anything funny against him, or I won't let it slide, understood?"

"Yes!" They all had to agree, though Asuma seemed a little dissatisfied.


[Aizen's POV]

Time flowed slowly but steadily, soon almost all of my classmates dueled each other, but no one challenged me.

And, Sasuke challenged Hinata.

The duel ended faster than everyone expected, and the winner left everyone stunned.

Going against me made others underestimate Hinata a bit, since, although she had shown a lot of her current strength, from their point of view, she didn't seem to surpass Sasuke. However, when the duel started, Sasuke lost in less than 5 minutes.

"I still can't believe Sasuke lost so quickly to Hinata..." Ino muttered beside me.

"Is it that hard to believe?" I said with a smile. "Actually, it's very easy if you think about it. Anyone who isn't fast or skilled enough won't be able to dodge all the arrows shot by Hinata. So, again, is it hard to imagine?"

Ino fell silent, pondering, then she said: "Mm, I see. Putting it that way, yes, especially if Hinata can get to a high place like a tree, the fight is practically won by her."

"Very well, everyone, the class ends here. You can all pack up and go home now," interrupted Iruka, ending everyone's conversation.

"Finally over!" Naruto exclaimed.

Others were not as expressive, but I could see that they were also looking forward to ending the day, especially those who had been hurt a bit while dueling someone.

As we went to get our things in the classroom, I noticed that some of them were still a little cautious around me. However, it only lasted a short time.

The moment I gave tips to one of them, soon others started asking me for tips to improve, especially those who lost in the duel or even those who, even though they won, it was by very little and didn't want to be surpassed, like Ino, who barely beat Sakura.

The fact was that, now that they knew how powerful I was and yet I was willing to give some of my time to give tips, helping them improve, made me realize that their gratitude towards me had increased.

At some point, I realized that I was becoming stagnant. Although they were still grateful, I understood that it was a situation similar to giving a gift to a friend.

The first time, they would be grateful to you, the second time, they would be happy, the third time, they were expecting to receive something, the fourth and so on, they would feel they deserved to receive a gift and, if you stop giving something that was now 'theirs', they might even get upset and think you're taking something that belongs to them.

So, I need to be careful when doing this, to not let them believe that my help is something they deserve and it's my obligation to do it.

Now, I could see that they understood that once again. Understanding that I didn't need to do this, but I did it because I wanted to help them, especially when I reaffirm by saying that we are friends and that's why I help them.

When they heard that, even someone as stoic as Sasuke showed some emotion.


[January 11th - Thursday]

I wake up with the strange and familiar notification in my mind. Opening my eyes, I see the book floating open in front of my eyes.

"64 weekly coins have been credited."

Sitting on the edge of the bed with my feet off it, I think: "Mm, this is the highest value I've ever gotten."

A smile forms on my lips. After checking my page, I mentally store the book and leave my room in a good mood.

Chapter 39 is already released on Patreon!
Chapter 31: Productive Morning
On Friday morning, I woke up earlier than usual. It was 4:20 a.m.

As soon as I left my room after taking care of my daily needs and refreshing myself with a quick shower in warm water, I went downstairs.

Going to the fridge, I opened it and took out the glass dome-shaped bowl with several eggs inside, with small holes made with a fork to allow steam to escape when I put them in the microwave.

Adding some tap water, I put the bowl in the microwave. At short intervals of 15 seconds, I opened and closed it to make sure it wasn't overheating.

When I realized it was ready, I took out the glass bowl. It was a little hot, but nothing too much for me.

The smell of eggs lingered in the air, mainly because of the holes I made with the fork, the smell was stronger. Removing the water I had put earlier in the sink, I went back to the fridge and took the 2-liter PET bottle of water, then heading towards the Dojo.

The air today was fresh, and the temperature was around 16 degrees, an ideal temperature for me.

In front of the Dojo's door, I passed the water bottle to my other hand. Now with my hand free, I opened the door.


The strange, sharp sound of the door opening echoed.

"This door needs maintenance," I thought aloud.

After entering, I closed the door.

Going to a chair that was in the corner just in front of the door, I put the bottle and the bowl with the eggs on top.

Taking some eggs, I started eating slowly while planning my next few hours of exercises.

Finishing eating, I drank half a liter of water and went to equip myself with the hidden weights. Right after, I started training.


I stopped when I heard the strange and familiar sound.

[70 Weekly Coins Credited]

Seeing this, I rejoiced. Doing a quick calculation, I found out that I now have 262 coins. Until then, I intended to wait until Sunday before starting to spend these points, but I didn't see the point in waiting so long and decided to spend them now.

"Book," I murmured before going to the sales page.

Spending the first 100 coins, a high-grade talisman appeared in my hand.

A guaranteed fusion, I first chose my chakra nature, Yin Style and Yang Style for fusion.


The talisman floated from my hand and started to glow as it spun. Soon, it disappeared and reappeared with a change with the Yin-Yang symbol in the center.

'All right, let's go to the next one.'

Spending another 100 coins, another talisman appeared in my hand.

Going to the fusion option, I chose to fuse the Lightning Style with the Clone Jutsu.


Just like before, the talisman floated from my hand and started to glow as it spun.

When the talisman disappeared and reappeared, it underwent a change in appearance.

Picking it up, holding one in each hand, I took a deep breath.

It was 200 weekly coins at once...

"Meld!" I exclaimed loudly without the real need for such action.


In the next instant, the two talismans floated from my hands, soon intertwining as they spun around each other, starting to spin even faster, generating a splendor of lights and lightning sparks, and then simply disappeared, making me hold my breath.

'It has to work...!' I crossed my fingers as I waited.

Second after seconds, as I was starting to lose hope... Sparks were produced and, from these sparks, something at the speed of lightning went towards me, penetrating between my eyebrows.

I felt like a computer receiving files transfer at high speed and being installed a program with all the settings of the files at the same time. Things that I was confused about before became clear; my understanding of the Lightning Style increased, the same can be said with the Yin and Yang Styles and the Clone Jutsu.

In the book, I opened my page and saw the new special feature: [Lightning Yin-Yang Clone: 10%].

When I clicked, the information expanded with an introduction: The clones created by you have the ability to alternate between a more defensive form, focusing on Yin energy, and a more offensive form, focusing on Yang energy, providing a strategic advantage in combat.

A simple but profound introduction.

It became even clearer when I created a clone.

After making the hand seals, next to me, crackling sounds echoed, soon forming a clone exactly like me.

Then, this clone of mine made attacks in the air, creating deep impacts that caused thunderous sounds when focusing on Yang energy.

Later, I attacked with a punch with all my strength when I saw my clone cross its arms in an X shape.


The impact of my blow was strong, however, my clone barely moved, just being dragged a few centimeters back, while a simple mark on its arm appeared and, even with all my strength, the clone did not disappear.

'I understand... So, depending on how my clone is able to adapt, it will be able to attack and defend effectively.'

My thoughts began to wander as plans began to form in my mind about the best way to use this type of clone.

Thinking for a moment, I took a golden nutrition pill, then created 10 Yin-Yang Lightning clones, then took another golden pill to replenish my chakra and strength, then created 10 more Yin-Yang Wind clones.

Leaving these clones in the Dojo, I grabbed the bowl and the water bottle and left, locking the Dojo's door, leaving my clones to train while I went to the ninja school.

Of course, as chakra could be lacking at some point, I left a total of 20 green nutrition pills for their use.

The more they train and improve, the better my development will be and unlike talismans, the clones created by me do not have exactly an expiration date. Only wear and tear and very strong attacks will be able to make them disappear.

Just to be sure, I told my parents that I would leave my clones training in the Dojo.

Chapter 42 is already released on Patreon!
Chapter 32: The Limits of Puberty
Looking at the pages of my classmates, I could perceive that most of those who entered puberty had already had their limits expanded.

Those who were once stuck at an X value of an attribute could now start to rise again. When I said this, I could see their joy; after all, this meant they were no longer restricted to an X value of a certain attribute.

Thinking about it, my little sister is already 10 years old, her puberty has already begun, however, the limit of her attributes has not yet increased. But, by my calculations, there is still time; many of my classmates only had an increase in their limits at 11 and 12 years old, some have not even had it yet. Maybe only at 13 or 14 years old they will have an increase.

The reality is that my own attributes have not had an increase yet. Of course, I considered that it might be because I myself broke the limit; maybe that interfered. However, I am still 12 years old, there is still the possibility that my limits will increase without prior notice.


The next morning, I woke up early, but as part of my routine, I opened the book and looked at my page, initially, I didn't pay much attention to it, but... When I looked closer, I was amazed.


Name: Aizen Kurama

Weekly coin: 62


Talent: Elite

Strength: 123/138 -> 131/198

Agility: 127/139 -> 133/186

Speed: 128/139 -> 134/186

Endurance: 140/159 -> 159/211

Mental Strength: 98/100 -> 101/157

Skill: 89/129 -> 92/179

Aura: 76/82 -> 77/139

Chakra: 119/138 -> 122/188

Bones: 33/40 -> 35/91


Chakra Nature: [Yin Style: 77%], [Yang Style: 77%], [Lightning Style: 91%], [Wind Style: 94%].

Special Characteristics: [Speed Style: 51%], [Kurama Clan Kekkei Genkai: 66%], [Yin-Yang Wind Clone: 10%], [Yin-Yang Lightning Clone: 10%].

Jutsus: [Advanced Mental Illusions (Kurama Clan Genjutsu): 44%], [Transformation: 99%], [Clone: 99.2%], [Body Replacement: 99%], [Cloak of Invisibility Technique 99%], [Chakra Release: 99%], [Walking on Water: 99%], [Walking on Trees: 99%], [Wind Cutting: 83%], [Lightning Ball: 81%], [Instantaneous Displacement 66%].


It was too much of a coincidence. Just yesterday, I was thinking about increasing my attribute limits. Today, waking up, I discovered that each of my attributes had an increase of 50 or more!

This value is even higher than the growth of my classmates. Even famous clan geniuses, like Kiba, had a maximum increase of 40 points.

"Is it because I left my clones training while I was at ninja school?" I thought.

The logic behind this thought was that using clones accelerated the increase of my attributes, enhancing my growth. This led my attributes to be maximized thanks to my rapid progress.

The fact that one of my attributes reached the 200 mark made me very happy and satisfied. With this, I don't need to worry about buying attribute limit-breaking hammers for a while. I can focus my spending on talismans and nutritious pills.

By the way, sometimes, I feel like there should be more things available to spend the weekly coins on. So far, the only way I've found to make new items appear for sale was through missions. However, no new mission has appeared for quite some time.

[Later at the Dojo]

Swallowing a golden nutritious pill, I created twenty-five Yin-Yang Wind clones, and swallowing another, I created another twenty-five Yin-Yang Lightning clones.

Each clone received a total of 2 green nutritious pills. This amount was enough to make my clones able to train until I got back from ninja school.

"Okay, I'll leave you guys alone," I said.

They all looked at me with a small smile and waved.

Honestly, having so many of me doing this was an unusual situation, giving me a strange feeling.

But, if I want to progress faster, I need to rely on my clones. Now, my progress would be 50 times greater than before... Well, or almost that, actually, I noticed that it cannot be calculated this way. Although I received the training result of the 50, because it was all at once and, with similar results, the progress itself is basically 90% for each 1 clone of the result I would have training.

This happens because, while training, I make progress and keep improving, and so on. Although the clones are similar, there is a loss of about 10% of progress.

Well, they are still 90% of each clone, I have nothing to complain about. And, thinking that it was not enough, my clones had the nutritious pills I left with them, this by itself, will make them train without the need for prolonged rest, at most a short break to swallow and digest the nutrients of the pill before returning to training.

While my clones trained, I also began to train.


Around noon, sweating heavily after training a lot, I stopped while panting.

Sitting on the Dojo's tatami, after grabbing a water bottle, I wet my wrist and took a big gulp, murmuring softly, "Book."

The moment the book appeared, I started flipping through the pages that had already been opened by me. I saw some progress, mainly from my classmates, but I was totally surprised by the page I opened next.


[A new mission available]

Mission Number (1): [Sakura Haruno feels demotivated] - [Details: Help her feel good about herself] - [Reward: Depends on the degree of impact caused by your intervention]


Expanding the mission, I touched my chin as I read. The information said that Sakura was feeling demotivated for several reasons, but mainly because of me.

Her situation was almost at the level of depression, although not that severe. It seemed that, especially after losing the duel against Ino, her motivation was low. Losing the duel against her rival, and me seeing it, made her quite depressed.

After so long without missions appearing, I simply don't know why the mission that appeared seemed so simple... Well, whatever it is, I'll still do it, no matter if the reward is big or not.

First, I'll try to meet her and ask her out on a date.

Chapter 43 is already released on Patreon!
Chapter 33: Sakura and the Adamantine Fist
My luck wasn't bad.

As soon as I left home in the afternoon, near a restaurant, I spotted Sakura sitting on a concrete bench, sighing with her hands on her face.

She was wearing a beige long-sleeved t-shirt, dark gray spandex shorts up to her knees, and dark gray shinobi sandals. Her long, bright pink hair was tied up by a strip of fabric on the top of her head, holding her bangs so they wouldn't fall on her forehead.

Her legs swung gently, indicating that she was lost in thought, with a downcast expression.

As I approached her, I noticed that she was distracted, murmuring something without noticing me even though I was only a few meters away from her.

"Sakura," I called to her.

"Mm?" She seemed confused, as if she were hallucinating, looking around until her large, teary green eyes fixed on me, looking surprised by my presence. "Aizen?"

"Good afternoon." I smiled slightly, sitting next to her, I asked, "Why are you so down? Can you tell me?"

She didn't answer for a few seconds, as if she were fighting an internal battle. Then, she opened her trembling lips and spoke slowly, "Aizen... Do you think I'm weak and pitiful?"

"No, forget what I asked!" She waved her hands open in my direction, as if she regretted the question.

"In fact, I don't think so." I replied, "To me, you're strong and not pitiful at all."

A surprised look came over her face. She blinked a few times, stopped waving her hands, and looked at me hopefully. "Really, really, do you think so?"

"Yes, it's true." I smiled gently.

"Phew." She put her hand on her chest and sighed in relief.

I could tell by the sparkle in her eyes that internally she was celebrating.

While talking to her, I summoned the book and looked for her page.


Name: Sakura Haruno


Talent: High

Strength: 73/88

Agility: 79/81

Speed: 79/81

Endurance: 54/59

Mental Strength: 97/100

Skill: 89/90

Chakra: 89/90


Chakra Nature: [Fire Style], [Water Style], [Earth Style], [Yin Style], [Yang Style]


"In fact, if you want, you can become much stronger," I said with a mysterious smile.

When she heard this, Sakura grabbed my hand and asked, "How?"

With her current attributes, I knew she could start learning the Adamantine Fist technique.

Although I had never tried to use this technique, I still remember how to do it from the anime. I had some confidence that I could use it if I wanted to.

Instead of answering, I quickly made the hand seals: Dog → Snake → Ram → Sheep. Soon, my hand began to glow in neon green.

"See this?" I asked, showing my hand before standing up.

"Mm." She nodded, curious, watching what I was trying to do.

In the next moment, I forced my hand against the ground, and cracks began to appear.


Sakura screamed in fright, and I stopped.

Making new seals, I leveled the ground with Wind Style. It wasn't perfect, but it was better than leaving it as it was.

I turned to her and said, "Did you see that? Do you want to learn?"

She nodded in agreement, like a chicken pecking at corn.

"Then, let's change location," I suggested with a small smile. "How about we go to a training area?"

An ecstatic look came over Sakura's face. "Alright, we can do that!"

Seeing her like this, I smiled a bit. I knew it didn't take much to motivate her, but I wanted a better reward, so I couldn't stop there.

Walking together, we went to the most secluded training area.

On the way, I talked a lot with Sakura, explaining the technique's process and the seals needed to execute it.

She was a good student; as I spoke, she paid attention and could replicate almost everything with great skill. It's no wonder her mental strength and skill are high compared to others her age.


Aizen and Sakura arrived at the village's most secluded training area.

"I'll do it!" Sakura said with determination, striking a pose with clenched fists and arms bent upwards.

Her voice was sweet like cotton candy, and her eyes closed in a crescent shape. She was adorable.

Aizen smiled at her seeing her like this. His gentle eyes made him seem kind.

Sakura seemed to notice his smile and was affected; in an instant, a visible blush spread across her face and neck. She lowered her head as several thoughts began to pass through her mind.

'Take that, Ino, now I'm alone with Aizen and he's going to train me personally... In the end, love triumphed!' She thought, full of enthusiasm, but without letting it show.

Aizen's face displayed a warm smile as he said, "Very well, Sakura. Let's begin, I'll show you how it's done again and you try to replicate."

Soon, Aizen's expression turned serious. Slowly, he made hand seals for Sakura to see, and soon his hand was surrounded by blue chakra.

"Thanks to precise and meticulous chakra control, the user concentrates their chakra in their hands or feet and releases it all at once, increasing their physical strength hundreds of times and making them capable of finishing off extremely powerful opponents." Aizen said slowly. "When hit by this technique, the victim can have their bones broken, organs damaged, or even die."

Sakura swallowed nervously.

"Pay attention." Aizen said, then without holding back, he thrust a chakra-infused strike into the ground.


A very loud explosive sound echoed!

In the next instant, the ground began to crack open, creating a huge fissure.

Sakura, very frightened, backed away immediately, her face paling.

If she had any doubt before, she didn't anymore. It was simply a very powerful technique.

Will she really be able to learn it?

Of course, even without knowing if she would be able to learn it in such a short time, she was willing to try. At least, she felt something inside her chest, making her heart beat faster, as if she was finally going in the right direction.

What moved her the most was who was teaching her. Looking at Aizen, she thought that, now, although a little scared by such a demonstration of power, he seemed very cool.

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Chapter 34: Aizen's Ascension
"Fuuah… I did it!" Sakura exclaimed excitedly.

She could hardly believe that she had achieved a small success. Although she had only managed to form chakra in her hand and create a small crater in the ground with her strike, to her, it was already a huge breakthrough that deserved praise.

On the other hand, if she knew that Aizen had performed this same strike for the first time and was still teaching her, would she still feel this way?

Obviously, Aizen wasn't going to tell her that. Smiling, he said, "Congratulations, Sakura. Now, you just need to remember the feeling you had now and keep training every day until you perfect the technique."

"Yes, thank you, Aizen!" She smiled sweetly, excited.

With his eyes half-closed, Aizen continued to smile as he said, "It's getting late, let's head back now." He warned, "But, Sakura, remember, do not practice this technique in areas with people around. It will be dangerous if you lose control. Preferably, take it easy, there's no need to rush, okay?"

Aizen reached out and tousled her bright pink hair a bit.

Smiling shyly, she said, "Yes, I will listen to you."


[POV - Aizen]

After leaving Sakura at home, I began to walk back home.

On the way, the book opened and the page saying that the mission was successfully completed appeared before me.

When I clicked to receive the reward, I was speechless when I saw the page of the book that opened.


[Equipment: Asauchi] – It's Available

[12 Weekly Coins Were Credited]


Clicking to expand the information, I was even more shocked by what I read.


[Equipment: The Asauchi is a nameless Zanpakutō. To use it, simply pierce your chest with the blade, merging your soul with the Asauchi. Gradually, you will imprint the essence of your soul on it, allowing you to guide and shape your own Zanpakutō].

[Note: If you hand over the Asauchi to someone else and they accept, you will gain at least 50% additional loyalty from that person. If it is forcibly handed over, the maximum loyalty you will obtain is 50%].


After finishing reading this information, I couldn't help but gasp in surprise. It was clear that this was something I had seen in the Bleach anime. However, it didn't seem exactly the same process, and the information from the 'note' intrigued me a bit.

The cost was lower than I expected, costing only 125 weekly coins. A low value, in my opinion.

Well, I'm not complaining...

Although I'm not very anxious, there was no way I could stand still now. So, I started jumping from roof to roof, running very fast towards my house.

When I arrived, I passed by quickly while waving to some people in the clan on the way to the Dojo.

Upon arrival, I unlocked the door and saw that my clones were still training.

When they saw me arrive, they all stopped what they were doing. When they saw my face, they seemed to understand something. They showed that there was still a nutritious pill left from each, so half of them disappeared.

In an instant, information began to appear. The whole training process became part of me.

After digesting this, I said, "Wait a minute, I have something to test."

Saying this, I didn't even have to wait for a response. I opened the book and went to the sales page, then clicked on the Asauchi and spent the 125 coins to buy it. I realized that, at the moment I bought it, the initial cost of 125 coins became 250.

Soon a sword appeared in the air and fell into my hands.

'Does each purchase double the cost?' I thought as I now held the Asauchi with my left hand: 'So it's only the initial cost that's cheap...'

Anyway, I don't need to think about that now. Even if later I wanted to give an Asauchi to someone, I won't do it now.

When the Asauchi appeared in my hand, I took a deep breath before handing it to one of my clones and saying, "Take this and pierce my chest with it."

Without a doubt, my clone took the Asauchi from my hand, then positioned itself and pierced my chest with it.

The expected sound of flesh tearing and blood flowing did not come, nor did the pain I expected when being pierced by the sword. Only a slight tingling sensation took over me before a new strange sensation began to appear.

The sensation was peculiar, leaving me in a state of ecstasy. My whole being seemed to be massaged by this peculiar and pleasant sensation.

'Usually, shouldn't it be something painful?' I thought.

However, unlike what I imagined and expected, it was not painful at all, but incredibly comfortable and pleasant to the point where I was afraid of getting addicted to this peculiar and pleasant sensation.

As I began to get used to this sensation, which slowly faded away, I sighed.

Honestly, I don't even know if it was a sigh of relief for finally ending or disappointment for not being able to experience such a peculiar and pleasant sensation anymore.

I retrieved all the nutritious pills from the clones, dispelled them, and began to digest their training process. Shortly after, I opened the book again, going to my page.


Name: Aizen Kurama

Weekly Coin: 16


Talent: Elite

Strength: 131/198 -> 150/210

Agility: 133/186 -> 137/199

Speed: 134/186 -> 138/199

Endurance: 159/211 -> 176/232

Mental Strength: 101/157 -> 111/169

Skill: 92/179 -> 95/188

Aura: 77/139 -> 99/169

Chakra: 122/188 -> 125/199

Bones: 35/91 -> 41/101


Chakra Nature: [Yin Style: 80%], [Yang Style: 80%], [Lightning Style: 95%], [Wind Style: 97%].

Special Features: [Speed Style: 55%], [Kurama Clan's Kekkei Genkai: 68%], [Yin-Yang Wind Clone: 14%], [Yin-Yang Lightning Clone: 14%].

Jutsus: [Advanced Mental Illusions (Kurama Clan Genjutsu): 46%], [Transformation: 99%], [Clone: 99.4%], [Body Replacement: 99%], [Cloak of Invisibility Technique: 99%], [Chakra Release: 99.1%], [Water Walking: 99%], [Tree Climbing: 99%], [Wind Cutting: 86%], [Lightning Ball: 85%], [Instantaneous Displacement: 68%], [Adamantine Fist: 12%].

Equipment: [Asauchi: 10%]


'This isn't right...' I thought: 'Although using the clones would increase my attributes faster, this is ridiculous... It can't be because of the Asauchi, can it?'

Examining the attributes that received the most increase in detail, I began to consider that it was indeed linked to the fact that I had obtained the Asauchi.

'This is even better than I expected.' I thought.

Not that I was underestimating or anything, but I simply did not expect that right from the start it would already help increase my attributes so much, and, that's not all, I also noticed that even the limit of my attributes increased slightly.

Taking the Asauchi out of my body, I held the sword's hilt and began to plan what to do to increase my bond with it.

First, I will create several clones while holding the Asauchi, then I will train as much as possible to see if there will be any progress.

With that in mind, I began to act.

Chapter 44 is already released on Patreon!
Chapter 35: Forbidden Jutsu: His Father's Gift
I continued training until 8:00 p.m. and dispelled all 100 clones. The Dojo, which had felt crowded to the point of suffocation before, now seemed too empty.


I went to my page and smiled a bit.

Thanks to my clones, my attributes had increased significantly. However, what made me happiest was seeing that my connection with the Asauchi had increased from 10% to 31%. The speed at which I was able to strengthen this bond was a very pleasant surprise.

I wondered: when the Asauchi became a named Zanpakutō, would my attributes increase? It would be strange if they didn't... Of course, it might be a bit presumptuous of me to expect as significant an increase as I had when I bonded with the Asauchi. However, I don't think it's illogical to think that this would really boost my attributes...

For now, I set aside these thoughts. It didn't make sense to dwell on it for too long. I got up, removing the over 1,000kg of hidden weights and leaving only 100kg, then I left the Dojo.

Outside, I rubbed my hands together. The night was quite cold. Feeling my body cool down, I used the Lightning Style to generate heat, circulating electricity through my body. Besides warming me up, this was good exercise to improve my control over this style.

Upon arriving home, I dispelled the jutsu and entered. "I'm back," I announced, going to change my slippers.

"Welcome back," my mother replied from the kitchen, I believe.

I heard fast footsteps and soon saw Kumo, who smiled when she saw me. "Welcome back, Big Brother."

"I'm back," I replied, finishing changing my slippers. Approaching her, I rubbed her head and asked, "Did you meditate today?"

"Yes, for a few hours in the morning and a little in the afternoon in my room," she replied with a wide smile.

"Good girl," I smiled back with my eyes half-closed.

"Hehe~," she laughed with her eyes closed in a crescent shape, looking very cute.

Smelling a delicious scent of stewed meat in the air, I commented, "That smells delicious."

"On the other hand, Big Brother, not to be too forward, but..." Kumo smiled mischievously. "You're smelling of sweat~!" She pinched her nose with her fingers immediately after.

"Haha." I chuckled awkwardly and continued, "Okay, then tell Mom that I went up to take a shower, I'll be down soon."

"Yey~" She replied cheerfully.


Later, during dinner, as we were all finishing eating, my father turned to me and said, "Aizen, come with me to my office later."

My eyes lit up a bit upon hearing this. I thought, 'Has my father already obtained the jutsu I requested from him?' It wasn't necessary to ask right now, so, even though I was a bit anxious, I replied in a neutral tone, "Okay."

Curious, Kumo asked, "Dad, what do you want to talk to Big Brother about alone?"

"About something he asked me for before," my father replied concisely.

"Ohh..." Upon hearing this, Kumo completely lost interest and began to collect her plate from the table, taking it to the kitchen sink.

"I'm done," I announced, then I picked up my plate and took it to the sink.

After finishing washing and drying, I went upstairs, waiting for my father in his office.

Minutes later, he arrived.

"Have you found it?" he asked.

I nodded.

On my father's desk, there were five scrolls of secret jutsu:


1- Body Replacement Illusion: The user creates a perfect illusion of themselves replacing an object or person, completely confusing the opponent and allowing for an effective counterattack.

2- Path of the Arboreal Technique: The user can temporarily create chakra-floating platforms around trees, allowing them to walk in any direction, including sideways and upwards, without relying solely on the trunks.

3- Elemental Chakra Infusion: The user releases their chakra so precisely that they can infuse it with a specific element, making their physical attacks more powerful and elemental.

4- Subtle Invisibility Mantle: The user can adjust the intensity of the mantle, becoming partially invisible or completely transparent, allowing them to go unnoticed even in high surveillance situations.

5- Appearance Transformation: The user can not only change their shape to imitate another person or object, but also temporarily alter physical characteristics, such as size, color, texture, etc., allowing for a more convincing and versatile transformation.


Even with the simplified information of each jutsu, I was quite surprised. It was touching, because I knew that obtaining these five jutsu must not have been easy.

"Father, it doesn't need to be so advanced..." I said with a sigh.

My father replied with a touch of indifference, "Don't worry, even though it was a bit difficult, who do you think I am? After all, I am still the leader of the Kurama Clan, and even the Hokage needs to show me some respect, understand?"

Although I knew that, if it were a few years earlier, what he said would be true, our clan was currently in decline. So, how could his words be true?

Of course, I wouldn't expose him. Taking a deep breath, I said, "I know, thank you, father."

"That's better." My father smiled slightly.

It seemed like all he wanted was my gratitude...

"You really don't need to worry," my father said with a touch of shame, "Did you forget how much money you made from the sales of your book?"

"Did you buy these jutsu from the Hokage?" I asked.

"More or less," my father replied, "It's more accurate to say that it was borrowed for a month and then I have to return the original scroll to the Hokage. Also, you can't teach these jutsu to people from outside the village."

"I wouldn't do that," I replied.

"I know," my father replied. Then he added, "Okay, enough of that, take these scrolls and study them well. I know you can learn them even though you only have a month."

The unwavering confidence my father placed in me moved me once again. Smiling slightly, I placed my fist against my chest as I said, "Yes, I will!"


The next morning, Sunday, January 14th, I woke up at 4 a.m.

My time was short. Although I was confident that I could learn all five jutsu, since I could use clones to speed up my learning process, I still wanted to master as much of these jutsu as possible before graduation.

After preparing my own breakfast and eating, I went to the Dojo.

The task of learning the jutsu was assigned to five clones, two of lightning and three of wind. For the next few hours, they should at least memorize the five jutsu. Then, I could use more clones to learn how to use them, but not all of them could be trained in the Dojo...

Chapter 45 is already released on Patreon!
Chapter 36: Learning New Jutsus
Body Replacement Illusion: when my clone started studying this jutsu, it strangely seemed compatible with my Kurama Clan's Kekkei Genkai. Because of that, it was the first jutsu I memorized and even started to put into practice.

Until the moment I heard the strange and familiar sound, along with the relationship book appearing before me, using my clones, I managed to learn 10% of this jutsu.

[53 weekly coins were credited]

A higher amount than I had ever received on a Sunday.

Well, it was fair, since even though I didn't interact with many people the day before, only Sakura and my family, I knew that if my classmates were to train, they would still remember me. This should be enough to generate some weekly coins.

Returning to my new jutsu: seeing my clone using it against other clones, I had to admit that it was an improved version of the Body Replacement jutsu.

At the moment of replacement, the illusion takes effect and makes the tree trunk or any object that was used to replace take my appearance and not change even after receiving the blow, and this opens up a very large gap for me to counterattack.

Even for me, it was difficult to identify right away that what was hit was a replacement that had been changed by illusion. Maybe, if I didn't know, I wouldn't be confident in being able to differentiate in time.

The next jutsu I started to master was the Subtle Invisibility Mantle.

Different from the standard jutsu, this one I created a mantle made of chakra, a kind of very fine chakra fabric, but quite versatile, being able to adapt to any color, making me invisible, similar to Harry Potter's cloak.

The most fantastic thing was that, when using this mantle, although it consumed a lot of chakra, which made it a negative point... However, the benefits of this technique made it worthwhile, especially for not only making me invisible when using this mantle, but also being able to hide my chakra and scent.

As long as I didn't make noise, it would be a perfect concealment.

Of course, being able to stay without breathing loudly and control the beats of my heart was not simple. Even in a meditative state, I ended up making some sounds that, for an experienced ninja, it is possible to pick up.

However, I imagined that, by raising this jutsu to the maximum, I should achieve a very good result, or even a possible evolution of the jutsu could bring me a pleasant surprise.

This jutsu was currently at a progress of 5%, it was more complicated and difficult to raise, especially after reaching 4%, it took a few hours to reach 5%.

Another one that was easier to learn, but harder to execute, was the Appearance Transformation jutsu.

If it's the basic, just transforming into someone, it was easy. Like in a game, playing on easy mode. However, the moment I tried to become a chair, although I succeeded, it was for an instant before returning to normal, or even something larger, like a 3-meter stone, the result was to return to normal in moments.

In fact, I felt that this jutsu was not very different from the original, even though it was capable of covering a little more variety. Depending on how proficient you are in the transformation jutsu, you can do everything that this jutsu promises.

So, what was the real utility of this jutsu, I wonder...

Even without a definitive answer, I still continued to try to learn this jutsu. After all, my purpose has always been to try to break the limit of the original transformation jutsu, wanting to see what would happen if I reached beyond 100%.

"Okay, I've done what I could at the Dojo, for the other two jutsus, it will be better to try to learn them in an open area." I murmured before preparing to leave.


Upon arriving in a forested area near a lake, I began to create five Yin-Yang Wind clones and five Yin-Yang Lightning clones.

In the next instant, each clone began to train the jutsus: Path of the Tree Technique and Elemental Chakra Infusion.

'If I specialize in the Path of the Tree Technique, will I be able to create a chakra platform in the air?'

A thought that made me imagine such a scene, running through the air, practically flying while stepping on floating chakra platforms.

Although it may be a distant goal at the moment, in my mind it seemed plausible. However, the difficulty of achieving this level of mastery was even greater than simply being able to create chakra platforms around trees to move faster without depending on tree branches.

Elemental Chakra Infusion is similar to using the Adamantine Fist combined with the Swallow Flight.

'It's incredible to think that this jutsu was created based on the Chakra Release jutsu...' I thought.

Upon further reflection, the Chakra Release jutsu is the basic technique on which many other jutsus are based, although many jutsus are combinations of various techniques to create something new.

Putting these thoughts aside for now, I began to practice and put into practice.

Seeing my wind clones trying to use the Elemental Chakra Infusion jutsu and my lightning clones trying to use the Path of the Tree Technique, I realized that there was still a long way to go before I could master these jutsus. The difficulty was greater than the other three jutsus.

Actually, it's not that they are more difficult in general, but for me, these two jutsus are particularly challenging to learn.

An hour later, I dispelled the clones. Digesting their progress, I made new clones and repeated the same process for the rest of the day, while using nutrient pills so as not to need to return to eat.

After two o'clock in the afternoon, as I reflected on my next steps while dispelling the clones, I heard footsteps, and soon someone came into view.

"Ah, it's you, Aizen~!" The sweet voice of this girl sounded incredibly excited, albeit with a subtle touch of shyness.

"Hinata, good afternoon." I smiled at her as I approached. Stopping near her, I asked, "Did you come to train?"

Hinata smiled shyly, shrugging slightly before replying.

"Good afternoon, Aizen. Yes, I... I want to train with my bow and arrow. Can we train together?"

She asked, raising her eyes to briefly meet mine before looking away, a slight blush coloring her cheeks.

'How cute.' I thought.

Chapter 47 is already released on Patreon!
Chapter 37: Perfecting Combat Skills
"Yes, we can." I replied, "But, I have to warn you that I am training a new jutsu. However, we can train together if you follow my training plans. Do you want to hear them first?"

"Yes, please." She responded humbly.

Smiling, I said, "It's not very complicated. I will create clones, and you will pursue them with your bow and arrows. The purpose of this training is as follows: to improve your aim with moving targets, while for me, it is a technique related to evasion."

Hinata blinked her large eyes and then said firmly, "Okay, I agree."

Obviously, what I said was advantageous for her. She might even be thinking that I created this to help her and not to train a new jutsu.

"Very well, let's start." I said, then made hand seals and ten lightning clones appeared.

"So many..." She murmured.

"What's wrong, Hinata? Not confident?" I teased her a little.

"That's not it..." She murmured, but then her gaze changed, and she said firmly, "I will do my best!"

"That's the spirit." I said with a little laugh.

Smiling a bit shyly, she picked up her bow, placed her quiver on her back, and said, "We can start."

As soon as her words fell, all ten of my clones began to run in different directions, entering the forest.

Hinata made hand seals and said, "Byakugan!"

Now holding the bow with one hand and using the other to pull the bowstring, she pulled the first arrow from the quiver and shot without hesitation.


A blue streak traveled through the air at high speed, heading towards one of the clones. However, before the clone could be hit, using the Tree Climbing Technique, it managed to dodge by a hair's breadth, placing its foot in an almost impossible way on the tree but without actually touching it, and propelling itself to the side, evading.

I noticed a significant flaw: the speed lost was considerable. However, my clone reacted quickly, using the Speed Style to neutralize this flaw by moving forward with agility.

Without moving from her spot, Hinata continued pulling arrows from her quiver and shooting in the direction of my clones while using her Byakugan.

From what I observed, she almost hit my clones, to the point that one of them had its skin grazed.

'Okay, I'll let her train with my clones and meditate a bit.' I thought.

As I sat on the ground, I took a nutritional pill that costs 5 coins. I didn't swallow it but let it melt in my mouth slowly while the nutrients circulated through my body, recharging my chakra.

This was the best way to use the pills that one of my clones discovered: instead of swallowing the nutritional pill, it was better to simply let it melt in the mouth and replenish the lost chakra, stopping when there was no more need and waiting until being out of chakra again or digesting slowly while spending the chakra, basically having an extra chakra reserve.

When my chakra was almost completely replenished, I saw no need to continue meditating. As I opened my eyes, Hinata was no longer in sight, nor were my clones, but I still heard sounds of battle in the distance.

"Huh?" Suddenly, the information from one of my clones reached me.

'She was faster than I expected.' I was genuinely surprised, since although I was still learning to use this new technique, the way she managed to hit my clone was brilliant.

The moment my clone made a mistake using the technique, losing a lot of speed by using a tree to rebound, Hinata seemed to anticipate that my clone would use the Quick Style and was able to predict the exact trajectory. With one arrow, she managed to finish off that clone by hitting it right in the nape.

"Not bad." I murmured with a small smile.

Her growth was also something I desired and, the more she adapted, the harder it would be for my clones to escape. The more difficult it was, the higher the rate for my clones to get used to the new technique.

Meanwhile, I began to make hand seals, creating a strong wind current around me. Soon, five clones formed next to me and, without needing me to say anything, they began to train the Chakra Elemental Infusion jutsu.


A few hours later, six of my clones had been defeated by Hinata, leaving only four. In fact, I noticed she wasn't fighting the same way she did when she dueled with me. This time, she was even using Explosive Talismans on her arrows, creating gaps from the explosions, and thanks to that, she managed to hit my clones by determining their trajectories.

Of course, she wasn't always successful. Many times she missed the target, since, even though they were just clones, they were still my clones, and even without giving 100%, I didn't limit the use of the Speed Style. So, even if she managed to anticipate my clones' movements, it wasn't 100% guaranteed that she would hit them.

Meanwhile, I was meditating, replenishing my chakra and vigor.


Finishing my meditation, I murmured, "Book."

The moment the book appeared, I went to the shop page, spending my current coins to buy a Golden Hammer of Limit Break and two Red Nutritional Pills. Having done that, I went to my inventory page.


Inventory: [18 - Golden Nutritional Pills], [39 - Red Nutritional Pills], [173 - Golden Nutritional Pills], [1 - Golden Hammer of Limit Break].


'With this amount of nutritional pills, it should be enough to last a few days...' I thought.

As for the golden hammer, although I don't have any attribute at the maximum level at the moment, I believe that, at the pace I'm improving with the help of my lightning and wind yin-yang clones, it's just a matter of time.

And this amount of nutritional pills should boost my training with my clones to make this a reality.

Chapter 48 is already released on Patreon!
Chapter 38: The Revelation of Shikigami
Returning home after accompanying Hinata to her clan, Aizen was passing by a ramen stand when he saw a familiar figure with her back to him.

"Kurenai?" Aizen said.

The tall woman, with fair and slender skin, and long, shoulder-length disheveled black hair, turned around. When she saw who had called her, her expression changed a bit. Her red, almost purple lips curved into a closed-lip smile in the shape of a crescent moon, where the exposed lower lip shone slightly, giving her a unique and mature charm.

Parting her lips slightly, she said with a gentle look, "Aizen, it's you. How have you been?"

Approaching her, Aizen stood before her, almost at the same height, only a few centimeters shorter. He smiled warmly and said, "Good evening, Kurenai. I'm well, and you? How have you been, very busy with missions?"

Contrary to his usual voice, Aizen's voice was now a bit deeper, smooth as silk, and more virile.

Perhaps due to his constant changes and the earlier onset of puberty, which even led to the expansion of his attribute limits, he indeed seemed more mature than boys his age, mainly for being tall for someone who is just 12 years old.

"I'm fine, Aizen. The missions have been intense but rewarding. And you?" She added with a smile. "It seems like you've grown since the last time we saw each other, and it looks like you were training just now, right?"

"Yes, you're right." Aizen responded warmly. "I was training with Hinata until just now. Huh... By the way, have you eaten? How about we eat together and chat a bit?"

Kurenai thought for a moment before responding.

Although Aizen was young, they had common interests, especially genjutsu. She had trained with him before at the Hokage's request. At the time, about 10 months ago, she thought he was at most at a Chunin level in relation to genjutsu. However, he proved her wrong. She even felt that he wasn't giving his all during the training.

Returning her mind to the present, she replied in a gentle and deep tone, "Sure, I was actually a bit hungry."

She wanted to ask, or rather, find out when he started using that Shikigami and, if it was before even training with her, why he didn't try to use it against her?

Looking into her red eyes, accentuated by a purple shadow, Aizen smiled as he closed his eyes and said, "This is perfect. I'm glad you accepted. I enjoy talking with you."

Hearing this, Kurenai smiled even more and lightly slapped his shoulder: "Haha, you and your sweet talk. You know how to make me happy, huh."

"I only speak the truth." Aizen replied.

His response surprised her. For a moment, she even confused his age, thinking he was trying to flirt with her. However, she shook her head, dismissing that possibility. After all, what does a 12-year-old child know about love and flirting with someone?

Laughing to herself, she said with a giggle: "Fufu, I see, I see. Let's go."

"Mm." Aizen responded.


[POV - Aizen]

Upon arriving at Ramen Ichiraku, Kurenai sat on the wooden bench at the lower right corner, and I sat to her left.

After we placed our orders, I said: "Kurenai, while we were talking earlier, I noticed it seemed like there was something you wanted to ask me; what is it?"

She coughed lightly and smiled awkwardly, her cheeks blushing a bit as she let out a somewhat embarrassed giggle. "Haha, I didn't expect to be so transparent and that you would notice." She composed herself, becoming more serious. "Yes, you're right. Aizen, about your use of Shikigami..." She lowered her voice, almost to a whisper: "Since when have you been able to use it?"

'Ah, so that's what she wanted to ask about...' I thought calmly. 'The rumors have already reached her?'

However, I also thought about the strange sensation I had when dueling Hinata that day, especially the odd behavior of Professor Iruka.

"Before I answer your question, can you answer mine first?" I asked.

"Yes, what would it be?" She raised an eyebrow.

I asked softly, "About my use of Shikigami... How did you find out about it?"

A knowing look appeared on her face. Kurenai seemed to realize that I suspected something, as her next words, spoken after a sigh, confirmed it: "As expected, you are a very intelligent boy... You probably already guessed; the duel your class had a few days ago was being monitored by the Hokage and several Jonins, including me."

The fact that she answered me frankly, without even trying to hide anything, confirmed that this was not exactly a secret. Even if I were close to her—which was not exactly the case at the moment—she wouldn't have given me such a direct and satisfactory answer.

"I see." I nodded and, with a calm smile, replied to her previous question: "About the Shikigami, I thought about it when I realized I didn't have control over my real illusions, so I invented these paper pieces from a material similar to Explosive Tags..."

I took a sip of water and, seeing that she was paying close attention, continued: "At first, when I was 9 years old, I tried to use it as a common talisman. Despite some success, it was still ineffective and frequently failed. At 10, I decided to change its form to something resembling the human body, which proved to be the correct way to use it and named it 'Shikigami'."

Smiling a bit, I continued: "And only at 11 did I become somewhat proficient in its use."

I noticed her breathing quicken upon hearing my explanation. A few seconds later, she let out a long sigh and murmured, "Wow~" It seemed like she had just heard something hard to believe.

"Is it really that surprising?" I asked.

"You still have the nerve to ask me that?" She seemed incredulous, but her expression soon relaxed and she said with a touch of helplessness in her voice: "Yes, maybe it's just because it's you that it doesn't seem like a big deal..."

Her words suggested something I didn't know. What exactly did she know about me that made her act this way?

'Has she been gathering information about me?' I thought, looking into her red eyes.

For a moment, I considered using a genjutsu on her to get the information I wanted, but quickly dismissed the thought. If she were an enemy or if the information were vital, that would be fine, but since it wasn't the case, I didn't want to risk using it on someone I liked.

Shortly after, our ramen arrived. While we ate, we talked about various subjects, which helped to lighten the mood, especially when we talked about genjutsu.

Chapter 49 is already released on Patreon!
Chapter 39: Spiritual Power and Lightning of Punishment
January 20th, Saturday.


Name: Aizen Kurama

Weekly currency: 436


Talent: Elite -> Elite High

Strength: 160/210 -> 201/210

Agility: 147/199 -> 193/199

Speed: 148/199 -> 194/199

Endurance: 181/232 -> 211/232

Mental Strength: 121/169 -> 148/169

Skill: 99/188 -> 136/188

Aura: 100/169 -> 122/169

Chakra: 130/199 -> 169/199

Bones: 41/101 -> 69/101

Spiritual Power: 10/20


Nature of Chakra: [Yin Style: 91%], [Yang Style: 91%], [Lightning Style: 99%], [Wind Style: 99%].

Special Characteristics: [Speed Style: 65%], [Kurama Clan Kekkei Genkai: 73%], [Yin-Yang Wind Clone: 36%], [Yin-Yang Lightning Clone: 36%].

Jutsus: [Advanced Mental Illusions (Kurama Clan Genjutsu): 66%], [Transformation: 99.5%], [Clone: 99.7%], [Body Substitution: 99.5%], [Cloak of Invisibility Technique: 99.4%], [Chakra Release: 99.5%], [Water Walking: 99%], [Tree Climbing: 99.5%], [Wind Slash: 91%], [Lightning Ball: 90%], [Instant Displacement: 72%], [Adamantine Fist: 21%], [Body Substitution Illusion: 33%], [Subtle Invisibility Cloak: 21%], [Appearance Transformation: 27%], [Elemental Chakra Infusion: 22%], [Arboreal Path Technique: 25%].

Equipment: [Asauchi: 51%]


Looking at my status on my book page, what surprised me was not how much I had improved in the past few days, but the fact that, when the Asauchi reached 51%, a new attribute was unlocked, and my talent increased once again.

"If I had known this would happen, I would have spent more time training with the Asauchi. My main focus was to improve new jutsus and, indirectly, improve basic jutsus by trying to reach 100% with them," I thought.

The question was: how to increase my spiritual power? Would it be something like the natural energy of this world?

No, it can't be... The concept of each one is different. While natural energy is the energy that can be collected from the atmosphere and the earth, spiritual energy refers to the power that arises from the user's spiritual sensitivity and willpower.

From what I understood by reading the explanation of Spiritual Power on my page now, there is a singularity with chakra.

For example:

Reiryoku (Spiritual Power): Can be increased through spiritual training, intense battles, meditation, and unleashing the power of the Zanpakutou.

Chakra: Can be enhanced through physical and mental training, meditation, chakra control, and unlocking additional chakra reserves, like Kyubi's chakra in Naruto's case.

Even though they are similar, they are essentially different. Understanding this, I knew that if I wanted to increase my Spiritual Power, I couldn't do it in the same way I increase my chakra.

"Although it's a bit more challenging to increase another power network, this is interesting..." I thought with a small smile.

Another thing, although this new attribute has a very low limit, it also makes it easier to reach the maximum and break the limit with the silver hammer I currently possess.

"By the way, if I buy another Asauchi, will I be able to use it on myself again?" This question came to me with great interest.

In the worst case, I will have to give an Asauchi to someone...

As for who, I have several on the list that would fit. However, for now, I will try to use it on myself before deciding whether or not to give an Asauchi to someone else.

"I was going to wait until tomorrow, but..." I murmured, going to the shop page in the book and soon buying an Asauchi for 250 coins.

The moment I made the purchase, an Asauchi identical to the sword that appeared the first time floated in the air. I grabbed it with my left hand while looking at the book and saw that the value of the Asauchi changed to 500 weekly coins.

"That value... It's basically the amount I would earn in a week, and if it doubles again, it would be practically impossible to get that amount of coins in a week," I thought.

'That amount... It's basically what I would earn in a week, and if it doubles again, it would be practically impossible to get that many coins in a week,' I thought.

I placed the sword on the ground, performed hand seals, and created a lightning clone. I watched the clone pick up the Asauchi from the ground and attempt to pierce my chest with it, but something seemed to block the blade, as if an invisible barrier was preventing the Asauchi from piercing my body.

"In the end, it seems there's no way for me to have two Asauchi..." I sighed.

Fortunately, the Asauchi could be stored in the book's inventory for 2 months, so I had time to think about whom to use it on.

"It might be a good idea to give it to Yakumo," I murmured softly.

She was still limited by the attributes that had reached their maximum. Although I could break her limits, puberty would naturally expand those limiters. However, using the Asauchi could also increase her loyalty to me...

Even though I didn't think it was necessary, it would be best if all her attributes increased, and there was a possibility of improving her talent.

"Well, I'll wait at least a week before deciding what to do."

Muttering these words, I stopped thinking about it for the time being and returned to training.

Since Kumo didn't need to do physical training, I was alone in the dojo again, and after lunch, I planned to go to the training area to practice the other jutsus in an open area.

Before returning to training, I spent 100 coins to buy two fusion talismans.

I used the first talisman to fuse Lightning Style with Wind Style, resulting in Speed Style, also known in the anime as Swift Release.

Then, I used the second talisman to create the Yin-Yang talisman.

"Alright, let's try..." I murmured.

This time, the talismans were of medium grade.

With my confirmation, the two talismans floated in front of me, intertwining, spinning around each other, and creating sparks around. They soon disappeared in a flash of light and, seconds later, reappeared...

"I failed..." I murmured, but I wasn't disappointed, as it was just a test.

Although it was a 'failure,' as it resulted in the creation of another talisman instead of me acquiring a new special characteristic, one thing I noticed this time was the speed of the creation. And, although the result wasn't what I expected, the fusion of these talismans was a pleasant surprise:

[Punishment Lightning]: Concentrates a massive amount of black lightning and, when launched, results in a massive explosion that causes extensive damage over a large area and destabilizes the enemies' chakra.

It was something incredible, even though it could only be used once. On the other hand, the validity of this talisman is 6 months, which serves as some consolation for being single-use.

'If I could make this a special characteristic...'

This simple thought fueled a great desire to make this something that belonged to me. Not something single-use.

'No matter how long it takes, I will achieve it,' I thought.

Anyway, now I had something powerful in my arsenal if necessary...

Chapter 51 is already released on Patreon!