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An accident involving a truck brought about the end of humanity. This unexpected event provided Aizen with the opportunity to start a new life in another world.

Interestingly, his destiny led him to the world of Naruto, where he was reborn while retaining all his previous memories.

Until the age of seven, Aizen felt fortunate, although he still did not fully understand the benefits that the mysterious golden roulette would provide him, other than preserving his memories. However, his life was about to take a surprising turn.

A book appeared before him, and upon touching it, a connection was formed. From that moment on, the book became known as [Aizen Kurama's Relationship Book]!
My Discord:
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Chapter 1: The Wheel of Fate: A New Chance
In front of the woman dressed in a formal suit, whose long black hair was tied back in a bun and who wore gold-framed glasses and beautiful eyes of the same color, there was a huge line.

Another woman beside her, behind a desk, had just directed one of the 'travelers' and said, "We're going to have to work overtime for a few days... My god, who was the fucking idiot who let an immortal truck collide with a planet inhabited by humans?"

"It must have been that eccentric Tyrant Demon..." the first woman affirmed.

"A-Are you talking about the one with ten holy names?" stammered the woman beside her.

"Yes, that's the one." She confirmed.

"Don't... Tell anyone what I said!" She looked incredibly fearful.

In front of this same woman stood the soul of a young man between the ages of 19 and 20.

He overheard their conversation, his eyes blinked, and a strange light passed through his eyes.

"I heard that." He said.

"Kid, what do you think you heard?" The woman exuded a majestic aura, making the poor boy crumple almost like a crushed can. "Besides, how did you end up here? The next one hasn't been called yet!"

"I don't know." The young man replied. Almost breathless, since the aura of the woman in front of him was so colossal that it made him shrink back involuntarily.

It was true that he didn't exactly know how he had ended up there; he too was waiting in line, but someone pushed him and somehow, he ended up where he was now and overheard an interesting conversation.

"No matter what, I know what I heard." The young man said slowly with great effort.

The other woman beside, who seemed stoic, laughed: "Hahaha, Naab, you'll be in hot water if Tyrant Demon finds out what you said."

"...He wouldn't do something to me, right?" She asked, uncertain.

At the same time, she cast a glance toward the young boy who had the misfortune of overhearing the conversation with Nyx and said coldly: "Kid, you're in luck, I'll make an exception and let you use that golden roulette. Don't make any more demands, if you dare ask for more to keep quiet, you might just spin the regular roulette like everyone else and screw yourself. Besides, the chances of you ever meeting Lord Tyrant Demon are almost none, humph!"

Rising to his feet, the young boy looked at her and simply nodded. He would not be foolish enough to ask for more than that. And, as she said, he didn't even know who exactly this Tyrant Demon was, or if he would ever have the chance to meet him. The best course was to seize the chance he had been given for a better opportunity.

From what he had overheard earlier, each soul in this line had one chance to spin the roulette, and depending on where it stopped, their next reincarnation would be sealed on another habitable planet, and with it, the memories of the life they had lived before would be erased. It would be almost the same as being wiped from existence.

On the other hand, when she told him to spin the other roulette, she said nothing about his memories. Did this mean he could still retain his memories?

If so, he felt excited.

After all, if he would lose his memories on the first roulette, wouldn't that mean he would forget the conversation he had overheard?

With this thought, he hurried.


When he heard her voice behind him, he figured she must have realized the same thing he did, and without wasting time, he placed his hand on the lever and spun it.

With the sound of a ratchet, an explosive glow occurred, and before he knew it, he was no longer in the same place.

The last thing he remembered was hearing that woman cursing loudly.


Aizen Kurama, that was the name given to me by my parents, Murakumo Kurama and Uroko Kurama.

It has been two years since I came to this world, and today, my little sister was born.

"Isn't she adorable, Aizen?" My father asked, holding my little sister in his arms.

I looked at the tiny and fragile baby and smiled: "Yes, she's beautiful."

"Haha, isn't she just?" My father laughed loudly, but his laughter frightened my little sister, making her cry.

"Murakumo, you're being loud again, give her to me!" My mother, who was lying in bed and should have been resting after the childbirth—which, by the way, was a natural home birth—still had the strength to scold my father.

"Haha..." With an embarrassed chuckle, my father handed little Yakumo to my mother.

"There, there, my little princess..." My mother said in her sweet and gentle voice while gently patting my sister's back.


It's been a year since my little sister was born. Today, I left home with my father and saw the faces of the statues of the previous Hokages and the current Third Hokage.

A ninja world, fraught with danger on every side, endless risks, and an environment where children go to war to fight for their villages.

In such an environment, although the village prospered to a certain extent, one could not deny the tension in the air that I felt, different from my world of origin.

It was a situation akin to being in a neighborhood where drug trafficking was constant, with police appearing at every moment and possible exchanges of gunfire.

But that was it. Human adaptation is something frightening. Even people manage to adapt and live in that kind of neighborhood; the same can be said for the people of this world who have become accustomed to living in this dangerous world with ninjas, etc.

Of course, being only 3 years old, I decided not to think too far ahead.

One good thing was that I retained the memories of my previous life on Earth. Something that I most desired when I knew I would have a new chance to reincarnate.

"Isn't it incredible, son?" My father asked as he looked at the faces of the Hokages.

I could hear the pride in his voice and see it on his face; it was like the religious fanatics who gaze upon the crucifix of Jesus in a church.

Well, I could understand to some extent, after all, the Hokages gave their lives for the village; in a sense, they were a symbol of the prosperity the village currently achieved.

If there are dangers now, it was even worse before, with constant wars, droughts, and famine, something they no longer wished to experience, especially the older ones who experienced it firsthand.

So, although I have often heard in my world how foolish the First Hokage was, I still respect him. This respect came from the fact that he managed to create a village that prospered for so long. Although, after his death, it became clear that it was a mistake for him to distribute the bijuus to other villages, still, one mistake does not erase many successes.

At least that's how I like to think.
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Chapter 2: The Mysterious Book
It has been seven years since I arrived in this world.

My days are particularly good. Currently, I go to and from ninja school and have even met some children who will become powerful ninjas in the future.

It has not been long since the extermination of the Uchiha Clan either.

Many of the things that happened were exactly as I saw in the Naruto manga/anime.

Even the fact that Naruto was an orphan in the tragedy seven years ago during the Kyubi attack, among other things.

And, being in the same classroom as children like Naruto was a strange feeling, especially in the beginning. But I have gotten used to it.

Returning home after going to the small market, I stopped when I heard the sound of a bell ringing and then saw a floating book with a cover that seems to reflect light in a way that creates a rainbow effect. There are shades of blue, pink, orange, yellow, and green appearing as soft reflections. The surface of the book is somewhat translucent, with a finish that resembles frosted glass or ice, making the colors seem to be both on the surface and emanating from within the book itself. It's a quite ethereal and magical visual effect.

"What is this?" Of course, it was a book, I knew, but what exactly was this book?

I looked around, but it seemed that I was the only one able to see this floating book in front of me.

When I tried to touch it with my hands, the book seemed to be sucked into my hand and... I fainted.


"You finally woke up!!"

I hear an extremely worried voice.

When I try to focus my vision upon opening my eyes, I realize that everything was black and white. Closing and opening my eyes several times, my eyes begin to gain a bit of focus, and then, I saw my mother.

Her worried and anxious expression left me somewhat disconcerted.

I still did not know what was happening, nor even remembered how I ended up at home, all I could remember is that a strange book appeared and then...

While I was thinking, to my total surprise, that book which possibly was the culprit that led me to faint, appeared before me.

However, there was something different from before, although with the same colors and cover as before, there was my name in prominent gold letters on the cover.

[Aizen Kurama's Relationship Book]

"Relationship Book?" I couldn't help but doubt as I read this.

However, I had to reassure my mother, which took quite some time until I understood the reason... I had been unconscious for four days!

Long enough to justify why I was feeling so thirsty and hungry at that moment.

In the next few hours, I had to eat, hydrate, and attend to my basic needs...

After that, I found time to give more attention to the book floating in front of me.

Picking it up in my hand, the first thing I did was open it, and then something like character information from a game became visible.


Name: Aizen Kurama

Weekly Coins: 0


Talent: Medium High

Strength: 33/100

Agility: 51/99

Speed: 52/98

Stamina: 29/79

Mental Strength: 61/100

Skill: 41/80

Aura: 44/82

Chakra: 49/100


Chakra Nature: [Yin Style: 25%], [Yang Style: 25%], [Lightning Style: 20%], [Wind Style: 22%].

Special Characteristics: [Speed Style: 11%], [Kurama Clan's Kekkei Genkai: 19%]

Jutsus: [Advanced Mental Illusions (Genjutsu of Kurama Clan): 12%], [Transformation: 55%], [Clone: 61%], [Body Replacement: 62%], [Chakra Release: 21%], [Water Walking: 11%], [Tree Walking: 11%].


Seeing this made me unsure how to feel for a few seconds. I mean, it's cool to know about things like chakra nature percentages, etc., but it's also a bit worrying to see that my talents have limitations.

However, these more negative thoughts were soon erased when I thought about the possibility of raising all my attributes to the maximum.

If I can see my attributes like strength, speed, etc., doesn't that mean I would know where to train and see the progress of what I was doing correctly?

Just thinking about it made me excited.

Another thing, when I tried to see my mother's status, I saw that it was not possible; it required 5 weekly coins.

There was no information on how to get these coins, nor was I able to communicate with any entity that might be possessing this book.

'Whatever it is, I must find out in time.'

Getting stressed about it wouldn't get me anywhere.

And, I was still feeling weak and sleepy after eating. Setting that aside for a moment, I ended up falling asleep.


I woke up to a strange sound that seemed to play directly in my head.

[3 Weekly Coins Credited]

Hearing that androgynous, slightly robotic voice in my mind, I tried to conjure the book and succeeded. Opening the page, I saw my information and the addition of 3 coins.

When I opened the next page, I couldn't believe it, there was a mission available.


[Help Hinata Hyuga]

[Details: Hinata will be insulted by a group of three bullies because of her Byakugan]

[Reward: Depends on the degree of impact caused by your intervention]


Seeing this, honestly, didn't help me much.

However, it was informative enough.

Besides, today was the first day of the new academic year at ninja school.

The day was cold, and it was snowing heavily outside.

"Don't forget to bundle up well, Aizen." My mother said as she approached with a brown scarf that matched the color of my hair.

"Thank you." I said.

Rubbing my hair, she bent down and gave me a kiss on the cheek and said with a smile: "Go on, don't be late."

"I know." I said as I opened the door to leave.

"Good morning, Aizen."

Along the way, people from the Kurama Clan greeted me with a smile.

I waved as I moved away.

As I had decided to accept the mission to help Hinata, I ran deliberately faster than usual near the ninja school and, finally, the scenario described in the book was unfolding right before my eyes.

"Scary, how can your eyes be like that?" One of the boys said and laughed loudly at the end.

"It's disgusting." Said another.

From afar, I saw Naruto approaching.

My eyes sharpened, and with quick movements, using my speed to my advantage, I appeared in front of them.

Although I'm not terrifyingly fast, my speed for my age was rated as the fastest among children my age.

"Who are you now?" one of them said in his childish voice, roughly.

I looked coldly at him, making him step back.


When my name was murmured, the other two broke out in a cold sweat.

The reason was simple: once a boy dared to speak ill of my little sister Yakumo for having a weak body, and because of that, I beat him so hard that I ended up breaking an arm and nearly disfiguring his face with punches.

Although young, I was, after all, someone with the memories of someone who had lived for 19 years; there was no way I could lose to someone 6 years old, even if it was someone being trained to be a ninja. I too was, and, by the way, I was among the five strongest of my age.

"Her eyes are beautiful, how can you say they are scary?" I said. "What's scary here is your ugly faces. Seriously, have you ever looked at yourselves in the mirror?"

Perhaps I acted too well when I expressed disbelief in saying the last part, because their faces twisted and got even uglier.

"Wow, and to think they could become even uglier..." I said, looking surprised.

Hinata, who was right behind me, seemed unable to hold back her laughter.

Hearing that even the girl they had been teasing until now started laughing at them, anger was evident on their faces.

On the other hand, I said as I raised my fist: "What's that look for, you want to face me?"

My eyes sharpened, I knew how to act to appear intimidating. It wasn't something children of 7-8 years old could normally compare with.

"You'll pay for this, Aizen!"

With those words thrown into the air, they ran off with their tails between their legs, one of them even tripping and falling face-first into the ground.

"Hahaha! What fools!"

Laughter echoed.

That's when I noticed that Naruto had already approached close enough to us.

I didn't bother to look at him much, turning my gaze back to Hinata.

As if sensing my gaze, the blush on her cheeks intensified. It was amazing how red her cheeks could get, almost burning on such a cold day.

Looking up to meet my eyes, she quickly looked down again and murmured: "Thank you, Aizen..."

"It was nothing." I said. "I just can't stand people who talk nonsense, saying untruths out of envy. It's clear they didn't really think that; your eyes are not ugly or scary at all, they are just envious because of your clan."

"Really?" She looked up at me again.

"Don't you trust me?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

She lowered her head again and, with her fingers touching each other, said: "I-I... Thank you."

In the end, she seemed to give up on refuting or saying anything else and decided to thank me again.

I simply smiled in response and said: "Mm, let's go, or we'll end up being late."

"Mm." She nodded with a whisper.

Naruto, with his hands behind his head, stood beside me with an expression that conveyed his confusion, but he didn't seem to think deeply.

As I walked toward the school, the book suddenly appeared and opened by itself. Soon the page with the mission was highlighted saying the mission had been completed and asked me to claim my reward.
Chapter 3: The Dilemma of Limits
When I clicked to receive the reward, I stopped walking as the page of the book opened.


[Bronze Limit Break Hammer] - Available

[Silver Limit Break Hammer] - Available

[Gold Limit Break Hammer] - Available

[9 Weekly Coins Credited]


"Aizen?" Naruto called out, "Why did you stop?"

"Mm. I was thinking about something." I replied vaguely and started walking again. Soon, I opened the book to the page showing the available hammers and saw that the cheapest one cost 10 Weekly Coins, the silver one, 18, and the gold one, 45.

Clicking to expand the information, I was shocked by what I saw.

[Bronze Hammer: This item has the special power to break the limits of attributes that have reached their maximum value. The limit break range varies from 0 to 10. The chances of achieving a higher value will depend on your dedication and the degree of limit being broken (For example: 10/10 has more chances of achieving a higher value than 20/20)].

From what I saw, the only difference between the silver and gold hammers is the amount of break value increased; essentially, silver can reach 20 and gold can reach 50. The only advantage of buying them would be if one were confident enough to achieve a high value using these two last hammers, since the cost-effectiveness would be cheaper. However, if I failed to reach the maximum potential, it would be a waste.

Of course, in the information, the grade of the hammers also increases the chance of breaking the limits, meaning that even if I use the bronze hammer and break an additional 5 limits, the silver might reach 15 as it's easier to achieve a higher level.

However, this was something I couldn't afford to test, as up to this point, I didn't have that many coins. What I had could only buy the first hammer, and I hadn't yet enhanced any of my attributes.

'By the way, could I use these hammers to enhance someone else's attributes?'

It was a question worth pondering. If I were able, I would like to enhance the endurance and strength of my little sister, who might already be at the maximum limit due to her frail body...

While I was lost in my thoughts, Hinata was quieter while Naruto kept talking non-stop until we reached the school.

The rest of the day was simple, after all, if yesterday, which was Monday, we only had to attend, today we just needed to socialize, no significant class occurred worth mentioning. Well, not exactly nothing; I made more of an effort than usual to talk and create some bonds of friendship with some of the students, like Ino, Kiba, Choji, etc.

When I got home, my mother and little sister greeted me.

"I'm back." I said as I changed from my shoes to slippers.

"Welcome back, Big Brother~!"

Coming towards me with her arms open, my little sister almost jumped into my arms.

I hugged her, kissed her cheek, and asked, "Did you behave?"

"Yes, you can ask Mommy~" She replied with her cute, childish voice.

Touching her nose as I stepped back, my mother smiled at me: "Welcome, Aizen. Are you hungry?"

"Not really." I responded.

At the same time, I tried to use the book to view my little sister's page, but it required 11 weekly coins.

'Is this because of her special trait?' I speculated.

From what I observed at school, depending on the talent and my relationship with the person, the amount of weekly coins needed to access the page changes accordingly.

So, this means my little sister's special trait might even be more special than Sasuke's Sharingan, since although trying to observe Sasuke's page asked for 12 weekly coins, it must be considered that my relationship with him is at most as acquaintances who are studying in the same ninja school and are classmates.

Of course, when I tried with Naruto, it required 15 weekly coins, which made me think that this is due to the Kyubi sealed in his body, as it wasn't hard to befriend him. And, it can be said that my level of friendship was much superior to what I had with Sasuke.

As for my little sister, obviously my relationship with her is superior, she adores me and I play with her almost every day, except for the times I train at the clan's dojo.

A good example is the 5 weekly coins required to observe my mother's stats.

'Mm... For now, I'll wait to accumulate more weekly coins.' I murmured to myself.

My only concern is that the book does not follow the schedule of this world and, since today was Tuesday, I believe that these coins might reset on Sunday or Monday.

It's more likely to be Sunday, but you never know...

Now... How do I increase my weekly coins?

I presume that enhancing my relationships with people might help. That's why I was quite proactive in socializing today at school, but I don't know exactly what the end result will be...

"Big Brother?"

The tug on my clothes made me look down, meeting my little sister's gaze, which interrupted my scattered thoughts.

"Yes?" I smiled at her.

"Um... Can Big Brother play with me now?" She asked with her sweet, timid voice.

"Yes, let's play." I responded with a smile.

"Yay~" She almost jumped with joy, but that alone was enough to make her pant a little as she pulled me towards the toy box.
Chapter 4: Improving Attributes in the Dojo and...
In the dojo, I do some exercises before starting to train with weights on my arms and legs.

Feeling a few kilograms heavier, I start with push-ups, sit-ups, and squats first.

Due to the weights, I was only able to complete three sets of 30 of each.

It might seem like a lot or a little. However, considering the weights, which in total weigh 40 kilograms, I actually did quite a lot.

"Book." I murmured softly.

The moment the book appeared, I immediately opened the page about my information and noticed there was an increase in strength and one in endurance.

'Very well, I now want to try to improve my speed and agility.' I thought.

For the next few hours, I ran around the dojo, jumping and zigzagging without losing much speed. Of course, I realized that zigzagging without losing speed or even jumping was a difficult task. It's like trying to take a curve in a car without losing speed; you will inevitably lose some, but I tried to minimize it as much as possible.

When I finished, I was sweating even more than when I just wanted to train my physique, and I noticed when I picked up the book and looked at my status page that besides my speed and agility, which had increased by 1, my endurance had also increased again.

'But, compared to training to increase my strength,' I thought, 'when I try to increase my speed and agility, I need to exert more effort.'

Of course, the reason was obvious to me; my agility and speed were higher. That's probably why it's harder to improve.

Understanding this, I still intended to maintain this kind of training. If I can increase at least 1 in any of those attributes, I'll be happy.

'Now... I think I'll try to improve my chakra.'

I never seriously tried this before, but I haven't neglected it, so I do have good control over my chakra.

As I sat down on the floor, I began to circulate my chakra throughout my body as I had been taught.

As I delved deeper into my meditation, my breathing became smoother; at some point, I felt as if I were in some kind of Zen state. Obviously, I was far from something like that, but there was no doubt I was on the right path as I felt peace of mind while meditating and circulating chakra through my body.

Before I realized it, an hour had passed, and with my senses sharper than usual, I was able to anticipate my little sister's arrival. In my mind, I counted down to her arrival, and as I reached zero...

"Big Brother? Are you done? Mommy asked you to come for dinner~!" Her voice came from outside.

Soon, the dojo door opened, and little, cute Yakumo, with her hair tied in twin braids, appeared.

I got up and walked towards her, but as I got close, she held her little nose and said with a sour expression: "You stink... Big Brother, you smell really bad~!"

"Oh, you..." I pretended to be upset.

"Hahaha~!" Laughing, she ran off, but after about ten steps, she stopped, then started running again while laughing.

Seeing this, although I felt a bit helpless, I wished even more to be able to help improve her strength and endurance.

'I hope it's possible...' I murmured in my mind.


The next morning, I woke up once again to the strange sound echoing directly in my mind.

[14 Weekly Coins Credited]

I rubbed my eyes hard when I saw this. When I looked at the book page and saw that there indeed were 14 coins, I woke up completely.

Going to my page, I saw that indeed an additional 14 coins had been added, now totaling 26.

'It takes 11 coins to open Yakumo's page...' Thinking about this, after I finished washing my face, brushing my teeth, and going to the living room, I didn't hesitate when I saw Yakumo and spent the 11 coins.


Name: Yakumo Kurama


Talent: Medium Low

Strength: 15/15

Agility: 9/16

Speed: 8/16

Endurance: 10/10

Mental Strength: 44/110

Skill: 23/93

Chakra: 28/110


Chakra Nature: [Yin Style], [Yang Style]

Special Features: [Kurama Clan's Kekkei Genkai]


'I can't see the percentage of her special feature and Chakra Nature...' Although a bit upset by this, I was pleased to see that I could at least view the status of her attributes.

'As I thought, her endurance and strength have already reached their maximum limits...' I thought.

Taking a deep breath, I spent 10 coins on buying a bronze hammer. I tried clicking on Yakumo's endurance attribute, and magically, I was transported to an unknown realm. When I took a moment to notice, in my right hand was a bronze-colored hammer, while in my left hand was a kind of dark green porcelain doll that looked like my little sister.

In my mind, something told me that I needed to use this little hammer to strike this porcelain doll version of Yakumo.

Perhaps sensing my intention, the dark green porcelain doll floated in the square room without doors or windows, and soon positioned itself in front of me, floating.

Taking a deep breath, I knew I didn't have time to let my mind wander now, or all my coins might be wasted.

With total focus, I gripped the nearly 20 cm hammer, and with speed and strength, I hammered the porcelain doll for the first time. However, it didn't seem damaged when I did this. I continued non-stop, hammer blow after hammer blow. When I was almost at ten, I stopped for a moment upon seeing a crack and felt I missed a unique opportunity as the cracks intensified and the hammer in my hand disintegrated in a flash of light, soon merging with the porcelain doll.

A few seconds later, a blinding flash of light made me close my eyes, and when I opened them, I saw that the porcelain doll had grown a few centimeters, now looking brand new, and its green color seemed a bit lighter. However, before I could take a closer look, I was pulled out of that strange room.

"Big Brother, I feel weird..." Yakumo murmured from across the table, seated in her child's chair.

"Sweetie?" My mother also heard what she said and came closer.

When she noticed Yakumo's face was all red, she became extremely worried and took her out of the high chair, carrying her in her arms and heading to her room.

'It seems like this is the effect of breaking her limit...' I thought.

The reason I wasn't too worried was that I saw that, on her page, endurance had changed from 10/10 to 11/19.

Without effort, she had already gained +1 in endurance while the limit of her endurance increased by 9.

'I knew it, if I had managed to complete the tenth hammer blow, her endurance limit would have changed to 20...' I felt a bit regretful.

Well, it was my first time doing this; there's no use crying over spilled milk. Next time, I know not to stop hammering even if a crack appears. And it's already a great victory having managed to break her maximum endurance limit.

No matter how I look at it, I was happy. My little sister could become stronger as I broke the limits of her body, increasing her endurance and strength.

Of course, this would require weekly coins, but currently, I couldn't use them on myself, so when I have enough, I'll continue to help my little sister. It's better than not knowing if those coins would just disappear because I didn't spend them, and the reset day for the weekly coins wasn't on the day I expected it to be.
Chapter 5: Support and Growth
That day, my little sister caught a fever of 39 degrees Celsius, but, magically, the next day, I was woken up by her, who was more energetic than usual, literally jumping around as she called me.

When I looked at her page, I saw that her resistance had jumped again, going straight to 15.

'Is her talent really that low?' I thought in amazement.

After all, it was a total addition of 5 points.

Well, thinking too much about it I don't think would help me figure out why she improved so much, and, whatever it was, I was happy for her.

"I'm glad your fever went down and you're so energetic, little Kumo." I touched her head with a smile.

Looking at me, she showed a beautiful smile, displaying a row of white teeth, and said, "Yes, today I woke up with a lot of energy!"

At the door of my room, my mother was wiping away a trail of tears while a happy smile curved her lips; until then, I guess she had gone to check on my little sister and found her here.

Her biggest worry was Yakumo's frail health. I've lost count of how many times I've seen her cry when Yakumo got sick.

Suddenly, the strange and familiar sound played in my head, then the book appeared and opened, stopping at a page that said: [18 Weekly Coins Credited]

'My efforts in trying to improve my friendship with the students yesterday paid off well.' I thought: 'And, I think by helping my little sister, it must have influenced a bit in this amount of coins I earned.'

I even managed to exchange a few words with Sasuke, which was surprising since he doesn't like to talk to anyone in the class.

If so, even if it's just 10 weekly coins, buying a little golden hammer is not a difficult goal to achieve.

Of course, I knew there must be a limit to the number of coins I could get from interacting with others. But, although they say the higher the expectations, the greater the fall, I don't like to stop trying just for fear of losing.

As we walked after breakfast, I could feel my mother's gaze on me.

"Mom?" I called out to her.

"Aizen, how are things going at school?" She asked.

"It's going well." I said with a simple smile: "I made several friends."

"That's good." She smiled.

Since last year, when I hit the boy who spoke ill of Yakumo, I could tell that my mother was worried about whether I was managing to make friends and do well in school.

Well, I didn't really try to get close to the other kids; first, there was a mental age barrier. Even though I was reborn and living seven years as a child influences me often, making me act like a boy my age, I still feel more comfortable talking to someone older.

Of course, being a child, I'm never taken seriously, nor do I even wish for that. I'm not in a hurry to become an adult. But sometimes, I find myself thinking that I want to grow up soon, at least until I'm fifteen.

"Even if Big Brother doesn't have friends at school, he has me, Mommy!" Yakumo said seriously to our mother.

I laughed when I saw this, "Yes, you're right, little one, I have you to play with me when I come home."

"Hehe~ Yes, I'm Big Brother's best friend~" She giggled as she swung her chopsticks in the air.

My mother, seeing this, had a wide smile on her face.


"Good morning, everyone." I said with a friendly expression.

"Good morning, Aizen."

Gradually, my classmates greeted me back.

"Hey, Aizen, listen to this, listen to this." Naruto approached me.

"Yes, Naruto?" I paid attention to him.

"Isn't it amazing?" He said: "Yesterday when I tried doing what you told me, I felt like I got stronger, do you think I'm talented?"

The way he spoke, though a bit muddled, was still easy to understand, and of course, I knew what he was talking about and pretended not to notice his presumption when I said: "Have you tried the exercises I recommended? Squats, push-ups, and sit-ups can really help increase your strength and improve your motor coordination."

"I understand." Naruto smiled with his eyes closed, then opened a wide smile: "Thank you, Aizen."

"You're welcome." I said amiably.

Others approached in a similar manner, however, not everyone talked about basic training like Naruto, after all, the number of orphans in the class was small and Naruto was the only one who was more excluded by others.

"Aizen is so kind~"

I heard some little girls whispering this.

I simply smiled.

Although I had ulterior motives in doing so, wanting to increase my weekly coins by forming a friendship bond with Naruto and the rest, it still doesn't change the fact that I started to enjoy talking with some of them like Shikamaru, who had a high intellect for his age.


I heard a timid voice very softly, and when I looked in a certain direction, I saw Hinata looking my way, but she lowered her head when I looked at her.

'Mm, it's hard to approach her with her being so shy.' I thought.

However, that didn't stop me from trying.


At home, I played with Yakumo for almost an hour after coming back from school; soon after, I went to the Dojo.

My training hadn't changed much. In fact, I tried to change it before, following a training regimen I saw in a manga, which proved that it shouldn't be done.

To my dismay, instead of increasing my strength, I lost 1 strength point because of that training. Because of this, I began to be cautious and not test random training routines.

For now, I'll stick to the basics that I did before. If I find something that might yield better results, I will test it; however, I need to have at least some assurance that it will be helpful. At least I need to know that someone else has tested it before and had positive results.

A good teacher would be Might Guy, but it's difficult to meet with him these days, probably because he's out on a mission.

The sky was darkening, and just like other days, my sweet little sister came to call me.

"Big Brother, dinner~" She said this as she opened the door, then left leaving the following words in the air: "Take a bath first, you must be stinking again, hehe~"

I laughed helplessly at her antics, but didn't leave yet. Instead, I murmured: "Book."

The moment the book appeared, I went to my page.


Name: Aizen Kurama

Weekly Coins: 23


Talent: Medium High

Strength: 34/100 -> 37/100

Agility: 52/99 -> 53/99

Speed: 53/98 -> 54/98

Endurance: 32/79 -> 38/79

Mental Strength: 61/100 -> 62/100

Skill: 41/80 -> 42/80

Aura: 44/82 -> 45/82

Chakra: 49/100 -> 50/100


'It's satisfying to see my growth after training...' I thought.

Some only improved by 1 point, but that already represents progress. As long as there is improvement, it means I'm on the right track, which makes me quite satisfied.
Last edited:
Chapter 6: Raising the Limit
It was nearly midnight when I was awakened by nature's call...

Instead of returning to my room, I attempted to enhance Yakumo's strength, but it seemed I needed to be closer to her to perform such actions. It was only when I reached her bedroom door that I was able to use the silver hammer.

When I did this, I lost consciousness for a few seconds until I regained consciousness and found myself again in that strange room, holding a silver hammer in my right hand and a dark red porcelain doll in my left hand, about 15 cm tall.

The silver hammer was almost twice as heavy as the bronze hammer, making me wonder if it was because it was made of silver or because the attribute I intended to break was at a higher degree than the resistance, which was limited to 10, and the strength to 15.

However, I didn't have time to get lost in thought; I needed to act quickly or else I would be wasting the 18 weekly coins.

Taking a deep breath, I firmly gripped the silver hammer and, with a soft grunt, began to hammer the dark red porcelain doll representing Yakumo.

"Bang, Bang, Bang...!"

The sounds of my silver hammer striking the floating porcelain doll were constant. Just as I was about to hammer for the twentieth time, the crack that had appeared on the eighteenth blow intensified. Soon, a dazzling flash made me close my eyes, and the silver hammer in my hand lost its weight as it dissolved, possibly integrating with the dark red porcelain doll.

When I was able to open my eyes, I saw that the porcelain doll, initially about 15 cm, now doubled in size and sported a brighter red color.

'Success.' I smiled.

Although I wished I could have made all 20 strikes, 19 wasn't a bad number.

When I realized it, I had already left that strange room and was once again in front of Yakumo's bedroom door.


After muttering and seeing the book appear, I went to Yakumo's page and, seeing her strength limit had increased to 34, I couldn't help but smile.

Pleased with the outcome, I began to leave.

I believe I'll have a good night's sleep today.

But just to be safe, I went to my parents' room and lied, saying I heard Yakumo calling for them.

Now, I could no longer use the hammers with my little sister, since I had broken the limits of the two attributes that were at their maximum. It would probably take some time for her to reach the maximum again...

Perhaps I should focus on maximizing one of my attributes, but it doesn't seem like something I could achieve soon, at least not in a single week.


This time, I wasn't woken by Yakumo. A strange, familiar sound woke me up, and I saw the book appear.

[21 Weekly Coins Credited]

"...I guess it's fair to say that by improving Kumo's strength, I earned more coins." I thought, somewhat sleepily.

Rubbing my eyes, the result was the same, which made me believe that I was right in thinking that by helping improve Yakumo's attributes, I was rewarded for it.

As for why she didn't come to wake me up today, I found out after leaving the room to go to the bathroom.

My parents had spent the entire night taking care of her. It seems that, just like when I helped break her resistance limit, breaking her strength limit also resulted in her being bedridden with a fever.

However, talking with my mother, I discovered that Yakumo's fever wasn't very high; in fact, this morning it had practically disappeared, now at 37.8 degrees.

She was just experiencing a mild fever now and even felt better enough to eat.

"I'm glad she's feeling better." I asked, "Why didn't you tell me yesterday?"

Although I pretended a bit, I was still worried. In the end, all this was still a great mystery to me. Although I believed what I was doing was for Yakumo's good, making her bedridden over it isn't exactly something I would want.

"It wasn't something that needed to be announced since her fever wasn't that high," my mother said, placing her hand on my shoulder. "You worry too much, Aizen. Kumo is fine and will get even better. I feel that your sister's frail body is improving, don't you think so?"

"Even though she had a fever today?" I asked.

"About that..." She pondered, "I just feel it's a necessary process for her to get better. Perhaps it's a deep wish of mine as her mother, but I just can't help thinking that this is the real reason why Kumo gets a fever. Especially when she woke up after the fever earlier and was more energetic and cheerful than on other days."

"I understand, I think so too," I smiled.

Honestly, I was a bit surprised by my mother's words. It was as if she had seen through what was happening even without knowing and, if it is as I presume, after the fever passes, Yakumo indeed will be getting better and better.


Today was Friday, the last school day of the week.

Partly, I wished I could stay home to train; on the other hand, interacting with my classmates could yield more coins.

But, as I didn't have many uses at the moment, I didn't care too much. Even if I bought the hammers, I could only use them when my attributes reached their maximum.

On the other hand, today I spent 11 coins to open my parents' pages.

As expected, their attributes were not bad, but my mother's had a lot to improve on, being not even halfway filled, only my father's were more than halfway filled.

Another 9 coins were spent on Hinata. I decided to open her page, as the cost was not too high considering her latent potential.


Name: Hinata Hyuga


Talent: High

Strength: 19/44

Agility: 17/98

Speed: 16/98

Endurance: 21/47

Mental Strength: 27/99

Skill: 38/99

Chakra: 35/99


Chakra Nature: [Fire Style], [Lightning Style], [Yang Style]

Special Characteristics: [Byakugan], [Gentle Fist Style Taijutsu]


Her attribute limits were not low, but somehow she was not progressing well, despite having high talent.

When I spoke with her, I suggested she do the same type of training exercise that I had recommended to Naruto and other students until Monday.

Now, whether or not she would do that was a different matter. I simply wanted to see if the reason she was not progressing was in the way she trained.

'Thinking about it now, even though her talent is high, my attributes seem better...' I thought: 'Is this because I am a reincarnation?'

Especially my attributes of strength and endurance, which were basically the same as those of an adult.

Even my father had a maximum of 120 strength and 110 endurance.

From what I've observed, the limits also increase with the growth of a child into adulthood. Until what age this occurs, I still do not know, since I have only opened the page of 4 people in total, but if it is as I imagine, around 20 years old is the peak.

That is, at 20 years old, the limits of the attributes should be at a much higher level.

Of course, with this, I started to have doubts. If this is true, does it mean it's not a good idea to increase the attribute limiters now?

However, while reflecting on this, I also considered the following: It does not necessarily mean that by exceeding my limits now, it will prevent my attribute limiters from expanding as I age.

And, I do not wish to limit myself now just because I am afraid that I will interfere with something that could improve naturally.

Another thing also: looking at Yakumo's page, I noticed that her talent has changed from Medium Low to Medium High!


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Chapter 7: Difficult Decisions
On Monday, I woke up once again to a strange sound, and upon checking my page, I noticed that the 2 coins that had been left were debited.

Looking at my page in the book, I was glad that I had decided to spend all my points yesterday.

On Saturday and Sunday, I trained hard, and yet, I managed to earn 14 coins in those two days.

That totaled 20 coins, of which I spent 18 to buy a silver hammer, intentionally leaving 2 coins remaining.

Upon seeing that these two coins had disappeared, I was pleased to have tested and spent the 18 coins last night.

'So, I should assume that every Monday my weekly coins are reset.'

It was good to find this out as soon as possible. It would be ridiculous to lose more than two coins. Although I have no immediate use for the silver hammer I bought, at least I know that when I need it, I'll have one available, even though its expiration date is in 30 days and there are still 29 days and a few hours left. This motivates me even more to reach the maximum of one of my attributes before it expires.

Another thing I did was increase the hidden weights I use from 40 kilos to 60 kilos and train my physical strength and endurance since Friday, mainly on Saturday and Sunday, which resulted in considerable progress.

Strength: 37/100 -> 42/100
Agility: 53/99 -> 56/99
Speed: 54/98 -> 56/98
Endurance: 38/79 -> 43/79

As for the other attributes, I barely managed to increase one, as it was not my main focus at the moment. I realized that it was no use to push too hard to increase a single attribute, so I managed to raise a considerable amount of my strength, agility, and speed attributes. My main goal would be to reach my maximum potential for endurance and break the limit before the silver hammer expires.

By the way, other missions appeared, but now I saw that there is a limit of 1 weekly mission I can do. I must choose well, as this could end up triggering a new purchase option, as it happened when completing Hinata's mission. Before, I didn't take a close look, I just went to do the mission. This time, when I looked, I saw that it said weekly missions and next to it was (1/0).

In other words, at the moment I completed any mission that appeared, whether it was Kiba's or Chouji's, the reward would be different, not to mention that other missions might appear throughout the week. I was afraid that these missions would disappear and be the ones that would give me the best rewards. There was a deadline of 1 day and 12 hours in Chouji's mission and 1 day and 23 hours in Kiba's.

Kiba's mission was to help him with the transformation technique in coordination with Akamaru, which I believed would be more complicated. Chouji's, on the other hand, was simpler: he wanted to eat a barbecue.

Kiba's should be something like him using Akamaru transformed into his appearance and attacking in coordination, similar to what I saw in the anime when he fought Naruto.

As for Chouji's, if I invited him to eat barbecue at my house, it could be different from inviting him to eat at a barbecue restaurant where they were proficient at what they did.

Barbecue was something anyone could make, but it's not something everyone could make taste good. Even if it was at an acceptable level, I knew my parents weren't good at it. My father could make it, but it didn't compare to a professional's.

Between the two missions, it was clear which one would be easier to complete. Money wasn't a problem, but because it was so easy to complete, it led me to consider that the reward would also be low. Like Hinata's mission, the reward would be determined depending on my involvement.

'For now, I'll go to school. If another mission doesn't appear by tomorrow, I'll make a decision.' With that thought in mind, I left my room. After a trip to the bathroom, I went to the living room.

"Good morning, Big Brother~!"

Seeing Kumo smiling at me so cutely while waving, I returned the smile: "Good morning, little one. Are you feeling well today?"

"Yes, I've never felt better~" She smiled, showing her white teeth: "Every day seems more colorful, I feel stronger every day, look~!"

She tries to show her muscle with a smug smile.

Seeing this, I let out a laugh, and I wasn't the only one, my mother was also discreetly laughing in the kitchen shared with the living room.

"Oh, that's amazing, let your brother see up close." I went to her and lightly squeezed her muscle and pretended to be amazed: "Wow, it's grown so much!"

Looking happy with my reaction, she climbed onto the chair and put both hands on her waist and let out a happy little laugh: "Hehe~"

Although my mother seemed happy, she still scolded: "Kumo, it's not polite to climb on chairs!"

"Yes...!" When she tried to sit back down, she almost fell.


My mother shouted in alarm, but I reacted quickly and caught her before she fell, and put her back in the chair.

Her cute little face was as white as a sheet, it was obvious that she thought she was going to fall.

"Be careful, little one." I said with a more serious tone, but showing my concern.

"I will..." She reflexively replied. But then she laughed: "Hahaha, Big Brother is so powerful, he caught me before I even hit the ground, it was so fast!"

Her face, which had been pale before, returned to a rosier color as she clapped.

'So bipolar...' I thought as I shook my head at her reaction.

I could see from my peripheral vision my mother putting her hand on her chest and sighing in relief.

Well, I could understand. Although Yakumo is improving every day, it hasn't even been a week since she started improving.
Chapter 8: Failures in the Education System
I arrived early at school, and there were hardly any students in the classroom.

Hinata was one of the first to arrive. When she saw me, a smile appeared, but it vanished so quickly that I almost doubted if I had really seen her smiling or not.

"Aizen, good morning." She took the initiative to greet me.

"Good morning, Hinata." I replied with a gentle smile.

As I approached her, Hinata said with a more excited tone than usual, "Aizen, I tried the training you told me about." Her eyes sparkled as she spoke. "This morning, when I tried to perform some moves that I couldn't do before, I was able to do most of them!"

"That's amazing, Hinata." I smiled, almost reaching out to pat her head, but I withdrew my hand in time.

"She needed only three days to have such an obvious result..."

These thoughts reminded me that her talent was even greater than mine currently. It was just a lack of direction that made her seem less talented than she really was.

With such high talent at such a young age, the heights she would be able to reach would be greater than what I saw in the anime, as long as she does more basic training.

The fact that she is so fixated on wanting to learn techniques from her clan, but without even proper training beforehand, made her lose her own confidence.

Of course, this is just my point of view. For a real understanding, I will follow her development a bit and give tips when I can.

"So, Hinata, you can do like me and start using hidden weights. This can help further improve your physique and, over time, better develop your motor coordination, making you stronger and stronger." I said.

I understand that the tips I'm giving are simple, not advanced at all. However, for someone who lacked basic training, it was ideal in my opinion. The same could be said of Naruto.

For not having had guidance, his development was even more impaired than Hinata's. Although she did not have the same importance as her younger sister, Hanabi, Hinata still underwent training in the clan. However, this training was harsh and devoid of care, as if they were trying to polish a rough diamond with a sledgehammer, forcing it to reveal its potential by force.

As for Naruto, he had no one to guide him, and even the training he did was practically fruitless, since he himself did not seem to understand the purpose of his own training.

And even though in the ninja school there are basic training classes, these are even poorer than my basic training. They are more focused on the result than the process, like taking tests etc., without even teaching how to get to such result.

Of course, I understood that one could not expect much from teachers who are even weaker than the Chuunin ninjas who are still active. Even the teacher who teaches us, Iruka, is a Chuunin; he doesn't seem talented or even strong to me.

Of course, that was my analysis while attending this school. Even what I could learn, I had to develop the process myself, be it the clone, transformation, or body replacement.

Teacher Iruka merely teaches how to do it, and the development process depends on ourselves. Although he teaches a bit of the theory behind each jutsu, this is merely something taken from the book, not something deeper with one's own understanding.

If I had to give an example, it would be something similar to a public school in a poor neighborhood, with teachers who didn't even understand what they read in the book. On the other hand, if there was a teacher who had a deep understanding, being able to explain in various different ways, highlighting their own understanding and point of view, I believe it would be even more useful.

It was no wonder that Naruto, who had no one to turn to, had such a poor result.

Not to mention his traumas, the judgmental looks from the people of the village, and especially the Kyubi in his body, prevented him from progressing like the other children.

This is proven to be correct when, in the anime, he began to be taught by Kakashi and later by Jiraiya. He soon caught up and even surpassed, in some aspects, Sasuke, who was much more talented than him in various things.

It's no wonder that many ninjas choose to leave early...

My mind returned to reality when I felt Hinata's intense gaze.

I must have been thinking for a few seconds, although quickly, that I forgot I was still talking to her. Hearing her question, I replied, "About that, I believe you should start with 20 kilograms, five on each arm and leg."

"I will do that." She didn't seem to think much about the reason for my daydream and replied with a small smile.


A loud voice came from the classroom entrance; I didn't even need to turn around to know to whom that voice belonged.

"Naruto, good morning," I said as I turned around.

"Good morning~!" He chirped.

After approaching me, Naruto wrapped his arm around my neck and said, "Aizen, I trained a lot this weekend as you told me, and I feel like I've become much stronger. Can you see my progress later?"

"Mm, I'll see after class," I replied.

"It's a promise!" Naruto exclaimed.

I pushed him away, as hearing his voice so close to my ear was annoying, and said, "Yes."

"I also..." Hinata murmured.

As I was close to her, I heard. Many would pretend not to hear and ask her to repeat, but knowing how shy she was, I said, "Yes, let's go together after class to see your progress."

"The more, the better!" Naruto said loudly.

"So loud early in the morning..." Shikamaru entered the classroom, using his pinky finger to poke his ear.

"Good morning, Shikamaru," I said.

"Aizen... Good morning," he replied, sleepy.


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Chapter 9: Training and Transformation
Guiding Naruto and Hinata wasn't difficult, although I couldn't view Naruto's page since I didn't have enough coins, and I wasn't willing to pay to unlock it, even though the price had dropped to 14 coins weekly. When I saw Hinata's progress, it became even easier, as her advancement was clear to me when accessing her page.


Strength: 19/44 -> 22/44

Agility: 17/98 -> 18/98

Speed: 16/98 -> 17/98

Endurance: 21/47 -> 24/47


Although it wasn't as significant an increase as mine, it was still heading in the right direction.

Of course, this training I gave was only to improve these four attributes mainly. As for the other attributes, it's not something I could guide lightly.

After saying goodbye to the two, I went to try to find Kiba.

So far, no new missions have appeared. That's why I wanted to approach Kiba first. It all depends on how my conversation with him goes; I won't accept a mission that I may not be able to complete.

First, I need to analyze my options when meeting him. Preferably, it should be while he's training.

Based on his personality and fighting style, centered on tracking techniques and animal combat, I believe he is surrounded by nature...

Taking that into consideration, I began to run.

I tried to use my Speed Style. When I activated it, my image became displaced, almost blurred, but I could only maintain this form for less than five hundred meters. Although it was a greater feat than I had achieved before, because when I tried to create this using Wind Style and Lightning Style before, I could only maintain it for less than 3 seconds.

I thought I had failed, but it was a revelation to me when I saw that the Speed Style was registered on my book page.

"If it weren't for the fact that I want to reach the maximum of my attributes, I would pay more attention to this..."

Of course, I understood that I also needed to improve my control over Wind Style and Lightning Style. Only then could I enhance the Speed Style.

Using my 'normal' speed with the wind, I ran around, mainly in the forest training areas.

While running, I spotted some students in certain training areas, but so far, I haven't seen Kiba.


While traversing the training areas, I saw Naruto in a more secluded area, surrounded by trees. There, he was doing push-ups alone.

Without paying much attention to him, I continued to search for Kiba's tracks.

I think I'm close; it seems I heard his shout, actually.

While running, I concealed my presence as much as possible, knowing that Kiba would be able to smell me if I got too close. I thought for a moment and tried to use my clan's almost-real illusion on myself, disguising my scent. Since it was my first time trying something like this, I didn't know if the result would be positive or not.

Not to mention that my knowledge in this aspect is very shallow...

I stopped pondering when I got very close to Kiba's training area. There, I could see him training with Akamaru, trying to climb a tree using chakra on his feet. However, he could barely take 4 steps on the tree before falling.

"Ugh, I give up for now." Kiba shouted in frustration and turned to the small white puppy. "Akamaru, let's train your transformation again!"

"Woof!" Akamaru responded with a bark.

I could feel Akamaru gathering chakra; soon, with a 'puff' sound, he transformed into an appearance that was 30% similar to Kiba's.

"Incredible, Akamaru!" Kiba said enthusiastically. "You're almost there!"

Canceling the transformation, Akamaru barked at him, looking smug.

However, suddenly, Akamaru became serious and started growling as he looked in my direction.

"What's wrong, Akamaru?" Kiba asked, looking in the same direction and starting to use his nose to try to detect something.

'I knew I wouldn't be able to hide for long...'

Thinking that, I decided to come out.

"Kiba, sorry to interrupt your training." I said after jumping from the tree I was hiding in and landing on the ground a few meters away from them.

"Aizen?" Kiba seemed surprised by my appearance.

With a calm smile and half-closed eyes, I approached with my hands in my pockets.

"What are you doing here?" Kiba asked, somewhat confused.

"Isn't it obvious?" I replied. "I was looking for an empty training area, but it seems that today is the day everyone decided to train, and I ended up here. Accidentally, I saw your training with Akamaru."

"I see." Frowning, Kiba's expression soon relaxed as he said that.

Akamaru, seeing that it was me, stopped growling and, wagging his tail, approached me. I crouched down and petted his head.

The reason he was so close to me was that sometimes I shared a bit of my lunch meat with him.

"By the way, Kiba." I looked up. "Even though unintentionally, I saw what you were trying to do, and I think the result would be better if you two had an opponent to test the result, isn't that right?"

Kiba thought for a moment, rubbing his chin, and then said, "Yes, you're right. But..."

"To be honest." I interrupted. "I'd like a training partner too; I want to test something, but it's difficult to get a good result alone."

"...Alright, then, shall we train together?" Kiba responded with a question.

"Yes." I smiled calmly as I stood up.

Akamaru returned to Kiba's side.

Facing each other, I soon transformed into Kiba's appearance while making a hand seal.

"Aizen?" Kiba looked confused again.

"Didn't I say?" I spoke in his same voice. "I'm trying to train something, and that's to achieve an almost perfect transformation. Even to assimilate the smell, but I'm still far from that."

Kiba sniffed the air and looked amazed.

"How did you manage to do this?" Kiba asked aloud, eyes wide open. "Even if just a bit, I can recognize my scent on you?!"


Chapter 13 is already released on Patreon!
Chapter 10: Aizen's Tricks
"How did you manage to do this?" Kiba asked, eyes wide open. "Even if just a bit, I can recognize my scent on you?!"

"Hahaha, for now, it's a secret." I gave a wild smile and said somewhat mischievously, "Now, get ready or you'll end up getting beaten up by your own appearance."

Kiba became serious. "Akamaru!"


Without Kiba asking, Akamaru gathered chakra and soon transformed into Kiba's appearance.

If my transformation reached about 70%, Akamaru's was around 35% now. However, his smell was almost the same as Kiba's.

Even though I didn't have the same nose as them, I could still sense the similar smell in both of them.

Looking at the 'Kibas,' my wild smile intensified as I moved.

Due to not having enough control, when exerting force on my supporting foot, I ended up creating a hole with the shape of my foot with my momentum.

Soon, I was halfway there and saw Kiba and Akamaru making hand seals, then they got into an attacking position by placing their hands on the ground, looking a bit fierce, but not too much.

However, when they moved, they were almost as fast as me.

The first to reach me was Kiba with his elbow, aiming at my chest.

Using my right hand, I received the attack, cushioning it by leaning back slightly, then pushed down, gaining momentum to rise, escaping from Akamaru's attack, who tried to attack me with claw-like hands.

In the air, I spun and, with the momentum of the spin, used my foot to kick Akamaru away and, with the other foot, landed on Kiba's head, propelling myself into the air again. As I spun again, I made a hand seal and transformed into Akamaru.

As I began to fall, perhaps by reflex, Kiba, who was lying on the ground, stood up and prepared to receive me. However, I transformed back into his appearance and, in a crouched position with speed in my favor, kicked his chest.


The impact was like a horse's kick, sending him flying, going in the same direction as Akamaru, who had already recovered and was running towards me, but was interrupted when Kiba collided with him.

"Again." I landed on the ground, looking at the two with a calm smile.

Kiba and Akamaru got up with difficulty.

Groaning in frustration, I saw Kiba look at me with a frustrated expression.

"I won't lose next time!" He promised, turning to Akamaru.

"I hope not." I said with a calm smile.

"Akamaru, cancel your transformation and try to transform again!" Kiba said, then gritted his teeth as he said my name. "Aizen..."

Akamaru, now with 35% similarity to Kiba, looked at him and nodded, then returned to the appearance of a puppy. Concentrating even more chakra, Akamaru tried to transform.

I remained calm as I waited. My purpose was not to win but to help Kiba and also improve myself in the process.

The fact that I managed to deceive Kiba by transforming into Akamaru made my ideas expand. At the same time, I whispered very softly, "Book." I went to the missions page and accepted Kiba's mission.

From his ninja bag, I saw Kiba take out something purple.

'Ohh, trying to use smoke screen with me?' I chuckled in my mind.

Canceling my transformation, I felt Kiba's presence running towards me without waiting for Akamaru.

Soon, I was surrounded by the smoke screen. Of course, I could have avoided it, but I didn't want to.

Using the Speed Style, I reached Akamaru and took some of his fur, sniffed it well, and tried to assimilate it as much as possible with my genjutsu. Soon, I transformed into Kiba.

Akamaru, who had distanced himself from me after having his fur stolen, transformed into Kiba, or at least I think so, since I could sense with my senses that his appearance had changed in the middle of the smoke.

But I didn't worry about it. Using my speed, I distanced myself from Akamaru and approached Kiba.

"Akamaru, coordinate with me," Kiba said as he felt my approach.

A smile appeared on my face when I heard that. I continued to approach, and when I was very close, I delivered a hook with my right hand right to his stomach.

"Aizen?" Kiba doubled over as transparent liquid came out of his mouth.

His voice sounded extremely disbelieving. It seemed he could swear that it was Akamaru who approached him, not me.

"Hahaha." I laughed, then distanced myself and went to where I sensed Akamaru's presence.

I decided to cancel my transformation and metamorphose again, this time focusing mainly on Kiba's characteristic smell, which, although little, was still different from Akamaru's.

Until I was five meters away from Akamaru, he didn't seem to notice that I wasn't Kiba, or so I thought.

Akamaru was smarter than Kiba and attacked with his chakra-surrounded claws in my direction. However, he was a bit slow, and I spun on one foot with the other extended like a clamp. My foot hit Akamaru's stomach hard, but I didn't use too much force for fear of hurting more than necessary.


A pained bark escaped from Akamaru's mouth.


In the distance, I heard Kiba's cry.

"Kiba, it was a mistake to use that smoke screen against me," I said in his voice, sounding a bit arrogant on purpose. "It wasn't much different from self-mutilation. Although I understand why you did it, you should think better about who your opponent is."

Groaning in frustration, I heard him say, "Turning into me and, because of the smoke, it became harder for me to tell if you are you or Akamaru."

"Correct," I said. "For now, let's continue until the smoke clears. Take this as a lesson."


I heard his groan.

I continued to alternate between attacking Akamaru and Kiba separately, not letting them regroup.

As I told him, this would serve as a lesson. If the enemy can separate them, it will be difficult for them to coordinate with each other. Being aware of this could help them improve.

A few minutes later, Kiba and Akamaru were covered in bruises and completely covered in dust.

Chapter 15 is already released on Patreon!
Chapter 11: Joint Transformation
Seeing that the smoke screen had dissipated, I canceled my transformation and, assimilating Kiba's smell, transformed into his current beaten-up appearance.

"You bastard...!" Kiba, upon seeing this, said through gritted teeth.

"Hahaha, if I want to continue, I need to adapt to your current appearance, right?" I said with a calm smile.

Kiba remained silent as he looked at me intently.

"By the way, Kiba." I continued. "I was thinking of something. It's more of a suggestion, maybe with this, your chances against me will increase."

"Oh?" He adjusted his posture, and his eyes lit up a bit. "Tell me."

"Why don't you try a joint transformation with Akamaru, transforming into a larger version of him?" I suggested. "With both of you working as one, it could generate an interesting result. Plus, this could provide a deeper understanding for you about Akamaru, since I don't think it's fair for only Akamaru to take your appearance."

"Huh?" Kiba was obviously confused, but soon became pensive.

Akamaru, understanding what I said, looked at Kiba.

"Why didn't I think of this before?" Kiba murmured. "Actually, when I saw you transform into Akamaru to deceive me, I even thought it was something useful, but I didn't know exactly how to use it..."

As he lost himself in thought, I whispered softly, "Book," and went to my page, seeing that I was making progress. I smiled a little.

With my hands in my pockets, I waited.

It took almost 10 minutes for Kiba to stop thinking.

"Akamaru, let's try to make this happen!" He exclaimed intensely.

"Woof!" Akamaru responded with the same enthusiasm.

Soon, Akamaru canceled his transformation and climbed onto Kiba's head. Then, the two began to manipulate chakra, accumulating more and more, until I heard Kiba shout, "Transformation!"

With a 'Puff,' a smoke screen rose.

From it emerged an Akamaru completely white as snow, at least 4 meters tall and about 6 meters in wingspan.

Growling, he looked a bit fierce to me.

Honestly, if I didn't know it was Kiba and Akamaru's transformation, I would have run away.

"Not bad," I said.

Walking slowly, the fusion of the two began to surround me.

'Smart.' I thought.

It seemed like a strategy to find an opening, but I could understand that the real strategy was to adapt to this form.

However, I let it happen; otherwise, it wouldn't be fun. Besides, finally, Kiba was using his brain...

It seemed pointless to maintain my transformation, but I didn't cancel it.

The reason was that I assumed Kiba would be more reluctant to hit someone with the same appearance as him. Even if he didn't initially feel any psychological pressure, I noticed that he innocently had difficulty attacking me while I was in his appearance.

The same could be said for Akamaru; attacking his owner must be difficult for him. Even though he knew I wasn't Kiba, using my illusion to confuse their five senses, even Akamaru wouldn't get away unscathed.

I might not be the best at this, but I must be at a level where I can deceive a 7-year-old child...

And I could feel my progress, even seeing it on my page.

Seeing the fusion of Akamaru and Kiba shaking their large dog head, I smiled a bit recklessly.

Yes, it was working.


As they roared, they attacked me.

Just the paw that came at me was almost as big as me. Dodging to the left side, I felt a slight tremor on the ground.

'Not bad,' I thought.

Seeing that they missed the target, they attacked again with the right front paw vertically this time.

However, this time I crouched, dodging again.

"Damn it..." I heard Kiba's voice, which was almost unrecognizable.

"Take it easy," I said, giving my opinion. "Don't pressure yourselves too much or overthink it, just try to act on instinct at first."

It seemed like they heard my opinion, as they seemed to have thrown reasoning to the wind and started attacking relentlessly in my direction with their paws and mouth.

In just 5 minutes, I had started to sweat.

The number of times I had to dodge had increased greatly, and it was difficult to find an opening to attack while they were acting like this.

But nothing is perfect. When I saw an opening, I jumped, getting to the same height as their large head, and kicked with a little more than half of my strength.


To my total surprise, their head only turned slightly to the side. Soon after, the right front paw came at me diagonally from top to bottom and managed to hit me for the first time.


I was thrown a quick distance and only stopped when I collided with the dirt ground, forming a small crater.

Getting up, I felt some pains spread throughout my body.

As I got up, I brushed the dust off my clothes with my hand.

Canceling the transformation, I saw Kiba and Akamaru returning to their normal form.

Kiba had a wide grin from ear to ear and said while laughing uncontrollably, "Hahaha! This is more like it when I take it seriously!"


Akamaru barked.

"Yeah, we take it seriously, partner!" Kiba corrected himself, emphasizing 'we'.

"Woof, woof!" Akamaru nodded and looked in my direction, showing all his sharp, white teeth.

"Aizen, let's call it a day for now," Kiba said. "Thank you for training with us, I really appreciate it. Especially your advice to transform myself with Akamaru."

I said with a smile as I canceled my transformation, "Want to bail after getting a win?"

Caught off guard, Kiba laughed awkwardly as he scratched his head, "Haha, you got me."

"Alright, I'll let this one slide," I said. "Let's have a rematch another time, and I'll have my revenge."

"Revenge..." He murmured softly. "After the beating you gave me, you still want revenge?"

"Did you say something?" I heard, but pretended not to.

"No, I didn't say anything," he denied.

"Haha." Just as I expected, he denied it. That somehow amused me a bit.

Chapter 12: The Power of the Talismans Revealed
On the way home, the book suddenly appeared and opened by itself. Soon, the page with the mission stood out, stating that the mission had been completed and asked me to claim my reward.

When I clicked to claim the reward, the book's page opened up.


[Low-Grade Fusion Talisman] - Available

[Medium-Grade Fusion Talisman] - Available

[High-Grade Fusion Talisman] - Available

[11 Weekly Coins Credited]


Stopping my run and walking along the road, I clicked on the Low-Grade Fusion Talisman, and the information expanded.


[Low-Grade Fusion Talisman: This talisman has the special power to merge up to two things that you understand at least 10%, whether it's Special Characteristics, Chakra Nature, or Jutsus].

[Note 1: The maximum fusion limit is 10 minutes, and if the fusion grade is low and incompatible, there is a possibility of failure]

[Note 2: If the fusion of two 'things' is equally attributed, such as 50% mastery in each and high compatibility, there is a small percentage chance that the fusion will become permanent. In other words, the higher the mastery and compatibility, the greater the chance of creating something new].

[Note 3: If you succeed in merging something, the expiration date will be at least one week with a maximum of twenty weeks].


Although a bit expensive, since even the low-grade talisman cost 20 weekly coins, I considered it worth the price.

The medium-grade one cost 50 weekly coins, and the high-grade one cost double that, which is 100 weekly coins.

However, with the grade being higher, the chances of successfully merging something are greater. If I wanted to merge the Wind Style with the clone jutsu, trying to create a wind clone, the chances would increase if I used a medium or high-grade talisman.

It was simple and easy to understand, which made me think that, although expensive, it was worth the price, especially with the possibility of creating something permanent.

I wanted to test this right away, but I only had a total of 17 weekly coins.

Almost home, I thought, 'Just as I expected, thinking outside the box made me earn such a generous reward...'

Although the mission said I needed to help Kiba with the transformation technique in coordination with Akamaru, suggesting that he use transformation with Akamaru proved to be the right choice.

'Tomorrow I should have enough.' I thought.

For now, I've started thinking about which one to use to merge and create a talisman for personal emergency use.


The next morning, when I woke up, I saw the book open with the notice of an additional 21 weekly coins.

Stretching, I went to the bathroom, then returned to the bedroom instead of going to the living room as usual.

Sitting on the bed, I opened the book and immediately spent 20 coins to buy a low-grade fusion talisman. Using it, the fusion selection option appeared. Since I had already thought about which one to use in the fusion, I quickly chose Wind Style with the Clone jutsu.

The talisman that had appeared in my hand began to glow and floated in front of me. Slowly, I saw the talisman spin, then visible wind chains began to manifest, and before I knew it, the talisman disappeared.

'Failed?' I thought.

However, before I could get discouraged, the talisman that had disappeared reappeared, but with a renewed appearance.

If before it looked like a simple paper talisman with some things written on it, now it had a horizontal shadow image, and just above it was written: [Multiple Wind Clones: 8 Minutes]. At the bottom, it read: [Maximum limit of wind clones: 25 clones (Note: It is not necessary to use all 25 clones at once, meaning creating 25 times 1 wind clone separately within the deadline): Valid for 2 weeks.]

To my total surprise, I could use a total of 25 times if I chose to use 1 clone at a time.

Even without knowing how strong these wind clones would be, it was still something that could be useful to me.

I wanted to test it, but I kept it in my ninja bag for now. This was something I should test carefully, even though I could use it a total of 25 times.

Actually, I wanted to try to observe and learn to create without wind clones if possible without having to rely on this talisman...

Finishing getting ready, I left my room and went to the living room.

"You took your time, Big Brother," Yakumo said with a cute smile. "I was about to come wake you up~"

I said, "Kumo, good morning."

"... Good morning, Big Brother." She smiled, showing her teeth.

Sitting next to her, I asked gently, "How are you feeling today?"

"Very well indeed," she said, touching her lip with her index finger. "Mom said we're going to the hospital for a check-up today."

"Mm, that's a good idea," I said.

"Really?" She didn't seem to understand, but she was still understanding for her age.

"Yes, indeed," I confirmed.

"I understand." She nodded and was silent for a few seconds, then she added, "Actually, I don't like hospitals very much, but since Mom and Big Brother say it's necessary, I reluctantly agree~"

"Haha, that's the spirit," I rubbed her head.

"Big Brother, don't rub my head." She removed my hand and said with a serious expression that only made her cuter, "Mommy fixed my hair, it's so pretty, I don't want you to mess it up."

"Okay, I won't do that," I said with an apologetic smile.

"Good." She smiled back.

"Aizen, you're awake." My mother came into the living room, carrying some heavy-looking bags, and I went to help.

"Good morning, Mom," I said. "Let me help you."

"How kind of you," she smiled as she handed me some shopping bags.
Chapter 13: Yakumo's Recovery Secret
At the Konoha Hospital, Uroko waited anxiously in the waiting room with Yakumo by her side.

Some time later, the doctor arrived with Yakumo's medical report.

When her name was called, Uroko went up to the doctor with Yakumo.

The doctor seemed surprised as she looked over Yakumo's medical report. After all, just a few months ago, her diagnosis was of a child with a weak body, something that couldn't be resolved even with healing jutsu.

The only person she thought could help at this point was Miss Tsunade, but she wasn't in the village. So, how did Yakumo improve so much in such a short time?

"How is my daughter, Doctor Tsubasa?" Uroko asked, anxious as she held Yakumo's little hand.

"It's kind of like this, her diagnoses indicate that she has magically improved a lot, her body..." Tsubasa paused. "Her physical condition is practically that of a normal child, her old health problems are gone... Tell me, has she met Miss Tsunade?"

"No, there hasn't been such a thing," Uroko denied as she processed what she had just heard.

"No? That's surprising, your daughter is very lucky!" Tsubasa exclaimed, losing her composure slightly.

Tsubasa was, after all, the doctor who had been following Yakumo's medical reports and had even conducted some tests before. She had felt that it was a pity that such a lovely little girl had such a weak body compared to other children, but now, here was the same little girl a few months later with a medical diagnosis that seemed to defy everything she believed.

Of course, she knew that miraculous things could happen once some X factor occurred, but until then, they didn't know what exactly that X factor was, not even the girl's parents seemed to know. They just reported that suddenly, Yakumo had a fever, but then, magically, after the fever was gone, she got better every day.

"So... My daughter's health..." Uroko asked somewhat insecurely.

"It's all good," Tsubasa snapped out of her reverie and reported, "As I said before, everything indicates that she is now as healthy as a normal child."

"Waahh!" Upon hearing this, Uroko had an emotional outburst that made her cry.

It was as if a huge weight had finally been lifted off her shoulders.

"Mommy?" Yakumo, who felt the tighter grip on her little hand, caught her mother's attention.

Maybe because she heard her daughter's plea, Uroko let go of Yakumo's little hand and, in the next instant, knelt down and hugged her while crying heavily.

Yakumo was taken aback. She didn't know what to do seeing her mother cry so suddenly.

Seeing her mother so emotional, Yakumo felt a tightness in her chest, not fully understanding the reason for the tears. Nevertheless, the overflowing love and happiness in Uroko's embrace touched her deeply.

While she was being hugged, Yakumo said softly, but as she repeated the same words, her voice became more teary: "Mommy, don't cry, don't cry, don't cry... Boo-hoo, boo-hoo, mommy!"

Mother and daughter hugged each other as they cried, but no one tried to comfort them or stop them.


When I got home, I heard about my little sister's medical report. Of course, I knew the reason for her improvement, but I pretended to be surprised. At the same time, I was genuinely happy.

Sure, I believed that pushing the limits of her endurance and strength attributes could help her, but until then it was just theory. Seeing her improvement in practice, confirmed by the doctors, brought a sense of validation and relief to me.

"Big Brother, teach me how to train?" Kumo asked me, then added, "Doctor Tsubasa said I need to start exercising to adjust my physique."

Actually, it wasn't quite like that. I heard from my mother before; the doctor just said that Kumo should play more, engaging in activities that demanded more of her physique, like playing tag, hide and seek, and so on.

However, I understood that my little sister must prefer to come to me and rely on me. After all, even at a young age, she understood a bit about how children avoided playing with her for fear of hurting her. Especially the children from the clan.

"Sure, I'll teach you some basic exercises," I said with a gentle smile as I ruffled her head. This time, she didn't try to avoid it and smiled brightly at me.

In the Dojo, Kumo was wearing more comfortable clothes. Remembering that I had done kids' yoga, I wanted to teach her that. It was something I had learned in my previous life as a child.

My mother was also present in the Dojo. From what I could see, even with the medical report, her concern had not completely dissipated...

Well, it was just the three of us, so it was fine, since it was our family's exclusive Dojo, rather than the Dojo open to the entire clan.

The poses I taught were the simplest, most accessible, and safest. Even my mother was by our side doing the same poses, which seemed to amuse Kumo.

As the real intention was for Kumo, I created fun names for each pose, like Sunflower Pose. I had her stand with her arms extended upwards like sun rays, gently rotating around the axis as if following the sun.

The next one, I called: Happy Tree Pose. Like before, she stood up, but with one leg bent and supported on the other leg, arms extended to the sides, gently swaying like the branches of a tree in the wind.

I could see that it was working by occasionally hearing her happy laughter, as well as the smile that never left her face even when she started to sweat.

In addition to these two poses, I taught three more that I called: Curious Kitty Pose, Bouncing Tiger Pose, and Smiling Cobra Pose. Each with its own benefits.

"This is fun, Big Brother~" She said to me with a smile as sweat dripped down her forehead.

I smiled back and said, "Don't overexert yourself, take a break when you're too tired."

"Mm." She nodded.

My mother beside us, who was doing the same kids' yoga exercises as Kumo, seemed more at ease when she saw that although she was sweating a bit, it wasn't too difficult to do.

After giving them attention, I went to make my own training schedule.

While training, I initially prioritized training my speed and agility, which indirectly improves my endurance.

Training speed is about moving quickly in a specific direction, which is what I did when running from end to end of the Dojo. Agility, on the other hand, is more about the ability to change direction quickly and efficiently, basically my ability to accelerate, decelerate, and change direction while maintaining control of my body.

Because they are so compatible, I can train both at the same time. After doing this for a few days, I learned the most effective way to increase both and, collaterally, my endurance.

At some point while I was training, I saw that both my mother and my little sister had stopped what they were doing to watch me train. I even heard Kumo clapping and cheering for me, which, by the way, I found very cute.

When they seemed to have tired of watching me train, my mother said she would start preparing dinner and Komo left with her, so I was alone in the Dojo.

'Now I can test the wind clone,' I thought.


Chapter 18 is already released on Patreon!
Chapter 14: A New Discovery
Holding the talisman, I followed the instructions from the book, channeling some of my chakra into it. Soon after, a kind of information appeared in my mind, where I could choose the number of wind clones to create. Acting on instinct, I decided to create only one wind clone.

Gradually, I felt some of my chakra being drawn into the talisman, but it was only a little, less than a tenth of my chakra.



With the sound of the wind, the Dojo's door was forcefully opened, and the street's wind was pulled inside. From a whirlwind, a clone of myself emerged.

The quality was impeccable, from my slightly unruly brown hair to my green eyes. Even the clothes I wore were an exact copy, down to the smallest details.

(A/N: The illustrative image of Aizen's current appearance is available on my Discord. You can access Discord through the fanfic's homepage, just below the synopsis).

"I believe it's as you're imagining," said my clone.

"Meaning, something similar to the shadow clone?" I asked rhetorically, and the clone nodded.

My main reference was what I saw in the anime, although there were also wood clones, water clones, etc. But what was most shown was the shadow clone.

"Now, what we need to find out is if, when I dispel myself, my knowledge will return to the main body." As if reading my thoughts, my clone said.

Well, although it wasn't mind reading, it was very close, since it seemed like an exact copy of myself...

"You don't need to say it, I know what to do." My clone said suddenly, then began to run and do exercises that I normally practiced, however, I noticed something different from when I did it, my clone was much more proficient in changing direction, and I could feel a bit of Wind Style manifestation as he ran.

In the process, my clone closed the door as he passed by it.

I realized that even though it was a wind clone, even the hidden weights I wore were having the same effect on him.

Moreover, since very little of my chakra was used, unlike the shadow clone, it seemed even more advantageous. Of course, I understood that this limited me in various ways, but my clone seemed to maintain the same strength as me; one could say it's even better than the shadow clone.

Of course, I was still limited to using 25 wind clones; now that I've used 1, I can only use 24 more.

Putting those thoughts aside for now, I joined my clone to train.

With almost 3 minutes left before my wind clone disappeared, without needing to say, I could feel my clone's intent, and we soon fought against each other.

When I struck with my elbow, as expected, my clone anticipated, just as I anticipated when he tried to kick me vertically, defending myself with my forearm.

Our sparring continued until the eight minutes were up.

"See you later~" My clone said with a calm smile.

When this happened, he dispersed like a gust of wind, and I could feel information being implemented in my mind.

Sitting on the floor with my legs crossed, I felt the need to meditate while circulating my chakra.

The information flooded my mind, and I felt as if I had received a gift from myself, because after murmuring "Book" and going to my page, I saw the following information:

[Wind Style: 24% -> 26%].

[Clone: 64% -> 69%]

It was such a substantial increase that I felt lucky.

'So, not only will memories be inherited, but also your own understanding of the clone and wind style used in the fusion...'

It was even better than I had expected.

I know the shadow clone had a similar effect, but this is on another level, as it seems the clone created through the talisman possessed a more advanced knowledge than mine about what was used in the fusion.

'And if I use the high-rank fusion?' I pondered.

Things were finally starting to get more interesting for me.

Even if my next 24 wind clones created through the talisman don't bring me as big a surprise as now, each increase is an advantage for me. I might as well use this to help me improve even more.

'So, trying to create a lightning clone is also an option.' I thought.

Despite the temptation to use my points immediately, I managed to restrain myself.

'I'll wait until I have enough coins to buy a medium-grade talisman.'

With that in mind, I got up and left the Dojo.


"Aizen, there you are."

Sitting in the chair facing the table, I saw my father as I entered the living room.

"Father," I said as I approached, "Good evening."

"Mm, Aizen," he said, "I got what you asked me for earlier."

"You mean about..." My eyes sparkled a bit, "The lightning and wind jutsus?"

"Yes, those." My father said calmly, then placed two scrolls on the table.

I didn't rush, though curious, I glanced at the scrolls for a moment before looking back at my father.

Pretending to cough and clearing his throat, he said, "This scroll with green edges contains the jutsu called Wind Blade, ranked as C-Rank. By learning it, you'll be able to create a blade of wind with your hands or on a weapon."

I nodded as I heard this. It was simple, and the learning difficulty was high, but not too much.

"And the one with yellow edges is called Lightning Ball, ranked as C-Rank, but almost reaching B-Rank. When executed, it will create a lightning sphere that can be thrown at your opponent." My father explained simply and added, "You can read and try to understand as much as you can on your own. If needed, I can ask some of my friends to teach you."

Seeing my father speak so much and show so much support, I smiled as I said, "I'll do as you suggested, father. I'll try to learn as much on my own, and if necessary, I'll come to you."

"That's the spirit," my father smiled a bit as he pushed the two scrolls towards me.

"Finished?" My mother came in with Kumo.

"Yes," my father replied.

"Big Brother, play with me!" My little sister ran up to me.

"Of course," I replied, then added, "Wait a moment, I just need to put these away in my room."

Seeing me wave the two scrolls in front of her, Kumo asked, "Big Brother, is that..."

"Something cool that dad got for me." I ruffled her head with my free hand. "When I manage to learn, I'll show you, okay?"

"Mm." She nodded cutely.


Chapter 21 is already released on Patreon!
Chapter 15: A Delicate Moment with Family
"Big Brother, Big Brother, wake up, wake up..." In the midst of my sleep, I heard Kumo's voice. Though it came as a whisper, she was shaking me so much that it became somewhat easier to wake up, but her urgency was evident, and I ended up waking up groggily.

"What's up, Kumo?" I sat up in bed, placing a hand on her head as she crawled over me.

I stretched with my other hand, still groggy from just waking up.

"Big Brother, what do we do?" She seemed anxious, holding my hand firmly on her head, her eyes revealing urgency.

"Calm down and explain to me what has you so worked up." I asked calmly. "Did you have a nightmare?"

"It's not that this time." She shook her head and whispered, "Big Brother, just now, when I woke up to pee, I passed by mommy and daddy's room... I heard."

Hearing that much, I placed my hand on my forehead, already anticipating what she must have heard.

"Daddy was saying, 'Take this, take it, take it...' And sounds of slaps echoed from their room, and then I heard mommy's screams, but I got confused because she was saying, 'Yes, hit me hard, that's it, that's it...'"

"Little one, there's no need to continue talking about this right now," I interrupted gently, placing a finger on my lips to indicate silence. "Let's save this conversation for later, okay?" Kumo nodded, seeming relieved not to have to continue.

Inside, I was agonizing. I didn't even want to have this mental image of my parents in their intimate moments. Worse yet, described by my cute little sister who didn't understand anything that was happening.

Now the problem was... How to explain to her what was happening between my parents?

Trying to be as gentle as possible, I said slowly, calmly, and patiently, "Kumo, sweetheart, what you heard is something that adults do sometimes, but it's something private and we don't need to worry about it. It's like a game they play together. Sometimes adults can do things that seem strange to us, but it's normal for them. The important thing is that they are okay and love us very much. Don't worry about it, everything is fine."

"Ohhh." She seemed to understand, yet not understand at the same time. "So, everything is okay?"

"Yes, sweetheart, everything is okay." I said with a gentle smile.

"Mm... Big Brother." She asked slowly. "Can I sleep here with you tonight?"

Thinking for a moment, seeing her anxiety, I said, "Okay, but just this once."

"Yey!" She cheered as she jumped on my stomach.

"Urgh..." She was light, so it almost didn't hurt, but since it came as a surprise, it still had some impact on me.

Crawling out of bed, she said hastily before leaving, "I'll go get my pillow and teddy bear and be right back, wait for me, Big Brother!"

She was like a whirlwind, coming and going so quickly and, not long after, returning and jumping into bed beside me.

Crawling onto the bed, moving to my right side, first she adjusted her pillow with a few pats, then she pulled her brown tiger plushie with green eyes. Turning towards me, she showed a big smile with a long row of teeth visible even in the dark.

"Hehe, I'm going to sleep with Big Brother, I'm so happy~" She chirped.

"Mm, don't get too used to it." I said softly.

"Hehe~" She laughed, then playfully stuck out her tongue.

It was clear she wouldn't promise such a thing...


"Big Brother, wake up." Early in the morning, I felt someone shaking me, and when I heard Kumo's voice, memories of the night before came to mind.

Waking up, I rubbed my eyes a bit, then opened them to see her sitting on her knees, her little hands shaking me.

"I'm awake, I'm awake." I said.

"Ohh~" She chirped and stopped shaking me, then she said excitedly, "Good morning, Big Brother~!"

"Uh-toh." She muttered something as she crawled backward, getting out of bed, then she went to the window of my room and opened the curtains by pulling the cord beside it.

Turning to me, she said, "Don't go back to sleep, I'll go to the bathroom first~!"

Then, she ran out, leaving her pillow and plushie behind on my bed.

Getting out of bed, I first placed her plushie and pillow on the bedside table, which only had my alarm clock, so it didn't take up much space, then I started making my bed.

After finishing, I went to Kumo's room with her plushie and pillow.

On the way, I saw the book open before me, then I saw that 23 weekly coins had been credited.

'61 weekly coins... Enough to buy a medium-grade fusion talisman.' I smiled a bit at the thought.

Later, when I arrived in the living room, my mother and father, as well as Kumo, were sitting around the table in silence.

I could see the embarrassment on their faces and the wrong atmosphere that lingered in the room.

'I forgot to tell her not to mention what she heard last night...' I thought.

It was clear that Kumo must have said something about last night, hence this atmosphere.

"Yakumo, about last night..." My father tried to explain but was interrupted by Kumo.

"I know, daddy. Big Brother explained it to me." Kumo said proudly, as if she wanted to be praised for learning something new.

I placed my hand on my forehead. I even wanted to go back to my room, but I was noticed by my mother.

"Aizen, come here." Her voice sounded a bit stern.

Of course, she would be. Kumo said that without explaining. Obviously, she would want to know what I knew and what I said to Kumo.

"Yes." I resigned to my fate as I approached. Although I wasn't worried, I just wanted to be spared from such embarrassment.

Anyway, it was better to explain this as soon as possible.

"Sit down." My mother said as I came close to the table.

Pulling out a chair, I sat to the right of my father, who was sitting at the head of the table.

"What did you say to your sister?" She asked, slightly flushed.

Sighing, I repeated the same words I said last night to Kumo.

"That's right, I heard that from Big Brother yesterday." Kumo confirmed.

I heard my father's sigh of relief, and even my mother's slightly stern expression with a touch of embarrassment softened.

However, she seemed curious when she asked me, "How do you know about these things, Aizen?"

'Of course, she would ask...' I thought.

I said, "A classmate was talking about something similar at school, and the teacher explained it that way. So, I simply repeated my teacher's words."

Listening to my explanation, my mother nodded. She seemed to imagine that happening.

The same went for my father. After all, children digest everything they see and hear, they hardly forget, and if they experience something similar to Kumo, there is a good chance they will talk about it with friends at school, and the teacher is there to hear what they say...

My mother turned to Kumo and said, "Sweetheart, this is basically how your brother explained it..." She seemed embarrassed again as she spoke slowly with her soft voice, "When a couple is alone in a room, they play adult games, but remember, this is something that only when you're an adult you can do too, okay?"

Kumo was originally very obedient, and seeing her mother explain this way, she nodded, "I understand, mommy."

"That's good." My mother finally smiled, then she added, "And, don't say anything about this to people outside, it's a promise, okay?"

"Mm, a promise." Kumo obediently nodded.

Feeling my mother's gaze on me, I said: "I promise."

After that, my mother got up and went to prepare breakfast.

Today was my father's day off, so he stayed in the living room talking to me and Kumo until my mother finished the preparations, and we helped set the table.

It feels little stilted a times, but what has won me over was the Kurama family household shenanigans. Even, the subtle menacing presence of everyone's alter ego's. It feels like there's two characters per family member, but all of them like Aizen; even if it looks like Aizen doesn't have the same split personality disorder.
Chapter 16: Overcoming Limits
On May 4th, Sunday, I trained as if there were no tomorrow. The reason was simple; my endurance was nearing the maximum limit: 78/79.

"Just one more," I muttered in my mind as I closed the book.

Back to training, I kept at it until finally, the expected result happened.

As I sat on the floor, tired, panting, with the book open, I looked at my page.


Name: Aizen Kurama

Weekly Coin: 114


Talent: Medium High

Strength: 42/100 -> 63/100

Agility: 56/99 -> 69/99

Speed: 56/98 -> 70/98

Endurance: 43/79 -> 79/79

Mental Strength: 63/100 -> 69/100

Skill: 43/80 -> 49/80

Aura: 46/82 -> 48/82

Chakra: 51/100 -> 60/100


Chakra Nature: [Yin Style: 27% -> 30%], [Yang Style: 27% -> 30%], [Lightning Style: 23% -> 35%], [Wind Style: 26% -> 36%].

Special Characteristics: [Speed Style: 13% -> 19%], [Kurama Clan's Kekkei Genkai: 20% -> 33%].

Jutsus: [Advanced Mental Illusions (Kurama Clan Genjutsu): 16% -> 28%], [Transformation: 62% -> 73%], [Clone: 69% -> 89%], [Body Replacement: 64% -> 73%], [Chakra Release: 23% -> 32%], [Water Walking: 12% -> 13%], [Tree Climbing: 12% -> 21%], [Wind Cutting: 22%], [Lightning Ball: 19%].


"Thinking about it, I've had a lot of improvements in the past few days," I murmured in my mind as I looked at my current stats.

Now, I needed to make a decision. There are 4 days left to use the silver hammer I bought almost a month ago, but last week, I bought a gold hammer.

"Kumo's endurance is almost at its maximum, right?" To make sure, I went to the page.

[Endurance: 18/19]

Seeing this, I made a decision. I will use the gold hammer to improve my endurance attribute, and I will use the silver hammer, which is about to expire, with Kumo.

With that in mind, first, I rested enough to fully catch my breath, drank some water, then with my book open, I went to my page, clicked on endurance, and selected the option to use the gold hammer.

My vision darkened. When I realized it, I found myself once again in the strange attribute enhancement room.

However, unlike the other times, the room was a bit larger and brighter, but still a kind of square with no doors or windows.

In my right hand, I felt a weight, it was the gold hammer. The weight must be around 100 kilograms.

Next to my left hand was a porcelain statue with my green-colored appearance. Compared to Kumo's, it was a more vivid green. Additionally, it was at least 70 cm tall.

Taking a deep breath, trying to get a good amount of air, I sighed and breathed again. When I felt I was in my best condition, I prepared myself.

As if sensing my intention, the porcelain doll with my appearance floated and stood in front of me.

With full focus, I held the gold hammer and held my breath as I delivered the first strike, followed by a second, third, and so on.

As I increased my strikes, I saw some points on the porcelain body becoming a more vivid color, as if asking me to strike there, and that's what I did.

After 20 strikes, I began to feel an overwhelming sense of fatigue, even more draining than using the bronze and silver hammers. Not to mention, because my endurance attribute was higher, it must have influenced the difficulty of continuing.

Each strike demanded not only physical strength but also intense mental concentration to maintain the necessary rhythm and precision.

However, I persevered. There was no way I could stop now.

Swinging the hammer, I continued striking at the vulnerable points on the statue.

Bang! Bang! Bang! ...

The sounds of my strikes were constant, but after 39 times, I could barely feel strength in my arm, and when I tried to switch to my other hand, the porcelain statue began to shatter.

"I knew it wouldn't work out." I smirked ironically.

But it didn't matter; I was no longer able to continue striking with my right hand. Though somewhat regrettable, I was still happy to have achieved a total of 39 strikes.

Without waiting, I closed my eyes when I felt the weight of the hammer in my hand disappear.

Even with my eyes closed, I knew a flash of light had appeared, perhaps even larger than when I improved Kumo's attributes.

When I realized the flash of light was gone, I opened my eyes.

Before me stood my porcelain statue, now a little over 100 cm tall, in an even brighter green than before.

I tried to touch it, but I was pulled to the side, and when I opened my eyes again, I was once again in the Dojo.


Going to my page, I blinked my eyes to see that my talent had jumped directly to High Talent. And now my maximum endurance limit was 118.

"Just as I expected. Breaking my limits can influence my talent itself." I thought.

With such talent rivaling Hinata's, I felt more confident.

But I didn't become too confident. Talent was still, after all, the potential to improve faster. At the moment, I was still weak, just a little stronger than some Chuunin-ranked ninjas.

Take my father's attributes as an example; they were practically all above 100 points. He was classified as an elite ninja, which justified his attributes, but he was not the same as the elite ninjas who were active, going out on missions, training, etc.

Not to mention, a well-trained ninja has a comprehensive arsenal to deal with all kinds of situations. At the moment, I had only learned a few techniques, as I prioritized improving my attributes...

Furthermore, I was still young. At only 7 years old, although I can't say I'm a prodigy, I am already the strongest in my class.

But again, this is at the level of a child in this world. Although some Chuunin would lose if they fought me, overall, it would be either by underestimating me for being a child or due to lack of experience, despite being a Chuunin. A good example would be Professor Iruka; he is a Chuunin but with almost zero experience in real battle.

After reflecting on this, I got up and left the Dojo.


Chapter 23 is already released on Pa treon!
As if sensing my intention, the porcelain doll with my appearance floated and stood in front of me.

As I increased my strikes, I saw some points on the porcelain body becoming a more vivid color, as if asking me to strike there, and that's what I did.
I thought Aizen didn't share his clans Ego-ID personality split, but maybe he does? However, his nature as not only a reincarnation, but as one who remembers [both the Illicit Afterlife Deal, and Naruto Canon], the Personality is much less antagonistic than it was for his sister. After all, no point in inflicting Art Sorcery on the public when we got guys like Orochimaru, or other foreign shinobi waiting to burn the Village.

The Personality probably shares the same role as the following: Memento homo – (remember) you are only a man [Auriga's Whisper]

But I didn't become too confident. Talent was still, after all, the potential to improve faster. At the moment, I was still weak, just a little stronger than some Chuunin-ranked ninjas.

Although some Chuunin would lose if they fought me, overall, it would be either by underestimating me for being a child or due to lack of experience
Chapter 17: Advancing in Time.
Looking at my current weekly coins, I began to reflect...

In recent days, I tried in every way to make better use of these coins. Most of the time, it was spent merging Wind Style with Clone and Lightning Style with Clone.

When I tried to merge Wind Style with the transformation jutsu, it failed two times in a row. The same happened with the Lightning Style. Because of that, I refrained from continuing to try.

Perhaps due to lack of compatibility? Or is it due to another external factor?

What made me think that the reason I was succeeding without fail in merging with a clone is due to the knowledge I have about the fusion of the two. Perhaps if I could create a plausible theory where merging the two would become X thing, it would increase my chances of success.

Of course, for that, I need to expand my knowledge about it. Maybe seek more knowledge about the transformation jutsu, etc.

Another thing I learned in recent days was that, although I could do 1 weekly mission, there wouldn't necessarily be such a mission every week.

For example, this week, until today, Saturday, no mission appeared.

I must admit that I regret a little not accepting the mission that appeared two weeks ago for the third time to invite Chouji to eat barbecue.

After the third time, there was no fourth time, unfortunately.

I let my mind wander too much again... Clicking on the book shopping page, I bought 2 medium-grade talismans.

Automatically, I chose to merge the Lightning Style with the Clone jutsu.

With a dazzling glow, sparks flew from the talisman until suddenly the talisman disappeared, but seconds later, a renewed talisman appeared in its place.

The appearance was of a golden border with a vertical row of slightly golden shadows lined up.

'Successful.' I smiled a little seeing that I would be able to create a total of 42 lightning clones that, when conjured, would last up to 18 minutes if they did not receive a very strong blow.

I did the same with the Wind Style and, somewhat similar to what happened just now, another talisman appeared with green edges and provided me with 45 wind clones that, when conjured, can last up to 19 minutes.

Another thing that differs from the Shadow Clone is that when hit, it wouldn't always result in the destruction of the clone. Because of that, I was able to make so much progress in the last few days by using the clones for training.


Before the standard morning alert, I woke up early and prepared to train after a breakfast that I made, since I was the first to wake up.

It was something simple, just 23 boiled eggs, three bowls of oatmeal, ten bananas, and five apples.

Well, I would normally eat almost twice as much, but today I wasn't as hungry as on other days.

On the way to the Dojo, the book finally appeared before me.

[13 Weekly Coins Credited]

"Not bad," I thought.

After all, this was basically the result of my relationships with my classmates, even though I didn't interact with any of them yesterday. The fact that I had at least given one or two training tips should at least make them think of me a little when training and, indirectly, affect the amount of weekly coins I receive.

"This makes me think that maybe I should aim to be Hokage..."

If I become Hokage, I'll basically be related to the whole village. I'll even be rewarded for things that basically have nothing to do with me.

This passing thought, in reality, wasn't a bad idea.

But, it was something that I didn't need to think about for now.

Arriving at the Dojo, I opened the door with the key, then entered.

Taking almost 80 kilograms of hidden weights, I took out the talismans from my ninja bag.

With the two talismans in hand, I summoned two clones, one of lightning and the other of wind.

A strong gust of wind is manifested, bringing with it the street's wind and, at the same time, crackling sounds of lightning echo, then two clones appear before me.

Without needing to give any command, the wind clone began training using the Wind Cutter jutsu and the other using the Lightning Ball jutsu.

They stood facing each other, practically competing to see which jutsu was stronger, constantly clashing against each other using the same jutsu.

Without worrying about these two clones, I started doing my basic exercises after closing the Dojo door with the key.

Only when the clones disappeared would I unlock the door.


January eighth, Monday.

It's been almost five years since the relationship book appeared before me.

In recent years, I've worked hard to train and elevate my attributes to the maximum and break their limits.

At first, I believed that with the speed I was able to raise my attributes, at my current age, close to graduating as a Genin, my attributes would have already exceeded the 200 mark in each of them. However, reality proved to be different from what I expected.


Name: Aizen Kurama

Weekly Coin: 43


Talent: Elite

Strength: 63/100 -> 123/138

Agility: 69/99 -> 127/139

Speed: 70/98 -> 128/139

Endurance: 79/118 -> 140/159

Mental Strength: 69/100 -> 98/100

Skill: 49/80 -> 89/129

Aura: 48/82 -> 76/82

Chakra: 60/100 -> 119/138

Bones: 33/40


Chakra Nature: [Yin Style: 30% -> 73%], [Yang Style: 30% -> 73%], [Lightning Style: 35% -> 89%], [Wind Style: 36% -> 91%].

Special Characteristics: [Speed Style: 19% -> 51%], [Kurama Clan Kekkei Genkai: 33% -> 66%].

Jutsus: [Advanced Mental Illusions (Kurama Clan Genjutsu): 28% -> 44%], [Transformation: 73% -> 99%], [Clone: 89% -> 99%], [Body Replacement: 73% -> 99%], [Cloak of Invisibility Technique 99%], [Chakra Release: 32% -> 99%], [Walking on Water: 13% -> 99%], [Tree Climbing: 21% -> 99%], [Wind Cutter: 83%], [Lightning Ball: 81%], [Instantaneous Displacement 66%].


Looking at my page, I realize that my development is surprising. After all, I managed to increase my talent to elite and gained a new attribute because of it.

Not to mention that many of my jutsus are close to reaching 100%, but I simply can't pass 99%. It's almost as if the maximum limit is actually 99%.

Perhaps I need an external factor like the little hammers?

It was something worth considering...

"Aizen, good morning."

I snapped out of my reverie and looked towards the classroom door. There was Hinata, twelve years old, becoming more charming by the day, especially as she let her hair grow to her shoulders. When she noticed that I was looking at her, she smiled sweetly and waved at me.

"Good morning, Hinata," I smiled back, waving at her.

As she approached me, she maintained a gentle smile without looking away.

Thinking now, she has become less shy since the release of my book...

Four years ago, I created a book partly out of boredom, on the other hand, indirectly wanting to help Hinata. It was the book I named: Gastronomic Adventures of a Shy Girl.

The book "Gastronomic Adventures of a Shy Girl" tells the story of a young woman who, due to her father's strictness, always treated her as someone without talent, comparing her to her younger brother. However, during a food eating competition, where she was entered as a joke, she surprises everyone by defeating the adults and winning a month of free lunch.

From that moment on, she becomes a recognized gourmet in the village, winning several competitions and defying others' expectations, to the point of influencing other villages and creating the new Era of Gourmet Ninjas.

Without my knowledge, the book began to gain popularity, to the point where a publisher sought out the original author - that is, me - with interest in publishing it.

My parents took care of the whole process, since I was underage, and after signing the contract and the book being published, it basically became a popular book in the village, even outside the village, spreading throughout the Fire Country.

The book even influenced restaurants to copy the book's ideas, creating gastronomic competitions and competitions to eat a large portion of food in a stipulated time.

I even participated in some of these competitions and won.

Hinata was one of those who gained fame for winning several competitions, even so, like in the book I wrote, she was prohibited from participating in some restaurants.

In their words: She's an insatiable monster!


Chapter 25 is already released on Pa treon!
Chapter 18: Graduation Approaches
Another thing was her attributes, which were much higher compared to our classmates; even Sasuke didn't have such high attributes.

I noticed that her increase was linked to how much she ate. Of course, training was also important, but after she started eating more, especially at school lunches, I saw her attributes rise rapidly, and even her talent changed from high to Low Elite.


Name: Hinata Hyuga


Talent: Low Elite

Strength: 55/69

Agility: 90/98

Speed: 91/98

Endurance: 47/69

Mental Strength: 90/99

Skill: 90/99

Chakra: 98/99

Aura: 44/49


With five attributes above 90, she surpassed Sasuke, who only had two above 90, Agility 92 and Speed 91.

Well, it can't be denied that he was talented. Even Naruto couldn't reach the mark of two attributes above 90, with his only 90+ being Chakra... Well, his Chakra is abnormal, above 800...

Basically, in our class, only a few managed to reach the mark of 90 in one of their attributes. This achievement is reserved for those who received more emphasis in the anime that I watched in my past life, even with my tips to speed up their progress. After all, not everyone has such high attributes at such a young age, above 90.


Listening to a chuckle beside me, I turned to look.

"What's up, Hinata?" I asked gently, seeing her resting her face on the table, looking at me sideways.

Closing her eyes briefly, she opened them again and said with a smile, "Hehe, today Hanabi made a packed lunch for me~"

"I can see that your relationship has improved a lot." I said with a slight smile.

"Yes~" She chirped in response.

I didn't say it, but I knew the reason Hanabi took such actions. It was due to the influence of my little sister, who often made packed lunches for me. Last week, Hanabi started to come to my house more often to learn to cook with my mother alongside Yakumo.

My mother is an excellent cook and teaches well, not to mention she enjoyed teaching Yakumo to cook. Having Hanabi's presence only made her more enthusiastic about teaching.

"It seems like all the training she went through paid off." I thought.

As someone who tasted something she made, at least until Friday, I must say that Hanabi has improved a lot, and although she was not at the same level as Yakumo, she was at an acceptable level.

The rest of the week, I was busy and so I don't know how much she has improved since then.

"Aizen, morning~"

Looking to my right, I see Ino with a toothy smile while making a peace sign. She quickly added, "You too, Hinata, morning! How's it going? ~"

"I'm fine." Hinata looks at her: "And, good morning."

"Morning, Ino." I replied, and she sat down on my left side.

"Hehe, Aizen, you look a bit different today, did you cut your hair?" She rested her head on her left hand while looking at me sideways as she asked.

"Just the ends." I smiled a bit. "It's amazing that you noticed that."

She blushed slightly but didn't look away as she smiled at me.

"I noticed too, Aizen, just, just."

"Hinata, calm down." I said.

Taking a deep breath and sighing twice, she looks at me firmly. "I noticed, but I didn't say anything because..." She pouted. "You didn't seem to have noticed that I also cut the ends of my..."

"Sorry, sorry, I didn't realize that." I say.

She puffed her cheeks, but soon let out a warm chuckle, then she said, "Well, realize it next time, okay?"

Between the lines, she was telling me to pay more attention to her and notice every change...

"Okay." I agreed.

"Hey, hey, don't make me feel like a candle here!" Ino seemed upset as she said it, but her face said otherwise. "Aizen... You need to pay more attention to the girls around you, I bet you didn't even notice that I changed a bit too, right?"

Looking into her presumptuous eyes, I say to her, "Of course I noticed."

"Oh, really? Then tell me, what changed about me?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Your earrings, unlike before when they were spherical, now they're two small hoops." I replied, and she seemed surprised.

"I'm surprised you noticed that." She blushed, but disguised her embarrassment with a cough, then she bumped her shoulder against mine and said, "Not bad, that's exactly what I changed~"

When I looked back at Hinata, as expected, she was looking at me upset, then she turned her face away making the sound of "humph!" softly.

Scratching my chin, I thought. It seemed that these small changes are becoming more significant to them, it wasn't like this before...

Taking this as a note, I thought about emphasizing more the changes in the girls around me, as Ino said.

"Person, good morning." Minutes later, Sakura arrived.

It was rare for her to arrive so late.

"There you are, Sakura." Ino asked with her hand on her chin, raising her head slightly arrogantly. "Got lost on the way?"

"Ino, you..." Sakura sighed, looking tired. "Not today, Ino."

"Mm?" Ino seemed intrigued at first, but she responded with disinterest right after. "Oh, just." And she turned her head.

Sakura sat alone in a corner, then she laid her head on her hands, she seemed quite sad.

"Aizen, do you know anything?" I don't know why, but Hinata asked me this while looking in Sakura's direction.

"Don't?" I asked, frowning. "Why do you think I would know anything?"

"I don't know... I just feel like you would know something." She replied, looking uncertain.

I was confused hearing her answer.

"I agree with Hinata." Ino joined the conversation, murmuring. "You really don't know anything, Aizen?"

Feeling the intense gaze of the two, I began to believe that I really should know something, but there was no such thing.

However, even though I said I didn't know, they seemed not to accept my answer, so I speculated: "Mm... Maybe her father or mother got sick?"

Perhaps I said it a bit loud, because Sakura raised her head and looked in my direction, seeming surprised.

Then I replied with certainty when I heard her say: "How did you know my father got sick, Aizen?"

"What should I say?" I just tried to guess.

Even if she didn't accept it, I replied: "Intuition? I just guessed when thinking about why you seemed so down today."

"... Really?" She seemed doubtful.

I just shrugged. "Yes."

"I believe you." She tried to force a smile, but it only made her look sadder. Maybe she knows it herself because she hid her face again by laying it on her hands.

I say to her, "I hope your father gets better soon."

"Thank you." Now, she gave a sincere, albeit brief, smile.

At the same time, I felt once again the intense gaze of Ino and Hinata.

"As expected from Aizen~" Hinata sang.

"Yes~" Ino was the same.

Although I could feel some boys looking at me enviously, I could see from my peripheral vision Shikamaru looking at me with pity, as if my situation was not something to envy, but rather a big headache.

"Everyone in your seats!"

The class calmed down with the arrival of Teacher Iruka.

With both hands on the table, Iruka said seriously, "As you all know, this is the first month of the year, and soon it will be your graduation day. Fortunately and unfortunately, there are only 3 months left until graduation day, so study hard and make an effort not to have to repeat the year, understood?"

"Yes!" Everyone shouted in unison.

Obviously, no one wanted to repeat the year. I could even see many eager to graduate soon. One of them was Sasuke, who was squeezing his hands so hard that the creases were turning white from the force he was using.

However, not everyone was in such a hurry, so I could feel Hinata and Ino's anxiety beside me.

The reason I could understand. Once we graduate from ninja school, it will be difficult for us to see each other.


Chapter 26 is already released on Patreon!
Chapter 19: Beyond the Screens: Aizen's Shift in Perspective
At the end of class, more people than usual asked for my advice on training. The reason was clear; all my advice had yielded positive results, and after being reminded by Professor Iruka that graduation was imminent, it was natural for them to want to perform well.

Many of them were confident of passing, yet it wasn't easy to shake off their insecurities, especially since this was the golden class.

The reason for such a name was because the standard of this year's students is several times higher than in previous years.

At last year's village cultural festival, we competed against students who were about to graduate and emerged victorious.

Of course, that wasn't the only reason. In various small events that the students of this class participated in, organized by the school, it was almost certain that someone from our class would come out with the prize.

"I know this is related to me, but..." I thought, "I only did this to increase my rewards..."

My achievements even caught the attention of the Hokage. He wanted me to graduate early and even promoted me, as well as putting a team under my command.

Initially, I found it tempting, but at the same time, I felt that if I accepted his proposal, I would feel a distress like never before, so I rejected it.

I could see the disappointment in his face, but to my surprise, Hiruzen, the Third Hokage, didn't bring up the subject again. He simply said that if I changed my mind, I could talk to him at any time. Furthermore, he asked me to continue giving advice to the students.

Of course, even without him asking, I would still continue doing so. Currently, if any student had any doubts, it was to me that they turned to instead of the teacher.

Once, Iruka told me, "Aizen, sometimes I feel like you are the teacher and not me."

Hearing that, I don't know why, but I didn't feel sorry, but rather, I felt like laughing, because the expression on his face was somehow quite funny.

Well, he didn't take it personally; he even laughed.

Thinking now, many of the things I believed, especially my opinions about certain people I saw in the anime, changed over time.

It was easy to judge someone through a screen. However, it was a totally different reality when I experienced everything personally. Not everything was black and white. Living through all this made me understand that it's not just seeing to believe...

I must have lost at least 2 hours just giving advice separately and sometimes together with my classmates.

"In the end, I lost a bit of my training time," I thought.

However, it wasn't really a big loss.

It was more like, losing one thing, but gaining two.

With what I did today, I was sure it would yield several weekly coins. It would be enough to exchange for some talismans and create more clones. That should make up for the lack of hours training by using the clones to train in my place.

Of course, there were also the Nutritional Pills. Depending on how many coins I receive, it's worth buying some.

The Nutritional Pills are nothing more than rewards I received after finally completing the mission to invite Chouji to barbecue. Although it seems simple, the Nutritional Pills that became available are practically a weakened version of the Dragon Ball gods' seeds.

The pills are classified into three: Green Nutritional Pill, Red Nutritional Pill, and Golden Nutritional Pill. The size is the same for all, only the color of each one changes, and although the function is identical, as the grade increases, with green being the lowest and gold the highest, the amount of nutrient in the pills increases.

The green one costs 5 coins and has nutrients for five days. The red one costs 10 coins and has nutrients for ten days. The golden one costs 20 coins with nutrients for 20 days.

Quite simple to understand, but if I had to say something, it was that I needed to be careful when consuming this. Excessive consumption can even make my body explode.

If I consume one, I must be careful and only consume the next one after digesting all the nutrients from the pill, and the fastest way is by training.

This is also the secret to my development being so fast. If I hadn't gotten these pills, maybe I wouldn't have progressed so much.

In short, a green pill is able to practically double my training session. The red one practically quadruples it, and the golden one makes it 8 times more productive.

When I finally got home, I changed into something more comfortable for training and immediately took a green nutritional pill, swallowing it before arriving at the Dojo.

On the way, I noticed the absence of my mother, as well as Kumo.

Upon opening the door, I was greeted by Kumo, Hanabi, and Hinata.

"Big Brother, you're late!" Although she said this while making expressive gestures of discontent, leaning forward slightly with her arms extended downwards, her voice sounded excited.

Looking at her, then at Hanabi and... at Hinata, who blushed a little under my gaze. Honestly, I expected Hanabi's presence, since she had become close friends with Kumo, but Hinata was a big surprise, as it was the first time I saw her come along with the two.

"Sorry, little sister," I said with a gentle smile. "I took a little longer giving some tips to my classmates."

"Goodness, you're so kind, Big Brother!" She pouted as she spoke.

I saw Hinata beside her, nodding in agreement with her words.

Hanabi, on the other hand, seemed to be enjoying the situation, with a slightly mischievous smile on her face.

I didn't respond, just smiled gently.

"Hinata, Hanabi, welcome, make yourselves at home, don't worry about my presence," I said, passing by them and heading to the Dojo's shared room.

"Big Brother is right, while he goes to change his hidden weights, let's train," Yakumo said.

"Yes." The sisters replied in unison.

Not long after, I returned and saw that the three of them were sparring.

It was basically every man for himself, while the sisters Hanabi and Hinata were more dominant in hand-to-hand combat, Yakumo was more versatile in using the Kurama Clan's Genjutsu in a controlled manner.

It was a style that I thought suited her best; using a brush, she would create illusory images that seemed almost real.

Of course, she was capable of creating real illusions, but she hadn't fully mastered it yet, so she was limited to the almost real illusion for now.

Even so, an almost real illusion was something that the two sisters were having a hard time dealing with, after all, it wasn't a normal genjutsu that could be easily broken by using Chakra Release (Kai).

The almost real illusion works by directly manipulating the victim's nervous system and senses, creating a complete sensory experience that feels real. This can include images, sounds, smells, and tactile sensations that are all fabricated by the illusion. Even experienced shinobi can be caught by this type of genjutsu, as it is difficult to distinguish between the illusion and reality.

Because they possessed the Byakugan, even though normally Kumo's genjutsu was difficult to discern as real or fake, it was difficult to completely deceive the two, and knowing what was real and fake, they were still able to use 'Chakra Release (Kai)' to dispel the genjutsu.

Yakumo knew this; she trained with me daily, learning to disguise the real with the fake, especially when throwing ninja stars.

"This won't keep working on me, Kumo," Hinata said, manifesting her aura in the form of chakra. She then slightly bent her knees and extended one hand downward, while the other was raised backward, pointing upwards.

As a spectator, I stood with my arms crossed, watching.

An excited smile appeared on Hanabi's face. I could see the pride she felt for her older sister.

This was a technique that I knew she hadn't perfected yet, but Hinata could already use it with a certain degree of mastery.

"Not so fast," Yakumo said, then with her 50cm brush, she brushed the air, creating an image of the ground erupting with magma.

It was an obvious illusion, but because it was made from a real illusion, even though she knew it was an illusion, Hinata lost her balance, 'breaking' her preparation to use the Eight Trigrams: Rotating Palm.

At the same time, Kumo took advantage and threw more ninja stars while disguising hundreds of real ninja star illusions in the process, attacking both Hinata and Hanabi.

However, to their surprise, Hinata was pretending to lose her balance; her eyes sharpened, and she immediately used the Rotating Palm.

"Bang! Bang! Bang...!"

Both the illusions and the real ones were dissipated by the Rotating Palm jutsu.

"Clap, clap, clap!"

I applauded, intervening as I walked between them: "Well done, girls, each of you was excellent. Especially you, Hinata. Although I noticed you were pretending to lose your balance, it was still good enough to deceive Kumo and Hanabi."

"Big Brother, I haven't lost yet!" Kumo seemed upset with my intervention.

"Kumo, I understand you hate losing, but if you had continued, even if the result didn't come as quickly, Hinata would still be the victor among the three. Do you know why?"

"Because she's older?" Kumo crossed her arms as she asked.

"No." Hanabi shook her head, saying, "My older sister would win because she is more hardworking and talented!"

If it were a few years ago, Hanabi wouldn't have said the same, but time proved even her father wrong about Hinata.

I knew that essentially her father labeled her as untalented for ninja work.

However, he couldn't have been more wrong. All Hinata needed was to be pointed in the right direction and have someone believe in her, not to mention my book was the X factor in her change for the better.

Roughly speaking, her father tried to teach her in a way that she couldn't progress, similar to trying to teach a child with dyslexia to read like other children. It simply didn't work.

Feeling Kumo's gaze, I said: "Kumo, Hanabi is right."

Chapter 27 is already released on Patreon!
Chapter 20: Aizen's Influence on Hinata
Upon hearing Aizen's words, I looked at him with a touch of surprise, but it didn't last long.

Upon reflection, I know that the changes regarding my older sister are directly linked to his intervention. I am grateful, although I do not say this directly because I feel a bit embarrassed.

I still remember how it was. A few years ago, Hinata began to change, starting with her training, which was different from the norm. Because it was so simple, it received disdain, but, to my surprise, she did not become discouraged by the disdain of others. In fact, it seemed like she was used to it, and somehow, she seemed different, especially after a month of doing the same exercise, only increasing the intensity.

One day, I overheard my father muttering that she had no hope as he sighed, but something inside me said that this time, he was wrong, and... A few months later, even my father had to reassess my older sister once again.

The training that was treated as a waste of time, something that didn't make sense to do, was creating a solid foundation for my sister, to the point where she had such a surprising qualitative change that it left my father stunned.

I still remember him muttering in disbelief. He seemed incredulous, and somehow, it brought me satisfaction.

However, I continued to watch my older sister train in secret, and... One day, I saw her reading a handmade book.

It was a book that, later on, I found out was created by Aizen Kurama, her classmate. Curious, I watched Hinata read after training. As soon as she seemed to have finished reading, I saw her cry like a child.

My heart ached for her, seriously, I had never seen her cry so much. I even felt her emotional release from afar, affecting me to the point of shedding a few tears.

And that was when everything changed. It was like a click. Since my older sister read that book, she underwent an even more surprising transformation than with her new training regimen, such as letting her hair grow, among other things...

For example, she started eating more. When I say more, I mean eating the amount of at least 5 adults!

Heavens, that left me stunned. How could someone so small eat so much?

Even if I forced myself, I couldn't eat half of what she ate.

And that was just the beginning. She started eating for several people every day, and instead of gaining weight, she seemed to turn the nutrients from the food into strength.

Since then, she trained with more intensity, improving day by day, eating more and more...

I admit I tried to imitate her, but it seems that our metabolisms are different. I couldn't eat the same amount as her, and I started gaining a few pounds...

Returning to the present, looking at my older sister, who smiled shyly but without averting her gaze towards Aizen, a mischievous smile curved on my lips, and I thought: 'I knew it... She likes him. When I asked, she said she admired him, but her eyes tell me otherwise~!'


Looking at Kumo chatting and laughing, I thought that such a scene would not be possible if she had not been able to pursue her dream of being a ninja and the tragedy of killing our parents repeated itself.

Of course, even though I helped her improve, I never stopped monitoring her progress through her page. And, so far, something like 'Ido' has never manifested itself.

As I reflected, something seemed out of place. After pondering incessantly, I came to a conclusion: A second malevolent personality was generated from her negative thoughts, manifesting itself after the loss of control over her own powers and intensifying with the death of her parents.

It was plausible, something that had been confirmed possible in various situations, especially in traumatic situations. However, such a situation did not occur this time.

With my intervention, her body strengthened as it helped break the limits of her strength and endurance. Training with me, she gained good control over her Special Characteristics (Kurama Clan's Kekkei Genkai) and learned to control her chakra masterfully.

Her understanding of genjutsu was at a level even higher than mine. Although I was also able to create real illusions, just like her, I am limited to almost real illusions.

Given time, I knew it was only a matter of time before she became skilled enough to use real genjutsu without losing control.

Of course, although my progress is not going as fast as hers in comparison, that was not my focus at the moment; I just strived within my means to keep up with her progress while working more on maximizing my attributes.

I still have a little way to go to break the limit of all my attributes; both my Mental Strength, Skill, Aura, and my newly acquired attribute, Bones, still needed to reach the maximum limit for me to succeed in breaking the limit at least once.

Of course, I had Kumo undergo a similar training to mine until her attributes approached the maximum, and I had her start training something new as she neared the maximum limit.

Looking back at her now, I smiled a little.

"Why did you start smiling suddenly, Big Brother?" She asked me.

Hanabi and Hinata fell silent at her question, also looking at me.

With my hands hidden under my sleeves as I crossed my arms, I said softly with a gentle smile, "I thought a little about the past, and so I felt happy to see you grow up healthy, more and more beautiful and strong."

When I finished speaking, she was stunned. Soon she reacted by standing in front of me, punching weakly at my chest.

"Moo!" She complained, embarrassed. "Moo, goodness, Big Brother, how can you say such embarrassing things in front of my friends?"

"Haha, but didn't you ask?" I retorted.

"But..." She pouted in response. "I didn't know that was why you were smiling; if I could read minds, I wouldn't have asked such a question..."

Hinata and Hanabi were laughing at the situation, and at least Hinata tried to disguise it, but I saw Hanabi laughing shamelessly.

This only increased Kumo's shame and shyness; she hid her blushing face in my chest.

"It's all your fault they're laughing at me, humph!" She muttered while pinching my waist.

I pretended it hurt a little, even though it hardly hurt at all, just to avoid increasing her discontent.

Chapter 29 is already released on Patreon!
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