Nanowrimo 2023

You and me both on just hitting the important stuff. I'm at 47.5K words, and have JUST gotten Taylor into the Wards. Sophia is Lady Casket at this point in the story, and Emma is fighting her judge very hard at her trial. The incident that gave Taylor powers was basically what would have happened to Emma, and realziing that shocked the hell out of her into a "WHAT THE FUCK HAVE I BEEN DOING?!?!?" thing. Her argument with the judge is that she wants to plead guilty, and is willing to do anything she has to in order to get a long sentence in prison. (That thought came to me about Emma after I realized that the setup for what I did to Taylor was pretty much what happened to Emma, or would have.)

Need to set up a few incidents that allow some fighting, but things are not going to be pretty when she and the Wards end up cornered by the E88. Not pretty for the E88, that is, when dealing with a Trump who can use powers of the members, and whom you've just pissed off by telling her that you're going to do to her what the ABB goons did that made her Trigger. Hookwolf might survive. Maybe.
Not sure where I'm going to end up. Realized yesterday morning how to do the thing I'm doing at the end of the story. Let's just say that Taylor will be OP as F**K by the end.

51K at the moment, and Taylor is about to meet Hookwolf, Cricket, and a few others. And Hookwolf, that smooth talking son of a gun, is about to hit her right in the Trigger. Her reaction will not bode well for HW or Cricket.

I suspect I'll hit at least 70K in the end, but I'm hoping for more. Then I get to go through and edit, possibly adding scenes from other POVs, before I start posting it anywhere.
Took my first break yesterday and let myself go into the red on words/quota. Got back ahead today by hitting the 20k benchmark for the 12th. Still on track.
Hit my 50K yesterday at some point - just working on finishing the story and then going back and filling in some spots where I later think new POVs might be useful.
Wrote another few thousand words tonight, and completed ch12 of my mushoku fanfic. Feels nice to get another bit of story published... Now I just need to post more than once a month :p
Soooo! Posted chapter one of my current NaNoWriMo Project, Queen of Space! Here on SV! Enjoy!
The last thing Captain Caridad Yamato, of the newly formed Orb Space Defense Force, expected when she arrived home in her brand new command was a growing debris field that had once been the Orbital Space Colony of Heliopolis and her mentioned home. Now it is up to her, her crew, and her ship to discover what actually happened at Heliopolis and why it was chosen as the location of the Earth Alliance's secret G-Project. Not to mention find out what happened to her missing son, Kira Yamato, and his friends.
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25,220 words tonight. Officially halfway done. Really hopeful I can finish. Managed to fix one scene that's been bothering me since the start, so that's nice.
Just over 60,000 words. WHY AM I NOT FINISHED YET!? [Cries to self]
semiSaneAuthor - I know what you mean. Slowed down some, but I'm at 64K and not done yet. Then I need to go back after the story is done and add scenes that are hinted at by other scenes I HAVE written ....Gah ...
Hey Mizu, update your stories list when possible.
I mean, I could stick it on the signature for SV & SB, but mushoku tensei is a... controversial series, so I've been leery of crossposting it here. Unless you meant my DanMachi story, in which case I should probably put it in dormant or abandoned, seeing as I haven't written anything new for 6+ months.

Wait, no, story list you said. I read it as signature somehow. Done!
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I broke the 50K mark but stalled a couple days ago - my desire to write was overpowered by my internal editor going "But HOW did they get to that point?!?" on a scene. Figured it out, so I'll bull through.
I ended up at 55,150 words, with probably another 10k to go to finish it. Basically, some horrible life stuff happened. I'm lucky to have made the goal.

But, the makouts happened (leading to trauma),;the murder happened (more trauma); the will was read (even MORE trauma) the Fabricated Four did their rampage (No trauma- no wait, a concussion).
We're set up for the false murder accusation, the revelation of the villains, the chase through a skyscraper with poor cell connectivity, the literal fridging (temporary), and the guitar solo.

Oh yeah. It's all coming together.
Got to 50,100 last night. 🥳

It's a mess, more of a pre-alpha than a first draft, with multiple core setting changes and switching love interests partway through. But it's a hell of a lot more than I started with, and proved I could do it.
I will need at least four more drafts, maybe more, before I think about putting it up for public consumption.

And I still have the problem I'm not really sure where, given it isn't fanfic.
I succeeded at my utterly modest goal of finishing off the first draft of a novella.
I'm still not finished, but at least I hit the goal. Got a few scenes that need to be written to explain some stuff, and I still need to figure out how to write the big finish (which honestly should have the musical scoring of the failure bit on the trumpet (or is it trombone?) - the "Wah-wah-waaah") Once Taylor realizes one thing she can do with her power that she didn't have any idea she could do, it'll be a curbstomp against Scion. I just need to write it.
So for me, I manage to reach the fifty thousand on the twenty-ninth, I managed to reach fifty-five thousand or so words on the last day of the month. So I am quite happy, as I haven't really done with NaNoWriMo November before.
Errgh. Still have six or so scenes to go...
  • Bugs found in the apartment! Not fun multi- legged ones either.
  • False murder accusation! Run girl run!
  • Plea for help, in the face of damning evidence. A cunning get arrested?
  • The transfer to the jail goes to the wrong place. The best friend fails a simple question.
  • Villainous monologues! Chases! fights! Literal fridging!
  • A hero's secret revealed. How to get a telepath to talk. Rescued! Trapped!
  • GUITAR SOLO! No seriously, the climax is a guitar solo.

Epilogue: the villain's jet to Argentina has an extra passenger...