Nanowrimo 2023

I am excited for my first nanowrimo attempt.

First day I got 1042 words and this morning I got 740.

I don't know if I will reach the 50,000 goal, but this is a great spark to help solidify the daily writing habit I've been on and off with for a while.

Good luck everyone!
I hit juuust short of 1.3k last night doing stressed out and sleep deprived David Xanatos word vomit. I intend to finish it up today and then move onto an actually planned scene, or Alex getting him to sleep properly in his own damn bed, maybe.
Sweet! Good for you! Any words are great! And yeah, I agree 250 isn't all that much. It's just one Sprint worth of writing if you write at a normal pace.

EDIT: Oops! Was responding to @Shadell and didn't notice that there were two other messages on page two! Duh! Still @Neshuakadal keep at it! You may surprise yourself and get that fifty thousand words! I did my first few times doing NaNo, had good days where I was writing two thousand or so words, and had bad days were I only wrote a few hundred words. Also those last few days can really surprise you, at how much you can get done.

@NemiTheNen Yeah. Know where you are coming from I did a whole Weber-like wall of text for my first five paragraphs or so. Just explaining what was going on and such. Grumble. Show not tell! Sigh. Oh well. That is what editing is for right!!
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I hit 1645 and 2145 just today. I probably could have pumped out more but it just was downright impossible.
Cooked with a little gas today, got up to 4,027 total. Tomorrow's me will thank me. And hopefully Saturday's me can get my laptop's screen repaired easily, because right now the screen part keeps falling off the back.
1778 day 1 (chapter 2 rewritten, revision 2)
1854 day 2 (chapter 3 - new territory - raw draft).

It's uncharted territory from here on out, only supported by outline. Scary...

Writing in limited 3rd is falling into some strange perspectives at times and I wonder if I should be moving towards a more distant narration at times.
1778 day 1 (chapter 2 rewritten, revision 2)
1854 day 2 (chapter 3 - new territory - raw draft).

It's uncharted territory from here on out, only supported by outline. Scary...

Writing in limited 3rd is falling into some strange perspectives at times and I wonder if I should be moving towards a more distant narration at times.

That might depend on the work you are writing in particular.
This will be the perfect month to try (and fail) to get out a chapter of one of my plot bunnies.

Fortis Fortuna Adiuvat (Latin: Fortune Favors the Brave). In a world where the magicless Girl-Who-Lived never went to Hogwarts, Voldemort's rebirth forces Aurora Evelyn Potter to return to the world that abandoned her. But Aurora is not without surprises of her own, and a Weasley will be the first to discover more than meets the eye… AU. Starts the summer before fifth year.

Fusion of Invincible: Atom Eve and Harry Potter. Aurora will have Atom Eve's powers. The plot/general treatment of Squibs is based on HP canon and the following fics: A Squib Worth, Ascension of the Grey Lord, He Will Have the Power The Dark Lord Knows Not, The Double-Blind Fix-It, The Second String, and Qualms.
A bit over 3000 words so far, so about on pace for me.

Reminder to everyone that the goal is to write as much as possible, not to get to 50,000 and burn youself out for six months. Every words you write for NaNo is a word you wouldn't have written otherwise, so don't stress if it's not as much as you want it to be!
It's NaNoWriMo! Yay!

I have a concept and most of a story outline ot use! Yay!

I'm on day three and have less than two thousand words! Yay-wait...

I'm behind! *takatakataka*
Okay, a few days late but I am resolving to do this. I have an outline for a short story/novella (knowing how wordy I can be, it'll probably be novella length when I get it all down). I wrote 1486 words today and...moved the plot forward by an inch. ugh.

Question for the group: how do you deal when you write a bunch only to feel that they're not very good words? Do you just keep throwing words at the page and resolve to edit later? I feel that my slower, more careful approach might not work during NaNoWriMo where the focus is on writing lots.
General advice (for NaNo, but actually just in general) is to write to put words on the page. The first draft is supposed to be shit; you tear it apart and rebuild it and find the connective tissue to make a coherent story after. Never judge your first draft (or even third draft) against finished, edited work. We don't get to see how the sausage gets made so it can very easily induce imposter syndrome.

There's also the advice that your first finished book will be crap and is primarily there to teach you how to write your second book, though whether or not that's motivational or demoralizing may vary from person to person...
Question for the group: how do you deal when you write a bunch only to feel that they're not very good words? Do you just keep throwing words at the page and resolve to edit later? I feel that my slower, more careful approach might not work during NaNoWriMo where the focus is on writing lots.
It depends on what words they are.

First off, sometimes you will just have a bad word day. Not a day where you cannot write, a day where the stuff you write is stuff you immediately dislike. Keep it, try and work on other stuff, and come back later when you've had more time to think to look at it again.
It is possible that working from there will lead to stuff that makes it look better, or that you just weren't in the mindset to realize it was alright. It could also be the case that it is still trash later, but you have a better idea where you are going to rework it better. It could also be just meh, and you can either leave it, change it, or remove it when you get back to it depending on how bad "meh" looks in that spot.

If you have written those words and are struggling going forward from them, then it might be a case where you need to set them aside (I put them elsewhere in the document with a scrap label) start that part over, and see where it could have gone another way, maybe take a break if you don't have another idea yet. I recommend keeping them because sometimes there is something in there that will work elsewhere later, or a break might make you change your mind about them.

Generally I've personally found that when words aren't coming it isn't worth it to force more. Trying to make notes about where to go, or plotting out future stuff is a good backup, and is progress even if it isn't directly creating more wordcount.
Wrote 1.7k this afternoon, continuing the next chapter of my Mushoku Tensei fanfic. Feels nice to continue it again.
5303 so far tonight, might try to hit 5600 or even 6000 tonight. It's interesting what stuff is popping out as I sit down to right and thematic connections start popping up.
Okay, a few days late but I am resolving to do this. I have an outline for a short story/novella (knowing how wordy I can be, it'll probably be novella length when I get it all down). I wrote 1486 words today and...moved the plot forward by an inch. ugh.

Question for the group: how do you deal when you write a bunch only to feel that they're not very good words? Do you just keep throwing words at the page and resolve to edit later? I feel that my slower, more careful approach might not work during NaNoWriMo where the focus is on writing lots.

I think you should focus less on word counts and writing and more on getting into a writing flow personally speaking. As for feeling like the words are not very good, the question is do they serve a good purpose in keeping the story going, but you can always revisit them later.

Okay so I just finally concluded a timeline of mine on, it was a small short 1200+ word update, but I just want to go get updates out so I'm not concerned about word limits.
6900 today, if you include poking at outlines and writing out thoughts to jpg stuff free, which I do. Most importantly, may have finally figured out a barebones plot to accompany the character arc stuff.
Question for the group: how do you deal when you write a bunch only to feel that they're not very good words? Do you just keep throwing words at the page and resolve to edit later? I feel that my slower, more careful approach might not work during NaNoWriMo where the focus is on writing lots.
Yeah, part of the point of NanoWriMo is to try and banish that part of your mind that endlessly critiques everything you write, because for a lot of people that's an easy way to end up writing nothing. The important thing is to just get words on the page, get ideas and things flowing, and go from there. If you need to rework them, that's what additional passes and even betas and so on are for. Try your best to not super stress out over things not looking great, and just focus on getting into your story and getting into a groove.

First four days I was in a not-great emotional place to write, so a frustratingly late start, but this morning I've been able to bang out around 4k and if I've got a bit more inspiration in me, I can definitely both break 5k easy and get a rough draft of this chapter done today, which would be awesome. Admittedly I'm starting to run to the point in the middle of the story where I'm not entirely sure what I want the characters to be doing, but I have some broad ideas and I can work it out.
So still not doing NaNoWriMo. But I went back to the project I started in late October which I had been planning to do a sequel to in NaNoWriMo with how I wrote just over 21,000 in 3 to 4 days. Just been editing it from the 3rd to fix the setting breaking superpower of the main super character, who I changed their powers. I'm now at 26,400ish words after doing that. And I'm going to get it done.

You know, to take a break from my main project as a little daliance.
OK, here I am procrastinating at work working this, instead of procrastinating at work by working on my 8th go at NaNoWriMo. Previously I've had 5 success, and 2 failures. Will I pull it ofg this time?

Well, as of 11 last night I was at 10,200 words. Looking good. In this action "people with powers" romance I have finally got my MCs to the violent meet cute. I have not gotten them to actually talk to each other before they depart.

In fact, both of them have talked to the Best Friend/Ex more than each other. Brianna is getting annoyed- she has work to do.
An update. (Mostly to keep myself accountable.)

I am going strong at 10846 words as of this morning. One of the things I have done is split my writing up into a morning and afternoon segment. This has really managed to help manage my energy levels when it comes to writing.

Already this project has become my longest writing work, so I am very excited.
At 11,820 today. Burnt almost all of my buffer yesterday due to coming home late.

It's starting to become a real struggle as I'm more or less out of the scenes Veering wildly from trying to trudge through a plot to trying to do something more cozy and character focused. The latter honestly sounds better but I'm not sure how to sustain a whole story on that. I can think of a couple examples close to what I'm trying to do, but I think I need a better crystallization of the character arc, something to externalize it.