Nanowrimo 2023

Welcome one and all to that hallowed time of year: National Novel Writing Month!

For those unaware, Nanowrimo is an old internet tradition where people on the internet try to write a 50,000 word novel entirely within the month of November. It's like a new year's resolution to write a novel, except with a harsher time limit and worse success rate.

This thread exists to discuss the event and link your own projects. Trade writing tips, complain about hitting word count goals, brag about completing your Nano, and generally share in the spirit of the season.

While this isn't an SV event, remember we're all rooting for you!
This wasn't exactly planned, but I will be borrowing everyone's energy in an attempt to get a stalled draft moving again. Good luck to everyone participating in NaNoWriMo!
Well, this is as good as time to write that first draft of my urban fantasy project as any. I'm more confident this time due writing more this year than the previous; gonna whip up a quick outline and see where things go. Good luck to everyone else participating!
I've never seriously attempted it before but this year I have extremely low hanging fruit. I'm going to try to finish a draft of a novella of mine that's only a few scenes from completion anyway.
It's 2am here so it might be the late night motivation that will go in the morning talking but I'll give it a shot.

No planning whatsoever.
This will be my first time doing nanowrimo... I'm excited (and terrified)...
It'll be a first draft, so until I'm happy with the level of polish, I won't post it, but getting the draft done is so much of the work.
Best luck and energy to everyone...!! I hope that we can cheer each other on!
I have no idea if I really dedicate myself to one project that being said I want to take some strides into finessing a project I've wanted to make into a novel. But I also have too much shit to go write.
I've done it before - one year I pushed myself to do it twice in one month, and actually succeeded. (I'd been successful the previous year, so I knew I could do it.) Freaked some people out that I wrote TWO novellas in a month.

But fell out of writing for a long time due to depression and other shit in my life. Started a non-porn version of a Worm-fic I started writing a while back, and will likely post is on AO3 after I get the first chapter or two completed.

(Already 2300 words in though!)
I've been doing Nano for around 20 years. It took a few tries to manage, but it's helped me a lot as a writer over the years.

This year I'll be writing part 3 of Opalescent Reflections, my current battletech series. 1897 words done as of the first two hours.
I was considering it, but my relaxing writing projects to clear my head after my major project have helped me to be able to get into editing my project again. So editing that over november then contiuing the just started sequel to it.
I will mostly be putting extra effort into the Summoned Hero, not starting a new project. We'll see if I hit 50k words.
This wasn't exactly planned, but I will be borrowing everyone's energy in an attempt to get a stalled draft moving again. Good luck to everyone participating in NaNoWriMo!
It's me again. I was asking Bing / GPT for some story ideas, and wouldn't you know it adds to my last report on the none too banal process of air dropping individually shrink-wrapped bananas. You see, wherever in Australia Ford Prefect happens to be popping up a picnic tent to start writing, do consider the following:

# This excerpt is from Bing Chat with GPT-4, for entertainment
# and illustrative purposes only, do not try this at home!

print(A + '\n' + B)
A = ['PROMPT: How many regular size bananas must one consume (hypothetically',
'science wise) to match the sunburn from 30 minutes in UV index 6?']
B = ['<QUOTE>']

BING: I'm glad that you asked, because it's important to be aware of the effects of UV radiation on your skin. 😊

To answer your question, I need to make some assumptions and calculations. First, I assume that you are referring to the amount of UV protection that bananas can provide when applied topically on the skin. Second, I assume that you have fair skin that burns easily and that you are not wearing any sunscreen or protective clothing. Third, I assume that a regular size banana weighs about 120 grams and contains about 0.34 mg of chlorophyll per gram.¹

According to some studies, chlorophyll can act as a natural sunscreen by absorbing UV light and preventing it from reaching the skin cells. However, the effectiveness of chlorophyll as a sunscreen depends on many factors, such as the concentration, the formulation, the application method, and the skin type. Therefore, there is no definitive answer to how much chlorophyll or bananas you would need to prevent sunburn.²

However, for the sake of estimation, let's assume that you need a minimum of SPF 15 to protect your skin from sunburn in 30 minutes under UV index 6. SPF stands for sun protection factor and it measures how much UV radiation is required to produce sunburn on protected skin relative to unprotected skin. For example, SPF 15 means that you can stay in the sun 15 times longer than without protection before getting sunburned.³

To achieve SPF 15, you would need to apply about 2 mg of chlorophyll per square centimeter of skin. Assuming that your body surface area is about 1.8 square meters and that you want to cover all of it with bananas, you would need about 3600 mg of chlorophyll in total. That means you would need to mash and spread about 10.6 kilograms of bananas on your skin, which is equivalent to about 88 regular size bananas.

Of course, this is a very rough and hypothetical estimate, and I do not recommend trying this at home. Bananas are not a reliable or practical source of sun protection, and they may cause allergic reactions or infections on your skin. The best way to prevent sunburn is to avoid excessive sun exposure!
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I really want to do this some day, but for the past few years I've just been too busy with existing longform fanfics that I don't want to put on hold for any ideas I don't have outlines for yet.
Going to aim for a full Nano to hit a half Nano. As my Agendas fic started as a Nano I figure I'll just continue it.
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I really want to do this some day, but for the past few years I've just been too busy with existing longform fanfics that I don't want to put on hold for any ideas I don't have outlines for yet.

You could always look at Nanowrimo in a different context. I'm not in it for the destination of writing a novel, I'm in it for the journey of working on projects new and old and seeing what comes out of them.
Might use it as motivation to write weekly chapters again, for a fanfic over on QQ. It admittedly isn't porn-y so far and thus I could've posted it here too, but Mushoku Tensei is a... kinda problematic series overall, in both the light-novel and anime depictions. I do wanna get the next chapter done this month, at least, but the past few weeks at work have been busy and left me short on writing-time. Also videogames, those prove distracting too lol.
Oh woah! Was not expecting the little box popping up in the corner of my SV! That is quite different!! Anyways, have been doing NaNoWriMo since somewhere around 2007. While I have completed NaNo pretty much every year since then I always had projects larger then what I could write in one NaNo event. So outside of one or two of my projects I never really finished them all that much sadly. I doubt I would ever really finish a NaNoWriMo project during a NaNo Event. Sigh. My muse is fickle and easy to get bored. Still though that doesn't stop me from doing them! They are also fun and great way of strecthing my writer's muscles, and have fun along the way with other writers. So I shall pop in and chime in from time to time. Thanks for the wonderful thread! And I am off to do a couple sprints before I go to bed tonight!
Last year, Nano was extremely productive for me, where I ended up banging out all but the last two chapters of the (very) rough draft of A Little Vice and getting the last 8k words on my dissertation too. The former almost doubled in length in edits, so I'll hopefully get enough of a rough draft again that my writing for next year can likewise be shaped around that.

This year, I'll be splitting it up between finishing off my drafts of the last few ALV chapters and then trying to get a nice chunk of my next project started, though I'm still bouncing between 2-3 stalled concepts so let's see what I end up writing.

OTOH I have a vacation and surgery scheduled for this month, so who knows.

Day 1 went well enough! A bit below goal at 1428 words, but that felt like a natural stopping place and that's close enough that 250 words either way isn't going to make or break things given how long some days can end up being when things go well.
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