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Looks like I got it right in that each sibling is a race of their own.

And Shade making friends with a cultist?
Why do I think this might come back later?
Interlude - Whiterun - 16th of Last Seed 4E 201 - Ralvas
Interlude - Whiterun - 17th of Last Seed 4E 201 - Ralvas

Willow was taught like a bowstring ready to let loose a hail of arrows. It was clear by the way she would somehow stand up and walk back and forth, checking over the shoulders of Sharrum, or of Ocheeva. Both were the most uncomfortable of the siblings in the inn, and thus her sure walk had the undoubted effect of calming them.

The rest of the inn's patrons had learned to give her a wide berth, even the bard who was incessantly singing his songs had learned not to try his hand when he had woken up one morning with three of his fingers dislocated. He hadn't felt a thing, but Willow's alchemy skills weren't just for show. She could dull the pain, break a bone, and then eagerly wait the morning to hear the screams of pain of those who'd wake up with a newly busted kneecap, or an arrow stuck in their sides.

Usually it took the combined might of Umbra and Tsavi to hold her back, and since the first was missing, the latter was trying her best busying herself with a book. It was harder than it seemed, since she had the unnatural reflex of letting loose her claws whenever she was stressed, and the poor book had already been ripped in more than one spot.

Ralvas knew deep down that there was nothing to worry about. Dragnor was a braggart, a drunken brawling fool most of the time, but also the oldest brother, and he had spent years fighting in the Arena. If was still alive, then nothing short of a mountain avalanche would kill him, and he'd probably stand back up to kill the mountain in turn. Rae was the voice of reason, and with those two, Umbra had nothing to fear.

Unless Dragnor threw Umbra to do something definitely unsafe, because while he was most definitely the youngest, and had a good tongue in his mouth, it didn't mean he also wasn't impulsive just like some of his older brothers.

"I'm bored," Ralvas said as he calmly sipped his mug of mead. "I heard the court mage is looking for some adventurers to recover something from a tomb."

Willow's eyes snapped away from Ocheeva's scale-covered head ridges, much to the Argonian's relief, and settled on him, much to his dismay.

"How far?" Willow asked.

"One day and half by foot if we travel light," Ralvas said. "We'd be back before the others arrive."

"Hirume and Mansel aren't here yet," Willow said, "Someone has to wait for them."

"I'm going," Sharrum said, "Before I rust in my armor, I need to oil it in the blood of my enemies."

"Poignant," Ocheeva said with a short chuckle, "One of Umbra's verses?"

Sharrum nodded, "Does it make me look...knowledgeable?"

Tsavi closed her book and sighed, "I want to stretch my legs too," she mumbled.

"More like meddle with those vagabonds by the gates," Willow said with a click of her tongue against her teeth. "I'm not letting any of you out of my sight until Hirume and Mansel get here," she continued flatly. "Sharrum, Ralvas, come back in three days or I will ensure you spend five nights straight without dinner."

Ralvas nodded, "Of course big sister, of course."

Sharrum grumbled, but stood up with a nod, "We'll be back."

"Also, Ralvas, you're the older one. Anything happens to Sharrum, you're the one I will deem responsible," Willow said as a final parting word, and Ralvas in turn stiffly walked out, barely nodding at the words in turn.

"Sharrum," Ralvas said. "This won't be like that time in Bravil, will it?"

"I promise not to stick my hammer inside a daedra statue," Sharrum answered most seriously. "But it was Umbra's idea."

Ralvas said nothing.

Some things were best left forgotten, after all.
HI! NO...

I'm sorry but NO, unless your running on the game mechanics a Fus Ro Dah, isn't going to just break every bone in your body it will literally tear your body apart with the level of force exerted on it. Look up a gore website and look at the chunky salsa that is the corpse of anyone who gets hit by a run away bus or wrecks into the back of 18 wheeler. you are dead, OUTRIGHT. A Fus Ro Dah canonically supposed to have enough force to bust down a castle gate in one hit. Hell Ulfric's Fus Ro tore the King's body apart and that wasn't even a full powered shout. But even by game mechanics.... being his that hard that your body is thrown well just look at how badly a body gets messed up when an explosion goes off with enough force to throw someone's body around. You might not lose limbs, or its possible ya do. See the thing about being hit that hard by a shockwave (and that's what it is) is that its not just like a truck hitting you. That force paces through the body damaging everything within, tearing apart organs, shattering bones (NOT just breaking or fracturing them!) and basically killing you outright. Its why its so unrealistic when action hero's are thrown by an explosion and are able to get up afterwords. If you had magical armor or magics that break physics sure, I can buy surviving a hit like that somehow but as it stands NO! NOOO!
HI! NO...

I'm sorry but NO, unless your running on the game mechanics a Fus Ro Dah, isn't going to just break every bone in your body it will literally tear your body apart with the level of force exerted on it. Look up a gore website and look at the chunky salsa that is the corpse of anyone who gets hit by a run away bus or wrecks into the back of 18 wheeler. you are dead, OUTRIGHT. A Fus Ro Dah canonically supposed to have enough force to bust down a castle gate in one hit. Hell Ulfric's Fus Ro tore the King's body apart and that wasn't even a full powered shout. But even by game mechanics.... being his that hard that your body is thrown well just look at how badly a body gets messed up when an explosion goes off with enough force to throw someone's body around. You might not lose limbs, or its possible ya do. See the thing about being hit that hard by a shockwave (and that's what it is) is that its not just like a truck hitting you. That force paces through the body damaging everything within, tearing apart organs, shattering bones (NOT just breaking or fracturing them!) and basically killing you outright. Its why its so unrealistic when action hero's are thrown by an explosion and are able to get up afterwords. If you had magical armor or magics that break physics sure, I can buy surviving a hit like that somehow but as it stands NO! NOOO!

Alright well just imagine that the old skeleton fella was a particularly under powered guy or something. Honestly doesn't seem like that big of a deal. Either that or sure it's mostly running on game physics or something whatever lets you get through the story. Hell its already an AU maybe in this one shouts are just shittier.
HI! NO...

I'm sorry but NO, unless your running on the game mechanics a Fus Ro Dah, isn't going to just break every bone in your body it will literally tear your body apart with the level of force exerted on it. Look up a gore website and look at the chunky salsa that is the corpse of anyone who gets hit by a run away bus or wrecks into the back of 18 wheeler. you are dead, OUTRIGHT. A Fus Ro Dah canonically supposed to have enough force to bust down a castle gate in one hit. Hell Ulfric's Fus Ro tore the King's body apart and that wasn't even a full powered shout. But even by game mechanics.... being his that hard that your body is thrown well just look at how badly a body gets messed up when an explosion goes off with enough force to throw someone's body around. You might not lose limbs, or its possible ya do. See the thing about being hit that hard by a shockwave (and that's what it is) is that its not just like a truck hitting you. That force paces through the body damaging everything within, tearing apart organs, shattering bones (NOT just breaking or fracturing them!) and basically killing you outright. Its why its so unrealistic when action hero's are thrown by an explosion and are able to get up afterwords. If you had magical armor or magics that break physics sure, I can buy surviving a hit like that somehow but as it stands NO! NOOO!
Omigod you are so cute! You're trying to apply "realism" to a high fantasy universe!

Also, if the Draugr let off wall shattering Shouts in an underground cavern that might be ridiculously stupid.

Hell Ulfric's Fus Ro tore the King's body apart and that wasn't even a full powered shout
Ulfric Stormcloak is calling you a liar. He himself said that the Shout knocked Torygg on his ass and it was his sword that killed the man. Everything else was folks playing telephones with the events.
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So here's my take on the last few-ish scenes.

The good, most of the stuff that Shade wanted to tell got through well IMO. THe characters (as always), the setting and the premise all work well together to be interesting and fresh.

The bad part off the top of my head is that in areas where Umbra said he absoutely had to do something, the writing itself didn't convey that same urgency
Alright well just imagine that the old skeleton fella was a particularly under powered guy or something. Honestly doesn't seem like that big of a deal. Either that or sure it's mostly running on game physics or something whatever lets you get through the story. Hell its already an AU maybe in this one shouts are just shittier.
THAT is NOT how the Thu'um WORKS. Its literally like typing in a console command to conjuring a set amount of directed explosive force in a single direction. Its almost literally like a fucking claymore mine without the shrapnel that you call up on demand for. I can believe him surviving a Fus, MAYBE even a Fus Ro if he somehow had something to take a lot of the attack from. But no, I literally can not wrap my head around his surviving a Fus Ro Dah. A thu'um CAN get stronger but there is a bare minimum to the combined effects of all three words being used.

Here allow me to showcase what a Fus Ro Dah would look like in a more cinematic light.

Cut to 48 second in.

Omigod you are so cute! You're trying to apply "realism" to a high fantasy universe!

Also, if the Draugr let off wall shattering Shouts in an underground cavern that might be ridiculously stupid.

Ulfric Stormcloak is calling you a liar. He himself said that the Shout knocked Torygg on his ass and it was his sword that killed the man. Everything else was folks playing telephones with the events.
As I said. I'm using shit I've learned from the games and the lore, but even then a fantasy setting has some rules. and Barring direct intervention a Fus Ro Dah should kill him outright, and yes cause major damage to the cavern they are in. But hey that's where game mechanics come into play! You can get away with little inconsistency like that but when your writing as if its a real world THEN there is shit in the games that happen that quite frankly shouldn't be happening without consequence. A drauger Deathlord going Fus Ro Dah? Its gonna bring some fucking walls down

And for Ulfric? then he used a simple Fus and even THAT would be enough to lay someone out for an easy kill.
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Can you stop before this gets out of hand and talk about how cute it is Willow thinks things can't possiblely go wrong in a Shade fic?
That faith in your siblings will be tested soon.
HI! NO...

I'm sorry but NO, unless your running on the game mechanics a Fus Ro Dah, isn't going to just break every bone in your body it will literally tear your body apart with the level of force exerted on it. Look up a gore website and look at the chunky salsa that is the corpse of anyone who gets hit by a run away bus or wrecks into the back of 18 wheeler. you are dead, OUTRIGHT. A Fus Ro Dah canonically supposed to have enough force to bust down a castle gate in one hit. Hell Ulfric's Fus Ro tore the King's body apart and that wasn't even a full powered shout. But even by game mechanics.... being his that hard that your body is thrown well just look at how badly a body gets messed up when an explosion goes off with enough force to throw someone's body around. You might not lose limbs, or its possible ya do. See the thing about being hit that hard by a shockwave (and that's what it is) is that its not just like a truck hitting you. That force paces through the body damaging everything within, tearing apart organs, shattering bones (NOT just breaking or fracturing them!) and basically killing you outright. Its why its so unrealistic when action hero's are thrown by an explosion and are able to get up afterwords. If you had magical armor or magics that break physics sure, I can buy surviving a hit like that somehow but as it stands NO! NOOO!
I don't know if anyboday said it, but canonically, Draugr shouts suck ass because they're corpses and thus don't have much in the way of working vocal cords or lungs. So yeah, you could survive a full shout from a draugr since it's equivalent to like one word from a true person.
I don't know if anyboday said it, but canonically, Draugr shouts suck ass because they're corpses and thus don't have much in the way of working vocal cords or lungs. So yeah, you could survive a full shout from a draugr since it's equivalent to like one word from a true person.

Yep. Tiber Septim himself used the Voice to conquer until someone cut his throat, rendering him incapable of Shouting.
As I said. I'm using shit I've learned from the games and the lore, but even then a fantasy setting has some rules. and Barring direct intervention a Fus Ro Dah should kill him outright, and yes cause major damage to the cavern they are in. But hey that's where game mechanics come into play! You can get away with little inconsistency like that but when your writing as if its a real world THEN there is shit in the games that happen that quite frankly shouldn't be happening without consequence. A drauger Deathlord going Fus Ro Dah? Its gonna bring some fucking walls down

And for Ulfric? then he used a simple Fus and even THAT would be enough to lay someone out for an easy kill.
What lore in game is there from people who actually know how to Shout? Other than the reports of the Markarth Incident, which at least lets us know what people are alleged to have seen Ulfric do, the rest of it is third hand reports from dim pre-history and stories that are printed to fit an agenda.

It's like believing a book written by Vivec talking about how awesome and enlightened Vivec is. Don't take all those things too seriously.

Especially all the stuff Vivec published talking about how awesome Vivec is.

You sound like an asshole.
That's because I'm an asshole.
Switching topics for now. We've got the names, races, and class roles/professions of more than half of the 10 siblings:
  1. Willow - (Bosmer) Stealth Archer/Assassin, levels in Alchemy (poisons)
  2. Dragnor - (Nord) Fighter/Barbarian
  3. Ralvas - (Dunmer) Pure Spellcaster (destruction?)
  4. Sharrum - (Orc) Barbarian. Puts the "Beat" in Beatstick
  5. Ocheeva - (Argonian) not much else is known
  6. Rae - (Breton) Caster Jack-of-all trades/Skill monkey, levels in Alchemy (Potions), Destruction, Rejunevation, Diplo
  7. Hirume - Female, probably Altmer, silver hair, tallest of the bunch (was?)
  8. Mansel - Probably a red guard. Probably a beatstick class too. Got into a bar brawl with Dragnor and Sharrum
  9. Tsavi - (Khajit) Bookish, not much else known
  10. Umbra - (Imperial) Chuuni Bard
Also: I just know that Ralvas is referencing an anime character with his catchphrase ("you made five mistakes"), but I just can't put my finger on which one.
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I had already typed up most of this before the message ahead was posted, so sorry about that.

The Pocket Guide to the Empire First Edition: Skyrim was the book that introduced Thu'um into the lore. Here's a primary example:
When they attacked a city, they needed no siege engines; the Tongues would form up in a wedge in front of the gatehouse, and draw in breath. When the leader let it out in a thu'um, the doors were blown in, and the axemen rushed into the city.

So the Thu'um at least can blow down a gateway without destroying the rest of the city.

The book The Guardian and the Traitor by Lucius Gallus tells us this (not mentioning them by name) about the duel between Miraak and Vahlok:
The two fought a mighty battle that lasted for days, each hurling terrible arcane energies and thu'um shouts at the other.
So great and terrible were the forces unleashed in this contest that Solstheim was torn apart from the mainland of Skyrim.

So the Thu'um could also, at a higher power, tear apart an island from the mainland.

Arngeir (the Greybeard) also specifically tells you that he is the only one with the control over his Thu'um necessary to actually speak to you without causing disasters.

How about we just leave it that the Thu'um is able to be controlled in how powerful it is?
How about we just leave it that the Thu'um is able to be controlled in how powerful it is?
Oh I totally agree with you there. Never thought otherwise. Arngeir even makes note of the precision of the LDB's Voice. I figure that's the main thing with the Greybeards. Regular men and mer are not nearly as naturally attuned to it as Dragons or Dragonborn are and the Greybeards immerse themselves in it and make it the only thing they do. It's not surprising that the raw knowledge and power of the Thu'um they have gets ahead of their control and precision.

I always figured the old-school pre-WIndcaller Tongues went for a less immersive approach, only ever fully mastering a few Shouts each and not wallowing in it as much as the Greybeards do as a rule, except for some, like Jurgen Windcaller, who were prodigies or just really dedicated.