Do you think Shade is Cool?

  • I think he is frosty

  • What a chilling pun

  • Chillrend to the chest!

  • Freeze and don't you make a pun!

  • I have no mouth and I must I-scream

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"To be or not to be!" he said, lifting his left hand. "That is the question! Oh, how mightily did brother scream when he realized I had brought him a real skull and not a fake one! As if someone would ever craft a fake skull!"
Wait, wasn't the graveyard scene, and thus the skull scene, the "alas poor Yoric" bit? Because the skull in question was Yoric. The suicide contemplation part came... earlier? I think?
Leave him alone for two days, and he might end up sweet-talking his way into the inner graces of a vampire lord or something."
And then, out of nowhere, came the Dawnguard plotline.
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He gazed at the road ahead from his vantage position on Sharrum's back. Apparently, the Dunmer had crafted a special set of wooden and leather bands that would allow him to stay seated on the orc's back, giving him the chance to read books whenever he wasn't busy looking ahead.
"There is a reason Willow is worried about him. Leave him alone for two days, and he might end up sweet-talking his way into the inner graces of a vampire lord or something."
This is an awesome family. I'm glad though that he maintains a lot of his tells etc, gives me hope he's not just some stranger possessing their brother's body
The rumbling grew in intensity as the sphere of fire began to twirl and spiral towards the center of the Stormcloak crowd. The first Stormcloak to turn welcomed death in a split second as the blinding explosion incinerated him before detonating with enough strength to make the ground shake. Lightning bolts lashed out from the point of impact, tongues of fire and flames spiraling around the center in a sort of psychedelic mandala.
Huh, he's a hell of a lot more badass than I'd thought. I know they said they don't plan to get involved but with the family's obvious Imperial leanings (not that the Stormcloaks would be very welcoming anyway), a Thalmor by marriage sister and Berry being a Stormcloak supporter I wonder how this'll work out. Like is she annoyed that Ralvas killed Stormcloaks or does she not care after they rejected her? Will their divided loyalties come into play later in the story?
Hmm I begin to think that Umbra was always Shade, and this is in face a legit case of divine powered amnesia. Making him forget his life here and sharpening his old pre-reincarnation memories is a cost effective way of forcing all the relevant information to the forefront of his mind if I've ever heard of one though.
Maybe take that as inspiration to ask about the lack of magic again? He's already been cleared of mind-control...
I'd like to point out that Elder Scrolls has no compunctions about necromancy- it's literally the same as waking people up.
"We did have a human skull," Sharrum said. "To be or not to be!" he said, lifting his left hand. "That is the question!
"Yosh!" Sharrum exclaimed
Hmm. I remember someone thinking that Shade was reincarnated with his memories at birth, but lost them at the start of the story while somehow keeping his old life's. I'm kinda seeing it be more likely now, since I'm relatively sure that Tamriel has neither Shakespeare, nor Japanese. Where else could they come from besides an SI?
Hmm. I remember someone thinking that Shade was reincarnated with his memories at birth, but lost them at the start of the story while somehow keeping his old life's. I'm kinda seeing it be more likely now, since I'm relatively sure that Tamriel has neither Shakespeare, nor Japanese. Where else could they come from besides an SI?
The developers.

...Or the Daedra. Probably the Daedra. Them and their damn cultists.
I'd like to point out that Elder Scrolls has no compunctions about necromancy- it's literally the same as waking people up.
Pretty sure that the general populace of Skyrim take issue with it at least. The people of Cyrodil may not have the same compunctions regarding magic as a whole but dodgy mage cults, especially those focussed on necromancy (because what a thing to devote your life to...), would probably not be looked upon favourably.
Pretty sure that the general populace of Skyrim take issue with it at least. The people of Cyrodil may not have the same compunctions regarding magic as a whole but dodgy mage cults, especially those focussed on necromancy (because what a thing to devote your life to...), would probably not be looked upon favourably., I mean it literally. There is zero difference between waking up and being resurrected., I mean it literally. There is zero difference between waking up and being resurrected.
Am I just being too obtuse to notice the sarcasm because I'm really not sure what you're tring to say? Are you talking about the experience of the ressurrected because other than (possibly) that I'm pretty sure there'll be lots of differences between the two.
Am I just being too obtuse to notice the sarcasm because I'm really not sure what you're tring to say? Are you talking about the experience of the ressurrected because other than (possibly) that I'm pretty sure there'll be lots of differences between the two.
In Elder Scrolls, "death" and "sleep" are the same thing.

Being dead is literally being permanently asleep. Resurrecting them is waking them up.
So those slave skeletons are just waking up from a long nap and are A-OK with there new existence? Also, don't you need to steal a person's soul to do necromancy insted of just animal souls?
In Elder Scrolls, "death" and "sleep" are the same thing.

Being dead is literally being permanently asleep. Resurrecting them is waking them up.
Huh, is that part of the lore/absolute truths of Tamriel that the people there don't really know about? Something written in the Elder Scrolls?
In Elder Scrolls, "death" and "sleep" are the same thing.

Being dead is literally being permanently asleep. Resurrecting them is waking them up.

Death is not the same thing as sleep.

When you die, your animus is recycled through the dreamsleeve and your AE goes into whatever services that you've committed it into (Oblivion or Aetherius).

There are two kinds of necromancy performed in the Elder Scrolls universe:
  • you call back and bind the soul of the dead into their old body, and command their obedience for a time, or
  • you inhabit the dead body with your own energy and a fragment of your own will, and there is no soul-manipulation involved.

Anyways, neither of these things are particularly good for anyone except for the person doing the resurrecting.

Death and sleep are not similar at all. The closest that you get to it is Vivec's commentary on his death being as if he was sleeping, and he could choose to wake up at any moment. And, of course, Vivec was a god powered by the Heart of Lorkhan, so what he is able to do isn't applicable to other people.
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And that also happens when you sleep(well, debatably)

I've literally never seen anyone say this before, neither have I seen any sources state this. If you can provide us one, then great, you should do so.

Until then, the evidence that I've seen shows that when a person's AE goes into a realm of Oblivion or Aetherius that they're not 'asleep'- see Sovngarde and (possibly) the Shivering Isles. The animus when recycled is used by another person/animal when they're born.

EDIT: Sorry, misread your post. Request for sources still applies. Still haven't ever seen anyone say that.

That doesn't happen when you sleep. That's literally your soul- if either your animus and/or AE was removed from you, your body would most definitely be dead. For example, people aren't just "asleep" when they're soul trapped- if you use a black soul gem (which stores both the animus and the AE, by the way) to soul trap someone, there's literally just a dead body there. Same goes with white soul gems (which only stores the animus) and animals- they're dead at that point.

Your AE is your self. You wouldn't be you without it. An animus is necessary for life to exist.
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I've literally never seen anyone say this before, neither have I seen any sources state this. If you can provide us one, then great, you should do so.

Until then, the evidence that I've seen shows that when a person's AE goes into a realm of Oblivion or Aetherius that they're not 'asleep'- see Sovngarde and (possibly) the Shivering Isles. The animus when recycled is used by another person/animal when they're born.

EDIT: Sorry, misread your post. Request for sources still applies. Still haven't ever seen anyone say that.

That doesn't happen when you sleep. That's literally your soul- if either your animus and/or AE was removed from you, your body would most definitely be dead. For example, people aren't just "asleep" when they're soul trapped- if you use a black soul gem (which stores both the animus and the AE, by the way) to soul trap someone, there's literally just a dead body there. Same goes with white soul gems (which only stores the animus) and animals- they're dead at that point.

Your AE is your self. You wouldn't be you without it. An animus is necessary for life to exist.

I'm not finding anything on it either way, so I'll concede.