Interesting to see that Katarina was probably allways talented at friendship and being lovable, but the standard noble etiquette and upbringing effectively handicapped her abilities and had her not really try.
Chapter 18: Bond
Chapter 18: Bond

The following day of classes is a blitz of lectures, information, and presentations as students and faculty alike scramble to cram the remaining material into the period prior to exams and summer break. Katarina barely manages to keep pace as her professors rattle off fact after fact and review existing material at a breakneck pace. Yet, miraculously, she is able to – if just barely.

There's a little overlap with Maria. Katarina sees her in the second class that morning, going over runes and spell-circles. She doesn't particularly mind when the light mage sits down next to her before lessons start. Indeed, her clear and crisp notes prove a great help whenever she fears she's missed one of Professor Babcock's haughty proclamations. Maria, to her credit, is very patient with her, even as Katarina suspects she's doing little but slow her down.

They part with a knowing nod as the final class of the morning begins. For Katarina, that's Magical History – a class she had wrongly assumed would be an easy way to pad out her transcript her first time around.

It's an unfamiliar sensation to her, to feel the dawning comprehension as she jots down notes. Typically, that comes later, when reviewing material with Alan or…

She shakes her head as she rejoins the lecturer's stream of words. No. Stay focused.

Either way, there's a certain paradox in it all. The droning monotony of her academics is liberating. Her mind is far too occupied with soaking in words and pages to think of anything else. It's not an outlet she would've ever expected, but it's one she embraces as best she can.

That's not to say it's still not ridiculously hard, or that it's all that enjoyable running herself ragged, but… well, she does need to keep her grades up to stay on the council, so finding a bit of solace in it is a nice bonus.

As the lecturer dismisses the class, Katarina gathers her materials and slips them into her leather pouch. After a brief stop at her dorms to hand off the business of organizing said materials to her trusted companion, she moves to the central building for lunch.

In retrospect, she should have noticed Maria's absence as she passed the lower-class dorms. Yet the issue does not cement itself in her mind until she runs into a gaggle of lesser nobles blocking the hall. One she recognizes quite well.

Her former allies.

As she shouts out an angry proclamation at the group, they part, evidently still accustomed to following her commands. Two things immediately stand out to her.

The first is that Maria, who was until then obscured by the surrounding group, has tears in her eyes as she stares at the various trampled papers and books laid out on the floor.

The second is the girl with dark blonde hair and a pink dress, glaring at her with golden eyes.


"Lady Claes," she hisses.

"Lady Nelson," Katarina grunts, returning the glare.

Maria's eyes flit up from the floor, looking at her with a truly pitiful expression.

"I am surprised to see ladies of such high class here," Katarina says, voice dripping with sarcasm. "Do you not have better things to do with your time?"

The various flunkies surrounding her look back and forth between the two of them before tentatively filing behind Sienna and leveling glares of their own. They fold immediately when she returns them, of course, but it still infuriates her.

Sienna shows no such hesitation. "I could ask you the same, Lady Katarina. Your morbid fascination with this commoner is quite baffling."

"You would not be so bold as to order a Duke's daughter, would you Lady Nelson? I thought better of you."

"As did I, Lady Claes," Sienna says, eyes narrowing. "For someone of your station to debase yourself so is truly pitiful."

Katarina takes a step forwards, looking her former ally in the eye. "I am not the one kicking a woman around like a pack of thugs."

"No, you were always too good for that," Sienna growls, stepping forward to match. "You made us do your dirty work, and then discarded us when we were no longer needed."

They're little more than a foot apart now. "You chose your path. I did not discard anyone."

"You and I both know that's a lie, Lady Claes."

There's a quiet between them as they stare each other down. Katarina feels anger bubble in her chest. How dare she? Acting as though she is some helpless victim! "You were the one to forsake our partnership. Not I."

Sienna scoffs. "And now you've replaced me with the shiniest trinket that caught your eye." Her face twists into an ugly smile as she crosses her arms and leans forward. "Well, to be quite frank, Lady Claes, you needn't have bothered with the charade. I have been much happier since we parted ways."

Even as her former ally's words tear into her heart, Katarina raises a gloved hand to her mouth and laughs haughtily. "It appears we are in agreement about something after all!"

The noblewoman recoils, arms going limp as she blinks in confusion. There's a momentary change in her expression, but before Katarina can place it, it's replaced by a hateful glare.

"Let us take our leave," she states, turning to the girls around her. "We have nothing else to discuss."

Sienna spins around and begins down the hall, her posse following her. Several seem relieved at the issue not being pressed further, and look at her sympathetically before turning to follow. One or two flash her even more hateful glares before tilting their heads up with a snort. Either way, it's not too long until they round the corner and disappear out of sight.

Feeling her shoulders slump as Katarina allows herself to relax, she turns towards Maria, who is still standing there with tears in her eyes. She sighs as she makes her way over to her.

The light mage's breath hitches as Katarina places her left hand on her shoulder and bends down slightly so their eyes are level. Maria's expression is truly pitiful. Even as her blue eyes light up at the sight of her (quite a change from the harlot's behavior), she's still fighting to hold back tears.

She extends her hand towards Maria's insufferably perfect face, her fingers pressing into the light mage's cheek as she gently swipes her thumb at the tears pooling beneath her eye.

"It's unbecoming of a lady to cry," Katarina says, the water soaking into her white glove.

Katarina repeats the process on the other eye, and her ally's cheeks flush pink from embarrassment. To be babied like this must be humiliating, but it can't be helped.

As she lets go of her shoulder and pulls away from Maria, her ally averts her gaze. "I'm sorry, Lady Katarina."

She snorts as she shakes the excess water off her glove. "I'm not the one you should be sorry for. You're only hurting yourself by reacting that way."

Maria shakes her head, looking down at the ruined papers on the ground. "It's not even the insults or the bullying itself. I'm… used to that." She lets out a long shuddering sigh, and Katarina feels a sting of hurt in her chest. "I just wish I understood why they dislike me so much," she says. "I thought I'd fit in at a place where everyone has magic, but…"

She gently cups her ally's chin, bringing her soft blue eyes to meet her. Maria's cheeks flush even redder, and Katarina once again feels a little guilty at treating her so childishly.

"Who's to say you don't fit in? The Student Council members all seem to like you." She pauses, withdrawing her hand as images of Keith and Gerald flash through her mind. "Some a little too much if you ask me."

Maria giggles softly, and Katarina feels a strange fluttering in her chest, but her laughter trails off quickly, and she clasps her hands and looks at the ground. "I'm still sorry about that, you know," she says quietly. "I was so overwhelmed that someone was genuinely interested in me, that I didn't really think about—"

"It's in the past. Besides," she says, smiling at Maria. "It looks like it might work out anyway."

Maria grins in return, and Katarina has to turn away as she feels warmth on her cheeks. No wonder the harlot that shared her face was able to capture Gerald's heart. What man wouldn't be seduced by that smile?

"A-Anyway," Katarina stutters, only turning to face her once the heat recedes from her face. "I'm quite famished. Do you think we could continue this conversation at the lunch table?"

Maria nods. "Yes, of course. Let me just grab these…"

Katarina stands off to the side as the light mage reaches down and gathers the trampled and torn papers. After a moment of watching, she sighs and lowers herself to help pick them up.

Maria turns to her in surprise, nearly losing her grip on the papers in her arm. "Ah! You don't need to do that, Lady Katarina!"

She rolls her eyes. "If I leave it to you, this is going to take years."

As she picks up a dirty textbook, she frowns as she notices an imprint of a shoe left on the leather cover.

"Looks like you're going to get a lot of practice at restoration spells," Katarina says, shoving the textbook and papers she's gathered into her ally's arms.

Maria grimaces as she looks at the dirty and torn pile in her arms. "Probably best to do that on a full stomach." She begins to walk away. "I'll meet with you at our table."

Katarina strides after her, gripping her shoulder. "Wait. I will walk you back."

Maria tilts her head. "I thought you said you were hungry?"

"If I do not accompany you, the others may try and ambush you again." She flips her brown hair. "That would be bothersome."

Maria smiles at her. "I see. Well then, Lady Katarina, please lead the way."

She once again has to look away as warmth rushes to her cheeks. Indeed, the light mage's charm is unmatched. No wonder she's caught the eye of half the student council!

"Good morning, Mirabelle," Katarina says, nodding at the raven-haired noblewoman.

Maria looks up from their conversation, following Katarina's line of sight. "Ah! Lady Mirabelle!"

Mirabelle looks at the two of them suspiciously as she places her meal on the tablecloth and sits at the table. "You two seem in good spirits."

"Well, of course!" Katarina says, nodding. "It's a new day, time for fresh starts."

"Cryptic." Mirabelle smiles. "I like it."

The three of them take their time eating, and Katarina can't help but cringe as she sees Maria slouching over her meal. Quickly sipping at her soup and placing down the spoon, she turns to Maria and shakes her head. "No, no, no. Look at me, Maria. Back straight, arms tucked in."

The light mage looks at her with wide eyes. "Ah! Forgive me, Lady Katarina!" She quickly matches her posture.

Katarina nods satisfactorily. "Good. Now hold your spoon like so," she says, demonstrating the correct grip, "and take a dainty swipe at the surface of the soup."

Once again, Maria matches her movements, lightly dipping her spoon into the soup.

"Finally, bring it to your lips and take a sip. Like so."

The warm liquid enters her throat and Maria follows suit. Katarina allows herself a smile as the light mage sips the broth, but puts on a neutral expression as Maria locks eyes with her. "A commoner eating like a lady," she drawls. "There may be hope for you yet."

Maria smiles at her once more, and Katarina once again curses the universe for seeing fit to make her compete against that. Those golden locks, blue eyes, and flawless skin? There's no question she's utterly inadequate in comparison.

She's jarred from her self-pity as Mirabelle braces herself against the table, eyes crinkling from laughter.

Katarina frowns at her. "What is so funny?"

"Last time I saw you, you couldn't stop scowling at her." Mirabelle holds a hand in front of her face as she chuckles. "That must have been some weekend!"

Sirius briefly frowns in the corner of her eye as Maria sits next to her at the table, but is all smiles again once she turns to look at him. The student council president gives off quite the disconcerting aura, and Katarina is baffled that no-one else seems to notice it. Then again, eight years with Gerald has taught her how to distinguish between a genuine smile and a mere pleasantry (as much as she had ignored that Gerald always wore the latter around her), so perhaps it's to be expected. It's also perhaps not a coincidence that those glares and frowns always seem to be aimed at her.

Katarina nods at the red-haired nobleman and returns an equally-false grin, making a mental note to keep an eye on him in the future. If the student council president has an agenda against her, he conceals it well.

The council members slowly file in, and her heart skips a beat as Gerald smiles at her and takes a seat beside her.

"My Katarina," he whispers, wearing an oh-so-rare genuine smile, "Please help me stay awake through this meeting. As you are well-aware, I did not get much sleep last night."

There's a choked cough from beside her, and they both turn to face Maria, whose face has gone beet-red. The light mage makes a point of not looking either of them in the eye.

"Oh my, did you overhear that, Maria?" her fiancé chuckles. "As adorable a look that is on you, it is not what you think."

Katarina frowns, suddenly confused. Which one of them was he flirting with again?

Maria shakes her head, still not looking him in the eyes even as the red gradually fades. "S-Sorry. Shouldn't have eavesdropped."

With that, Gerald's gaze shifts back to Katarina, and his voice drops even lower than before.

"I must admit, I'm a little surprised to see her sitting next to you." He flashes a winning smile before moving his head closer. "If it's because you wish to run your hands through some golden locks, I am more than happy to oblige."

Now it's Katarina's turn to blush, heart beating loudly in her chest. This feels unreal. Where has this man been all her life?

"I…" she mutters, desperately trying to put her thoughts into words. "I…"

He pushes a finger against her lips, and the touch is electric.

"Shh," he says, dark blue eyes devouring her whole. "I know."

She shivers at the sound of his voice, her mind imagining him leaning in closely as their lips press together and-

"Ugh," groans Alan. "Get a room, you two."

She's sent crashing back to reality as her fiancé withdraws from her. She glares at the fourth prince.

"What?" Alan says, as he crosses his arms and pouts. "We were all thinking it."

Surveying the table, Maria fiddles with her bow, cheeks pink with embarrassment as Sirius stares at them with a raised brow.

She just glares. "He is my fiancé."

"Could've fooled me," Alan mutters, still not looking at them.

Thankfully, any ensuing argument is defused as the Ascart siblings enter the chamber.

"We were delayed," Nicol says, nodding at Sirius.

The student council president nods back. "It's fine. We've still got a few minutes before proceedings start."

The two move towards the table, Sophia briefly pausing as she looks in Katarina's direction. Nicol follows his sister's gaze, staring at Katarina flatly as they lock eyes.

"It appears that the seating arrangement has been altered," he says, a hint of confusion in his voice.

Sirius shrugs as he rounds the table. "Technically there are no restrictions on where a council member may sit. Though custom dictates the members sit in order of seniority, it is not a requirement."

He nods, still staring at Katarina. "I see."

Sirius's silver eyes glance at her before returning to Nicol. "At any rate, please make yourself comfortable, councilman."

The male Ascart nods, eyes finally tearing away from hers. It's then when she notices the pair of red ones across from her.

Sophia's lips curl ever so slightly upwards as the two of them match gazes, and Katarina tilts her head in acknowledgement.

Nicol, once again, just stares. His surprise is understandable – Katarina always knew Sophia to wait for him to take a seat. Somewhat reluctantly, he sits next to his sister, eyes flitting between her and the other council members.

Only two seats remain empty. One is Sirius', at the desk across from the head of the table. The other is for the absent council member.

"I thought Keith was back?" asks Alan, looking at it curiously. "Or is he a no-show again?"

Anxiety wells in her chest, and Katarina scowls. "He should be here."

Someone lightly grips her shoulder, and Katarina turns to see Maria offering a light smile.

Katarina looks away, closing her eyes as she takes a deep breath as she pushes down the stew of emotions bubbling in her chest.

There's another hand on her back, and she opens her eyes to see Gerald smiling at her as well.

Truthfully… it's a little suffocating.

She mutters a thank you as she gently pushes their arms away, closing her eyes and letting out a shuddering breath as her heart pounds beneath her chest. After a few moments, the toxic mix of anxiety and affection fades, and her heart slows.

"What the—"

It is, of course, at that moment that Keith chooses to arrive.

Her eyes fly open, revealing her so-called brother's dark blue eyes staring daggers at her.

"This is not the seating arrangement I was expecting," he states, standing just outside the doorway as the wooden door comes to a close behind him.

Sirius moves towards the new arrival. "Technically, there are no rules against—"

He sighs loudly, brushing him aside as he moves toward the empty seat at the end of the table.

Once both Keith and Sirius take their seats, the meeting begins as planned. The first item on the agenda is the need for several teams to inspect the ring of ruins surrounding the academy – evidently an extension of the ancient sorcerer's complex the Magic Academy was built near.

Sirius, citing familiarity with the main structure and the dangers within, volunteers to inspect it. The surrounding perimeter is left up to the first-year council members.

"Why do we need to do an inspection anyway?" Katarina asks. "The practical exam is next semester, is it not?"

Sirius nods. "Yes, but the ruins aren't totally inert. The Ministry of Magic has tasked the academy with taking periodic readings throughout the year. Seeing as how summer break is approaching, it would seem wise to make sure there aren't any unexpected surprises on our return."

"That makes sense," offers Gerald. "Is there a map of the grounds we could look at?"

The council president grins, withdrawing a rolled-up tube of paper from underneath the table. "I was waiting for someone to ask." He unfurls the map on the wooden surface, each of the council members leaning over to get a better look.

"As you can see, the academy is here," he says, pointing to a collection of brown rectangles in the bottom corner of the image. "The perimeter ring passes by a little further out." He points to the portion of a broad circle passing near the collection of rectangles. "If you were paying attention on your way in here, you might have seen it just before you pass the gate."

"I'm guessing that black rectangle in the center is the ruins, then," offers Keith.

Sirius nods. "Yes, but as I said earlier, I will be inspecting those."

"The ring's a lot bigger than I expected," mutters Alan, looking at the scale of the common building in comparison.

"It would probably be best if we split our efforts," adds Maria.

"That does lead to a problem," Gerald says. "With Sirius inspecting the main ruins, we have an odd number of people."

Alan scoffs. "One group of three, two groups of two. Not that hard, Gerald."

The third prince turns and smiles at him. "And what method do we use to choose which group is the odd one out, brother?"

Alan rolls his eyes. "We just choose who we want to be with and work things out from there."

"Splendid!" exclaims Gerald. "Then I choose Katarina."

Before the words can really register, another voice joins the fray.

"I-If it's alright, I'd also like to b-be with Lady Katarina," Maria stutters.

"Lady Katarina!?" Keith exclaims, looking at Maria with wide eyes. "Since when have you two been so close?"

Maria flinches back, and Keith's gaze turns to Katarina.

Katarina flashes him a queenly smile. "Since someone left me behind at the Manor, and the river blocked me from heading back to the academy."

Keith's eyes go wide. "You cannot possibly mean that you—"

"Yes," she says, smirking at him, "and it's all thanks to you."

Keith glares at her, lips taut with anger.

"We're getting off-topic," Nicol interjects, and just about every other member at the table relaxes at his defusal of the argument. "Perhaps it would be best if the selection were randomized."

"In the interests of avoiding conflict, I'm going to exercise executive privilege in this matter," says Sirius. "We will select the survey groups by random drawing. Whoever's last to be picked may choose a group at their leisure."

Nobody seems too satisfied at the answer, but aside from some grumbling, there are no objections.

Sirius prepares a list of names and places them in a bowl, shaking it before handing it to Nicol, who closes his eyes and withdraws the first name.

"Alan and myself."

He places the two slips of paper on the table before reaching in and grabbing the next.

"Gerald and Keith."

The third prince's and the Claes heir's names are placed at a distance from the previous two, signifying a new group. Both of the Claes siblings release a breath they didn't know they were holding.

"Katarina and…"

Nicol frowns, placing her name off to the side as he stares at the other slip in his hand.

"Sophia, I presume?" states Gerald, flashing a wicked grin.

Nicol shoots him what's almost a glare as he places the slip next to hers. "Correct."

Sophia, on the other hand, looks at Katarina quite happily. The brunette tries to match her enthusiasm, despite her own misgivings with the arrangement.

"So that leaves me, then?" asks Maria, pointing to herself.

"Correct," replies Sirius. "As Nicol stated, you may choose any of the groups."

The light mage smiles as she turns to Katarina. As she opens her mouth to speak, there's really no question what the next two words out of her mouth are going to be.

"Maria," interrupts Nicol. "Would you mind trading with me?"

Maria blinks, mouth frozen open.

"I'd really appreciate it if I could be in the same group as Sophia."

The light mage frowns, looking away from the black-haired nobleman. She plays with her bow for a moment before saying, "I suppose if it's for—"

"It's fine, brother," says Sophia, red eyes full of energy as she smiles at her sibling. "I trust Lady Kat- I mean, Claes."

One of the nobleman's eyebrows rises ever-so-slightly. "I see." It's always hard to tell with Nicol, but he doesn't sound too happy with the answer.

Maria smiles at the white-haired girl, looking quite relieved. "Thank you Lady Ascart." She turns her head back to the brunette. "Then I choose Lady Katarina."

Katarina once again has to turn away from the Maria's radiant smile, cheeks burning as she fights to suppress her own embarrassment and envy at the light mage's charms. Perhaps she'd been too harsh in judging the other Gerald. If she were a man, she'd certainly be no match for them.

There's a choking sound, and when she's roused from her thoughts, she's greeted by the sight of the rest of the table staring at her.


The rest of the meeting progresses quickly, though for some reason Keith's glare is even more hateful than usual. It's only when Sirius is about to pronounce them all adjourned that she raises her hand and makes her request.

The student council president blinks at her. "You wish to present a measure for consideration?"

She nods.

"Are there any objections?"

Alan is blunt. "Is it quick?"

"Very," says Katarina

Keith looks as though he wishes to object, but his curiosity evidently overpowers his spite, and he holds his tongue.

"Hearing no objections, you may go ahead."

Katarina nods. "I would like to propose that council members have unlimited access to the kitchen and ingredients."

"Lady Katarina!" Maria exclaims. "You don't need to do that!"

In truth, she does. It isn't wise to handicap her ally's power.

Keith looks at the two of them strangely. "I'm surprised you'd make that suggestion. Is there some kind of story behind it?"

She grins wickedly at him. "Maria made me the most delicious cookies the other day. I'd like her to be able to make more."

He rolls his eyes. "Of course." He freezes. "Wait, so there's some reason she can't do that currently?"

"The baking club didn't like the missing ingredients," Maria mutters.

"A-Anyway!" Katarina interjects, "Let's vote!"

In the end, not even Keith votes against the measure. Shortly afterwards, the meeting is dismissed, and everyone begins to file out the doors.

Well, almost everyone.

"Katarina. Please meet me in the south gardens at seven," Gerald says, setting her heart aflame as he pecks her on the cheek.

She's too lost in thought to respond before he exits the room with a little wave, leaving her alone with Sirius and Maria.

Maria is unusually withdrawn, looking at the floor as the two of them make their way out of the chamber. She only speaks up once they're halfway to the dorms.

"You didn't need to grant me such a selfish request," she says quietly.

Katarina rolls her eyes. "Honestly, Maria. Being a little selfish is good. If you try and live for nothing, you'll have nothing to live for."

She blinks, pale blue eyes flitting up to her. "That's actually quite insightful, Lady Katarina."

Katarina decides not to mention that quote came from one of her Magical History lectures. Then, as the light mage once again breaks out a heart-melting smile, Katarina tries to confront it head-on.

"Every time I think you've shown me as much kindness as I could ever hope for, you show me even more," Maria says, blue eyes glistening in the afternoon glow. "I… truly admire you, Lady Katarina."

As the light mage sets her cheeks aflame, Katarina knows it must be from embarrassment. Anyone would be flustered hearing someone so beautiful say something so sappy. Whatever man Maria chooses as her husband will be very lucky indeed.

"Thank you," is all she can think to say.

The two of them walk the rest of the way in silence.

Sorry for the delay on this one! When my sleep schedule gets messed up, it really messes with my productivity until I can get back on track. Also, council scenes are HARD. REALLY hard.

Sienna's back! This isn't the last you'll see of her. Mirabelle's back as well! You'll also probably see more of her, too.

Hope y'all enjoy the chapter!
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Was expecting OG Katarina to be pretty calculating, so the point where you realize that being a bit dumb was not something brought over by the reincarnation got me pretty good.
Interesting to see that Katarina was probably allways talented at friendship and being lovable, but the standard noble etiquette and upbringing effectively handicapped her abilities and had her not really try.
I like showing their similarities. My view is that they're fundamentally the same person, just raised very very differently.
Fixed them. Thanks!
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Pfft, idiot Prince trying for a threesome while everyone else is OTPing the yuri. Well and Keith being salty for reasons.... And Sophia discovering the joys of female friendship.... And Nicol being a siscon.... Actually I don't think anyone has started OTPing, which means we are still in the wrong timeline.
Sienna scoffs. "And now you've replaced me with the shiniest trinket that caught your eye." Her face twists into an ugly smile as she crosses her arms and leans forward. "Well, to be quite frank, Lady Claes, you needn't have bothered with the charade. I have been much happier since we parted ways."

Even as her former ally's words tear into her heart, Katarina raises a hand to her mouth and laughs haughtily. "It appears we are in agreement about something after all."

The noblewoman recoils, arms going limp as she blinks in confusion. There's a momentary change in her expression, but before Katarina can place it, it's replaced by a hateful glare.
Ah, when neither party sees the other side is putting up a front... poor Sienna, accidentally locking herself out of the Katarina route.
Maria smiles at the white-haired girl, looking quite relieved. "Thank you Lady Ascart." She turns her head back to the brunette. "Then I choose Lady Katarina."

Katarina once again has to turn away from the Maria's radiant smile, cheeks burning as she fights to suppress her own embarrassment and envy at the light mage's charms. Perhaps she'd been too harsh in judging the other Gerald. If she were a man, she'd certainly be no match for them.

There's a choking sound, and when she's roused from her thoughts, she's greeted by the sight of the rest of the table staring at her.
Ah yes. If you were a man. And under no other circumstances whatsoever, of course.
"Every time I think you've shown me as much kindness as I could ever hope for, you show me even more," Maria says, blue eyes glistening in the afternoon glow. "I… truly admire you, Lady Katarina."

As the light mage sets her cheeks aflame, Katarina knows it must be from embarrassment. Anyone would be flustered hearing someone so beautiful say something so sappy. Whatever man Maria chooses as her husband will be very lucky indeed.
And judging by your reaction, so will the woman she chooses as her wife!
Chapter 19: Retry
Chapter 19: Retry

Katarina clutches her chest as she stands on the outskirts of the southern garden. She's not sure if it is adrenaline or anticipation, but her heart pounds as she glances around the greenery. There's still some time before their meeting, and she knows from experience that Gerald – well, her Gerald – is not one to arrive early, but she's unable to quell the feelings rippling through her chest.

What if he doesn't show up? It's not like her Gerald hadn't 'forgotten' his fair share of outings, as blind as she'd been to the nature of his rejections. Or what if he does show up, with Maria wrapped around his arm? She'd not thought him to be so vindictive, but that was before the other Gerald killed her. The third prince is nothing if not persistent. With his terrifying charm and intellect, it would not be surprising to find Maria entranced, regardless of the promise she'd made to her.

She shakes her head, clearing the thoughts from her mind. No. She can't afford to think like that. This is a chance for a new start, and Maria is proof that this world is not like her previous one. Projecting the actions of the harlot onto her had proven a grave miscalculation. She should not commit the same mistake with her fiancé.

There's a tap on her shoulder, and she yelps as she spins to face her assailant, coming face to face with the sharp features, golden hair, and blue eyes she'd been waiting for.

"Prince Gerald!" she exclaims, before closing her eyes and taking a calming breath. "Pardon me for my impropriety. You surprised me." When she looks again, he's staring at her with his usual inscrutable smile.

"Katarina," he says, offering the crook of his arm. "May I?"

She locks arms with Gerald, heart fluttering as their shoulders touch. How long has it been since he walked with her like this?

She can still recall the way she hung off him when he'd first arrived at their estate and flashed that charming smile, speaking softly as he exchanged pleasantries and complimented her appearance. She fell in love on the spot. It did not matter what the others thought of her as long as Gerald was by her side.

Perhaps she'd been so distracted by him that she hadn't noticed the uneven stone in the path ahead. There was pain, a strange itch in the back of her mind, then darkness. She'd been ecstatic when he proposed an engagement shortly after waking. Marred as her appearance had been, she'd always looked upon that scar fondly. If that was the price for her wonderful prince, than she would gladly pay it.

She was a fool.

The prince's words were empty, his gestures meaningless. She was an annoyance to him, one that he must have grown to resent even before they entered the academy. To think that as she attacked the peasant, trying to destroy her rival as she had all the others, she'd been attacking the one he truly loved? Perhaps it's not surprising that his resentment crystallized into hate.

She turns towards this new Gerald, examining his features closely as they begin down the gravel path. Are those crinkled eyes hiding irritation? Are those pursed lips concealing frustration? Even after eight years in his presence, many of the prince's feelings remain an enigma.

"I must say, I've been hearing all manner of interesting things about you as of late," he says. "I did not think you and Maria would grow so close."

Her eyes narrow, and a trickle of anger rises from her chest. "No thanks to you."

He shrugs, flashing another princely smile, and Katarina feels it melt away.

"That's all in the past, though." says Katarina, clutching his hand. "As long as you're by my side from now on…"

He nods, looking at her with those deep blue eyes. "And as long as you're by mine."

Colorful flowers and bushes, dimly illuminated by setting sun, surround them as they journey deeper into the garden. Her heart flutters even as anxiety creeps from her chest. Her gaze alternates between the beauty surrounding her and the beauty walking next to her. This feels unreal.

She smiles as she passes a bush of yellow flowers. "I've never been to the southern grounds. This garden's beautiful."

He smiles back. "Almost as beautiful as you," he replies.

Katarina's head swims as her cheeks flush with warmth. How long has it been since he's given her such a compliment? She braces herself against him as she struggles to get her emotions under control.

"So how have things been for you, Katarina?"

"Fine," she says, still a little woozy. "I've been studying, mostly. Lots of tests coming up."

His eyes crinkle as he chuckles. "I suppose I shouldn't be surprised, considering your placement on the entrance exams."

She flashes him a wicked smirk. "Ah, the proof that Prince Perfect isn't as flawless as he thinks."

His smile widens. "My, Katarina, talking down to your fiancé? Aren't you ashamed?"

She waves a hand dismissively. "Please. You needed to be brought down a peg."

"Yes, because I'm the only one here who's arrogant."

"I'm glad you agree!"

He stops walking, hunching over as he barely holds in his laughter. Katarina doesn't resist the chance to twist the knife.

"So, what are they all saying about the genius prince who got beat by his fiancée?"

He stops laughing, and Katarina's grin falters. A chill runs up her spine. Has she pushed him too far? Then, in a smooth motion, he reaches out and grabs her by the chin, holding her face inches from his.

"Something about how lucky I am to have such a catch," he says.

Katarina isn't sure whether it's the adrenaline or his warm breath on her lips, but her heart pounds so loudly she knows he can hear it. After a tantalizing moment, he pulls her back to her feet, and she crosses her arms and turns away from him.

"W-Well, they're right!" she huffs, taking a moment to let the heat recede from her face before facing him. "I've been working really hard to stay on top!"

His ever-present smile doesn't waver. "I did not think you the studious type, Katarina."

She rolls her eyes. "There's a lot you don't know about me."

There's a sparkle in his eyes. "Apparently so."

They resume walking. The flowers and plants surrounding them are cast in an orange glow intersected by long shadows as the sun nears the end of its journey through the sky. Katarina doesn't dare say a word, clutching onto Gerald's white uniform as she takes in the entirety of this ethereal dream.

"Think you're going to beat my next score?" he says, turning to her with a slightly-more-evil than normal grin. "I must say, I've studied this time."

She tilts her nose and gestures to herself with a gloved hand. "Who do you think you're talking to? I'm Katarina Claes" she exclaims, even as her chest tightens with anxiety.

He nods at her, face turning back towards the path ahead.

"But, if you do win," she sighs, kicking a piece of loose gravel as she steps forward, "I suppose I won't hold it against you."

He snaps back to her, eyes wide. "Pardon?"

She blinks, before once again adopting a haughty pose. "As long as you make it up to me afterwards! Do you know how humiliating that'd be to my reputation?"

The third prince relaxes, falling back into his usual smile. "Perhaps a new dress, then?"

She frowns, a lance of anxiety rushing through her chest. "Would you like to see me in something different?"

"It's just an offer," he says, looking toward the path ahead. "Would it not be nice to vary your wardrobe?"

She brings a gloved hand to her chin, thinking back to the sparkling blue dress she usually wears to social events. "I suppose."

"Besides," he says, pulling her closer, "sometimes you need a change of pace to see the beauty all around you."

She nuzzles her face into him, feeling his warmth against her cheek. Truly, this is the man she'd been waiting for all those years. "I missed you," she mutters.

"Mhm." He runs a hand through her hair. "Perhaps we'll do the dress either way."

She opens her eyes, tilting her head as she looks at him. "Really?"

"I might have to bring along a friend, though."

She arches a brow, but says nothing.

He looks at her sympathetically. "Don't worry. I'll be there with you."

"I suppose," she sighs. She's not happy about hearing Nicol will be there, but at least the Ascart has a tendency to fade into the background.

As they round a rosebush, they encounter a woman hunching over the undergrowth, humming a soft melody to herself as she reaches for a nearby watering can. She freezes in place as she matches eyes, and even with her coppery hair in an updo, there's no mistaking Lady Hunt.

"Well, this is a surprise." She moves to her feet, brushing her hands off on the white apron draped over her dress.

"Good evening, Mary," Gerald replies.

"Hello, Lady Hunt," Katarina adds.

"Must be nice, taking a walk with your fiancé." Her voice is chipper, but her eyes are cold.

Katarina narrows her eyes at the noblewoman. "What is the problem with that?"

Lady Hunt stares at her for a while, an inscrutable expression on her face. "Pardon me," she eventually says, reaching down for her watering can. "I need to go tend the petunias."

As the lady walks out of earshot, Katarina looks up at her fiancé and frowns. "She seems rather unpleasant."

"It appears we are both targets of her ire."

"Poor Alan."

He snorts. "Don't let him hear you say that."

She smiles, but releases his arm, moving in front of him and bowing her head. "Prince Gerald, perhaps I was too hasty earlier. I withdraw my request to annul the engagement. I would like to try again with you."

"I'm glad to hear that—"

"On one condition," she interrupts, looking him in the eyes. "If we truly are to start over, I need a promise from you."

He blinks, lips pursing into a line. "What is it?"

"If I state my intent to annul the engagement again, you will not contest it."

He frowns.

"This is non-negotiable," she says, shaking her head even as a part of her screams that she's wasting her chance. "I need to be able to trust you."

He sighs, nursing his forehead. He's quiet for a long time, staring at her with a troubled expression

She turns her nose up at him. "Very well," she says, turning away. "Then I believe we have nothing else to discuss."

Her heart shouts for her to stop as she begins to walk away, but thankfully, it only takes a few steps before she hears his clear voice call out from behind her.

"I accept your terms."

She quietly sighs in relief, turning back to him with a smile. "Good."

He smiles at her, but she isn't finished just yet.

"So, can I get that in writing?"

Man, this chapter was DIFFICULT to write. Y'all do NOT want to know how many revisions I went through to get to this point. Let's just say it would've been a much longer chapter if I didn't have to constantly rewrite it.

I'm very happy with the final product, but it was a BATTLE to get to this point. Special thanks to thimblefullofdespair for their helpful feedback!

Anyway, hope y'all enjoy!
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Chapter 20: Isolate
Chapter 20: Isolate

Lord Ascart's black eyes stare into her. "You're late."

The Ascarts are both wearing their uniforms. The black military tunic looks almost comical on the petite Lady Ascart, but Katarina can't help but notice how nicely it contrasts against her white hair.

Katarina tugs at the belt on her own uniform, scratching underneath. "I did not realize we would be wearing these today. It took me some time to get changed."

"Sister and I waited for you. The rest have gone ahead."

Katarina arches a brow as she looks around the empty field. "Even Maria?"

"Miss Campbell is waiting at the inspection area, in case you missed us."

"I see."

"In any case, I will be joining Prince Alan now." His eyes narrow. "Do look after my sister."

She nods. That has to be the most emotion she's ever seen on the older Ascart's face.

He begrudgingly says his goodbyes to his sibling, and the two of them begin walking to the silhouette in the distance, Lord Ascart sending one lasting stare her way before turning and heading towards his own assignment.

Dirt crunches underneath their boots as the two of them follow an ill-maintained path through the fields surrounding the academy. The sun hangs overhead, heat drilling into her black uniform and making Katarina uncomfortably aware of what it must feel to be boiled alive.

"How was your weekend, Lady Claes?" asks the white-haired girl.

Katarina cringes, the panic of Keith's actions flashing through her mind. "It was fine," she lies, the sweat running down her forehead not helping her deception. Then, remembering her stay with the light mage, she adds, "At the very least, some misconceptions were cleared up."


She sighs, wiping a hand against her forehead. "I'd rather not talk about it."

"I see."

She tugs at the uniform's collar, fanning herself as the sun shines over them. "Are they really going to make us wear these during the exam?"

The young Ascart eyes her curiously. "I like it. Feels much nicer than a dress."

"Yes, but they're hot," she whines, wiping a bit of sweat from her brow.

"I think there's a cooling enchantment on mine," replies the white-haired girl, tugging on the fabric experimentally. "Maybe yours didn't get it?"

She scratches at her neck. "I don't think mine got any enchantments. This itching is… Gah!"

The Ascart's red eyes are full of sympathy. "I'd offer to trade, but…"

Katarina holds up a hand. "It's not your fault." Her vision turns dark. "Whoever's it is will be getting a very strongly-worded letter from the student council." A gust of air blows past her, and Katarina sighs in relief. "Ah, that feels nice."

"I'm happy I could help."

Katarina spins to face the wind mage, seeing the young Ascart's hand glowing with magic.

Her smile falls, and the breeze lets up as the light fades from her hand. "You don't like it?"

"No, it's just… shouldn't you save your mana?"

She tilts her head and smiles. "It's fine, Lady Claes. I have enough to spare, and I won't need to do it once we're in the shade."

"Thanks," Katarina mutters, looking away. As the breeze picks up again, she admits it does feel nice on her face. "It's too bad you can't do anything about the itching. I swear, if this isn't fixed by the time of the exam…" She pauses, eyes widening as she turns to the wind mage. "Hey, who am I with, anyway?"

"You don't know? You're with Alan, Gerald, and Maria."

Katarina's eyes widen. Oh. That had been why Keith was angry with her. In truth, had she understood his proposal, she would've had no objection to keeping the light mage as far away from her as possible. Now though…

She shakes her head. "I see."

The tower looms ahead. The far side is composed of curved black obsidian, faint patterns barely visible in its composition. The other sides are of a more conventional stone construction, moss and vines clinging onto the aged stone bricks.

As they near it, a familiar silhouette comes into view. It resolves into Maria Campbell, back turned to them as she looks at their destination. Katarina pauses, taken aback by how nicely the gold trim of her uniform matches her hair.

Maria turns to her, blue eyes lighting up as their gazes meet. "Lady Katarina!"

Katarina's heart lurches at the sight of the light mage's eager smile. "Hello Maria," she says calmly. She must still be anxious from last night's meeting with Gerald.

The blonde runs over to her. "It's good to see you!"

She nods. Her face feels warm. It must be the heat.

Maria's smile falls as the white-haired noblewoman shrinks away from her. "Lady Ascart?"

The cool breeze halts as the red-eyed noble slides behind Katarina's back. "Um, hello," she mutters.

The light mage opens her mouth to say something, but Katarina cuts her off, eager to get inside.

"So, Maria, have you examined the ruins yet?"

The light mage blinks as her gaze shifts back to Katarina. "Ah, no, not yet." She gestures to the base of the tower. "I did look around outside, but I didn't think it was wise to go in by myself."

"Good. Nothing to report then?"

Maria shakes her head. "No, Lady Katarina."

"Well, now that I'm here, let's go in together."

Maria nods, gaze shifting to her side.

Lady Ascart remains close behind Katarina as the three of them begin walking toward the tower ruins. Katarina continues to scratch at the uniform, attempting to distract herself by imagining various horrible fates for the one responsible for that oversight.

Katarina sighs in relief as she steps into the cool air of the tower, still scratching at her uniform. "Let's get this over with."

"Lady Katarina, are you all right?" asks Maria, her silhouette framed by the sunlight pouring through the doorway behind her.

She eyes the light mage suspiciously. "Your uniform wouldn't happen to be incredibly itchy and uncomfortable, would it?"

"No, Lady Katarina. It actually feels quite pleasant."

She groans, throwing her arms in the air. "Why am I the only one to have not received an enchanted uniform?!"

The light mage steps out of the sunlight, her facial features coming into view. She bites her lip. "I've learned a little enchanting in class, but without a reference text…"

Katarina shakes her head. "I'll just have to make do with the uniform as-is. Let's finish this quickly."

The three of them spread out across the room, examining the worn stone. Aside from the light pouring through the doorway, it's very dark.

As her eyes gradually adjust to the room, Katarina comes across some symbols carved into the stone. "I recognize this."

"It's hard to see…" Lady Ascart mutters from beside her.

Maria's voice echoes from behind her. "Lady Katarina? Did you find something?"

"There's a message here!" she shouts, tracing her finger across the chiseled patterns in the stone. "It's hard to see in the dark!"

She hears hurried footsteps behind her. After a moment, they cease, replaced by Maria's light panting.

There's a bright flash of light, and Katarina's eyes instinctively snap shut as she shouts in surprise. She feels Lady Ascart cling onto her uniform as she lets out a sharp yelp.

"S-Sorry! Sorry!" says Maria. "I think it's better now."

Katarina cautiously opens her eyes and turns back towards the light mage, finding her wearing a sheepish grin as a mote of light floats above her glowing palm.

"I misjudged the brightness," Maria says, looking guilty.

Lady Ascart continues to cling onto Katarina.

Katarina rolls her eyes as she turns back towards the scrawl, finding it in clear view. She brings a finger to her chin as she leans towards the writing.

"What does it say?" Maria asks.

Katarina squints at it. "It says… corruption… no, darkness… exclusion… collection? No, array. Darkness exclusion array!" There's a pause as Katarina looks back at them, confusion etched on her features. "Wait, so it's a giant light?"

Lady Ascart finally lets go of Katarina, cautiously taking a step closer to the writing. "I'm not sure that's what it means, but I think your translation of the ancient script is correct."

Katarina closes her eyes and crosses her arms as she tilts her nose into the air. "Well of course my—" She stops, eyes flying open. "Wait, what?"

"It's odd, though," says Maria, nodding as she cranes her head between their shoulders. "Not the typical rune for 'darkness.'"

Katarina clutches her chest. "I… noticed that as well," she mutters, before breaking out into a wide grin and nodding enthusiastically. "I mean, yes! I noticed that as well!"

Sophia squints. "It says 'pylon 3' on the line below. I wonder if that's what this is."

"I don't know, probably." She shrugs, once again scratching at her uniform. "Did Sirius tell either of you what we're actually supposed to looking for during this inspection?"

They both turn to her.

"I know you came late, Lady Claes," says Sophia, "but you didn't ask him before you went to get changed?"

She shakes her head. "Gods no. He gives me the creeps."

They both continue to stare at her.

"You mean Sirius?" says Maria, arching a brow.

"He keeps glaring at me!" Katarina replies. "Also, that smile of his is so obviously fake!"

Lady Ascart glances away. "He seems nice enough to me and Brother…"

"I have always known him to be a kind and thoughtful man, Lady Katarina," adds Maria.

Katarina continues to scratch at the uniform. "A-Anyway, will one of you tell me what we're supposed to be looking for?"

"He said we're looking for a… mana crystal, I think," says Lady Ascart.

"Or anything that's glowing or moving," Maria says, nodding. "If there is, we're supposed to leave the ruins immediately and report it."

A chill runs down her spine, and Katarina grimaces. "Doesn't that sound a bit… ominous?"

Sophia curls in on herself and takes a step towards her. "H-He said it'd been a long time since there was anything like that, though."

Katarina looks around the stone chamber with newfound apprehension. "I hope he's right."

They ascend to the upper floor of the pylon, making their way up a flight of stairs. A cool draft brushes against Katarina as beams of sunlight pour through cracks in the walls. A dull red crystal occupies the center of the room, hanging from metal conduits that feed into the black obsidian visible from the outside. Intricate patterns cover the surrounding walls. It takes her a few moments to realize they're spell-circles of various shapes and sizes, containing a mix of familiar and unfamiliar runes.

"Wow…" says Maria, her golden hair catching a beam of sunlight as she looks up. "This is incredible…"

Katarina nods, eyes wide. "My Magical History professor said that magic was more advanced in pre-Sorciéran times, but…"

"It's like an ancient relic from a fantasy story," Says Sophia, her red eyes scanning the room. "I've never seen anything like this."

Katarina walks forward, eyes transfixed on the crystal. As she moves closer, she watches as her image is reflected on its dull surface. She stretches out her hand.

"Lady Claes!"

She shakes her head, hand hovering above the crystal's surface. She turns to Sophia. "Eh?"

Sophia's looking at her with wide eyes. "Um… I don't think you should touch it."

She blinks, looking between the Ascart and the crystal before withdrawing her hand and stepping away. "Pardon. I do not know what came over me."

The Ascart shakes her head. "No, I think I feel it too. There's… a pull. Like it's sucking me in."

Maria frowns. "Now that you mention it…"

The three of them all look towards the crystal, taking a cautious step back.

"Let's just finish this inspection already," says Katarina, wringing her hands.

Neither Sophia nor Maria objects.

Maria moves over to the other side of the room, looking over some crumbling stone obelisks surrounding the crystal. Katarina follows her example, looking over the matching set on her side of the room. Lady Ascart follows closely behind.

Katarina sighs, turning towards the white-haired noblewoman. "Okay. Why are you following me so closely?"

Her red-eyes widen, and she clasps her hands together. "A-Am I annoying you, Lady Claes?"

A part of her wants to say yes, but upon seeing the expression on the girl's face, she relents. "I'm just curious why you're clinging to me in particular."

"I just feel comfortable around you," she says, her eyes glancing nervously to the light mage across the room.

Katarina frowns, but remains silent.

"Oh!" Lady Ascart exclaims, before reaching to her side and sliding a brown leather book out of a pouch on her belt. "Here," she says, smiling as she presents it to Katarina. "I meant to give you this earlier, but I forgot."

Katarina takes the soft leather tome, gently looking it over in her hands. "Sophia and the Emerald Princess?" she asks, looking at the title.

Lady Ascart nods. "That way we'll have something to talk about when we meet next weekend."

Katarina stares at the book, a whirlpool of emotions swirling her chest. "I…" she says, hesitating to find the right words. "Thank you."

The white-haired girl grins at her with her eyes closed.

For a moment Katarina is struck with an odd sense of déjà vu. It quickly passes, though. She slides the book into her own pouch, smiling at Lady Ascart. "I can't say I'll have much time to read it before then, but I'll definitely try."

The red-eyed girl's smile falls slightly, but she nods in understanding. "I understand, with end of semester exams coming up."

Katarina nods, before scratching at her uniform once again. "Hey, Maria!" she shouts. "I think we're good here. Let's head back."

"One moment, Lady Katarina!" she shouts back. "Let me make absolutely sure we're not missing anything." The light mage closes her eyes, and her palms glow with magic, before it evaporates completely. She opens her eyes, looking at her hands. "That's not right…"

Katarina walks closer. "What are you trying to do?"

She frowns. "I was trying to cast a detection spell, but it just… fizzled out."

"Well, it obviously means there's no magic here."

She looks unsure. "I suppose…"

"Now come on!" Katarina says, a little more insistent this time. "I'm going to kill someone if I have to spend another minute in this uniform."

A bit reluctantly, she makes her way to the stairway.

Katarina spares one last glance at the crystal before joining her, Lady Ascart following closely behind.

"I'm sorry to hear you're upset, Lady Claes," says Sirius, wearing his usual placid smile.

"Upset? Upset!" she shouts, gesturing wildly. "Do you know how uncomfortable wearing this has been?"

He nods. "I can only imagine."

She pauses. Wait. That's not his usual smile.

"Do not worry. I will take extra care to make sure this does not happen during the practical exam, Lady Claes."

She frowns. "Actually, I would prefer it if mine was sent to my room ahead of time."

His smile strains. "That's highly irregular."

Her eyes narrow. "Ah, I needn't bother you with such a trivial thing. I will send a message to the sewing club myself."

There's a pause. "If you insist."

She walks out of the council room without another word.

She's not surprised when she catches a glimpse of him frowning behind her.

I have just had a string of difficult chapters to write, haven't I? God, the amount of revisions I'm going through these days...

So more Sophia focus! Hooray! You'll probably be seeing more of her as well. In fact, I'm hoping I'll be able to give most of the more... neglected characters some time in the spotlight in the coming chapters. So if one of your favorites hasn't made an appearance in a while, fear not, they'll probably be appearing soon!

Anyway, hope y'all enjoy!
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Chapter 21: Warmth
Chapter 21: Warmth

"I'm surprised you even showed up," says Alan, dropping his textbooks onto the library table.

Katarina looks up from her notebook, quill in hand. "Why wouldn't I?"

He scoffs, crossing his arms and rolling his eyes as he stands behind the chair. Internally, Katarina sighs, realizing he's clearly in one of his moods again. Who knew that the brother of Gerald would be so high-maintenance?

"Are you going to sit?"

He recoils back in shock before the frown re-asserts itself on his face as he glares at her. "Why should I?"

Katarina arches a brow, tilting her head in non-comprehension. "Because we're allies?"

He snorts, rolling his eyes. "You sure have a funny way of showing it."

Anger stirs within her, and she slams the quill down on the table, pushes back the wooden chair, and rises to her feet. "What is this about?"

"Stop playing dumb," he says, glaring at her with narrowed eyes.

"I am serious," she says, returning his glare in kind.

"Why do you need me," Alan hisses, "when you've got your precious fiancée?"

The fire in her chest goes out with those words. Instead, Katarina just tilts her head in confusion. "What?"

He throws his arms into the air. "You were practically melting into his arms!"

"He is my fiancé! It is not any of your business what I do with him!" She growls. "Besides, why are you bringing this up now?"

"It's not like I had any other choice!" he hisses, and Katarina can feel the heat radiating from his face.

"What are you even talking about?"

He slams the table. "You didn't show up yesterday! I was here, alone!"

There's a pause. Her eyes widen. "Oh." she says, feeling the tension leave from her body. She takes a step back. "I see."

Alan blinks at her, his expression instantaneously shifting from anger to confusion. "You do?"

She shakes her head. "So, you thought… because I…" She sighs, lowering herself back into the chair. "I'm sorry," she says, looking at him earnestly. "I didn't even realize."

He looks at her cautiously, before pulling out his chair and sitting across from her. "It was an accident?"

"Gerald invited me to an… outing." She shakes her head. "I spent a lot of time getting ready, and I forgot to explain."

He continues to stare at her, seeming strangely… hopeful? "So, you still want to be allies? Even with Gerald on your side?"

"Even if we're on…" she says, struggling to find the right words, "better terms, that man needs an ego check."

"You'd go against your fiancé?"

She smirks. "I prefer to think of it as friendly competition."

Alan looks at her, blue eyes wide even as a smile spreads across his face. "Gerald is still your rival, then?"

She snorts. "By your definition of 'rival,' I suppose."

His smile doesn't waver. "Well, then, ally. Let's get to work."

Alan snaps near her ear. "Hey, hey. Wake up."

She growls at him as she lifts her face from the textbook, blinking away the tiredness from her eyes. "What?" she growls.

"You fell asleep," he says.

"I am aware," she says.

"Sleeping isn't studying."

"I am aware!" she repeats.

He looks offended. "Then why are you getting angry?"

She sighs, shaking her head. "Never-mind. Where were we?"

"Camille's Theorem of Thaumic Resonance."

She groans, holding her head.

"I know, I know, but I guarantee you this will be on the exam."

"It will be on the exam," she agrees with a sigh, nodding her head. "It was on it last time."

"No, it wasn't." He tilts his head. "We hadn't even covered it until last week."

She glares at him. "Not the last exam, the last time."

He snorts. "You're really dedicated to this."

She tilts her nose up at him. "Fine. Don't believe me." She smirks. "If I remember correctly, it's one of the last questions on the exam."

"That's really vague." His eyes narrow. "Am I supposed to find that convincing?"

"Whatever," she replies, rolling her eyes. "It will be there."

"Then you should write it down."

She groans, looking down at the textbook as she reluctantly concedes his point. She copies down the equation, scrawling some notes below it listing what each symbol and term refers to.

"Excuse me," says an unfamiliar voice.

She looks up from her paper, only to see a white-haired man in an academy staff uniform.

"The library is closing."

She blinks. "It's that late?" It's only then, looking around the room, that she realizes she and Alan are the only students there.

The old man just stares at her.

"We'll pack up," says Alan.

The old man offers a curt nod before turning and walking away.

She turns to Alan, dropping her voice. "What a pleasant person."

"He's got guts, talking to a prince and a duke's daughter like that," he says, glaring past her. He relaxes as he turns to her. "Now hurry and pack up. I'll walk you back."

She moves to fold up her textbook before freezing and turning to him as the words properly register. "Eh?"

Katarina staggers down the dimly-lit path, eyes heavy as she clings onto Alan's coat for balance.

"Wow," he says, and from the tone of voice she can tell he's rolling his eyes. "Did you get any sleep last night?"

She nods wearily. "A few horse- I mean, hours."

"Clearly. You're stumbling around like a village drunk."

She looks up at him, pouting. "It's hard to see!"

"Is that why you're clawing at my coat?"

"It's chilly!" she whines. She leans her head onto his chest and closes her eyes. "You're warm." There's a long silence after that, and it takes Katarina a moment to realize what she's just said. She quickly pushes away from him, feeling the blood rush to her cheeks. "Forgive my outburst."

He nods, face turned away from her. It's hard to tell in the dark, but she swears his cheek is pink.

There's an awkward silence for the rest of the trip, which is thankfully short, as they soon arrive at the high-class dorms. Alan, somewhat unexpectedly, gets the door for her.

She smirks at him. "Playing the gentleman, are we?"

He rolls his eyes. "You can barely stand."

She tilts her nose up at him, making an exaggerated dismissal as she walks through the doorway… and almost trips on her own dress. She staggers forwards, arms flailing, before miraculously regaining her balance. She hears laughing from behind her, turning to glare at the source.

Alan covers his mouth with his hand, chest convulsing as he barely stifles his laughter. She glares at him, but it only causes his composure to break completely, and he hunches over in the doorway, gripping himself as he chortles with glee. Clenching her fists, she turns around with an irritated groan, and heads toward her room.

The laughter cuts off, and there's the sound of rapidly approaching footsteps as the door slams behind them. "Hey, where are you going?"

She turns around, closes her eyes, and sticks out her tongue at him.

"Oh yeah, very mature."

Her eyes widen as she realizes what she just did. "Y-You're the immature one!"

He catches up to her, leaning towards her with a smug grin. "Mhm. Proving my point there."

She turns away from his taunting blue eyes as she stomps forwards, cheeks warm with embarrassment. "It's only because you started it!"

"You just keep digging that hole deeper."

She groans. "You're infuriating!"

"And you just passed your room."

She stops, turns her head around, and realizes he's right. Her cheeks burn as she reluctantly turns back towards the door. She's just about to reach for the knocker when she feels his hand tap her shoulder.

She spins around to him. "What?"

He crosses his arms and glances away. "Thank you, by the way."

She blinks, the tension leaving her body. "What do you mean?"

"For continuing to be my ally," he sighs. "I thought that… since you're with Gerald…"

She rolls her eyes. "Honestly, why do you want to be like Gerald anyway? I love that man, but even I'd go crazy if there were two of him."

His eyes flit to her as he tilts his head. "Even if he's your fiancé?"

She shakes her head. "Especially because he's my fiancé."

He raises a brow. "I don't get it."

"Then I'll make it so simple even you can understand." She looks him in the eyes as she places a hand on his shoulder. "Gerald is Gerald. It's fine for Alan to just be Alan."

He stares at her, mouth wide as an unfamiliar emotion fills his blue eyes. Then, for some reason, his cheeks turn pink and he glances away. "Saying something so sappy? That's not like you at all, Katarina."

She snorts, withdrawing her hand. "Yes, you're clearly the expert of being me."

There's a long pause.

"You really mean that, though?" he eventually asks, glancing at her through his silver bangs. "What you said about me, I mean."

She closes her eyes, holding out her hand as she speaks. "Do you think I'd spend time with you if I didn't?"

"No. I suppose you wouldn't," he chuckles.

She opens her eyes, crossing her arms and glaring at him. "Then stop asking such stupid questions."

He looks away and rubs the back of his head. "Sorry."

Katarina rolls her eyes as he blushes again. Honestly, how easily embarrassed can someone get? "Well, at any rate, good night, Alan."

He looks at her strangely as she knocks on the door to her room. "Good night, Katarina."

Even after Anne opens the door and she walks inside, when she glances behind her, he's still staring at her with the same expression on his face.

She gives him a little wave before closing the door.

"You came back late tonight, milady," says Anne, looking at her strangely. "Is everything alright?"

She sighs, haphazardly tossing her pouch onto her desk, not caring that a few books and papers slide out. "Exam preparations. Lots of studying with Alan."

"I see," Anne says, continuing to look at her oddly even as she undoes her earrings and barrette. She then begins to help her out of her dress. "You are not worried that it may look like something else?"

"What? No. That's ridiculous," she scoffs, raising her hands as Anne slides the clothing over her head. "Alan's just an ally."

"I see," Anne replies, moving to undo her corset. "Either way, it's not my place to judge, my lady."

She pauses, looking at her with wide eyes. "Your advice is always appreciated, Anne."

The corners of her lips perk up, and she tilts her head forwards. "Thank you, my lady." She helps her out of the remainder of her outfit, before slipping on her light blue nightgown and buttoning it for her. She bows lightly when it's completed. "Have a good night, Katarina."

Katarina takes a step forward and hugs her. Her companion immediately returns the embrace.

"Thank you, Anne," she says, before letting go and smiling at her. "You're dismissed."

The maid nods at her, and begins to extinguish the candles around the room except that of her lamp. Finally, she opens the door, pausing in the doorway. "Sleep well, my lady."

"Good night, Anne."

There's quiet click as the door closes behind her, and Katarina sighs as she moves toward the bed, eyes feeling heavy. However, as she leans down towards the bed and tugs on the sheets, she pauses, noticing something out of the corner of her eye: the copy of Sophia and the Emerald Princess, poking out of her bag on the desk.

She grabs the book, feeling the leather in her hands, before pulling over the covers, lying down in her bed, and tucking herself in. She then brings it to her face and looks at it curiously, opening the cover as she begins to read.

She's only a couple of pages in before her eyes suddenly become very heavy. She closes them to blink, and immediately falls fast asleep.

Her resting form smiles at the ceiling, as the book rises and falls with her chest.

Alan time! I like writing these two tsunderes bouncing off each other. They're fun! It's also a delight to see how he really brings out Katarina's childish side - as much as it mortifies her to realize it. Our ice queen has dethawed quite a bit, wouldn't you say?

Anyway, this might be the last update before university classes start for me. I have every intention of continuing the story, but I can't say how that's going to effect my upload schedule. Just hang in there with me, and we'll see how things go.

Anyway, please enjoy the chapter!
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And with that update, we are fully caught up to the main story. On the plus side, this means the other archives are no longer spoilers. :D On the downside, updates are going to become a fair bit less frequent. :(
Goddamnit Katarina, stop stealing Maria's lines!

In fairness, I don't think she realized Maria said that last time, considering how little attention she paid to Maria as a person rather than an obstacle, but she's the one person in theory that that line would actually be plagiarizing for.

...Well, maybe Sofia too? Depending on whether or not Sofia is A-chan in my death as a villainess.
Goddamnit Katarina, stop stealing Maria's lines!

In fairness, I don't think she realized Maria said that last time, considering how little attention she paid to Maria as a person rather than an obstacle, but she's the one person in theory that that line would actually be plagiarizing for.

...Well, maybe Sofia too? Depending on whether or not Sofia is A-chan in my death as a villainess.
Oh, Katarina has no idea that she just stole Maria's line. Well, actually, she stole her entire role in the Alan route, really. Not that I think Maria would mind. She has... other interests this time around. ;)

Katarina really didn't know much about Maria as a person, or the details of how she wormed her way into everyone's hearts last time around. About the only interactions she had with her were explicitly hostile, and those tend to not be conducive to opening up and sharing personal details. She's learned more about Maria as a person in the last week or so than she did during the entirety of her last life.
Chapter 22: Deteriorate
Chapter 22: Deteriorate

Sunlight filters through the hallway as Keith returns from a delightful walk in the gardens with Lady Elodie. Already, he misses the feeling of a woman by his side, her heart beating against his as they stroll through the trees.

It never lasts, of course. They all want too much. It's fun to play along, though, even if he suspects that may be the reason his reputation far outstrips his actual exploits. Not that he has any real interest in correcting those misconceptions.

A glimmer of lustrous golden hair catches his eye, poking above the throngs of students passing through the hall. He pauses, rising to his toes as he looks over the heads of the students (lest he suffer a repeat of that embarrassing encounter with Prince Gerald).

A smile crosses his face as he confirms it's exactly who he wants to see. He slicks back his hair, takes a deep breath, closes his eyes, takes a deep breath, and exhales and opens his eyes as he puts his game-face on. Time to turn on the old Keith charm.

He makes his way through the flow of students, the crowd thinning as he passes several emptying lecture halls. Maria is clearly in view now, standing in the middle of the hallway with her back facing him.

The light mage requires a… softer approach than he's used to. Their first encounter, where he teased her with a date after recovering her handkerchief, ended with Maria outright running away in embarrassment. He knows the girl isn't worth the trouble, yet he still finds himself coming back for more. Maria truly embodies her element's radiance, far more than simply being easy on the eyes (though that certainly doesn't hurt), and there's something about being in her company that he finds incredibly appealing. Plus, he still has that handkerchief, and his offer still stands… though perhaps it will be wise to save that for a later attempt.

"Good day, Maria," he says, putting on a winning smile.

The blonde maiden looks over her shoulder, before turning to face him. She smiles demurely as a thatched picnic basket hangs swings from her hands. "Good afternoon, Lord Keith."

He tilts his head at the sight of the basket. "What's that you're carrying?"

"I made sweets!" Maria beams, raising the basket to her chest. "I was only planning to make a few, but I didn't realize how much I missed baking them and…" she pauses, blushing as she glances away. "Well, I got a little carried away."

He snorts, laughing at her embarrassed expression, which causes her to turn an even more vibrant shade of red.

"Y-You can have one if you'd like," she stutters, not looking directly at him. Yet as she moves to open the basket, he gently grabs her chin, bringing him face to face with her beautiful azure eyes.

His voice drops into a sultry tone. "I'd rather have one of you, my Maria."

She squeaks as she pulls away from him, looking incredibly dazed as she steadies herself against the wall with her free hand and mutters something about 'running in the family' underneath her breath.

Keith cocks his head. "Pardon?"

Her eyes widen as she looks up at him. "N-Nothing!"

He's more than a little disappointed when she shakes her head and recovers almost immediately afterwards. Is she really that inured to him by now? Maybe he needs to turn up the charm.

"What are you doing over here anyway?" he says, flashing a winning playboy grin.

"I'm waiting for Lady Katarina!" she replies happily, her radiant smile handily trouncing his own.

His heart skips a beat before his mind is fully able to process her answer. When it finally does, the unpleasant realization throws cold water on the warmth blooming within his chest. "Katarina," he repeats blankly, nodding as if it makes perfect sense. "You're here to see Katarina."

Every time he expects to wake from the surreal dream, something intervenes to remind him he's still in it. None of it makes sense. The whole scenario is beyond unreal. Every detail of it is something that should not exist. That cannot exist. Katarina would never condescend to associate with a commoner, much less befriend one.

How has it even happened? Before he had left, Katarina could barely hide her contempt for the girl. Yet a little more than a weekend later, the two of them arrive at the council meeting smiling at each other and on a first-name basis. It's as if the world had been flipped upside-down while he wasn't looking.

"Lord Keith?" Maria says, rousing him from his thoughts. She looks at him with concern. "I'm sorry, should I not have—?"

"No, it's fine," he sighs, shaking his head. "I just… don't understand. She hates you."

Maria shakes her head, frowning slightly. "I don't think Lady Katarina ever hated me. She was cold to me for a while, but considering the circumstances…" she pauses, looking at her feet. When her head pops up a moment later, she's all smiles again. "Besides, I think we've finally become friends!"

He looks at her as though she's sprouted another head. "Friends. With Katarina."

"She's really not as bad as they say. Just… lonely." She smiles at him. "A lot like you, actually."

His body tenses. "Do not compare me to her."

Maria's smile falls. "Why are the two of you at each other's throats? You're really not that different."

His eyes narrow. "You're joking, right?"

"I'm serious!" Maria protests, the basket swinging in her hands. "Lady Katarina might seem prickly at first, but deep down, she's a good person."

He crosses his arms. "You only say that because you don't know what she did to me."

Her brow furrows. "Lord Keith?"

Before either of them can exchange another word, however, the door to the classroom beside them opens and a flood of students begin pouring out.

A wide smile spreads across the light mage's face. His heart skips a beat, but as he follows the path of her azure eyes, he quickly realizes it's not directed at him. Her lips move, but words that should not be emerge from them. "How'd the exam go, Lady Katarina?"

Keith grits his teeth as his so-called 'sister' emerges from the crowd and flashes a grin at the light mage.

"It was nothing I hadn't seen before," Katarina replies mirthfully. The smile disappears from her face when the two Claes siblings lock eyes. "Keith? What's going on here?"

"I just wanted to check on our resident flower," he replies, leaning towards the light mage's face. "See if she needs any watering."

Maria looks down at the floor to hide her iridescent blush.

Katarina's expression darkens. "Typical."

"Pardon?" he says, craning his head to glare at her as an ugly smile crosses his face.

"Your actions bring dishonor to our family name," Katarina growls, crossing her arms and returning his glare in kind. "Though I suppose you have no reason to care about that."

"Yes," he replies. "Just as I suppose you have every reason to suddenly be best friends with the girl you couldn't stand a few days ago."

"You—!" she exclaims, lurching forward, only to glance at Maria and catch herself. Taking a deep breath, she closes her eyes. When she opens them again, they're cold as ice. "You should not comment on things you know nothing about."

He snorts. "Your act can't last forever, Katarina. I know what kind of person you really are."

She closes her eyes again. "Believe as you wish," she replies, clearly struggling to keep her voice under control. She glances towards the light mage, expression immediately softening as the two lock eyes. "I will catch up with you later, Maria." She shoots him a sidelong glare. "It would be rude of me to interrupt."

Her boots clack against the hallway floor as she turns and walks away. The crowd that's formed around the three of them parts to let her through, its members trying (and failing) to pretend they haven't been listening in. A strange expression crosses Maria's face as her head swivels to follow the lady, and she clutches the basket tightly to her chest.

"I'm sorry you had to see that," he says once Katarina's out of earshot, though it's more for Maria's sake than anything else.

The light mage continues looking down the hall, before sighing softly. When she turns back to Keith, she's painted on a smile. "No, it's okay," she says softly, glancing down at the basket. "I'll just give them to her later."

His thoughts shatter like glass. "Pardon?"

"I made these for her," the light mage says, the basket rocking below her arms as she sighs wistfully and looks down the hall. "I wanted to thank her for everything she's done for me."

He steadies his breathing. What on Earth is going on? Why is Maria speaking so highly of her? Why is Maria baking sweets for her?

"I don't know what woman you're describing, but it isn't Katarina," he growls. "As far as I'm concerned, the world would be a better place without her in it."

The light mage is silent for a while after that, an inscrutable expression on her face. After several moments, an even more pained smile dons her features. "I… I need to go," she says, voice uneven.


"I-It was nice talking to you, Lord Keith," she stutters, not looking him in the eyes. She bows to him, the basket swinging in her hands, before turning and running down the hallway before he can say another word, her boots clacking loudly with each step.

As Keith watches her disappear down the hall, something stirs within him. He's been putting it off far too long.

He walks back towards his dorm room, withdrawing a pouch from his pocket as he steps through the doorway and closes it behind him.

He opens the pouch, letting it contents fall onto his desk. He coughs slightly as the smell of burnt wood fills the air. The ashes collect into a pile, tiny scraps of burnt paper visible within.

He sits down at his desk, closes his eyes, and takes a deep breath as he begins to cast the restoration spell.

Little by little, the pile of ash reconstitutes itself into a student council form.

The rumors of my death were greatly exaggerated.

Happy two month dead-iversary! To celebrate the story being dead for two months, here's me making the story not dead anymore!

So this chapter took many revisions to get to a place I was happy with. First, the chapter wasn't even going to be Keith-centric originally. I did some re-arranging, and moved the original chapter back. Then I tried to write this chapter multiple times, with several different approaches and many different drafts, only to not to be satisfied with any of them. The final version is basically a chimera of all those different approaches and drafts, though with a significant amount of new content.

Anyway, I'm really happy to be uploading new content, and I hope y'all enjoy!
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Aw shit, I wonder which form that could be? It can't be the one blocking Maria from using the kitchen, cause that one was not burned as far as I know.
It's been a while, but I think Katarina wrote down at least some of the things she remembered happening before she was killed and brought back. If that was the case, then burning them in a fire pit would be one of the best ways to keep it from found. How much of those remnants Keith found is the question, as well as how well he can put them back together.
Chapter 23: Accidental
Chapter 23: Accidental

"Hey, Katarina?" a male voice shouts. "Katarina!"

The annoying voice snaps Katarina out of her thoughts. She sighs and stops walking as she prepares for the fourth prince to accost her.

"What?" she hisses, glaring over her shoulder at him.

Alan's blue eyes crinkle in confusion as he freezes in place. She turns her head away and tilts up her nose, satisfied that her intimidating stare has convinced him to not bother her with whatever useless triviality he originally planned to share. Not even a moment later, she flinches as his firm hand grasps her shoulder.

"Are you okay?"

She groans. Of course he manages to pick up on her feelings the one time she actually wants him to go away.

"I am fine," she replies, keeping her voice level. "I am merely going out for a stroll in the gardens.

"Yeah, I don't buy it," he replies. "That was the classic Katarina stomp."

She spins around to face him, brow furrowing in confusion. "The 'Katarina stomp?'"

"Yeah. When you get all angry you do this." He then proceeds to cross his arms and make exaggerated stomping motions as he marches in place in front of her.

Katarina's cheeks flush red. "I-I do not!"

Thankfully, he stops before replying, "You do. Constantly."

Several nearby students can be seen barely suppressing chuckles, but they quickly go rigid beneath her glare. Turning her attention back to Alan, she retorts. "W-Well, you do too!"

The silver-haired prince tilts his head skeptically. "Really? That's the best you can come up with?"

"I'm serious!" she protests.

"Mhm. Sure," he drawls, rolling his eyes. His eyes flit back to her before she has a chance to retort. "So, are you going to tell me what's bothering you?"

"You are… infuriating," she sighs, her entire body deflating in defeat. "Look, I don't want to talk about it, okay?"

"Was it the exam?"

"What? No!" she exclaims, jolting up to face him. "I am certainly going to place above you!"

"We'll see about that," Alan retorts, a smirk crossing his lips, "but it's good to see you haven't lost your competitive spirit."

She glares at him. "Are you finished mocking me?"

"Well, that depends," he replies. "Are you going to tell me what's bothering you?"

"Fine!" she spits. "Keith."

"Oh," he says, glancing away. "I see."

She rolls her eyes. "Yes, so if it's all the same I'd rather—"

"Actually, why don't you come with me?" he says. "I've actually got something that might cheer you up."

"Pardon?" Katarina replies. "What on Earth are you talking about?"

"Well, it's not really finished yet, but I've been working on a piece of music." He glances away, pink spreading across his cheeks. "I don't know why, but I've been feeling really inspired around you lately, so I want you to hear it."

She almost gapes, a well of emotions twisting inside her chest. "Are you joking?"

The fourth prince looks down at the floor, gently kicking it like a scolded child. "It's fine if you don't want to hear it."

Katarina shakes her head. "No, it's not that! I'm just… confused."

He blinks. "About what?"

She's quiet for a moment. "Never-mind. I suppose I would—"

"Pardon my interruption, but I've been patiently waiting for an opportunity to speak to my fiancé."

Both prince and lady turn to its source, finding Lady Hunt standing in the hallway next to them, holding an elegant orange fan up to her face. In one smooth motion the Marquis' daughter collapses the fan and steps forward, immediately inserting herself between the prince and brunette.

"It is good to see you getting along so well with Lady Claes," says Lady Hunt, a smile on her lips. "I was wondering where you'd run off to."

"Oh, lunch! Yeah, sorry about that," replies Alan, rubbing the back of his head. "I came to talk to her about the exams, but—"

"Oh, you needn't regale me of your conversation," she replies. "I heard the whole thing."

There's an odd edge to her voice as she turns to glance at Katarina, and for a moment the duke's daughter swears she sees something very dark in Lady Hunt's auburn eyes.

"Nonetheless, misunderstandings happen, so it would be prudent of me to make sure all parties are on the same page. Lady Claes, I do not believe we have been formally introduced. My name is Mary Hunt, fourth daughter of Marquis Hunt and fiancée to Prince Alan Stuart."

Katarina can't help but notice the outsized emphasis the copper-haired noblewoman places on the word 'fiancée.' Yet as Lady Hunt begins to curtsy, Katarina's thoughts drift to the lady herself.

Despite encountering her several times before, their previous run-ins have mostly taken place at a distance, so this is the first time Katarina has gotten a good look at the Marquis's daughter up close. Immediately, Katarina cannot help but be impressed by the clear effort Lady Hunt puts into her appearance. Her long hair is adorned by an orange bow shaped as a rose, partially concealing a pearl-studded hair clip holding her bangs out of her coppery eyes. Two flower-shaped earrings hang below her ears, while another pearl sits at the front of the yellow necklace wrapping around her neck. Her dress—

Her… dress…

What on Earth is that neckline? Is that even allowed?

"Lady Claes," repeats the Marquis' daughter, a hard edge entering her pleasant voice.

Katarina's eyes widen slightly, and she immediately glances back up to Lady Hunt's face, an odd warmth in her cheeks. The marquis' daughter regards her skeptically before shaking her head, lips pursing into a straight line.

"Ah, p-pardon," Katarina replies, trying to keep her voice even as she drops into a curtsy. "My name is Lady Katarina Claes, d-daughter of Duke Claes and fiancée of Prince G-Gerald. Nice to meet you."

It's a pale imitation of Lady Hunt's elegant greeting, and she knows it. Gods, is she cursed? First Maria, now her? How is she supposed to stand out when the competition is this stiff!?

"It's good to see you having such a great time with my fiancé," Lady Hunt chirps, though there's something still off about her tone. "Tell me, has Prince Gerald not proven sufficient?"

Katarina blinks, not quite understanding. "Prince Gerald is fine. I don't see how that's related to the topic at hand."

"Yeah, Katarina said it herself the other day," adds Alan. "Gerald is Gerald, and Alan is Alan."

Lady Hunt closes her eyes as a pleasant grin spreads across her face. "Of course! Two different men engaged to two different women!"

Now Katarina is certain something is off. She recognizes the smile playing across Lady Hunt's lips: It's transparently fake. "Is something the matter, Lady Hunt?"

"I do not quite know, Lady Claes," she says, saccharine tone tinged with something dark. "Is there?"

"Would you be blunt?" Katarina growls, finally losing her patience at the woman's inexplicable hostility. "I do not have all day."

There's a long pause as the two face each other. Truthfully, Lady Hunt's apparent dislike vexes Katarina. As far as she can recall, she has never even spoken to the woman until their brief encounter in the gardens. Indeed, when she was younger, Katarina was quite eager to meet her future brother-in-law's fiancée, and had written many letters inviting her over for tea. Lady Hunt would always reply and politely state her unavailability. It was only after several months of trying that Katarina realized the sheer unlikeliness of not one of her proposed meeting times aligning with Lady Hunt's schedule. Her letters had been so eloquent and convincing that the thought the lady was simply humoring her never crossed her mind.

"Alan!" Mary suddenly cries out, eyes flying open. "Would you allow me to hear this piece as well? It's been far too long since I've witnessed some of your work!"

"Huh?" he exclaims, blue eyes widening slightly. "Oh, sure. I can show it to you later, Mary."

"Nonsense!" the marquis' daughter chirps happily. "Why not now?"

The fourth prince glances away, an uncertain expression on his face as he runs his hand through his silvery hair. "Well, I'm not sure you'd like it…"

"I am certain I would enjoy anything you'd be willing to show such a high-class lady!"

Her tone doesn't change, yet it somehow still sounds sarcastic. Is she just imagining it?

He crosses his arms as he leans against the wall and sighs. "Fine. But don't get mad at me when it doesn't live up to your expectations."

In the midst of the fourth prince's performance, Katarina picks up the pieces of her shattered expectations. Truthfully, she hadn't expected much. Oh, she was certain he could play well – just about any noble with two hands and ten fingers can play at least one instrument – but most nobles are, to put it bluntly, not of the musical persuasion. Thus, when Alan confidently declared that he'd not even come up with the title for his unfinished piece, Katarina plastered on a smile and prepared for the worst.

Now, she gapes at the silver-haired prince as her heart pounds to the notes still echoing through the room. Her cheeks burn with an emotion she cannot quite place, but eventually decides is admiration. She glances over to her left to see Lady Hunt's cheeks are also a bright pink. The Marquis' daughter stares at the prince with a smile on her face, half-lidded eyes filled with desire. Katarina clutches her heart as the strange feeling intensifies.

Yes, it must be admiration. Such a loving relationship is something to be treasured. One day, Gerald will look at her that way as well.

As the last of the notes echoes into the room and fade into nothingness, Alan sighs and shakes his head. "Look, I know it wasn't great, but it's not done yet, so don't get mad at me—"

"Incredible," Katarina whispers, shaking her head. "Absolutely incredible."

"Huh?" replies Alan, eyes flying open. "You really think so?"

"Alan, your melodies always sooth my heart," sniffles Lady Hunt, withdrawing a handkerchief from her dress as she wipes a tear. "I wish you would share them with me more often."

He shakes his head. "I don't want to subject you to some half-finished piece of work."

She gently folds the handkerchief before stuffing it away, shaking her head gently all the while. "I really did enjoy it, Alan."

"Well, I'm glad it worked out this time," he says, blushing slightly as he scratches the back of his head, "but I really wanted Katarina to hear it."

The Marquis' daughter immediately stiffens. "Oh?"

"Well, I don't know," he sighs, shrugging. "It just feels like something she'd like."

"I did. Thank you, Alan," Katarina replies, a light feeling in her chest as she smiles at the fourth prince. "I'm glad I got to hear something so amazing."

The fourth prince stares at her as his cheeks turn an even more vibrant red. After a moment, he glances away. "Y-Yeah. N-No problem."

Katarina jumps as she feels a soft hand on her shoulder. As she turns to face it, Lady Hunt's eyes bore into her with a surprising intensity. "Lady Claes, I just remembered something important. One of the professors was asking for you earlier. Something about your exam scores."

"Eh?" Katarina exclaims, momentarily losing her composure. "I mean, p-pardon?"

"That's right," she replies, eyes narrowing in determination. "I didn't catch all of it, but it sounded serious. You should go talk to them."

"W-Wait," Katarina stutters, taken aback by her sudden forcefulness. "Why would they want to talk about my exams?"

The Marquis' daughter shrugs. "Perhaps there were abnormalities? You should hurry up and check up on them."

Abnormalities? How? It's not like she's cheating… technically. Okay, maybe knowing the questions ahead of time does give her a huge advantage, and maybe her vague recollection of the correct answers compounds it further, but it's not like she doesn't still have to study for them! She actually studies really hard! Besides, how would anyone ever know? It's impossible to check… right?

"Hey, that reminds me!" Alan says, hopping off the piano chair. "How did you know that question was going to be on the last part of the exam?"

Mary's eyes widen slightly, but she quickly recovers. "Oh my. You'd better leave Prince Alan to me, Lady Claes," she states, voice dropping slightly. "We wouldn't want any misconceptions spreading."

Katarina nods quickly. "U-Understood. Thank you for bringing this to my attention, Lady Hunt!"

A surprisingly genuine smile crosses her face. "I'm glad we've finally reached an understanding. Take care!"

Katarina arches a brow at the woman's strange statement, but decides she doesn't have time to question it. Instead, she simply nods at the two of them before running out of the room, hitching up her dress as she nearly trips in the doorway. She's still not quite certain what to make of Lady Hunt. Why was she so hostile towards her, only to help out in the end?

She'll have to ask Alan the next time they meet.

The good news is that I've essentially written three or four chapters in the period since the last update. The bad news is that all of them are chapter 23. Yeah. My trend of writing and rewriting chapters has not gotten any better, unfortunately. On the plus side, most of that work will probably be making a later appearance, because my plans for this chapter changed drastically.

Anyway, Mary! I am SO glad I get to write her at last (that brief snippet back in chapter 3 barely counts)! Unfortunately, I don't think our bounteous noblewoman quite realizes the average level of density she's dealing with. Miscommunication abounds!

I hope y'all enjoy!
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I think this plotline might serve as the catalyst for Katarina realizing "the harlot" wasn't trying to act maliciously when Gerald fell in love with her.
Chapter 24: Equilibrium
Chapter 24: Equilibrium

Katarina is absolutely certain what to make of Lady Hunt, and it consists of words unsuitable for use in polite company. Her stomach rumbles as she walks through the hallway, lunch having been a casualty of the fool's errand the marquis' daughter had sent her on. There were no abnormalities with her exam. It wasn't even graded yet! How could it have been, considering she'd only taken it earlier that day? No, Lady Hunt just made up an excuse to get her away, and she had been dumb enough to fall for it.

What is her issue, anyway? As far as Katarina is aware, she's done absolutely nothing to earn such unwavering hostility from Lady Hunt. To treat her kindness like this… is the elegant lady hiding a secret dark side? Perhaps that's why Alan seems to take every excuse to spend time with herself instead.

She shakes her head as her footsteps echo through the now considerably-emptier halls of the academy, more staff and servants walking around than students. Since the exams are over, most of them have left or are in their dorms preparing to do so. If her council duties were not keeping her, Katarina would be among them. The day may be shortened, but it's a little irritating to know her responsibilities are delaying her summer break, if only by a little.

She rounds the corner with a huff, stepping into the dining hall. The scent of food instantly fills her nostrils, but it's stale. Her face twists at the thought of eating cold leftovers, and she briefly considers going without it, but if there's one thing that displeases her more than eating scraps, it's spending the trip to Claes Manor on an empty stomach.

There are a few students here, sitting among the servants going over the many unoccupied tables. Perhaps if she asks the kitchen staff nicely, or if that fails, hisses a few thinly-veiled threats, she can scrounge together something half-decent in the little time she has left.

Set on her course of action, Katarina nods as she strides across the near-deserted dining hall, only to almost loose her footing as her dress catches. She spins around in a huff, looking for the culprit, only to see a black-haired noblewoman shrink back in fear.

"Sorry," says Mirabelle. "I called for you, but it didn't seem like you heard me."

Katarina closes her eyes and sighs, trying her best to keep her mounting frustration from boiling over. Mirabelle remains loyal to her. She's the only one of those traitors to remain loyal to her. That's worth a little tolerance, even if the baron's daughter seems more motivated by her guilt towards Maria than anything else.

Opening her eyes again, Katarina fixes the fire mage with a cold gaze. "What is it?"

Mirabelle flashes a weak smile. "You didn't show up at lunch today, and Maria had to get ready for the council meeting, so I told her I'd wait for you."

Katarina's eyes widen slightly, and for the first time she notices the pristine and untouched (if undoubtedly cold) entrée on the tablecloth. "You saved me something to eat?"

The fire mage's orange eyes brighten at the hint of approval in Katarina's voice. "You never miss lunch, and Maria told me that she wasn't sure where you'd gone off to, so I decided to wait."

Katarina blinks in surprise. "That's very kind of you, Mirabelle."

"Please, have a seat." She gestures to the empty chair.

Katarina grasps the wooden chair gently, sliding it out and lowering herself onto the soft velvet cushion. Then, with impeccable form, she slides underneath the tablecloth, taking her napkin and silverware and preparing to eat like a proper noblewoman. After all, being in a rush isn't an excuse to act like a savage.

Mirabelle giggles softly, and Katarina turns to glare at her. "What are you laughing at?"

"Pardon me, Lady Claes," she begins, "but seeing you put so much effort into proper manners just reminds me of how Maria's been acting ever since you pointed out she was consuming her soup incorrectly."

Katarina raises a brow. "That was some time ago, though. We've eaten together since then."

Mirabelle politely raises her hand to her mouth as she stifles another giggle. "My word, Lady Claes. Have you really not noticed?"

"Just get on with it."

"She's been staring at your actions and mimicking them," Mirabelle explains. "I think she was at a bit of a loss when you didn't show up today, actually. It felt like a half-hour passed before she even picked up a utensil."

Katarina pauses mid-bite, before swallowing the cold lump of meat and grimacing slightly. "I do not know how to feel about that."

"I think she just looks up to you, Lady Claes," the fire mage replies. "It isn't anything bad."

Katarina sighs, placing down her silverware as she turns to the black-haired noblewoman. "It's always 'Maria this' and 'Maria that' with you, isn't it? I do not mind talking about her, but can you not choose another avenue of discussion every once in a while?"

Mirabelle's lips purse, and she glances down at her lap. "Sorry, it's just… I don't really have much else to talk about."

"What on Earth do you mean?"

For several moments, the sounds of distant silverware and plates fill the air. Then, in a surprisingly soft voice, Mirabelle speaks. "You're not the only one that got left behind."

Katarina turns back to her meal. "I see."

"Really, Lady Claes, I'm jealous," Mirabelle admits. "You've become such good friends with her in such a short amount of time. Me?" She sighs. "She's been very kind to even spend time with me after what I did, but I wouldn't call the two of us friends. Not really."

Katarina grimaces at her odd choice of words as she once again cuts into the steak. "I wouldn't call us friends, per se…"

"Are you kidding?" The fire mage's head shoots up. "She's easily as close to you as Lady Nelson ever was!"

"Lady Nelson is not my friend!"

"She was, though!" Mirabelle says. "She thought very highly of you, Lady Claes!"

"Clearly not!" the brunette yells. "If she really did, we wouldn't be having this conversation!"

As her voice echoes through the hall, it's replaced by the sound of her knife scraping against the plate. Not even bothering to look over her shoulder to look at the inevitable onlookers, Katarina drops her silverware and buries her face in her palms, heedless of manners or decorum, and sighs deeply.

"I'm sorry for bringing her up," Mirabelle says eventually. "All I wanted to say is that I've never really had someone like that. I miss the relationships I had with people like Lady Serra, Lady Sienna, and Lady Bethany, but… it wasn't really friendship, I guess. Not really."

"No," Katarina replies. "It wasn't."

There's another long silence.

"I miss them too." It's almost a whisper. "Not just Sienna, either."

No words are exchanged, and no tears are shed. Yet Katarina cannot help but reminisce.

"Mirabelle, do you remember that time Bethany dragged all of us to one of her tea parties, and Eris ended up having an allergic reaction to the tea?" She tries to hide her smile as she recalls the stone-faced woman conducting her discussion as usual, completely ignorant of the red spots spreading across her face.

Mirabelle, however, simply stares.

"What?" Katarina pouts. "It only gave her a rash!"

"Lady Claes," the fire mage begins. "What are you talking about?"

"The tea party!" Katarina insists. "The one we had over sum—"

The table falls quiet once more, and her face sinks as she turns to her food.

"Never-mind," she mutters. "Pardon my confusion."

This time, the conversation doesn't restart. Instead, the two of them remain in silence as Katarina's thoughts drift to acquaintances lost, and a road not taken.

It's strange. She absolutely hates Serra's long-winded rants, yet she can't help but wonder who or what the vain socialite has decided is the target of her ire today. Bethany's tea parties are dull beyond belief, yet she finds herself wishing she'd once again receive an invitation. Eris is stern, strict, and far too full of herself, yet she finds herself wondering what the contents of her next ranting lecture will be.

It's especially odd because she knows they're not friends – they were never friends, even then – yet she finds herself missing them anyway; feeling nostalgia for a time when her life was so much simpler. Back then, they were all her loyal soldiers in her war against that harlot, Sienna standing by her side as her faithful lieutenant. It was a life where she had absolute faith she would triumph over that despicable peasant, and where she knew with absolute confidence that Gerald would kiss her on the altar and make her his queen.

She supposes that's the thing about nostalgia: The time you long for never truly existed.

Everything is so much more complicated now. Her new life is so strange and unfamiliar. What is the same in this world? What is different? How can she be sure of anything in a place where her greatest enemy is one of her closest allies, and one of her closest allies is her greatest enemy?

Katarina's silverware clinks against the plate as she swallows the last of her meal. "The truth is, Mirabelle," she sighs, "I really don't know how this happened."

The fire mage's eyes flit to hers. "What do you mean, Lady Claes?"

"You, Maria, Sienna," she says, shaking her head. "It's all so confusing. None of it makes sense to me."

Mirabelle nods weakly, eyes returning to the empty tablecloth in front of her. "I see."

"But, frankly, if Maria's already willing to forgive your rank stupidity—"

The fire mage glances down to her open hand and grimaces.

"—then you probably don't have much to worry about."

At that moment, distant bells ring out across the campus as the clock chimes the hour. Katarina's eyes widen, and she almost tears her dress as she leaps up from her chair. "I'm late!"

"Late?" says Mirabelle, rising to meet her.

"Council meeting!" she replies. "I've got to go!"

Quickly muttering a goodbye, she takes off down the hallway.

As she pushes open the door and steps through into the council chamber, she's immediately aware something's off when all the councilmembers turn to her.

"Ah, Lady Katarina! You're just in time," says Sirius, rising from his chair. "Please come in. I believe we have something to discuss."

She glances across the room, and for the briefest of moments, her gaze meets Keith's. A shiver runs down her spine. She'd been expecting the increasingly typical anger in Keith's eyes.

She'd not expected glee.

Katarina nods blankly, ice crawling up her spine as she heads to her seat.

As the door shuts behind her, Sirius rises from his desk. "It has come to my attention that one of our members has been accused of serious misconduct," begins Sirius. "I had hoped we would not need to have this conversation, but I suppose it is understandable. Some of you are evidently unfamiliar with the duties and responsibilities expected of the position."

Sirius is too kind to look at her while making the statement. It is still all-too-clear who he is referring to.

The atmosphere inside the student council chamber is suffocating. The only noise is Sirius's quiet footsteps as he paces around the table. Katarina focuses on the grain of the wood. She knows that if she looks up, she'll see the judgmental eyes of the other members.

"The alleged misbehavior represents a serious abuse of council duties." A pause. "It should be clear to everyone here that utilizing their position as a weapon against others is utterly unacceptable."

What has happened? What is this about? It seems quite unlikely the council president is referring to anyone but her. Yet she has covered her tracks! And she hadn't done anything that bad to begin with!

"Mister President, with all due respect," says Nicol, "can we please hear the identity of the accused and the charges against them?"

"Very well," sighs Sirius.

Katarina closes her eyes as she realizes. Of course. There's only one thing it can be. Why would it come out now? She's not sure how Keith managed to get Sirius to go along with it – she's certain that letter of hers didn't break any rules – but how on Earth is she going to explain?

"Lady Claes has been accused of destroying council documents."

Her eyes fly open as she looks up, confused. "Pardon?"

For the briefest of moments, Sirius frowns. The neutral expression returns immediately after, as he leans over and picks up a sheet of paper from in front of his empty seat. "These are the recovered forms of several council requests. An anonymous source alleges you attempted to destroy them."

Katarina blinks. "Wait. That's it?"

"Pardon me, Lady Claes?"

She points at the stack of paper. "This is just about some council forms?"

"This is a very serious accusation, Lady Claes." He spreads the paper in his hands. "This one appears to have been filled out by Sienna Nelson."

"I filled out a form from Sienna?" She blinks again. "Er, pardon. Lady Nelson."

The council president stares. "So, you deny the allegations?"

"Well, I certainly don't remember it." She glances away. "All that paperwork blurs together after a while…"

There's some muffled laughter from Alan, which earns him a glare from the president.

"You were responsible for managing council request forms the week these were filled out," Keith interjects. "They must be yours."

He's probably right, considering the relation to Lady Nelson. She thinks back, trying to recall her council activities. Suddenly, her eyes widen. Wait… these are the forms she burnt!

"How would you even get these?" she asks. "Were you in my dorm room?"

Then, she remembers. The earthen key on the Manor floor. The rush to get home in time. The blocked bridge. The unexpected encounter that followed. The uncertainty after her return.

She slams her hands on the table. "You were in my dorm room!"

Keith crosses his arms as he glares at her. No other response is forthcoming.

"So, you admit these are real?" Sirius asks, a strange expression on his face.

She opens her mouth to respond, but suddenly halts. Would that admission not lend credence to her so-called brother's allegations? What should she say?

Keith tsks. "Look at her. Her guilt is written all over her face."

She glares at him. "Yes, because I should be punished for documents you broke into my room to retrieve."

That causes a stir among the assembled council members, Sirius included. All eyes turn to Keith.

He makes a dismissive gesture. "I have no idea what she's talking about."

Katarina grins as she realizes she's trapped him. Then, quickly, she adopts a neutral expression. "Then how did you come into possession of these documents, Keith?"

His dark blue eyes widen as he realizes his mistake.

"So even if these allegations against my fiancée are true, Lord Claes would be guilty of even more serious misconduct," Gerald interjects, turning to her with a princely smile. "Isn't that right, Katarina?"

She nods, too transfixed by the glint of approval in his eyes to think of anything to say.

"Prince Gerald," Sirius interjects, frowning slightly. "Leading questions are frowned upon during these proceedings."

Keith's response has no such tact. "You too?"

The third prince doesn't falter. "Furthermore, what evidence is there that these documents were destroyed? I find it more likely that Katarina simply forgot about them, as she is wont to do."

She grits her teeth as more murmurs of approval come from the other council members. The gall! If they were not currently speaking in her defense, she would certainly give them a piece of her mind!

"The documents were ash," Keith hisses. "I had to reconstruct them using a restoration spell. If you wish to examine them, you will feel my aura on them."

"Yes, thank you for outing yourself, Lord Claes," Sirius mutters, holding a palm to his forehead. "It's not like there's a procedure for this sort of thing…"

Maria holds up a finger. "That doesn't prove they were destroyed by Lady Katarina. There are methods a mage can use to remove or alter their magic signature." Her cheeks flush as she suddenly realizes all eyes are locked on her, and she begins wringing her hands. "They're, ah, obscure, but they exist."

"Well, it's also not a guarantee that Katarina destroyed the documents," Alan adds, leaning forward in his seat. "Even if a restoration spell was used, someone else could've damaged them."

"A very good point, Alan," Gerald says, earning a surprised look from his brother. "Yes, the most we can prove is that Katarina misplaced the forms." His grin widens as he turns to Sirius. "I find it highly unbecoming of this council to devote so much time and effort to such a trivial offense – if it even occurred. Would not a warning suffice?"

Keith's jaw drops as the majority of council members murmur in agreement. Katarina can't contain her own surprise much better.

"Council bylaws dictate that the destruction of official documents is a major offence," Sirius replies, shrugging. "I am merely doing my job as president by investigating such accusations."

"Perhaps the bylaws can be changed?" Gerald counters, looking across the table. "Surely some leniency is warranted for inexperience?"

"I-I agree with Prince Gerald!" Lady Ascart suddenly states. "E-Especially considering my brother and Lord Dieke are the only returning members…"

The president winces. "Please Lady Ascart, I've told you to just call me Sirius…"

"She's right, though!" Maria calls out, voice even louder. "Even if what Lord Keith said is true, I don't think Lady Katarina should be punished so harshly for it!" She glances to Keith, and then looks away. "And if Lady Katarina is punished… then Lord Keith should be as well."

Keith stares at the blonde in confusion. "Maria?"

The light mage doesn't meet his gaze. "Please, Lord Keith. This isn't necessary."

"Besides, it's only fair," Alan replies, shrugging. "If what you're both saying is true, then you did something much worse than Katarina did."

Keith's gaze sweeps across the table, eyes pleading for support. Only Nicol meets his gaze, and even then, only for a moment.

Katarina just stares. What on Earth is going on? First Gerald, then Sophia, Maria, and Alan? Have they coordinated this beforehand? Is there some kind of plan she's not aware of?

Sirius remains stoic. "Ethical considerations dictate that disciplinary rule changes cannot be applied retroactively. That, and the council charter."

"Oh? What a shame," replies Gerald in mock surprise. He crosses his arms as he reclines in his chair, a confident grin adorning his sharp features. "I suppose it's unnecessary either way, since Lord Claes has yet to provide any actual evidence for his accusations."

"It's obvious to me that Katarina has a grudge against these girls," Keith says, eyes narrowing. He glances to Sirius. "If we bring one of them here to give testimony, I'm sure they'll agree with me."

"You have not even gathered testimony for your accusations, Lord Claes?" the eldest Ascart asks. He sounds surprised. Or at least, Katarina thinks he sounds surprised. It's always hard to tell with him. His expression and tone have barely changed.

Keith uncrosses his arms as he glances over to him. "Well, I—"

"Besides," Gerald interjects, "even if we were to do what you ask, Lord Claes, all that would prove is these woman think Katarina targeted them." He sweeps a hand across the seated councilmembers. "With no evidence of the documents' destruction, there's no reason we should assume this was some sort of attack."

Alan closes his eyes and nods. "Never attribute to malice what can adequately be explained by stu— Ow!" His eyes fly open as something thumps beneath the table.

Katarina glares at him as she shifts in her seat, privately daring him to finish that sentence.

Keith points at her. "See! She just attacked another councilmember! She needs to be removed!"

Alan rolls his eyes as he falls back into the cushion. "I don't know what you're talking about, Lord Claes," he drawls. "I just stubbed my toe on the table leg."

The Claes heir grunts in disbelief as he gestures at Katarina with both arms. "She kicked you! I saw it!"

Alan's eyes narrow. "Again. No idea what you're talking about."

"Lord Keith, why are you trying so hard to get Lady Katarina in trouble?" Maria asks, clutching her hands against her chest as she looks at him with a pleading expression. "I mean, I know you have your… differences, but can't you just let this go?" She glances down at her lap. "I really don't want to see either one of you get in trouble…"

Katarina sighs, shaking her head. As touching as the sentiment is, the light mage is as hopelessly naïve as ever.

"Why are all of you protecting her?" Keith suddenly shouts, throwing his arms up in frustration. "She's nasty, arrogant, and selfish! I, for one, would welcome not having to deal with her on a daily basis!"

Anger twists within Katarina. Even though she expected this, the outburst still irks her. That little brat! Does he not understand he is not the only one suffering here? It is not as if she wishes to spend time with him either!

"Then you can leave," Gerald replies, rising to his feet. The smile is completely gone from his face. "I will not stand you speaking of my fiancée that way."

The anger is washed away by shock, followed shortly by… something else entirely. A warm fuzzy sensation in her chest. She clutches her hand against it, as she looks up at him. "Gerald…"

Keith snaps to face the prince. "Why are you looking at me like that? You of all people should know what she's like!"

Gerald grimaces slightly as he glances down at her. "I admit that our relationship has… had its ups and downs—"

The brunette's eye twitches slightly as her gloved hand clenches into a fist. The warm feeling is gone.

"—but I cannot tolerate your vendetta against her," Gerald replies, looking back up with a stony expression.

She sighs as the anger fades, crossing her arms and eying him skeptically. Well, perhaps his earlier remark can be forgiven. Just this once.

Sirius leans in from the head of the table, making a placating gesture. "Gentlemen, please keep in mind that we have a duty to this council regardless of our personal opinions of its members."

Keith drops to his chair and closes his eyes, taking a deep breath before levelling a glare at Katarina once more. "Fine. I admit it."

"Admit it?"

Katarina's jaw drops. "You're implicating yourself?"

Her mind is quickly redirected to more immediate concerns as Keith's dark blue eyes bear down on her. "I don't know how you've done it, but I'm not going to let you or your little allies control me. So yes, I did it."

"Lord Claes," Sirius says, a bead of sweat forming on his forehead. "You are aware that even if your allegations are proven true, this will almost certainly result in both your expulsions from the council?"

"It's apparently the only way I can show you all who she really is," he spits. "So yes, I admit it. I baited Katarina into following me to Claes Manor, knowing she'd be too paranoid to leave me alone, and turned around as soon as she arrived." He pauses. "I was expecting a few hours, but when it became clear that the rain made the roads behind me impassable, I took the opportunity to do a more thorough examination of her room. That's when I realized I should collect the ash. Later, I used magic to reconstitute it into the forms."

Alan's eyes widen as he slumps back into his seat. Gerald blinks rapidly, crimson cape fluttering as he regains his footing. Sophia ducks behind the lip of the table, her red eyes reflecting in the wood's garnish. Maria goes pale as her blue eyes widen, before immediately looking down at her lap. Even Nicol seems taken aback as his eyebrows rise slightly. Only Sirius and Katarina seem unsurprised by the admission, something that doesn't escape the latter's notice.

Keith's head whips around the table. "Why are you all looking at me like that? This is nothing compared to what she's done to me!"

There's another long period of silence as the assembled council members stare at him.

"I move that Lord Claes' council position be suspended pending further investigation of misconduct."

It's not one of her allies that brings it up. Rather, it's Lord Ascart.

"What?" Keith exclaims, looking at him in shock.

"I'm sorry," the black-haired noble says calmly, "but it's clear your objectivity has been compromised."

"I don't understand," Keith says, his voice suddenly sounding very soft. "Can't any of you see who she is?"

"I mean, Katarina can be annoying sometimes, but she's actually really sweet once you get to know her," Alan replies. "And either way, for someone who's accusing her of using her position to punish people she doesn't like, it seems an awful lot like you're doing exactly that." He turns to Sirius. "I second Lord Ascart's motion."

"I-I concur," Lady Ascart mumbles.

"As do I," Gerald intones, returning to his seat.

All eyes turn to her as there's a lull in the voting. Katarina shakes off her astonishment and opens her mouth to concur.

"Lady Claes, you will abstain," Sirius suddenly says, a strange glint in his eye. "You have a conflict of interest."

She blinks in astonishment, but barely a moment later, all eyes have turned to the light mage, whose blue eyes are wide in horror as she realizes she is the deciding vote. "Me?"

"This motion requires an absolute majority of all council members," Sirius explains, before shrugging and returning to his seat. He offers the blonde a sympathetic smile. "I do not have an opinion on the matter, so I will be abstaining as well."

Yet Katarina can't help but feel something is off. Something is different about this smile compared to the others.

Her attention is quickly diverted, however, to the light mage frantically looking between her and Keith, a look of pure distress on her face. "I… have to decide?"

"If you refuse to concur, the motion will fail," the president explains. "If you concur, he will be suspended from the council."

Her face goes pale. "I see."

Keith turns to her. "You're not really—" His eyes widen. "You're considering it?"

"I-I don't know!" she squeaks. "I don't want to, b-but the way you've been acting to Lady Katarina…"

He gapes at her. "Maria?"

"…m-maybe it would be good for you to have some time to cool off?"

He closes his eyes, shaking slightly. "This can't be happening."

"I mean, I-I'm not mad at you! Not really…" She tries to force herself to chuckle. "I-In a way… I think I have you to thank for letting me meet Lady Katarina as well."

"Just get on with it," he hisses.

"I'm sorry, b-but…" She grimaces, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath. "…I concur."

As the look of betrayal spreads across his face, something twists in Katarina's chest. Even though it's no less than he deserves after the way he's acted. She shakes her head and pushes the feeling aside.

"The motion passes," Sirius states. "Lord Keith, you are hereby suspended from this council pending a full investigation of your conduct."

Keith closes his eyes as he grips his head. "This is…" He stumbles into a wall, bracing himself against it as his breathing increases. "This can't be happening."

Then, out of the corner of her eye, Katarina sees a pebble lift into the air. A moment later, it's joined by several others.

Her blood runs cold.

An empty teacup rattles as a small tremor shakes the floor.

Katarina clutches her chest as icy terror spreads through her veins. She's felt this before. This sense of impending doom.

But only once.

Then, as quickly as it started, the shaking stops. The pebbles fall to the ground as Keith looks up in shock, blue eyes similarly wide. He glances around the chamber, breathing heavily.

"I… I need to go," he says quickly.

Then, without a further word, he bolts out of the chamber.

Sirius looks at the swinging door for a moment before turning to the other members. Even Nicol looks shaken.

"Perhaps we all could use some time to cool off," the President states, his voice shaky. "Meeting adjourned."

Almost immediately, she's bombarded by several members asking her if she's alright. She tries to put on a calm face as she nods and tells them she just needs some time alone to catch her breath. The attention is suffocating.

None of them look happy about it, but they all give her the space she's requested, and soon enough, only she and the council president remain in the room.

It takes a few more minutes before her own breathing has calmed enough to rise from her chair.

She closes her eyes as she opens the door and steps into the hall, sighing as the glances behind herself to shut it behind her. When she faces forward, she catches a glimpse of light blue fabric before she crashes face-first into its surprisingly firm embrace.

She stumbles backward, grimacing as she tries to recall the appropriate insult. She raises her head to the obstacle, preparing to give it a piece of her mind. "You're in my way, you—"

A pair of blue eyes partially obscured by a lopsided lock of silver hair look down at her. Her cheeks warm with embarrassment they narrow at her. Oh.

"You should thank me for even coming back to check on you," Alan sighs, crossing his arms. "I think the others were too out of sorts to realize you were in no condition to be left alone, and knowing Sirius, he'd wait half an hour before he'd look up from his paperwork long enough to realize you're still there."

Her eyes drop down to his shirt. The fabric is the same light blue she encountered moments before. Is he wearing leather plate underneath?

"Hey, Katarina. Are you listening?"

Her cheeks grow warmer as she glances back up at him. "S-Sorry. You were saying?"

He rolls his eyes. "Typical. You didn't hear a word I said, did you?"

Katarina glares at him. "You have no grounds to lecture me about listening!" It's meant to come off as chiding, but it comes out as more of a whine.

"And you should look at where you're going."

"Fine!" She spins on her heel, brushing her hair aside. "I am looking at the hallway that leads back to my dorm."

She takes a few steps forward before hearing a distinctly offbeat echo. She stops. "You do not need to follow me."

"It's my dorm too! We're in the same building!"

She glares over her shoulder. "Alan!"

He sighs, closes his eyes, and bows his head. "Look, I'm just worried, okay? Keith seemed pretty worked up back there."

She continues to stare. "Alan, it's Keith. He wouldn't—"

There's a moment of silence, and she looks forward. "Do as you will," she says more quietly.

She hears his footsteps behind her as she begins walking, distant conversation carrying through the even-more deserted halls. Alan slowly makes his way to her side.

"Look, I've had more than my fair share of fights with my siblings," he says. "Believe me, I understand."

Katarina looks straight ahead. "Somehow, I doubt Gerald has ever broken into your room and attempted to get you deposed from your position on the student council."

"No. That would imply he treats me like anything but the dirt beneath his shoes," he chuckles, shaking his head. "Sometimes irritating, but mostly ignored."

She glances over at him. "Yet you sound surprisingly cheerful."

He shakes his head. "Oh no, I'm pissed. Gets me mad just thinking about it. But, well, doesn't do me any good to blow up in public."

She snorts, a smirk crossing her face as she looks forward. "I wish Keith would learn that lesson."

"About that. I'm not going to pry, but from what I gather, he's been nursing that grudge for a long time."

She frowns. "What gives you that idea?"

He shrugs. "Experience."

She purses her lips and increases her pace. "I don't want to talk about it."

Unfortunately, the tall prince barely has to speed up to match. "Again, I'm not going to pry. You don't need to tell me what's going on between you two."

"Then why are you still talking about it?"

"I don't know," he admits. "Just nice to talk to someone who understands, I guess."

She shakes her head. "It's a long story. We never got along. But he's never been like… this before."

"Hmm," Alan muses.

She frowns at him. "You're not going to say anything?"

His blue eyes seem focused in the distance. "Just… thinking." Suddenly, he snaps back to reality. "Oh, let me get that for you."

His black coat swishes as he pulls ahead to open the door outside, and Katarina mutters a thank you as she steps into the evening sunlight. The air outside is warmer, but her dress remains comfortable. Given her family's income, it's probably been enchanted. She wouldn't have paid it any mind, normally, but there's something about the weather that reminds her of the time she was stuck in that accursed uniform.

Her boots clack against the cobblestones as Alan catches up. "Rude," he says, leaning over her. "Not even a 'thank you?'"

She glares at him. "I did thank you, you ungrateful cur!"

"Oh, so you actually admit it?" His lips part into a grin. "Almost couldn't tell with the way you mumbled it under your breath and all."

Katarina rolls her eyes as she surreptitiously extends her left palm. A moment later, the fourth prince yelps and falls forward as he loses his footing on a newly-created bump in the road, the mound still sparkling from the magic that summoned it. The tingling sensation in her palm lingers a moment longer than usual.

This time, it takes Alan a little longer to catch up. "Yeesh. You're mean when you're angry, Katarina," he pouts, dusting himself off.

She rolls her eyes. "I have little patience for stupid conversation."

"Which is why you're currently smiling, I'm sure."

She makes sure to frown as she looks up at him. "I'll trip you again."

"Try it," he challenges, smiling widely at her as he opens his palm and a globe of water materializes above it. "You'll be soaked before you even get the spell off."

She looks away. "You don't have to rub it in."


She rolls her eyes. "I know your magic is stronger, Alan."

"No, Katarina, I'm joking. I'm not saying your magic is…" He groans and leans forwards, the water splattering against the stone path. "Ugh. I'm no good at this."


He snaps back to attention. "Look, I'm sorry," he insists. "It's just whenever I talk with you, I feel so—" he pauses, searching for the word "—comfortable, I guess. Like I don't have to act all regal and stuff."

She tilts her nose up. "You're making a bigger deal out of it than I am." Plus, it's not like he ever acted very regal to begin with.

"Maybe, but it still bothers you, doesn't it?" He shakes his head. "I know what it's like, constantly being compared to everyone around you and being told you don't measure up."

There's a long pause as she stares at the stones beneath her feet, trying to ignore the sudden ache in her chest. "Your fiancée didn't help matters," is all she can think to say.

His eyes widen. "Huh? What'd Mary do?"

She glares up at him, frowning. "Oh, only send me on a wild goose chase and nearly make me miss lunch." Mirabelle has certainly earned some favor for her assistance in that regard.

He grimaces. "Ah. I'm sure that was just a misunderstanding."

"Right," Katarina nods. "Just as I'm sure all those tea parties I proposed were rejected due to scheduling conflicts."

Alan grimaces as he looks down the path. "Look, Mary can be…" he waves his hand as he searches for the right word "…intense, sometimes. But she's a really kind and loyal person." His voice lightens. "I'm certain she'll warm up to you eventually."

"Did I mention that I tried this for years?"

His eyes widen. "A-Ah." He glances away, suddenly looking guilty. "I-I'll talk to her about it."

She shakes her head. "Don't bother. She's hardly the only person who wants nothing to do with me."

There's another period of silence as the high-class dormitories come into view.

"You know, it's really unlike her to act like that," Alan says. "I mean, I guess I can see the tea party thing – Mary's a private person – but the rest…"


He shakes his head. "Just thinking out loud. The way she was acting toward you earlier was… strange."

Then, an idea comes to Katarina. She dismisses it immediately. If her last life proves anything, it's that she's far from desirable. Holding onto Gerald is already going to be a herculean feat, and she's still not quite sure where they stand. Yet as ridiculous as it is, she can't help but broach the possibility.

"Do you think she's jealous, Alan?"

Alan looks at her like she's sprouted another head. "What?"

Her cheeks burn. "B-Because she misunderstood the nature of our relationship, I mean!"

"Ah." He brings a finger to his chin, as if contemplating the possibility, before shaking his head and chuckling. "No, that can't be it."

She tilts her head at him. "Why not?"

His rugged features twist in thought. "Mary's like… a little sister to me."

Katarina stops walking. "A little sister?"

Alan follows suit, dropping his hand as he stops in front of her. "Well, yeah. She's kind, sweet, supportive—"

Katarina shakes her head, waving her palms. "No, no, no. That's not what I mean." She looks back at him in confusion. "A little sister. Not a fiancée?"

He smiles sadly. "Oh, I see the confusion." He shakes his head. "No, we're not like that."

Katarina's nose crinkles, and her eyes narrow. "You're not?"

"Nah, it's just political." His voice drops as he glances away. "Probably more for my benefit than hers."

"What do you mean?"

"Well…" he sighs. "I'm the knockoff prince. The useless one. Everyone knows I'm not going to inherit the throne. Marrying me has no advantage for her or her family." He shrugs. "I don't know. Maybe Mom and Dad gave her to me as sort of a consolation prize."

"She certainly is pretty," Katarina blurts. The words leave her mouth before she even realizes what she's saying.

"Oh, she's absolutely gorgeous," Alan agrees, "but it's not really fair to her, is it? Without me, she could've aimed so much higher." He shakes his head. "I've tried to be supportive as I can, and I think she has too, but the truth is I'm just tying her down."

Katarina turns to a nearby bush to hide her growing frown. Something about the fourth prince's words hits far closer to home than she'd like.

Alan, oblivious to her distress, continues. "She always acts so strained around me. I guess I'm lucky she doesn't outright resent me." He frowns. "Probably."

"Well…" she says, trying to think of something to say as she puts on a strong face and faces him. "I think any girl who's engaged to you should feel very lucky indeed."

He stares at her for a moment. The setting sun makes his cheeks appear pink. Then, he turns away and pulls up his scarf. "I-I think so too. W-With you, I mean." A pause. "If my brother still isn't treating you right—"

"He's been fine, Alan."

He nods. "Good. He better stay that way."

As if on cue, the third prince's voice carries across the path. "Did someone call me?"

"Gerald?" Katarina asks, turning her head to face the approaching blonde.

"Brother," Alan scowls, pulling down his scarf.

Her fiancé walks up to them, placing a hand on his hip as he comes to a stop nearby. "Might I ask what you're doing alone with my fiancée, Alan?"

"I was escorting her to her dormitory since you left her behind," he frowns.

"I was only respecting her wishes," Gerald says. "She asked to be left alone, after all."

"And you didn't think to check up on her?"

"That's what I was doing just now," he smiles, glancing at her. "Terribly sorry for the delay."

"Typical," Alan groans, turning away.

Gerald turns to Katarina. "I'm beginning to suspect you've rubbed off on him." He looks to his brother. "Or perhaps he's rubbed off on you?" He takes her arm into his. "Regardless, I'll take over from here, Alan."

The fourth prince whips around toward him as he steps forward, arms taut with anger. "Now wait just a second—!"

"Alan," Katarina interrupts. "Thank you."

His blue eyes lock with hers, before he straightens his back, crosses his arms, and looks away. "Yeah, whatever." His eyes dart back to hers. "Stay safe, okay?"

"Rest assured that I will allow no harm to come to her," Gerald interjects.

The fourth prince just glares. "I wasn't talking to you." He turns away and continues down the path, sparing one last look over his shoulder at Katarina.

"Well, that was odd," Gerald says as soon as Alan's out of earshot. The two begin walking forward. "How on Earth did you manage to keep him from flying off the handle?"

Katarina's lips purse. "You could've thanked him, you know. I think he would've appreciated it."

His brow furrows. "He's my brother. Is that not already implied?"

"Not from the way he talks about it."

"Well, I suppose it can't hurt." He shrugs. "I'll try and remember that the next time I see him. If he'll even let me talk to him, that is." He grins at her. "Though I believe there's something incredibly ironic about you telling me to thank someone."

Katarina rolls her eyes and unhooks her arm. A moment later, the third prince shouts as he trips over a mound of dirt.

"It's surprisingly easy to forget you two are siblings," she chirps.

Her blood runs cold as she hears distant laughter. Not that of the third prince, but his brother. For as she looks ahead, she can see Alan hunched over near the entrance to the dormitories, howling with glee.

Her good sense catches up to her shortly after the third prince reappears at her side wearing a truly wicked smile.

"A-Ah, Prince Gerald—"

"Katarina," he says calmly, folding his hands behind his back. "Do you happen to know anything about the mound of dirt that appeared before me just now?"

"U-Uh…" She tries not to let her anxiety show through, but she can't help but wonder if she's pushed him too far this time. Certainly, even Gerald will be inclined to let a bit of teasing slide, but something like this?

"Why, it's almost as if it was summoned by magic!" he quips, his smile doing little to dispel his threatening aura.

She closes her eyes, gulps down her fear, and summons every last drop of courage within her. "I-I did," she admits. "N-Now we're even."

He tilts his head, his brilliant smile not fading. "Hm?"

She crosses her arms and sticks her nose in the air. "F-For the rude remark you made!"

The third prince stares at her for a moment. As he does, the darkness surrounding him seems to retreat a little. "Well, that hardly seems fair. I say one thing out of line and you send me careening into the ground?"

"You said something else in the council chambers, too!"

"Really?" he taps his chin. "And I presume this occurred whilst I was helping you defend against your brother's accusations, yes?"

She bites her lip. "Well—"

"But you're right. You've had a tough day, Katarina," he smiles. The dark aura comes surging back. "So, I will be generous, and ask you for only one thing."

Something about the way he says 'Katarina' sends shivers down her spine. "W-What?"

"An apology." Impossibly, his grin grows even wider. "One of the ones you claim to so readily give."

Katarina grits her teeth as her fiancée looks on in barely-disguised glee while Alan's laughter echoes nearby. After taking a deep breath, she closes her eyes, opens her mouth, and speaks. "Fine. I'm sorry." She opens her eyes and glares at him. "There. Was that good enough for you?"

He smiles, leans forward, and pecks her on the neck. She takes a halting breath as the sensation sends sparks down her spine.

"Apology accepted," he replies, pulling away to reveal a satisfied grin adorning his damnably perfect features. The sinister aura is completely gone.

She barely notices as Alan's nearby laughter abruptly cuts out. She doesn't care as her cheeks glow a bright red. Her mind is too preoccupied trying to make sense of what just happened to worry about that as she stares at her fiancé with wide eyes.

He kissed her.

Not a polite kiss on the hand, as obligated by social custom. A real kiss. One unbeckoned by procedure or formality. Perhaps not on the lips as she wishes, but a kiss nonetheless.

For a moment, she wonders if she really is dead after all, and this is her afterlife. For how long has she dreamed of this moment? How long has she wanted to see her prince spoil and dote on her the way that harlot had oh-so-effortlessly elicited? How many years has she spent refining herself to be a lady worthy of standing by his side? How much time has she spent listening to Mother's words of guidance, no matter how often they bored her to tears? Yet the trick is to do none of it? To ignore it all? She should be absolutely infuriated. Years of her life, utterly wasted.

Yet she still feels giddy. Her heart beats loudly in her ears as she gapes at her fiancé's handsome visage and soaks in the affectionate gaze of his dark blue eyes. He kissed her. Gerald kissed her! Even if it had taken years, perhaps her efforts hadn't been for naught!

Her mouth moves uselessly as her arms fall to her sides. Finally, after taking a deep breath, and allowing her heart to calm, she recomposes herself. "I-I should also thank you for helping me back in the council as well."

His golden brows flare up in curiosity. Then, he smiles again. "Think nothing of it, Katarina. I did not mind in the slightest."

"Oh, is that so?" A sly grin crosses her face. "I'm fairly certain if this had happened a few months ago, you would've relished the opportunity to not get away from me."

His smile turns pained. "I hardly think that's fair…"

She frowns. "Be honest with me, Gerald."

He sighs, looking away. "I would have… considered it."

She crosses her arms again. Even though she was expecting his answer, it still irritates her. Still, she pushes down the feeling. "Then why not go along with it?" she gestures. "What changed?"

"Well, that's because—" he begins to say, but then tilts his head at her, looking genuinely confused. For the second time in his life, the genius prince is at a loss for words. He eventually looks away, the setting sun framing his sharp features in shadow as he lifts a finger to his chin. "Hm. Perhaps Alan is not the only one you've rubbed off on."

She rocks back on her heels. "Pardon?

Gerald just shakes his head, and offers the crook of his arm once more. "Come now. I'm sure your maid is waiting on you."

As the two of them turn towards the dormitory, only then does she realize Alan is nowhere in sight. She pays it little mind. He must have gotten tired of laughing and went on ahead. She'll just have to pay him back for that later.

Gerald slips out of her arm to hold open the door for her.

"After you, Katarina."

She blinks for a moment, before sighing as she steps through the doorway.

It's only when her back is turned to him that she allows herself to smile.

Katarina calmly turns a page of her novel as Anne checks around the room, looking for anything the servants missed and tidying up the remainder in preparation for their departure from the academy.

"I see. Thank you for bringing this to my attention." The maid softly closes the door to the dormitory. "Apologies, Lady Katarina," she says, walking towards the noble lady. "There appears to be a development regarding the carriage."

Katarina marks her place before closing the book and looking up at her. "Hm? What's going on?"

"Lord Claes is requesting his possessions be transferred to another carriage," the maid replies. "The academy staff would like me to confirm the ownership of each."

Katarina rolls her eyes as she places the novel on the table. "Oh, of course. Now he's too good to even sit with me?"

The maid remains stoic. "I will return soon." She bows her head. "Pardon me."

Quietly, she steps out of the room, leaving Katarina alone in the barren dormitory. Though much of the furniture remains, all her personal effects are gone, having been packed by Anne and servants hired by the academy several hours earlier.

She glances to the novel, debating if she should resume where she left off. Yet Keith had ruined that too. At least, for the time being. She doesn't want her enjoyment of her ally's gift to be tainted by his latest tantrum, after all.

Her blood boils as she remembers their confrontations. First after the exam, then the incident in the council chambers, and now this? That insolent cur! He's been antagonizing her the entire day!

Yet now, as then, she's forced to do nothing. To let the anger simmer within her. Logically, she knows that's the right thing to do – any other course of action is foolish, and could jeopardize everything she's been working for – but it doesn't change how she feels. He has absolutely no idea what she's been through, or the sacrifices she's made. She literally died, for heaven's sake!

The Keith in her past life was far more cowardly. He avoided her as much as possible, trying to escape the consequences of his actions. That was, after all, the reason he'd hid when 'saving' the harlot. He rightfully feared her retribution, and so hid behind his magic. It was not as if a giant earth golem left much doubt to the identity of its caster, but it must have made some sort of sense within his twisted worldview.

Even after the harlot sank her hooks into him and transformed him into yet another one of her insipid followers, his defiance merely cooled into a smug condescension, talking down to her as if she was his lesser. He would no longer even make a show of following proper decorum while interacting with her, and would refuse to listen to any of her warnings. Yet he was still recognizably the same coward that wormed his way into her family. He knew better than to act against her directly.

So why the open hostility? Why the bolder and bolder actions? Why any of this, and why now?

Does he think she doesn't approve of his courtship of the light mage? If so, he isn't wrong. In her past life, she made no secret of her distaste for the idea of him debasing their family name with that harlot. In this world, there's a far simpler reason: Maria can do so much better.

Still, as much as something inside her twists in rage at the idea, she has long-since realized it's in her best interest not to interfere. As distasteful as marrying across class lines would be, it's not like it's going to damage the family name any more than his womanizing antics already have. If anything, it'd be the opposite. Considering Maria's magical affinity, most nobles would be inclined to turn a blind eye to her background. Indeed, there's only one outcome that could result in the Claes name becoming more tainted than it already is, and Katarina will personally skin Keith alive if it ever comes to that.

After all, the last thing Maria deserves is the same fate as Mother.

There's a knock on the door. For a moment, Katarina expects Anne to get it. Then, as she remembers her current situation, she rises from her seat, moves to the door, and opens it.

A twisted knot of feelings stir within her upon seeing the light mage standing outside her door. "Maria?"

The blonde flinches back, thatched basket dangling in her hands. "Ah! Lady Katarina!" She averts her eyes. "Sorry about earlier."

The fire in her veins calms, and she closes her eyes and takes a deep breath as she reminds herself who she's talking to. When she opens her eyes a moment later to see the girl's soft blue eyes staring at her with concern, the flames go out entirely.

"It is fine," she sighs. "You did nothing wrong." She pauses, turning to look at her skeptically. "Though I very much question your taste in men."

She tilts her head. "Huh?"

Katarina gestures to the basket swinging in the blonde's hands. "Weren't you meaning to give that to Keith?"

Immediately, Maria's face flushes red. "L-Lady Katarina, it's not like that!"

She arches a brow. "Pardon?"

Maria frees one of her hands from the basket, gesturing frantically as she lets the other drop to her side. "Not at all! You misunderstood!"

She crosses her arms and rolls her eyes. "Forgive me for assuming that there is some other reason you would be spending time with the academy's most infamous playboy."

"We're just friends!" Maria exclaims, waving both her hands as the basket handle slides up her elbow.

"Perhaps that's what you think," interjects Katarina, looking at her suspiciously, "the veritable harem your lookalike gathered makes me doubt he feels the same way."

"Lookalike?" Maria repeats, before shaking her head and smiling awkwardly. "Lady Katarina, I'm not following you at all."

The noble lady's eyes widen slightly before she quickly recovers, tilting her head up and making a dismissive gesture. "Never-mind. It is irrelevant."

"I see," replies the light mage, who clearly does not. Her expression darkens. "Though honestly… I'm not sure Keith and I are even friends anymore."

"I see," Katarina nods. She pauses to lean close to Maria, examining her skeptically. "Even so, you're still getting awfully flustered."

The light mage buries her face in her hands, hiding her iridescent blush. "You're teasing me on purpose now, aren't you?"

The lady's eyes crinkle shut as she chuckles lightly. She pulls away a moment later, curling a finger around her chin as she grinningly appraises the embarrassed girl. "Teasing you? How?"

Maria lifts her head to reply, but something stops her as their gazes meet. The blonde stares, her wide blue eyes filled with an emotion Katarina can't quite recognize.

Katarina's smile falls. "What? Is there something on my face?"

"N-No, it's just…" She groans loudly as she once again buries her face in her hands. "I'm sorry. It's just a little hard for me to think straight around you sometimes."

Katarina arches an eyebrow at Maria's strange remark, but says nothing. Perhaps her unfamiliarity with noble decorum is the reason for her continued embarrassment? She may have to work on that later.

"A-Anyway," Maria says quickly as she removes her face from her hands, slides the basket down her arm, catches the handle in her palm, and presents it to Katarina. "I meant to give you this after your exam."

Katarina stares at the basket. After a moment, she raises a gloved hand and points to herself. "This is for me?"

The flustered light mage nods. "I wanted to thank you for everything you've done for me, and you seemed to really like the cookies I made at my house, so…"

Katarina nods slowly, gently taking the basket from her hands. She handles it delicately, as though it will shatter like glass at the slightest touch. Gingerly, she opens the basket. A delicious smell wafts from inside, and her eyes widen as she looks at its contents. The basket is filled to the brim with heart-shaped cookies. "Wow. You made a lot."

"S-Sorry," Maria stutters. "I got carried away. It's been a while since I've baked for someone else…"

A maelstrom of emotions twirls within Katarina's chest. She's grateful for Maria's gift, and she's glad to know she made Maria happy. Yet there's another emotion. One sapping the energy from the others.


After all, it's thanks to her premature judgement that Maria had been barred from kitchen in the first place. She had not even tried to confirm the light mage's identity before assuming she and the harlot were one and the same. Yet Maria has proven to be a near-unparalleled ally; loyal, kind, and supportive. Before the stunning showing today, and aside from Anne, Katarina knew of only one other ally worthy of being held in such high regard.

Well, that's what she thought at the time, at least. Evidently said former ally no longer feels the same way.

"Lady Katarina?" says Maria, tearing Katarina away from her thoughts. The light mage is wearing an uncertain expression. "Is something wrong?"

Katarina blinks before realizing she's wearing a rather displeased expression as she stares at the contents of the basket. "Ah, no, it's not that, it's just…" She shakes her head and sighs before turning back toward the light mage and smiling. "Thank you for the gift, Maria. They smell delicious."

Her expression immediately brightens, and she excitedly clasps her hands over her chest. "It's no trouble at all, Lady Katarina. If you ever want me to bake any more, please feel free to ask!"

The knot in her chest tightens. "Would you like to eat some of them with me? It'll be a while before Anne returns."

"I'd love to!" Maria replies enthusiastically, but then suddenly pauses, eyes widening as she suddenly remembers something. "Oh… sorry, I actually have a carriage waiting for me." She drops her head and wrings her hands. "Apologies, Lady Katarina. I hope you're not upset."

Katarina snorts in amusement. As if she'd actually be mad at her after that stunning display of loyalty, much less for such a perfectly reasonable excuse. Maria could even tear her dress or stomp on her foot right now, and Katarina would still be inclined to turn a blind eye. Well, so long as it was accidental, of course.

So, using her free hand, she gently presses a finger against the light mage's chin as she brings her face to meet hers. "You're fine," Katarina says, wearing a bemused smile as the easily-flustered blonde predictably goes red once again.

Maria stares at her with that strange emotion in her eyes until Katarina pulls away a moment later. Grasping one of her cheeks, the light mage shakes her head as a smile crosses her face. "I'm really glad I met you, Lady Katarina."

The lady's heart skips a beat as Maria's azure eyes lock with hers, her golden hair sparkling in the window light as she continues to wear that adorable expression.

"Me too," Katarina replies softly. It's completely surreal to be saying that to someone who shares her face. Yet, in spite of everything that's happened, she really means it.

"Please visit if you have time!" she pleads. "I'll bake you more sweets!"

The brunette snorts. "Well, I can't exactly decline that, can I?"

By the time Anne returns, Katarina's already eaten most of the basket's contents.

Her companion looks down at the basket, arching a brow. "Miss Campbell brought these?"

The noble lady nods enthusiastically. "These are the best sugar cookies I've ever had!" She holds one out. "Do you want one, Anne?"

Anne's brown eyes widen slightly. "Lady Katarina, do you find anything odd about the shape?"

Katarina pauses mid-bite, crossing her eyes as she lifts the cookie to her face. "They look like hearts?"

"Do you think there may be some significance to that?"

Another pause. "Maria really likes hearts?"

Anne closes her eyes and shakes her head. "Never-mind," she sighs.

Katarina scowls. "So do you want the cookie or not?"

"I will pass, My Lady." A small smile crosses the maid's lips. "After all, I am clearly not the intended recipient."

"More for me," the noble shrugs, popping it into her mouth.

"Are you ready to leave, My Lady? The carriage is ready."

Katarina holds up a finger. "Just one more." She takes a bite of another cookie, savoring the sweet flavor as it melts in her mouth. She swallows the delectable treat and sighs wistfully. "So good!"

"You should pace yourself," Anne warns. "You'll get a stomach ache at this rate."

"You're right," she groans, folding the basket closed. "It's just… not only are they nostalgic, but they remind me of Joana's too."


"Why do you sound so confused?" Katarina asks, holding the basket by its handles as she rises to her feet. "Isn't she your boss?"

Anne folds her hands behind her back. "As your personal maid, I answer only to you and your parents, Lady Katarina." Her brow furrows, and she shifts back to a more neutral stance. "Yet I am surprised to hear the head maid would indulge in such matters."

"Back when she was a scullery maid, she'd make them whenever I asked!" Katarina grins. "I thought they were the most delicious things in the world!"

A smirk adorns Anne's features as she glances away. "Ah. I see."

"Maria's are better, though," the noble declares. "Of course, I wouldn't turn down either of them, but if I had to pick, the choice is obvious."

Anne's brown eyes flit back to her. "Your passion for sweets is evident, My Lady."

"I'm glad you understand, Anne. Whenever I try to explain it to Mother, she just reminds me to watch my portions."

"I'm sure she is just looking out for you, My Lady."

"I know that! And I follow her advice, too! I just don't understand why no-one else sees the issue with putting all the sweets on one table and letting you take as many as you want, if you're not actually allowed to take more than a few! It's completely illogical! Not only that, it's cruel! They're intentionally tempting you to take more than you should!"

The maid covers her mouth in horror as her stifled protestations cause her chest to convulse. "I believe I see the severity of the situation."

Katarina nods in approval. "I'm glad someone else can see it! I swear, it must be some kind of conspiracy by noble pastry makers. The whole system is corrupt!"

After a few more moments to come to terms with the unjustness of the situation, her companion finally removes her hand from her mouth, revealing a wide smile. Clearly, she too must be filled with revolutionary zeal!

"Beg your pardon, My Lady, but I believe you're forgetting your book."

All thoughts of sweets escape from her mind as she turns around to see the green cover of Sophia and the Emerald Princess still lying on the table. She reaches down to pick it up, only to find Anne holding the door open for her when she looks back up.

"Come along, Lady Katarina," she smiles. "We can talk more in the carriage, but we should get moving while there's still daylight."

Just as Katarina steps into the carriage, a voice carries out over the front gardens. "L-Lady Claes!"

"Hm?" She looks over her shirt to see a white-haired girl hitching her skirt as she bounds over to her, her brother following calmly behind.

Katarina steps down from the carriage, turning to face her. "Lady Ascart?"

The petite noble comes to a stop a few feet away from her, holding up her hand for a moment as she catches her breath. During this time, Nicol halts a bit further back, his expression unreadable as he looks on. After a few moments, she begins to realize why so many of her previous allies were infatuated with the nobleman.

Her eyes flick back to his sibling as Lady Ascart straightens her back and rises to her (somewhat meager) full height.

"B-Before you go, I wanted you to have this." She raises her other hand, revealing a small thornless red rose that had previously escaped Katarina's notice. The color matches her eyes.

Katarina brushes against Lady Ascart's soft hands as she gently accepts the flower, turning the rose over as its sweet fragrance wafts into her nose. A strange sense of déjà vu washes over her. Something about this scenario seems familiar.

Wait… this is a scene from Sophia and the Emerald Princess, isn't it? Yes, it's from when Sophia first met the princess in the gardens! The kind-hearted commoner, Sophia, gave a red rose to Princess Emerald to try and cheer her up, which lead to the beginning of their beautiful friendship.

A smile crosses Katarina's face as she looks up from the flower. Sophia's long hair may be a strange pale white, and her eyes a piercing crimson, yet there's definitely beauty in the girl's exotic appearance. Quite honestly, she makes her namesake from the novel sound quite plain by comparison. As beautiful as she's described as being, there's no doubt that the Sophia of the book's black hair and dark eyes would be far less eye-catching.

Then, the brunette's smile falls, and bitterness twists in her stomach. Is she the only member of the council not blessed with supernaturally good looks? How is it that even a cursed child surpasses her?

"L-Lady Claes?"

She looks back at the young Ascart, whose pleading red eyes are now filled with anxiety.

"D-Do you not l-like it?"

Katarina's eyes go wide, and it takes her a moment to process what's happened. Panicking, she blurts the first thing that comes to mind. "What beautiful hair you have… would you mind if I ran my fingers through it, just ever so slightly?"

The young Ascart stares at her, mouth wide.

Immediately, Katarina cringes. Why on Earth did she just say a line from the novel? It's a total non-sequitur. Not only that, but the reference is vague at best. Lady Ascart might think she literally just wants to run her fingers through her hair. The chance she will even recognize the meaning behind her exclamation is—

"I… suppose it would not be an issue, your majesty," Sophia recites, a radiant smile spreading across her face. "You've been reading Sophia and the Emerald Princess?"

"Well, yes," Katarina blinks. "Why do you sound so surprised? You are the one who gave it to me, after all."

"O-Of course I know that!" she nods, "b-but I thought…"

"Thought what?"

Her red eyes glance away. "W-Well, you never told me when you'd like to meet for our reading sessions…"

"Eh?" Katarina tilts her head. "I mean, pardon? Did we not agree to conduct them over the weekends?"

Lady Ascart glances back up. "Y-You're still interested?"

"Of course I am!" Katarina shouts. "What kind of lady would I be if I went back on my word?"

The white-haired girl pumps her fists. "R-Right! T-That's what we'll do then!"

Katarina closes her eyes and nods confidently. "Good! I'm glad that's settled, Sophia."

No sooner have the words left her mouth, her eyes fly open. Lady Ascart is again looking at her with wide eyes, a troubled expression on her face. Katarina curses inwardly. She'd been thinking so much about the character that she'd forgotten decorum.

"P-Pardon," Katarina stammers, trying to recover. "I meant Lady—"

"Lady Claes," the girl interrupts. Her lips part into a soft smile. "I have told you this before, but I would like it very much if you would just call me Sophia."

This time, unlike before, her voice does not waver. Her tone belies a confidence in her words that did not exist before. Indeed, her enthusiastic smile seems charged with absolute certainty.

Katarina tilts up her nose as she looks away, ignoring the warmth in her cheeks. "Fine. But you must call me 'Lady Katarina' in return."

"I look forward to it," Sophia smiles, "Lady Katarina."

Trying something a little different this time around! This chapter is by far the longest yet. It's almost double the length of the second-longest. I debated splitting it into two, but for a number of reasons I decided to do it all as one. I'm in the mood for experimentation. Let me know your liked this style, or if you prefer shorter chapters!

Anyway, it's been a while! My original plan was to work on several chapters in one big batch over the break and then space out the uploads weekly. That... didn't really work out. I did work on more chapters than just this, and they are in various states of completion, but they are not ready for primetime. On the plus side, I sort of have a buffer now? So that's nice, I guess.

Anyway, every time I make a statement regarding future upload schedules, I end up being wrong. So I won't make one. I will say that none of you should worry about me dropping this story anytime soon. My uploads may be increasingly spotty, erratic, and a little annoying, but I have every intention of seeing this through. It's just that real life keeps getting in the way.

Special thanks to mariagonerlj for her feedback and editing help!
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