Chapter 40: Similarity
Chapter 40: Similarity

The longer she serves on the student council, the less Mary understands Katarina Claes.

She's heard the rumors, of course. Who hasn't? The ducal daughter who woke up one morning claiming to be a time-traveler… now supposedly a master seductress with both men and women wrapped around her fingers.

Mary had guessed there to be a kernel of truth to the insane stories that reached her ears, but her own experience with Lady Claes had left her baffled at the idea that the lady's affections could at all be reciprocated. Yet, as she watches the councilors fawn over her… Lady Claes hardly lifts a finger. Instead of the woman throwing herself at suitors, it seems that the suitors are throwing themselves at her.

Behind the lively, jovial conversation that fills the council chambers, there's an uneasy tension in the air; a shared suspicion that most of the councilors seem to hold, but don't dare vocalize.

Almost all of them have feelings for Lady Claes.

Even, painfully, her Alan.

It's not that Lady Claes isn't fetching. The brunette has been described as a cold, haughty beauty, but that hasn't quite been Mary's impression. She smiles much more readily than such a description would suggest, for one, and there's an undeniable intrigue in seeing those cold, sharp features light up with warmth. While such an ingénue act would usually grate on Mary, the longer she spends with Lady Claes, the more she's faced with a seemingly impossible conclusion:

Maybe Lady Claes really doesn't know.

It seems inconceivable at first. After all, Lady Claes has always had a reputation as a proud beauty. Yet despite the gazes of Prince Gerald, Prince Alan, and – to Mary's minor shock – even Lady Ascart and Miss Campbell… Lady Claes seems almost entirely oblivious to their affection. Even with her own fiancé – Prince Gerald – Lady Claes seems hesitant, as though she does not trust that his affection is genuine.

Even with all their feelings seemingly unreciprocated, it's hard for Mary to not despair at the implication of it all; to sink deeper and deeper into her seat as the council sessions pass. How can she compete with a seductress so charming, Lady Claes has no idea she even is one? How can she be angry at a woman who does not even understand that she has stolen Alan's heart?

Lady Claes may not be an exotic beauty, but she is very beautiful: A well-proportioned princess with eyes that shine like jewels and a radiant smile. Mary is not at all like her, with her rust-stained hair and overripe figure. She knows at an intellectual level that she herself is considered beautiful, but how can that be true when Alan's eyes hardly glance at her? When all the others fawn over Lady Claes' brown hair and genuine smiles? No matter how hard Mary tries to catch his gaze… his eyes look to Lady Claes, not her.

She is a statue. An elegantly-sculpted art piece to be marveled at from a distance, briefly… but never for long. And never to be loved.

Yet… if she truly loves Alan… If she wishes him to be happy…

There is only one option left, is there not?

"I really am no match for you."

The voice is so quiet, Katarina almost doesn't hear it. She looks over her shoulder, finding Lady Hunt standing in the courtyard behind her. The lady offers a warm, dignified smile before closing her eyes. Her copper hair catches the evening sunlight as she dips her head forward. "You really aren't anything like I imagined, Lady Claes."

Katarina's lips part as she turns to face her. Even though Lady Hunt is complimenting her, something feels off. "Thank you, Lady Hunt?" Has she followed her from the council chambers?

The girl opens her eyes, returning to full height as she folds her hands before her yellow dress. "Please… call me Mary." She raises a hand to her chest, offering a warm smile. "It is the least I can offer, after how I have treated you."

The smile she wears does not reach her eyes.

Katarina's eyes narrow. "What is this really about, Lady Hunt?"

Lady Hunt's composure falters, and her perfect smile strains as she tilts her head. "Lady Claes… Please do not make this harder than it already is." She takes a deep breath, stiffening as she forces the smile back to her lips. "I was wrong about you, can't you see?" She closes her eyes, flashing a grin. "I know you'll be a good companion to my prince."

Katarina crosses her arms, raising a brow as she scrutinizes her. "Companion?" Her expression softens. "What do you mean? Why do you seem so distraught?"

The marquis' daughter stands statue-still, the expression of forced happiness stuck on her face. "Distraught? I am simply letting you know that if you decide–"

"Lady Hunt, do you not trust me enough to be honest with your feelings?" Katarina's frown deepens. "You are clearly upset. I can tell you are forcing a smile."

She is silent for another few moments. "You are really making this quite difficult, Lady Claes."

Katarina shakes her head. "Have I made you upset, Lady Hunt?"

Her eyes open, and her lips fall into a frown. She steps forward, straightening her arms. "Lady Claes, please!" She blinks, realizing she's lost her composure, and snaps back to her perfect form, struggling ever-more to keep up her smile. "I just want you to know that I am… happy for you. No matter what happens… I will not stand in your way."

Katarina tilts her head. "Lady Hunt, please speak plainly to me."

"Why do you care?" she says eventually, and her voice wavers as her façade shatters. Tears run down her cheeks as her lips pare into a grimace. "I can't…" she wipes her orange sleeve against her face, shaking her head. "I can't stop it from happening, anyway…"

Katarina's arms fall to her sides as she steps toward the noblewoman, laying a hand on her shoulder. "Stop what from happening?"

Lady Hunt shakes her head, clutching her chest as her eyes wince shut. "It doesn't matter. I… just thought… I thought saying it would give me closure. Make it feel like it was my choice…"

Why Lady Hunt seems unable to simply spit out the cause of her anguish annoys Katarina… but she feels so much worse at seeing her distress. There is something uncomfortably familiar about the pain in her voice.

"Lady Hunt… if I have upset you in some way, I would greatly like to know." Katarina feels a lump in her throat as her hand tightens around the girl's shoulder. "I want to get along with you. I told you as much, didn't I?"

Lady Hunt chokes back a sob, still shaking her head. "It is not your fault, Lady Claes. I thought it was, but…" Her grimace grows ever-more pained. "Why are you even wasting your time on me, Lady Claes?" She steps away from the lady's grip, folding her hands across her chest as she clutches her shoulders and looks away. "Please… just go and be with the people you care about. This was a poor decision. I will not try something so foolish again."

Katarina considers it for a moment. This encounter has been confusing. She's not sure what it is even supposed to be about. Lady Hunt is congratulating her on her friendship to Alan? Giving Alan to her? It cannot be that: There is not a man alive that will pass up a woman as stunning as Lady Hunt for herself.

Maybe Lady Hunt simply needs a reminder of that.

"Do you remember when we first met, Lady Hunt? At your family's tea party all those years ago?" Katarina begins, not waiting for her response before continuing. "Frankly, at the time… I hardly noticed you. You seemed boring. Just a shy wallflower girl that I had no interest in whatsoever."

Lady Hunt's expression sinks further, clutching her shoulders even more tightly.

"Imagine my shock when I next saw you at the palace with Gerald, holding Alan's hand. You were chosen to be my future sister-in-law? A future royal? I thought that was funny… until I saw you at Gerald's birthday gala the next year."

The girl looks up to her, tilting her head as she watches with tearful eyes. Katarina averts her gaze, crossing her arms as her cheeks start to burn.

"You were stunning. Your etiquette was flawless. Even at that young age, I could tell you were everything a noble lady should be; everything I wanted to be. I was very, very jealous."

Lady Hunt blinks, rubbing her face with her orange sleeve as the tears dry up. "I remember the faces you made at me…" She smiles, though it quickly fades as she looks up at Katarina. "Why are you telling me this?"

Katarina doesn't look her in the eye. It is still very hard to admit what comes next. "Because I am still jealous of you, even now."

Lady Hunt lets out a small gasp, clutching her chest as embarrassment reddens her cheeks. Then, she looks down, shaking her head. "No. Lady Claes… You should not envy me. What I have given up to become what I am… I wonder if it was worth it all."

"You did it for Alan." It's a guess, but Katarina knows the moment she says it that it's true. "You changed yourself, because you wanted to be worthy to stand at his side."

Lady Hunt says nothing, but the silence is all the answer Katarina needs.

"I am the same. I wanted to be the perfect wife for Gerald. The epitome of nobility." Katarina looks at Lady Hunt. "That is why I became so jealous of you: You are much better at it than me."

Lady Hunt lets out a sharp breath of air; almost a chuckle. "Thanks… I suppose."

Katarina nods. "We are both princes' fiancée's. We understand each other, do we not? We both know what we have discarded on the journey there."

Lady Hunt nods in turn.

"I don't know what has caused you so much distress, Lady Hunt, and you do not have to tell me if it makes you uncomfortable, but…" Katarina steps forward, offering her gloved hand "… I'd like to at least soothe your nerves." She smiles, tilting her head. "Perhaps share a cup of tea?"

Lady Hunt looks up in confusion, but smiles as she takes Katarina's hand. "I… think I would like that, Lady Claes."

Lady Claes thanks her maid as the short-haired woman places a tea platter on the table between her mistress and her impromptu guest. Mary takes the teacup, sipping gently.

It's a strong flavor… but not an unpleasant one.

The ducal daughter's dormitory is as resplendent as one would expect for a woman of her status; it is practically a small house unto itself. The guest room is patterned with elegant blue wallpaper, and full of extravagant furniture. The chair she sits on, the table Lady Claes sips tea over… all exquisitely-crafted. All very comfortable.

Lady Claes is blessed with everything: Money, beauty, love… Why make such an effort for her?

"So, Lady Hunt…" Lady Claes places her teacup on its platter before leaning back in her chair. "…Are you feeling better now?"

Mary's cheeks flush as she avoids her azure gaze. "Yes. Thank you, Lady Claes." In truth, she's quite grateful that Lady Claes failed to understand her intentions from earlier. What had possessed her to think that 'giving' Alan to her would be a good idea? Neither he nor Lady Claes are even aware of their attraction!

The brunette, ignorant to her thoughts, simply claps her hands together, smiling broadly. "Glad to hear it! I find a cup of Anne's tea calms my nerves as well."

Mary nods, genuinely feeling much better as she replaces the teacup on its platter and sinks back into her plush seat. She turns to the brunette, offering her a smile. "I very much appreciate your hospitality, Lady Claes."

The lady nods. "Is there anything else I can get you? My other maid – Isabel – brews a very relaxing blend if Anne's is not to your taste."

Mary blinks. Katarina has two personal maids? Well… the Claes can certainly afford it, she supposes. Nonetheless, she shakes her head. "I am quite content with what you have given me." She looks away again. "Truthfully… I do not deserve this kindness at all, Lady Claes. I have been very foolish in how I have treated you…"

Not just this whole debacle… but in her earlier refusal to believe the woman is exactly what she has proven herself to be: A woman of principle, unaware that she has even caught Alan's eye.

Lady Claes waves a white-gloved hand dismissively, the gold bracelet around her arm jingling as she does. "Water under the bridge, Lady Hunt. As I told you…" she glances away as well "…I have not always been very kind to you either."

They both look back to each other, smiling as a bit of the tension lifts from the air.

"You are right," Mary replies, lifting the teacup up once more as she takes another sip. "You were right earlier, as well. We are both the fiancées of princes." She grins. "We are more similar than we are different."

Lady Claes shakes her arms, clearly giddy at the response. Then, her eyes widen, and a moment later, she's once again the picture of nobility, gently nodding her head. "Of course, Lady Hunt." It does not take long for that glee to seep back into her smile, though. "I am very excited to finally get to spend some time with you, you know. Even now, when I realize that maybe I want to be a different kind of noblewoman than I was trying to be…" her eyes dart to the side, cheeks reddening "…It's hard not to admire someone who works so hard to embody the ideal."

Mary feels her teacup shake in her grip; heart beating in her ears as she struggles to swallow. "That… is very kind of you, Lady Claes." She steadies herself with a deep breath. "Forgive me… but I did not think you the type to ordinarily give out compliments."

Lady Claes scoffs, waving her hand dismissively as she turns back to Mary. "I do not." A small grin parts her lips. "But you are not ordinary, Lady Hunt."

Her cheeks burst into an inferno. She places the teacup back on the table, clearing her throat as she averts her gaze. "Thank you… I just…" she sighs, shaking her head as her eyes sink to her lap. "I wish my Alan could see it the same way…"

The lady across from her is silent for a while, and Mary knows she's said too much. "Lady Hunt… is Alan mistreating you?" There's a hint of terror in her voice as she asks it, like the idea scares her on some visceral level.

Mary is not sure why: She's seen the way Prince Gerald looks at her during the council meetings. How can someone as cherished as Lady Claes understand what it's like to be neglected by the one you love the most?

Still… the anger she expects that question to summon never arrives, and she merely sighs instead. "Mistreat? No," Mary replies. "Rather… I wonder more and more if Alan really feels the same way for me as I do for him."

When she gains the courage to look back at Lady Claes, the brunette's features are wide with shock. "You love him, do you not?"

Mary smiles sadly into her teacup, looking at her despondent expression in the ripples of its surface. "I do." Even now, as her feelings fray from neglect and envy… she still holds feelings for the first man to tell her that she is special and holds wonderful talent. Those words had given her the strength to endure the cruel mockery of her stepsisters over the ensuing years; granted her the confidence in herself to become a woman worthy of standing at his side.

Or, at least… they had.

"Then…" Lady Claes says, tone unsure, "…will you not fight for him?"

Mary blinks, looking up from her teacup. "What do you mean?"

"If you fear he does not love you, then…" Lady Claes' expression sharpens "…you should fight for him. Show him you are the woman he needs."

A strange feeling grips Mary's chest, even as she resists the urge to laugh. "Lady Claes, it's not that simple—"

"Isn't it?" The brunette's eyes narrow. "I find it hard to believe Alan would not be clay in your capable hands if you merely allowed yourself to mold him."

A different feeling takes her with those words; one utterly unfamiliar. "L-Lady Claes," Mary chokes. "Surely, you must be joking?"

"Am I, Lady Hunt?" Her frigid blue eyes glare at her as she crosses her arms. "Do you not think I do not notice how differently you act when you clash with me?" Her soft lips purse into a frown. "Do you think I do not notice how you unleash your passions, instead of hiding them behind a mask?"

For a moment, Mary finds herself at a complete loss for words as her hands grip her dress. Then, she sighs. "That is… an ugly part of me, Lady Claes." Her eyes again drop to her teacup. "I am not proud that I have shown it so readily to you…"

Lady Claes clicks her tongue. "You will not be doing any favors to Alan if you simply relegate yourself to being a smiling face." Her tone softens. "You do not need to yell at him like you did to me… but have you even once told him, 'I love you?'"

Mary's face contorts in sadness. She has not. She is too afraid to say it, and too afraid to hear his answer. Especially now.

"Men are… strange," Lady Claes says, clearly understanding Mary's answer despite her silence. "They expect us to know their feelings without ever telling us." She goes quiet for a bit. "Have you considered that Alan may not believe he is worthy of your love?"

That, she laughs at. "Oh, Lady Claes, you misunderstand." Mary looks up at the brunette with a sad smile. "I am the youngest and lowest of my siblings." Her false smile sinks. "I am the one unworthy of him."

The answer doesn't seem to sit right with Lady Claes, who uncrosses her arms as her gaze travels down and up her figure. "Well," she says eventually, looking at her very intensely, "I respectfully disagree."

The strange feeling rushes back to Mary as she takes another sip of tea to hide her blush.

"Anyway," Lady Claes continues, sighing as she leans back in her chair and takes a sip of tea. "I want you to know that I am very grateful you have been trying so hard to get along with me, Lady Hunt." A genuine smile curls her lips. "I would like to continue getting to know you better. Wouldn't you agree?"

The feeling intensifies as Mary nods her head.

"Just please consider my advice, okay?" Lady Claes' expression shifts to one of concern as she takes another sip. "It breaks my heart to see someone as lovely as you unhappy."

Mary places her teacup back on its platter, feeling oddly light-headed as she smiles. "Thank you, Lady Claes..." she hesitates, then adds "…but please. I meant what I said earlier." She looks up at the brunette, closing her eyes as she grins. "I would be very happy if you simply called me Mary."

Mary is one of the characters I have been anticipating writing the most. I hope it is now clear why!
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Okay, Mary, this isn't acceptable; you knew what to avoid going into this, and you still fell for her labyrinthine wiles and cunning flattery hook line and sinker.

That said, I'm surprised Mary hadn't noticed Gerald's lack-until-recently of affection for Katarina. Perhaps she has fiance tunnel vision, or perhaps I'm just assuming that perception was far more public than it actually was.
Okay, Mary, this isn't acceptable; you knew what to avoid going into this, and you still fell for her labyrinthine wiles and cunning flattery hook line and sinker.
Is it really a mistake when part of you wants the pretty girl to tell you she likes you and thinks you're special? :evil:

That said, I'm surprised Mary hadn't noticed Gerald's lack-until-recently of affection for Katarina. Perhaps she has fiance tunnel vision, or perhaps I'm just assuming that perception was far more public than it actually was.
Mary's heard the rumors, she's just convinced that they must have been utterly wrong. After all, she's never seen Gerald acting anything but affectionate towards Katarina.

She might have been able to pick up on it during the times the princes and their fiancées were together for royal events, but she would have almost certainly been far too focused on Alan during those times to see past Gerald's mask and notice his irritation toward Katarina back then.
Chapter 41: Desire
Chapter 41: Desire

As the morning sun pours into the library atrium, Lady Katarina slams her book down on the table. "I want to make Alan and Mary realize their love."

Sienna looks up from her textbook with a start, face contorting in confusion. "What? Why?"

Katarina's expression hardens. "Because Mary is a wonderful woman, and I cannot bear to see her feeling as I once did."

Sienna raises a brow at Katarina's casual address of Mary, but shakes her head. "Well, from what I can tell from when Alan studies with us…" Sienna glances away, a pained smile parting her lips "…that may be more difficult than you think, Lady Katarina."

At that moment, Maria rounds the corner, holding another book as she drops down into the seat next to Sienna. "What are we talking about, now?"

Katarina blinks, momentarily distracted by the sight of the two sitting side by side. It's not the first she's seen of their new friendship, of course, but… it is something she has yet to adjust to. "You two are studying together?"

They both glance at each other, nodding as they look back to Katarina.

"Yes," Sienna replies first. "Miss Maria has proven quite insightful in my studies."

Maria returns the grin. "Lady Sienna, you are far too humble." She looks back to Katarina. "She has been helping me improve my spellcasting form."

Sienna closes her eyes and makes a dismissive wave of her hand, even as a small grin remains on her face. "Oh, it's nothing. Anyone can incorporate a Simon-Lautrec Polythaumic Amplifier into their casting routine if they drill it enough!"

Katarina just blinks. "I see…" She does not. "Anyway," Katarina continues, looking between the both of them as she lowers her voice. "Like I said, I want to get Alan and Mary together. Do you two have any ideas?"

Maria flushes, looking at Sienna before glancing back to the brunette. She grimaces. "…I think that might be harder than you think, Lady Katarina."

Sienna opens a single gold eye as her lips pull into a frown. "That is exactly what I told her as well."

Katarina groans. "But why?"

The girls once again glance between each other before looking back to Katarina.

"Lady Katarina…" Maria begins, "…don't you think Alan might have feelings for someone else?"

Katarina stiffens in her chair, eyes widening as the terror of that idea seeps in. She clamps it down, closing her eyes as she shakes her head. "No. Alan wouldn't do that to Mary." She refuses to accept that the fourth prince would take after that other world's version of his brother in that respect.

She hears Sienna speak next. "Even if he doesn't realize he's doing it, Lady Katarina?"

Katarina scoffs at the idea. "No-one is that dense."

There is a long, uncomfortable silence at that. Eventually, Katarina opens her eyes to find both light and wind mage staring at her. "What?"

"N-Nothing, Lady Katarina!" Maria assures her, holding up her hands as she forces a smile.

Sienna just glances to the side, grinning sadly at a random bookshelf.

Katarina crosses her arms, pouting. "Well, hilarity aside, this is something I feel rather strongly about." Her eyes narrow. "I will not abide seeing Lady Hunt in such a state. Will you two help me assist her?"

They both snap back to face her, offering expressions of confidence as they nod their heads.

"Have you tried asking Lady Sophia?" Maria asks. "I know she's very interested in romance."

It seems so obvious now that Katarina feels embarrassed that the girl hadn't been her first stop. "No," she replies, glancing away as her cheeks flush, "I hadn't thought of it until now."

"Lady…" Sienna's brow furrows "…You mean the cursed child?"

Her gold eyes widen as Katarina glares in response.

"Do not call her that." Katarina's tone is level, but clearly displeased.

Sienna glances away. "My apologies… I know she is a friend of yours as well…" She shakes her head, looking back at Katarina with a resolute expression. "It is also a stupid prejudice, and I should know better than to believe in stupid prejudices. You are right to call me out for using that term."

Katarina nods in agreement, though her features soften when she looks back at the wind mage. "Assuming you can fix your language… I'd quite like to introduce you two."

Maria smiles, looking at the brunette. "That sounds like a lovely idea, Lady Katarina!" She gasps, blue eyes sparkling. "We could even introduce her to all your friends on the council!"

Sienna seems less than enthused at that prospect, offering a weak smile as she glances to Maria. "I believe just Lady Ascart will do for now…"

Both Maria and Katarina share a laugh.

Sienna grips her arm awkwardly as she stands behind Lady Katarina in the Ascart's luxurious dorm.

It's not that she's unfamiliar with the level of accommodations afforded to Sorciér's most influential nobles. She has, after all, seen the interior of Lady Katarina's dorm before, and that is practically a small house. Lady Ascart's accommodations are more modest in comparison… even as she struggles to believe this elegantly-furnished parlor can in any way be described as modest.

It's also not that she genuinely believes any of that nonsense about Lady Ascart being cursed. Her gaffe at the library aside, she's really only picked up the term from hearing some of Lady Katarina's old followers – her former underlings – use it. Her contrition upon seeing Lady Katarina's reaction had been genuine – she's heard it so often, she's forgotten that it is an insult.

Sienna is hesitant, rather… because she still does not quite know how to handle the idea that Lady Katarina has other friends.

Maria is one thing. In an odd way, the two of them were already well-acquainted: Only the nature of that relationship has changed. The others? Sienna is anxious. What if they do not like her? What if she does not like them? Certainly, she understands that she needn't be friends with all of Lady Katarina's other friends… but could such a spat not strain her friendship with the brunette herself? Perhaps even drive her to end it?

She jumps a little as the door to Lady Ascart's room opens. The white-haired girl steps out with clear excitement on her pale features, but trepidation fills her crimson eyes as she sees Sienna.

"O-Oh." Her voice is quiet as she glances down to the floor. "H-Hello…"

Sienna has seen Lady Ascart from a distance, but never quite so close. Here… it is very easy to see why Lady Katarina must be so taken with her. The young woman's porcelain skin and long white hair... Like a doll brought to life, she is a finely-crafted beauty.

It is something she very much shares with her brother, in Sienna's assessment.

"Sophia, this is my friend, Sienna Nelson." Lady Katarina points to Sienna, and she does her best to wave and smile despite her own anxiety. "She's the firstborn daughter of the Nelson Barony, and a very good friend of mine."

There's a moment of silence, and Lady Katarina elbows her shoulder to remind her to speak.

Right. She is only talking to the daughter of the prime minister. Definitely no pressure, so she most certainly does not panic when she executes perhaps the worst curtsy she's ever performed in her life, or try to keep her voice level as she starts her formal introduction. "Hello. I am Lady Sienna Nelson. It is nice to meet you, Lady Ascart."

The white-haired noble falls into a matching routine – complete even with mirroring the horrible, nervous shaking – and the atmosphere seems to lighten a bit as Lady Katarina guides Sienna into a plush sofa across from the one the petite woman takes a seat in.

"Sophia… I come to you with a matter of grave importance," Lady Katarina begins.

Lady Ascart lets out a soft gasp as she looks up from the floor, suddenly looking at Lady Katarina with a vibrant intensity. "What is it, Lady Katarina!?"

Lady Katarina clutches her chest, swooning as though an actress in a play. "It is a matter of the heart…" She closes her eyes, tilting her head back. "Of broken love!"

Sienna just stares at her in utter confusion. What is she doing?

Somehow, Lady Ascart seems to take it in stride, gasping once more as she sits on the edge of her seat, brushing her long bangs away as she looks at Lady Katarina seriously. Her eyes narrow. "This sounds dire indeed!" She glances to Sienna, only a moment of hesitation creeping into her demeanor as she looks her over. "Is this your doing, Lady Nelson?"

For a moment, those red eyes seem to glow.

Sienna holds up her hands, shaking her head. "Ah… No. Not me."

Lady Katarina nods her head, snapping back to her seated position as she holds her nose up high. "My friend speaks the truth!" She pumps a gloved fist. "It is the romance between Alan and Mary I speak of!"

Sienna turns to her friend, finally working up the nerve to ask the obvious question. "Why are you talking like that?"

Lady Katarina opens an eye for a moment as her lips curl into a grin. "Because," she continues in that overwrought, sing-song voice as she strikes yet another pose, "it is fun!"

Sienna's jaw falls, and she gapes at Lady Katarina. Then, after another moment of thought, she shrugs. Lady Katarina will do as she pleases. There's no point belaboring it.

Lady Ascart interjects with a thoughtful hum, her snow-white hair catching the afternoon sunlight as she shifts in her seat and brings a hand to her chin. "Those two are just like the couple in Romance of Autumn Hearts," she whispers, in the same reverent tone one would use to announce a great insight into the nature of the universe.

"Then tell me, great sage," Lady Katarina pleads, opening her eyes as she claps her hands together in a pleading hold, "what is their path to happiness?"

Sienna quietly decides that it actually is a bit amusing to watch.

The pale-haired girl makes a sweeping motion with her arms, palms glowing as she summons a soft breeze. She clasps them together in front of her chest, closing her eyes as the soft winds cause her white hair and green dress to billow dramatically. "You must find a way to make them admit their love to one another, noble heroine. You must make them both see what they cannot on their own. Only then, can their love be repaired!"

As the glow disappears from Lady Ascart's palms, the two friends hold their poses for a moment longer… then erupt into laughter. Sienna feels a bit awkward as she tries to laugh along. In truth, she feels a bit like she's intruding.

Still, neither one of them seems to mind as they relax back into their seats, offering big smiles to both each other and to her.

"Sorry," Lady Katarina giggles. "We do a lot of stuff like this usually… but it was also so funny to see how you were reacting!"

Lady Ascart holds a hand to her mouth as her crimson eyes crinkle with amusement. "We got a bit carried away!"

Sienna is not too pleased at the laugh at her expense… but she does notice that Lady Ascart seems much more relaxed around her now. Was that Lady Katarina's intention all along?

"Oh, I'm being a terrible host," Lady Ascart finally says, shaking her head as she forces her laughter to halt. "In truth… I am very happy to meet you, Sienna!"

Lady Ascart says her name very casually, but Sienna decides to go along with it, mirroring the action as much as her own status will allow. "It is good to meet you as well, Lady Sophia."

Lady Sophia seems to take a shine to that, squealing softly at the noble calling her by her first name. Not that Sienna is high enough in social status to drop her title as Lady Katarina does, but… still. It's surprisingly endearing.

"Lady Katarina has told me all about you," Lady Sophia says, suddenly very interested in the fellow wind mage. "You're a bit of a bookworm too, yes?"

Sienna flushes at that. "Mostly non-fiction… but I do dabble from time to time." It had been hard not to, given how little she could do at the estate. Or afford outside it. "Still…" she glances away "…I've focused on my research since arriving at the academy."

"I understand. Still… if you're interested…" she flashes a wide smile at Sienna "…you're more than welcome to join our next book meet-up!"

Despite herself, Sienna finds herself hesitantly returning the expression.

"As for you, Lady Katarina…" Lady Sophia looks back to the Lady Katarina "…I did mean what I said earlier. You need to show them that they both want the best for each other!" Her smile falls a bit. "Sorry I can't be of more help."

Lady Katarina shakes her head. "Not at all, Sophia! Your advice is very helpful!" She lingers on the question for a bit, bringing a finger to her chin. "Still… How can I get them to see it?"

Then, in a decision that Sienna fears she may come to regret, she raises her hand above her head. "Pardon… but I think I have an idea?"

"You want me to join your study group?"

Katarina nods at Mary, offering the lady a large grin as she stands at the threshold of her dormitory room. "At first it was just Sienna and I, but then we had a falling out and I ended up studying with Alan, but now Sienna is back studying with me and also Maria too which caught me off guard but I'm happy about, and I think Sophia's going to be coming to this next one as well so I'd really like–" A bit too late, Katarina catches herself, cheeks flushing as she catches her breath. "Ah… Pardon me. What I mean to say is that the practical examinations are coming up soon. Does it not seem like a good time to brush up on our fundamentals?"

Mary shifts in the doorway, offering a small grin at Katarina's inadvertent rant before her lips fall into a hesitant frown. "I do not know, Lady Katarina." She crosses her arms, looking to the side. "I am not sure I am wanted there…"

"I want you there!"

Mary snaps back to Katarina, cheeks aglow.

Katarina feels a rush of embarrassment, but she pushes through it, shaking her head. "It is my study group, is it not?" She grins, swinging a gloved hand out to her side before gesturing at herself and tilting up her nose. "I would like you to join. That is all that matters!"

Mary stares at her for another moment before erupting in a grin of her own, laughing softly as she reaches out an arm to steady herself against the doorframe. "Lady Katarina… You are quite the jester, you know?"

Katarina's smile weakens, but she shakes her head. "No, it's true! Besides, Maria, Sienna, and Sophia all know you are coming." She shifts a hand to her hip, holding the other at her side. "You have already met two of them, and the third is who suggested I invite you!"

Mary looks up at her, a hesitant expression again crossing her features as her mirth fades. "It is not them I am anxious about…"

Katarina suppresses a frown looks down at her dress, watching the blue, white, and cyan fabric ripple as she taps her boot against the hallway floor. How can she break this deadlock? Mary must be present for Sienna's plan to have any chance of success! For her own good, she cannot allow her to decline. Yet it is not as though she can force her to attend, either.

She looks up, eyes narrowing. At the very least, she will make her circumstances extremely clear.

Katarina steps forward, grasping the peach skin of the Mary's ungloved hand. The woman looks up with a gasp, turning to face her. "Lady Katarina?"

"Listen to me, Mary." Katarina leans forward until her face is all that's reflected in Mary's auburn gaze. "You must have more confidence in yourself. You are the fiancée of a prince: A future royal. Do you think you stand beside me by mere chance?" She squeezes the lady's hand, eliciting a soft gasp. "You are here because you deserve to be."

For a moment, Mary just stares at her, mouth agape. Then she smiles. "A-Alright, Lady Katarina." She nods her head. "If you insist."

The library of the eastern building, despite its grand size and well-stocked shelves, is largely spurned by the students of the academy in favor of its larger, more centrally-located sibling. Sienna has been here several times before, but each time she's found no more than a handful of students wandering the aisles and the several large study rooms empty.

This, of course, makes it a perfect place for them to bring Alan and Mary.

Of course, Lady Sophia's participation isn't something Sienna originally anticipated, nor is Prince Gerald's. Still, the towering, octagonal study room has more than enough room to accommodate them all – and space to spare at that.

Katarina lets out a small gasp as she steps past the oaken doors into the large room, her boots clacking against the white marble floor as she looks up at the towering shelves of books. "This has been here the whole time?" She turns to Sienna, raising a brow. "Why haven't we been studying here, Sienna?"

Sienna gestures at one of the shelves. "Most of these books have copies in the central library as well. The only reason you would come all the way here is if there was not a copy, or if you wanted quiet or privacy."

She knew the latter desire well: It was exactly what she wanted while she had been… estranged from Lady Katarina, after all.

Her fiancé, Prince Gerald, follows closely behind, putting a hand on her shoulder as he too takes in the sight. He glances toward the large window on the wall at the opposite side of the room, raising a brow at the cast-iron grid and floral pattern overlaying it before turning his gaze to the dark oak paneling lining the walls. "Quite an expensive room to see so few visitors." He smirks, seeming to find the contrast amusing.

Prince Alan and Lady Hunt file in shortly afterward, the auburn-haired woman tugging on Alan's purple coat as his eyes dart straight to Lady Katarina.

"Alan," Lady Hunt says, gesturing to the octagonal table ringed by eight red chairs. "Would you mind sitting next to me?"

"Oh, sure, yeah." Despite Lady Hunt's pull, Prince Alan's eyes don't leave the brunette. "Anywhere is fine by me."

Lady Hunt hides her frown with a flick of her fan, bringing the yellow implement before her lips even as her auburn eyes shine with irritation. It's only for a moment before she lowers it though, grinning with inauthentic cheer. "Certainly, Alan!" Her heels clack against the marble floor as she turns to the table.

Lady Sophia files in second-to-last, heading up the rear with an unfamiliar black-haired and green-eyed maid holding an assortment of bags. Sienna raises an eyebrow at the latter figure: Given the uniform, she's definitely one of the Claes', but she's always seen Katarina with a different servant.

Lady Katarina seems to take interest in a different aspect of the situation. "Eh? I mean… Pardon?" She tilts her head at Lady Ascart. "Nicol isn't coming, Sophia?"

Sienna's frown deepens at that. Lady Katarina expected another tag-along? There are too many already!

Lady Sophia just offers her a grin as she shakes her head. "I asked him, but…" her smile weakens as her crimson eyes glance away "…he still feels guilty for causing you to faint yesterday."

The luminous blush that covers the brunette's cheeks at that remark does not escape Sienna's notice. Nor that of Lady Katarina's fiancé.

Prince Gerald chuckles, though it holds absolutely no mirth. "I know my friend has trouble expressing himself around women. I would imagine that is what you are referring to, Katarina?" His blond brow twitches as his voice drops in tone. "It was nothing more, I'm sure…"

Lady Katarina gives him an odd look, but Lady Sophia just grins.

As the combined group moves toward the table, Sienna hovers by the doors, waiting for the one student that has yet to arrive. She doesn't have to wait long, as Miss Maria soon dives out from behind a bookshelf with her picnic basket swinging from her arm as she hustles to the private room's doors. She pants lightly as she comes to a stop before Sienna, wiping her arm against her forehead as she offers the noblewoman a gentle smile. "Sorry, I'm late. Getting here took a bit longer than I anticipated…"

Sienna nods, lowering her voice as she whispers to Miss Maria. "I hope your portions hold up. We have one more guest than I anticipated."

Her smile weakens, but she nods. "I made extras for Lady Katarina. There should be enough… I think."

"Maria, Sienna!" Lady Katarina's voice calls out from behind them. "Come join us!"

"We'll have to improvise, but try and follow the plan," Sienna whispers.

Maria nods, and the two pink-clad women move toward the table to do exactly that.

Katarina notices the way Sienna keeps shifting in her seat to look at the others surrounding her. The flaxen blonde's gold eyes keep darting between herself and the twin princes sitting at Katarina's sides. Katarina can only guess Sienna feels a bit intimidated. After all, a good portion of the royal family currently occupies this room. Now is an excellent time for introductions!

"Gerald, Alan, Mary" she turns toward each of them, before pointing across the table, "this is Lady Sienna Nelson, firstborn of the Nelson Barony and a long-time friend of mine."

The latter two make polite introductions. The former waits for last. When the time comes for Gerald to speak, a devious grin splits his lips. "Hello again, Lady Nelson. When we last met, I believe you thought me an attempted murderer?"

The girl goes pale as a bedsheet, and Katarina does not fare much better. She forgot that Sienna placed herself between her and Gerald the day she'd returned through time!

Before she has time to concoct an explanation or excuse, the third prince's smile lightens, and his red cape flutters as he lifts a halting hand. "Please. I do not hold it against you." He turns to Katarina, grinning. "Rather… I think I understand more and more why it's so easy to get caught in her fantasies."

Katarina blushes. The rest of the table just stares at the three of them with bewildered expressions, having absolutely no idea how to follow the conversation they just had.

"Yeah, I'm not going to even try to unpack that," Alan sighs, leaning back in his chair.

"So," Maria coughs out. "Prince Alan… Isn't it nice to have your fiancée on the council with you now?" She turns to the copper-haired noblewoman sitting at Alan's side, offering her a gentle grin. "It really makes a difference to have someone you care about so close at hand, right?"

Alan's blue eyes blink as he glances to Mary, lifting a finger to his chin as he seems to consider it. "It's been fine, I guess? Mary's always been very kind to me." He drops his hand, dark scarf shifting around his neck as he shrugs. "I don't know, Maria. Is there some reason you're asking?"

The golden blonde shrinks beneath the fourth prince's ensuing gaze. In spite of her many talents… it is oddly heartening to realize Maria is terrible at deception.

"I quite enjoy the time we spend together, Alan!" Mary turns to him with a grin, clasping her hands before her chest. "I have no regrets about taking Lady Katarina's generous invitation!"

Alan nods, returning her smile. "Yeah… You're always there for me, Mary. You're like the sister I never had." Then, he turns away.

Katarina grimaces as she sinks into her chair, but the woman does not explode as Katarina expects, instead flashing a radiant smile even as her auburn eyes fill with despair.

"Mary…" Katarina says almost automatically.

Six pairs of eyes snap to her the moment the words leave her lips.

"…you truly a-are a gem of a woman," she stammers, trying to complete her sentence. "I think Prince Alan is quite lucky to have you at his side."

The woman's expression lightens slightly as she nods, but the despair does not leave her eyes.

Meanwhile, Gerald looks at her, then back to Mary, a dark suspicion forming in his azure gaze. "You do admire her quite a lot, Katarina." He raises a brow, as though expecting her to admit something.

Katarina just tilts her head. "Have you not heard of her reputation? She has perfect etiquette. It is not an exaggeration to call her the perfect noblewoman." She bashes her hair as she glances at a random bookshelf and her voice drops to a whisper. "Of course I admire her."

An uncomfortable silence descends on the room. In that interim, something on the shelf she's looking at sparkles. She blinks, narrowing her eyes to get a better look.

Her face whips to face Gerald as he places his hand on his shoulder, squeezing it gently as he offers a false smile. "So, my fiancée, what would you like to study? After all," he gestures to everyone seated at the table, and to the maid standing at its side, "that is why we are all here, isn't it? To study?"

There's a quiet murmur of approvals, so Katarina turns to her secondary personal maid. "Isabel, can you check back in an hour or two? I will let you know if we need your assistance then."

Her braid flings outwards as she dips her head in a bow. "O-Of course, My Lady."

She makes her way to the front of the private study room, closing the large oak doors as she exits.

"Now," Katarina sighs, looking back to her study mates. "Practical exams are coming up, and I'd quite like to do well." She pauses, thinking back on her last life. "I believe we should brush up on ancient script and applied magic theory…"

The tension lessens as the seven spend more time with one another. While Sienna still seems high-strung, both she and Sophia seem to take a shine to Mary the more they speak.

"You have such striking hair, Lady Hunt!" Sophia looks over her shoulder at the noblewoman at her side, crimson eyes sparkling as looks it over. "It reminds me of the heroine in Siren of the Sixth Sea!"

Mary flushes, looking up from the book in front of her as she glances at the white-haired girl and tilts her head in confusion. "You… like my hair?"

Sophia nods quickly, though her smile weakens as she processes the girl's words. "Are you… ashamed of it, Lady Hunt?"

Her auburn eyes glance away from her, an uncertain expression crossing her lips. "My sisters always told me it reminded them of my mother…"

Sophia gasps. "I bet she's really beautiful too!"

Mary looks down at her lap. "She is dead."

Tension once again fills the room, and Katarina once again feels her heart twist. "Mary–"

"I have only ever seen my birth mother in portraits," Sienna interjects. Her golden eyes look at Mary with sympathy. "I am told I resemble her as well."

Mary blinks, looking up at Sienna. She seems shocked at the commonality, but then her expression morphs to something warmer. "I am sorry to hear that, Lady Sienna." She offers a weak smile. "I am sure she was a wonderful woman."

Sienna nods, though she looks away at the lady's casual address.

Sophia places a hand on her shoulder. "You shouldn't be ashamed of yourself, Lady Mary." She closes her eyes, beaming at the lady. "I think you're quite stunning!"

Her cheeks flush, and her lips form an awkward smile as she looks back to her textbook. "You both are too kind."

"It is… difficult to lose someone you care about." Maria's expression lowers. "Or for them to leave you behind…"

Mary looks back up, looking to the commoner sitting at Sophia's side. She offers a weak smile. "Indeed."

Alan tugs his collar, coughing as his eyes glance to the side. "Well… Perhaps we should move on to the next chapter of the textbook?" He looks back to the material on the table, frowning. "It's not difficult to decipher the ancient script in the example here, but I'm stumped what that passage actually means…"

"Actually," Sienna declares, suddenly rising from her chair. "I need to step out for a moment."

Maria stares at her for a moment. Then, her eyes widen as she too jumps to her feet. "Ah! Yes! I too need to step out!" She steps out from the chair, pushing it back in as she takes a step to Sienna's side. "We will be back!"

Sophia gives them a knowing look, and nods at the two them before the two file out of the ornate doors.

Katarina just turns back to the shelf she looked at earlier: She swears she sees it sparkle again.

"This isn't working," Sienna sighs, cradling her forehead in her palm as she shakes her head.

Miss Maria clasps her hands in front of her skirt as she looks down at the white marble beneath them. "Are we distracting them from each other?"

"Well, yes," Sienna admits, "but I don't think it matters. Prince Alan is distracted enough by Lady Katarina already."

The golden blonde looks back up at her, blinking blue eyes as she brings a finger to her chin. Her brows furrow. "Lady Sophia and Lady Katarina know what we're doing, right?"

Sienna nods, dropping her hand to her side. "Yes. Lady Ascart was there when I explained it, and Lady Katarina was the one who wanted to get them together in the first place."

The commoner's lips purse. "I don't think we can force Prince Alan and Lady Mary to get along with each other if they don't want to."

Sienna shakes her head, groaning. "You are right, Miss Maria, but…" she glances to the side, looking at the large doors separating them from the study room "…I do not want to disappoint Lady Katarina."

"I don't either," Miss Maria agrees.

Sienna begins to pace, bringing her head down in thought as her shoes clack against the floor. There has to be another way of going about this. Some way that—

Her blood runs cold as she hears faint shouts of panic from behind the study room doors.

The commoner and noblewoman look up at each other for one moment with wide eyes, then both rush towards the doors, hesitating only for a moment at the bright green light now pouring out from underneath them.

Sienna and Miss Maria throw open the doors, with the wind mage summoning every bit of her pitiful mana to her fingertips as she looks straight into the blinding light and prepares to do whatever she can against whatever this is.

The light disappears, and a single book falls from the air, landing atop the table at the center of the study room.

Sienna and Miss Maria cautiously survey the now-desolate study room, only extinguishing their glowing palms as they look back at each other.

"That book did something," Sienna says. It is an obvious conclusion, but one she feels compelled to state.

Miss Maria glances to the red-leathered tome sitting at the center of the table. Her trepidation is obvious – and shared by Sienna herself. Five people sat in this room. Now it is only her and Miss Maria. Should they even approach the book? Should one of them leave to get help?

The twin mages jump as they hear the doors to the room open behind them, both raising glowing palms once more as they ready to defend themselves.

The green eyes of Lady Katarina's maid widen, and she staggers backward. "P-Pardon?!"

Glowing palms extinguish once more as the two breathe a sigh of relief.

The two pink-clad girls quickly explain the situation to the maid, asking her to find the closest student council or faculty member and relay what is happening. The raven-haired woman nods, shaking her head before rushing back out the large doors.

Unfortunately, this simply returns them to the dilemma of what to do about the book.

"We can wait until she returns with assistance?" Sienna offers.

Miss Maria shakes her head. She clutches the pink fabric of her dress above her heart, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath before they open with newfound determination. "I'm going to open it."

Before Sienna can try and talk her out of it, the light mage makes her way toward the tome sitting at the center of the table. She hesitates for a moment, but realizes the light mage has a point: They are dealing with unknown magic. Waiting puts Lady Katarina – puts everyone who sat with them at that table – at risk. There is really only one option.

She strides forward, shaking her head as she rushes in front of the golden blonde. "Please, Miss Maria. Let me risk it."

Without waiting for her response, Sienna scoops the book up from the table and examines the cover. At first touch, it does not feel magical. Rather, it simply feels new – with not a single sign of wear on the red cover.

Even as the title written in ancient script strongly suggests otherwise.

"A Tale by the Name of Desire?" Miss Maria repeats, looking over Sienna's shoulder as she raises a finger to her chin.

The cover simply shows what appears to be a stylized, circular illustration of a wave of water colliding with a sea of stars. The title – in flawless, flowing ancient script – sits above.

Sienna glances back at the girl behind her shoulder. "You may want to stand back, Miss Maria. I am going to open it."

The girl shakes her head, her expression determined. "I am with you, Lady Sienna."

It is more comforting to hear than Sienna would expect… but it doesn't stop her fingers from shaking as she opens the cover.

Nothing happens: The book opens, like normal.

Like it didn't just eat five people.

Her lips purse as she thumbs past the blank cover page, finding another page written in ancient script.

"When one's desire is fulfilled…" Sienna begins, finding her throat dry as her eyes crawl across the page her.

"…those captured may be saved," Miss Maria completes for her, a similar hesitation in her voice.

Steadying herself, Sienna flips to the first chapter.

———— ⟡ ————

Katarina blinked open her eyes to find herself in an elegant parlor. Soft light poured through the window at her side, illuminating the dark oak fireplace. A picture of an elegant manor hung above the clock sitting on the mantle, standing out in front of the elegant tan wallpaper.

Katarina did not recognize any of it.

Her lips pursed as she looked down at her lap, finding a book opened wide in her arms. Suddenly, her memories came rushing back: The book she'd pulled from the library shelf; the sparkling green light that poured out of it as it rose from her hands and pulled her very being into its pages. Fear shot through her heart as she let go of the tome, dropping the accursed thing on the floor as she scrambled up on the yellow sofa and hugged it protectively.

"Lady Katarina…?" a soft voice asked.

Katarina whipped her head to her side, finding Sophia looking at her with wide red eyes. She relaxed a bit, a smile crawling across her lips. "Sophia!" Without thinking, she pulled the girl into a tight embrace, easily wrapping her arms around Sophia's thin shoulders. "You're okay!"

The pale-skinned girl eagerly returned her affection, but it did not stop a hint of confusion from seeping into her tone. "Of course I am…?"

Katarina pulled back, just as confused by Sophia's reaction as Sophia was by her own. "How did we get out of the library?" she asked, frowning. "The last thing I remember was getting sucked in by that strange book…"

Sophia brushed a strand of her white hair from her face as she shifted on the couch cushion. "Library?" She blinked. "Lady Katarina, it is summer break."

The eyes of the ducal daughter went wide, a lance of fear shooting through her heart. She had traveled through time
again? But this time, she didn't even die!

Wait… if this was summer break… then had she made it past the end of the year? Or had she returned to the prior summer break? She looked up from Sophia, surveying the room as her frown deepened. Was this Ascart Manor? She'd never been here before. Certainly not last summer.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the woman placing her hand on her shoulder, looking at her with wide eyes as she made a request. "Lady Katarina… Can we please keep reading together?"

The ducal daughter found her will to deny her crumble beneath the beautiful girl's pleading expression. What
features the Ascarts had – brother and sister alike were both infused with this perfect, doll-like beauty. "V-Very well," she replied, trying to hide her blush. She'd just have to think of what to do about her current circumstances while she spent time with Sophia.

———— ⟡ ————

"They're trapped in the book," Sienna states. Again, it is obvious, but the sheer impossibility of it makes her want to state it out loud as though to test her own sanity. Even by the standards of magic… this is almost incomprehensible.

Miss Maria nods, seeming lost in thought as she stares at the moving illustrations on the page. "Is this a world the book created, or just an illusion?"

Neither possibility appeals to Sienna as she turns her eyes back to the ancient script now narrating her friend's life.

———— ⟡ ————

Sophia was clearly in a fey mood as Katarina read aloud to her. She clung tightly to Katarina, pressing her body against her own as warm breath brushed against her ear.

Katarina, ever the refined lady, found it hard not to stammer her words as her eyes stumbled and tripped across the book's pages.
Especially as the paragraphs began to wax lyrical about the heroine's astounding beauty – her silk skin and soft, gentle hair.

Sophia always had a fragrance like a new book: A clean, crisp scent that made one imagine fresh ink on a page. It was practically overwhelming now, with her body so close.

"Turn the page." Though Sophia whispered, her voice was loud in Katarina's ear.

Katarina had forgotten to keep reading. How could she
remember to keep reading? This was too much. Feeling Sophia's gentle hands on her back… feeling her warmth on her side… Just too much. Too much!

Yet as she clapped the book shut in her hands, feeling her body grow warmer and warmer as she made a move to rise to her feet, the lady at her side gently pressed her back down.

"Lady Katarina," Sophia's red eyes sparkled with an unfamiliar
intensity. "Do you want to leave me?"

Katarina's will to sit up from the couch died immediately. So, the noblewoman shook her head.

Sophia smiled in turn. "Good… I'm glad, Lady Katarina…" She closed her eyes, pulling Katarina even closer to her on the couch as her snow-white hair draped over the brunette's head.

"S-Sophia," Katarina managed to choke, shaking her head as the girl's fragrance enveloped her. "W-Where is this?
When is this?" The lady was sure something was wrong here, now. That certainty was the only thing keeping her from succumbing to whatever this overwhelming feeling was. "I'm so confused. What is going on?"

In lieu of a response, Sophia crawled atop her, making her fall back into the soft cushions of the couch as her red eyes filled with happiness.

A tense moment passed as the pale girl lay on her chest. "Lady Katarina," Sophia whispered, pressing a soft hand to her cheek. "Your eyes are so beautiful…"

Lady Katarina Claes, who thought herself a lady of noble breeding and etiquette, nonetheless reacted quite profusely. Her cheeks reddened as they burnt from beautiful girl's soft touch.

Sophia then crawled forward still, her soft, gentle hair flowing down her shoulders with the warmth of each breath. She leaned in close, bringing her face just inches from the brunette's own.

"Katarina." She spoke without title; her voice husky. "I lo–"

———— ⟡ ————

The book slams shut as it's pulled from Sienna's grip. The wind mage blinks, rousing from her focus as she turns to glare at the interloper.

The light mage blushes, hugging the book ever-more tightly against her chest as she looks at Sienna with wide blue eyes.

Her expression explains all Sienna needs to know.

"Ah. It is like that, is it?"

Miss Maria's face reddens further, and she looks away as she nods.

Sienna sighs, rolling her head back as she nurses her forehead. She'd suspected as much – as did several rumors. Lady Sophia had been the greater surprise, to be honest.

"Well... I think the only way to get them all out is to let at least one of them fulfill their heart's desire." Sienna frowns, gesturing to the side as she faces the commoner once more. "If not Lady Sophia, then Prince Alan, Prince Gerald, Lady Mary, or Lady Katarina."

Miss Maria perks up at that, whipping her head to face Sienna as she nods. "Can we choose Lady Mary, then?"

Sienna points at the book the mage cradles so tightly, frowning. "I doubt that thing is going to let us 'choose' anything."

Miss Maria mirrors the expression, looking down at the book in her hands. Then, her blue eyes widen as she looks back up at Sienna. "I think I know what this is, Lady Sienna." Her voice darkens as she removes one hand from the book and places a finger to her chin, looking intently at the book's cover as she examines it in her other hand. "Do you remember hearing a rumor about a magic book that craves the desires of humans?"

Sienna blinks, her eyes widening. "I do. It was supposedly one of the pre-Sorciéran artifacts that were tied to the academy…" she pauses, trying to recall more. "One of the… school's seven mysteries?" She had thought all that nonsense to be junk, to be honest: It had all the characteristics of a ghost story meant to scare the poor, impressionable first-year students. When that second-year nobleman had told her the stories during a particularly slow lunch period, she had assumed him to be mocking her. Now… she is not as convinced. She blinks, leering at the tome in Miss Maria's hands. "That thing looks pristine, though. Not old at all."

Miss Maria seems to come to a similar conclusion; her blue eyes deep with thought as she stares at the book's condition. "It looks new… because it feeds off human desires."

Sienna's eyes widen, and she yanks the tome from the commoner, looking it over herself as a sense of panic fills her chest. "So, they really are in danger?"

The light mage leans back, startled, but hesitantly shakes her head. "I don't think so? That's all I heard…" she looks back up to the ceiling, thinking. "Perhaps it's more of a symbiotic relationship? The book traps them, but gives them their fantasies to feed its hunger, and lets them out when it's full…?"

Sienna is less than convinced, sharing a nervous glance. "Or perhaps we are on a time limit, Miss Maria."

Miss Maria clutches the maroon ribbon around her collar, tugging it nervously as Sienna's anxiety becomes mirrored in her own. "Let's open it, then…"

———— ⟡ ————

When Katarina again opened her eyes, she found herself on a balcony of the royal palace, overlooking the dim lights of the capital beneath a beautiful sea of stars.

Katarina remembered this place. She had been here once, when she was younger and still thought Gerald loved her the same way she loved him.

The one thing the lady did not understand was why she was here

She had just been with Sophia, trying to keep her wits about her as her senses launched into overdrive. While Katarina was grateful for the opportunity to clear her head and let those strange sensations fade, she did not understand how it was possible for her to have gone from that room to this balcony in such a short period of time. Was she losing her memory? Had she become untethered from time completely? Both of those explanations sounded preposterous, but if that was not what was happening… what was?

"The view is beautiful from here."

Katarina spun on her heel, coming face to face with the blue eyes and blond hair of Prince Gerald – her fiancé. She sighed in relief, clutching her dress as she stepped toward him. "I am so glad to see you, Gerald."

His handsome features shined in the starlight. "As am I, my darling."

Katarina hesitated, blinking at him. At that moment, she realized that the fabric clenched in her gloved hand was not the familiar blue-cyan-and-white gown she normally wore, but the same star-studded gown she'd worn at the academy ball. She looked down at herself, blinking at the pattern, before looking back up to the prince.

He was wearing a different outfit as well, now: The gold royal sigil on his brooch as always, but atop a dapper gray shirt and blue tie, with a gold-trimmed white suit that had a matching white rose pinned to its lapel.

He looked absolutely stunning.

Katarina let out an awkward laugh as blood rushed to her cheeks, but shook it off as she remembered her circumstances. "Gerald, listen to me: Something is wrong." She pointed to herself, shaking her head. "I'm not supposed to be here."

The prince tilted his head in confusion, his blue eyes shining with the same strange light Katarina had seen in Sophia's red. "Why wouldn't you be here?" He extended his hand to her, the soft skin almost pearlescent in the moonlight. "You are my fiancée."

She shook her head, pushing his hand away. "That's not the issue! I opened some
book and now…" she clutched herself, turning back to look over the balcony's edge. "Nothing makes sense."

Katarina heard his quiet footfalls behind her, the prince's perfect smile falling as he leaned over the stone baluster and took a place at her side. A soft breeze carried through the air, ruffling his blond hair as he turned to her.

"I cannot make up for how I've treated you, Katarina." He closed his eyes, shaking his head with a soft chuckle. "Even once I'd realized you'd changed… I thought myself smart for thinking I'd simply commit the same sins my grandfather once did. The only thing that prevented me from dooming myself before I even realized what I'd be giving up was a lack of opportunity!" He looked back out to the capital, face settling into a deep frown. "They call me
perfect; say I'm a genius…" He shook his head, wincing as his eyes shut. "I still haven't any idea how to handle feeling this way about you, Katarina."

The lady blinked not sure how to respond. It wasn't really an answer to what she'd said… but it also felt deeply vulnerable and
personal in a way she'd hardly seen from Gerald.

"Gerald…" she spared him a glance, looking up from the baluster "…I don't know how to feel about you." She glanced away, clutching the cosmic fabric of her dress. "I still
want to love you, but…"

Her voice trailed off. How could she ever encapsulate all the things she wanted to say?

"You used to smother me, but now you are distant. I grow to enjoy your company, and you seem to outgrow mine." He laughed again, slamming his fist into the stone. "It is a perfect torture. Truly, I could not have designed a better punishment myself."

Katarina looked down to the ground, so very far beneath them. "Am I…
torture for you, Gerald?"

"No." The response was as immediate as it was forceful. "My torment is entirely self-inflicted. Had I treated you with
understanding instead of irritation…" his voice trailed off.

Almost on impulse, she placed her hand on his back. His head snapped up in surprise, though a gentle smile returned to his lips as he looked back at her.

She was having more trouble distinguishing the false smiles from the real ones, these days. Yet she somehow
knew this one was real.

"You are very beautiful when you smile, you know."

It was her thoughts, but his voice that said it. She was confused for a moment, until she realized her own lips had curled upwards.

Before she had time to protest, he extended an arm of his own, wrapping it around her back as he swept her from her feet.

"Sometimes…" he admitted with his face so very close to hers"…I think about how much I'd like to make you
deliciously uncomfortable when you wear it."

A shiver trembled down her spine as he said it. This was everything she had ever wanted to hear from the royal – the man she had loved for so long.

But… at that moment… her smile fell as she realized
why there was something wrong with this place.

"This is not real."

It couldn't be. For him to have such love in his eyes as he stared at her… To have a voice so husky with
want… Even if this was a different Gerald from the one who'd killed her… it just couldn't be true.

No-one would love
her that way.

As if to confirm her suspicions, the prince gave no response to her accusation.

She pushed free of his grip and grabbed him by the shoulders, panic rising in her chest. "Did you hear me, Gerald? This is not

He stared at her, tilting his head once more. "Katarina… Why are you shaking me?"

Her eyes narrowed. "Prince Gerald, are you listening?"

He nodded. "Of course, Katarina."

She looked him directly in the eyes as she spoke with clear intonation. "That
book did something to all of us! This is not real!"

He blinked at her. "Your eyes are so beautiful, Katarina."

She screamed as she shook him once more.

———— ⟡ ————

Sienna closes the book shut, offering a frown as she glances at Miss Maria. "He's bespelled."

Miss Maria nods, mirroring her concern. "They all are. The magic of the book is preventing them from realizing anything is wrong."

Sienna raises a brow at that, shaking her head as she glances to the empty chairs arranged around the private study room's central table. "Not Lady Katarina. She seems acutely aware."

Miss Maria hums at that, bringing her hand to her chin. "You are right, Lady Sienna. I wonder why…?"

Sienna blinks, a flash of inspiration coming to her as she notices only Lady Katarina's seat is pushed back. "Katarina said that she opened the book." She turns back to Miss Maria, bringing a finger to her chin. "Maybe that makes her special, somehow?"

Miss Maria gasps; the ribbon tied to the back of her golden hair shaking as she looks up at Sienna and nods. "That would make sense! Maybe the original 'reader' is immune to that part of the book's magic?"

Sienna frowns. "Still… I am worried what will happen if I open it again." She looks to the book in her hand. "Lady Katarina seems to be working herself into a blind panic… I do not want to subject her to that further."

Maria looks at her with similar concern. "Perhaps the next fantasy will be better?"

Sienna swallows dryly, looking back to the tome in her hands. "I suppose there is only one way to tell…"

———— ⟡ ————

When Katarina opened her eyes once more, she wasted no time trying to find a way out of this horrendous illusion. She sat up from the comfortable cushions she was laying on, immediately looking around for an exit.

Instead, she saw the faces of all her friends smiling back at her.

"Alan? Gerald? Sophia?" She pointed to each of them as she called their names, and each of them returned her gesture with a smile.

Her fear at least temporarily allayed, Katarina took a closer look at the room around her. She didn't quite recognize this place, but it reminded her of one of the manor's paintings: It was a beautiful seaside villa, with a patio open to the crystal blue sea and with columns carved of light marble.

A sense of calm washed over her as she closed her eyes and listened to the distant crashing of waves. Perhaps this world – though false – was not bad enough that she needed to rush from it. Would anyone blame her for lingering just a while?

"Shall I feed you more grapes?" Gerald asked, and Katarina suddenly noticed the fruit in his hand – as well as the light summer outfit hugging his figure.

She waved a hand dismissively, closing her eyes as she reclined back into her bed. "You shall."

To her satisfaction, when she next opened her mouth, the prince did exactly that. A smile curled her lips as she savored the perfect taste. Then, as the cherry on top, she felt Alan's hands grasp her shoulders and knead into them as the fourth prince gave her a massage.

No. She did not need to rush at all. She could stay here for a good while.

Her contentment was only broken as she realized who was missing. She lurched up from the soft massage bed. "Where is Mary?"

"She is down at the beach!" Sophia responded, flashing a grin. The snow-white Ascart was wearing a similarly airy skirt – one
also quite easy on the eyes.

But, she needed to focus. Alan was fine – a glance to her side confirmed that – but she at least needed to check up on Mary before she did anything else. So, she nodded as she leaned up from her bed. "I will go talk to her."

Before she had the chance to get her footing, the cushioned fabric beneath her lifted up from the ground, and she was carried up into the air with it. The twin royals smiled up at from her sides, blue eyes shining at her. "Please, allow us, Lady Katarina!"

She laughed… though a sudden hesitation tugged at her chest. "That is… not necessary."

In a similarly abrupt motion, they lowered her back to the ground, bowing to her right after they did. "Of course, Lady Katarina."

The feeling in her chest intensified. This was
definitely not right.

"E-Excuse me," she stammered, quickly making her leave from the villa.

She hiked up the skirt of her summer dress as her sandals sunk into the warm, clear sand with each footfall. The spot of yellow on the horizon quickly resolved into Mary's figure, and the girl looked up to her with a wide smile as she dipped her head respectfully. "Hello, Lady Katarina."

Katarina sighed; feeling relieved to see the girl was here after all. "Are you alright Mary? I saw Alan, but…" she pursed her lips as she glanced over her shoulder back to the blue-roofed villa she'd fled from "…he was acting strange."

The girl dipped her head again, still smiling. "I am fine, Lady Katarina. Even better now that you are here!"

Katarina smiled at that, cheeks reddening a bit as she got a better look at the lady's beach wear. To say that the airy yellow summer dress looked flattering on her would be a similar level of understatement to saying the sun looked bright: The girl was positively

Still, she shook her head and forced her eyes back to Mary's. She needed to remain focused. "Mary… Can you try and help me find a way out of here?"

Mary smiled, nodding her head. "Of course, Lady Katarina! Anything for you!"

Katarina's chest tightened, though she tried to ignore the sudden surge of anxiety these displays had begun to spark. It could have just been coincidence, after all. So, she nodded. "I know you're smart. Do you know anything about illusionary worlds? Any magic to dispel them?" She felt like Maria or Sienna would
definitely know, but the two blondes – thankfully – appeared to have avoided being trapped here.

Mary raised a finger to her chin, still smiling even as her eyes rolled back and her brows furrowed in thought. After a moment, her gaze returned to her, and she shook her head. "I'm sorry, Lady Katarina: I cannot remember anything like that." She tilted her head. "Why would you want to leave here, anyway? Isn't this world just perfect for you?"

Katarina's eyes narrowed. The sounds of the beach seemed to fade as she realized she could no longer ignore the anxiety growing in her stomach. "Fine. Then let's say that I am done with that request: What would
you like to do now, Mary?"

The woman's auburn eyes creased with glee. "Whatever you would like to do, Lady Katarina!"

Katarina swallowed, feeling the sun on her skin fade as her worst fears seemed to be confirmed. "You just did what
I wanted." She pointed to herself before pointing back to the noblewoman, trying to force a grin. "Now it is your turn: What would you like to do, Mary?"

The woman's auburn eyes creased with glee. "Whatever you would like to do, Lady Katarina!"

The false smile fell from Katarina's lips as she stepped back from the smiling woman, fear lancing her heart as she raised her arm defensively. "T-Then answer me this: Are you

"Of course, Lady Katarina!" The woman smiled as she closed her eyes and tilted her head. "You were so kind to me yesterday evening… I truly cannot thank you enough, Lady Katarina!"

Katarina did not relax, instead swallowing dryly. "So you at least remember that
was yesterday?"

Mary's auburn eyes opened, her grinning expression otherwise not shifting an inch. "Yes!"

"Do you remember before that?" Katarina swallowed anxiously, feeling her composure teetering on a knife's edge. "When you were angry at me?"

Mary brought a finger to her chin, thinking about it momentarily before shaking her head. "I cannot remember ever feeling anything but a desire to please you, Lady Katarina!"

A chill ran down Katarina's spine. "You mean you are being
prevented from desiring anything but to please me..."

As if to confirm her suspicion, the lady did not respond: The thoughts her words
should have inspired never even crossed her mind. She heard them, but could not react: Could not even think of reacting.

If this was truly Mary… She was now a puppet, made to dance for her.

"N-No…" Katarina hunched over, gripping her forehead as the world seemed to fade around her. "This is
not what I desire…"

———— ⟡ ————

The book glows as it leaps from Sienna's hands and shuts itself. Both mages reel back in surprise, but the tome loses its sparkle as falls harmlessly back into Sienna's grip.

"I think… the book got that one wrong?" Miss Maria says eventually, offering Sienna an uncertain frown. "It thought Lady Katarina desired to be doted on and served by her friends… but when she realized why they were acting that way…"

"…She rejected the fantasy entirely." Sienna nods, looking back down at the red leather cover of this accursed book. She is heartened to have proof that Katarina respects her friends' free will and right to make their own decisions… but part of her wonders if both she and Maria would have been included in that hedonistic fantasy as well, had they not left the room before the book could capture them.

A glance at the slight blush of the commoner at her side makes her realize that Miss Maria may not be as opposed to the thought as she is.

Sienna shakes her head, regaining her focus as she glares at the enchanted book in her hands. "Should we really keep trying? This awful thing is putting Lady Katarina through the wringer…" What is taking Isabel so long, anyway? Sienna feels like help should have arrived by now…

Miss Maria looks at her with a sad expression, nodding her head. "The only way out is to fulfill one of their desires." She clasps her hands before her skirt, wringing her hands as her blue eyes dart down to the floor. "I do not like seeing Lady Katarina go through this either…"

Sienna closes her eyes and lets out a sigh. "Hopefully, this one will be the last…" Then, re-opening her eyes and steadying herself, she opens the book once more.

———— ⟡ ————

A sense of resigned dread descended on the noble lady as she opened her eyes once more to find herself in an unfamiliar place. Grand red curtains draped behind the stage she stood atop, the audience of the recital hall entranced by the soft, gentle melody emanating from the piano beside her.

Alan sat at its front, his usual outfit swapped for a black vest over a white shirt with a black bowtie and matching black pants. His eyes were closed as his hands danced across the keys, only briefly opening to glance at the sheet music sitting before him as he flipped the page.

In other circumstances, Katarina would find this flattering. The noble lady would relish the thought of being atop the stage at his side; sharing the center of attention of the many eyes of the audience and – most likely – a target of many girls' misguided envy. Yet these were no other circumstance: They were a falsehood; an illusion.

Unfortunately… this illusion did not seem to be one she could escape or free them from.

She closed her eyes, leaning against the piano even as her touch dampened its beautiful melody. She could hardly care about the extravagant dress she now wore or the eyes of the crowd upon her. They weren't real. None of this was.

She did not understand what drove these scenarios. Sophia acting… strange, Gerald acting remorseful, that pampered villa on the beach, and now… Alan playing his music. Was the book trying to please her? Was it trying to lull her into a false sense of security so she would not resist its temptations? That had to be the case: There was no possibility that
any of the things she had seen would be things her friends would actually want to do out of their own will.

Her fists tightened. How
dare it. Her friends were not toys. They were not to be made playthings for anyone – herself included. If they wished these things out of genuine desire, that would be one thing, but to force them to act in ways it thought would please her? To hollow them out and make them puppets? It was unforgivable.

Yet her fists relaxed as tears teased the edge of her eyes. How could she fight it? Even as she seemed to be immune to whatever magic had bespelled them, she did not know how to stop it.

She was surprised, then, to hear the recital doors thrown open as another lady's shout echoed through the hall.

"Alan Stuart!"

The piano's tone stumbled to a halt as Alan missed his marks. Katarina opened her eyes and looked to the fourth prince just in time to see his own expression morph from irritation to confusion.


At the top of the recital hall, her figure silhouetted by the bright white sunlight now pouring in through the open doors, the copper-haired woman stood in defiance. Her auburn eyes narrowed as she surveyed the hall, barely glancing at the assorted spectators except to spare Katarina a single nod. Then, her gaze darted to Alan.

Mary closed her eyes, took a deep breath in… and exhaled out. Auburn eyes opened once more, now filled with determination. "Alan," she yelled, unfurling her fan as she strode down the central aisle, "we need to talk."

Alan looked to her, blue eyes filling with confusion at her uncharacteristic tone. "Mary?" He blinked, stepping up from his bench as he gestured at the now-silent piano. "I'm kind of in the middle of something, can't you wait?"

Mary raised the fan to her face, hiding the frown that erupted across her lips. "No. I will not wait any longer." Her heels thumped against the red carpeted floor as her yellow dress rippled with each step she took. "Do you remember what you told me at my personal garden all those years ago, Alan?"

The fourth prince blinked, frown deepening. "Mary, this is
not the–"

"Do you

The crowd's eyes swept between the two of them as they neared, a few figures leaning to whisper to one another as a low murmurs began to carry across the hall.

Alan's cheeks reddened at the hushed chatter, but he nodded. "Well, yeah… I said I thought it was pretty incredible." A nervous chuckle escaped his lips as he rubbed the back of his head and glanced away. "You really have a green thumb, you know? Even now…"

Mary's severe expression did not abate. "That's right. You told me I was special, Alan. You said that you thought I had a wonderful talent." The fragile assortment of wood and paper in her hand cracked as she tightened her grip. "Do you know how
important that was to me?"

Alan blinked, his smile falling and eyes widening as he finally seemed to realize his fiancée's distress. "Mary…?"

"It does not matter. Not anymore. Not now that I am going to do what I should have long,
long ago." She stopped at the foot of the stage, grunting as she threw the fan to the ground and then lifted her arms to the stage's threshold. Her face creased with exertion as she tried to pull herself up onto the raised platform.

Thinking quickly, Katarina hiked up her skirt and rushed to her side, offering the woman a gloved hand that Mary quickly took as the brunette hefted her onto the stage. The woman once again spared Katarina a small smile and a nod before returning her gaze to Alan, any trace of mirth immediately disappearing from her features.

Her heels clacked loud against the hard wood of the stage as she walked toward him – slowly now – with no fan to hide her clear displeasure.

Alan winced one of his eyes shut, clearly prepared for a condemnation. He held up his palm in a pleading gesture. "Mary… Please don't hate me. I-I didn't choose your engagement." His eyes fell. "I know you resent me. Just… don't
hate me."

Mary stopped mere inches from him, her face just a small gap from his. "You are
beyond dense, Prince Alan. So, let me put this in terms even you will understand."

She reached out her arms, grabbed his face, and pulled him forwards.

Blue eyes went wide as her lips touched his.

Hushed gasps resounded through the crowd as Katarina mirrored their response. Her hand clutched the pink fabric of the dress over her heart, feeling both warmth and envy as the two locked lips.

Mary held the position for only a moment – only long enough for her point to be made clear. Then, she released him, her own face reddening as she averted her eyes. "I love you, Alan." Her voice was quiet now, carrying none of the fury it held mere moments ago. "I understand if you do not feel the same way, but…" she looked back at him, sharing a gentle smile "…for some reason, I finally have the courage to make you

Alan did not fare much better than the woman before him. In fact, the red that enveloped his face was actually
more luminous. "Mary…" He swallowed dryly, looking her over as if seeing her for the first time. "That is… really how you feel?"

Mary nodded. "If you do not feel the same… It will hurt, but it will be better than this
torture, because that hurt will fade." Her smile dropped. "I cannot bear to go on like this any longer. It is eating me away to watch you drift from me." She spared a glance to Katarina, expression softening. "Even if… I think I may understand why you are now."

Katarina blinked, not quite understanding that last part. Did Mary mean their friendship?

Regardless, the lady did not linger, turning back to her love as she raised her hand and caressed his cheek. "Just please… Tell me if you feel the same way."

The fourth prince was stock still, blue eyes wide as his lips trembled. He seemed to finally
see the woman in front of him – his eyes glancing across her as anxiety and trepidation filled his gaze. "I have long thought of you as a sister or friend, Mary…"

The woman's expression fell.

"…but maybe that's because I was afraid to love you."

Mary blinked, looking back up as hope reignited in her eyes.

The fourth prince ran a hand through his silver hair; his face still beet red as he glanced aside. "I… never thought someone as talented as you could like me, Mary. Not me, the second-rate prince…"

Mary tugged at his cheek, drawing his eyes back to her as she shook her head. "You
dunce." Her tone was light as tears began to flow down her cheeks. "I want you, Alan."

He nodded, swallowing once more as he lowered a hand to her back and pressed her closer. "I… don't know if I can love you the way you want." He paused. "But I want to try being your fiancé."

"That is all I ask, Alan."

The two pressed lips together once more as the recital hall seemed to fade away.

Katarina wiped something from her eye.

———— ⟡ ————

Sienna recoils as the book begins to shake in her grip. She drops it immediately, extending a protective arm across Miss Maria as the two take several steps back.

The book careens to the floor, only to take on a luminous glow and halt just above the white marble. It lifts back into the air, pages turning as it begins to pour fourth an ever-more-luminous green light.

"D-Did it work?" Miss Maria asks behind her. "Was their desire fulfilled?"

"I do not know," Sienna responds, glancing over her shoulder at the golden blonde, "but I think we should take a few more steps back."

Miss Maria nods in agreement, and two quickly find their backs pressed against one of the ornate oak bookshelves.

The hair on the back of Sienna's neck stands up as she feels the powerful magic build: A spell dissolving in a controlled but violent nature. The green light pouring from the fluttering pages grows more and more painful to look at, and she moves her hand above her head to shield hegr one open eye.

Then, with a thunderous clap, five figures erupt from the book's pages; crying out as they land on the hard marble floor.

The enchanted book loses its glow as it gently drifts down to rest on the center of the table.

After a moment's pause, both light and wind mage rush towards their groaning friend. "Lady Katarina!"

Katarina rubs her forehead as she sits up from the hard marble. She winces as her back straightens, only for her eyes to go wide as she surveys her surroundings. She blinks, craning her head around the private study room and the figures groaning at her sides, before looking back to the two blondes. "Is this… real?"

In spite of herself, Sienna finds herself grinning. "You are alright now, Lady Katarina."

Miss Maria mirrors the expression. "We saw everything. You're safe now."

Lady Katarina sighs in relief as her eyes roll back in her head, and the both of them have to grab her arms to keep her from fainting back onto the floor. Instead, they help the woman to her feet. She sways as she struggles to regain her balance, rubbing her back before glaring at the book sitting atop their study table. Her lips curl into a snarl. "I am going to burn that thing."

A hand drops on her shoulder, Prince Gerald leveling a similarly dark look at the tome. He lifts his other hand, opening his now-glowing palm as a small flame dances above his fingertips. "That makes two of us, Katarina."

When their eyes cross, however, both their faces redden, and the prince's flame extinguishes as they shuffle away from one another.

"So… grapes?" There's a teasing tone to Prince Gerald's voice.

Katarina wrings her hands together, jewelry clinking as she sways back and forth. She does not look him in the eye. "I have no idea what you're talking about, Prince."

Sophia shields her eyes beneath her hair as she rises to full stature, looking very pointedly in a direction entirely away from the lady. "I… think I am feeling unwell today, Lady Katarina…" she forces a weak cough. "P-Perhaps we can study together some other time…"

Sienna and Miss Maria glance to each other upon hearing that. Miss Maria sports a particularly uncomfortable grimace.

Prince Gerald just looks at Lady Ascart without comprehension, tilting his head. He opens his mouth to ask a question, but one glance at the increasingly reddening brunette seems to make the desire for any clarification die on his lips.

"Mary… did you really mean that?"

All eyes suddenly turn to the other engaged pair, the two simply looking in each other's eyes as they make no move to lift from the floor.

Lady Mary averts her gaze, biting her lip as she turns almost as red as Lady Katarina. "That book… it made me feel so…" she shifts on the floor, clutching her yellow dress. "Did you mean what you said too?"

"Yes." Prince Alan replies with surprisingly little hesitation. "If that's how you really feel about me… then I want to be a good fiancé for you, Mary." He rolls his head against the marble, chuckling sadly as he flops on his back and stares up at the ceiling. "I don't understand it, but… I want to."

The brief, heartwarming exchange is interrupted by the sound of the oak doors to the study room flying open. To Sienna's surprise, as she turns her head to see the figure that now stands in a combat stance, her foot held high after a kick, it's…

"Anne!?" Lady Katarina cries.

The maid blinks her brown eyes, falling back into a reserved posture as she clasps her hands above her apron and bows. "Forgive me, My Lady, but Miss Dean said you were in danger."

Lady Katarina forces a laugh, even as her expression remains distressed. "I was? You see, this book…" she gestures to the table, only to do a double-take as she realizes the red-leathered tome is no longer present at its center. "What!?"

All eyes follow to match her. Where that book of desire sat atop the octagonal table just a minute ago, now only empty air remains.

"No, that's…" Lady Katarina looks at the empty space, before turning to back to her maid "…it was right there!" She gestures at the empty space frantically, as if that will bring the book back somehow.

The short-haired servant's eyes narrow in skepticism, though it seems to wane as all the members of the room exhibit a similar disbelief at its sudden disappearance.

There is not much time for further questions, however, as a moment later a large assemblage of academy faculty and a few guards round a bookshelf in the main room behind her, led by one very out-of-breath black-haired maid.

Maria and Sienna do the majority of the explaining. Katarina has some trouble following it. Apparently, the book that trapped them is a pre-Sorciéran artifact called A Tale by the Name of Desire? Which is also meant to show those trapped in it their deepest desires? Katarina is not sure that's right: It had to be her desires they were seeing. None of her friends would ever act that way normally, she's certain.

As to the potential implications of accepting that explanation of events… she neatly tucks them away in the recesses of her mind. The whole thing had been a confusing mess. It was best not to dwell on them too closely. She must not have been as immune to the book's magic as she thought.

Both her maids stand at her side, a distressed Isabel and a skeptical, yet clearly worried, Anne. In spite of their attention and questions, however, her closest and most personal companion seems increasingly interested in listening to the recounting of events that Sienna and Maria are giving as testimony to one of the guards. Katarina's even caught Anne smirking a few times.

Katarina does not understand that. What about that ordeal is a laughing matter?

Still… She's in no mood to pry. Even if she's certain that the guards and staff mulling about the room will be asking for her testimony soon. After all, from what she's overheard, she was the only one present in all the fantasies that played out.

Katarina never paid much mind to the rumors of mysterious pre-Sorciéran artifacts lying around the academy – the so-called school's seven mysteries. She thinks she might pay the matter more mind now. Gods willing, she'll never encounter any of the other six.

A familiar voice carries above the chatter of the now-packed study room. "Ah, good! You're all safe!"

Katarina turns to see the student council president standing in the doorway; silver eyes filled with… something.

She barely hears the soft gasp that emerges from Isabel's lips.

The red-haired boy turns to a guard, who in turn looks to his superior. A gray-haired man nods back, and the council president is let through. Nicol follows after him, immediately locking eyes with Sophia and rushing toward her even as his face remains stoic.

Katarina is a little surprised when Sirius walks up to her. "Are you alright, Lady Katarina? I heard from the faculty that you gave everyone quite a scare."

She nods, brows furrowing in confusion even as she returns his polite smile. "I'm fine now. I told my maid to get help… " She turns to gesture toward Isabel, except the maid is gone. Glancing around the room, Katarina realizes she cannot see her anywhere.

Sirius seems to interpret the gesture as referring to Anne, however, and politely nods his head at her trusted companion before looking back to Katarina. "Unfortunately, as you can imagine, this is almost certainly going to cause a lot of paperwork."

Katarina sighs, her thoughts of the missing maid disappearing under the mountain of administration that is sure to ensue. Why had she wanted to get on the council again? "But practical exams are just around the corner," she whines.

The redhead nods, offering a sympathetic smile. "Perhaps you can study in the council chamber instead?" He glances around the now-bustling private study room. "I doubt the Ministry of Magic is going to turn up anything, given the track record of this artifact, but I can't imagine they won't try and capture this book of yours. This entire library is probably going to be cordoned off for weeks."

Katarina also doubts she'll ever wish to return to here to study. She sighs, nodding her head. "It might come to that." Even if she doesn't, she's sure there'll be a pile of paperwork to go through almost the height of Sirius's at the end of this all.

"I don't think I've made you my tea, yet?" Lord Sirius taps a finger to his chin. "Perhaps I ought to." Then, dropping his finger, he shakes his head sadly. "I think all of us are going to be in for a few very long nights."

Katarina sighs. Some days, she wishes things had never become so complicated.

"I-I'd like to request a transfer back to Claes Manor, L-Lady Anne."

Anne can hear the crickets chirping through the building's thin walls as Anne blinks at the black-haired woman standing across from her, normally stoic features twisting in confusion as Miss Dean looks at her with a pleading green gaze. "What brought this on?"

Miss Dean glances down at her hands, wringing them before her apron. "I… no l-longer feel I can serve Lady Katarina effectively after the events of today." She swallows, laughing nervously. "S-She was e-endangered on my watch…" she shakes her head, still not looking her in the eye "…I must take responsibility."

Anne's frown deepens. The woman is a terrible liar. Still… She's not sure what she can say. "Well… I do not control personnel assignments. That would be the purview of the head maid, Joana."

And Joana had stuck her with this girl to begin with, so Anne doubts she will reconsider now.

Still… news of these events would be making their way back to Claes Manor soon enough. If Isabel were to say such words to Duchess Claes…

No. She would not just be reassigned. She would be dismissed from her position; perhaps even ruined beyond that. Duchess Claes is not the sort of woman to normally engage in such matters of petty spite, but if a scapegoat were to so eagerly present herself and accept all blame…

"You cannot say that. It is not your fault." If anything, it is hers. She should not have let her junior watch over Katarina that day – even if finding ways to maintain her fitness without arousing suspicion is proving quite the time-consuming endeavor.

Isabel shakes her head, glancing around the plain hall leading to the servants' quarters as fear fills her green eyes. "L-Lady Anne, I cannot stay here!"

Anne's brown eyes narrow. "There is something you are not telling me."

Isabel's green eyes sink back to the wooden floor. She says nothing, but that is answer enough all on its own.

Anne sighs. "We all have our secrets, I suppose." She has consulted with one of Sorciér's most wanted criminals to endure a brutal regimen of combat training, after all, and she doubts whatever Isabel is worrying over is as damning as that. "But you can't leave. What would Lady Katarina think?"

Isabel looks up; blinking as she nervously grabs her own braid. "…I know."

Anne's tone softens as she shakes her head. "If you will not tell me what has caused you to be so certain you must leave, will you tell me if there is any way you can stay?"

"I… I think so." She hesitates before nodding. "I just need to stay out of the way, L-Lady Anne…"

So, I have completely exhausted my buffer and I have some vacations coming up. I'll try and keep you all posted in the author's notes if there are going to be any interruptions, but hopefully I can rebuild enough of a buffer to maintain the 1/week cadence over those periods. If not... oh well.

As for this chapter... Whoo, boy that was a long one. For those of you who haven't watched the anime, the Book of Desire is an invention of that continuity. I... repurposed it slightly here. Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it! Things are really starting to kick into gear now, huh?
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"Sophia… I come to you with a matter of grave importance."

The girl lets out a soft gasp as she looks up from the floor, suddenly looking at Katarina with a vibrant intensity. "What is it, Lady Katarina!?"

Katarina clutches her chest, swooning as though an actress in a play. "It is a matter of the heart…" She closes her eyes, tilting her head back. "Of broken love!"

Sienna just stares at her in utter confusion. What is she doing?

But Sophia seems to take it in stride, gasping once more as she sits on the edge of her seat, brushing her long bangs away as she looks at Katarina seriously. Her eyes narrow. "This sounds dire indeed!" She glances to Sienna, only a moment of hesitation creeping into her demeanor as she looks her over. "Is this your doing, Lady Nelson?"

For a moment, those red eyes seem to glow.

Sienna holds up her hands, shaking her head. "Ah… No. Not me."

Katarina nods her head, snapping back to her seated position as she holds her nose up high. "My friend speaks the truth!" She pumps a fist. "It is the romance between Alan and Mary I speak of!"

Sienna turns to her, finally working up the nerve to ask the obvious question. "Why are you talking like that?"

She opens an eye for a moment, lips curling into a girl. "Because," she continues in that overwrought, sing-song voice as she closes it again and strikes yet another pose, "it is fun!"

Sienna's jaw falls, and she gapes at Lady Katarina. Then, after another moment of thought, she shrugs. Lady Katarina will do as she pleases. There's no point belaboring it.

Sophia interjects with a thoughtful hum, her snow-white hair catching the afternoon sunlight as she shifts in her seat and brings a hand to her chin. "Those two are just like the couple in Romance of Autumn Hearts," she whispers, in the same reverent tone one would use to announce a great insight into the nature of the universe.

"Then tell me, great sage," Katarina pleads, opening her eyes as she claps her hands together in a pleading hold, "what is their path to happiness?"

Sienna quietly decides that it actually is a bit amusing to watch.

Look how perfectly these two nerds understand each other! It seems like they have known each other for a lifetime, or even longer!

"This is not real."

It couldn't be. For him to have such love in his eyes as he stared at her… To have a voice so husky with
want… Even if this was a different Gerald from the one who'd killed her… it just couldn't be true.

No-one would love
her that way.

And Siena and Maria gained some insight into how extensive Katarina's problems were.

The two pressed lips together once more as the recital hall seemed to fade away.

Katarina wiped something from her eye.

Interestingly, since book almost certainly considered Katarina a priority target, I think the book let them go because it fulfilled her wish for the two to get along. Katarina is quite a kind girl at her core, isn't she?

Also, the book was quick to make a tactical retreat. How wise.

"I don't think I've made you my tea, yet?" He taps a finger to his chin. "Perhaps I ought to." Then, dropping his finger, he shakes his head sadly. "I think all of us are going to be in for a few very long nights."

I remember in canon, Bakarina suggested that Dark magic had little effect on her because of Maria, but I'm willing to bet that her own Dark magic tendencies may have played a significant role.

I can now picture the scene where Sirius tries to subtly influence Katarina with Dark magic in her tea while she's writing reports, but it just energizes her. Katarina reluctantly compliments his tea-making skills while Sirius grinds his teeth in rage.

She hesitates. "I… I think so." Then, she nods. "I just need to stay out of the way, L-Lady Anne…"

Sounds ominous.
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Look how perfectly these two nerds understand each other! It seems like they have known each other for a lifetime, or even longer!
Wasn't your intention, but I panicked a little when I saw several typos in the section you quoted. :confused: Fixed them now, though!

As to the rest... :evil:

Interestingly, since Katarina almost certainly considered Katarina a priority target, I think the book let them go because it fulfilled her wish for the two to get along. Katarina is quite a kind girl at her core, isn't she?
Er... Not quite sure what you mean about Katarina considering herself a priority target? Do you mean the book considering Katarina a priority target?

But yeah, they were let go because a desire was fulfilled - or actually, more than one in this particular case (Mary's desire for Alan to reciprocate her feelings, and Katarina's desire to see Mary in a happy relationship with Alan).

Also, the book was quick to make a tactical retreat. How wise.
This isn't actually something established in the anime continuity, but it's my headcanon for both why such a clear danger to the student body is left out in the open for anyone to stumble across and as to why the Ministry doesn't have their hands all over this immensely powerful magical artifact to study. Namely, that the book isn't actually out in the open, it's just doing magic BS to be found when it wants to be, and to be lost when it doesn't.

Maria's intuition about its nature was actually closer to the mark than Sienna's: It doesn't actually want to harm the people inside it, and the process of "feeding" itself on their desires doesn't have any negative effects on their health (well, not directly, at least). Still... I could see the situation getting really dicey, really fast if the book decided it needed to beat a hasty retreat before its occupants were freed.

My lips are sealed on Sirius. 🤐

Isabel... there may already be some hints as to what her deal is. 😉
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Er... Not quite sure what you mean about Katarina considering herself a priority target? Do you mean the book considering Katarina a priority target?

This is what I get when I try to write a comment at three in the morning. I was referring to the observation that Katarina received some special treatment as the first person to touch the book. Although I wouldn't be surprised if the book chose her as its scenario target because everyone else's desires are tied to her, and Katarina was simply too much of herself for the mind-altering effects to seriously affect her.
Oh, interesting. Isabel worked for an abusive household before the Claes, and the Diekes are, if I'm not just recalling fanon, not especially well-inclined toward commoners. And even if I am just recalling fanon, anyone who's going around kidnapping and ritually murdering strangers and children probably isn't a very good employer to begin with.

So if she recognises Sirius, that'd be from where. And if she's terrified of him, she likely has some inkling of all the dark goings-on within the Dieke household, and his semi-direct involvement in them.
With all the focus on psychological drama in this fic, I'd forgotten that this is a setting where a magic book can suck you into the shenanigans dimension for an episode. This chapter was a real change of pace! A fun change of pace, though.
Oh, interesting. Isabel worked for an abusive household before the Claes, and the Diekes are, if I'm not just recalling fanon, not especially well-inclined toward commoners. And even if I am just recalling fanon, anyone who's going around kidnapping and ritually murdering strangers and children probably isn't a very good employer to begin with.

So if she recognises Sirius, that'd be from where. And if she's terrified of him, she likely has some inkling of all the dark goings-on within the Dieke household, and his semi-direct involvement in them.
Interesting... but there's still one clue relating to Isabel's past that I have yet to see anyone pick up on. :evil:

With all the focus on psychological drama in this fic, I'd forgotten that this is a setting where a magic book can suck you into the shenanigans dimension for an episode. This chapter was a real change of pace! A fun change of pace, though.
Hah... Hope it wasn't too jarring! :confused: It was both a fun idea I've wanted to use for a while and a pretty expedient way to enable some plot developments to happen that I wanted to happen.
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Interesting... but there's still one clue relating to Isabel's past that I have yet to see anyone pick up on. :evil:
  • Name, Isabel Dean
  • Maid, presumably commoner (though Anne belies that)
  • Previously served in an abusive household, extremely nervous
  • Hired by Head Maid Joana, likely out of sympathy
  • Black, braided hair, green eyes
  • Recognises Sirius Dieke/Raphael Walt, and is distressed by his presence to the point of fleeing and asking to be reassigned
  • Brews an interesting, gentle, relaxing blend of tea, taught to her by an old friend

...ahhh. Katarina hasn't tasted Sirius' tea, yet, has she? He made a point of mentioning it this chapter. That's going to cause a block to fall into place. Or a domino, more likely.
Chapter 42: Façade
Chapter 42: Façade

The cobblestones clack beneath Katarina's boots as she surveys the academy grounds. The bright sun shines down on the green landscapes packed with students of all stripes practicing their magic for the upcoming practical exams.

"My, this area is quite busy, isn't it?"

She turns to the redheaded boy at her side, nodding. "I understand why the teachers asked us to keep an eye on them now."

His silver eyes look her over before nodding in turn. "It is nice to finally have a chance to get to know you better, Lady Claes."

She gives him a strange look as they continue down the path. "Pardon my rudeness, President, but… I was under the impression you disliked me."

He lets out a little chuckle. "Oh, Lady Claes: You are the epitome of nobility. What reason would I have to dislike you?"

Her cheeks redden, and she forces her eyes back to the path. Part of her feels like it is an empty compliment, but… he has not glared at her in a while, has he? Has he even glared at all? She thought he had, but her appraisals of others have left… much to be desired.

"I must admit, I am curious about you as well, President."

His silver eyes take on a strange light as he looks her over. "Oh? What would you like to know, Lady Claes?"

It is a hard question to decide on, though not for any lack of curiosity on Katarina's part. Rather… she knows so little about Sirius that it's hard to even figure where to begin. "You're very diligent, President," she eventually settles on. "I see you in the council chambers every time I enter, and it is my understanding that you placed above Nicol in the prior year's achievement tests." She pauses, pursing her lips. "What drives you to be so diligent? You are the son of a prominent Marquis – you do not need to work so hard."

His brown coat swishes with each step he takes. "Well, I could ask the same of you, Lady Claes. You are a ducal daughter and the future wife of a prince: Your social station is only a hair's breadth beneath actual royalty. Yet, if I am to understand, you have shown a previously uncharacteristic zeal to study and better yourself." A gentle smile parts his lips. "I am curious why you would put so much effort into it. Are you aiming to be scouted by the Ministry of Magic?"

She purses her lips, shaking her head as she glances over her shoulder. "The thought had not occurred to me until now."

"Come now, Lady Claes! There is no need to be modest."

"I am serious." She looks straight ahead, past a tree as a nobleman in a tan vest sweeps droplets of water through the air above him. The academy, in many ways, functions as an extension of the Ministry's research of magic, and highly-achieving students – especially those selected for the council – are usually given offers to join at graduation.

It is a very odd feeling to realize that category includes her. She isn't sure what to make of it.

Sirius frowns a bit as he looks up at her, arching a brow as he scrutinizes her expression. "Then… there is something else motivating you?"

"Yes." She does not elaborate further as she turns to him with a skeptical gaze. "What about you, Lord Sirius? You have not answered my question."

He lets out a breath of air, shaking his head as the gentle smile returns to his lips. "I suppose I am similar in that regard, Lady Claes: I have my own goals to work toward."

She thinks about that for a moment. Marquis Dieke – Sirius' father – has a rather… dreadful reputation, if rumors are anything to go by. To say nothing of the other whispered scandals the Dieke family are implicated in… even by the low standards of noblemen, Marquis Dieke is a notorious lech. Yet the president himself is quite adored by the girls of the academy. While part of it must be his admittedly handsome looks… "Forgive me if this is personal, President, but… is it because of your parents?"

Sirius' silver eyes widen at her remark, and he freezes in place. Then he smiles, closing his eyes and shaking his head as he brings a hand to his forehead. "Oh, I continue to underestimate you, Lady Claes!" There's an odd bitterness to his tone as he says it, but a smile remains on his lips when his laughter finally calms. "I suppose you can say that, yes."

Katarina places a hand on her hip as she stops walking and turns to face him. "I can understand: You are not at all like how the Marquis was described to me."

He gives her a strange look at that: All smiles, but darkness in his eyes. Still, it lasts only a moment before he makes a dismissive gesture. "Really, Lady Claes, Father is hardly ever home to bother me in the first place!"

He puts an odd emphasis on the word, but moves to the next topic before Katarina can process it.

"You do remind me quite strongly of Mother, though." He closes his eyes, offering a bright grin. "Although, to be quite honest, I think even a noblewoman of her standing would pale before your aptitude, Lady Claes!"

She blinks at that, glancing around the crowded greenery before looking back to the boy ahead of her. "You are speaking of me?"

He nods, still not opening his eyes. "Oh, yes! You are a very formidable noblewoman, Lady Claes! I don't think I've ever met someone quite as charismatic as you!"

Her cheeks flush. "Well… thank you, Lord Sirius."

There's a period of silence as her focus turns to the exertions of the students surrounding them. She crosses her arms as she focuses on the many mages surrounding the two of them, keeping an eye out for signs of anyone losing control of their magic.

It does not take long before someone does just that.

A scream yells out as the vest-wearing male water mage from earlier waves his glowing palm, staring it in fear as the previously sedate water surrounding him begins to churn in a torrential current. Katarina and Sirius glance at each other before sprinting towards him.

The other students drop their books and rush away in a panic; noblewoman with hiked skirts brushing past them. Katarina realizes a few moments too late that it may have been wiser for her to follow them and find help – she does not have powerful enough magic to do anything on her own.

Unfortunately, the realization only comes to her as a column of water rushes toward her face.

She reaches beneath her skirt, trying to find the sword sheathed to her hip to withdraw and block the attack with. Yet her reaction comes far too late, and Katarina winces as she prepares for the impact.

The impact never comes.

When she opens her eyes, she finds Alan and Mary standing on the other side of the panicked nobleman; their extended palms glowing brightly as they hold back the thrashing ring of liquid. The vest-wearing nobleman – now cowering in the grass beside his discarded spell book – looks up in shock as his own palms continue to glow.

"H-Hey," Alan says, forcing a smile at the man. "It's alright. Remember what you were taught in your magic control lectures, yeah?"

Mary nods, offering a smile to her fiancé even as the exertion summons sweat to her forehead.

The mage in the center of the waters seems to calm, and he closes his eyes as his forehead wrinkles with thought. His palms extinguish as he lets out a deep breath, and the thrashing water immediate returns to a sedate state.

Alan glances to Mary, and copper-haired woman nods as he drops his palms. Mary lifts her own above her head, summoning the water into a globe between her hands before banishing it as she claps them together. The two let out sighs of their own as they slump over.

"S-Sorry," the vest-wearing nobleman stutters, face red as he rises to full height. "I just… lost control."

Katarina returns her hands to her side, frowning at the brown-eyed man as she leans toward him. "You almost hit me, you know."

He pales, quickly launching into a bow. "F-Forgive me, Lady Claes!"

She crosses her arms, clicking her tongue as she shakes her head. "You are lucky that Alan and Mary were here." She turns to Sirius. "I believe an incident like this only merits a warning, yes?"

"There was no injury, so I believe so." The president turns to the nobleman with a smile. "I would recommend you very thoroughly review your control techniques before you try another spell like that."

Alan and Mary concur, and the bashful nobleman – though very evidently confused at Katarina's lack of fury – quickly nods and picks up his now dirt-covered spellbook before striding towards one of the buildings, muttering a quiet thank you under his breath as he passes her.

"It is good to see you, Lady Katarina!"

Katarina wrenches her gaze back to Mary, finding the woman wearing a radiant smile aimed directly at her as she grasps Alan's hand. "I-It is good to see you as well, Mary."

"Very fortuitous timing, councilors!" Sirius offers them a grin. "I was going to try and use my wind magic to deflect the attack, but I am not sure I would have been able to react quickly enough."

"That's the second one Mary and I have run into today." Alan shakes his head. "You too?"

"That was our first," Sirius replies.

"I guess it's the stress of the practical examination approaching?" Katarina frowns, crossing her arms. "I do not struggle with magical control, but… that is what I have heard."

"Well… it certainly makes sense why the teachers asked us to look after things now!" Mary replies, though her grin is strained as she glances at the students returning back to their spell training around them.

"Hey, anything to get us out of that council room filling out paperwork!" Alan rubs the back of head, running his hand through his silver hair. "And I thought you had it bad, Sirius!"

"I'm fairly certain the faculty are just passing on their responsibilities to us," Katarina mutters.

Even Sirius' smile strains a bit at that.

Mary turns back to her, expression immediately lightening as her auburn eyes meet her own. "Lady Katarina, I do want to thank you for the other day." She clasps her hands together, closing her eyes as a wide grin splits her lips. "Alan has been such a dear as of late!"

The fourth prince in mention goes red, laughing awkwardly as he looks away. "Come on, Mary… You don't need to make a big deal of it…"

When her eyes open again, she looks up to him with a smug grin, grasping his arm as she presses herself into his side. "Oh? That is not what you told me last night~"

Katarina's eyes go wide as her own cheeks blaze. Is Mary implying—?

"Garden! In the garden, Mary!" Alan sighs, shaking his blushing head as he buries it in his hands. "You and I just took a late-night stroll to talk things out!"

The elegant lady lifts a hand to her mouth as she laughs. "Can you blame me for teasing you when your reactions are so adorable?" She backs off from him as she turns to Katarina, wearing a smirk. "You know, he gets so flustered near me now. It's like that book lit a flame!"

"I just didn't think about you that way before…" Alan replies, still shielding his face.

Katarina's cheeks are still red as she shakes her head and regains her focus. "Well, I appreciate the thanks, Mary… but why are you thanking me?" She tilts her head. "It's not like any of that was intentional." Frankly, if it had been, she doubts she would be receiving thanks at all.

Mary's red hair drapes across her shoulders as she shakes her head. "What you said to me the other night…" her own cheeks redden as she clasps her hands "…I think that's why the book gave me that courage: You made me realize what I really wanted to do!"

Katarina smiles… but it confuses her. Can her words really have such an impact on others? "I just told you what I thought, Mary."

"I know, Lady Katarina." Her grin somehow goes even wider. "That's why I know you and I are going to be the best of friends!"

Katarina momentarily loses all semblance of composure. "E-Eh!?"

Mary steps forward, taking Katarina's arm in her delicate hands. "I mean it! I want to understand you better, Lady Katarina! I know we haven't been friends for long at all but I…" her blush intensifies "…I already feel so happy just being around you! It must be a sign!"

As Katarina struggles to comprehend the situation unfolding before her, Sirius coughs loudly. "Ahem… Perhaps I should go on without you all? It appears you are… busy, at the moment."

Mary seems to realize something, and shakes her head as she turns to him. "Ah… My apologies, Lord Sirius!" She is once again the composed, elegant noble lady as she lets go of Katarina's arm and returns to Alan's side – though the wide smile never leaves her lips. "We will simply have to catch up later, Lady Katarina!"

Katarina nods blankly, still recovering from the woman's floral perfume and gentle touch.

Alan sighs, looking up from his hands as his blush lessens. "See you later, you two." Then he turns to Mary and some of the pink returns to his face as he extends his arm. "D-Darling…?"

Mary eagerly accepts his grip, offering him a wide grin before looking back to Katarina and giving her one last wave.

Sirius stares at them for a long while as they move off to another part of the grounds. He is quiet for a long time before he turns to Katarina. "Yes… let us resume our work, Lady Claes."

Katarina can't quite tell what's going on in those silver eyes.

Katarina looks at the stack of paperwork sitting on the table at her side, sighing as she reaches to the top and withdraws another sheet. Her action is mirrored by the other councilors sitting in their places around her. When Sirius said that there would be a mountain of paperwork to go in the aftermath of the incident: He meant it.

Katarina is surprised when she sees a hand reach around her shoulder, sliding a teacup on a saucer between her elbow and the much smaller 'forms completed' pile. She looks over her shoulder, meeting Sirius's silver eyes as he offers her a gentle smile.

"Here you are, Lady Claes. Some tea to soothe your nerves."

She places her quill down, offering a genuine smile at the excuse to turn her attention away from the droll paperwork. "Thank you, President." She reaches for the teacup, taking it gently in her gloved hand as she lifts it to her lips.

The flavor of his tea is very good. She lets it linger in her mouth, savoring the gentle flavor before swallowing. She lifts the teacup from her lips, opening her mouth to say as much to him…

…only to close it again and frown. The taste is familiar. Not exactly the same, but familiar. She lifts the teacup up to her eyes, examining the dark liquid inside it.

"Is something wrong, Lady Claes?" President Sirius is all smiles, though he cocks a brow at her reaction.

"Not at all, Lord Sirius." Katarina shakes her head, returning a smile to her lips. "Your tea simply has a familiar flavor. It is quite delectable." Katarina usually prefers the sharp bite of Anne's brew… but a gentle flavor like this is perfect for stressful days.

"Really?" He seems intrigued, but shakes his head. "Regardless, I do hope you enjoy it, Lady Claes."

"Thank you, President." She offers him a genuine smile.

Sirius steps away from her side, moving to the smaller table at the side of the student council chamber to pour another cup. A moment later, Maria takes his spot, holding her usual thatched picnic basket as she reaches inside and deposits a delicately-wrapped treat beside her tea saucer. "Here you are, Lady Katarina!" She beams, flashing a heart-melting smile as she tilts her head. "I had to ask Lady Sienna what 'panforte' was, but I think I did a good job making it!"

Katarina tries not to spill any of the tea as she places the teacup back on its saucer and scoops up the wrapped treat in her hands. She most definitely does not drool as her gloved fingers unwrap the paper surrounding the frosted delicacy, nor does she make indecent sounds as the rich treat explodes in a perfect mixture of sweet and spicy as she chews it.

Therefore, the council members staring at her do so for no particular reason.

Gerald offers a wry smile from the side, looking over his significantly shorter pile of paperwork to-do. It doesn't quite reach his eyes. "You are… enjoying that quite a bit, Katarina…"

She fans herself, eyes watering as she savors every mote of taste before swallowing it down. "So good!"

Maria laughs, closing her eyes as her cheeks redden. "I take it you like it, Lady Katarina?"

"Yes! Absolutely! Thank you!"

Then, Maria says four words that test Katarina's strength of will in a way no string of words has ever done before: "Would you like another?"

She purses her lips shut, gritting her teeth as she bites down on the instinctive answer that threatens to escape her mouth's confines. "M-Maybe later," she manages to force out.

Maria's golden hair bobs as she laughs again. "Understood, Lady Katarina. Just let me know if you change your mind!" Her blue eyes open as she reaches over and takes the discarded wrapper away. Then, she looks up around the room. "Would anyone else like one?"

A chorus of affirmations erupts around the table. Katarina can pick out the voices of Alan, Mary, Sophia, and – somewhat surprisingly – Nicol.

A moment later, Gerald sighs, offering a wry smile as he faces Maria. "Oh, alright… I will take one too. If you would allow me, Maria."

The ribbon tying back her golden hair bounces as she offers another nod. "Of course!"

It is a strange feeling as Katarina returns her focus to the forms. It was not long ago that the council chambers were quiet and full of conflict, but now, things seem much more jovial and happy. Certainly, some of that change has come at the expense of their former councilman, but not all of it. For some reason, it feels like everyone is simply getting along much better now.

Perhaps it is Maria's sweets? She feels as though that must be it.

She finds it easier to focus on shrinking her stack of to-do items as the afternoon drags on. For some reason, Katarina finds a bit of sugar helps her attention, though she's not sure why. Still, the combination of Sirius's gentle tea and Maria's sweet treats produces a flavor combination that is downright heavenly… and one that severely tests her will to consume the small portions required to retain her slim waist.

By the time she finally finishes her share of paperwork, the orange sky is bright through the council chamber windows. She is last, of course, but finds she oddly doesn't mind much as her attention returns to the councilors around her.

Alan and Mary are the highlight, of course: The two lovebirds utterly lost in one another's eyes as they sit next to each other and smile. Katarina resists the urge to squeal at their cuteness, instead offering a wide grin.

Sophia just hides her face behind her stack of completed paperwork as Katarina's gaze shifts to her.

Katarina's grin falls. "Sophia… Are you upset with me? I notice you've been avoiding me all day."

Red eyes peek out from behind the stack as she shakes her head no. "I-I'm fine. J-Just…" She covers her face as her cheeks go red. "Oh, Lady Katarina, I'm so sorry! That book just made me feel so…" her words devolve into a high-pitched squeal as she buries her face in her lap, shaking her head.

Her brother lays a hand on her shoulder, patting her shoulder as Sophia groans in embarrassment.

Katarina sighs. "That is hardly your fault, Sophia. As you said, the book made you act that way."

"I know," her muffled voice replies, "but still…"

"I don't think you have anything to worry about, Lady Sophia." Maria stands at the side of the table, picnic basket in her arm as she deposits a treat before the hunched-over girl. "I don't think Lady Katarina quite understands the… situation as you do."

Katarina frowns at that, looking up at Maria in offense as the golden blonde simply returns a guilty smile. "What do you mean?"

Everyone suddenly finds every excuse to avoid looking her in the eye.

"We all did things we are not proud of, Sophia," Alan adds, forcing a grin as he rubs the back of his head.

Katarina blinks, not quite recalling what exactly she did that was shameful. "Again: What do you mean?"

Alan goes even redder as he hazards a glance at her. "Um… A-Are your shoulders so stiff in real life, too?"

Now it is Katarina's turn to hide her head behind her stacked paperwork. "Never-mind. I do not wish to discuss this topic any further."

Her cheeks burn as a bout of embarrassed laughter erupts around her.

"See, Lady Sophia? We all did things we are not proud of," Mary's voice continues. "Even someone as good-natured as Lady Katarina can attest to that."

When Katarina works up the courage to look up from behind her stack of paperwork, the Ascart's red eyes are tearful as she looks around the room. "You all are so nice…" she sniffles a bit, but a grin erupts across her lips as she lifts a sleeve to her face. "T-Thanks…"

Only Sirius does not smile as the conversation carries on.

As the door shuts after the last of the councilors file out of the room, the one they all call Sirius is left alone with his thoughts.

He has completely misjudged Lady Katerina Claes. She is a threat: A dire threat. She has monopolized the council and turned it into her own personal instrument of power. The others either do not know or do not care that they are being used to her ends. She's already eliminated the only voice opposed to her, and now with his investigation clearly dead in the water, she's also eliminated the only threat to her position.

He would be impressed… if he wasn't so angry.

You did not take her seriously, some part of him whispers. That was a mistake. You could have dispatched her easily had you acted earlier.

In the past, he would have laughed. Katarina Claes? Taking her seriously? The woman had clearly been on a path to her own destruction without his 'help.' He had been looking forward to watching such a prime example of nobility enjoy the fruits of her own labor.

Now, though…

Your ignorance is no excuse. Even when you underestimated her, what did you do? Make a uniform she wore uncomfortable? Astounding planning to confirm her distrust.

He hadn't meant to do that. One of the uniforms was improperly enchanted, and when he found out, he simply set it aside for her. It shouldn't have mattered.

But it does matter, because she is not what she pretends to be. You saw how she placed first on the academic ratings that gave her a position on this very council, where she has outmaneuvered you time and time again. Even today, she almost perceived the target of your ire.

He frowns. His thoughts are right. Lady Claes missed the mark by assuming the man he was forced to call 'Father' was the true target of his hatred… but only just.

What's more, consider how easily she has seduced these fools. To what lengths do you think they would go to defend her? They are completely loyal to her, and her alone.

His spine chills. The thought of what they would do to him if they knew his true intentions is… unpleasant.

You have done well to allay her suspicions, but you must accept that her façade of ignorance has been a deception from the start. The woman you see now… she is the true Katarina Claes.

His frown darkens. His thoughts are harsh, but fair. He has much experience projecting a false persona: Why has it taken him so long to consider the possibility that another would do the same?

Because this is not really about Lady Claes, is it? This is about her.

The one they call Sirius grits his teeth, gripping the underside of the council table as tendrils of darkness slither out from him. Closing his eyes, he takes a single, shuddering breath.

His thoughts are right: He's seen that woman in her since they first met. That arrogant smile… the way she carries herself as she walks… It infuriates him to see her escape consequences again and again. Worse, to see Miss Campbell's gaze brighten as she sees her… to see Nicol's sadness weaken in his eyes…

Does she even realize she's taking everything from him?

It matters not. She is not a 'challenge' you can neglect: You cannot take her downfall for granted any longer.

When the one they call Sirius opens his eyes again, the shadows retract into him. "No. I cannot."

A bit late in the weekend with this one! Sorry! I've been re-reading the older chapters and putting together a reverse-outline to make sure I have all my facts straight, as things are really going to get more hectic moving forward! I've done some minor edits to most of the story as part of that (including some minor tweaks and retcons), but nothing too big. Maria stutters a little less now, I guess?

I also want to both thank and apologize to AlphaSakura and whatisthisnightmare on Ao3. Thank you very much for adding My Death as a Villainess to your fic collections, and I'm sorry it took me 3 and 2 years to realize I needed to accept your invitations, respectively!

I hope you all enjoy the chapter!
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You are the daughter of a prominent Marquis
Unless Sirius went through a few changes, I think "son" is the right term?

And now we finally get a look into the head of the man himself, and he assumes that Katarina is some mastermind seeking to take over the council. Meanwhile, Katarina is baffled by the actions of everyone around her.
Chapter 43: Ruin
Chapter 43: Ruin

The large stone ruin towers above the surrounding forest, casting long shadows in the morning sun. Katarina stiffens in her black tunic, swallowing gently as she looks up at its mossy stones.

"It'll be alright, Lady Katarina," Sophia says, offering a gentle smile. Her long, white hair is done up in an elegant bun and ponytail.

Katarina sighs, offering a smile before turning back to the ruin's gate. Almost instinctually, she moves to bat away a lock of her hair, only to encounter air as she remembers too late that she herself is wearing a ponytail. Mobility is critical for this exam, after all.

Still… she feels almost naked. Her jeweled earrings are gone, as well as her white gloves and golden bracelets. The only thing she's kept of her usual attire is the blue ribbon pinning back her hair – it is, after all, her favorite.

There is a modest assortment of students milling around the mossy and cracked stone courtyard of the ruin. It is far from the entire population of the academy since the exams are conducted in groups based on academic performance, but it is still a sizeable amount.

Her fellow student council members are nearby, as well as Keith and Sienna. It's strange to realize that she and all her friends are doing well enough academically to be grouped in one place. Last time, she'd been in one of the later groups to enter, given that her performance was slightly below-average.

"So, this is the testing ground?" Alan shifts in his stance, crossing his arms at the towering stone construction. "They weren't kidding about taking us to the ruins, huh?"

Mary looks up at him, forcing a smile as her copper ponytail sways in the wind. "It will be fine, Alan!" Yet she cannot hide the bead of sweat on her forehead.

They're all in their black tunics, of course: They're the same military style they wore earlier that year, when their council duties had taken them to the ruins elsewhere on the academy grounds. From what Katarina gathers from her Sorciéran History lectures, the whole practical examination is a remnant of the once-comprehensive military training the Sorciér Academy of Magic conducted in the past. Not that the laws on mage conscription have ever been repealed…

"One great thing about this uniform is I that I can stand as long in the sun as I want while I'm wearing it!" Sophia smiles, swishing the black skirt of her uniform as she spins in a circle. "No shade needed!"

"At least mine has the proper enchantments this time," Katarina mutters. She had made certain of it, given what happened last time she wore one of these.

Still, as much as Katarina misses the clinking of her jewelry and the swishing of her dress… it's hard to say these outfits don't look flattering. Seeing the way Sophia moves in the outfit, she's forced to admit that black skirts over dark green stockings and military boots is a surprisingly flattering combination…

It's only when Gerald lays a hand on her shoulder that Katarina's cheeks warm as she realizes she may have been staring at Sophia's legs a little too intensely. She slowly cranes her neck towards the man at her side, hoping against hope that his timing is a coincidence.

The strained smile he flashes her seems to confirm it is not. Still, if he has gotten the wrong idea, he doesn't show it. Instead, he just says, "Katarina: Stay by my side once we're in the ruins, alright?"

She nods, though the warmth in her cheeks does not fade as she looks him over as well. There is most certainly some resizing magic in these uniforms, because despite the lack of any tailoring, his fit is immaculate.

She nods blankly, trying to focus on the task ahead of them instead of… that.

"Oh, Lady Katarina! Before we go in…" Mary steps between them, grabbing Katarina's hands as she flashes a smile and wrenches Katarina's gaze back to eye level. "I know we're on different teams, but I want to wish you good luck!"

Katarina shakes her head and returns the smile. "Good luck to you too, Mary! I know you'll do well!"

"I am confused, though…" Maria's gentle voice comes from Katarina's side. Katarina turns to her, finding the blonde's brows creased as she looks to the others with a troubled expression. "If Lady Mary, Lady Sophia, and Lady Sienna are on different teams than Prince Alan, Prince Gerald, Lady Katarina, and I… won't we all be competing?"

Sienna moves to her side, brushing her own short ponytail as she shakes her head. "It's not entirely competitive, Miss Maria. They will not penalize you unless your team performs extremely poorly."

Katarina nods. "The first team to get retrieve the crystal gets a load of extra credit, but as long as you make an effort to find it and don't get trapped, stuck, or injured, the exam is mostly graded as a pass/fail."

The others turn to her with confused expressions.

"Crystal?" Alan's brow furrows. "What do you mean about a crystal?"

Katarina freezes, realizing a moment too late that she's just revealed some of her foreknowledge. Still, it's not like it's a secret… "That's probably what they'll have us looking for," she eventually replies. "Just trust me on this."

Everyone else shrugs after a moment, probably deciding it's too much effort to question her further.

Though Maria still arches a brow as she looks between Katarina and Sienna. "…Injured?"

Somewhat fortuitously, it is at this moment that the headmaster's voice begins booming from the front of the ruins' entrance.

"Attention, students of the Sorciér Academy of Magic!"

Almost at once, everyone in the group – as well as the throngs of students surrounding them – stiffen and turn to face the white-haired man.

"You are the first group to undergo the practical examination today. It will consist of exploring these pre-Sorciéran ruins." His deep voice booms with unnatural clarity; clearly enhanced by wind magic. "Legend states that a great mage once lived within these walls, and imbued a crystal with magical power. You have all been divided into four-person teams to that end. The team that brings it back here first will pass by default and receive extra credit. The rest of you will be judged by your effort and performance."

"They're making this sound like some kind of expedition…" Maria whispers.

Katarina hazards a quick glance to her side, shaking her head. "They do this every year: It's clearly just some story…"

"Do not take this task lightly!"

Everyone's expressions snap back to the headmaster as he continues.

"The ruins are complex and labyrinthine. There are traps and dangers inside. If you do not pay attention, or do not give this task your all…" he pauses, sweeping his gaze across the crowd "…we cannot guarantee your safety."

An explosion of hushed whispers erupts from the assembly of students.

"Traps!?" Maria's face pales.

Sophia just nods. "Apparently, these ruins once housed a great mage's enchanted tools. The ruin was built to defend them from thieves…"

"If you believe what they're saying," Sienna cautions.

Katarina just stares straight ahead, glaring past the bearded headmaster and looking at the stone structure behind him. She is not going to fall for this place's stupid tricks again.

"The teachers and second-year students behind me are here to serve as aides. They will monitor your progress and render assistance if required." The headmaster points to the figures flanking him on both sides. "Be warned: Relying on their involvement will count against your score."

Lord Sirius offers a trademark gentle smile. Nicol just stares and nods. Professors Babcock and Finnelan nod as well.

"Demonstrate your command of your magic while employing the skills you have learned, and you will succeed!" The headmaster lets the statement linger before continuing. "Now, each team may proceed to their chosen entrance!"

The assembly of students erupts into panicked whispers as everyone turns to one another. Maria is no exception, the normally vibrant girl looking unusually sickly as she pales. "They're… really just throwing us in there?"

"It will be fine, I'm sure!" Mary's smile does not reach her eyes. "I've never heard of anyone being hurt here…"

"Neither have I," Sienna concurs, though the wind mage is unable to even force a smile.

Alan sighs, looking among the others before turning to his fiancée. "Hey Mary? Looks like this is goodbye for now."

The copper-haired noblewoman sighs in turn, looking back to Alan with a sad smile. "Good luck out there, Alan!"

His cheeks turn pink. "You too, okay?"

Mary wraps Alan in a hug, and his blush only deepens.

"Oh, Lady Katarina," Sophia says. "Good luck to you as well!"

Katarina turns to face the girl, smiling. "I know you'll do fine, Sophia. Take care of Mary and Sienna for me, okay?"

That earns a laugh from behind Katarina's back. "I will also be fine, Lady Katarina," Sienna says, "…but thank you."

Alan looks to his brother. "Hey, Gerald?"

The third prince stiffens, looking over his shoulder. "Hm?"

Alan spares one last glance toward Mary before stepping forward, extending a hand to Gerald as he looks him in the eye. "Let's do our best together, okay?"

Gerald stares at him for a moment before grasping his brother's hand. He shakes it firmly as a small smile crosses his lips. "Let us do exactly that."

Katarina smiles, though it falls as she turns away and looks for one particular face in the crowd. There is one last person she needs to talk to…


His dark blue eyes widen and then narrow as Katarina steps toward him. "What do you want?"

"You'll be working with my friends, won't you? You resigned from the council, but the test groups are still based on your achievement test grades." She stops a fair distance away from him, trying to give him space while still being close enough to speak without raising her voice. "I know you still have a feud with me, but please do not treat Sienna, Sophia, or Mary poorly."

He scoffs, brushing a hand through his dark blond hair as he glares. "I am not you, Katarina: I don't indulge in pointless cruelty."

She pouts, crossing her arms. "Do you know that we don't always have to fight when we talk?"

"Then leave me alone," he replies, looking away. "I don't want to talk to you."

"Fine, I will. But let me say one last thing." Katarina sighs, steeling herself as she forces a smile. "Good luck on the test, Keith."

Her only reply is Keith's frigid blue glare.

Flames dance in the sconces lining the ancient stone walls as Katarina breathes in the musty air. Maria follows closely behind, followed by Alan and Gerald in turn.

Katarina feels the weight of the satchel strapped against her shoulder and torso with each step, the hairs on the back of her neck standing up as she tries to recall where exactly she is inside the ruins… and what traps she needs to be wary of triggering.

It is more difficult than she anticipated.

The problem is that all the halls look the same: There are no landmarks to guide her. She's done her best to retrace her steps so far, but even so… She is not sure she is in the vicinity of her memories. The headmaster is right to call it a labyrinth.

Somewhat fittingly, it is as she takes her next step that the stone beneath her sinks into the floor and clicks.

Her anxiety spikes as she remembers exactly what this hallway is.

Without even looking, she spins on her heel, drawing her gaze across the others as her eyes widen. "Run!" she shouts, before taking off in a sprint.

The others hesitate for a moment… but only until they hear the low rumble of the boulder that is most certainly chasing after them. Very quickly, their footfalls join hers, and the four are racing back to the junction.

In spite her head start, Katarina soon finds herself falling behind the others. Her sword training with Gerald has greatly improved her fitness… but she is still far from athletic, and her legs burn as she tries to match their pace.

Gerald looks over his shoulder, eyes widening as the rumbling grows louder behind Katarina, and falls back to her side. "Hang on," he says, before grabbing her by the hips and pulling her up between his arms. Despite the added weight, he quickly resumes his prior speed, catching up to Alan and Maria as they round the corner of the junction.

A moment later, the boulder shakes the ruins as it slams into the wall of the junction behind them.

Everyone involved lets out a breath of air before resuming their heavy breathing, wiping sweat from their brows as they catch their breath.

As Katarina's fear fades, she realizes the position she is currently in, and her cheeks burst into an inferno as she looks up at the blond prince. "Gerald…"

He flashes a smile, even as sweat runs down his forehead. "Are you alright, Katarina?"

She nods. "Y-Yes…"

"I suppose… we will need to… train more…" he chuckles between breath. After a moment, he gently puts her down.

Katarina steadies herself against a wall as she too catches her breath; suddenly feeling even more dizzy than before.

"What was that?!" Alan exclaims after some time. His blue eyes are irate as he looks to the others and gestures to the boulder now embedded in the junction behind them. "We could have died just now!"

"M-Maybe it was some sort of trick?" Maria offers, though she doesn't seem to believe her own words.

"I have no idea… how this works," Katarina admits. "B-But I've never heard of anyone being injured here…"

"Illusion or not, it is obscene." Gerald retains a smile, though his eyes are cold. "Perhaps I will have words with Father about the academy's curriculum…"

"Oh, count me in on that," Alan agrees. "When we get out of here…" His words trail off as he looks back to the boulder, suddenly realizing the way they'd come from is blocked. He turns to Katarina, forcing a small smile. "I, uh… don't suppose you can use your earth magic to move that, can you?"

Katarina glances over her shoulder before looking back to him and shaking her head. "Perhaps if Keith were here…"

Alan groans, closing his eyes as he presses his head into the stone wall. "Fantastic. So, the only way out is to go deeper into this death trap…"

"We need to pass the exam anyway, Alan," Maria says, though her expression is troubled as she looks to him. "I can heal you all, so… let's just stay close, okay?"

Katarina sighs, crossing her arms as she faces Maria. "Yes, let's do our best to find that crystal and leave this wretched place."

As the group nods and begins moving down the only corridor now available to them, Katarina thinks hard about her next steps.

Chairman Katarina strokes her mustache before slamming down her gavel. "I now call to order this meeting of the Katarina Claes Death Avoidance Committee!"

The various aspects of Katarina Claes sit around the wooden table of the innermost chamber of her mind, their muttering carrying into the metaphorical air as they strategize.

One aspect pushes the glasses sitting atop her nose, crossing her arms as she surveys her peers. "Calm down all of you," says Studious Katarina. "We have done this before. There is no need to fear."

Timid Katarina shakes her head. "W-We have every reason to fear! Did you not just see that boulder slam into the wall?!"

"We almost got flattened like a pancake!" Angry Katarina slams a gloved fist into the table, rising to her feet as she glares at the others. "First the faculty foist all their responsibilities onto us, and now they risk our lives too?!"

"Calm yourself." Haughty Katarina's blue eyes are frigid as she glares at the personality aspect, unfurling a fan to cover her frown. "Do you think that this test is actually what it seems? Perhaps we believed the stories the staff told us in our prior life, but there is no reason to believe them now."

"I agree. If the surroundings were truly as dangerous as they seemed… we would not have been the only casualty of the school year in our past life." Studious Katarina shifts in her seat, and her glasses reflect bright white light. "Clearly, there is illusion at work."

Angry Katarina is less than convinced. "Do you mean to tell me that the boulder that just chased us down the hall was false?" Her lips curl into a snarl. "Why don't we test that with the other traps too? Perhaps our third life will at least be less stupid!"

"It is reasonable to assume some manner of trickery is at play given the lack of injury among the student body," Councilman Katarina interjects, causing all eyes to turn to her. "However, it is also reasonable to assume that all dangers are real unless proven otherwise." She frowns, again stroking the mustache above her lips. "Unless any of you would rather hope that whatever force which saved us from our first death saves us yet again?"

A general mutter of agreement comes from the assembled personality aspects, though some are more reluctant than others. Angry Katarina grimaces, but eventually returns to her seat.

Stressed Katarina grips her forehead, an ever-present bulging vein pulsing as she does. "So, if I understand correctly… We are going deeper into this ruin with no real plan?"

"There is a plan," Studious Katarina protests. "We just need to find the magic crystal!"

"We didn't find the magic crystal last time," Angry Katarina points out. "We have absolutely no idea where it is!"

"We have our friends!" Excitable Katarina grins. "We're taking the test with them this time, and they're all really smart, so I bet they'll be able to!"

"I-I hope we don't disappoint them…" Timid Katarina wrings her wrists as she glances anxiously around the mental chambers. "E-Even though we work so hard… They're all very difficult to keep up with…"

Depressed Katarina plants her face into the wooden table, rolling her head against the surface as her muffled voice says, "I wish Sienna was with us right now… She'd know what to do…"

Haughty Katarina scoffs, still hiding her lips behind her dark blue fan as she surveys the room. "When have we become so… pitiful?" She makes a distasteful gesture with her free hand as she rolls blue eyes. "We are Katarina Claes, are we not?" Her eyes crease with glee. "We have an advantage that no-one else does!"

Studious Katarina mirrors the grin, her eyes still obscured by the glint of her glasses. "Indeed. We may not know exactly where the crystal is, but we know where it is not located. We can find it, and if we do so quickly, this will be an excellent opportunity to impress everyone."

Angry Katarina opens a single eye. "If you two don't get us all killed by trying to rush through, that is." Her eye narrows. "Not that you've been listening much to the rest of us lately, anyway…"

"They're listening to me more!" Excitable Katarina hops from her seat. "And I think this is a great plan!"

"You always think our plans are great," Stressed Katarina mutters. "Again: We have no idea where the crystal is!"

A gavel slams into a block. "If you are not satisfied with the plan, I would like to hear your alternative," Chairman Katarina replies.

The personality aspect just glares back at her, nursing her pulsing forehead as she groans.

"Then, hearing no objections, the path forward is decided: We will use our foreknowledge to locate the magic crystal, pass the exam, and impress our friends." She slams the gavel down once more. "Meeting adjourned!"

Gerald frowns as Katarina once again takes the lead, despite his protests. It is not that he does not trust her to take point… Rather, he would much rather be out front instead – at least that way he would take the brunt of whatever attacks this horrid ruin unleashes on them.

Alan arches a brow as he glances over his shoulder. "You're worried about Katarina, huh?" His voice is just quiet enough for only the two of them to hear.

He nods. There is no point denying it. It must be clear on his face.

Alan chuckles. "You know, part of me thought you'd be more concerned about Maria."

Gerald spares a glance at the light mage following closely behind Katarina. Certainly, he is concerned as well, but… "Maria can handle herself: She can heal her injuries."

"There are limits to light magic too, you know. Even hers."

"What are you trying to say?" Gerald turns to his brother, barely keeping his voice a whisper.

Alan shrugs. "It's just not what I expected."

Gerald tries to focus back on their task as they continue through the winding corridors. Katarina leads them, brushing past runes of carved ancient script before he even has a chance to parse their wording.

"Left," she says at a junction, spinning on her heel and taking off down a corridor.

"Right," she says again, mirroring the move as they wind deeper and deeper into the ancient halls.

She seems to be moving with purpose, but Gerald is not sure where she's going. Still, none of them want to contest her directions, so they all follow behind her brisk pace.

Finally, he whispers to Alan again. "Why are you even talking to me?"

The fourth prince turns to him with an annoyed look; blue eyes narrowing as he runs a hand through his silver hair. "Can I not talk to you?"

Gerald sighs, shaking his head. "That's not what I mean." He looks back toward Katarina, surveying the hall as to avoid his brother's eyes. "I feel as though we have spoken more to each other today than we have in the past eight years."

"I guess you're right," Alan admits, shrugging. "I don't know, really. I guess I just don't feel so pissed off at you anymore."

Gerald spares another glance. "Is it because of Lady Hunt?"

"Maybe? That's probably part of it." Alan smiles, shaking his head. "It's a crazy feeling to know you're loved by someone like that…"

Gerald feels an odd pain in his chest as he looks back to Katarina.

The incessant muttering coming from the twin princes behind her keeps disrupting Katarina's concentration. She freezes in place and spares them a glare. "Do you mind? I'm trying to focus."

They both freeze, both adopting guilty smiles. "Apologies, Katarina," Gerald says. There's a strange sadness in his eyes. "Please, lead on."

Katarina faces back to the hallway, resuming her stride. If she is where she thinks she is now, then when she turns the corner, she should see…

"Lady Katarina! Look up ahead!" Maria points down the stone hall, looking toward the obstacle blocking the hall ahead.

"An enchanted ice wall," Katarina replies, hardly keeping the grin off her face. "We just need a way through."

Alan cracks his knuckles; a smile curling across his lips as he thrusts an arm forwards and opens a palm. "Oh, this will be –"

He jumps back as a lance of flame curls by his side, impacting into the ice and causing a burst of steam.

A soft glow permeates the fog as the water mage condenses it into an orb floating above his palm, only to glance to his side and find Gerald with a flame dancing in his own.

"Apologies," the third prince says with a smile. "I thought fire magic might be more applicable."

Alan sighs, rolling his eyes as he tosses the orb of water over his shoulder and lets it splash into the floor behind him. Then, he looks to the ice wall, eyes widening as he realizes the icy blockage is reforming. He once again thrusts a palm outward, summoning a soft glow to it as he halts it in place. "Alright, come on!" he looks to the others, gesturing them forwards. "Get through! The enchantments here really do not like me holding them back like this…"

Katarina and Maria nod as they file through the opening, followed shortly by the princes themselves. The moment Alan dispels his magic, the ice wall reforms behind them.

"Thanks, you two," Katarina replies, and both princes offer her a smile in turn.

"Yes, thank you," Maria adds. Then, she turns to Katarina. "What next, Lady Katarina?"

Katarina points down the hall. "Deeper we go!"

The light begins to thin as they venture further into the ruins.

Mary Hunt tries to maintain a smile as she deals with the absolutely dreadful atmosphere around her. It is not enough that these dim ruins are filled with a pervasive odor. No, she also has to deal with the tension that comes from the identities of her team members.

Mary has always had sympathy for Lord Claes, given the parallels to her own family situation. Even as her opinion of Lady Katarina has greatly improved, it still baffles her that someone so kind could be so estranged from her own sibling.

However, the feeling does not appear to be mutual. Indeed, the younger Claes seems to have nothing but contempt in his dark blue eyes whenever they look Mary over. And that is to say nothing of how he looks at Lady Sophia

The white-haired girl clings to Mary as they walk together, hiding herself from Lord Claes' hateful gaze. It makes Mary think quite poorly of him – she knows that Lady Sophia was involved in the decision to suspend him, but to hold a grudge against her for it? She simply did her duty as a council member, given what little Mary knows of the whole debacle.

Lady Sienna is at least not cowed by Lord Claes' glare… though she is still very clearly uncomfortable with it.

So Mary, being experienced with handling irate nobles, tries her best to keep his eyes focused on her as the four of them stride through the seemingly-endless candlelit stone halls.

"Lord Claes," she begins. "Do tell me a bit more about yourself. I have not seen you about the academy grounds in a long while."

He looks to her with an unamused stare, clearly aware of her intentions. "We do not need to be friends to complete this exam, Lady Hunt."

"Well, yes…" she sighs "…but it certainly would not hurt to get along better, wouldn't it? We need to cooperate."

"I am cooperating." His voice has a defensive tone as he says it. "Let's just focus on getting through this, okay? Then we can go our separate ways."

Mary feels Lady Sophia tug on the back of her tunic as Lord Claes looks over her shoulder, and Mary stops as she looks back to him with a frown. "Lord Claes, it will be over sooner if you cease glaring at our teammates."

His lips purse as he also stops and looks back to her. "You wouldn't be so inclined to be kind to them if you truly understood the woman they idolize."

Mary crosses her arms, looking up at him. "Because I cannot imagine growing up in a family that does not accept me or my heritage? Is that what you are going to say?"

Lord Claes remains silent, evidently realizing the implication of her words.

"Lord Claes, I will not pry into your situation. I do not know how Lady Katarina treated you. Perhaps your anger is warranted. If it is, you should still not direct it at us."

He lets out a breath of air, looking away as he hunches over and resumes his journey down the stone halls. "Just hurry up," he mutters.

The three others look between each other before resuming their pace behind him.

"I knew things were bad with Lady Katarina and Lord Claes," Lady Sienna whispers, "but I did not understand how bad they really were…"

Lady Sophia looks up with her red eyes, nodding. "He… really hates her…" Her voice wavers. "I think he hates me too…"

"His loss," Lady Sienna replies. She extends a hand, patting Lady Sophia on the shoulder and causing the girl to relax a bit.

"I just don't understand it," Lady Sophia mutters, letting go of Mary's tunic as she steps between her and Lady Sienna. Her bob and ponytail shake with her head. "Why would anyone hate someone as nice as Lady Katarina?"

Mary has an idea, though she struggles to imagine Lady Katarina in the place of her stepsisters. Still, to be insulted for so long… to be called, ugly, dirty, lowborn, and unworthy for years and years on end…

Mary just can't imagine Lady Katarina being so cruel. Or perhaps… she does not want to imagine it…

It is in that troubling interim that Mary spots the pressure plate at Lord Claes' feet.

"Lord Claes, look out!"

The ducal heir whips his head back in confusion, but it's too late. The black leather of his boot presses into the false stone, and there's the whirring of unseen mechanisms as the hall shivers to reveal dark gaps at its far end.

Lady Sienna runs forward, putting herself between Lord Claes and the disturbance. She opens her palms and spreads her arms wide, forming a shimmering, sparkling magic shield between them just in time to deflect the first few arrows.

Lord Claes looks to her in shock, then, seeming to realize the situation, thrusts an arm upward, summoning forth two towering figures of earth to block the hallway ahead. The arrows bounce harmlessly from the golems' wide stance, and Lady Sienna sighs as she drops her shield and wipes the sweat from her brow.

"This place is going to get us all killed…" she mutters.

Lord Claes turns between Lady Sienna and Mary herself, a confused expression on his face. Then, in a voice almost so quiet as to be inaudible, he mutters a thank you to them both.

He no longer glares at them when they continue moving forward again.

Katarina is not lost. She most definitely, certainly, absolutely is not lost. For her to be lost would be to admit that her foreknowledge had limits, and that navigating mostly-featureless deathtrap mazes was one of them.

No, she is simply… temporarily displaced. Once she finds another landmark, she is certain she will recall where she is. Of course, if her plan is to work, at some point she will need to find an area that is utterly unfamiliar to her, as she knows the magic crystal is not in some place she recognizes… Is she at that step now? Is this where it might be?

As if to answer her prayers, a stone opening in the hallway ahead reveals a room with something shiny glimmering inside. Katarina barely holds back her glee… as well as the urge to run towards it. Instead, she looks to the others, and they all slowly and carefully step around every suspiciously discolored stone on the floor as they make their way towards the room.

When they finally reach the entrance, Maria beams. "Yes! There it is!"

Katarina grabs Maria's shoulder, pulling the light mage back before she can step through the stone doorway. Maria looks back at Katarina with a confused expression, but the noblewoman simply shakes her head. "That's a trap."

Katarina lets go of Maria, stretching her hands to her sides as she adopts a wide stance. Summoning mana from her core, she thrusts a hand forward; palm glimmering as she unleashes the miraculous energies she's practiced.

A small stone sails through the air, striking the pink crystal with a tink and knocking it to the floor. A moment later, the false floor crumbles beneath it, and the crystal is swallowed by the dark.

Katarina steps back from the doorway-made-precipice. Her magic fades as she dusts her hands off with a satisfied grin. "See? Trap."

Maria's blue eyes go wide as she looks into the dark pit. An awkward smile returns to her lips as she turns back to Katarina. "I see. Thank you for the assistance, Lady Katarina!" Despite her enthusiastic tone, her skin seems quite pale.

Alan groans from behind them, and even Gerald's smile struggles to remain on his lips.

"This is getting quite irritating." The way Gerald's blue eyes look to the walls around him suggests that the third prince desperately wishes they were made of something flammable.

"Well, I don't think anyone else has found the crystal yet," Katarina says. "If they did, the aides would be guiding everyone to the exits." Her brow furrows as she brings a finger to her chin. "Then again, we haven't seen the second-years or the professors at all. Maybe they just haven't found us…"

"D-Don't say such things," Maria protests, shaking her head. Even the pink flowers braided into her hair seem to wilt at the thought.

"Well… Either way, there's only one thing we can do." Alan sighs, running a hand through his silver hair. "We have to keep looking."

They all suppress sighs.

Katarina steps back from the stone doorway, moving a small distance down the corridor before leaning against its wall as she tries to get her bearings.

There's a small click as the stone she rests on sinks into the side.

Katarina lets out a brief scream as the wall opens to swallow her, and then slams shut.

Mary stiffens as a scream echoes from the hallway ahead. The rest of her group stiffens as well.

Sophia looks between them all with wide red eyes. "W-Was that…?"

"Lady Katarina!" Lady Sienna immediately takes off down the hall, running in the direction of the scream.

Lord Claes looks after her, dark blue eyes going wide. "Hey, wait! There might be traps!"

Either Lady Sienna does not hear him, or Lady Sienna does not care. Either way, the woman's dark blonde ponytail bobs as she runs deeper and deeper into the hall.

Lady Sophia looks to her, and Mary nods before the both of them take off after the wind mage as well.

A moment later, Mary hears Lord Claes' footfalls behind them.

Katarina's screams echo down the stone slide as she plunges into the dark; feeling the musty air rush past her at a truly alarming rate. She cannot see at all; only feel the stone at her back as her enchanted tunic protects her from the friction burns she would most certainly be receiving otherwise.

Still, it is far from a pleasant experience to plunge blindly into the dark. The terror she feels right now is unpleasantly reminiscent to what she'd felt upon seeing the first glint of Gerald's sword in her previous life.

It is almost a relief, then, when she feels herself flung out onto a rocky cold floor.

To be quite clear, the aches she feels as she peels herself off the ground are far from pleasant. Yet at least she is stationary. Not that it matters much, given that she cannot see a single thing.


Her voice echoes in a wide space – far larger than she had initially assumed.

"Can anyone hear me? I'm okay, but I think I need help!"

The sound again reverberates from invisible walls; bouncing in the darkness in a space far larger than she finds comfortable.

She feels around for her pouch, brushing over the tassel on her chest and the belt around her waist until her fingers make contact with the container's small leather lip. She had a fire-starter rune in here, didn't she? She can't quite tell where she's put it…

It's only as her panic fades that she realizes the room is not as dark as she thought.

There are small luminescent crystals embedded in the stone. Barely visible, but putting out enough light for her to make out her surroundings now that her eyes have adjusted to the low light level. She decides to save the fire-starter then. At least for now…

The space she is in is indeed large. A gigantic black orb of indeterminate purpose hangs from the high ceiling in the center of the room; uncomfortably reminiscent of the same strange one she'd encountered in the ruins on the outskirts of the academy earlier in the year. She even feels the same strange pull it exerts on her as she looks at it.

There are runes carved into the walls, intermixed and mingled with ancient script writing. It's too dark for her to make out any of it. She can only tell that the carvings span up and down the walls and floors of the entire cavernous space.

"Is anyone there?" Her voice carries once more, bouncing off the walls as no response seems forthcoming. Katarina tries to locate the shaft she fell from, but perhaps due to the low light, she cannot see it.

Swallowing her anxiety, and sparing one last glance at the strange dark orb, Katarina moves away from the room, venturing deeper into the dark halls as she looks for a way out.

Prince Gerald stares at the wall, pressing his hand against the stone button again and again as he wills it to work. Nothing happens. The wall does not respond.

In a grunt of frustration, he thrusts out a palm and brings down the most searing, blazing flame he can conjure upon the stone surface. It is pointless: The flames merely lick against the surface… but he cannot think of anything else.

It's only as the air around him becomes unbearably warm and his mana uncomfortably thin that he finally gives up, dispelling his fire as it leaves behind a small, scorched patch of glass on the stone.

It takes a few minutes for his sight to readjust to the dim light of the corridor, revealing the worried expressions of Alan and Maria as they look back to him with wide blue eyes.

"We need to find one of the aides," Alan mutters.

Maria nods. "I will –" She pauses, mouth parting as she realizes she hears quickly approaching footsteps.

From the opposite direction they came from, Lady Nelson tears across the corner, followed shortly by Lady Ascart, Lady Hunt, and Lord Claes. The group comes to a halt just in front of them, and Lady Nelson takes no time to fix him with a golden glare.

"Prince Gerald… What happened to Lady Katarina?"

Gerald quickly recounts the events to her, gesturing to the scorched wall as he does. The woman furrows her brow and then looks over her shoulder. "Lord Claes?"

The nobleman blinks dark blue eyes. "Yes?"

Lady Nelson simply points at the stone.

He frowns, seeming to hesitate for a moment, but as the gazes of the group descend upon him, the ducal heir deflates, closing his eyes and shaking his head. He holds out a hand. "Okay. Stand back…"

With barely any effort, the earth mage rips the wall straight off, revealing the shaft into the darkness.

Gerald runs up to the gap, crouching down as he cranes his neck over the darkness. "Katarina!?"

His voice echoes down the chute, but there is no response.

Alan moves next. "Katarina!?"

Again, there is nothing.

Lady Ascart moves up next, cupping her hands around her mouth as she looms over the hole. Her palms glow softly as she inhales a breath. "LADY KATARINA!?" Her voice – augmented with wind magic – is impossibly loud.

It's hard to hear over the ringing in his ears, but Gerald is fairly certain that Katarina still does not respond.

A pit erupts in Gerald's chest, and the others all around him share similar expressions of despair as they eye the dark hole.

He's halfway to convincing himself to jump in after her when he hears a familiar voice behind him. "Excuse me."

Every member of the group turns to face Nicol, the second-year student remaining impassive as always as he regards them all with cool detachment. "It seems you require assistance?"

The longer Katarina stays in the dark halls of the ruin, the more she feels as though she is being watched.

She knows it is just paranoia – an overactive imagination given so little to look at that it invents sounds and sights that aren't real – but she still can't shake the feeling that there is something else in here with her.

She quickens her pace.

She's found some crystal down here, at least. She doubts it's the one they're looking for, given its dimness, but its soft green glow is the best light source available to her outside of her fire-starter rune, so she holds it tightly to her side as she winds deeper and deeper into the ruin's underbelly.

All the while, she tries to ignore the soft echoes of footsteps and the gentle rustle of wind.

She knows she needs to call out – make noise so she can be found by the others – but as the hairs on the back of her neck stand up, she worries more and more that it is not her friends that will answer. So, she remains quiet, looking for her own escape as she wanders the dim green glow.

Still, after a long while of wandering the seemingly-endless dark halls with no sign of escape… she decides to risk it. Closing her eyes and steeling herself, she lets out a roar worthy of Mother: "Hello!? Is anyone there!?"

Her voice rings out through the stone corridors, met only by the howl of wind and shifting shadows.

That is, of course, at first.

"Are you lost, Lady Claes?"

Katarina spins on her heel, coming to face the disturbance. She arches a brow, seeing the red-headed noble standing shortly behind her. "Lord Sirius?"

The student council president smiles in the dark hallway. "You seem to have gotten separated from your friends. Perhaps I can escort you back?" He offers a hand to her.

Katarina looks around the dark shadows of the hallway, feeling a creeping sense of unease. There is a sense of… staleness in the air. It as though it is suddenly harder to breathe.

Something feels wrong.

"Lord Sirius… Can you lead me back to my friends?"

"Of course, Lady Claes!" His hand remains open, and he again gestures for her to take it. "It is very dark, so I will guide you."

Something feels wrong about this… but it must simply be her nerves getting to her. So, Katarina nods, walking toward him and gripping his hand.

As she does, her body shivers as her feet are rooted in place.

Cold. Freezing, gnawing cold. It surges through her arm and down her spine, causing her to shiver as tendrils of freezing ice crawl towards her core.

The president does not seem to realize anything is amiss, smiling gently at her and speaking even as she can no longer make out his words over the shadows playing at the edges of her vision. She feels… fuzzy: It is becoming hard to think.

The dark hall seems to fade away as her awareness shifts to the magic within her: The flowing strands body muffled by the icy tendrils reaching deeper and deeper within her as they snake toward her core.

There is a spark in her chest: A single mote of warmth that oddly conjures up memories of soaking rain and the smell of sugar cookies when she focuses on it. It alone keeps the shivering tendrils – the shadows – at bay from the source of her magic: The window to her soul.

But it is fading fast.

The freezing dark slowly smothers it; choking out its light as it tries to wrap around her core. She can feel the anticipation of its embrace; the seductive pull of allowing her darkest fears, anxieties, and jealousies to take full control. Only the dimming light holds her back from her destiny.

When it finally winks out, the shadows lunge toward her core.

But at that moment, Lord Sirius releases her hand, and the shadows fade.

"…you understand what you must do now, right?"

It takes Katarina a moment to regain her bearings. Her thoughts swim as her awareness once again returns to the dark corridors. Katarina doesn't know what to say, so she nods. Part of her wants to ask Lord Sirius what just happened – to question if he understood the strange darkness that his touch seemed to force into her – but…


…What was she just thinking about? Her head is fuzzy… She can't quite remember…

Katarina stumbles forward, clutching her forehead as the world spins. She closes her eyes and steadies her breathing, rising to her feet once more.

"Are you alright, Lady Claes?" The student council president smiles at her, and it seems more… genuine than she's ever seen before. "You must have taken a nasty fall to end up here… but I'm sure you'll be fine now. Just remember what we talked about."

She nods, swallowing her anxiety at suddenly being unable to remember the events of the past few minutes. Has the ruin done something to her? She can remember falling into this place, finding the crystal… and now she sees Lord Sirius.

What happened between? Did she hit her head? Black out? She's just missing a period of time.

Still, she takes a calming breath. "You were taking me back to my friends, yes?"

It's hard to be sure in the darkness, but he seems confused at her response. Before he can answer, she hears footsteps, and the dark corridor is suddenly bathed in light.

"Lady Katarina!"

The exclamation comes from not one, but several of her friends, and before she knows it, she's wrapped in a very tight embrace.

"Maria? Mary? Sophia?"

The three of them respond only by tightening their grip, and Katarina suddenly worries that she'll be choked by the force of their embrace instead.

Sienna stands further back, though the relief on her face is evident. "I am glad you are alright, Lady Katarina."

Katarina breathes a happy sigh, taking in a deep breath as the other three finally let go. She can see now that the light comes from the flame Gerald is in his palm, and she is surprised to see the oddly… relieved expression on his face as he looks her over. "Thank heavens you are alright, Katarina."

She smiles, but it's strained. She is happy to see him as well, yes… but she doesn't understand why he's making such a big deal of it.

Lord Nicol strides in front of the group, his handsome face softening slightly as he looks to his fellow second-year. "You found her down here, Lord Sirius?"

The silver-eyed noble nods with a gentle smile. "Yes. I was offering to escort her back when you showed up."

Sirius lets out a small breath, the edges of his lips curling up almost imperceptibly as he notices something on Katarina's person. "It appears you found the magic crystal, Lady Claes. Congratulations. Your group has passed."

Katarina looks down at the green crystal still in her grip. "Huh. So this really is it?" Her nose wrinkles. "I was thinking it would be more impressive…"

She almost misses the pair of dark blue eyes among the crowd, as their owner does his best to file out without being noticed. For a moment, Katarina debates letting him keep his anonymity.

But only for a moment.


Her brother freezes in place, and his lips pull into a frown as he glares at Katarina over his shoulder.


He still glares at her, but nods before turning away and leaving.

For some reason, when Lord Sirius follows Katarina's gaze to Keith, he grins.

Another long chapter! I'm wondering if these are going to be more common as we get deeper into what seems to be Act 3... They are fun to write, but MAN are they a LOT.

I had the Chekhov's Gun of Maria's light magic infusion into Katarina sitting around for a LONG time now. I hope it's at least decently clear what happened there? Please let me know if it isn't! Basically, Maria had unwittingly given Katarina protection from dark magic by replenishing her mana back at the time she was staying at her cottage. That protection is gone now, but it stopped Sirius from successfully corrupting her this time. If he tries again, though...

Anyway, I did my best to rationalize the practical exams... existing. The anime is fun, but it's pretty clear the writers just wanted a dungeon episode. I have my own ideas as to how the whole thing works without resulting in dead nobles at the end of the day, but I only vaguely allude to it during the fic, as it wasn't particularly relevant to the chapter.

Anyway, there may or may not be an upload next weekend - that's to be determined. If there isn't one next weekend, there should be one the following weekend after.
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Chapter 44: Kin
Chapter 44: Kin

The noon sunlight warms Katarina's skin as she rises up from the verdant greenery of Mary's garden. She feels a bit awkward wearing leather gloves and white apron atop her usual outfit, but the experience of being out in the sun and looking over the pleasant flowers and greenery is… surprisingly appealing.

"How are the violets looking, Lady Katarina?"

Of course, it does not hurt that she has such pleasant company.

"Quite good, Mary!" Katarina turns to the auburn-haired girl, smiling widely as she dusts off her gloved hands. "No weeds or pests, as far as I can see."

Mary smiles beneath the brim of her flowered hat. "I'm glad. The weather might be getting colder, but everything seems to be hanging in for now."

"How are the…" Katarina gestures at the still-growing stalks in the pot next to Mary as she walks closer "…whatever-those-are doing?"

Mary lifts a hand to her lips as her eyes crease with laughter. "Those are the autumn gentians, Lady Katarina. They'll help make sure this whole area isn't just a sad wilted husk when fall comes."

As Katarina nears the flowerpot, Mary steps to the side to allow her a better look. Katarina marvels at the growing sprouts, turning back to Mary with a wide grin. "Wow… You've really thought ahead! Impressive, Mary!"

Mary's cheeks redden as she returns the grin. "Thank you, Lady Katarina. Normally, I take solace in gardening alone, but… it is very pleasant to have you around."

"We should do it more often!" Katarina brings her face so close to Mary's that her forehead almost hits the brim of the lady's hat as Katarina thoughtlessly grips her hands. "I know I need to keep up with my studies, but… It feels really nice to just relax and talk to you. I'm sure I can make some time in my schedule!"

Mary's mouth shrinks in a hushed gasp before blooming into an even grander grin. "I… would like that, Lady Katarina."

Katarina lets go of the woman's hands, suddenly remembering that she's still wearing the dirt-covered leather gardening gloves. She frowns as she steps back and lifts one to her face. "Oh, right! Anywhere else you'd like me to check for weeds?"

Mary stares blankly at the noble lady for a moment before snapping back to reality and shaking her head. "No, I think you checked all the places I planned to look at today. Thank you for the help!"

"Of course!" Katarina nods, spinning on her heel before moving to the edge of the garden in order to stow the leather gloves and apron back inside Mary's bag of gardening things. When she returns to the spot on the path she'd been standing before, she finds Mary holding a tea tray between her arms.

"As thanks for helping me out, Lady Katarina…" Mary closes her eyes and tilts her head, sharing a radiant smile "…would you like to have a bit of tea together?"

Katarina glances to the side as she takes a sip from the ceramic teacup. She can taste the honey mixed into Mary's sweet tea as she marvels the greenery surrounding their table. "I have to say, Mary, after helping you with the weeds… I can hardly believe you usually tend this garden all by yourself." Her lips curl as she places the teacup on the table. "You must have a green thumb!"

Mary's cheeks redden as she lowers her own cup, and the elegant noblewoman returns a smile of her own. "Thank you, Lady Katarina. It was a nice change of pace to have someone to talk to as I worked."

Katarina makes a dismissive gesture. "Think nothing of it, Mary! Like you said, the two of us should be the best of friends!"

Mary smiles, but her expression falls as her auburn eyes look to the verdant greenery surrounding them.

Katarina leans over the stone table, examining the lady's expression closely. "What's wrong, Mary? Did I say something to offend you?"

Mary whips her head back to her, smiling gently as she shakes her head. "Not at all! Forgive me, Lady Katarina: I was simply reflecting on an interaction during the practical examination."

"Oh. That ordeal." Katarina nods, leaning back into her seat before lifting her teacup to her lips. "I understand why you would frown upon recalling it." At least the student body has been given some time to recuperate before classes start again…

Mary chuckles, but shakes her head as she looks at Katarina with a serious expression. "Lady Katarina… Forgive me if this is improper… or a matter you do not wish to discuss... but could you help me understand the nature of Keith's resentment toward you?"

Katarina nearly spits out her tea. However, at the thought of wasting the sweet, honeyed taste, she forces herself to swallow instead. "Ah…" Her own eyes cast askew. "I am guessing you are curious due to his behavior in the ruins? He did not treat you poorly, I hope?"

The brim of Mary's hat shadows her eyes as she leans forward. "He did not treat me particularly coldly… but I cannot say the same for Lady Sienna and Lady Sophia."

Katarina clenches her ungloved fists. "I specifically asked him to behave…"

"Lady Katarina… Why does Keith resent you so?" Mary's eyes fill with confusion as she tilts her head back, once again bringing her coppery gaze into the light. "I understood it when I thought ill of you, but now that I see your true nature… I no longer understand why he holds such a grudge."

Katarina frowns, looking down at her lap as she struggles to think of what to say. What can she tell Mary? That Keith is her father's bastard child, taken in to replace her as heir? That his arrival is responsible for eight years of Mother's grief? It is the deepest shame of House Claes: She dares not breathe a word of it to even her closest friends.

Her conflict must be visible on her face, as Mary soon speaks up once more. "I am sorry… I did not mean to distress you, Lady Katarina. It's just hard for me to understand. You have been so kind to me, despite how I acted toward you… How could someone like you earn your brother's ire?"

Katarina sighs. "After Keith was adopted to be my younger sibling, I treated him… very poorly." She clicks her tongue, turning her head away from Mary's wide-eyed stare. "I had my reasons. I thought they were good reasons. I am just very tired of this bickering between us… How I feel about our past will not change that he is part of my family now."

Mary is quiet for a long while. "So, you wish to make amends?"

Katarina blinks, looking back to Mary as she wrings her hands. "I… suppose, yes."

Mary seems to relax at that, a small smile returning to her lips. "I can tell you are struggling, but… I believe that is an admirable goal, Lady Katarina." Then, her smile fades. "It is more than I can say about my own sisters…"

Katarina suddenly recalls Mary's words at the after-summer academy ball, and a pit forms in her chest as she realizes why the noblewoman's tone was so sarcastic when speaking of her own family. "You are like him, aren't you? You hinted at that before."

Mary's eyes seem to dim as she nods. "I was born to the second wife of my father, and my stepsisters never accepted me because of it. After she died… the place I grew up in never felt like home."

It makes the pit in Katarina's chest widen into a chasm. "Mary…"

Mary looks up, smiling. "I am fine now, though. I hold no grudge against my sisters, and I met two very charming people who have helped me realize that I am special and wonderful, no matter what others think of me." Her expression falls as she looks down in her lap, and her eyes disappear beneath the brim of her flowered hat. "Still… if one of my sisters tried to reach out to me after all this time… I think I would be troubled by it."

The canyon in Katarina's chest deepens as Mary says those words. "Then… it is pointless?"

Mary's warm eyes reappear as she looks back up at Katarina and shakes her head. "Did I not just say that it is because of your kindness that I have begun to accept myself for who I am, Lady Katarina? Even carrying all the resentment I had for the woman I thought you were…" the lady's eyes sparkle as she reaches across the table, gently cupping the light skin of Katarina's hand in her own. "…I realize now that you are truly a kind and gentle woman. If you can convince me, I'm certain your feelings will one day reach Keith as well."

Katarina's cheeks warm at Mary's soft touch. "You are far too kind to me, Mary."

"Then why don't we agree to be far too kind to each other, Lady Katarina?" Mary's grin widens as she again closes her eyes and tilts her head. "If you believe I am being too charitable to you, then it is only fair that we both shower one another with compliments and affection, yes?"

For a moment, Katarina feels her heart skip a beat. "I… suppose that would be fair, Mary."

Mary squeezes her hand tightly, eyes brimming with passion as she opens them again. "Then it is a promise, Lady Katarina!"

"I suppose it is." Despite herself, Katarina laughs. "Thank you, Mary."

The woman lets out a wistful sigh before taking a sip of tea. "Think nothing of it, Lady Katarina! And if you need any help or advice in reaching out to your brother, please do let me know!"

Katarina nods, and a few seconds of comfortable silence pass as Mary takes another sip of tea from across the table.

"…May I have my hand back now?"

The sound of her boot tapping against the hard wooden floor rings out through the hallway as Katarina stands in front of Keith's dorm. She bites her lip as she stares at the imposing oak of the door. Her conversation with Mary has only further convinced her of the need to arrest this cycle of spite with her own half-sibling… yet she has no idea what to say. Mary believes in her, and that means a lot given her own circumstances, but… it is not so easy to let go of the resentment and anger still bubbling in her heart.

Keith must feel the same way.

Katarina knows that it is not really Keith's fault that Father betrayed Mother. She hadn't understood it when she was a child, but it is clear to her now. She has been unfair to him (as much as the thought inspires revulsion) and if she wishes to have any chance at making peace with him before they both graduate the academy and leave each other behind forever… She must act now, before it is too late.

If it is not too late already.

She steels herself as she raps her gloved hand against the door, not daring to say a word as she hears faint sounds of activity inside. If she reveals her identity now, she is certain he will not respond.

After a torturous silence, the lock clicks over, and the younger Claes pokes his head through a crack in the door. His dark blue eyes narrow as they sight her.

"Keith," Katarina says, aware she only has seconds to make her case. "I know that last time—"

He slams the door shut, not waiting for her to finish. The lock clicks a moment later.

Katarina stares at the closed door, her open mouth frozen mid-word. After a moment of stunned silence, she shakes her head as her blood boils. A scowl forms on her lips as she steps forward to demand he present himself—

Instead, she stops before the oak's glossy surface, seeing her hateful features twisted in the varnished reflection.

She closes her eyes and sighs, letting out a breath as the anger leaves her body. Without another word, she turns down the hall and leaves.

She tries again a few hours later. This time, it is easier to muster the courage to stand tall as her knuckle raps against the door.

In only a few moments, the younger Claes is once again poking his head through the crack in his door. His blue eyes narrow in fury as they sight her once more. "You again!?"

Katarina nods, swallowing at his tone. "Please, just hear me out."

Keith glares hatefully as he remains behind the door. "What could you and I possibly have to discuss?"

"Are you not tired of this fighting?" Katarina's tone rises higher than she means as she meets his stare with one her own. "We do not have to like each other to get along!"

Keith's messy dark blond hair shakes with his head. "I am getting along. We are not fighting."

Katarina blinks, momentarily lost for words before formulating a response. "You are secluding yourself from everyone! Even your… girls have been asking for you!" She huffs, crossing her arms. "I can hardly believe I am taking their side in the matter, but I would rather see you once again playing with their hearts and acting like a dishonorable rake than see you only when you attend lectures."

"Stop acting like you care," Keith replies, though his brows furrow in confusion. "You hate them. You hate me for leading them on."

"You are pale," Katarina points out. "Your hair is messy. No matter how we have acted in the past, even I do not want to see you—"

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Keith flashes a smile that bares far too many teeth as he steps out from behind the door. "First, you treat me like garbage, now you act like you're some kind of concerned big sister?"

His voice – while even – is still loud enough echo through the hall, and Katarina tries to pretend she doesn't see the onlooking noblemen poking their heads out from their rooms. "We do not have to like each other to admit we are family," she protests, though her words ring hollow beneath his fiery stare. "All I ask is that we stop treating each other so poorly in the future."

Keith's jaw clenches shut as his frigid eyes glare down at her. After a few moments, he opens his mouth to relay his response. "Katarina… I have no desire to treat you poorly, because I have no desire to interact with you at all. If you really wish for us to stop fighting…" he takes a step back as he reaches for the inside handle "…then leave me alone."

The walls rattle as he slams the door shut. The familiar click of the lock follows shortly after.

With another sigh, Katarina turns down the hall.

Katarina tries to put on a smile for Sophia as they sit together in her parlor, but even the riveting novel in her hands can't distract her from her thoughts.

Keith is right. If she wishes for an end to their conflict, then she has already achieved it, in a way. She has no reason to doubt the truth of his desire to never speak to her again. Even as baffling as it is in the face of his prior life's behavior… there was not a hint of doubt on his face when he spoke. If they avoid each other, there will indeed be no further conflict between them.

Why does this solution bother her so much?

"Lady Katarina… Are you not enjoying the novel?"

When Katarina turns to the girl sitting at her side, she sighs at the concern reflected on her porcelain features. "No… That is not it, Sophia." Katarina slides a bookmark into the novel before closing it and placing it at her side. She turns to look straight into Sophia's crimson eyes. "I am enjoying the Devilish Count series! Rather… I am simply troubled by my brother's current state."

Sophia does a poor job at disguising her discomfort at Katarina's words as the girl looks down to the white carpet at their feet.

"You are thinking of Keith?" says Nicol as he looks up from his seat across from them; flatly handsome features betraying only the slightest hint of curiosity.

For some reason, Sophia has insisted Nicol accompany her to their reading sessions as of late. Katarina does not understand why – Nicol is polite, but seems rather unengaged – but Katarina has acceded to her friend's request nonetheless.

"Yes… I suppose." Katarina shakes her head as she turns to face him. "I spoke to Mary in the garden this morning, and after learning her own circumstances, I tried to talk to Keith…" The words die on her lips as she clutches the fabric above her chest. "I don't know what to do. I simply wished to make peace with him, but he wants nothing to do with me."

Nicol looks at her for a while, and it is impossible to know what the stoic second-year is thinking until he speaks. "Not interacting means not fighting. Is that not a good thing?"

"That is what troubles me," Katarina admits. "You're right, but…"

Silence once again descends on Katarina's dorm parlor. After a moment considering her, both of the Ascart siblings look to each other, then back to Katarina.

"It sounds like you want more than to simply make peace with Keith," Sophia responds.

Katarina's frown deepens as she flexes her gloved wrist. "It… is arrogant. I know I can't take back what did in the past, but…"

"You want a brother," Nicol says. There's a strange light in his eyes as he stares at her.

"I am… envious," Katarina admits, turning her gaze away from both Nicol and Sophia. "I've seen how you two support each other through everything and… I want that too."

There is another moment of quiet.

"Lady Katarina… You are envious of us?"

When she turns to Nicol, his dark eyes are wide. Katarina sighs. "You don't need to rub it in. I see how loving you are. I know Keith and I will never have that kind of relationship, yet still…"

Nicol continues to stare, even as his sister speaks up at Katarina's side with a similarly wide-eyed expression. "You really are wonderful, Lady Katarina." Tears begin to well up in her eyes as she shakes her head, then launches into a hug.

"E-Eh!?" Katarina exclaims, caught utterly off-guard by the sudden affection. She blinks, turning to Nicol as if to ask him for an explanation, but her confusion only deepens as she sees the shimmering of his tearful black eyes. "You too, Nicol!? What did I say? I just wish I had a family like yours!"

He laughs, a smile splitting his lips as Katarina feels her cheeks go red and her mind go empty. Wiping his face against his sleeve, he turns back to her with a gaze full of admiration. "I've been pitied for Sophia all my life, Lady Katarina: It's just nice to finally meet someone who understands how lucky I am to be her brother."

Sophia makes an affirming whine as her tearful face nuzzles against Katarina's waist. "A-And I am happy you understand how lucky I am to be his sister…"

Katarina's red face swivels between them as she braces herself against the sofa: Mind racing in complete non-comprehension. Is this just what it's like to be in a family as loving as theirs? She really doesn't understand what she said that was so touching!

Still, it is not unpleasant to feel Sophia's warmth at her side… even if it is leaving her dress damp with tears. It is also very… exciting to see the handsome Nicol sharing her such a radiant smile. She calms her beating heart as she simply relaxes into the pleasant fuzzy warmth of the moment – enjoying their company, no matter how inexplicable their reaction is.

Eventually, the moment passes… Though Nicol seems to have difficulty removing the grin from his lips. It's amazing that the man can be even more handsome than he usually is… not that she is complaining one bit.

"I think it's very wonderful that you want to make things right with Keith," Nicol says, still wearing a small grin. "Just have patience, Lady Katarina: Give him time to understand your feelings, and I'm sure he'll warm up to you eventually."

"I am also… worried. He has been isolating himself ever since the incident at the council. He barely leaves his room." Katarina looks down at Sophia's white hair in her lap, feeling the urge to brush her hand through its soft texture as she continues. "I understand it'll take time: I just want him to know that my feelings are genuine."

Sophia hums softly as she rolls across Katarina's lap, bringing her gaze up at the lady as her head comes to rest on her skirt atop her thighs. "Maybe you can give him something to eat, Lady Katarina? He might like that!"

Katarina resists grimacing. "I… already tried. It did not end well. He knocked the muffins I made to the floor and shouted at me."

Sophia's smile falls. "Oh…"

Nicol clears his throat, and Sophia's cheeks redden as she sits straight up and whips her head to face him. However, his dark eyes are instead locked on Katarina as he begins to speak. "Perhaps you can offer something that is meaningful to him personally? Something that only you would know as his sister?"

Katarina can't resist grimacing this time, shaking her head as her hand clutches the fabric of her dress. "I… don't know anything like that."

"Surely you must know something, Lady Katarina," a now less red-faced Sophia insists as she clings to her shoulder. "Even if you two hated each other… You would still know him better than almost anyone, wouldn't you?"

Katarina lifts a finger to her chin as she dwells on it.

Her eyes widen as she stumbles upon an idea.

Katarina steadies herself as she stands in front of Keith's dorm. She feels dizzy, and she's not sure whether it's from the stress or the mana exhaustion: Perhaps it is both.

When Keith opens the door to his room, he only takes one look at her before slamming it back in her face. She hears the lock click again shortly after.

Katarina forces down her anger. This is what she expected. It would be naïve to expect him to want to talk to her now.

Still… she isn't going to give up. Not until she has a chance to show him what she has made for him, at least. So, Katarina places her gift on the wooden floor beside her as she sits down outside Keith's dorm.

She only realizes she's dozing off when her eyes fly open at the sound of the door's lock clicking open.

Katarina reaches over and grabs the gift at her side, holding it against her chest as she rises to her feet. She hides her surprise at the orange sky shining through the windows, instead turning to the figure standing in the now-open door. "Keith!"

His dark blue eyes widen as he reels back, shielding his torso behind the door as his head pokes out. "You're still here!?" Then, his eyes narrow as he sees the object pressed against her chest. "Is this some kind of joke?"

"Keith, wait! I can explain!"

He scoffs, but steps out from behind the door as his cold blue eyes bear down on her. "You'll only keep bothering me, won't you? Fine: I will only give you one minute."

"Keith, I…" she swallows, closing her eyes. "I don't want to act like things are suddenly okay between us. I know they aren't. You are still angry with me, and I am still angry with you. But I do have a question for you…" She opens her eyes, looking up at him with a resolute stare. "Weren't you the one who said you wanted us to be family?"

Keith blinks, stepping back. After a moment, he clicks his tongue. "That was before you harassed me for years. Even if I still felt that way – and I very much don't – so what? I'm just supposed to… accept you now, like everyone else?" He stiffens, looming over her as his eyes go cold. "After everything you've done to me, I'm supposed to just let it go?"

Katarina averts her eyes. "I… don't know what to say to that. Maybe we don't need to forgive each other, but –"

"And that's the other thing," Keith interjects. "You keep acting like we're equal partners in this mess." He crosses his arms. "It was you, Katarina. You started this."

"I may have started it, but do you not recall how you have antagonized me this whole ye–?" Katarina cuts herself off as she closes her eyes, shaking her head before letting out a sigh. "No. No, I am not going to get pulled into this… blame game. We both have reasons to resent each other."

"Really? Because, as you just pointed out, there was a time where I wanted nothing more than to make you happy." When she opens her eyes, Keith is still furious. "You spurned that. You chose to act the way you did to me."

"Then will you let me choose to act another way now?"

Keith just stares, so Katarina holds up the earth doll she's crafted.

"I remember seeing you with these in your room when you were younger. I don't understand why you like them, but… I thought maybe you'd like another?"

"What is it with you and these… gifts?" Keith frowns. "Why do you keep trying to make me feel like I owe you?"

"You don't have to accept it – I don't want to make it feel like I'm pressuring you, I just…" Katarina shakes her head, lowering the earth doll to the floor before her feet. "I don't understand how else to show you I'm sincere."

He stares at it for a long while; his expression stony. After an almost intolerable silence, his brows subtly lift.

"I don't know. Even if you're being honest, I don't like the idea of feeling… indebted to you, Katarina. It's just not pleasant to me."

She nods. "I understand. Maybe I can leave it here, then? You can throw it out or keep it and I'll never know the difference: I won't be able to hold it over you."

Keith stiffens. After a long time, he shakes his head. "Do whatever you want, Katarina. It doesn't matter to me."

He steps away from the door, closing it and locking it behind him. Then, sparing her only a single glance, he takes off down the dorm room hall.

Katarina sighs, taking one last look at the earth doll standing in the middle of the hallway in front the door before heading in the opposite direction.

It is not the breakthrough she'd hoped for… but perhaps it is a start.

When Keith returns to his dorm room, he's surprised to see the crude earth doll still standing in front of the door. He expected the academy cleaning staff to get rid of it. Why have they left it there?

He nears it, looking down at the earth construct. It really is crude: The surface is uneven and lumpy with patches of dirt that aren't even completely fused by magic. Still, by Katarina's standards… it's actually kind of impressive. The girl has laughably useless magic power: This must have taken a lot of effort for her to make.

He frowns at that, glancing over his shoulders as he surveys the halls for onlookers. Seeing none, he reaches over and takes the doll in his hands, examining it more closely.

How did Katarina even know about these? He'd never once let them out of his room. Was she spying on him? Why choose this to give to him?

When he was younger, he'd make these dolls just to pose them around the room and play pretend with them all. As his magic developed, he'd even figured out how to make them move and walk around too. Sometimes, he'd arrange them around the table as he ate.

It was frankly, pathetic. He's long since given up on such childish delusions of family. As if such a concept could ever include a monster like him…

His eyes narrow as the though wedges into his mind. Is that what she's trying to tell him with this? That he is pathetic and alone compared to her? Is it simply a way for her to lord her sudden social genius over him in yet another display of cruelty?

But… even to make something so shoddy… it is still a gift.

Why make it for him?

"Lord Claes?"

Keith almost jumps out of his skin as he turns to face his sudden company. "President?"

Lord Sirius flashes a gentle smile, though his silver eyes seem confused as they lock onto the earth doll in his grip. "Is that yours?"

"Never-mind that," Keith says a bit too quickly. He folds it under his shoulder as he crosses his arms, leveling a cold stare at the student council president. "What do you want?"

"May I talk to you for a few minutes, Lord Claes?" He gestures to the door of Keith's dorm room as a grin splits his lips. "I have a matter I would like to discuss privately with you."

Keith hesitates. While he does not dislike Lord Sirius, he has very little positive feelings left for the entire institution of the student council in the aftermath of Katarina's takeover. Still… the redhead has vouched for him repeatedly during his time as a council member. Perhaps he should at least hear him out?

"I... suppose."

The air grows unnaturally still as Keith turns to open his door.

Families are hard. Especially when you're trying to stitch one back together.
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Awwww, Mary and Sophia. :D

Sirius, you UTTER douchbag. *lol*

You're REALLY making me hate the little creep, Jadebenn. *lol*
Chapter 45: Hate
Chapter 45: Hate

The tall green trees flanking the edge of the Academy campus unfold around Anne as she stands at Katarina's side. With Isabel largely unwilling to leave the dorm room anymore, Anne has found herself accompanying Katarina around the campus increasingly often. It is not as though Anne particularly minds being able to spend more time with Katarina, but it does disconcert her that Isabel still refuses to explain what exactly is causing her fear.

Anne has a strange feeling it is somehow tied to Katarina's prior fate.

Still… It is also nice to simply spend time with Katarina as they wander the academy grounds. Anne may grow less fond of these excursions once the weather turns colder, but for the time being… It is nice to simply be at her side.

"Katarina Claes!"

Anne's small smile falls as the shout rings out through the air. Both maid and lady turn to the source of the disturbance to find Lord Keith striding down the path across from them. Anne instantly tenses upon seeing his expression, but she forces herself to calm as he nears. The last thing Lord Keith needs is another person assuming the worst of him.

"I am sick of this game," Lord Keith states, voice trembling as he stops just before the two of them. "What exactly do you hope to gain with all this acting and false kindness? Do you just want to isolate me further?"

Her charge's blue eyes widen as she shakes her head. "No. That's not… Keith, what brought this on? Why are you asking me this now?"

"Answer the question!"

"Keith, I want—"

"You what? Want to offer me another empty platitude about 'starting over?' To insist that your behavior is genuine?" Lord Keith's expression hardens. "Spare me. You wouldn't know the meaning of the word 'kindness.' How could you? The only person you've ever loved is yourself."

Anne stiffens. She knows that Keith's anger towards his sister is not unjustified, but his own words hold malice for her charge that's hard for her to ignore… not to mention uncharacteristic of him. Still, it is not her place to speak… is it?

"That's not true," Katarina insists. A small of hint of anger creeps into her tone, even as her voice chokes. "I like the people I spend time with. They are my friends. Even now, with you saying such idiotic things… I want to get to know you too, Keith!"

Keith bares his teeth as his body trembles. "How many times do I have to tell you that I do not want your company before you give up and leave me alone?"

Katarina blinks as her expression twists in confusion. "But you just approached me, now…?"

For a moment, Lord Keith's expression mirrors her confusion, but his sandy blond hair flies out as he shakes his head, and when he looks again, his face is wrought with rage. "Whatever! It doesn't matter! I'm here to tell you that whatever your game is, your manipulations won't work on me like they did with the others." He takes a step forward, leering from his position above his sister as his voice quiets. "I want nothing to do with you. I wish to be around you as little as possible. If you have any respect for me in that cold, black heart, then you will respect that."

Katarina looks up at him, and her eyes narrow as her mouth opens in retort. However, she hesitates for a moment, and her expression falls as she hangs her head. "I… understand, Keith. If that is truly what you want—"

"It is," Lord Keith interjects. He takes a step back as he continues to level a hateful glare at Anne's charge. "I will be elated when we both finally graduate this academy and I can never see you again. Goodbye."

Anne's heart falls as Lord Keith spins on his heel and proceeds back the way he came. She glances toward Katarina, expecting to find her charge wearing the same downtrodden expression she wore a moment earlier, only to see her look up with a strange determination on her sharp features.

"Keith! One last thing!"

Anne's anxiety spikes as Lord Keith freezes mid-step and swings his head over his shoulder to reveal a dark, hateful glare.

Katarina too, is momentarily cowed… but only for a moment. "I will respect your wish to not see me as much as I can. But you don't need to isolate yourself from everyone else! I promise I won't tell Mother or Father about your… girls, and I know Maria still wants to be your friend—"

Lord Keith's white coat shakes as he turns on his heel and strides – almost runs – back to Katarina. "Is this a joke?" He stops just in front of her, leaning forward until his frigid gaze is inches from her own. "You took her from me."

Anne tugs on her charge's sleeve, pulling Katarina back before stepping in front of her and extending an arm. "That is enough, Lord Keith. You have made your point."

Lord Keith doesn't even acknowledge her. His eyes remain fixated on Katarina as his loose dark purple tie hangs down from his neck, rising and falling with each heavy breath.

"Keith…" Katarina says, glancing toward Anne before returning her gaze to her brother. "What have I done to make you hate me so?"

"Seriously!?" Lord Keith seems baffled as he recoils back from her, but his features twist into an even deeper rage as he grips his forehead and closes a single eye. "How about we start when I was adopted? Duke Luigi asked us to play. You grabbed your wooden sword, took us out to the field, and do you remember what you did?"

Katarina's face pales. Anne's does not fare much better. She remembers that incident far too well. Seeing Katarina bringing the toy down upon him as he cowered in the mud… Calling out for her lady just to get her to stop

"I… was wrong to do that," Katarina admits, nodding as she hangs her head. "I know it does not mean much eight years later, but… I am sorry. It was right after the first time I ever saw Mom and Dad fight, and I was so mad—"

"You think that excuses it!?" Keith's voice rises in tone as his body trembles. "Just because I was used to your beatings didn't make it any better!"

"No, I don't think it excuses it at all…" Then, Katarina tilts her head up, looking back at her brother. "Wait, used to…? Keith… I never did anything like that again."

Lord Keith winces as he grips his forehead, shaking it once more. "M-My brothers. That's what I meant."

"Your brothers?" Katarina's eyes widen. "But… Father wouldn't—"

"Don't change the subject!" Lord Keith opens one blue eye to again glare at Katarina. "Even after that, you were cold to me! I avoided you, but every time we met you were just cruel for fun. You and Duchess Millidiana had nothing but scorn for me. And I was fine with that. I learned to live with it. I knew that one day I would be able to leave it all behind." He clenches his fists as his arms straighten at his sides. "But you won't let me! Even now, you keep taking things from me. My friends, my position, even the one person who ever gave a damn about me!"

Anne's golden-brown eyes widen as she notices the first pebble lift from the ground. Time seems to slow as she sees the faint prismatic aura shimmer around the adopted Claes. "Lord Keith—"

"You're the one nobody should give a damn about! You're the one who should disappear!"

He swings his arms out to his sides, and the earth erupts behind him. Grass-topped chunks of the field take to the air before lunging toward the source of his distress…

…and the maid standing at her side.

In the split-second Anne has to react, she leaps toward Katarina, intending to tackle her charge to the ground.

But she is too late. One of the pieces of earth strikes Katarina in the chest with a sickening crunch, sending her flying backwards as she crumples to the ground like a ragdoll.

Another grazes past Anne's ear.

She adopts a combat stance as her instincts force her anxiety down. Anne is not sure what she can do about someone like Lord Keith, but she has to try. So, she swivels her head toward the threat as her eyes narrow, expecting to lunge at the earth mage in a contest of might versus magic.

Instead, she sees Lord Keith's wide eyes as the glow around him fades. His skin pales as his eyes drift to what she can only assume is Katarina, and Anne has to fight the urge to follow his gaze as she keeps her eyes fixed on him.

"I… I didn't mean…" Lord Keith lifts up his hands, looking at his own palms as his deep blue eyes fill with fear. He looks up to Anne, shaking his head as his voice trembles. "I… lost control…"

Anne scrutinizes him, still sizing him up as a threat. If she breaks his balance and keeps him off-guard…

"Please…" Lord Keith's voice chokes as he sees her cold expression, "believe me…" He looks back to the spot where Katarina must lie, then spins on his heel and runs off to the closest academy building.

When he is far enough away that Anne is confident he is truly leaving, Anne immediately turns her gaze back to her charge. She rushes up to the prone form of Katarina, finding her blue, cyan, and white dress smeared with dirt as her chest slowly rises and falls. Anne tries to hide her relief, though she knows better than to assume the lady is unharmed solely due to lack of visible injury. Instead, she reaches down and picks up Katarina, lifting her between her arms as she scrutinizes her surroundings and searches for the women's dorms.

She needs to find Miss Campbell.

Katarina's eyes blink open to be greeted by the sight of two delicate palms bathed in shimmering, prismatic light. She glances upward, only to find their owner's azure eyes narrowed in determination.


The light dies as the girl lets out a soft gasp and turns to face her. In a flash, a wide smile overtakes her lips. "Lady Katarina!"

Maria wraps her arms around Katarina's waist as she hugs her from the side of the bed, unintentionally offering her a scent of the pink flowers braided into her blond hair.

A male voice clears his throat, and Katarina turns to her left to see Gerald on the other side of her bed. "I am glad my fiancée is safe as well, Maria…"

The blonde somewhat sheepishly retreats from the hug, still offering a wide smile as she clasps her hands beneath cheeks as pink as her dress. "Oh, I'm so relieved! I know I healed your broken ribs, but you weren't waking up, so I kept applying more light magic and—"

Katarina stiffens. "Broken ribs?"

Maria's smile falls.

Katarina looks up from her bed, quickly recognizing the empty beds and wide windows of the academy infirmary. Thankfully, it appears she is the only injured occupant.

Anne now clears her throat, stepping up towards the foot of her bed before nodding her head. Her golden-brown eyes light up at Katarina, but her face remains grim. "Lady Katarina… Do you remember what happened?"

Katarina's heart leaps into her throat as she glances down at the dirt smearing her dress, and the memory of Keith's magic rushes back to her. Almost instinctually, she places her hand over the place the rock impacted her… but it is as Maria said. The skin is not even bruised.

"Wow," Katarina says, craning her neck towards the impact mark above it. "It's not even sore?"

Maria giggles happily. "I'm glad I could help."

"Hey!" Alan voice rings out. "Katarina's awake now, so let us in!"

Before she really has time to process the exclamation, the mostly-empty infirmary is overwhelmed by a flood of people from its entrance. Katarina's eyes widen as the crowd clusters around her bed. In addition to the three already at her side, there's Sienna, Alan, Mary, Nicol, Sophia, and…


She barely has time to process his presence before Duke Luigi wraps her into an even tighter hug than the one Maria gave her, pressing her into his well-tailored gray suit. "Oh, my daughter," he mutters, sounding on the verge of tears. "I'm so glad you're alright…!"

She returns his affection as everyone else concurs with his statement, feeling oddly comfortable with his attention, despite their usually-strained relationship. After a bit, he finally releases her and turns to Maria. He dips his head respectfully before returning to full stature and grinning at her. "House Claes is in your debt. Thank you for the assistance, Lady…?"

Maria shakes her head, but her smile doesn't fall as she executes a half-decent curtsy. "Miss Campbell, Duke Claes."

Father's blue eyes widen, first in confusion, then in recognition. "Ah, a commoner? You must be that wielder of light I've heard so much about!"

The description clearly doesn't please Maria, who winces. "Ah, yes…"

"Maria is a dear friend of mine, Father," Katarina interjects as she sits up from the bed and takes Maria's hand in her own. She gives the girl's gentle hand a soft squeeze, offering her a reassuring grin before looking back to Father.

Some of the others don't seem to like that. Actually, most of the others don't seem to like that. In fact, Mary seems surprised when she realizes her eyes have narrowed at the gesture, glancing to Alan to find his expression much the same. Sienna just sighs, shaking her head and muttering something under her breath.

Maria, on the other hand, flushes before turning to Father. "Yes. I would help any student if asked, of course, but Lady Katarina is very dear to me…" she glances over her shoulder at the brunette, and warmth fills her beautiful features. "I wanted to make extra certain she was alright."

Katarina's own cheeks warm at the sight.

Father seems confused for a moment, but soon smiles at the two of them. "It's very wonderful to hear that, Miss Campbell! Katarina, it is good that you are making such close friends!" He raises a hand to his chest, looking proudly at his daughter. "Why, my own father would often speak of his friendship with a commoner—"

"Pardon the interruption, Father…" Katarina lets go of Maria's soft hand as she cranes her neck around the crowded infirmary "…but where's Keith?"

Father's dark blue eyes – so very similar to Keith's own – darken. "Keith turned himself over to the Academy Guard. He is in their custody at the moment."

Katarina blinks, leaning up from her bed as she looks at him. "What!?"

"Katarina! You need to rest!" Gerald insists, placing a hand on her shoulder from the other side of the bed, but Katarina shakes her head at him before looking back to Father.

"Why is Keith being held by the Academy Guard?"

"Katarina… Keith told them he attacked you. I can scarcely believe it, but…" he glances at Anne; the maid now standing behind the horde surrounding the bed "…Anne has corroborated his testimony."

It is at that moment that Katarina realizes an even more distressing absence from the people around her. She launches up from her position atop the infirmary bed, craning her neck around the room before returning her gaze to Father. "Where is Mother?"

Katarina hikes up her dirtied, frayed skirt as she winds through the halls of the main academy building. Several weekend students give her odd looks at her current state, but Katarina pays them no mind as she exits from the grand, elegantly furnished halls to a maze of small rooms and narrow corridors. This section of the building is not well-trafficked and usually functions as a storage area for events. Of course, if one needs a place to keep a noble accused of a crime…

Katarina opens a wooden door to find a plate-clad academy guard unlocking another door across from her. The guard steps out of the way, beckoning Mother – who is standing behind him – to step forward. So, Katarina takes on a burst of speed and rounds the both of them before skidding to a halt in front of a wide-eyed Millidiana Claes.

Katarina sticks out her arms as she blocks her from entering the room where Keith is (presumably) being held. "Stop right there, Mother! If you go in there and do what I think you are about to do…" her eyes narrow "…I will never forgive you."

Mother's eyes widen as she halts, raising a hand to her heart. "Katarina…? What are you doing here? You should be resting!"

"You are here to disown Keith, aren't you?" Her frown deepens. "I refuse to allow it."

Mother's jaw drops. "Katarina… He attacked you!"

"He lost control of his magic! Even holding all that resentment… I don't think he meant to hurt me."

Well… Honestly, it is more of a hope. But what kind of sister will she be if she hangs Keith out to dry now!? She is the only thing standing between him and disinheritance – quite literally, it seems.

Katarina remains resolute as she stares Mother down, but Millidiana looks at her as though she's grown a second head.

The guard, looking between them, quietly shuffles out of the room.

"Why are you defending him, Katarina?" Mother's tone is one of genuine confusion as her blue eyes widen. "Don't you understand what he did to our family? To attack you, my true child… It is unforgivable."

"How can we claim to fight for our family when we are so cold to a member of it? Do you believe that wallowing in our own misery will fix things?" Katarina grits her teeth as her tone rises. "Keith hurt me, yes, but I have hurt him as well – and not by mistake."

"He is not family, Katarina. Not like you and me! He is what tore us apart to begin with!"

"Like it is his fault? How is it fair to ask Keith to pay for his father's sins?" Katarina stomps her boot against the floor, shaking her head. "Has Father's cruelty hardened your own heart, Mother!?"

"My… cruelty…?"

Both mother and daughter pale as they turn to the man standing in the doorway to the side of the room. Duke Luigi Claes stares back at them. His short, sandy blond hair shakes as he looks between them with wide blue eyes, voice straining. "I… have been cruel?"

"Katarina: I did not come here to disown Keith. Rather… I was going to tell him the same thing I am about to tell your father." Mother closes her eyes, gritting her teeth as her body tenses. "Luigi… Husband… I cannot bear this charade any longer: I want a divorce."

Katarina's breath catches as she realizes the scene playing out before her. Father does not handle the revelation much better: His face pales as his deep blue eyes grow even wider.


"I have desired this for years, but my own cowardice has prevented me from admitting my feelings until now." Mother's fist clenches as she opens her eyes and looks down at the stone floor. "I thought that by acting cold to you, you would come to understand my feelings, but… now that my only child has been injured, I can wait no longer. I will return with Katarina to House Ades. Please, divorce me and be happy with the woman you love."

Katarina can only stare as her jaw falls open. She has known of Mother's resentment for many years, but… A divorce? Her heart twists at the realization that her family's dissolution is complete.

"The woman I love…?" Father repeats, taking a step closer as he lifts a hand towards Mother. "Millidiana… that is only you."

Mother's eyes fly up as she recoils from his touch. "Do not lie! I am sick of this lying! I know you were close to Father! I know what he asked of you before he passed!" Her gaze again falls. "You were obligated to marry me – the last of my sisters to be wed – and yet the only child I could birth is a spoiled daughter of weak magic. It is no surprise you've grown to resent me… but I still cannot bear to see that boy with your eyes."

Father chokes, paling as he shakes his head. "Millidiana… You think… Keith!?"

Mother hangs her head. "You do not need to hide it anymore. I will darken your sight no longer…" She turns her back to him before striding across the room and grabbing Katarina's sleeve. She hesitates for only a moment, stopping and looking over her shoulder with tearful eyes as she shouts her next words. "I will take this hopeless daughter of mine and return to my family!"

Katarina barely has time for the words to sink in before Father runs across the room, placing himself between Mother and the door opposite to Keith's cell. "What are you saying, Millidiana? I told you that Keith was adopted from a branch family! I have never once been unfaithful to you!" His dark blue eyes shimmer as his voice chokes. "This entire time… This is what has been driving this wedge between us?"

Mother loses her grip on Katarina as Father pulls her close. His arms wrap behind her long, brown hair as he presses her into his chest.

"I thought you hated me for forcing you into this marriage… I know I did not even wait for your approval. I was so smitten by your beauty: I simply could not bear the idea of another man having you…" His voice chokes. "To think that you believed I would betray you like that…"

Mother's mouth gapes as she stands stiff against his embrace. As her wide blue eyes blink in shock, it takes her several moments to even begin to speak. "What? But… you were so popular. You must have received dozens of proposals… Surely you could do better than a hopeless woman like me?"

Father's grip tightens as he closes his eyes. "I love you, Millidiana. You are the only woman I have ever loved."

Mother is quiet for a few moments as her cheeks redden. She looks up at him, brushing his cheek as he opens his own to look back at her. "I… have always loved you. Since the moment I first saw you… I wanted us to be together." Her eyes shimmer. "You… feel the same way? You do not resent my uselessness?"

He looks down at her, tearing up as well. "How could I ever resent the woman of my dreams?"

In another time, the sight of her mother in her father's arms might warm Katarina's heart. In another place, their devotion might bring a smile to her face and tears to her eyes. In another world, Katarina might squeal with delight at the sight of their rekindled love.

Instead, Katarina feels her dirtied gloves creak as her hands curl into fists and her breath shakes with fury.

"All this time… All this conflict… It was because you two could not communicate with one another!?"

Her parents turn to her with widening eyes, but Katarina can hardly see them through her reddening gaze. Her lips pull back in a snarl as her blood burns and her body tenses.

"I have thought my brother to be father's bastard for eight years… simply because you two could not speak like adults!?"

Mother's face pales. "Katarina—"

"Get out."

Her parents let go of one another as Father turns to her. He is quiet for a moment. "My daughter… There are no words I can say to—"

"Get out!" Katarina screams so loudly it strains her lungs. She makes a cutting motion with her arm as her vision blurs with tears. "Leave!"

The two ever-shifting blobs she thinks to be her parents shift in her sight before moving toward the brown splotch she knows to be the door. They hesitate for a moment, and Katarina grits her teeth as she glares at them through hot tears.

She hears the hinges creak open… then shut.

The moment they are out of sight, she collapses to the floor.

All this time… Everything she ever thought has been a lie. Keith did not tear her family apart; he was not even her father's bastard: It was their own stubborn pride and inability to communicate that saw fit to rend them.

And Katarina is just as guilty of those sins as her parents are.

She has already come to regret her past treatment of Keith, but now she understands that it all was truly for naught. He had never been what she thought he was, and the realization sends the guilt already twisting her chest spiraling into a maelstrom of regret as her tears wet the stone floor. She has wasted seven years – eight, if one counts her prior life – holding onto a grudge with no point or purpose. She raged at him for slights that never even existed.

Katarina already knows her anger was unjustified. It is so much worse to know it was pointless.

She brushes her arm against her face as her heart twists with a strange resolve, and she cranes her head over her shoulder as she comes to face the wooden door to the room serving as Keith's impromptu cell. How much of this conversation has he heard? Does he understand how worthless this all was?

In a bitter irony… He is the only one who ever possibly can. He is the one who would most understand.

It's that thought that gives Katarina the strength to steady herself and rise to her feet. With hardly a moment's hesitation, she grabs the weathered handle and twists it. The door creaks open with a push, and Katarina takes a single deep breath before stepping into the room.

The room is barren: It seems like an old storage closet hastily refitted into a cell. Afternoon light filters through the narrow window, illuminating the dust in the air as it shines on a small square of the dirty stone floor.

Keith sits next to the light with his head buried between his knees. His arms are bound behind his back by rune-covered shackles chained to the wall. The patterns carved upon their dark metal glow softly as he sits almost motionless in their hold. His only sign of life is the shallow rise and fall of his chest.

Katarina's heart twists at the sight. "Keith…"

His face is hidden behind the dark, dirtied gray fabric of his pants as he fails to respond.

"You… probably heard all of that, didn't you?" Katarina glances over her shoulder to the open wooden door, and her frown deepens.

Keith's sandy blond hair remains still as Katarina turns back to him. He remains curled up in a ball as he continues his silence.

Katarina's eyes narrow as she looks to the shackles binding him. She crouches down to the floor, wiping her gloved hand across the dirty stone as she summons her own meager magic to her palm. The dirt and pebbles stick to it, growing in size until she holds a small orb between her fingers. She eyes the lock on his restraints, brushing past his shoulder as she forces the ball of earth into the keyhole. She closes her eyes as she focuses on shaping the earth within the lock mechanism.

She hears a click, followed by the sound of metal hitting stone.

The runes covering the restraints dim as Katarina opens her eyes. A perfectly-formed earth key pokes from the keyhole of the now-open shackles as they lie on the floor.

Keith merely wraps his freed arms around his legs, curling himself tighter.

"Keith…" Katarina's throat catches as she leans back from him, sitting on her knees as she hangs her head. "Whatever decision you make now, I will use every bit of my power to ensure you face no consequences from this… debacle." Her throat pulls taut as she swallows, and Katarina desperately fights to stay resolute in the face of her own selfish feelings. "I know an apology means little in the face of what has transpired between us, but… I'm sorry, Keith. You deserved a better sister than I."

Her voice reverberates in the small stone room as she speaks, as if to punctuate the hollow nature of her words.

"Why?" Keith eventually asks. A single glistening blue eye peeks up from his knee as his voice wavers like a soft wind. "Why are you saying this now?"

Katarina is silent, unable to find the words.

Keith shakes his head as his eyes again sink behind his knees. "You shouldn't have taken off those restraints. You saw what happened. I'm a monster. I lost control of my magic, and…" he shudders, and his voice cracks "…and I wanted to hurt you. I didn't mean to actually do it, but… it wasn't really an accident either."

Katarina forces a smile. "You, ah, only broke a few ribs, and Maria healed those up with her magic!" She is strongly considering starting to wear some kind of plate there, given how distressingly prone she seems to be to chest injury.

He says nothing, and Katarina's false smile falls as her own eyes sink to the dirty stone floor. A memory comes to Katarina's mind unbidden: Her fingers tightening around the handle of the kitchen knife in her grip as she glimpses golden blond hair…

"Truthfully," Katarina states, "I guess I just know what it's like to lose everything to your anger."

There is a long quiet once more as he sits there, and Katarina can hear his quiet sobs as his chest trembles.

"I don't understand," Keith eventually chokes out. Tears roll down his cheeks as he looks up at her, and his voice shivers as though his heart is being squeezed. "Why…? You have every right to hate me…"

Katarina closes her eyes, shaking her head. "As do you."

She is grateful she does not have to witness his tears as his sobs fill the room.

I take back whatever I said about previous chapters kicking my ass. THIS chapter kicked my ass.
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