Read again the power; I can only hope it's not a mistake.[x] WITH THE POWER OF FIRENDSHIP!
I'm really only voting for this because it has nothing to do with fire, and I find that funny.
I'm thinking a combination of Lawful Evil and Pragmatic Villainy. An example would be a mob boss who treats his allies and underlings well in order to inspire loyalty and subtly (to avoid ruining his reputation) helps fight supervillains because the world getting destroyed is really bad for business.[x] WITH THE FIRE BREATH OF JUSTICE!
Her boyfriend sounds interesting.
That is one possible explanation (probably the most likely, in fact). There are others though.I'm thinking a combination of Lawful Evil and Pragmatic Villainy. An example would be a mob boss who treats his allies and underlings well in order to inspire loyalty and subtly (to avoid ruining his reputation) helps fight supervillains because the world getting destroyed is really bad for business.