My Brother's too good for you Skanks! Go Away! (Harem Anime Big Sister Quest)

Remember the cardinal rules of shopping people.

Most exhausting activities first.
Then rest.
Then temperature sensitive activities.


Clothes Shopping > Book Shop > Restaurant > Groceries

Groceries should also go last on the basis that anything that needs refrigeration will spoil if we decide to do anything else.
[x] Go to the grocery store, some extra sense tells you you'll need the extra food soon
We must not let this skink show our innocent lil' bro her corrupting body!
Remember the cardinal rules of shopping people.

Most exhausting activities first.
Then rest.
Then temperature sensitive activities.


Clothes Shopping > Book Shop > Restaurant > Groceries

Groceries should also go last on the basis that anything that needs refrigeration will spoil if we decide to do anything else.

This is normally true...

But we won't this dirty skank as far away from our brother as soon as possible. Ergo, we do groceries first. This cuts skank shopping time to a minimum.
Shows what you know.

OPs are advanced A.I from the future of an alternate earth where everyone except them died, and over the years they went crazy and started writing fanfiction. Then, once they realized the Internet was a transdimemsional medium to our work, they started doing quests.

Gawd, everyone knows that. Where have you been for like... The past 80 years?
I heard that as well.
[x] The clothes store…….what Lexy needs more cloths.

[x] The clothes store…….what Lexy needs more cloths.

[X] The clothes store.......what Lexy needs more cloths.

[X] The clothes store…….what Lexy needs more cloths.

Gives us a chance to take her aside and... remind her to not do anything we'd have to make her regret.

[x] The clothes store…….what Lexy needs more cloths.

[x] The clothes store…….what Lexy needs more cloths.

[X] The clothes store…….what Lexy needs more cloths.

[x] The clothes store…….what Lexy needs more cloths.

Missing a letter.

This sentence looks like its missing a couple words.

[x] The clothes store…….what Lexy needs more cloths.


[x] The clothes store…….what Lexy needs more cloths.

[x] The clothes store…….what Lexy needs more cloths.

[x] The clothes store…….what? Lexy needs more cloths.

[x] The clothes store…….what? Lexy needs more cloths.

[X] The clothes store…….what Lexy needs more cloths.

The chances of harem antics happening and our little bro catching her in a compromising position cannot be denied!

I couldn't make a decision fast enough in the last round. I'll try to improve upon that.

[x] The clothes store…….what? Lexy needs more cloths.

They mean that the option has a spelling mistae

[X] The clothes store…….what Lexy needs more clothes.

Unless Lexy wants to make her clothes out of bits of material.

[X] The clothes store…….what Lexy needs more cloths.

Lexy is growing on me.

[X] The clothes store…….what Lexy needs more cloths.

[x] The clothes store…….what? Lexy needs more cloths.

What do you lunatics think you're doing?! If we go clothes shopping, she's gonna wanna try things on!

If she tries things on, she gonna want a second opinion!

If she wants a second opinion, she's going to get it from our brother!

If she gets her dirty whore hands on our brother, she'll try to corrupt him with... With her lewd outfits!

We cant let this hussy soil his innocence! Let the bitch go clothes shopping on her own! We should just get our groceries and go!

What do you lunatics think you're doing?! If we go clothes shopping, she's gonna wanna try things on!

If she tries things on, she gonna want a second opinion!

If she wants a second opinion, she's going to get it from our brother!

If she gets her dirty whore hands on our brother, she'll try to corrupt him with... With her lewd outfits!

We cant let this hussy soil his innocence! Let the bitch go clothes shopping on her own! We should just get our groceries and go!

I don't even consider that a problem!

I mean the whole point of this Quest seems to be wacky shenanigans, I like Lexy, I like watching the MC blow her top, so why would I vote to avoid this?

I kinda feel like if you're min-maxing playing to win and avoid all conflict, rather than just picking to see the things you like, you're missing the point entirely.
What do you lunatics think you're doing?! If we go clothes shopping, she's gonna wanna try things on!

If she tries things on, she gonna want a second opinion!

If she wants a second opinion, she's going to get it from our brother!

If she gets her dirty whore hands on our brother, she'll try to corrupt him with... With her lewd outfits!

We cant let this hussy soil his innocence! Let the bitch go clothes shopping on her own! We should just get our groceries and go!

And she'll be doing it right in front of us.

Where we can supervise.

And limit her clothing options to things that are not lewd.

And give the impression that if she fucks with our brother, literally or figuratively, we will fucking bury her.

The sooner we give her the impression that our brother is the light to our darkness, and the only reason we haven't set everything on fire, the sooner she realises that preserving his purity is the only way she can get away with even a little bit of evil.

Thus we will make her our pawn in preserving our pure little brother.
What do you lunatics think you're doing?! If we go clothes shopping, she's gonna wanna try things on!

If she tries things on, she gonna want a second opinion!

If she wants a second opinion, she's going to get it from our brother!

If she gets her dirty whore hands on our brother, she'll try to corrupt him with... With her lewd outfits!

We cant let this hussy soil his innocence! Let the bitch go clothes shopping on her own! We should just get our groceries and go!
We're buying her either a burka, a poncho or both.

And no, wearing them will not be optional.
We're buying her either a burka, a poncho or both.

And no, wearing them will not be optional.

We could probably spin it as a totally-not-menacingly-evil robe. Good people wear those all the time! Just have her watch Hot Fuzz!

....Actually that's a good idea. Whatever we want her to buy, sell it as, "This is something a normal and not evil person will wear." She'll probably buy anything with that endorsement.
Interrupted Cloths Shoping
[x] Shopping

You decide that at the moment it's best to take Lexy and Akira shopping. After all the former needs more than one set of clothing while the later needs spare shirts because you just know some stupid bimbo's are going to shred his current ones before the end of the month.

At least the clothing store looks normal. Maybe Lexy's presence won't result in a total disaster after all.


You were wrong…………you where horribly wrong.

The very first outfit Lexy go into when she decided to change was a set of evil sorceress cosplay. How stupid she can get? She does realize that just because the cloths are mortal that it doesn't mean that they're ok to wear in society. Especially since all the dark power radiating off her mean's she's basically not wearing any disguise at all right now.

"Lexy" you say flatly "That's not acceptable in society………..go change into something else."

She looks like a kicked puppy, but thankfully complies without so much as a complaint.

You almost feel sorry for her.



The next one actually does look normal…………………but oh boy look at that prince tag!

"Too expensive" you grunt to a rather disappointed Lexy "Go pick something else."


"YOU GO CHANGE INTO SOMETHING ELSE RIGHT NOW!?" You scream covering your brother eyes in a desperate attempt to preserve his purity. "GO BACK IN THEIR AND DON'T COME OUT UNTIL YOU WEARING SOMETHING AT LEAST HALFWAY DECENT!"


"Lexy those are pajama's" you yawn "They're for when you go to sleep not daily life."


"Lexy! If something reminds you of home it's probably a bad idea to put it on!" you scream exasperated. She found another evil sorceress cosplay and apparently haven't learned her lesion from the first one.

How can anyone be this stupid?!


After a long and painful process Lexy eventually finds enough hallway decent outfits to form an actual wardrobe. You really had to drop your standards for some of em but you gess you can't win em all. At least the pirate outfit is funny.

Now all


What now?!

You turn to the source of the explosion to see a massive hole in the wall with a dark sorceress standing inside of it.

"Mwhahahahaha!" She laughs "You puny mortals are nothing before my power! Bend to me now and I might just spare your"


Before she can finish someone else blows a second hole in the same wall.

"Halt evil sorcerous!" A magical girl with a strawberry themed dress steps through the wall "Or I magical girl Silly Strawberry will end you here and now!"

Oh right……………'d heard that one of the most powerful girls in the city had a strawberry theme to her, if you remember right she was right above the one that had a T-Rex as her magical mascot.

"Foolish magical you dare to defy Tlavera?!" She growls "I will destroy you for this transgression!"

The magical girl just blows a raspberry at the dark spellcaster as Lexy glares at both of them and your brother………….well he just looks confused.

You can't blame him on that front.

"INSOLENT FOOL!" Tlavera is clearly unhappy about the raspberry "YOUR END IS NOW!" she finishes screaming as she summons a pair of male artifact spirits.

A pair of very very sexy male artifact spirts at that.

Mmmmmmmm that imagine is going to be stuck in your head all day, and you're going to love every moment of it.

"Sister" your brother's voice cuts you out of your thoughts "You're drooling again."

Heh…………oooops, you take a napkin and wipe it off.

The magical girl has started fighting with one of the artifact spirits, but it seems the sorcerous has sent the other one to try and take you hostage.

Oh my………..this is a problem isn't it?

What do you do?
[x] Grab your bro and run for it! Lexy's an evil sorcerous she can fend for herself!
[x] Grab both your bro and Lexy before bailing out of there.
[x] Artifact spirits don't have any powers beyond enhanced strength and magic resistance, you might actually be able to take him.
[x] Try talk to him, you might be able to stall him long enough for Strawberry to finish off the other and intervene.
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[x] Grab both your bro and Lexy before bailing out of there.

If we leave lexy, our brother might try to save her, and that would make him a hero in her eyes. Not on my watch!
[x] Grab both your bro and Lexy before bailing out of there.

We've got more shopping to do. Time to bail out of the show mid-way through.
[x] Try talk to him, you might be able to stall him long enough for Strawberry to finish off the other and intervene.
-[x] Hit on the artifact spirit. That ought to occupy him real good.