[Multiverse Crack SI] The Adventures of a Space Whale

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[The OP, Rokoran replied with 1.3k words]
i trusted you

Please. When have I ever made a story post with less than 3k in this thread? If it's less than that, you can assume it's just a long reply to something.

When I post a 4,000 word section of nothing but responses, then you can complain. :p

@Rokoran How badass is the SI percieved in the wizarding world ? Who think they could take him ? WHat about the two previous question for the percy Jackson universe ?

In the Wizarding World, Havelock is Britain's premier Hit-Wizard. There are perhaps four people in the world who would feel confident in their power to defeat him:
  1. Dumbledore
  2. Voldemort
  3. The Nameless, an ancient Chinese Dark Wizard who rules over a substantial empire in the northern provinces and has done for the past several thousand years. However, while he's confident he would win in the end, he doesn't know how long it would take or how difficult it would be, since he has no idea of Havelock's limits or how much he knows in the way of obscure lore. For that reason, he wouldn't ever dare take him on until he'd gathered such information - he didn't sustain his rule for millennia by being reckless, after all.
  4. James Franklin, an American Strike Wizard (the US Hit-Wizard equivalent) commonly hailed as the next coming of Benjamin of the same name, who was a wizard well-known for his polymath education in both magical and mundane fields, and also for using it to come up with all sorts of ingenious spells that he then proceeded to use to kick the arse of anyone who got in his way. The descendant in question lives up to the hype and more, but has developed something of an ego from it, unfortunately.
In PJO, he is a literal Primordial God with the power to wipe galaxies out of existence on a whim. Ain't nobody gonna fuck with that.
Please. When have I ever made a story post with less than 3k in this thread? If it's less than that, you can assume it's just a long reply to something.

When I post a 4,000 word section of nothing but responses, then you can complain. :p

In the Wizarding World, Havelock is Britain's premier Hit-Wizard. There are perhaps four people in the world who would feel confident in their power to defeat him:
  1. Dumbledore
  2. Voldemort
  3. The Nameless, an ancient Chinese Dark Wizard who rules over a substantial empire in the northern provinces and has done for the past several thousand years. However, while he's confident he would win in the end, he doesn't know how long it would take or how difficult it would be, since he has no idea of Havelock's limits or how much he knows in the way of obscure lore. For that reason, he wouldn't ever dare take him on until he'd gathered such information - he didn't sustain his rule for millennia by being reckless, after all.
  4. James Franklin, an American Strike Wizard (the US Hit-Wizard equivalent) commonly hailed as the next coming of Benjamin of the same name, who was a wizard well-known for his polymath education in both magical and mundane fields, and also for using it to come up with all sorts of ingenious spells that he then proceeded to use to kick the arse of anyone who got in his way. The descendant in question lives up to the hype and more, but has developed something of an ego from it, unfortunately.
In PJO, he is a literal Primordial God with the power to wipe galaxies out of existence on a whim. Ain't nobody gonna fuck with that.
How tough is the The Nameless.
Is ruling his kingdom right or does Havelock have to book some time off to being the law.
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How tough is the The Nameless.
Is ruling his kingdom right or does Havelock have to book some time off to being the law.
Damn now I want to know more about the nameless.

You do not fuck with the Nameless. He's been around for thousands of years, and most of northern China is under his absolute control through about a bajillion different puppet companies. This also means that he pretty much controls construction. Might not seem that important... until you realise that most of the cities in the northern provinces are giant runic nodes.

North China is one fuckhuge rune array, and nobody knows what it does except him. Therefore, world policy is hands-off at all costs, though a certain equilibrium has developed where he'll tolerate resistance to his expansion as long as they don't try and counterstrike. When they do, he fires up a city or two.

Let me put it this way. The Japanese Ministry sent a team of their best men and women into China because the Nameless had been looking to expand into Japan.

Then Tōhoku happened.

Would you risk inciting a guy who can permanently destroy you with a thought? Zeus might be self-absorbed, egotistical and unfaithful, but he's not retarded.

I'm sure Havelock would take his loss with grace.
After all, what's the point in always winning?
(Now, if something serious is on the line, I'm sure he'll pull some tricks out of his sleeves.)

Probably not, actually. I kind of have a bit of a thing about losing. Part of my particular personal insanity. Everyone's got something; mine is a little bit of a smartest-guy-in-the-room complex. I do my best to watch out for it, but, well, I really don't like getting shown up in something I actually care about. The only reason I'd ever accept losing was if it was as part of a larger plan that would result in an even bigger victory for me.

And, well, Havelock hasn't yet reached the stage where just drifting along gets boring so he starts making convoluted plans and seeing if he can pull them off.
You do not fuck with the Nameless. He's been around for thousands of years, and most of northern China is under his absolute control through about a bajillion different puppet companies. This also means that he pretty much controls construction. Might not seem that important... until you realise that most of the cities in the northern provinces are giant runic nodes.

North China is one fuckhuge rune array, and nobody knows what it does except him. Therefore, world policy is hands-off at all costs, though a certain equilibrium has developed where he'll tolerate resistance to his expansion as long as they don't try and counterstrike. When they do, he fires up a city or two.

Let me put it this way. The Japanese Ministry sent a team of their best men and women into China because the Nameless had been looking to expand into Japan.

Then Tōhoku happened.

That's actually scary on what just one to two city's rune activation does. What would happen if the Nameless actives all of them.
How much a true threat is the nameless to Havelock. Also will the Nameless be showing up.
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You know, I just had a thought. SI is going to get an interesting surprise when he visits DC.

See, they have the Green there... and SI has Shaper. Which, by this point, is somewhere in the order of a googol googol googol times stronger than it used to be at the end of BtS. And that's not a typo, though I'm not entirely sure it's allowed either; I'm using it like 'million million'. Ten with three hundred zeros.

So someone like, say, Poison Ivy is going to be minding their own business when suddenly wham, there's this monstrously powerful being of life appearing out of nowhere.

That's likely to get... interesting.
You know, I just had a thought. SI is going to get an interesting surprise when he visits DC.

See, they have the Green there... and SI has Shaper. Which, by this point, is somewhere in the order of a googol googol googol times stronger than it used to be at the end of BtS. And that's not a typo, though I'm not entirely sure it's allowed either; I'm using it like 'million million'. Ten with three hundred zeros.

So someone like, say, Poison Ivy is going to be minding their own business when suddenly wham, there's this monstrously powerful being of life appearing out of nowhere.

That's likely to get... interesting.
Would she be able to see him despite him not having any connection to the green and the difference in power ?
You know, I just had a thought. SI is going to get an interesting surprise when he visits DC.

See, they have the Green there... and SI has Shaper. Which, by this point, is somewhere in the order of a googol googol googol times stronger than it used to be at the end of BtS. And that's not a typo, though I'm not entirely sure it's allowed either; I'm using it like 'million million'. Ten with three hundred zeros.

So someone like, say, Poison Ivy is going to be minding their own business when suddenly wham, there's this monstrously powerful being of life appearing out of nowhere.

That's likely to get... interesting.
Yes. Monstrously powerful anything appearing out of nowhere is always fucking great. I look forward to this eagerly.
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Would she be able to see him despite him not having any connection to the green and the difference in power ?

... I did mention Shaper, yes? The power of absolute control over biological life? As in, everything in nature? I think that's pretty damn connected to the Green.

And, well, something that powerful is kind of hard to miss. It's like an anthropomorphic supernova taking a stroll past your window.
... I did mention Shaper, yes? The power of absolute control over biological life? As in, everything in nature? I think that's pretty damn connected to the Green.

And, well, something that powerful is kind of hard to miss. It's like an anthropomorphic supernova taking a stroll past your window.
Its rather easy to miss actually. If a supernova passed by my window, anthropomorphic or otherwise, I'd be dead. :lol
Just wondering Rokoran, you ever think about doing something with The Witcher? Maybe start up a School of the Space Whale?
DC 1
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A/N: Muse isn't cooperating on extending the chapters, so have two short ones instead of one long one.

DC 1

My appearance in Gotham was without much fanfare. Didn't want the Bat on my case too early. For all that he was an effective hero (though not enough to beat Superman, no matter what some delusional fools may think), he was probably going to be a right pain.

I'd had a rather interesting idea for my visit here: the power of adaption, much like Crawler, only less holyfuckwhattheshitisthat and more Saiyan in that I wouldn't become more and more grotesque as time went on. I would start out relatively weak, but as I got into fights, got hurt and healed, I'd get stronger. It would be interesting to actually start at the low end of the spectrum for once – more so than usual.

Of course, I'd thrown a few twists in. I still had chakra, and my Sharinnegan and Tenseigan were there as well – but locked, for now. I'd have to work up through the stages of Sharingan, Mangekyō and Rinnegan to get back to the Shinju's eye, and while the Byakugan didn't have levels, as such, it would still have to get stronger.

I had an eyepatch on, of course. Hopefully people would underestimate me, go for the 'blind' side. Not that it would avail them, considering what the Hyūga bloodline could do, but it was always good to be underestimated.

Unfortunately, my plans were shot down quite effectively before I'd even started. I was making some final tweaks to my body, synchronising the eyes so that they both worked alone just as well as an actual pair, fiddling with some of the specifics of my adaptive regeneration, settling my Aura in the new flesh - the usual adjustment routine - when Poison Ivy staggered out of an alleyway, completely oblivious to the suddenly terrified people fleeing down the pavement, lurched up to me and practically collapsed, forcing me to hold her up.

Why – oh. Shaper.

Now that I paid attention, I realised I could feel her twice. There was the usual feedback from my biomanipulation power, of course, DNA and bone and blood and tissue and so forth, but there was also… her. She was connected to nature on a fundamental level; I'd known that intellectually, but it hadn't occurred to me what that meant for Shaper.

I'd long since become strong enough that I could grow a tree on Pluto from right where I was standing on Earth without even a shred of effort – the planetary biosphere was, all in all, quite minor from my point of view. I think it was called the Green, here, the… realisation of the conceptualisation of nature? Not sure. Regardless, it was there, though small enough that I'd entirely missed it. I must have felt like some towering god to her.

"What… what are you?"

Dilated eyes, flushed skin, heavy breathing… yeah, this was getting awkward, and… fuck. Bats is on the roof. Really, Bruce? Can't you go bother the Joker or something? Ugh.

"I suppose you could call me Father Nature if you were feeling poetic. Perhaps we should take this conversation somewhere else… away from the overlarge ears of a certain flying mammal?"

She blinked slowly, possibly confused, but didn't bother questioning me. To be honest, she was so out of it that I wasn't entirely sure she'd have been able to had she tried. Batsy had stiffened, up on the roof, and was starting to circle, obviously making ready to follow us. I gave him a jaunty wave, and punched a giant plant stem through the pavement, which enveloped us in a pod before retreating. I'd already displaced us into my pre-prepared base, so any attempt to track it was an entirely lost cause.

I'd enjoy watching his frustration, though.


Pamela Isley had been having a very strange day. She had been recovering from her latest bout with the Batman, from whom she had barely managed to escape, having no desire to go back to that damnable Asylum again, when that ephemeral awareness of the Green that always hovered in the back of her mind was eclipsed by a presence the likes of which she'd never felt.

It felt like life and growth and sunlight, a titanic monolith of viridian power. It did nothing, made no motion to reach out and change things, but that would have been unnecessary – it was, and that was enough. She could feel the plants around her perking up, trees and grass across Gotham being purged of toxins simply by its very proximity. She herself was suddenly flush with energy; that slight ache in her hip that had lingered ever since that fight with the Bat a few months ago was gone, among several others.

The rush was almost like a narcotic high, but it just kept getting stronger. It was active now, doing something – it was inspiring to see, something of that strength making changes so delicate – and she knew down to her bones that she had to find it, to find the one who was so immersed in the power of the Green.

Things passed in a blur for several minutes after that, and she honestly couldn't have told anyone who asked which way she went or how long for, until it was there, right in front of her, and all the strength went out of her legs.

Large hands caught her – a man's? She couldn't bring herself to feel indignant, somehow, not in the face of… that.

"What… what are you?"

She barely managed to breathe out the question over her heart, hammering in her throat. The blurred face turned to her, and then – the full weight of its attention settled on her, and a new rush of energy shot through her. She felt like she could singlehandedly cover the Sahara desert in new, green growth.

Honestly, she was of half a mind to try.

Just barely, she managed to collect herself enough to hear the response:

"I suppose you could call me Father Nature if you were feeling poetic. Perhaps we should take this conversation somewhere else… away from the overlarge ears of a certain flying mammal?"

Flying mammal? What was he talking about? The only mammal that flew was… oh. The bat – or, in this case, the Bat.

Then it pulsed softly, even that scant flexing of power enough to send another far-too-strong wave of revitalising energy surging through her, and they were enveloped by a pod of some kind – but nothing she recognised, and she couldn't even reach out to it with her own abilities, firmly in the grip of… that… as it was.

Vaguely, she wondered if she should be more worried about this, a man she didn't know taking her she didn't know where, but with that right next to her, she couldn't muster even the slightest hint of apprehension.

Their surroundings had changed, she realised. She'd been set down on a very comfortable chair that felt to be made out of living wood and moss, and the man was sitting opposite her. He made a rather disapproving noise.

"I suppose I should have expected this. Hold on a moment."

A few seconds passed, and then, abruptly, it was gone – though not quite, because she could still feel it, a subtle warmth that enveloped her merely being in its presence. Everything came back into focus, and she realised she'd been lolling bonelessly to one side. Unaccountably embarrassed, she straightened herself up, and then took stock of the man sitting across from her.

He was extremely tall, approaching seven feet, and considering her own petite frame she'd probably barely even reach his chest. He was also very good-looking, even if she could only appreciate it aesthetically – almost too much so to be natural, even though he bore none of the hallmarks of surgery, and despite the patch that covered his left eye. The way he held himself reminded her uncomfortably of the one time she'd seen the Batman sitting down, ready to move at a moment's notice into a block or strike even despite the seemingly relaxed posture.

After a few moments, he raised an eyebrow, and she blushed a little as she realised he'd been quite aware of her examination. Not her finest moment, she would admit.

"I assume you would appreciate an explanation?"

Straightening up and taking a moment to compose herself, she nodded.

"Very well. The name I usually go by is Havelock Cobalt. To tell you everything of relevance would take some time, as it's a story that spans several thousand years and more than a few very different worlds across the multiverse, but a concise summary of what happened and why would be something along the lines of 'I have absolute control over any and all biomass within the radius of my power, to the point that I could create a functioning planetary ecosystem from, say, a single bacterium frozen in the carbon dioxide ice at Mars' poles in about ten seconds.' My ability to wield that level of power is probably why you found it so overwhelming; I'll admit I hadn't accounted for the possibility of feedback through the Green. That problem's solved now, though, so you shouldn't have any more trouble with it."

He paused, then frowned, eyes refocusing on something she was fairly sure wasn't anywhere near their present physical location.

"Wait. I think Mars is already inhabited in this universe, if I remember correctly. Oh, yeah, there they are. Martians. That is… a very interesting biology. Hm. I may have to borrow some of that next time I get to actually hide myself as a mortal-" here, he gave her a playful glare "- but I guess I don't have much use for it now."

Looking off into the distance again, he hummed absently to himself.

"Tell you what. My daughter recently activated her own version of Shaper – the biomanipulation power I have, that is – and she's been badgering me for over a year to let her see some of her favourite worlds in person, since her Kaleidoscope is much weaker than mine and she can't get anywhere beyond divergent parallels of her own home universe. I'll make you a trade – teach my daughter what you know about plants and how best to work with them, and keep out of any villainy in the process, and I'll fix your reproductive system and improve your control over the natural toxins you produce, as well as setting a few things in motions with the courts to get you exonerated so that you can start over and maybe do a little better this time – I don't know, start a nature preserve or something. Sound like a fair deal?"

She couldn't keep her jaw from dropping, despite the fact she had previously been sure that only happened in fiction.

"You… please tell me you're serious. Please."

A gentle smile, and then that touched the edge of her awareness again, reminding her just what sort of power this man wielded. "Deadly. I'll even throw in a free power-augmented therapy session for your jester friend to get her away from the Clown. Just between us, you were always one of my favourite characters."



"Oh, right. You wouldn't know. Law of Mutual Fictionality – the multiverse is infinite. Thus, everything is real somewhere, and so it logically follows that everything is also fictional somewhere else. My homeworld had a comic company that published more than fifty different series about the various goings-on in this world. I don't… think you were ever more than a side-character in the Batman comic, but then side-characters are sometimes more popular than the protagonists."

She stared.


Ah, I love the sound of broken minds in the morning. That was a horribly butchered quote, but quite frankly I don't give a fuck. I'm a cosmic entity, deal with it.

Things went pretty smoothly after that, or at least once Pamela had put her brain back together. I reached out across time and space to snag Mia, who quite literally squee'd at meeting her second-favourite villain ever (after Amazo, apparently, the strange girl. Everyone knew Joker was best, even if he was a massive bag of batshit-crazy dicks.)

I made a few tweaks to my daughter's new instructor with Shaper, which resulted in a tearful hug – and damn did that surprise me; I think it might have had something to do with my being so connected to the power of nature or something, because there's no way in hell that Poison Ivy would deign to hug a bloke otherwise – and then went to bug the Justice League.

As it turns out, the defence systems on the Watchtower are pretty impressive. Nothing that I couldn't bypass, of course, since by this point I had Tinker charges in lawnmower engineering just for something to do with them, but still much more than I was expecting. Some of it appeared to be Oan, which I hadn't anticipated at all.

Maybe the Guardians are slightly less arsehole-ish in this world.



"Clark, I'm serious. This is a clear and present threat! Someone with the same sort of powers as Ivy on a scale even anywhere near as large as I fear could be catastrophic!"

"And what evidence of that do we have, Bruce? It's almost certainly just a pretentious name, like half the other villains we fight. If it isn't… we'll deal with it, like we always do. I'm sure you've already got contingencies in place-"

They both spun at a rustling noise behind them to find the potted plant on the windowsill visibly growing. After a few moments, it started to twist and twine, and took the shape of a man – which promptly solidified, revealing the figure of the mysterious newcomer who had been their topic of conversation.

"Afternoon, gents. Mind if we have a quick chat? I think there are some things that need straightening out."