Yeah I figure she did that, but we don't see it in the story so we are left wondering if it is planned by the Death Note or not. It comes across however as him just being himself and not because of a supernatural notebook.
I think that is on purpose. Taylor is being portrayed as a mastermind that makes Light look light a diaper wetting retard. Not showing her is more effective than giving us an omnipotent view of her every thought and plan. Knowing how to use negative space is what elevates good art into great art, and this applies to writing as much as anything else.
Probably not seeing as the Death Note can only kill humans.
Under the control of a person, sure. But we already know that the book has rules that apply differently to people than death gods, so we really don't have anything saying they can't. I'm also pretty sure that their eyes see more than what the ones they grant to humans do, but it has been a really long time since I watched it.

We just can't rule it out, is all.
Under the control of a person, sure. But we already know that the book has rules that apply differently to people than death gods, so we really don't have anything saying they can't. I'm also pretty sure that their eyes see more than what the ones they grant to humans do, but it has been a really long time since I watched it.

We just can't rule it out, is all.
No, if you read all of the rules you will see that many of the rules are specifically aimed at Death Gods, also, it is never shown whether the eyes are the same or not, the only difference shown is that Death Gods can see a death note users life span as well.
No, if you read all of the rules you will see that many of the rules are specifically aimed at Death Gods, also, it is never shown whether the eyes are the same or not, the only difference shown is that Death Gods can see a death note users life span as well.
All I can remember is that the Death Note works one way for people (they can't extend their life/they can freely kill people in order to save others) and another way for Death Gods (they can extend their life/they can't freely kill people in order to save others), implying that there's specifically differences between how the Death Note works for people and Death Gods. The Death Note having rules that change between the two is specifically my point. Then there's your eye point, which is in line with what I'm saying as well.

Add to that that there is no absolutely comprehensive list of rules, and that Death Gods aren't at all required to explain how the Note works, or tell the truth even if they do explain anything, and it becomes far more likely that Death Gods function on their own set of rules.
4: Joe Kowalski
"Hey, Hern, toss me the remote!"

We've just gotten back from our last run. Gah, it'd been an ugly one too. Asian kid, maybe 16 or 17, got into a knife fight with some rivals. I didn't catch whether he was the ABB member or they were, but he definitely lost that fight. Assigning blame is not my job, that's for the police inspectors.

I'd done my best, stopped the bleeding, kept his ear on ice, gave him IV fluids and some Fentanyl to stop the agonized writhing. All in all, for how impressively bloody the scene and my cot had been, he'd probably turn out fine. Head wounds always look nastier than they are. Hell, given his age, he'd probably be one of the first on Panacea's docket whenever she dropped in next. She could reattach that ear and prevent scarring better than any surgeon, and until then he was in good hands. He'd make it.

Now? Now it's time for me to decompress. I catch the remote Hernando tossed me and sink back into my favorite recliner at the station, flicking idly through the channels until I findd something that doesn't look too mind rotting. I leave my boots on. It never fails, the moment you take them off or close your eyes while on shift, you get tones and have to rush out somewhere. No sense tempting fate like that.


Ah, fuck. Fate has other ideas. That vaguely robotic female voice was just the thing to snap you out of any other task, no matter what it was. Which is kinda the point, I guess.

I and everyone else in the station drop what we;re doing and scramble the trucks. Everything I'd used on the previous run is already replaced, the only thing the ambulance needs is my ass in the passenger's seat.

Most people think this job is all excitement and heroism, but mostly it's about practice, doing the same thing every time, and working around complications without getting too far off script. Parahuman involvement is a tricky complicating factor, but we've dealt with it before. The PRT has their own medics, of course, and they usually deal with the parahuman side of things, but sometimes it can't be helped. I know that street, and we are definitely closer than anywhere the PRT usually posts medics. Given that this is a cardiac event, they needed a crew there yesterday, and sending us out might cut ten minutes off the response time. Good enough for the risk involved.

CPR in progress probably means bystanders, which probably means shoddy compressions. CPR classes don't really get the point across that rib cracking is more or less a given, and the average person is pretty squeamish about that. You can't really do compressions too hard on an adult, any internal damage is still a better deal than certain death, after all. The average cardiac arrest outside a hospital has about a 10% chance of ever regaining a pulse, much less recovering, but with all these complications? I won't give them five.

Still. CPR in progress is better than no CPR at all, even if it isn't very well done. We'll see when we arrive.

Hern jumps into the seat beside me and grins, gunning the engine and flicking all the console switches. The maniac loves driving emergent. He's good at it, though. We'll get there safe.

We speed out the doors, fire engine in hot pursuit.

I pull out the truck radio. "Medic 24 to dispatch, we are enroute."


A mile from the address, Hern carefully decelerates and downgrades to non-emergent as I radio dispatch again. "Medic 24 to dispatch, what is the status on that suspected parahuman involvement?"

Protocol for non-PRT medics approaching sites of suspected parahuman involvement has us going silent this far out and radioing for an update. Most times, they tell us to wait on the edge of that perimeter as the PRT catches up. We're just there for the patients, not for heroics. Us jumping into battle against parahumans would just create more victims.

Our radio crackles. "Medic 24, multiple civilian accounts that the parahumans have left the scene. BBPD is currently clearing. Proceed to the scene with caution."

This is not most times, apparently. If they're telling us to proceed, they don't expect traps. Probably no Tinkers involved with this one. And, fortunately, we at least have the police to watch our backs. We'll still be keeping an eye out, though, obviously.

We round the corner into a rather nice looking residential neighborhood. These houses cost a fortune, and the only reason I know this street is that a recurring patient with severe emphysema lives here. He's told me he shares the street with the Director of the PRT…

Heh, wouldn't it be funny if...oh fuck.

We turn onto Channing, and I judging by the crowd and police lights, I know already which house we're headed to. Multiple bystanders are standing aside uselessly on the lawn of one of the houses about halfway down, and it looks like the power in that house specifically is down, somehow. No cops visible, but they're probably all inside or looking around the rest of the neighborhood. Nobody seems to be moving, and since nobody's down on the ground I assume our patient is inside. And, of course, it's the same house old Frank points out every single time we take him to the ER.

"Hey, Joe, is that…?" Hern interrupts my thoughts. We've been doing this long enough he doesn't need to finish.

"Yup. Sure is. Looks like the fat lady finally decided to keel over. Couldn't have been a worse time either. I have no fucking idea what this is gonna mean, and I'm sure I don't want to either.

Medic 24 to dispatch, we are on scene."

Of course, I'm worried about what this means for the war. BBFD is already in high alert all over the city, preparing for casualties when the PRT assaults Empire positions tonight, and for the possibility (fuck it, probability. This is the Empire) that the Empire might decide to strike first.

I'm...not sure how I should feel about this whole situation, honestly. The whole Shadow Stalker thing is pretty awful, of course, and I have no doubt as to the Nazis' guilt. Besides, I've taken care of enough victims of their brutality. I've got no problem with the PRT suddenly growing a spine and doing something about those assholes. But I also know, no matter the nice words the bigwigs said, the situation on the ground is gonna suck. Dozens or hundreds of fatalities minimum, hundreds to thousands of injuries, depending on how much the Empire fights against eviction. I wasn't working this job the last time a fight like this went down, and that time it was more or less just between the gangs. The white hats got to claim the moral high ground and clean up the mess. This time...well, there would be an argument that we started it.

Anyway. No time for philosophizing. Hop out of the truck, grab monitor and jump bag, toss jump bag to Hern, pull out stretcher, walk authoritatively through the crowd towards the open front door of the house. All things I've done a thousand times before. Controlling a crowd of scared people is easy when you're the only person in it who knows exactly what to do, and the gawking neighbors definitely qualify.

Hern follows me in and who the fuck stops CPR before EMS arrives?

Nobody else was watching her. Nobody's even in the room! The only light I have is coming in the front door, and Piggot's there, pale as death, on her back. The door didn't close properly, probably because of the enormous steel spikes on the ground. Fuck. Kaiser was here. Oh well, if BBPD says he's left, I'm probably fine. And I'm white. And I don't look too Polish. And Hern is the pastiest Mexican I've ever met. This is fine.

"I was told someone was doing CPR!" I yell as Hern scrambles to begin compressions, reading my mind. I follow him to the ground, tearing out defib pads and monitor electrodes, roughly slicing through her shirt with my shears and spamming them into place.

Someone in the crowd outside answers my yell. "None of us know how! It was, um, Kaiser… he left about a minute ago. The cops told us to stay back."

Great! Just great! Not only is there going to be a gang war, but the Empire's decided to fire the first metaphorical shots in my coverage area! And they've decided to be morally ambiguous for once in their goddamn lives? Fuck me!

The scene is still safe, no sense in us leaving, though I now note that the two lumps in the corner I'd dismissed on first glance appear to be her guards. They're totally immobile, lending to my impression that they were furniture, and appear to be covered head to toe in steel spikes. Bizarre triage situation: treat the patient with a known, low likelihood of survival, or attempt to treat people who might not even be injured (judging by the lack of enormous pools of blood), but are, if they are injured, more than likely irrecoverably dismembered?

I don't have a welding torch, so I can't even begin to check. Easy decision. The PRT can handle their own better than me, right now. I have one patient, not three.

"Hern, how're you doing on compressions?"

"I'll be good for a few minutes, Joe."

Good. All right, run this like a normal code. Take out IV supplies, find a suitable vein...there...stabby stabby, looks good, start running fluids. Two minutes up? Almost. Check monitor? Flatline. Shocking is pointless.

"Hern, keep it up."

Pull out oxygen supplies, drop a trach, start pumping the bag. Check monitor again...flatline.

"You still good, Hern?"


Keep going down protocol. Epinephrine...


You kind of lose track of time and your surroundings, during a code. There's not much room for thought, which is actually a good thing. The whole point of having protocol books is that someone else has already done all the thought for you. Figured out what the best thing to do in most common situations is and just written it down. It's less about minutes and seconds, more about number of CPR reps and keeping the beat.

I keep the drugs going, Epi, Amiodarone, Magnesium Sulfate, switch with Hern once or twice, switch with the rest of the fire station many times once they arrive. It all kind of melts together, after you've done it a few dozen times. This particular code was looking pretty bad. Not a single response from the heart monitor for a good 25 minutes, and our protocol calls for us to call medical control for time of death at 30 minutes. At least she hasn't vomited on us, that's always unpleasant. Everything is looking pretty straightforward...until I look up at the monitor one last time and see what looks like a seismograph.

"We've got V-fib! CLEAR!"

The tech doing compressions lifts his hands, everyone else backs away a few steps, and none of the bystanders have braved coming into the house. I press the big red button, she convulses…

"We've got a rhythm! Let's load and go!"

We roughly grab her rubbery body and flop it onto the cot, then roll it out of the house as the automatic lifter brings her up to chest height. That's when I notice the PRT. They must have arrived at some point without disturbing us. I guess they knew their specific skills weren't necessary and that I have all the same medical training as them, so they'd apparently decided not to bother me or my team, busying themselves clearing out the bystanders. Besides, most of their live experience is with trauma, I've probably got more codes under my belt than any of them. Good on them for recognizing that, I'll have to compliment whoever made that decision later.

Thirty seconds after we regained sinus rhythm, and we are ready to go, several EMTs and an additional PRT medic in tow.


One minute into transport, the monitor starts screaming shrilly.

"Dammit! Lost the rhythm again!" I curse as Piggot once again flatlines. She'd managed to stabilize just long enough to get on the truck, then fucking died again!

Ah well, not like I haven't seen this happen before. "I'll keep the code running, you contact Brockton General!" I direct the PRT medic. He nods stiffly, and I return to my work. Technically, I'm not supposed to be the one giving him orders, but these are unusual circumstances.

I start the whole process again. Compressions, drugs, more compressions, more drugs. More flatlines. All fairly normal for someone who's already coded twice, honestly. Only the very lucky survive that.

"...45 year old female in cardiac arrest, compressions in progress. ETA...five minutes. It's Director Piggot, where's Panacea?" says the other medic into our radio.


I have to admire Hern's driving skills. Most people would have given the four of us in the back of that cramped truck a hell of a bumpy ride, but we barely noticed his acceleration. I'd lost track of exact times again in the rhythm of cardiac arrest treatment, but we arrive at Brockton General unscathed.

I burst out the back door, preparing to rush into the ER, then notice the semicircle of people behind the truck. A welcoming party in the bay. Unusual. More unusual is the short girl in a long, white robe with red symbols climbing into the back of my truck. Somehow, Panacea must have already been here when we called.

Everyone moves out of her way, and she grabs Piggot's ankle and closes her eyes.

They open again, and I can't identify the emotion on her face as she levelly says, "Call time of death."


When the best healer in the world tells you to give up, you give up.

I didn't feel too bad about it. You never feel too bad about most of the ones you lose, in this business. If you do, you burn out, and I love my job too much for that. People die, they're really good at it. Sometimes, you're the one who gets to see it happen. You do what you can for them, and if that isn't enough, there's no sense beating yourself up over it.

After that, I was just glad for the miracle of modern heart monitor technology. Before Tinkers it would've been impossible, but now voice-recognition is standard, and the monitor knows every dose of every drug I'd administered over the past half-hour. I have no idea how on Earth anyone did this job before that.

Now I'm in the crew room munching on a complimentary pop tart, writing my narrative for the report. Behind me, I hear someone walk into the room. "Hey. Joe, was it?" They say.

I look up from my computer screen and blink. The police officer smiles and keeps talking.

"I'm sure you already know, but going to be the highest profile case since-" He pauses and laughs to himself. "This morning. Highest profile case since this morning. Shit. It's been a long day, all right?"

Heh. He ain't wrong. "With what the PRT has planned in the next-" I glance up at the clock, "Thirty minutes? It isn't going to hold that title for long."

The officer grimaces. "Yeah. Yeah, you're probably right. Anyway. Police inspector wants to talk to you. You're not a suspect in anything, and we can't force you, but he wants to get your impression of what just happened to the PRT Director."

I nod diplomatically. "Sure thing. Let me just finish my narrative here."


We find the inspector waiting outside the morgue. He looks...tired. Everything about him screams bone-deep exhaustion, eyes shadowed and drooping, carefully nursing a cup of coffee. Jeez, I feel for the guy. He's obviously feeling like I will later tonight.

His eyebrows go up marginally as he sees us walking towards him, and he silently waves the officer off. The officer nods, and I am left alone in a hallway that smells faintly of death.

"You're the medic?" His voice isn't unkind. He sounds like someone who has entirely too much on his plate and knows there'll be more soon. I just nod to answer his question.

"What can you tell me?"

I shrug. "Fairly standard code, inspector. We were called to respond because the PRT was too far away, slowed down at the one mile mark per protocol due to the parahuman involvement, then proceeded upon further guidance. Found her down in her house, no bystanders providing any care. Both of her guards had been disabled or killed. I couldn't tell beneath the spikes, and couldn't have provided care even if they were alive. We got one ROSC on scene, but she crashed almost immediately upon loading. Panacea called time of death upon arrival here. I've...given greater detail on all of this in my report, the hospital will get that to your department."

He nods absently and sighs. I don't know exactly what he wanted to hear from me. "Anything unusual at all?"

I nod. "Yes, though it's all hearsay. Bystanders indicated Kaiser performed CPR on her prior to our arrival. He was definitely there at some point, but I have no direct evidence he provided her any care. My partner, Hernando Sanchez, did note her ribs were already broken, though. Somebody definitely worked her before we did, and nobody was working her when we arrived."

He fires back at me with another question. "Do you think Kaiser somehow induced the heart attack?"

I shrug again. He's asking the wrong guy. "I couldn't possibly comment. I can't do tox screens in the field, and my monitor can't see into the past. Just...from my own personal experience, it's entirely possible this was natural. She was a fair bit above a healthy weight, and I noted dialysis ports on her abdomen. Dialysis tends to play hell on everything. I'm no medical examiner, though."

Dang, I feel bad for him. I don't have anything that really helps him, and considering everything that's happening… lots of long nights ahead for him, probably.

He gives another shuddering sigh. "Yeah. I figured. The guards at the scene, by the way? Totally fine. It seems Kaiser didn't want them dead. Good call on not trying to do anything for them."

Great! I crack a smile. "Thanks for telling me that, sir. We don't oft-"

The inspector's radio crackles to life, interrupting me. "Inspector Robbins, return to station. We've got another case to add to this one."

Inspector Robbins just stares at his radio, ashen faced. He picks up and speaks into it, voice totally devoid of hope or happiness. "What the hell happened now?"

"Body parts, sir. Dismembered body parts. Placed at random intersections, all over the city, all in the past fifteen minutes. The Empire is taking responsibility, they claim it's the remains of the men who killed Shadow Stalker."

Inspector Robbins wilts at that. I'll give him credit, though, he's a trooper. He activates the radio again, takes a massive swig of his coffee coffee, and replies. "I'm on it. ETA 20 minutes."

As he walks off, he absently remarks, "Thanks, Joe. If I need to talk to you again, I'll be in contact."


I have...something of a ritual, every time I lose a patient. Before marking back in service, I walk up the steps to the top of the hospital, one by one, looking at my feet. Lose myself in the rhythm of the steps, try not to think about what just happened, and just...let go.

When I get to the top, I walk out to the edge of the roof and look up at the sky. It's peaceful up there. Ever since they banned smoking on hospital grounds decades ago, there's nobody ever out there. All you can hear is the wind and the humming of the air conditioners, all you can see is the clouds. I stay there for a few minutes, just keeping my breathing regular, and I think to myself…

Did I do everything I could?

Yes. Yes I did.

People die. They're really good at it. Sometimes, you're the one who sees it happen.

And that's ok.

I usually stay out there for a few minutes, just collecting myself. Not enough time that dispatch starts to worry, just enough for me to feel good about the world again. Everyone has their rituals, this is mine.

So I'm very surprised right now, because for the first time ever someone's already up here.

It's...kind of jarring, honestly. Even more jarring is the faint smell of cigarette smoke.

But what makes me stop in my tracks is seeing their long, flowing robe. It's dark out, the only light is whatever wafts up from the rooms below us, so I can't see the color. But only one person wears that robe in this hospital, and I just saw her in the ER.

Panacea smokes?

I walk over to her and lean on the railing next to her. "Aren't you not supposed to do that at a hospital?"

She jumps, startled, and looks over one shoulder. She glares at me, then takes the cig out of her mouth. "What're they supposed to do? Ban me from the premises?"

I smile and hold my hands up in mock surrender. "Hey, it's just a joke. I am kind of surprised to find you, of all people doing it, though."

She rolls her eyes, but really she looks...hurt.

Oops. Apparently that's a sore point of some kind? I guess I don't really know anything about her life, maybe she already gets that from her family. Probably does, actually. I don't know if she's even old enough to buy smokes.

None of my business. I continue the conversation. "But what do I know, eh?"

She looks back out over the edge. "Why are you here? Nobody else ever comes up here."

I mirror her look out over the city. "That's exactly why. Nobody comes up here. I like to decompress after I lose a patient."

She seems surprised at that. She looks back over at me, one eyebrow raised. "Were...did you just..?"


She goes silent.

About half a minute later, she says, voice filled with a negative emotion I can't place, "You know...I somehow knew she would turn out like that."

"Like how?" I reply.

She answers, this time with obvious contempt. "Dead, of something I could have easily prevented. Her LAD was 100% occluded, RCA 90%. Over a decade of atherosclerosis, nascent diabetes. The kidney failure, obviously, I know you saw those ports during the code. Interestingly, the kidney failure seemed to have traumatic etiology. Someone must have stabbed her in both kidneys at some point, though it was a while ago…

I could have fixed it all, whenever she liked. Instead...she's dead. Just like that."

Jeez. What a sick lady. "She refused, I assume?"

She chuckles darkly. "You could say that."

We both fall silent for a while.

Then she talks again, the darkness fully suffusing her voice. "She hated us."

Huh. Now it's my turn to raise an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

"Parahumans. She hated us all. Always has, ever since I've known her. I never knew why."

I can't really reply to that. She continues in my silence. "That was why she refused. She didn't want to feel like she owed us anything. Didn't want to think her hatred was unjustified. She'd call me in whenever either of her little armies got injured, but that was just business. A way to keep her tools operational. For herself? Never."

I stay silent. If she wants to vent to me, she can. Hell, she's just a kid, and she's seen some shit I haven't. She deserves to vent.

Her breathing sounds steady, controlled, as she continues, "I never could understand why someone who hated parahumans that much got as high as she did in the PRT. Do you know how often I've been called in to heal potentially fatal injuries for the PRT, or the Wards, even, due to her policies? I've lost count. I don't even know if they're recorded. It would explain how the Youth Guard didn't depose her years ago, with some of the injuries I've seen on the Wards."

Fuck. That's...goddamnit. This...sounds like something I'm required by law to report, honestly. Child abuse is no joke. Child abuse by the PRT?

Fuck. That's just what this city needs right now, right? To have our supposed protectors look even worse? But I don't have much of a choice.

Right now, I just need to keep her talking. So I say nothing.

She obliges. "I guess...I was always there, to clean up the messes she made. Wipe the slate clean. Make it all go away. That's what I do. I make the messes go away."

Off in the distance, down in the city, lights begin to flicker in multiple areas. A few moments later, gunshots echo towards us. In one section, I see a large, shimmering blur form.

The war has begun.

Panacea's eyes light up as the sights and sounds of distant battle wash over us. She almost looks...cruel.

I shiver at the sight. I do not want to know what someone as powerful as her can do when she gets angry. I don't buy the 'just a healer' line. I know enough about the body to know that if you can heal someone, you can hurt them just as bad or worse.

Again, she talks, and this time condemnation drips from her voice. "Well, Director Piggot. You've made one final mess. You've probably gotten hundreds of people killed. And, true to form, you've left us behind to clean it up. I hope you're happy."

All at once, she snaps out of her reverie, glancing over her shoulder at me. She seems almost afraid, now, though of what I can't say.

She stubs out her cigarette and walks back towards the stairs, leaving me alone on the roof with my thoughts.

I need to make two reports, now.

One to the Youth Guard on behalf of the Wards. Hopefully, they can find out whether Panacea's allegations have any meat to them. That isn't my job. Write the report, kick it on up the line. Move on.

One to ordinary CPS. For Panacea herself. No kid would willingly choose to subject themselves to the horrors she's seen, right? There's gotta be some kind of force going on. Or, at least I hope so. There's gotta be more going on at home for her to seem so...broken.

I kind of like that we haven't seen an interlude from Taylor's perspective yet. It's fun to imagine what she's up to, while seeing all the chaos at the ground level.
If Taylor's the one responsible for all of this, I can only say is damn the girl thinks ahead. If not...I just love the butteryfly effects. Well done, in either case.
Damn, that last chapter was fantastic. I rarely post just to praise a fic but this earned it.
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Ok, now we need to have a chapter somewhere down the line that shows what happens to the wards and panacea. I really want to see how Amy will react if she's given the chance to get away from Carol, with the backing of CPS.
Time to sit back and enjoy the train wreck.

The engine has impacted the steel wall and started to compress. The jolt at the sudden deceleration is sending a great heaving lurch along the carts, lifting the first few off the rails, only adding to the incoming damage.

What a beautiful disaster this shall be.
I'm honestly wondering how a Panacea vs. Death Note fight on a victim in progress would go down. Note might just arrange things so she can't touch them, though.
I'm honestly wondering how a Panacea vs. Death Note fight on a victim in progress would go down. Note might just arrange things so she can't touch them, though.
That would be interesting. Death Notes are supposed to absolutely guarantee death, and heart attacks are just their default method... presumably because they can be fast, efficient, and plausible. In a setting where heart attacks aren't necessarily a guaranteed fatality (as in, there are ways to 100% prevent a heart attack, even one in progress), would the Death Note fail or would it switch to some other, more direct and guaranteed form of death, assuming that's even possible?

Death Notes are supposed to be unstoppable, the final word on finality. But Worm is a setting where death can be stopped, delayed, or even rewound with the right parahuman. Very interesting.
This is the second time I've seen a smoker Panacea and I really like it. It feels in-character, like something she would do. A little rebellion against both Carol and her power, and a way to destress.
Finally off duty. Now to do some real work.

I can't stand the Wards. All the smiling faces, people proud of you for coming out to PR events, or patrolling the neat and clean streets downtown, in perfect safety. All the fake smiles and fake slaps on the back as people who pretend to be important laud you for doing nothing at all of worth, while Brockton Bay dies around them. It all just makes me sick.

The Protectorate? Overblown PR stooges. Big speeches, big guns, totally helpless before the criminals. Under their "watch," most of the city fell to armed thugs. Even Miss Militia, the only one of them who knows what it is to be hunted in her own home, won't to use the power she's earned with pain to keep them down. What a fucking waste.

The rest of the Wards? Jokes. Kids. They'd crumple or learn some day, once they see what the world is really like. And I will be there to watch it happen.

What I wouldn't give to turn my back on that pack of losers and start doing the work that really needed to be done. But I can't. One mistake, one cheap shirt ripping at an inopportune moment as I threatened some worthless gangbanger to give me names and locations, and I had one foot in juvie hall. I have to suck it up 'til I turn 18.

Oh well. They might control most of my time, but, thank god for the hippies at the Youth Guard, I have mandatory off times they can't control. They can't keep me off the streets forever.

I land on top of a warehouse near the docks and pull back a tarp to reveal one of my stashes. I can't carry anything even remotely lethal on Wards business, which another thing I fucking hate about the Wards. But I've left my Wards phone at home. They have no idea I'm out tonight.

I feel a small smile form as I look over the knives and shining, sharp crossbow bolts. I can't actually use them tonight, not unless I get into real trouble, but I like having them around, just in case. I'm technically allowed to go on solo patrols because any random wannabe can, and on my own time I'm my own girl, not theirs. The PRT doesn't like it when I go out alone, but they can suck it. I'm not doing anything illegal. Getting someone else hurt, however, could end this for me. I have to be careful. I will be careful. I've gotten a lot better at this, over the past year. I guess training is one thing the Wards program, if not the people in it, are good for, now that I think of it.

I gather my things. Dark night, new moon, clouds rolling in off the ocean. Streets deeply shadowed. Perfect.

I jump, going shadowform the moment my feet leave the ground, and soar. The air moving through my ephemeral body nourishes me, and all the fatigue I built up from sitting pointlessly at school all day and running laps in the Wards gym all evening washes away. I feel...whole. Fixed. Free. This is my element, what I'm meant to do. The next building is thirty feet from the one I just left, and I cross the gap easily and effortlessly, breaking into an easy run across the roof as I prepare my next jump. I cover ground fast, and these are my streets. I'll be able to see hundreds of street corners tonight.

The rhythm of my runs and jumps pounds away my frustration. I settle into a pleasant fugue.


I've been doing this for two years, so I'm not surprised it took a few hours before I saw anything. There's some people standing under a street light a few blocks down, all facing each other.

I smile unconsciously. Nobody comes to this part of town at this time of night on legal business. Time for some fun. I slow down, my pounding steps are too easy to hear, and creep up on the lights by way of the roofs above.

It's a fun fact, that I am intimately aware of, that humans just don't look up when they're nervous. Every other way? Sure. Never up. The best way to get the jump on a drug deal is and always has been dropping down on top of it, using the biggest guy available as a landing pad on the way down. That way you take down the biggest threat with almost no effort. Hell, sometimes the rest scram immediately and you get to take a few down from behind while leaving the rest to tell tales. In my book, keeping the scum afraid to do business was just as good as keeping them locked up, so I'd let the lucky ones run, to hide in their homes in fear of what hid in the darkness. In fear of me.

As it should be.

And whadaya know, this group of skinheads seems to have a biggest guy. Convenient. He looks to be about six foot six and 350, with the signature bald shave and tattoos that scream "There is no way I will ever have legitimate employment" for all the world to see. He's leaning up against the corner of the next building over, with three other guys standing facing the center. It looks like they're counting money, though I can't see from this angle. Not that it matters. Four unpowered toughs versus one invulnerable woman who knows where most every human weak point is? Piece of cake.

My footsteps on the tarred, flat roof of the warehouse are careful and totally silent. The idiots down below, I can see now, are definitely flipping bills between palms, totally oblivious to my approach. This is gonna be an easy bust.

I crouch on the corner of the roof, take a few breaths, then slide off the building, straight down. It took weeks of practice to perfect this technique, timing my shadowforms so I fall just fast enough to disable the person I'm landing on without severely injuring either them or myself, but by now I'm an expert. The twenty foot drop passes in an instant as I strobe in and out of corporeality, and with a loud thunk of shoes on shoulders and a sharp rap with my elbow on the target's beschwastika'd scalp, he falls to the ground insensate. As I make contact I take one more leap, slowing my fall and accelerating his, and I land in the middle of the group, shadowformed and fists up, prepared to take down the first moron who shows any resistance.

"She's here!" one of the remaining toughs redundantly bellows. Of course I'm fucking here! Better run, little punk! All three of them jolt back in fear, and I leer behind my mask. I figured this would happen from the start. This kind of criminal looks and acts tough, but one demonstration of real power and they're like scared dogs. I lunge towards one of them as they all pull out wire garrotes, and I remain solid on the way, my fist impacting with his face in a wet squelch as his nose cracks and buckles.

A light tug on one of my legs. One of the thugs probably has their wire wrapped around it. No matter. I shadowform, letting the pointless…


That wire passes through all right, but it's fucking live! I fall to the ground, the leg that's been electrocuted jerking and useless. I can't stand or move! Who the fuck uses live wire weapons!?

The two uninjured nazis laugh malevolently as they wrap my arms and legs with their weapons and shove a gag into my mouth, and something else occurs to me that makes my stomach drop.

The one who yelled, he said 'she's here'. Not 'someone's here' or anything else. How did they know I would be here? They were expecting me. And how did they know electricity was my weakness? The only people who are supposed to know that are in the PRT!

Someone must've backstabbed me. It's the only fucking way!

They carry me into the warehouse, flipping a switch in the darkness as they do. Somewhere, a generator kicks into motion, and a single light flickers on somewhere in the darkened building, enough for them to see by as they sit me on a chair and wrap me with great, thick coils of extension cord. I can see where it's plugged in to the generator, up against the wall.

Power? Useless. The wires would fall through my insubstantial form and fry me in an instant. Weapons? Unreachable. Even if they weren't watching me, there's no way for me to cut the wires. How the fucking hell had this happened!? These are unpowered motherfucking Nazis! How the hell had I lost!? I never lose!

They will pay! They'll all pay!

Whoever it was who told them how to do this to me will pay the most. No matter what it cost me, no matter if they send me to the Birdcage, I am going to make the backstabber suffer.

One of the thugs laughs. "You know, I didn't know if that tip was good. Figured the worst that could happen was you didn't show, Shadow Stalker."

The other thug walks back into the light and reaches for my sleeve. I try to yank my arm back, but tied down as I am there's nothing I can do! He yanks the fabric of my overcoat back, leering unpleasantly at me, and stands to his full height. "Yup. Definitely a nigger. Alvin, I wanna give the man who gave us this info a beer."

The man apparently called Alvin laughs again. Fucker, I've got your name now! When I get out of this I'll make you wish you were dead! "You know it! Wish I knew who he was, he hung up on me after." He pauses, then steps into the light himself, addressing me. "Now, what're you thinkin' behind that ugly mask? Wondering how you'll get out? There's 240 volts running through that wire, I wouldn't try anything. I heard you wouldn't survive it."

He circles the chair as he continues mocking me. "You afraid? Think we're gonna beat you up? Kill you?" He stopped behind me and whispered in my ear, "No."

He walks back around and stands, staring down at me. "No, Shadow Stalker. We ain't gonna hurt a hair on your head. Any more than we already have, that is. We ain't retarded enough to get the whole PRT crashin' down on us, on our family. My source tried to get me to, mind you, but I ain't about to call down that kinda heat, even if you are black."


I am afraid. I can't stop them from doing whatever they want to me. Dammit, these pieces of crap have me afraid! And they aren't even going to kill me? What's the point!?

Alvin speaks again, an evil glint in his eye. "No, this isn't a murder. This is a kidnapping. We're gonna leave you right here, and someone's gonna pick you up this morning. We're getting a nice chunk of change out of the deal, and we get to tell the whole Empire how to fight you, all without getting our friends involved at all, to the PRT's eyes. I dunno what they want from you...but I hope it's awful."

The other man speaks up. "I should break your face, for what you did to George, nigger. But Alvin's right. We'll leave the face breaking in their hands."

The two of them turn out of the light to leave the building, and I scream, uselessly, through the gag.

This is not good.


Once the door slams shut, I strain uselessly against the wires, but the knots are too tight and well done. I am well and truly fucked. Maybe I'll have a chance when they try to move me, or if the generator gives out, but I doubt that. This whole operation seemed too...competent, for them to make mistakes like that.

I don't know how long I spent there, beneath that one lightbulb, listening to the rhythmic droning of that damn generator. I...fuck. I lost it a little, for a bit. I didn't know if I'd ever get out. I managed to work the gag out with my tongue and tried to scream, but there was no point. Nobody lives on this side of town, and any homeless around had been trained through experience and decades of horrifying stories to avoid screaming lest they run into an angry parahuman. Like myself, honestly. All my rage was long spent, when the door opened with a shudder of rusty hinges.

I can't see outside the cone of light from the bulb, so looking up is pointless anyway. I keep my head down, pretending to be asleep. Maybe they'll fuck up and let me escape. It's the only shot I have.

The door creaks closed, and I hear two footsteps before a muffled shriek of surprise echos from the dark. She age? What the hell? What teenaged supervillains could have organized this?

Or heroes, I suppose. The Wards certainly don't like me, but...nah, there's no way they'd have me tied up like this. All of 'em are too soft. Besides, that is definitely a girl, and Vista is the absolute last person I'd suspect of running an operation like this one.

Laughter rises from the direction of the door. It echoes off the metal walls, the effect magnifying the pure madness behind it. The girl on the other end of that demented screeching is not at all someone I want to be acquainted with, but too bad for me. Seems like this is the bastard who hired the Nazis.

Whoever it is, she recovers from her laughing fit and speaks, voice filled with malevolent glee. "Oh, doesn't that just explain everything? Why you always got away with everything, why they were content to let me rot. Why you live longer than two years and change, when everyone else dies on one day. Or rather, why you would have lived that long."

Oh...shit. My stomach freezes over in panic. I know that voice. If it's her, I'm in real danger now. There's nobody here to see what she does, and she sounds like she's totally nuts. What will she do to me? What I'd done to her...fuck, I can't put anything past her. If she wants to end me, I will die.

I don't move as my mind races, trying to find an angle to play that keeps me alive. Still better for me if she thinks I'm asleep.

Footsteps echo off the walls, and she starts talking again. "You know, Ryuk, I was going to plot out something fantastically complicated for her. Really stretch my understanding of the rules. I'm glad I didn't now, because there's no way a plot that complicated could have survived...this. This world throws curveballs. Curveballs like Endbringers, some of the rules that bound your book changing, or the most villainous person I have the misfortune of knowing personally being a Ward all along. If I'd been any more specific, she'd be dead already, and I'd miss out on this once-in-a-lifetime chance to have a most, ah, theraputic, conversation."

What the fuck!?

We'd teased her pretty hard, but before she vanished from school she'd never...heard voices. I don't think. Assuming 'Ryuk' is supposed to be a voice. There's definitely only one set of footsteps approaching, though my head is still down and I can't imagine what she means by two years unt-

THWACK! My head snaps back and my vision goes white as I jolt in surprise away from where she just struck me me, getting an eyefull of the fluorescent lightbulb above me. Her smack didn't hurt, not really, I'm just shocked! And more than a little terrified. She was never violent before she vanished either.

I guess she's given up on not fighting back.

I look up. No sense keeping up the asleep act. The leering form of Taylor Hebert stares down at me. Her eyes look like sunken pits, and the light from above us doesn't reach them. "Wake up. I want to gloat."

Goddamnit, bitch! Just fucking understand your place already! Even now, I'm still better than you. I try to lurch for her, but these wires don't let me move. She smiles wider at my predicament. "That's right, Sophia. Struggle. Fight for survival." She strikes me once more, my head cracking back at her surprising strength, and she begins laughing madly again. "You have no idea how utterly cathartic this is, for me. Really, Sophia, you're doing me a service. Me free and laughing. You trapped, unable to escape, nobody there to save you. It almost makes up for it all. Almost..."

Something sounds...fundamentally broken, in that voice. All the stubborn, confused pain she'd had before is gone, replaced with a mocking levity that seems to cover a total lack of humanity. But...something about this is still confusing! How does she know who I am? My mask is still on, she hasn't seen my face! There's no way she of all people cracked the PRT's systems to figure out who I am, right?

No sense not trying, I guess. "I don't know who Sophia is, citizen. If you release me, though, the PRT will reward you for your service. Some Empire scum captured me, and-

THWACK! She strikes me again, and now I feel blood trickle from my nose. That's starting to hurt.

Looks like she's really mad now, though. "Do. Not. Lie."

She grabs my face and makes me stare into her eyes, as filled with rage and hate as her voice. "I am the reason you are here. I am the reason you were captured. And I am the reason that you will die." She shoves my face away, my neck straining. It seems like the chair is bolted to the floor, judging by how my neck moves more than it.

She steps back, out of the light, and the trickle of blood keeps coming down my face. "Sophia Hess. You are an indulgence. One thing, just for me, before I dive into the work that must be done. There are many monsters in this world, most greater than you. But when one has the power and the inclination...why not indulge yourself, once in a while?" She chuckles coldly again.

I'm just going to let her keep talking here. Either she's gonna to kill me as she promises, or she won't, and I can't see how talking gets me out of this one.

She doesn't seem to care either way. She launches into a monologue. "You are here so that I can show off. So you can know exactly how powerful I am, and exactly how pitiful you are. You, Sophia Hess, are a simple playground bully, and you victimized the wrong brat. What did you expect, hm? Throwing someone who was already close to the edge into that locker? Did you think I would thank you? No, no quite the opposite."

She re-enters the light, and I have never seen that much pure spite on a human face. "Sophia, you broke something. Something I might have once considered important. I used to think that people's actions could not make them deserve death, that everyone had a right to live. How foolish of me.

Sophia, fate has seen that I should be judge, jury, and executioner. To you, and to all those in this world unfit for life. I will descend upon this corrupted city and cleanse it of the filth! And you shall be the FIRST!"

I loose a short bark of laughter. I can't help it, this is too rich. "You? A judge of character?"

She smirks coldly. "Who judged Zurich? Newfoundland? Kyushu? At least I'm human. In this world, that seems to be the best we can hope for."

A thought occurs to me. Maybe it'll be good enough. "You're trying to psyche yourself up, aren't you?" I laugh, levity I don't feel bubbling up in a ploy to survive. "You never were the kind who could kill. Keep up the speech. I've got all night."

Was that the wrong thing to say? Far from being embarrassed or anything, she looks more confident now, and for once she seems...amused. Fuck. That can't be good for me. "You don't understand at all, do you?" she seeths.

I smile under my mask. "Nope. Though I must say-"

THWACK! "Oh, it feels so good to be on this end of the equation! I'm beginning to understand, Sophia, why you did this to me. But...anyway." Her eyes glimmer wickedly, light finally managing to reach them for only a moment as she backs up a pace and pulls a small notebook out of her ratty hoodie. It has a black cover, and despite the dim light that cover is somehow blacker than the rest of the warehouse, like it absorbs light instead of reflecting it. "Sophia...the decision that you should die has already been made. This is my Death Note. The human whose name is written in it shall die, as the Note rewrites their fate to my whim. And, I am terribly sorry..." she flips the notebook to a page, I can't tell how far in, and turns it to me before continuing her speech, "I have already written your name."

I look up at the page and squint, barely able to make out the words in the bad light. Interestingly, though this side of the page is clean save the short message, there appear to be the markings of a large block of text bleeding through from the other side.

Sophia Hess is captured and bound, unable to escape, in the warehouse at North and Winchester, at 2:00 AM tomorrow morning. She dies by gunshot at 6:00 AM.

What the? That's definitely where we are. There's no way she could have known any of that would happen before she got here, and she couldn't have written it after knowing because she was talking to me. Sure it's vague, but if I'm supposed believe the nonsense she said when she thought I was asleep, that's intentional. Beyond that, there is...a presence...about those pages. Something essentially evil, in a way I can't describe. I would have believed those words under any circumstances, much less ones where they'd mostly come true already.

Do I really believe this bullshit? can't be true, right?

I steal another glance back up at the book. I still can't shake the feeling that it...hates me. It's not natural. Something is wrong with that book, and I don't know what.

I am going to die. Oh shit, I am really, truly, going to die. Here. Now.

And fucking Taylor Hebert is going to do the deed.

I'm trying to keep all of this out of my body language, no sense giving her the satisfaction of knowing that I believe her, but it doesn't matter. She smiles knowingly as she tucks the book back into her pocket. "I see you know the truth, Sophia. I have you in my power, and you cannot escape."

She stands back, looking over me, seeming to greedily take the sight in. I am defeated. Both of us know it.

I've lost.

And she wants to rub it in even further. "You aren't the first I've killed like this. I found the book days after getting out of the hospital, laying out for anyone to find. I've been practicing since then, experimenting. Ryuk...isn't from around here, and the rules he's used to don't seem to apply. All I need is a name and a face, and if the conditions I set can reasonably be met, they are. And the best part? There's no easy way to tell that I was involved! The circumstances always appear completely natural. An accident, or an ailment. I've been killing murderers in their cells, all over the world, in fights or of common diseases. Random gangbangers have been dieing in shootouts with rivals that I set up. I've even accepted a few contract kills, just to get some startup funds. Over channels that deleted themselves instantly, of course. All with random intervals, and in random places, no direct way for Thinkers to find a pattern or even to notice that there might be one. You, Sophia, were going to be something just for me. No other purpose, except ridding the world of a supreme bitch, of course. But, now...

She stands to her full height, shadows coursing over her face as she half exits the cone of light. "Instead of an indulgence, you are going to be the first, Sophia. For you are Shadow Stalker, a fact I had no idea of. Your death is going to be an unexpected boon, for it will spur the events ahead and make it easy to carry out my plan. Yes, that's right. I can use your death. When you get shot later this morning, the hornet's nest will fall, and the heroes and villains of this world won't even know who pushed it."

She turns, beginning to exit the light, and says, "But...perhaps...I could be convinced to show mercy."

She turns around once more, and this time her face holds an expression I can't place. Amused? Pleased? Hatred? I don't know.

I take her silence as permission to speak. ""

Damn my fear for making my voice crack. I can't show weakness! Not to her!

She smiles predatorily, and again all light fails to reach her eyes. "Convince me that you deserve to live. Right here. Right now. Beg. Plead! Debase yourself! Retract everything you've ever said to me, promise to obey my every whim. I don't know...maybe you could find the last trace of goodness in my heart, and convince me to erase your name before it is too late."

And now I can tell what face she's making. Sardonic glee.

She wants to see me writhe.

If it gets me out of this so I can fucking end this bitch once and for all, it'll be worth it.

I take a few deep breaths. At some point during this, I had apparently loosed a few tears without noticing. Good. I can use that.

She already knows my name and my face. My costume doesn't matter. "Take off my mask. I...fuck, I want to do this face to face." I say, injecting every ounce of false sincerity I can muster into the words.

Her eyebrows go up, though the shadows to her eyes remain and prevent me from telling what's going on behind them. Her smile seems to grow wider in anticipation as she reaches for my mask and yanks it off.

I blink a few times, forcing a few more tears out. Hopefully it'll be enough. "Taylor...fuck. I can't tell you why I did...what I did. I know you want answers. Hell, I would. But I don't have any. I guess...I guess it all started when my dad left. My mom does her best, but we live near Empire territory. I had to take care of myself…"

Fuck. This is actually making me emotional! Fortunately, that's what I need for it to work. "I triggered two years ago. I was running from some Empire thugs, and they were going to catch up to me. I didn't want to know what would happen when they caught up, but I never found out. I beat them all with powers I barely understood, and I decided…"

I take a breath, and a few more tears well up. Oh god, please work. "I decided that, if I had to learn how to defend myself and become strong, everyone else did too."

I close my eyes. "Maybe I was wrong. I know I went too far. And, for what it's worth, I'm sorry about what I did to Emma. I let her break the same way I did, except with ABB instead of Empire. I'm sorry about it all. I don't want to die."

I end with a whisper. "Please. Please don't kill me."

Taylor stands up again and folds her arms. "Not buying it, Sophia!" She almost sings. "I don't think you're sorry at all! You just want to live, don't you?"

Oh god. That was the best I had. I don't...I can't!

I totally lose control. Fuck me, I have nothing else, and my hope is rapidly fading. "PLEASE! I'll do anything! Don't leave me here! Beat me up, make me bleed, make me FUCKING HURT! PLEASE DON'T KILL ME I CAN'T DIE LIKE THIS NOT LIKE THIS!!"

I'm a hyperventilating wreck, tears cascading down my face. I am done. Doomed. I've pushed her too far, and now I am going to pay for it.

Her look of sadistic glee grows deeper. "Not. Good. Enough."

I break. I fucking break. I can't make words come out, no matter what I try to say. All that's left is crying, tears mixing with blood from my nose and dripping down my face. "P...PL...PLEASE!!"

There is nothing I can do. Nothing at all. I am going to die. So much stuff I wanted to do...

Taylor goes silent and cocks her head to the side, and her smile somehow gets even wider. "Hmmm...You know what…" She nods, as if to herself. "You know what, Sophia? I believe you. I think I have managed to explain to you exactly how much you fucked up. And thank you for that tidbit about Emma, I hadn't known. It...clarifies some things, for me. In return, I will tell you this much: the men who bound you? They will die tomorrow. Perhaps you will get some satisfaction from that." She slowly walks back towards me, bending over, her face inches from mine. "Now...was that really so hard?"

Fuck. What's the right answer? What do I do? Truth? I nod. It had been hard. I can't lie, I'm a proud person. If I didn't think I would die, there's no way I would ever have begged her of all people for life.

She takes out the notebook and a pencil and begins rubbing out some words.

Hope. Hopehopehopehope! Is this idiot going to let me kill her!?

She finishes, closes the book, and retreats from the light, making as if to head for the door. What? No! "Wait! Aren't you going to let me go?"

I can't see her in the darkness as her voice lashes out, "Oh, no. No, no, no! Of course not! I just had you say all that to give you false hope! Even if I did let you go it wouldn't do any good. The human whose name is written in the Death Note, dies. It doesn't matter if it's erased, that was one of the first things I tried. Goodbye, Sophia."


I scream wildly, a well of terror I didn't know I even had blossoming in my chest. She turns around, rolling her eyes as she re-enters the light one final time, and replaces the gag that had fallen on the floor. She takes a loop of extra wire and wrapps it around my face, binding the gag in place as I struggle vainly for release. Satisfied with her work, she nods, and leaves the room.

She closes the door, and leaves me alone. The generator continues to hum.

I hyperventilate in the dark, waiting to die.


Several hours later, the door opens again, and I jolt in surprise. Through it, a single man comes and faint sunlight just barely visible in the cracked aperture.

This man carries himself like a soldier, and his eyes are emptier than Taylor's were, his mouth set in the thin frown of someone going about their everyday business. He pulls, from harnesses on his belt, two objects.

A can of spray paint.

And a suppressed pistol.

I have nothing left in me. Nothing to howl, no rage to express. I sit up and stoically watch my fate approach.

He carelessly, casually aims the pistol.

And then I die.

5: Bastion
I hate the cold.

A bitter wind's blowin' in from the ocean tonight. It cuts over our position, shocking me to the bone despite my thick jacket. I hate the smell of it, that fresh salty spray ruined by the oily slime of dead factories. I've been here six hours and the place already feels like depression.

It's dark out. The street lights don't reach, and around me the PRT troopers're just settin' up the lights. Another breeze blows through and I shudder, instinctively throwing up a shield. It doesn't help. My shields block physical force and are air and water proof, but they don't insulate worth a damn. The eggheads had some kinda bullshit to explain that one, but I don't remember what it was.

Cold, out in the open, rearin' for a fight we ain't gonna have for another half hour. Tense, feeling useless 'cuz I can't really help with the staging...fuck, why'd I come out here again? I'm a Texas man! Cali was just fine, but this? Of course my special assignment's gotta be in the seventh circle.

I guess I don't really have much of a choice. It's this, or never get to fight again. Before the Protectorate, I had it tough. Hard to get a good job out in the West unless you're some kinda super genius or willing to throw yer back out. With the heroes? I got to brawl on the regular, and people loved me for it. Everything a man could ever want.

So of course I fucked it up. I don't even really hate Asians, that twerp just wouldn't leave me alone and of fucking course her mom was recording. I ain't a proud man, I know it's all my fault and I deserved it, but Jesus Christ did San Jose turn on me fast.

Gah! It's April, why's it so goddamn cold out he-

Someone taps me on the shoulder and I whip around, shields rais-oh. It's just Miss Militia.

"Fuck, Millie, 'djya have to sneak up on a man like that? I thought we were under attack!"

It's dark out, but by the light of the shield covering us both I can see her eyes twinkling above her bandana. The green energy that follows her around everywhere collapses into - was that a wiffle bat? Heh, yup. Wiffle bat. Then the energy comes back and settles on her belt as a knife.

She strikes a pose of mock offence before sarcastically replying, "Millie?"

I let the shield wink out and grin defiantly. "I ain't callin' you 'Miss Militia', that's too much of a mouthful."

Her eyes twinkle more and she replies, "Over comms, you will refer to me as Miss Militia or MM-"

Aw boo. "Cut a man right to the soul, eh?"

She holds up a finger, "But right now you can call me Hannah."

My eyebrows shoot up. She's shockingly open about that, though I guess there's gotta be a bunch of Hannahs in the Bay. I've just seen her around here, no time for real introductions when we're prepping for war, but she doesn't strike me as one who's got much goin' on outside work. Maybe she doesn't really care about her civilian identity all that much.

Fact is I don't either. I've got no friends any more, what's the harm in making one? I nod in respect and give her my hand to shake. "Hannah, you can call me Matt."

She nods back, then reaches for one of the pockets on her cargo pants.

Cargo pants. That I can respect. Some of these heroes have the dumbest costumes, can't even carry gauze or tape with 'em. I understand image, but damn. I've been a workman most of my life and I can never understand not havin' pockets.

She offers me two small cloth bags. "You looked cold."

I take them with an eyebrow raised, then pop a grin. Sleeve warmers! What a sweetheart. I crush them in my fists, softly for me but harder than most could probably manage, and tuck them into my coat. "Aww, you didn't have to!"

She moves to stand beside me, looking around warily just as I was before she showed. "I remember my first winter on the Eastern seaboard. It was...unpleasant."

I can't help but keep the grin going as I start looking the other direction as her, scouting for anything that looks like a Nazi. "What are ya', some kinda team mom?"

A soft chuckle comes from behind me. "I've worn that hat once or twice. For the Wards." I can hear the joke in her voice.

Cold-hearted, this one. "Nah, I got on the powers train too late fer that. Thanks, by the way. I fuckin' hate the cold."

"You get used to it."

Hope so. This's gonna be the worst otherwise.


We stand back to back for about fifteen minutes, and the street's dead silent save the troopers the whole time. Then, Armsmaster clanks out of the dark. I've never understood fighting in full armor, powered or not. Seems too heavy an' loud, anyone faster'n you can do some serious damage. Give me Kevlar and a knife vest every day of the week.

Ah well, to each their own. Looks like the command tent's up, and my earpiece buzzes with Armsmaster's voice. "The civilian curfew starts in ten minutes. Our final prep starts now."

As he's talking, a flash of light smashes into the ground beside him, and I almost charge it headlong before it resolves into Legend. Seconds later, another streak comes in over the horizon, considerably slower, and the crackling electricity and shining armor it wears can only mean Dauntless.

Damn. I've never seen Legend in person before. He's got a flair for the dramatic entry. Dauntless too, now that I notice it. No time for hand shaking right now, though, we've got a job to do.

Hannah and I follow them all into the command tent.


"Bastion, I assume you've read the dossiers we sent you?" Armsmaster opens the conversation the moment we're inside.

I nod. "Yes, sir."

Nasty pieces of work all of 'em. I know I can take Hookwolf, Rune, Victor, hell I can take most of 'em. Kaiser might be a problem though, him an' Crusader have powers that phase through most things, one way or another. I'll just have to keep part of my shield close to me to keep Kaiser workin' small, put a hole in it randomly so I can breathe.

I have no fucking idea how to deal with Crusader, though.

We stand around a table and something pops out of Armsmaster's suit. He casually tosses it onto the table and a bunch of blue lines spout from it, forming a map of Brockton Bay. Nifty. San Jose had a tinker too, but he had nothing on Armsmaster's reputation. That little gadget's pretty cool.

Armsmaster starts his speech. "This isn't going to be like any of the other fights the Protectorate ENE has had in a good long time. The Empire knows we have superior firepower and a public mandate to use it. Before, they survived because they just had more capes. Now? With the help of New Wave and you two," he nods over at Legend and I, "we finally get to turn that around.

That means one thing: they can only hide. If they fight us in one, open brawl, they lose, and they know that. So they won't. We expect them to be widely distributed throughout their claimed territory, planning on ambush and forcing us to split our superior numbers to create individual battles they have a chance of winning. It's the only potentially viable strategy they have.

Of course, we have no intention of creating an insurgency. If we let them drop into hiding, they'll just come back later, and we cannot allow that. So the PRT is going to smoke them out. Right now, thousands of officers requisitioned from all over the Eastern seaboard are making their way to every single suspected Empire hideout and business in the city. The judges have been rubber-stamping our warrants all day long, pretty easy to get them to do given the circumstances, and given the evidence provided by Watchdog. By hitting them hard, we force their capes to respond instead of hiding in their homes. If they don't, we get to break the morale of their organization. They cannot allow us to invade territory they have claimed unopposed, or they lose their ability to recruit new members. The idea is, no matter what they do, we win."

He gestures at the map, and around ten large areas of it begin to softly glow red. "This is the best information Watchdog was able to put together to target our parahuman strikes. Those glowing areas are our best guesses as to where cape fights might occur in the next 24 hours. Because we are the stronger force, we actively want those fights. Our plan is to keep PRT and parahuman eyes constantly on each of those areas."

The rest of the map outside the rough oval of lit up areas goes dark. "Brockton Bay has a large number of Movers, so we can afford to have a few stationed near each of these areas. Assault, Battery, Velocity, and New Wave are going to go with the PRT squads as escorts. Upon contact with parahuman resistance, their job will be to capture, if possible, or if not to prevent their withdrawal until the heavy hitters arrive."

He looks up from the map. "That's us. Legend? You are your own squad. I think we all know why. If a call comes in for backup from one of the peripheral hot zones, you will be able to get there fast enough to make a difference. If the call is at one of these intermediary zones," he taps the areas, and they shimmer in the air, "Dauntless and I can get to them within a few minutes, assuming Legend can't reasonably be there faster. These central areas," two red spots near our location on the map shimmer, "are Miss Millitia and Bastion's coverage zones. Bastion, I believe you have experience providing cover to Blasters?"

I nod. Domes come most naturally to me, but I can make 'em anything if I want. Huge walls with gun ports are what I get my name from. Unfortunately, I can only make one forcefield at a time, I have to concentrate to add bits to 'em without endangering my surroundings, and growing the fields is slower than walkin' speed, but those are my only limits. I can do a bunch with just that.

Armsmaster nods. "Excellent. Usually, we would practice more with each other on cross-department operations like this one, but all of us have significant experience with New Wave's shields, and yours are both stronger and more versatile. I don't believe inexperience will be a problem."

I crack my knuckles and grin. "No sir. Not at all."

Armsmaster nods. "Excellent. That is the plan, people. You will note it is not particularly detailed, and that is because I fully expect it to come apart somewhat as this night progresses. In my mind, flexibility is far more important than rigid planning. Are there any questions?"

I raise my hand, and Armsmaster nods in my direction. I ask, "My shields are good, but I've had problems with villains who make ghosts. They usually go right through 'em. What do I do 'bout Crusader?"

Armsmaster nods again. "Thank you for bringing that up. Should you encounter Crusader, you are authorized to withdraw for your own safety, along with Miss Militia, who will be similarly vulnerable. We will avoid dispatching you two to any location where he has been seen."

Legend follows him up. "Fortunately, several variants of my lasers are effective against incorporeal powers, and very few such powers have been able to penetrate my body in the past. If and when Crusader shows his face in the coming hours, I will handle him personally."

I nod. "Sounds good to me. Now, is it time to crack some Nazi heads?"

Armsmaster smiles grimly. "I am awaiting our final orders. Should be any minute now."

My earpiece crackles. Speak of the devil. "This is Interim Director Renick of the PRT-ENE. Yes, you all heard that right. Interim Director. Not Deputy Director. That would be because Director Piggot is dead."

Fuck. That can't be good.

I hear troopers outside the tent reacting badly to the announcement. Lots o' angry chatter. Inside, each and every one of us steps back in surprise.

Renick continues to talk. "This happened approximately twenty-five minutes ago, and I just finished being sworn in by video conference a minute ago. We do not yet have all of the details, but we know one thing: Found on the scene, at her home, were the steel spikes Kaiser's power creates.

You all have your orders. I do not intend to change them. Begin operations immediately."

Renick's voice cuts out, and on that bombshell we all file out of the command tent.

Let's crush these bastards.


I've used these comms before, and I know they'll give personalized marching orders to all the capes on 'em. So I'm not surprised when Legend immediately flashes bright white and vanishes off to who-knows-where. Dauntless begins to levitate about a foot off the ground, and Armsmaster runs for his bike to follow him.

Suddenly, it's just me, Hannah, and a pile o' troopers under orders to guard our command point. It's near the middle of the hotspots on Armsmaster's map, while not being in any of them. We don't expect an attack here, but the guards might have been what prevented Watchdog from guessing there would be an attack...fuck. I ain't no Thinker. Figuring out how all that time bullshit works is above my pay grade. Anyway, if they come here we can smash 'em. Easy.

The roads are dead, courtesy of the curfew. With a good PRT driver, I bet the two of us can make it to either of the spots we're covering in a few minutes. Whoever finds a fight first can probably hold out that long.

Hannah and I head for the line of vans, preparing for deployment. I look over my shoulder, and she seems...unsure?

"What's on yer mind?"

She looks up at me. "It is...unlike the Empire to kill the Director."

I snort. "Heh. They're Nazis, ain't they?"

She nods, seeming to think. "Nazis? Yes. Do they kill people? Yes, absolutely. Before today, though, I would have told you that the PRT and Protectorate were completely safe from them."

What? "They're. Nazis."

We climb into a van and nod to the driver. He nods back as Hannah keeps talking. "Do you know what happened to the man who killed Fleur?"

I scrunch up my face. "Who's Fleur?"

She looks absently at the wall of the van. "She was a member of New Wave. I guess they were still the Brigade, back then, actually. She was killed, in her civilian identity, by a man trying to earn a place in the Empire, around ten years ago. Do you know what happened to that man?"

Damn. I remember that from the news, now, but I didn't pay much attention at the time. "No?"

She frowns. "He was found quite literally crucified with steel spikes. His body showed evidence of torture prior to death as well. Kaiser executed the man, then mailed a video to the Brigade's headquarters personally apologizing for Fleur's death."

Huh. "What about it?"

She looks at me. "The Empire plays by the rules. They do kill, and they do commit terrible crimes, but they do not overtly upset the peace, they do not go after the heroes, and they do not tolerate those who do. Or rather, they have done these things until today. I do not understand why they have stopped. I...did not have any particular personal fondness for either Shadow Stalker or Director Piggot. Both were rather unpleasant people. But they were ours. And that used to make them safe."

Oh. That...can't be good. "So something changed."

She nods. "Something changed. I wish I knew what."

My earpiece crackles, and by her face I can see Hannah's does as well. "Strike group three: Stormtiger, Cricket, and Hookwolf are currently at 5th and O'Malley. Rendezvous with the PRT and Velocity. Additional backup will be delayed, almost every Empire cape came out of hiding at once."

The truck starts up as I reply, "Understood. I think we can take 'em."

Hannah and I strap in as the driver screeches out of the lot. "Smart of 'em." I say, just to make chatter.

Hannah cocks her head, and I keep on the thought. "They can't win a long fight, we've got more capes an' more men. They can't grind us down, we've got more money an' more angry folks behind us, and we know whereabouts they keep their money, if Watchdog is any help. If they just hide nobody ever takes 'em seriously again an' we wrap up all their businesses in a few days. Death blow."

I can't see her mouth under that bandanna, but I can tell she's smiling as she finishes my thought, "But if they all come out at once, we cannot support every fight with sufficient parahuman force to ensure a clean takedown. None of us can be in ten places at once. Some of the fights tonight will be victories for the Empire."

I nod. "Yeah. Makes 'em look better to the kind a trash who likes 'em, and weakens us before bigger fights down the road."

My earpiece crackles again. "INCOMING!"

The vehicle skids to a halt and I slam up a shield, steadying myself and Miss Militia against the Gs with it. The whole vehicle rocks around us, and I expand my shield to cover the entire inside just in time to stop the enormous spines suddenly piercing the roof and sides from gutting the two of us and the driver!

Looks like the dogs've come out to play.

"I've shielded the inside o' this tin can, he can't get to us" I reply to whoever screamed.

"Oh thank God. When he broke our perimeter… Anyway, this is Velocity. How much time do we have to get him off you?"

I glance up at an awful, shearing, ripping sound as the roof of the van is shredded. The night sky looks awfully pretty, though the angry, twenty-foot-long dog made of steel blocks the view. One of its claws slams against the shield and bounces off uselessly.

Poor little puppy, can't dig for his bone.

"As much time as ya need. My shields're slow to grow, but they don't go down. Not with anything ol' Hooky can do. What's yer status besides him?"

"Cricket is foamed, Stormtiger still loose."

I nod. "Sounds good, sounds good."

As I finish talking, Miss Militia speaks up. For my part, I'm growing my shield out through the hole in the roof, trying to give us more spike-and-chain free space to work with. "We appear to be safe, but I cannot fire through Bastion's shield without risking Hookwolf using the hole against us."

My shield spills over the sides of the truck as I climb onto the now-ruined top. Hookwolf's still grinding away at it, the idiot, but I've pushed out all the horizontal areas into slopes he can't stand on and he's sliding off the side.

With some capes, I could've just wrapped a shield around 'em already an' waited fer foam. I gotta be careful with that 'cuz they can't breathe through the shield, but ain't never killed anyone that way. Hookwolf's too big an' fast for that, though. My shields flow like molasses to 'im. I'll hafta get creative if I wanna catch 'im with 'em.

This ain't a residential area, and the street's still torn up, probably 'cuz Hookwolf jumped off 'em like a tank hittin' a mine. The PRT's being smart and staying outta line of sight of the massive, angry pile o' steel, so it's just us an' the rubble.

"Velocity, I can't move my shield too fast, so if you want me or MM in the fight 'gainst Stormtiger, yer gonna need to bring 'im to me. I'm gonna try to surround Hookwolf."

"Understood. Unfortunately, we've lost track of Stormtiger at the moment. He vanished when Hookwolf broke the perimeter. If we find him, we will send him your way. Our cordon is just a few blocks over."

That done, it's time to do some fightin' back.

Looks like Hookwolf got a smart an' tried to dig under my shield. Good thing is that won't work, I"ve already covered the ground.

Bad thing is that means he's in a big hole outside my shield. I can't make it go through solid objects, just form it around 'em, so his digging in the soft ground under the street makes it real annoying to surround him. He can just dig deeper under the shield, and he's pretty fast in this loose sand.

Good thing is I ain't workin' alone. "MM, I'm makin' some stairs fer ya. When yer high enough to be safe, shoot 'im with the biggest thing ya got.

Beside me, she climbs out of the wreckage of our van and surveys my work. I think she's impressed.

Damn straight. I'm an impressive man.

"The 'biggest thing I got' is a handheld nuclear device. Do you want me to use that?" She asks sarcastically.

Shit. I've read up on how her power works. That's gotta mean..."What kind o' damn fool military designed a handheld nuke? Without Tinkers?"

"Judging by the number of such devices I can make? Most of them, at one point or another. They seem to have been popular for black ops programs in the 50s."

Heh. Sounds 'bout right, I guess. "Got anything less…"

"...Geneva Convention violating?" She finishes.

I nod. "Yeah."

She goes skipping lightly up the blue stairs I'm making. "I can work something out."

At this point, I'm in the middle of a massive, glowing blue tower in the middle of the street. If I'm not moving part of the shield, it stays put until I tell it to, so this ain't too hard on me yet. I've gone bigger before.

"I am in position. Give me an opening, Bastion."

I crack a grin. "You got it, MM. Hole on Hookwolf's head."

Suddenly, a mothafuckin' lightning bolt smashes Hookwolf! The light blinds me and I stumble back, and I feel more than hear the thunder.

"Holy - What the hell was that!?"

I blink the blindness away as she smugly replies, "Laser-Induced Plasma Channel. One or two governments designed them, but the energy requirements are...impractical, for anyone who cannot recharge a battery instantly. Enough were produced in secret for me to use them, but they never reached market penetration."

Damn. "MM, you don't need a hole in my shield to fire that. Lasers go right through 'em."
Silence on the comms. Jesus fuck, this is gonna be good! If she can safely shoot outta my shield… "You got any way to turn the power on that down, MM?"

"The two varieties of the weapon I have available are a stun gun and the lightning arc you just saw. The stun gun has a very short range, but it is safe to use on non-brutes. It fires far more slowly than an automatic rifle, so this is one of the only circumstances where I can use it."

Aww. "Too bad. Looks like Hookwolf really don't like what you got there, though."


At this point, a few seconds after the shot, Hookwolf's still...I dunno what he's doin', actually. He don't seem to be moving too good, kinda jerking around.

Probably jus' recoverin' from the lightning. I start dropping more of the shield in the hole he dug, tryin' to get under him when I can and cuttin' off space fer him to gro-


My shoulder explodes with pain, an' it feels like...yup, that's blood. Fucking...what happened?

Ah. I see. "Bastion to all, Stormtiger's outside my shield. Looks like he's touching it and makin' air claws on the other side. Damn clever of 'im."

My shoulder's pretty useless, but that don't really matter. It ain't a fast bleed, I'll live.

Stormtiger starts running 'round the outside edge of the shield as I slowly grow it out, tryin' to trip 'im up. Miss Militia lands next to me, but I'm focusing on Stormtiger too much to really pay attention.

"DUCK!" I hear, and I drop. Another air claw flies over my head, and I feel Miss Militia drop next to me just in time. She was watchin' for 'im to brush the shield again. Smart.

Damn, until I take 'im out he can keep doin' that, can't he? This might be hard...wait.

The maximum speed of my shields is like three miles per hour, but that's still pretty fast when yer growin' it straight up. I pop up a second layer o' shield inside the first, 'bout a foot or two in. With any luck...heh, yup. Get fucked, Stormtiger.

His file said he can only control air real' close to 'im. That second shield means he can't fire at us at all any more. I grow the second bubble up 'round our entire area...and now he's totally useless.

"Bastion to all, problem solved. Stormtiger can't threaten us." I turn to Miss Millitia. "You got any way to wrap this shoulder?"

Her eyes twinkle and she pulls out some gauze. Damn. I like a prepared woman.

While she does that, I check in on Hookwolf. He's down at the bottom of his hole, an' the shields I wasn't payin' attention to seem to be sinkin' down around 'im more. Good...wait…

I take another look.

Hookwolf seems to have run out of room to transform an' he's totally human. He ain't movin'. Fuck. I might've suffocated 'im while dealin' with Stormtiger. "Bastion to Velocity and nearest PRT teams, I can't tell if Hookwolf is still alive."

Velocity shows up outside the shield. "What happened?"

I grunt as Miss Militia finishes wrapping the shoulder. "Careful, Velocity, Stormtiger's still out there. I dunno if he's left, and I can't check."

"I checked before dropping into normal speed. He's gone. What happened with Hookwolf?"

I sit down. "Miss Militia hit 'im with something I can't remember-"

"Laser-Induced Plasma Channel. It's an electrical weapon."

"Yeah, that. She hit 'im with a frickin' bolt 'o lightning an' he started slowing down. I would've just shrunk my shield down around 'im carefully to give 'im room to breathe, but Stormtiger showed up an' gave me this gash on my shoulder through my shield-"

"Through your shield? Shouldn't that be impossible?" Velocity asks

"He touched the shield an' made it on the inside. Damn clever. Got off a second shot before I made this second dome, might've given me a real close haircut if Miss Militia hadn't warned me. Anyway, I couldn't focus on Hookwolf when I had someone shootin' at me, an' I guess the shields got a little carried away."

"I can confirm all of that, Velocity. And I got it on tape."

Huh? Who was...oh. Duh.

Our driver climbs out of the wreck that used to be a truck. I'd straight forgotten he existed. He's waving his standard lanyard around, an' it looks like he's got his body cam.

Velocity doesn't reply for a moment, then nods. "Can I get into your shield somehow, Bastion?"

"Oh, sure. Sorry 'bout that." I fold a bubble 'round 'im an pop it once he's inside.

He walks over. "Officer…"


"Officer Menendez, thank you for getting this entire engagement on camera. It'll cut out a lot of legal hassle."

Velocity turns to me. "Bastion, lower the shields around Hookwolf."

"With all due respect, sir, that's dumb. If he's still awake, he'll gut us all. I'm not sure I can risk givin' him an air hole either, what with his shapeshiftin'."

Velocity sighs. "Open an air hole outside the shield. If he escapes, he escapes."

I shrug. "You got it. Wasn't my idea…"

I open the hole.

Spikes appear everywhere, crawling 'round the outside, lookin' for a way in. It don't look controlled at all. Like there's somethin' that ain't human any more behind it.

And sure enough, it ain't controlled at all. The spikes start vanishing just as quick as they came, and a naked body falls out of 'em. I let Velocity out o' the shield to check on 'im.

"He's dead."

Damn. "Dya think it was the lightning or the suffocation?"

Velocity walks back up to the shield and I let him in. "I couldn't say. There...will probably be an investigation here, later. But I wouldn't worry about it. Since we have all of this on tape, I don't think there's a prosecutor in the country who would try to press charges."

I nod and sit back down on the ground. Feelin' a bit...dizzy, actually. "Ah fuck, I think the blood loss is gettin' me. O Positive, by the way."

Officer Menendez answers me."Good to know. When I saw you get hit I called for a medic. Miss Militia seems to have bandaged you fairly well, though."

Speak of the devil, I can hear the siren now. I'll be fine. Just sit here, keep breathin', an' keep awake.

I'm passin' out from blood loss, tired, an' I just accidentally killed a man for the first time since I got my powers.

But damn, does it feel good to be back in the game.
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Interesting. I don't remember Miss Militia having a danger sense, but then fanon blurs everything...

The death of Hookwolf felt a bit forced, but then I guess that's a Deathnote for you.