Bright side?o_O

The Death Note is Dangerous... It is really an abomination in the history of anime.:(

Forget the character development of the series (quite interesting) and focus on the finality of the item.;)

It. Kills. Period.:evil:

It is worse than Voodoo and ANYONE chosen to write in it can kill how and when he/she wants.:confused:

Corrupting the Escalation Queen like that... Even Scion isn't that Dangerous.:cry:
Now that's a bit of an exaggeration, don't you think?
Soo... Kaiser didn't bother to ask why they did this? Who might of payed, ordered, blackmailed, etc. them to do this? Where they got their information from? That seems just foolish of him on a monumental level. There is plenty of time to think and cool down some between going there, getting them and then driving to Piggots while planning how to get in. Then they go elsewhere so yes that seems wrong.

Umm, he did ask. He can't figure it out is the problem. The group who did it don't know, his financial investigators only have so much information, and Legend is going to be beating down his door in a few hours, so he doesn't have time to let them do their work.
Soo... Kaiser didn't bother to ask why they did this? Who might of payed, ordered, blackmailed, etc. them to do this? Where they got their information from? That seems just foolish of him on a monumental level. There is plenty of time to think and cool down some between going there, getting them and then driving to Piggots while planning how to get in. Then they go elsewhere so yes that seems wrong.
Everything we see in this chapter is the result of whatever Taylor wrote in the Death Note, Piggot obviously died from it and we know from the first chapter that Taylor was going to kill all the thugs that captured Sophia. If Taylor wrote in the note that they died without talking then reality will do whatever is possible to make that happen. If that means Kaiser needs to carry the idiot ball then that is what will happen.

Edit: Or as the poster above pointed out, he asked the people who he captured earlier, that actually makes more sense.
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Umm, he did ask. He can't figure it out is the problem. The group who did it don't know, his financial investigators only have so much information, and Legend is going to be beating down his door in a few hours, so he doesn't have time to let them do their work.

Did I miss him asking them?

he pig drones on pointlessly as I try to work the gag out, my companions making similar sounds of distress beside me.

The steel prison is still on me, I'm still gagged,

No, I don't see him asking, you wrote he gags them so how can they talk? Can you quote yourself where he asks and they response please? While he might have questions others he didn't them, which still is kinda stupid because certain members may know different things.

We see him here talking about an investigation but he is never shown to just ask those he has bound anything at all.

Everything we see in this chapter is the result of whatever Taylor wrote in the Death Note, Piggot obviously died from it and we know from the first chapter that Taylor was going to kill all the thugs that captured Sophia. If Taylor wrote in the note that they died without talking then reality will do whatever is possible to make that happen. If that means Kaiser needs to carry the idiot ball then that is what will happen.

Yeah I figure she did that, but we don't see it in the story so we are left wondering if it is planned by the Death Note or not. It comes across however as him just being himself and not because of a supernatural notebook.
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This has no relation to the previous discussion but as I was thinking about the Death Note and how its power would work in Worm, I realized we can already be entirely sure that Contessa's power, and presumably most other types of Thinker powers, cannot account for it. Otherwise there is almost no chance one of Contessa's paths hasn't had her steal it and start using it to kill and control people. It is an obscenely powerful tool and would cut a huge number of steps out from almost all of her paths.
Did I miss him asking them?

No, I don't see him asking, you wrote he gags them so how can they talk? Can you quote yourself where he asks and they response please? While he might have questions others he didn't them, which still is kinda stupid because certain members may know different things.

We see him here talking about an investigation but he is never shown to just ask those he has bound anything at all.

Yeah I figure she did that, but we don't see it in the story so we are left wondering if it is planned by the Death Note or not. It comes across however as him just being himself and not because of a supernatural

Kaiser knows the money came from a large array of shell corporations and that the phone calls were untraceable. He asked the other two for information, got jack nothing from them, and he knows that Alvin is a slimy bastard. He doesn't have time for torture to properly break them, knows that even if he did have time the only things Alvin can tell him are things he already knows, and he isn't the kind of vindictive which would find torturing him for useless information anyway enjoyable when there is still a chance to fix the problem.

Kaiser has the whole picture already, except for knowing who organized it. He doesn't need Alvin at all, he knows he doesn't need Alvin at all, and he isn't going to waste time on the pretence.
Kaiser knows the money came from a large array of shell corporations and that the phone calls were untraceable. He asked the other two for information, got jack nothing from them, and he knows that Alvin is a slimy bastard. He doesn't have time for torture to properly break them, knows that even if he did have time the only things Alvin can tell him are things he already knows, and he isn't the kind of vindictive which would find torturing him for useless information anyway enjoyable when there is still a chance to fix the problem.

Kaiser has the whole picture already, except for knowing who organized it. He doesn't need Alvin at all, he knows he doesn't need Alvin at all, and he isn't going to waste time on the pretence.

While that makes a good deal of sense it also means he didn't ask them to be sure, he doesn't need to torture them as it should be obvious they are scared out of their minds. It would have taken all of a few minutes on the ride over to ask questions and beat them some to be sure. Like I said in story it just seems stupid of him to skip over people, more so with something this big.

Also when did he say or did it show he questioned the other two? As for him not being so vindictive? It doesn't come across that way, there are multiple instances of him being cruel when it isn't strictly needed in the chapter. It kinda points to him being so.

He just wants us to suffer.

My armor shrinks.

This. Is it. It's all over. The spikes squeeze in, and I shudder as I feel a few grazing my clothes, slowly slicing through the fabric.

Hopefully it'll be over soon. But I know it probably won't.

Then, it stops.

I'm still alive. The ride to wherever we were had been awful, and I'm sure I'm bleeding somewhere inside this armor, but Kaiser hasn't killed me yet for my monumental fuck up.

I look up, hoping to protest my innocence of the murder, but my cage tightens and I feel some of the knives lightly pierce my skin before drawing back.

My armor shrinks again, the knives continuing their brutal work.

This time, it didn't stop.

Now granted you are the author and your word is pretty much the way it is, it's just in story it isn't shown as much as it probably should be if you want it to come across that way.
Bravo, Taylor, Bravo. The death-gods will build a statue of you and sing hosannas of praise; you've given them oceans of blood, simply oceans.
While that makes a good deal of sense it also means he didn't ask them to be sure, he doesn't need to torture them as it should be obvious they are scared out of their minds. It would have taken all of a few minutes on the ride over to ask questions and beat them some to be sure. Like I said in story it just seems stupid of him to skip over people, more so with something this big.

It's not actually relevant how Kaiser found out (or didn't) who planned the kidnapping. He just needs the 4 of them for DNA to back up whatever story he presents. A shadowy unknown is a much better threat to "unite" against then something tangible. It can also be inferred that Kaiser got whatever info he needed from the two who didn't go out, so we, the audience, don't need to be lead through a boring interrogation scene that will reveal no new information. If this was the second chapter of the fic, then an interrogation scene would be worthwhile to show that the E88 really wasn't behind the murder, but this isn't the case.
It's not actually relevant how Kaiser found out (or didn't) who planned the kidnapping. He just needs the 4 of them for DNA to back up whatever story he presents. A shadowy unknown is a much better threat to "unite" against then something tangible. It can also be inferred that Kaiser got whatever info he needed from the two who didn't go out, so we, the audience, don't need to be lead through a boring interrogation scene that will reveal no new information. If this was the second chapter of the fic, then an interrogation scene would be worthwhile to show that the E88 really wasn't behind the murder, but this isn't the case.

Dozens of other DNA sources had been found inside, but most of those were likely from homeless people taking shelter in the building over the past week. No easy way to separate the perpetrators from innocents existed, even if we could find each source.

Even if they themselves shown DNA for being there it wouldn't be a open and shut case. Also it was never pointed out if they had gloves or left DNA behind, they didn't beat her, spit on her, etc. As long as they wore clean cloves that avenue for them might be out, granted if the dust/dirt/etc. for show size and shape could match up and all that but strictly speaking DNA isn't end all be all at this time.

Second thing is that is a personal preference for what to unite against. To me I would rather have something solid, something knowable than just jumping at shadows. You have a firm direction then to go towards and you won't be left flapping in the wind unsure.

As for boring interrogation scene? Eh that is also personal opinion, it might bore some but it can also be used to show not only his competence but how far he is willing to go to his own people that betray. It would stand out in the readers minds what kind of person he truly is along with what this particular Death Note might be able to force upon someone as it is different.

The last thing I would like to mention is this was the third chapter of the story, with the second being a interlude dealing with only Emily Piggot. This last chapter, the third, deals with one person that was in chapter one and from their perspective. We could have seen from him what Kaiser is truly like and all of that.

Now if this was Max's interlude, as it seems to be one chapter per person at the moment, than I would really expect things to go that way. The thing is if his comes up later most of the section that could have been used to show his thoughts, his viciousness and willingness to find out won't be able to be shown. Instead it will probably just be him mad and ordering people about to no effect, then grabbing these people before going there to Emily's house followed by murdering them. The ending of such a chapter would most likely be him wondering off stage wondering what to do now.

To me that would feel kinda empty, but that might just be me.
Even if they themselves shown DNA for being there it wouldn't be a open and shut case. Also it was never pointed out if they had gloves or left DNA behind, they didn't beat her, spit on her, etc. As long as they wore clean cloves that avenue for them might be out, granted if the dust/dirt/etc. for show size and shape could match up and all that but strictly speaking DNA isn't end all be all at this time.

Second thing is that is a personal preference for what to unite against. To me I would rather have something solid, something knowable than just jumping at shadows. You have a firm direction then to go towards and you won't be left flapping in the wind unsure.

As for boring interrogation scene? Eh that is also personal opinion, it might bore some but it can also be used to show not only his competence but how far he is willing to go to his own people that betray. It would stand out in the readers minds what kind of person he truly is along with what this particular Death Note might be able to force upon someone as it is different.

The last thing I would like to mention is this was the third chapter of the story, with the second being a interlude dealing with only Emily Piggot. This last chapter, the third, deals with one person that was in chapter one and from their perspective. We could have seen from him what Kaiser is truly like and all of that.

Now if this was Max's interlude, as it seems to be one chapter per person at the moment, than I would really expect things to go that way. The thing is if his comes up later most of the section that could have been used to show his thoughts, his viciousness and willingness to find out won't be able to be shown. Instead it will probably just be him mad and ordering people about to no effect, then grabbing these people before going there to Emily's house followed by murdering them. The ending of such a chapter would most likely be him wondering off stage wondering what to do now.

To me that would feel kinda empty, but that might just be me.

There's also the fact that I really don't want to write an interrogation scene. Torture porn isn't really my thing.

The DNA samples the PRT has came from blood spatter on the ground outside the warehouse, from the injuries Shadow Stalker inflicted on the thugs.
There's also the fact that I really don't want to write an interrogation scene. Torture porn isn't really my thing.

The DNA samples the PRT has came from blood spatter on the ground outside the warehouse, from the injuries Shadow Stalker inflicted on the thugs.

Now that there is a legit reason to not want to write an interrogation scene. I don't like to read them, but despite that if it feels like there should have been one I'll point it out *shrugs*. The second is yeah, she hit two of them alright. Top of the head and the other a nose, that nose one 100% bled as they always tend to though if I really felt like arguing I could about the head but nope I'm done with this here.

Feels like everything I wanted to point out has been and the bit of back and forth between you and 1-2 others took care of the rest of my feelings. Just in case it came across rude let me say this story is Watched and is enjoyed, but well yeah in the end it still seemed off enough on a few points for me to chime in.
Taylor does not like loose ends, I see.

Question: If Piggot had a heart attack, doesn't that mean whatever complicated ploy Taylor tried to set up technically failed? And with the recording, she'll know this now.
Now that's a bit of an exaggeration, don't you think?

Well no.:whistle:

Taylor has access to DIVINE power, not quantum-related powers.:evil:

Scion can be understood by normal science (if even barely), the Death Note is a CONCEPT.:p

Yes, i know that Scion can also manipulate probabilities, but not to the sheer scale of the death note.;)

Also note that Scion is dépendent on KNOWLEDGE to affect Something. Taylor needs only a vague idea to KILL anyone and anything.:D
Well no.:whistle:

Taylor has access to DIVINE power, not quantum-related powers.:evil:

Scion can be understood by normal science (if even barely), the Death Note is a CONCEPT.:p

Yes, i know that Scion can also manipulate probabilities, but not to the sheer scale of the death note.;)

Also note that Scion is dépendent on KNOWLEDGE to affect Something. Taylor needs only a vague idea to KILL anyone and anything.:D
The Death Note still has rules, and even the Shinigami are bound by those. Therefore, it can be understood. Hell, that's a core element of Death Note the story.

As for Scion: The Death Note might be able to kill him, that's mostly Author fiat. I'd be more inclined to no, simply because he doesn't have a name and face as such. In every other regard, Scion is more powerful. He can work larger areas, and longer timescales. He can destroy planets without too much trouble. And I don't think I need to point out just how powerful PtV is, especially when used by someone with more tools than Contessa.

Also, just wanna point out: The Death Note needs both a name and a face. It's just as dependent on information, but Scion is better at getting information (when he's not being stupid.)
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The Death Note still has rules, and even the Shinigami are bound by those. Therefore, it can be understood. Hell, that's a core element of Death Note the story.

As for Scion: The Death Note might be able to kill him, that's mostly Author fiat. I'd be more inclined to no, simply because he doesn't have a name and face as such. In every other regard, Scion is more powerful. He can work larger areas, and longer timescales. He can destroy planets without too much trouble. And I don't think I need to point out just how powerful PtV is, especially when used by someone with more tools than Contessa.

Also, just wanna point out: The Death Note needs both a name and a face. It's just as dependent on information, but Scion is better at getting information (when he's not being stupid.)

You sure about that with the Death Note, in this story at least, needing both name and face?:confused:

I need to reread since i'm almost sure the author did ride of those limitations.:oops:

Beside remember Eden died because of probability manipulation. Scion isn't protected from it.;)
As for Scion: The Death Note might be able to kill him, that's mostly Author fiat. I'd be more inclined to no, simply because he doesn't have a name and face as such.

He has a name, but it's "Zion".

The Death Note also doesn't let you kill anyone over the age of 124. It's fairly safe to say that Scion is over the age of 124.

(Actually, the Death Note refers to "humans", so it may fail on all nonhumans anyway.)
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You sure about that with the Death Note, in this story at least, needing both name and face?:confused:

I need to reread since i'm almost sure the author did ride of those limitations.:oops:
I assume so, it's the way it works in the source. I'm not sure what the second point is about.
Beside remember Eden died because of probability manipulation. Scion isn't protected from it.;)
So? Probability manipulation is a broad, ill-defined term, and can be done in many ways.
He has a name, but it's "Zion".
Eh. It might be [ZION], but probably not Zion. That's just the human translation, but not really his name.
The Death Note also doesn't let you kill anyone over the age of 124. It's fairly safe to say that Scion is over the age of 124.

(Actually, the Death Note refers to "humans", so it may fail on all nonhumans anyway.)
Good point, I didn't remember the age restriction.
The part is why I said it's author fiat.
Yes, a death note is 100% limited by face and name. A death note's human holder can get shinigami eyes so they can see names along with faces (and times of death, but that's redundant in BB), but they still need to physically write the name itself into the note. Scion's "face" is artificial, and his "name" is also artificial; his true face might be incomprehensible to the viewer, and his real name might be too complex for written language. He and Eden created identities to better integrate and monitor the cycle, and if writing a cape name and visualizing a mask doesn't work there's no reason to expect Scion's golden mug and fake name would work any better. It's also very specific about humans, and doesn't work on shinigami. It might not even work on animals, though it isn't like anyone in the original story ever tried.

One of the more interesting aspects of the story is how there isn't only one death note. Other gods of death end up roped into Ryuk's game, and they bring their notes down to Earth with them, which stirs up even more havoc. And, of course, anyone who touches any part of a note can see that note's shinigami.
Good dammit, I already see Lisa ending up like a certain someone

Or will she be an L to Taylor's K?
Good dammit, I already see Lisa ending up like a certain someone

Or will she be an L to Taylor's K?

Nobody knows Taylor exists yet.

Cannon Light wanted people to know he existed and be afraid of him. Taylor can't afford to do that because Thinkers are broken. This story is going to turn out nothing like Death Note because the setting is nothing alike. Light could afford to take the risks he did because the only superpower in that world couldn't be used on him. That isn't true of Taylor.
I wonder if the death gods can write entity names down in the Death Note?

I mean, not to save humanity, because why would they care, but because it's a hell of a lot of extra lifetime for themselves and decent bragging rights/story to tell, which could interest them considering their boredom.