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Your name is Fujiwara no Mokou, and standing before the remains of your home, you really...
Why we're doing this


Altman be praised
USG Ishimura
Your name is Fujiwara no Mokou, and standing before the remains of your home, you really shouldn't be surprised as you are right now.

Yeah, you've known Kaguya for a long time. Knowing her isn't special, the Outside World has been retelling her story for over a thousand years now, though speaking from personal experience, they're off on a few details. The Kaguya in the story was a homebody, true, and she did come from the moon. They managed to keep that right. Kaguya in the story rejected her suitors because she could never stay with them, the so called impossible tasks just letting them down easy. Same with the Emperor. If anyone one was hurt, it was just naivety. She was too pure for anything else, so the story goes. It was the type of person she was.

She wasn't the type of person to be chased out of her own kingdom for breaking taboo. She wasn't the type of person to string along a man with impossible tasks for giggles. She certainly wasn't the type of person to find amusement fighting the same person to the death for centuries. Then after the fight, which she won, she wasn't the type to go off to the losers house and destroy it while she was busy regrowing her lower half.

But you do know her. You know her better than most people alive in the world. You are Fujiwara no Mokou, the last daughter of one of her suitors. So this really isn't a surprise. It's not worth getting mad over.

Instead, you'll get even.

So with merry thoughts of burning mansion playing in your mind, you turn away from the wreckage of your shack and set off for Eientei.

- - -​

You've got a plan by the time you get there, at least a basic outline. You're not gonna just torch the place, it's not quite tit-for-tat. Kaguya owns the whole manor, but most of it is being used by others. You can't justify burning down the clinic, and Keine would never forgive you taking away the place Human Villagers go when local medicine fails. Never mind what Eirin would do to you. Harming Reisen or Tewi would be pointless and cruel. Kaguya didn't hurt anyone but you when she destroyed your place, so no maiming anyone at Eientei.

That said, reducing her bedroom to cinders is on the table, and you're sure you'll think of a few other places while you're doing that. But first you have to kill Kaguya. Besides doing onto her what she did unto you, that win last night set the score in her favor. Can't have that.

"KAGUYA!" You belt out, aiming to get her outside before the fight. You're not sure how you're going to kill her. You don't have time for anything dramatic, so no feeding her own intestines down her gullet or ripping her spine off. Pulling bones out never works well anyway, they're attached to strongly and break before they come loose. Maybe snapping her neck? Quick and clean while nicely violent, but she might revive too fast from that.

You settle on beating her unconscious and setting her to a slow burn, and in that time Kaguya has failed to appear. You shout again, with similar results. Figures. She's probably not even up yet, the day that lazy moon layabout is awake before noon is when the both of you take a permanent dirtnap.

Your patience is already wearing thin, and you don't have the will to deal with her bumming around on your best day. Stepping toward the manor, you kick off your shoes and feel the near pristine walkway under your feet. You'll just have to search the place. With a normal person, you'd start with the bedroom. Kaguya, lunatic ditz that she is, tends to sleep where she pleases at a given moment.

That said, this is a bold move on your part. You've been invited over here a few times, and you guide villagers here most days of the week, but you aren't exactly welcome at Eientei. It goes back to the whole killing the mistress of the manor thing you've been doing for the past three hundred years. Even for youkai that can't really die and seek revenge anyway, spending a few centuries on it is a bit much. They'll let you hang around outside without a fuss, but stepping in? That's going to wrinkle noses.

Good. Your home is a wreck, trampling around theirs is the least you can do.



You jump and spun at the sudden voice. The master of the clinic herself, Eirin, stands behind you in her silver haired, red and blue uniformed glory. She wrinkles her nose at you. Your not her favorite person in the world, and clearly stepping into Eientei uninvited isn't improving that opinion.

Still, it's only a moment before she starts speaking again. "It's far too early to bring patients here, nor do I believe this to be a social call. If you'd kindly wait outside, one of rabbits could see to you."

You mentally shake off the surprise before speaking. "Just get Kaguya out here." You growl out, "We have business."

Eirin's face cycles through a combination of confusion, recognition, annoyance, resignation and then end at… troubled. "She isn't here." She said, "Kaguya has returned to the moon."

Something vile started to worm its way through your guts. If it shows on your face, Eirin doesn't react to it. "The Emissaries of the moon requested her presences for a project last night, and she agreed after some discussion."

- - -​

You left Eientei in something of a daze, walking through the bamboo without a particular direction in mind. You remember asking questions, when she would be back, why she'd left, the nature of the project on the moon. All those things, but they hardly mattered compared to the first little nugget Eirin gave you.

Kaguya was gone.

You'd been fighting her for three hundred years. You'd suffered an endlessly painful existence for a thousand years before that. It was indeed, her fault in the first place that any of that happened.

And she just left? Took a few keepsakes and returned to where she'd come? With no timetable on when she'd come back or anything? If she would come back at all?

Your plans for the day before now felt hollow. You could burn her room, sure. Burn the store room where she kept most of her useless junk. You could incinerate the whole manor and let the bamboo reclaim the land. But there was no point to it if Kaguya wasn't there. She wouldn't see it, she'd never know.

But even as this emptiness crawled and wriggled its way around and into you, the anger from before niggled at you, with a single question begging to be answered.

Why did she destroy your house?

You'd actually wandered back to what was left of it. You'd built the thing yourself a few hundred years ago, and had maintained it fairly well over time. Can't say you really liked it much. For the most part it was just something to keep the rain off your head, or a private area to nurse your grudge. It had been small, covered with countless quick fixes to keep the wind out and stay dry, and was built with whatever you found in the forest.

It was an ugly, stumpy thing you never thought would be missed, and you can't help but wonder why Kaguya would pick now of all times to come around and collapse it.

But with her sudden departure for the moon it's very clear why.

To piss you the hell off.

Its her own joke at someone's else's expense, just like always. She's ruined the place you've spent hundreds of years at and run, getting out of reach. Hell, it was probably just to rub in that she'd gotten the score in her favor before she left!

Whatever you were feeling before has gone and been replaced with a fresh well of hate. So that was her plan huh? Kill you, kick you while you're down and run? That's low, even for her! She'll never get away with it!

"Damn you, Kaguya Houraisan!" You shout to the sky, "I don't care if it'll take another thousand years, I'll get to the moon and kill you, I swear it on my name! You hear me?! I, Fujiwara no Mokou, swear that I'll kill you as many times as it takes for you to pay for your actions!"

You finish by throw a huge ball of flame in the air, singeing the bamboo around you. Your breathing is ragged and your fists are clenched tight enough to hurt. You slowly, carefully recollect yourself. Your force your lungs to slow, and release your fingers one at a time. You take the time you need to calm.

The hate and anger remain, but you're able to take your mind off them. You need to get working. While you did swear to a thousand years if that's what it took, and are ready to follow through on it, you'd much prefer your vengeance sooner. You could never find away to the moon in the past, but that was before Gensokyo. This is a world where the fantastic happens every day, with people and creatures of immense power around every corner. Some of them must be able to reach the moon. It's just a matter of where to start…

[] The Vampires built a rocket to go to the moon once. Kick in their gate and demand they get you there.
[] Rockets sound like advance technology and explosives to you, and no one does technology and explosives like the Kappa. Encourage them to explore the possibilities.
[] Eh, how hard can making a rocket be? You'll hit up the Kourindou and see if Rinnosuke has anything.
[] Why bother with a rocket? That bratty Celestial lives in Heaven, that's close to the moon. Get her to take you.
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[X] Why bother with a rocket? That bratty Celestial lives in Heaven, that's close to the moon. Get her to take you.
Oh this is gonna be fun.

[X] Rockets sound like advance technology and explosives to you, and no one does technology and explosives like the Kappa. Encourage them to explore the possibilities.
[X] Why bother with a rocket? That bratty Celestial lives in Heaven, that's close to the moon. Get her to take you.

We're going to punch Kaguya so hard for this. Come oooooon, give me that sweet Tenshi gags.
We must discover Kerbals and start a space program.

[X] Eh, how hard can making a rocket be? You'll hit up the Kourindou and see if Rinnosuke has anything.
We're gonna eat burn the Moon!

[x] Eh, how hard can making a rocket be? You'll hit up the Kourindou and see if Rinnosuke has anything.
[X] Why bother with a rocket? That bratty Celestial lives in Heaven, that's close to the moon. Get her to take you.
[x] Why bother with a rocket? That bratty Celestial lives in Heaven, that's close to the moon. Get her to take you.

Fuck yeah Tenshi. I love all these options and have high hopes for this quest, but I love this one the most.
We need to eventually find Junko. She'd be completely on board with going to the moon to wreak the place. What with her being vengeance incarnate at this point and her grudge-boner for the lunarians. But in the mean time...

[X] Why bother with a rocket? That bratty Celestial lives in Heaven, that's close to the moon. Get her to take you.

Tenshi, get in. We're crashing the moon.
[X] Why bother with a rocket? That bratty Celestial lives in Heaven, that's close to the moon. Get her to take you.
[X] Why bother with a rocket? That bratty Celestial lives in Heaven, that's close to the moon. Get her to take you.
[x] Eh, how hard can making a rocket be? You'll hit up the Kourindou and see if Rinnosuke has anything.

DIY a rocket ship

ez stuff
[X] The Vampires built a rocket to go to the moon once. Kick in their gate and demand they get you there.

Because I want to see the fireworks.
[X] Why bother with a rocket? That bratty Celestial lives in Heaven, that's close to the moon. Get her to take you.

Instant transport and backup! Nothing could possibly go wrong!
[x] Why bother with a rocket? That bratty Celestial lives in Heaven, that's close to the moon. Get her to take you.

Eh, if she refuses, we just have to beat her up. That's the Reimu solution all most things.
[X] Rockets sound like advance technology and explosives to you, and no one does technology and explosives like the Kappa. Encourage them to explore the possibilities.

Whats the worst that could happen?
I have this feeling...

Kaguya didn't want to go back to the moon. She wasn't exactly given a Choice in the matter.

Burning down Mokous house is her one attempt at getting her immortal rival to come up to the moon and pick a fight with her, ending in a burning lunar Ian city and the two of them trying to murder each other while flying back to Earth.

Will Touhou Neil Armstrong show up? Because the Moon Astronauts being ridiculous bad asses murdering there way through the Lunarian army was one of my favorite ridiculous things I can vaguely recall from Touhou.
[X] Why bother with a rocket? That bratty Celestial lives in Heaven, that's close to the moon. Get her to take you.
[X] Why bother with a rocket? That bratty Celestial lives in Heaven, that's close to the moon. Get her to take you.
[x] Eh, how hard can making a rocket be? You'll hit up the Kourindou and see if Rinnosuke has anything.
[x] Why bother with a rocket? That bratty Celestial lives in Heaven, that's close to the moon. Get her to take you.

This is a meme video. So it looks like it has no relevance.
Except for the fact that sicking Nitori on the mansion will have such an effect.
And everything's on fire, and she's claiming credit.

Deal with the "how to wreck stuff" later though, although doing "that" would be fun...
[x] Why bother with a rocket? That bratty Celestial lives in Heaven, that's close to the moon. Get her to take you.