moid art thread [occasionally posts but will probably post more since twitter is taking a fucking nose dive]

I rarely post my art here.

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They/It- Illustrator and Cartoonist


!! BRAIN POISON !! on cohost

Commissions are OPEN

Here's my commission sheet:

Moid's Commission Sheet!

Thank you for your interest! Please fill in the form to clarify what you want, what idea you have for a commission, and whatever resources you need!


Q) Why are your prices so high?

A) Food isn't free. If you can't afford it, just decline and I'll move on. Don't waste my time because guess what giving me grief takes time away from the commissions that I could be working on. Pull this shit and I'll fucking block you. I've spent long enough online that my patience is wafer thin.

Q) What's the turnaround?

A) 1-2 weeks. I like to work fast.

Q) What's the easiest way to reach you?

A) Discord or email. You can send me a DM on SV and that'll work, too.

Q) What's the best way to send you references?

A) Google drive.

Q) Is there anything to make the process go faster?

A) Make a shitty sketch in mspaint. I'm not joking; if you give me a visual declaration of how you want your commission to be composed it'll make things much, much easier and faster.

Q) You said you do NSFW?

A) Yes I do. Ask and I'll give you my NSFW sheet via email or discord.

Q) You hate capitalism, yet you run a business and demand payment. Curious, I am very intelligent.

A) I am going to shove you in a locker.
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I kinda really want to see Sayaka Quest 2 Homura, but I don't think she'll ever really appear. Like, when you got Sayaka and Kyouko rocking the fullplate medieval theme, what the hell does a time controlling gun girl look like? Does she have a future aestetic? Is she a crazy camo wearing survivalist? Does she wear ballistic plate and call in drone strikes? We'll never know.
Actually I'll probably draw her at some point. She probably won't appear in SQ2 directly on account of


she and Sayaka not being on speaking terms.

But she does actually have a very modern armor aesthetic.
I'm honestly kind of picturing SQ2 Homu as something akin to Yor Forger, in bohemian espionage action cosplay. Elegant, deadly, chiq but dgaf.
I kinda really want to see Sayaka Quest 2 Homura, but I don't think she'll ever really appear. Like, when you got Sayaka and Kyouko rocking the fullplate medieval theme, what the hell does a time controlling gun girl look like? Does she have a future aestetic? Is she a crazy camo wearing survivalist? Does she wear ballistic plate and call in drone strikes? We'll never know.

She no longer even looks remotely like a magical girl. She went 200% practical, simple, chiq. Also because she views herself as a combatant rather than a magical girl, and her uniform changed to match that mindset.
ENDURING (level 6)
On the Eve of the Return of the Castle, just a scant decade before, a woman failed find favor with God.

She sought the Holy Trials, and through the texts and studies she understood the Holy Mother.

And yet when God looked upon her works, She was disgusted. For in Her eyes she saw no love, no peace, no redemption.

Be it by rite of blood or failure of birth, the failed paladin would never gain Her favor.

And despite her misguided devotion, the Paladin still sought the love of God.

And so she bathed the Earth in the blood of heretics.

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Well, I noticed that it's much more vibrant. The detail has also improved, and that armored skirt gives off a very faint Saber vibe.
Hida Gong! I always love seeing more of her.

And new Kyouko! God, but you're good at showing off a character's personality with your art. And the armor! That's always a treat.
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Outrider Julienne
So that WHF game that @Renu is in made me think "man I wanna play in a WHF game"

So I drew a WHF character. This is Julienne. She's a terrifying mutant knight that fights on behalf of the empire and the Cult of Shallya (despite their pacifist ideals, they aren't naive.

And she is a vicious, monstrous fighter that fights with three limbs on the ground and one hand on her massive zweihander. .

And she's also a noble-born scholar who despite walking around like a quadruped is still an incredibly knowledgeable source of information on sociology and the history of mutants in the empire. She is incredibly in tune with the plight of her kind and has a long list of Opinions on how mutants interact with the various Faiths of the empire.

She is also erudite and actively refuses to shorten her sentences because "Shortening mine words loses the minutiae of my opinions, does it not? The world is complex, and thus my words must match it."

What in the world is with her neck?!

Getting some Dancer of the Boreal Valley vibes here...
What in the world is with her neck?!

Getting some Dancer of the Boreal Valley vibes here...

That's mutation for you. It can get pretty wild in Warhammer Fantasy. Frankly, Julienne's is rather mild. She doesn't have extra limbs, scales for skin, horns, or any of the myriad other oddities that can come about. She's just very tall and stretched out, which is fairly stable in the grand scheme of things.