Lord Sovereign
The Emperor of shitty fanfic
- Location
- England
Oh joy, now my own laughter is going to keep me awake tonight...
As long as you don't fuck up, Tokita, she might not punch you in the throat. Progress!![]()
As the two Gundams transformed and shot off towards Hakone, Gendo took one last glance at the observers. "This concludes NHIS's demonstration. Good day to you all." With that said, he stalked off towards the exit, his cloak fluttering behind him.
As outraged shouts and confused grumbles emerged from the crowd, Shiro Tokita dejectedly removed the lollipop from his mouth. This day –
which had begun so promisingly – had come crashing down.
NHIS's pride and glory was now in NERV's hands due to a legal loophole that had somehow escaped the notice of the company's legal
department, which he felt was highly unlikely. I'll get to the bottom of this…I won't let it end this way!
His vision was suddenly taken up by Hikari Kirishima, her eyes sharp like frigid knives.
Tokita sighed; she didn't need to say anything. "I know. I'll try and make it right. Somehow."
The former Sergeant First Class slugged the head of the Jet Alone Project right in the gut. Tokita's eyes bugged out comically as he collapsed
to the floor. Kicking him once in the ribs for good measure, Hikari snarled, "See to it that you do."
As the Oversight agent all-but-stomped off – fury present in every single footstep – Tokita wearily sat up from the ground. Can't say I didn't
expect that. Wincing at the pain in his torso, the man wondered how in the world he was going to explain this to the Board.
Yesssssssssssss Asuka kicking more ass!/Isolation Chamber THYMUS, NERV-1, Tokyo-3/
Hong and Zhao had experienced quite a bit in their relatively short lives: they had put down uprisings in distant Chinese provinces, they had killed cultists of various stripes, they had participated in a special Anti-Angel weapons project...and now they were here, in the outer edges of NERV's subterranean base, facing a massive red Evangelion that was bound by thick braces and solidified bakelite. "It seems like a beast restrained," murmured Hong, his rose-colored hair wrapped into a long braid, the traditional queue.
Zhao nodded, his white hair fashioned into a slim crew cut. "I wonder why NERV has yet to deploy it."
The other nephilim tilted his head. "Perhaps they can't control it?"
Zhao glanced at the bare flesh on the Eva's arms, which seemed to twitch every so often. If he concentrated hard enough, he could hear it breathing. "...perhaps." Suddenly, the sound of humming reached his ears. "Someone's coming."
The two nephilim darted to the sides of the large chamber, hiding amidst large pipes and scaffolding. They looked down at the main entryway into the chamber, which led to a fortified observation center in the middle of the room, with a walkway ringing the entire cylindrical room.
Through the doorway came a silver-haired nephilim, clad in a Plug Suit of dark colors. As his red eyes fell upon the restrained Evangelion, his humming ceased. "Unit-02...we meet again." His smile was sad, in a strange way. "It was quite a long walk to get here."
Zhao looked pointedly at his brother across the room, flashing hand signals. -Probable hostile. Engage?-
Hong signaled back. -Hold. Wait for my mark.-
The Eva Pilot calmly ascended towards the observation chamber, calmly leaping atop the octagonal structure. "This whole series of events seems...quite cruel, to be honest." If Zhao didn't know any better, the boy was actually talking to the Eva. "It is my fault you are in your current state...and yet here I am, tasked with piloting you."
Hong's hand signals were swift. -Attack when he jumps.-
-Acknowledged.- Zhao silently repositioned himself amidst the pipes, ready to attack at a moment's notice.
Sighing, the Eva Pilot bent his legs (Zhao and Hong went tense) and jumped.
Simultaneously, the two nephilim leapt from their hiding places, fists glowing and aimed at the Pilot's face-
A flash of light was all they saw before oblivion took them.
Kaworu Nagisa landed atop Unit-02's shoulder, sighing with remorse. "Pointless." He glanced back at the two piles of organic slurry laying on the hardened bakelite below, the only remnants of his two assailants. A brief unfurling of his AT-Field - a harsh flare of the Light of his Soul - had been enough to utterly unmake them. "However...they met their ends in an instant. Is that preferable to a slow, relentless decline...?" He honestly didn't know.
The Fourth Child looked towards the Entry Plug sticking out of Unit-02's back; even now, he could feel the tension radiating from the Evangelion, barely-restrained by all of NERV's measures. "For so long, you fought for them...and yet you still frighten the Lilim." Humanity messed with powers that they could never understand, could never fully grasp. Their entire mentality, their entire approach...it was crazy. Ludicrous. Nigh-suicidal.
It was just another reason why they had always fascinated him.
The nephilim set down within the Entry Plug, his AT-Field activating the mechanisms that triggered the activation sequence. "I am supposed to pilot you, Unit-02. I am supposed to lead you into battle against the forces of SEELE, to prevent Instrumentality." The status quo, horrid though it was, was vastly preferable to what the Chairman and his colleagues would unleash. "And yet...do I even have the right?"
Forcefully taking control and willing Unit-02 to fight would be easy, a simple replication of how Yomiko willed Unit-05 to move.
But that prospect seemed...rude. And crude.
"I would have to sync with the soul within," murmured Kaworu, the LCL turning translucent. "I would have to sync with Miss Sohryu...and to be honest...the idea frightens me."
There was no response from the bestial Eva.
"Despite all the battles that she endured, all that she accomplished...her current state is my fault. Losing her flesh and blood, her soul becoming bound within you...how could she not despise me, even just a little?"
Kaworu sighed. "It's okay. I don't expect much...I don't have the right. Who am I to ask anything of she whose lineage is of the Fruit of Knowledge? I am of the Fruit of Life, as you are, Unit-02...our destinies may be interwoven, but never would they meet...as is proper. As is necessary." Even if it stung of a strangely bitter loneliness, and a grim trepidation that made his heart pound with anguish. "I wonder...if this is the emotion that you Lilim would call fear..."
There was a distant heartbeat.
"I wonder...can you hear me, Miss Sohryu?"
"I hesitate to even ask this much of you, given what I've done..."
"...but I will not force Unit-02 to move without you, to suppress your soul even further. It would be...another grave injustice."
"...so I will only ask one thing of you...even if you can't forgive me..."
"...can you fight by my side, just this once?"
The heartbeat ceased.
Kaworu paused, straining his soul to try and witness the reaction of the soul within Unit-02. Precious seconds passed...and there was no response. "...I see." It hurt. But he was not surprised. "I understand." He closed his eyes, accepting the futility of it all. "It's...okay."
Then, there was a blooming fire, one that consumed him utterly.
what are you, STUPID?!
So I find myself wondering if *this* was the contingency Gendo left to prepare for.... or is there something else yet to come?
It was to this cacophony of barely-panicked shouting and rumbling metal that Kozou Fuyutsuki decided to activate Gendo Ikari's other contingency. Raising a hand to his earpiece, Fuyutsuki said, "Agent Kurosawa. Agent Mifune. This is Sub-Director Fuyutsuki. Release the Fourth Child."