You don't want eternal youth and an army of supernaturalmonsters at your side at any moment? You're weird.
But we already have that?

I mean, as a Grimm there isn't really any other death than someone killing us and we have our cool 'summoning your previous meals to do battle' for trusty supernatural monsters.

And if we fail at something it's because of Shadow's faults, not because the reality itself will warp itself to prevent victory (unless we are saving the world).
Also he's fucking stupid strong.

But, getting back on topic, I don't want to burn Jaune. For once. You don't burn the people you have, you use them for info and whatnot, and then file them away for when you need to use them again.
Actually I think the burn option burns off Shadow faster than Jaune, assuming the options are: Become as Jaunes, middle of the road co-op option, and monster mash.

Plus I think the middle option and parasite are actually neck and neck
Adhoc vote count started by tankdrop24 on Jan 8, 2018 at 7:53 AM, finished with 1003 posts and 56 votes.
[x] Jaune's soul isn't technically gone, not completely. You have enough of it left to raid for memories. His Semblance is just part of that, right? Utilising it should be no different.

Not very taken with parasytes, sorry.
[X] You're a parasite riding in Jaune's hollowed-out body. Hijacking what was once second-nature to him. His Semblance is just another function, right? No different than his muscles or his lungs.
Okay this is swinging so frequently I'm just going to have to lock the vote so I have time to actually work on one result.
Question, which option is most likely to lead to us developing Shining Finger?

Because a burning hand that we can J-J-Jam into Grimm/people and make them combust would be pretty dope.

And given the way this universe works the speech might even fit.
Damn, @TenfoldShields we should really make you wait for a few pages so the rest of us can form our own opinions. It's no fun if your the only protagonist. :V

Just responding to this because, the subtext that I might be imaging kinda sorta rubs me the wrong way. Tenfoldshielfs doesn't = ZerbanDaGreat. They share many interests and enjoy each others work sure but they aren't of the same mind and do differ on things.

I can remembers reading separate reviews of movies by them where one party said the film was great and the other thought it was garbage. In previous Zerban quest their have been a couple of times where Ten has come up with well reasoned ideas that have been flat out wrong.

That said he is a very persuasive and skilled writer who has good ideas and tends to explain why he's voting a certain way which is why people tend to vote for his suggestions. I would note that this is not universal I mean not that long ago Revlid's plan of how to handle Cardin won over Tenfolds arguments, so the perception that everyone votes Tenfold all the time is a myth. You can and should argue for a path you want and hey if you do a good enough job people will listen to you.

I didn't mean to come off as aggressive or inflammatory and if I have I apologize.
Just responding to this because, the subtext that I might be imaging kinda sorta rubs me the wrong way.
This reminds me, I meant to respond to that, but laziness/time pressure prevailed at the time.

Damn, @TenfoldShields we should really make you wait for a few pages so the rest of us can form our own opinions. It's no fun if your the only protagonist. :V

Screw you, to be blunt. I name voted because at the time it was easier than copying over the text of the vote I was just swayed to. This kinda shaming attempt, no matter how 'in jest', of both the poster getting name voted and the posters name voting, is not cool.

Save this kinda reaction for when posters start wordlessly and without explanation name voting him before he's said anything. That is when you can reasonably say you have a problem.
Hurr durr I'm an idiot it's literally Weiss's older sister

Interesting that these Grimm are so... corruption-based. They're things that have been warped or possessed, like animals, people, or corpses - and presumably even inanimate objects. Maybe Penny could be an attempt to create a synthetic "possession" of a robot body? If she's even around, that is.

/opens mouth
/closes mouth

You know, up until this post I managed to completely forget about Weiss' older sister? I assumed the snow queen link connection thing was a rework of Salem or something and completely forgot about her sister, even though her name is fucking Winter.

i'm just
gonna be over here
bashing my head into my desk for the rest of the year

"For the purposes of your education at Beacon, 'Semblance' is defined as the power of archetype." Gotthard turns on her heel, a stick of chalk picking up the slack on its own to make notes in an impossibly delicate 'hand'. "Professor Kay will explore this in greater detail, but for now the key lesson is that, for example, it is not even unique to humans and faunus."

She taps the Grendel illustration, to a few murmurs of confusion. "This beast has a Semblance. Indeed you could say that it is a Semblance. Its archetype and it's entire being are one and the same. It is a Grendel, and thus pursues particularly raucous partygoers and festival feasters with all the cold-minded determination of an Atlesian battle-drone. It can conceive of no other course of actions. As specimens of a Grimm species age they may become more complex, may pursue their archetypal goal with greater levels of animal cunning, but they will pursue it all the same. To do otherwise would be literally unthinkable."

It's strange to hear it laid out so academically. Strange to hear it and understand it at all to be honest. Her words bounce around in your skull, colliding and combining with the Groom's. To be a Grimm is to be the sum of your pursuits, the apex of the stories you devour. Humans have their own stories, of course, but you never even conceived that they each possessed a fragment of the same power.

But nah, seriously, I kinda like this. It answers one of the major issues in the series pretty elegantly: everyone has as Semblance but developing it costs time and money, what I'm guessing are regular Dust treatments given Gotthard's offhand comment? (and the detective's passing mention of Dust-heads), and can influence your personality is really creepy ways.

So I have a theory as to what's going on with the Snow Queen, what she is and the connection to Weiss. Say she is Weiss's older sister Winter Schnee, in canon Winter's semblance included the ability to use the spirits of things she killed as servants, in particular Grimm. That sounds awfully like what Shadow can do with his meals/familiars.

We know that Semblance is A) a power similar in nature to the core essence of Grimm, B) that much like a Nasuverse Origin tapping into it incorrect/too much can warp the user's mind, C) Grimm are by nature corruptive, possessing beings and D) via Torchwich we know that humans can gain Grimm powers.

What I think happened is that Winter used her Semblance ala Canon to bind Grimm to her service and overtime was transformed into something Grimm-ish herself as a result. Her story devoured/assimilated theirs and what is an Elder Grimm but one that has consumed others and grown strong?

This would explain the direction of her research/work with Shadow taking the base properties of a Grimm to create something new that uses Human souls/stories as a Mask.
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Still catching up, but:
The Groom draws edit: inspiration for at least one design element from Bluebeard (namely the blue-scrimshawed bone that edges his jaw, much like a beard).

Edit: and the name seems to come from a German folk tale called "The Robber Bridegroom", as recorded by the Brothers Grimm. They're rather closely related thematically.
Darnit, Jaune is playing Scherzerade. (Unless the Shadow eats someone else who does that.) Anyway, that's our redemption story, right there - the Shadow eats someone who has so many stories to tell that by the time they're nearly digested, the Shadow realizes it's grown to Love them. Maybe throw in a 'the last story is my own', to cap it off. That would be a lot of fun.
We're a shadow learning How2Human in a setting that runs on stories, what do you expect to happen?

Our options are "Redemption story" "eat so much we get full and explode" "Find a soul too strong/clever for us to eat who takes over and/or cuts open our stomach pulling out all the previous stories we ate" or if we go full dick "Roving horror story".

Probably not the last one though since we're entirely too nice.
We're a shadow learning How2Human in a setting that runs on stories, what do you expect to happen?

Our options are "Redemption story" "eat so much we get full and explode" "Find a soul too strong/clever for us to eat who takes over and/or cuts open our stomach pulling out all the previous stories we ate" or if we go full dick "Roving horror story".

Probably not the last one though since we're entirely too nice.
>entirely too nice

We've eaten two men from the inside out.

You better start believing in roving horror stories, Miss Turner.

You're playing one.

Edit: shit forgot my Geoffrey Rush

[Jaune D'ark uncorks and swigs from a small child in the middle distance]
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>entirely too nice

We've eaten two men from the inside out.

You better start believing in roving horror stories, Miss Turner.

You're playing one.
Jaune was before we hit proper sapience, and was the inciting incident of our tale besides, and the detective was early enough to still fall under innocent monster rules. The fact that they're still in our head rather falling into the metaphorical pit of our stomach says we still haven't gone full "The Walking Void" or whatever.
Jaune was before we hit proper sapience, and was the inciting incident of our tale besides, and the detective was early enough to still fall under innocent monster rules. The fact that they're still in our head rather falling into the metaphorical pit of our stomach says we still haven't gone full "The Walking Void" or whatever.
That's cool but why does eating people mean we have to like them, much less save them?