I kinda want the middle option, but that's not really an option right now

[X] Pyre burns things away to fuel itself. Tuned it, whether consciously or unconsciously, to lick at the fat until it bubbled and hissed and melted away so that his comfort-eating would leave no more shameful marks than it already had. Why should you be any different? You have countless meals stewing within you, countless fragments of story in the well. Burn those as fuel.
[x] Jaune's soul isn't technically gone, not completely. You have enough of it left to raid for memories. His Semblance is just part of that, right? Utilising it should be no different.

And if it don't work, it should be a fun story moment.

That said, yeah I'm glad you're able to get into how you're changing the lore and setting. Because Aura is just fucking hitpoints. Semblence meanwhile kinda plays back into that storytelling theme, that kinda fairytale shit that should have been interesting.

Which is super neat.
Oh shit yeah I didn't think of that even, yeah that makes a lot of sense actually. If the body's just a machine that the weird Shadow-pilot is inside and the Semblance is just another organ or bodily system we've usurped after scooping out Jaune's everything with a melon baller, it means that when we're activating it we're expending physical resources. We're pushing our meat-mech farther up into the red the longer it's on. And since us feeling pain isn't really much of a threat (the Shadow can get sensation and exhaustion and all that jazz but processes it so differently that it's almost second hand and seems to be significantly less impairing) it's likely that the trade-off there is, like, the Shadow having to do more work to keep everything running, thus being more obvious and vulnerable until it subsides.
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Wait, so does that make us a Shadow Archetype?

[X] Jaune's soul isn't technically gone, not completely. You have enough of it left to raid for memories. His Semblance is just part of that, right? Utilising it should be no different.

Because I neither wish to be an inhuman thing lurking around peering in, nor invest myself fully into being Jaune. The area between, the mystery, the uncertainty of self and place in the world?

That is what is most interesting about this quest for me.
[X] Pyre burns things away to fuel itself. Tuned it, whether consciously or unconsciously, to lick at the fat until it bubbled and hissed and melted away so that his comfort-eating would leave no more shameful marks than it already had. Why should you be any different? You have countless meals stewing within you, countless fragments of story in the well. Burn those as fuel.

What could possibly go wrong with going full Jeanne d'Arc :V?
[X] Pyre burns things away to fuel itself. Tuned it, whether consciously or unconsciously, to lick at the fat until it bubbled and hissed and melted away so that his comfort-eating would leave no more shameful marks than it already had. Why should you be any different? You have countless meals stewing within you, countless fragments of story in the well. Burn those as fuel.

What could possibly go wrong with going full Jeanne d'Arc :V?
I don't think it's that simple. It's more choosing to use Jaune's interpretation of his own power, thus making it more powerful for us, and more interesting in my opinion.
Adhoc vote count started by Rowknan on Jan 6, 2018 at 11:43 PM, finished with 65 posts and 44 votes.
[X] Jaune's soul isn't technically gone, not completely. You have enough of it left to raid for memories. His Semblance is just part of that, right? Utilising it should be no different.
[X] Pyre burns things away to fuel itself. Tuned it, whether consciously or unconsciously, to lick at the fat until it bubbled and hissed and melted away so that his comfort-eating would leave no more shameful marks than it already had. Why should you be any different? You have countless meals stewing within you, countless fragments of story in the well. Burn those as fuel.
[X] Pyre burns things away to fuel itself. Tuned it, whether consciously or unconsciously, to lick at the fat until it bubbled and hissed and melted away so that his comfort-eating would leave no more shameful marks than it already had. Why should you be any different? You have countless meals stewing within you, countless fragments of story in the well. Burn those as fuel.
[x] Jaune's soul isn't technically gone, not completely. You have enough of it left to raid for memories. His Semblance is just part of that, right? Utilising it should be no different.

Can I just say, I disapprove of any plan that involves burning away who we are in exchange for power? Because I disapprove of any plan that involves burning away who we are in exchange for power.
@TenfoldShields makes a pretty good argument for why Pyre is a dangerous path to pursue and does well to sell the benefits of Parasite so:

[X] You're a parasite riding in Jaune's hollowed-out body. Hijacking what was once second-nature to him. His Semblance is just another function, right? No different than his muscles or his lungs.
[X] Pyre burns things away to fuel itself. Tuned it, whether consciously or unconsciously, to lick at the fat until it bubbled and hissed and melted away so that his comfort-eating would leave no more shameful marks than it already had. Why should you be any different? You have countless meals stewing within you, countless fragments of story in the well. Burn those as fuel.
'Tell me all of these things because my entire existence is riding on this and I have no idea what I'm doing!'
RWBY fan theorists and fanfic writers @ the writing crew since Vol. 1. :V

[X] You're a parasite riding in Jaune's hollowed-out body. Hijacking what was once second-nature to him. His Semblance is just another function, right? No different than his muscles or his lungs.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Pathetic King on Jan 6, 2018 at 5:32 PM, finished with 57 posts and 37 votes.
[X] Jaune's soul isn't technically gone, not completely. You have enough of it left to raid for memories. His Semblance is just part of that, right? Utilising it should be no different.
[X] Pyre burns things away to fuel itself. Tuned it, whether consciously or unconsciously, to lick at the fat until it bubbled and hissed and melted away so that his comfort-eating would leave no more shameful marks than it already had. Why should you be any different? You have countless meals stewing within you, countless fragments of story in the well. Burn those as fuel.
[X] Jaune's soul isn't technically gone, not completely. You have enough of it left to raid for memories. His Semblance is just part of that, right? Utilising it should be no different.

Jaune's our mask; not just a puppet we're using but rather a tool that we're absorbed into us. It's part of our story after all, we're not just riding in him.
[X] You're a parasite riding in Jaune's hollowed-out body. Hijacking what was once second-nature to him. His Semblance is just another function, right? No different than his muscles or his lungs.
[X] Jaune's soul isn't technically gone, not completely. You have enough of it left to raid for memories. His Semblance is just part of that, right? Utilising it should be no different.

On one hand I like the idea of manipulating people like meat puppets upon strings, where souls are no different than lungs, where everything is just another piece of meat.

But RWBY as envisioned as an ideal, with its bad bad wolves and its little red riding hood seems to trend more towards the mystical and the storytelling nature of fairytales. Souls are special, stories are special. The idea that stories can be reduced to nothing but another organ doesn't really mesh that well with the setting.

Also I think Seras Victoria-style collectives are cooler than Alex Mercer style collectives so there! Nyah!!
[x] Jaune's soul isn't technically gone, not completely. You have enough of it left to raid for memories. His Semblance is just part of that, right? Utilising it should be no different.
Adhoc vote count started by ChildishChimera on Jan 6, 2018 at 7:51 PM, finished with 64 posts and 43 votes.
[X] Jaune's soul isn't technically gone, not completely. You have enough of it left to raid for memories. His Semblance is justpart of that, right? Utilising it should be nodifferent.