[X] Blake Belladonna. A faunus accepted to a prestigious Hunter academy, yet surly and disdainful. Even the teachers are struggling with her attitude.
[X] Xiaolong Yang. A fighter and a killer, a true Huntress, yet strangely close to Ruby. What history do they share?
Fffffffuuuuuuuuuu that's what I get for relying on memory instead of checking backwards.

The rest of my post still stands, though. Weiss is going to be the most difficult to interact with by far, yet she's potentially very important thanks to her possible connection with the Snow Queen.

EDIT: also, that moment of empathy from Juane for Weiss...really spoke to me. I want her to feel better.
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[X] Xiaolong Yang. A fighter and a killer, a true Huntress, yet strangely close to Ruby. What history do they share?

When a Dragon calls, you answer, or else.

When a rose wilts, you must feed it water for it to grow again.

When a belladonna blooms in shadow, you must be it's sunlight.

When snow melts, you must be it's winter.

I should stop while I can.
[X] Xiaolong Yang. A fighter and a killer, a true Huntress, yet strangely close to Ruby. What history do they share?
Honestly, looking at this from a Grimm perspective, only Ruby or Weiss make sense.

Ruby, because she's apparently a Grimm-hunting prodigy and that is just a wee bit dangerous for us, and Weiss because of the Snow Queen connection. Given the Snow Queen is our boss.
[X] Weiss Schnee. The spitting image of the Snow Queen. Some sort of princess from a faraway land, her motives for coming here at all a mystery twice over. Lonely and yet violently opposed to comfort and company.

Pyrrha, Ren, and Nora are already part of our team so we have the time to work on them, social linking Ruby and Yang shouldn't be that difficult. The decision is split between Blake who's a big question mark due to this being an AU and will be hard to get her to give us the time of day and Weiss who's a big mystery as well on top of Shadow's constant comparisons to the Snow Queen but with things we can insinuate from being a Schnee who will be hard to give us the time of day like Blake with the added complication of being even more of a mess than Blake meaning it will be even harder to get info out of her...Weiss will be the toughest nut to crack, in my opinion, best to cheat with her social link.
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Given that we are in front of a Grimm telling to us to woo more women, I find that logic questionable.

I mean more 'eldritch and inhuman perspective of a Shadow who doesn't know what cooties are' than 'eldritch and inhuman perspective of a shipper who definitely knows what cooties are and is rubbing their hands in glee'
[X] Pyrrha Nikos. You've made a little headway with her already, but you can tell you've still got a long road ahead. And then there was the old woman's strange outburst, coupled with what you already know about how strange it is to come to Beacon from abroad.

I enjoy the Illiad too much to dodge the inevitable outcome of this :V
oh my god a rwby thing with lore what is this sick filth

You no longer have a physical nose but you catch Gotthard's scent all the same. It's strange - human of course, but carrying a faint and familiar scent. Grimm but old, baked-in like carrion too aged to even reek right.

Huh. It looks like Glynda was...maybe not a Grimm but possibly possessed at one point in time? We know that's a thing and it's heavily implied that the hosts don't usually survive, either they degenerate into hungry monsters, just shadow-beasts in skin-suits or they get put down with the parasite inside them. Whatever it was it looks like it happened a long time ago, probably before she started teaching.

Oooooh, I think it was brought up before but the thorns are kinda Sleeping Beauty and the dress is kinda Fairy Godmother. Maybe she was both the Fairy Godmother and possessed by Malificent!Grimm at one point? Both of them were the same person. Idk.

Also lol the rest of the profs: fucking Faunus!Chieron and the no-shit Norns. Not sure who the blacksmith or the bear are but they probably fit in the same vein.

"We have quite a few faunus in this batch, don't we?" he says. "That's something. Russell and Yang are natural-born Vale citizens, right? Yang seems to have done fine for herself sofar, but poor Russell. To think of all that potential being wasted if we hadn't picked him up."

He trails off, frowning. "Although to speak of wasted potential..."

"Belladonna?" the mustachio'd man prompts him. The horse-eared young professor nods.
"Right, right. Well, short answer is Vale's a rotting corpse." Torchwick takes another sip, then spins his stool around to face you, gesturing with the sloshing half-full tumbler. "Long answer, we passed the golden age here a long time ago. Right after the Arcadian War, when the colonies were on the up-and-up and the economy was booming? Golden years my friend, everyone thought we were invincible. The rich got richer, the middle-class got upper-middle-er, and hell for a second there it looked like the trickle-down was actually gonna trickle down! But eventually gravy-trains run out of gravy, and if you were too stupid to make a stop or two for some backup fuel, you only got two options - get off or coast and hope. And kid, this city's running out of track."

Man it's no Battle of Fort Castle but I guess the Arcadian War is pretty important.

Also the picture it paints is pretty fucking dire. Arcadia is (was?) the Faunus Empire and it was physically close enough that at least Vale, probably Atlas, and possibly Vacuou and Mistral went to war with it. Arcadia lost, hard, and the Schnees got license to go all East India Company on its ass. They likely oversee a lot of the colonies in the region, manage resource extraction, and employ de facto slave labor (probably in the mining and refinement of Dust). It's interesting to note too that both Yang and Russel are Vale-born which implies that either the two regions had a fair amount of trade once-upon-a-time or that things in Arcadia have gotten so bad that over the course of multiple generations Faunus have fled it to neighboring nations, looking for work and homes. Becoming second class citizens in the countries that conquered them. Whiiiich would fit with the jab Blake threw.

Tacked onto that I think it's worth noting that Blake was not born in Vale. And her parent's whereabouts are Super Unknown, Probably Bad.

...Man in that context it's kinda interesting how Ozpin has a Faunus professor on staff and mandates classes on Arcadian history/general studies. Like his approach really isn't level with "imperializing nation vs imperialized country".

[X] Weiss Schnee. The spitting image of the Snow Queen. Some sort of princess from a faraway land, her motives for coming here at all a mystery twice over. Lonely and yet violently opposed to comfort and company.


No seriously like, Blake is a question-mark and we'll probably figure her out later but Weiss is just this big floating mess of contradictions and more immediately pressing. The Snow Queen doesn't look like Belladonna after all and it's a super odd coincidence that some immensely powerful Grimm would send us to the same school in the same year that someone who looks oddly like her is attending.
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Huh. It looks like Glynda was...maybe not a Grimm but possibly possessed at one point in time? We know that's a thing and it's heavily implied that the hosts don't usually survive, either they degenerate into hungry monsters, just shadow-beasts in skin-suits or they get put down with the parasite inside them. Whatever it was it looks like it happened a long time ago, probably before she started teaching.
Actually she's just been covered in Grimm guts so regularly she has started to permanently smell.
The Snow Queen doesn't look like Belladonna after all and it's a super odd coincidence that some immensely powerful Grimm would send us to the same school in the same year that someone who looks oddly like her is attending.
I'm tempted to vote for Weiss simply because that's probably the vote that gives us information on the internal politics of our "superiors."

I mean, maybe Winter's planning on invading Beacon now because now is when Weiss is there? Bunch of stuff going on.

And as powerful as our "backers" are, we need to know more about what they're doing and why.
[X] Weiss Schnee. The spitting image of the Snow Queen. Some sort of princess from a faraway land, her motives for coming here at all a mystery twice over. Lonely and yet violently opposed to comfort and company.
[X] Weiss Schnee. The spitting image of the Snow Queen. Some sort of princess from a faraway land, her motives for coming here at all a mystery twice over. Lonely and yet violently opposed to comfort and company.
[X] Weiss Schnee. The spitting image ofthe Snow Queen. Some sort of princess from a faraway land, her motives for coming hereat all a mystery twice over. Lonely and yet violently opposed to comfort and company.
[X] Weiss Schnee. The spitting image of the Snow Queen. Some sort of princess from a faraway land, her motives for coming here at all a mystery twice over. Lonely and yet violently opposed to comfort and company.
[x] Weiss Schnee. The spitting image of the Snow Queen. Some sort of princess from a faraway land, her motives for coming here at all a mystery twice over. Lonely and yet violently opposed to comfort and company.
[X] Xiaolong Yang. A fighter and a killer, a true Huntress, yet strangely close to Ruby.What history do they share?

D r a g o n W a i f u
[X] Weiss Schnee. The spitting image of the Snow Queen. Some sort of princess from a faraway land, her motives for coming here at all a mystery twice over. Lonely and yet violently opposed to comfort and company.
Oh god Zebran why did you do this I feel so icky with Groom talking about, ugh, wooing kids.
Especially Ruby. Ewewewewew.

"Yes, well... a lot of us would do things differently in Ozpin's place. Yet the school still stands." Gotthard sighs and shakes her head. "Even if he makes it very difficult to trust his judgement sometimes. He put her on a team with two faunus for Maiden's sake! For all we know Belladonna's parents are both working themselves to death in a Schnee-run colonial debtor's prison. This isn't just interpersonal friction, this is homicide waiting to happen."

Soo it is not technically slavery, it is prison labour? Well okay then.

[X] Weiss Schnee. The spitting image of the Snow Queen. Some sort of princess from a faraway land, her motives for coming here at all a mystery twice over. Lonely and yet violently opposed to comfort and company.
[X] Weiss Schnee. The spitting image of the Snow Queen. Some sort of princess from a faraway land, her motives for coming here at all a mystery twice over. Lonely and yet violently opposed to comfort and company.

Because I'm curious about what the fuck her deal is.
[X] Pyrrha Nikos. You've made a little headway with her already, but you can tell you've still got a long road ahead. And then there was the old woman's strange outburst, coupled with what you already know about how strange it is to come to Beacon from abroad.

I enjoy the Illiad too much to dodge the inevitable outcome of this :V


[X] Pyrrha Nikos. You've made a little headway with her already, but you can tell you've still got a long road ahead. And then there was the old woman's strange outburst, coupled with what you already know about how strange it is to come to Beacon from abroad.
[X] Weiss Schnee. The spitting image of the Snow Queen. Some sort of princess from a faraway land, her motives for coming here at all a mystery twice over. Lonely and yet violently opposed to comfort and company.