Microsoft close to buying Obsidian

This is bad expect one or two projects out of Obsidian to find out if they got anyone worth poaching then closing the doors to increase market share
Hello friends, I'm here to inform you that Microsoft has indeed purchased Obsidian and inXile as well. My understanding is that their recent crowdfunded releases will not be impacted by this and will still release on the promised platforms, but past that they'll be developing games with Microsoft.

Given how much I've not enjoyed Wasteland, Torment, and Pillars plus how long those games took to come out.... good. I'm looking forward to their future output.
The main thing that gives me hope that this is a good thing is that the main thing that Obsidian is known for is their writing. Their game design and programming ain't shit, it's all in the quality of what they do with stories, and that must be what Microsoft is after, right? And that means they might just give them projects with a lot of support and let them do their thing with them.
The main thing that gives me hope that this is a good thing is that the main thing that Obsidian is known for is their writing. Their game design and programming ain't shit, it's all in the quality of what they do with stories, and that must be what Microsoft is after, right? And that means they might just give them projects with a lot of support and let them do their thing with them.
We might get one project that disappoints due to executive meddling then the folks with integrity bail
We might get one project that disappoints due to executive meddling then the folks with integrity bail
Microsoft hasn't been that terrible recently to their acquired devs, probably because they're floundering a but

Yeah, my reading of Microsoft, atleast based on their show at E3 where they showed off every game that can be vaguely connected to Windows, is that they really want a critically acclaimed game to call their own and aren't really bothered about how much control their studio has over it. So they might be very willing to sit back and let creative types work their magic.
Considering how bad PoE2 flopped, this may be the injection of business management the company needs.

I haven't been following inXile since Wasteland 2, only looking forward to 3, but like Obsidian, I too hope this is for the better. Remember that big ass dragon game that got cancelled? I think Microsoft will remember to try not to repeat that again.
I haven't been following inXile since Wasteland 2, only looking forward to 3, but like Obsidian, I too hope this is for the better. Remember that big ass dragon game that got cancelled? I think Microsoft will remember to try not to repeat that again.
It's funny, I just got my Bard's Tale 4 box, and I wake up to find Microsoft owns the company. Oh well, maybe it's worth something now?

As to what happens with both companies, it's going to completely depend. Even the most tone deaf mega knows not to piss off the consumers right after the acquisition. This could be a Retro/Monolithsoft and Nintendo moment, where the company's natural tendencies get the oversight/TLC they need to finally live up to their potential. Or it could be the EA meme. You know the one. I'm plugging for the former, but one way or another this means that both inXile and Obsidian are surviving when it's quite possible they wouldn't have otherwise.
Obsidian has a long long history of just barely surviving due to poor financials, it has been known they have been looking for a buyer for some time.:(

Obsidian has a long history of biting off more then it can chew and accepting unreasonable contracts.

Lets hope they send someone competent to handle the budget.
Obsidian has a long history of biting off more then it can chew and accepting unreasonable contracts.
Developing RPG's on any non-PC platform before the very latest generation is insanely challenging & risky.

Limited memory, no guaranteed persistence, and insane platform designs, on top of ambitious schedules makes it a wonder they got anything done.

Lets hope they send someone competent to handle the budget.
Considering they are no longer an independent company and Microsoft will be footing bills backed by Microsoft's unbelievable cash holdings & finance flows, that can be considered a solved problem :p
Developing RPG's on any non-PC platform before the very latest generation is insanely challenging & risky.

Limited memory, no guaranteed persistence, and insane platform designs, on top of ambitious schedules makes it a wonder they got anything done.

I love being Cynical, so I'm gonna point out that very few Japanese companies bother to release their RPG's on PC, and that Betheseda have been effectively using the foulest of necromancy to keep their engine running since morrowwind. Now Western Style rpgs have admittedly been more computer focused, but that has nothing to do with why Obsidian has trouble when companies like Bethseda and Pre-Ea bioware didn't.

Obsidian has always been let down by the people who negotiate contracts, who always get them less time and much less money then they need. Considering they've had the problem even after they started going 'independent', its honestly their management rather then their design them. Honestly, while I do make fun of them, I honestly do enjoy most of their games, which is why I'm sad they'll likely be Xbone only in the future.

I just hate how people always threat Obsidan as some saint who is completely blameless in their fuckups.
love being Cynical, so I'm gonna point out that very few Japanese companies bother to release their RPG's on PC
That has changed rather significantly in recent years. There are still a lot of console exclusives, which is disappointing, but lots of stuff, I'd even say a majority of stuff is getting eventual PC releases if not simultaneous PC releases.
That has changed rather significantly in recent years. There are still a lot of console exclusives, which is disappointing, but lots of stuff, I'd even say a majority of stuff is getting eventual PC releases if not simultaneous PC releases.

Which is an awesome thing. I hate exclusives, even if I understand why some things are.
Xbone only in the future.
Does that even exist anymore? Stuff for which the only console of release is XBone typically also comes out for Windows, doesn't it?

They'd be crazy to do otherwise, considering they sell the consoles at a loss so they're only making money on the games anyway.
Does that even exist anymore? Stuff for which the only console of release is XBone typically also comes out for Windows, doesn't it?

They'd be crazy to do otherwise, considering they sell the consoles at a loss so they're only making money on the games anyway.

I'm more worried about going through the mess that is the windows store to be honest.