Microscope: A Collaborative Worldbuilding Forum RPG (FULL)

Which seeds are you most interested in? (Pick two)

  • Golems of Eden

    Votes: 5 83.3%
  • The Round Table

    Votes: 2 33.3%
  • From Twilight Lands

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • The Essence

    Votes: 4 66.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Event: The Assassination of Tyrant Belkoth
Parent Period: The First Golem War

Balkoth, Arch-Necromancer and Lord of the Theocracy of Golgotha, is assassinated by a well equipped assassin golem by way of exploiting how Golems are not technically alive to avoid his necromantic defenses. With Balkoth once again slain, the Theocracy of Golgotha fell back into savage infighting and Balkoth's dread scythe, Hopedrinker, was once again lost. (Light, 14)
Event: The First Newborn
In the barren lands of Ngenkang, the underground tunnels spread down into a maze of graves. The unfeeling golems, of Magi House Vong and Magi House Ving, mechanically walled off the guilty, the unneeded, and the inconvenient into individual rooms. A place where hope withers away; all prisoners waited to die here. Only the methodical noise of the golems' work or the brief deliveries of life-extending supplies for select few would break the solitary confinement they were subject to. Day in and day out, the golems follow the orders that were given to them, digging deeper down, forever expanding downward into the earth. Day in and day out, more are brought down to fill out their tombs, and the process of dying never quite ends.

Unnamed and unknown, a lone Magi prisoner tried to keep their sanity, their revolutionary genius the threat that brought them to this state. Kept alive by unforgiving goodwill, they stocked their supplies and managed to nurture a spark of life in a furtively made golem. With a companion thusly achieved, they might have been content, but alas, even this small happiness would be snuffed out. The supplies stopped coming and the lone Magi died. The Child escaped the cell only to be killed soon after; their remnants were spread open across an operating table, a few choice pieces plucked for certain private collections.

Bits and pieces of the shocking news spread, despite brutal coverup, raising further inquiries and experiments in the same vein throughout the continent, and heralding the creation of living golems in the world. (Dark, 98)

I think this should count as an event? It's not too scene-like is it? (I just really wanted a before and after for golem sentience)

I'd like to keep the Magi house names starting with "V", if only to try to make them more memorable in my head lol.
Ah, I wasn't sure about that! Ok, just for clarification then, do we need to have a Parent Period before we can put an Event down in a certain time? Can there be multiple periods in the same time? Does someone need to create one, or can I put down a placeholder name or.....?

And even so, this is quite scene-like. I'm not sure we can allow this.
I agree with miffmiff.

But I think it was a really cool scene. Maybe try rewriting it to be a little less specific (zoom out your lens a bit) and it'd be perfect.
Yeah, I kind of thought so...I can totally reword and rewrite some bits, but I'll hold off until I get answers for my questions above? Don't want to illegally write an Event with no Parent Period :p
Ah, I wasn't sure about that! Ok, just for clarification then, do we need to have a Parent Period before we can put an Event down in a certain time? Can there be multiple periods in the same time? Does someone need to create one, or can I put down a placeholder name or.....?

Yeah, I kind of thought so...I can totally reword and rewrite some bits, but I'll hold off until I get answers for my questions above? Don't want to illegally write an Event with no Parent Period :p
I think that, because the timeline is still very vague and undefined, you shouldn't have to cite a period in your post. Eventually when that era is given a period then we can make put it with a parent period. But in the First Pass, Periods and Events both are fair game.

EDIT: I should point out that this is not how it'll be in the game phase. Events will need parent periods always. But since the First Pass is a special case, I don't think it matters all that much if your event has a parent period or not.
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I think that, because the timeline is still very vague and undefined, you shouldn't have to cite a period in your post. Eventually when that era is given a period then we can make put it with a parent period. But in the First Pass, Periods and Events both are fair game.

EDIT: I should point out that this is not how it'll be in the game phase. Events will need parent periods always. But since the First Pass is a special case, I don't think it matters all that much if your event has a parent period or not.
Coolio, coolio~ Also, is it possible to have multiple Periods overlapping? Or are there only one? (I mean, I kind of thought that there should be different Periods considering the entire world, but idk....?)

Also, edited to be more open. Mostly by cutting out some stuff that might have been too narrative-ish and therefore scene-like, but yeah! I can keep editing if it's no good, I don't mind~

Event: The First Newborn
In the barren lands of Ngenkang, the underground tunnels spread down into a maze of graves. The unfeeling golems, of Magi House Vong and Magi House Ving, mechanically walled off the guilty, the unneeded, and the inconvenient into individual rooms. Only the methodical noise of the golems' work or the brief deliveries of life-extending supplies would break the silence of their solitary confinement.

Jailed within, an unnamed and unknown Magi prisoner had nurtured a spark of life in a furtively made golem. It is not certain what exactly happened to the Child, (though the creator must have met their end), but it might have been possible to find a few choice remnants in the hands of influential magnates. Leaving only bits of hushed rumor to guide future inquiries and experiments across the continent, this heralded the creation of living golems in the world. (Dark, 98)
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Periods are broad and while we put down years they are rather inspecific, so yes, they can overlap, especially while they are under-defined.
Coolio, coolio~ Also, is it possible to have multiple Periods overlapping? Or are they're only one? (I mean, I kind of thought that there should be different Periods considering the entire world, but idk....?)

Also, edited to be more open. Mostly by cutting out some stuff that might have been too narrative-ish and therefore scene-like, but yeah! I can keep editing if it's no good, I don't mind~

Event: The First Newborn
In the barren lands of Ngenkang, the underground tunnels spread down into a maze of graves. The unfeeling golems, of Magi House Vong and Magi House Ving, mechanically walled off the guilty, the unneeded, and the inconvenient into individual rooms. Only the methodical noise of the golems' work or the brief deliveries of life-extending supplies would break the silence of their solitary confinement.

Jailed within, an unnamed and unknown Magi prisoner had nurtured a spark of life in a furtively made golem. It is not certain what exactly happened to the Child, (though the creator must have met their end), but it might have been possible to find a few choice remnants in the hands of influential magnates. Leaving only bits of hushed rumor to guide future inquiries and experiments across the continent, this heralded the creation of living golems in the world. (Dark, 98)

Seems a lot better to me. Good job.
Period: The hundred famine wars

A period of drought and bad harvests brought famine to the civilized lands, year after year. These famines caused civil unrest in many cities across the lands, and caused rebellions and revolutions to grow like the crops didn't. While none of these are successful for long at overthrowing their rulers, these many rebellions caused foreign adventuring to be short as the armies are kept back at home. [Dark, 32-46]
Event: The Defenestration of Carranza
Period: The Modernization of Akohre

One of the driving forces behind the modernization of Akohre was the boy-genius Antonio Carranza. A prodigy of mathematics, geometry, engineering and art, he developed many of the devices that would grant Akohre its decisive edge both in civil and in military affairs. He had a particular fondness for hydraulics and water-driven devices, and was well on the way to perfecting an efficient steam engine when he suffered a strange accident - he fell from a high window in the tower where he performed his researches, suffering a fractured skull. He survived but was never quite the same, his incredible talents turning from practical science to mystical pursuits and art. His great fresco "The Blind Angel" is a masterpiece that has influenced artists ever since, but it is still a source of wonder what else would have sprung from his fertile mind had he not undergone his calamity. [Dark, 457]
Well, I do believe that means we're done. Sorry to see you go, Wolff.

Anyway, give us a bit, I'm going to be putting what we have so far into a spreadsheet or a wiki or something, but I'm currently out right now.

Once I've done that, we'll start real play.
IC posted!

Just want to clarify. The Lens (which is me for this Pass) gets two actions per Pass: one at the beginning, and one at the end. The Lens can make two moves within a given action. So, for instance, if you make a Period as a Lens, you can make an Event to go with it. All of the other players can make Scenes, Events, and Periods at any point in the timeline, so long as they relate to the Focus. If the Focus is a Scene, Event, or Period, however, each player must make a post that is one order of magnitude below the Focus. So if it's a Period, everyone makes Events; if it's an Event, everyone makes Scenes; and if it's a Scene, everyone will play parts within the Scene.

If there's any confusion, let us know! And don't forget, Kensai, you will be making the Legacy for this Pass.​
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I will be the one to introduce scenes, unless @Kensai has a particular desire to do a scene. Also spreadsheets don't work too well for this, I'll post a regular google document shortly but I'll eventually shift to a wiki.

Things might get busy or hectic with the New Year, so Happy New Year if I don't post tomorrow.
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IC posted!

Just want to clarify. The Lens (which is me for this Pass) gets two actions per Pass: one at the beginning, and one at the end. The Lens can make two moves within a given action. So, for instance, if you make a Period as a Lens, you can make an Event to go with it. All of the other players can make Scenes, Events, and Periods at any point in the timeline, so long as they relate to the Focus. If the Focus is a Scene, Event, or Period, however, each player must make a post that is one order of magnitude below the Focus. So if it's a Period, everyone makes Events; if it's an Event, everyone makes Scenes; and if it's a Scene, everyone will play parts within the Scene.

If there's any confusion, let us know! And don't forget, Kensai, you will be making the Legacy for this Pass.​
So questions and clarifications:

1.) Is there an order we have to follow in posting? From the OC, Kensai should be the last?

2.) Is there any possible way for a player who isn't a Lens to make a Period? It's implied in the first sentence, but contradicted in the next since there's nothing above a Period.
All of the other players can make Scenes, Events, and Periods at any point in the timeline, so long as they relate to the Focus. If the Focus is a Scene, Event, or Period, however, each player must make a post that is one order of magnitude below the Focus.
Also, sorry, what exactly is the IC Thread and the OOC Thread going to be used for? Are we just posting questions and other discussion here to keep the IC Thread clean or...? I mean, I feel like this might be different compared to standard RP threads right?
My dear comrade in arms did, if you'll excuse me saying so, a terrible job of explaining what a Lens is.

A lens isn't necessarily a period, event, or scene; and, in fact, shouldn't be. A lens is a topic. A city. A person. A battle. A weapon. And all periods, events, and scenes that round must relate to that topic somehow.

We'll use the IC thread for actual posted Periods, Events, and, especially, Scenes. Scenes are often (though not always) actually roleplayed out, so of course an IC thread is necessary.

And, play order is the same as lens order in the Original Post of this thread. I'll excuse what occurred here in terms of going out of order this time since we didn't make these things very clear, but in the future let's try to stick to the turn order.

So @Zeitgeist Blue No, Kensai should have been next, not last.