"How much further?" Zrazta called across the wind from next to me, beating her wings hard as we flew hard towards the setting sun.
We had portaled as close as possible and then flown the rest of the way.
Quickly casting the spell again, I looked to her, "Another few kilometers, not long," I answered before looking to my other side.
Wrathion rested on his wings for a second before going back to flying hard. He had volunteered to help. Not that I was actually sure anything was going on, I was just… highly suspicious.
But I could also have seen two and two and gotten twentytwo.
Scanning the rocky and sandy ground beneath, I rested on my wings for a moment, casting the spell again.
She should be here somewhe- there!
I folded my wings and dove hard, picking up speed before spreading my wings wide and banking hard in S curves to bleed it off quickly before I landed hard in a run, sliding to a stop in the sand, "Alexis!"
She was laying on the sand, her right arm seeming misshapen, mangled and her face was a giant bruise. Her sword was missing and there was a rip in her leather chest armour, revealing cloth beneath it soaked in blood.
The sand around here was soaked too.
"Alexis!" I yelled and started to charge a healing spell. Don't be dead, don't be dead!
"Out of my way!" Zrazta snarled, already in her mortal form as she pushed my head away, practiced hands quickly checking lifesigns even as she cast a healing spell at Alexis' side.
Stepping back, I dropped my mana and instead started to focus it again, this time for a summon to pull out Paladin.
The summon appeared in a flash of light. She looked around and quickly saw what was going on. Putting her shield and mace down, she moved down to kneel and assist Zrazta.
What happened here? How did she… did she Walk here like that!? Why didn't her angel summon heal her? It was as good or maybe even better at it than Zrazta.
As a matter of fact, why didn't Alexis heal it herself! She was almost as good as that herself!
Wrathion moved up next to me, looking at Alexis, "What happened?"
"I don't know," I answered with a small growl, "But I'm going to find out."
Whomever hurt my friend is going to regret even having been hatched.
Zrazta poured a potion down Alexis' throat and then glanced back at me, "She's alive, but she's badly hurt, dehydrated and she has lost a lot of blood. More than I can heal, but I can keep her from getting worse. We need to get her back to the Tower and to an actual healer as quickly as we can. Make yourself useful and open a portal."
I quickly nodded and took a few more steps back, turning to focus on the portal stone built into my armour, pouring mana into it as quickly as I felt I could risk it.
The blue whirling disk of magic appeared and slowly spread into a circle, revealing the inside of the Tower's portal chamber. Wrathion quickly moved through, "I'll alert the healers," he said on the way past.
I just nodded and focused on holding the portal open as Paladin walked after him a few moments later, carrying Alexis carefully as Zrazta walked with her, keeping an eye on the other Planeswalker.
Letting them through the portal, I then quickly moved to follow, letting the portal collapse behind me before I focused and turned to mortal form and hurried after them to the medical wing.
Alexis was good… whatever could possibly have hurt her that badly? I would not like to fight her for real for one thing.
I wanted to check on her, but I knew way better than to get in the way of the healers as they worked and as such, I stood back, my back against the wall as I crossed my arms with a frown.
"Paladin," I said as my summon returned to me, "How bad?"
"Lady Alexis is heavily injured," she answered and glanced back towards the group of dragons around her in mortal form, "She has internal bleeding, her jaw is broken and I think her cheek bone may be crushed. Every bone in her right arm and hand is broken and so are four ribs on the same side. She has lost a lot of blood and is heavily dehydrated. How long ago, it's hard to say, but the wound in her side shows signs of having been way worse before, it shows signs of healing magic, but there is some sort of magic in it that's fighting healing spells."
I nodded. "Thank you," before I dismissed the summon.
She was in worse shape than I had been when I lost my arm. I took a slow, deep breath and shook my head before leaving the chamber.
Best let the ones actually good at healing work. Me hovering behind their shoulders wouldn't help anyone, least of it, Alexis.
"How is she?" Sheila asked, meeting me just outside the door.
I sighed and shook my head, "...bad…" I answered and slipped an arm around her neck and rested my forehead against the side of her head, "Bleeding, broken bones… some sort of curse I think. Something almost killed her. May still kill her."
Sheila nodded and nuzzled gently, "She's strong, I know she is. She'll make it through this."
"I know," I said and growled softly, "And then I'm going to find whoever did this and eat them."