Mercury [Ragnarok Online]

5 Green Potion 50 Green Potion
1 White Potion 200 Red Potion
2 Blue Potion 50 Yellow Potion
5 Awakening Potion 10 White Potion
5 Butterfly Wing 20 Blue Potion
2 Leaf of Yggdrasil 200 Empty Potion Bottle
1 Blue Gemstone 20 Blue Gemstone
  6000 Arrow
  50 Trap
Quickslot items now highlighted in blue.

10th Midautumn 1091
«Prontera, Imperial Capital»

A Sister's Message
Your sister is the last living member of the family that you abandoned.
Return to
«Geffen, City of Magic» by 17th Midautumn to attend your late mother's funeral.

⇒ Travel from Prontera to Geffen. [0/107.6km]
⇒ Talk to Emillia and find out what happened since you left.

Updated your objectives and questlog.
How do Ygg Leaves/Resurrection work in this quest?
If someone has recently died, but their body is still intact, a Leaf or the Resurrection prayer can be used to revive them with a small percentage of their HP.

Leaves are extremely rare, and tend to be ridiculously expensive. That you own two leaves at your level is testament to your success as a Merchant.
ARC I : I Miss You
This is... too much. In the back of your mind, you knew this day would come... but not this soon.

Thankfully, the funeral is still a week away. You have a week to sort out everything you're feeling about this.

You've always been the type to think better on the move. Whenever you were down, there'd never been anything quite as cathartic as a good, long walk. That's how you walked away from Geffen in the very first place, before you were even conferred your first level of Novice. And that was how you made Merchant, too, in what feels like a lifetime ago.

So now you have a week to walk off the drama of the life you'd left behind... Or a week to walk back to it.

You heave a long sigh, running a hand through your hair before replacing your bamboo hat upon your head. There's no point in delaying it any longer. You've already sold whatever spoils you could, and restocked on everything you need.

Might as well get going before it gets dark out.

10th Midautumn 1091
«Prontera»«Geffen» [0/107.6km]
♫ : [ I Miss You ]
Standing just outside of Westgate amidst the parties coming and going, nostalgia hits you.

Maybe it's the message, but you think back to earlier days... Back when you were just growing into your first few levels of Merchant. You didn't even have a cart, back then, and it hadn't been easy to survive alone. The others around you were stronger, and had combat-effective Skills like Bash or Heal... and all you had to make do with were Expand Inventory and Haggle.

Struggling like this... here was the very same place where you finally found -- and began to lead -- your first party. Delving into the Culverts of Prontera's infested sewers. Covering each other's backs. A synergy of complementing forces. But that was another time, and another group of people you'd left behind.

You shake your head to clear it. You have to move.

You call up your Quickslots one last time. Even alone, it should be an easy trek towards Geffen if you just circle westwards around the base of Mt. Mjolnir, but there's no harm to be prepared. One of your six slots is empty, whilst the other five are registered with restoratives, as well as an Awakening and a Butterfly Wing -- which should take you back to Prontera in an emergency. The Creamy Card in your belt provides a shorter-ranged Teleport for a quick getaway.

You're set. There's no point in delaying this any longer than you have to.

You look northwards. You'll travel about 40km along the inlet before cutting north into the edge of Mt. Mjolnir, taking the switchbacks west into Geffen's eastern border. Judging by the position of the sun, there's about three or four hours of daylight left before you'll have to make camp.

You'll probably want to cross at least the first 20km out of Prontera, just so that you can sleep without worrying about the Thiefbugs that overrun the area around the Culverts. The Hornets shouldn't bother you at all as long as you don't provoke them, so you should be able to make good time.

⇒ [x] Maintain a hard pace so you can start setting up camp before sundown. Ignore all non-aggressive monsters.
⇒ [x] Take a short detour to the Culverts entrance and stay the night at the outpost. The easier pace will allow you to farm and socialise.
⇒ [x] Turn back around and into Prontera. You'll spend the night in an inn and set out at first light. You could use a beer or two, anyway.
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⇒ [X] Take a short detour to the Culverts entrance and stay the night at the outpost. The easier pace will allow you to farm and socialise.

[x] Maintain a hard pace so you can start setting up camp before sundown. Ignore all non-aggressive monsters.
[x] Take a short detour to the Culverts entrance and stay the night at the outpost. The easier pace will allow you to farm and socialise.
[x] Maintain a hard pace so you can start setting up camp before sundown. Ignore all non-aggressive monsters.

Interested in the Geffen events and there isn't anything really dangerous in the route.
For future farming options is it possible to prioritize farming one monster over the others? Or will we just farm what we run into? For example the Pupas and Plants along this route have much better drops than the rest of the monsters.
[x] Take a short detour to the Culverts entrance and stay the night at the outpost. The easier pace will allow you to farm and socialise.
[x] Maintain a hard pace so you can start setting up camp before sundown. Ignore all non-aggressive monsters.

Come on, get movin', chum.
Been a really long time since I played RO, ah the good old days of heading to the internet cafe to play it right after school, I still miss my Lord Knight main. The sequel sucks horribly tho.

[X] Maintain a hard pace so you can start setting up camp before sundown. Ignore all non-aggressive monsters.
For future farming options is it possible to prioritize farming one monster over the others? Or will we just farm what we run into? For example the Pupas and Plants along this route have much better drops than the rest of the monsters.
It's possible to prioritise your hunting in any way you want. Completely flexible.

You can gear towards a specific monster, a specific drop... Or whatever.
. . . Nostalgic Magnum Break, Grand Cross, and Shield Boomerang.

[x] Maintain a hard pace so you can start setting up camp before sundown. Ignore all non-aggressive monsters.
[x] Maintain a hard pace so you can start setting up camp before sundown. Ignore all non-aggressive monsters.
[X] Maintain a hard pace so you can start setting up camp before sundown. Ignore all non-aggressive monsters.
3 votes for detour whilst everyone else wants to rush. Might lock this in a bit if I don't fall asleep amidst cleaning up the shop.

...I practically work 16-hour days. orz
Votes locked.

[X] Maintain a hard pace so you can start setting up camp before sundown. Ignore all non-aggressive monsters.
wdango threw 3 4-faced dice. Reason: 1d4+3 km / hour Total: 8
1 1 3 3 4 4
ARC I : Gut Feeling
10th Midautumn 1091
«Prontera»«Geffen» [17.8km/107.6km]
♫ : [ I Miss You ]
It feels good to be back on the road. Cart dragging behind you, you're familiar enough with it to still maintain a brisk pace, marching past monsters and adventurers alike. Times like this, with the wind on your face and the open air above your head... You feel like everything you've regretted might have been worth it, to be able to have this.

By the time you've reached a good camping spot on a small hill overlooking the bay, the sun is already on the horizon. Geffen is a dark pinprick along the line where the sky meets the water, an insignificant if stoic sentinel against a canvas awash in the colours of the setting sun.

Once upon a time, this view would have been shared amongst travel companions. People that you trusted to have your back.

You stand at the crest of the hill watching the sun sink, languidly, amongst lonely wisp of clouds... when a feeling hits you.

It's telling you that if you travel just a bit further west... that you'll find something.

⇒ [x] Keep going until you find whatever it is.
⇒ [x] Keep going for a bit, but turn back before it gets too dark to make camp.
⇒ [x] Ignore the feeling and start setting up your camp.
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