Memoirs of a Human Flashlight Thread 2: Now with more Arguments! [Exalted/Worm]

It's nanites that chew up molecular bonds. They're very susceptible to heat, which is how Taylor got out of that cage with a lighter.
You are overlooking the obvious about Armsmaster.

He got home, went into the lab, and worked himself into a coma. He didn't even touch the sandwiches!
iamnuff said:
in his first appearance, during his battle at the bank, he freezes himself when he gets bugs in his face.

note: this is explicitly NOT freezing his fullybody suit (like he does later when surviving the bombing during the S9 battle) because he's not wearing a suit that covers his whole body. (he's dressed as KW, IIRC)

he actually freezes himself.
I thought he froze the bugs.

Edit: Yup
At my instruction, more bugs forced themselves under the gaps in his costume and into his ear canals. Yet others, smaller ones, crawled in and around his eyes, using deceptive strength to try and force themselves in between and under his eyelids. I couldn't imagine what that felt like to him. Everyone had probably experienced the sensation of having a lot of bugs crawling on them, but these bugs were operating with a human intelligence backing them, to penetrate his eyes, ears, nose and mouth. They were working together, with a single minded purpose, instead of mindlessly crawling where their instincts directed them.
I don't know if it was calculated or something he did in a moment's panic, but he used his power. Every bug that was touching him disappeared from my reach.
Once I'd realized what he'd done, I pulled away every bug that wasn't affected. I didn't want to suffocate him, and he'd effectively pinned himself to the street with his power. The worst thing that could happen now was that he'd panic and throw up, choking on his own puke. I could do my part to avoid that.
That's the bugs, not him.
iamnuff said:
in his first appearance, during his battle at the bank, he freezes himself when he gets bugs in his face.

note: this is explicitly NOT freezing his fullybody suit (like he does later when surviving the bombing during the S9 battle) because he's not wearing a suit that covers his whole body. (he's dressed as KW, IIRC)

he actually freezes himself.
No he doesn't.I have just reread the scene. He freezes bugs:
At the same time, Clockblocker was fighting off the bugs I'd sent out. Within a fraction of a second of a bug making contact with Clockblocker or his costume, he froze it. My power simply stopped telling me the bug was there, as if they had disappeared from the face of the planet. In reality, they were just suspended in time. Stuck in the air, immobile, untouchable.

But that same power could work against him, I was thinking. I made my bugs surge forward, surround him, aiming to cover his entire body. I was pretty sure he couldn't disable the effects of his power, so if he wanted to freeze all of the bugs I had crawling on him, he'd trap himself in a prison of his own making.

He was good at thinking on his feet, though, or he'd faced similar tactics before, because he had an answer for that. Clockblocker spun in a tight circle, freezing the bugs as his body rotated, so that they were only affected when the part of his body they were on was facing away from the bank. The result was that a cluster of bugs was left frozen behind him, and he was free to dash straight towards Aegis.
I don't know if it was calculated or something he did in a moment's panic, but he used his power. Every bug that was touching him disappeared from my reach.

Once I'd realized what he'd done, I pulled away every bug that wasn't affected. I didn't want to suffocate him, and he'd effectively pinned himself to the street with his power. The worst thing that could happen now was that he'd panic and throw up, choking on his own puke. I could do my part to avoid that.
Provide counter-quotes, please.
iamnuff said:
note: this is explicitly NOT freezing his fullybody suit (like he does later when surviving the bombing during the S9 battle) because he's not wearing a suit that covers his whole body. (he's dressed as KW, IIRC)
No, he was dressed as Aegis. Not sure if Aegis had full-coverage or not.
Edgar Fizzlewhip said:
I just realized. Taylor's a solar. If she learns the correct martial arts style, punching someone in the mouth would be a perfectly valid dental plan.
Forget that I think she would be able to at highest levels punch the shards out of them, and potentially punch their skeletal structures back in order.
Edgar Fizzlewhip said:
I just realized. Taylor's a solar. If she learns the correct martial arts style, punching someone in the mouth would be a perfectly valid dental plan.
I'm pretty sure that's a Sidereal MA, so she'd need a tutor. Now who is that everybody keeps forgetting about...
I'd actually be really happy if Lightshow avoided the martial arts charms and just stuck to the less ridiculous displays of power.

Lightshow as written for now is pretty much the most restrained of all the Exalted crossovers. It would be a shame to lose that.
Guile said:
I'd actually be really happy if Lightshow avoided the martial arts charms and just stuck to the less ridiculous displays of power.

Lightshow as written for now is pretty much the most restrained of all the Exalted crossovers.
She Doesn't favor MA.

But she does favor Melee so with diligent training she can parry tidal waves.
Guile said:
I'd actually be really happy if Lightshow avoided the martial arts charms and just stuck to the less ridiculous displays of power.

Lightshow as written for now is pretty much the most restrained of all the Exalted crossovers.
Restrained, Less Ridiculous, Exalted.

One of these phrases doesn't match with the others.
landcollector said:
Restrained, Less Ridiculous, Exalted.

One of these phrases doesn't match with the others.
Yes, I know, it sounds ridiculous.

But Lightshow as she is, is already pretty bullshit. She's got a rank or two in every category that matters, and is now piling her 'be better' bullshit on her 'glorious light' bullshit. I'd like there to still be some dramatic tension; if she can just punch all her problems away, why would she ever do anything different?
Brellin said:
From my understanding Wards are only required to go to school if they haven't already finished their education. If she's tested out and then gotten herself a bachelors degree (inside of a week thanks to online courses, which is totally doable) then they can't make a real case for sending her back to high school. To say nothing of the fact that it is a criminal waste of her time. Hell, it's a criminal waste of Kid Win's time as well.
Eh that might hint to Kid Win's identity when people track that type of stuff.
Guile said:
Yes, I know, it sounds ridiculous.

But Lightshow as she is, is already pretty bullshit. She's got a rank or two in every category that matters, and is now piling her 'be better' bullshit on her 'glorious light' bullshit. I'd like there to still be some dramatic tension; if she can just punch all her problems away, why would she ever do anything different?
Oh , I agree. It just amused me to see the word restrained next to Exalted, that's all.
Agayek said:
Considering Kid Win's rather crippling educational problems, I'm reasonably certain he can't test out of school. The math and stuff he can probably fudge with his power, but I highly doubt he has the capacity to test out early when it comes to all the other fields (such as literacy and writing competency, history, etc).
Kid Win's torment:

Smart enough to make gravity and light his bitch, dumb enough to need remedial math classes.
Agayek said:
Considering Kid Win's rather crippling educational problems, I'm reasonably certain he can't test out of school. The math and stuff he can probably fudge with his power, but I highly doubt he has the capacity to test out early when it comes to all the other fields (such as literacy and writing competency, history, etc).
What Kid Win need is Harmonious Academic Methodology! After two weeks he will be one of the more knowledgable teenagers of the world!
Kalaong said:

That is NOT Kid Win's torment. His torment is that he looked up to and was trained by Proud-To-Be-A-Dick Armsmaster, failed to live up to his standards and was abandoned by Armsmaster, and ever since keeps attempting to build Armsmaster-style tech when he should be following his instincts to build Swiss Army gear.

Short answer: Armsmaster, Armsmaster, Armsmaster.
No. Guile had the right of it. It's only bad luck that Armsmaster respected kid win enuogh to give his all in training him while Kid win had a backwards specialty that doesn't flow naturally enough from his own disability. I mental have a mental disorder that fucks the methods of 95% of tinkers is just bad luck.
Kalaong said:
Short answer: Armsmaster, Armsmaster, Armsmaster.
... He does have dyscalculia, ADHD, and needs his computer to do his higher level math for him though.

That poor kid is mixed up. He built a computer. To do his math.
Guile said:
... He does have dyscalculia, ADHD, and needs his computer to do his higher level math for him though.
I've argued before that ADHD is not a disadvantage to a tinker. People with ADD/ADHD do not have a deficit of attention, we have problems directing our attention to things we consider uninteresting. ADD/ADHD can also lead into hyperfocus, which would be a great boon to a tinker.

Kid Win's primary barier to tinkering is his dyscalculia, which means that instead of 2+2=4, or 2+2=5, he adds two and two and gets purple. The worst thing though is he knows purple isn't the right answer and he can't explain why he gets purple instead of a number.
Given the broad nature of Abilities, Taylor probably already has the equivalent of several PhDs already. Further, given that nearly all the academic skills that she could learn at school are caste or favored skills with instant training time, there really is little use for Taylor to go to school. She has better and more interesting things to do. Convincing her superiors and the school of that may take a little time, but should be perfectly possible. She probably won't even need to use a Presence Excellency.

Not to mention that abandoning a conventional education can an excellent sacrifice for initiating into Sorcery.
Requiem_Jeer said:
Piggot is probably heroic. She's a major bureaucratic antagonist, after all. She has a rich backstory filled with some badassery and tragedy...
Yeah, exactly.

Piggot is a named character who is a legitimate social adversary and she has a badass backstory. She has quirks, personality traits, prejudices and weaknesses.

Any one of those things would be enough to elevate her from Extra to Heroic Mortal. All of them together? Yeah. She's got her own Virtue channels, Willpower track, and lots of wound boxes.