Oh hey look it's another early release! The main reason I do this here on SV is so that when I'm writing a few chapters ahead, I can look back and see if I left any gaping plot holes in a fic this massive and complicated and try to address them. Which is why, as per usual, there's a good chance this next chapter will be subject to some edits before it gets published anywhere else. Enjoy! This one was difficult to write because time travel fics never make sense by necessity. I think the last time travel work I felt had any sort of real-ish logical leg to stand on was Donnie Darko. (I haven't seen Interstellar yet, and the more I thought about Tenet the less sense it made to me, even though I enjoyed it.) This work is definitely not at any of those levels, so thank goodness for the hand-wavy logic-defying properties of the Farplane. XD
71: Dream Eater
Chapter 71: Dream Eater

Auron rose to his feet slowly. He looked over his shoulder at Rikku, his eyes burning. "I won't let them do this. I have to stop them."

"I don't think you're gonna be able to change their minds. Braska became a High Summoner, and got his statue put up in all of the temples. And you and Jecht became his legendary Guardians. You inspired lots of Crusaders and Guardians afterwards, you know. You became a hero."

He flinched. "I don't feel like a hero," he said lowly. "I feel like a coward and a hypocrite."

Rikku sighed, drawing close enough to grab one of his hands. "I know this isn't want you want. But… if you stick around here moping about it, you definitely won't change history. Nothing will ever change if we don't even try. Besides…" She squeezed his hand tightly. "I don't want to give up either, not just yet! So… I think we should go after them."

He loitered at the bottom of the stairwell, torn. "And what if we succeed… what of you?" He looked at her intently. "What will happen to you if the future you know changes?"

"Hey!" Rikku swayed back and forth on her heels, smiling brightly to bolster Auron's confidence… and her own. I won't be scared. I refuse! "You told me to stick to you like glue. I'm not gonna disappear on you now." She looked up the steps, and her younger self looked down at them, dancing nervously.

"What are you waiting for?" the memory called out to them.

Memory-Tidus stepped through them, looking up at young Rikku, and then turning around to face them. Rikku thought she'd never get used to that; the feeling that Tidus was present, and really looking at them. She felt a bit better to see Auron was just as taken aback as she was; he jerked back from the image in surprise.

"No doubt."

Auron relaxed marginally when his older incarnation appeared, proving the blond to be just another memory trapped in the dome.

The memory-Auron strode up the steps confidently. "No hesitation."

Rikku tugged at Auron's arm. "You heard the man. Everyone else is putting everything on the line here! It wouldn't be right for us to just sit it out because we're afraid. Let's do it!"

With a quick intake of breath, Auron grabbed onto her arm and charged up the stairs before his doubt could rattle his resolve, racing by her fading memory of their future selves. She let him lead the way. He didn't stop when they crested the steps, crashing into the closed doors with a yell and shouldering them open.

They stumbled to a stop at the entranceway to the strange, floating platform of Yunalesca's domain. Only a few crumbled ruins overgrown with odd, twisting vines remained of the walls from what must have once been her private chambers. It hardly looked like a room at all, though; a familiar expanse of vertigo-inducing cosmos had completely replaced whatever might have been the chamber's boundaries. Millions of stars twinkled distantly in the blackened sky. If she stared at them for too long, Rikku felt like she might fall upwards into them. Her fingers tightened around Auron's sleeve, hoping he'd ground her, and her heart pounded in her chest.

Am I changing the future?

Her eyes dropped to Yunalesca, who was standing in the center of the platform, and she gasped. Auron released her, drawing his sword with a snarl.

Braska was standing before Yunalesca, loosely entangled in her arms. A few of her long tendrils of her hair had even snaked around him, coiling over his ankles and arms. But Yunalesca's smooth face revealed a slight wrinkle between her brows; it was as if she smelled something unpleasant.

The most likely source of her displeasure was Jecht, who was also trapped on her other side. Unlike Braska, though, he was struggling fiercely against his bonds. She hadn't been as kind to Jecht; the other half of her mane of hair imprisoned him so completely that he looked like a mummy. The only thing he could still move freely was his mouth, and he was making full use of it by yelling profanities at his captor.

"Ah," Yunalesca said when they entered, looking relieved. "You've finally come."

Braska, who'd up until that point seemed calm, snapped his head towards them, his eyes widening in dismay for a fraction of a second.

"Lower your guard, Guardian," Yunalesca continued soothingly, beckoning for Auron to come closer. "I mean your Summoner no harm."

"Oh yeah? An' whatabout me, huh?" Jecht snapped, writhing even more fiercely. "You better watch out for this bitch, Red!"

Yunalesca's hair shifted and tightened its grasp around Jecht, sealing his mouth and muffling his shouts. "Dogs should know better than to bark at their masters!" she spat, livid. Her expression softened as she turned back to Braska, caressing his cheek with a tendril of hair in an unnervingly intimate gesture.

Rikku shivered in sympathetic chills, but Braska didn't react to Yunalesca's touch other than to frown. "Jecht is not my servant, my Lady. He is my Guardian, and I humbly ask that you release him."

"Ah, but are you certain?" she cajoled. "You have only one true Guardian. Look at how loyal he is, rushing to your side to serve you." She eyed Auron like a slab of meat. "Admirable, isn't he? Would you allow that yapping beast to speak in your stead?" she scoffed, lifting Jecht off the ground and giving him a shake. "You are the one who must choose who is to become the Fayth. And he is the most suitable."

Auron took a half-step forward, growling. "What is going on here? And why me? I haven't volunteered!"

Yunalesca looked amused. She drew Braska closer and then faced him towards Auron, draping her arms over his shoulders. "You are the Summoner; you wield the power," she crooned to Braska. "It is a Summoner's Privilege to select his chosen one." Her lips drifted closer to his ear. "Did you know that your predecessor, High Summoner Dysley, also brought along such a spirited companion who shirked her holy duty? Yet he was still able to form a bond with her and achieve the Final Aeon. If your will is strong enough, you have the power to make anyone yours." Her voice was low and sweet, enticing Braska to grasp whatever he wanted; everything he'd been denied in his life, he could have in death. "So I ask again… who will you select? Who should become your Fayth?"

Jecht somehow managed to work his mouth free of Yunalesca's grip, still fighting. "Oi! I said I was gonna do it! Me!"

Some of Yunalesca's carefully-crafted equilibrium dissipated at Jecht's crude interruption, and she narrowed her eyes. "Ignore that thing. He and the girl are unusual cases. At least your other hound is well-behaved." She spared Rikku a dismissive glance, turning her attention back to Braska.

Rikku let out an enraged gasp. "Excuse you!" she screeched. But then she stopped. "Wait a sec, why am I an unusual case? What do you mean?" Her anger was quickly being replaced by fear. Obviously, Yunalesca could sense she was different. It wasn't that surprising; every Unsent she'd ever spent any amount of time talking to seemed to be able to notice something off about her. But… Yunalesca didn't look like she actually knew anything. If she'd had any inkling Rikku would help kill her in the future, she'd definitely be doing a lot more than just tossing out insults, after all.

Yunalesca's fingers stopped the path they were tracing under Braska's chin, and she looked back at Rikku, her eyebrows rising. Then the chamber filled with her tinkling laughter. "Ah, I see! My Lord, does she not even know? You didn't tell her?"

Braska's eyes widened marginally; to Rikku, he seemed just as confused as everyone else was. Even Jecht stopped struggling, looking between her and Yunalesca.

"No, my Lady," Braska said smoothly after a moment, his eyes trained on her. "It was one of my few pleasures on this journey. Ignorance made her easier to control."

Rikku managed to keep her jaw from falling open at Braska's brazen lie. He's playing her! she realized, and knew he was stalling for time for her benefit, trying to determine if she wanted him to squeeze more information out of the ancient Unsent. Even Auron got it, nudging her slightly with his elbow. She met Braska's eyes and gave him a tiny nod of permission, just as curious to know what Yunalesca meant as everyone else.

"I think it would be best to allow you to enlighten her," he continued, leaning in to Yunalesca's caress. "That way, she will suffer no illusions about my choice of Fayth. Please," he said, gesturing to Rikku. "Tell her the truth."

"Oh, you are delightful! A thousand years ago, I would have made you into one of my priests. Such a pity that you were born into the wrong time." Stepping away from Braska, Yunalesca tossed her head. Her hair whipped Jecht forward, sending him flying into Rikku.

Like bowling pins, they went down in a tangle of limbs behind a surprised Auron. As soon as Jecht regained his balance, he cursed and pulled his sword out, rolling to his feet. Rikku was up just as quickly, hanging on to his arm to keep him from chucking the weapon at Yunalesca. "Jecht! I need to know this!" she hissed under her breath.

He lowered his sword marginally, but still looked ready to murder the Unsent. "Fine! But that patronizin' carcass needs some schoolin'," he grit out.

"Your bodies aren't real," Yunalesca said as she paced towards them, her melodious voice carrying. "You have already been transformed. If either of you are turned into the Final Aeon, there may be unforeseen consequences. For neither of you are capable of creating a Fayth stone. It is impossible."

Jecht bristled beside her. "S'not like I didn't come to terms with what I am already! So just do me, ya rotten cadaver! Or are you too scared to try, huh?"

"Wait wait wait wait," Rikku said, pushing him out of the way and taking a step forward. "What do you mean, impossible? I'm a real person! Braska even tried to Send me once and failed! Hello?"

"Is that what you think, girl?" Yunalesca broke out into peals of laughter. "This is wonderful! I haven't been so amused in centuries." She turned to Braska, clapping her hands together. "Truly you are unique, my Lord. Bringing with you not one, but two aeons."

The hum of the pyreflies echoed across the suddenly silent floor. For a moment Rikku felt like she really was falling into the void, because she couldn't feel the floor under her feet. Her heart thundered in her ears, drowning out all other sounds.


Awareness prickled; everyone was looking at her. And Yunalesca was laughing.

Rikku came back to herself with a snap, anger sparking. "No way! Don't tell me you believe her!" She pointed a finger at Yunalesca. "You've got it all wrong!" Adrenaline spiking, she began bouncing on her heels, preparing for a fight.

Yunalesca sighed. "Such ignorance. I see that Bahamut has been taking liberties in my absence. I shall have to find a way to punish him later," she mused. "This is why I detest it when children are turned into Fayth. They never lose that spark of petulance." Her bright eyes turned towards Rikku. "Yes, even you, my poor, lost child. Look at the fire in your eyes. I can see what you're thinking. How you long to attack me and deny your truth. Shall I show you the extent of your power?"

Yunalesca's arm came up in a sudden motion, and the cry of the pyreflies swelled.

"Aaah—!" A familiar pain and shock descended on her; fire raced down her spine as her muscles locked and time slowed. It felt like a thousand burning needles were piercing her skin, trying to tear her apart. Pure, raw magic flooded through her; she was going to disintegrate right before everyone, and there was nothing she could do to stop it. This time was much worse than any of her experiences in the Chambers of various Fayths; this was more akin to the first time she'd donned her Garment Grid in Bevelle. It was pure agony.

Yunalesca snapped her fingers, lowering her arm, and Rikku collapsed. She would've ended up as an insensate heap on the ground if not for Auron, who caught her as she sagged.

"No," she whispered, blood roaring in her ears and panic setting in. "What did you do?" she gasped, staring at Yunalesca in real fear through the black spots speckling her vision.

"I did nothing, child," Yunalesca replied imperiously, crossing her arms. "But it matters little who summoned you. I am the Lady Yunalesca Yevon, the second greatest Summoner in all of Spira's history!" Her lips slanted into a cruel smile, and she flicked her gaze towards Jecht. "You should both consider that carefully before you make any further pathetic attempts at rebellion."

The threat was hollow, because the fight seemed to have seeped out of Jecht at Yunalesca's revelation. He kneeled and looked at Rikku knowingly, his eyes pained. "Oh, Blondie. You ain't a time traveler, are ya."

She shut her eyes and shook her head in denial. Auron's arms tightened around her, but she couldn't look at his face; she didn't want to see Braska's, either.

I can't be a Fayth. I can't be. I'm real!

"Time travel?" Yunalesca's voice was an unwelcome intrusion, but she continued to flay Rikku open with her words relentlessly. "Time is linear. A physical body can only move forward through it. You, an Al Bhed of all people, believing in such fanciful lies? Your kind prescribes to no superstition. You are a descendent of the Bedohls, Bevelle's finest machina warriors." Yunalesca's tone was acidic; she made the description sound like an insult rather than a compliment. "If nothing else, your tainted blood should know this best."

Every fiber of her being strained in denial. "I… I have a real body! I had a mom! I still have a dad! Friends, family!" She hated the desperation she heard in her own voice. "I have a whole life of my own!" She wanted to die for sounding so weak. No, she wanted to kill Yunalesca again.

Yunalesca towered over her, silver hair fanning out behind her and blocking Rikku's view of the stars. "That life ended the moment you were summoned here, girl. You are but a dream, and your body the fuel to power it. You will have no Fayth stone here, because you already are one." She stalked back over to Braska. "Now, my Lord, you understand why I believe those two are unfit. Your bond must be formed from the strength of real flesh and blood. None other could have a hope of defeating Sin. Allow me to grant you the power of the Final Aeon with your one true Guardian."

And like that, she was dismissed from Yunalesca's awareness… just like any other summon.

"Rikku," Auron said, his voice low and desperate. "Rikku, look at me. Please."

She couldn't; her eyes were locked on the woman who'd just ruined her life. Was it even a life?

Braska didn't seem to share Auron's concern; he continued acting unsurprised, ignoring her just as easily as Yunalesca had. It hurt a little, but she knew better than to accept his nonchalant demeanor at face value.

"Shall we begin?" Yunalesca asked, smiling at Braska.

His answer to her was hesitant and slow. "I'm honored by your favor, my Lady, but first… is there truly any hope of the Final Aeon defeating Sin?"

Yunalesca pursed her lips, her expression tender. "Hope… is comforting. It allows us to accept fate, however tragic it might be."

She's lying. She's lying about everything! Rikku opened her mouth, trying to make a sound, but all she could do was wheeze. The remnants of Yunalesca's vicious control echoed through her body; she shivered violently, her breath coming shallow, rapid pants.

"Take it slow," she heard Jecht saying, feeling his fingers wrap around her shoulder. "You gotta keep breathin', Rikku."

"Must I truly die?" she heard Braska ask even more softly.

Auron's arms tightened around her.

Yunalesca's pitiless eyes remained a hard contrast to the deceptive gentleness of her voice. "If you wish to defeat Sin, it is inevitable."

"Then…" Braska's steps sounded across the stone floor. He was coming closer to them. A new, different fission of fear passed through her. She tried to shield Auron with arms that wouldn't fully cooperate, her movements clumsy. No. No, you can't choose him!

Jecht released her and stepped in front both of them. "Don't do it, B." He slammed his blade into the ground like a wall between Auron and the two summoners.

But Braska wasn't looking at either her or Auron. He stopped in front of Jecht, appraising him. "You're a good man," he finally said, losing some of the tension in his posture. "Thank you for protecting them even now. Rest assured, I'll honor your wishes."

Yunalesca stopped, her pleased expression dropping. "What?"

Even through her pain, Rikku viciously savored the other woman's look of disgruntled surprise.

Braska kept his amicable mask still firmly in place. "My Lady. You told me if my will was strong enough, I would have the power to make anyone mine." He smiled at Jecht, this time more genuine. "Well then, my friend. Are you still willing to accompany me on this, our last journey together?"

"No!" Yunalesca screeched, her hair lashing out in agitated whips. "You would choose that… that… thing as your bond? You defile the sacred ritual with your blasphemy!"

Braska turned to look at Yunalesca evenly. "It wouldn't be the first time I've defiled the Church, my Lady. Furthermore…" His knuckles whitened around his staff. "Jecht is not a thing. He's my Guardian. And I choose him as my Fayth." His voice was firm and rich, and in it, Rikku heard the truth. That he didn't care. Not about Jecht's origins… nor her own. For Braska, Yunalesca's revelations had changed nothing.

It was glorious and terrible, all at the same time.

Jecht's mouth opened and closed, and then he shrugged, blooming into a smug grin. "Yeah. I accept, Braska." He smirked at Yunalesca. "Got that? It don't matter if I'm real or not. Only if he thinks so. Now are you gonna eat them words about bein' able to make Final Aeons, or are all you dead people nothin' but talk?"

Yunalesca's eyes darted to Braska and she grit her teeth, her hair continuing to lash out and send chips of stone flying wherever they struck. "You…" She closed her eyes, and abruptly the cries of the agitated pyreflies grew quiet. She settled herself, her hair winding docilely back around her body. "Very well. I can see your determination. But," she said, her voice growing sharp as she flicked a wrist at Auron and Rikku, still huddled together on the floor. "Those two must leave. The ritual is sullied enough. I will not allow it."

Her gaze towards Rikku was filled with malice, and instinctively Rikku pressed herself against Auron, her tremors returning.

"Let's go," Auron whispered, lifting her to her feet. She let him pull her along with him, away from Yunalesca's burning gaze.

The exited and the heavy doors shut behind them with a sense of finality. Rikku took another deep breath, then let out a soft sob. "Sorry. That was—well, whew, right? I guess I ruined it. Your plan to stop them, I mean. I suck. I didn't know. I didn't even realize what I was! I should've guessed, though. What normal person freezes up in the Cloisters? It's so unfair, right? I messed up your whole plan, and I'm not even real or anything! Does that make me a fake? I don't think I'm a fake because I didn't think fakes would feel stuff. And I am definitely feeling some stuff right now. Lots and lots of stuff." A crazed giggle escaped as she gasped for breath. "I didn't even come here on my own! Someone brought me! I was summoned here! I'm nothing but a big lie—!"

She stopped babbling when Auron sealed his mouth against hers, swallowing her words. She froze in his arms, and then, when he refused to release her, melted against him. He didn't stop kissing her even then, instead parting her lips with his tongue. It was only when she was starting to grow light-headed and tingly from lack of oxygen that he backed away. They both spent a long moment gulping in air in deep, needy breaths.

"Uh," she started.

"Do you think I care?" He cut her off, sounding angry, and grabbed her shoulders to give her a frustrated shake. "Did you think anything I ever said to Jecht about it wouldn't apply to you as well? I love you."

She felt an apology forming on her lips, but realized he'd probably blow up if it actually manifested. "I- I know," she amended lamely. "I mean, I love you too!"

He laughed and leaned against her, letting his arms drop around her sides. Then he let out a low sigh. "I failed."

"You tried," Rikku said, returning his loose hug. She wanted to soothe him, but her thoughts were still churning, unable to accept Yunalesca's words. In the middle of her attempt to be an understanding audience for Auron's own problems, her mind kept whirling back into maddening circles about herself. "I'm an aeon?" she blurted suddenly, unable to contain it. "What the heck?!"

Auron let out another laugh, even though his expression was laced with frustration. "You never change. And it doesn't matter. You're real enough to me." He looked at the door, just as unable to focus on her problems as she was on his. "What should we do? Do we wait? Is Jecht… was that it? I didn't even say goodbye to him."

"I don't know," Rikku admitted, huddling closer. "I've never done this before, either. This," she said, waving her hand abstractedly at the chamber. "This was never part of Yunie's Pilgrimage." Was I ever part of Yunie's Pilgrimage either?

Auron sighed. "Then all we can do is wait." He latched onto her hand. "Stay with me?"

Rikku ducked her head and nodded, clutching on to Auron like a tether to sanity as he led her down the stairs.

A bonfire crackled merrily in the corner of the room, fed by bits of torn tapestry and broken wooden statues. It was ruining the solemn ambience of the sanctum and completely destroying the decor, which was exactly why Rikku had made it so disproportionately large.

"Do you think the ritual failed?" Auron asked, his heel tapping nervously against the floor. He was leaning against the wall, his eyes glued to the double doors at the top of the steps. "How long is it supposed to take?"

"Don't look at me!" Rikku chided, pacing around the fire. "I mean, if it's anything like obtaining a normal Fayth, it could be hours. It used to take that long in the beginning for Braska and Yunie. And well… I mean, I guess this one is harder than normal? Maybe?" She kicked her feet over the stone floor. "I wonder where all the Fayth stones went, though? Yunalesca's been making Guardians into Fayths for a thousand years now, right? They've gotta end up somewhere."

The sound of the double doors creaking open had Auron scrambling to his feet and Rikku whirling to face it with matching expressions of dread.

"… Wow. Geez, don't look so happy to see me or anythin'," Jecht said as soon as he caught sight of them.

Auron sank to his hands and knees, sagging in relief. Rikku's feet were faster, carrying her up the steps. She barreled into Jecht's arms, hugging him with a loud wail and sending him staggering back – right into Braska, who nearly fell over. Rikku grabbed him and pulled him in for a group hug.

"H-how?!" she sobbed, holding onto both of them as though they'd disappear if she let go. "How come you're both still here?"

Jecht gently plucked her off and helped Braska – obviously weakened – down the steps towards Auron, who was picking himself up off the ground. "Hell if I know. The dead chick said the same thing to me 'bout already bein' stoned. Which I guess is why I'm still here." He stuck a finger in his ear and cleaned it out it a profanely disgusting human gesture. "Y'know, I don't think she likes me much." He flicked his finger into the chamber with a rude smirk.

"So you mean the ritual did fail!" Auron said, hope rising in his voice as he grabbed Braska and enveloped him in a tight embrace.

Surprised at the open display of affection, Braska was slow to return Auron's the gesture, though his arms eventually did tighten around the other man. He spent a few moments just holding on. Longer, maybe, than Auron was comfortable with, but neither of them made a move to break apart. Looking over Auron's back, Rikku watched Braska's face betray him. His eyes were squeezed tightly shut and she finally knew just how panicked he'd really been under all of that calm, fearing that Yunalesca was going to transform Auron even without his permission. Finally, he let go and stepped back.

"It didn't," Braska said quietly. He brought a hand to his chest, grasping at his robes, and Jecht's hand mirrored the motion in perfect sync. "We succeeded. But as Jecht said, Yunalesca was unable to trap his body in stone." He smiled at Jecht. "Your unique nature saved you, my friend."

"Yeah, well," Jecht said, rubbing the back of his head. "Being a dream's got its perks I guess." He stopped and crossed his arms, looking serious. "But it ain't all roses. I'm a part of Braska now. I can feel him, y'know? Like… we're connected somehow." He grimaced. "I think… once Braska calls on me, I'm gonna change. Don't know how. She didn't either," he said, tilting his head towards the double doors. "Maybe I'll never be able to go back. Guess we'll find out, huh?"

Auron scowled. "How can either of you be fine with any of this?"

Braska sighed and Jecht reached for him, supporting his weight. "Because it's necessary, Auron. This is what it takes to defeat Sin." He gave Jecht's arm a pat and straightened. "I've no wish to stay here in the presence of that woman. Let's leave; we can talk outside."

He stopped and regarded Rikku. "And you? Are you –?"

"I don't know. How are you supposed to feel when someone tells you you're not real?"

"Like shit," Jecht answered for her, raising a hand. "But I mean, only for a little while. It's your life, right? Mopin' around about it is like lettin' all the haters win. So what if we're dreams? Dreams are awesome."

"Well, yeah," Rikku said, feeling warmer from his words than from any fire she'd made. Lifting a hand, she danced in place. "I'm not gonna let some thousand-year-old dead woman stop me now!"

"It still raises more questions than it answers, though," Braska said as he led them towards the exit. "Who really summoned either of you? Who can maintain that sort of power for so long? Is the future you're convinced of even real? I'd question it, but…" He squinted, and didn't say what they were all thinking; her memories of Yuna, Tidus, and Auron seemed entirely too detailed and accurate to have been complete fantasy. "The answer must lie in your own time. Perhaps someone sent you to us for a reason."

"I bet Bahamut knows," Rikku said, gritting her teeth. "He could have warned me about any of this!"

Braska shook his head. "Would he though? You've been called his pawn, even by our own allies."

"Perhaps you were sent to us to change history," Auron said fervently. "To keep any more Summoners from being sacrificed in the final battle. You said it yourself. Jecht is unique. Maybe Braska won't die if he summons Jecht."

"Auron, give it a rest," Jecht groaned, climbing back into the dilapidated outer chamber. He stopped on the steps, crossing his arms. "Look. Say Yunalesca's right, and I end up biting it when Braska calls on me. Can I ask you one last favor? Uh…" He opened his mouth, then looked at Braska and thought of something, wincing. "Nah… Never mind."

"Out with it!" Auron growled impatiently.

"Okay." Jecht sighed. "Listen good. Take care of Tidus. My son, in Zanarkand. He's such a crybaby. He needs someone there to hold his hand, see? Take care of him, will you?"

Auron stopped in surprise. "What?"

Jecht scowled. "Look, everyone can see you did a real good job with Yuna already. Plus, you'll have Blondie on your side. You could be like... the best badass team my boy could ever have on his side. Nobody'll mess with that crybaby with you two around." He grinned faintly, obviously thinking of Rikku's vision of the future by the campfire. "Or better yet. Just bring him along so he can meet Yuna."

"But how am I supposed to go to Zanarkand?"

Jecht's eyes gleamed, and a bit of that maniacal devotion to his plan, the one that made him brazen enough to challenge Yunalesca, shone through. "Hey! You said it yourself! There must be a way to get there, right? You'll find it."

Auron stared at Jecht in disbelief, and then shook his head. "All right. I will." He looked up, entirely serious. "I give you my word," he swore. "I'll take care of your son. I'll guard him with my life."

"Thanks, Auron," Jecht said, hearing the gravity of Auron's vow. His eyes misted slightly, and he leaned forward, pulling Auron into a bear hug. Rikku stifled a fond smile at Auron's surprised expression; he'd probably been hugged more times today than he had in his entire life, going so far as to even initiate one with Braska. He was so far out of his comfort zone that it took him a moment to return Jecht's gesture.

"You were always such a stiff," Jecht laughed, pounding Auron on the back. "But that's what I liked about you." He let Auron go, catching sight of the other man's dismayed face, and threw his head back and laughed.

Stifling a smile, Braska turned and continued down the hallway. "We will have to return to Gagazet. The best place to challenge Sin would be the Calm Lands; we're less likely to incur casualties if we battle it there." He paused at the entrance to the sphere dome, glancing out warily for any sign of the Defender that had harried them on the way in. "Of course, we will have to make it there in one piece first."

"But how are we supposed to get Sin to come to the Calm Lands?" Rikku asked, and Braska looked surprised.

"Hmm? Do you mean Yuna didn't fight it there?"

Rikku scratched her cheek, trying to think of the best way to break the existence of airships to the others, then shrugged it off. "Uh, well, we didn't. It's complicated, but Sin… it came to us, not the other way around."

Rather than looking surprised, Braska nodded slowly. "Yes… Yunalesca hinted that much might happen. Sin is drawn to powerful aeons. Traditionally, it would appear if a High Summoner were to call upon their Final Aeon and wait. And that is why Summoners always wait in the Calm Lands."

"Huh," Rikku said. "I never knew that." Her mind began turning, processing the new information Yunalesca had provided. When Jecht had turned into Sin, they'd been able to lure him by using the Hymn. This Sin, however, wasn't Jecht. There was no guarantee the same tactic would work even if they could get the populace of Spira behind them for the greatest flash mob concert of all time.

But of course there had to have been some other way the other High Summoners had done it before; they'd been battling against Sin in the Calm Lands for a thousand years. Her heart began beating fast as she considered their options.

"Maybe…" She stole a glance at Jecht. "Maybe you don't have to use Jecht as the bait to do it, then. Maybe you don't have to summon him at all."

Jecht frowned. "Blondie –"

"No, I know what you're thinking, but hear me out first!" She glared at Jecht, knowing full well that he was secretly hoping to obtain a body that could travel to Dream Zanarkand when Braska transformed him.

"I know why High Summoners die when they call the Final Aeon. And it's not calling the Final Aeon that kills them." She thought of Seymour, standing proudly in Luca while wielding Anima like a weapon. He hadn't even been dead that time! "It's battling Sin that kills the Summoner. I think it wouldn't even really matter what aeon Braska used if he fought. Because Sin… isn't Spira's real problem. "

"Rikku? What are you trying to say?" The hope in Auron's voice scared her; it was asking her to carry the weight of two worlds, even if he didn't realize what he was doing.

Maybe… if I'm not real, then this is what I was made for.

"See, Yunie and Tidus, they figured out Sin's secret. Why it always comes back. It's because Sin is an aeon, too. An aeon that forms armor around its Summoner." Even though she'd shut her eyes, she could feel them watching her; feel the two timelines she'd lived through converging and the pressure building to save them both. "Sin is the creation of the greatest High Summoner in Spira, Yu Yevon."

"Yunalesca said she was the second greatest Summoner," Braska said slowly. "Lady Yunalesca Yevon."

Rikku nodded. "He's her father. And he's still… well, definitely not alive, but still continuously summoning inside." She carefully left out what he was summoning, letting them all believe what she'd implied – that it was the enormous flying fiend-whale that the rest of Spira had named Sin. The weight on her back grew heavier.

"Maybe destiny does exist," she murmured, sinking to her knees and wrapping her arms around them, knowing she was making what she thought was the least bad choice out of no real good ones. "I believe it's Yunie's destiny to defeat Sin and bring the Eternal Calm, and not die while she's doing it," she continued, louder so that they could hear her. "That's already history in my time. It's something I don't want to change."

A feeling of faint hope twisted itself around a heavy anchor of pain. Her mind wouldn't stop calculating the possibilities, though; she forced herself to keep going.

"So maybe I just need to change how we get to that point. Maybe there's a way to do this without anybody dying."

She kept her voice light and eyes closed, because it was a lie. The mother of all lies, and one she couldn't afford to let them know she was telling. Auron knew her too well. And Braska was both a consummate liar and an unusually perceptive lie detector. But most of all, Jecht could never find out. He didn't have anything tying him to Spira, not the way Tidus had Yuna. And Jecht loved Tidus more than anything else in the real world; if he knew the truth, it'd make him dangerous.

It was a cruel choice she was making to ensure Auron, Braska, and Yuna's happiness, because she couldn't change the price of the sacrifice that would be required to bring the Eternal Calm. Killing Yu Yevon meant ending Jecht and Tidus' existence; they were both inexorably bound to Spira's fate.

Ultimately, all she could do was mitigate the damage. She could try to save Auron and Braska, and give Jecht the chance to be a father to his son, even let Tidus to fall in love with Yuna all over again. It wouldn't change the fact that Jecht and Tidus – and maybe even herself – were doomed to disappear with the advent of the Eternal Calm. But if Dream Zanarkand was going to be destroyed anyway, Rikku was willing to force it to carry the entire burden of the sacrifice in place of the summoners of Spira.

At least, that's what she told herself. Deep down, she knew what she was really doing. She'd spent enough time around both Jecht and Tidus to know they were real. Heck, she needed to believe she was just as real, too. After all, Jecht's Zanarkand wasn't an abstract dream of the Fayth; it was a place with real people who lived and died in it, all with their own hopes and dreams and thoughts and feelings. If Tidus could love Yuna and if she could love Auron… she knew perfectly well that she was making a choice to destroy an entire city of people. And she was lying to Jecht to do it.

The only one of us who never deserved to pay this price.

Her shoulders twitched; she felt miserable. But she thought of Yuna, and kept the smile on her face when she opened her eyes.

Braska was looking at her. "But how?" he asked softly, unwilling to yet put his faith completely in the fragile thread of hope she was spinning for them all.

"We've already destroyed pieces of Sin before by piercing that armor. Usually, only a Final Aeon is strong enough to do that by itself, but we had Keyakku helping us with his machina gun back then. And that's the point! You don't need a Final Aeon to destroy Sin's body… you just need enough power."

She rocked on her feet, her words gaining momentum. "And we've already got that power! You have two Final Aeons, right? So what if they're not yours! We could just use them to lure Sin to us instead of Jecht. I think if we don't try to touch Yu Yevon and just hurt his armor enough, it'll take him a while to rebuild it into a new 'Sin.' No one in Spira would know the difference as long the attacks stopped. It'd be… like… a fake Calm! And eventually, when Sin came back… then… then maybe Yunie would still go on her own Pilgrimage."

"So you're sayin'… Braska don't need to change me at all?" Jecht said slowly. "I can stay human?" He obviously had mixed feelings about that, considering how he'd hung everything on a chance to evolve into a form that could pierce into Dream Zanarkand. "Why can't we just kill that Yu Yevon bastard ourselves then?"

"I don't think Sin would let us do that so easily," Rikku huffed.

"Wha, I thought you said Sin was just a big Yu Yevon suit," Jecht scoffed. "Why stop at breakin' his gear?"

Rikku tapped her chin. "That's the thing. Sin isn't gear, Jecht. Sin's an aeon. It might have been corrupted by Yu Yevon, but it was once human, too."

"It's a Guardian," Braska, said, comprehension finally dawning. "The High Summoner's chosen Guardian becomes the Final Aeon. And then High Summoner dies when Yu Yevon breaks the Rapture and steals the Final Aeon to replace his broken armor. That is why the cycle always continues."

"Wha?! Waitaminute," Jecht said, eyes popping open and looking alarmed. "I didn't sign up to become the next Sin!"

"There must be a catch," Auron interjected. "In a thousand years, not a single High Summoner has ever managed to kill Yu Yevon, then, even if his armor was defeated."

Steeling herself, Rikku carefully began weaving the lie that would trap Dream Zanarkand in its fate. "It's because Yu Yevon isn't really human anymore either. Not like Yunalesca, at least. You already saw that hair of hers, right? Her dad's worse. The only thing that could touch him would be a powerful aeon. Nothing else will work. But if you face him with an aeon out, well then… Sin comes right back. It's a never-ending spiral. There's never been a pair of High Summoners before. It's always just one Summoner doing all the work with one aeon."

Jecht rubbed his chin. "So y'mean you just wanna knock 'im out an' not kill 'im. That way, nobody dies while we're doin' it… 'cept the people Sin attacks to let the world know he's back in action a few decades down the road." She could feel the disapproval laced through his critique.

"This is not the place to have this discussion," Auron said as he watched her, sensing something off. He glanced out into the sphere dome. "We'll return to Mount Gagazet first. Nothing good can come of staying in the city of the dead."

They nodded in agreement, and Rikku welcomed the respite. Still, she was glad when Jecht chose to attach himself to Braska's side, helping the weakened Summoner through the rest of the ruins. Auron stayed beside her, guiding her through. Grateful as she was for it, it still felt a little too much like she was picking sides.
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One of my reviewers mentioned wanting to see the Songstress dressphere again, preferrably on one of the guys, but they figured the story had gotten too serious for that.

... I do love a challenge, though, hmmm.
Jecht Writes Friendfiction: 1 - Braska's Terrible Idea
Summary said:
Braska thinks Jecht needs a new hobby, so he gives Jecht a sketchbook. Unfortunately, this does not quite work out as anyone planned.

Notes: This is just a crackfic idea I had way back in 2016 while writing new chapters for MV. In the interim, the three chapters I wrote have turned out to be the most popular MV sidestory I ever made. Apparently this fic caused someone to pop their subluxed ribs back into place because they laughed so hard. I'm putting it up here because there is actually one (1) whole reference to Jecht's pink book being canon in the main story, so now you guys get in on the joke. Enjoy!

1: Braska's Terrible Idea

"I can't believe Lord Braska is willing to put up with you." Auron scoffed as he retired to his room for the night, slamming the door behind him.

Jecht rubbed the back of his head, wincing. "That guy's got a stick so far up his ass you can see it comin' up through his tonsils."

Braska coughed into his hand. "Well, to be fair, you were the one who suggested he needed to find company with the fairer sex in order to relax. It wasn't very polite."

Jecht snorted. "That wasn't what I said. But it's true, ain't it. You see how he's always lookin' at Blondie's ass when they ain't fightin'."

Braska steepled his fingers together and remained tactfully silent.

"Fine, take his side, see if I care," Jecht mumbled, crossing his arms and looking sullen.

"Perhaps you just need to find a different hobby in your free time. One that does not involve needling Auron at every possible instance."

"A hobby, huh?" Perking up, Jecht leaned forward and tapped his finger on the surface of Braska's table. "So, got any big ideas?"

"Hmm. Well, seeing that you and Auron managed to destroy my only blitzball in under twenty-four hours together, may I suggest something less active than a sport? Drawing, perhaps. I keep a sketchbook myself, it's very relaxing."

"Drawin'... hmm. Maybe you got somethin' there. Never tried my hand at it, y'know."

Braska stood up and walked to a drawer by the door of his apartment. "I've a spare sketchbook that you can use. And here, some charcoal to start off with."

He returned to the table and handed Jecht the objects.

"... why's it bright pink?"

"An aesthetic choice," Braska said smoothly.

Jecht turned the book over in his hands. "There's some flowers on here too." He squinted. "Is that a unicorn?"

"I'll have you know Ixion is a well-respected aeon within the Church," Braska huffed.

"Ixi-what? This pink horse with the rainbow hair and them big eyelashes is somethin' you guys worship in your church?"

Braska dropped his head slightly. "Fine. It was Yuna's, when she was five. She lost interest in it rather quickly. I recall her claim that 'anything with wings would be better than a dumb horned horse.'"

"Gotta say your lil' girl has better taste than you," Jecht agreed, flipping the book open. Picking up a stick of charcoal, he stared at the blank white page, brow furrowing. "Uh… so whadda ya do? How do ya choose what to draw in this thing?"

Braska leaned back thoughtfully. "There is nothing more intimidating than a blank page. The only thing you can truly do is have at it, despite the mistakes that you may make. You'll never know what you might create if you do not even try." He hummed. "Perhaps you should stick to what you know. Something from Blitzball?"

"Yeah, yeah," Jecht said impatiently, already drawing the charcoal across the page. He stuck his tongue out as he focused on creating his picture.

Braska reached for his cup of tea and sipped quietly, watching Jecht work.

"There, finished." Jecht smiled proudly and turned the book around, showing Braska his creation. "Whaddaya think?"

Braska lurched and spit his tea across the room.

"I'm that good?" Jecht turned the book around and raised an eyebrow.

"Put that down before Yuna sees it!" Braska hissed, his hand snaking out and slamming the book closed. "What in Yevon's name were you thinking, drawing that?"

"What? What'd I do?" Stubbornly, Jecht flipped the book back open and pointed at his drawing. "It's a Blitzball stadium, see? Here's the water. And there's the team, and the goal. This thing right here is me," he said proudly. "And there's the other team tryin' to defend their goal."

Braska blinked and squinted at the drawing, tilting his head to one side. "I… do not see," he muttered. "If that," he pointed, "is you, then why are there lines connecting between each of the… er… players?"

"Oh, I was drawin' myself doin' the Mark III. It's a blitzin' move, see? First the ball goes here, then it hits this guy, like blam! And then this one, pa-pow! And then it goes up like this and I spin around and kick it, right there, see, and then it fires right into that goal. Score, baby!"

Braska was silent for a long moment. Then, carefully, he pointed at the drawing. "But when you connect the lines like this to show motion, do you not think that you might accidentally create another image? Perhaps one you were not quite intending to make?"

"The hell you talkin' about," Jecht grumbled, looking at his picture again.

Braska sighed. "Look at this… arena. And the goal you drew. Do you not think it bears a slight resemblance to… ahh… certain delicate parts of the female anatomy?"

"So I can't draw circles too well! Big deal! You're readin' too much into it there, Braska."

"What about this then! You drew yourself and the other players as squiggly lines! What part of this looks like a human being?"

Jecht shrugged petulantly. "It's from high up, alright? Ya don't need to see all the details."

"Look at the way you connected the dots! Do you not see what portion of your own body it might be misconstrued as?"

Jecht squinted. "Well," he hedged. "I guess if you kinda think of it like that… but hey man, I swear that wasn't what I was aimin' for. Besides, look at these speed lines I drew right here! They ain't even connected to that other thing!"

Braska dropped his forehead into his hands. "Jecht. You just drew a crude depiction of a phallus with an exceptionally hairy scrotum ejaculating into a vulva in my daughter's unicorn sketchbook. I do not think drawing is your forte."

Sulking, Jecht slammed the book shut and tossed it at Braska. "Fine, you keep it, I'll get another damn hobby."

"Oh no," Braska said mildly, carefully pushing the book with the smiling pink unicorn on it back towards Jecht. "I believe this belongs to you now. Please, keep it with my blessings. Perhaps you can fill it with even more inspiring works from the depths of your imagination. I believe I shall retire for the evening, before you can further persuade me to listen to Auron's opinions."

Grabbing the book and glaring at the unicorn, Jecht scowled. "I ain't totally bad at all this artsy fartsy shit," he grumbled. "I'll show Braska I can pull this creative stuff off!" Opening the book, he reassessed his picture. Then he blanched. "Eh… maybe drawin' ain't my thing. Damn, once you see it, you can't unsee it!"

A crafty look came over Jecht's face. "But… that don't mean I gotta give up, right? I can still get creative in other ways." A slow smile spread as he looked at the drawing he'd made. "In fact, this might just be the best idea I ever had. Oh yeah, baby. I am the greatest!"

Picking up the charcoal once more, he stifled a laugh and flipped the page.
Jecht Writes Friendfiction: 2 - Slammin' in the Slammer [M]
!! This chapter contains Mature content ... Okay, calling it "mature" is a stretch. BUT IT'S GOT CONTENT !!

Summary said:
Braska thinks Jecht needs a new hobby, so he gives Jecht a sketchbook. Unfortunately, this does not quite work out as anyone planned.

2: Slammin' in the Slammer

Braska was bothered. It was unusual for something to upset his equilibrium this much, but Jecht's barely-contained smirks were straining on his nerves. All of the blitzer's gleeful mirth seemed to be centered around one familiar-looking pink notebook. Considering Jecht's level of humor, it was a dangerous task he was undertaking.

I am a Summoner, Braska told himself sternly. One day, I will face Sin itself. I must be prepared for anything, both physically and mentally. This is merely training.

He picked up the book he had filched from Jecht's pack as the man slept and cracked it open.

So there they were, stuck together in the smallest jail cell in Bevelle. The Stiff wasn't too happy about being trapped with the new girl. He'd begged Braska to reconsider his decision, but the man's mind was made up.

"No, Auron," Braska said, turning up his nose. "You got to learn some manners. Maybe this girl can teach you something. Stay here until you get an attitude adjustment. Jecht will totally be able to take your place."

"He's right. I'm the Greatest!" Jecht cracked his knuckles and gave a warning look to the wimpy guard stationed there. "You're coming with us, buddy. Let's give these two kids some time to think about what they really want outta life." He winked suggestively at Auron and left with the Summer-er, dragging the guard out behind them.

"So," Auron said to the blonde chick. "What's your name, sexy?"

"Oh big guy," she cooed back, licking her lips. "Do we really need to bother with names when there's another part of you more eager to greet me?" She dropped her eyes to the front of Auron's pants and winked at the tent forming there. "So they call you the Stiff around these parts?" She swayed over to him aggressively and shoved her tits up against his chest. "Let's see if you can live up to that nickname, baby."

Auron groaned lowly and rubbed his rock-hard cock against the chick's pussy. He thrust a hot, wet tongue into her ear. "You think you can handle this? Cum to papa, sweetheart."

"Oh god! You're so huge, stranger. I mean like really, completely, mind-blowingly huge! Fuck me, how am I gonna fit all of that in here?" Despite her protests, the woman was already pushing up her sorry excuse for a skirt and trying to ride him.

"Unn, so it's true, you did come straight out of Al's bed," Auron hissed as he felt her slick pussy wetting the front of his pants with her juices. "I don't take sloppy seconds, bitch."

"You're an asshole," the woman told him even while she unzipped his pants. "There's nothing sloppy about me, and I didn't just roll out of Al's bed."

Auron grabbed her by the hips and held her down. "Then why aren't you wearing any panties?" He dug the tip of his cock into her soaked pussy and swivelled his hips around to make his point.

"Ah! AH! I never wear underwear! Uhh, just do me already!"

Smirking, Auron thrust into her partway, stopping before he could hit her sweet spot. She was still hot and tight and fucking soaked around him, and he dug his fingers into her flesh, fighting to keep from taking her right then.

"So you're wet just for me, huh?"

"Well, that other hot guy who was in here before got me primed, but - UH!"

Auron sunk into her with a growl, slamming her against the bars of their cell. "I'll teach you to talk about other men when I'm fucking you. Do you feel this?" He hitched his hips against her and drove his cock back into her moist heat.

The needy moan he pumped out of her made him forget how pissed off he was. Repeating the thrust, he slammed his aching cock back into her and groaned as her pussy squeezed him tightly.

"Cumming already?" he snarled at the woman. She only wrapped her ankles around his waist and tried to stuff him in deeper.

"Ahn! Ahn! I love it - ahn! When you - uh, uhh uhh! - Talk dirty - AH!"

"Really, you slut?" Auron smirked as the woman cried out again and her pussy flooded. "You don't even know my name." He snapped his hips back and forth faster and faster, losing his own grip on control. He'd never met a chick so loose and tight all at the same time, and it made his cock want to burst. "But you can just call me Yevon instead."

Braska shut the book slowly. "What… did I just read?"

Auron, who was passing by, glanced at the Summoner. "As fitting as it is to see Jecht giggling like a schoolgirl into that book, why do you look as though your eyes want to bleed?"

"Hmm? Oh, it's nothing, Auron. Merely a meditation technique I am working on with Jecht. He… still requires more help, I fear."

"That was your plan? Get him to draw a few pictures before I'm moved to behead him? At least he'll leave a legacy behind."

Braska clucked his tongue at Auron. "Go, my friend. Take that good humor elsewhere, this is not a trivial matter."

Auron shrugged and left him alone, and Braska slowly reopened the book. "As poorly written as this may be, it does have potential," he murmured. Digging through his pack for a piece of charcoal, he carefully began to edit Jecht's story.
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Jecht Writes Friendfiction: 3 - Jailhouse Indiscretions [M]
!! This chapter contains Mature content ... Okay, calling it "mature" is a stretch. BUT IT'S GOT CONTENT !!

Summary said:
Braska thinks Jecht needs a new hobby, so he gives Jecht a sketchbook. Unfortunately, this does not quite work out as anyone planned.

3: Jailhouse Indiscritions
Auron slammed his fists against the bars of the cell, anger suffusing his face. "They dare to try detain me here? Someone shall pay for this," he swore. A small noise caused him to turn, facing the predicament he was trying so diligently to ignore.

"... are you going vent your fury against me?" the girl asked, looking up at him between the fringes of her golden hair.

Gritting his teeth, Auron carefully pushed his temper down and turned to face his newest and very much unwilling companion. "Much as I would like to, Al Bhed, I cannot lay the blame for this situation at your feet."

The girl's emerald eyes flashed dangerously at him, and Auron cursed to himself when he felt his blood heat. Clearly, she was of the Al Bhed people, his sworn enemy. Yet it was always the forbidden fruit that was the most delectable. Despite the tumultuous feelings churning within himself, he could not deny that those eyes were the crowning accent to a truly lovely face. Not even the desolation of Bevelle's barren prison cells could mask the girl's beauty.

Catching himself staring, Auron forced his gaze elsewhere. "You already know my name, Miss. I fear you find me at a disadvantage."

The girl chewed on her lower lip, unaware of the fetching picture she painted as she lay splayed against the floor. "I do not yet think I can trust you with my name," she said slowly. "But please, ser, don't hurt me. You strike me as a man of honor, and the guards already did enough damage as they brought me here."

Instantly, Auron was at her side, unable to mask his concern. "Damage? What sort of damage?" Anger boiled beneath his skin. "Did those beasts defile you?"

The girl gasped as his arms came around her. "N-no," she stuttered, "They didn't do… that, thank goodness. But they were overly rough when they… handled… me." She shuddered, and Auron drew her to his breast, his urge to protect the fragile creature before him overpowering his prejudice.

"We are not usually so cruel," he murmured to her soothingly. "I will find a way to release the us both from this nightmare, and shield you from such future injustice. The behavior of the guards is a disgrace to the very name of Yevon."

The girl blushed fetchingly in his arms. "Your chivalry is appreciated, but truly… I was hoping you wouldn't release me quite so soon." A shy smile of invitation followed her words. "Despite knowing what you are, I find your concern for me... alluring. Such power and sensitivity, so carefully hidden under that suit of armor…" Her fingers trailed down the folds of Auron's red overcoat, carefully drawing it aside. "What if I were to free it?"

Auron battled with himself for a moment, but the rising tide of desire swept away his reserve. "You would release a storm," he told her lowly. "But have you the courage to ride it?"

"I would do more than just that," the girl replied, pressing herself against him. "I would master it, and have it rage beneath me at my beck and call."

"Such confidence," Auron breathed. "We shall see if you are more than merely empty words."

"If you wish to discover the truth, then fill me with your desire," the girl demanded. Her nimble fingers made short work of his armours, divesting him of trousers with the full cleverness of the Al Bhed.

Auron gasped as they wrapped round the base of his hardened shaft, squeezing him in a tantalizing promise. His own desperate hands rucked up her skirt and tore at her smallclothes beneath, ripping them apart in his haste. "I shall have you suffer, tease," he murmured as his fingers sought her entrance, anointing themselves with the nectar that already dripped freely down her thigh.

The girl shuddered and squeezed him again, gently drawing his aching member into her body. He plumbed her throbbing depths eagerly, losing himself in the passion of their writhing bodies. Distantly, he heard the girl - no, woman, he corrected himself - cry out as her fingernails inscribed a pattern of desire against his skin. Her core pulsed against him, and Auron knew a moment of regret that they had not formally traded names; the mere thought the flower blooming beneath his ministrations gasping out in ecstasy brought him to completion.

"By Yevon," he groaned, spilling his seed into her.

When Jecht opened his book the next morning, his brow furrowed in confusion. "That ain't right," he mumbled, squinting at the neat rows of cramped handwriting covering the page. As he read through Braska's story, he let out a low whistle.

"Looks like somebody else is gettin' a hobby too! But what's with all this flowery shit? Please don't hurt me? Hah! I guess Braska ain't never seen Blondie mad! And what the hell's a hardened shaft? The man's got a cock, not a piece o' machina down there." Jecht grunted in disbelief. "That poor sob's gonna need all the help I can give him."

Shaking his head, Jecht closed the book and packed it away, already formulating new ideas for his next masterpiece.
72: Dawnbreak
72: Dawnbreak

Somehow, they made it out of the dome. It was mostly a blur to Rikku; her limbs felt sapped of strength from Yunalesca's attack. After the first few times she stumbled and nearly fell, Auron lifted her into his arms and carried her across the broken rubble. She felt ashamed of her weakness, but the thought of trying to activate her Garment Grid to loan herself some power filled her with nausea.

Even Braska was doing better than her, though Jecht was practically dragging the summoner behind him.

They all knew they couldn't keep fumbling their escape through Zanarkand; it'd been hard enough getting through the first time. Halfway through the dome, Auron diverted them towards an underpass to hide.

"This is too difficult," he told Jecht. "Neither of us can fight and carry them at the same time. We have to stop."

"I'm sorry," Braska said, leaning against the rubble. "I simply… need a moment to catch my breath."

The echo of phantom footsteps running through the dome punctuated by gunfire sent them into a tense silence; they all drew as far back into the shadows as they could.

"We can't stay," Auron said after the danger had passed. "Those Unsent soldiers appear and disappear just as randomly as the memories that play back over time. Between them, the fiends, and the machina, we'll be torn apart if we try to rest here."

"Wait," Rikku said, feeling ashamed. Some aeon you are. "Maybe I should try using my Grid." She placed her hand on her belt, but Auron pushed it away.

"You are in no shape to attempt that."

"But I feel so useless!" she protested. "And my costumes could really help us out here."

"No-" Auron began, shaking his head, but Braska stood up.

"She's right, Auron. We should use her powers." He moved to their side and kneeled, looking at Rikku. "Do you trust me?"

Suspicious. She eyed Braska warily. "Why're you asking?"

Braska held out a hand, his palm open. "Your belt. It helped us survive in Baaj."

He wasn't wrong. Braska had always been the one person capable of squeezing the most power out of her Garment Grid. Still, given his personality… "Don't you dare activate your own sphere," she warned him, fumbling with the clasp of her belt. The underlying thrum of magic energy the Grid provided vanished, releasing a tension inside that she hadn't known she'd been holding onto. She let out a breath of relief, slackening against Auron's chest.

Auron frowned with dismay, though he did help her remove the belt completely. "I'm sure this plan will go flawlessly," he deadpanned, handing it over to Braska. "It may be pointless to ask, but could you at least try to control yourself?"

"Whatever do you mean?" Braska looked pleased as he donned the Grid. He stilled for a moment, his eyes closing, then opened them again and flexed his palm, acclimating to the supplemental magic power.

"Whoa," Jecht said, shifting uneasily on his feet. Once again, his own hand mirrored Braska's motions. "Damn, B. That thing's got a lotta power. Even I can feel it."

"Yes. It's a strange experience every time," Braska mused. "Still, I believe it will be a great help to us. Thank you, Rikku." He stood up, stretching his arms over his head. "I feel stronger already." More noise echoed over the walkway above them, and he sobered. "We should proceed."

"You sure?" Jecht asked uneasily, still watching Braska like a mother hen. At Braska's confident nod, he sighed. "Auron, you ready?"

Rikku let out a squeak and wrapped her arms around Auron's neck as he hefted her into a princess carry. It was sweet… and also concerning, since it meant he wouldn't be fighting at all. He read some of the worry in her face and gave her a fleeting smile. "Trust me." It dropped away when he looked at Jecht and Braska. "And I trust you both, too."

Braska smiled and Jecht gave Auron a salute.

"So, lemmie go firs—B? Oi, B!" Braska brushed by Jecht, the smile on his face widening. He stepped out from the underpass, and light bloomed as he activated one of her dresspheres.

Jecht froze. "Uh-oh." He looked down; the pattern forming around Braska's feet was being mirrored under his own. His eyes widened. "Take it back! Take it back!" he yelled, dancing not-entirely-willingly after the summoner.

It was too late for that; Rikku covered her face and tried to stifle her laugh as Braska's Songstress incarnation took to the stage. His patent leather pants were indecently tight, and the bright crop-top shirt and leather jacket he was wearing over rode up as he snatched his microphone out of the air, exposing generous amounts of skin. "Everybody look at me! Me! I walk in the door, you start screaming!"

Auron's jaw was working; he looked annoyed and regretful all at the same time. "Subtlety—" he began.

"Is not happening," Rikku finished, still snorting. Floodlights exploded across the entirety of the former sphere pool and a sensuous beat sounded with each step he took. He flipped his head back, tracing a hand down his chest and abdomen seductively and gyrating his hips. Even better yet, Jecht was mirroring his motions with a dismayed look on his face, much like a backup dancer.

Auron dropped his head into her mop of hair with resignation, shielding his eyes from the bright light. "I knew I was going to regret this."

"Uh, guys?" Jecht called out as everything that moved and some things that shouldn't have turned in their direction. "If anythin' in didn't spot us before, they sure as hell have now!" He made a few pointed pelvic thrusts at their building audience.

Undeterred, Braska continued dancing towards the onrush of fiends scrabbling over the ruins to meet them. A few of the ancient machina made it first: a pair of YAT-97 cannons easily flew over the rubble. The dual barrels of their guns sparkled with energy, preparing to fire. Hopping behind them came their YKT-11 bodyguards. Rikku had less-than-affectionately dubbed the combination patrol 'The Rockettes' during Yuna's Pilgrimage.

"Maybe you should put me down and get out your sword," she said nervously, patting Auron's chest. "Those things kinda hurt when they kick you."

Braska sunk into a low crouch and swayed, pointing his finger and sweeping his arm out at all four of the machina rushing towards him. "Come on, everybody, what you here for? Move your body around like a nympho!" As he pointed, tendrils of his magic snaked out and wormed their way through each of the machina. They stalled, shaking in place. Then they slowly spread out to form a perimeter around the group.

"Oh?" Jecht sidled his way to the front. Even though he was still dancing, he managed to pull out the Fang. "Oh!" he repeated, catching on with a grin, his sway turning into something more like a battle crouch.

"Everybody get your necks to crack around! All you crazy people, come on, jump around," Braska sang, flicking his fingers at the machina cannons. There were a few deceptively soft pops, and then the dome filled with the roar of gunfire as the cannons laid into the Unsent monks and fiends trying to approach. Jecht began his own dance, weirdly in sync with Braska's, taking care of what made it through the defensive line with his sword. They started inching forward, one melodic step at a time.

"I can't believe this is actually working," Auron said, keeping well out of Braska's way as he followed after the entourage.

"He's a lot better at using the Grid than I am," Rikku explained, watching as the magic took hold of another approaching floating cannon, forcing it into their machina vanguard. "Uh-oh," she said as the Defender that had been chasing them earlier lumbered into view.

Unphased, Braska continued singing, though he stopped moving forward. Instead, he swept his hand out at the huge machina. "I wanna see you all on your knees, knees," he demanded, his finger pointing towards the ground.

Metal screeched and groaned in protest. The Defender, struggling, fell to one knee.

"You either wanna be with me, or be me." Braska snapped his finger, and the magic encased the huge machina completely. It lumbered to its feet, then charged into the Black Element that was fast approaching them, smashing it out of the air with a huge fist.

"Come on, now!" Jecht cheered when they started moving again, this time more speedily with the Defender clearing the path for them. As they made their way towards the exit of the dome, though, Rikku's giggles died out; Braska was still singing, and she heard every word he was saying.

"Dream Eater, make you work hard, make you spend hard, make you want all of her love! She's a Dream Eater, make you see stars, make you fall hard, wish you never met her at all…"

Even at the quick pace they were traveling, she felt Auron stiffen. "He still wants you that much," he said lowly. "Do I even have the right to be angry at him?"

"You doin' anything to keep her by your side, because she said love you, love you long time," Braska sang.

Auron grimaced and Rikku hid her face against his chest, embarrassed. She wasn't able to answer his question, either. "Maybe we can decide how we want to feel about that after we've dealt with Sin." She pressed her fingers into Auron's neck. "Together."

They made it out of the dome in one piece; Braska left his subjugated machina inside to continue dealing with the remaining fiends and undead. They hurried down the broken highway, finally stopping near some ruins that provided enough cover to hide from the wandering fiends on the streets.

Panting, Braska released his hold on the dressphere. He fell over almost immediately, the excess energy provided by Lenne's spirit leaving him as quickly as his costume did.

"Well," he said, rolling onto his back. "We made it."

Jecht plopped down next to him, arms crossed. "Damn it, B! A superstar like me ain't supposed to be playin' second fiddle!" He shifted over to help Auron settle her on the ground.

"Don't worry, you still had some nice moves." Rikku patted Jecht's arm soothingly. "I thought you were the best out of all his backup dancers!"

Jecht grunted sullenly. "I was the only one with all my arms an' legs."

Auron joined them, rolling his shoulders and wincing before he sat. "Enough banter. We have more pressing problems to deal with. Should we rest here or continue out of the city?" He eyed Braska, who was still lolling over the ground in a wide sprawl.

Rikku dropped her chin onto her knees, drawing herself into a ball. "It's not that much safer out here than in the Dome. Less dead people, but a lot more fiends. And they're bigger, too! I don't think we should stick around." Privately, she dreaded the thought of airing her precious memories in the pyrefly-laden city more than any chance meeting with a wandering fiend, but they didn't need to know that.

Auron prodded Braska in the side with the toe of his boot. "Can you move?"

"I would prefer not to," Braska groaned, though he did pull himself upright. "But I think I will manage, so long as we keep a sedate pace."

They took a moment to rest and drink before rousing for another journey. Auron moved to pick her up again, but Rikku pushed him away. "No," she said, taking his hand instead and standing. She swayed for a moment before finding her balance. "I want to walk out of here on my own two feet."

Auron regarded her for a moment. "Then Jecht and I will lead and clear the path." He looked at their joined hands and sighed. "And Braska will protect you."

"Hey! I'm supposed to be the Guardian here!" she protested, but he gently pulled her forward and released her hand into the crook of Braska's elbow, who seemed just as surprised as she was.

"Auron? With the black magic in this belt, I could be Jecht's support instead."

"Hnn," Auron snorted, drawing his sword. "You'll both be moving too slowly regardless. This is more efficient." He looked at Rikku again. "Be safe," he murmured, the back of his hand brushing against her cheek. Don't leave me, he didn't say, but she heard it anyway.

"You too," she whispered back.

They set out slowly, Auron and Jecht soon pulling far ahead on the highway. From time to time, she'd see bursts of pyreflies indicating their battles; if not for the irregular light shows, though, it might have simply been a peaceful stroll through the ruins, linked arm in arm with Braska.

"Would you like to talk about it?" Braska said carefully after some time.

Rikku bit her lip. She thought of how he'd kept his unflappable cool when Yunalesca dropped her bomb.

'You didn't tell her?' Yunalesca had said.

"Did you know?"

Braska sighed, dropping his head. His other hand came up to cover hers. "I've always known there was something different about you and Jecht, from the first moment we met in Bevelle's dungeons. But no, I wouldn't have been able to name why specifically. It was more… of a feeling. A Summoner's sensitivity, perhaps. I don't know." His fingers tightened on hers. "I am sorry. Perhaps I should have shared that with you. It might have softened the blow."

She giggled. "I don't think there's any softening that kind of blow, Braska." Her smiled faded as they continued to walk slowly; the sun was rising, bathing Zanarkand in the soft pink of muted dawn light, fractured by the sea of pyreflies still moving sluggishly overhead. "I'm sure I was real at some point, though. My future definitely is. But… what happened to me? Who sent me here? And…" She fell quiet as a faint image of a younger Yuna on Pilgrimage appeared by the side of the road, her hands folded in front of her. "… can I ever go back?"

"Did you still want to?" Braska asked, stopping to watch his daughter.

"I don't know. I guess it doesn't matter anymore, right?"

"I've found that what I want always matters." Braska brushed his fingertips over her knuckles and then let his hand drop away.

Yuna's image faded, and they resumed their walk down the broken highway. "So," she said carefully. "Do you really wish you'd never met me at all?"

His answer came without any hesitation. "In some ways." He laughed when she tripped, catching her before she could fall. "I owe you absolute honesty, at the least. My life… all of our lives, actually, would have been much simpler had you not intruded upon them." He sighed. "But would we have even made it this far without your help?" He shrugged. "Besides. In a life filled with regrets, what's one more?"

"So I'm Auron's suffering and your regret. You guys sure know how to make a girl feel special," Rikku muttered.

He laughed at her. "You could still choose to be my lover instead of my regret."

Rikku tripped again, and he laughed even more as he caught her. His fingers lingered at her side before he set her on her feet and released her. "I can settle for making you tongue-tied instead," he relented.

"Well, how about you then?" she asked when she recovered her dignity. "Do you still wanna die?"

"Strangely enough, not anymore. I believed I was ready… but then you showed me Yuna." He grew pensive. "You showed me what I'd given up in this mad quest for revenge and self-fulfillment. But… I don't want to hope anymore, Rikku. I don't recover well from my disappointment when those hopes are dashed." He looked at her, his blue eyes bright. "If your way could work… if there's a chance that I could be with Yuna, to watch her grow into that young woman… I would take it, and not look back."

"You think my plan might not work?"

"If there's one thing I've learned over the course of this Pilgrimage, it's that plans rarely do. But I want you to know that if your way fails… if I need to sacrifice my life in order to see your ideal future become a reality… I would do so without hesitation. It would not be your, nor Auron's, nor anyone's fault. Nor would it be because of my regrets. I fight in my own way, even if it's not as Jecht and Auron can. Everything I do will always be my own choice, and by my own will."

He stopped walking and drew her in, leaning down to kiss the top of her head. "So don't put such pressure on yourself to save us all." He drew back and locked eyes with her. "You're not the weaver of my fate, no matter what knowledge you think you hold about the future. To me, you're just a person trying to do your best. As we all are."

"Thanks," she mumbled, grabbing back onto his arm and settling into a comfortable silence as they continued down the road.


They scaled the path from Zanarkand back up to Mount Gagazet's peak; entering the caverns inside was much easier without Yunalesca's twisted fiend to hinder the journey. By the time they exited the dripping caverns of stagnant water to exit to the Fayth Scar, Rikku had mostly regained control over her body.

Jecht loitered by the Scar when they passed it, his faced pinched. He searched the twisting sea of frozen flesh, as if he was looking for something – or maybe someone.

"… Do you need some time?" Braska asked Jecht.

"Huh. Yeah, go on," Jecht said distractedly, crossing his arms. "I'll catch up at the springs." He noticed Rikku staring and waved her off. "Yeah, yeah, don't touch it. Don't worry, I won't."

"Let's go," Auron said, guiding her towards the passage they'd melted through the mountain the day before. It had already shrunk by half from the cold winds and whipping snow, and he frowned. "We'll need to widen this again so we can pass through safely."

"Stand back," Braska told them both, raising his hand. Auron backed away a few paces, and Braska looked over his shoulder, then raised an eyebrow at Rikku.

"Oh boy," she said, grabbing a confused Auron and pushing him even further back, putting the bend of the mountainside between themselves and Braska.

"Why?" he asked as she covered her ears.

The answering blast of Braska's super-powered firaga shook the ground. When they emerged, Braska was wiping soot off of his face, the rock was smoking, and the slim crack had widened enough to become a large passage that let the light flood into the darkened cavern of the hot springs.

"That's why," she told Auron. "Are you still in one piece?" she called out to Braska.

"I will need to make use of those springs," he coughed, spitting out some soot.

"Well, at least there's no danger of Jecht be trapped outside," Auron said, waving away the smoke to pass into the cavern first. After a moment, he emerged again. "Still no fiends. It's safe enough for now."

Together, they descended towards the steaming springs. Rikku relaxed as the air grew warmer and humid, easing the mountain's chill from her bones. She started stripping down to her undergarments as soon as she was in reach of the hot spring and waded in, moaning in relief as the water heated away the last of the soreness in her body from Yunalesca's attack in the Dome.

There was a crash, and she looked over her shoulder to see Braska picking himself up from where he'd been trying to place a glowing sphere along the rocky shelf. He dusted off the fallen sphere, placed it with exaggerated care, and then smiled at her, studiously keeping his eyes from dropping to her chest.

Oh, right. She dropped back into the water in a crouch. Cruud.

"Apologies," he managed to say. The smile he couldn't keep from lifting the corners of his lips was saying something else, though: Tease.

She shifted her gaze to Auron, who was rubbing his temples. He caught her eye and crossed his arms, grimacing. He was saying something entirely different: Why did you do that?

Pouting, she crossed one hand over her chest and raised the other, pinching her fingers together and releasing them in frustration. I forgot, alright? I can't help it if Yevonites were raised to be allergic to skin!

Auron scowled and swept his arm out towards Braska. Yevonite prudity? Please. You know exactly how he is.

Braska, for his part, finished placing another sphere on the rock shelf to provide some light, then cleared his throat delicately. "This intense conversation you two are having with your eyes might be more productive if you used your mouths instead." Then he waggled his eyebrows at Auron. Besides, I already saw.

"Arg," Rikku said, pulling on her goggles. "I'll deal with both of you later." Ignoring the two men completely, she flipped over and dove underwater, making full use of her Al Bhed lung capacity. She focused on taking slow, purposeful strokes, working out the kinks in her joints and making sure she could move freely again in the safety of the water's warm embrace.

She turned when she reached the bottom of the pool and let herself sink, watching what little light that shone through from the outside waver and fade into an indistinct speck.

I'm a dream of the Fayth?

Her fingers probed her abdomen, trying to see anything felt different, maybe more intangible. The solid resistance of skin still stopped her fingertips, as she expected. She let the current pull her hands away from her body. Then, clasping her fingers together, she gathered her courage and repeated her monster mantra.

Pyreflies, pyreflies, pyreflies. Only pyreflies!

She struck herself in the chest, trying to delve deeper as she searched her own memories: deeply rooted ones from Yuna's first Pilgrimage; her sticky adolescent years with Gippal; even as far back as her own childhood with Cid, Brother, and Keyakku, when her family was still happy together.

Rather than feeling her hand pass cleanly through and latch onto something solid, she knocked the air out of her own chest with the force of the self-inflicted blow. Choking, she managed to avoid gulping in the sulphurous water by force of will more than anything else and shot up to the surface, her lungs screaming for air. She broke the water violently, tossing her head back with a loud gasp that devolved into hacking coughs as her hands slapped the surface.

"Rikku!" Auron sounded panicked; his sword was already in his hand and he'd waded into the springs to his thighs fully clothed. His eyes scanned the water intently for fiends.

"N-no," she coughed, holding out a hand and pounding her chest. "It's fine! I did this to myself!" After a few more coughs, she ripped off her goggles and winced, looking down. "That's gonna leave a bruise."

He waded through the water and stared, finally lifting a hand and placing it on the reddened patch in the center of her sternum. A Cure sparked to life, easing away the mark, but his hand stayed put, resting heavily against her chest. "Why did you hurt yourself?" he asked quietly.

She scratched her cheek and looked away, putting her hands on her hips. "I was just… testing something out."

He leaned over and took his red coat off, draping it over her shoulders and tugging it closed. "You're not any more an aeon than Jecht is," he told her as he carefully worked long strands of her soaked hair free of the collar. "Don't doubt who you are. Just continue to be yourself."

She traced the lazy whorls of steam rising from the surface of the pool with her hands and listened to the lap of water against stone. "… I always said stuff like that to Jecht, too." Her fingers clutched at a few ephemeral tendrils rising from the water. "It's not as easy as it sounds, though."

Auron pulled her in under one arm and walked her out of the water. Braska was watching them with tense concern; he only put his staff aside after reading Auron's reaction. "Are you alright?" he asked her.

"Solid enough," Rikku answered with a tired wave.

Braska nodded, not pressing the issue. He took in Auron's soaked pants and sighed. "You'd best remove your clothes and let them dry." Then he dropped his head and laughed, a low, genuine sound. "To think, it only took an entire Pilgrimage to get the both of you pantless before me."

Auron groaned as he sat down and pulled off his boots, and for the first time she noticed that he was sitting closer to Braska than usual; that hadn't happened since he'd become aware of Braska's attraction to her.

"Oh, umm… did I interrupt something?" she asked suspiciously.

"We were simply talking," Braska answered lightly. Which of course meant that they'd been talking about something serious. Well, considering that Auron didn't look like he wanted to decorate the cavern with Braska's internal organs, it probably wasn't about her.

She also noticed the slight look of embarrassment on Auron's face as he dug through his belongings for a spare set of clothing.

"Oooh," she said, comprehension dawning. They must've been talking about Braska's feelings for Auron. She felt herself grinning; it was nice to be the observer for once, instead of one of the parties under scrutiny. Then, just because Braska had exercised such exquisite subtlety inside of the Dome, she decided to copy him. "So, umm, should I get back in the water so I won't be the third wheel?"

"No!" Auron shouted, fumbling to pull a new set of pants on too quickly. "That is… " He took a look at her, then covered his face with one hand. It didn't help; she could still see his ear turning red. "Put on some clothes, Rikku."

"Mm-hmm," she said, meeting Braska's amused glance and bursting into giggles. It was just too much fun making Auron, usually so tight-lipped, embarrassed. "Don't worry so much! I don't think Braska's going to jump your bones."

Auron sat down stiffly between the two of them, shoving Rikku's traveling outfit into her arms. "I don't know where you get that confidence from. I've known him for far longer than you have. Now put your clothes on, please."

Braska shrugged innocently and turned away towards the water to grant them some privacy.

After squeezing into her clothes, Rikku settled down on the sandy floor and leaned into Auron's side. "So… I'm having an existential crisis, you're processing Braska's crush on you, and Jecht's communing with his son outside. I'm kind of thinking facing down Sin will be a walk in the park after this."

Braska hummed, twisting back around to face them. "Do you know anything about that summoning outside?" he asked.

Some of the weight crept back onto her shoulders as she shook her head. "Just that we call it the Scar in my time." Because it's a wound that had finally closed. "It's been there since the beginning, a thousand years ago. I think it's better if we just leave it alone."

"I see. " Braska nodded, sensing the way she closed off that avenue of conversation. He didn't relent, though, instead, trading a glance with Auron. "And did you find what you were looking for down there?" he asked, gesturing at the water.

She opened and closed her hands, glad that they were empty; that her memories were all still inside. "Not really… but maybe that's a good thing." She pursed her lips. "And well… not that we're in enough of a triangle already, but what about this thing between you and Jecht? He feels everything you do now or what?"

Braska sighed, his hand coming to his chest again. She imagined Jecht, somewhere outside, copying him.

"Not quite. I can feel his presence in me. As if I am holding on to the thread of his life, and if I were to tug it, I could snuff it out. It's less an emotional connection and more like a burden I've chosen to carry. He feels my pain, and I… I feel the weight of his existence." He looked unhappy. "It's not an equivalent exchange. I wonder if it would have been if I and Jecht had felt for each other the way I do about either of you." Then he shook his head. "But honestly, I am a little relieved that I will never find out."

"Are you sure Jecht is fine with this new reality?" Auron asked, worried. "He placed much importance on his freedom before."

Braska frowned. "It's strange, but it's almost as if Jecht wasn't just willing, but eager for this to happen. He seemed to be enthusiastic about it." He sighed. "Even with this bond, I still can't tell what he's thinking."

He's thinking he's gonna grow a pair of wings or a dolphin tail or something and swim all the way up to Dream Zanarkand by himself, Rikku thought privately. At least this one was Jecht's secret to tell, rather than hers. Then she thought of him, sitting outside, still trying to find some sort of connection with his son after learning that maybe Braska didn't need to turn him into anything after all.

"Maybe I should go get him," she said suddenly, jumping to her feet.

"Did you think of something?" Auron asked, but she waved him off.

"No, I just think he should be here with us. We're like a weird little family now, right?" Springing to her feet, she grabbed her weapon and hooked it around her hand. "I'll be back in a sec!"

"Be careful!" Auron yelled after her as she scrambled up the rocks and back out the exit.

She found Jecht seated cross-legged in front of the Fayth Scar, still staring at the sea of people who'd once made up the summoning population of Zanarkand. "Hey," she said, settling down by his side. "What's up? Everyone's getting worried about you inside."

Jecht shook his head wearily. "Naw, it's nothin'. Ya just blocked my play, is all."

"Turning into a monster that can't talk isn't much of a play," she replied. "Don't you think Tidus would like you better this way?"

Jecht sighed and ran a hand through his hair, scrubbing at his head in frustration. "I just… I want to get my boy, Rikku. I want 'im to be real. I bet everythin' on this an' now you say it ain't happenin'."

Rikku curled herself into another tight ball, squeezing her arms around her legs in a self-hug. "You're not mad at me, are you?"

"Hah," Jecht said, cuffing her on the shoulder. "No, I ain't mad. You been through enough today. 'Sides, you're doin' this to save Braska. Can't argue with that." He looked back at the wall longingly. "There's gotta be a way," he muttered, more to himself than her.

"You can think of it someplace where the fiends won't get you. Come inside," she coaxed, reaching out to poke him with a finger in the cheek. "C'mon, turn that frown upside-down!"

"Yeah, yeah," he said, rolling to his feet and cracking his neck. "'Sides, I was takin' my time 'cause I thought you an' Auron might be goin' at it like chocobos again." He smirked at her.

"Wha— no way!" She shot to her feet, face burning. "Braska's down there too you know!"

"Uh-huh," Jecht said, sounding smug. "Like that's ever stopped you before." He stopped as they rounded the bend and approached the crevice to the springs, tensing. "Uh, hey. Don't, uh," he started, sounding uncharacteristically uncertain of himself. "Don't go an' tell 'em what I'd been plannin'. I can't throw Braska under the bus just to try an' get my boy now. 'Sides, I think it'll make B feel bad 'bout the whole thing if he knows why I did it."

"My lips are zipped," Rikku said, her shoulders slumping just a little more as Jecht proved her wrong, once again.

A/N: This chapter is specifically for TifaValentine99, who was hoping to see one of the boys in a dressphere again someday. Don't say I didn't ever do nothin' for you, my friends. ;-) The lyrics in this chapter are derived from Nelly Furtado's "Maneater."

"Cruud" means "Shoot."
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Next chapter possibly subject to more edits. I feel like it's a bit short but there's no way it fits with the next couple of chapters either, and well. I don't feel like making 10k chapters anymore. Enjoy your super early release!
73: Always
73: Always

Rikku leaned back against her pack, watching the sky lighten through the cleft above. The passage Braska had blasted open was beginning to show signs of frosting over. After a day and a night spent relaxing by the hot springs, she knew their break was coming to an inevitable end.

The light crept in like a thief, slowly unveiling the rough texture of the high rocky walls. Faint echoes of the Fayth Scar could be seen near the ceiling, the power of Yu Yevon's summoning warping the stone even this far into the mountainside.

She lifted her hand above her face and parted her fingers, breaking the soft stream of sunlight into flickering shadows. She focused on the darkness of the back of her hand. Still as solid as ever.

Her head turned slightly to look over the boys through the gap of her fingers, still poised before her face. Jecht was sleeping on his side; he was curled around his pack like it was a stuffed animal. Or his son, Rikku amended. With his features slack and unguarded, he looked vulnerable and lonely. He'd always been honest about missing his family, but had never forced his troubles upon anyone else, choosing to keep them as private as her own memories. She brought her fingers together, blocking him from her sight.

I'm sorry.

Her gaze shifted to Braska, also still sleeping peacefully. She made a circle with her thumb and forefinger, framing his face. He'd removed his headdress, and his short brown hair was strewn around him like a cloud. His breathing was deep and even; it was the most relaxed she'd seen him in a while, in fact. It was as if meeting Yunalesca and ending the Pilgrimage had relieved him of the great burden he'd always carried inside. She was certain that relief was at least in part due to being able to tell Auron the truth, after so many years. Seeing Yuna as a grown woman, though, had also seemed to settle him; as if he'd finally realized, only now, that he still had someone to live for.

She twisted around, looking for Auron. Always an early riser, he was sitting with his back against a rock, watching her. Opening her palm, she held him in her hand. Can I keep him? Really?

He reached over his shoulder, grasping the tassel with the phoenix down she'd tied to his coat so long ago. Raising it to his lips, he kissed it. Then his eyes opened slowly and met hers.

I will always love you, the way you have always loved me.

How much of that intense devotion would survive into the future? Her memories of Auron from her youth had been revisited so many times in her mind, over and over again, that they'd lost their sharp edges and turned cloudy, like sea glass. Had he ever looked at her like that during Yuna's Pilgrimage? Like she was his sunrise? She'd always thought it was with barely contained irritation. She wondered now how much he'd learned about hiding his feelings from Braska. Her fingers closed around him, trapping him in her fist.

Finally, she dropped her hand and allowed the first rays of light to spill over her face, wondering if that Auron was even real anymore. To an unknown future, she thought, rolling to her feet.


When they reached the base of Mount Gagazet, Braska didn't detour them around the Ronso village as he had when they'd stumbled across Kimahri losing his horn. Of course Kimahri was nowhere to be seen this time, but fortunately neither were Biran and Yenke. Instead, they were greeted by the rest of the sparse Ronso population that lived there, led by a very familiar figure.

"Gagazet greets Summoner Braska and his Guardians."

"Kelda? I thought the Fangs were still in Luca!"

"'ey!" Jecht called out to the Ronso blitzer, waving smugly. "How d'ya like the taste o' victory, huh? You're welcome!"

Kelda, now dressed in traditional Ronso garb rather than her swimming gear, crossed her arms, her tail twitching in irritation. "Malik stay in Luca. Kelda return home. Guard mountain from trespass by infidels." She bared her teeth in a snarl, staring fiercely at Rikku and Jecht.

Auron's face darkened and he put a hand on the hilt of his sword.

Diplomatically, Braska cleared his throat. "Ah, but surely you must know that we came here on Yevon's most holy mission."

Kelda's tail lashed a few more times, her posture still tense, her eyes now trained on Auron. "Ronso protect Sacred Mountain for many generations." Finally, she bowed her head to Braska, relenting almost unwillingly. "Summoner Braska speak truth. Ronso observe Summoner Sign appearing over summit two days ago."

Rikku frowned. Summoner Sign? She thought about the lightshow the Sanctuary Keeper had provided with its photon wings when they battled it. "Uh, well," she mumbled, swaying thoughtfully. "We did pass by there two days ago."

Kelda bowed even more deeply, and the rest of the gathered Ronso followed her lead. "Then Lord Braska is High Summoner now?"

"Indeed," Braska answered, returning the bow respectfully.

Raising her head, Kelda's gaze shone with a new admiration that was reflected in her changed tone as she addressed them. "Ronso honor High Summoner. Feast tonight! You join with other guest."

"Other guest?" Auron probed, his eyes darting around the Spartan Ronso settlement.

"Yes. Old historian. Teach Ronso youth way of Yevon." Kelda didn't seem particularly impressed with the effort; then again, she'd always been prickly to change. At least Braska's success ascending the mountain had brought with them a measure of respect she hadn't displayed in Luca.

"Don't tell me…" Auron's eyes narrowed, picking out the familiar sight of a pointy hat rising barely above the throng of Ronso youth surrounding it. "It's Maechen," he said, an edge to his voice.

"So he really did make it." Braska followed Auron's gaze. "Let it be, Auron," he coaxed in an unusual bout of charity. "He seems harmless enough."

Kelda's tail twitched again; she seemed to disagree about Maechen's cultural invasion being harmless. Still. Ronso deal with Ronso problems, Rikku reminded herself. It'd taken this long to get on Kelda's good side; she wasn't eager to spoil it by picking a fight over a dead guy.

"We will gladly take you up on that offer," Braska answered Kelda. "Though I'm afraid we cannot stay long. We must reach the Calm Lands soon."

As he began the ritual formalities necessary to ensure their stay was a comfortable one, Rikku broke off and drifted closer to Maechen, curious to see him again. From the way he was droning on in the center of the crowd, Rikku could already tell the old man was well in the Zone.

"There is a legend, you know…" his thin voice quailed over the heads of the very tall children.

Jecht stopped next to her, crossing his arms and watching. "So we're just gonna let that guy be, even though he's… you know."

"I don't think he remembers that he is." Rikku shrugged. "He keeps on going just to spread Spira's true history around for the rest of us. Maybe that's not such a bad thing. It's not like he's repeating the Church's propaganda if it's the truth."

"Huh," Jecht said, sounding unconvinced.

"When the armies of Bevelle attacked Mount Gagazet, they heard a song echoing across the snowy slopes," Maechen droned on. At least the Ronso seemed captivated by his story; being as reticent as they were made them unusually good listeners.

"So… those were your people?" Jecht muttered, unwilling to admit that he was listening just as much as the children were. "Them Bedohls came here first an' started this whole war thing?"

"Yeah," Rikku sighed. "Our proud Al Bhed history, I guess."

"'Tis a song from an Otherworld,' they said," Maechen continued.

Jecht frowned. "An Otherworld…?"

Rikku stopped swaying. "Hey," she said, tugging on his arm. "We've listened to that old man enough for now. We're still Guardians, right? Let's catch up with Auron and Braska."

"Yeah," Jecht said distractedly, still looking at Maechen as she dragged him away. "Yeah, you're probably right." He was uncharacteristically silent for the rest of the evening, though.

The Summoner's Feast was held in the largest cavern in the village; it was nothing like the southern islanders' celebrations that they'd experienced in Kilika. Instead, it consisted of a lot of solemn drum pounding and obscure Ronso yodeling as they were served platters of dripping, barely-cooked meat while kneeling before a flat stone outcropping that doubled as a table. Admittedly, though, it was better than the rations they'd been subsisting on since traveling to Zanarkand. Even Braska dug in with just as much gusto as the Ronso themselves, heedless of the bloodiness of their repast.

They spent a comfortable night in another one of the Ronso cavern-dwellings that had been carved into the mountainside, ensconced in piles of furs that were as equally warm as they were pungent.

"Who said we're gonna need to lure Sin anywhere?" Jecht grumbled, tossing and turning in his makeshift bedsheets. "That thing'll find us by our stench."

"You should relax and accept the Ronso hospitality," Braska chided as he settled down into his own bed. "What we find as exceptionally odorous is how the Ronso people identify and accept members of their own clan. There's a saying amongst the people here that one should only trust what one can smell." He took a deep breath to illustrate his point. "Being invited to stay here like this, to mingle the scent of our own bodies with that of their people, is one of their highest honors we could be granted and exceedingly rare."

"In other words, don't complain in front of them or I'll make you regret it," Auron grumbled from his own pile of fur. "Now go to sleep before I knock you out myself."

"Huh," Jecht said again, this time more thoughtfully as he lowered his nose to the furs and took another sniff. Then he made a face and flopped back with a groan. "I get it, I get it. I'll be good," he mumbled, though he still threw an arm up under his nose.


They left early in the morning, seen off by nearly the entire Ronso population. Privately, Rikku was thankful that there was no sign of Maechen; he seemed to have doddled off somewhere during the night and was probably halfway across the Calm Lands by now.

Which… was their next and final destination. She shivered. "Are we sure we don't want to stay here just one more day?" she whispered under her breath as they marched down the mountainside, the watchful gaze the Ronso prickling against her back.

"If we delay, we will lose their respect," Auron murmured back to her. "They show Braska such deference because he embodies the promise of Sin's defeat. If he shows any sign of running or delaying, it will be taken as cowardice and weakness, and all of that hospitality will evaporate."

Rikku gulped. "Wow… you know a lot about the Ronso, don't you!"

"Braska was the first missionary to finally convert the Ronso to the worship of Yevon. Much like the Al Bhed, not all of them were appreciative of his efforts."

Rikku thought of Kelda, nodding slowly.

"But they honor their decision, as long as the Summoners honor their pact. In that regard, nothing has really changed for hundreds of years. The Ronso wish for the Calm just as much as anyone else. Traditionally, their ownership of Mount Gagazet has never been within the purview of Church of Yevon anyway, and there are some among their kind who still see it that way."

"… Aren't we kind of cheating them, then? I mean, we're not actually planning on beating Sin this time, right?"

Auron put his hand against the small of her back and pushed her forward. "All the more reason to leave quickly," he agreed.

All too soon they'd crossed the canyon gorge and stood before the great Steppe, winds rushing down from the mountainside and making the tall grass that extended before them twist and bow in greeting, lit by the mid-morning light.

"We're… finally here," Rikku said, falling to a crouch, her stomach doing flip-flops. Even knowing that Braska wasn't about to summon one of the Final Aeons and cause Sin to appear right then and there, she still felt herself tensing in anticipation and dread. "This is our last stop."

Braska nodded, his face placid. "Our journey together ends here, one way or the other." Then he turned his back to the Calm Lands and faced them. "I want each of you to know—"

"No goodbyes!" Auron cut him off brusquely, his face fierce. "We will not say goodbye here! It's not over yet!"

Braska laughed. "All things come to an end eventually, Auron. Whether we succeed, and bring a temporary Calm to Spira… or fail, and die ignobly trying… it's over, now." His smile was relieved. "It's finally over."

Auron hung his head, trembling.

"Jecht," Braska said, performing his deepest bow to the other man. "You are a man of extraordinary talents. A superstar indeed," he said fondly. "I admit I had thought you a braggart at the start, but traveling with you has shown me the truth. That touch of greatness in your soul—"

Jecht twitched at that, rubbing the back of his neck.

"— comes not from your status or your capabilities as a Blitzball player, nor the growth you've shown as a Guardian. You are special because your heart is pure. Somehow, unlike the rest of the world around you, you retain your child-like innocence, seeing things as they are, and unafraid to question and challenge others when they are not as they should be."

"C'mon, B, you don't gotta say all that," Jecht muttered, clearly uncomfortable with the sort of praise Braska was doling out. "I ain't any more special than the rest o' ya."

"I know you don't see it that way," Braska said, throwing his arms around the bigger man. "And that's exactly why you are. Thank you for everything, my dear friend. I will do everything in my power to keep you safe."

"Yeah, yeah," Jecht mumbled, returning the hug. After a moment, he shoved Braska away and turned around, rubbing at his eyes. "Go bother somebody else, B. Got somethin' in my eye here."

Braska walked before Auron next.

Auron kept his head bowed, his eyes on the ground, fists clenched. "I said no goodbyes," he muttered angrily. Then he looked up, his eyes bright. "You are not going to die."

Braska reached up and locked his hands behind Auron's head, bumping their foreheads together. "You are the best friend I have ever had in my entire life," he said, closing his eyes. "You alone have always treated me with utter and complete honesty, even at my lowest. You were with me even before I met Raenn, and you have stayed by my side every moment since then. You took it upon yourself to care for Yuna when I was too selfish to do it myself. And you persistently ascribed to me more greatness than I ever truly possessed. I am the man I am today because you pushed me to be better, Auron. You. Always, with your unyielding expectations and belief in me. I… I can't tell you just how much I still cherish that. I don't know what I might have become had you not been by my side all this time."

"Braska…" Auron's voice was tortured, and Braska finally dropped his hands and stepped back.

"I want you to stop feeling guilty. Stop blaming yourself," Braska said, forcing Auron to meet his gaze. "You can't change your nature any more than I can change mine. That's also why I loved you, and still in many ways do. Take pride in what we will achieve here, because all of my accomplishments are also your own. Stop serving others and pursue your own happiness when this is over. Be as selfish as I am, for once. That is what I wish for you the most."

They stood there for a few more moments, a decade's bond stretching between them, before Auron nodded mutely, and Braska relaxed.

"Thank you, Auron."

Finally, he turned and walked slowly towards her. Rikku sprung to her feet, nearly losing her balance. "Umm," she said when he stopped before her, her heart pounding.

"Auron," Braska said, eying her. "Turn around."

"Hnn," Auron grunted, though he actually did turn his back to them, folding his arms together and glaring up at the mountains.

Braska grinned. "Love might be blind, but at least friendship tries not to notice." He grabbed both of Rikku's hands, lifting them to his lips and kissed her knuckles softly. "Rikku. I've been in love many times. My life has taught me that there's no such thing as an eternal love."

Rikku looked at their joined hands; her fingers were clutched tightly around Braska's own, as if she could keep him from slipping away from them with her grasp.

"Still… I want to love you forever," he murmured, also watching their joined hands and returning her grip just as fiercely.

Rikku gasped; it came out as a sob.

Braska pulled her in to a tight embrace, cradling her in his arms. "Shh. Perhaps this won't be goodbye. And you will always have Auron's love, to buffer you from whatever this life throws at you." He pulled back and cupped her chin, his eyes tender. One thumb brushed away a tear.

"But I can't help but be pleased that you're sad," he whispered softly, his thumb continuing to trace over her cheek in soft sweeps. "Purge me from your heart with those tears. It's only after you've pulled up the tangled and twisted vines that I've left behind that Auron's love can seed and grow there fully. It'll be better that way. He is better."

"B-but I love you, too," Rikku whispered, grabbing his hand and leaning into his touch. "What if you die?"

Braska smiled, then leaned down and kissed her. A real kiss this time; not the chaste, cautious thing he'd bestowed on her in Zanarkand. This time he pressed his lips against hers yearningly, as if he was trying to leave a part of himself within her. She acquiesced, and he parted her lips and drew her closer, his arms clutching around her sides as tightly as he'd gripped her fingers while hers rose to cup his back.

After what seemed to be an endless moment, he finally drew back, breathing deeply, and rested his cheek against hers. She felt the soft puffs of his breath, gradually slowing as he regained control of himself. Then, carefully, he moved his hands to her arms and pushed her away.

"How lucky I am," he murmured, searching her face, "to find it so difficult to say goodbye."

He stepped away, keeping ahold of one of her hands until both of their arms were fully outstretched before he finally let her go. Then he raised his voice, calling out to Jecht and Auron to follow as he continued his way down into the plains.

"It's time. Shall we, then?"


"Love is blind, friendship tries not to notice" is a quote from Otto von Bismarck.
A lot of what Braska tells everybody else is just straight up inspired by the passionate love poetry of RUMI as well; definitely worth checking out if you're a romantic.

There's also some Winnie the Pooh sentimentality in there, haha.
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!! Contains Spoilers !!

Alexander (cameo, FF13)
A little-known aeon taking the form of a mobile fortress.

Angeal Hewley (cameo, FF7 Crisis Core)
Captain of the crusader flagship "Mi'ihen's Pride."

A Final Aeon created by Seymour; the Fayth is Seymour's own mother. She is cold and arrogant, and does not seem to hold any allegiance to Bahamut. She was created in Zanarkand, but her Fayth stone was secretly transplanted into Baaj.

Anne Hyuga (cameo, Shadow Hearts)
Jecht's wife in Dream Zanarkand. She hasn't been explicitly mentioned by name in the story yet.

Ashelia B'nargin Dalmasca (cameo, FF12)
A skilled Al Bhed technician aboard The Love Boat.

Auron (unsent)
An Unsent who takes the age of a 35-year-old man (and the appearance of someone pushing 50). During Yuna's Pilgrimage, he was a brusque but supportive member of the party. He never appeared to note or return Rikku's affections during that time.

Auron (young)
A former highly-ranked warrior-monk of the Church of Yevon, and currently a 25-year-old Guardian to Braska. While he served in the warrior-monks, he was often unwillingly employed as an assassin, and in direct competition with Kinoc for the position of the next Maester. At the start of the story, he is disillusioned with the Church and still angered by his dishonorable discharge from the warrior monks. He is ostensibly the most responsible and disciplined member of Braska's party.

One of the very first aeons to ever be created by the ancient summoners. His Fayth form is that of a young child. He seems to be able to manipulate time and reality on the Farplane, and is Braska's first and favored aeon. He is known as "The King of all Aeons." His Fayth stone can be found in Bevelle's main temple.

The hypello who tends the bar on the Celsius, Brother and Rikku's airship.

Future Guardian of Dona, currently a bit of a teenaged loser in Kilika.

Avian spirit musician of Macalania forest.

Beatrix (cameo, FF9)
Yuna's babysitter / nanny in Bevelle.

Ancient Unsent summoner who roams Spira, testing the mettle of summoners on their Pilgrimage by challenging them to duels. At the start of her journey, Rikku claims that she was formerly a Guardian to Belgemine on her first Pilgrimage to conceal her real identity.

Braska of Bevelle
A 35 year old Priest of Yevon and former missionary. He was key in the efforts to convert both the Guado and the Ronso, but fell out of favor with the Church after marrying an Al Bhed during his last mission. Like Auron, he too was slated to become a Maester before falling out of favor. The death of his wife caused him to take up the path of a Summoner. At the start of the story, he seems to be kind and even-tempered, but he suffers from severe depression.

Brother Pollendina
Rikku's brother and captain of the Celsius. He seems simple-minded and excitable, and is actively engaged in a bitter feud with Cid, his father, thanks to his identity as second fiddle to his father's most favored son. Though on the surface antagonistic, he cares greatly for his little sister.

Navigator of the Celsius, and good friend of Rikku.

Celes Chere (cameo, FF6)
Amourous resident of Kilika and part of the unwitting fuse that sets Auron off.

Wakka's younger brother and boyfriend of Lulu. He's an avid fan of blitzball, but prefers to watch his brother play from the sidelines.

Cid Pollendina
Rikku's father and leader of the Al Bhed. He's brash, loud, and unreasonable, much like his daughter. When Braska eloped with his sister, he flew into a rage and tried to have him imprisoned in Bikanel. That ended badly for everyone. His mood swings after the loss of both his wife and his favored son eventually broke his remaining family apart.

Frog-like spirit musician of Macalania forest.

Future summoner, and currently the teenaged leader of the Kilika branch of Sir Jecht's fanclub.

Eden (cameo, FF8)
A little-known aeon taking the form of an airship.

Galenth Dysley (cameo, FF13)
The last High Summoner to defeat Sin 30 years before the start of Braska's Pilgrimage.

Gazna Ronso
Captain of the Ronso Fangs and midfielder. He is tough, but knows how to compromise.

A summoner-in-training of Besaid; she's a friendly and vivacious young woman, but committed to avenging her little sister's death. She is infatuated with Braska, the first real summoner she has ever met. In the future, Lulu becomes her Guardian.

Leader of the Machine Faction, and resident thorn-in-the-side of Rikku in the future. They once were childhood sweethearts, but grew apart thanks to his philandering ways. Both Rikku and Gippal still seem to care for one another to some extent. Gippal is responsible for teaching Rikku some of her mechanical skills, and in general to think differently from most Al Bhed when engineering solutions to technical problems.

Godo Kisaragi (cameo, FF7)
A summoner of Baaj in the distant past; he died while in Rapture when the Fayth stone in Baaj was cracked during one of Sin's attacks.

A minor aeon known as the God of Fire, native to Kilika. He takes the form of a muscular dog-like creature, and is a servant of Bahamut. He seems to have taken a liking to Jecht, perhaps as a kindred soul.

Irga Ronso
Defensive back of the Ronso Fangs. She stays with the team even after Rikku and Jecht join.

A minor aeon known as the God of Thunder, native to Djose. He takes the form of a powerful unicorn and is a servant of Bahamut. He also serves as the decorative cover to Jecht's Little Pink Friendfiction Book.

Jecht Hyuga
A 27 year old Blitzball star from Dream Zanarkand. At the start of Braska's Pilgrimage, he is an alcoholic, and also unaware that he is an aeon. He is the only member of Braska's party that has no preconceived notions about Rikku, which makes it easier for him to befriend her. While he doesn't always openly display his real feelings, he deeply misses his wife and child in Zanarkand.

Jihl Nabaat (cameo, FF13)
The current incarnation of Sin and former Guardian of Summoner Dysley. She was the best swordsman of her time, and was drafted into serving as a Guardian. She was forced to become the Final Aeon against her will.

Jimba and Bobba
The two grating radio announcers for Blitzball tournaments in Luca. They lack both taste and discretion when publically analysing the various Blitzball teams, both in the past and the future.

Jyscal Guado
Seymour's father and leader of the Guado people. He became a Maester of Yevon after the conversion. He sacrificed both his son and his wife in his quest for power by revealing to them the secret of the Final Aeon and encouraging them to take that step.

Kelda Ronso (original character)
Unfortunately xenophobic left forward of the Ronso Fangs, she leaves the team after Jecht and Rikku join. She becomes the primary leader of the Ronso Clan at Mount Gagazet afterwards.

Kelk Ronso
Leader of the Ronso people, and on the fast track to becoming the first Ronso Maester of Yevon. He foils Rikku's attempt to storm Bevelle's temple by physically stopping her charge with his fist.

Keyakku Pollendina
Rikku's older brother; he is 17 at the start of the story. In the future, his death is the final reason for the disintegration of Rikku's family. Rikku idolized her brother and attempted to follow in his footsteps by researching machina salvage and repair extensively.

Kimahri Ronso
Yuna's Ronso guardian. His horn was broken off by fellow Ronso clan members Biran and Yenke during Braska's Pilgrimage; he was 'rescued' after the attack by Auron.

Daughter and heir to the Leblanc Syndicate, her family were originally successful business owners in Luca. In the future, she is desperately in love with Nooj. When she transferred the family fortune into sphere hunting, she became the nemesis of the Gullwings.

A thousand-year-old summoner whose life is somewhat preserved in the Songstress Dressphere. Though not technically an Unsent, her overly-long of "life" has rendered her cruel, even if well-intentioned. She has never hesitated to take advantage of her mortal hosts to achieve her own goals, whether that person was Leblanc, Yuna, or Rikku.

Leviathan (cameo, FF7)
A minor aeon known as the God of Water, native to Baaj. It was destroyed when Sin attacked the Temple and cracked its Fayth stone.

Locke Cole (cameo, FF6)
Amorous resident of Kilika and part of the unwitting fuse that sets Auron off.

Native of Besaid, accomplished Black Magician, sister-figure to Yuna, and mentor to Rikku. She dated Chappu when she was a teenager, and later became both Lady Ginnem and Yuna's Guardian. She eventually married Wakka and bore a son named Vidina.

Thousand-year-old Unsent scholar. He is rather long-winded, but his obsessive focus on recording history has not only kept him from returning to the Farplane, but also prevented him from warping into a malicious fiend. He's generally helpful to Rikku and her cause in any time period, albeit very forgetful.

Magus Sisters
A Final Aeon created many centuries in the past by High Summoner Belgemine; the three beings that create the Summon are Belgemine's daughters. Because they act independently of their Summoner, they do not send a Summoner into Rapture when called.

Malik Ronso (original character)
Unfortunately xenophobic right forward of the Ronso Fangs, he leaves the team after Jecht and Rikku join.

Maqui (cameo, FF13)
Al Bhed technician who bears little love for Auron. He makes a short-lived attempt to date Rikku on The Love Boat.

Top administrator within Gippal's Machine Faction, in charge of the desert salvaging teams. When she was younger, she had a fling with Gippal which ultimately caused Rikku to give up on him.

Commander of the Youth League and former leader of the Crimson Squadron. Both Paine and Leblanc are deeply in love with him, although he only reciprocates Paine's affections.

Ovelia Atkascha (cameo, FF Tactics)
Older Priestess of Kilika Temple, she holds very few prejudices against Braska's misfit Summoner's party.

Former member of the Gullwings and Rikku's good friend. She was once the record-keeper for the Crimson Squad; currently, she's an author who travels the world with Nooj. She has a no-nonsense attitude and skill with the sword that is very reminiscent of younger Auron.

Mouse-like spirit musician of Macalania Forest.

Raenn Pollendina (cameo, FF8)
Sister of Cid, Aunt of Rikku and wife of Braska. She eloped with Braska and made a spectacular escape from Home to live in Bevelle. After giving birth to Yuna, she attempted to return to Bikanel to repair relations with the Al Bhed side of the family, but was killed when Sin unexpectedly attacked her ship. (Yes, I misspelled her name, sort of on-purpose.)

Rikku Pollendina
The protagonist of the story, and a playable character in both Final Fantasy X and X-2. At the start of the story, she's 20 years old. Rikku is a happy, impulsive, intelligent, and witty girl who can also be somewhat immature. She tends to obsess over things that concern her and sometimes acts thoughtlessly towards others, but her heart is in the right place. She falls in love with Auron, both in the past and in the future, which sometimes puts her in a bit of a mind bender.

Seymour Guado
Son of Jyscal Guado and summoner-priest of Yevon. He is on the fast track to becoming one of the youngest Maesters in history, but his troubled family life has warped his personality. Rikku loathes him because of the role he played in killing her older brother as well as destroying her Home in Bikanel. Oh, and the whole undead marrying her cousin and trying to destroy the world thing too.

Young Al Bhed genius inventor of the Gullwings. He is responsible for the creation of Garment Grid technology. He's also inadvertently responsible for the sphere hunter rush in Spira after his creation was stolen and marketed to the public by Leblanc.

A minor aeon known as the Goddess of Ice, native to Macalania. She takes the form of a humanoid woman, and her powers are what sustain Macalania Forest. She seems to dislike Rikku, perhaps because they have opposing personalities.

Tidus Hyuga
Son of Jecht, partner of Yuna, and good friend of Rikku. Despite the events of FFX, he still has a stilted relationship with his father. He is also an aeon, and seems to be able to communicate with Rikku in the past.

Tio (original character)
Hypello pastry salesman in Luca and unexpected savior of both the Ronso Fangs and the crusaders. All in a day's schweet roll.

Strange boy who has close relations with the spirits of Macalania Forest. He convinces the Gullwings to take part in a farewell concert for the dying spirits in the future.

Former crusader and caretaker of the Calm Land's Monster Arena. The Gullwings defeated him the Vio Infinito, but his existence in the past gives Rikku nightmares.

A minor aeon known as the God of Wind, native to Besaid. She manifests as a large bird, and her Fayth form is that of a teenaged girl. She seems to be infatuated with Jecht.

Star blitzer of the Besaid Aurochs, brother of Chappu, and husband of Lulu. He started playing Blitzball when he was just thirteen to overcome the grief of losing his parents to Sin. While he and Rikku did not get along at first due to his prejudice against the Al Bhed, eventually they became friends.

Wen Kinoc
Member of the crusaders and rising star within the Church of Yevon. He is jealous of Auron's success, but also protective of their friendship. He has an intense dislike of Braska and the Al Bhed in general.

Yo Mika
Grand Maester of Yevon, and secretly Unsent. His plots and schemes are causing the Church of Yevon to slowly erode with corruption from within. Braska and Auron opposed him and were stripped of their power within the Church. He is currently trying to manipulate Braska's Pilgrimage to the Church's advantage.

Independent Fayth who has broken away from Bahamut's leadership. He sustains his existence through the world's consistent worship of greed. Because he acts independently of his Summoner, he does not send a Summoner into Rapture when called.

Yu Yevon
Yunalesca's father and the core and Summoner of Sin and Dream Zanarkand (meaning Jecht and Tidus). He created Jecht to be a more perfect copy of himself in Dream Zanarkand.

Yuffie Kisaragi (cameo, FF7)
High Summoner of Baaj who defeated Sin in order to avenge her father, Godo's, death.

Yuna of Besaid
High Summoner of Besaid who defeated Sin once and for all, and didn't die in the process. She later joined the Gullwings and became a successful sphere hunter, defeating the evil Unsent Shuyin and the ancient mechanized weapon Vegnagun in the process. She also brought Tidus back from the unsummoned through her willpower and determination. She is Braska and Raenn's daughter and Rikku's cousin. At the start of the story, she is only 7 years old and still living in Bevelle.

Yunalesca Yevon
High Summoner of Zanarkand who was responsible for creating the Final Aeon capable of defeating Sin. She is also a thousand-year-old Unsent; in the future, she kills Auron. Much later, she is killed by Yuna and her Guardians, thereby ending the destructive practice of the Final Summoning.

Zamzi Ronso
Goalkeeper for the Ronso Fangs. Although he is xenophobic, he sticks with the team after Rikku and Jecht join and learns to appreciate the other races.

Husband of Yunalesca and the first Final Aeon ever created. He is also called back to life by Trema in the Vio Infinito, and is beaten down by the Gullwings (but ultimately defeated by Trema himself. Killsteal bastard!)

Zev Ronso
Jack-of-all-trades of the Ronso Fangs. He has a rebellious streak as long as he is short. He stands up for Rikku and Jecht's attempts to join the team from the beginning.

  • Ashura (FFX, Auron)​
  • Garment Grid (FFX-2, Rikku)​
  • Godhand (FFX, Rikku)​
  • Lure Bracelet (FFX-2, Rikku)​
  • Masamune (FFX, Auron)​
  • Nirvana (FFX, Yuna)​
  • Sin's Fang (FF Dissidia, Jecht)​
  • Twin Daggers (FFX-2, Rikku)​

DRESSPHERES (Personality)
  • Alchemist (Rikku)
  • Berserker (Braska)
  • Lady Luck (Jecht)
  • Samurai (Auron)
  • Songstress (Lenne)
  • Thief (Rikku)
  • Machina Maw EX (Rikku)
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(this fic isn't done, I was just cleaning up my harddrive and realized I forgot to post the Appendix way back in 20xx when I ported the fic over)
74: Breakthrough
74: Breakthrough

"So the plan is to just wait here or what?" Jecht said, leaning against the strange, pointed stone outcropping near the edge of the gorge. He eyed the drop. "How deep d'ya think that thing goes down, anyhow?"

"You wouldn't want to find out," Auron replied, his eyes scanning the fields behind them for any fiend movement.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Jecht leaned over to look at Auron.

"Ah. He means that the Scar is where the dead are interred," Braska explained. "This enormous rift in the ground was created when High Summoner Gandof defeated Sin more than four hundred years ago."

"Sin an' a Final Aeon did all that?" Jecht looked at the gorge again with a new, wary respect. "Fine, okay, but why don't anyone wanna know how deep it goes?" He waited for a moment, but when no explanation was forthcoming, he clucked his tongue and looked at Rikku expectantly instead.

"Uh. Well. For one, Summoner Gandof died down there. Most people who come to the Calm Lands are either Summoners or Crusaders. You know, people trying to fight Sin. So… when they die, there's usually nobody left to Send them. Survivors toss the bodies over the edge to keep Unsent from overwhelming the plains."

Jecht paled. "Hell. You serious?"

Auron spun around. "Yes. This place is the graveyard of every failed Pilgrimage that ever took place. The lucky ones ended up in the Scar. The rest…" He turned back to the fields, watching a few Malboros crossing in the distance.

"Sorry I asked," Jecht muttered. "So… uh… All we gotta do is get under Sin's skin to make sure we don't end up like that, right?"

Braska sighed. "Yes." He took a deep, bracing breath, poised with his staff extended before him. "I'm beginning now."

Jecht and Rikku rose to their feet, and Auron turned around.

Closing his eyes, Braska spread his arms wide and looked up to the sky. Light bloomed around him, quickly turning into a swirling river of pyreflies that ascended into the clouds above the gorge. There was a twinkle overhead, and then three motes of light winked in the distance, closing in rapidly. They fluttered to the ground like seeds blown in the wind, landing gently around Braska's feet and blooming into bright, enormous flowers, their petals delicately closed. And then, in a violent eruption of pollen, the flowers burst open, spewing out the Magus Sisters.

Jecht and Auron stared, taking in the sight of the three odd, insect-like sisters more closely, now that they were no longer in the dusky temple of Remiem. Rikku took a step backwards, less impressed; they'd always been temperamental even when Yuna called upon them. She wondered how they were going to react to Braska.

Braska lowered his staff and bowed deeply to the three sisters. "Greetings, my ladies. Thank you for coming. I hope you will lend us your strength, for we intend to face Sin."

The red mantis at the forefront of the group looked unimpressed. With one hand on her hip, she flicked her head and her antennae twitched.

"That one's Sandy," Rikku whispered to Jecht and Auron. "She's the leader of the three, and well… she makes Shiva look nice. She usually prefers hand-to-stingblade combat."

The rotund ladybug smacked a fist into her palm, looking pleased. "And that one's Cindy," Rikku whispered. "She's kind of like the healer of the group, except when she gets pissed. Then she's a pretty decent black magician, too."

The smallest one, fluttering in the air like a wasp, buzzed uncertainly between the other two, who were waiting expectantly. "And that one's Mindy. Don't let her size fool you, she's a nasty black caster, plus she can really pack a wallop when she attacks with her stinger."

"What exactly are they doing?" Auron murmured as Braska held up a placating hand to the three girls.

"They're trying to decide whether or not to listen to Braska. They kinda do whatever they want after they're summoned. They're even weirder than Yojimbo."

Finally Mindy floated unsteadily towards Cindy, plunking down by her side and mirroring the ladybug's stubborn cross-armed pose.

"Looks like they chose to listen to Braska," Rikku observed as Sandy rolled her eyes and then shrugged. The three aeons turned eerily as one to stare at Braska, waiting to take his command.

"Ah," Braska said. "Why don't you just… do as you will?" he asked them.

The sisters looked at each other, grinning. Leaping in unison, they took to the sky and then dove into the gorge, disappearing in streams of twinkling light.

Braska crept towards the edge of the steep cliff, peering over it. "I think… they are fighting the Unsent down there," he said after a moment, his brows drawing together.

The faint sound of roars floated up from the bottom of the canyon, and then he stepped away rapidly as a prismatic sheen of light blasted upwards, the faint after-image of a triangle fading in its wake. An explosion rocked through the gorge, intense enough to shake the ground from where they stood.

"Wow, they're really going crazy down there! I think that was a Delta Attack!"

"A Delta what?" Auron asked as another explosion sounded, followed by a few more blasts of light.

"Well… they just combine their powers to attack things," Rikku said. "Y'know… they're like three mini-Animas in one big package. So when they feel up to it, their most powerful attack is like three Final Aeons blasting something at once."

Braska paled. "And that wasn't enough for Lady Belgemine to defeat Sin the first time around?"

Rikku scratched her cheek. "That's the thing. They're just really powerful kids. Sometimes they throw tantrums, or refuse to attack things, or stalk off and just argue with each other. I'm guessing they're feeling cooperative because they haven't been let out to play in a really long time."

"That don't look like playin'," Jecht observed, taking a large step back as another blast of light shone out of the canyon. "I kinda see how this might get Sin's attention, though," he muttered as the first few pyreflies began to stream upwards. They were followed by more, their numbers slowly thickening until they filled the air with their keening cries.

The Sisters continued to wreak havoc below while everyone waited tensely at the canyon lip, bathed in the rainbow glow of the dissipating pyreflies. There were so many that they were beginning to transform the normally-harsh daylight of the Calm Lands into the strange, otherworldly glow of the Farplane.

Braska was the one who felt the change in the air first. "… I think it worked," he said, scanning the horizon. "Do you feel that?"

They all fell silent as the familiar nausea rolled over them in waves.

Sin, Rikku thought, gagging while the enormous aeon rose up into view. The displaced ocean ran off of its crystalline wings in massive waterfalls. It began to meander slowly towards them, unhurried in its quest to gather even more pyreflies within its gravity field.

"We will do as we discussed," Braska said, clutching his staff tightly. "We need to get inside of its main body. We cannot hope to chip away at that armor from outside, or we'll be annihilated by Sinspawn first."

Sin still consisted of entirely too many eyeballs, but it was heartening to see that several of them remained glassy and frosted over from the encounter with The Love Boat. Beautiful, hardened crystals replaced each one of Sin's damaged limbs; they'd grown slightly larger in size than when Rikku had seen them last. She battled past her own feeling of sickness and studied the crystal formations with nervous energy. "Huh… I don't think we're going to be able to punch inside from where we hurt it before. Those crystals look too strong and they've gotten bigger!"

"There has to be a weak point," Auron muttered, drawing his sword and watching Sin approach them stoically.

Jecht held up his hands in the familiar box, casting Scan. It was useless at this distance, and likely useless on something as large and logic-defying as Sin anyhow, but he still twisted the vision-enhancing spell into a crude version of binoculars, moving carefully on along the outlines of Sin's enormous body. He stopped at its bulbous head, squinting. "… What 'bout that? Looks like there's a city growin' outta its head."

Auron nodded, clutching his sword in a white-knuckled grip, the only sign of his apprehension. "Buildings have doors."

Rikku swallowed and wished she could stop her legs from trembling; no matter how many times she faced Sin, the sight of it approaching always filled her with cold, numb fear. Sin hadn't even crossed the gorge yet, but it was drifting through the air towards them like the world's least aerodynamic airship. A swirl of clouds trailed after it, pulled along after the enormous monstrosity like a gauzy cloak. "We need to get up there first before we can bust in."

Braska nodded. "Leave it to me," he said, closing his eyes. Lights bloomed around him once again and in the place of the Sisters whom he'd dismissed, Bahamut hurled himself out of the sky. The aeon landed with a solid thud behind them.

Rikku eyed Bahamut's dragon form warily, still miffed that the Fayth hadn't once let a single clue slip about the nature of her existence. The dragon, however, chose to ignore her glare, instead dropping to one knee.

"Woah, that's… weird," Jecht said, more distracted by Bahamut's appearance than Sin's slow, ominous flight path towards them. "… He wants to carry us in," he continued after a moment, moving to Braska's side. He picked up the enraptured summoner easily and stepped into Bahamut's waiting hand. "I'll ride with B. You guys go in his other claw." Then he made a face. "C'mon man, who says 'skedaddle' anymore?"

"You… can communicate with Braska like that?" Auron asked, sheathing his sword and grasping Rikku's hand.

"Yeah… it's real weird. Not direct, like. But I can kinda feel what he's doin' to that other aeon," Jecht said uncomfortably. Bahamut's clawed fists closed gently around each of them.

"Hold me up," Rikku said to Auron, squirming and wriggling until her chest and arms were free from the dragon's clutches. Activating her Garment Grid, she felt some of her fear dissipate as Jecht's boundless confidence washed over her as Lady Luck. "If getting there's gonna be the luck of the draw, then I'm stacking the deck," she declared, blowing a kiss up to Bahamut that showered the aeon with rose petals.

"Here we go," Auron said lowly when Bahamut crouched. His fingers tightened around her waist when the dragon leapt into the sky, wings beating powerfully.

Rikku's trilling laugh of excitement changed into a battle cry as she switched dresspheres, feeling her fear return full-force. It was tempered by her absolute fury at Sin's existence, though. Digging through her Alchemist belt, she pulled out a potion and one of the Lunar Curtains she'd managed to steal from the ancient machina in Zanarkand, weaving them together in a glowing mix that she smashed into Bahamut's claw. "Time to bust out!" she yelled, bringing her gun up to her shoulder and watching Sin through narrowed eyes as the bright sphere of a defensive Wall of magic bloomed around each of them.

They soared over the seemingly bottomless pit of the gorge, but there was no time to contemplate the potential fall because Sin loomed above them. It sent an advance guard to greet them in the form of its shedding scales. They rolled and dropped off of its body, unfurling into flying monstrosities, their long tails whipping sinuously behind them. Sharp claws and mouths with far too many teeth screeched, flapping their way towards them.

Rikku cursed; the Spawn were still too far away for her gun to reach, and they'd be sitting ducks amidst the aerial assault if she didn't come up with something fast. She began speeding through her grids, feeling a queasiness that wasn't entirely just Sin's toxin as she rapidly shifted through costumes, much to Auron's dismay.

"What are you doing?" he yelled at her, his words snatched away by the buffeting winds as Bahamut flew them closer towards madness.

She didn't answer, too focused on keeping her cookies from tossing, before she returned to her Alchemist sphere. The belt was warm to the touch now, though, and faintly glowing as the energized dressphere gates activated its hidden power. Swallowing thickly, she shouted her answer: "It's just about time to start conflagrating!"

Feeling the power thrumming through her, she clasped her two hands together, forming a finger-gun. "Pew," she whispered, eyes narrowing. It was easier this time, than on Mushroom Rock; she'd grown stronger since then. The spell was still taxing, but she felt like she was better able to harness and control the raging power of the unlocked Grid.

The Flare spell shot out like a lance, exploding against the nearest Sinspawn, sending it spiraling into a mass of pyreflies.

"Pew-pew-pew!" she yelled, grinning smugly as three more Spawn went down. Bahamut changed his angle slightly, speeding them through the dissolving pyreflies. They were in the thick of it now, though, and Rikku felt sweat beginning to form on her brow. The activated Grid was still ravenous; as much as she'd grown, she could feel each Flare spell draining her of her precious energy. She tried to aim one more at a fiend, but Auron grabbed her hand and forced it down.

"Enough!" he shouted at her, seeing the waxiness of her complexion.

Grunting, she downed an ether, feeling some of the dizziness evaporate, and then pulled out her gun and began firing at the Sinspawn buffeting Bahamut. It wasn't nearly as effective as her black magic, but the bullets were still powerful enough to knock some of them away from the fist holding Jecht, who'd curled around Braska's frozen body protectively.

Her heart was in her throat even as she shimmied upwards and leaned further out, kept in place by little more than Auron's iron-fisted hold around her hips and his determination to keep her from falling out of the aeon's grasp. She tried to anticipate and stop any of the spawn from hitting Bahamut in a way that would knock Braska out of his Rapture; they were so far up in the air now that it would have meant certain death for all of them.

Thankfully, the Sinscales were mindless, attacking every part of Bahamut's body with equal fervor, unaware of the delicate burden the aeon carried. Despite that it wasn't enough; after a few moments of being swarmed by relentless assaults by the Sinscales, Bahamut roared and changed direction, charging straight up into the sky to escape the ceaseless attacks.

Even a thousand papercuts could fell the King of the Aeons, Rikku thought, desperately mixing potion after potion and smashing them into Bahamut to seal his wounds even while Auron chanted out what little curative magic he knew.

The multitude of Sinscales following them twisted like a vortex, chasing after the dragon's rapid path upwards.

She heard Auron swear, his fingers tightening painfully around her as the pressure of their sharp ascent threatened to tear them all away from Bahamut's grasp. The aeon broke through the clouds winding over Sin, leaving long trails of swirling mist in his wake. Cresting, Bahamut roared; the clouds below parted from the following swarm, still giving chase.

Somehow Rikku managed to hit her Grid, strength flooding through her bones as she donned the Samurai dressphere. A desperate resolve to live flooded through her, banishing her doubts. She watched the swarm that threatened to engulf them approach. They had to make it to Sin. There was no other way, because the alternative… was unthinkable. She gripped Bahamut's clawed finger tightly, then whispered a fierce invocation under her breath: "Hayate!"

Bahamut's wings folded and he dove, head-first, towards Sin. She wasn't sure if she screamed, because the wind tore all sound from her throat. Still, she held on fast to Bahamut, her absolute belief in their success flooding into the aeon through their shared touch.

The dragon hurtled through the Sinspawn, blowing the few that he didn't manage to avoid apart with his sheer speed and mass. They blasted through the cloud-cover, rapidly approaching the half-formed city growing out of Sin's crown faster than any of the Sinscales could keep up.

In fact they were approaching too rapidly; Rikku grit her teeth, knowing they couldn't stop in time. Bahamut wasn't even trying to. "No Fear," she whispered, tears streaming out of her eyes as the last vestiges of her magic surrounded her in a protective bubble. Just before impact Bahamut twisted, flipping his massive body over and cradling his passengers to his torso as he slammed into the half-formed city rising out of Sin's back. A few buildings rumbled and fell over from the swath they carved through the streets. Pyreflies screamed all around them and Bahamut's body dissolved.

Suddenly held aloft by nothing and traveling at speed, they each went rolling. Still in her Samurai costume, Rikku clung to Auron just as tightly as he held onto her and fought with him to take the brunt of the impact as they flew through the streets. They both hit the side of a building with a loud crack, and her protective spell shattered. Stunned and bruised they fell apart… but somehow, were still alive.

Drained, Rikku released her hold on her dressphere and let out a groan of pain, trying to sit up.

Auron was similarly battered, his hand already on his forehead, pumping white magic into himself to stop the flow of blood running down the side of this face. He shook his head once to clear it, and then grabbed her, hitting her with a Cura. "Are you—"

"I'm fine," she managed, pushing an Al Bhed potion towards him and downing one herself. It took a moment to overcome her gag reflex and keep it down, the nausea from everything still roiling through her stomach. But after a moment, the world stopped spinning and she managed wobble to her feet. "Jecht and Braska," she said, already reaching for another potion as Auron cast more restorative magic over himself and staggered to his feet, unwilling to wait.

The "city" Jecht had spotted was only a macabre imitation of life up close; the forms of recognizable buildings took shape, but their texture and material was entirely organic. Everything was composed of the same pulsing, warm flesh that was Sin's main body. More concerningly, there wasn't a single door or window to be seen. The path of destruction Bahamut's landing had left bisected the fake city with an open, pyrefly-oozing wound.

"Where are they?" Auron asked, his voice tight with worry as they reached and then raced down the makeshift avenue of destruction their landing had made, looking right and left for any sign of Jecht or Braska.

The answer came in the form of an inhuman scream; rising over the tallest of the fleshy buildings was Anima, her eye glinting dangerously. Below them, they heard the rumbling of Sin's bellow as Braska's aeon tore into it, trying to blast her way past the thick armor.

"I never thought I'd be so glad to see that thing," Rikku muttered as she raced ahead of Auron, drawing short when she saw Anima up close. The aeon was hacking away relentlessly at Sin's tough hide; every hit was melting the flesh away in twisted bursts of agitated pyreflies.

The Scales had finally caught up with them, though; Jecht was doing his best to shield both Braska and Anima as the aeon worked, eye bleeding as she shot Pain after Pain through Sin's hide.

Thinking quickly, Rikku donned her Alchemist dressphere again, swaying. The costume flickered before taking hold. She didn't have the luxury of time to second-guess herself, mixing together her strongest healing agents. A driven desire to keep Braska and Jecht alive while they tried to force their way through powered her shaking hands.

Auron ran past her, winds whipping around him as he unsheathed his sword. He spun to a stop, gathering the maelstrom, and slashed his sword into the pit Anima had already carved out. Tearing the jug from his waist, he hurled it into the abyss. A tornado of fire exploded and as it cleared, and a wall of pyreflies more dense than any they'd seen yet screamed away, nearly blinding in their intensity.

"We did it!" Rikku shouted, recognizing the transient state between the puncturing of Sin's armor and the crystalline feather-like growth that would emerge to cover it. "Jecht, we gotta move! Hurry!"

Jecht looked at Braska, and abruptly Anima dissolved as the summoner came out of Rapture, gasping. They hurried towards the edge of the pit, still beating away Sinscales that peppered their path, but Auron stopped them at the edge.

"It's too deep to just jump," he warned them, squinting into the darkness below.

"But there's no time!" Rikku told him, kicking at the crystals forming along the edge of the hole.

Braska went down to one knee, summoning rapidly again; suddenly, Ifrit rose behind them, roaring and tearing at the ground they stood on. Jecht leapt for Braska and pinned the summoner down, realizing what was happening first. Auron reacted just as swiftly, driving his sword deeply into Sin's body and dropping to one knee. He reached out a hand towards her. "Rikku!"

Ifrit tore the patch of skin cleanly off, carrying them with it. Rikku leapt to grab onto Auron's hand just as the aeon prepared to hurl the fleshy ledge – and its passengers – into the depths of the hole they'd blasted open. And then gasped with disbelief as her fingers missed; a Sinscale slammed into her, sweeping her off the platform and back onto the edge of the ravaged city.

"No!" Auron's eyes were wide as he slipped away into the depths.

Rikku twisted, smashing her Godhand into the fiend on top of her and destroying it. Even that cost her too many precious seconds, though; she scrabbled after them futilely, watching Sin's crystals weave their way over the gap more quickly than she could leap in. She still tried to follow, pounding the Godhand into the crystalline lattice. It shook but didn't break, instead continuing to thicken despite her repeated blows.

"Hu!" she screamed, furious and exhausted. "No, nope, no way!" Each shout was punctuated by another fist driving into the crystal. But she stopped when the chittering of fiends surrounded her. Glancing over her shoulder, she groaned as even more Sinscales thumped to the ground in rapid succession, their teeth snapping and their wings glowing with eerie energy. "This is not how it's going to end!" she yelled, still shell-shocked as she staggered to her feet.

Apparently Braska agreed, because a series of familiar sigils burst into the sky overhead. Valefor shot through them, snatching Rikku away from the danger with one clawed foot. They ascended rapidly, away from the agitated spawn. The aeon turned, beating her wings to hover and flipping her braid before opening her mouth.

The Energy Blast shook the surface; Rikku heard more than saw the massive crack the attack had created. Without hesitation, the aeon dove into it, shattering through the barrier – and smashing her own body into pieces, in much the same way Bahamut had.

Rikku didn't care; Valefor had brought her through. Even while she was falling, she could see the hole resealing and blocking her exit to the outside world.

She turned, the familiar, giddy sensation of rapid freefall reminding her of the Farplane. Too deep to jump, Auron had said; she activated her Grid again. For a few heart-stopping moments it flickered, and she was afraid the costume wouldn't find enough energy within herself to take hold. Then, somehow, drawing on her last dregs, she pulled out the Berserker, feeling Braska's reckless power fill her.

"Not dying today," she growled, turning her fall into a series of twists as she searched her surroundings for anything at all. One flailing foot struck something hard and she reacted instantly, digging her toes in and jackknifing her body towards it. Both claws slammed into a solid surface and she hung on, her nails screaming in pained protest as she tore a ten-fingered trail down the face of the rocky wall she'd latched onto. She was still descending too rapidly for comfort. Below, she could see Auron, Jecht, and Braska standing on the shattered remains of Ifrit's platform, already fighting a Sinspawn that had attacked them the moment they hit the ground. It was an enormous Adamantoise, rising several feet above them.

Convenient landing pad, she thought with a smirk, letting go of the wall – her abused fingers ached in gratitude for that – and angling herself to stick the landing.

She hit the fiend's back fist-first, her momentum and weight sending it sinking into the ground a few inches and splitting open the carapace protecting its back. Clouds of rubble from where she'd torn apart the wall followed, raining all around her. She forced her trembling legs, throbbing from the impact, to push off of the fiend's back. What should have been a perfect landing, though, turned into a tumble and ungraceful skid on her butt across the ground as her legs gave out from under her.

Auron charged the fiend, furious, and swung his sword in an arc so heavy that it bisected the Adamantoise's neck. The enormous turtle buckled, then collapsed into a blaze of pyreflies. He didn't stop to watch, instead throwing himself at her and grabbing onto her shoulders, his eyes wide.

Rikku coughed and smiled at him. "Still alive," she said victoriously, every part of her body aching. The dressphere flickered and faded from view, and she blinked, feeling the last of the artificial energy drain away. A surprised "Oops-" was all she managed before blacking out.

A/N: Braska doesn't go into Rapture when he calls the Magus Sisters because just like Yojimbo, they don't take orders from him.

Magus Sisters overdrive: Delta Attack
Wall: Shell + Protect on everybody
Hayate: Haste + Evasion
No Fear: Shell + Protect
Auron's limit break: Tornado

Hu! = No!
Last edited:
75: City of Dying Dreams
75: City of Dying Dreams

A raging headache and a mouth drier than cotton were the first things Rikku felt as she came to. The first things she heard were two familiar voices debating overhead.

"I mean, parts of it look like Zanarkand, but somethin's off about that whole thing," Jecht was saying.

"You're right." That was Braska. "I think I might—"

"She's coming to."

She blinked open bleary eyes to Auron's concerned face. Her head was propped up in his lap, and a potion was in his hand.

"Drink this," he told her quietly, holding the vial to her lips.

The cool, bitter liquid trickled down her throat, soothing the burn there and reducing the headache slightly. She'd barely finished swallowing when he pressed another against her mouth. Raising her eyebrows, she tried to push it away, but the fierce stare he gave her cowed her into drinking that one, too. Finally, when he was satisfied, he let her sit up.

"You were suffering from severe mana depletion," Auron told her. "Braska can't heal that."

"Oopsie?" He leveled her with a severe look that told her he wasn't buying it, so she drank the third potion he passed over without argument. "I'm fine now, really," she promised him afterwards, taking in their surroundings. A cloudy sky filled with millions of twinkling stars spanned overhead. Cold stone was beneath her feet. Everything was dark and eerily abandoned, save for the distant cries of fiends that occasionally echoed between the alleys.

"We're inside the city of dying dreams," she said in stilted recognition.

"You are familiar with this place?" Braska asked.

Rikku nodded slowly. "I think. But it looks different than how I remember it." The last time the city had clearly been Zanarkand, all domed high-rises and sharp-cornered buildings. This time, she wasn't too sure. Everything seemed a little bit more familiar – the architecture too curved and modern and the roofs too sloping – to mesh with the memories of any Zanarkand she'd even seen.

"Hah!" Jecht said, crossing his arms and looking smug. "I told ya! This ain't Zanarkand."

Getting up, Rikku snooped around the small alley they'd retreated into, taking the chance to shake the aches and pains out of her joints. From the lack of any visible bruises on her skin to the state of her pristine, unlacquered fingernails – which were all there – it seemed that Braska had healed her quite a bit while she was out. "Umm… thanks, by the way," she said to him. "For sending Valefor after me."

Braska shrugged, as if it was self-explanatory. "I couldn't bring my right arm and leave my left behind."

Jecht glared at Braska. "'Ey! What am I then, dog food?"

"You're the pain in his ass," Auron supplied without bite. "Though we should thank you as well. Braska would never have noticed in time had you not told him."

"Yeah, well," Jecht grumbled, rubbing the back of his head. "Whatever. Next time be more careful, alright? Like I'm always sayin', Blondie, you gotta keep your eye on the entire field if you wanna make the play."

"We made it inside, and that's all that matters." Auron looked at Rikku. "But where do we go from here? How are we supposed to destroy Sin's armor? Are we to level this entire city?" he asked, gesturing at their surroundings. "Even combining all of our powers, that would take a lifetime."

"We have to find the heart of Sin. What I mean is the original Final Aeon that this armor is built around," she told them. "If we defeat that, everything else here will fall apart."

"Well where do we find it then? " Jecht asked.

Rikku took another look at their surroundings, feeling lost. "If we were in Zanarkand I would've said the Dome, since blitzball is at the heart of every version of Zanarkand."

"But this isn't Zanarkand," Braska said, staring at the walls thoughtfully. "I believe I know this place."

Auron joined him, pacing around the street. "You're right."

The two men traded a knowing look.

"So? Spill the beans!" Rikku said impatiently, swaying from side to side.

"This is Bevelle," Braska answered. "Or more like a shadowy memory of it. We're on the very outskirts. The slums, if you will." He chuckled. "In fact, this is quite near our old neighborhood." The smile slid off of his face. "Then… the heart of Bevelle would be…"

Auron grimaced. "Bevelle has never had a heart. But its core would be the Palace, which was the culmination of all of the Temple's politics and plotting, and the seat of the government." He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "If this city mirrors the real Bevelle, then we will need to travel a ways to reach the city center. It would be fastest to take the Highbridge there."

"You mean we gotta cross Highbridge?" Rikku squeaked, instantly disliking the idea. "We have to walk all the way there? Through all these fiends?!"

"Another journey, then." Braska sighed. "I will admit, this is not what I was expecting to find inside of Sin."

"So what were you expecting?" Auron asked.

"Blood an' guts!" Jecht answered.

Braska laughed and shook his head. "I thought it would be something more abstract. Fury. Madness. Hatred so cloying it would taint us or drive us insane by its very proximity."

"What, them fiends we been runnin' into a lil' too soft for you, B?" Jecht asked. "They seem plenty upset to me."

"Yes," Braska agreed, bothered. "But they're a symptom and not the disease. This," he said, rapping a knuckle against one of the stone walls, "Is the heart of the matter. This is not a creation borne of anger." His palm smoothed against the wall. "This… is a manifestation of loneliness and sorrow." He looked around at the stark, barren buildings with pained familiarity. "A longing for something which was once lost. Yet no matter how memory tries to recapture it, it can never be the same again." He sighed. "Is it strange? To be feeling… pity, for a being that has wrought so much destruction and havoc over Spira for the last thousand years?"

"Yes." Auron sighed. "But that's who you are."

"Yeah, and it's not like Yu Yevon has the right to make everyone else miserable for all eternity just because he is!" Rikku said, stomping her foot.

"I feel pity," Braska clarified, dropping his hand. "Not forgiveness." He looked at Auron. "Well. Lead the way then."

They traveled slowly through the city, sneaking from building to building and trying to avoid confrontations with most of the strange amalgamations of fiends that roamed through the streets. Sometimes the creatures looked familiar, similar to others they'd fought during their journey. Most of the time, though, they were supersized, several times larger than their Spiran counterparts. It was as if each fiend was swelled with the unbridled malice of the dead; not only were they larger, they were denser and more armored than ever before.

Even the walls of the city itself would come to life sometimes, shuddering monoliths that swallowed up anything traveling too close to the wakened stone only to spit them out partially, twisted into a newer and even more grotesque-looking creation. They'd nearly learned that the hard way, when one had latched onto Jecht. Afterwards, Auron had needed to chip him out of the stone painstakingly, like a living fossil.

Occasionally they would have to fight against those horrors. In Rikku's opinion, the worst of them all were the Wraiths; souls that had striven to retake physical form once again and failed miserably. They twisted together into malformed parodies of human bodies that haunted the streets. When they were lucky, the fiends looked like desiccated, floating corpses adorned with horns and claws. More often, though, many differing souls would meld together into something larger and exponentially more disturbing: multiple faces stretching and screaming to be released across the entire surface of a single humanoid body. Sometimes that body would be missing limbs, and sometimes it would come equipped with far too many.

Braska held back in those fights, supporting them with magic rather than trying to call upon his aeons. The encounters were hard, harder than anything they'd faced before, and Rikku was fast gaining a new appreciation for Yuna's wisdom in gathering a seven-member Pilgrimage.

Still, their long months of having traveled and trained together also became clear as they pushed further inwards. It felt like they'd reached the culmination of a plan – likely Auron's – that had been long in the making. Working seamlessly as a team, Auron would defend Braska and weaken their enemies with his relentless strength and endurance. She and Jecht flitted around him like buzzing bees, striking and retreating, whittling away at their opponents until the fiends could be safely felled. All the while Braska shielded and healed them constantly under a watchful eye. It was still exhausting work, though, and they stopped to rest several times, not rushing their journey through the city of nightmares.

Auron herded them into an empty building for one such stop; the interior had the look of a cheerless café, complete with lonely tables. She slid into a grey, colorless seat next to him, sipping at the water he'd handed to her. "How much of that do we have left?" she asked quietly, tipping her bottle at him.

"We have a week's worth of food," he replied. "Water, however…" He sighed. "No more than three days left. Four, if we ration strictly."

She nodded. "I kinda figured. Well… you know, this always was a one way trip. Either we bust out of here or we become part of the local fiend population."

"We will make it out," Auron said firmly, gripping her hand. "I will make sure of that."

"You gonna tell them, though? About the water?" she asked, leaning over Auron's shoulder and looking at Braska and Jecht, who were sitting at the next table.

Auron's face grew pinched. "Not until I need to. Braska has enough to worry about, and Jecht… is distracted," he said, looking at the other man critically.

Sure enough, Jecht was staring out into space, a blank look on his face.

"Jecht?" Auron called out, to no response.

Rikku leaned over, frowning. "Hello? Spira to Jecht?"

Braska leaned over and physically took Jecht's arm, shaking the man out of his stupor. "What is it?" he asked.

"Oh, uh…" Jecht looked embarrassed at being caught woolgathering. He hung his head and crossed his arms in front of him, leaning on the table. "I was just thinkin'. 'Bout Otherworlds. I just figured, if this'd been Sin's Zanarkand, then maybe my Zanarkand…" he mumbled, circling around the truth.

Rikku took another swig of water to hide her nervous swallow. Keeping his eye on the entire field was something Jecht seemed handy at. She breathed a sigh of internal relief that this version of Sin wasn't nearly as obsessed with Zanarkand as Jecht had been; it was throwing him off his game.

"The thing is that this isn't Zanarkand. It's Bevelle, which might be even worse," she said dramatically. "But, well, that Highbridge isn't gonna cross itself." She slid out of her seat, surprising Auron with her eagerness to continue. "Let's get moving!"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm comin'," Jecht said, downing the last of his water as well and rising to his feet.

As stealthily as they'd attempted to cross the city, Rikku soon realized it was a lost cause when they reached the entrance to Sin's version of Highbridge. There was nowhere to hide or take cover on the long, narrow, and horribly exposed path; they were just going to have to make a run for it and hope for the best.

Assessing the tower on the other side of the bridge, Auron turned to face them, taking the lead. "There will be no racing," he said immediately, looking squarely at her and Jecht. "We stay together and travel at the pace I set. Are we clear?"

"Yeah, yeah," Jecht said. "No showin' off, I got it."

"Ready steady!" Rikku said, dancing in place.

"Yevon help me," Braska murmured, staring at the stretch of bridge before them, but he nodded at Auron nonetheless.

"Jecht," Auron commanded, turning to face the bridge.

"Yessir," Jecht replied, casting Hastega over all of them.

"We move!" They set out at a surprisingly quick jog that soon had Braska huffing for breath.

"I thought… you said… no racing," he complained.

"If you have enough breath to talk, we can pick up the pace," Auron warned.

Braska grunted, but wisely didn't argue.

Strangely enough, the fiends seemed to be steering clear of the Highbridge; that, or Auron's decision to move at a quick but steady clip to avoid attracting undue fiend attention really was working. Still, the further along they got without being attacked, the more Rikku's nerves jangled.

At the halfway point Auron held up a hand, slowing their pace. When they neared the exit, he brought them to a stop.

"This is suspicious," he said, turning to look back across the fiend-free bridge. "I don't like it. The fiends must be staying away from this section of the city for a reason."

"Do you mean to say we might have walked?" Braska wheezed, doubled over with his hands on his knees.

"No. Catch your breath." His eyes were trained on the large doors ahead of them that would lead to the Palace interior. "Something awaits us there."

Everybody straightened and readied their weapons and Auron moved them cautiously forward, one step at a time. When they neared the door the sky darkened ominously, stars winking out of sight.

"Oh boy," Jecht said, looking up.

"Wanna run?" Rikku asked, watching the orb of swirling darkness grow larger and larger as it descended from the sky, hovering directly over the door to the Palace.

The bottom of the orb burst open with a wet squelch, sending heavy, viscous drops of dark goo splattering against the ground. A clawed toe oozed its way out, followed by a long, sinuous demonic body. Oily, slick black wings slowly unfolded, ichor dripping off of them into pools as the fiend strode forward. Sickly yellow eyes gleamed at them with keen intelligence. It pointed at them and then smiled, exposing a mouth crowded with elongated, needle-like teeth. Then it drew a thumb slowly across its neck.

"Uhh… I ain't never seen no fiend that looked like that before." Surprise didn't stop Jecht from raising his sword, though, bouncing on his heels.

Rikku swallowed. She had seen something like that before… a being of pure resentment, birthed from Trema's strange experiments in the Monster Arena. This one, however, felt different. More powerful. "I think it's a caster," she warned them, activating her Grid. Her Alchemist costume slipped over her skin quickly, and she felt a bit of her shaken confidence return.

"Go!" Auron commanded, springing forward with his sword raised. Braska lifted his staff and shells of protective magic bloomed to life around each of them. Jecht was also casting, speeding their steps with another Hastega. Rikku's hands reached into her pouch, pulling out the strangest, strongest objects of desire she'd collected from other fiends' souls and coaxed them together, counting the seconds it took for the mixture to catch.

"You place too much trust in your magics!" Auron shouted, the Ashura crackling with blue energy. The creature didn't even try to dodge as Auron slammed the sword into its side. Though he managed to push it back slightly from the force of the blow, it effortlessly shrugged off the magic break accompanying the strike. Auron stepped back a few paces, visibly displeased at the failure, but the creature didn't attempt to retaliate.

Instead, it pushed off the ground, leathery wings flapping. Its mouth opened into a wicked, silent laugh. With a lashing tail, it raised both hands to the sky. Glowing celestial symbols sparked to life directly above them, radiating holy magic. Simultaneously, demonic slashes appeared on the ground, pulsing dully red and filled with dark malice that surged upwards. As the two opposing powers met midway they clashed violently, resulting in an explosion that caught the entire group in its wake.

Rikku reeled backwards, ears ringing. The blast knocked her flat to the ground. Braska's protective spells took the brunt of the blow, but still shattered under the sheer sustained pressure of the gravitational power that nailed her to the floor. Even Jecht's Haste spell slid off of her, stripping her of almost all her defenses.

Rikku managed to lift her head up enough to see the others weren't faring any better. Jecht was flattened face-first on the ground, his hands fisted as he repeatedly tried to get up only to be pushed back down as though from an invisible hand. Braska was on his back, his expression pinched and drawn as he struggled to cast, even prone as he was. He was partially successful, because she saw the telltale sprinkle of healing magic rain over him. Only Auron was able to make it back to one knee, fighting against the heavy gravitational pressure that tore at his body.

The eerie light faded, and there was a collective gasp as the crushing pressure dissipated and allowed them all to breathe again. Rikku sprang to her feet, wasting no time in hurling the bundle of collected desire she'd managed to smush together towards the demon. Her vial hit the fiend in the chest, shattering.

The demon uncrossed its arms and looked down in confusion at the mess, which seemed to do nothing other than leave a small wet stain that was dribbling down its torso. Slowly, though, the memories she'd collected and mixed together stirred awake. They were silent, deadly, and so very, very hungry, desperate to return to what had once been their human lives.

Feeling the change, the demon clawed at its chest frantically. The green splatter turned into a multitude of ghostly fingers, probing, pulling, and finally clawing at its essence, yanking out whatever they could with famished greed. Magical power and life force were ripped out of the fiend, released by the spectral fingers into a tidal wave of energy that washed over Rikku. Rather than knocking her down, she heard their ghostly whispers of glee as strength flooded back into her legs and her dizziness cleared.

The creature – Abaddon, Trema had called his – snarled and pointed a finger at her, and the tell-tale whine of a Flare spell glowed to life under her feet. It wasn't faster, however, than the sparkling green sphere of Braska's magic that cocooned her.

The black magic slammed against her protective bubble and bounced off it, smashing back into the demon who'd cast the spell. "Just hit it as fast and hard as you can so it doesn't have time to cast!" she yelled.

"Jecht!" Auron barked, circling the fiend warily with his sword extended.

Jecht hurled his weapon at the flying demon, trying to damage its wings and bring it down. The Fang struck true, slicing across its back in a glancing blow that ripped through the webbed membranes of both of its wings.

When the fiend dipped towards the floor, Auron lunged. He struck it with the flat of his blade, hammering it towards the floor. As it staggered, he planted one foot against its massive thigh and leapt high. His other knee smashed into its horned head and brought it down completely, abandoning finesse for brutality. The Ashura struck low in a floor-sweeping blow when he landed, knocking the demon's feet out from under it.

Jecht was already right behind him, almost like they were playing tag-team. He cartwheeled, yelling as he brought his sword down heavily right over the fiend's chest, smashing it into the ground so hard that the stone cracked under its body.

"Get away from it!" Rikku yelled, pointing upwards. Her most powerful Blizzaga crystal formed over her own head, falling. It hit Braska's green shield and the magic bounced, gaining power. Both men scrambled away just in time as the wildly growing shards of ice encased the fiend, freezing it against the floor.

Auron closed in. "Farewell," he growled roughly, raising his sword in both hands and plunging it through the demon's neck.

The fiend jackknifed, its clawed fingers and toes scrabbling noisily against the ground as it gurgled out its final death throes. Its strength ebbed away along with Rikku's ice crystals, and its twisted flesh melted back into the same black ichor it had been born from. In mere moments, the fiend faded completely into fleeing pyreflies.

Rikku sank to her knees, releasing her hold on her dressphere. "… Wow, you two," she said, giving Auron and Jecht a thumbs up. "I didn't realize you could work so well together."

Auron made a face. "Only in life and death situations," he grumbled. "That thing was a little too similar to the fiends Trema made us bring down in the Monster Arena." He twitched at the memory.

Jecht just laughed loudly, slinging his sword behind his back. "Oi, B, you okay there?"

Braska nodded, joining them with a noticeable limp. Rikku handed him a potion, which he downed gratefully before answering. "Surely we must be on the right path." He looked towards the darkened doorways. "This may be it. Once we enter that passage, given no unpleasant surprises, the stairway inside will ascend to the Palace. And there, we will reach the heart of Bevelle." He paused. "Of Sin."

The euphoria of victory slid away quickly as the reality of Braska's words registered. Rikku sat down, weariness washing over her. But Auron said we had three days. Maybe four! "Can we just… wait a minute?"

"While it would be wise to tend to our wounds," Braska said, standing next to her, "Don't tell me you're losing your nerve now? This is your plan, after all."

"No pressure or anything," Rikku mumbled. She leaned into Auron's shoulder when he settled next to her.

"Believe in yourself. This will work," Auron told her.

"Yeah." Rikku reached for her usual confidence but found only trembling uncertainty. She banished it by forcing her twitching fingers to root through her pouches for the healing supplies, handing out her potions and elixirs like they weren't worth the small fortune she knew they were. "Let's be prepared for anything though, okay?"

If they lingered a little too long at the entrance to the Palace, spent a few moments more than necessary savoring their elixirs, for once, no one brought it up.


Rikku had never really taken the steps leading up to the Palace of Bevelle before; going up was Baralai and Yuna's territory. Usually, she went down, towards the Temple, if she had any reason to be there at all. Of course, there was that one time they'd gatecrashed Yuna's wedding from the sky. But walking up the long red carpet, so high above the rest of the city, surrounded by an endless void of stars… That was a new one.

She watched Auron's back, wondering what awaited them at the top. A human figure, like Jecht had been? A monstrosity, like the enormous flaming giant Jecht had turned into? Fear curdled in her gut.

"Don't summon. No matter what happens, don't summon anything," she said tightly.

Behind her, Braska kept his silence, and she grit her teeth.

All too soon, they stood at the edge of the platform where Yuna and Seymour had celebrated their ill-fated wedding. And standing there in the middle was, to Rikku's surprise and guilty relief, a very human-looking woman.

Her back was to them, one hand on her hip; long, blonde hair cascaded to her thighs like a golden waterfall. She dressed smartly; somewhere between the propriety of a Warrior Monk and the practicality of a Crusader. When she turned to face them with cool grey eyes, Rikku blinked and said the first thing that popped into her mouth.

"Wow, you're gorgeous!"

The woman's face was like smoothed marble, not reacting to Rikku at all. Instead, her eyes narrowed in annoyance. "So you're the pests who've been chipping away at my body," she said.

That was enough to knock Jecht out of his stupor. "Look now, you don't gotta put it like that," he said uncomfortably, staring at her rather well-endowed 'body'.

Auron recovered next, shifting his hold on his already-drawn sword. "If you looked anything on the outside like you did in here, there would have been no need for our hostility."

"You…" Braska said, stepping forward. "You are the Guardian of High Summoner Dysley, are you not? Lady Yunalesca told me of you."

If anything, the woman's expression became even frostier. "Intriguing, how High Summoner Dysley's name has gone down in history as a hero, yet my own is forgotten." She tossed her hair, a look of bitterness stealing across her porcelain features. "Am I not the one who provided the ultimate service to Spira? Am I not the one whose name should be sung in praise for the sacrifice I made?"

Braska immediately dipped into a low Yevonite bow. "I apologize my lady. I have forgotten my manners. I am High Summoner Braska of Bevelle. And you are…?"

A muscle on the woman's cheek jumped, but she humored him. "Jihl. Jihl Nabaat."

"It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Sir Nabaat," Braska said, bowing again. "I wish you to know that I honor the sacrifice that you made to ensure the safety of Spira. And… I am sorry, that it was not your own choice. I know my apology does little to alleviate the suffering you must have endured these past thirty years, but you were the victim of a great injustice." He straightened. "I hope to remedy that, and prevent it from happening ever again."

Jihl's smile was crooked and her eyes flashed. "How kind of you, High Summoner. Or should I say… how presumptuous? You and Dysley, you really are one of a kind." She shifted the hand at her hip, and for the first time Rikku noticed the wickedly sharp rapier resting there. "I do not wish for a final rest, my Lord. There is no misery to relieve me of." She paced around the platform, drawing her weapon and tapping it into her palm in a steady rhythm. "You see, I have chosen to become one with Sin."

Her beautiful features contorted with an uglier emotion as her tone turned dark. "I was betrayed by my own Summoner. My liege and my lord! He threw me into this fire as his pawn, but my sacrifice was not willing! I died as I lived, resentful and unappreciated." She took a deep breath. "But no more. If this is the role I was meant to serve, then I shall make my Lord Dysley proud." She regained her composure. "Indeed, I will be the best at it that was ever seen. None shall survive the judgement I will bring to Spira… once I've dealt with you parasites." Jihl smiled, a sharp, wicked smile, and Rikku had an inkling of why Sin had managed to grow so large and powerful in just thirty short years. "After I'm done with you, I think I'll return to Luca. I do so hate missing the tournaments there."

Jecht hissed between his teeth, and Jihl laughed at him.

"What? Are you so surprised that Sin would be a fan of blitzball? It is, after all, Spira's last ray of hope." Her smile lengthened, becoming cruel. "It's only fitting that I be the one to extinguish it."

Braska brought his staff before him, his own expression hardening. "Then we shall be the ones who stop you."

"Umm. You know all that madness and hatred you were looking for?" Rikku murmured. She hummed and flicked her fingers at Jihl's form. "I take it back. She's not beautiful. She's the ugliest fiend I've seen here yet."

Jihl laughed, striking a dueling pose with her rapier as her hair whipped around her, forming into sharp metal chains. Multiple laughing mouths broke open over her face and the exposed skin of her hands. "Ah, my dear child. I have never felt more beautiful than ever before." All of her mouths smiled at them, creepy with their perfect shining rows of pearly white teeth. "Now come, and worship at my altar," she said, her voice deepening as the glow from her skin faded, solidifying into gleaming chrome. "For you stand in the temple of Spira's new Goddess, Sin."

I will admit to having watched the FMV of gatecrashing Yuna's wedding and looked at the pictures of Bevelle from all angles on the Wiki too many times, and I still can't really figure out where Highbridge is located in relation to both the Temple and the Palace and the city in general. (The Temple is right below the Palace, though.) It must be high, since the name is HIGHbridge, yet there's visible ocean right outside of it. And there's no long bridge connecting the wedding platform to anything, just a really tall tower that drops straight down to city level. There's that weird extension running out of the city, but it looks like it ends in the ocean, not Macalania Forest. I don't get it either. I'd probably get it if I could find the time to pop the game back in my PS2, find an old save, and replay the Highbridge segment, but then I wouldn't be writing this fanfic, either. Let's just say the geography works this way in Nightmare Sin Bevelle because I already sank too many hours into this type of fruitless research.

The mini-boss they fought wasn't Abbadon, it was a homebrew Diablos.

Auron: Magic Break (but it didn't work).
Rikku: Alchemist – Soul Sea mix
Braska: Reflect
Jecht: Overdrive: Spiral Cut
Last edited:
This chapter, I bet it will be having so many edits, whoa. Well, enjoy the early release again!

76: Original Sin
76: Original Sin

Jihl fluidly twirled her rapier with one hand. Raising the other, she dropped low and pointed the sword at them, smiling. With all of her mouths.

"Okay, now that's way too many teeth," Jecht muttered.

"Split up," Auron said, his eyes locked on the figure that was obviously waiting for them to approach. "She's a trained swordsman. And that is a dueling stance. I'll need to take point."

"Quaint. But you needn't fret. Come at me all at once, if you desire," Jihl taunted, rocking back and forth on her feet.

"But she isn't really!" Rikku bounced up and down nervously. "She's not actually a swordsman! She's Sin! She won't be playing fair! And..." Her hand hovered over her Garment Grid, conflicted. "I don't know if it's safe to use this in front of her." She felt suddenly woefully unprepared without the support of her battle costumes, like she was walking into the hardest battle of her life nearly naked. "What if it's just like summoning?"

"Do your best as you are. You are more than the sum of your equipment," Braska told her knowingly. He must have felt the same way, unable to call upon his greatest cards, his aeons. He brushed his knuckles against her back in an encouraging bump. "You will manage."

"I said split up," Auron hissed, growing impatient. "Surround her. Attack while I keep her sword occupied." He didn't bother to see if they were listening, taking a few slow, purposeful steps forward. He stretched his arms, extending the reach of his sword warily, testing the waters.

"Right," Jecht said, breaking to the left side of the platform and throwing out a Hastega. The sigils for the spell hadn't even finished forming before Jihl's winding hair rose around her to form an intricate counter-pattern. Jecht's magic broke apart, dispelled before it could land. It didn't stop his run, though his loud swearing rang out clearly.

Rikku, in the meanwhile, sprinted for the right of the platform; she lobbed the reagents she'd been mixing together towards Auron, surrounding him in a protective shell. Unfortunately, that caught Jihl's attention in the worst possible way.

"An Al Bhed?!" Her voice rang out with disbelief and outrage, her hair beginning to writhe around her in agitated rings. She whipped her head towards Braska. "Summoner! You would bring heresy into my sacred temple?"

Braska didn't answer; he hadn't actually moved as Auron had instructed. Instead, he finished chanting and pointed his staff at Jihl. The crackle of Holy magic filled the air as the familiar points of glowing light encircled her. Auron jumped back to avoid the blast radius, and Braska's magic exploded. Even more intense than the blinding light was Jihl's high shriek of pain. When the spell faded, however, she looked more angry than hurt. Her chain-like hair had fallen limply to her back again at least, no longer acting like it had a life of its own.

"I see you're too much of a coward to summon your aeons, my Lord," she hissed as she recovered her stance, her many mouths contorting and flicking their tongues at him in mockery. "Eventually you'll yield, when you see me reduce your trusted companions to broken shells of their former selves. And then, I will devour you as well."

Auron wasn't one to waste a monologue. He'd closed the distance during her posturing and struck like lighting, thrusting his blade forward.

But Jihl, rather than being impaled on Auron's sword, abruptly bent out of the way. With a nimble twist of her arm, her rapier sinuously wound around the length of the Ashura. She countered with her own precise lunge while they were still tangled. The edge of her thin blade caught Auron's sword arm, splitting open his red coat and drawing a sharp red line along the length of his exposed skin all the way up to his shoulder.

He retreated immediately into a defensive guard, sword high and eyes narrowed.

Jihl smiled. She wiped her rapier against one of the mouths on her hand, licking the blade clean of blood. "You're very skilled," she complimented him. "But I am better."

With a sinking feeling, Rikku realized the other woman might not be wrong. Auron was the best swordsman she'd ever seen. His style, though, was one of power – slow, heavy, and deliberate. Despite her odd metallic appearance and multitude of mouths, Jihl hadn't actually used any superpowers to counter Auron's strike; the twist and the lunge that had landed her own blow had been pure technique.

A real sense of danger silenced their usual banter; everyone, even Jecht, sobered at Jihl's display of sword prowess. Braska showered a healing spell over Auron, closing the arm wound. The real damage had already been done, though, and Jihl observed it with her sharp eyes.

"Oh, I see. Never before defeated in a duel, were you Sir Guardian? You should know that I, too, was the finest swordsman of my age. That was the entire reason I was selected to become Lord Dysley's Guardian after all," she crooned. "Allow me to grant you a new experience, then." She flicked her rapier upwards and sprung at him. "On your guard!"

Auron hurled himself out of the way of her first stab, but Jihl's movements were fluid and graceful. Witnessing her pressing the attack, Rikku knew that she was the only one who had a chance at keeping pace with Jihl's blistering speed. With that rapier's reach, though, she'd likely be speared through before she even got a knuckle in edgewise. So she aimed a Blizzaga towards Jihl instead, hoping to slow the woman down and keep her off of Auron.

Jihl leapt into the air, arm extended, and shattered the ice crystal forming over her head. The magic unraveled, dispelling once again before it could hit. She landed in a smooth roll that did nothing to slow her assault. Instead, she transitioned seamlessly into a series of steps, ducks, and even hops to drive Auron further and further backwards. He managed to dodge or parry most of her rapid-fire strikes, his protective spells flaring bright when he couldn't. Deftly, he angled his retreat so that he drew her away from Braska. It was still a clear and uncontrolled loss of ground that brought him dangerously close to the edge of the platform, though, and his chest rose and fell heavily from the effort of blocking her.

The last time Rikku had seen anything like it was in the early days when Auron was still training Jecht. Back then, he'd only used it as an intimidation technique to force Jecht to concentrate on their lessons. Unfortunately, Jihl's use of that tactic still produced the same effect.

Jihl relented as the heel of his boot hit the edge of the steep drop to the city far below. "Impressive. You managed to maintain your stance." Taking a step back, she lowered her weapon and appraised Auron with a thoughtful look. Without any warning she lunged, rapier fully extended.

"Yaaarg!" The blow that might have pushed Auron over the edge never landed as Jecht slammed into Jihl, shoulder-checking her off course. The tip of her rapier smashed into the ground, sending chunks of stone flying everywhere. The wrath in her eyes was replaced by surprise when the Fang cleaved into her head, though.

"Nobody said it had to be a fair fight!" Jecht grinned, pulling the enormous sword out from between her eyes out with a wet slop. His smirk soon turned into dismay as Jihl, even split as she was, lifted her rapier. The chains of her hair wrapped around her head, pulling her metallic skin back together again. There was a new jagged crack running down the center of her face, and the look of fury in her eyes made him take a stumbling step back. "Uhh…"

"Never interrupt a duel!" she screamed, spinning into a roundhouse kick that planted her heeled shoe into the center of Jecht's tattoo.

He grunted from the force of the blow, going airborne and sailing over the side of the platform, arms wind milling. Somehow, he managed to reach out and grip one of the ornamental pillars lining the falls before he could follow the water tumbling down over the edge. With a swing, he wrapped his legs around the column and fought to pull himself back up, bleeding profusely from the puncture wound in his chest. His Celestial weapon wasn't so fortunate, though; the Fang fell towards the city, the first casualty of the battle.

Braska rushed towards Jecht, intent on pulling him back to safety, and Jihl clucked her tongue.

"Ah ah ah! Summoners are for dessert," she said, dancing away from Auron's retaliatory strike and flicking her hand at Braska. Wickedly sharp pillars of crystal burst out of the floor, slicing into the summoner's skin and entrapping him. Jihl's hand formed a fist and the pillars expanded explosively, staining the interior of his crystalline cage with ominous splatters of red.

Heart in her throat, Rikku raced towards Braska. There wasn't the time for a mix, judging from the pool of red gathering around the base of the pillar formation. Instead, she grabbed her strongest healing potion to try to stop him from bleeding out. Even though he was trapped, she could hear Braska chanting under his breath with fervent intensity, his eyes trained on Jecht. Blood trickled from the corner of his mouth, bright and terrifying against the paleness of his skin. Finishing the chant, a powerful Curaga washed over the Jecht, closing the blitzer's chest wound and giving him the strength to scrabble back onto the safety of the platform. Exhausted, Braska sagged against his prison.

"Heal yourself!" Rikku yelled, frustrated at his lack of self-preservation. She smacked her potion into the closest exposed skin she could find, his outstretched hand.

Auron surged forward at the same time, trying to catch Jihl off-guard. When Rikku looked over her shoulder to track Jihl's movements, she drew in a sharp breath.

She's too fast! She's way too fast! "Auron!" she tried to warn him. Jihl raised her rapier, fully ready to receive his attack.

Jihl was indeed fast; she changed trajectory at the last minute and shot towards Rikku instead. "How sickeningly sweet! Two star-crossed lovers, destined to die together!"

Rikku threw herself into a backflip, feeling the metal of the rapier skim her abdomen rather than disembowel her. She hit the ground in a roll and immediately skittered backwards to avoid being skewered. And then her heart froze.

It was a feint!

Jihl hadn't been trying to skewer her at all; she'd used Rikku as a distraction while Auron was charging towards her. Because of course Auron, ever the Guardian, would try to intercept Jihl's attack to protect her.

Quick as a hypello in water, Jihl leaned backwards and twisted the rapier into his unsuspecting charge. The Mighty Wall Rikku had layered him in deflected the weapon enough to sending it scraping along the right side of his face rather than clean through his eye socket, though it shattered under the force of Jihl's blow. Auron howled in pain as the sword's tip scored his cheek and caught on his eye, blinding him. He staggered, blood splattering at his feet.

Braska chanted quickly, trying to repair Auron's ruined eye as the other man doubled over and covered his bloody face with his free hand. Auron continued to swing blindly to keep Jihl from following through with a fatal attack, retreating. He managed to straighten out of his pained curl as the tell-tale wash of Braska's powerful magic rapidly started healing the wound, closing his split skin.

Jihl snarled. "I said wait your turn!" She slashed her hand downwards and the crystal prison expanded once again, this time embedding Braska completely from head to toe before he could complete his spell.

The green thread of curative magic dissipated and Auron stumbled backwards, his hand dropping away to reveal a recognizably scarred face. He tottered, trying to regain his sense of balance despite his sudden loss of depth perception.

No, Rikku thought, her fear crystalizing into something solid. His half-healed eye was already scarred over. Even if Braska were to try again, it was too late to restore it; Auron's loss of vision was permanent. But I'm changing the future! She slid to Auron's side, steadying him. This wasn't supposed to happen! Not again! "Stop it!" she screamed at the other woman, her hands shaking as she tried to mix something, anything to give them an edge.

"Time to die," Jihl purred, scraping her rapier back and forth over the stone menacingly and stalking forward one slow step at a time, her heels clicking ominously against the stone floor.

"Time out!" Jecht roared, his foot snapping Jihl's head back in a flying kick. She reeled and then twisted, slinging her rapier towards him. Jecht cartwheeled expertly out of the way – and landed on his sword. Which was no longer lost in the depths of Dream Bevelle.

Even panicking as she was, Rikku blinked in disbelief. "Huh? How?!"

Jecht ignored her, sweeping his hands towards the sky. The sword spun upwards in a wild spiral that took him out of the reach of Jihl's rapier. Bending his knees to keep his balance, he crouched low on the broad side of the Fang, using it like an aerial surfboard. "Later, Blondie! I'm concentratin'!"

She'd seen him do it before; controlling the thrown blade to fly where he wanted it to. Apparently being forced to fight against Sin's human incarnation had pushed him to perfect the talent.

Jihl was just as dumbfounded as the rest of them, her mouths dropping open. Then she screeched at him, the sound deep and vibrating as the noise emanated from her entire body. Impossibly high crystalline stalagmites exploded out of the ground, chasing after Jecht in the sky. He weaved in and out between them expertly, similar to how he dodged attacks underwater when playing blitzball.

"Die already, you insufferable cockroach!" she shrieked, forgetting about Rikku and Auron for the moment as she focused on Jecht.

Rikku's fingers closed around the grenade fragments she'd been mixing and hurled them at Jihl's upturned face. The fiery explosions slammed the other woman back across the platform multiple times, blasting her towards the edge in much the same way she'd forced Auron back.

"We gotta level the playin' field," Jecht growled, casting another Hastega over all of them as he circled overhead. This time, Jihl wasn't able to counter their spells and Rikku nearly wept with relief as she felt her limbs growing loose with augmented speed.

"Augh," Auron gasped, his shaking hand coming up to cover his eye once more. "Get Braska out before he suffocates!" he yelled, raising his sword and running towards Jihl, who was still staggering. He leaned back and slammed the Ashura into her side, lifting her off of her feet and throwing her over the edge.

Rikku knew they hadn't killed her, but it didn't matter. Braska's skin was turning the same shade of blue as his cage. Everyone raced to chip away at the crystals surrounding the summoner. One particularly hard crack across the top of the prison by Auron was enough to split the crystal around his head. Braska gulped in deep, wheezing breaths as soon as his face was freed, and Rikku and Jecht continued to pry chunks of crystal off the rest of his body. Auron caught him when he fell, mumbling curative magic over the worst-looking parts of Braska's red-stained robe.

"Rrrng," a low, deep voice growled from below, filling Rikku with dread.

Here it comes… the real challenge, she thought. They weren't at their best; Braska was barely conscious, and Auron was still trying to adjust rapidly to the loss of his vision – and precision.

The edge of the platform cracked under a large, clawed hand that grabbed the edge. Jihl pulled herself up slowly, but her form had changed once again. She was much larger than before, and her smart Crusader garb had disappeared. She wasn't naked, though; instead, her chrome-like skin had blacked to dark iron and the many mouths that really did cover every bit of her body melded into gold sigils of Yevon that each chanted the Hymn in a discordant symphony, burning with fiery light. Her long hair, now glowing with energy, lifted from her back and shoulder blades like wings. She rose to her full height, revealing a prehensile tail that ended in multiple talon-stingers. At least her rapier was nowhere to be seen; it was a small comfort when she was three times the size of them now, though.

"That's Dysley's Final Aeon," Rikku said, watching her with wide eyes. "We have to beat her!"

Auron struggled to rise to his feet, sword in hand, but Jecht pushed him back down. "You had your turn, Auron. Take care o' Braska now." Scowling, he hefted the Fang over his shoulder, copying his mentor, and then ruined the effect by swaggering forward, his other hand fisted against his hip. "Oi, mouthbreather! Your fight's with me!"

The aeon whirled, smashing her tail down in the center of the platform, but Jecht avoided it by leaping up and holding onto his sword, dangling himself in mid-air.

"Bad aim, too," he sighed, shaking his head. He dropped when her tail retreated, landing in the smashed rubble. "Well, gotta set up my game now," he groused, falling into a wide fighting stance.

Roaring, the aeon rushed towards Jecht, claws extended. He met her rush, clenching his armored fist into a ball and leaping into an uppercut to her chin that sent her reeling backwards. He followed it with a side kick before she could recover, and then brought his sword down in a jumping vertical slash across the length of her body. The many mouths screamed in pain as the Fang opened up wounds that shone like fire everywhere it struck against her darkened body.

She slashed at him with her claws, snarling, and Jecht brought the Fang up before him, bracing it against himself like a shield to absorb the hits. As she drew back another fist, though, he dropped the sword and cocked his arm backwards, slinging a powerful haymaker into the side of her knee that made her crumple to the ground on one leg. He met the downward trajectory of her forehead with a head-butt, and then bounced her off the floor with another vicious strike of his sword.

"When did he get so good?" Rikku gaped, watching Jecht mercilessly beat the Final Aeon, combining Auron's sword technique with every single dirty trick and brawler punch he knew.

Auron laughed self-depreciatingly, still rubbing at the tender scar running above and below his bloodied right eye. "Jecht doesn't fight for honor or glory. He doesn't need the forms or the stances. He just fights to win." Then he smiled a tiny, proud smile, despite his pain. "Jihl was wrong, after all. I have been beaten in a duel before." He tilted his head towards the fight.

They watched Jecht use his flying sword to pull the aeon up into the air, and then spike her back into the ground like a blitzball. "That was for Braska!" He flipped onto it and rode the hilt guard downwards, driving the business end of the Fang into her abdomen and pinning her to the ground like a tacked bug. "An' that one's for Auron!" He tumbled forward as soon as he'd driven his sword through her deeply enough to keep her locked down. "But this here, this one's all for me!" Kneeing on her shoulders, he drew his fists back and punched her repeatedly in the face, giving her no chance to recover.

By the fifth punch, his unarmored knuckle was raw, but the aeon went limp beneath him. Smirking, he rose to his feet and put one foot on the hilt of his sword, pushing it in further. Then he leaned on his knee, panting for breath. "The game's over," he said grimly.

True to his word, Jihl's body grew translucent, swirling with the multi-colored hues of escaping pyreflies.

"We did it. We got her!" Rikku scrambled to her feet. "Now we just have to get out before Sin's body collapses on us!" She turned and glared at Braska. "No matter what happens, don't summon now! We'll find a way out of here on our own, so let's go, go, g-"

Jecht let out a yelp and hopped off his sword as more than just pyreflies flitted away from under his feet. "The hell is that thing?!" He skipped away from the black, wavering cloud that formed above their heads.

"That's Yu Yevon," Rikku said. The squid-like creature flitted around wildly, its tentacles writing as it searched for a Final Aeon to latch onto. It grew more and more agitated as nothing was found, and Rikku clenched her fist. "We gotta go right now—!"

"No," said Braska, standing up and holding his staff out. "It can end here. All of it. Yuna will never have to go on Pilgrimage. Spira will never have to suffer senseless deaths again. A thousand years of people just like us, reliving the same pain over and over again – we can finally stop that." He looked at Rikku, and then gave her a gentle smile. "Not by fighting him." His gaze lifted to Yu Yevon, who'd stilled above them, pulsating eerily in the dim light. "By Sending him."

Auron's arms wrapped around her. "Rikku," he said, trembling, torn between the obvious truth in Braska's words and his attachment to her. "Everything you know will change. But… stay," he begged her, his one good eye seeking hers. "Find a way to stay…"

The tightness in her throat rose. But it wasn't Auron's fear of her disappearance that flooded her. It was Jecht, crossing his arms and watching Braska begin to dance, ignorant of its meaning.

No! No, I was supposed to buy him ten more years! She opened her mouth, searching for a reason to stop the Sending, but no words came out. Braska was right. It was the simplest solution; the obvious and easiest one. He didn't know that Sending Yu Yevon meant destroying Jecht. She did, though, and she couldn't help it. She met Jecht's eyes.

He'd always been able to figure things out when he needed to.

"A song from an Otherworld," Jecht mumbled, watching her and finally making the connection. "We're the song. All o' Dream Zanarkand." He turned back to Braska, his eyes going wide. "Tidus!" he yelled, lunging for the other man and grabbing his staff, stopping the dance mid-way. "Don't!"

Surprised, Braska tried to draw back, but Jecht wouldn't release him, instead trying to pull the staff out of Braska's hands. "Jecht! Why?" Braska asked, confused. He hung on tightly to his weapon despite being shaken like a rag doll by the larger man.

Jecht didn't have time for an answer, though, because Yu Yevon focused on their struggle. It swooped low, and Jecht released the staff, pushing Braska away as he fell backwards, both of them narrowly avoiding being hit by the strange undead.

"It's attacking us?!" Auron said, releasing Rikku and bringing his sword up. He shook his head and focused, trying to track Yu Yevon's erratic flight with his blade. "Why?"

Rikku's eyes widened. "Because… he needs an aeon to survive!" She looked at Jecht, who was reaching for his sword, horror dawning. Jihl hadn't realized, but the thing in the air stalking them wasn't Sin… it was the greatest Summoner of Spira.

We failed, because… "He wants the most powerful aeon nearby! Jecht! He's going after you!"

"Huh?" He looked up and saw Yu Yevon turning to bear down on him, realization dawning. "Shit!" he yelled, falling over and backing towards them on his butt. Auron leapt in front of him, swinging his sword into the writhing black mass and slamming it back up into the air before it could latch on to Jecht. Yu Yevon wobbled a bit, but then continued its frenetic motions, circling them again like a cat stalking a mouse. Its tentacles shivered, pulsing with glowing energy.

"You have to Send it!" Auron yelled, preparing to bat it away again. Jecht jumped to his feet and grappled Auron's sword down.

"Don't hurt it!" he yelled, his eyes wide. "Killin' that thing will kill my son!"

Yu Yevon swerved back towards them and Rikku grabbed Jecht, trying to pull him out of the way. "Don't do this, Jecht! Don't let that thing take yo—"

Her breath left her in an abrupt gasp as something hit her. Her eyes dropped to her chest.

Ten glowing tendrils pierced through her, wriggling like worms. A weight settled against her back, and the tendrils contracted, fingers on a hand grasping something inside of her, sinking below the surface of her skin.

"N-no," she laughed shakily, feeling a burning sensation between her shoulder blades. She met their eyes, just as confused as they were. "No, he always goes after the most powerful aeon…"

She wasn't able to process their looks of shock as she fell to her knees; she felt pretty much the same, after all. Well, except for the fire in her spine that was rapidly spreading to her chest, eating her up from the inside. The world grew fuzzy, and then faded away completely into a grey nothingness.

Thoughts foreign to hers flooded her head.

How can I rest? How can I be at peace? What shall become of us, when I am dead? No! The end of mortality shall never overtake us… Never! Zanarkand… will live… forever!

She felt it; felt Yu Yevon's single-minded desire ringing through her head. Even as her soul writhed in agony, she found herself repeating his mantra unwillingly in her mind, over and over again. Zanarkand will live forever. She was slipping away, being pulled into the depths of a silent ocean with a relentless undertow. Falling into darkness, and this time there would be no end.

Something stopped her. Her eyes cracked open briefly; there was nothing to see, in that deep, dark pit with her consciousness hanging on by a thread. She closed them again, giving up, but the pressure increased. In a world numbed of nearly all sensation, she felt it. Something around her wrist. It pulled insistently, and she tried to ignore it. So tired. The grip tightened, bringing pain back into her consciousness. Blearily, she forced her heavy eyelids open to take a look.

An enormous fiend's claw was wrapped around her arm, dwarfing it. If it squeezed her any more tightly, she was sure her arm would snap off at the elbow.

That… should be concerning.

It didn't matter; she was too tired to fight. Instead, her weary eyes followed the claw up a patch of rough scales, to a tuft of feathers and spikes, jutting out in every which direction. Strands of hair, white as snow, came into focus, and a pair of glowing yellow eyes watching her.

I should really be scared right about now, shouldn't I? She squinted, feeling coming back into her heavy limbs as she was pulled upwards, upwards, through the thick, cloying darkness that was reluctant to release her. The depthless black night receded into grey clouds. There was still a thick pain in her chest, like someone had ripped her heart and lungs out, but there was also enough light to see now, and she had enough energy to keep her eyes open. She blinked away her grogginess and took a good look at her savior.

The creature turned again, and her eyes fell to its chest. There, in white, blazoned across it was an unmistakable symbol. She lifted her eyes and he smiled at her, tilting his head; in this strange space in-between, where gravity didn't seem to exist, the red bandana swayed slowly alongside the motion of his white hair.

He couldn't speak anymore; a bony protrusion extruded from his throat and had wrapped itself around his chest, protecting and silencing him at the same time. His scarred face still retained its humanity, though, and his eyes crinkled as he smiled at her, gentle despite the fact that his teeth were long and wicked.

No hard feelings, Blondie.

Rikku burst into tears.

Jecht sagged a bit, then shook his mane of white hair out and continued to pull her up through the misty grey clouds, swimming as though he was underwater. His toes were as clawed as his fingers now, and unsettling bone spurs protruded from his legs at regular intervals, acting like armor.

Pull it together, Rikku! She used her free hand to wipe her eyes dry, trying to stop the feeling of the crumbling dam in her chest. They'd done this for her; she couldn't turn into dead weight now, of all times. "What's going on? What happened?" she asked, struggling to salvage the situation. Then she gasped and clawed at her chest, feeling something inside of herself move.

Zanarkand will live forever!

Jecht's face turned into an ugly scowl; he was looking at something on her back, and Rikku had a pretty good idea what it was. Shuddering, she kept herself from clawing at her Yu Yevon backpack and instead focused on Jecht's bright-eyed stare.

"Can you show me?"

He looked discomfited, and then put his other hand over his forehead, concentrating. Slowly, the grey mists cleared. She saw herself floating above the Palace of Dream Bevelle, looking down at the scene of the final battle they'd just fought. It felt a bit like watching a viewing sphere, seeing Jecht's memories replayed for her in the same way she'd shown them hers at the Dome. Strangest of all was witnessing her own body sprawled over the ground, her face pale and her green eyes wide open yet unseeing. She looked dead. There was no sign of Yu Yevon anywhere.

Auron was clutching her in his arms, holding her where she'd collapsed. His head was bowed and his shoulders were shaking. Jecht was sprawled next to him; it looked very much like Auron had knocked him to the ground and the still-very-human Jecht hadn't moved to get up afterwards. Braska stood over them all, a look of horror on his face.

It passed quickly; Braska's eyes landed on Auron for a moment, and then turned to Jecht, burning with bright intensity. He put his hand over his chest. "I know what I promised," he said quietly. "But they… are my life. Just as your son is yours."

Jecht met his gaze, matching the motion. A look of real fear passed over his face, and his fingers clenched. It smoothed away into resignation, and he nodded. "Yeah," he said shakily. "Yeah. This was always the only way."

The tense look eased off of Braska's face. "Auron," he said.

Auron looked up from her body, his face stained with tears.

"I will save her. No matter what it takes." He bowed his head, and lights bloomed around him, the tell-tale glow of summoning.

"No," Auron said thickly, realizing what was happening. "No! Jecht–!"

His words were lost as magic sigils appeared all around them, matched by the glowing sphere of light expanding outwards from Jecht's chest.

"See ya 'round, Auron," Jecht said roughly, a wane smile on his face. Then, shuddering, he doubled over and let out a sharp cry of pain that gradually faded. His body cracked and reformed, turning dark as his hair went light, washing out into white. Skin reformed into hardened ridges and sharp protrusions, changing texture and, in the case of his armored arm, even size. When it was over, he rose slowly to his feet – only slightly larger than life, and still mostly recognizable as the man he'd once been. His eyes glowed a dull fiendish yellow, though. He stood limply, head hanging, all armor and claws, as Braska slid into Rapture.

After a moment, Jecht animated and looked around. He kneeled by Auron and silently pushed the other man away from Rikku's prone body. Flipping her over, he placed his hands on her shoulder blades. Then, eyes flaring bright, he snarled and pushed. She recognized the technique; she'd taught it to him herself. His hands sunk into her back, disappearing in much the same way Yu Yevon's body had, searching for memories to grasp onto that weren't her own.

The memory of the Palace faded, and Rikku looked up at Jecht. "That's how you got here? So we're inside of my head? But… then what about Yu Yevon?"

Jecht smirked, then reached over her back and grappled onto something. He began tugging, his face contorting in exertion.

Rikku heaved as something tore inside of her, and the world exploded into bursts of color.

The mists cleared suddenly, as did the pain. Her surroundings solidified, taking form and color – and she recognized it instantly. The bustling streets of Zanarkand, the ancient metropolis. She'd seen it once before, when Seymour had shown it to them. Somehow, though, she knew this version was real; at least as real as she was in this strange, other space.

This… isn't my mind anymore. So then it must be…

She looked down at the heavy weight around her chest, as if someone had pulled her in and was giving her a too-tight back hug. She took in the heavy, robed arm holding her close, and then looked up over her head. Her eyes widened, and she let out a gasp.


He looked down at her, his familiar red-brown eyes narrowing. His dark face was unscarred and clean-shaven, and his thick brown hair was neatly bound in a low ponytail, with only a few unruly strands escaping.

"Don't presume, Bedohl scum!" he boomed, glaring. His forearm tightened around her neck painfully, lifting her feet off the ground. Legs kicking in fear, she grabbed onto his arm and tried to hold herself up, gasping for air.

Definitely not Jecht! Jecht wouldn't try to kill me!

"The hell, Blondie!"

Something whizzed over her head and cracked loudly. She crashed into the ground, coughing. Her arm twisted painfully behind her back when she tried to get up, and she fell to her knees. The man with Jecht's face was scowling and rubbing his chin, but he hadn't released her completely – his hand was still clamped around her wrist.

Jecht – the very familiar, human, scarred, and bare-chested one – bounced on his feet, shaking out his knuckle. "You really think I got anythin' in common with this prick?! I keep tellin' ya, I look like that Lord Mi'ihen guy, not this loser!" He stopped bouncing long enough smack a fist into his palm and crack his neck. Then he looked his body double in the eye – simple enough, since they were the same height. "Listen, we can do this the easy way or the hard way, but you're lettin' her go anyhow," he warned.

"You...!" The man wearing Jecht's face looked surprised. Then his eyes softened. "I see. You… are my creation."

He released Rikku, and she scrambled away from him, rubbing her throat. "You're Yu Yevon?" she rasped, looking between the man in the ornate, high-necked Summoner's robes and the sparsely-clad blitzball player. The physical differences were there, but only slight; Yu was just as familiar and foreign to Jecht as Shuyin had been to Tidus. "I can't believe it! You absolutely made yourself into the biggest superstar of your own dream world!" she gaped, marveling at his ego. It was somehow offensive.

"Yevon schmevon," Jecht scoffed, tugging her behind him. "I'm the superstar, not some thousand-year-old mass murderin' asshole with a chip the size o' a whale on his shoulder."

Yu's face twisted. "This ruffian… is a superstar?"

"Star blitzer of the Zanarkand Abes," Jecht couldn't help himself from boasting.

Looking between the two, Rikku couldn't help but notice the differences between them, even more pronounced now that they were interacting with one another. Both had striven to be heroes to their people; if Maechen and Lenne's telling of history was correct, however, Yu Yevon had clearly failed. Rather than the loving adoration of the masses, he'd enforced compliance – brutal enough to have created Shuyin's unstoppable hatred and betrayal. He'd pressed an entire population of summoners, willing or not, to become his Fayth. Ultimately, he'd even destroyed his own city, murdering everyone within it in the process.

Jecht was Yu Yevon's perfect dream; his own creation indeed. A man who was beloved by all of Zanarkand, to the point of making even his own son feel inferior. He was a respected hero, not a tyrant; just looking at them side by side, anyone could tell he was more laid back, relaxed, and self-confident than his counterpart. Above all other things, though, Jecht was a genuinely nice person underneath his rough exterior.

"You… you wanted to be just like Jecht," Rikku said, finally catching on. "That's why you made him like that. Because the you in the real Zanarkand was his complete opposite."

"Huh?" Jecht said, neither understanding nor really caring about her attempt to analyze the ancient summoner. "Why's that matter? So long as he ain't lettin' you go, he's just another asshole I gotta beat down in the end."

"What manner of nonsense are you spouting, girl?" Yu said, his scowl tightening. "My existence allows Zanarkand to live forever. My own wants and desires play little role in that! My purpose is greater! As is yours, now!"

"You're just like Shuyin," Rikku complained. "I like the summoned versions of yourselves better, you know. The real ones are jerks!"

Yu's expression spasmed. "Shuyin? You know of that imbecile?"

"Who the hell's Shoe-in an' what's he got to do with anythin'?" Jecht asked her.

"Shuyin. He's… kinda like the body double of your son. Yunie, Paine and I went on a wild goose chase hunting him down while he was trying to destroy Spira, until we finally figured out he wasn't the same person as Tidus."

Yu's lip curled in distaste. "Shuyin was a fool boy who defied my authority because of a temper tantrum. Bevelle did us a favor when they executed him." He glared at Jecht. "It would only be fitting that something like you would have a copy of that deviant as your spawn."

As the summoner spoke, Rikku felt her waist growing hot. Looking down, she saw Lenne's sphere, whirling and glowing angrily. You and me both, Lenne, she thought.

"Hah," Jecht said, his grin widening. "That only makes me ev'n prouder of my son. Like I always say, think for yourself an' question authority," he sneered. "Looks like my boy came from better roots than I did."

Yu's face turned ugly. "Enough. Leave us," he said imperiously. "I have made my choice, and much as it pains me, the Bedohl girl stays. When I'm done with her, then I'll come after you and put you back in Dream Zanarkand. Where you belong."

"Why? So you can keep living your dream vicariously through Jecht?" Rikku said, her hand closing over the sphere. "You did it so well even your own summon hates you," she growled. "You're a sick, obsessed old man, and you need to learn to let go!"

Yu tensed, his face darkening as the bustling city streets slowed, the crowds of people freezing all around them. A sense of imminent danger pressed in from all sides and Rikku shivered, glad that she'd at least materialized with her Grid intact. She didn't even need to activate it; Lenne stepped out all on her own, flooding her limbs with new strength and determination. She swayed on her feet, tapping her toes to a nervous rhythm as her Songstress costume formed around her body.

"You heard the lady," Jecht laughed, his grin growing feral as he crouched down, arms extended, his sword materializing in his hand. "You an' me. Let's see which o' us is the real one, yeah?"

A/N: We're in the Endgame now…

Rikku Overdrives: Mighty Wall, Burning Soul
Auron Overdrive: Shooting Star
Jecht Overdrives: Feral Charge, Quick Block, Eagle Talons, Rising Fist

In case it wasn't clear, Jecht pulled his sword back up from the city using his (quickly developing) control ability. Which is why he wasn't helping out while Auron was losing an eye.

Jihl's Final Aeon form was loosely inspired by Fang's half-Ragnarok form in FFXIII.
Jecht's Final Aeon form is from Dissidia, not the huge thing Yuna and Tidus fought in FFX.

"Think for yourself and question authority" is a paraphrasing of psychologist Timothy Leary.
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and I still can't really figure out where Highbridge is located in relation to both the Temple and the Palace and the city in general.
I have also fallen down this particular rabbit hole now that you mention it. I think the high bridge might be that one strip that seems to circle around the upper area of the city.

Also, yay, I finally finished my re-read of this series, am super glad you're updating it consistently now that we're on the home stretch, and am also very happy to see that it's succeeding over on Ao3 as well.
I think there's acutally an area in both FFX and FFX-2 called High Bridge that is literally one big straight shot down to the bottom of the Palace (is it the Palace? I think it's the Palace. The big tower in the center of Bevelle.) In FFX I think it's the place where Kimahri tries to make a last stand and Yuna and the rest of the Guardians chase after him, and then you fight Seymour no. 3 or 4.

In FFX-2, I think that same area is a repeatable strip of entering Bevelle where the animators realized what a pain in the butt it was to run down that strip, especially fiend-free, and just made two boats that would ferry you from one end to the other in a little cut scene.

Things happen. Edits for some tonal shift might follow in the future, since I'm not 100% sure I caught it for this chapter. But the Things that Happen are gonna Happen, that part isn't changing.
77: Summoner's Sacrifice
77: Summoner's Sacrifice

Yu Yevon stared at them in disbelief. "You… would presume to fight me?"

In reply, Jecht leapt forward with a yell and swung his sword downwards.

Lip curling, Yu raised a hand, and a woman frozen in the crowd next to him animated. She flung herself in front of the summoner. There was a sickening crack of broken bone when she took the brunt of the Jecht's blow.

Rikku let out a small, shocked cry, her hands coming to her mouth.

"The hell?" Jecht stepped back in shock, watching the woman collapse in a boneless heap at their feet. Her body quickly turned translucent, fading away.

Laughing, Yu waved. The people frozen on the streets turned to face them as one, their features slack. "This is my world. My Zanarkand. And these have always been my people. The arrogance! To believe you, my own creation, could touch me here."

He dropped his hand, and the people rushed towards Jecht – men, women, even children, dead-faced and heedless of their own safety. They swarmed over Jecht like ants, sweeping him away from Yu and trying to tear him apart with their bare hands.

Jecht knocked his attackers away as best he could with punches and kicks, but his face was pinched. Even knowing they were only figments of Yu's overactive imagination, it was still impossible for him to land proper blows on what were basically civilians. They looked just like the ordinary citizens of his own Dream Zanarkand.

"That's not fair!" Rikku shouted, stomping her foot. I've gotta stop this! Heavy, rhythmic music filled the streets as the pattern she'd have to dance flared to life before her, and for a moment, her feet stopped. "Wait a minute!" The beat stuttered… and then kept on stuttering, purposefully.

"Lenne? This is…" Insane, she finished, hopefully in the privacy of her own mind. She'd never seen a pattern so complex before. It flickered before her in challenge. Before she could second-guess herself, though, Lenne threw her into the dance.

Confidence, Lenne demanded, just as imperiously as Yu. Her body moved towards Yu; she sucked in an apprehensive breath that was at complete odds with the arrogantly pointing finger and disrespectful shrug she aimed at him. Her feet skipped aggressively over the ground. She didn't feel half as assured as she looked, but the people of Zanarkand were still throwing themselves at Jecht rather than her at the least.

Lenne weaved her smoothly in and out of the building crowd to a pulsing, hip-hop beat. It was actually kind of terrifying, feeling them press around her. Just ordinary people acting like zombies, their eyes devoid of any emotion and their movement violent and jerky, intent on causing harm.

Move like you mean it! Lenne snapped at her, sensing her distraction. Rikku was beginning to think overconfidence was a trait common to everyone from the Zanarkand of a thousand years ago, but she forced herself to focus on the dance as soon as Lenne dropped her out of her toprock and into a dizzying back spin. She knew from the way her limbs were moving without her accord that Lenne wouldn't hesitate to snap her tendons, tear her muscles, and even fracture her bones, as long her body could keep up with the magic being performed.

The complex floor work circled her around Jecht. As she moved, the crowd overrunning him parted, slowing down. And then she threw herself into a flip and never came out of it, freezing in place while balancing on one hand, legs extended. The sea of people around Jecht froze with her, some even stopping mid-attack. Lenne locked her limbs in place, not allowing even the slightest tremble in her arm. Sweat dripped down her brow and her voice came out tremulously.

"Move, Jecht!"

"Freaky," Jecht grunted shakily as he extracted himself from the frozen mob. "But thanks!"

Her arm was screaming, and she nearly wept in relief when Lenne pushed her legs into a slow, controlled drop to the floor. The relief was short lived, though, because then she started breaking in earnest in a widening ring around Jecht.

Yu's face twisted in displeasure as she wrested control of his puppets. He raised his hand before his eyes, summoning more and more denizens of Zanarkand to surround them. It was hopeless; Lenne, still furious at him, took it as a challenge. The music swelled and Rikku's feet moved even faster, the radius of her breaking widening, freezing every opponent he tossed their way.

Jecht rushed towards Yu, this time unhindered, and slammed an armored fist into his face, ending the summoner's concentration and sending him backwards, reeling.

"Stop sendin' me stand-ins an' fight me yourself, coward," Jecht sneered as he brought the flat of his sword around and whacked Yu in the back, forcing him to his knees.

The crowds of frozen people vanished as Yu rolled across the ground. He stopped and came to his feet shakily, wheezing. His furious glare was directed at Rikku rather than Jecht, though. Or more accurately, Lenne. "You brought Shuyin's little summoner with you," he snarled at her.

Lenne dropped her into an insulting pose and flipped Yu off with a middle finger.

"Very well!" Yu yelled, looking back and forth between her and Jecht as he backed away. "I don't need those pathetic sheep to ward off the likes of you!" He clapped his hands together and bowed his head.

Zanarkand shook, bits of stone and rubble shifting off of the buildings. The earthquake grew in size, and soon Rikku and Jecht were fighting to keep their balance on the street. She lost her footing during a particularly violent rumble, her Songstress dance magic dissipating. Privately, she wept in relief as Lenne's iron hold over her body broke. Her arms and legs were on fire from performing trick moves that should have only been physically possible in her Berserker or Samurai costumes.

There wasn't time to catch her breath; the ground had risen high enough that she was slipping backwards in an uncontrolled slide. With a sinking feeling, she realized that Yu didn't need people to fight them off for him. The street roiled under their feet like an ocean wave, lifting them up and pushing them backwards rapidly. Yu had dreamed up this headspace, and now, their opponent was Zanarkand itself.

"How are we supposed to face down an entire city?" she asked Jecht hopelessly, struggling for balance.

"He ain't gonna win," Jecht swore, trying to claw his way forward. "No way I'm lettin' a bastard like that share my face!"

Abruptly, Lenne's scorn ran through her like lightning. Believe in yourself. Yu Yevon is but a bitter shell living in a self-serving dream. Why are you afraid of anything he does? These are nothing more than stagnant, pathetic memories!

Zanarkand was crumbling all around them; still, as terrifying as it was to be trapped in the midst of an apocalypse, she noticed that Yu Yevon himself kept backing away from them, never attacking directly. At her side, Jecht took a giant leap forward, only to have a street sign bend and smack him so hard that he landed behind her in rough roll.

"Damn!" he yelled, getting up and shaking his head, before trying again. This time, he slid low, slicing through the poles of all the street signs as he fought his way forward, determined to make his way past any obstacle Yu threw at him.

Yu Yevon's nothing at all like Jecht, she realized, her confidence returning.

The earthquake intensified, so she materialized her microphone and started singing. "I put my armor on, show you how strong I am! I put my armor on, I'll show you that I am—" The magic swirled around herself and Jecht, shielding them from the razor-sharp shards of stone, brick, and asphalt that exploded all around. "—unstoppable, I'm an airship with no breaks! I'm so confident, yeah, I'm unstoppable today!"

Yu growled, lifting his hands higher, and whole chunks of buildings began to tear themselves away, flying towards them.

Jecht ran in front of her, swiping the Fang back and forth, batting the smaller projectiles to the side and smashing through the larger ones with his celestial weapon. They continued their relentless advance on the increasingly anxious summoner.

"Impossible!" Yu yelled, his eyes flashing. "You're nothing more than a dream! Stay back!" He raised his arms. Water burst out from between the cracked rubble of the city streets and buildings, blasting towards them in jet-powered streams.

Rikku changed her tune immediately. "Thank you in advance, I don't wanna dance," she sang, dodging a blast of water from a manhole. "I'm feelin' untouchable, untouchable!" From the corner of her eye, she saw Jecht cartwheel out of the way of a water whip. "I'm feelin' nah to the ah to the no, no, no!" They continued stylishly sidling their way up to Yu despite his repeated attempts to strike them down.

"I'm going for it," Jecht warned her when they neared Yu, his muscles tensing.

Rikku flipped her microphone to her other hand and began swinging her hips. "This is how I roll, animal print, pants outta control!" She blew Yu a kiss just as Jecht sprang. "When I walk in the spot, this is what I see! Everybody stops and is staring at me!" He barreled into Yu's chest, knocking him to the ground, and all the water whizzing through the air fell in harmless splatters around them. "I got passion in my pants and I ain't afraid to show it – I'm sexy and I know it!" she crooned as Jecht stood up, grabbing the front of Yu's robes with one hand.

Jecht drew his fist back. "Man, you gotta learn to just give up sometimes," he growled, then slammed it into Yu's stomach.

Yu coughed out a pained wheeze and sagged, his legs folding.

"Right," Jecht grumbled, holding Yu's limp body aloft by his robes. "Well, that was underwhelmin'. Thanks for the assist," he told her, dragging Yu behind him.

A flush of satisfaction ran through her, and then Lenne's presence faded, leaving her feeling tired and surprised. Around them the city was flickering, fading away, their surroundings just as weakened as Yu Yevon himself.

"Why…" Yu rasped, finally stirring as he looked up at them. "Why do you fight against your fate? If you defeat me, you will die too. I only…" His head hung low. "I only wanted to save Zanarkand. To create a world free of pain and suffering. A glorious city that would never sleep, never fade, and shine more brightly than any star in the heavens." His hands wrapped around Jecht's arm, and he looked up, tears glimmering in his eyes. "Why? Why would you want to destroy that, when I've worked so hard for it? Sacrificed everything and everyone for the perfect, never-ending dream?"

Jecht stared down at his creator with a look of mingled disgust and pity. He sighed. "You failed," he finally said. "I felt it ev'n when I lived there. That it wasn't real, y'know. I was on top o' the world, but I still wasn't happy." He smiled wryly. "I can't even hate you, man. I am you. An' I think you made me because you knew it too." He waved a tired hand at the ruins of the city around them, which now looked just like the real Zanarkand in Spira. "None o' this here is real. You were just too chocobo-shit to admit to yourself that it was all hollow. That you wanted it to end. So you made me to do it for you." His fist tightened in Yu's robes, his eyes turning bright with his own unshed tears. "Just… why?" he said lowly. "Why'd you have to make me able to feel, huh?"

Yu hung his head miserably. "Because I needed you to be perfect."

"Jecht?" Rikku whispered, reaching out a hand.

He looked up and caught her motion and flinched away.

She pulled her hand back, hurt.

Jecht's eyebrows rose and his expression softened. "Naw, Blondie. Don't touch." He lifted Yu a little, dangling him between them. "It was hard enough gettin' this guy off o' you the first time." The city around them began to ripple and waver, fading slowly. "Listen, I know what he's tryin' to pull here, but he ain't gettin' his way just yet." He smiled at her, wide and bright. "You're gonna have a great life, y'know? Bringin' Spira the Eternal Calm with Yuna and my boy. I'll keep Yevon in check 'till then. That way everybody can get their happy ending, right?" He hauled Yu to his feet and pulled him away from her. "Now get lost before this asshole decides to start fightin' again," he said gruffly.

The city faded away completely, Jecht and Yu disappearing with it. Rikku blinked. She was back in the nebulous grey space Jecht had pulled her into, but she was alone now. Overhead, a bright light shone, beckoning her forward. Trembling, she pushed her way towards the surface.

She came awake with a gasp.


The tightness in her chest this time was warm and comforting; it came from Auron, who was hugging her to himself like she would disappear if he lost his grip on her.

"Auron! I'm… I'm okay, I think," she said, returning his embrace. Turning her head, she saw Jecht standing next to them. He was still in his white-haired aeon form as Braska's summon, towering over them both. The now-limp squid that was Yu Yevon was gripped in one of his hands. A little behind him, Braska was kneeling, propping himself up with his staff while still in Rapture.

Auron released her and turned to look at the two men. "Thank yo-" he began, relief and warmth coloring his voice as he spoke.

Jecht didn't reply, instead bringing Yu Yevon to his chest and lifting the Fang high, its blade glowing bright with runes. Then, with a grunt, he drove the celestial sword through both of them. The black mass sunk inside of him along with the weapon, which didn't emerge from his back. Jecht didn't stop, trembling with effort, until the hilt of his sword was completely swallowed and the glowing crack he'd created in his chest sealed shut. He staggered, his skin momentarily turning as black as the being he'd trapped inside of himself.

There was a soft pop, and Rikku looked down. The Lady Luck sphere on her belt cracked; memory water was running down from it in rivulets. Then, with a musical tinkle, the sphere shattered completely.

Braska's eyes opened as he came out of Rapture with a gasp. "Oh-!" He looked at them, surprised, and then toppled over. The soft thunk of his body hitting the floor reverberated through the empty chamber.

Auron was frozen only for a moment. "No!" he yelled, lunging for Braska. The way the other man's body rolled limply in his arms when Auron lifted him was answer enough. "NO!"

Rikku put a hand over mouth, shock reverberating through her. This isn't real. It can't be! He'd been right there just a second ago, breathing and talking to us! She felt light-headed, disconnected from her own body. "I can't have failed. I can't." She wanted to deny it. He wanted to live after seeing Yuna, right? He was looking forward to watching her grow up! Braska… The tortured cry from Auron's throat grounded her spiraling thoughts.

"Auron—" Rikku reached for him, but stopped and let out a sharp gasp. Her hand flew to her chest as sudden, sharp pain lanced through her. There was another pop on her belt and the Berserker sphere shattered. She couldn't focus on that, though, because something else had shifted. Something inside of her. Strength leeched out of her limbs and she fell forward to her elbows, unable to speak. She looked up, panting.

Auron, she thought, wanting to reach for him, but her arms wouldn't move. Auron's back bowed over Braska's body, shaking it. He was shouting something. She couldn't hear what he was saying, though. Her fingers scratched at her sternum, and her eyes widened as a pyrefly drifted past her. Out of her. One, and then the next.

"You can't stay here." The voice was crystal clear, and with effort, Rikku turned her head. She blinked, seeing two small, brown feet. Lifting her head, she took in Bahamut's Fayth. His eyes were shadowed and hidden under his purple hood. "You have no anchor anymore," Bahamut told her softly.

Anchor? Her eyes fell to Braska's slack face.

'You are my temple here. You are my Fayth. I wish to worship you.'

Her head spun. She'd thought he'd sounded obsessed, back then. His soft words of longing had fallen across her ears back then like a hypnotizing chant. A hymn.

'Please. Let me love you.'

She managed to push herself back on her heels, numb. Auron whirled around, Braska's body still in his arms, and saw her. The look he gave her shook Rikku more than the pyreflies escaping from her body. He was terrified, and Auron was never scared. His eyes shot to Bahamut's Fayth, clearly able to see the boy this time. "Who is that?!"

"Ba…hamut," Rikku managed to say, clasping both of her hands to her chest, as if she could stop herself from dissolving. Her hands were turning into strange, glowing glass; she could see the floor through them. "I… thought… I was… your pawn."

Bahamut's head dipped. "Braska was a brilliant summoner. Just as Yu Yevon was. And just as Yuna will be. They all have had the power to summon their hearts' desire… and the strength to give those desires free will. It was an opportunity we have waited all these long centuries for. It was our only hope."

Bahamut was Braska's favored aeon… or maybe, Braska was Bahamut's favored summoner. Her eyes dropped to Braska's pale, lifeless face. Above all of the other confused, jostling emotions struggling to take the front, a feeling of intense betrayal flooded her. The bond between a Fayth and their summoner had always been sacred. Inviolable. She looked at Bahamut again, this time with building anger. "He trusted you!"

"I know. I'm sorry." Bahamut shook his head. "But now, you can't stay any longer."

"I… can't leave yet!" Rikku met Auron's eye. She remembered how he'd left them the first time. The pain, the years of never being able to let go afterwards; the way it'd changed her. But her burning desire wasn't changing the fact that she was losing the ability to speak. "Not… without saying… goodbye. Not… like this," she said, her heart aching for him. "He… can't… lose us… all!"

Bahamut was silent for a moment. Then he reached out and placed his hand on Rikku's forehead. "For Braska's service to us, I accept your price," he said. His touch brought instant relief, and she let out a soft sigh as her body solidified and stopped leaking pyreflies.

"But we can't keep you here for long. The answer has always and only ever been death. Anima brought you close once, against my will. But it was too soon."

"What do you mean?" Auron asked Bahamut hoarsely.

Not yet, another Auron's voice had whispered into her ears. Not yet.

"Go now," Bahamut told Auron, ignoring his question. "Sin is collapsing. If you stay here, you'll die." He turned his head to Jecht. "Can you still take them?"

Jecht, who'd been standing stock-still behind them, tilted his head in acknowledgement. There were strange protrusions growing all over his body; they looked like dozens of tiny blisters, or warts. A whisper of a future to come.

He kneeled by Auron, gently pushing Braska's body further into the other man's arms. Standing, he grabbed onto them both with one hand, cradling them securely against his chest. He picked her up much more unceremoniously with his other arm. It wrapped around her waist and lifted her off the floor, leaning her against his side like she was a blitzball. Then he began running down the platform, dragging them both with him.

Rikku's breath caught as Jecht leapt over the edge, sending them sailing off of the platform and over the long drop into Dream Bevelle. They never got a chance to fall, though, because the city suddenly exploded into a dense, glittering stream of pyreflies all at once. It was painfully bright, so she closed her eyes. Golden light flooded the back of her eyelids, and for a moment, Rikku was dazed.

When the light faded, her eyes opened wide and her stomach leapt into her throat. They were high in the air, the atmosphere thick with pyreflies, and hurtling towards the Calm Lands below at a breakneck speed.

Jecht's massive arms tightened around them, lifting them high. When they hit the ground, they jolted painfully in his grasp, but he held them safely aloft, his armored legs steady as he smashed through the grass, cutting a deep trail behind. He hopped a few times to gain his balance, and then came to a stop. Carefully, he deposited them onto the ruined field.

Auron slumped down, easing Braska's body to the ground, and looked up at Jecht.

The aeon straightened, blank and emotionless. Still, he lingered by them silently for a few moments longer, before turning around. He staggered.

"Jecht?!" Auron asked, reaching for him.

Jecht turned his head, looking at them both with bright, glowing eyes. Then he hunkered down and took off at a run, thundering down the grassy field towards the cliff side. The sky cleared and some of the bright sunlight – now seeming like a cruel mockery – broke through the pastel curtain of pyreflies drifting aimlessly through the atmosphere.

It was because they were trailing after Jecht, she realized. Sin's gravitational pull had already begun, drawing in the pyreflies that had remained after they'd destroyed the old body. He sped up, his new aeon form eclipsing the limitations of his human one, but still the pyreflies drifted after him, slowly and inexorably. With a kick, he dived off the side of the cliffs and towards the distant ocean below, escaping them for the time being.

But as she watched the cloud twist and weave lazily after Jecht's trail, she knew that one day, they'd catch up.

A brittle laugh at her side made her glance over. Auron was kneeling by Braska's body, both hands on his knees. He, too, was watching the cloud of pyreflies spill over the cliff towards the ocean. Another sharp, mirthless laugh erupted out of him. He turned to look at her, his one eye dark and wounded, and smiled a broken smile.

"And what am I to do now?" he asked her helplessly.


Jecht… had dropped them off on the wrong side of the Scar. Rikku stood, surveying the other side of the Calm Lands with a sense of helpless despair. "Auron… I don't think it's doable," she said quietly.

"I don't care!" Auron's answer was sharp and biting, his temper frayed. "I am not consigning him to become a fiend in that death pit!" he snapped, arranging the few bits of shrubbery he'd managed to gather around Braska's body. He leaned back from his work, looking up at her. "Can't you use your belt?"

Rikku flinched, turning around and joining him. She placed her own bundle of kindling next to Auron, noting how woefully inadequate it was. The sun was setting and they'd been gathering for hours. Soon, it would be too dark to try collecting anything more.

It still wasn't even remotely adequate to burn hot enough to make a funeral pyre. There just weren't any trees in the Calm Lands.

"I could try mixing some reagents to help, but…" Her hand drifted to her Grid. It was feeling as broken as she was; she didn't even have enough spheres left to activate the powerful Flare magic that would have incinerated Braska's body cleanly. "I just don't have enough magic power," she whispered.

"Then I'll do it myself," Auron growled, reaching for her belt. She caught his hand, stopping him with a shake of her head.

"You have even less magic power than I do. You can't do it either. Only Braska could." And he can't do anything anymore. She couldn't take her eyes off of Braska's pale face.

Auron made a low noise in his throat. His hand gripped hers. "What if we try together, then?" he asked after a moment, sounding broken. "I can't leave him like this."

If she was being honest with herself, neither could she. Reaching into her pouch, Rikku fumbled around her dwindling supplies, finding what she was looking for. She sprinkled her mix over Braska's body, and then mechanically unclasped the hook on her belt, stepping a few paces away.

Auron watched her work silently, rising to his feet when she beckoned and standing by her side.

"I need your arm," she told him, grabbing his bare wrist. Carefully, she wrapped the belt around both of their arms, stretching it so that the clasp closed. It felt like a wedding ceremony gone horribly wrong, joined together as they were, with Braska lying before them like a sacrificial offering. She felt the thrum of magic energy reappear, and Auron did as well from the way he straightened. His fingers wrapped around hers.

Her grid hummed, and she saw Lenne's ghostly hand slip over theirs as well. Her disembodied voice, sweeter than Rikku's could ever be, drifted over them as they lit the pyre with magic.

Place your hand in mine
And close your eyes…

With a kiss on your eyelids,
Let me heal your pain
Go to sleep, take your time…

The fear of loss envelops everyone
With the same sorrow and hesitation
I want to feel powerful…

If everybody becomes aware of the futility
Of conflict, a glittering sun will rise
Until then, I will pray…

Lenne's image faded, and they held on to each other in the silence, bleeding the magic out of their bodies. Together, they pushed and held the flame until only ashes were left behind.

I know, I know, and I'm sorry. But we're not at the end of the story yet, not for a while, actually. I wrote the outline for this passage way back in 2006, about 3 chapters in to starting this story. It's been a long time in coming. Feel free to share your thoughts though, even if it's just to get out any anger about what I did to everybody's best friend and/or the second male lead. I can take it better than Auron and Rikku are right now. *slinks away*

Songstress Abilities:
Break Dance (stops the enemy). Toprocks, Drops, and Freezes are all actual moves in breaking.
Cantus Firmus (raises the party's defense). Song: Sia, "Unstoppable"
Matador's Song (raises the party's evasion). Song: Meghan Trainor, "NO"
Dirty Dancing (party hits for critical damage). Song: LMFAO, "Sexy and I Know It"

Lenne's dirge at the end is the unofficial English translation of the Hymn of the Fayth.
Last edited:
So, so many boss battles. XD (well they're fun to write though.) Edits may apply later.
78: The Course of History
78: The Course of History

The sun rose slowly; Auron was sitting by the still-warm ashes, meditating. Braska's staff lay across his thighs.

Rikku watched him taking in slow, even breaths. He almost looked peaceful, though the cut over his eye was red and angry. He couldn't bring himself to finish the job Braska had started and she could tell it wouldn't heal well. It was likely he'd have difficulty opening that eye ever again once the scar set.

That scar wasn't just his, either; looking at it was a reminder of her own defeat. She'd thought she'd tried hard enough, that her plan to beat Jihl would have kept Auron, Braska, Jecht, and even Tidus alive. That together, somehow, team BARJ could forge a new way into the future. She could have lived with her memories or even herself disappearing if everyone else would make it to the Eternal Calm.

Now, though, everything was wrong. History was careening down its pre-ordained path. Jecht was gone – alive still, maybe, but no longer himself. He'd been her first friend here, and rescued her in the end – even knowing that she'd held back the truth about Dream Zanarkand's origins.

And Braska… he'd known, somehow. She'd felt it when he'd wished them goodbye, here in the Calm Lands; he'd inherently understood that defeating Sin would always come at a price. He'd been readying himself to pay it for their entire journey. But that look of surprise on his face before he died would haunt her – knowledge hadn't prepared him for that moment any more than their ignorance had. She was glad, in a way, that he hadn't realized she was bound to him. At least it had saved him from the suffering Auron had gone through on the way to Zanarkand.

But she felt his absence keenly; he and Jecht both. She was gutted, like their departure had torn away the warm, human parts of herself that she'd come to take for granted. All she had left now was Auron, and he'd retreated into a tightly wound ball of grief, unable to give her comfort any more than she could reciprocate. Even her presence was a wound to him, now; he'd seen Bahamut's Fayth and knew she was dying, too.

She studied Auron's scar, knowing exactly how it would look when it healed. History was reaching out to claim him, too, and she was being pulled right alongside him.

Rikku turned her face into the rising sun. It did little to warm the chill inside her. At first, she'd thought it was sorrow. She'd been content let it fester inside of her; a punishment for failing both Braska and Jecht. But it wasn't just her misery or the bite of the night air. Lifting her hand, she could see faint rays of sunlight shining through her skin. She was losing substance again. She hadn't realized Bahamut's favor would be so short.

Sucking in a deep breath, she stilled, unwilling to stir Auron from the only rest he'd managed to find that night. It was strange, spending the evening with him in such complete and utter silence. She missed how much the four of them had chattered together whenever they made camp. It felt… lonely.

I'm disappearing. She wished she had the courage to reach out and shake Auron. Maybe it would be better if he woke and she was already gone, though. Then he wouldn't have to suffer through the process of watching her leave him, too.

"You aren't alone," a quiet voice whispered in her ear. Jolting, Rikku looked at the hand on her shoulder; brown skin and calloused fingers. She looked up and saw a Crusader staring down at her, finely muscled from his rigorous training and dressed in his full armor. His short hair was a surprising shade of brilliant honey blonde. He didn't smile at her, but his look was sympathetic. He felt familiar.

"Aren't you—" she asked, and he squeezed her shoulder, his eyes brightening until flames licked out from them. Strength flooded through her, and she held up her palm to the sun again – completely solid.

Ifrit nodded at her. "I will walk with you as far as I can go." He moved behind her, his other hand settling on her opposite shoulder. They felt like twin furnaces, filling her with warmth.

She looked up at Auron, who'd opened his one eye. He stared at her. "Who were you talking to?"

Ifrit remained silent and still, his grip on her shoulders keeping her from floating away. Rikku realized Auron couldn't see him. "My memories," she said, unwilling to place her burden on his already buckling back.

He looked at her, breathing slowly in and out. "How long will it be before Sin returns?"

"Ten years… give or take a few months," she replied.

He exhaled softly. "How did Yuna manage to do it? Why did she succeed, when we failed? What was the difference?"

Rikku dropped her head. "Jecht. Jecht is the difference."

Auron shifted minutely, the only sign of his surprise. "You mean…" You knew.

It lay there between them; a heavy accusation, unspoken, because Auron couldn't – or didn't want to – hold her accountable.

"I mean Yuna never made a Final Aeon," she blurted in a rush. "She never became a High Summoner. When we met Yunalesca, she and Tidus… they rejected her. And then we killed her. We killed Yunalesca and sent her to the Farplane. So there'd never be any more Final Aeons, ever again."

"Then what about me?" Auron asked her harshly. "What about my destiny? You said this was supposed to be my story. But you never told me what my role was in all of this. In yours."

Rikku bit her lip. "You were…." Bitter. Broken. Tired. Dead. Only the last didn't apply right now, and she wondered how long she could keep that from happening. Auron was the one who'd asked her not to leave him first. She felt the weight of Ifrit's hands, and knew she was going to break her promise to him sooner or later. Did she even have the right to ask him to stay behind, to try to live on by himself, when she couldn't do the same for him?

The silence drew out, and Auron's lips thinned. "You told me the man you loved died defeating Sin."

Rikku flinched and looked away.

"It was always me, wasn't it." His dry laugh was hoarse. "So even this is denied to me. We won't all die together." She felt his gaze burning into the side of her face. "Were you ever going to tell me the truth?"

She bit the inside of her cheek so hard she tasted blood. He still didn't realize. He thought he was going to die fighting Jecht. "Some truths are too hard to say," she whispered. Ifrit's fingers tightened around her shoulders.

There was a soft rustle of cloth; then the heavy thunk of his boots as he stalked away.

She looked up and saw Braska's staff. He'd left it behind. After a moment, she sprung to her feet and grabbed it, unwilling to let go of that last piece of Braska. Then she gave chase. "Auron! Wait! Where are you going?"

He didn't answer her for a moment, his jaw working. Then he looked over and sighed, seeing her clutching the staff to her chest. "We need to find a way to cross the Scar." He pointed ahead of them, in the distance. "It's narrowest to the north. We'll make it by the midday if we hurry. The fiends are smaller on this side."

The marched in silence for a while after that, dispatching what few fiends they came across easily. It was still strange and uncomfortable, though; battling their way through without the assurance that Jecht and Braska would be right behind them, backing them up. Her spectral companion, Ifrit, stayed with them throughout, a silent observer, his hands periodically coming to rest on her shoulders whenever she stilled. Auron remained unaware of their silent tag-along.

"Are you mad at me?" she eventually worked up the courage to ask.

Auron shifted, then turned his good eye down towards her. "No. Why?"

"Because you're… different." Closed off. Cold.

"I'm angry," he said carefully. "But I'm not angry at you." He grimaced. "It would have come to this with or without you here, wouldn't it? This is all because of the false hope that the Church of Yevon was built upon. From the beginning, all Summoners were destined to fail. Yunalesca expects it. Revels in it." He huffed out a low breath, his eye narrowing. "But at least there's still something I can do for them."

"You mean get back to Yunie and take her to Besaid?"

"After. My first duty is something I can handle here and now." He turned his head to look at her. "I should thank you for giving me the answer on whom to point my blade at. Mika always wanted me to be a killer. I can try to meet his expectations just this once." He came to a stop, looking at the gorge. "This is it."

"Wait wait, what do you mean point your blade at? You aren't seriously thinking of going back up there and confronting Yunalesca, are you?"

Auron's gaze thawed as he looked at her. "You don't have to come with me. You seem… weaker," he said. "It will be dangerous as it is, and she's already demonstrated that she can control you. Maybe you could wait at the base of Mount Gagazet. The Ronso would welcome you as a hero now and…" He swallowed, his hand coming up to cup her cheek. "We don't know how fragile Bahamut's gift will end up becoming, if you fight by my side." Don't leave me, he told her with the gentle press of his fingertips.

She couldn't argue with him, not when Ifrit's hands lay heavy across her shoulders. Auron didn't seem to realize, though, that whatever Bahamut had done to restore her inside of Sin wasn't a permanent fix.

"But first, we cross here." He gestured at the narrow split in the gorge. Rikku squinted. It was true; the gap was the narrowest at the point he indicated. It still looked to be nearly twenty feet across. The bigger problem was the cliff wall on the other side of it, though.

"How are we supposed to cross it here and not just fall off?" she asked, daring to look down the ravine. The drop was still so steep that she couldn't see the bottom. "Even if we made it across, that's a wall on the other side!"

Auron rolled his shoulders. "It won't be a problem. I'll go first and help you up afterwards." He was terse and focused, acting as though they still had a schedule to keep.

"Aren't you scared of falling?" she asked him. "And why are you in such a hurry?"

He paused at that, and looked at her. "All my worst fears have been realized. What's left to be scared of?"

She clutched the staff tighter to her chest. "You sound like Braska, you know," she whispered.

He turned to her and put his hands on her forearms. "If I stop now, everything will catch up to me. And then I won't be able to move at all." He shook his head. "I won't let it end here. I won't let despair take me and I won't become one of the fiends that wanders these fields. As long as I have a goal, I can push on."

Carefully, he took the staff out of her hands and pulled loose the colorful Kilikan scarf around her waist. "There," he said as he bound the weapon securely to her back. "You'll need your arms free to climb the gap. When this is all over, we'll take Yuna to Besaid. We can think about how to reach Jecht's Zanarkand while we're there. We'll have ten years."

She wondered if he could hear the lie he was telling himself. It was in the finality of the smile he gave her, the brevity of the kiss he planted on her forehead. He was already dying, at least on the inside. Both of them knew that he wouldn't be able to wait peacefully in Besaid for ten years, pretending ignorance and counting the days until Jecht returned as a terror rather than a hero. He might have even guessed that she wouldn't be able to stay by his side for that long. But his fingers still lingered against her skin, savoring the touch, and he let those comforting lies fall from his lips.

She smiled up at him. I taught you too well, didn't I? "Yeah," she told him, nodding. "We'll have all the time we need."

He looked at the gap, then the fields behind them. "I'll need a running start," he said. There was an awkward silence as they both processed Jecht's absence.

Rikku put her hand over her belt. "I might be able to help there," she told him, activating her Songstress sphere and moving a few paces away from him. "Just don't fall." She traced the quick dance steps that would speed up Auron's movement.

He backed away a good distance from the edge of the gorge and crouched. When her magic took hold he set off at a run, barreling straight up to the edge of the cliff side. He swung his arms up as he jumped, pulling in his heels, and Rikku danced even faster, willing him to clear the divide. His feet hit the sheer edge of the wall and he scraped his boots against it in a vertical run, giving his arms just enough of a boost to reach the high ledge. Grabbing on, he hung from the edge for a moment, catching his breath and balance, before scrambling up and rolling to safety.

Rikku stopped dancing, relief flooding through her. "That was amazing!" she shouted, waving at him. When she abandoned the Songstress costume, though, the exhaustion hit her like a fully-powered machina punch. She sank to her knees and tried to control her breathing. "Huh," she puffed. "It wasn't ever this hard to dance before…"

Ifrit kneeled beside her, one hand on her shoulder. "If you keep using that, you'll burn out more quickly," he warned her. "I can't carry you much further."

"I won't make that jump," she huffed, eying the gap. Ifrit helped her to her feet.

"Rikku!" Auron called from the other side. "Jump over! I'll catch you!" He leaned over the edge and held his arms out, beckoning.

Taking a deep breath, she crouched low. I won't be left behind! Then she launched herself into the same run. The moment her foot left the edge of the ledge, though, she could tell she didn't have enough power to reach Auron's outstretched arms.

I'm gonna fall!

"You won't," Ifrit whispered, and she felt him grab her under her arms and fling her across the gap.

"Aaah!" she screamed, limbs wind milling, not only clearing the distance but also soaring over a surprised Auron by a good few feet, who twisted to watch her tuck and roll onto the ground behind him.

She sat up breathing heavily, her heart pounding. "Ifrit?" she whispered, looking around. But the Fayth was gone.

Auron kneeled next to her. "Are you injured?" he asked, noting her pale face.

"I thought I was gonna end up at the bottom of the gorge!"

Auron snorted, offering her a hand, which she took gratefully. "You're being too modest." He pulled her up. "I should thank you for waiting long enough to find a point where I could cross."

Rikku dropped her head. "Not really," she muttered, trying to tell him why she'd succeeded. The words caught in her throat, and when he turned away from her the moment was lost.

"Let's go." His eyes were focused on the distant peak of Mount Gagazet. "We can be at the Ronso settlement before nightfall." He led the way forward, pushing through the grasslands towards the base of Gagazet in land-eating strides.

Swaying for a moment on her feet, Rikku felt like she was going to be sick. Pushing it down, she rushed to keep up with him.


As expected, they were hailed as heroes upon returning to the Ronso village. Everyone had seen the light show created by Sin's destruction. They'd already sent runners to Bevelle, in fact. Thankfully, the Ronso seemed to understand more than any other race in Spira that Sin's defeat wasn't only a cause for joyous celebration. The entire village greeted Auron and Rikku with a deep bow; even Kimahri was present this time. As they marched past the rows of Ronso bending to them, the villagers broke out into a solemn, chanting Hymn. Not a song of victory; an honorable send-off for Braska, who was no longer with them.

They were taken to the same cave they'd rested in two nights previous. Rikku had to cover her mouth when she saw the pelts still there, lying in the same four piles of bedding they'd left behind. Auron didn't comment when she crawled into Braska's pile, holding his staff tight against her chest, and curled into a ball. He pulled another pelt over her and sat by her side, his hand a comforting weight on her shoulder as she finally let herself weep into the musky furs.

She drifted into a restless sleep, lulled by the stroke of his fingers threading through her hair and gently working out the tangles. She dreamt of Jecht surrounded by his very own creation of Dream Zanarkand, arms crossed as he turned to greet them. She dreamt of Braska wandering the Farplane. She dreamt of Auron, grey-haired and restless, kneeling amidst clusters of ethereal flowers. Finally, she dreamt of Tidus picking her up off of the ground and wrapping his arms around her with a heavy sigh. She wailed and beat at his chest.

"This is why I told you to come back sooner," he scolded, sounding sad.

When she woke, dawn hadn't yet broken and Auron was gone. Drying her wet cheeks with the back of her hands, she grabbed the staff and used it to propel herself upwards. Staggering, she noticed that her legs reflected the dim light in a way that they shouldn't have. Then, leaning heavily on the staff, she limped her way out of the cave.

Only Kelda stood guard at the base of the mountain's ascent. She gave Rikku no indication of acknowledgement as she passed. Rikku wasn't sure if Kelda was merely being her usual stubborn self, or if the Ronso truly couldn't see her. But she couldn't stop to find out; she was already too far behind Auron.

The climb was grueling, but she was aided by the fact that the fiends all but ignored her, just as Kelda had. At some point, she noticed that she wasn't leaving behind any tracks in the deep mountain snow.

Auron still was, though, and she followed them doggedly up the mountainside, her fists tightening around the staff every time she saw scuffled snow from a battle or a splatter of blood indicating that he hadn't come out of an encounter unscathed.

When she caught sight of him, he looked almost like a fiend himself. He was a man possessed, slashing his way through the fiends foolish enough to challenge him with a vicious ruthlessness that he'd never displayed to her before. She struggled to catch up to him, but he was always just two steps ahead of her.

As they climbed higher, the wind blew more harshly. Rikku felt it might catch her and blow her off the face of the mountain like a scrap of cloth. She used Braska's staff to dig into the snow, anchoring herself; it, at least, remained solid and real.

She tried to call out to Auron, who was pulling further ahead of her again, disappearing into the snowstorm. But she was scared; scared that if he saw her like this, he'd only leave her even more quickly. Or maybe, she was more scared that he wouldn't see her at all. Her hands tightened around the staff and she drooped and swayed.

A pair of muscled arms encircled her before she could sink into the snow, and Rikku's head shot up. "Auron?!"

The huge man who'd caught her glared. Then he pulled Braska's staff out of the snow and pushed it against her roughly.

"You should take that with you," he snorted.

Rikku blinked. His skin was dark tan, weathered from too many years under the sun. And he was shirtless, dressed in attire more appropriate for sailing in the balmy south than any snowy mountain trek. A gauntlet similar to Auron's ringed one forearm, identifying him as a swordsman. His long white hair, divided into four low ponytails, seemed impervious to the whipping winds.

"Which one are you?" she asked as he leaned forward, placing two meaty hands against the side of her temples.

"The one you fear." Lightning sparked to life between his hands. When Ixion electrocuted her, it jolted feeling back into her extremities. She looked down; her legs were solid again, and buried deep into a snowdrift.

"C-c-cold!" she yelped, leaping out of the snow and dancing in place.

Ixion crossed his arms and glared at her. "Follow him. Or don't. I'll help you as long as I'm able."

She nodded and scurried away from him, heart pounding. Ixion didn't give off the same warm, companionable air as Ifrit had. The nape of her neck prickled and she felt his eyes on her back. Somehow, she knew he wasn't going to be helping throw her across any cliffs anytime soon. Which was probably a good thing, considering that they were halfway up Mount Gagazet already.

She wasn't certain how much time she'd lost in the snow, unraveling until Ixion pulled her back together again. The Fayth followed her silently through the dank caves, occasionally jolting her when her steps slowed. More evidence of Auron's passage was scattered about; discarded vials from healing tinctures and ethers, marking the path he'd taken.

She tried to visit the hot springs again, hoping that Auron had taken a moment to rest there. The entrance had already reduced itself to a narrow crack, though, much too thin for him to squeeze through. Continuing her walk along the Fayth Scar, there was still no sign of him. Her hand hovered over the backs of the people prolonging Jecht's suffering and keeping Tidus alive, and she shivered.

She made her way down the path to Zanarkand; it was sobering, with nothing but the wind and Ixion's stony face to keep her company. She stopped by the campsite, her memories swirling to life, and saw Braska kneeling behind Yuna's hunched back, weeping for everything he'd left behind. Jecht was standing shoulder to shoulder with Tidus on the promontory. And a younger Auron was looking down at an older version of himself. She moved on.

There weren't many fiends on the path to the Dome, and she was faster than all of them. The pyreflies streaming above her head were the only company she had, though her mind would often supply her with glimpses of the others running along the same path with her. A flash of Lulu's long skirt trailing behind her. Jecht stopping to stare just a little too long at a pile of rubble. Kimahri holding his hand up, and then beckoning her forward. Braska staring overhead at the river of pyreflies with a resigned smile. Tidus stopping and staring at Yuna's back, his mouth drawn tight in pain. And Auron, pushing them forward, always, no matter what his appearance was.

When they reached the dome, Ixion slowed down, his ever-present scowl deepening. He grabbed Rikku by the shoulder and jolted her once more, this time with what she thought was unnecessary force. She spun to look at him.

"Hey, what was that for?"

Ixion looked up at the Dome, then back at her. "I can't enter with you. She's too powerful. This is as far as I can bring you." His scowl softened slightly as he pressed his hand against her sternum and sent another blast of lightning through her. "Strength, child."

Rikku shivered, nodding. Then she turned and crept her way inside.

She heard the sounds of fighting on the far end of the dome; she was close. But as she stepped in, the pyreflies' cry strengthened, and her legs met resistance. It was like she was moving through thick, clotted motor oil. Gritting her teeth, she forced one foot in front of the other, fighting against the resistance.

From the sounds he was making, Auron was drawing every fiend and piece of ancient machina in the vicinity to himself. It was lucky for her; she didn't think she could fight anything even if she wanted to. But it also struck a deep, fearful nerve deep within. They'd had a rough time breaking through as a group; how was Auron making his way past all those fiends by himself?

Her foot crunched on another vial, and she shivered. Healing potions could restore physical injury to a body, but not even they could prevent exhaustion from taking hold and setting in. If the evidence he'd liberally littered behind him was any indication, he'd be running out of them soon anyway.

She fought her way forward, despairing when she looked over her shoulder and noticed how slow her progress was despite her best efforts. The sound of the fight was fading and soon the patrolling machina and restless undead would come for her, too.

This time, when she reached baby Seymour wailing for his mother, she didn't have the energy to tear through him. She lowered her head and concentrated on moving past him, ignoring his heart-rending sobs. So when the soft, white hand reached out to touch her, she let out a scream and nearly fell off of the platform.

"Anima?!" she said, looking up into the pale woman's dark eyes. "But… you don't work for Bahamut. Why are you helping me?"

Anima's Fayth straightened up and clasped her hands in front of her. "Your Summoner earned my respect. He has accomplished what my son wouldn't." Reaching out, she grasped Rikku's chin in her hand. "Here, in this Dome, I will lend you my strength."

Heart pounding, Rikku tried not to flinch away from her touch. When Anima released her, though, she was able to stumble backwards and catch herself, no longer physically hindered by Yunalesca's heavy presence.

"T-thanks," she stuttered, still fearful of the Fayth who'd nearly killed her. Turning, she ran, flying after Auron. He was slowing down; he had to be. She fled past ghostly images of Braska and Yuna, dancing in the cloister, and let out a groan of dismay when she reached the central pit. The platform was well out of sight, rumbles echoing from the depths.

Rikku paced the cloister nervously, waiting for the elevator to return and trying to ignore the melted stems of black candles and broken glass shards strewn across the floor. Trying to pretend the dark streaks across the stone underneath them were just dirt.

Yuna's guardians waited with her, watching the platform nervously. When she finally managed to take it down, she was vibrating with impatience. She leapt off of it before it even hit the ground, barreling her way back into Yunalesca's outer sanctum. The corner she and Auron had destroyed with their makeshift fire was completely restored; the room looked as pristine as it had the first time they'd visited.

Rikku trembled, the outer room itself whispering of Yunalesca's formidable power. The staff felt slick in her hands, but she raced forward. "Auron!" she screamed. The doors at the top of the stairs were open. "Auron, wait for me!"

"Hurry," Anima whispered.

Rikku ran faster than she'd ever before. Beyond the double doors, she heard Auron shouting.

"No! Where is the sense in all this? Braska believed in Yevon's teachings and died for them! Jecht believed in Braska and gave his life for him!"

And Yunalesca's cool reply. "They chose to die… because they had hope."

She burst through the door, her face white, just as Auron rushed Yunalesca. It wasn't a memory she saw, this time, when Yunalesca's hand rose high, blocking his charge. He flew backwards, his body twisting through the air like a limp rag doll, and he hit the ground hard, his sword clattering a few feet away.

"No!" she screamed as the Samurai sphere on her belt cracked. But… it didn't shatter.

Yunalesca stepped forward, her pupils elongating into reptilian-like slits as she stalked towards Auron. "I told you to offer yourself to Braska," she chided him softly. "At least then, your death would have had meaning. Truly, what a waste," she sighed, her hair rising around her into vicious, pointed spikes.

"Don't touch him!" Her Grid activated on its own and Lenne stepped out, taking control of Rikku's body. She held Braska's staff aloft, twirling it expertly in one hand.

Lenne? What are you doing?!

Yunalesca's advance stopped, her eyes flicking over to Rikku. "Oh. It returned." Then they narrowed. "And it brought with it the idol singer." Her surprise morphed into disgust. "What a foolish death you died, girl. You should have performed your duty to my father."

Lenne was a still a Summoner, Rikku realized as her body dipped into a dance, ignoring Yunalesca's jibes. And suddenly, the swoops and the swirls as she swung the staff low and then high, twirling gracefully, made perfect sense.

Yunalesca's face contorted into rage as pyreflies began to drift away from her skin. "You would dare to Send me?" she hissed, raising her hands. She snapped her arms downwards abruptly, a shockwave pulsing out from her body that cracked the stone underfoot.

Rikku's feet caught and she stumbled, losing hold of the power.

Yunalesca strode forward with an ugly look on her face. "You forget that I am a Summoner too," she hissed, wresting the staff out of Rikku's grasp. Kicking Rikku backwards, she began to perform a Sending of her own. The pyreflies were still leaking out of her, too, as she danced. The look of absolute, incandescent outrage in her eyes made it clear that she wasn't going to stop, though.

Rikku staggered as Lenne trembled and released her hold on her body, even forcing her to drop the Songstress costume. She fell to a knee, for the first time feeling the raw pull of the Sending's power now that she no longer belonged in this time. She felt it rip Lenne out of her sphere, dissipating her presence. The masses of pyreflies in the dome allowed the songstress to project her original form one last time, her long hair flying as she tumbled away from Rikku on her hands and knees.

Lenne met her eyes. Her motivations were opaque, and she was sometimes cruel, but she'd always helped them in the end. Though fading quickly, she managed to smile at Rikku: the bright, polished smile of a professional. "Goodbye."

Yunalesca twirled and swept the staff up, and Lenne burst apart, pyreflies keening softly before they faded. When she heard the soft pop, Rikku didn't have to look to know that her Songstress sphere had shattered.

Yunalesca didn't stop dancing when Lenne faded, though. Her eyes were focused on Rikku, burning with anger. She whirled the staff again, and Rikku felt the Sending's pull tug at her own body, ripping even more pyreflies away from her. Yunalesca was damaging herself as well; the more she danced, the more she abandoned her humanity, her features becoming alarmingly serpentine. The summoner seemed determined to tear Rikku apart before she stopped, though.

The soul-rending pain peaked and then ebbed, and Rikku caught her breath, gasping. She looked at her hands, which were still there – they even started to solidify again. Confused, she scrambled to her feet, strength pouring back into her. The flood of pyreflies exiting her body slowed and then stopped, even though the speed of Yunalesca's dizzying Sending never let up.

Yunalesca eventually gave up, scowling, and lifted her arm. She looked surprised, and tried it again. Then she looked from her hand to Rikku. "What sort of an abomination are you?" she hissed.

Abruptly, Rikku realized that Yunalesca had been trying to stun-lock her again, as she had the first time. The reason why it wasn't working appeared as a pair of pale hands which touched Rikku's elbows, pulling her to her feet. Two long, slender arms wrapped around her chest, and a curtain of dark hair pressed against her cheek.

"Don't touch what is mine," Anima murmured, smiling at Yunalesca. She pulled away from Rikku, her hands sealing wounds Rikku hadn't even realized the Sending had torn into her. Her body felt solid, real, and powerful again, and her exhaustion evaporated.

"You? You would betray your creator?" Yunalesca hissed at the Fayth, shaking from side to side, her hair rising up like an agitated cobra's hood. Their ends twisted into spikes, pointing directly at Rikku. Her smile was cold and confident. "Well then. It shall be my duty to unmake you both."

Songstress ability: Jitterbug (cast Haste on the party)
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I think we get to earn our SV stripes now. As usual, post posting edits may apply, be warned.

In my head, I imagine the armor looks something like a machina maw reskin of something Warframe-ish.
79: Potential
79: Potential

Rikku sunk into her battle crouch. Her Godhand opened up and crackled with electricity, mirroring the adrenaline bubbling through her veins. "Drop that staff and get away from Auron," she warned lowly, bouncing on her heels. "I won't let you kill anybody else!"

"You should have never returned," Yunalesca hissed, tossing the staff away and lashing out at Rikku with her long whips of hair.

Throwing herself into a roll, Rikku ducked, weaved, and dodged her way around the deadly strands spearing towards her. It was anything but graceful; more of a sweaty, undignified scramble to keep herself from being impaled. She remembered how Auron had fought against Jihl and tried to copy him, making a mad dash for the opposite end of the platform to turn Yunalesca's attention away from Auron's prone body. Notice me, only me, she prayed fervently, her Godhand sparking as she deflected another deadly whisk of hair away from her neck. There were so many; it was dizzying trying to keep track of Yunalesca's attacks. She miscalculated and a stray strand of hair shot out and scored her along her waist.

Her balance lost, Rikku spun around and was knocked back by several more lashes of Yunalesca's hair. She felt shallow cuts opening across every inch of her exposed skin.

This isn't working! Her thoughts raced feverishly; on her own, she was at best able to dodge the deadliest of Yunalesca's attacks. Without teamwork, she was grossly under-matched for a one-on-one battle with the ancient summoner. She placed a hand over her cracked sphere, debating. One of the hair whips snapped a little too close to her eyes, and desperation forced her decision.

I need to go on the offensive.

Light surrounded her, and Auron's red robe settled over her shoulders. The edges were tattered now, and her right eyelid drooped, protesting when she forced it to stay open. It wasn't enough to stop her glare towards Yunalesca as she whirled the sword before her in a swift circle.

The ring of deadly hair-spikes that were rushing towards her dropped to the floor, momentarily stunned by her Dismissal. Rikku didn't wait, launching into a run and letting her injuries power the strength behind her sword.

"I will end you!" she shouted, slamming her weapon into Yunalesca. Her anger shattered right through the Protect spell Yunalesca had surrounded herself with. The Unsent let out an inhuman shriek of surprise as Rikku's sword cleaved heavily through her collarbone, opening a deep wound that oozed black, fiendish blood. Yunalesca pulled herself free and her hair whipped back to life, encircling Rikku and flinging her away.

Rikku only had a moment of satisfaction to note that the blow she'd landed had managed to bring Yunalesca to one knee before impacting against the remains of a crumbled wall. It knocked the breath from her lungs and more than a few of the wall's stones free. They spun off wildly into the void of space, and she was abruptly thankful for having smashed against a solid surface despite the pain. Shaking it off, she rose to her feet, dragging her sword behind her.

Yunalesca snarled at her, revealing elongated fangs, and Rikku reached deep into her sleeves and hurled the bag of Gil she found directly into the summoner's mouth. There was a loud crunch; she grinned when the heavy sack took Yunalesca's overextended fangs with it. Auron really had managed to hoard up a lot of money.

Reeling, Yunalesca held her bloodied mouth, swaying back and forth in shock. Not much of a challenge without Zaon to protect you, huh? Rikku thought smugly and rushed in for the kill, lifting her sword.

Eyes flashing golden, Yunalesca leaned forward, dropping her hand and spitting. Blood mingled with noxious black venom, splattering across Rikku's face and chest. She stumbled, blinded by the poisonous spray, and in that moment of distraction Yunalesca's attacks finally found their purchase.

Rikku yelled hoarsely as sharpened points of Yunalesca's hair sliced through the flesh of her arms and flung her backwards, nailing her to the ground her like stakes. Every second counted, so she forced herself to move. Grunting, she ripped her sword arm free. Her already hindered vision swam black, but she fought through the pain and swung blindly at her other arm, severing the hair tethering her in place. Then, shouting with the effort of it, she kipped up to her feet. Somehow, her grip on her sword remained firm despite both of her shaking arms being stained as red as her robe.

Things were starting to go fuzzy so she waved a hand before herself, drawing on Auron's powers to cleanse the poison eating away at her skin and blinding her eyes. The view when her vision cleared wasn't great; Yunalesca loomed over her, just as beaten and bloodied as she was, but poised for victory. "Let me be your liberator," she hissed maliciously, preparing for a final strike.

Behind Yunalesca, a dark shadow rose. Auron staggered back to his feet looking murderous, the Ashura raised high over his shoulder. Yunalesca realized he was there seconds too late, caught in a half-turn to face him when he brought the sword down with a furious roar. In one clean strike, he decapitated her.

Yunalesca's head bounced off the platform, her mouth open in a cry of surprise, before rolling into the void. The now-limp strands of her long, prehensile hair slithered over the edge after her. The body she'd left behind swayed and then fell over with a soft thunk, growing translucent and then disappearing in a burst of pyreflies.

Panting, Auron dropped to his knees, leaning heavily on his sword. They stared at each other for a moment, each bloodied and bruised from their ordeals, catching their breaths. Then Rikku shed her costume and flung herself forward, wrapping herself around him. "You big meanie! Don't you ever leave me behind again!"

"We did it. We defeated her." He sagged against her, leaning into her arms. "Somehow," he said, sounding utterly exhausted. Rikku's giggle of relief faded when she noticed that he didn't have any strength left in his legs; she sank to the ground with him, too drained to hold up his weight.

"Auron?" Her fingers rooted through her pouches, pulling out one of her last healing potions and forcing it down his mouth. He'd taken and used the bulk of their supplies just to reach this far on his own, and her fingers grew cold as she realized her potion was doing little to actually restore him.

"I'm sorry," he murmured, his eyes closing.

She laid him across the floor when he went completely limp in her arms, slipping into unconsciousness. "You pushed too hard," she scolded softly, smoothing her fingers over his chest. "Now how am I gonna get you out of here, you absolute unit?"

The cry of the pyreflies grew louder, and her hands stilled. Reluctantly, she raised her eyes and saw light shining from void under the same edge Yunalesca's head had rolled off. "I don't like this one bit," she whispered to Auron, struggling to her feet and stepping in front of him. She poured potions over her mangled arms and then flexed her fists, making sure her limbs were still working well enough to fight. Dread filled her as she recognized what was happening.

Tendrils of Yunalesca's blade-like hair rose over the edge, followed slowly by her severed head. Her eyes were serenely closed, as if she was resting. More disturbing was that her head was attached to a body, and that body wasn't even remotely human; it was a mass of writhing tentacles, and the higher it rose, the more familiar it looked.

"This can't be happening…" She sucked in a deep breath and took a step back as two huge, glowing emerald eyes opened and zeroed in on her.

The oversized mockery of Yunalesca's face peered out at her from the bottom of the malignant mass, surrounded by skull-headed snakes for hair. They twisted around the malevolent face, scenting the air and hissing menacingly. The enormous head opened her mouth and licked her lips with her long, forked tongue, her fangs glistening. "You didn't truly believe it would be that easy, did you?" she sibilated. "Sorrow cannot be abolished, but Fayth can be broken!"

Staring into those eyes and knowing exactly what Yunalesca could do to them in that form, Rikku felt it in her bones. She and Auron were going to die here together after all. She lifted her Godhand anyway, determined to protect him. "Bring it on," she declared more bravely than she felt.


Rikku jumped at Tidus's loud shout. Her memories caught up with her, standing in defiance to Yunalesca.

"Your fate is in your hands!"

Auron was pushing her to resist with his impassioned rally. Kimahri growled in agreement.

Even her younger self was shouting, "Well, I'm fighting!"— as if she hadn't been scared witless back then, too.

"Gimmie a break!" Wakka complained, swiping at his nose.

"You can always run," Lulu replied, a hard glint in her eye.

"Now let's see this thing through together!" Tidus shouted hotly.

Yuna's pale face was set in determination, nodding.

Rikku smiled, even though they were just memories; having all of her friends surround her one last time lifted a little of the hopeless fog that had descended over her. "Thanks, guys," she whispered, tightening her grip on her weapon. "At least we won't die alone."

The memory began to fade, but Yunalesca's smile dropped. Her eyes opened wide, and she bared her fangs… and not at Rikku.

"Who said we'd be dying anyway?"

Rikku froze, turning her head so swiftly her neck cracked, her jaw dropping.

"Rikku! Long time no see," Tidus beamed, giving her a wave. Unlike the others, he'd solidified instead of disappearing. He looked just like he had during Yuna's Pilgrimage, except in his hand was his unmistakable celestial weapon, the Caladbolg. "You really need to learn how to listen better." He glared up at Yunalesca. "Geez. She's as ugly as I remember."

"Who are you?!" Yunalesca screeched, snapping at Tidus, who scooted out of the way with a shout.

"Whooaaa! You really pissed her off!"

Shaking her shock off, Rikku did the first thing she could think of. She shrieked. "WHAT?! I mean, why—no, how did you—look out!" They both dodged as Yunalesca sent her hair-snakes whipping after them, cracking the platform dangerously close to Auron's prone body.

Tidus, agile as ever, leapt over the snake separating them. He stabbed downwards with his sword, eliciting a pained scream from Yunalesca. But rather than landing and taking up his battle stance, he kept running, tearing past her to slide to a stop by Auron. Grabbing one arm, he started dragging the unconscious man towards the doors. "Little help here! He's not exactly light!"

Rikku threw her questions to the wind and dove after him, grabbing Auron's other arm and pulling for all she was worth.

Auron's weight doubled in her arms when Tidus abruptly dropped him and whacked a few of Yunalesca's attacking snake-heads back… a move Auron had taught him during Yuna's Pilgrimage. He took a running start and kicked away another hair extension, then rebounded off of a broken pillar and twisted in the air, energy gathering around his sword.

"Too late to beg for mercy!" he yelled at Yunalesca, slinging the blade down to rain blasts of power that damaged multiple locks of her hair. Hitting the ground, he skipped back and helped her push Auron out the door while Yunalesca was stunned.

Unfortunately, Yunalesca recovered from his attack quickly. With a wild scream of fury she rushed towards them, green eyes glowing ominously like a fiendish nightmare. Tidus yelped and slammed the double doors shut, wedging the Caladbolg in the handles. There was a loud thump from something impacting against the other side. The closed doors shuddered, and dust and stone rained down all around them. Still, after a few more hits, they relaxed minutely. Both the sword and the doors held fast, stopping Yunalesca's charge.

Backing away, Tidus held up his hands triumphantly. "I won't go so easy on you next time!" he bragged. Then he dropped them awkwardly. "Because… I won't. I mean, like for real. I'll kill you next time." And then he removed all doubt as to who he really was, because he put his hands on his hips started laughing at his own joke.

Rikku barreled into him, nearly knocking him over. "Tidus!" she screamed, simultaneously hugging him and shaking him furiously. "What the heck are you doing? How'd you even get here? Did Bahamut send you to help us?!"

"Whoa! Calm down!" Tidus wheezed, extracting her hands from around his neck and pushing her back.

They both jumped as the doors shuddered again, and Tidus winced. "Why don't we get a little further back before we have a happy reunion?"

"But your sword?" she asked.

Tidus waved her off, leaning down to scoop Auron off the floor. "Naw, it's fine. Celestial weapons are just a part of your soul anyhow. I won't lose it," he reassured her.

"Huh?" Rikku slung Auron's other arm around her shoulders and helped Tidus carry him down the stairs.

"I mean, how else could your Godhand have followed you all the way out here?" he asked. "They're kind of tied to their wielders, you know." Conversation petered out as they huffed and puffed Auron out of the sanctum, past the cloisters, and back out to the ruined hallway leading to the trial, just to be safe. Tidus was strong, but Auron was pure muscle with body armor packed on top.

"Stop… we need to stop here," Tidus wheezed, and Rikku's legs buckled under her in relief.

"I thought I was gonna die," she groaned, covering her face. Then she dropped her hands and sat up, looking at Tidus searchingly. "What's going on here, anyway?"

Tidus gave her a long look up and down, and then leaned over to observe Auron, who was still out cold beside her. He grinned and ignored her question. "So it's true! Yuna told me, but I didn't believe it at the time."

Caught off guard, Rikku frowned. "Told you what?"

"That you loved Auron," he said, drawing his knees up and leaning against them. "You know… with the whole Samurai costume thing. Didn't think someone like you'd spring for that stodgy old man."

"He's not old!" Rikku shot back immediately. Then she sighed. "And… it wasn't love. Not real love, anyway. Because Auron never let me in back then." She looked down at the Auron by her side, carefully brushing a lock of hair from his face. "I know what being in love really feels like now," she said softly.

"Well, I mean, you still felt strongly enough to throw yourself into the past at least," Tidus pointed out, gesturing at their surroundings. "I'd say you were pretty obsessed."

"Huh? What do you mean threw myself? I didn't send myself anywhere! I thought it was Bahamut who did all this! Bahamut and—" She stopped, a sharp pain in her chest, unable to say Braska's name out loud.

"I mean you threw yourself back in time," Tidus repeated, now pointing his finger at her. "I'm guessing Braska helped get you here somehow, but he's just a summoner, you know. You're the aeon." He grinned. "You're kinda like me now."

"Yunalesca already told me that," Rikku admitted. She looked down at her hands… solid, despite all the fighting she'd done. Anima's vast powers were still sustaining her. "I didn't want to believe it was true… not really. But then Yu Yevon tried to possess me." She closed her eyes, feeling the guilt overwhelm her. "I'm sorry about Je—"

"Don't finish that," Tidus interrupted her. "My old man knew what he was doing. Once he got an idea in his head, he'd just keep chasing after it until it became reality. If he wanted to become a Final Aeon, you wouldn't have been able to stop him." He shrugged. "Besides… I like being with Yuna. So I'm grateful, actually. Because of what you guys did, I get to be more than just a forgotten dream."

Rikku closed her eyes and let Tidus' forgiveness settle around her like a cloak. It still didn't ease the raw ache of losing Braska or her churning worry for Auron, who still hadn't woken up. Knowing that both Jecht and Tidus didn't hate her lightened some of the guilt, though. Shaking her head, she looked up at Tidus.

"Okay, but how? You still haven't answered my question. What are you even doing here? Why didn't you show up and help us out earlier if you could travel back in time too?"

Tidus laughed nervously and rubbed the back of his head – a gesture so familiar it sent a pang through her heart. "I don't think you get it. I'm not really here. Well, I mean, I can be, but only here here," he said, gesturing at their surroundings. "You're the one who opened the way here, so I'm stuck. Inside this Dome. It's the only place the pyreflies are concentrated enough to make me." He smiled at her. "And only so long as you remember."

"You mean… you really are just my memory?"

Tidus nodded. "Kinda. I'm still me, but this body I'm in is all you. I mean come on, I haven't worn my hair this short in years," he said, running a hand through his wild hair. Then he leveled her with a serious look, the smile dropping from his face. "We're not like normal people, Rikku. We're aeons. Dreams. Other peoples' dreams. You have to understand what that means."

"So you're alive because Yuna's dreaming about you?" she asked, and Tidus laughed.

"Weeell," he drawled, leaning back. "Yuna called me back. But I'm not just one person's dream. We can live because we're part of everybody's dream," he said. "As long as someone in Spira holds a little bit of those dreams in their heart, we can keep on going."

Rikku put her hands in her hair, shaking her head. "I don't get it. What are you then? What am I? I feel more like a nightmare than a dream these days." She looked at her hands. "And I'm disappearing."

"Because you're in the wrong time," Tidus said, as if it explained everything. Seeing her face, he sighed. "Okay, look. You're not exactly like me. I'm…" He searched for words for a moment, his face drawing in thought. "If Yojimbo is Spira's greed, then maybe you could say I'm Spira's hope. Or maybe… joy? I'll always come back as myself, even when Yuna's gone. I'll be around until this world gives up."

Rikku let her hands drop from her head. "Then what am I?" she asked slowly.

"You?" Tidus snorted, his eyes crinkling in laughter the exact same way Jecht's had. "Yu Yevon didn't make a mistake when he tried to possess you, Rikku. You can be anything you want to be. That's why you're the most powerful aeon. You're potential." He grinned. "You don't even need to look like that if you didn't want to. The only thing you have to remember is to not lose yourself, or there'll be no going back to the ol' Rikku once you change."

Rikku rocked in place, trying to wrap her mind around Tidus' words. Despite his explanation, she didn't feel any stronger. All she felt was a deep, churning confusion as Tidus ploughed through what she'd thought of as her life and turned everything upside-down. "Am I dead?"

Tidus looked uncomfortable. "Technically… no? But you fell into the Farplane. It's not a place for the living. Nobody really survives that." He held up his hands as her face paled. "I mean, you're not really dead though! Auron found you while you were dying, and Braska made sure you didn't."

She reeled. Braska, in the future? "But… he died! If he's in the Farplane, then he's not an Unsent. How even… did Braska have that kind of summoning power?"

"Well, Bahamut is the King of all Aeons. I get the feeling it was a joint effort there." He smirked. "And Auron's been guarding you all this time, waiting for you to come back. He's still mad at you for bringing Lenne along. She's the one who pushed you, you know." He shook his head. "Yuna never should've given you that sphere."

"What? Lenne? But she's been helping us! And she died fighting Yunalesca—"

"No! Lenne died a thousand years ago," Tidus scowled. "What makes you think a thousand-year-old Unsent obsessed with love ever had your best interests at heart? How many thousand-year-old Unsents have you met so far that weren't totally messed up in the head?"

"Well…" Technically, he was kind of right. Still, she latched on to something more important. "Wait, Auron's waiting for me? Does that mean…" She looked down at Auron and felt her throat constrict. "Does that mean he still has to die here?"

"He already is, and you know it."

No. She shied away from it, even though she'd seen it in Auron's eyes. In his mad dash up the mountain. In every crushed vial and discarded candle she'd passed. In the lies he'd told her when they'd crossed the gorge. Auron was determined, talented, unstoppable… but still only human. Even if Yunalesca hadn't attacked him, he'd already burned his body out forcing his way into Zanarkand alone; maybe his soul had left even earlier, along with Braska and Jecht.

For once, her nervous movements stilled. Tidus was finally forcing herself to accept the obvious. "Nothing… nothing really changed. Nothing I did here mattered. Everyone… everyone still died in the end," she whispered. "What was it all for?"

"The future. You know, the one you helped make… back then, and even now." Tidus shifted, scooting closer to her, and threw an arm over her shoulder. "Rikku… Your gig's supposed to be all about the future, not the past. You need to think of time like a big river, flowing in one direction. What happened here is already done, no matter how much you might want things to go differently." He gave her a squeeze. "You're strong, but not even you can change history. You can only witness it happening."

She couldn't answer him; she reached out and grabbed Auron's bare hand, digging her fingers into his skin. "You mean I'm gonna have to watch him leave me first again," she said brokenly.

Auron stirred, and Tidus shifted uncomfortably. "Yeah… about that. Listen. I have to get going… and you should come with."

"Huh? But why?" She felt a sense of impending panic. "You're leaving?"

"This isn't my story," he replied with a shrug. "I'm just a memory here. The real me is in the future." He looked at her pointedly. "Where you should be, too."

Auron's eyelid fluttered, lost in a lucid dream made from his own exhaustion. She traced her fingers over his forehead, and down the bridge of his nose, and then cupped his cheek. The stubble growing on his chin prickled against her fingertips. "I'm not just a witness to any of this. I'm a part of it," she said softly. Then she tore her gaze away from Auron and looked back at Tidus. "So I'm not going back. I'm not done yet," she said. "Tell Yunie hi for me. And… tell her not to worry."

"Wait… you're not coming back with me?" Tidus crossed his arms. "Auron's gonna to die whether you stay with him or not, Rikku. You're just making it harder on yourself."

"I know," she said. "But this is my story. And I'm seeing it through to the end."

Tidus sighed, clearly displeased. Then he grumbled. "Alright. I get it. I'll clear the way for you. But I can't stay any longer than that." He squatted by her and gave her a friendly punch on the shoulder. "Don't forget what I told you. Remember who you are, and you'll be able to make it back home." He stood, and the Caladbolg materialized in his hand. "Time to get serious. If I'm leading, you need to carry Auron, and you can't do it like that."

Rikku nodded, putting her hand to her Grid. Light flowed over her, and her eye slid shut as the tattered red robes reappeared. Leaning down, she scooped Auron up, mirroring the way he'd carried her out of the dome the first time. "Let's move."


She made it outside, Auron's weight heavy in her arms. He was breathing more quickly now and his body was growing hot. He'd stir in her embrace from time to time, groaning incoherently, but never truly coming out of his fevered stupor. Part of her was afraid that he'd never open his eyes again, but she refused to leave him to die in the wastes of Zanarkand, surrounded by Yu Yevon's broken dreams.

Tidus had waved at her from the entrance, his grin bright like the sunshine before he rippled away. Anima hadn't shown herself again, but Rikku had felt the Fayth's power leave her abruptly the moment she cleared the Dome's threshold.

Surprisingly, Ixion was still waiting for her beyond, catching her as she stumbled. His face dropped in displeasure when he saw her, and he jolted her with energy, pulling her back to her feet.

"You're using my power too quickly," he noted, glaring at her red overcoat from her still-active Grid.

"I thought you didn't like me," Rikku gasped, pushing forward in determined, measured steps down the highway. It stretched out before her, impossibly long, and Auron's weight dragged heavily against her still-injured arms.

"I don't. You're too greedy," was all he said. Then he placed his palms against her back and pushed her forward. Together, they jogged down the highway, Ixion frequently sending bursts of power into her whenever she faltered. The fiends stayed away from them, as if they could sense the grumpy aeon behind her. Or maybe they just couldn't see her anymore.

She didn't want to think about it, instead focusing on carrying Auron with her the same way she'd hauled Braska's staff in. When they reached the campsite at the end of the highway, Ixion stopped and dropped his hands.

Rikku turned to look at him.

He crossed his arms and shook his head, and she noticed that his body was already mostly translucent. The Fayth she'd seen generally didn't show much in the way of emotion, so she wouldn't say Ixion looked tired. But from the way he seemed to be on the verge of disappearing, she guessed she'd drained him of more power than she'd realized.

"Umm… thanks," she said awkwardly. Maybe Ixion didn't dislike her as much as he let on.

He chuffed and nodded at her, fading away with a scowl on his face.

She turned and looked at the long hike up to the peak of Gagazet, and her knees shook. "How are we gonna make it all the way back by ourselves, Auron?" she asked softly. His head bumped against her collarbone, and she grit her teeth, feeling fiercely protective of him. He's not dead yet. Shifting his weight in her arms, she began marching up the steep path.

The wind blew harshly, making it difficult to keep her balance. By the time she crested the hill that overlooked Zanarkand, she was soaked in sweat and beginning to seriously worry that her arms would dissolve and she'd accidentally drop Auron over the edge of the cliff.

The thought of him falling to his death spurred her to move on with her head down; she stumbled when she hit something hard, though. Blinking, she saw a pair of furry paws next to her shoes.

"Arf!" Koimanu stared up at her, tail wagging.

"Why are you doing this?"

She raised her head slowly and looked into the man who'd stopped her; it was a slim Crusader dressed in full battle regalia. His arms were crossed, and his eyes were completely obscured by his helmet. Yojimbo leaned his weight onto one hip, looking so utterly different and unintimidating compared to his aeon form that she couldn't help but laugh, tired as she was.

"I could ask you the same thing. You don't serve Bahamut either," she countered. "… But your dog's cute."

Koimanu's tail wagged.

Sighing loudly, Yojimbo uncrossed his arms. "You do an honorable thing now for your fallen soldier," he said reluctantly. "There is no benefit to you. You could leave here and you would be fine, yet you stay and choose to suffer."

Rikku dropped her head against Auron's, closing her eyes. "I love him. And Auron deserves better than to be left here. His life meant something. I won't let him die alone."

"You won't be able to carry him the entire way like that," Yojimbo pointed out, making no move to help her.

"Thanks for the boost," she muttered dryly, shouldering past Yojimbo and continuing on towards the caves.

Koimanu kept pace with her, and eventually, Yojimbo's voice needled her back.

"You know, you could just make it easier on yourself. Unlock your potential, and I will help you."

Her tripping gait slowed to a stop. "Unlock my potential?" She looked up at Yojimbo, who was circling around her.

"Why do insist on becoming him when you aren't?"

Her exhaustion tore at her, making her sway on her feet. Auron felt heavier by the minute; she could feel his life ebbing away in her arms. Suddenly, she felt fiercely resentful of Yojimbo's well-meant advice. "Because I'm strong enough to do this on my own!" she snapped at him. "I don't need your help! I don't need anyone else! I don't want anyone else—"

To suffer.

Her words caught in her throat as the fury died out. She looked at Auron again closely, her heart stuttering. "Oh, Auron," she whispered, closing her eyes.

"You should be yourself," Yojimbo said gently. "That is where your true strength lies."

Rikku sank to the ground, her knees finally giving out, and released her hold on his dressphere. The red robes faded, and Auron lay across her lap, a heavy, immovable weight. His skin was flushed and sweat matted his forehead.

She leaned over him and cried softly. "What strength? I couldn't even stop him from repeating history."

Yojimbo squatted next to her. "History? You're no warrior-monk. You're a Bedohl. Or have you forgotten where you came from already?"

"Al Bhed," she corrected fiercely, suddenly annoyed by the way everyone seemed to be pigeonholing her into a past she'd never experienced. "I'm not a Bedohl, I'm an Al Bhed!"

"Are you? It looked like you'd forgotten."

Huh. Putting her hand over her grid, she realized that he was right. There was only one sphere left on her Grid that wasn't damaged. Her own. Tentatively, she activated it.

Light swirled and her Alchemist costume surrounded her, filling her with confidence. "I'm not broken. I'm smart, and capable, and I can fix any problem I face as long as I take the time to think my way out of it," she declared. She reached into her pouch and downed a few of her conjured potions, feeling her own wounds sealing shut. She sprinkled a few more over Auron, but, just like the first time she'd tried, they had little effect on him. There weren't any wounds hurting his body any longer; he'd simply broken himself more deeply than any healing agent could repair.

"I think in the back of my mind, I always thought you were infallible," she murmured, squeezing her eyes shut and resisting the urge to hit him. "Stupid… stupid," she choked out, feeling hot tears building behind her eyelids as she hugged him to her. As if her arms alone could lower his fever and restore his vitality. After a moment, she realized he was shivering, even though his skin was still burning up.

We're running out of time.

Forcing herself to move, she scooped her arms under Auron's legs and tried to lift him. "Urg," she groaned, pulling against his weight. He didn't budge, but she kept trying. "You're… coming… with me, buster!" she ground out, straining to lift him into her arms.

"This is the way," Yojimbo told her, and she felt his hand on her shoulder, felt the rush of power flood through her.

Something gave and then, the light of her sphere transformation activated even though she wasn't trying to change costumes. Was her dressphere evolving? Suddenly, Auron's weight became bearable. She rose to her feet, tottering and catching her balance from nearly overcompensating for his bulk.

Koimanu nuzzled her ankles, and Rikku looked down. "Did I just get… chonkier?" she asked, looking at the bands of dull golden metal that had wrapped themselves around her legs and thighs. She bent her arms, finding the same armor plating there, studded with dull red spikes. It all looked strangely familiar.

"Koimanu and I will guide you for as far as we can," Yojimbo said, bowing to her respectfully.

"What is this?" Rikku breathed, taking an experimental step forward. The whirr of gears turning sounded as her foot lifted and thudded into the ground heavily. It took a few more steps before she got the hang of moving somewhat comfortably in the heavy suit of armor. Recognition dawned. "This is my Machina Maw, isn't it?"

Koimanu barked, and Yojimbo shook his head. "It is who you want to be."

Rikku looked down at Auron again, feeling the exosuit expand, armor sliding up the back of her neck. "I want to be strong enough to protect you this time," she said softly to him. She shifted her hold on Auron, making sure he was resting comfortably against her chestplate. "I'm sorry I couldn't stop it. I'm sorry that I couldn't be enough," she said, leaning over to brush her lips across his forehead. "But I'll stay here as long as you still need me."

Looking up, she took a deep breath and began her long march down the mountainside, Yojimbo trailing silently behind her.

Samurai abilities:
Dismissal (halts an enemy's pending attack)
Mirror of Equity (low HP = more damage)
Spare Change (attack by throwing gil at an enemy)
Clean Slate (restores HP and cures user of status)

Tidus Abilities: Sentinel (an ability on Auron's path)
Overdrive: Energy Rain

Rikku's Dressphere: Machina Maw Ex (powersuit)
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I feel like I missed some emotional development in the last chapter, so it's the first one I've actually edited for more than just awkward phrasing or spelling and grammar errors. I don't think it's necessary to re-read it if you're just here for the exposition and what happens bits of the story, but if you're invested in Rikku (and Auron and to a smaller extent, Yojimbo's) character development and motivations, I fleshed them out a little bit more.