Mechs vs Kaiju: The start

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[X] Plan Distraction Carni- Mech!
-[X] Begin charging at Dus while taunting Dun.
--[X] Request Rifle team 2 to hold fire and allow Dun to focus their attention on us, allowing them to shoot it in the back
Well, we will do turn to turn, although I will admit, I hope we put more actions in a plan in the future. For instance this will be a pretty short update.
Scheduled vote count started by Blackangel on Dec 13, 2022 at 2:55 PM, finished with 5 posts and 2 votes.

  • [X] Plan Distraction Carni- Mech!
    -[X] Begin charging at Dus while taunting Dun.
    --[X] Request Rifle team 2 to hold fire and allow Dun to focus their attention on us, allowing them to shoot it in the back
First battle kaiju! Dus and Dun part 2!
The mech takes the long nail off its back and charges towards dus, while swinging one of its arms over head in an attempt to taunt Dun.

How does the taunting go?: 97!

Dun seemingly paused before screeching forward towards Dianna. Dun was accelerating towards Dianna at a speed not previously shown.

The Rifle team seeing this, attempted to shoot it in its back.

Does the rifle team hit? Dc 35: 46+10(Highly experienced)= 56!
Deals 1d2= 2 damage dealt to Dun. Kaiju Hp 19/20-17/20.

Bullets pelt Dun in the back but does not deter nor slow down Dun. In fact you watch as it speeds up again, when it's about 15 units away.

Tact speaks up "That thing will make it to our mech before it makes it to Dus, we do not want a two on one situation."

How does dus react? Spin…

Dus appeared to keep hitting the wall, uncaring towards the gunfire and not noticing the mech thundering behind it.

Rifle team #1 action. Spin…

The rifle team on the wall on the other hand have seemingly rallied to keep the kaiju's attention on them. The ones to the side of the kaiju shoot into its shoulder's in an attempt to take its attention on them for a few moments. Then the process is repeated by the other teams.

Deals 1d2= 1 damage dealt to dus. Kaiju Hp 18/20-17/20.

Current battlefield situation:

Dun is speeding up towards the mech, with general tact thinking that it will hit the mech before the mech reaches Dus. Tact is also worried that the mech cannot take a 2v1 situation.

Dun is currently 13 units away from the mech and still charging.

Dus is still at the wall, 15 units away from the mech.

Mech currently has used 3 energy this turn for movement and has regained that energy from the engine. 20/20 energy, full health 15/15, and full armor 6/6.

Both Rifle teams have 1 ammo left.

What do you do?(Any requests of the Rifle teams?)

[]Write in?

Ok than! All I'm gonna say is make longer plans. I will call another vote if something goes wrong during the plan, so don't worry about that.

Anyway use plans!
[X] Plan alpha
-[X] If Dun is going to charge, Try to make sure the nail is between us and it so it impales itself.
-[X] Brawl with Dun. We don't have another weapon yet so we can't leave the nail in, but it should still do a decent chunk of damage.
-[X] Tell the building rifle team to try to distract Dus if the wall gets too damaged, The other rifle team should aim for Dun if they, can, otherwise fire on Dus.
[X] Plan alpha
-[X] If Dun is going to charge, Try to make sure the nail is between us and it so it impales itself.
-[X] Brawl with Dun. We don't have another weapon yet so we can't leave the nail in, but it should still do a decent chunk of damage.
-[X] Tell the building rifle team to try to distract Dus if the wall gets too damaged, The other rifle team should aim for Dun if they, can, otherwise fire on Dus.
I do want to mention one thing, great plan by the way… your a 30 foot tall mech, you can punch things if you have no weapon. Not saying to do it, as it does have a bit of malus, but it's an option.

Just thought I'd mention that.
The rifle teams are pretty useless. they deal 1.5 on average and the Kaijus have 20 health.

[X] Plan alpha
-[X] If Dun is going to charge, Try to make sure the nail is between us and it so it impales itself.
-[X] Brawl with Dun. We don't have another weapon yet so we can't leave the nail in, but it should still do a decent chunk of damage.
-[X] Tell the building rifle team to try to distract Dus if the wall gets too damaged, The other rifle team should aim for Dun if they, can, otherwise fire on Dus.
The rifle teams are pretty useless. they deal 1.5 on average and the Kaijus have 20 health.
Yep, welcome to a world, where you don't have the best weapons to fight kaiju.

Their whole strategy as a city, is to simply scare off the kaiju by wounding its eye before they break through the wall. If it wasn't for our main girl, our crazy lady… the city would be dead a while ago.

Alexa was the one who made a hand held rifle capable of damaging a kaiju. She did this inside a junkyard with no equipment besides a forge and broken crap. For the circumstances, this is a godsend, a pure gift.

Also they serve as a distraction, which is nice. If it makes ya feel better, one of the research options we will have is improving infantry kaiju weapons. So one day, they will be able to take out kaiju without mechs or at least wound them to a point that mechs no have problem taking them out.
Plan alpha wins!
Scheduled vote count started by Blackangel on Dec 14, 2022 at 3:18 PM, finished with 6 posts and 2 votes.

  • [X] Plan alpha
    -[X] If Dun is going to charge, Try to make sure the nail is between us and it so it impales itself.
    -[X] Brawl with Dun. We don't have another weapon yet so we can't leave the nail in, but it should still do a decent chunk of damage.
    -[X] Tell the building rifle team to try to distract Dus if the wall gets too damaged, The other rifle team should aim for Dun if they, can, otherwise fire on Dus.
Dus and Dun part 3
Dianna quickly turns to face the charging Dun, grounding the mech and putting the spear in position for impalement, holding the spear with both hands. Dun seeing his opponent stop to face him, lowered his head, speeding up one last time.

Dianna rolls for hit: Auto succeed, Dun intentionally bashes the long nail with its head, with no attempt to dodge.

Does Dianna hit the eye? Dc 85: 72+10= 82! Fail!

Dianna damage roll 1d3+strength total: 3+5= 8! Damage total.
Dun takes 8-3(Dun's head defense)= 5!
Dun Hp 17/20-12/20 total. Dun's head defense is cracked, defense reduced to 1. Dun takes 1d2 damage every turn due to wounds.

The mech simply let Dun impale itself on the nail, which seemingly broke through its head partially, breaking the horns and going a bit further. It didn't go far enough to kill the kaiju however.

The kaiju kept going.

Dun damage roll, has charged up to top speed over 2 turns, roll 1d4+Strength total: 3+3= 6! 6 total damage dealt.
Mech armor 6/6-0/6, mech armor destroyed around both arms and chest.

Is mech knocked down:
50! Fail, mech is knocked back instead.

The kaiju slammed its mangled head and body into the mech. Bang

Despite the kaiju being much smaller than the mech, it knocked the mech back, the scrap plates around the impact being completely destroyed. The arm plates, which weren't even directly impacted, were destroyed by the attempt to block.

Then Dun tried to slam into the mech again.

What does Dianna do? Spin…

Dianna attempts to attack Dun with long nail again. Dianna aims for the right shoulder. Dc 40: 97+10= 107! Crit!
Dianna damage roll 1d3+strength total: 1+5= 6! Double damage(Crit)= 12!
Dun Hp 12/20-0/20 total.

While Dianna swung back meeting the slam, piercing Duns shoulder and through the sheer force of said slam, the right arm up to the shoulder was taken off.


Dun emitted a screech before falling to the ground, bleeding out. This alerted Dus who was dealing with the Rifle team on top of the wall.

Kaiju Dun is killed!

Building rifle team attempts to attract Dus through gunfire. Do they hit? Dc 45/75: 72+10(Experience)= 82! They do not attract Dus due to death of sibling.
Roll 1d2: 1!
Dus Hp 17/20-16/20

The Wall rifle team attempts to shoot Dus. Do they hit? Dc 20: 97+10= 107! Crit double damage.
Roll 1d2: 2! Double damage(Crit)= 4!
Dus Hp 16/20-12/20, Dus takes 1 damage from wounds every turn and -1 agility.

Both of the rifle teams had fired upon Dus during this time. The building rifle team being so far away dealt meager amounts of damage and were unable to get Dus attracted towards them.

Then when Dus turned around towards his dead brother, the wall rifle team unloaded their rounds into its hind legs, nearly blowing out its legs. Dus simply screeched and started charging forward towards Dianna.

Current battle situation:

Both rifle teams are out of ammo.

Dus is approximately 12 units away from Dianna and charging slowly.

General Tact says the Kaiju is on its last legs, literally.

Dianna wishes to be given control for the rest of the fight.

What do you do?

[]Give Dianna full control.

[]Write in?
[x]Give Dianna full control.

Allowing our pilots to do stuff will probably improve morale
The situation is no longer terribly dire and no matter what happens here our pilot will have a learning experience. Let's see what Dianna can do.
[X]Give Dianna full control.
Dana city and walls
Dana city: A city with walls on all sides, it has had no contact with other humans in decades. The populace is unsure if there are even other human city's out there.
Population: 22,000

North wall: A wall facing forests that go on for an unknown distance. Beyond this forest there was said to be hills. The wall is a distance of 80 units from said forest.

West wall: A wall facing grassland with a deep river in between the wall and grassland. It is unknown how long the grassland goes on for. A part of the river goes underneath the wall and allows fishing to be done behind the wall. Note: This is the most heavily fortified wall.

South wall: A wall facing a rocky barren mountain with multiple abandoned mines. There is a river that goes down this mountain through multiple waterfalls towards the west wall. The wall and mountain are 76 units from each other.

East wall: A wall that faces a nearly barren landscape that goes on as far as the eye can see. It has small pounds all over the landscape and was apparently farmland at one point.

This is your current knowledge.
Dus and Dun finale
From this point on I won't say I'm spinning a wheel for random sensible actions, just know that I am.

Alexa spoke "Dianna I'ma give you the controls on this one, do what you need to."

"Got it!" Was all that was said. Tact was to my right yelling on his radio for the Rifle team on the wall to stay where they were, while also yelling for more ammo to be brought up 'Just in case' which was fair enough.

Dianna meanwhile decided to run to the left of the kaiju, which was a good idea as the kaiju was having trouble turning or gaining speed, due to its hind legs being so badly damaged.

Dus takes 1 damage from wounds. Hp 12/20-11/20.

Dianna attempts to dodge to the left of Dus to set up an attack. Dc 30: 58-20(Bad dodging skills)= 38!

Dianna attempts to attack the neck of Dus. Dc 45: 32+10= 42! Partial fail, hits head instead.
Dianna roll 1d3+strength total= 2+5= 7! Damage total.
Dus takes 7-3(Head defense)= 4 Damage. Hp 11/20-7/20.
Dus is losing strength!

The first part of the apparent plan worked, she got to the left side of Dus and was able to attack Dus, but she aimed for the neck which allowed Dus to block with his head.

This still hurt Dus but now Dianna was right in front of Dus. Than Dus slammed forth towards Dianna.

Dus attempts to slam into Dianna, while Dianna attempts to parry: Dus rolls 36-10(Agility difference)= 26! VS Dianna rolls 77!
Dianna parry's Dus's slam, allowing a free attack.

Dianna attempts to hit Dus neck, Dc 30: 29+10= 39!
Deals 1d3+strength damage= 1+5= 6! Damage total.
Hp 7/20-1/20.
Dus loses 1 Hp from wounds. Hp 0/20.

Dus using its last bit of strength, charged forth, was thusly grabbed by one of its front legs, and swung onto its side behind Dianna. Before Dus could respond, Dianna thrusted the spear into the neck of Dus, kept going into the ground.

Dus couldn't even screech, struggling before dying to its wounds.

Kaiju Dus defeated!

Battle over!

Dianna was given full control! Choose a trait for Dianna! Or improve an old one!

[]Grab n toss:
When Dianna parry's for the first time in a battle, the kaiju will be thrown in a direction of Dianna wishes, allowing a free strike on said kaiju. If Dianna fails the first parry in a battle take 1d2 damage. Note: Kaiju will still be thrown but no free attack if parry failed.

[]Stand strong: Dianna took multiple slams and charges head on, all of which was while she was standing still. Gain +1 defense for block attempts.

[]An old trait: Which one?
-[]Which one?(Look at the pilot's sheet.)

Well I'll start finishing off the choices you will have during non-kaiju time. The trait is something that happens after a certain amount of battles, 1st, 3rd, 5th, 8th, etc. it depends on the battle itself and how many previous battles before the battle, for a trait selection to happen.

Anyways have fun!
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