You're joking right? Nearly every space enthusiast seems to agree that the moon race fucked over space exploration immensely, followed only by the Shuttle which should have been mothballed decades ago. It took up such an incredible amount of capital, all for the prestige of being "first". It had little if any scientific value in comparison, and the money would have been far better appropriated developing actual space infrastructure that could be built off of and used. There is a reason most space alternate timelines are either 1. No moon race, and 2. No space shuttle.I completely disagree on this. I don't think space travel would have happened at all without the space race. We might eventually have seen satellites for the commercial benefits they confer, maybe, but I don't think anything further would have happened. No one would have gone to the moon and we wouldn't have sent probes to other planets. Also for that matter every dollar or ruble spent on the space race wasn't spent on building a bomb, and it provided a non-violent stress release valve for the Cold War.
The bolded part is sheer ridiculous.
You are right, I was mistaken for the reasons stated. The net worth value shouldn't just disappear completely though, it doesn't make any sense. And the idea of it all being in recording contracts doesn't work as we weren't making much from music anyway.We have $14 million. We got $9 million from the movie and only had about $4.5 million before the movie. Go look at the front page for our finances. You've made a serious error in calculation here. Possibly because of a misunderstanding between money and net worth. The QM was previously posting Net Worth and Money as separate indicators and our net worth was a fair bit higher than money, he has dropped the net worth statistic and just has money. Presumably a significant portion of our net worth was in record contracts or something that we lost from lack of use.
@midnightmissiles Why did you change the finances?
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