[X] Keep to the catwalks, and out of the machinery. You'll be safe from an industrial accident, but more exposed.
[X] Cautious. Stick with stealth, and try to avoid being spotted by anyone, even if you might put yourself in a dangerous area by doing so
HeavyBane's definitely right about us wanting a quick-movement skill before we start taking shortcut-related risks.
Besides that, I don't know if we can bluff our way down successfully on the get go. I'd rather us stick to stealth and try to bluff only if we get caught and are forced to.
Honestly, we shouldn't pick the High Stealth + High Danger Approach and then the Low Stealth + Low Danger route. Doesn't make a lot of sense.
I think there's a tendency to
greatly underestimate the power of social engineering. Most places, you'll go unmolested if you just act like you belong. Hell, we're not even lying if we say we're on our way to a meeting. Be chill enough, and they'll give us directions right to our target.
This works in real life. Most high-security setups get broken by people failing to be suspicious. One Reploid just walking around asking for directions, who's
clearly already been checked by security (or how else would he have gotten here?) isn't going to make people freak out and pull the alarm or not shooting. This is just a normal day at the office for them. They don't know who that guy is, but hey, it's a big factory, and there's only one entrance, so he's probably fine.
If we're seen skulking around and being shifty, however, then people might start raising the alarm.
Remember, Hermes doesn't seem to be paranoid like Joe was. People aren't on alert for this kind of intrusion. If we keep our cool and act like we belong, we have much better odds of success than trying to lurk in the shadows in a building full of
[X] Keep to the catwalks, and out of the machinery. You'll be safe from an industrial accident, but more exposed.
[X] Diplomatic. Walk down, and try to bluff if you're caught (catwalks only).